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  • 8/2/2019 Kahuna_chatlog


    Chatlog of Kahuna, presumed to be ItsKahuna aka John Anthony Borell III as cited in Borells

    indictment, retrieved from http://pastebin.com/xSmnHZZp.


    ~ The Moment of Truth ~

    Recent Posts

    So, "What is the Plan?" - Kahuna Pentagon Leak Log

    Kahuna Pentagon Leak Log

    < 8/26/2011 | 10/8/2011 >

    @ItsKahuna ?



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  • 8/2/2019 Kahuna_chatlog



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  • 8/2/2019 Kahuna_chatlog


    (16:22:09) ./; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; -,

    (16:22:59) oops

    (16:23:01) sorry

    (16:23:16) l0l0l

    (16:23:41) that one failed

    - 3 h, 15 min

    (19:39:02) is prison hard?

    (19:39:34) no

    (19:40:41) Ive been drinking, so now im actually thinking about things and not just ignoring it

    (19:41:00) the more you worry - the bigger the problem gets

    (19:41:04) deal with it as it comess

    (19:41:09) or you will drive yourself insane

    - 2 h, 1 min

    (21:43:02) hey there

    (21:43:06) im going to sleep

    (21:43:07) like usual

    (21:43:10) ill keep you updated

    (21:43:14) ok

    (21:43:16) (hugs)

    (21:43:22) :)

    (21:43:23) Night


  • 8/2/2019 Kahuna_chatlog


    (12:41:09) This is super relaxing, im doing some IT work at a church i help with computer stuff

    at and there is a sting quartet practicing a room away

    - 15 min, 23 sec

    (12:56:32) how big was that brazil leak again?

    (12:56:34) 50 GB?

    (12:57:24) 5gb

    (12:57:37) ok

    (12:57:47) I wish it was 50

    (12:57:48) damn

    - 6 h, 13 min

    (19:11:20) I talked to my lawyer, the benefit of having a father as an attorney is i have


    (19:11:25) he will be representing me

    (19:11:52) He said when the FBI shows up dont tell them anything and give them his card and

    tell them if they need to talk they should go through him

    (19:12:13) And i wont be speaking till they contact the district attorney's office and get a full

    grant of immunity

    (19:14:04) I told him i wont be giving up anyone

    (19:14:05) even if they try to charge me

    (19:15:17) Also I should have some new brazi files for you by the end of the night

    - 7 min, 58 sec

    (19:23:15) sorry give me a moment

    (19:23:22) my 5 year old got hurt

    (19:23:37) No worries

    (19:23:39) take your time

    - 1 h, 0 min

    (20:23:58) Nevermind

  • 8/2/2019 Kahuna_chatlog


    (20:24:04) wont have the files ready until tomorrow

    (20:24:13) there are a ton of them to download off the server to get to you

    (20:24:25) like 100-150

    - 52 min, 18 sec

    (21:16:43) ok now that those things are accomplished

    (21:16:47) I will be looking forward to the files

    (21:16:58) what have you heard about the situation?

    (21:18:59) situation?

    (21:22:02) you mean with the FBI?

    - 11 min, 1 sec

    (21:33:03) yes

    (21:33:31) No new developements, they havent come to talk to me yet, presumably because

    its a weekend

    (21:33:54) understood

    (21:34:00) if they do im directing them to my lawyer though

    (21:34:12) good

    (21:34:44) He said he will help me deal with them, but i could be in some trouble

    (21:35:03) ya

    (21:35:24) Im not quite as worried not that i have a lawyer

    (21:35:29) I am unsure of what the max sentence would be - it would depend on what they

    charged you with

    (21:35:31) probly shoulda gotten one a while ago though lol

    (21:35:37) more than likely, though, they will try to plea bargain with you

    (21:35:54) most of your time will be spent on parole

    (21:36:02) He said he would be most concerned about me trying to be combative so be polite

    so they dont try to pull any patriot act bullshit on me

    (21:36:10) yep

  • 8/2/2019 Kahuna_chatlog


    (21:36:21) and that's why I wanted you to not say anything until a lawyer was present

    (21:36:23) not anything

    (21:36:25) not even hi

    (21:36:58) I can tell you for damn sure i dont feel like getting held without trial

    (21:37:14) they will threaten you with it

    (21:37:35) they will say you don't need a lawyer - all they need is a few statements - some

    questions - and they will promise to let you go

    (21:37:37) and not be jailed

    (21:37:37) Oh im sure they will

    (21:37:39) don't do it

    (21:37:44) let them take you to jail

    (21:37:50) if you wait - you will be in there much longer

    (21:38:14) I know this because I had to learn the hard way

    (21:38:23) I spoke to them and gave them a video interview - and they didn't arrest me

    (21:38:27) the next morning - they hauled me away

    (21:38:33) and I was in for the next few years

    (21:38:41) if you go to jail first - you get bail

    (21:40:15) Yea I dont mind getting arrested

    (21:40:19) i will do so

    (21:40:21) without resisting

    (21:40:28) and not say anything till my lawyer is there

    (21:40:36) good

    (21:40:46) and when they book you - they will ask you specific questions

    (21:40:51) to try and get you to say what you're there for

    (21:40:57) tell them: I don't know.

    (21:40:59) and that's it

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    (21:41:05) not even "i was told....etc"

    (21:41:09) just say "i dont know."

    (21:41:59) Ok

    (21:42:02) I will


    (15:05:55) Gotta love rooting brazilian government websites

    (15:06:05) we are gathering tons of info over the next couple days

    (15:06:14) getting all site server records we can

    (15:06:20) then we will start sorting them


    (12:12:53) Herro

    - 5 min, 15 sec

    (12:18:08) pm epyx_

    (12:18:38) ok

    - 6 h, 45 min

    (19:04:00) Ok

    (19:04:05) so only you and falken know this

    (19:04:12) and it needs to stay 100% that way

    (19:04:17) not even Vinv

  • 8/2/2019 Kahuna_chatlog


    (19:04:20) Vic

    (19:04:23) can know

    (19:04:42) Possible 40 terrabytes of Pentagon Files coming

    (19:05:07) Have a source who contacted 3 months ago, I was just contacted to manage the

    leak setup today

    (19:05:14) Still need to vet them

    (19:05:25) But i think there is a good chance its legit

    (19:05:35) as the pentagon had files stolen about the same time they came forward

    (19:05:54) I need those files to help vet

    (19:05:59) there are shit in there that I need

    (19:06:13) and you already know you can trust me

    (19:07:11) I havent figured out what they want done yet

    (19:07:11) im still speaking to them

    (19:07:11) they will contact me saturday

    (19:07:11) Would wikileaks be interested if I can get the source onboard with that?

    (19:07:27) I dont have the files yet

    (19:07:39) It is 40tb

    (19:07:45) literally no possible way to give you them all

    (19:08:26) thats like 10,000 dvds of files

    (19:08:27) :/

    (19:09:48) I dont even know how we are gonna transfer them to anyone but who has them


    (19:10:00) It would take a month to upload that

    (19:11:01) =/

    (19:11:24) This is so big no one knows what to do

    (19:11:30) We are still trying to sort it out

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    (19:11:41) I just know I can trust you and wanted you to get a heads up on it

    (19:13:31) ok

    (19:14:03) I asked what info was in them, he mentioned 9/11 truth info

    (19:14:10) as a small section of it

    (19:14:13) its going to be huge

    (19:15:14) do you know how many other media are wanting to know who got the pentagon


    (19:15:21) I had AJEnglish crawling my ass big time for that info

    (19:15:26) and I didn't have it

    (19:15:27) nobody did

    (19:15:28) nobody knew

    (19:15:32) nobody still knows

    (19:15:52) I could get in srs fucking trouble for this one

    (19:15:53) I want no one to know im involved

    (19:16:33) Im still vetting the source

    (19:16:40) Wont know for sure till I see some files

    (19:16:45) I should know this weekend

    (19:17:43) you fuckin be careful

    (19:18:39) well, either this is a fed, a troll, or the real deal

    (19:18:44) lets hope its the later

    (19:19:01) But fuck it this info needs to be heard, I will risk jail over it

    (19:19:06) This is what I believe in

    (19:19:10) you are going to give me a heart attach

    (19:19:23) I feel like a mother to you

    (19:19:29) I am not opposing it

    (19:19:31) never that

  • 8/2/2019 Kahuna_chatlog


    (19:19:36) I just worry like mad about you

    (19:20:08) This is american revolutition big

    (19:20:08) Im willing to risk it

    (19:20:10) Id give my life for true change


    (01:17:28) You around?

    (01:17:36) mm

    (01:17:55) Ok...So i know someone who hacks for the government

    (01:18:00) For his job

    (01:18:14) He just asked my for my name and state

    (01:18:23) He told me that he will take care of the FBI situation for me

    (01:18:28) oh?

    (01:18:29) and I dont have to worry about it anymore

    (01:18:39) that seems suspicious don't you think?

    (01:18:44) No

    (01:18:48) By legal means

    (01:18:54) He is an FBI contractor

    (01:19:03) 100% legit

    (01:19:38) mm

    (01:19:55) He said he will only do this once so dont get caught again

    (01:20:08) I'll make it go away for you...all you have to do is be a nark

    (01:20:15) is that what he told you?

  • 8/2/2019 Kahuna_chatlog


    (01:20:20) No

    (01:20:38) He is the person whom runs our irc at WITP

    (01:20:40) no one knows that

    (01:20:43) ok

    (01:20:46) but he just does contact work for banks

    (01:20:50) and governments

    (01:21:06) Ive known him for a while now

    (01:21:13) He is good friends with our admin

    (01:21:51) But If he says im in the clear, I am for now

    (01:21:57) Unless I fuck up and get caught again

    (01:22:28) or you could just stop?

    (01:22:46) i had someone else approach me today about that pentagon leak

    (01:22:50) There is still corruption to be exposed

    (01:22:52) i of course claimed ignorance

    (01:23:07) I wont stop, this is what I believe in

    (01:23:16) Wow, they really want this leak dont they

    (01:23:31) i was approached by somene who said they have it

    (01:23:34) not who wants it

    (01:23:49) How large did they say it was?

    (01:23:54) 40 TB

    (01:24:02) Are you srs?

    (01:24:06) yes

    (01:24:09) what was their nick?

    (01:24:18) If this is one of my people im gonna flip

    (01:25:16) idk it was a "mib"

  • 8/2/2019 Kahuna_chatlog


    (01:25:19) meaning they didn't enter a nick

    (01:25:30) Ok

    (01:25:33) This is fucking odd

    (01:25:54) how often do you talk to albaandomegle?

    (01:25:58) this is about another issue btw

    (01:26:00) not the pentagon files

    (01:26:14) On occassion

    (01:26:17) why do you ask?

    (01:26:34) he's acting strange lately

    (01:26:36) he hosts us

    (01:26:42) i am very very close to him

    (01:26:47) Strangly how?

    (01:26:54) idk..he's been in a mood

    (01:27:05) up and down up and down

    (01:27:07) He was kind of raeging on anonops earlier

    (01:27:09) over nothing

    (01:27:18) ya that's what Im talking about

    (01:27:20) It wasnt like him

    (01:27:43) Ok digress for a minute

    (01:27:48) Then we will go back to alba

    (01:27:59) The pentagon files when they approached you

    (01:28:02) do you have the logs?

    (01:28:42) i dont keep logs of anything except shit that is damaging

    (01:28:47) to presstorm or me

    (01:28:56) What exactly did he say to you?

  • 8/2/2019 Kahuna_chatlog


    (01:29:03) My team is freaking out right now

    (01:29:08) "what would you do if I gave you 40 TB of pentagon files"

    (01:29:22) what irc are they in - let me talk to them

    (01:29:35) I will get them in here

    (01:29:39) hold

    (01:29:44) let me make a room and secure it

    (01:29:46) ok

    (01:29:50) #psprivate

    (01:30:04) the key is letmein

    (01:30:15) so they will need to type /join #psprivate letmein

    - 16 min, 30 sec

    (01:46:45) Haha i guess i did call them my team

    (01:47:03) I usually restrict that to the other team

    (01:47:06) of brazis

    (01:47:08) haha

    (01:48:02) fuck im tired

    (01:48:12) this is stressful

    (01:48:13) This kind of shit worries me

    (01:53:02) =/

    (01:53:59) Dont get me wrong, this is the things i would give up everything to make known

    (01:54:18) When my mother killed me one of the times if fucked with my head

    (01:54:26) so sometimes for no real reason my stress

    (01:54:34) just messes with my mind

    (01:54:34) its annoying

    (01:56:54) And its fogging up

  • 8/2/2019 Kahuna_chatlog


    (01:59:49) im trying to lay it out for you in chat there

    (02:00:17) Yea im listening

    - 17 h, 14 min

    (19:14:21) Hey

    - 2 h, 43 min

    (21:57:47) Oops

    (21:57:56) I just pissed alba off

    (21:58:00) bigtime

    (22:02:27) how did you do that

    (22:03:22) Well

    (22:03:36) I asked for the password to presstrom in anonops

    (22:03:42) and he was kind of an ass about it

    (22:04:02) and then i meant to pm you and pmd him on accident

    (22:04:04) and said "Why is alba being such a dick?"

    (22:04:08) he isnt really mad now

    (22:04:24) i apologized

    - 26 min, 53 sec

    (22:31:17) that was stupid of me

    (22:31:20) :/

    (22:32:08) ?

    (22:32:25) Calling alba a dick

    (22:32:30) but pming it to him on accident

    (22:32:57) Hope he isnt mad I kind of feel like an asshole now

    (22:34:15) he was surprised by my locking of the #presstorm room

    (22:34:15) that's all

  • 8/2/2019 Kahuna_chatlog


    (22:34:15) we cool we chat now

    (22:34:36) Ok good

    (22:34:55) I dont like people being upset with me

    (22:35:08) I am not upset with you

    (22:35:15) Im actually wondering if you have mental issues

    (22:35:22) due to all this stress

    (22:35:44) Meh im fine

    (22:36:46) Im pretty much always stressed

    (22:36:58) Just sometimes moreso than others

    (22:37:14) Why would you wonder that though?

    (22:37:33) the WIPT admin and fed contractor statement

    (22:37:34) yesterday

    (22:37:56) What?

    (22:38:33) He isnt the admin

    (22:38:39) Just setup our IRC

    (22:38:44) i know

    (22:38:55) i was just giving you context about what made me feel this way

    (22:38:58) Is that why alba asked me if WITP is run by feds?

    (22:39:05) probably not

    (22:39:10) i haven't discussed it with him

    (22:39:19) although it's a conspiracy that has been floating around

    (22:39:23) for about a month

    (22:39:26) Oh ok

    (22:39:39) No I knew about the conspiracy

    (22:40:05) Im just confused why you thought that makes you think I have mental issues is all?

  • 8/2/2019 Kahuna_chatlog


    (22:40:23) the fed doesn't just wipe someone's record without strings attached

    (22:40:24) that's why

    (22:40:46) I didnt really ask details into what sort of favor he was doing

    (22:41:13) Doesnt mean Im completely letting my guard down as to the trouble I could be in

    (22:41:36) im just worried is all

    (22:41:40) im worried you're compromised

    (22:41:46) im worried that you're being set up

    (22:41:56) And Im not 100% sure he has done work for the feds, I know he does contract work

    for banks and security firms

    (22:42:01) i was worried for about 5 hours today that you were in on a compromise

    (22:42:07) idk what to think anymore tbh

    (22:42:12) so many outsiders coming into presstorm

    (22:42:14) in and out

    (22:42:16) hack this

    (22:42:17) hack that

    (22:42:33) In on a compromise?

    (22:42:39) I couldnt leak files if i was compromised

    (22:42:39) that would be breaking the law

    (22:42:55) what I mean

    (22:42:58) by compromise is

    (22:43:02) not that you're a fed

    (22:43:03) I guess there isnt much I can say to make you not think that if you do

    (22:43:07) you're too personable to be a fed

    (22:43:09) But Im not

    (22:43:10) god lol

    (22:43:14) what I mean by that is

  • 8/2/2019 Kahuna_chatlog


    (22:43:24) lol

    (22:43:26) that someone said they'd clear your name if you narked

    (22:43:31) but I already brought that to yoru attention yesterday

    (22:43:36) my concern about that

    (22:44:33) They said they would help take care of it, no idea what they meant. They know little

    about my involvement other than Im in trouble

    (22:44:41) I havent told them much details and I dont plan on it

    (22:44:55) And regardless if the feds said that to me I would not tell them anything

    (22:45:31) But Im not sure about anything anymore

    (22:45:36) Everything is getting fucked up

    (22:45:47) Im starting to feel like I have no Idea who is and isnt a fed

    (22:47:11) that's about how I feel atm

    (22:47:15) im glad Im not the only one

    (22:48:19) Trust me you arent, everyone I work with feels like that

    (22:48:36) i hope to god not

    (22:48:45) not in what I'm fucking living in

    (22:48:59) barely able to feed my god damned kids

    (22:49:21) Maybe not to the extent I do, Or what you do

    (22:49:21) but we are ally paranoid at this point

    (22:49:37) I think everyone is

    (22:49:43) because ppl are being doxed and arrested

    (22:49:44) ..etc

    (22:49:47) it's bullshit

    (22:49:52) I agree

    (22:49:54) it kills any hope

    (22:49:58) and people start getting scared

  • 8/2/2019 Kahuna_chatlog


    (22:50:05) maybe that's a good thing

    (22:50:09) that will leave the serious ones

    (22:50:11) and weed out the kids

    (22:50:14) idfk

    (22:50:22) Yea i dont either

    (22:51:00) I think the feds are closing in on a lot of things quickly

    (22:51:08) and we all need to be very cautious though

    (22:52:50) Review the Common Criteria Portal at http://www.commoncriteriaportal.org.

    Describe the purpose of the Common Criteria (CC).

    How does the CC differ from the Trusted Computer Security Evaluation Criteria and the Information

    Technology Security Evaluation Criteria?

    (22:52:52) wtf is that

    (22:52:58) and how do I answer it in 200 words?

    (22:53:11) Hold on

    (22:53:35) it's for my mother's university class

    (22:53:39) so it has to be original answer

    (22:53:41) and 200 words

    (22:54:34) I have no idea, I never paid attention much to Information Technology product

    security criteria

    (22:54:45) :(

    (22:56:02) Im looking into CC

    (22:56:23) The CC allows evalution of security products in general or in specific features and

    assurance levels.

    It is also recognized internationally.

    The previous standards had a fixed set of features which meant a secured system had to be evaluated

    in all parts

    of the standard regardless if the features were necessary or relevant.

  • 8/2/2019 Kahuna_chatlog


    (22:56:52) http://ezinearticles.com/?Common-Criteria---Information-Technology-Security-


    (22:58:09) It looks like the CC was developed to build a better setup way in testing the IT

    Security of products based of that of other groups responsible for security standards

    (22:59:07) To allow a global criterea and not seperate ones

    (22:59:44) "he globalization of this standard saves time and money because it eliminates the

    need for multiple evaluations when doing international business. Common Criteria focuses on security

    objectives and the related threats.

    (22:59:45) Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/3573368

    (22:59:48) "

    (23:03:28) goodnight

    (23:03:33) bout to pass out here

    (23:03:41) kk

    (23:03:42) night

    (23:03:43) sleep well


    (13:42:08) You said you had feds in your IRC?

    (13:43:53) A few days ago a source had been working with us infiltrated what appears to be a

    group of cointel,

    it seems FBI contractors, they were discussing targetting me and taking me down,

    and your name came up as someone whom wants taken down.

    They had been discussing details only mentioned in #psprivate that night about the pentagon leak

    (13:44:01) such as when I woud be obtaining the files

  • 8/2/2019 Kahuna_chatlog


    (13:44:04) and other details

    (13:44:39) The cointel also mentioned the "new wikileaks" being ps

    (13:45:37) and what is this "source"

    - 7 min, 3 sec

    (13:52:40) The source is someone whom I have known for a long time, he has been gethering


    and helping search out those who have been spamming my dox and information and over time it has

    led him to this group

    (13:53:15) then we know that someone in that group #psprivate that night is a spai

    (13:53:18) one of yours

    (13:53:20) or one of mine

    (13:53:23) most likely one of yours

    (13:53:28) because you had the heat on you

    (13:53:29) first

    (13:53:57) Trust me it was not hijaqd or Lex

    (13:55:16) I dont believe that

    (13:55:16) Its definitely one of the others in that channel

    (13:56:00) I know every other person that was in that chat in real life

    (13:56:24) I know both Hijaqd and Lex as well

    (13:57:32) Hijaqd has been the one helping figure it all out, hes the one who told me to come

    tell you about it,

    LexiconRiot is a good friend of mine. His computer is not even functioning he is

    unable to be online so there is no way it is him

    (13:59:13) Is there any way anyone dropped any info in a public room?

    that they have a trojan and logs were taken?

  • 8/2/2019 Kahuna_chatlog


    (13:59:28) I don tknow

    (13:59:30) Im obviously not accusing anyone, I have no Idea who it is

    (13:59:54) I feel that would be the only way for it to have happened,

    I would have your team all run virus scans

    (14:00:26) Nope I'm just locking presstorm down is all

    (14:00:31) we've done nothing illegal

    (14:00:43) Im pushing away everyone else that's not presstorm

    (14:01:17) Yea I noticed, you said feds were in the irc last night? what did they want

    (14:04:49) nothing

    (14:05:13) k

    (14:05:20) :/

    - 13 min, 6 sec

    (14:18:26) Well i guess you locked it down

    (14:18:31) so no point in me being here now

    (14:18:38) since there are no rooms


    (23:03:33) @join_Anonymous do you know whos twitter this is?

    They have WITP at the top but tweet you all a lot

    < 8/26/2011 | 10/8/2011 >