Ka.neha.nj.i,Instrument fur florae TreatminU frioe, $1 or 34U blat-k-mith'-heVr i3 for. advert...

DAjLY PACIFIC COMMEKCiAL ADVERTISER. JANUARY 3. 1890. OF HONOLULU. H. 1, I l4W - A.XAJ ki ,i r.H. li, HONOLULU FIRE DEPARTMENT. ! 3di'frtisrmrnts. assumpsit. Hartwell for plaintiff; Attor-:iey-iiiier- ai for defendant. J. I'. Howler v. Hawaiian Government; Hartwetl for plaintiff; Attor- - T CASTLE & COOKE, 1 M V O H T K It S , Shipping and Commission Merchants, PLANTATION AND INSURANCE AGENTS. !, Sun nnrt Moon. HI C. J. LVOSft. x 0 B B 35- - a -- i ..tn. am C.37 A. in -- t 6 HI (.Ill .;w; B.;k. 2.40 . I' '..v o.;. a.;i:i . fr tin M.;ii - ;.3i 5.17 i 'I !.((( C.3.t 5. 6 07 f ih Honolulu Steam l'laulug ily y flf'trtc signal from the fl V tkt lid IlOl 111 II tllAllf, .is... nil n. :w sec past 1 o'clock .ifu nine, xo correspond . 4 K'ven by chronometers set i in-- a n time. Thia Iat Is enpeci-.- c iMicfit of mariners and jewelers. Meteorological. t? BAhUlM. TI1F.BMO. s?l-- 2; 3 c. s: 22 .5 3 s- - SB 70 77 0.00 75 6! NE ;ji;w.KvK).ii 70 75!i).0H 82 7i NE DEALERS LS BUILDERS' AND GENERAL HARDWARE, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, PLANTATION SUTPLIES, Carpenters' Blacksmiths' Machinists' and numbers' Tools,' HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS Kitchen Utensils, Taints, Oils, Varnishes, Lamp Goods, and General Merchandise. 7CI0.08 61 3.' NE 78 0.0'.: C4 3, NE 74 l).0 80 10' NE 7. i). 1)7 80 8 NE 77 J. 00 82 NE Blake's Steam Pumps, Weston's Centrifugals, Wilcox & Gibbs, and Remington Sewing Machines, Dr. Jayne & Sons Family Medicines. 1304 1-- y G-iye- n $5.000 IN SILVERWARE! -- CONSISTING Of- - Satin Ware, Pcaclibowl HO FOR THIRTY DAYS! YOUR HOLIDAY Our grand Silver Gift Monday, Dec. 16, '89 During this sale every customer purchasing the amount of $2 50 worth will receive a handsome SILVER THE LEADING MILLINERY HOUSE Corner of Fort and Hotel Streets. 146. SUPKEME COURT CALENDAR. I&nuary Term, Iterlniilnir Monday, January U, 18UO. Mi Justice Preston. tireHi.lim? : t!. W. v I n J - " Afford, Attorney-General- ; A. P. Peter hon, Deputy Attorney-Generi- l. 1UWAIUN BY. The King vs. John Hapa; malkiouj in jury. Kaulukou for defendant. Li. ... . lhe rwini; vs. Kulinakui: run it.ir.irv ivaaiuKou mm . ln for defendant lhe King vs. Uauiaia; conspiracy Rosa lor defendant. The King vs. Kaoua; conspiracy Rosa for defendant. ihe King vs. Kukaulalii; conspiracy. '""um)u ior ucieiKiani. The King vs. A. K. Palekaluhi; conspir acy. Rosa for defendant. The King vs. E. tt. Manuka; conspiracy Rosa for defendant. lhe King vs. S. K. Pua; conspiracy, Rosa for defendant. The King vs. Kailianu; conspiracy, Achi for defendant. TheKiiigvs. George Kaili; conspiracy. .ia;ui iur ueienuani. lhe King vs. Kaimimoku; riot. Achi tor defendant. The King vs. Kaalokai; riot, Kauiukou for defendaut. The King vs. Wahineaua; riot. Achi for defendant. The King vs. Sam Leleo; riot. Neu rnann for defendant. The King vs. George Maxwell; riot. Rosa ior defendant. The King vs. John Kaai; riot. Kaulu kou for defendant. The King vs. Adam Kaeo; riot Kaulu kou for defendant. lhe King vs. George Baker; riot. Neu mann for defendant. The King vs. David Kahukula; riot. Achi for defendant. The King vs. Thomas Spencer; conspir- acy. Kinney for defendant. The King vs. Kanikalio; conspiracy. Kauiukou for defendant. The King vs. Win. Perry; riot. Kauiu- kou for defendant. The King vs. Pupule; riot. Kauiukou for defendant. The King vs. Naihe; riot. Kauiukou for defendant. The King vs. Hoomanawanui; riot. Achi for defendant. The King vs. S. Kila ; riot. Kane for de- fendant. The King vs. Robert Palau; riot. Kau- iukou for defendant. The King vs. Nahinalan; riot. Kauefor defendant. The King vs. Auwae; riot. Kauiukou for defendant. - The King vs. Kauhikoa; conspiracy. Kalua for defendant. The King vs. Manuel Kaaua; conspiracy. Kauiukou for defendant. The King vs. Kalili : conspiracy. Achi for defendant. The King vs. Panialo : conspiracy. Kau iukou for defendant. The Kintr vs. Polikanu: riot. Achi for defendant. The King vs. Moses Makaluhi; riot. Achi for defendant. The King vs. Manu, Namehana and Ka-- niaikaloa; riot. Kauiukou for defendants. lhe Kiuk vs. John Kelii; riot. Kauiu kou for defendant. The King vs. John Palau and Nakai; riot. Kauiukou for defendants. The King vs. Solomon Kahalehili; riot, Kauiukou for defendant. The King vs. Kawehena; riot. Kauiu- kou for defendant. The King vs. Kahoomahele; conspiracy. Kauiukou for defendant. The King vs. Keawe; riot. Kauiukou for defendant. The King vs. Makolo: riot. Achi for defendant. The King vs. Jim Kamakee; riot. The King vs. Kaniaha; not. The King vs. Loheole; riot. The King vs. John liana: riot. Kane for defendant. The King vs. Kanoa: conspiracy. Kau iukou for defendant. - The King vs. Kamit; riot. The King vs. S. E. Kaiue; conspiracy. The King vs. Walu; conspiracy. The Kiner vs. John Kapua: assault with deadly weapon. Castle for defendant. lfce King vs. Hiram Kaaha; conspiracy. The King vs. B. H. Kahananui; con spiracy. the King vs. A. a. Manama; conspiracy. The King vs. Kalei; assault with dan gerous weapon. lhe vs. Juno Davis; not. The King vs. Kalua; larceny. Appeal from Police Court, Honolulu. Kauiukou for defendant. Naahelua V3. Kaimana et al. ; ejectment. Rosa for plaintiff; Kauiukou for defend- ants. & Nawai et al. vs. Ahiena; ejectment. Rosa for plaintiffs; Kane for defendant. A. L. Keohokalole vs. Apahu; ejectment. Rosa for plaintiff; Kaneakua for defend- ant. Maria Kahai vs. Kamai(w.); ejectment. Monsarrat for plaintiff; Brown for defend- ant. MIXED JURY. Kaahar.ui V9. C. Kingsley; trespass. Appeal from Police Court, Honolulu. Kauiukou for plaintiff appellant; Peterson for defendant. G. R. Keomaka vs. II. B. Lohelani et al: ejectment. Achi for plaintiff; Kane for defendants. Eliza Meek, by her guardian, vs. Aswan; assumpsit. Appeal from Police Court, Honolulu. Rosa for plaintiff appellant; Kane-Creight- on for defendant. S. A. Macy tt al. vs. W. R. Castle; case. Neumann-Peterso- n for plaintiffs; Hart-we- ll for defendant. Naaina et al. vs. Antone Richard; eject- ment. Achi for plaintiffs; Brown for de- fendant. M. It. Colburn vs. R. Cayford; debt. Rosa for plaintiff. , Aiana vs. James R. Holt, Jr. ; assumpsit. Achi for plaintiff; Rosa for defendant. Alina vs. D. Manaku; assumpsit. Ap- peal from Police Court, Honolulu. V. V. Ashford for plaintiff; Kauiukou for defendant appellant. Kaniku vs. J. M. Monsarrat; ejectment. Achi for plaintiff; defendant in person. Theo. H. Davies et al. vs. A. Haalilio; assumpsit. Creighton for plaintiffs. J. S. Walker et al. vs. Mikaela et al.; ejectment. Hartwell-Kauluko- u for plain-till- s. C. J. McCarthy vs. D. Manaku; assump- sit. Wilder for plaintiff. FOREIGN JCRY. The King vs. Morris Juda; violating license law. Neumann for defendant. The King vs. Frank Hoffman et al.; cruelty to animals. Neumann for defend ants. The King vs. Ah Fook; unlawful pos- session of opium. Magoon for defendant. The King vs. Asm; unlawful possession of opium. The King vs. Ah Chin; unlawful posses- sion of opium. The Kins vs. W. S. Brash; embezzle ment. The King vs. Robert Peterson; violating Sec. 12 Charter 43 Penal Code. Wilder for defendant. The King vs. Manuel Carao; larceny Kinnev for defendant. The "King vs. Ahing; larceny second de gree. The Kins vs. Kun Sai; o'pium in posses- sion. V. V. Ashford for defendant. The King vs. Ah Yee; burglary. Kauiu- kou for defendant. The King vs. Tick Hoy; opium in pos-ssio- n. Magoon for defendant. The u,.a vs. ii. y. stebbins; gross cheat. The King vs. reter Mi,.n(a. assault and battery. Appeal front Jiw,,, vovlTt Honolulu. Kauiukou for defendant. Ah Hov(ch) vs. William Larsen; case. Magoon for plaintiff; Attorney-Generalf- or defendant. William Henry vs. II. R. Macfarlane; contract. Ashford-Magoo- n for plaintiff; Neumann for defendant. Skinner A Co. vs. Hawaiian Govern- ment- assumpsit. Neumann for plaintiffs, Attornev-Gener- al for defendant. YongMow vs. J. H. Soper; replevin from decision of Judd J., at Oi-iinber- Ashford for plaintiff appel- lant- Cast! for defendant. J. F. Bowler vs. Hawaiian Government; .Molt I lily Meeting of the Hoard of l;lrnttlfs. mt; rcgu.ar uiouiniy uieeting oi im Board of Representatives of the Houoluhi Fire iH'partinent was held ycKtordav evening at the Bell Tower, Chief En-g;ne- er Wilson in the chair. Thirteen members answered to the roll call. After the minutes of the previous meeting had ben read and approved, Secretary Henry Smith read (ommnnii-ation- s from China Engine Company No. 5, and Hook and Ladder Company, reoi ting t lie re sult of their elecMons of officers. The Auditing Committee consisting of Messrs. B. Onlenstein, M. Keohokalole and Ho Fon, reiorted that they had ex amined the books and vouchers of the Secretary and Treasurer and found everything correct. The rejort was placed on file and the committee dis- charged. The matter of the annual celebration was then brought before the meeting. After some discussion it was decided to have a torchlight procession on the even- ing of Monday, February 3d at 7 o'clock. J. C. White was appointed a committee of one to procure torches. The meeting then adjourned. UP-TOW- N Book and Stationery Store 106 FORT STREET. FIRST A Happy New Year to all our friends and thanks for their very lib- eral patronage during the recent Xmas season. SECOND For two dollars and a half the best razor in the country. Never needs grinding and always ready for use. THIRD A MILLION FACTS for only 35 cents. FOURTH By the last steamer the finest line of stationery and tablets I ever imported into this Kingdom. FIFTH Fine BAGATELLE BOARDS at $10, $15 and $25 each. SIXTH Music Folios, Sheet Music, Gospel Hymns No. 5, Franklin Square song collection, etc. SEVENTH Staple stationery, Office requirements, full bound books, etc. EIGHTH FINK BICYCLES, $21, $25 and $30 apiece. NINTH Diaries in great variety for 1890. TH0S. G. THRUM, PROPRIETOR. 1303-1- 51 For Yokohama 6Hongkong The Al Steamship " Yamasliiro Mara " Y0UN0, Commander. Will be due here on or about JANUARY 8, lSiiO, and will leave for above ports on or about January lQttu For freight or passage, having superior accommodations, apply to Win. G. Irwin & Co., 112 AGENTS. J . E. Bbown. F. B AUERBACH. J. E. Brow 4 Co. Have removed from their old stand, 23 Merchant street, to more convenient pre- - nuses in uie Old Honolulu Hale, on the Waikiki side of the Post Office, Merchant stre t, where J hey will still carry on their old business of Commission Merchants, Accountants, Convey- ancers and General Agents, Real Estate Factors and Collectors. . As a new departure in collecting, WEEKLY RETURNS WILL INVARI ABLY BE MADE. New Zealand Mullet. A few cases of this celebrated fish, in 4 dozen cases, of this season's catch, still on hand. Also, a small quantity of the favorite TAHITI BAMBOO (for Hat Making,) on sale. 137-2- w RUPTURE n .h. ;"y.nir :ieetri Tmi.it . to 'D.;; ""i" r Steel of patients. Estab. una: ifLS? .otu,rt. ent toall partsof the world nd. KUrnii."If" a" livery, t or fall particulars, write for Paniptii n , Ad. ire, 31. K. Trnw Co.,704 Sacramento BtrMtl San Francisco. Cal.. U. S A. For nse onr New Instrument fur florae TreatminU frioe, $1 or 34U blat-k-mith'- heVr i3 for. advert if-e- ThHrwill ho rlu.t.ie.il the Ka.neha.nj.i, an i ram i co to-da- y for Honolulu with later new. TlllTti ill 1... .... . .. . . ; v i V i.-g- voters r u uittHuu vi a uisiricl club. The regular mni.thlv i,.r.;. H, , - - - '"j uiiii of the be held at the hall if:s evening at 7 o'cl.xk. TI li yr ti i. V V SVAIUIMO 13 fu'ly le at v5l te.M',im.a,t... the 7 ' 7 et-.a- mil sail fur Aca- - jmlco. TI- - T T T ... i ; ; , vey W1U tuA,i an iniortant Y"11 oaiw UI W1es and liquors at his m. Tt , ' wueen street' Monday Jan. " v" iu a. ui. There is a new commission merchant in town. His name ih J. P.:fVjBtiQ ..,iiu an olhce in the Cartwright Building, Merchant street. Mr. raul Isenberg in dismounting from his horse at Waialae on Saturday sprained his ankle, and will be con-line- d to the house for several days. The officers of China Engine Co. No. o lor the ensuing year are : Hang Sam, foreman ; Lau Chong, First Assistant : Chang Kim, Second Assistant. The Hawaiian Band gave a capital concert at Thomas Square last evening. It plays again at the same place this evening. Programme elsewhere. Two mules, after being released from a tramcar at the lower end of Fort street last evening, ran away, and had a little fun all to themselves for a short time. No damage done ; only a mad driver. The monthly meeting of the Hawaiian Children's Mission will take place at the residence of Mrs. P. C. Jones, Nuuanu valley on Saturday evening at 7:30 o'clock. The Honolulu Iron Works have re- cently imported from Boston, a steam ri vetting machine and a plate planer, both of which labor saving machines are now being placed in jiosition. There is much go-ahe- ad manifest in the manage- ment of the works. W. C. Achi, the lawyer, in the course of a long speech delivered at the meet- ing of Ward 4, Tuesday evening, naid he was obliged to confess that he was well satisfied with what the Reform Govern- ment had done for the country during the two years it had held office. The steamship time-tabl- e published in this pajer was made up in a form pome-wh- at different from that issued by the company's agents, and to meet the fre- quent inquiries njade by corresK)ridents abroad and throughout the group, es- pecially in the addition of the days of the week on which th-- i steamers leave each port. In the form now presented, it will prove acceptable to all who have to de- pend on a time-tabl- e to keep the run of the mail days. Active steps are being taken towards raising funds for a new Sailors' Home. The sum of $15,000 is required, and the committee, whose names appear else- where, will be glad to receive subscript tions, or they can be left at the bank of Bishop & Co. T'ne committee have $7,000 in view, and the President of the Board of Trustees, Hon. C. R. Bishop, with his accustomed generosity, offers $1,000 provided the remaining $7,000 can be raised. It is to be hoped that the site, corner of Alakea and Halekauila streets, will be the one selected on which to build the new home. Sailors II .me Society. Following is the report of the treasurer of the Sailors' Home Society presented at the annual meeting December 28th : 188S. cb. Dec. 31 Balance of account rend ered 331 29 1889. Jan. 22 Coupons collected GO 00 July 29 Coupons collected GO 00 Dec. 2 Dues collected from 27 annual members 27 00 $ 528 29 1888. PER CONTRA. 1)K. Dec. 31 Paid for Record Book for Secretary 1 GO Dec. 31 Paid into Postal Savings Bank 3T)0 00 1889. Aug, 8 Paid for advertisement notice of annu.tl meeting 1 CO Dec. 26 Paid into Postal Savings Bank 150 CO Dec. 28 Balance in Bank. 25 09 $ 528 29 1889. Dec. 28 Ualance brought down. . 25 G9 ASSETS. Hawaiian Government bonds $2,000 00 Postal Savings Hank 500 00 Deposit with Bishop it Co 25 G9 $2,525 69 Liabilities, none. John n. paty. Treasurer. Mystic Lodge No. 2. A special convention of Mystic Lodge No. 2, K. of P. was held last evening, when the following newly-electe- d officers for the ensuing term were installed by Denutv Supreme Chancellor David Dayton : C. W. Ziegler, P. C. ; C. T Wilder. C. C. ; Fred. Harrison, V. C. ; F. B. Oat, Prelate; H. M. Dow, K. of R. & is. ; H. J. Gallagher, M. of F. ; II. G. Biart, M. of K. ; W. H. Hoogs, M. at A. ; J. M. McChesney, Trustee. The report of the K. of R. and S. showed that the Lodge has seventy members. Public Moonlight Concert. The Band will play this evening at Thomas Square, commencing at 7:30 o'clock. Following is the programme: 1. Overture La Dame Blanche. .Boieldieu 2. Galop Iris - Faust 3. Finale Stradella Flotow 4. Reminiscences of Gounod Godfrey Lipolipo. Malanai. Mahina Malamalama. 5 Reminiscences of Offenbach .... Conradi i. Cavatina Oberto Verdi 7. Waltz Artist Life Straus 8. March -- Beautiful Birds Bosshardt Hawaii Ponoi. J TUo N. T. M. Institute. The students of the Institute hrul their annual feast on New Year's ay. The new recitation room was appropriately trimmed with ferns and mottoes. Mr. C. A. Brown gave the porker, and otaer friends contributed generously to the luau. The carpcntewU is all done on the new buildings, and he last coat of painting is all that remaps for the con- tractor needed now to to do. Funds are furnish and fit up the venous rooms. ney-Ucner- al f. r defendant. A. I'rttwford vs. R. l.rij: et al ; at2tii-M- t. Magoon for plaint;!!; Smith for de- fendant. R. Oliver vv Hawaiian Government auni'Mt. Neumann for plaintiff; Attor iifv General for defendant. F.J. Hills vi.?. E. Krown; Hrown for plaintiff; Neumann and Carter for defendant. F. larri-o- n vs. Peter High; case. Hatch ior plaintiff. W . E. ho-te- r. assignee, v. W. H. Page; trover. Whiting tor plaintiff; Brown ior ueuniiant. W. C. Parke, assignee, vs. W. C. Pea cook; trover. Brown for plaintiff; Whit ing for defendant. W.C.Parke, assignee. v.. S. J. Levey replevin. Creighton for plaintiff. F. R. Luziwieko vs. Hawaiian Govern ment; ejectment. Whiting for plaintiff; vitorney-oeoer- al lor defendant. J. E. Brown vs. F. J. Hills et al; as sumpsiit. Neumann and Carter for plain- - The Waianae Company vs. Antonio J. Lopes: ejectment, Rosa for plaintiff; isrown ior defendant. in tne matter of widening street in Honolulu; appeal of S. C. Allen, appeal of Trustees estate of B. P. Bishop, appeal oi airs. tu. J. onow. In the matter of widening Fort and King streets in Honolulu; appeal of Trustees estate of B. P. Bishop, appeal of J. W. Austin and C. R. Bishop, appeal of J. W. Austin, appeal of James Campbell. In the matter of widening Merchant street in Honolulu; appeal of J. W. Austin and Mrs. Youmans, appeal of J. W. Austin. Edward M. Brewer et al. vs. W. H. Page; assumpsit. Carter for plaintiffs; Hatch for defendant. Ahina alias Yong In vs. Wohung; ejectment. Athi for plaintiff. G. W. C. Jones vs. Samuel Norris; as- sumpsit. Smith for plaintiff. L. C. Abies vs. John C. Kitton et al; as sumpsit. Hatch for plaintiff. v. Knudsen vs. E. 11. btolz. deputy tax collector; assumpsit. Hartw ell and Hatch for plaintiff; Peterson for defendant. CAUSES FROM OTHER CIUCCITS. Kalauola vs. Kekukahiko; ejectment. Kane for plaintiff: Kauiukou and Rosa for defendant. J. K. Kaunamano vs. W. A. Kiha et al: ejectment. Holokahiki and Kane for plaintiff; Magoon for defendants. EtumaM. Nakuina vs. S. K. Kupihea: trover. Smith for plaintiff: Rosa for de fendant. Kuheana vs. Pahuilima: eiectment. Kinnev for idaintifT; Ashfnnf Asdiforri for defendant. M. de Gouveia vs. II. N. Greenwell et als; ejectment. Kinney for plaintiff; Hatch lor defendants. John Robinson vs. Mrs. E. M. Nakuina et al; ejectment; Kauiukou and Poepoe for plaintiff; Kinney for defendants. BANCO. Kahula (k.) vs. H. Z. Austin; tort; exceptions from Second Judicial Circuit. l'eterson for Plaintill : V. V. Ashford for defendant. Mahoe et al vs. A. Kauhi 'et al; equity appeal. Kinney for plaintiffs; Achi for delendants, app'ellants. DIVORCES, Miriam Keau vs. James Keau. Achi for plaintiff. Liouis Rodrnro vs. Ellen M. Rodnero. Neumann for plaintiff; Brown for de- fendant. M. K. Kou vs. Koleka f w. Brown for plaintiff. H. H. Smyth vs. Lulua Maemae fw. Kauiukou for plaintiff. Aloiau (ch.) vs. hmiua Aloiau. Kau-uko- u for plaintiff. A. Grauibenr vs. Hosena Gramberc fw). Smith for plaintiff. Eliza Woolsev vs. Geo. W. Woolsev. Whiting for plaintiff. Joaouin M. Sozo vs. Beke M. Makalena. Rosa for plaintiff. Mary II. McKeaeue vs. John McKeacue. Rosa for plaintiff. - ruutu Kaieleku vs. Kebecca r. 1'uuku. Poepoe for plaintiff. r. C. A. de La rsux vs. Rebecca de La Nux. V. V. Ashford for plaintiff. Hearing at Chambers. Thursday, Jan. 2. BEFORE MR. JUSTICE BICKERTON. E. B. Thomas vs. G. B. Norton ; ieti- - tion for writ of quo warranto. Demurrer and motion to quash. Argued and decision reserved. W. A. Kinney for plaintiff; F. M. Hatch for defendant. S FECIAL BUSINESS ITEMS. M. Thompson, Counselor, gives the law and the author ities in writing, answering questions of law and fi?cts submitted to him. Office corner King and Bethel streets, Hono-2-l- w lulu. STtui CUtocrticmcnt0. NOTICE. Tl. FRANCIS MILLS SWANZY HAS m this dav been admitted into our firm. (Sd.) "THEO. H. DAVIES & CO. Honolulu, Jan. 1, 1890. l-- 3t WANTED. IN ENERGETIC, TRUSTWORTHY A Man as collector and to make himself generally useful in the office. Address, stating last place and terms desired to P. O. Hox 49." 137-2- W. NOTICE. FROM AND AFTER JANUARY 1, the People's Ice and Ref. Co. wiil deliver Ice for one cent (1) per pound. W. K. FOSTER. 139-6tw- 5 Sec. P. I. ifc R. Co. iiii P0BDER Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel of purity, strength and wholesomeness. More cal than the ordinary kinds, and cannot v mill . . i - ai multitude of low""V.T""01? orpnospnatepow.iers. ovOOK;;"""" Royal Rakish l'OWDEK WO., loo Wall jst New York. rpiIIS PAPER IS KEPT ON FILE -- L at K. C. Dare's Advertising Agency, 64 & 65 Merchant's Exchange, San Francisco, Cal., where contracts for advertising can be made for it. CRYSTAL SODA WORKS JOHN GRACE, . Proprietor. SOLE MANUFACTURER OF THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER SARSAPAEILLA AND IKON WATER! .ion. 6ii w.ii. cy jur W.1-' W.w 1 rn....! :7 W.in. :J0.(M. 6;' tt....Uc .iu.o'- -' i'J.vo C5 SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. AUK1VALS. Thursday, Jan. 2. ichr Uninbow from Koolau. orhr Heeia from liana, k-li- Waiehu from Kauai. DKPAKTUKKK. Thursday, Jan. 2. JtinrJas Makee, Macaulay, for Kajiaa. kSi !ir Ka Mot for Hatuakua. Hawaii, rk-li- r Ivulanianu for Hawaii, bdir Liivinia for Kwa. ihr Waiehu for Kauai. VKSSKLS LKAVINU Y. j!mr V Hall, Freeman, for ilaui and '.iv;iii 10 a in. ritinr (J K Bishop. Le Claire, for "Wai-- . ;ie, Waialua una Koolau 9 a in. Stmr lVIe, Smythe, for Kona, 11 a.m. itiur Lchua, Clark, for Kahului, 5 p in. Hflll'l'INO NOTKS. rlu! U(ilirt Lowers has been moved to j 1 M. S. 8. wharf ami is now taking in ;gar. The S. C. Allen is still lying in the ..cam. TlieJ.C Plluger is discharging general ,ierchaiulLse at the i M. b. S. wharf. Tlie Olga has tluiahcd unloading her -- ok load of lumber. The Lehua brought 2.3U0 bags sugar iiii Kipahulu for the Robert hewers. i tfnpancAe Festival. .Among the many festivities of this 'hrishnas season, those who attended 'ipanese festival at the Lyceum will Ay accord it the palm of superior ntnoss, dignity and appropriate After some brief talks, singing ayers, Mr. Ban, one of the at-.- of the Consulate, said that he had .nta Claus, who told him that the so ought not to be neglectful of ties of the season, and certainly (j t to be neglected by him, even he should be obliged to visit little late. Thereupon, with a itation to the assembled com- - ta Claus bounded in as if just n from Japan. No pony sledge service un the waters of the ..c ; the telegraph and railroad had - yet been built ; but as lie flopjed his is vigorously about, as he panted to clihis breath, the rows of fans at-ch- ed to his shoulders, attracted atten-;- i to the unique style of wings which ed his purpose of locomotion for the VmjrT8 entertainment. After a little d natured dialling about being never , he startled the audience by bring-- . his hands so forcibly to the region 'tis heart that he made as much noise "lis excessive demonstration of joy as e had a dram there instead of a heart. presents were distributed with great itv. and then he left his deputies, mrti. llasagawa and Matani, to give ry one in" the audience who (brew a ky number, some pietty memorial of Christmas season. The whole aui-;- e were then invited to the refr,esh-pt- s provided in the adjoining apart-;n- t, both rooms being decorated with uh appropriateness and tastefulness, id the young Japanese hosts' making tv one feel that they wera most -- artily welcome. New Year on the Oahu Kallway. It is with pleasure that we record the ct that the excursion toMananaonNew ear's ilay was a grand success in every ;iy, airording much pleasure to those ..o availed themselves of the privilege ride out info the country and at the .no t;me was a financial success to the impany. Four round trips were made ad the whole number of passengers ried was 034, about one-ha- lf of which ;re of the first-clas- s. All of the arrange-ent- s were so perfectly made and all e plans so well executed, that there s no accident of any kind and every-l- v seemed well satisfied and in jolly ,mj.1 humor. inr .afotiipd fullow-citize- n Mr. V. C. .ies showed the kindness of his heart taking his Sabbath school of a Iiun-.- ! ,,u.i.i)uir4 at his own exriense on e round trip, thereby securing a day of asure to many juveniles who would iK'rwi.-- e have been compelled to stay iiouie. . ti... i.iaf tru'n of thirteen cars loaded ,0'VTi with humanity came in just after ' . a 1 iUr nuown all ngnt, anu no cuucu y of the new year on the Oahu rail- - y. ' 3IeuioriaI Gifts. .Hon. C. R. Bishop has had placed in aiahao Church, near the pulpit piat a baptismal font, with the inserip-iundin- g the bowl, "Into the Rie Father, the Son, and the Trrt.'' On the base is the in- - i Presented by C. It. Bishop in memory of Bernice l'auahi Bishop." n the wall of the church, near the rch, over the seat occupied by Mrs. 'shop, is a memorial tablet giving tne ' toa r.f Ua KIrtb and dp:ltbof MrS. :;shop, and of her patents, Abner and ura Konia Paki. These are fitting ainonals of the estimable Christian y, who manifested in so many ways ring her life her interest in the welfare the Church, and was for years one of - pastor's most ardent and judicious 7 Pers in his laborious church work. Away! Ware, Glass Ware, Etc. PRESENT GRATIS! Sale commenced on , PRESENT. I SCiAS. J. FML KO. 54 KING STREET. " 1 GUARANTEED PURE. FILTER PRESSES. PAA.WBAV PI.AKTATIOII, 1 Hawaii, If arch 9, 1888. Rlsdon Iron and Locomotive Works, San Iran- - cisco. Gentlemen We have used two of your red Filter Presses this season. They are convenient, easily handled and are working entirely to our satisfaction. 1 can recommend no improvement on them. Very respectfully yours. (signed) A. Hoobk, Manager Paauhau Plantation. Hzxia, Sept. 28, 1889. Mb. Jon Dtxb, Agent Bisdon Iron Works, Honolulu. Dkab Sib: Plt-as- e ship us one of yonr SO Compartment Filter Presses, SiO square feet surface, same as the one supplied ns last season, which I am pleased to say has given ns entire satisfaction. Yours truly, GEO. B. EWABT, Manager flee la Agricultural Co. These Presses are made extra heavy for high pressures, occupies a floor space of 11k it., ana presents a nitering- - surrace or S40 square feet. A limited number tn stock In Honolulu and are sold at very low prices. Rlsdon Iron Loco. Works, Ban Francisco. t ar particulars enanire of JOHN DYER Bonolnln Boom No. 8 Spreckels' Block: 8 334 W. G. IRWIN Co.. Annti Big G has given univer- sal f DoTJn x I satisfaction In the l TO S DATSA I enre of Gonorrhoea and QMnctMd not tM Ulet. I prescribe it and 9 mi ..r.i GIN GER ALE, Sarsaparilla, Lemon, Cream and Plain Soda, Champagne Cider, Etc., Etc. ft ALL AREATED WATERS Mutual 330 TELEPHONESBell 298. ISLAND ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. . 111 1296-l- y THE EISDON Iron and Locomotive Works, Corner of Deal and Howard Streets, San Francisco California W. H. TAYLOR President B. S. MOOBE Superintendent Builders of Steal Machinery In all Its branches. Steamboat, Steamship, Land Engines ft Boilers, High Pressure or Compound. STEAM VESSELS of all kinds built complete, with bulls ot wood, Iron or composite. ORDINARY ENGINES compounded when ad- visable. STEAM LAUNCHES, Barges and Steam Tugs con- - structed with reference to the trade in which they are to be employed. Speed, tonnage and draft of water guaranteed. SUGAR MILLS and Sugar Making Machinery made after tbe most approved plans. Also, all Boiler Iron Work connected therewith. WATER PIPE, of Boiler oi dheet Iron, of any size, made In suitable lengths for connecting together, or Sheets rolled, punched and packed for shipment, ready to be riveted on the ground. HYDRAULIC RIVETING, Boiler Work and Water Pipes made by this establishment, riveted by hydraulic riveting machinery, that quality of work beinv far superior to hand work. SHIP WORB , Ship and Steam Capstans, Steam Winches, Air and Circulating Pumps, mads after tbe most approved plans. SOLE Agents and manufacturers for the Pacific Coast of the Hfine Safety Boiler. PUMPS Direct Acting Pumps for irrigation or city works' purposes, built with the celebrated Davy Valve Motion, superior to any other pump. JOHN DYER Honolulu - lam Room No. 3. upstairs. Spreckela Block iAriVH your wailts Ike Daily avvesTISEB. , H.D., Decatur, III. YmA VrSralybyttte .. TV .. C1'na- - .tICE. 81.00. ii w mil nunrrm ... . Q.tu.lnnl I 1 ' OTUVEB. W 1 " n . 'r V lirilcanla liMnta Ohio, irXI PR1C..h & Co., Wholesale Agents. Tnd HOLLIBTER l$E580,i53AIIA IIK ADVERTISER leading laily iaier aSER. IS THE of the Kingdom

Transcript of Ka.neha.nj.i,Instrument fur florae TreatminU frioe, $1 or 34U blat-k-mith'-heVr i3 for. advert...

Page 1: Ka.neha.nj.i,Instrument fur florae TreatminU frioe, $1 or 34U blat-k-mith'-heVr i3 for. advert if-e-ThHrwill ho rlu.t.ie.il the Ka.neha.nj.i, co an i ram i to-da-y for Honolulu with



3di'frtisrmrnts.assumpsit. Hartwell for plaintiff; Attor-:iey-iiiier- ai

for defendant.J. I'. Howler v. Hawaiian Government;

Hartwetl for plaintiff; Attor- - T


Shipping and Commission Merchants,


!, Sun nnrt Moon.HI C. J. LVOSft.


35- -

a-- i

..tn. amC.37

A. in -- t 6HI (.Ill .;w; B.;k. 2.40

. I' '..v o.;. a.;i:i

. fr

tin M.;ii - ;.3i 5.17i

'I !.((( C.3.t 5. 6 07f ih Honolulu Steam l'laulugily y flf'trtc signal from thefl V tkt lid IlOl 111 II tllAllf, .is...

nil n. :w sec past 1 o'clock.ifu nine, xo correspond

. 4 K'ven by chronometers seti in-- a n time. Thia Iat Is enpeci-.- c

iMicfit of mariners and jewelers.


t? BAhUlM. TI1F.BMO. s?l-- 2; 3

c. s: 22.5 3 s- -


70 77 0.00 75 6! NE;ji;w.KvK).ii 70 75!i).0H 82 7i NE



PLANTATION SUTPLIES,Carpenters' Blacksmiths' Machinists' and numbers' Tools,'

HOUSE FURNISHING GOODSKitchen Utensils, Taints, Oils, Varnishes, Lamp Goods, and

General Merchandise.

7CI0.08 61 3.' NE78 0.0'.: C4 3, NE74 l).0 80 10' NE7. i). 1)7 80 8 NE77 J. 00 82 NE

Blake's Steam Pumps, Weston's Centrifugals,

Wilcox & Gibbs, and Remington Sewing Machines,

Dr. Jayne & Sons Family Medicines.1304 1-- y

G-iye- n


Satin Ware, Pcaclibowl



Our grand Silver Gift

Monday, Dec. 16, '89During this sale every customer purchasing the amount of $2 50 worth

will receive a handsome



Corner of Fort and Hotel Streets.



I&nuary Term, Iterlniilnir Monday,January U, 18UO.

Mi Justice Preston. tireHi.lim? : t!. W.v I n J - "

Afford, Attorney-General- ; A. P. Peterhon, Deputy Attorney-Generi- l.

1UWAIUN BY.The King vs. John Hapa; malkiouj in

jury. Kaulukou for defendant.Li. ... .lhe rwini; vs. Kulinakui: run it.ir.irvivaaiuKou mm . ln for defendant

lhe King vs. Uauiaia; conspiracy Rosalor defendant.

The King vs. Kaoua; conspiracy Rosafor defendant.

ihe King vs. Kukaulalii; conspiracy.'""um)u ior ucieiKiani.

The King vs. A. K. Palekaluhi; conspiracy. Rosa for defendant.

The King vs. E. tt. Manuka; conspiracyRosa for defendant.

lhe King vs. S. K. Pua; conspiracy,Rosa for defendant.

The King vs. Kailianu; conspiracy,Achi for defendant.

TheKiiigvs. George Kaili; conspiracy..ia;ui iur ueienuani.

lhe King vs. Kaimimoku; riot. Achitor defendant.

The King vs. Kaalokai; riot, Kauiukoufor defendaut.

The King vs. Wahineaua; riot. Achifor defendant.

The King vs. Sam Leleo; riot. Neurnann for defendant.

The King vs. George Maxwell; riot. Rosaior defendant.

The King vs. John Kaai; riot. Kaulukou for defendant.

The King vs. Adam Kaeo; riot Kaulukou for defendant.

lhe King vs. George Baker; riot. Neumann for defendant.

The King vs. David Kahukula; riot.Achi for defendant.

The King vs. Thomas Spencer; conspir-acy. Kinney for defendant.

The King vs. Kanikalio; conspiracy.Kauiukou for defendant.

The King vs. Win. Perry; riot. Kauiu-kou for defendant.

The King vs. Pupule; riot. Kauiukoufor defendant.

The King vs. Naihe; riot. Kauiukou fordefendant.

The King vs. Hoomanawanui; riot.Achi for defendant.

The King vs. S. Kila ; riot. Kane for de-fendant.

The King vs. Robert Palau; riot. Kau-iukou for defendant.

The King vs. Nahinalan; riot. Kauefordefendant.

The King vs. Auwae; riot. Kauiukoufor defendant. -

The King vs. Kauhikoa; conspiracy.Kalua for defendant.

The King vs. Manuel Kaaua; conspiracy.Kauiukou for defendant.

The King vs. Kalili : conspiracy. Achifor defendant.

The King vs. Panialo : conspiracy. Kauiukou for defendant.

The Kintr vs. Polikanu: riot. Achi fordefendant.

The King vs. Moses Makaluhi; riot.Achi for defendant.

The King vs. Manu, Namehana and Ka--niaikaloa; riot. Kauiukou for defendants.

lhe Kiuk vs. John Kelii; riot. Kauiukou for defendant.

The King vs. John Palau and Nakai;riot. Kauiukou for defendants.

The King vs. Solomon Kahalehili; riot,Kauiukou for defendant.

The King vs. Kawehena; riot. Kauiu-kou for defendant.

The King vs. Kahoomahele; conspiracy.Kauiukou for defendant.

The King vs. Keawe; riot. Kauiukoufor defendant.

The King vs. Makolo: riot. Achi fordefendant.

The King vs. Jim Kamakee; riot.The King vs. Kaniaha; not.The King vs. Loheole; riot.The King vs. John liana: riot. Kane

for defendant.The King vs. Kanoa: conspiracy. Kau

iukou for defendant. -

The King vs. Kamit; riot.The King vs. S. E. Kaiue; conspiracy.The King vs. Walu; conspiracy.The Kiner vs. John Kapua: assault with

deadly weapon. Castle for defendant.lfce King vs. Hiram Kaaha; conspiracy.The King vs. B. H. Kahananui; con

spiracy.the King vs. A. a. Manama; conspiracy.The King vs. Kalei; assault with dan

gerous weapon.lhe vs. Juno Davis; not.The King vs. Kalua; larceny. Appeal

from Police Court, Honolulu. Kauiukoufor defendant.

Naahelua V3. Kaimana et al. ; ejectment.Rosa for plaintiff; Kauiukou for defend-ants. &

Nawai et al. vs. Ahiena; ejectment.Rosa for plaintiffs; Kane for defendant.

A. L. Keohokalole vs. Apahu; ejectment.Rosa for plaintiff; Kaneakua for defend-ant.

Maria Kahai vs. Kamai(w.); ejectment.Monsarrat for plaintiff; Brown for defend-ant.


Kaahar.ui V9. C. Kingsley; trespass.Appeal from Police Court, Honolulu.Kauiukou for plaintiff appellant; Petersonfor defendant.

G. R. Keomaka vs. II. B. Lohelani et al:ejectment. Achi for plaintiff; Kane fordefendants.

Eliza Meek, by her guardian, vs. Aswan;assumpsit. Appeal from Police Court,Honolulu. Rosa for plaintiff appellant;Kane-Creight- on for defendant.

S. A. Macy tt al. vs. W. R. Castle; case.Neumann-Peterso- n for plaintiffs; Hart-we- ll

for defendant.Naaina et al. vs. Antone Richard; eject-

ment. Achi for plaintiffs; Brown for de-fendant.

M. It. Colburn vs. R. Cayford; debt.Rosa for plaintiff. ,

Aiana vs. James R. Holt, Jr. ; assumpsit.Achi for plaintiff; Rosa for defendant.

Alina vs. D. Manaku; assumpsit. Ap-peal from Police Court, Honolulu. V.V. Ashford for plaintiff; Kauiukou fordefendant appellant.

Kaniku vs. J. M. Monsarrat; ejectment.Achi for plaintiff; defendant in person.

Theo. H. Davies et al. vs. A. Haalilio;assumpsit. Creighton for plaintiffs.

J. S. Walker et al. vs. Mikaela et al.;ejectment. Hartwell-Kauluko- u for plain-till- s.

C. J. McCarthy vs. D. Manaku; assump-sit. Wilder for plaintiff.


The King vs. Morris Juda; violatinglicense law. Neumann for defendant.

The King vs. Frank Hoffman et al.;cruelty to animals. Neumann for defendants.

The King vs. Ah Fook; unlawful pos-session of opium. Magoon for defendant.

The King vs. Asm; unlawful possessionof opium.

The King vs. Ah Chin; unlawful posses-sion of opium.

The Kins vs. W. S. Brash; embezzlement.

The King vs. Robert Peterson; violatingSec. 12 Charter 43 Penal Code. Wilder fordefendant.

The King vs. Manuel Carao; larcenyKinnev for defendant.

The "King vs. Ahing; larceny second degree.

The Kins vs. Kun Sai; o'pium in posses-sion. V. V. Ashford for defendant.

The King vs. Ah Yee; burglary. Kauiu-kou for defendant.

The King vs. Tick Hoy; opium in pos-ssio- n.

Magoon for defendant.The u,.a vs. ii. y. stebbins; gross

cheat.The King vs. reter Mi,.n(a. assault

and battery. Appeal front Jiw,,, vovlTtHonolulu. Kauiukou for defendant.

Ah Hov(ch) vs. William Larsen; case.Magoon for plaintiff; Attorney-Generalf- or

defendant.William Henry vs. II. R. Macfarlane;

contract. Ashford-Magoo- n for plaintiff;Neumann for defendant.

Skinner A Co. vs. Hawaiian Govern-

ment- assumpsit. Neumann for plaintiffs,Attornev-Gener- al for defendant.

YongMow vs. J. H. Soper; replevinfrom decision of Judd J., at

Oi-iinber- Ashford for plaintiff appel-

lant- Cast! for defendant.J. F. Bowler vs. Hawaiian Government;

.Molt I lily Meeting of the Hoard ofl;lrnttlfs.

mt; rcgu.ar uiouiniy uieeting oi imBoard of Representatives of the HouoluhiFire iH'partinent was held ycKtordavevening at the Bell Tower, Chief En-g;ne- er

Wilson in the chair. Thirteenmembers answered to the roll call. Afterthe minutes of the previous meeting hadben read and approved, SecretaryHenry Smith read (ommnnii-ation- s fromChina Engine Company No. 5, and Hookand Ladder Company, reoi ting t lie result of their elecMons of officers.

The Auditing Committee consisting ofMessrs. B. Onlenstein, M. Keohokaloleand Ho Fon, reiorted that they had examined the books and vouchers of theSecretary and Treasurer and foundeverything correct. The rejort wasplaced on file and the committee dis-charged.

The matter of the annual celebrationwas then brought before the meeting.After some discussion it was decided tohave a torchlight procession on the even-ing of Monday, February 3d at 7 o'clock.J. C. White was appointed a committeeof one to procure torches. The meetingthen adjourned.


Book and Stationery Store


FIRST A Happy New Year to all ourfriends and thanks for their very lib-

eral patronage during the recent Xmasseason.

SECOND For two dollars and a halfthe best razor in the country. Neverneeds grinding and always ready foruse.

THIRD A MILLION FACTS for only35 cents.

FOURTH By the last steamer thefinest line of stationery and tablets

I ever imported into this Kingdom.

FIFTH Fine BAGATELLE BOARDSat $10, $15 and $25 each.

SIXTH Music Folios, Sheet Music,Gospel Hymns No. 5, Franklin Squaresong collection, etc.

SEVENTH Staple stationery, Officerequirements, full bound books, etc.


and $30 apiece.

NINTH Diaries in great variety for1890.



For Yokohama 6Hongkong

The Al Steamship

" Yamasliiro Mara "

Y0UN0, Commander.Will be due here on or about JANUARY

8, lSiiO, and will leave for above ports onor about

January lQttuFor freight or passage, having superior

accommodations, apply to

Win. G. Irwin & Co.,112 AGENTS.

J . E. Bbown. F. B AUERBACH.

J. E. Brow 4 Co.

Have removed from their old stand, 23Merchant street, to more convenient pre- -nuses in uie

Old Honolulu Hale,on the Waikiki side of the Post Office,Merchant stre t, where J hey will stillcarry on their old business of

Commission Merchants, Accountants, Convey-

ancers and General Agents, Real Estate

Factors and Collectors. .

As a new departure in collecting,


New Zealand Mullet.A few cases of this celebrated fish, in4 dozen cases, of this season's catch, stillon hand.

Also, a small quantity of the favorite

TAHITI BAMBOO(for Hat Making,) on sale.

137-2- w

RUPTUREn .h. ;"y.nir :ieetri Tmi.it

. to 'D.;; ""i" r Steelof patients. Estab. una: ifLS? .otu,rt.

ent toall partsof the world nd. KUrnii."If" a"livery, t or fall particulars, write for Paniptii n ,Ad. ire, 31. K. Trnw Co.,704 Sacramento BtrMtlSan Francisco. Cal.. U. S A. For nse onr NewInstrument fur florae TreatminU frioe, $1 or 34U

blat-k-mith'- heVr i3for. advert if-e-

ThHrwill ho rlu.t.ie.ilthe Ka.neha.nj.i,an i ram ico to-da-y for Honolulu with

later new.TlllTti ill 1... .... . .. . .

; v i V i.-g- votersr u

uittHuu vi a uisiricl club.The regular mni.thlv i,.r.;.H, , - - - '"j uiiii of the

be held at the hallif:s evening at 7 o'cl.xk.TI li yr ti i.

V V SVAIUIMO 13 fu'ly le atv5l te.M',im.a,t... the7 ' 7 et-.a- mil sail fur Aca--jmlco.

TI- - T T T ...i ; ; , vey W1U tuA,i an iniortant

Y"11 oaiw UI W1es and liquors at hism.Tt , ' wueen street' Monday Jan." v" iu a. ui.

There is a new commission merchantin town. His name ih J. P.:fVjBtiQ ..,iiuan olhce in the Cartwright Building,Merchant street.

Mr. raul Isenberg in dismountingfrom his horse at Waialae on Saturdaysprained his ankle, and will be con-line- d

to the house for several days.

The officers of China Engine Co. No.o lor the ensuing year are : Hang Sam,foreman ; Lau Chong, First Assistant :Chang Kim, Second Assistant.

The Hawaiian Band gave a capitalconcert at Thomas Square last evening.It plays again at the same place thisevening. Programme elsewhere.

Two mules, after being released from atramcar at the lower end of Fort streetlast evening, ran away, and had a littlefun all to themselves for a short time.No damage done ; only a mad driver.

The monthly meeting of the HawaiianChildren's Mission will take place at theresidence of Mrs. P. C. Jones, Nuuanuvalley on Saturday evening at 7:30o'clock.

The Honolulu Iron Works have re-cently imported from Boston, a steamri vetting machine and a plate planer,both of which labor saving machines arenow being placed in jiosition. There ismuch go-ahe- ad manifest in the manage-ment of the works.

W. C. Achi, the lawyer, in the courseof a long speech delivered at the meet-ing of Ward 4, Tuesday evening, naid hewas obliged to confess that he was wellsatisfied with what the Reform Govern-ment had done for the country duringthe two years it had held office.

The steamship time-tabl- e published inthis pajer was made up in a form pome-wh- at

different from that issued by thecompany's agents, and to meet the fre-quent inquiries njade by corresK)ridentsabroad and throughout the group, es-pecially in the addition of the days of theweek on which th-- i steamers leave eachport. In the form now presented, it willprove acceptable to all who have to de-pend on a time-tabl- e to keep the run ofthe mail days.

Active steps are being taken towardsraising funds for a new Sailors' Home.The sum of $15,000 is required, and thecommittee, whose names appear else-where, will be glad to receive subscripttions, or they can be left at the bank ofBishop & Co. T'ne committee have$7,000 in view, and the President of theBoard of Trustees, Hon. C. R. Bishop,with his accustomed generosity, offers$1,000 provided the remaining $7,000 canbe raised. It is to be hoped that thesite, corner of Alakea and Halekauilastreets, will be the one selected on whichto build the new home.

Sailors II .me Society.Following is the report of the treasurer

of the Sailors' Home Society presentedat the annual meeting December 28th :

188S. cb.Dec. 31 Balance of account rend

ered 331 291889.

Jan. 22 Coupons collected GO 00July 29 Coupons collected GO 00Dec. 2 Dues collected from 27

annual members 27 00

$ 528 291888. PER CONTRA. 1)K.

Dec. 31 Paid for Record Book forSecretary 1 GO

Dec. 31 Paid into Postal SavingsBank 3T)0 001889.

Aug, 8 Paid for advertisementnotice of annu.tl meeting 1 CO

Dec. 26 Paid into Postal SavingsBank 150 CO

Dec. 28 Balance in Bank. 25 09

$ 528 291889.

Dec. 28 Ualance brought down. . 25 G9


Hawaiian Government bonds $2,000 00Postal Savings Hank 500 00Deposit with Bishop it Co 25 G9

$2,525 69Liabilities, none.

John n. paty.Treasurer.

Mystic Lodge No. 2.A special convention of Mystic Lodge

No. 2, K. of P. was held last evening,when the following newly-electe- d officersfor the ensuing term were installed byDenutv Supreme Chancellor DavidDayton : C. W. Ziegler, P. C. ; C. TWilder. C. C. ; Fred. Harrison, V. C. ;

F. B. Oat, Prelate; H. M. Dow, K. of R.& is. ; H. J. Gallagher, M. of F. ; II. G.Biart, M. of K. ; W. H. Hoogs, M. at A. ;

J. M. McChesney, Trustee. The reportof the K. of R. and S. showed that theLodge has seventy members.

Public Moonlight Concert.

The Band will play this evening atThomas Square, commencing at 7:30o'clock. Following is the programme:1. Overture La Dame Blanche. .Boieldieu2. Galop Iris - Faust3. Finale Stradella Flotow4. Reminiscences of Gounod GodfreyLipolipo. Malanai. Mahina Malamalama.5 Reminiscences of Offenbach .... Conradii. Cavatina Oberto Verdi

7. Waltz Artist Life Straus8. March --Beautiful Birds Bosshardt

Hawaii Ponoi. JTUo N. T. M. Institute.

The students of the Institute hrul their

annual feast on New Year's ay. The

new recitation room was appropriatelytrimmed with ferns and mottoes. Mr.C. A. Brown gave the porker, and otaerfriends contributed generously to theluau. The carpcntewU is all done on

the new buildings, and he last coat of

painting is all that remaps for the con-

tractor needed now toto do. Funds arefurnish and fit up the venous


ney-Ucner- al f. r defendant.A. I'rttwford vs. R. l.rij: et al ; at2tii-M- t.

Magoon for plaint;!!; Smith for de-fendant.

R. Oliver vv Hawaiian Governmentauni'Mt. Neumann for plaintiff; Attoriifv General for defendant.

F.J. Hills vi.?. E. Krown;Hrown for plaintiff; Neumann and Carterfor defendant.

F. larri-o- n vs. Peter High; case. Hatchior plaintiff.

W . E. ho-te- r. assignee, v. W. H. Page;trover. Whiting tor plaintiff; Brown iorueuniiant.

W. C. Parke, assignee, vs. W. C. Peacook; trover. Brown for plaintiff; Whiting for defendant.

W.C.Parke, assignee. v.. S. J. Leveyreplevin. Creighton for plaintiff.

F. R. Luziwieko vs. Hawaiian Government; ejectment. Whiting for plaintiff;

vitorney-oeoer- al lor defendant.J. E. Brown vs. F. J. Hills et al; as

sumpsiit. Neumann and Carter for plain- -

The Waianae Company vs. Antonio J.Lopes: ejectment, Rosa for plaintiff;isrown ior defendant.

in tne matter of widening street inHonolulu; appeal of S. C. Allen, appealof Trustees estate of B. P. Bishop, appealoi airs. tu. J. onow.

In the matter of widening Fort and Kingstreets in Honolulu; appeal of Trusteesestate of B. P. Bishop, appeal of J. W.Austin and C. R. Bishop, appeal of J. W.Austin, appeal of James Campbell.

In the matter of widening Merchantstreet in Honolulu; appeal of J. W. Austinand Mrs. Youmans, appeal of J. W.Austin.

Edward M. Brewer et al. vs. W. H. Page;assumpsit. Carter for plaintiffs; Hatchfor defendant.

Ahina alias Yong In vs. Wohung;ejectment. Athi for plaintiff.

G. W. C. Jones vs. Samuel Norris; as-sumpsit. Smith for plaintiff.

L. C. Abies vs. John C. Kitton et al; assumpsit. Hatch for plaintiff.

v. Knudsen vs. E. 11. btolz. deputy taxcollector; assumpsit. Hartw ell and Hatchfor plaintiff; Peterson for defendant.


Kalauola vs. Kekukahiko; ejectment.Kane for plaintiff: Kauiukou and Rosafor defendant.

J. K. Kaunamano vs. W. A. Kiha et al:ejectment. Holokahiki and Kane forplaintiff; Magoon for defendants.

EtumaM. Nakuina vs. S. K. Kupihea:trover. Smith for plaintiff: Rosa for defendant.

Kuheana vs. Pahuilima: eiectment.Kinnev for idaintifT; Ashfnnf Asdiforrifor defendant.

M. de Gouveia vs. II. N. Greenwell etals; ejectment. Kinney for plaintiff;Hatch lor defendants.

John Robinson vs. Mrs. E. M. Nakuinaet al; ejectment; Kauiukou and Poepoefor plaintiff; Kinney for defendants.


Kahula (k.) vs. H. Z. Austin; tort;exceptions from Second Judicial Circuit.l'eterson for Plaintill : V. V. Ashford fordefendant.

Mahoe et al vs. A. Kauhi 'et al; equityappeal. Kinney for plaintiffs; Achi fordelendants, app'ellants.

DIVORCES,Miriam Keau vs. James Keau. Achi for

plaintiff.Liouis Rodrnro vs. Ellen M. Rodnero.

Neumann for plaintiff; Brown for de-fendant.

M. K. Kou vs. Koleka f w. Brown forplaintiff.

H. H. Smyth vs. Lulua Maemae fw.Kauiukou for plaintiff.

Aloiau (ch.) vs. hmiua Aloiau. Kau-uko- u

for plaintiff.A. Grauibenr vs. Hosena Gramberc fw).

Smith for plaintiff.Eliza Woolsev vs. Geo. W. Woolsev.

Whiting for plaintiff.Joaouin M. Sozo vs. Beke M. Makalena.

Rosa for plaintiff.Mary II. McKeaeue vs. John McKeacue.

Rosa for plaintiff. -

ruutu Kaieleku vs. Kebecca r. 1'uuku.Poepoe for plaintiff.

r. C. A. de La rsux vs. Rebecca de LaNux. V. V. Ashford for plaintiff.

Hearing at Chambers.Thursday, Jan. 2.


E. B. Thomas vs. G. B. Norton ; ieti- -

tion for writ of quo warranto. Demurrerand motion to quash. Argued anddecision reserved. W. A. Kinney forplaintiff; F. M. Hatch for defendant.


M. Thompson,Counselor, gives the law and the author

ities in writing, answering questions oflaw and fi?cts submitted to him. Officecorner King and Bethel streets, Hono-2-l- w


STtui CUtocrticmcnt0.

NOTICE.Tl. FRANCIS MILLS SWANZY HASm this dav been admitted into our firm.(Sd.) "THEO. H. DAVIES & CO.Honolulu, Jan. 1, 1890. l-- 3t

WANTED.IN ENERGETIC, TRUSTWORTHYA Man as collector and to make himselfgenerally useful in the office. Address,stating last place and terms desired to

P. O. Hox 49." 137-2- W.


the People's Ice and Ref. Co. wiildeliver Ice for one cent (1) per pound.

W. K. FOSTER.139-6tw- 5 Sec. P. I. ifc R. Co.

iiiiP0BDERAbsolutely Pure.

This powder never varies. A marvel ofpurity, strength and wholesomeness. More

cal than the ordinary kinds, andcannot v mill . . i - aimultitude of low""V.T""01?orpnospnatepow.iers. ovOOK;;""""Royal Rakish l'OWDEK WO., loo Wall jstNew York.

rpiIIS PAPER IS KEPT ON FILE--L at K. C. Dare's Advertising

Agency, 64 & 65 Merchant's Exchange,San Francisco, Cal., where contracts foradvertising can be made for it.


. Proprietor.





w.ii. cy

jur W.1-' W.w 1

rn....! :7 W.in. :J0.(M. 6;'tt....Uc .iu.o'--' i'J.vo C5


AUK1VALS.Thursday, Jan. 2.

ichr Uninbow from Koolau.orhr Heeia from liana,

k-li- Waiehu from Kauai.

DKPAKTUKKK.Thursday, Jan. 2.

JtinrJas Makee, Macaulay, for Kajiaa.kSi !ir Ka Mot for Hatuakua. Hawaii,rk-li- r Ivulanianu for Hawaii,bdir Liivinia for Kwa.ihr Waiehu for Kauai.


j!mr V Hall, Freeman, for ilaui and'.iv;iii 10 a in.ritinr (J K Bishop. Le Claire, for "Wai-- .;ie, Waialua una Koolau 9 a in.Stmr lVIe, Smythe, for Kona, 11 a.m.itiur Lchua, Clark, for Kahului, 5 p in.

Hflll'l'INO NOTKS.

rlu! U(ilirt Lowers has been moved toj 1 M. S. 8. wharf ami is now taking in

;gar.The S. C. Allen is still lying in the

..cam.TlieJ.C Plluger is discharging general

,ierchaiulLse at the i M. b. S. wharf.Tlie Olga has tluiahcd unloading her

-- ok load of lumber.The Lehua brought 2.3U0 bags sugariiii Kipahulu for the Robert hewers.

i tfnpancAe Festival..Among the many festivities of this

'hrishnas season, those who attended'ipanese festival at the Lyceum will

Ay accord it the palm of superiorntnoss, dignity and appropriateAfter some brief talks, singingayers, Mr. Ban, one of the at-.-of

the Consulate, said that he had.nta Claus, who told him that theso ought not to be neglectful ofties of the season, and certainly

(j t to be neglected by him, evenhe should be obliged to visitlittle late. Thereupon, with a

itation to the assembled com- -

ta Claus bounded in as if justn from Japan. No pony sledge

service un the waters of the..c ; the telegraph and railroad had

- yet been built ; but as lie flopjed hisis vigorously about, as he panted toclihis breath, the rows of fans at-ch- ed

to his shoulders, attracted atten-;- ito the unique style of wings which

ed his purpose of locomotion for theVmjrT8 entertainment. After a littled natured dialling about being never, he startled the audience by bring-- .his hands so forcibly to the region

'tis heart that he made as much noise"lis excessive demonstration of joy ase had a dram there instead of a heart.presents were distributed with great

itv. and then he left his deputies,mrti. llasagawa and Matani, to givery one in" the audience who (brew aky number, some pietty memorial ofChristmas season. The whole aui-;- e

were then invited to the refr,esh-pt- s

provided in the adjoining apart-;n- t,

both rooms being decorated withuh appropriateness and tastefulness,

id the young Japanese hosts' makingtv one feel that they wera most

-- artily welcome.

New Year on the Oahu Kallway.

It is with pleasure that we record thect that the excursion toMananaonNewear's ilay was a grand success in every

;iy, airording much pleasure to those..o availed themselves of the privilege

ride out info the country and at the.no t;me was a financial success to the

impany. Four round trips were madead the whole number of passengers

ried was 034, about one-ha- lf of which;re of the first-clas- s. All of the arrange-ent- s

were so perfectly made and all

e plans so well executed, that theres no accident of any kind and every-l- v

seemed well satisfied and in jolly,mj.1 humor.

inr .afotiipd fullow-citize- n Mr. V. C..ies showed the kindness of his hearttaking his Sabbath school of a Iiun-.- !

,,u.i.i)uir4 at his own exriense one round trip, thereby securing a day ofasure to many juveniles who would

iK'rwi.-- e have been compelled to stayiiouie. .ti... i.iaf tru'n of thirteen cars loaded

,0'VTi with humanity came in just after' . a 1 iUrnuown all ngnt, anu no cuucu

y of the new year on the Oahu rail- -

y. '3IeuioriaI Gifts.

.Hon. C. R. Bishop has had placed in

aiahao Church, near the pulpit piata baptismal font, with the inserip-iundin- g

the bowl, "Into the

Rie Father, the Son, and theTrrt.'' On the base is the in- -

i Presented by C. It. Bishop inmemory of Bernice l'auahi Bishop."n the wall of the church, near therch, over the seat occupied by Mrs.

'shop, is a memorial tablet giving tne' toa r.f Ua KIrtb and dp:ltbof MrS.:;shop, and of her patents, Abner and

ura Konia Paki. These are fittingainonals of the estimable Christiany, who manifested in so many waysring her life her interest in the welfarethe Church, and was for years one of

- pastor's most ardent and judicious7 Pers in his laborious church work.


Ware, Glass Ware, Etc.


Sale commenced on ,




" 1



Hawaii, Ifarch 9, 1888.Rlsdon Iron and Locomotive Works, San Iran- -

cisco.Gentlemen We have used two of your red

Filter Presses this season. Theyare convenient, easily handled and are workingentirely to our satisfaction. 1 can recommendno improvement on them.

Very respectfully yours.(signed) A. Hoobk,

Manager Paauhau Plantation.

Hzxia, Sept. 28, 1889.Mb. Jon Dtxb, Agent Bisdon Iron Works,

Honolulu.Dkab Sib: Plt-as- e ship us one of yonr SO

Compartment Filter Presses, SiO square feetsurface, same as the one supplied ns last season,which I am pleased to say has given ns entiresatisfaction. Yours truly,

GEO. B. EWABT,Manager flee la Agricultural Co.

These Presses are made extra heavy forhigh pressures, occupies a floor space of 11k

it., ana presents a nitering-- surrace or S40square feet. A limited number tn stock InHonolulu and are sold at very low prices.

Rlsdon Iron Loco. Works,Ban Francisco.

t ar particulars enanire ofJOHN DYER Bonolnln

Boom No. 8 Spreckels' Block:8 334 W. G. IRWIN Co.. Annti

Big G has given univer-salf DoTJn x I satisfaction In the

l TO S DATSA I enre of Gonorrhoea andQMnctMd not tM Ulet. I prescribe it and9 mi ..r.i

GIN GER ALE,Sarsaparilla, Lemon, Cream and Plain Soda,

Champagne Cider, Etc., Etc.ft



. 111 1296-l- y

THE EISDONIron and Locomotive Works,

Corner of Deal and Howard Streets,

San Francisco California

W. H. TAYLOR PresidentB. S. MOOBE Superintendent

Builders of Steal Machinery

In all Its branches.

Steamboat, Steamship, Land Engines ft Boilers,High Pressure or Compound.

STEAM VESSELS of all kinds built complete,with bulls ot wood, Iron or composite.

ORDINARY ENGINES compounded when ad-

visable.STEAM LAUNCHES, Barges and Steam Tugs con- -

structed with reference to the trade in whichthey are to be employed. Speed, tonnage anddraft of water guaranteed.

SUGAR MILLS and Sugar Making Machinerymade after tbe most approved plans. Also, allBoiler Iron Work connected therewith.

WATER PIPE, of Boiler oi dheet Iron, of anysize, made In suitable lengths for connectingtogether, or Sheets rolled, punched and packedfor shipment, ready to be riveted on theground.

HYDRAULIC RIVETING, Boiler Work and WaterPipes made by this establishment, riveted byhydraulic riveting machinery, that quality ofwork beinv far superior to hand work.

SHIP WORB , Ship and Steam Capstans, SteamWinches, Air and Circulating Pumps, madsafter tbe most approved plans.

SOLE Agents and manufacturers for the PacificCoast of the Hfine Safety Boiler.

PUMPS Direct Acting Pumps for irrigation orcity works' purposes, built with the celebratedDavy Valve Motion, superior to any otherpump.

JOHN DYER Honolulu- lam Room No. 3. upstairs. Spreckela Block

iAriVH your wailts Ike DailyavvesTISEB.

, H.D.,Decatur, III.

YmA VrSralybyttte .. TV .. C1'na-- .tICE. 81.00.ii w mil nunrrm ... .Q.tu.lnnl I 1 ' OTUVEB. W

1 " n . 'r V lirilcanla liMntaOhio, irXI PR1C..h & Co., Wholesale Agents.Tnd


leading laily iaieraSER.

IS THEof the Kingdom

Page 2: Ka.neha.nj.i,Instrument fur florae TreatminU frioe, $1 or 34U blat-k-mith'-heVr i3 for. advert if-e-ThHrwill ho rlu.t.ie.il the Ka.neha.nj.i, co an i ram i to-da-y for Honolulu with


Km SUtorrtiscmcnts. SVdrertiSfmfnts,-- rtRENT ITEMS. iXctu Stftocrtiscmcnw.


AuditoTy I f)n K. R. Hexdry, President and Manager. JohnEna.VkllniTlAn Godfrey Brown, Secretary & Treasurer. Cecil Brown,TTT MBS B 10., HAWAIIAN HARDWARE (


ndorful ico cavo, according to.iticima Horald, was discovered re-

cently near Trout Lako, KlickitatCounty, Washington Territory. It iaof great size, but at can. noi be xplored on account of the intense cold.

A Now York street-ca- r conductorcomplains that ladies take cspesiajpains to pay their fares in coppers, andthat if ho gives them change in thasame coin he is greeted by an angryglaro that makes him feel like a culprit ,

They have a jail in Missouri whicha grand jury ha condemned thirteendifferent times, and out of which everyprisoner who wanted to escape has

0pp. Spreckels' Bank, - - Fort Street, Honolulu,

Importers and Dealers in v. J


ARRIVALS FROMHardware, Crockery, Glasswai

5 MM 5




. Fort and Merchant Streets,


New GoodsFor Holiday and Wedding Presents!

Chandeliers, Electoliers, Lamps and Lamp Fixtures,

gone, but thu county won't make re HOUSE FURNISHING GOv.pairs. I he supervisors argue that jailsare relics of barbarism. Paints, Oils and Varnishes, Lard Oil, Cylinder Oil;

Powder, Shot and Caps, Machine-loade-d Cartridges, Chamberlain's Patent-Silver-plate- d

Ware, Table and Pocket Cutlery :Plows, Planters' Steel Hoes, a-i- d other Agricultural Implements;Handles of all kinds ;

A woman at Athens, Ga., who 13

eighty-seve- n year3 old, it is said, doesnot remember to have taken a di-in- ofwater, and can not bear to drink thefluid, lier eyesight has returned to Plantation Supplies of every descriptionher, and she can now do the finest H- -i


needlework without the use of glasses.She ia in fine health and bids fair to live Stoves, Ranges and Housekeeping Goods,a century.

Hart's patent " Duplex " Die Stock for Pipe and Bolt Cutting;Manila and Sisal Rope, Rubber Hose,Wire bound Rubber Hose, Spincter-gri- p ;Sprinklers and Sprinkler Stands.







Ono method of keeping the railroad track clear of sand near the Caspian Sea is to soak tho road-be- d with CO AGENTS FOE:Plumbing, Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Work

ia Q Union Metallic Cartridge Co.,sea-wate- r. In other places it is pro-tected by an armor of clay. Palisades "New: Process" Kone.oro erected sometimes to stop drifting. Another method employed is tho IfYou Want to Furnish Your Housecultivation of hardy plants, such as aroused for the same purpose on tho Dan--Yih coast

Hartman's Steel-wir- e Fence and Steel-wir- e Mats,Neal's Carriage Paints,

Wm. G . Fisher's Wrought Steel Ranges,Gate City Stone Filters,

" New Process " Twist Drills,Hart's Patent "Duplex" Die Slocks.


JA8. DQDD,A remarkable accident recently

:GrO TO:B. F. EHLEHS & CO.'s, 09 FORT ST.,


Art Goods,



Oil Paintings,


happened to a cow in tho countrv. DryGroodsTho cow was in tho pasture field undera tree, and when switching at tho flies For all kinds of CURTAINS, BEDSPREADS, SHEETINGS, MOSQUITO NETSher tail caught in the bark of tho tree.Tho cow began walking around the

And PLUSH RUGS in all sizes, at very low prices, in great variety., IN GREAT VARIETY.eho could not got loose. Sho finallyfell down besido the treo, and whenfound the treo had to bo cut down be r(DTTl?TTAAT O A T AA TiATm amPLUSH GOODS FOR THE COMING HOLIDAYSfore sho could bo got loose.

A white man at Smyrna. Fla.. a FANCY AND3-- Jy JUST OPENED.day or two ago bet a negro that thoHaving lieen selected pernegro could not oat the two wator

melons before them. Tho negro was to STELNWAY PIANOS! sonally from NEW STOCK of THISSEASON'S GOODS, we will offer the

pay doublo price for them if ho failod. Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands,He cut tho melons, weighing thirty

."I T 1 . . . . TIIK BEST AMERICAN PIANOS IN THE WOULDencfl, up into sections, ana it CHRISTMAS GOODSwas fun to sea his lips slide up and Finest Assortmentdown tho sections of thoso melons SOLE LOCAL AGENTWESTEMAYEE'S PIANOS!.Within five minutes nothing was loftbut tho bare rinds, which he turned EVER SHOWN, IN THIS COUNTRY.ovor to tho white man, who had justpaid seventy-fiv- e cents for them. For the Sale of:. Investigation of flro ruins shows


ED. IIOFFSCHLAEGER & CO.,Ornamental Ware,

. Glassware,that porous terra cotta bricks andblocks best resist firo, wator and frost, b b b b b b

1092 UtfSole Agents for the Hawaiian Islands for Stein way & Sons, New York:next to these in tho order of fire-r-e-

Crockery, Etc.eisting qualitios- - being tho various con mm x.u. ivesiermayer, uenm. Also,-:- - JOHN WIELAHKS -:- -cretes, or some of them, and burned

andclay work. In tho best building work Fischer Pianos !now dono the Iron part Is Incased inporous terra cotta, tile or brick workin roof, floor and tho construction; the SZFor Sale at Moderate Prices by

Dinner Sets, Tea Sets,Breakfast Sets, Toilet Sets,Nappies, Plates, Bowls,Fancy and Tlain Crockery,Perfumery, Soaps, Etc.,

hollow tiles are faced with vitroous tile, CELEBKATED -:- - BEEESCASTLE & C00KE,

Life, Fire and Marine

Insurance Agents !

8lato or Rny good weather-proo- f coat ED. HOFFSCHLAEGER & CO.,King and Bethel Streets.

ing, or with a single thickness of brick 1295 100-l-v

Incased In firo proof materials, iron andeteel framowcrk is claimod to give tho --:o:-best results. GEO. W. LINCOLN,

f A contractor in Birmingham. Ala. BAGS and BAGGING SOJil) DUJiING THE YEAR 1888,was obliged to put off paying his menfor three days on account of tho failure


and is now better prepared to do any and all kinds of workappertaining to contrantinorof some of his creditors to meet their


New England Mutual Life Ins. Co.


Mm Fire Ins. Co. of Hartford.


Hie same good and workmanlike mannpr a hnratr.f-- a v.o ;i.i i IRON AND TIN WARE,obligations. " Finally ho got his checksand came to tho city for his cash. It expenses and still retain plenty of room to do any and 'all kinds of work appertain-ing to the building trade that mav ht Pnt 22,VYS BARKELS..was too late for him to get in bank. the same at very low rates, to suit the extremely dull times, and at the same timeneannir in mind flmt. what 4a n : i. j; nand ho took it quite philosophically

o " o "ui viuiug at an ib wurui uoing well. Tc,-- , ri corrugated, nam and Agate :(

and went to get shaved. The barber- J 1 (r.'VIV Wllfor Piru an.1 T.iVvctThanking public for past favors,

I remain respectfully yours,GEO. W. LINCOLN.

Hollow Ware, Fence Wire,persuaded him to get his whiskers cutoff. That shave cost him $1,000. Peo-ple mot him and failed to recognizehim, and the rumor got abroad that he



Full Impoi tatioiis by Every Coast Steamer.2-- tfhad taken his money and skipped the PAINTS, OILS,BUH.AOHtown. Men began pushing their claims,

eomo even going to tho courts. Thecompromises he was obliged to mako NEW YORK SHEET IRON, SHEET ZINC,cost him a large amount of money.

Russell Sage at His Desk.

Holiday Goods ! Holiday Goods !


The Genuine Article. In Quantities to Suit, NETTING, CUTLERY.

Life Insurance Companyf I had an interview to-da- v with Russell Sage, the penurious old man who

Crosse & Blackwells POPULAR MILLINERY HOUSEdoes such a thriving business in nutsand calls with friends of a speculative COLGATE'Snature, and whose name is now linked 104 Fort Street; : : : Honolulu.Assets : $95,000,000.00.


MORTON'Swith that of Jay Gould whenever theowners of - the Manhattan RailwayCompany are mentioned. Russell Sage

N. S. SACHS, Proprietor.. :o:SOAPS :- -: AND -:- - PERFUMESt is over seventy years old, but his mind

is a3 keen as ever, and tho amount ofIMMENSE VARIETY OF FANCY NOVELTIES SUITABLE FORbusiness he transacts in a day would

put to blush many a lusty, youthful

"Facts are stubborn things."


premium table, and in every year, theACTUAL RESULTS of Tontine Policies

broker. Ho does not appear to bomerhnilimil mnn .tV-.. IT;. ,i..t (jROOEKIES! Gliristmas and Now Tear'sA Full Assortment Just to Hand ex Stmr Australia.- fine table, is covered with papers, letters, etc. At his right hand aro two

-- o-long slips containg tho latest quota-tions from tho Stock Exchange. Everv


,"Ware!moment a cleric steps in and quitely

adds new figures to this list. Russell

of the New York Life Insurance Co.

have been LARGER than those OFNY OTHER COMPANY issuing

similar policies.

RAISINS, CURRANTS, Etc.Sago s face looks very Irish. On his Depot for Joy's Vegetable Sarsaparilla.chin and neck is a short stiff beardHis upper lip and cheeks aro smoothHo wears a twenty-fiv- o cent made-u- p

neclc-ti- e, and a suit of clothes of wh'.ch For particub.-- s apply toho two garments aro of the samo patALSO By Steamer and Sail, from the


Manicure Seta in TCusb, 60c, 75c, and upwards.Toilet Cases, consisting of Mirror, Comb and Brush, in Celluloid, at $1 75per Box and upward.Plush Toilet Cases and Manicure Sets combined, at t2 75 and 'onwardsP ush Cuff Boxes only $1 00. Plush Handkerchief Boxes for I WP ush V ork Boxes, with fittings, from $1 25 upwards. 'Plush Jewel Cases, from $1 00 upwards.Shaving Sets in Plush Boxes, at $3 25 and upwards.Metal and Plush Whisk Broom Holders, new design, at $1 00.Plush Hand Glasses, at 50c. and upwards.Fancy Glass Baskets and Rose Jars, and other novelties for the Holiday'stoo numerous to mention.

tern. They t ro not of a loud figur-j- ,

but very plain and common. N. Y. C, 0. BERGEB,"W YKT'HSLetter.United States, a

FXJTX., IHNTE OFGen'l Agent Hawaiian Islands.

149-t- fiThe Offense Unpardonab!e. Extract Malt, Etc.- aiaoma," saia ner motticr, "your American Groceries,little playmate, John Lawrence Tick- -

luweu, nas not oeen nere for soma Hand Satchels, Fancy Pnrses, and Fans.LOVE'S BAKERY

Wo. 73 N miami Ntret.MRS. BOBT. LOVE, . . . Proprietress.

time. Havo you and he quarreled?""I have intimated to him, mamma,"

replied the littlo Boston seven-year- - Immense assortment of Embroidered Linen and SilkHOLLISTEK & CO., PROVISIONS, FEED, FLOURold, "that I can not associato witk himany more. I can overlook his habit ofputting his napkin under his chin atdinner," continued the littlo rirl.

JtxanuicercmelH, at special Low IrieeH.Embroidered Handkerchiefs, in White and Colored, at 25cHemstich, with Tuck Handkerchiefs, only 25c.Mexican Drawn Work Handkerchiefs, very fine, 40c. and 50c.Ex ra F ine H. S. Embroidered Handkerchiefs, 50c, GOc. and upwards.Ladies Initial Handkerchiefs, only $2 00 per box.Childrens' Initial Handkerchiefs, 90c. per box.Ladies' and Childrens' Silk Embroidered Handkerchiefs

And Other Requirements for

Every Description of Plain and Fancy.

Bread and Crackers,wiping off her spectacles, thoughtfully,"for in minor matters of this kind it is 1O0 Fort St., Honolulucustomary among the intellectual to 14S 1276 F RES H COUNTRY STOKES.permit some latitude, but he told moa fortnight ago he was tired o beans rtanffise Assortment of Sash Ribbons, Cashmere and Mohair ShawJSoda Crackers;Ir a steady diet." Chicago Tribune, FT. I. Alcjlntyre & Bro.


IN ALL THE DELICATE SHADES. Last, but not least,First Shot at Banker mil.Moody Bailey, of Dexter, Me., has

' 'ock musket that is believedDOULS AND TOYS GIVEN AWAY!


Saloon BreadAlrijs oa Hand.

oA Liberal DiscountGazette to be the first gunHURRAH FOb swTi rT attsi t ti , :. i i . ......The Gazette saya

'. Benjamin Page,,wt fired

- vxw.j 4 uc una oiuvcu, auu aa Usual HI III IS timeof vear. will ston at our Stor amiMILK BREADA SPECIALTY.

Groceries, Provisions and Feed,EAST CORNER FORT AND KINO STREETS.

New Ooods retired by every parset rrom the KAStero Stales and Euron ?rhProduce by every steamer. All orders faithfully attended to, and oods de o??he" partTVIeinone No

orders so.Mof ted. SaUsfart.on nHruued L vZle No. 41?i Oapl7

GIVK AVyYY! GIVE AWAY!I0& tKl DOLLS! TOYS and DOLIS !TO THE TRADE! To every customer b ty,a nf o m QnA .us--( Island Orders Promptly Attended to1T3-S- m will nnntinne until all am (lisnofUNl nf133 1200-l- y

140-- W

"1" 'ij- -' -