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CLASS VII WINTER HOLIDAY HOMEWORK (2018-2019) SUBJECT: ENGLISH Reading Photocopy pages (113,114) from your English book- Communicate with Cambridge Coursebook 7. Complete the exercises on those pages and submit them in a folder with proper name, class and roll no. Writing skill In your English grammar/writing skill notebook, write the following formal letters. 1. Write a letter to the principal of your school apologizing and stating the reason for losing your identity card. Also, request her to issue you a duplicate card. 2. You are Sunil/Sugandha living in Dwarka colony, Delhi. Write a letter to the Chief Engineer of the State Electricity Board complaining against the frequent break down of electricity/power cut in your locality. Mention the difficulties that are faced by you and other residents. Grammar Take a printout of the following exercises and attach it in the same folder along with reading activity. Grammar Practice Fill in the blanks with auxiliary verbs. 1. My sister_______promised to come with us to the Thousand Islands. 2. Sam and Dave_______ prepare a PowerPoint presentation for the class. 3. I _______ return to Yellowstone National Park to appreciate its significance and astonishing beauty. 4. We _______ read another book by E.B. White. 5. We _______ not waste our time watching TV.

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Photocopy pages (113,114) from your English book- Communicate with Cambridge Coursebook 7. Complete the exercises on those pages and submit them in a folder with proper name, class and roll no.

Writing skill

In your English grammar/writing skill notebook, write the following formal letters.

1. Write a letter to the principal of your school apologizing and stating the reason for losing your identity card. Also, request her to issue you a duplicate card.

2. You are Sunil/Sugandha living in Dwarka colony, Delhi. Write a letter to the Chief Engineer of the State Electricity Board complaining against the frequent break down of electricity/power cut in your locality. Mention the difficulties that are faced by you and other residents.


Take a printout of the following exercises and attach it in the same folder along with reading activity.

Grammar Practice

Fill in the blanks with auxiliary verbs.

1.  My sister_______promised to come with us to the Thousand Islands.

2. Sam and Dave_______ prepare a PowerPoint presentation for the class.

3. I _______ return to Yellowstone National Park to appreciate its significance and astonishing beauty.

4. We _______ read another book by E.B. White.

5. We _______ not waste our time watching TV.

6. My brother _______ flying out of Cleveland tomorrow morning.

7. We _______ studying all week for the final exam.

8. Katie _______ not _______ studying very hard.

9. My car _______ stolen by a couple of kids out for a good time.

10. I _______ help you tonight if you _______ drive me home later.

11. Thousands of people, braving the cold and the rain, _______ waiting for hours for the band to show up.

12. Tony and his friends _______ bored with their lives, and so they _______ always looking for trouble.

13. I know that I _______ make a decision soon, but first I _______ ask my teacher for advice.

14. Marie _______ not start her car this morning, so she _______ probably not go into work at all today.

15. I _______ finished the quiz on helping verbs, and now I _______ going home.


Fill in the blanks with conjunctions.

1. The visitors arrived _______ she was preparing dinner.

2. She was crying bitterly, ______ I asked her what the matter was.

3. ______ I go home, I'll read up on this subject.

4. ______ I was too ill to go, she offered to go in my place.

5. I read through the book ______ I could get some information on the life of Alexander the Great.

6. ______ there weren't many people at the party; it was a most enjoyable occasion.

7. We went to the seaside _______ enjoyed ourselves very much.

8. She should wear ______ her new blue dress ______ the white lace one to the party..

9. ______ he had promised to come home early, he returned late.

10. Don't expect him to come; he has ______ the time ______ the money to make the trip.

11. ______ we last saw him, he was in good health. ______, it is a shock to hear of his death.

12. _______ we were returning home, we found that one of the boys was missing, _______ we turned back to search for him.

13. I might have come to your house ______ it was raining; ______ some friends dropped in, ______ I had to entertain them.

14. He thought his parents would be home late, ______ he made a feast for himself with all the food in the house.

15. ______ they entered the house, they found that it had been ransacked. _______ nothing was missing, they called the police ______ reported that their house had been broken into.



नाम:- कक्षा:- विषय:- अनुक्रमांक:-

प्र०-1 प्रस्तुत प्रश्नों के उत्तर संक्षेप में दीजिये:-

(1) कबीर ने किस पर कठोर प्रहार किया है?


(2) पैसों के लाभ में साधु क्या-क्या करते हैं?


(3) कौन-सा प्राणी हँस सकता हैं?


(4) हँसने और रोने में क्या समानता हैं?


(ड़) लंबे समय तक हँसी नहीं आने के क्या दुष्परिणाम होंग?



प्र०-2 निम्नलिखित प्रश्नों के उत्तर विस्तारपूर्वक दीजिये:-

(1) हँसी के बारे में मनोवैज्ञानिक किन दो प्रश्नों के उत्तर ढूँढ रहे हैं?




(2) मानव को आँसू कब-कब आते हैं?




(3) कबीर ने पाखंडी किसे कहा हैं और क्यों? स्पष्ट करें|




(4) 'आप कहावे स्याना' पंक्ति के माध्यम से कबीर ने किस ओर संकेत किया हैं?




(ड़) कबीर संसार को पगलाया हुआ क्यों कह रहे हैं?



प्र०-3 कहानी के आधारित प्रश्नों के उत्तर दीजिये:-

(1) इंजीनियर ने मौत को कैसे छकाया?





(2) घायल व्यक्ति ने अस्पताल जाने से पूर्व क्या इच्छा प्रकट की?


(3) क्षण भर में उस कमरे की दुनिया कैसे पलट गई – कथन का क्या अभिप्राय हैं?


प्र०-4 निम्नलिखित सामासिक पदों का समास का भेद लिखिए:-

1. चंद्रमुख- ………………………………… 2. राजपुत्र- …………………...........

3. नीलकंठ- ………………………………….. 4. अकालपीड़ित- ………………………………..

प्र०-5 निम्नलिखित सामासिक पदों का समास-विग्ह कीजिये:-

1.स्वर्गप्राप्त- …………………………………………… 2.नीलकमल- ……………………………………………………..

3. रोगमुक्त- ………………………………………………. 4.महात्मा- ………………………………………………………………...

प्र०-6 दिए गये अशुद्ध वाक्यों को शुद्ध करके लिखिए:-

1. मैंने जाना हैं|


2. मेरी तो किस्मत टूट गई|


3. सभा तो समाप्त हो गया|


4. आप यहाँ मत बैठो|


5. एक चाय का गरम गिलास पीते जाइये|


6. उसे देखकर मेरे आँसू निकल पड़ा|


प्र०-7 प्रस्तुत अपठित गद्यांश को ध्यानपूर्वक पढ़कर प्रश्नों के उत्तर दीजिये:- मनुष्य की विशेषता उसके चरित्र में है। चरित्र के कारण ही एक मनुष्य दूसरे से अधिक आदरणीय समझा जाता है। विद्या का मान सज्जनतभी करते है जब विद्यावान विनय एवं चरित्र से युक्त हो। विद्या, बल तथा पद होते हुए भी रावण अपने राक्षसी कर्म के कारण निंदनीय था। रावण विद्यावान होने पर भी वंदनीय नहीं बन पाया। मनुष्य कामूल्य उसके चरित्र में है। विनय, उदारता, लालच में न पड़ना, धैर्य, भाषण, वचन का प्रतिपालन करना और कर्तव्यपरायण ये सब गुण चरित्र में आते हैं।

(1) मनुष्य की विशेषता किसमें है?


(2) मनुष्य का आदर किन कारणों से होता हैं?


(3) रावण निंदनीय क्यों था?


(4) चरित्र में कौन-कौन से गुण आते हैं?


(ड़) 'गुण' शब्द का विपरीतार्थक शब्द क्या होता हैं?


प्र०-8 प्रस्तुत अपठित काव्यांश को पढ़कर प्रश्नों के उत्तर दीजिये:-

पात नये आ गये

टहनी के टूसे पतरा गये

पकड़ी के पात नये आ गये

नया रंग रेशों से फूटा

वन भीज गया

दुहरी यह कूक, पवन झूठा

मन भीज गया

डाली-डाली स्वर छितरा गये

पात नये आ गये

कोर दीठियो की कड़ुवायी

रंग छूट गया

राहों में राही पथरा गये

पात नये आ गये।

(1) कविता में किस ऋतु का वर्णन है?


(2) किसके पेड़ पर नये पत्ते आ गये हैं?


(3) 'स्वर छितरा गये' से क्या तात्पर्य हैं?



(4) कवि की आँखे क्यों दुखने लगी हैं?





Q1.Saheli participated in a 400 m race competition held at her school and won the race. When she came home, she had mixed feelings of joy and pain as she had cramps in her leg muscles. After a massage she was relieved of the pain. Answer the following questions related to the situation.

(a) What can be the possible reasons for the pain in her legs?

(b) Why did she feel comfortable after a massage?

Q2. Observe Figure carefully and answer the following questions.

(a) Which process is being tested in the activity?

(b) What is the result of the activity? Give reasons.

Q3.A food stall owner was preparing dough for making bhaturas. He added a pinch of yeast and sugar to the dough and left it in a warm place. After few hours, the dough had risen. There was a sour smell too.

(a) Why did the dough rise?

(b) Why did the dough smell sour?

(c) Why was sugar added to the dough?

(d) What would have happened if the dough was kept in the refrigerator, soon after it was prepared?

Q4.(a) Draw the diagram showing mechanism of breathing in humans

(b) Label the diagram showing:

(i) movement of air

(ii) movement of diaphragm

(iii) movement of ribs

Q5.Match the names of organisms in Column I with their organs of breathing given in Column II.

Q6.Name the process and the organ which helps in removing the following wastes from the body:

(a) Carbon Dioxide

(b) Undigested food

(c) Urine

(d) Sweat

Q7.Boojho’s uncle was hospitalised and put on dialysis after a severe infection in both of his kidneys.

(a) What is dialysis?

(b) When does it become necessary to take such a treatment?

Q8.(a) Name the only artery that carries carbon dioxide-rich blood.

(b) Why is it called an artery if it does not carry oxygen-rich blood?

Q9.Veins have valves which allow blood to flow only in one direction. Arteries do not have valves. Yet the blood flows in one direction only. Can you explain why?

Q10.Differentiate between the followings:

a. Aerobic and anaerobic respiration.

b. Unisexual and bisexual flowers.

c. Self-pollination and cross pollination

d. Arteries and veins



1. Name the sufi saint from Punjab whose verses are included in religious book Adi Granth.

2. What are Khankahs?

3. Where the Shrine of Khwaja Moinuddin Chishti is situated?

4. Name the two significant religious movements arose during the medieval period.

5. Who were Alvars and Nayanars?

6. Discuss teachings of Kabir which make him popular among both Hindu and Muslims.

7. Guru Nanak was a divine light who illuminated the universe with his knowledge. In the light of this statement highlight the teachings of Guru Nanak.


1. What are tides? How tides are important to us?

2. Ocean currents influence the climate and economic activities of coastal areas. Justify the statement with three value points.

3. Differentiate between Spring Tide and Neap Tide

4. Give any two features of Atlantic Ocean which makes it unique.

5. What is salinity? How it is expressed?

6. Define wave. Explain with help of a diagram how Crest of a wave is different from its trough.


1. What is RTI?

2. What are the two forms of mass media?

3. Freedom of press is derived from which fundamental Right?

4. Discuss how media helps in creating public opinion.

5. Why should newspapers and television channels give balanced and reliable news? What should a reader do before formulating an opinion on an issue?

6. What do you understand by media ethics?

7. Mention any three provisions of the Right to Information Act.



NOTE: Do all the questions in Computer Applications (C.A.) notebook.

Q.1.Convert the following:

i. (110001)2 =(?)10

ii. (111011)2 =(?)10

iii. (269)10=(?)2

iv. (524)10=(?)2

v. (110010)2=(?)10

vi. (93)10=(?)2

vii. 1101 + 1111=?

viii. 1000 + 0111=?

ix. 1001 – 0110=?

x. 1111 – 1010=?

Q. 2.Give the keyboard shortcut for the following:

i. To display the document properties dialog box

ii. To insert a frame

iii. To convert the object into symbol

iv. To play the animation in Flash.

v. To insert keyframe

Q. 3.Answer the following:

i. Give base of the following Number Systems:

a. Binary Number system

b. Hexadecimal Number System

c. Decimal Number System

d. Octal Number System

ii. Write the extension of Flash file?

iii. Write the default, minimum and maximum stage dimensions in Flash.

iv. Define Frame and Keyframe.

v. Write the rules to multiply two binary numbers.

vi. What does a property inspector display?

vii. Describe the term Gradient.

viii. What is number system?

ix. Name the types of gradients in Flash. Explain them briefly.

x. Briefly explain the two methods for creating an animation in Flash.


Chapter – 1Number System

Chpater – 6 Working with Flash CS3