~k - International Labour Organization · 2010. 11. 5. · *k fh.Tf"*f...

~k * fh.Tf"*f t...e..t.I\'e -'t IJOtJt.{}.f'e tT-flt\.tJ ~101r-1A ~ ;J~T ~ltff) FEDERAL NEGARIT G~ETA OF THE FEDERAL DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF ETHIOPIA ltf.-lt+~ '}oP"" ck-rc ., h-'llt hOIl (a~f)?; +1 Iiifjl Oh.""f"kl J..Y..t.I\ce, -'l"jht.fa.lce tTl1l\.h f ih1l11 +lDi1f":f 9"11€ 0."" mll<t.,..,. flDtIJ i 6th Year No. 40 ADDIS ABABA - 41h July, 2000 ! 1I'/lD-65J. h'P~ cJ:-rC IfI/Iiifjl '}.r. fh.""f"kl f(al1hce oPl1"" tlOIJ..7i1 D7'k'k0lJ..1 h'P~ 1Jt lin:rf2~ h'P~ ck-rC IfI/Iiif11 fh.""f"kl f(al1hce oPl1"" tlD7.7i11 ltD7'k'kr flDtIJ h'P;Eo hh.""f"k.f 1Ith.C':f; lIth.l(aP:f«i- ih1lP:t- oPlPl:J-ce ,}I\D79':f h1~ frr.,m-1 Oih.., fOl\~""" I\~ f'r-~(al'" h1~ frlt'l:i1 D7')Ol(all O;Jt. foP111l'}' ,}I\D7 h..,.O fOlJ..f.C(am- f..,lt(all= fllth.C/lIth.l(al1 'he; f ih1l1l oPlPl:Ne oPlI.,.:fe; "''''''1- oPhOt.Tm- fa.l;J1'1' OoP(f'1-; fh.""f"*' ih1l1l ltY..'fOht.fa.lce P'C'}1- oPltt.1 'h1-'lu-r lth.II'iD7.1cee; D7tJOt.ce iJ~1: i oPf.t. ~..,. 1li1th.f.m- l~r ..,...,/.\ Oht..ltm- oPlt'PiJ""~""; (al1hce oPlI.,.:f ltD7e;Tm-r '}~"'1- f+/tiJ'i oPJ;~ "'~;Jltm- O'hm-1 fOlJ..hO~O""'IJ-~:t' D7oP;F:f:'- OD7ltt..lt'N Oh.""f"kl J..Y..t.I\ce -'l'fOht.fa.lce tTl1l\.h ih1 oP1..,P''''' f ih1lP:f oPlI.,.:fe; .,.,.,.,.:f f'r-hO~ oPrre;Tm- OoPl,;J1m-e; 0D71~m-r f.l)f f0lJ..1J. fJ..Y..t./.\e;. fh/.\/.\ oP1..,P':t''''' hi11\,1-e; IlltP'/.\tIJ'i;F:fm- 'h.,tltJ, MhOC'i , : MlthOC ;}I\",,,""e; ""..:t'r 'h1J;ltIlTm- OoPf.11'N oPlIoA:1e; .".,oA:1 OD7lthO~ l1f.- fl\.,. ~c?f ~tf t. T'P/.\ htPJ.Illt--1- hi11\,1- h1P,. frr.,m-1 f(allhce oPl1"" tlOIJ..7i11 D7'k'kre; p'/.\tIJ'1-1e; +"'1l~1r hih1 oP1"'P'1: ~1;J1.9':f ;JC OOlJ..ltD7D7 oP/.\h Oih.., oPlD(a1 hltt..I\1. rrtf OoP1"f":; Oh. ""f"kl U..t.I\ce -'l 'fOht.fa..fce tTl1l\.h ,ih1 ,. oP1..,P"}- h1+Jt 2?i (Ii) 'he; (I!!) oPlPl"" fD7.h+t'\m- :t'm- ~/.\:: '')~ 'P;J Unit Price 4'85 . I CONTENTS I Proclamation No. 210/2000 Ethiopian Human Rights C@mmission Establishment Proclamation Page 1356 PROCLAMATIQN NO. 210/2000 A PROCLAMA TIOij TO PROVIDE FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE. HUMAN RIGHT~ COMMISSION, I ' WHEREAS, the goal to jointly build one political community founded on the n)lle of law, as one ~f the basic objectives of the nations~nationalities and p~oples of Ethiopia, is to be achieved by guaranteeing resp~ct for the fundamental rights and freedoms of the indi~idual ; and of nations/nationalities an peoples; ! WHEREAS, the immen e sacrifices paid ~y the people of Ethiopia, in the protr cted struggle they waged I with a view to bringing about democratic order 4nd to ! enhancing their socio-econo . c development, ca~lsfor i paving the way for the unfett~red protection of hpman I rights; ; WHEREAS, the Constitution of the Federal De- mocratic Republic of Ethiopia guarantees respect for peoples' rights and freedoms and provides that Federal and Regional government organs, at all levels, and their respective officials shall have the responsibility and duty to respect and enforce said rights and freedoms; WHEREAS, it is found necessary to establish a Human Rights Commission, as one of the organs that playa major role in enforcing such rights and freedoms, and to determine its powers and functions, by law, in conformity with the provisions of the Constitution; NOW, THEREFORE, in accordance with sub-Ar- ticls (1) and (14) of Article 55 ofthe Constitution, ofthe Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, it is hereby proclaimed as follws: ~;Jt"" ;J'1ffJ ;r.'1'~' 11';(,6 Negarit a.p.G.Box 80,001

Transcript of ~k - International Labour Organization · 2010. 11. 5. · *k fh.Tf"*f...

  • ~k*fh.Tf"*f t...e..t.I\'e -'t IJOtJt.{}.f'e tT-flt\.tJ

    ~101r-1A ~ ;J~T ~ltff)FEDERAL NEGARIT G~ETA


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    hCP;E- ck1'C ~fI/Ii1£j~" .f'lIfr> fl.m+ll f,"fl\A.'


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    P;1' f,tn.9"t-A.'




    \ Federal Negarit Gazeta - No. 40 4thJuly, 2000-Page 1357

    PART ONEGeneral Provisions

    1. Short TitleThis Proclamation may be cited as the "EthiopianHuman Rights Commission Establishment ProclamationNo. 21012000."

    2. DefinitionsUnless the context requires otherwise, in thisProclamation:

    1) "Appointee" means the Chief Commissioner forHuman Rights, the Deputy Chief Commissioner orCommissioner heading the children and womenaffairs, and commissioners at the level of branchoffices, appointed by the House, in accordance withthis Proclamation;

    2) "Staff' inclu~es department heads, professionalsaqd other support staff of the Commission;

    3) "Family Member" means a person of relation byconsanguinity or affinity, in accordance with theCivil Code of Ethiopia;

    4) "House" means the House of Peoples' Represen-tatives of the Federal Democratic Republic ofEthiopia;

    5) "Human Right" includes fundamental rights andfreedoms recognized under the Constitution of theFederal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia and thoseenshrined in the international agreement ratified bythe country;

    6) "Person" means any natural or juridical person;7) "Region" means any of those speicified under

    Article 47 (1) of the Constitution of the FederalDemocratic Republic of Ethiopia and, for thepurposes of this Proclamation,includes the AddisAbaba City Administration and the Dire DawaAdministration;

    8) "Government" means the Federal, or a RegionalGovernment;

    9) "Third Party" means a deputy, an association or anon-govrenmental organization representing anindividual or a group;

    10) ','Investigator" means a staff assigned, by the

  • 1~ I!itrn~ A..lot-A ~:M-r .?ILIIJ4:'I'C" (a~ ?)% +') Iuf1l ,.9"-


    FederalNegaritGazeta- No. 40 41hJuly, 2000-Page 1358


    ,}I\ "7

    fta"7:li~ ,}1\"7 ih1l0' ill\l111hCC oPl1-f-"f ""J"o. ",.tl

    li ~m- "7il"'''7C: oPl1-A: "'~.f,lfJ{1. oPmO~: oP.O-A:

    ta.f,7it.~ ~ P t- I\.f, ",.tlm- ~ "lj +'I'l1m- .{ 1)". '" ilL

    1\1.m- "C9"'~ "'.tllDl1.(' "7.(-~'" .f,lfljA:: IIPAlfJ,lj "-"'flC i

    taOl/.'Ii~ f"7.h.t-;\m- PAlfJ,lj .,...,flC .f,li ~CPA;

    Ii' Ok'}-f'k 1 ~Y..t-I\CC .tlquht-l1.1CC tTrOt\.h ih1oP,..,p.}- m-il'l' f."F. "11-:'f' l111"'CCoP1-f-"f 000/'

    ~m-9"' tL;Ji OoP'..,P:'f- hl1l\:'f- : IOTl\.tl1

    ,('C~-f-:Y-: Ol\.fr'"f 00/10t-:'f- ",.tlo-9" qQl\PAlfJ

    li:F:fm- oPhOt-:fm-' 00/~;J1'1';

    ~. OoP,..,p.)- fOO/.lDm-ih1"f: F.1fl"f: oPoPtl?J"f:

    ",.tlU'9"' :'f-/l."I"f Oih1 oP''''P1: h+~;J1m'

    f,1.1:Y- l111hCC oPl1.y."f ;JC fOO/.f,.4>~~ oPlfc.':fm-,


    f' 111~'''l10« ill\l111hCC oPl1:'f- o-t /lm-.,.:'f- lir.:.}-oPl1'I:' fOO/hOClj fOO/ilhOC fltJA "'.tl.f~lIC

    oP1c.'~ l1,,,~'lj f'''l\!~ "Y..?J"f, OoPm"'9"00/il+oo/ C;

    ~. fl111hCC oPl1'}' oPlfJil :t>t.;r?J"f l1..,.CO«l\:'f- lD.f,9"'Ot.{1. h .,ta'li"t.}- 9"'CoPt- ''"1I1,h..(';

    ?;. "tflC ,n1"f "r1.tl?f?f~lj h~.tlil ih1"f "'.tllDm-lD.f,9"' T t\.l1.?J"f h'.tl'" f {1.00/l1fll111; I

    1;' Ol111hCC oPl1'}- 1-~f'"f I\.f, f9"hC ''''1A..,fr':'f-


    1:' l\,}l\9"' h"'tt: hl1l\'}- OOl/..,.CO« fl111"'CCoPl1:'f-

    tTC.y.:y. I\.f, "'il'I'.ff'}- oPilm'}-;

    ~. k:'f'f'k.f f''''''Ol\:r-~:m-' ,}l\9"' "''''tt: fl111hCC

    oPl1:'f- O'"t"-:;-" OU1C m-il'l' *,*?J"f (lD+C19"'lj


    fl' 0,}l\9"' h"'tt: fl111"''f oPl1:'f' ill1l1f1~"f: t1'L~

    , {\:y-lD.f,9"' l1.9"'T't fqu"f I\~ oPta+tt:l

    I' f'l1~'}- fll\o.'}- oPlf'; m-A oPCP'PA; Oiloo-oPhftillj oPhl1il;

    Iii' '}I\OO/m-, l\OO/ilt."'9"' fOO/..filLA1- I\.fr'"f 1'..,fI

    r.::Y', OO/hljlD';

    f PAlfJ' 1F.1ItaOl/.'Ii~09"'/0.1: lD~9" 0~Y..t. 'Ii, 9"'/0.:'f- lD.f,9"'OhAA

    9"'/0..,."f lD.f,9"' 000/,~m-9"' tt:/o.:'f- Of:'f'~m-9"' F.~~OoP;rf:'f- I\.f, 11~ 1-~f'"f Oil."",C fl111"'CC oPl1:'f-oPlfJ il' h il oP A h-f- 000/' ~ m-9"' l1m- I\.f, fOl/. .,.C 0«ho.'I:;J'?J"f, o-l\' "'.,.11l\0 foPoPCoPC oo-~ PAlfJ'

    .f,'i ~If'A::


    ~. ftaOl/. 'Ii ~ '" *9"'ta01/.'Ii ~;

    Ii' ftaOl/.'liH~"f 1-Qq.;

    ~. U) '",.(. If'lj ta00/.'Ii"tC;

    l\) h'.(' 9"'/lf'lj taOO/.'Ii"tC; .th) f ih,lj:'f-lj f{)..,."f 1-~f'"f1 fOO/.oPt-

    ta 01/. 'Ii "tC;

    00) IbW-T t1~.1i.,eTi ~'i"I

    0') hilt.l\1. flf~ 1\.fr':Y-O't-+7i'f .f,li~;rA::

    5: Objective .

    The objective of the Commissipn shall be to educate thepublic be aware of human rights see to it that humanrights are protected, respected and fully enforced as well

    as to have the necessary measure taken where they arefound to have been violated.

    6. Powers and DutiesThe Commission shall have the powers and duties to:

    1) ensure that the human rights and freedomsprovided for under the Constitution of the FederalDemocratic Republic of Ethiopia are respected byall citizens, organs of state, political organizationsand other associations as well as by their respectiveofficials;

    2) ensure that laws, regulations and directives as wellas government decisions and orders do not con-travene the human rights of citizens guaranteed bythe Constitution;

    3) educate the public, using the mass media and othermeans, with a view to ~nhancing its tradition ofrespect for, and demand for enorcement of, rightsupon acquiring sufficient awareness regardinghuman rights;

    4) undertake investigation, juponcomplaint or its owninitiation, in respect of human rights violations;

    I5) make recommendations for the revision of existing

    laws, enactment of new laws and formulation ofpolicies.

    6) provide consultancy services on matters of humanrights;

    7) forward its opinion on human rights reports to besubmitted to international organs;

    8) translate into local vernaculars, internationalhuman rights instruments adopted by Ethiopia anddisperse same;

    9) participate in international human rights meeting,conferences or symposia;

    10) own property, enter into contracts, sue and be suedin its own name;

    11) perform such other activities as may be necessaryto attain its objective.

    7. Limitation of PowerThe Commission shall have full powers to receive andinvestigate all complaints on human rights violationsmade against any person, save cases brought before theHouse, the House of the Federation, Regional Council orbefore the courts oflaw, at any level.

    8. Organization of the CommissionThe Commission shall have:

    1) a Council of Commissioners;2) (a) a Chief Commissioner;

    (b) a Deputy ChiefCommissioper;(c) a Commissioner heading ~e Crildren and

    Women affairs,(d) Others Commissioners and,(e) the necessary staff.

  • i

    'IX- Ii'lf.rnf! t..~&-IA ~_"J~'''' ."Jt&.'" 4l'l'C OJM n +, If!tU'}.,.. Federal Negarit Gazeta - No. 40 4thJuly, ...:voo.-Page 1359

    fl' '1''1'ooP/'1 0.'-"fta"7.1i). 'P'i ooP/'1 o..}- h.ltil hOI1 (fli' 9"hC 0.1:

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    i\. li' ~.). f, "fl\ /.\ fA


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    if' h9"hc 0.'1: hl1"'r ooilh/.\ hl1/.\IIfOlJ.OOlm- f111-}'hl1l\'-" .........

    g. 09"/0.-1: oo~oo~ ill\:fm- .,.:I>'P"7.

    ;rC1:sP"f ooilh/.\ O;Jt- il9"9"~'-"

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    ~. f ~Y.t-/.\ m:"l\f, rJ-Cf: 0.'-" T toft.

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    't. f ~ '-"f" k 1 'h il /.\9"li .,..-;f""f m:"" f,1.11h.,,'milf, ......................

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    f~'-"f"k.f il"'l\.il'e.}' o.,,'hCil1:.f1 ,,'milf,.................................

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    ~. ~Y:OI/.m-hc!)~ qoo'r Ol\f, f(f~s:








    fI' »;


    9. Head OfficeThe Commission shall have its Head Office in AddisAbaba and it may have branch offices at any place as maybe detehnined by the House.

    10. Appointment1) The Chief Commiossioner, the Deputy Chief Com-

    missioner and other Commissioners shall be ap-pointed by the House.

    2) The appointment of the Chief Commissioner, theDeputy Chief Commissioner and of other Commis-sioners shall be made as under the followingselection procedure:(a) the appointees shall be recruited by a

    Nomination Committee to be formed pur-suant to Article 11 hereunder;

    (b) the nominees shall have to receive thesupport of a two-thirds vote of the membersof the Committee;

    (c) the list of nominees shall be presented to theHouse, by the Speaker, for it to vote upon;

    (d) the nominees shall be appointed upon receiptof the support of a two-thirds vote of theHouse.

    11. Composition of the Nomination CommitteeThe Nomination Committee shall have the followingmembers:1) the Speaker of the House Chairperson2) the Speaker of the House of the

    Federation Member(s)3) seven members to be elected from Members

    among members of the Housethe Federation ....................................

    4) two members of the House to be electedby joint agreement of oppositionparties having seats in the House ......

    5) The President of the Federal SupremeCourt ........................................

    6) a representative of the EthiopianOrthodox Church.. .............................

    7) a representative of the EthiopianIslamic Council..................................

    8) a representative of the EthiopianEvangelical Church ...........................

    9) a representative of the EthiopianCatholic Church .............................

    12. Cri~eriafor AppointmentAny person who:1) is loyal to the Constitution of the Federal De-

    mocratic Republic of Ethiopia;2) upholds respect for human rights;3) is trained in law or other relevant discipline or has

    acquired extensive knowledge through experience;4) is reputed for his diligence, honesty and good

    conduct;5) has not been convicted for a criminal offence;6) is an Ethiopian national;7) is of enough good health to assume the post;8) is above thirty-five years of agemay be an appointee.






  • 11t/iifrf;?; ~1.?A ~?~T ?ILIIJ 4l1'C ~ flk 3'~+,IfifU ,.r. Federal Negarit Gazeta - No. 40 41hJuly, 2~Page 1360

    Ir' "'mt~""i' f'f''i f1"'.1i~c '''mt~'''' l\9"hC 0.-1: f,ITliAr:

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    Feder Negarit Gazeta - No. 40 4thJuJy, 2000-Page 1361


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    18. Pro1ibition to Engage in Other Employment1) IAn appointee shall not be allowed to engage in

    other gainful, public or private employment duringhis term of office.

    2) Notwithstanding the provisions of sub-Article (1)

    of this Article, the House may allow otherwise inconsideration of the particular profession in whichthe appointee is required to make contribution.

    PART TWOPowers and Duties of Appointees

    J9. Powers and Duties of the Chief Commissioner1) The Chief Commissioner shall be the top executive

    of the Commission and, as such, shall exercise thepowers and duties of the Commission provided forherein.

    2) Without prejudice to the generality stated under

    Sub-Article (1) of this Article, the Chief Commis-sioner shall:(a) employ and administer the staff, in accor-

    dance with directive to be adopted by theCouncil of Commissioners.

    (b) prepare and sumbit to the House, the budget,of the Commission dealt upon by the Councilof Commissioners; and implement sameupon approval:

    (c) transfer a case where he has sufficient

    grounds, from one investigation section orinvestigator to another; or investigate, him-self, a case of human right violation commit-ted anywhere;



    (d) undertake study of recurrent cases of human

    i right violations and forward together withremedial proposals to the House;

    (e) give his opinion on reports prepared by the

    Federal Government in respect of humanrights protection;

    (f) prepare, and submit to the House, draft

    legislation on human rights; give his opinionon those prepared otherwise;

    (g) submit a report, to the House, on matters of

    human rights and on the activities of the


    (h) take part in meetings by way of representing

    the Commission, establish working relationswith Federal and Regional government or-gans as well as with non-governmentalorganizations;

    (i) Organize, Coordinate and follow up branch

    offices;U) perform such other activities as may be

    assigned to him by the House.3) The Chief Commissioner may, to the extent neces-

    sary for the efficient performance of the Commis-sion, delegate part of his powers and duties, other

    than those specified under sub-Article 2 (b), (f) and(g) of this Article and Article 35 (2), to Commis-

    sioners or other officials of the Commission.

  • 1K' liif.r.ftl t..1..~A ~;J&"'- ;JtLIlJ C'}~lj: K"/o..y."f f\"7.7i~e:Y' FAIlJ'}'� "'..,IlC

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    "If~ O",}"'K" ?; '}l1-it ",}"'K" (%) 'h'l (11) FCh"'m.,.()m- Oit.,..,.C O"'**ODO:" Frt:t. m-it-r1\f\"7.7i). f'''()mm-'} FAIlJ'}'� .,...,IlC OFt. ftf.

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    ?;. c}>C'}~lj: K"t'ht.:" o.-I:'} OODrohA hhAAOD'}..,F"" "'lft""'� OhAt\- m-it-r h"7.IP~ OD'}..,F;1''C 'lAIf). ~,c~.,.:y- ;JC fFt. ",'}"~,,,,f"7 Y:lon

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    *'}* t\.+Co(l f.rftAII


    20. Powers and Duties of the DeputyChief CommissionerThe Deputy Chief Commissioner shall:I) assist the Chief Commissioner in planning, or-

    ganizing, directing and coordinating the activitiesof the head office of the Commisslon;

    2) undertake the activities of the Chief Commissioner,in the absence of the latter;

    3) carry out such other activities as may be assigned tohim by the Chief Commissioner.

    21. Powers and Duties of the Commissionersof Branch OfficesIn addition to exercising, within the local jurisdiction ofa branch office, the powers and duties vested in theCommission, other than those specified under Sub-Articles (7) and (9) of Article 6 of this Proclamation; theCommissioner shall, as the superior head of a branchoffice, have the following powers and duties:I) to transfer a case from one investigation section or

    investigator to another or to conduct investigationhimself, where it has a good cause;

    2) to submit, to the Chief Commissioner, a detailedreport on matters of human rights;

    3) to direct and organize the branch office as well toadminister its professionals and support staff, inaccordance with directive issued by the Commis-SIOn;

    4) to effect payments in accordance with the budgetallocated to the branch office;

    5) to establish working relations, as a representati ve ofthe branch office, with Regional governmentorgans and non-governmental organizationsoperating within the Region;

    6) to perform such other activities as may be assignedto him by the Chief Commissioner.

    PART THREERules of Procedure of the Commission

    The Right to Lodge ComplaintsI) A complaint may be lodged by a person claiming

    that his rights are violated or, by his Spouse, familymember, representative or by a third party.

    2) The Commission may, in consideration of thegravity of the human right violation committed,receive ~nonymous complaints.

    3) Without prejudice to provisions of Article 7 of thisproclamation, the right to lodge complaints, asunder this Proclamation, shall be no bar to theinstitution of criminal or civil proceedings over thesame case.

    4) The Commission shall receive and investigatecomplaints, free of any charge.

    23. Lodging Complaints1) A complaint may be lodged, with the Commission,

    orally, in writing or in any other manner.2) Complaints shall, to the extent possible, be submit-

    ted together with supporting evidence.3) Commplaints may be made in Amharic or in the

    working language of a Region.

  • "". !iif.tr.~.;t "..,f!..~.A ~;J~')' :J/L1fJ 'h'Pt: OJ()~ ~?; +, :Wr.:Hl

  • 'I~' ?ij'i.f.~~~!i / \'../.-&\ 't;J/.:/' ;)/1.('1 '/:'1'C '1 /'Ii; ?!'!~,,.1 IiWt~ 'H'''' Federal Negarit Gazeta - No. 40 4thJuly, 2000-Page 1364

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    ~. uPCII"/t. hi'" cpe; i111"/:li"-r:I}f.t.:t> ,f: fIJ f,9" h fl.f: OJ'}~A (}.t.?\9" ~1: ht. '}1:ilA"'.fU (1ll.,'4'C ~,,fJ.r1'9u: hf.;r(}C9u::

    PARTFOURAdministration of the Council of Commissioners

    and Staff of the Commission30. Council of the Commissioners

    1) Council of the Commissioners (hereinafler referred

    to a "the Council") is hereby established.2) The Council shall have the following members:

    (a) the Chief Commissioner Chairperson(b) the Deputy Chief

    Commissioner Deputy Chair person(c) other Commissioners Members

    3) The Council shall elect its secret~.,.yfrom among its

    members.4) The Council may draw-up its own rules; of

    procedure.31. Powers and Duties ofthe Council

    The Council shall have the following powers and duties:I) to adopt directives and by-laws necessary for the

    implementation of this Proclamation;2) to discuss on the draft budget of the Commission;3) to adopt staff regulations in conformity with the

    basic principles of federal civil service laws;4) to appoint department heads of the Commission

    and branch offices of same;5) to examine, and decide on, cases, petitions or

    complaints submitted to it in relation to staffadministration,within short period of time;

    6) to appoint heads, at the level of branch offices" ofthe childern and women affairs department;

    7) to hear disciplinary cases, relating to department

    heads.32. The Right to Appeal /

    I) Any department head of the Commission aggrievedby administrative decisions rendered by the Coun-cil may appeal to the Speaker of the House withinone month from the date such decision has beenmade.

    2) the decision rendered pursuant to Sub-Article (1) ofthis Article shall be final.

    33. Utilization of Outside ProfessionalsThe Commission may utilize, for a specific task and fora definite duration, outside professionals necessary forits functions, subject to making appropriateremunerations.

    34. Observance of SecrecyUnless ordered by a court or otherwise permitted by theChief Commissioner, any appointee or staff of theCommission or any professional employed pursuant toArticle 33 of this Proclamation, shall have theobligation not to disclose, at all times, any secret knownto him in connection with his duty.

    35. ImmunityNo:I) appointee, or2) investigatorof the Commission may be arrested or detained withoutthe permission of the House or the Chief Commissioner,respectively, except when caught in Flagrante delicto,for a serious offence.

  • 'I", fii1:tr.~I.:?; t...fl..t..f;\" :J/.'}' :mal ":'I'Cij (I); ~% '1'1 Ii!r.j~ '}.,... Federal Negarit Gazeta - No. 40

    4lhJuly, 2000-Page 1365

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    PARTFIVEMiscellaneous Provisions

    36. BudgetI) The budget of the Commission shall be drawn from

    the following sources:(a) budgetary subsidy to be allocated by the

    government;(b) assistance, grant and any other source.

    2) Ofthe monies obtained from the sources mentioned

    under sub-Article (1) of this Article, an amountequivalent to a quarterly portion, shall, in advance,

    be deposited at the National Bank of Ethiopia, or atanother bank designated by the Bank, and shall beutilized, in accrodance with financial regulations of

    the government, for purposes of implementing theobjectives of the Commission.

    37. Books of Accounts1) The Commission shall keep complete and accurate

    books of accounts.2) The accounts of the Commission shall be audited,

    annually, by an organ to be designated by the.House.

    38. Duty to CooperateAny person shall provide the necessary assistance, with

    a view to helping the Commission exercise its powersand duties.

    39. Reporting1) The Commission shall issue an official report, as

    may be necessary.2) The Commission shall exercise transparency in

    respect of its mode of operation, including issuance

    of regular reports.3) Notwithstanding the provisions of sub-Article (2)

    of this Article, the Commission shall have the dutyto exercise caution in respect of matters to be keptsecret, with a view to not endangering nationalscurity and well-being or to protecting individuallives.

    40. Non-Answerability for DefamationI) No complaint lodged pursuant to this

    Proclamation, shall, entail liability for defamation.2) No report of the Commission submitted to the

    House, on the findings of an investigation under-

    taken, nor any other correspondence of the Com-

    mission, relating to its activities, shall entailliability for defamation.

    41. PenaltyI) Any person who, having received summons from

    the Commission, or been called upon by itotherwise, does not appear or respond, withoutgood cause, within the time fixed or is not willing toproduce a document or to have same examined,shall be punishable with imprisonment from onemonth to six months or with a fine from twohundered to one thousand Birr or with both.

  • 1K' ?iif.!:¥~I~%t...~o('.A ~;Jt..). :J'LIfJ ":'1'(; ~...~?;~ +1 I!iY.~H~~.9'" Federal Negarit Gazeta - No. 40 4tllJuly, 2000-Page 1366

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