K5kG0SaPU-8 · 2020-04-12 · While engrossed in enjoying the colourful fair, the child gets lost....

SANSKAR SCHOOL HOME ASSIGNMENT CLASS IX SUBJECT ENGLISH Worksheet-1 Ch- The Lost Child https://youtu.be/K5kG0SaPU-8 Reference to Context (I) His father looked at him red-eyed, in his familiar tyrant’s way. His mother, melted by the free spirit of the day was tender and, giving him her finger to hold, said, “Look, child, what is before you!” (a) When did the father look red-eyed at the child? Ans: The father looked red-eyed at the child when he pleaded for toys that were in the shops lined the way to the fair. (b) Who is a tyrant? Was the father actually a tyrant? Ans: A tyrant is a cruel man who always keeps his self-interest supreme. The father was not a tyrant in this sense of the term. He was simply a strict disciplinarian as a parent. (c) What was the ‘free spirit of the day’ that made the mother ‘tender’? Ans: It was the day of the festival of spring and all were in a mood to rejoice. The mood of festivity was the free spirit that made the mother soft-hearted. (d) Why did the mother ask the child to look before him? Ans: The mother asked the child to look before him because she wanted to divert his attention from the toys in the shops without upsetting him after his father’s stern refusal. (II) But he half knew as he begged that his plea would not be heeded because his parents would say he was greedy. (a) Who is ‘he’ in this line?

Transcript of K5kG0SaPU-8 · 2020-04-12 · While engrossed in enjoying the colourful fair, the child gets lost....

Page 1: K5kG0SaPU-8 · 2020-04-12 · While engrossed in enjoying the colourful fair, the child gets lost. Probably he is too overawed by the colourful balloons, sweets, garlands, toys to




Worksheet-1 Ch- The Lost Child


Reference to Context

(I) His father looked at him red-eyed, in his familiar tyrant’s way. His mother, melted by the

free spirit of the day was tender and, giving him her finger to hold, said, “Look, child, what is

before you!”

(a) When did the father look red-eyed at the child?

Ans: The father looked red-eyed at the child when he pleaded for toys that were in the shops

lined the way to the fair.

(b) Who is a tyrant? Was the father actually a tyrant?

Ans: A tyrant is a cruel man who always keeps his self-interest supreme.

The father was not a tyrant in this sense of the term. He was simply a strict disciplinarian as a


(c) What was the ‘free spirit of the day’ that made the mother ‘tender’?

Ans: It was the day of the festival of spring and all were in a mood to rejoice. The mood of

festivity was the free spirit that made the mother soft-hearted.

(d) Why did the mother ask the child to look before him?

Ans: The mother asked the child to look before him because she wanted to divert his

attention from the toys in the shops without upsetting him after his father’s stern refusal.

(II) But he half knew as he begged that his plea would not be heeded because his parents

would say he was greedy.

(a) Who is ‘he’ in this line?

Page 2: K5kG0SaPU-8 · 2020-04-12 · While engrossed in enjoying the colourful fair, the child gets lost. Probably he is too overawed by the colourful balloons, sweets, garlands, toys to

Ans: ‘He’ is the little boy from the story “The Lost Child”.

(b) What was the plea made by him?

Ans: He made the plea to his parents to buy him the sweetmeat burfi being sold at the

entrance of the fair.

(c) How did he ‘half knew’ that his plea would not be heeded?

Ans: The child’s parents were strict disciplinarians and would generally refuse to grant him

his wish. So he somewhat knew that his request would not be heeded to this time as well.

(d) What did he do after this?

Ans: He moved on without waiting for an answer from his parents, assuming their silence to

be a refusal.

(III) The poor child struggled to thrust away between their feet but, knocked to and fro by

their brutal movements, he might have been trampled underfoot, had he not shrieked at the

highest pitch of his voice.

(a) Where was the child at this time? Why?

Ans: The child was amid a crowd of people in the shrine because he had got separated from

his parents and was desperately looking for them.

(b) What was he trying to do?

Ans: He was trying to make his way through the feet of the crowd in order to find his parents.

(c) Why could the child have got trampled?

Ans: The child could have got trampled because the shrine was crowded and he was so small

that people did not realise his presence around their feet.

(d) Why did the child shriek?

Ans: The child shrieked “Father, Mother!” because he was terribly scared about getting lost.

(IV) “Will you have a ride on the horse?” he gently asked as he approached the ring. The

child’s throat tore into a thousand shrill sobs and he only shouted, “I want my mother, I want

my father!”

(a) Who is ‘he’ in the first line of the extract? Whom is ‘he’ offering a ride on the horse?

Ans: ‘He’ is the kind man who rescues the child from getting trampled in the shrine. He asks

the lost child for a ride on the horse.

(b) Why does ‘he’ ask for a ride?

Page 3: K5kG0SaPU-8 · 2020-04-12 · While engrossed in enjoying the colourful fair, the child gets lost. Probably he is too overawed by the colourful balloons, sweets, garlands, toys to

Ans: The kind man asks for a ride because the child was crying inconsolably for his parents

and he wanted to quieten the child by diverting his attention.

(c) Why did the child’s throat ‘tore into a thousand shrill sobs’?

Ans: The child’s throat tore into a thousand shrill sobs because he was extremely scared and

wanted to be united immediately with his parents.

(d) Why did the child shout, “I want my mother, I want my father!”?

Ans: The child shouted for his father and mother because he felt insecure in their absence.

They were more important to him than toys, sweets, garlands or ride on a roundabout.

Questions & Answers:

Question 1: What are the things the child sees on his way to the fair? Why does he lag


Answer: A child’s mind wanders to each and everything which catches his fancy. While his

parents are going ahead with all their attention on reaching the fair, the child enjoys every

beauty of nature’s creation. The child enjoys the sight of dragonfly fluttering. Next moment

he is engrossed in collecting beautiful flower petals. The very next moment he is appreciating

the gait of swan.

Once in the fair his mind is wandering on everything on display. Right from colourful

sweetmeats to balloons to garland to the snake his eyes are devouring everything on sight.

The child’s mind lives in the present and never thinks or bothers about past or future. This is

what the author has tried to portray.

While engrossed in enjoying the colourful fair, the child gets lost. Probably he is too

overawed by the colourful balloons, sweets, garlands, toys to keep pace with his parents.

Question 2: In the fair he wants many things. What are they? Why does he move on without

waiting for an answer?

Answer: Like any child he wants everything from the fair. He wants to have his cake and eat

it too. But he knows that his father won’t be buying anything and would give some or other

excuse for not doing so. In a way this shows that child has matured as well. He knows how to

control his urges. He also understands that because of some reasons he won’t be in a position

to have each and everything from fair.

It is difficult to explain if he understands the right reason of his father refusing to get most of

the things for him. Like all good parents his father may be wishing not to spoil his kid. While

the child may be getting a wrong message that his father is always furious and adamant.

Question 3: When does he realise that he has lost his way? How have his anxiety and

insecurity been described?

Page 4: K5kG0SaPU-8 · 2020-04-12 · While engrossed in enjoying the colourful fair, the child gets lost. Probably he is too overawed by the colourful balloons, sweets, garlands, toys to

Answer: When he wishes to get a ride on the roundabout and calls for his parents he gets no

reply. Then the child realizes that he is lost and separated from his parents.

His anxiety has been described by explaining how the child reacts and tries to find his

parents. This is a very natural explanation and the author has avoided using difficult allegory.

This makes the narrative simple to read and enjoy.

The child looks to his front and back and left and right. Then the child tries to find his father

among people wearing yellow shirts but all his glimpse could catch yellow blobs in the

crowd. At last he goes to the shrine, in the hope of finding his parents there.

This shows that the child is quite courageous and instead of crying his heart out he tries to

find his parents. He doesn’t concede defeat at first go.

Question 4: Why does the lost child lose interest in the things that he had wanted earlier?

Answer: For any child the security of cosy feeling of being with the family is the most

important. While, the kid is with his parents he is enjoying everything on display in the fair

and in the natural backdrop of butterflies, flowers and swan.

Once the harsh realization of being lost comes to his mind his top priority is to find his

parents. Because parents give you long term sustenance, which can’t be provided by the

neighbourhood uncle. The person who is trying to pacify the child by offering him many

goodies will at the most give a temporary succour to the child. But to continue normal life he

needs to be united with his parents. Although a child may not comprehend this complex

thing, but the natural instinct of parent child bonding makes him behave the way he is


Question 5.What do you think happens in the end? Does the child find his parents?

Answer: The ending of the story is open for us to decide. At the end the parents, who

continuously make sure that he was with them right from the beginning of their journey may

have suddenly realized that he was missing and come looking for the lost child. The helpful

man who tried to console the little boy by offering him various things at the fair may have

also asked him for the description of his parents and helped him to be reunited with them at

the fair reception.

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CHAPTER – 1 Number System




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Page 13: K5kG0SaPU-8 · 2020-04-12 · While engrossed in enjoying the colourful fair, the child gets lost. Probably he is too overawed by the colourful balloons, sweets, garlands, toys to
Page 14: K5kG0SaPU-8 · 2020-04-12 · While engrossed in enjoying the colourful fair, the child gets lost. Probably he is too overawed by the colourful balloons, sweets, garlands, toys to
Page 15: K5kG0SaPU-8 · 2020-04-12 · While engrossed in enjoying the colourful fair, the child gets lost. Probably he is too overawed by the colourful balloons, sweets, garlands, toys to
Page 16: K5kG0SaPU-8 · 2020-04-12 · While engrossed in enjoying the colourful fair, the child gets lost. Probably he is too overawed by the colourful balloons, sweets, garlands, toys to