K-State Area: Natural and Physical Sciences

K-State Area: Natural and Physical Sciences Printed: 12/18/2017 Page 1 of 25 Subject Catalog Title Last Offered 2nd Tag AGRON 220 Crop Science Fall 2018 AGRON 305 Soils Fall 2018 AGRON 330 Weed Science Fall 2018 AGRON 335 Environ Quality Fall 2018 AGRON 360 Crop Growth/Develop Fall 2018 AGRON 501 Range Management Fall 2018 AGRON 515 Soil Genesis & Class Spring 2018 AGRON 550 Forage Mgmt & Utiliz Spring 2018 AGRON 560 Fld Id Rnge/Past Plt Fall 2018 AGRON 605 Soil/Enviroment Chem Spring 2018 AGRON 625 Applications of Nutrient Mgmt Fall 2018 AGRON 630 Crop Improv/Biotech Spring 2018 AGRON 635 Soil & Water Conserv Fall 2018 AGRON 640 Cropping Systems Fall 2018 AGRON 645 Soil Microbiology Fall 2018

Transcript of K-State Area: Natural and Physical Sciences

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K-State Area: Natural and Physical Sciences

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Subject Catalog Title Last Offered 2nd Tag

AGRON 220 Crop Science Fall 2018

AGRON 305 Soils Fall 2018

AGRON 330 Weed Science Fall 2018

AGRON 335 Environ Quality Fall 2018

AGRON 360 Crop Growth/Develop Fall 2018

AGRON 501 Range Management Fall 2018

AGRON 515 Soil Genesis & Class Spring 2018

AGRON 550 Forage Mgmt & Utiliz Spring 2018

AGRON 560 Fld Id Rnge/Past Plt Fall 2018

AGRON 605 Soil/Enviroment Chem Spring 2018

AGRON 625 Applications of Nutrient Mgmt Fall 2018

AGRON 630 Crop Improv/Biotech Spring 2018

AGRON 635 Soil & Water Conserv Fall 2018

AGRON 640 Cropping Systems Fall 2018

AGRON 645 Soil Microbiology Fall 2018

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K-State Area: Natural and Physical Sciences

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AGRON 646 Soil Microbiol Lab Fall 2018

AGRON 650 Integrated Weed Mgnt Spring 2018

AGRON 655 Site Specific Agric Spring 2018

AGRON 660 Grassland Monitoring/Assessmt Fall 2018

AGRON 661 Grass Monitor/Assess Lb Fall 2018

AGRON 681 Range Ecology Spring 2018

AGRON 685 Tropical Soil Management Spring 2018

AGRON 695 Climate Chg & Ag Spring 2018

ANTH 280 Intro Biological Anthropology Fall 2018

ANTH 281 Intro Phys Anth Lab Spring 2014

ANTH 380 Intro to Human Evol Fall 2017

ANTH 383 Plagues Fall 2018

ANTH 388 Top/Physical Anthropology Spring 2018

ANTH 588 Top/Physical Anth Fall 2016

ANTH 680 Forensic Anthropology Spring 2018

ANTH 681 Primatology Fall 2018

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ANTH 682 Human Growth & Dev Fall 2015

ANTH 683 Osteology Spring 2017

ANTH 686 Bioarchaeology Fall 2018

ANTH 687 Sem/Osteology Fall 2004

ANTH 688 Paleoanthropology Spring 2018

ANTH 695 Osteology Lab Spring 2017

ARCH 347 Struct Sys in Arch I Spring 2018

ARCH 348 Structural Syst Ar 1 Fall 2018

ARCH 433 Bld Const Sys Arch 1 Fall 2018

ARCH 448 Structural Systems in Arch II Fall 2018

ARCH 449 Structural Syst Ar 2 Spring 2012

ARCH 452 Structural Syst Ar 3 Fall 2013

ARCH 453 Structural Syst Ar 4 Fall 2013

ARCH 514 Env Sys Arch 2 Fall 2018

ARCH 515 Env Sys Arch 3 Fall 2018

ASI 318 Fund Of Nutrition Fall 2018

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ASI 340 Prin Of Meat Science Spring 2011

ASI 350 Meat Science Fall 2018

ASI 361 Meat Animal Processg Fall 2018

ASI 400 Farm Animal Reproduction Fall 2018

ASI 500 Genetics Fall 2018

ASI 533 Anatomy & Physiology Fall 2018

ASI 608 Dairy Food Proc/Tech Spring 2018

ASI 671 Meat Select & Utiliz Fall 2018

ATM 251 Chem Appl Systems Fall 2018

ATM 450 Sensors/Controls Spring 2018

ATM 511 Ag/Building Systems Fall 2018

AVM 111 Basic Aircraft Elect Fall 2018

AVM 112 Aircraft Welding Spring 2016

AVM 132 Aircraft Fluid Power Spring 2016

AVM 141 Aircraft Science Fall 2015

AVM 142 Airframe Systems Spring 2016

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AVM 152 Airframe Struct/Repr Spring 2017

AVM 162 Airframe Electrical Systems Spring 2017

AVM 201 Air Metallic Prim Structures Spring 2018

AVM 203 Air Envir & Fire Protect Sys Fall 2017

AVM 205 Air Land Gear & Fluid Power Spring 2018

AVM 207 Aircraft Electric Systems Spring 2018

AVM 214 Intro to Air Propulsion Theory Fall 2018

AVM 231 Aircraft Finish/Fabr Fall 2016

AVM 241 Nav Aids & Comm Fall 2017

AVM 242 Nav Aids/Comm Sys Avionics Fall 2015

AVM 301 Adv Recip Powerplant Tech

AVM 303 Intro to Air Composite Struct Fall 2018

AVM 304 Air Fuel Mgmt & Metering Sys

AVM 305 Intro to Air Avionics & Instr

AVM 321 Pwpplt Fundamentals Fall 2016

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AVM 322 Pwrplt Oper/Troublsh Fall 2018

AVM 332 Gas Turbine Powerplt Spring 2018

AVM 342 Pwrplt Indc/Fuel Sys Spring 2018

AVM 351 Pwrplt Ign/Elect Sys Fall 2016

AVM 352 Pwrplt Overhaul Summer 2017

AVM 402 Adv Gas Turbine Powerplant Tec

AVM 403 Adv Air Avionics & Instrument

AVT 242 Aviation Meteorology Fall 2018

AVT 340 Human Factors in Aviation Fall 2018

AVT 386 Aerodynamics Fall 2018

BAE 331 Pro Prac Bio Sys En Des Fall 2018

BAE 545 Biological Process Engr Fall 2018

BAE 640 Instr & Cont Biol Sys Spring 2018

BIOCH 100 Biochem Orientation Fall 2012

BIOCH 110 Biochem and Society Fall 2018

BIOCH 111 Bioch/Society Lab Fall 2018

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Subject Catalog Title Last Offered 2nd Tag

BIOCH 265 Intro Org & Biochem Fall 2018

BIOCH 290 Sem/Biochemistry Spring 2009

BIOCH 399 Soph Hnrs Sem Bioch Spring 2018

BIOCH 499 Honors Project Fall 2018

BIOCH 521 General Biochemistry Fall 2018

BIOCH 522 Gen Biochemistry Lab Fall 2018

BIOCH 599 Res Training/Bioch Fall 2018

BIOCH 775 Molecular Biophysics Spring 2018

BIOL 198 Principles of Biology Fall 2018

BIOL 201 Organismic Biology Fall 2018

BIOL 222 Field Ornithology Spring 2016

BIOL 303 Ecology of Env Prb Fall 2018

BIOL 330 Public Health Biol Fall 2018

BIOL 404 Biology Of Aging Spring 2013

BIOL 410 Biol Of Cancer Cell Fall 2018

BIOL 450 Modern Genetics Fall 2018

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BIOL 455 General Microbiology Fall 2018

BIOL 504 Plant Ecology Fall 2018

BIOL 529 Fundamentals Ecology Fall 2018

BME 674 Medical Imaging

CE 212 Elem Survey Engg Fall 2018

CE 322 Soil Found Construct Spring 2018

CE 331 Strength Materials/Analysis Fall 2018

CE 332 Strength of Materials Lab Fall 2018

CE 333 Statics Fall 2018

CE 411 Route Location/Des Spring 2018

CE 522 Soil Mechanics 1 Fall 2018

CE 528 Foundation Engg Fall 2018

CE 530 Statics & Dynamics Fall 2018

CE 533 Mechanic Of Material Fall 2018

CE 534 Mech Materials Lab Fall 2018

CE 537 Intro Struct Analys Fall 2018

CE 542 Struct Engg Steel Spring 2018

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CE 544 Str Engg Con Fall 2018

CE 550 Water Resources Engg Fall 2018

CE 552 Hydraulic Engg Spring 2018

CE 563 Enviroment Engg Fund Fall 2018

CE 565 Water/Waste Engineer Spring 2018

CE 572 Hiway Engg/Plan/Mgnt Fall 2018

CE 585 Civil Engg Project Fall 2018

CE 641 CE Materials I Fall 2018

CE 654 Grndwtr Flow Systems Fall 2018

CET 220 Soils & Found Fall 2012

CET 312 Transportatn Systems Spring 2006

CET 320 Construct Materials Spring 2013

CET 323 Route Location Srvy Fall 2004

CET 340 Mech/Elect Systems Spring 2008

CET 341 Mechanical Systems Fall 2010

CET 342 Electrical Systems Spring 2011

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Subject Catalog Title Last Offered 2nd Tag

CHE 350 Electronic Materials Spring 2017

CHE 352 Structural Materials Spring 2017

CHE 354 Basic Concepts MS&E Fall 2018

CHE 355 Mechanical Properties Fall 2018

CHE 356 Electrical Properties Fall 2018

CHE 535 Transpt Phenomena Lb Fall 2018

CHE 542 Unit Operations Lab Fall 2018

CHM 110 General Chemistry Fall 2018

CHM 111 Gen Chem Lab Fall 2018

CHM 210 Chemistry 1 Fall 2018

CHM 211 Chemistry 1 Recitatn Fall 2018

CHM 220 Honors Chemistry 1 Fall 2018

CHM 230 Chemistry 2 Fall 2018

CHM 231 Chemistry 2 Recitation Fall 2018

CHM 250 Honors Chemistry 2 Spring 2018

CHM 315 Envir Sci/Chm Fall 2018

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CHM 316 Environmental Chemistry Lab Fall 2018

CHM 350 General Organic Chem Fall 2018

CHM 351 Gen Organic Chem Lab Fall 2018

CHM 371 Chemical Analysis Fall 2018

CHM 372 Forensic Chem/Criminalistics Summer 2012

CHM 498 Honors Project Fall 1982

CHM 499 Prb/Undgd Chemistry Fall 2018

CHM 500 General Phys Chem Spring 2018

CHM 531 Organic Chemistry 1 Fall 2018

CHM 532 Organic Chem Lab Fall 2018

CHM 545 Chemical Separations Spring 2004

CHM 550 Organic Chemistry 2 Fall 2018

CHM 566 Instru Meth Analysis Fall 2018

CHM 585 Physical Chemistry 1 Fall 2018

CHM 595 Physical Chemistry 2 Spring 2018

CHM 600 Scientific Glassblow Spring 2018

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Subject Catalog Title Last Offered 2nd Tag

CHM 601 Safe Chm Lab Practic Fall 2018

CHM 650 History Of Chemistry Spring 2012

CMST 305 Robotics Programming Spring 2018

CSD 361 Hearing Science Fall 2018

CSD 515 Acoustic Phonetics Fall 2018

DAS 333 Origins Fall 2011

DAS 388 Honors Internship Fall 2018

DAS 405 Top/Clin Lab Science Fall 2005

DAS 499 Phys Sci Sr Report Fall 2018

DAS 582 Natr Res/Envir Sci Fall 2018

ECE 210 Intro Electrical Eng Fall 2018

ECED 540 Curr/Cog/Lang Dev Young Child Fall 2018

ECET 100 Basic Electronics Fall 2018

ECET 101 D C Circuits Spring 2018

ECET 110 Semiconductor Elec Fall 2018

ECET 201 A/C Circuits Fall 2018

ECET 210 Linear Circuit Applc Spring 2016

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ECET 240 Elect Manufact Fall 2018

ECET 304 Elec Power & Device Fall 2018

ECET 320 Electronic Comm Syst Spring 2018

ECET 330 Industrial Controls Spring 2009

ECET 414 Electromagnetic Applications

ECET 420 Comm Circuits Design Spring 2018

ECET 421 Telecomm Systems Fall 2009

EDEL 412 Teaching Science: K-6 Fall 2018

EDSEC 542 Science Meth/Sec/Mid Schools Fall 2018

EDSEC 614 Lab Tech Teach Sci Fall 2018

ENTOM 300 Economic Entomology Summer 2018

ENTOM 301 Insects And People Fall 2018

ENTOM 312 General Entomology Fall 2018

ENTOM 320 Horticultural Entomology Fall 2018

ENTOM 612 Insect Pest Diagnosis Fall 2018

FDSCI 302 Intro Food Science Fall 2018

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FDSCI 305 Fund Food Processing Fall 2018

FDSCI 307 Microbiol/Meat/Poult Fall 2018

FDSCI 430 Food Products Eval Fall 2018

FDSCI 501 Food Chemistry Spring 2018

FDSCI 600 Food Microbiology Fall 2018

FDSCI 690 Prin of HACCP & HARPC Fall 2018

FDSCI 695 Quality Assur Fd Pr Fall 2018

FNDH 132 Basic Nutrition Fall 2018

FNDH 301 Food Trend, Leg & Reg Spring 2009

FNDH 320 Care & Prev Ath Inj Fall 2018

FNDH 352 Personal Wellness Fall 2018

FNDH 400 Human Nutrition Fall 2018

FNDH 413 Science of Food Fall 2018

FNDH 450 Nutr Assessment Spring 2018

FNDH 510 Life Span Nutrition Spring 2018

FNDH 535 Energy Balance Fall 2018

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FNDH 551 Eval/Ath Inj/Extrmts Fall 2018

FNDH 552 Eval of the Core Spring 2018

FNDH 553 Pharmacology Fall 2018

FNDH 554 Gen Medical Conditions Spring 2018

FNDH 555 Modalities Spring 2018

FNDH 556 Rehab/Cond Ath Inj Spring 2018

FNDH 620 Nutr Metabolism Fall 2018

FNDH 632 Clinical Nutrition II Fall 2018

FNDH 635 Nutrition and Exercise Fall 2018

FOR 285 Forest Resource Mgmt Spring 2013

GENAG 582 Nat Res/Envir Sci Fall 2018

GEOG 221 Intro Physical Geography Fall 2018

GEOG 235 Atmospheric Science Fall 2015

GEOG 321 Environ Geography 2 Spring 2012

GEOG 340 Geog Natural Resourc Spring 2018

GEOG 445 Biogeography Spring 2018

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GEOG 600 Mountain Geography Spring 2018

GEOG 740 Fluvial Geomorphology Fall 2018

GEOL 100 Earth In Action Fall 2018

GEOL 102 Earth Through Time Fall 2018

GEOL 103 Geology Laboratory Fall 2018

GEOL 105 Oceanography Spring 2018

GEOL 115 Environmental Geol Fall 2018

GEOL 125 Natural Disasters Fall 2018

GEOL 305 Earth Resources Fall 2001

GEOL 502 Mineralogy Fall 2018

GEOL 503 Petrology Spring 2018

GEOL 506 Geol & Environment Fall 2014

GEOL 510 Geology Of Planets Summer 2018

GEOL 512 Earth Science Spring 2006

GEOL 515 Geol National Parks Spring 2011

GEOL 520 Geomorphology Fall 2018

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GEOL 530 Structural Geology Fall 2018

GEOL 540 Geol Record of Climate Change Spring 2018

GEOL 560 Field Methods Fall 2018

GEOL 581 Principles of Paleontology Fall 2018

GEOL 650 Geomicrobiology Spring 2018

GEOL 760 Biogeochemical Modeling Fall 2018

GERON 400 Biogerontology Spring 2018

GRSC 210 CAD Flow Sheets/Grain Process Fall 2018

GRSC 540 Process Calc/Food Sys Spring 2018

GRSC 560 Elec & Ind Power Dist Spring 2018

GRSC 602 Cereal Science Fall 2018

GRSC 625 Flour And Dough Test Fall 2018

HM 205 Food Safety/Protection Fall 2018

HM 220 Envir Iss in Hosp Spring 2018

HORT 201 Prin Of Hort Science Fall 2018

HORT 325 Intro to Organic Farming Fall 2018

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HORT 405 Water Issues/Lawn & Landscape Spring 2016

HORT 508 Sustain Land Maint Prac Fall 2018

HORT 515 Basic Turfgrass Culture Spring 2018

HORT 516 Int Culture Golf/Sports Turf Spring 2018

HORT 520 Fruit Production Spring 2018

HORT 560 Veg Crop Production Spring 2018

HORT 575 Nursery Management Fall 2018

HORT 585 Arboriculture Spring 2018

HORT 587 Turfgrass Diseases Mgmt Fall 2018

HORT 588 Turfgrass Weeds Mgmt Fall 2018

HORT 589 Turfgrass Insects Mgmt Fall 2018

IAPD 606 IAPD Design Studio VI Spring 2018

IAPD 607 Iar Dsgn Studio 5 Spring 2006

IMSE 250 Manufact Processes Fall 2018

KIN 220 Bio Beh Basis Phys Activity Fall 2018

KIN 320 Motor Learn Develop Fall 2018

KIN 335 Physiolgy/Exercise Fall 2018

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KIN 336 Phys Ex Lab Fall 2018

KIN 360 Anatomy and Physiology Fall 2018

KIN 601 Cardio Respir Ex Phy Spring 2018

KIN 603 Cardiovascu Ex Phys Fall 2018

KIN 607 Muscle Exercise Phys Fall 2018

KIN 609 Environmental Physiology Fall 2018

KIN 635 Nutrition & Exercise Fall 2018

KIN 650 Dev Of Motor Control Spring 2007

KIN 657 Therapeutic Exer/Dis Summer 2018

LAR 248 Land Arch Matr & Meth Spring 2018

LAR 350 Land Arch Plant Materials Fall 2018

LAR 410 Planting Design Studio Fall 2018

LAR 420 Natr Sys & Site Anal Fall 2018

LAR 439 Design Implementation II Spring 2018

LAR 440 Prb/Landscape Design Fall 2013

LAR 635 Golf Course Plan & Dsgn Spring 2018

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LAR 647 Design Implementation III Fall 2018

LAR 704 Env Land Plan & Des Fall 2018

ME 573 Heat Transfer Fall 2018

MET 211 Statics Fall 2018

MET 231 Phys Mtrl & Metallurgy Fall 2018

MET 245 Matr Strength/Test Spring 2018

MET 246 Dynamics/Machines Spring 2018

MET 252 Fluid Power Tech Fall 2018

MET 333 Adv Materials Sci Spring 2003

MET 346 Elem Of Mechanisms Spring 2018

MET 353 Fluid Mechanics Spring 2018

MET 382 Ind Instrmnt/Contrls Spring 2018

MET 460 Tool Dsgn Manufact Spring 2004

MET 471 Thermodyn/Heat Trnsf Spring 2018

PHYS 101 The Physical World Fall 2018

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PHYS 102 Current Topics/Physical World Fall 2018

PHYS 103 The Physical World Lab Fall 2018

PHYS 106 Concepts Of Physics Fall 2018

PHYS 113 General Physics 1 Fall 2018

PHYS 114 General Physics 2 Fall 2018

PHYS 115 Descriptive Physics Spring 2018

PHYS 191 Descriptive Astronomy Spring 2018

PHYS 213 Engineering Phys 1 Fall 2018

PHYS 214 Engineering Phys 2 Fall 2018

PHYS 223 Phys 1, Mech/Thermod Fall 2018

PHYS 224 Phys 2, Elect Sound Spring 2018

PHYS 300 Phys/Rel Other Disc Fall 1992

PHYS 325 Phys 3, Relat/Quantm Fall 2018

PHYS 399 Phys Honors Seminar Spring 1997

PHYS 451 Prin Contemp Physics Spring 2015

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PHYS 452 Contemporary Physics Spring 2018

PHYS 460 Top/Undergrad Physic Fall 2018

PHYS 495 Astronomy Fall 1990

PHYS 497 Senior Res In Physic Fall 2018

PHYS 498 Hon/Tutorial/Physics Fall 2018

PHYS 499 Honors Project Fall 2018

PHYS 506 Adv Physics Lab Spring 2018

PHYS 515 Physics/Sci Teachers Spring 2017

PHYS 522 Mechanics Spring 2018

PHYS 532 Electromagnetc Fld 1 Fall 2018

PHYS 553 Intro Physic Lasers Spring 1993

PHYS 620 Teaching Univ Physic Spring 2017

PHYS 623 Oscillatn/Wave/Relat Fall 2003

PHYS 633 Electromagnt Field 2 Spring 2018

PHYS 636 Physical Meas Instr Spring 2018

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PHYS 639 Computatn In Physics Fall 2018

PHYS 642 Nuclear Phys Spring 2011

PHYS 651 Intro To Optics Fall 2018

PHYS 652 Applied Optics Spring 2017

PHYS 655 Physics Of Solids Spring 2016

PHYS 662 Intro Quantum Mech Spring 2018

PHYS 664 Thermostat Fall 2018

PHYS 691 Intro Astrophysics Fall 2017

PHYS 692 Intro To Cosmology Spring 2018

PHYS 694 Particle Physics Spring 2018

PLAN 510 Tech Module Fall 2018

PLPTH 300 Micr/Plnt/Human Pers Summer 2016

PLPTH 495 Res/Plant Pathology Fall 2018

PLPTH 500 Prin Plant Pathology Summer 2018

PLPTH 575 Top/Plant Pathology Fall 2018

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PLPTH 576 Special Topics in Plant Path Fall 2018

PLPTH 585 Crop Diseases Fall 2018

PLPTH 587 Turfgrass Dis/Mgmt Summer 2018

PLPTH 590 Landscape Diseases Fall 2018

PLPTH 611 Ag Biotech Lab Spring 2017

PLPTH 614 Int/Appl Gen/Biotech Fall 2018

PLPTH 812 Integ Genome Analysis Fall 2018

PLPTH 813 Bioinformatics Appl Fall 2018

PMC 275 Intro to Nat Res Mgmt Fall 2018

PMC 475 Natural Hist Park Prof Fall 2018

PPIL 109 Private Pilot Glider

PPIL 218 Comm Pilot Helicopter Gr Sch Fall 2016

PPIL 230 Priv Pilot Glider Tr Spring 2016

PPIL 231 Comm Pilot Glider Tr Fall 2014

PPIL 263 Multi Engine Flt Lab Fall 2018

PPIL 295 Tailwheel Transition Fall 2018

PPIL 325 Advanced Aircraft Systems Fall 2018

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PPIL 379 Turbine Transition Fall 2018

PPIL 396 Intro/Upset Training/Recovery Fall 2018

PSYCH 202 Drugs And Behavior Fall 2018

PSYCH 370 Brain and Behavior Spring 2018

PSYCH 470 Psychobiology Fall 2018

PSYCH 475 Principle/Learning Fall 2018

PSYCH 480 Fund Percep & Sensat Spring 2018

PSYCH 510 Intro Behavior Modif Spring 2017

PSYCH 570 Psychopharmacology Spring 2012

PSYCH 630 Human Neuropsychology Spring 2016

UAS 300 UAS Powerplant Fund Fall 2018

WOEM 561 Waterfowl/Wetlands Mgmt Fall 2018

WOEM 620 Human-Wildlife Conflicts Spring 2018