Kabul Times (May 30, 1964, vol. 3, no. 74)

University of Nebraska at Omaha DigitalCommons@UNO Kabul Times Digitized Newspaper Archives 5-30-1964 Kabul Times (May 30, 1964, vol. 3, no. 74) Bakhtar News Agency Follow this and additional works at: hps://digitalcommons.unomaha.edu/kabultimes Part of the International and Area Studies Commons is Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Digitized Newspaper Archives at DigitalCommons@UNO. It has been accepted for inclusion in Kabul Times by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@UNO. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Recommended Citation Bakhtar News Agency, "Kabul Times (May 30, 1964, vol. 3, no. 74)" (1964). Kabul Times. 603. hps://digitalcommons.unomaha.edu/kabultimes/603

Transcript of Kabul Times (May 30, 1964, vol. 3, no. 74)

Page 1: Kabul Times (May 30, 1964, vol. 3, no. 74)

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Kabul Times Digitized Newspaper Archives


Kabul Times (May 30, 1964, vol. 3, no. 74)Bakhtar News Agency

Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.unomaha.edu/kabultimesPart of the International and Area Studies Commons

This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the DigitizedNewspaper Archives at DigitalCommons@UNO. It has been accepted forinclusion in Kabul Times by an authorized administrator ofDigitalCommons@UNO. For more information, please [email protected].

Recommended CitationBakhtar News Agency, "Kabul Times (May 30, 1964, vol. 3, no. 74)" (1964). Kabul Times. 603.https://digitalcommons.unomaha.edu/kabultimes/603

Page 2: Kabul Times (May 30, 1964, vol. 3, no. 74)



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YESTERDAY MaR +-2j"C•.Minimum +7°C.

~::: ~~=:~w at t~: ~::: ":'.: :::·S~~.naw; ·DY~r,.'Kesta~(.<·'", ,.- - ':' Near: Shahi l"u.I; BIlle: . MOsque" .

'I'omorrow's O1ItIook: ",: -- , .' ': :; In'teril.:ltlonlll.C1nb;- PiunJr CiJielIia .': ", : ,Clear: .- " "-. . _" " . . . ,..' " ..

-Fozeeut 'lIy Air AIi~O_rl_"_:..o-~_---.,-__.....::.~~---:-_.....:,--:--:,-:-...:....;-...:.....:.--.--:::----,::-:-.............,~....,..;'-'~, ~,-"'~,~~"",:,._:..,.-_,,:,,,,- 'c:-.-::,~-:-::-":c..''-::'.,_'''_-'-'- . '~' .. ~, .. "KABUL. SATlJIiDAY;' MAy ,30, 19~', ,jOWZ,A'-9: 1343;' 3,R): ';,",. < ,~lRI-cE !d. r <:'" ':'-", .~

:;:f;~:7~istan Join~ W-O-,r--'-I~d~"~-j-'-----'-' ., ' .'-.' . '...... , '" ..'" ....-..;....,....-;....'~----....;...,-'-.,...,,:... ,'~~~'~.~',. '--:'..:.--:.;&~I~~Iid~e:~=, .'.'In Mou' rnl-n9 ...Iehru's' Death .'. ·no1:L.<iceinent from 'the,; Departroent ' . ' .

I~ of Ro}:al Protocol' says. that -His " .. ,:" '.,KABUL. May, 3(}.- . ;Majesty th'€, King, grant-ed'- audi"...,' ..

AFGHANISTAN has joined other nations 'of the world in encek

to:·dthe, f.~~o\J,~ghdUring the" '- ':.· mourning the death of India's Prime Minister Jawatiarlal \\:~~ .:"e~. ~ng..1 ay t:. c _ '"

Nehru. . '. .. .. ~Dr: kkAhrriaii :PQP~"rVlfu\~te~,," , , :,_. A special memorial service w~ of. :Ed·i!cation.. <!Ild 'Second: Deputy, .. , ,held at the IndIan Embassy m Marshal Chen-Yi.- .. Pr(me:' ',Ministet':~ Dr. '."1\bdulKabul each day for the past " : . Kilyeum; the Minister .. of Interior.three days. On Thursday, the ~er- SkAt Af h" '1 .. ' Brii(adl,er-Gerler:al :" .Mobammao' , 'vice was attended by His Royal pea e.s ' '. g .an, . ' .' .Azill. :Hie. J"IiUiS-fer of' '. Public. ': :~'."Highness Pnnce Ahmad Shah~.. . :Wor,~S; Dr,' '. Mohammad' RasoOl." -_' ,:.... ~.His Royal Highness Shah Wah Embassy Reception' : Taraky,· the' Gover·noI'. of : Kaoul· .',Khan ThEm Royal Highnesses ~, :' -LL' Gener.~:AbduCWahid ·Seraj'.," - ,'.: ,Sard~s Mohammad Daoud and PEKING, .May, 30,-The Afghan . ·Adjutant-General ~ Of: the' Arnied ".' .Sardar Moliammad Flaim, Mr, Ambassador to the People's Re.' ".', 'r' Forces..'br_",'Moha:r:nrilad: Osmari. .. '-, ,.,Abdullah Mahkyar, acting PrlIIle public. of China, Mr. Mohai:nmad',- ~ . :Am~:aiy" ,-, President: "'o( 'K'abtil ' , ,'::' :; , .MiriiSter, members of the Cablent, Shuaio Miskinyar gave a dinner . '.' :1 :Univ:erslty," .!VIT, Ghul~: "HUSsein ',-:' >, :' .- IMr. Mohammad All, PreSident of at the Afghan Embassy on' Wed: -: . Safi,·the Governor 'of.Z'abul 'Pro- . , '- '-,1the Royal Protocol Department, nesday evening to celebrate .the. ':. hfinc:e, 'BI'igaciier-Geiieral Moham- ' ~', ',' .high rankmg Civil and military 46th anniversary of Afghanistan's.' , ,:. ) inad Ishaq, OJC':th~ f5tb Diyi~ion: :,offiCials and members of the dip- independence. . . 'i\1r, Abdylla Ghousy, . the Deputy , .lomatlc c:orps. Present among . those· Wi?re < .Governol'- of JOwZjan.. Pro.vihce' :

All the VISitors SIgned the spe- Marshal 'Chen-Yi. Deputy .. '<ind 'Mr, Lal ~.tlohamIDad ' Kakar: ',' : <-

cial book prOVided {or this pur-' Prime 1VlImster, Cabinet . Minis~ .'Mayor ·or: Kandahar,' ,': " -', > 'pose and olfered their condolences tel'S, high-ranking offiCials and' . . '. ' .' ,and expressed their sympathies to memQers of the Diplomatic Corps . ' ...:C "

Mr., Dhamlja, the Indian Ambas- in Pekmg. ",. 1 . .BR·USSELs;·,May, 30;' (DPA),-:, -sador.. 1 Mr. Cben'YI m a .speech prais- King r;3audoflih of ~I~um.Fridax:' .'.--:-': ~"· -Flags of all government ~w d- ed the economiC progress mad.e .." . _. '. _ ~~~- . - .~ received 'YugoslaY··Parnamentary . -~.mgs and embaSSies flew at halI- by Afghanistan under the leader- "~' ins Royal ~lui~ Pritlce:.Ah..mad. S~~; ,.piciuiei(''!Jtll ' ... ', ' .-Pr~id.ent· Edv?T~ I,{ardelf: : Kaf-., .' ". .mast as a mark of respect for the shIp of His Majesty the King. __ Mt:·DIWii.ija,';the,lo:diaiJ.. Airibassador; "xp~ing firs -'grief·. __ ,' de!];: wJ:tq 'heads:. a la;?e-,' par~a-: . ",;__departed statesman. Newspapers He said rrow that the people of on the death ilf l\Ir: Nehr'l. On .left· .is Mohammad.' Ali,. -.-' mentary delegaq,on a. ,the mVlta- ."of the CaPItal also published edi- Afghanistan are' executing the Chief' of Royill. Protocol, , '. '.' '.'-:., .__ ,r',_ ~ :",,' tion" of· .the'.. Bl:!lgiah".:parIi~eot. ,:-.-'tonals' on the demISe of the In- Second Five-Year Plan. we . - ~ -- . . ' " .' -- - '. ' .. -- . '.,.

~~~l:S~~~sM~~~s~~lya~d~~~~:~ ~~~~e~~l: suc~c~~~atula~e them on ,,2 p·ak':s.t.o~· ...S,~id,iers ~ ':,Chi·n.Ci". )\s'sails:,Conditions~~:"'~ ':,:for India but also for the whole . ' . . . . " . -- . . . ..' .

~;:~a~~c~~~tio;~~ 'ili~w:~~~~~ po~~/~~' ~~~~~i?~~~~a;J~~~ KIII~(f<ii\ ·~CI~sh~~··, '.~.U.t,·:F~r"WCir4<8Y,;,SGU~v~i:t,na~.·;·.~~:' ':, ~.,.;.,.,'~of Mr. Nehru in· the way of In- efforts to .stFengthen. Unity bet- .. . . ... '. . . .' , . ',' , , .-dian Independence, the construe- ween ASIan and African coun- Wi'h,;:J~ott9n~Hs~s·.A'nd ~US· ~F·or",T'olks ;.0",.. La'os... ',', ~ .- '.>tion of a new lndla, as well as tnes and' to preserve ' warId .." , . . '.. ' .', , .[or ~he .consolidation of' world peace. '. KABJJL,<:M~y,o 3g,~A Jepott ::. .:' " -.- -. ,e:'."' "~.: ;'PEKING, 'May, ·31((Renter).Y':" .:' : .. ,' ': .'peace. Refernng to the Bounda:t~.from' Central Pakhtunistan sa:,rs C~A.~.t:riday:. aeScrlb~~ as' :''p~pOs.te~Us''::the c~djt1o~,p~t .,.-' . '.:' '".;'

Mr. Nehru dIed of a heart at- Treaty bet;veen Afgb:anistan ~ .that a.- gr.OUP· of,' natioIJa.lists·,·o~, forward.- by ·the Laotian '-neutralist- 'Premier;' 'PriDce.'Sou~ '._tack Wednesday, at age 74. in New the Peoples Republic of C~ma, Bhittani- trib~ led'by':HaJI . A}:i' ',' ,Ph" .,' d tho -'.0".;.~_.i:"fa·t ·.f :' - , ." . -14- .'

· Delhi. Memonal services were Marshal Chen-YI SaId It consHt.uf- Moha.nuna:ct Bilittahi. ~ttadted a' v~~,. o~..~ .' ~ .IllK:U~ ~ or. ~v,:mng a,new .' , .· held at the Indian consulates ill ed a great event in. friendly re- Pakistani. convoy - of' military ,natto,n.,Geneva ~e~n.ce on ,Laos and ~.ade It clear-s.4e.~woul~., .-' Nangarhar and' Kandarhar Pro- lations between the. two co,un'tries,1 trUcks at J:andola...Irl.'ih~'-'eIisuing. not· atte~d ~b~lUlon.a1 level 'c~~ultat!ons. of. the. ,~~meva.

vmces with offiCIals and digni- . '. I clash :betweeri the.,f>,akhtlinis.t.ani.: .p'owe~ 'lD·.·VleDtlan~~.~,fonnally ,pro~ ,by, ~~~and . __. taries of those \>rovlllces offericg. Discussing the constant· support .. nationalists "alld Pakistani gu;Uds .'said, strch .a· meetinlC·witho:ut.aIl 14,· powers would .I!e,"'illeg.aI:' ,~, l-helr condolences and sympathies given by Afghanistan 'to the ,re's- ~ of the' con.voy; which Iasted,-sev~: ,,,:,The: chinese poin~'were made mier Prince SOuphanouvong, SOu-',····:' '.',

til these ceremornes, toratlO~ of th~ ~eg,al rights of the'Ira! hour~ 2' Pa_kisia~f ti:ooP~ were "in ,a ~ajor. edi.tonaI, splashed ac" vanna;s lia.~-brotherr~.~?Q.is·still ""'~ -" '-0:'"

A telegraphic m~ssage of condo- People s Republic of China In, the .. killed: and, Gn!! senously 'wound- ,ross. tlie top half'.. of the. front· -technically _m ',charge' Ool ,the-Eco- " - ~lences has been sent on behalf United N.ations he said that ed. ::':':'.' --: '. '.',., , ..... 'pagi(bf ·.the· mam':: Communist. nomy.and :Planning,~tr~,an'd -:.,of HIS Majesty the King to HIS through joint efforts on the Plll't I. The' report ,-'adds, t,hal·cOnS~'·Party' tie\vspapel'; the"',' Peoples' Ihformatioh:., Minisr~r ". PhoUIIli:' , - .'.Excellency Dr: Radhakrishnan. of the peoples and Governme~t of qu'ent to .thl~· action on· the, part, ,D~ily. ; '. " . . Vongvichi(;,: --~. ." .: .,,'-the PreSident of the Republic of Afghamstan and the' Chmese .of· the n·ationalists, ,the' Govern-" ' .' " ,. . ':' " Public 'Works . MiniSter N'gon' .' , 'India on the sad death of Prime People's Republic, fnendsliip bet.-' . ment. of:' :piikistari l'Ias: ~.estelr '" It· e1<ibiirated ~n,lhe··' .Chinese :Aria,ione,.v.~ named.t.o:}ook 'after ,':"- -', ~, .Mmister Nehru. ween the two .countries will un- . Je.inadal' Malik~ Din, 'M~1i: Sada~. ':government:&-, pr6'posaI· 'last ·'rue's?· ECQnQiny 'and '. Planning,,,The.. ln,., : '_ " ,'. '. ' '"_

Condolences have also been sent doubtedly be further' strengthen- Kljan, Malik .-Mif.. K!ian, ,J\lIalik. day that. the Gime.va-"::c;oilfer,ence fo:rm~tion Ministry went~to'-<;9m-' -- . . ~.-' :_;:by Mr. Abdullah Malikyar, acting ed, . MQosa: JChan-;' !'1alik 'Ayaz 'Khan;' be. -r.econyened· 'urgently in· (he municatio1Js·. Min,iStel' "Siso!-!mang ...... ' ", ",Prime Mimster, to His Excellency RadIO Moscow: Peking, Ankara . Malik· Qi.ltub' Khan. Malik ,.Nazim~. Cambodian capital ot: p.JJ:qoIDllenh Sisalemsa, ~' ",' "': '.. '. ..,','_'Mr. Guizan Lal Nahda, actmg and Cairo broadcast special prog.- Khan-;.· Haji' Rozay. Khan; : Malik' n'exi-'.month ': '.', ...' . '.' " .',.:_. ,0 . ,·..Nt~anWhile·_ there' i'i ,sp.ecula-'·· :', _"Prime Mmister of' India. rammes'on Wednesday evening to Bungi.l(hari, Mr__..Gu~an, 'M:" .. '1'J:1e People's'Daily editorial ac- 'tion in .. Tokyo: that' ... 'th~'_ . ,', .-

HIS Royal Highness Marshal mark the anmvel'sllry of Afgha- Bator.: Khan _and Mr,:, :Mefu'dil :cused the Uriitea'·St~tes'.of-trying J"athet Lao may "lall- to .set up a _ '_.Sha Wah Khan Ghazl also sent a nlstan's ·mdependence. Khan. ' .. ' :. "" '.' -- to :obstr·uc.( i:rie.w conference- arid' rival government,' in the teriitory , 'tlegraphlc message. of condolence. Thes~ persons 'are reporfed· to: to" '·cohSign.t'lie - Geneva :_:Agi-~~ . they control,:' ",hlch covers· two-· ,to Mrs. IndIra Gandhi, Daughter . . . 'have been''lodged:in Der.a:lSniail~ 'menfs '-on,ti>: "'ine ·scrapl:;eap ..~and' thirds·o!· Laos.' . , '.' __: . '. ,__ .-' . " ',,:' .of the late Mr. Nehru. place on the cortege, President khan jajL '.' ',-' .' .._. : ' " dr;ig. 'the:;', U.n[ted Nations_ --iiite< ,- A-ecordiiig to ''AP':froID' ' Vieil. " ", :' _ ".

His Majesty .has told President Radhakrlshnan and actmg PrllIle. j The re~rt adds tPat ~~~ a.ctlQn .-Laos',and TndDchilla": .. ... tiane,. Laotiin: goyerriri1enC troQps' '., 'Radhaknshnan that he was deep- l'v~lnlster Nanda placed, wreaths. of the Pa.kistan Government: lipS I· ',;',:.- ',~ .,:'., ,.' 'seiZed 'the, initiative in" mirior ," " " .ly grieved to hear of the sad . The crowds, mcludmg women i spread' . ·deep. anger'o <lmO?R the 1, ..~he radio, station 'of the.. :Pat~t' action Frida:r on 'i,,1I'0' se~, of .. "demise of Mr Jawaharlal Nehm and childr~n braved blazmg aI-. j trIbes of C;ell;,tral PakhtuillS!~,n;·,·. 1Lao .-declare.d Thu_rsday" that :the: the"Path!ft I,.ao·s',battl( f:{ ": " ' ~-- ".His Majesty . has said that th~ temoon "un to have the l.ast .. A, ,.\Vav~ of,prptest me-etmgs__~:LaQtIan. ~rune, M~ter,:. ~~n.ce 'BielcL dispatches told o1...s rikes' _c'

1ate Prime Mmister's outstandmg ~limpse of the depar,ted 1eader, agamst t~e Pakistan. Gov_e?JIDent I Souvanna 'Phoum~, -had 'no nght by .neutJ:ali~'and rightist. un.its"', '~,'.services in the attaInment of In- The mournmg mUltltud~s choked IS .stated· t? be 'In .tlie offmg,J. .- I to seek·forelgn .arms ald,the ,N~w .West'an~:,Southof'·thE'f>I~,des--' ',,_ ..:dian' .Independence· and his bril- With emotIOn shouted Jawaha.r- KABUL" 'May.' ,30:-.Tlie ¥mls-' China. ;Ne\\:s.- AgenfY reported: .. Jarres while_' diplomatS wrangled,' " _.' _­hant part and endeavours in lal Neh;u Amar. 8ahe" (Nehru IS (try· ?I Agriculttl:e .is exp~iment-,.. ' Th~ (adio .. ,eO~IPelitin8-onc t~e ,ab~oad ',abol!t: site' ~rid milk.e?p ·.of ,-_. ".'_

· building a progtessive- new India Immortal). I mg· With 262· varIeties o~ wl!..eat of neutr,ah~lc:Prince s ·a13peal, :lP -the [tD"': va:,I?usJy pto~d,co:ol~rence ,.-_. ,as well as hIS untiring services '. " . : whiCh' f96 .', varieties are .inqig~ SO\'1et __Umon for· anpp"thls week. lMt ·mlght end' the -'CrISIS" _,' . ._'for the cause of world peace will. As the procession' reached the I.nous ahd:66 foreign'. .: ... .sa.id·.he'-wa. taking-m:ders.:froin ' '~. '. "-always remain. an important Iplace where Mahatmil Gandhi The purj;lOse:e(.thi.s ejqjeJ:imen~, . me United' Staies ''tG UJldermine': .. ' . .. ."- :chapter of hIstory.' . i was cremated people s<l?g .. fl;lvou- ;:al).o~1;ial o~the J\ollnis~ry:s~id; is,·rt~e ·na.t.ionar uri~on:g~yernm·ent.-... ; T-abilii .. SU,bmiiS.< R4rpOrt

The funeral procession 111. New 1nte.hymns of Mahatma GandhI. to dlsc,over' the: best. ,mams 'of_J.Ther~fore. ,Pru'!ce Souvat}Ila : ,"'. --, "',,Delhi to. Rajghat started on The last Journey came to an end .\vheaf capable of' '\Vitfistanding ·\l?houma. has. )ost. rj.s 'righf .1'0 do. -''1'00' UN "Co.nf~c~ '. .Thursday, after Mr Nehru's body at 4.05 pin. when thE cortege reach- Afghanistan)' clunatic conditjons .:anything i.n· the capacit~ of 'Pr~ . KABu-'L,. May; '30~DI,.:,Tabibir ~had been' placed in a gun caniage ed the crematlOn,.sPot, nprth of and:also::yielding··,hea:vier·~'crops. l:mJer. -,.. : .' -'. .". ' . Cou,nse1.lor to Af~hanistan's, Dele-." " , . ': .by pall-bearers, drawn from the Mahatma Gandhi's San'iadhi. The 1'he -test. is. beirig- maae under It ada.eo that·, it.· !,oj)ed the So:- g<\tton to .the unIt.ed Nations su~ ,', " ,three services. The body was drap- body was then placed on sandal- the"superViS!0I:1 of ·locar·<4J'd: fore- .vi~t Union' \':puld ."refute and ~e- 'm,it~~d the report. of ,the- comm.it~ .-.'ed' in tricolour and cov~ed with wood pyre. :. ign experts at' :Alia!:iad ·ExPeFl- nouns!\:· the-' Illegal a.ction";' which tef;:o('\vhich .Ii~ \iiis' th~ .he~d . toflowers' Dr Zaklr Hussain, the Vice- .mental Fann,.: he·~tated., "..~yas strongly opposed' by the peo-' .t,he Urn~ed NailQII'? conference on--, A caval-cade of cars followed PreSIdent, Mr: .Lal Bahadur Shas- '. ''-" , ple'of Lao~ as if'WOUlrf:tekindle', trade aiJd· deveIo.PIllerit: T.ne re-':, ..'the gun carriage and immediately trI, Mr. Jagjivan Ram, l\I!r'- V.K., ". MOSCOW, '. M,aY:~'3().::-'I'aSs re- \;':ai .,in: the' .C':JUIitry:·,' ~: - .-': ,~: .-port' lias been"}lpproved.' by .the"'~ , .behind It: sat in an open car, Krishna Menon and others went porti:!d' ~ha~, Preside,nt .. Bre~hnev : II}' the ·.political field Souvanna' con!eren,e: . Tile eight principles, ,"Mrs. Indira Gandhi and Sanjay, past the body. one by one to pay of .USS~, recl1i~ed ProfesSor: disc16sed' he named.' two, of his' of trai)sit rights cont<liJied- in. the' ,Mr. Nehru's grandson. In. the fo\- their last respects to the late Kliaiili.," ··Pre?s,. Advisor,. to His. cabin~t.memberS:, to ,haI;1d1e.- ciJr- report i.,·m .be.·.m~uded : .m. '.the __ " . '.lowing cars, sat other members of Prime Minister, Maiestli', tlie ,E:lng:' on '.- 'rhursda),: '. rent .affairs of, two. ·,!?'athet : 'Lao .fi'I1a1, dec.isiQn 'of the, conference,"· 'Mr Nehru's family, Cabinet Mi- The· hug~· erowd In sorrowful ana had' talks ·with nim,. '," , Ministers' who are at ,present ,m.. '.- .. , '-;.' :" ~ . __ . . . ;~' , ;, -nisters. and Foreign dignitaries silence watched as ,the pyre was 'Professor' 'KhaliIT': visited' the exile. at· the'Communist'l1eaaquar- _. A .plenipOtentiary cGnfererice ' ' ..,

· who.· had flown to belhi. lit by Sanjay. Three volleys of 'Soviet'Union- a't the invitation--ex- ·teis· ,rn .Hang~ :aay" ~.-' ~. ,: ,.wiH l;le'lleld in"1965-Ior the adoo.. " .Shottly before the body was small arms fire. \\'ere fired, .tended 'by "Sovief writers~_ . ':'. . _ .: The abs.entees are' Deputy Pre-' ,tion·,pf ..a 'transite .conv~ntiort . -: ,': . 'c, _ '

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MAY ,28, 1964. . -

. TELEP.HONE: ·H71I·2-3

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DEI". M60L 10-15 '''''M.ARR. PES'HAWAR II -30 AM:OEP. PESHAWAR 12-30 PM.




lhi5 exc,tin9' ad~er')ture. come:5',tb ':J0,u for onl~ ~2p' for' ·t,he· s'pecial 'round­tnp exCursl,on fare, snd··,$t5. for ·theone-wa~ fare ' .Fli~ht5' from Kabul to Peshawar and:return on Frida~s al)d ,Su'nda!js, ,

. .

N'-o~ +1 ie.-s· ~~CA' .ov·er, the :.'sc~n'lc route. , ...Fro",,:, the ai r ,~ou, see ...-..~f:.It(A-rI1::·CAL- IJAL.A-L.~8AO


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ARlAN"AA F G H,' A· N A .·1 R:1.···1 . N E S

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-' 6 .........•·· . T " .&""" . avem... 'A night in the Grecian style.wiilldance. . .Tonight g. p.m.


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PAGE 4 j.~

HomeNe~s.Briel'sUSSRlAs;ails .U.~.·-:-F:--I_i,g-:~h'-t--'--'s'::-'~-:-----'-----;--~.,:........-.:.-,.--".----~..~~K.'illUL. May. 287A congratuIa- ·,Over ·1L(·"al'lo·.s· As Viol.atlo.ntory . telcgra'mme ha-s be.en ·.illspatc.'Jed .to Belgrade on behalf. of 0" '.' . . :. . ...' '.~ai~o~I~jf~~ ~~~h~~ a:i~s~~:" :. .l:,Th, .G.en~~~ .Ag~eementsof PresIdent. Joseph Tito,o£'Yu-' --, :]:. MOSCOW, May,- 28,. (AP).-w,,!ovla . .m. '~i~t jUnion WedneSday denounCed' US: 9bserVation

. " flights: over Laos.as a "rude. Violation"'of the. Geneva ...........- .KABuL M 26.-.A t _.~~

1 t · l' ay.-. h ~O~gr~.;,u-. ments on LaOtian 'neutrality, It said the United .States had

a ory te E1gram...e as u<!~n <li':' ..~., " . .. . ,patched on beha1f 'of His Majesty' . assumed, gt"avr resPODSlbill.ty for an co~uen~,. . .. ', .-.the King' to ,President· ·Arthuro· "< I .' . The. SoVle,t Vlew~ , Tass Slil~,

IIIJa of Argefitma . on the occa-' .': Mr.. N,'hru .'.Dies t w~re ~ a note subImtte.d ~ Brl-sion of. the ArgentIne. NatJOnal , " .' . _'. tam for. app:ovaL Bnt~ .andDay . f" " '. ' . . ' .the Sonet Umon are .co-clraU'IIlen

. . .. (Contd. from page 1) . oli the still-unadioumed ''Geneva

I '\ ligh~ s';de par·Jlall; ~ar~ly~ed. confer~ce that se~ :up: a neutra-'KABUL, . 1:11 a,., 28,-John P. 'ills 'body wis 'clad in. white' list regrrne m Laos.

Humplirey" Special .Represe?ta- ahd:surFOunde~ by 4iJge blocks' It was d~u~tful ·that Bntain'tive of the 1J~'ited !'lations ·Secre-. of ice to war.d-ptl the,heat of the would~~ Itsill~ature fedt~e'tary-General'l to the Human, "mqian summer. Sitting nearby note! w. w. e presen .0Rights. Seminar l.eft Kabul by air· was ·'Nehr.u·s deUghter . ;Mrs: In- the Uillted States and the other

. for ,home' on jTuesday.. , ': ' . d<rp :Gandhi, wFo"for -:nany years members of the 14-nation confer-, !Ill,. Hump~ey .was seen. off ,at ,bad walked in; ·his Shadow, al-, en~. . , eli h h

the all'port brY Mr. Zalmi- ,Mah-, ways,near~ ~w~ys cautioning him e "note charg' t. !it· t emoud ,Ghazl.: fhe Chamnan, and'· to ,guara hiS lIealth in.his late. fhghts flout t~e sovereignty of I-members of . he Afghan', Delega-. Yilats, and withj him when he died. Laos and consti,tute a rude VIO~;.1rion to the Seh-JID1!r toge~her with . 'Black' badges of mourning ap.- tl~~ of ¢e .Ge~eva agr"~ments . IcertalO oftiicl~fs of ilie 'TlnlStry of pe?rel;! like magic. -on the..home- ". Such ,actiOns, ,~reatJ.ng ne~'lForeign ,l\ffalr~. ,:'., .sp,UO' white cotton shirts. worn by obstacles m.,the way of. a peacefu

I . . ',' ' I New' Delhi's.1 ~itizens,' . Crowds settlement m Laos,. lead ..to an---.- . . , . . ; clusrered aroulld' newspaper '. offi.. aggrayatlOn o~ the SItuatIOn. not

-KABUL, _lay, 28,-Her R9yal' ~es' i:rl india's l.trgest cities.to hear .only lnslde this countI'Y: ,bu~ .aI;sorughness PZ::lDcess: BilqulS. distri- .the" news" ·l5udit. will. be . days, ~ ~he kwhole of ·~.uthedt Asia.buteo certmcates to the" gradu- perhaps ,weeksl before word of, m ar mg on. IS ' . angerousales of the I3bh terril of the '~abul :Nehru'-s ':death T-reached all. the road of· an op,en. Vloliltion of theMal-ernny' :'liil\"it~ry tourse in a. 462·. million pe~.sons.. in· tills- great Geneva agreement, the, Urntedfunctlon·. held at 'the l\·1ateniity, mition. ", I''. .States assumes grave respooslbl­HOSpIt.al on Il'uesday. '·Law . ~j.nister ASoka . Kumar li

lty, forf:,all ththe. c.?nsequences fO!-

Se . ld" r ' h 'b' owmg.rom IS., -'<' n, to ne"j'smen ,no. t oug t . The Laotian GOvernment of I'

Before tbe distrib'unori cere- had been glveJ1 to how or when .t r t Pr . . Pr' S u. mony. Dr. ·!vlonammad '~am, the Nehru's. successor would be ·neu ra IS ~mler mce. 0 - ,

·Docwr In . Gharge, ahd Dr. chosen. ,"He W~I our fitst Prime vanna Phsquma' agreed that the.'Rasoul. DepuLy Minister of 'Pub- MiniSter,'" Sen sind, ·· ..We. simply URnhlteO

tt btatates infoundertt,~ke bthe II

he Health, spoke on the import-. had nOt tboug; t· about ·it. We' Ig S 0 0 m orma 1011 a outf 'd "f F f' .'" h .. '1't.Priin M": movements of the Pathet Lao. I .ance 0 rol 'l'< er.y,,- 1 teen. mlu- ave never os a e. Inlster Ob t t' b. th . P th t La

wives -have graduated 'from, the before." . .' S ruc l,on. y e ..a e. 0

h · ". _. '. . '. , had prevented the mternatlonal(,:our.se t 1$ year . '. . However, \\llthm " 'two and. a t 1 .. "'CC'f La'

Th f ' d d"b h' h " I· '. con ro commISSIOn l' or ose unetl~n was atten e, Y.. alf O\1rs af!eJ Nehru dled, Pre- " d f 'I cl" Cd' dHer Rqyal HIghness -, Khatole,. sldent Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan .ma e up 0 n la, . ana a another ladles bf the Roval fll:inily 'appointed G. l' .Nanda 'who was Poland:-f~om suppl~lng the m-

~.J b . f -b M' '" . ' '. ,formatIOn as reqUIred by theanu some roem ,ers 0 . t e 1n1S- '. Jrnmed<ately . sv'orn m as· actmg G t', .try of PubliC !Health . . -. Prime Min1ster~" .. " ' . eneva agreemen s '

, " . '. . '. '. .' .A pennanen Prime - Minister.' . .", will not be'se eet.ed ·mtil the Tribute .To, NehruJA..KARTA, May 26,-Mr. ~1I,,1ah- 'rUling CQngres ..Pariy pickS a

<"mmad Akrarn' P~rwanta, Argoa- mali to ·suceeeq.- Nehru, . At,.that : (Contd. from 'p~e 1) , .nlstan'~ Ambassador' t{) lndone: time Presiden;'t 'Radhakiishnan "miSSIon· 'of 'bringing India an"-dSI". presented' his credenti~1S to WIll 'iisk'hun 'to!for'rtf a permanent, .Pakistan togelhei: on'the basis of

,-,presr~nt Sukarno .on ,~]Jes.d.:iY.· g.overn,m.ent, <""1' .. ' . a mutually agreed .solution of the.'. Kashmir dispute. '.

USSR USA' T StU . In Moscow, Soviet· 'Premier. _- ,'.:,. (), . e . ·IP·','· Nlkita'· KhrUshchov, interrupted'!'

ConsulateS ·.. In: -:E-a'c",h' ~ 1 the·.·f·' '·\·~~t~e~~~~.{)~s~~~~~\h~ I

. 'late IndIan statesman. He sind th'e

Countries; Jo:hnson:"; ·',eveals ~~~Yin°~h~l~w~ful4e~~~~. - '." people and of all those'-who trea-

- " . , ~AS~GT()N. <>'Iay; 28, (QPA).~, sured tbe:friendship between thefIlE .Unite.? S~tes ~d th'e'So\;et l:Jlifim llavf' agreed tQ. si~ Sov-let, Union and IndIa. ·Mrs.

.a ·tr~ty.-caUing· for the establishment of consulates in both Nma Khrushchov sent'a personalcountries, U.S.. P.resident>(yndon Johnson arlnouDced' Wed- message' of 'S5'IIlpathy to . Mrs.

, 'nesday, " .. , . . Indua Gandhi; .. Nehru's daughter,AccordIng I \,0 . the ·Presiden.t.. -j'n the SovJe~ UniQn. must be saymg "if words of. sincere sym­

li S. AmoasS'}dor In Yloscow Fay Cjulckly -put ·m .conta.ct with U.S.' p~tby may somehow alleviate.Kohler will sign th"e agreem!!nt In. offiCIals, , . your sorrow, ,may IT.!.y d~~pest"1 . J II fi ,'th' "th . ThlS dause wlflch grants US condolences l;1elp you. m this ."OSCO\\ on ne rst \\ 1 . e ".. . " I t 1 ' I d' ,Soviet Foreign Minisfer ..Andrei. citizens traveU!ng 'in tbe Soviet p n.da . eMegrKa=/iehto n la s

. U . '. ~l 1 l' resl ent r, r.us chov calledGromyl;o slgring. {or :the Soviet • TIlon essen.tla y • greater' ega I N hr "'h" . .Un ., protectIOn was demanded by the .e ute great and smcere

IOn I .' , " friend Of th C'~. t U· "ThU.S" governm_e t, as 'a .pre-requI-1 . . .e >:>uvle. .own. eJaP!1son .de?c.ribed tfie 'agref:!- site w ·the sig.!- ing of Hie consu-.. telegramme further sal,d that· "he.

ment 'as a Isigmficant step' ill Jar of· conven,on, follOWing the has donJ ~uch for 'the strengthen-. efforts 'w improve undersl-andicg 'arr-€st 'last' year 'of 'U.S. Professor mg an e-velop~ent'.of fnend-

be ween bOl-h nations' . .'. . Frederick. -c. '1?aighootn wh'o--'<as ship and CCHlp.e~atlOn betwe~n the., was usually the .proctd'ue with SOVIet and Indian peoples.

No deciBon has yet- been arriv- . other' americlms~was held in- . .In Pan~ Pres!dent Cha,rles de .,ed at' as to,·!thc number of' con- toirununicade !Or a long time.. GaUlle.'., sent. telegrammes to 1

. ".' Radhaknshnan and Mrs. GandhI"lliates to· be' established' in 'both . I m which' he ,deeply regretted the

.' countries. Jonnson ,said 'he would' . , . i ·death of the great' statesman ands!lbmlt the h-eaty to the U,S.' Rlght.s. Semi,nor' praised' his merits m the cause of

. S~mal-e lor r.atIfiQalion :immedia~: " -.: _,,, I· ~ , democracy. social progr.ess <indJ~ after Its,slgmng. .' : (Contd: from page J) , peace. .

. " '.. f!let' that all ,q~legates t.o .the Se- . In Bonn, President Heinr;chTh~ ~o~sular conv~ntJOn-\\?l~'be ~mar' l1enel'aUj 3!J)precia~ 'the Luebke of West "Germany said

me first bIlateral agl:eemerj_. to· ~nte~est and k!now1edge of ihe i~ a telegramme' to Radhakrfsh:~e~ slgnec;J bet ween the UnIted: Afghan delegation to 'the ·.Seml- nan. "India and the. world haveStdteS -and !!he SOVI~t Um~.n: i·nar.. Mr. Risbtya' appreciated the 'Iost an outstanding leade'r v'ene­Other.. ~,a:lOns ~ere a~o .. p!IT·tJes. e.fforts '01' 'the ¥.Jni~try,of Educa- rated everywhere' as a pioneer .ofLlJ I?re\ ,ous ',a"reements arnved uon, Kabul .p'niversily and otber peace' and .' international under­at 'oetween V. ashmgton' and ,~os: • in-terested orgaJn~sations for the standing." All official. buildingsco\'.'. . ' . - management ·ot·,the' seminar and in' West Germany lowered their,I.' -. , the excellen", .' rrangement made Rags to half-mast.. "Johnso~n SaId .the treaty. woula wh,cli,were all.to the' satisfaction _ ,_

alfor,d ~ S. fltlZE'nS YISI,tmg the .of th~ partlcijJants.. · , ADVTSovIet UnIon, either in a tourist. .- ~I. --: .:...'_ .or bUSiness .~pa·city, greater con-. Tt,e' l\'lmister said in concius;on .sular proteetwn than ever before. ~har th.e conv~ ing of this gather- .,lnfernationa{·Cluh. '~r __ _ mg ",-'hich was', Un"precedented in~ecordmg. I (J • US.. Goyernment Afghanjstan" w~s .a good experi­

offiCials. arr Ilmportant claulie ,Ill eote 'for future internation'alth~ a~I'eem~t is '.{?e".f;tiplIl<ition gatherings which. w:U~ take placethat American Cltlzens arrested 10 our -eountrYi fn'lm tIme, to time.

,:. 'J, ,.

Page 3: Kabul Times (May 30, 1964, vol. 3, no. 74)


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.Canon . Of·.· AvicPnJia" .'-.' _. "_ ..' Ufiraiy" Hoi1siDg::' .. ,~ . '.~

• : c ':: .Receives- EIiaoWtnent ~ '. "~". lncome '£toIIi a. J:; 100;000 :grant· ~ ~.

.. by' the Wellcome ·'l'iusi.w.ill bE.• ' :'. .'· 'used .as· en'.duwment !!Jr we~.his- ": ":' <

". ·",toriear·library ol'Britain's'Royal' ..o College' of Enysiciaris.,-wbien in-'· ..

. cludes among· 'its' v.aluable. ,coi- . . -' ~­" lectton the fil'st~'part. of. a: . 12:l~ ..JA.D.Copyof·the-Carion·of·Avi~ , , -0- •

.' ceI!ll!i" one 6f dle most ~fanious, ' . . . . '.' '. ..• ·medleval Scientists- of .!shun and "-_.. ',': .

:. the' wqrfd; who: was an Afghan.' .. :- ". '.

:/ ;" Tb~ '~~Oh-;' ~ne of' 'the 'inos~ kJ:: .'. .; ,Jport'llii. medical wOJ;kS' by' Avi: >,.,' cenna fAbu· Ali aI-Husain. ,', Ibn . .

_~- '."~ Abdulla '~bn Sma->.,>waS tiaItslat-· ..-- 'r''- .-Led. mto LatIn and ,prooilced in.a . '.~ _ .1 number. of e1iitions, Fulf cOPles.ol '. .-~" two. other historic editions" of ·this '. ..'

.'work- are'also in· tile P9sSessJon .01 -."the s~e·librart.'Orie, consistini... ' .

. of three very. large volum~ qates . -: fmm '1497 .~~,' .and the other,'. -: ' ..

· , . originally th'~.' property' of Lance,.:· .:. - .lot Bto\Vne:. physiC}.att·· to: Queen .: .. ~~.

Elizebeth the··"First.: of< Eniland; -: ...is, the fir'st Western e-dition print-. oJ - ,

~ ..4i Arabic ·,and.; dates . trom·., -' '., . 1593., Eac,h of,·these . copies·. '.. is ". .... ~

. "'- '. ~ '. " . azpong. the, 140 volumes' saved :-,Prof, George' Ml)rg~nstlerne' is shO.W~··iii iront'of KbY~'T Rest3.~~t .:}~~.oht<.o.yer- . . from the great fire of· London Cin '';

'Kabul during a walk around the .city. whlch bas made so many dras~lC ~haDges'SInCe. he first' ": - the, seventeenth·· centUI'Y.•... alia : .-" .visited here four decades ago-. -_. '.' '. ~ . . which..weie all. thilt' remainea of' ' .• ,'-0

. , . - . .' -", - . .t~ :o~iginal . collectIOn of',.some" ;-.-, '.. " _ '

Afghanistan G.reat·I~. ·Ch.·.a.nge~r ~~n_'.~~ .. Y..,e~'$~:: ·t6~~~~~r~~~~k;;i1~~;~rr\~~". :-..::.<..':,,:; '.'"I . . . foundeq " the:. Royal - . College- of .' .:. '. -' .

Visiting Linguist: .·M·o,g·en~tie.._~~.· Fi~'4~> .....:. .... _P~SI~~.:~~5r8fi;. the litir~~": _.' ".'I ..- ,'. . . .-" -' " ." . .' .tol~ a. correspondent : that. . the ~

i The first tIme Dr. Geoq: 1'1101'- By: 'Our' own·StalI.'.lteporter :' _ IS;·thiS~ ol"·:wnat·::·do you' .. <:a).1·· liber'aiy possessed.~-betw.eenfift-y .. '.'t genstlerne came to Kabul, he pure archaic. weirds .ana. fonIlS:" _ iliat?", -. ". : ":-. -. .... ." . '.: .an~.:SI,~ man.useppts ill AraoicI .,ad to use two cars anti an ele Dr. '!'Ilorgenstierne helped start He alsO hopeS" to SIt, IA"\lillag!!:· _and- !'erSlaIL. Qwte a number hadphant-then walked part of the 'the' Atlas of Iranian·' Languages ··liouses.and listen' t'o :;tqqe~ j)f an· . oeen glve~ by" Fellows of:. the· '__ .-way: in It.,im· Defore' 'aild- is \vell. .satis~ .;c~e~t hmes, . especi¥!y' i~om oli! . ·C~llege.. \.v!io- ·had· wor-ked in~ the ~ . _ "

"" .. ged with .the work- so far: ,and ~s- . m,e~ 2.!1d. women. who maY,re(Ilem- : M1qdl~. East, '''. ..That was 1924 when he w.as a pecially witb the Afgbari neid: co-.. ber: the,pagan ~imes. <:. ::_.:..... '. -.'---~ .:.~ -.'

32-year-old scholar who had co~ operation.. '. ',,' " -. _AIt-htitlgh' the. profe~r,~has··.a , ' .'. ~ ..to this part of the world to study .': ...., '. . ,.~ lot of materiaI from hi~,. earlier... Lovell. ·Criticises UK's-' .the' extremely complicated and Wnen ne began:'t~ abouC·· tfips, 'thiS' will e~a~!e him :~? ,fi!l . Inability To COJn~te' With' .k~~~~~~lrang~:;~:.sting Indo- . ~~~r~t:'f~~~(O~~o:;~~~l~~: .;;~~;a~~d·.'~cii:;l~: a'ia;~-" _US~R, ..USA:ID· space.' '..

Last week Dr. Morgenstierne of warm·rememberances.."I)iave· vocubulary ~o~. a:new-" book 'he.. L~NDON;.·.¥ay; 30, ,(DPA).-A'returned by.air to continue these always' b~en well receIved. b~ ·bopes. to :p~5~h soon. c ~eaclmg; ~r:I!~ .Scie~tist' todaystudies for which he has qevoted Afghans m everY ,walk of life, sl.harply cntIClsed Bntains iilabt~·hiS life. he said, "a;td. have only the fon- ., .. ,. Ready.F01: The .etesS..' , Ity to- comp~te' with othe ,SDviet

dest of memor,ies ,.about Afghan ~ Amcirig.~ ·q.is writings':are -an UnIon and the USA. in space re- : :.; ... ':.-Fifth Visit Here . kindness.'L .... Ethnological ',' Vocabul4tY' . _of' search.' .". . ._'. '. . _., ..

1n the mtervening years. he- Paklitu: the Jirst .such~ book: . in ~ . _"~ - 0. •

has written numerous books, ar- His~Second 'Home . '.' ,.' Engli~.and the. moSt complete.. :: Sit ..B:ernaI'd Lo'~ll, who 'as' ". ".: .. :tlcles, and papers on ,various lan- Dr,._Morge~stiern·e.. ~Fhoii"gh "a. ever: wr~~ten,.wliicli v:.as:·firs't,pub=- .... head of t!ie"Erit~h radiQ. "'tele- • "..'.'guages and has made three other native .Norwegian \\'ho has,stu~!-. ,lished ~n 1927. f!e~ has'wrlt;en I~-c.ope ~~tton. ~t Joarell. Bank' en.-.:_ . 'Visits to this country for further ed and' lectured, many years m three v()lumes on P~al, ¢e third~. ~~ys,a.wo.rldwlEle 'reputatIOn; said' '. , ~. ,study m 1949, 1961, and 1962. GermiI!lY ... and other· ~urope~,"·'of. which::·!s 'I:!.OW rea'dx for.~ the ... ~It.h= an obllque··refe.t:eiu;e·:to 'So= " :

It was m 1962 that he first got· countries; a,lways considers .-.··Ai-· press.'.:. .:: ",' v:e• suc~esseso that. Britain shQuld.. 'Into Nuristan but this was only gnanlstan as his '·second:home.'i:, .' JIe saY5.,ther:.:are IS" to. 2{) ~IS-',. i:~ [wm.", the'. s'pu,~~..and...for a two-day "taste" of that area. . . ," "",'. c.. tmct~,languages m AfghiiJlistan _as..:, ..~ s, as the .U.S~~ li,!-d done, ..'It tasted . good", he said, "and His first Afghan ?tuden~ w!is" well as countfess dialects. In.Jhe.,. For ]ears, ·Brltam,_had ,talked'

ow I'm gOIng back' to spend. Ell'. ·A.G: Raw,an. Farnadl \'fho· northeast comer of· the .coun~" t~ i:!luch and -done teo·' 1ittIe~ost of June there" . 'came to O~I? .Sever~".~~ars agq \vhe:e. Pashai:is. !,poken ~.het'e ar:e .~v~U compl~eer.about-.t"he laek :...

: whIle' work!ng, on h1s doctoratE.! ·!~~e. or J?ur. groups .of that I.an-: 0 .doney.,for1"~se'ilt:ch work .mel'. ~~""',"There IS, he said, 'no other degree .and t1fe' two est:abIishe.d a' guage WhICh:- cannot, be.: u_n(;ler- .' sa~ that. Bntam had-' pennitt.ed. :.. ,~ .. ,0 ••

area so InterestIng as AfghanIStan strong bond of ,.friendship;' ,'. stood easily, ?Y: tn~ir· qeighoo.ur~~.:. ~~~. areas oLits ~iliausfry._ to' '.' ' .'for the study of Indo-European . Dr. _Morgenstlerne' has publish- Accomp<jnYlng hifn 9.n..t~~ .tnp' \ It er a.way,. and. wiis th.us,morE!· :.. '. _ 'languages," ed studies on three' of the .four to. Nuristiln 'will be. Gordon. Was- ~.ep.en~en!. tlian: eve, on: o!her'-''-''

"Right here you can shU find Nunstan languages""':' Wiiigaji, :-son, 'i1 .wo,,£ld authprity :on··mush-~. countn~s·. '.so much matenal of great histo- Ashkuni, arid Prasuni.,-imd. nopes' :rooms··ano. the. folldore Surl'OJlIl~-'.ncal and lIngUistic interest-still to concentrate· on the fourth this :ing. them:: .' ,:'; . _... . . Sir Ber~~rd'.]:,;ophesjed fuat=··spok.en by the people," he sa.id. time--=Kati..-. ' .. ,.' C •••• country.· ...... c·.'·..· '. Britain )voWd continIie.to 'lose her' ..

:' ', ...... :.:'If 'you look at ·the.: trailitipns best'scientist:; if drastic·measureS :: ..Pakhtu Important Language Close' T!, .The Scene' " • and' superstitlan5:·· cOnIiected~ willi ::.were ,no.t. soon tak~ to ..Pnprove;:::: '

"Pakhtu (although there are' Although~his wo'rk is. accur.ate mushrooms,:". 'Mr: Wasson. sald.· Ahe :.countrys·· scientific efforts: . _. , . ,:; _many ways of spelling the langu- on the other three langu;lges, he ··you can. learn..a good deal about '. . , ..age, he prefers to spell it Pashto) feels "you. can't· shidy a langliage' the\~ulture 6f a, people."" ~ '. ~:.. :Refe~1hg '·.10 ·the , .u:openiling ·,· :._IS of great importance for the weU' from a' great distance." Dr:. -: He has puhlished a· two-v...olume . lau.nching uf" the "blue streak'" '.linguistic hIstory of the Iran~an Morgenstieq-Ie prefers-to 'get close. \vork' on'-mu'shroom's a,nd' has. lec- I rocket in Australia: "Lovell S<iICI .languages-and Nuristan contains to the. scene' \'lher.e .1le. .can· walli' tured ~ \videly in J apilll;--Australia, . insJead of lettiIig this roCket faIl.' ­a number of languages \vhich In the 'fields' with the"'p!owman . New Guinea: :and other paits~'of use!E!ssIy into 'the' Pacific: Ocean '.' .have survived \\ith suprisingly and ask' him '''what kind of ffowei the \\·orld. '. ." --..- ~_. Britain. t:ould~ have been· able t6 "';

'. "' shoot her own sa'teTIite lIito outer.'. space if she had. taken bold> de,._____-----_~~ --~-~-~-~·~~~.~:~~L~·~··~·~--'-·~-~ .~~-~'.':.' , ci~nsa~~e·~~~~:~-'

f MIele., Maule,~~_.' ~/ BY' ,W~.·,·~.~.".·· .' ,_., ., .' . ~'" '.'-'.. ~ , . _. . - ..... F~ee .Ex~~anre. RateS :. , ';,', . ..

·A~.D' Mgnanistim Baitk.>"· -0' .. '- ~. :-"_. -. - ,.

. "" ~ ,.KAEUL, .May,' 30.;--Th~' foll.)w- - .. ,.,. : '. rates at. D~ .Afghanistail,. Bank :.

50__ - _~ -'- U:~S~-·"Dollar _ .. _ -.--50~65 .-, ~- .. 'I40 . PoWid Sterling : .14Ill:!" .. _. .12.50 . ~ ;'De~tch' Mark. '._ 12.66. ...11.64.' : SwisS Franc '. 11.79'10:12 ' .. Frenclf Franc' :. . 10.25'1:60' . 'Indian "RuPee .' . - ': .' ..; ,,:

". .. . (Cheque) . 7.111.'. . fndfaIi Rupee.' ·uo. Pakistani Ru~' 6.91)"

" fclieQuef. . < •

PakiStaIif'Rlipee,. 6..9Q


20523 I



Phone No

Phone 1\0.

Phone No. 20583.

Phone No. 24273.



Ai r Sa'r vi C.ftS '


Qadio AfgluinisfanProgramme

~------_._- - --

SATURDAYt. English Programme:3.~.30 p.m: • AST 15225 k~ =

19 m band..II, .English ProgralWD":3.30-4.00 p.m. AST 15125 kcs=

19 m band.,Urdu programm'e>"

&00-6.30 p.m. AST 4775" . kcs'~ Ioem band.III. EnglISh Progralllmll,6,30-7.00 p.m. AST 4775 kes=62m band.ItlL'lliim Proln'aDlme:10.30-11.30 p.m. AST 4775 kcs'-'

62 m band.Ar.abic Programme'11.00-11.30 p.m. AST 11735 k.cs=25 m band.«'rench PrograJdme:11.30-12.00 midnight 15225 kcs=19 m bandGerman Programme:lO.OQ:.10.30 p.m AST '15225 kcs-c. 25' m band.

The PrograInmes include news,commentaries, interviews, topicaland historical reports and music.

Western MusicSunday, 9.00-9.55 p.m. classical

and light programmes. Fnday1.00-1.45 p.m. light programme.Tu~day, 5.00-5.30 p.m. populartunes. Thursday, 500-5.30 p.m. pC)­pulaI' tunes.

Da AfghanIstan BankBakhtar News AgencyAfghan National Bank





Arr. Kabul-1l-30.



Radl(}. AfghamstanNew Clinic

-. -- :. ---


. HERAT-KANDAHARArr. Kabul 16-40.PESHWAR-KABUL .Arr. 13-35.




Dep 13-10.



Dep. 13-00T. M, A.

BEIRUT-KABULArr Kabul. 11-30




. '.,.



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MAY 3(" 1964 .



. ,"

. .


'. Glance·



AfghanIstan and India havebeen very close to each .other onthis polIcy and have cD--<lperated -inside and outside 'the . United The papers also printed the bio-.NatIOns Betause of hiS love- f<Jr graphy of the late Prime MinisterthIS country Mr. Nehru paid an and' offered the;'heartfelt condo- /offiCIaL VISit to Afghanistan' in ~ences 'of t.he people of Afghanis-1959 which was. Just one ellent in an to the ~",ople of Indiii. 'an Incessant effort on the part of .' Vesterd'!y s Islah in a note frombo,h these countnes to 'strengt!::en the editor advised people to keep-evermost the ties of friendship. their turns l!l public places like

Mr. Nehru \vas very human. the cmema, the theatres etc.He was a man of pIcturesque per- SometImes. it. is 1>een that people'.sonalIty, VIgorous and candid pour over box offices and withoutmInd and almost magIcal charm. standIng in que' and . obs~rvingA -deep sIncenty infused hIS turns !hey try to get tiekets andspeech and wnting An erudite what. IS more many people Wantscholar, prolIfic wnter, lover of tl) do this at one and the same.art and music he shone in the tfme.,company of children In India his . This leads' to even furtherbirthday IS {:elebrated . as the delays, quarrels and etc. ThoseChIldren's Day who adopt such a behaviour on'

the grounds of g<rming some timeal'e wrong in tlieir assumption.For this way plenty of energy islost and nptbing is gainted.

Epoch\\ arnors 01 freedom as It lawaysdoes

He chartered for blS country .apol,cy of posltlve neutrality which . All ':the premier dailies :of themeant non-Involvement in mlli-

. tary blocs and dealing Wlt\!' each ca~ital Thursday carried leadingartJdes. and. editorials on the

problem on ItS ments. "1n the death of the Indian Prim'e' Minis-sphere 61 foreign affalrs," he once tel' Mr. ·Nehru. All papers praiseddeclared, ··lndia WIll follow an the personality of th .1 tId'mdependent policy, keepmg away Prime -Minister e ~ e n Ian.from the power poliiics of groups. his .death' consfi~~Phasls~n!J thataligned one agamst another . . es a . oss. not

She wlII .upbold the prmciple .O~IY to t~e people -of India but toof I:reedom for dependent peoples Nt eh wor d at large since Mr.·

. . ' e I'll was an ardent support'er ofand WIll oppose raCIal dl~nmma- d .tlOn wherever It may occur. She ~~fc~a:.:~ist:~c:dvocateof peace-will work with the other I?eace They'. :referred to the friendllovmg nat.lOns for InternatIOnal relatIOns tbat ha b . . y

. d d ill ·th ve een eXlstmgeo-operatlon. an goo w WI - between Afghanistan and' Indiaout eXp~?ltat1Dn of one natIOn by all along and the fact th t h .'.another j . a t ese '

re atlOns were further strengthen-ed and expanded during Mr'.~ehl'u'~ t\!rm of office. .

RecommendationsThe committee's recommenda­

tlOns were that the SecuntyCounCIL should

. Thursday's' An;s carried -a let~tel' to the edItor by Mr. NonrMohammad thanking certain doC"tors who helpe<;! him give up tak-rng opium. .

He- explained how he got edlct­ed to'. the drug and how he wassaved.

It all started wi th a :. surgica'i:operation . after which he wasgIVen morphine shots, to lessenthe pam. He got erlicted to mor­phine and had to get daily in­JectIOns of relatively strong doses

Thesc COUll. tries have opposed Then some one told nim that hefulJ-blo\\"TI economic penalties should. take opium instead - ofagaInst South AfrIca on the morphIne ·shots and after' some­grounds'tnat It would close the tIme e.ven give that up..path to attempts to mfluence .. When he"·switched to opiumSouth Afnca by negotiatIon and after. a :few days he found out.counsel that he c.ould. not give it up so

eaSily. But so~e.doctors helpedhIm and he has 'now completelyrecovered, He a<;lv1sed all thosewho suffer frqm such ediction notto be di~appointed because thereIS always' a way out but therehas to be a Will first.

have condemned the part thatWestern private Industry and in­vestment plays m South Africa.

Fnday's AlliS as usual ellrrieda special edition for children con­

. taining feature articles, story'scartoons, crossward PUZZi€3 and

··Take all .effectlve and IndIS- adVice. It also published the lifepensable measures' to save the story of. a tailor who became alives of the South 'African 1ea- shop ke~p-er and. who is 'now Wil­del'S condemnec.J for theIr opposi- lmg to work for nothing excepttlOn to the poliCies of apartheId: . some food and a· place to 'sleep.

"Call on all states and interna- He gave up tailQnng: because heIlona'l organISations to utilise all saw one of hIS colleagu'es swindl-'their IOftuence to ensure the ful- mg and bringing disgrace to all .filTment of the mmimum but VI- memoeI:s of the profession. He'tal demands Indicated 10 the last beca':le a. shop\l:eeper .whiCh job',report of the speCial committee he still' kee~s He is single now .'

. ~ after marrYIng twice. Toe first'··Address a speCial request to wtfe dIed' and he married a gain. '.

all states which maIntain rela- when he. found out-that his 'second'tIor\s WIth South Afnca, especial- \~Ife was a swindler he got hisI'y the UnIted States of America, dIvorce and d~cided it was betterthe- United Kmgdom and France, 10 stay sit)gIe. The second wifepermanent members of the Secu- Lt 'may be·mentionec.J· org.mistedfit;: Council. to take· effective the.. robbery 6f her husband's. - .ineasures to meet the present house '.grave situatIOn When asked as to wbo will take

. care of him when he IS old' hetold .the paper's reporter ·that .he

, is .lookirig .for sOlJle one to puthIm up and give him·food· and forthat hi" is prepared to work.Apart from tailoring .he knows afe\\' after things and can work asa handyman: a vallet etc.

"And dec1de to apply economicsanct IOns In accordance withchapter VJl of the Charter, aslong as the government of SoutbAfrica COnlInUeS to VIolate ItsobllgatlOns as a member state 'ofth!' United NatIOns"

··Declare that the SItuatlQn Inthe RepubliC of South Africaconstitutes a threat to the.main­·tenance 'of InternatIOnal peaceand secunty'






Manohar • Singh Batraance, the many abOIDInab'Ie ves­tiges of a long per:lOd of bondage.

According to Mr. Nehru's autO'­bIOgraphy hiS contacts WIth pea­santry in fndla' started In May.1920 when he took his mother andwife, both unv,'ell, to the hilI sta­tion of Mtissoorie. At the hotelwbere he. was. putting UP withhis family, Afghan envoys. led bythe late Mahmoud Tarzi who hadgOne over to India .to: n~gotiate apeace agreement following theAfghari~Bntlsh War of 1919, werealso suiymg.. The BntlSh authoi'ltl­es feared iliat Mr. Nehru DJJ.i:l:it seethose dIStInguished AfghanS\\'hich mlghi go against the' in­terests of .the government andconsequently .they asked him foran undertaking that he wouldhave no dealings with' them. Mr.Nehru consIdered the ··request pre­posterous and refused. to gIveany such uildertaking, Thereuponhe was ordered to leave the dist­rict within_ twentyfour. hoursLater. the order being rescindedhe returned to Mussorie and thefirst sight which greeted him atthelhotel was his baby daughter,IndIra, ill the anns -of one of themembers of ·the Afghan delega­tIOn. They had come to kllow {)f

. the episode from the newspapersand had become gooa fnends ofthe fam~ly. Until then, Mr.' Nehru~'. ntes ill hIS autobIOgraphy" ,·mylook ~'as entIrely bourgeOIs Iwas thnw:n, almost WIthout any\\'11L of my own, into contact WIththe peasantry" .







i .






KABWL . TIMES" ' 1·: : ",Piublisbec1 By: . A, Dynp;l11ic ·F~g.ure'·'Gonei· An

BA:K!HTAR NEWI ~)AGENCY . lVir. Jaw 'ar1il .Nehru, thlUlto·J;'-ta.:tltle1 .' great Prime inister, OJ India,

S"ha:tiuc;lCiin KU&1ikaki . the aPostle 'of 'peace, the fnend of, Ullor, the oppressed. aI!d ·the .down-

.',. -Kbal;l trodden evJrywheI:e .and theAddreaa:i. ,'seeker of a rtew world order IS

Joy Sheer-3, '. dead. A 'great leader, Mr,' Ja-Aa·:Kabul IA.fghall1staD . .harl"I'Nehru 'Flll pe rememberedT"if>gra\:ihic·.Addr-e.ss:- for long by p-osterlty as 'a zestful

"Times, Kabul". crusader ,Ior Peace, amity and aTelephones:-:<" new and justlwo.rld. order.

21~ [Ex~. '-0.3 Harrow' 'and 'Cambridge .2285~ [4,' 5 arid 6. Mr. Nehr.u.j was bom on the

. SUb&eriptfoa Rates: '14th: Novemb,en, 1889 at AllahabadAFGHANISTAN . In the State ..bf Uttar Pradesh.

Yearly I . Ai. 250 After receIvrnji .Dis education atHalf ye8l:!J .At 150 '. ·Harrow and. ICambridge in theQuarterlY 1'1. 80 . United Kmgddm he' returned to'

FOREIGN 'his country arid soon afteI:, res-Yearly . .$ :16 pondirig to the! call of the Mother-Half Ye~r1J $ . 8 land to ri.d her of the foreignQuarterly . . . .. . S 5, yoke he ,jumped 'into the political

I Subscription from abroad l' arena. • I· ,'.w~ll be ai:cepted,hy"ch~Ues C •• i .

·1 of local cprrency at the. olD· : For the' first tune ·he presidedhal dollar exchange raU! '\- over'the Lilhore sessIOn of the

Pri!lted at:- Indian NationM Congress in 1929, ~ovet1lm~D.' Priafil1&" BOUK.! to .whiCh -9ffid,e he was elected

,. many times later.' .He iought thewar of Jreedokn'valiantly and in. . ,the process served several terms

.·of solitary frnpnsOnmeii t f{)r a.·total period .ofl. over 1-0 ·Years,. su!-

l\lly 30,19G4 . fering .physi.dl. 'and mental tyr-____-;--'- .,.-,~_~,. anny, but. he stood steadfastly like

I :a' rock and ref0.sea to bludge fromAnotherjLau~blesteP his stand ever In '!he ·iace ofThe .agreement reached bet:' VIolent wav~s ~rpolttlcal and per­

u'een the Soviet Union and .the sonal repression.Umted States to sign' a ·tn~aty.. . '1under which_the tv.'Q natlOns Challeagingc TaskW411 .' be entItled to es,tablish IndI<I, won iiidep:endence on th'econsulates in each other's coun· 15th Augus'f,i.1947 after a long

1 . dravm struggle: a-gainst the Bntishtnes IS 'anotiher lauoab e step 1 F d 'i1 f h Aftel' that :Mr 'NehruaImed at palVlo'g the. wav for ;,ru e. ree om, 0 t e' country . was

I .; 'meant to Nehr$. the ending of one caught In the toil and turmOIl of He \\'111 be remembered by mil-furthel' relaxatIOn of EaSt-West journey' and me beginning of a polItics,. m the great s,ruggle for hons In hIS country ann abroad.tenSions L new one 'and ~is latter' was more mdependence WIth zeal of a ciu- HIS passing 'away is a-tragic

As to what partlcua),r all:ns' ehallenging 'apd more arduous. sader meetIng \\-Ith joyS and event the burden of which willthese Consullates may accom- . "This journey" tas towards 'eradi- ml!!:eries, .acbu:vements and qisap- rest heavy for long on the mmdspfiSh m ren?er~ng Jacillt~!!s to' .cat1n~..hunger, :;povertY;, disease p~mtments but finally victory A dynamic figure is gone An

• the citIzens of each country Vl- and rlhteracy and SOCIal Imbal, klSSed the feel' of the detennInedepocn IS ended

Sl tIng the .other. side i.s one _

.pomt. howe~er. on v.'hat we. U.N~ .JCommlttee Urge.s.want to comment upon here }S_ J'" . .~hat tlie step .IS a 'Gontiliuation 'Ag'Of-n-sit' -S'outh -. Af,.-ca'·nof a n'end brought about. al-' .mcrst two years ago.

No matterl what' one may. A speCial Uf.N.. commIttee set By: The Associated );'res.sthmk. the role played by. the lip t,f fight racijal segregatIOn po- adoptmg r.bolullons condemnIngbig powers 10 'consohdatmg a licies of.South.Africa called Wed- ·.the apartheHi raCial segregationlasting 'world nPace and reduc- D,:sda'y for th~ U,N. Secunty pollcI€s of Suuth Ainca' sInce

...., Cit d t' 19~ti.rng mternatibnal tensIOns IS OunCI 0 J,mpgse .eras IC econo-'T'1o'. f' t th t t d a miG and trade penalitIes. on the :'lany of th~m deal also WIth

.great ·"ne ,!-C. . a .0 ay ,.country. I' '.' South Afnca's lr1S1Stence on keep-thl I'd for.ce I~ tne· worl,d-::-the. It called fo'r ithe .United States mg comrul of the terntory ofnon.allgnned Igroup.-1S seekmg. and other West'em trading coun- South West Africa which It ill­

among ItS other endeavours, to tnes . especrally I' to support the hented under ap old League of. onng about ,more understand- ·move . . .' . ' NatIOn's Mandatemg ·between lthe great pow~rs- "SItuated m rival camps very Rele~ ~f P..rison~rs. . . Increasing 'Severity ,well Illustrates thJS fact .The 11-na!lOnj commIttee ISsued . rhe resolutlons haye been of

, ,a report that p~eaded with the increasmg severity and condemn-RelatIons ,between the :two United S~ates, B,ritam· a~d Farnce atlOn as the speCial UN. commlt-

__ . . .' . .espeCIally to talke action that tee on· DecolonIsatlOn and' theSides ha~e IlljiPlo.ed.1O a gre~t . .-would' save' tfrlcan leaders speCIal committee on apartheide:-'tent dunpg The past t\\o. -threatened' \\'itli executIon 'and lntenslfled their dnve In the .pastyears. ho\\'ev~r It has to b~ con- 'empty Jails in .SOuth· Africa of two :Y,ears.·ceded that the ,worl~ h.as.'a hundreds arre~tea OD sabotagelon.g way to 'go before, seemg c'harg~s lined WIth their OppOSI- AnnouncIng that South Afncathat all major threats to. ·an twn to aparth~~!a. " has »hown'lt will not head U.Ne\'erlas-t!pg p~ace are -ellminaf··· '. . 1· '. . resolutIOns or world opmIOn, theed Although, It IS qUIte true" JUnbassador !Dlallo. ·TdlJ .of committee's report saId the South.that problems which are con- GUIl;ea, Ch~ij.n of the··commlt- Afncan course "js leadIng. to a'.' .lee, and the 101 other members rapId aggt-avatJOn of the SituatIOn

slder.ed as ~hreat to such a. 'agreed that· thet-SecUI:ity. Council and is preclpltatmg a VIolent cbn,~ace are of! a nature WhlCh must take action' in the face of ricL 'cannot be so) \'ed m a :shO'rt _ the menance of fven more VIOlent ., . _span of tIme. lIt IS mdeeo Impe· confJlQt' that !threatens world ~ . Decisive Measure.s '.'ratlve to tak~ concrete and peace, the ,epork said.' '" The committee feels It essentialgradual steps towai'ds thIS dl' ~ , . 'that the competent Umtea Na·

rectIon . , Committ -~embCrs Utlons organs and the states whIch• Nations ori:t e committee are ~bear 'special responsibIlitIes in

The establIshment of ConSl1- - Algeria,. ' Cost;>,J Rica, Malaysia, !\thIS matter, In vIew of .thelr· cluselates by the ;SovIet Umon or Ghana, Guinea, I HaIti, .Hungary. j~elatlons wltli South AfI:lca,the UnIted ,States m each Nepal, ~igena,' " Philippines and'. ~bould take deCISIve measures be·

h " Somaha. I'·. . {ore Irreparable harm IS caused.other's countrIes may , a,:~' The United 'Nations has been 10 the peace in South Africa andnothmg'to do! with thuse prop- J .' eyond.·· .lems \\'hlch the. \,,:orld i\:a"nts to mto ·two. lio-stJlelcamps.'. .' ..see ellmmated I~ or.der to lIv~ ':'\lthougb w~ always wish.. In the speCIal committee a~ wellIn a secure peace and worlo. :and u!.ge to 's~e that ~ffectlve as m other bodies, ap~rtheJd foesHowe\·er. It v~y well'lmprO\'es . ;;nd- 'Col)crete steps are taken In have ?lId special . emphasIs: onthe atmosphe~'e In whlen,. these.. the dJrec'tlOn ff solvmg the the IradIng roles of the Dmtedproblems .eoulp be ·solved. It is' baSIC prebJems as M"'el1, mea-' S;ates,. BrItaIn, BelgIum, France,qurte ObVlOUS Jthat· there' lias to suies 'a'dripted I to provide a \1, es( Germs"ny

h.anAfd Japan ~s ,:n~

b · I f '1' b" . coutagIng out nca to mam-e'a .-cessatlon 0 hostl Itles e· fa\'-ourable atinasnnere· for solv- .,~ n I·' I I·' .k

· , 1" ~I \.$ raCla po IClesfore we see to soh'e pmblems InK these p-roblems are also.· .dividIng thE' 'feast'" and "west" desin:able and }audable. Gntlcs of . South Africa also. ,.



Page 4: Kabul Times (May 30, 1964, vol. 3, no. 74)


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KA~.UL·,·· '.TiMES, - '



saar-e:....;· KIl1tift'· RestaalU.l": '., ~ear '~ Shahl' PIiI; ·SIDe" 'Malipe _ - '_IDtema~ODal Club; hiDir CJwm.,'.' ~

- -~ ;



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-27 C.T12 C.

4-47 p,m.4·07 am.

rHE WEATHERYESTERDAY MaxMinimomSun sets tOday atSun rises tomorrow atTomorrow's OuUook:Clear:

--F~ 111 A1J' AaUlorftJ

VOL. III, NO. 75

California Primary

Most Crucial For

Republican Party

;~-.....,...., ~~------~_~-~--'--"".--;.--::_:_~_-,-...,...;- , '---'......:=....,--:,,,,---:--~--....::......,....:..,.i:...,,-;-

KABUL, SUNDAY, IVIAY 31, 19ti-1 (JOWZA'10, 1342.?.H.~"'. '. ':.PRICE ,AL r',.. :-...;".---.,.-:-"---------'----.,......c- --.,....,.--~'-'-,.._.'_,--'-~-, "

14-Nation Meeting 'On Laos ,Afghan Independen,ce :Qay . -.W_at,e.·r.''~'Su'p·--·ply'.: 'For. ,Drl·.~:;"h·: '.~Celebrated.- IB .MoscOw" '" ' n"m

Only "Practical Method", ..c~~~ct:~:~~~~~~:ce~ ~.' ,Ser¥icemen'-Is-Cut~OO.-' .,-....France Tells Souvanna ~~~a~~~s~l;'~~sc~~~~:'th~~~'c:'BY·';S·a60feurs·ID Nicos1a ._,

SlOn' of the Afghan Independence " .' -, -. ' '," _ ,; • .VIENTIANE. May, 31, (AP).- Day' anniversary. Mr.' US,tinov, ," '.' ~. -"'" NICOSIA" ~rD$, May; 34. (AP):-' , ...

FRANCE Saturday said a meeting of the I4-naijon conference tlie. Dep!lty.' P:ime. ~iniste~. i!-t- " 'S~~URS: at~~e~ a ~~~fi: ~ater-=pump~ ~OD jUst· ~,on Laos at Geneva is the "only practical method" to dis-. tended the' rec~p~lOn, : .' ,"' .. outside the ~~t o~ .fhl~,~~~ sov~gn base area early, "~

cuss means to solve the Laotian crisis. , , , . ",:. S_aturda.y-, cutting- off the rnam wa~r supply fot 5',0(10. BrjtiShThIS viewpoint of the French ---, - --- Others present mclud-ed ~aQmet . servicemen ·and their fiunilieS .,- - ., . ,

government Wi\S communicated to Af h D I t mmisters .and a numoer of Mar. I .'. ." . :' . ", ' '.' TIu • : -. , ' .- . -, .'Laos neutralist Premier Prinee .il. g an e ega e shals, high . ranking, civil and mi..:! T" 'i~ - "CO' ." " . _' s was .the n:~ ac~ of sa~t-' ':' :-

-Souvanna Pnouma m a letter ad- litarY.· ·officials,. tbe "dfploma.~ic.'" Ito .l1ltemewed <;' <lge:agams~ a Bn~ ~tion, .. : -dressed to hun by French ForeIgn Pays Nehru 'Tribute COrps in:.Moscaw and Afghan ,re- _., , ' .,.,." smcC' an {)~tb.!eak...of ~ti-Bnt1sh .- .Minister Maunce Couve de Mur- siding. in that 'CIty, ,::': ' .". 0 2 -d N' . 'l I" . . ',a dem?nstrations :OJ!' the. ISland on'.ville .... '.' -n n On-1!J1gneu, a. Wlde scale-three aa~, ago: -

The text of letter was released At UN Meeting Mr. Ustinov. the ,Deputy 'Prime '.. ,". ' - " . ·The sagoteurs struck m a prE--

~~~~~~a~ul~~~ ~asM~~w~~i~~ NEW YORK, May, 31, Afgha- t;~:stfr~e~~i; :~~~n~e:e~~d~ C.Qnference: 'IIi Oct. ~a~~~~~~~"~t~Bon;'h'o~:'~"nistan's Anibassad.or to the Unit- between Mghanistan.:and the'So- B i~de' M'-' 31"'('Re' . a -low three-roomed' roncrete,

whIch, the Laotian Premire said . __ e>s". 'ef'ui,ay -" uter)...'--Ac- bw'ld'ina surr-oun"'_':> by' a big'h'>" "h 'h t h It t' ed NatIOns spoke on behalf of viet· Union'. "'. .'. ". tlv'e peac ~~tence,..r il -"0 Ut:U .

b~ ~~~d e~n ~ie~~~aneco~~~n~ 1~~~ AfghanIstan, Burma, Cambodia, He added that these relations' ~niSatfon; di~~~cilt ani:l~"eel:C:n~ wiEe f~ce". is,?~ te¢tot:Y ~o( ~C' ,- '. '""Ceykm and Iran 10 expressing , b . tr' d 'b '.' 'L.l ··..-'n·" th - Cyprus Republic !t~ a mile from14 nations of Geneva conference were. ecommg songer' ay y ~c prou ~s Wu,J. ue e subjects tlie unm' ... '''-'-d W1·th L1. Bri--"

members I condolenc,es to the Indian delega- day.. " .-:. -: ", _..'" discussed. atnext'Oetober'ssecond.'. . <Uf'U,UU' er .l.lle_. ,Souvanna said if mnsultatlOns tlOn Saturday ,. conferep.ce of" hon-aligned' conn- ,tish ~vere~gn b~:.a,reanear the

are unsuccessful the Laotian gOY' The occasIOn was a special riteet- . A: siinilar' ,function ~waS 1i~ld at tries "hi'Cairo;' Presiilent Tilo 'of Gre~ C~not.~e ,of ~a. ~h . Ie f mg of the Afro-AsIan. group to the Afg'han' Embassy m' Cairo at Yugo-l~YI'a' '~;d'" _. t '" -. . Ins.tallattons ._lDSlde the-.build-, -,ernment accepts t e pnrrelp 0 •• • """ s~ m an m erv<ew .' " - ~"'''' - d . "

convenmg a Geneva conference pay. tnbute to the late Prime Mi- .which the ·Deputy -Prime Mi.Iiis-. ;Published' here Saturday:. , mg" P.tn;Ipmg ..~~el'Y an . -:.. ..:.De Murville pomted out that nister Nehru and to "express deep < ter, certam 'Cabin,et Min!sters' of ~. The pr,eSideni, replyirig .to.-que; gauges, ~vere "vr.~ed. by 'a. fire- ' -.

the French government IS not op- sorro\\' and most profound grief' the, UAR, the . diplomattc corps;, tioils from visitjrig"Ffuriisli iourna:.' started by '!- n~mber: _?f.liom~ -.posed to local consultations at as \\'ell as to extend condolences. pres~ representatives.a:i!d Afghan lists, said' the' cQliferJnbe would be made bomOs· Tb~ ~ulld.in!r_its.elf ,;' ­ambassadonal level but he saId to the IndIan delegates . __ H!Slding in CaiIO WeFe present. of a "unive:rsal nature" and the .ac~ ·was unaamage<L' - ' ,'. " .he doubts that all countnes con- "Hl!mamty has suffered a great The repo~, s~ys ;t.!.tat movie:- cent would,not be·soleJ.i;onCques_ :Captam Wci<?dYear, a .Bntish.. ~cerned will partiCIpate m thiS loss'by the death of a great son cameramen' ,photographed ,tl1~ tions roncer,nlng Asian and.Afrf_,~army_.oomb:disposaI,~on,consultatIve meetmg of IndIa which IS a great part of scene. at the Afghan ,EmbaSsy for: can cOuntries:- . _, _,' , the, scene, ~a~-.tite- buil¢ng bad ..

Only four countrIes-the Unlt- humanIty", Ambassador Pazhwak' exhibition in aU Cairo" movie,. , 'H'" aaded "'t', Id 1.:" th' been filled Wlth_bale~ of straw. andld h bl " .... • i '" ou " ue nel er tI: 1 k d ' bef t th'

ed State, ThaIland, France and to t e assem y theatres and al~o tn ,l!.thef ,Ara~ go.ad )lor useful if t.he C-arrO Con- .pe 0 -soa e. rage:- 0 e '. E!'"-South Vietnam-haVe so far res- ":v1r Nehru as a statesman and' countries, ierenc 'asswned - "cil ch' bombs ",ere set oj'f , ,

, a great mternatlOnal persol12lity. , . ., e· _ . a .regl9 n 1l-. He said Ii€' found:< onE!' unex- 'ponded pOSItively to lDvltatlOns . - ,'. . racter, .. because' It could then r-e- I d ~d bo b' - ..... . "--made by Bntalp. m her capaCity I IS known to all of us but he To ~e!ebrate": the' atlniversary' semble a bloc'!, ',:',' . ,P 0 em.on""',e· p'Fem:JS~.. , "

as co-chairman of the Geneva con- should be mourned as a great hu- of· Afgham,stan's" ihc!ependenc~_'a T):te yugosI~v. :I~a~el'~"~wlio' lea.Y.·~ TthWeQpGum!epem~ ;:lgstal:!ttioWnatweJunasenatt

- 'a5alck~' -- , .ference to attend the consulta- man." he continued "In him the reception was also held at the ,es on" Monday for a SlX-day Vlsii" ... . h "'tlOns world has lost not only a great Afghan,.Embassy in.Baghdad.·,:' to FWand, said - thai '\Yhile 28 ed at ~bout 2-~.m. ~ ~'~ gl:oup ',,' '

Be Murvllle did not lffipose any mind but also a great heart The 'guests included ,tRe' Iraqi ~countries attended- the first -non- -drov_e u.\? to ~e bwlllliig.conditions before the Geneva con- "He lived to love. mankmd and Mimster' of :for~igri Affairs" other itligned conferencE!' in Belgrade: in f .Tfiede ;-vatclmien SaJdd

dri. ~ey: were.: .'

ference is convened. he died beloved by it. All of us Cabinet 11in.isters,· high-ranking 1961, t~ay' one titIks of, 56'~0.,.60 orc. " mto a ear ,~ vE;tJ.seve- ,_.':,;;Souvanna has laid down two' feel so suddenly deprived of hIS CiV!! and~ military otnciall;" tlie couritries ta!dng-Part 'in_the 'Cairo :al IIilles dQ~. ~ road be-for!! be-, .

conditlOns for Laos partiCIpatIOn WIsdom. leadership and contribu- dIplomatic corps, .prominent . citi- Conference" . . . mg re~ease.d. " '.' _, .In the Geneva conference, He tlOn As a true servant of hiS own zens and w'TI'ters -and Afjghan ~ ....: an . t' -- th' , .. ' tj" , Saturday mornmg, WeI' the- e..'C-'

w . ,'~ ~'.'. ~~er 0 .ano., .er qu.es. on plosibn and fire, an Irish bat'-"oIi. said these are proclamatIons of country confronted with great siding'm the' city.~A speciaLteIe- ~!! es~,.lt was ~ss!ble to extend f tb Y.T 't......-N'ti· ·~'·'........f .'an effectIve ceasE!'-fire and with- problems he was ,.a great man of vision progr-'ainrn~ v.:as a15rr put on non-alignment· In.. E 'd .h 0.." e ~m cu. a ons ~ace or,ced I f P h L . fr thought and deed and at all the air ~nd local newspapers .also 't'" th I' urfo.pe,=~,~~ e was' oosted neal" to guard' ,·t1ierawa 0 at et ao troops om , ....' CI eu e 'examp eo· s: ll.lldud . ,- t t" "newly won posItions m the Plaine tlmEes was concerned about the took-notice of this nistoria.oeca- ,"'~hich·.waS no~ --a' ~ernber, of th~ ~umAPmB~tish~a l:irt ,_.area. - pro lems of the world as a whole," sion.' ,~: Atfantie ,pacfo, .~. .: .'. ;.' rI. arY ,~.ll.esI;Jan .'

the ambassador said. '_'_ - . " -- ", , sa!d· the water,'supply 'm the

~~~1~~~~~!~:~ta~~~~a~r~~~~~ a~~~~ t~~a;ro~:~~yof c~:a~er:~ ".Two ·.Aqto_~Rat.· iny'..'Drlv_ers, ·~fc~:~a base ai:ea had· b~~. res- ,,":.':",

G ,- peace and always stood for -eneva con=rence is convened. peace," he saId K ·,l d I" '. '100· . . 'I- ' ·southft~·..4-~, ~>':"':.' Main''. '.,De MurvJlle, however, saId the t e 'n' .' zan''apo' I·~ ~. n.:w&

main points related to the Laotian "In the part of the world' to. _'--, '. ~, -, ~ DisCuSsion'~'Them.e· .Forcrisis includmg a cease-lire should whIch he belonged, Nehru was a I F' '.. . "'7:. fl" 'p'Z' . J hnson 0" '. '. C'

be discussed at a full-fledged symbol of sacnfice, selflessness, n ,~a<m.~ng . I,.~·ar.- .' 'Z eup -. 0 .' ' n, Yiu:ation '"Geneva conference dedicatIOn to the welfare and " JOHNSON CitY.. Texas, M,ay,

digmty of the human person, to- '. ' ': . 'INDIANAPO~,.Iri.diana, May. 31; (AP);.:.:··.. ~l, (AP)...:..southeast Asian °Rrotr.le.ance and Wisdom-and in this ED~~ Sac:Iis, .an~·Dave ~~Dona1~,.froni .·~lie_s~~ car rims, Iems ':roomed. yery !aIg~" in 'Pre-:'•.sen~e respected as a teacher for were :lPlIed' Saturday Ip a fI:l!IJIllg" seven-car,pH~up. The siderlt'. Johnsari's-'sche'dule Satur- o'

the generatIOn sharing WIth him race .resumed after ~a one hour' and (5-,lilinute delay.. . . day :as he co.m.b,ined-,relaxatiOn ,of" .the span of lIfe in the greatest Eddie Saclis, 37 Detroit Veteran . Mrs' M CD' 'ld' 'd 'fr ranch home. WIth work on- OffiClal.lesson of how a man should serve " .' ..' ' , .. ' a. ona ~er~e om busmess.h " A b d makmg. hl~ eighth speedway, the. Methodist Rospltal room sob-:-. G . Re d", Whi H' -.

IS country, m assa or Pazh- ,st~rt; died. in.a s~tacular,cras.q-· bing; ."what ~ :'r going' to' .do? eorge e y, te OUjiewak concluded caused"when .Rookle Dave.Mac- How am-'I gomg-to'tell'the kids?" :-r

hetss SJe<;::~ary, _told.. re~~ersf '

I D Id 2'6 f -R' 'd" 'f":ilif P , . -' ' .... a ,om",on spent - mu"", 0 .' - -,

Kh ona, " 0 lyersl e,. ya " ' arnelli Jones- was· also taken -Sat d' 51 -~..- . ",~", .' ". rushchov And Ulbricht rammed the-'wall romipg: out o! to the field hospital after he leap: li ur ay mor~l1z:g . uU"d'g mt.er-- .:

_ ~~eWmYosOtR~eaMtedaYan'3dI. o(fRteenutbelrt)_ Hold 3 Hour Talks the nor.thwest: turn ·during ,the :ed from his blazing au'to 'with ms f genc~ s~~efes ~'an . dreJ)OSrts '.

second lap of 'the race: '. uniform .afir-e. Guards and cre:w'- Dr\?~ ... e' t" en.ce. an . tate,~.terest campalgnmg so far m this MOSCOW, May, 31, (Reuter) - i\1 cD Id '. fi" . ep~·.men S: .electIOn year has drawn to a Mr Khrushchov and Herr Walter l' ~ ,ona. ;':J!s rst Jeporteci men 'lieat .ou~, the ~flames on the ·Reedy deain- d' t t pecili ~close as Rep.ublIcans in the key Ulbncht. East German. Leader, m cnttcal:conditton and then his uniform _ . .: about tIi f ~. ~g.e s . C :

State of California prepared to talked IO! three ho.urs Satur<3.ay death was '~nouncei:l,;- . . J0!1es suffered first 'and s'Eiro'rid on' fhe ~es~~:n~~ de~·He~~,.:choose between a nght-wmg con- on SOV:let-'East German relations Macl?on~lds,.rea~-en!1med'ford,. deg~ee b~s-on,h~ right l~g and only,tbat JohnSon' is kee' ~ 'm

and world' problems 'loaded .·-nth 'hIghlY _.mflammable left arm, but was IIT. a ood condi'- tr' I -. I" t -h l?~. .servative 'and a hberar as preSi- I ..;,1 d'd ' t -' f' h " eo: ex erne y . c ose ouc '. 'Withdential candidate' They reached full Identity- of gasso.~ne, elllw? _~ m a·a .rpass, o. tion as a elicol?ter'fle\v_hiiIl,from events. aroUnd the-world'"~ and is'

The prunary votihg on Tuesday vie" s' 'on all questIOns under di,- towenn? !lames <illd - blllo\'{lllg the Field Hos!?ltal to' Metnodist -oei:ng "infornied '.(June ,2) WIll be the most crUCial cusslon, an offiCIal commumque black.s~oke., It,s'kidcfea:faJ: <fown Ir~s!~ita]' . -:-' .' - ,rent·, basis." , :. ,~n a ve~ ~ur; .-

'd I d h h tbe straIghtaway. swung ,to the . , •. ".' ." . hn - . ....for the Republtcans and the final I sal t sal t at t e two leaders inSide wail .'" . E::I' I . ~ . ,_ ,.fo son- has. dll'~ted hiS topshowdown before the nominating 'e~changed vtews on the further '. MacDona'ld' - 'h" .., ',,,. . "!i'larl 'd~S.t ~ lefth~ ~eahr ,wheel military, '. diplomatic and' intelli-'

S Idevelonment and t th w ose . som' anu w Ie' ea mg on e ..6t lap and . . .;:" <. , ,conventIOn in an Franclsco m" s reng enmg crash set .off th .- . -d (. '. k'cla d '." -a h' '., gence auVlsers to, meet in Hono-July ,of fraternal relatlOns between f _' 'h' ~'h s~on -.~p In· _s i e. h aroUIl t e ,southwest ~,luli..J . Hawaii, Manday:ta 'stan iI:

·The would-be RepublIcan pre:- the Soviet Unron and the Ger- 1:'b~o-t~~ k.e .no~ ~·est.d· turLn,"-had t_~nl W51lt . spad!'~s ffthyin~ uittiJ he. twO:day . F.eview • of' affairs ~sldents are, i man Dl?mOCI auc RepublIc, and " e. ~versl e an, '. aguI!a sa e y oppe tn ,e"mfield. - '. Southeast Asia: ".' . ..

; abo on a \\'Ide range of interna- Seca spot;ts car ~ace~ last y~<i! and, .Marshm~n, t~e .earIy~..Ieade,r,.·" - '_ ' , . . .'On the rIght Senator Barry tlOnal problems of mutual. IDte- .another at Augusta",Ge~gJa,.only...-b.ad hlS. car_ ~all af.te:. _SPilI!n~ oil .KABUL, May, 31.-''Ra T H 'd, :-

G Id rest" . last . iv1.areh :1. ..•. -' and iuel-cwhile Ieadmg : at the Director-Ge al J anu, '.o water, conservatiVe from An- , Co-favourites Jimmy Clar of 36th lao.' Marshman pu ihed. h' 'd' ".~er,. ~f 'fe1ep{lOne,

zona who has the most delegates Herr Uubncht arnved he..e Fn- Scotland and Marshman, . 'both car' into the infield, s ~ ~ ,an., Tele~allb: aI!d.:MI. Moham-"votes already pledged to hIm but day on a t\\'o-week state. V15lt.· drivI!'!g Lotus-Fords..were forCed abandoned it: . " .~ass_ .a.~, mad. Hu~am:< En~er of ~e-= '.who has not been gettmg much! Western observers believe the out bf the classic witnin the. space At the E!no' of' 68 Ja sinh ~aklstan MIDlStry.?f Post ~d :rank and file support lately i maID purpose of Herr Ulbrieht's of. a fe.w minutes, - .'. wre:ck-marred. race, '. fgo' Cal'S ~a ff ' el.egraph _met,l?r: ' _Mehm:nma~ .• _.

On the left-of-centre Governor I VISIt IS to get .more economic aId MacDonald left a wifE!' Slieny cr"cked' up OF waSh do t' I l ~ald~r.. tfi~ MlDlSter:of. Commu: .r:relson Rockefeller, 5&-Y,ear-old. from the SOVIet Umon, 'and two .children"in.E{ Mont-e: 'i'ng',th'e earlY'leade~. o~, me u - DlcatlOns- yester.day: morning. . :lIberal whose star was wanmg un- .He hmted lIT a Kremlm ban- California " ' ':. _ The only oth - f ,:.. . The: two '0!ficia~.'O:( the. PU1S-til It suddenly burst mto life With quet s!Jeech Fnday nIght that MacDon'ald~. ~va~. 'prono~c~d . besfdes .Scotsma~C~~~nd~~;, tan Gdov.ermnent arrive!i in 'KabuL .hiS VIctory m the sIx-man free- East German hopes for Soviet dead' at' 1832-' GM'" D t - Jack 72 makm'g "', ..' g s twa ays ago to disctlSS ways andfor all ItO l' , .... oc ors I' " illS second speed· means of improvi ' . teli', pn~ary e ec IOn m regon assistance In ong-term plannmg said, his' ltirigs had 'ceen' burned day'starting a' rear-e . ..' ti _', ng"· , ecommu- .earlIer thiS month. over. the next 15 y-ears. . by inhaled-flames _'c " . ~' . quit 'after '81 lap' , r:~e 0 '. i' ntcatJO_n links, between. Afghanis- ".

, '. ' , s. " '. -" , I . tan and Paklstan. . ' .

.', ,.



:. ~


,., .'

... .:;


MAY 30, 1964

PARK CINEMAAt 5-30, 8 and 10 p.m. American

film' WITH A SONG IN MYHEART, \Vlth translation in Per­SIan, staITmg 'Susan Hay,v"ard,Rory Calhoun and DaVld W3yne.KABUL CINEMA .

At,5' and 7-'30 :p,m.. !ndlan filIn;KOH.E,NOOR, . starrmg: MinaKlimari, Daleep Kumar and Kum~um, "BEHZAD CINEMA .'

At 5 and 7-30 p.m. Englisp. filrn;WHITE. . .ZAINAB CINEMA .'

At 5 ana 7 p.m, Amencan filmCHEH CHEH BOOM.·



LawyerL.aneClaimsOswald Not InvolvedIn Kennedy's Death.







Ho~~" News J~riefs' Siha~ou~ To. Ag'~~e 9·n UN"; Tea.,. Along The Bord~r .If

KABUL, May, -30.-l'he govern- ·s r··· C In;ent of [Thailand 'has a~eed'io '. ec'u·rity 'ounci Dec'idestne appomtment. of .lV]r. 'Moham- j,. "mad ,HaSlitm MaJwandwal as Af-' '~. .' PHNOMP.ENH,- Ma.y, 3D, .(Reuter).- PARIS, May 30, (Reuter),-Newgh:m. Mm15ter: PleDlp'!tentia~y ~d 1PRINCE.,·N1lrodom Sihanouk, the' Cam~odian'Bead' of State, York Lawyer Mark Lane claun-,t,voy Extraordinary .to -!3angl!ck. .said Friday CambOdia was "ready to accept United Na- ed here la~t mght that the War.en

Nir MaiwandwaJ will e.xecute ti . b' I te -to 'f th S· ·t C '1 d Commi,slOn' and police mvestlgat-the dutY'ill addinon to be:ing !..OJlS"O ,server on ou~ rn ry I e ecun y oun~1 so e· mg the: as~a~smatIon of PresIdentAlghan l'Unbassador m Karachi. cldes. j.. '.~. KennedY kilow that Lee Oswald

: He said'the U.N, wpectors \ ..) was mn~ent,KABUL, May, ::lO.-M~,·Moham-, ",:ould ov rlap' ..the.In~ernational TaJ'ikistan Artists He told journalists and lawyers

mad Sh~rif, President of the Ai-- ~ontrpl CbnUTIlSSl,o,:, set up by . . . at a meetmg organrsed by theghan Transit Departmej1.t gave 0. the 1954 1~ao'-Chma conference. S 'R'" 'A d French AsSOCiatIOn of Democra-llmcheon at ,Spozhmai ,Cale on (The Umted States has propos- tage omeo Kn tIC JUrists and the League forFnday honourmg Ml'. .Feleen, ~d·a.u.N·1 presence to help .If . , the Rights of Man: "They triedhead of the' USSR transit delega- aVOldmg j further cl.ash on the Jul iet 'In' Kabul to stop all testImony which couldLion now VIsitmg Afghanistan.. Cambod,lan-South VIetnam fron-., ha\'c mdlcated that Oswald was

The fl;lnCtlOD \\'a~ att~.nded by ller). J. ,- KABUL May 30 -The .first mnocent", .' ' .some ofij.Clal of 'the l1llI!~tries .of Fnnce ,~a?ou~2~n aiJfeech at performan'c.e of a~tists' from the l\1r Lane, a, former lawye~ forfinance, commerce, PresIdent of 'Kompong, am, r h ometreJ Laboti Theatre' of Tailk~slan Oswald's Widow read from a -do-rhe Chamber: of Commerce,.re- <about ,75 Imlle~L drome erbe'd~al SSR was given' at Kabul Nandary cument. which he claimed was

t f tr d and bank- he refused ,mlXe am 0 ian, U d St t forpresenta.lves, 0 a e " . am . atrols also Thursday evenlng.. banncd m the mte a esJTIg m,stttutes, counsellor· and. South \T.ie,rn esc.p, They staged Shakespear.'s , Secunty reasons' hsome members of 'the USSR Em- suggested by the Umted States R d J 1 t' H d ced photographs of, USSR Phtograp s'

, . • AccordiIJig to DPA, negotiations omeo.an . u ttl : , • e pro u " ..bassy "', amon UN Secuntv CounCil :\11.' Rownuq, Techn~cal AsS15t- Oswald holdmg a nfle 7 pub '. • '

, ' 'mem:e~ bn' a resolution to end ant of Pohany Theatre,. while hshed lD newspapers anddmagaci I·u S Installations. ,- ., . . 'the CamF.;odla debate failed to mentlOnmg the development of zmes shortly after the mur er-an ., •

, K..-'l.B ,L. lIray, "O.-HaJI Abdul T . _ , fnendly relatIOns between N'gha· mamtamed all these photographs.Hameed, D~rector-Gene~~ oJ r~:~hin~~1~:en\~~~d~;~~~C::S I mstan and the SOViet Umon, wel- I h!lve been 'touched .u~", From·· OuterspaeeTele.phones and 'J.'elegra;w. an ,13 Ik ' I '. corned the TaJlkestan artISts ·on I "I have the convlCtlOn that Os- .:Ill'. Mohammad Hussam, Engi- ta ~ L f'· .-, 11'! bebalf of "Afghan artists i \\'ald was Innocent", he declaced. I Klirusehov Quoted Byneer of l?ost and Telegraph of the T e coupe meenng. ongma y j ~lr Alaghzadeh. Le<KIer of the' am sure that the Warren Comml~- . S S 'toPakiStan,_ .lVl:irnStry of Post and pIarmed 'fdr

1Fz;tday.or today, "'as I Ta ikestan artist'S expresSed hi~ , s'on d'S \\'ell as the polIce know it. Former U.. ena r .

TelegrapK arnved m Kabul on. postponed untIl·, Tuesday In the I I~asure at the opportunny gIven He ~ald that 12 mmutes after PARIS. May 30, (AP).-~reIn1erTh~rsday JIlormng' to' discuss. melmtime, attempb tQ

hreach a . fa the Soviet artists to gl\ e per- thc assa ,_matton, "a precise des- Khrushchov was quoted by a for­

Id,yS an~ ,means of unprovmg <illd ~mpro~ile :betv,een \ e oppos- formarrces in AfghanIstan and crlption of OS\\ aid was given mer U.~ Senato: Friday as. say­establislfing-dlrect telecommuD1c~- jsg sta~dp'omts of th;"U S ..\ an<3.d VOIced the hopc that cultural re:- \\'h,le he had not yet been seen Img SOViet satellit.e. carner~s havetlO[l s~rv:Jces .bet.\\:een A~ghanistan outh i~tn:m. o'} t e one d·anh· lations between the two nelgh- I)y anyone". photographed milttary mstalla-and Pakistan Sand. CauID'jo la, . hrantche an tte bouring countncs would contmue "The Preslden!', Itmerary was hons from outer space ang ask-

· oVlet n10n on teo er, ~re 0 . f 't . t known In Dallas he saId. 1 mg "why don't we exchangeI h' cont1Oue" I to grow lA u ure no 'h D 11 j . h "0 .'They were met at t. e.. airport l . " Those oresenl at the sho\\ In' . Only. the F BLand t,~ a as photograp s ,

by J'v)r Mohammad AZlffi Garan, ..Toe U SeA advocates _the send 'doded "'lr Abdullah Malikvar. polIce \\ere in the know WIlla:lJ1 Benton, who talked wl~hDireclor.;General of -Telephones mg of ttN.. oQse~verb ~o th~ the Act ;ng Pnlne Minister other Turning to the murder of Dal- the' SovIet lead(!r 10 the Kremltnand Telegraph . ~on~erv~ t\\ eeo1 f am ~ la af t Cabmet '"imlsters, 'Heads ~f D,p- las polIceman TIPPitt, he SaId a Thursday, told newsmen the Im-i out I tnam. n orrn.e Clrc es I t Missions \\ om:m '" ho \\ ftnessed the killmg pltcauon was clear that Khrush-

, . ' ; sald C~m~odia and_France coun- "rna IC" . "has always mamtamed that the' chov believes US space authon-KAB L, May, 30,-The !raman tered. wI.tl'\',thelr demand that the . E ENDENCE DAY man she S~\\ at that mOlI)ent was tIes hav~ the equipment to photo-

Ambas,sa;dor c.gave a (are-weI re- Internatl.o~~1.~ontrol CommISSIOn IND P " small thlckes1, With thiC~ h<l;ir, graph· Soviet and other mIlitaryeepnon m honour of Ml'. Batman- , be called jn, .' . h . h' MARKED IN KARACm, '\\ hlch m no \\'ay fits the descnp- mstallatlOnsablich Gounsellor of the uaman U,N. quarters conSIder t at t e TOK'YO' WASHINGTON f h rder "Iven oul by ,'" .. " '[' sit. e of UN nego' uon 0 t e mu . ~ '" U- N EdEmbassy' on Thursday. . p.re~ent 'jO\\ pac . '. -. -:., 30 -To celebrate the ol1ce'" ' The US. envoy to tlie ., U-.

" ' " tlatlOns is the dired result or the ~AB1:.iL, i\lay. . f Af h H p d other 'wltness of -the catlonal Screntlfic and· Cultural, . d' 1 iUS I . 'h .filth anDl\'erSarv 0 g ams- e sal an '. . ' . h' h

The functlOn \\'as attended by pen. mg t~p- eye par ey in ~ e ende'nce: i\1f' :\lalwari- ;;cl'nc: \\'''5 killed .\'.'l1h .1 bultet m· Orgarusatton (UNESCO), ~ .IC~ome ofl;iclals of the varIOus ror- Hal' ~ll, ·\\there the e~tlre South- ,a~ ~ In:ePAfanan Ainbassador m the nead . That has never been, .has headqu.!lr,ter.s m Pans. He wasnlsrnes ' and som~ . member of east AsIan: problem \\ III come up d\, a.. t e ave'" a r-and dinner on . Silld and rn any case the murder I a Democratic Senator frgm Conn.- .-DiplomatIc Corps at the 'COUTt of' for dlsc,us~lOn.. ' ~~~~chld g, , g g , bad an unas~allable alibI proVld- ectlcut 1949-1953. 'He ViSited theKabul. .'. < hIt ta~ 'far~lCularIY ~~d her,e I \ ~~nesg a~ {:\ e~~~luded' niembe.s \ ed by a stnpper from Jack Ruby's SOVIet, Union 10 days ':S a guest·.

t at or t, e l[St nme· ,,5515'-1 'he DU \ t. COrps hlgh- Dlo-ht club She \\'as arrested and of !he· Institute of Soviet-Anlerl-ant Secre1ary for, InternatlOna ()f t c Ip oma IC .' " 'her ceU" can r-elations

'KABUl !\lay 30-!t1r Ghulam orgaDlSaiidns Harlan deve-Iand raniung offiCIals of the Guvern" {':lITlmltleO _UlCtae 10 ".' Benton said "Khrushchov told'-.' , .' . h b '11 " f ' P I. S' an prom'nent Clt!-Sakbl Turrabaz, the Director-' as een ca eu 'in 10 a con er- ment f1l a"l, " .. . re present hIm . ~'If you WIsh I·can show· - . f th 'mportance of the -en- of Karac-hl and Pless reple:-. _L'nl"t',"' \'e ' ..' . ll'

Generaliof EconomIcs and Mr. ence.{) Ie.' . ~ • :., ' In Tokyo also the Afghan Em- y~nl l2hotos of military msta at!-Sultan :Mohammad Yo~uf, the Ha\\~ll g:<\.thenng cle~eland has ~en"tat"e, "n was held at ba~~y gavl' " receptIOn on the oc- ons taken ir0!TI outer: space, I,Director I of Plannmg in the MI-! considerab~e say on U.N affairs at th'A .~Ilm~lar [funbctlo \\", hing, ca Ion \\ hich \\ as attended by WIll sl\ow them to PreSident John-

f' " d In'd' the US gtate Department. . e ,. g"an massy m as,. ~ , h h k f h . h .. ' .- nJstry 0 ,v,mes an. ustn~s- re- '. . I 'on at' ',\ hlch high offiCIals. mem. Japanesc :\lmlsters, ~g .ran mg ~son leWIS e:, . ,wrne:d home on Thursday aJ;ter I N.. KhIfusl!ch~v Says b r f C 0- < and Pre's lepre- offic'31" and DiplomatiC Corps" . - Khrushchov,did not make en-attending . a; semmar on: . the I SocIa-liSht Will Win c, ~ n on~re: s i mely clear whether he referred. tocement lIldustry m DenmarK. J Tb lI'" t Ge' . . d'd . E Ipbotographs". taken by " SOViet

i· roug"j'0u. rmany 3' M m' Can I ates merge spa'ceman .on orbItal flIghts orThe Ui\,spcinsored Sernmar held MOSC~T, May 30, (Tass/- a' . photos from satelhtes':""the widely

...:lth the co,operimon -of the. Niklta ,tishchov expressed tJ:ie As S " T N h U. discussed spy-m-the-sky ·system.Danlsh .Government Illsted kom .C?nVictlon th,at,' "SOCialism WI~ Uccessors '0 e r . that the Soviets have said the::n.d to lpth J\1ay.at Copenhagen triumph throughout Germany, AdD' Umted States IS usmg

The particIpants m .the. Semillar fOf none. <la'll halt .the hlstonc on- N'and'a, Shastri. n . esal I!lscuSSlOns of the space photq-exchang~ vie\\ on difficultIes -and ward mat'Ch of mankmd graphs came up, while. ·they, .talk-problem~ rela:lng to ~lie suppfy of . The heatl of the ~ovlet Govern> . NEW DELHI, May 30. (Reuter).- ed about the reconnaIssance fli~htscement 1n theIr.. countries...' ment spok~ at the dmner gIven b:- pOLITICIANS of the ruling Indian Congress' Party carried the United States has mamtamed

1 • .' "the CPSl!'iCenrral Committee, the .' , .~ I re Fridav t1l rall.,. support for over Cuba since the SovIet mis-KA.BUiL, .May, 30 -:,Mr A.zirnu!.;- PI:esldiuml of' the. USSR suprer;'e out .mt~nsl\e lobb~ mg 1P Prim'e Minist~r Mr. Nehru, slle criSIS of 1962 to guard against

la Hafizlr,an offic~al of the AudiO'- So',net ana USSR Government 1n prospecttve successor.s to the laie : h The another secret buildup of offen-\'Isual Deoartment of the .Hel-, honour oflWalrer UlbrIcht. - :'<ll1u!ner'. ,.tlll hlcd past the I?" Ind~ea ;0 '\~ t In ,stre~~ are l sive missilesmund \iailey AuthQnty ieft for ThrougH Walt~r Ulbncht, Khru, J funeral pyt e where 'Nehru's body ::;\1 I "171C , "d I~'~~\:, ~~~ f~milYIran onjThursday to study mod-, ShChOV"s<;i'd. we greet the GDR. \'.a, cremated Thursday, droppmg oc U'"CCI. d n r;dlan holy Benton saId Khrushchov sugges-em art~l he has ·been a\varded a :an allied nd fnendly state work- '!landful, Qf red roses among the and scallere I ted the 'Umted States abandon'SAID'rellowshlp. mg peonl .of \\ hlch \ee are link- asht's place, f h 1 the these flighJs saY10g ,"NeitherS'mllaTly Mr Abdul' Mannan' ed by -bonds of mVlOrable frIend- A cleal p,ctule i5 expccted to The h"u_l''' t e pe0ir, e~lmo~r PreSIdent Johnson nor I want an-

Rar'unani' ~ ~tudent of the Col- 'ShIP "Thl~ fra.ernal friendship is -emerge today of the exten.t of ~ndlan "Pa! l~~cndt. m;t pay bom- other crISIS over Cuba Theff~ 'ISlege of rEno-meering alSo ·left fer l"based on' tommunity of goals and support 'for the mam candIdates I Iull -tr.e~~l n ay, ~ the 13te the time fqr sober ,sense to reign",d:e Umted "'States to _studv. mecb- tasks in tlie strugg.le to' bwld' up -and ActlD~ Pnme !\1mlster, :X·lr \ .I~l' III \" mcmory 0 The SovIet· Uillon has· backed"nCic2! ~Dgineermg. . - . 1Sociallsm Iand C.oinmuillsin, to GulzaJilal' Nanda. ;.~ La1 Saha- Prime \ 100SrCI .,Prime IVllmster Fidel Castro's de:-.

. . ' assert pelce on the great teach- dur Shastri. '\1inISter \\ ,thout,' \1 N d Id th b' mands that the overflights stopi " mgs of MbrX,-Engles 'and Lenm" portfoho. and ilil l\lorarJI Desai 'I,m" tn t l' b n:em :hsJohnson has said the flights \\'ere

KABUL ~\']av, 30-=P.lanes.of j Khrushchov recalled that West- former Fniancc :'],illstel', I "d'l"n theldgl ea~.cs 1r1\'r u eN h e necessary in the' absence of on:. A' I, 11 r,_ ,. . th t . Inal'"n coo oal' to j r e ru •. . .the Amm" Afghan Irune Wl ern Ulo:.\·many was rea enmg to . k- tId te In site mspectlOn and WIll continue

t:l' to '\b.aimana. vIa' KabiFl and break o.f{iiiplomatic ,relatIOns \nth The Ci.ngws> Pany's Parl'aml'R··1 ,.~ ":- f'" \d'Dr' "d ~nso I a - r In Washington the Defence De-~,1azarl~Sharif tWice a week on' "j] ·tnose \~'ho recognised the Ger- tar Executil'C Committee mct a'T"h' I:e om anp . emoc~a1cy t partment mamt~ined its, usual si-. ' .hi' b . RbI' "B ., '\1 e ..·.((m'· nme" mlS er 'I .

Sunday~an(j.. ThUl sdays T e new man Dem crabc. E!pu IC ut Fnday to expi ess SOl TO\'. at . I· h ~ h t d tli' ence about the US photographlc-. . - 'h B' I h d t t '" h d hI' 'Id ,', 'I \I ept a, e en ere e. i 11plan ,,1] go lntG operatlOn on. \\' at onn as conceJVe 15 an a- ",e ,ru' eat I' \\{l;' t(, nl, a eh b ' 'n "I h h 11 sate Ite programme.

June 5th -- . I mounr to Ian attempt to COVel up speCial meetihg to deCide \\ hen am el -,II, ope .we s a I, . ! the sun "'hth a frying pan'.' the full parliamentary party bend our en~rgles to bUlldmg uP; These. satellites have been pho-

KHOST, May, 30 -A Village.) The:GeAnan Democratic Repub- sbould nieet 10 elect a net': leader Iniha. to lthcdestabdhstohrnthent, of a tographmg the'earth, mcluding So-h ' fc b ' " d b I ' ~\n' gth' 't T' h tIt ht th J'1S~ socia co C an e -conso- I . U' d' 11' f fi .

"shc oODI :'I'.,r oys "["as";'dDPene ~ I IC >S ste~ I,Y sthren . enmgf 1 S nrougf °t~ as dmi? f e pro, h<3.atlOn of our freedom and de- vIet nTihon Uan 't' IdtsSat

ieS, h or d vet e Irectorate 0 '" ucatlon o. poslUons ana t ere IS no .w ce cessIon 0 ousan s 0 mO\lrnels d h f lfil th J years e nl e ates as oz­Pakthia 1 Pr:oVlflce at Jamkhal1 on Iwbich couhd turn back thiS histo- dnd cunous v1slted Neh'u s funer"l jmodcrd"cy anf t w; u c gOt" s ens or scores of them orbiting the

· ' , " ". th b k f h' d 31 0\'. n [11 liS In our constl u-I h h h 'Th!lrsda~' .' nc. logical development ' pyre on e an sot e 'i,acre , • eart '. p otograp mg everythmg! ' Wa-lter,V1bt:lcht; speaking 10 reo Rlvel .]umita, near \,;,here hiS be- tlOn on ItA vllEage Councd was also :es-j ply ,emphaSised that ''\\',c hold the loved Leader, Mahatma Gandhi . Ne\\'spapers here caUed . for The Soviet Union had never dis-'

tablisheoil at Adakhail by the 'Iocal same opmfion on all main que51i- \\ as cremated after h!s assassma: unity and d qUick decIsIOl. 10 rclosed ,whether or not it had simi-'Department, of Rur.al Develop-: ans of the struggle for SOCIalism tlOn 16 years ago . r chOOSing [J new leader to sllccee.d 'lar means of looking on the Uni-ment :' , .' .<, i 2nd peac~" .. Bv today, the lJ,rocesslOn had Nehru . ted States '.

i l. 'j1 'i

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