K. Rustan M. Leino Peter Müller IFIP WG 2.3 meeting 49 10 June 2009 Boston, MA.

Locks, channels, deadlock freedom, progress K. Rustan M. Leino Peter Müller IFIP WG 2.3 meeting 49 10 June 2009 Boston, MA

Transcript of K. Rustan M. Leino Peter Müller IFIP WG 2.3 meeting 49 10 June 2009 Boston, MA.

Page 1: K. Rustan M. Leino Peter Müller IFIP WG 2.3 meeting 49 10 June 2009 Boston, MA.

Locks, channels, deadlock freedom, progress

K. Rustan M. LeinoPeter Müller IFIP WG 2.3 meeting

4910 June 2009Boston, MA

Page 2: K. Rustan M. Leino Peter Müller IFIP WG 2.3 meeting 49 10 June 2009 Boston, MA.

Chalice object life cycle (abridged)

Locks are objects, objects are locks

thread local








Page 3: K. Rustan M. Leino Peter Müller IFIP WG 2.3 meeting 49 10 June 2009 Boston, MA.

Locking order in ChaliceEvery lock has an associated locking levelLocks have to be acquired in ascending order, which avoids deadlocks

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Locking order detailsLocking order is a dense semi-lattice(Mu, <<, , ) << is the strict version of <<The locking level of an object o is stored in a mutable ghost field o.muAccessing o.mu requires appropriate permissions

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Examplemethod M(o: C)

requires rd(o.mu) maxlock << o.mu


acquire o…release o


(lHeld l.mu)

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Semantics (defined by pseudo code)o := new C ≡ … o.mu := …share o between L and H ≡

assert CanWrite(o,mu) o.mu = ;assert L << H;havoc μ; assume L << μ << H;o.mu := μ;Exhale MonitorInv(o);

acquire o ≡ assert CanRead(o,mu);assert maxlock << o.mu;Held := Held {o};Inhale MonitorInv(o);

release o ≡ assert o Held;Exhale MonitorInv(o);Held := Held – {o};

thread local








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Lock reorderingreorder o between L and H ≡

assert CanWrite(o,mu) o.mu ≠ ;assert L << H;assert o Held; havoc μ; assume L << μ << H;o.mu := μ; method M(o: C)

requires rd(o.mu) maxlock << o.mu


acquire o…release o


(lHeld l.mu)

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Threadsfork tk := o.M()join tk

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Join deadlockThread 0:

fork tk := o.M()acquire pjoin tkrelease p

Thread 1:

method M()…

{acquire p…release p


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Avoiding join deadlocksTokens record the initial maxlock of the new threadfork tk := o.M() ≡

tk.forkMaxlock := maxlock;…

join tk ≡assert maxlock <<


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Example correctedThread 0:

fork tk := o.M()acquire pjoin tkrelease p

Thread 1:

method M()requires

rd(p.mu) maxlock <<


acquire p…release p


Page 12: K. Rustan M. Leino Peter Müller IFIP WG 2.3 meeting 49 10 June 2009 Boston, MA.

Channelschannel Name(signature) where predicate

Example:channel Ch(t: T) where acc(t.x) 0 ≤ t.x < 100

Channels have unbounded slackthat is: sends are non-blocking

ch := new Chsend ch(E) ≡ Exhale Where(ch);receive x := ch ≡ Inhale Where(ch);

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Progress problemsThread 0:

receive x := ch

acquire oreceive x := ch

Thread 1:

/* No send. Ever. */

acquire osend ch(E)


Page 14: K. Rustan M. Leino Peter Müller IFIP WG 2.3 meeting 49 10 June 2009 Boston, MA.

CreditsChannels have associated credits

cf. memory locations have associated permissions

receive requires a creditsend produces a creditSpecification syntax: credit(ch, n)where n is an integer, denotes n credits for channel ch

If omitted, n defaults to 1Negative credits are debits

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Encoding of creditsIntroduce a per-activation-record credits counter C : channel int

cf. per-activation-record permissions mask P in Peter’s talk

Inhale credit(ch,n) ≡ C[ch] := C[ch] + nExhale credit(ch,n) ≡ C[ch] := C[ch] – n

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Credit accountingch := new Ch ≡

… C[ch] := 0; …send ch(E) ≡

Inhale credit(ch,1); Exhale Where(ch);receive x := E ≡

assert C[ch] > 0;Inhale Where(ch); Exhale


sell where clause,

obtain 1 credit

pay 1 credit,receive where


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Ensuring progressAssociate a locking level also with every channel ch, recorded in a field ch.much := new Ch between L and H ≡ …receive x := ch ≡

assert CanRead(ch,mu) maxlock << ch.mu;… // as before

send ch(E) ≡assert CanRead(ch,mu); ?… // as before

reorder – not yet worked out

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Going into debtmaxlock ≡

(lHeld l.mu) (ch | C[ch] < 0 ch.mu)

Inhale credit(ch,n) ≡ Exhale credit(ch,-n)Exhale credit(ch,n) ≡

assert C[ch] – n < 0 ≤ C[ch] maxlock << ch.mu;C[ch] := C[ch] – n;

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Credit-leak checkingAt the end of every activation record:

assert (ch 0 ≤ C[ch]);

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Producer / Consumer exampleclass Cell { var val: int; … }

channel Ch(x: Cell) wherex ≠ null

acc(x.val) 0 ≤ x.val credit(this)class Program {

method Main() …method Producer(ch: Ch) …method Consumer(ch: Ch) …


Page 21: K. Rustan M. Leino Peter Müller IFIP WG 2.3 meeting 49 10 June 2009 Boston, MA.

P/C: Mainmethod Main() { var ch := new Ch fork tk0 := Producer(ch) fork tk1 := Consumer(ch) join tk0 join tk1}

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P/C: Producermethod Producer(ch: Ch)

requires rd(ch.mu)ensures credit(ch, 1)

{while (…)

invariant rd(ch.mu){

var x := …send ch(x)

}send ch(null)


requires rd(ch.mu)requires credit(ch,

-1)ensures true


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P/C: Consumermethod Consumer(ch: Ch)

requires rd(ch.mu) maxlock << ch.murequires credit(ch)ensures rd(ch.mu)

{receive x := chwhile (x ≠ null)

invariant x ≠ null credit(ch){

…receive x := ch

} }