JWT April 2012w

CSSForum.com.pk Content Copyright © jWorldTimes.com CSSForum.com.pk Content Copyright © jWorldTimes.com Jahangir World Times Published: April, 2012 ‘We Want Peace and Understanding between Various Parties of Pakistan which do not Agree with One Another’ Interview with Tajik Ambassador HE Zubaydullo N. Zubaydov Ageing and Health Sunday, April 01, 2012 Jahangir’s World Times: How do you comment on the bilateral relations between Pakistan and Tajikistan? HE Zubaydov N. Zubaydov: We are enjoying cordial relations with Pakistan. Our relationship is good and growing further. But this is not satisfactory for us because it is not as good as the political relations between the two countries. We have a proposal of trade agreement between Tajikistan, Pakistan and Afghanistan and would discuss at the sideline of fifth Regional Economic Cooperation Conference for Afghanistan (RECCA) conference to be held on 26th and 27th March this year. We want that Tajik trucks should travel to Pakistan without any problem and similarly, Pakistani trucks may move easily to Tajikistan without any problem. When trade grows, relationship will be further strengthened. There is good news for businessmen that during the visit of President Zardari to Dushanbe to attend RECCA, National Bank of Pakistan decided to open its branches in Dushanbe. This will support business community as they can open their accounts and


current affairs

Transcript of JWT April 2012w

Interview with Tajik Ambassador HE Zubaydullo N. ZubaydovAgeing and HealthSunday, April 01, 2012

Jahangirs World Times: How do you comment on the bilateral relations between Pakistan and Tajikistan? HE Zubaydov N. Zubaydov: We are enjoying cordial relations with Pakistan. Our relationship is good and growing further. But this is not satisfactory for us because it is not as good as the political relations between the two countries. We have a proposal of trade agreement between Tajikistan, Pakistan and Afghanistan and would discuss at the sideline of fifth Regional Economic Cooperation Conference for Afghanistan (RECCA) conference to be held on 26th and 27th March this year. We want that Tajik trucks should travel to Pakistan without any problem and similarly, Pakistani trucks may move easily to Tajikistan without any problem. When trade grows, relationship will be further strengthened. There is good news for businessmen that during the visit of President Zardari to Dushanbe to attend RECCA, National Bank of Pakistan decided to open its branches in Dushanbe. This will support business community as they can open their accounts and



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We Want Peace and Understanding between Various Parties of Pakistan which do not Agree with One Another



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Jahangir World Times Published: April, 2012



CSSForum.com.pk Content Copyright jWorldTimes.com


JWT: Pakistan and Tajikistan are clubbed together in a quadrilateral mechanism along with Russia and Afghanistan? What progress has been achieved on this platform? HE Zubaydov: This mechanism is very important for the region as well as for Afghanistan. For quadrilateral mechanism, the proposal was made by our President Emamali Rahmon and the first two summits were held in Dushanbe, Tajikistan. The third quadrilateral summit is scheduled to be held this year in Islamabad. The forthcoming quadrilateral meeting in Islamabad will be very important because Russia has stated many times its interest for cooperating in restoration of peace in Afghanistan. All of us need to devise different mechanisms for brining peace and tranquility in Afghanistan. JWT: When is the third quadrilateral summit between Pakistan, Russia, Tajikistan and Afghanistan being held in Pakistan?


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JWT: As you talked about Presidents of Pakistan and Afghanistan attending the RECCA conference, whether there will be any trilateral meeting between troika? HE Zubaydov: We will be honoured to receive President Asif Ali Zardari and Hamid Karzai for RECCA as well as for Jashan-e-Nauroz. There will be bilateral talks between Presidents of Pakistan and Tajiksitan as well as a trilateral summit between the Presidents of Pakistan, Tajikistan and Afghanistan.



The over-arching goal of regional cooperation in the Afghanistan National Development Strategy (ANDS) is to contribute to regional stability and prosperity by restoring Afghanistan's central role as a land bridge between Central Asia, South Asia, the Middle East, Europe, and the Far East for the exchange of commerce, culture, and ideas. RECCA V will deepen this regional cooperation agenda by focusing attention on: i) Achieving Economic Development through Building Infrastructure (Transport and Energy); ii) Developing Human Resources though the Promotion of Vocational Education and Training; and iii) Advancing Investment, Trade, Transit, and Border Management through Cooperation between National and International Authorities.





In engaging business leaders, senior government officials, civil society representatives, artists, and scholars, the Fifth Regional Economic Cooperation Conference on Afghanistan, presents an opportunity to translate the vision of a more stable and prosperous region through a stable and prosperous Afghanistan.


The objective of the conference will be to look into different scenarios as to how to improve security, electric supply, transmission lines, mining and industrial process in Afghanistan. We feel these projects are crucially important for peace in Afghanistan.



JWT: Tajikistan is organizing fifth Regional Economic Cooperation Conference' for Afghanistan. What are objectives? HE Zubaydov: Peace in Afghanistan is very important for peace in the region. And for peace in Afghanistan, regional countries participation is also very important. The President of Tajiksitan Imam Ali Rehmon always emphasizes the role of regional countries to ensuring peace in Afghanistan. The fifth Regional Economic Cooperation Conference on Afghanistan will be held in Dushanbe on 26-27 March, 2012. It will be attended by 40 countries of the world. We are grateful that Presidents of Pakistan and Afghanistan have agreed to attend the conference. All sides will look into how best they can cooperate to ensure reconstruction and economic stability inside Afghanistan.


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transfer their amounts. Probably, there will be a direct flight of Tajik Air between Islamabad and Dushanbe during the first week of April. This will be one more step for promoting relations and trade between the two countries.

JWT:What message you would like to communicate to the people of Pakistan? HE: Zubaydov:First of all, I wish all the best to the people and nation of Pakistan. We want peace and understanding between various parties here who do not agree with each other. Pakistan is very important country not only for Tajikistan but for regional peace. S.M Piracha

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Merely showcasing the presence of a few privileged and heavily painted females with designer outfits in our cabinets or assemblies is neither gendermainstreaming nor empowering of women. They only epitomize a lust for selfdisplay and an effrontery of affluence that only aggravates a sense of humiliation among the larger female population of the country.Ageing and HealthSunday, April 01, 2012


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JWT: There has been a lot of talk about regional connectivity whenever there have been discussions on the issue of regional cooperation. What is the progress so far? HE Zubaydov: Without good trade, there cannot be good relations between the countries. Therefore, we are trying our best to open roads through Wakhan corridor between Pakistan and Tajikistan. This is one of the projects related to connectivity. Secondly, there is a railway connectivity project between Pakistan and Afghanistan. As we know, a delegation of Pakistan railways will attend the RECCA meeting and avenues for cooperation will be discussed.








JWT: Russia promised to provide financial contribution for CASA-1000 projects connecting Central Asia with South Asia in terms of electricity transmission. What is the latest now? HE Zubaydov: Yes, it is true that Russia has shown financial contribution of $500 million for CASA-1000 project. The said projects will connect Central Asia with South Asia by provision of electricity. We are already providing 300 MW of electricity to Afghanistan; we are trying to bring, on the same transmission lines, 1000 MW electricity to Pakistan. Our four countries have already established a joint commission which is working in this direction.

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HE Zubaydov: It is expected that the third quadrilateral summit will be held in Islamabad in September this year. All these countries are trying to cooperate with each other against terrorism and drug trafficking as well as bringing peace and development in the region.


Pakistan remains one of those countries where women even in the twenty-first century are subjected to primitive gender norms which are at the root of the pervasive political, legal, economic and social inequalities that perpetuate women's lack of access to resources, education, health care, employment, decision-making and participation in public life. They are also victims of gruesome forms of gender-based violence, including domestic violence, with pervasive denial of justice. Acid attacks are just a tip of the iceberg. Violence against women in our country is endemic and widespread. Despite the relative privilege of some elitist women, the large majority of women in Pakistan remains structurally disadvantaged as a result of our discriminatory legal system and obscurant norms and attitudes. They are subjected to barbaric and senseless customs and laws. There are systemic, almost insurmountable barriers to justice confronting victims of violence, rape and other


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The problem is that the overbearing feudal and tribal power structure in Pakistan has been too deeply entrenched to let any systemic change take place. The empowerment of men and women in the country doesn't suit them. They have always resisted reform in the country which they fear will erode their vested power and influence base. Successive governments in Pakistan have only paid politically motivated lip-service to the cause of women. No government, not even the present one, has ever shown the courage needed to grapple with the primitive gender norms inherent in our legal system and customs.



Prime Minister Gilani has done well by announcing a high civil award for Sharmeen but he would do even better if he took concrete measures to erase this ugly scar from the face of the nation. It is not enough just to appreciate Sharmeen's courage and creativity in highlighting the disgraceful issue of acid attacks on women through an award-winning documentary. He should not transfer his own responsibility to artists by asking them to continue to act as a catalyst in bringing positive change in the society. The change in society will come only through governmental efforts and affirmative political and economic action genuinely addressing the core issues underlying women's socioeconomic backwardness in Pakistan.





Sharmeen Obaid Chinoy's Oscar-winning documentary 'Saving Face' has rightly brought laurels to her and to her team-mates for highlighting globally an issue that had hitherto remained unnoticed and unreported even in Pakistan. The 40-minute documentary focusing on acid attacks against women in our country is indeed a bold attempt to change lives but more than that, it unveils the true face of a society the bulk of which is still living in medieval times. Sharmeen Chinoy's 'Saving Face' could perhaps be better called 'Showing Face' of a country where women continue to be denied their basic rights and fundamental freedoms as equal citizens.





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excesses. Some of the victims prefer to seek asylum in other countries rather than live under conditions of insecurity in their homeland. The world knows this bleak reality. Pakistan as a leading player in international forums making significant contribution to the promotion of global consensus on issues related to social and economic inequalities is obliged by its ratification of international treaties to ensure respect for women's rights and fundamental freedoms. These include the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action (1995) for the advancement of women, which recognized that equality between women and men is a matter of human rights and a condition for social justice, and is also a necessary and fundamental prerequisite for equality, development and peace. The change in society will come only through governmental efforts and affirmative political and economic action genuinely addressing the core issues underlying women's socio -economic backwardness in Pakistan. The Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (Cedaw), to which Pakistan acceded in 1996, requires the government to take action to eliminate violence against women as a form of discrimination that inhibits women's ability to enjoy rights and freedoms on a basis of equality with men. Similarly, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), which Pakistan signed and ratified two years ago, requires our government to ensure the rights to life and security of the person of all individuals in their jurisdiction, without distinction of any kind, including sex. Unfortunately, our performance in implementation of commitments under these international conventions is pathetic. Clear violations of international law on the rights of women occur daily in our country and are regularly chronicled in the reports of international human rights organizations. Laws that discriminate against women remain in the books and are actively enforced while discriminatory access to government resources and services continues unchecked. No wonder, global forums keep flagging Pakistan for its flagrant violation of women's rights to life and security of the person. Ironically, in our implementation reports on Beijing Platform of Action, we have been forthright in identifying our systemic failures while showing no capacity for remedial actions. We acknowledge harmful traditions and customary practices rooted in an exploitative feudal and agrarian structure of our society, poverty, lack of education and lack of awareness among women of their rights as the principal causes of exploitation and violence against women in Pakistan. Despite the relative privilege of some elitist women, the large female majority remains structurally disadvantaged as a result of our discriminatory legal system and obscurant norms and attitudes. Widening gender inequalities in our country will not be bridged just by acknowledging what is wrong with us. The gender gaps will be closed only with concrete and sustained actions backed by the requisite allocation of resources to promote literacy and basic health services for women in Pakistan, especially in rural and other backward areas.



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In the ultimate analysis, a nations interests and capabilities, its problems and disorders, and its operational approach towards ending the sense of socio-economic deprivation determine its health and inner strength. In our case, the stability and survival of our nation will depend not on winning Oscars but on the system and methods of our government, on our policies and priorities, and on our ability to redress our systemic fault-lines and socio-economic inequalities. Showing a healthy, peaceful and pleasant face is what will finally matter.


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The key to our social problems regarding the betterment and empowerment of women in Pakistan lies in comprehensive legislative and budgetary packages to close the existing gender gaps in our health, education and employment sectors, and to remove all gender-based barriers in our legal system.

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Those elitist women who are elected to assemblies or appointed to public offices need to present themselves as an example of austerity and simplicity eschewing at least in public their ostentatious and lavish lifestyle.


Indeed, a lot needs to be done by the government for genuine gender-mainstreaming and empowerment of women in our country through the elimination of discriminatory policies and mediaeval practices. Instead of indulging in diversionary antics, which at times may be inconsistent with our religious and cultural value system, we need to focus more on coherent and concrete legal reforms even if we have to resort to reversing some of the existing policies and laws. It is the responsibility of the government and parliament to do so. We should be applying our energies and resources to plugging the gender gap in education, health and employment. It is in these critical areas that Pakistani women need to be included in the mainstream. Acid attacks are just a tip of the iceberg. Violence against women in our country is endemic and widespread. In recent years, no doubt, there has been a conspicuous increase in the number of women in our political institutions but merely showcasing the presence of a few privileged and heavily painted females with designer outfits in our cabinets or assemblies is neither gender-mainstreaming nor empowering of women. They only epitomize a lust for self-display and an effrontery of affluence that only aggravates a sense of humiliation among the larger female population of the country.







Effective legal measures, including penal sanctions, civil remedies and compensatory provisions are also needed to protect women against all kinds of gender-based violence and harassment.




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Ageing and HealthSunday, April 01, 2012


Of late, the parliamentary elections in Iran in March this year once again drew attention of states, analysts and media across the globe. Since the Islamic Revolution of 1979, theocracy is what defines the politics of Iran which is run under the supreme leadership of Ayatollah Seyed Ali Hosseini Khamenei. The elections were held for the ninth Islamic Consultative Assembly or Majlis since the Islamic Revolution. The first round of elections is said to have been a contest between the


The politics in the Middle East has always been the focus of international attention. The region, according to some political geographers is an area of 'chronic instability'. Besides the longstanding Arab-Israel conflict and more recent 'Arab Spring' in many states of the region, Iran remains to be in spotlight for several reasons, including domestic political instability, hard-line stance towards the West, posing a challenge to the interests of extra-regional stakeholders in the region and above all facing sanctions by the United Nations on its nuclear programme.

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Given the complex nature of politics in Iran, the recent elections hold farreaching impact on domestic as well as foreign policy front. Since the Presidential elections in 2009, President Ahmedinejad has been faced with intense criticism by clerics and other conservative leaders for intending to expand the power of the presidency, on charges of increasing corruption in his government, disrespect towards human rights and above all promoting a 'moderate' version of Islam which is strictly prohibited as per the principles of the Guardian Council.




Iran Parliamentary Elections and Beyond

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The author is a former foreign secretary Shamshad Ahmad The writer is a former foreign secretary.


Now, the defeat of several candidates affiliated with Ahmedinejad in the recent elections is a rebuke to the President by the Supreme Leader. In the absence of the reformists who had boycotted the elections, the contest between the two groups of conservatives was not of ideology but for political power and control of state's resources. The Supreme Leader seeks to abolish the office of the president as it stands in contrast to his position according to the Iranian constitution. Hence, the results of elections are likely to reshape the domestic political landscape of the country and also impact upon its foreign policy. Once sidelined, Ahmedinejad would have less or no influence over the choice of his successor. The loyalists to Ali Khamenei comprise of traditional, moderate and radical conservatives. The traditional conservatives have deep roots in the clerical establishment. On the other hand, moderate conservative factions are mainly war-veteran technocrats, while radical conservatives generally include individuals with roots in the security-intelligence apparatus who depend on the support of revolutionary institutions such as Revolutionary Guards. Many important positions are likely to be occupied by the candidates affiliated with the Supreme Leader which may further aggravate the discontentment among public, especially the reformists. This political bedlam would be detrimental to the economy already battered by international economic and financial sanctions and the society faced with repression of human rights and in dire need of reforms, especially democracy.


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Given the complex nature of politics in Iran, the recent elections hold far-reaching impact on domestic as well as foreign policy front. Since the Presidential elections in 2009, President Ahmedinejad has been faced with intense criticism by clerics and other conservative leaders for intending to expand the power of the presidency, on charges of increasing corruption in his government, disrespect towards human rights and above all promoting a 'moderate' version of Islam which is strictly prohibited as per the principles of the Guardian Council. When, in 2005, Mahmoud Ahmedinejad was elected as the President he was fully backed by the Supreme Leader and even following his controversial victory in the presidential elections in 2009, Ahmedinejad was patronized by the Supreme Leader. However, deviation from some crucial policy principles by Ahmedinejad led to a rift in his relationship with Ali Khamenei. The Conservatives, who were united till last year, now are divided after President Ahmedinejad dared challenge the Supreme Leader over the choice of intelligence chief in April last year. Following the defeat of the country's only former prime minister and a close ally of former president Mohammad Khatami, Mir-Hussein Mousavi, in the presidential race against Ahmedinejad, the reformists led a 'Green Movement' in support of Mir-Mousavi and calling for freedom of expression and transparent democracy. The movement was repressed brutally and the government launched a crackdown on protestors, many of whom were arrested, faced trial and later hanged. The violent suppression of the movement largely ended the protests. The country has been under a semi-crisis situation since the 2009 elections which were not only criticized and labeled as 'rigged' but also led to a series of protests and demonstrations against President Ahmedi-nejad. Following the defeat of the country's only former prime minister and a close ally of former president Mohammad Khatami, Mir-Hussein Mousavi, in the presidential race against Ahmedinejad, the reformists led a 'Green Movement' in support of Mir-Mousavi and calling for freedom of expression and transparent democracy. The movement was repressed brutally and the government launched a crackdown on protestors, many of whom were arrested, faced trial and later hanged. The violent suppression of the movement largely ended the protests.








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supporters of Ayatollah Khamenei and President Mahmoud Ahmedinejad which has resulted in a clear victory for the supporters of Ayatollah Khamenei posing several challenges to the President Ahmedinejad till his second term as President of Iran ends in 2013.

With regards to Iranian nuclear programme, though Ali Khamenei maintained a hard-line stance towards the West, the country is likely to come under strict international sanctions. As stringent measures against Tehran remains to be a priority of the United States, the elections were an effort by the leaders to present to the world the legitimacy of the government in Iran in the wake of growing discontentment among public and increasing international pressure and sanctions on Iran's continued nuclear programme. On the other hand, Iran's close relationship with Russia and China is also threatened. Since 1991, Iran enjoyed strategic relationship with Russia. Moscow has been a major arms supplier to Tehran. In addition, Russia supplied short and long-range anti-aircraft missiles and shipped tons of low-enriched uranium reactor fuel to the Russian-built nuclear power plant in Iran. Previously, Moscow has maintained that there are no proofs of Tehran intending to develop nuclear weapons. However, the country has voted in favour of the United Nations sanctions on Iran. Similarly, Iran had good diplomatic, economic and military relationship with China. In 2009, China became Iran's most significant trading partner with exchanges worth 21.2 billion dollars. Beijing is also said to have supplied dual-use chemical and dual-use metal to Tehran which Iran could use to develop weapons, including long-range missiles. China is also a significant source of Iranian gasoline imports and even expanded gasoline imports to the country. Like Russia, China has also supported Iran's right to peaceful nuclear technology. Beijing maintained its stance towards resolution of Iran's nuclear issue through negotiations and peaceful means. Though the country now has voted in favour of UN sanctions on Tehran, it maintained to continue economic ties with Iran. In view of its relationship with Russia and China and strategic significance in the region, Iran was granted Observer status in the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), a grouping led by Russia and China. The policy shift towards Iran by Russia is mainly due to its changing spheres of interest in the Middle East and beyond. The strategic relationship between Russia and Israel is growing. Also, of late, Russia is more concerned of its interests and influence in East Europe and Central Asia, including Ukraine, Georgia and some other former Soviet republics. The next round of elections would be decisive in terms of the future course politics in Iran. The revolutionaries who once had successfully abolished the autocratic rule of Shah in 1979 are now challenged by the groups uniting to bring change in the country. Iranians from all walks of life want stability inside and on their borders and a government that would introduce and deliver on the basis of reforms. With 30 percent inflation, a 35 percent increase in food prices, a 50 billion dollar deficit, and an unemployment rate of 16 percent, Iran's rulers will have a hard time convincing the population that they would have a respectful, prosperous and secure future.



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Ageing and HealthSunday, April 01, 2012


Despite the fact that Balochistan is blessed with immense treasures of natural resources like gold, copper, oil, gas, hydrocarbon etc., situated at idiosyncratic geo-strategic and geo-economic location, its inhabitants are passing their lives in abject poverty. The province has been deliberately kept deprived of its basic rights-human as well as legislative. Over 63 percent of its unfortunate population is living below the poverty line. Pathetic situation of health, education, other social sectors and law and order due to utter neglect on the part of political pundits has engraved among the Balochis, a deep sense of deprivation, unraveling desperation, ever-increasing frustration and unending alienation. Short shrift given to Balochistan by self-centered rulers is beyond doubts. These wretched circumstances of the province have been whimsically exploited by external powers for its strategically and commercially important location. The province has been turned into the battle field of the great game to be played for world politics. Few years back, new maps of the


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It is high time for the people of the whole Pakistan to raise their concerns about their brethrens and to play their role by bringing Balochistan to mainstream. The leaders who are really competent, visionary and honest should be given way to the throne. Pakistan needs a paradigm shift and shuffle in its social, political and economic models.



Balochistan in the midst of the New Great Game


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Postal address: House No: B-63, Street No: 6, Block N, North Nazimabad, Karachi. Nabiha Gul


*Nabiha Gul is a researcher and analyst on international affairs and a visiting faculty member at the Department of International Relations, University of Karachi. Email: [email protected]

Admittedly, the situation of the province demand solutions on priority basis but who are these powers to poke their noses in Pakistan`s internal affairs? Have they solved all the chronic issues of human rights violation which are far horrifying than that of Balochistan, many of which being acknowledged by UNO as well. Why not such expeditious step on Kashmir issue, struggle of which is endorsed by UNO and its human rights situation is gauged by Amnesty International as gravest in the world? Where the use of brutal violence, extra-judicial killings, abductions, forced detentions and inhuman torture have been legitimized by passing an Armed Forces Special Powers Act (AFSPA), in July 1990 which utterly violate the Protocol Additional to the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949, relating to the Protection of Victims of Non-International Armed Conflicts (Protocol II), 8 June 1977. Even recently discovered mass graves of Kashmiris in which "Most of the dead were young men. You could see their shiny teeth; you could tell from the skull, he was



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On February 17, 2012, an extremely derisive step has been taken by Dana Rohrabacher, an American congressman, by tabling a resolution supporting independence of Balochistan, on humanitarian grounds, in US House of Representives. Is US and its cronies really concerned about rights of Balochis or these forces have their own axe to grind in the guise of humanitarianism? As aforementioned that hegemonic designs of great powers have found a great compatibility with separation of Balochistan due to numerous reasons and they are now out to gain it before their partial withdrawal from Afghanistan in 2014. C. Christine Fair well-known American writer and an assistant professor in the Georgetown University in her recently written article "Rohrabacher`s blood borders in Balochistan" reveals that she refused to attend the US hearing despite being invited there and terms the whole drama the "partisan politics and possibly resource grabbing activity that has nothing to do with ongoing human rights crisis in Balochistan".






province were published in Washington in which `Great Balochistan,` including the parts of Iran and Afghanistan, was predicted. The sub-nationalist elements are assisted and the province is overridden with rebellions and separatist movements. In this whole episode, Pakistan`s subsequent governments have played second fiddle by their reckless and ruthless attitude towards Balochis. More is aggravated by impulsive dictator and the new democratic mess. Although packages are announced for this Pakistan's largest province and 120 million budget has also been delivered to every member of its assembly yet no tangible development is witnessed in its untamed vastness due to corruption, incompetency and insincerity of the ruling elite. Resultantly, volcano of frustration is on the verge of busting and the youth is joining hands with the nationalist rebels who have been vociferously demanding a separate and independent state of Balochistan right even after the emergence of Pakistan on the globe. This movement is now aided and abetted by the forces for which intact Pakistan is not in their long-term strategic interests.

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In Iraq where allied forces, on the fake pretext of Human Rights and weapons of mass destruction (WMD), annihilated the whole country and engraved on the annals of history, one of the most horrifying episodes of death and terror. Now situation is that majority of Iraqis are aspiring for Saddam's era because to them it was far better than this western engineered democratic regime. I am not a political person, but I know that under Saddam Hussein, we had electricity, clean drinking water, a healthcare system that was the envy of the Arab world and free education through college, Iraqi pharmacist Dr. Entisar Al-Arabi told American peace activist Medea Benjamin in 2010. I owned a pharmacy and I could close up shop as late as I chose because the streets were safe. Today there is no security and Iraqis have terrible shortages of everything electricity, food, water,



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Though Baloch leaders like Akhtar Mangle, have endorsed this Rohrabacher`s resolution but here it is also to be decided first that either Balochis are ready to afford any humanitarian adventure if launched by International imperialist forces parallel to those they already launched on humanitarian grounds namely Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom in Afghanistan and Iraq respectively. The adverse human rights situation in both these countries has gone out of proportions as compare to the time before "humanitarian interventions" by the western powers. Taliban regime was severely criticized for its grave violation of women rights but after more than 10 years "rescue" operation of US-lead allied states, condition of women due to "violence, dismal healthcare and brutal poverty make Afghanistan the world's most dangerous country for women, with Congo a close second due to horrific levels of rape", Thomson Reuters Foundation expert recent poll has said. The Karzai administration has crossed all limits of corruption and poppy cultivation in the country`s history.






Americans and world powers are unwilling to play any positive role to help poor Palestinians to get rid of the subjugation of Tel Aviv despite the presence of UN resolutions. Knowing the fact that Israeli authorities are not really to halt illegal settlements, Obama Administration never even posed to cripple its economic and military assistance to Israel. And no practical step was taken when Flotilla humanitarian ship going for humanitarian aid of starving Palestinians, was attacked by Israelis Defence Forces. Why always selective love for justice and humanity? Why only where it suits to interests?


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very, very young. One day I found a young man.... He had been badly tortured. Both his hands and feet had been chopped off," says Sidiq one of the witnesses (Foreign Policy magazine of USA: Basharat Peer September 29, 2011), have failed patently to attract the attention of these so-called world`s humanitarian activists. To keep all these atrocities hidden, world largest "democracy" has imposed strict curbs on media to cover the Jammu and Kashmir but no power has worth to ask.

Sunday, April 01, 2012


World leaders spent colossal amount of time in 2011 to resolve the eurozone crisis which spun out of control. Foreign Secretary William Hague called the euro a burning building with no exits.


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Ageing and Health


An analysis of measures taken and efforts made to overcome the economic crisis of eurozon and the prospects of their proving to be fruitful.



Eurozone on the Horns of a Nasty Economic Dilemma




The writer is a Defence and Security analyst [email protected] Mustansar Hussain Tasir


It is high time for the people of the whole Pakistan to raise their concerns about their brethrens and to play their role by bringing Balochistan to mainstream. The leaders who are really competent, visionary and honest should be given way to the throne. Pakistan needs a paradigm shift and shuffle in its social, political and economic models. To counter external intervention Pakistanis have to become a true nation like Turks, Iranians and Chinese.



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medicines, even gasoline. Most of the educated people have fled the country and those who stay look back longingly to the days of Saddam Hussein. (see Common Dreams, August 20, 2010). Then as reported by Washington Post on May 5, 2007, It is a common refrain among war-weary Iraqis that things were better before the U.S.-led invasion in 2003. It is now an open secret that invasion in Iraq was actually for oil not for freedom of the oppressed nor WMD. As Former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan, in his 2007 book, 'The Age of Turbulence: Adventures in a New World': I'm saddened that it is politically inconvenient to acknowledge what everyone knows: The Iraq war is largely about oil. So it can be hoped that no Balochi would be willing to face the situation as suffered by Iraqis and Afghan people but would peacefully raise their voice through true representatives.




The biggest European economy (Germany) owes France, Italy and the US most money. However, these economies also owe Germany billions in return. Regarding its relationship with the troubled eurozone countries, Germany is exposed to Greek, Irish and Portugese, but mostly Spanish debt. And as Europe's industrial powerhouse, any problems in Germany mean more problems for the eurozone, and for the wider international system. Germany is inflicted with 176% foreign debt to GDP, being at the lowest risk according to some other calculations as well. Among mounting debts, Europe is struggling to find a way out of the eurozone crisis. After Greece, Ireland, and Portugal were forced to seek bail-outs, Italy approaching an unaffordable cost of borrowing has been the latest focus of concern.


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The UK economy remains in the doldrums and the country is highly exposed to Irish as well as Italian and Portugal debt. The UK in turn owes hundreds of billions to Germany and Spain. Anyhow, it is at low risk status with 436% foreign debt to GDP.

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Besides the above-mentioned four countries having high risk status, there are Spain and France in medium risk. Spain owes large amount to Germany and France. However, its number one worry is bailed-out Portugal, which is indebted to it by billions of euros. The bursting of a housing and construction boom in 2008 had plunged Spain's economy into a recession deeper than in many other European countries. Europe's second biggest economy (France) owes the UK, the US and Germany the most money. However, like in Germany's case, these countries also owe France billion in return. France's problem is that it is greatly exposed to the eurozone's troubled debtors. Its banks hold large amount of Greek, Italian and Spanish debt.





It is interesting to study the countries caught in debt web. Greece is heavily indebted to eurozone countries (252% foreign debt to GDP) and is one of three eurozone countries to have received a bail-out. Its debts have reached 300bn euros the highest in modern history. Italy has a large amount of debt, but it is a relatively wealthy country compared with Greece and Portugal. France is most exposed to Italian debt. Ireland fell into recession as a result of the global credit squeeze. It shows a very high level of gross foreign debt to GDP (1,093%) because, although it is a small country, it has a large financial sector. The UK is Ireland's biggest creditor. Portugal, the third eurozone country to need a bail-out, is in deep recession. It is currently implementing a series of austerity measures as well as planning a series of privatisations to fix its shaky finances and reduce its debt burden. The country is highly indebted to Spain, and its banks are owed 7.5bn euros by Greece.





So what really caused the crisis was a big build-up of debts in Greece, Italy, Ireland, Portugal, Spain, France, UK and Germany. Each country promised to keep their total borrowing each year to less than 3% of their GDP the total output of their economy. And to join the euro in the first place, they were also supposed to have debts less than 60% of their GDP. The latter requirement was dropped at the outset, because otherwise Germany itself would have failed to qualify. Its debts, when the euro was created in 1999, were 60.9% of its GDP. Then the entire stability pact had to be scrapped, as Germany broke the 3% annual borrowing limit every year from 2002 to 2005.



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To join the currency, member states had to qualify by meeting the requirements of the treaty: budget deficits, inflation, interest rates and other monetary disciplines. Of EU members, the UK, Sweden and Denmark declined to join the currency. Since then, there have been many twists and turns for the countries that use the single currency.



Tragedy of circumstances is that 2012 looks set to be not much different than 2011. Eurozone governments hammer out new rules to reduce the scale of economic crisis that is spilling over their borders.


Although the immediate threat of defaulting on its debt looks to have been averted, Greece still faces years of economic struggle. Spain was staring into the same financial abyss that had already swallowed Greece, Portugal, Irish Republic and Italy. When it joined the euro in 1999, it broke the debt rule, with a ratio of 62.3%. Households are cutting their spending as they struggle to repay their debts. And unemployment


The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has agreed to pay 28bn euros towards Greece second bailout of 130bn euros. The bailout is intended to help keep Greece funded until 2014.

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The current situation in Greece and beyond is the biggest test the euro has ever faced. The EU ordered France, Spain, the Irish Republic and Greece to reduce their budget deficits. The EU tells Greece to make further spending cuts. All the member states are stressed to stay within the 3% borrowing limit. The leaders of Germany and France have reached an accord on measure to help resolve the debt crisis. After marathon talks in Brussels, the leaders say some private banks holding Greek debt have accepted a loss of 50%. Spain is planning 30bn euros of spending cuts this year. Outsider Switzerland feels Europe's pain. About half of Switzerland's exports are going to the eurozone, close to 60% to the EU, so once there is a recession in Europe this is a drawback for the Swiss economy. Everything from cheese, to watches to machine tools had become too expensive for the EU, and orders were cancelled. Economic crisis created social chaos across Europe. In Greece the number of unemployed and homeless grow week by week, leaving many Greeks deeply pessimistic about the future. Plenty of people queue up for the free tins of beans and packets of soup. Pensioners cannot afford the costs in even the public healthcare system. They are no longer entitled to benefits. A third of Greeks now live below the poverty line. There are some who are unable to afford organic fruit and vegetables. For almost everyone, there is a sense of uneasiness, of anxiety about the future and how to survive it. The government was told to cut dramatically the minimum wage and to scrap a habit of paying a holiday bonus equal to one or two months' extra pay. Some 30,000 public sector workers are to be suspended and monthly pensions of above 1,000 euros cut by 20%. Some economists argue that by making people poorer the measures will simply shrink the Greek economy, reducing tax revenues and increasing the deficit. A third of a million Greeks lost their jobs last year, as the government enacted budget reforms to fight debt. The number of people registered as unemployed remained above a million in December 2011, amounting to 21 per cent of the workforce.

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When a country can no longer handle its debts, those overseas banks and financial institutions that lent it money are exposed to losses. This spreads the trouble across the world.

always high in Spain has shot up to 21.5% of the workforce. Spain's budget deficit for 2011 was 8.5% of GDP. All of which makes financial markets nervous about lending to Spain. The Italian government debt, at 118% of GDP is certainly high. Its economy is so weak. Italy is plagued by poor regulation, vested business interests, an ageing population and weak investment, all of which have conspired to limit the country's ability to increase production. Now the market has lost confidence in Italy. If nobody will lend to Italy, then Italy cannot repay the debts. And if Italy cannot repay its debt, then nobody will lend to it. France, like most other European countries, faces the twin conflicting imperatives of trying to find growth while lowering debt. Germany, the great European financial disciplinarian, was struggling because the cost of reunification with the former East Germany had left a big hole in its budget. The economy of Germany grew at nearly 4% and last year at 3% more than decent by European standards. Latest figures show that it slowed at the end of 2011. The indications are that this year it will grow by about 0.5% measly by recent standards, but far from the recession expected elsewhere. Outsider Switzerland feels Europes pain. About half of Switzerlands exports are going to the eurozone, close to 60% to the EU, so once there is a recession in Europe this is a drawback for the Swiss economy. Everything from cheese, to watches to machine tools had become too expensive for the EU, and orders were cancelled. The strong Swiss franc has caused tremendous problems for the export sector. As a result, many Swiss manufacturers are introducing measures aimed at cutting their costs, from increasing working hours and pegging salaries, to actually laying off workers. If Europes economic woes continue, Switzerland too will feel the pain. In the wake of recent measures taken by EU leaders, eurozone shows tentative signs of recovery though it has to go a long way to recover the effects of ill-managed economies. The writer is a freelance journalist, analyst and poet. Tasadduq Shiar

Ageing and Health


Sunday, April 01, 2012


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Iran has always imagined itself as the natural hegemon of its neighborhood. As the Persian Empire shrank over the centuries and Persian culture faded with the arrival of more riveting western mores, Iran's exaggerated view of itself remained largely unbroken. By dip of history, Iranians believe that their nation deserves regional incomparability.

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Iran Hankering for Nuclear Bomb











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Loud claims of nuclear achieve-ment, threats to close critical international waterways, alleged terrorist plots and hints of diplomatic outreach all are emanating from Tehran right now. This recent, confrontation between Iran and the West reached new he ights as Israel accused Iran of a bombing attempt in Bangkok and targeting Israeli diplomats in India and Georgia. And yet, an Iranian nuclear negotiator signaled that Tehran wants to get back to the table.


By the 1990s, Iran appeared to be following in the footsteps of states such as China and Vietnam, as pragmatic leaders such as Ali Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani and reformers such as Mohammad Khatami struggled to emancipate their republic from Khomeini's onerous ideology. But what makes Iran peculiar is that this evolution was deliberately halted by a younger generation of leaders such as Mahmoud Ahmadinejad who rejected the pragmatic approach in favor of reclaiming the legacy of Khomeini. Returning to the roots of the revolution became their mantra. Under the patronage of a stern and doctrinaire supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, a war generation is taking control in Iran young rightists who were molded by the prolonged war with Iraq in the 1980s. Although committed to the religious cradle of the state, the nave reactionaries


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Iran's enduring revolutionary dedication may seem puzzling because, in many ways, China has come to define our impressions of a revolutionary state. At the outset, ideology determined Beijing's foreign policy, even to the detriment of its practical interests, but over time, new generations of leaders discarded such a rigid approach. Today, there is nothing particularly communist about the Chinese Communist Party.

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However, Iran's foreign policy is also built on the foundations of the theocratic regime and the 1979 revolution. Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini pass on to his successors an ideology that divided the world between oppressors and the oppressed. The Islamic revolution was a battle for emancipation from the cultural and political tentacles of the dissipated West. However, Iran was not merely seeking independence and autonomy, but wanted to project its Islamist message beyond its borders.



The key to untying the Islamic republic lies in understanding Iran's insight of itself. More than any other Middle Eastern nation, Iran has always imagined itself as the natural hegemon of its neighborhood. As the Persian Empire shrank over the centuries and Persian culture faded with the arrival of more riveting western mores, Iran's exaggerated view of itself remained largely unbroken. By dip of history, Iranians believe that their nation deserves regional incomparability.




How Iran really goaded for Nuclear Bomb? What, as strategists might ask, are the sources of Iranian conduct?





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From Tehran's perspective, protracted diplomacy has the advantage of potentially dividing the international community, shielding Iran's facilities from military retribution and easing economic sanctions. Iran may have to be patient in its quest to get the bomb: it may have to offer confidencebuilding measures and pacify its allies in Beijing and Moscow. Can Tehran be pressed into conceding to a viable arms-control treaty? On the surface, it is hard to see how Irans leaders could easily reconsider their national interest. However, it may still be possible to disarm Iran without using force. The key figure remains Khamenei, who maintains the


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The problem with this approach is that, once such a nationalistic narrative is created, it becomes difficult for the government to offer any concessions without risking a popular backlash. Yet, Iran's determination to advance its nuclear program has come at a considerable cost. Today, the country stands politically and economically isolated. The intense international pressure on Iran has seemingly invited an interest in diplomacy.




Iran's nuclear program did not begin with the rise of this war generation. The nation has long invested in its atomic infrastructure. However, more than any of their predecessors, Iran's current rulers see nuclear arms as central to their national ambitions. While the Rafsanjani and Khatami administrations looked at nuclear weapons as tools of deterrence, for the conservatives they are a critical means of solidifying Iran's preeminence in the region. A hegemonic Iran requires a robust and extensive nuclear apparatus.



As with Khomeini, a central opinion of the young conservatives' foreign policy perspective is that Iran's revolution was a remarkable historical achievement that the United States can neither accept nor accommodate. The Western powers will always plot against an Islamic state that they cannot control. The only way Iran can be independent and achieve its national objectives is through confrontation. The viability of the Islamic republic cannot be negotiated with the West; it has to be claimed through steadfastness and audacity.




This group's international outlook was shaped by the devastating Iran-Iraq war. In the veterans' selfserving view, Iran's failure to overthrow Saddam Hussein had more to do with superpower intervention and less to do with their poor planning and lack of resources. The Western states and the United Nations, which failed to register even a submissive protest against Iraq's massive use of chemical weapons, are to be treated with suspicion and hostility. Struggle and sacrifice have come to displace dialogue and detente.

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have at times been critical of their elders for their obedience in the imposition of Islamic cultural restrictions and for the rampant corruption that has engulfed the nation. As Iran's revolution matures, and the politicians who were present at its creation gradually fade from the scene, a more doctrinaire generation is taking command.

Some facts about the life, achievements, sacrifices and dedication of an unsung hero of Pakistan movement and struggle for the restoration of democracy in it.Ageing and HealthSunday, April 01, 2012

While carrying out research for this paper, I discovered he was one of the founders of the Pakistan Movement, who lead the Muslim League from the front, winning 115 seats in 1946 elections that enabled Muslim League to become the majority party in the Bengal Assembly thus strengthening the case for creation of Pakistan. He was a great Muslim leader, having started his political life by joining the Khilafat Movement in 1920, was deputy Mayor of Calcutta during the 1926 Hindu Muslim riots. He was in the forefront for defending the innocent Muslims in the courts. As minister for Food under Kh Nazim ud din during the Famine in Bengal 1942-45, he earned a lot of respect from both Hindus and Muslims alike. He became the Muslim League Chief Minister of United



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5 Dec 2011 was the 48th death anniversary of Huseyn Shaheed Suhrawardy. Not a single newspaper in Pakistan published any news or article in this regard. I remember when I went to East Pakistan in 1966, every other shop in Dhaka, Commilla and Jessore displayed his pictures. He was very popular in East Pakistan, but in the West Pakistan, he was projected as pro-congress, having links with Gandhi. No one ever bothered to learn the facts. No worthwhile written material was available about his life except in Government propaganda books , till the publication of biography 24 years after his death in 1987.

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Huseyn Shaheed Suhrawardy and the Wounds of 1971


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authority and stature to impose a decision on his reluctant disciples. A coercive strategy that exploits not just Khomeinis economic distress but his political vulnerabilities may cause him to reach beyond his narrow circle, broaden his coalition and inject a measure of pragmatism into his states deliberations. Moazam Bashir Tarar

After the Death of his father, Mr. HS Suhrawardy came to Karachi in 1949. The Federal Government directed the Karachi Bar not to enroll him as lawyer. The Bureaucracy led by Ch Muhammad Ali implemented the order. He went to Punjab and got himself enrolled as a lawyer in the then Montgomery district Bar and stayed in the house of Nawab Iftikhar Hussain Mamdot at Lahore to start his practice. His first case in Pakistan was to Defend Nawab Iftikhar Mamdot. Later he was one of the Main defence Lawyers in 1951 Conspiracy case. (Faiz Ahmed Faiz wrote a poem in Praise of Mr. HS Suhrawardy, the only one in his life.) These and other such reasons laid the foundation of Bangladesh. H S Suhrawardy was appointed neither the Prime Minister nor CM of East Pakistan, in spite of being the leader of 54% Muslim population of Pakistan and sitting Chief Minister of United Bengal. The Government knew about the independent mindset of H S Suhrawardy who was not acceptable to the then Establishment. The next nail in the coffin of United Pakistan was declaring Urdu as National Language at Dhaka, a proposal not acceptable to the



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He came to Dhaka in March 1948 to take residence there. The federal government directed the CM East Pakistan Khawaja Nazimuddin to ban his entry into East Pakistan and extradite him. The orders were issued by none other than Kh Nazimuddin who himself got elected to Bengal Assembly in 1937 through H S Suhrawardy, who had won on two seats and surrendered his second seat. IG East Pakistan Zakir Hussain himself delivered the orders. Zakir Hussain was against him because he did not give him out of turn promotion as CM of United Bengal. ( Mr. Zakir Hussain was rescued by 3 commando battalion of Pakistan Army in Chittagong during April 1971, ALLAH has his own ways)




Bengal (54% of the entire Muslim population) after the 1946 elections. He was the author and mover of the Delhi Resolution of 1946 that made the amendment for a United Pakistan. The Leadership of the then ruling Muslim League took arbitral action against him by banning his entry to Pakistan and enacted an order that any one not having residence in Pakistan would lose his seat in the Constituent Assembly of Pakistan. On 5th August 1947, Khwaja Nazim ud din an unpopular leader was nominated as new CM of East Pakistan at Karachi. HS Suhrawardy being a popular CM of United Bengal was ignored? Why this decision was taken is a mystery? Earlier Quaid e Azam had personally given task to Suhrawardy to negotiate for a united Bengal / Assam as well as retaining Calcutta as part of East Bengal. Suhrawardy left Karachi on 9 August 1947, after learning about a scheme for Massacre of Muslims in Calcutta, to meet Mr. Gandhi to save the Muslim Lives irrespective of threat to his personal and Political life. The Leadership of the then ruling Muslim League took arbitral action against him by banning his entry to Pakistan and enacted an order that any one not having residence in Pakistan would lose his seat in the Constituent Assembly of Pakistan.


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Now is the time for us in Pakistan to give him his due recognition by celebrating his 50 years of death in 2013. The government should name a major road in the main Blue Area in Islamabad as H S Suhrawardy Avenue. Punjab, Karachi, Peshawar, Baluchistan and Quaid e Azam universities should institute a chair after him and carry out research about his life, his achievements and his works. References:Humood ur Rehman commission report; Huseyn Shaheed Suhrawardy by Shaista Ikramullah; Memoirs of HS Suhrawardy by Talukdar ,oxford;


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He opposed President Ayub who even wanted to appoint him as his Vice President. Ayub Khan arrested him in 1962 and every word in his letter to Ayub Khan is worth in gold. He informed Ayub Khan that when he was fighting for freedom and the Pakistan Movement Ayub was nowhere at that time. This letter can be read in the book written by his cousin Begum Shaista Ikramullah (OUP1991), and in his Memoirs compiled by M. H. R. Talukdar published in Bangladesh in 1987 and reprinted by OUP in 2009. What a tragedy that nothing was available about this great man's life prior to 1987. In 1956, he was elected as Prime Minister of Pakistan. He began a tour of West Pakistan and East Pakistan for the cause of united Pakistan. He later visited USA, where he was given a warm reception not only by the US government but also by the people of USA at private receptions. There is another incident, which speaks of West Pakistan Bureaucracy attitude towards an independent-minded East Bengal Prime Minister. Mr. Altaf Gohar in his interview to Javed Chaudary confessed that as DC/DM Karachi he did not allow Mr. Suhrawardy the Prime Minister to address a public meeting of Awami League on 14th August but instead gave the same ground to Muslim League on the same day. The Prime Minister left for Dhaka a day earlier to address /hold the public meeting in East Pakistan. At the Airport before his departure, he only informed Mr. Altaf Gohar that he was going to Dhaka because the DC/DM Karachi would not allow the Prime Minister of Pakistan to hold a public meeting on the Pakistan's Independence Day. In spite of this affront, the Prime Minister did not take any action against the DC/DM! He fought for democracy and the cause of united Pakistan until his death in Beirut.

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Mr. Suhrawardy did not give up and again won elections and was appointed Law Minister. Mr. Suhrawardy convinced the people of East Pakistan to give parity to West Pakistan in spite of being 54% of the total population while framing the 1956 Constitution. In 1956, he was elected as Prime Minister of Pakistan. He began a tour of West Pakistan and East Pakistan for the cause of united Pakistan. He later visited USA, where he was given a warm reception not only by the US government but also by the people of USA at private receptions. As Prime Minister of Pakistan, he did not change the Pakistani Ambassador Ch Muhammad Ali to US, his opponent from the Muslim League, because Ch Muhammad Ali was a heart patient and was getting treatment in the USA.




people of East Pakistan, who were proud of their language and rich culture. The next nail in the coffin of United Pakistan was declaring Urdu as National Language at Dhaka, a proposal not acceptable to the people of East Pakistan, who were proud of their language and rich culture. During the 1954 elections his party, along with Sher e Bengal Party, as United Front won all the seats in the East Pakistan Assembly except 9 that were won by the ruling Muslim League. However, the elected government of A K Fazal e Haq, (the mover of 1940 Pakistan Resolution) was dismissed. A CSP officer, Maj Gen Sikander Mirza, a descendent of Mir Jaffer and an active member of the anti- democracy/people group was appointed Governor. He ordered the arrest of 2000 people over night; They arrested all the poor rickshaw drivers and petty shopkeepers irrespective of their affiliations. (Altaf Gohar being Deputy Secretary Home, implemented.)

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Ageing and HealthSunday, April 01, 2012


Secretary Clinton said the Turkmenistan pipeline was a better alternative, predictable and will avoid business with Iran. She added that embarking on the construction of a Pakistan-Iran pipeline is in violation of the Iran sanctions act. We all know what the consequences of that law are, she added. Secretary Clinton added that this move would be particularly damaging for Pakistan because the country's economy is already ailing and would further undermine Pakistan's economic status. Two days later, while addressing industrialists and the business community in Multan Chamber of Commerce, Nina Maria, the US consulate general in Lahore said: Pakistan should better find solutions domestically for their energy crisis than going for the Iran-Pakistan gas pipeline.


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Clinton's remarks were in response to Congressman Rep Lewis asking the US secretary of state why the budget request for the State Department included a $1 billion request to help Pakistan address its energy problems.


The Tale of Two Gas Pipelines




The Great Divide, HV HODSON; Pakistan in search Of Identity by Mubarik ali; Gai Dinnoy kay SOORAJ by Javed Ch ; East Pakistan to Bangla desh;Days Decisive by Serajuddin hussain; Three Presidents, three prime minister by Abdul Qayyum; The separation of East Pakistan by Hassan Zaheer; Hum Nafus by Masud Mufti; Quaid e Azam as I knew him by MAH Isphani; Divide and Quit by Penderel Moon; Transfer of power papers; Alama Mashiqis speech at nasir bagh Lahore in 1954/56. The writer is a veteran of 1965 and 1971 wars and a visiting faculty member of various prestigious management and administration training institutes of Pakistan.

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Earlier, a more direct Foreign Minister Hina Rabbani Khar said projects with Iran were in the national interest of Pakistan and will be completed irrespective of any external pressures. All of these projects are in Pakistan's national interest and will be pursued and completed irrespective of any extraneous considerations, the foreign minister said at a press conference at the Foreign Office. As far as our bilateral relations and co-operation is concerned, we do not make it contingent on views and policies of any third country. All friends of Pakistan must understand our energy needs.


We cannot afford to be selective. However, we want to add the element of credibility with the US, said Khar. She did not, however, explain how Pakistan would respond if the US did penalise Islamabad in case it went ahead with the project.


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The prime minister said that while Pakistan wants to expand ties with the US on the basis of mutual interest and respect, the US should refrain from interfering in Pakistan's internal affairs.



We are a sovereign country and we will do whatever is in the interest of Pakistan, Prime Minister Yousaf Raza Gilani said while responding to a question on Prime Minister Online, a programme hosted by Pakistan Television and Waqt News.


Ultimately Pakistan will have to solve its own problems and find its own answers, said Maria. However, Pakistan in response to this stance of the US has reasserted its firm resolve and commitment to cooperation with Iran, particularly in the energy sector, as the US renewed its opposition for the multibillion dollar Iran-Pakistan (I-P) gas pipeline project.



You have other domestic programmes which can be easily upgraded. You can work on them with co-ordination from us before considering the I-P gas pipeline to alleviate the country's energy woes. US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton while Addressing the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Foreign Operations has said that Washington has made it clear to Islamabad that the proposed IranPakistan pipeline could raise serious concerns under the Iran Sanctions Act. She further said that the US favoured the alternative Turkmenistan pipeline for Pakistan. try's energy woes.


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The US consulate general was of the view that the pipeline was three years away from being completed and it wasn't something that Pakistan had to move on immediately.


Emphasising on alternative sources of energy, Maria said that the US government has donated $15 million for thermal power stations which will be constructed in Muzaffargarh. The project would generate about 1,400 megawatts of electricity and will be completed in November 2012.

We'll cross the bridge when it comes, Khar said. Whether Pakistan will restrain the US pressure or not? , no one is in a position to give the correct answer . Should Pakistan make the issue as a matter of its national soverengnity? Or just look it as an economic problem and go for its own economic interests? To find the correct answer we have to first look into the details of the both projects. The Trans-Afghanistan Pipeline (TAP or TAPI) is a proposed natural gas pipeline being developed by the Asian Development Bank. The pipeline will transport Caspian Sea natural gas from Turkmenistan through Afghanistan into Pakistan and then to India. The abbreviation comes from the first letters of those countries. Proponents of the project see it as a modern continuation of the Silk Road. The Afghan government is expected to receive 8% of the project's revenue. The roots of this project lie in the involvement of international oil companies in Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan in early 1990s. As Russia, who controlled all export pipelines of these countries, consistently refusing to allow the use of its pipeline network, these companies needed an independent export route avoiding both Iran and Russia. The original project started on 15 March 1995 when an inaugural memorandum of understanding between the governments of Turkmenistan and Pakistan for a pipeline project was signed. This project was promoted by Argentinian company Bridas Corporation. The U.S. company Unocal, in conjunction with the Saudi oil company Delta, promoted alternative project without Bridas' involvement. On 21 October 1995, these two companies signed a separate agreement with Turkmenistan's president Saparmurat Niyazov. In August 1996, the Central Asia Gas Pipeline, Ltd. (CentGas) consortium for construction of a pipeline, led by Unocal, was formed. On 27 October 1997, CentGas was incorporated in formal signing ceremonies in Ashgabat, Turkmenistan, by several international oil companies along with the Government of Turkmenistan. Since the pipeline was to pass through Afghanistan, it was necessary to work with the Taliban. In 1997 the then U.S. ambassador to Pakistan, Robert Oakley, moved into CentGas. In January 1998, the Taliban, selecting CentGas over Argentinian competitor Bridas Corporation, signed an agreement that allowed the proposed project to proceed. In June 1998, Russian Gazprom relinquished its 10% stake in the project. On 7 August 1998, American embassies in Nairobi and Dar es Salaam were bombed under the direction of Osama bin Laden, and all pipeline negotiations halted, as the Taliban's leader, Mohammad Omar, announced that Osama bin Laden had the Taliban's support. Unocal withdrew from the consortium on 8 December 1998, and soon after closed its offices in Afghanistan and Pakistan. The new deal on the pipeline was signed on 27 December 2002 by the leaders of Turkmenistan, Afghanistan and Pakistan. In 2005, the Asian Development Bank submitted the final version of a feasibility study designed by British company Penspen. 'Since the US-led offensive that ousted the Taliban from power,' reported Forbes in 2005, "the project has been revived and drawn strong US support" as it would allow the Central Asian republics to export energy to Western markets "without relying on Russian routes". Then-US Ambassador to Turkmenistan Ann Jacobsen noted that: "We are seriously looking at the project, and it is quite possible that American companies will join it." Due to increasing instability, the project has essentially stalled; construction of the Turkmen part was supposed to start in 2006, but the overall feasibility is questionable since the southern part of the Afghan section runs through territory which continues to be under de facto Taliban control. On 24 April 2008, Pakistan, India and Afghanistan signed a framework agreement to buy natural gas from Turkmenistan. The intergovernmental agreement on the pipeline was signed on 11



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December 2010 in Ashgabat.


Iran-Pakistan Gas Pipeline between energy deficient Pakistan and energy rich Iran is a feasible and doable project, but it has been lingering since 1995 when an MOU was signed to construct the pipeline between Pakistan and Iran. The project was designed to deliver natural gas from Iran to Pakistan and India. The 2775 km (approximately 1100 km in Iran, 1000 km in Pakistan and 600 km in India) long pipeline was proposed to emanate from South Pars gas field and pass through BandarAbbas, Khuzdar, Sui to Multan and then to Delhi, at an estimated cost of US $ 7.5 billion. India had proposed an alternative route along the coast. The project was termed as the peace pipeline as it was hoped that it would help in obliterating old rivalries and pipeline diplomacy would bring peace to the region.


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The cost of the pipeline is estimated at US$7.6 billion. The project is to be financed by the Asian Development Bank.



The pipeline will be 1,420 millimetres (56 in) in diameter with a working pressure of 100 standard atmospheres (10,000 kPa). The initial capacity will be 27 billion cubic meters (950 billion cubic feet) of natural gas per year of which 2 billion cubic meters (71 billion cubic feet) will be provided to Afghanistan and 12.5 billion cubic meters (440 billion cubic feet) to each Pakistan and India. Later the capacity will increase to 33 billion cubic meters (1.2 trillion cubic feet). Six compressor stations would be constructed along the pipeline. The pipeline was expected to be operational by 2014.



For security reasons, the Asian Development Bank had proposed alternative routes in Afghanistan. One alternative was through Taskepri in Turkmenistan to Shebarghan and then through Balakh, Mazar-i-Sharif, Samangan, Kabul and Jalalabad in Afghanistan, and Peshawar, Nowshera, Islamabad and Lahore in Pakistan to India. Another alternative was a route through Serhetabat, Shindand, Delaram, Kandahar, Quetta, Lora Lai, Dera Ghazi Khan and Multan.



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In Afghanistan, the TAPI will be constructed alongside the highway running from Herat to Kandahar, and then via Quetta and Multan in Pakistan. The final destination of the pipeline will be the Indian town of Fazilka, near the border between Pakistan and India.



The 1,735 kilometres (1,078 mi) pipeline will run from the Turkmenistan gas fields to Afghanistan. Most of sources report that the pipeline will start from the Dauletabad gas field while some other sources say that it will start from the Lolotan gas field.


An overview of the measures taken by the Government of Pakistan to fulfill its commitment to reduce the poverty level by half as signed in the declaration of MDGs (Millennium Development Goals) in September 2000 along with 187 other UN members.Ageing and Health


Poverty Reduction in Pakistan and MDGs

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Concurrently, one cannot help but think of the US, which had been opposing the IPI tooth and nail on account of its standoff with Iran. It has left no stone unturned to stymie the project ever since it was conceived. As part of its design to isolate Iran, it persuaded Islamabad and New Delhi to opt for the unrealistic Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India pipeline instead, despite knowing that the unrest in Afghanistan was a big hindrance. Following the US agenda, India at present has decided to quit; however, it is heartening to note that Pakistan and Iran have planned to go ahead. If the past is any guide, the US will definitely try to sabotage the project for which caution is a must. Zaheer Ahmad Anjum




After going through the details of both the pipelines one can easily understand that under the present circumstances the Iran Pakistan Pipeline is a better option for Pakistan. Smooth process of implementation from now on to its completion will do credit to the government. Most important, given the power shortfall we are facing, it would turn out to be a real blessing for us. The gas would be used for energy generation and would add 5000MW of energy to the national grid. Though by the time the pipeline becomes operational, our supply and demand gap would have also increased, it would ensure that the situation remains under control.





In spite of U.S. opposition, Pakistan and Iran signed an agreement for the pipeline on March 16, 2010 at Ankara; and in Tehran, the Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari signed the Inter Governmental Framework Declaration on May 24, 2009. After the signing ceremony of the sovereign guarantee agreement, Pakistan's Minister for Petroleum and Natural Resources said that the Gas Sale and Purchase Agreement between Pakistan and Iran was for the import of 750 million cubic feet daily of natural gas with a provision to increase it to one billion cubic feet per day. Hopefully, the gas will be available to Pakistan by 2014.



Earlier, in 2008, Iran had also expressed its interest to provide gas to China, whose response is yet to be ascertained.


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The Iran-Pakistan Working Group was formed in 2003 to move the project forward. Islamabad had told Tehran that, in case India was not willing to join, Iran-Pakistan gas pipeline should be pursued as an independent project; but, in 2005, an MOU was signed to include India in the project. In 2007, India and Pakistan provisionally agreed to pay Iran US $ 4.93 per million British thermal units, but India subsequently withdrew from the deal ostensibly over concerns about the price and security. Though India has lately shown interest in the pipeline again, the real reason why it backed out of the three-nation deal was its nuclear deal with the U.S. signed in 2008. It is also alleged that there were deliberate attempts by India to sabotage this vital venture, as New Delhi used it as a bargaining chip with the United States during discussions on nuclear accord to gain more concessions.



Sunday, April 01, 2012

At present 35 percent, (some estimate 40 percent) citizen of the country live below poverty line. If we look at Global Food Price Index it jumped from 120 in 2006 to 220 in 2008 and consequently pushed 30 million people below poverty line worldwide. In 2011 it further increased to 240 triggering food riots in many countries. The price of essentials like flour has risen 67 percent, milk 80 percent and meat 100 percent. Resultantly the availability of food at higher prices further brought hunger, poverty and food insecurity. According to the FAO definition of food security it exists when all people, at all times, have physical and economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food to meet their dietary needs and food preferences for an active healthy life. Food spending accounts for about 60 percent budget outlay of the lowest income group while the highest income group allocate 40 percent. Even a slight increase in food prices will significantly lower consumer's purchasing power, especially among the poor. Around 75 percent of the population surrounds both sides of the poverty line. Higher food inflation disproportionately affects the poor. Bringing food inflation down remained the major policy challenge for Pakistan. The World Bank 2011 estimates that 44 million people in the developing countries have been pushed into extreme poverty due to higher prices of corn, wheat and oil. On the other hand upper income brackets registered a gain in income share to the richest at the expense of the poorest and the middle class. The richest one per cent who got 20 per cent of the total income is continuously growing. The Pakistan elite club matches the elitist of the world in their extravagant life style. Whereas according to FAO 925 million people do not have enough to eat and 98 per cent of them live in developing countries with 65 per cent people living in 7 Asian countries i.e. India, China, Congo, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Pakistan and Ethiopia. Currently at 2.5 per cent annual growth rate the prospects of increasing economic and job



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One of the targets of eight Millennium Development Goals was to reduce poverty by half at the end of the targeted period of 15 years. Pakistan assured the world to do whatever it takes to reduce poverty to 13 percent as envisioned by MDGs in 15years ending 2015.



Pakistan signed the declaration of MDGs (Millennium Development Goals) in September 2000 along with 187 other UN members. The document depicts a unified vision of development of the world community expressed in eight time bound benchmark goals.





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The poverty reduction strategy of the government focuses mainly on the five areas which include: 1-Accelerating economic growth and maintaining macroeconomic stability 2-Investing in human capital 3-Augumenting targeted interventions 4-Expanding social safety nets 5-Improving governance


Lutfullah Khan was such a multi-dimensional, rare, wonderful and valuable person that one really finds it hard to find appropriate words for describing his amazing personality.Ageing and Health


Lutfullah Khan The Sound Magician

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The writer is director in a public sector organization. [email protected] Muhammad Ramzan

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Containing inflation, raising nominal income, effective price control and monitoring mechanism can help a lot in avoiding increase in poverty incidence in urban areas. Similarly increasing cropping area which has been stuck at 550 million acres for last many years is required to be enhanced. Pakistan needs 500000 ton additional wheat every year to feed its ever increasing population. As a result higher production in agriculture can give govt. a breathing space on fiscal and monetary front but it requires the urgency of developing such policies and tools.




For a country like Pakistan, rapid economic growth over a prolonged period is essential for poverty reduction. Greater availability of public resources to improve the quantity and quality of education, health, and other services by allocating the significant funds in the annual budgets is the key to reduce poverty in the long run. The focus should be on investment and growth rather than diverting resources to subsidy in the form of cash transfer. Migration to urban areas is picking up pace and people already living in subhuman conditions in the cities are swelling. So there is need to divert resources toward rural areas where people still are living a very poor life. Direct cash transfer to the poor and resource transfer to the rural economy and high prices of agriculture commodity might have brought improvement in the life of rural segment. But if we see closely, it reveals that wealth generation is not taking place in the economy, resultantly the lower strata of the society is suffering as usual. Another important factor that needs a lot of work to be done is empowering women particularly in rural areas which requires promoting sustainable development. Already the MDGs have helped lift millions of people out of poverty and saved countless children's lives.








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This poverty and hunger can be reduced by addressing the failures and deprivations in many dimensions of human life such as, ill health, malnutrition, unemployment, vulnerability, powerlessness, social exclusion and so on.


opportunities for the poor are slim. The devastating floods, double digit food inflation, falling investment, rising unemployment and spending on ongoing war on terror have further compounded the miseries of the poor.

Sunday, April 01, 2012

Once, several years ago, when he came to Lahore, he also came to see me at my home, but afterwards, on account of his growing age and increasing pre-occupations, he spent much of his time in Karachi. Almost 15 years ago, he started living in the neighbourhood of my friend Muhammad Ashraf Shahin and Brother Mushtaq Ahmad Yusufi in Defence. But even this relatively much bigger house seemed unable to accommodate his ever increasing and highly valuable treasure, which is hard to be described in words. Its vastness can be imagined from the fact that during the



It was the time when computer technology had not yet become a part of our life and yet, Lutfullah Khan had prepared a complete record of the recordings preserved in his audio library. Full details of each and every second of the thirty-four thousand hours of recordings had been catalogued in large volumes. It is quite interesting to note that without the help of computers, in less than a minute's time, Lutfullah Khan could provide you the required item out of the thousands of cassettes kept in his library. He used to talk to all the people irrespective of age, in such a loving, friendly and humble manner, that everyone loved to talk to him and hear him talking.

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I had my first meeting with him almost thirty-five years ago, through the courtesy of the late Mushfiq Khuaja, who told me that Lutfullah Khan was an extremely nice and decent fellow, who was very fond of recording the poetry and writings of poets and writers in their own voices. For this purpose, he had a rare and worth seeing audio library of his own. I was told that in this connection, he would soon contact me and Ataul-Haq Qasmi who was in Karachi in those days, to take part in some poetry recitation contest. Hearing such warm words of appreciation from a person like Mushfiq Khuaja (who had a keen eye for judging the real worth of a person) was quite sufficient to convince me that Lutfullah Khan must be an extraordinary fellow. However, during my personal meeting with him, when he humbly told me about his work, I realized that he possessed all those qualities which others had pointed out to me. Almost three decades ago, I wrote an article with the title The sound magician about him in the popular Urdu newspaper of that time Imroz. Even at that time, the duration of the audio recordings in his sound collection was thirty-four thousand hours. These recordings were related to religion, music, speeches, sermons, poetry and literature. He belonged to that small but exceptional group of people, who are known as Collectors and who are always hectically busy in search of the things pertaining to their own favourite field, no matter from wherever they are found and whatever they have to do to find them. They are always ready to sacrifice their time, wealth and energies in order to get their required material.











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A few months ago, brother Ahmad Shah was able to prevail upon Lutfullah Khan along with some other very senior figures, to attend a function organized by the Karachi Arts Council. It was there that I had my last meeting with Lutfullah Khan and Zahida Bhabi. She was on a wheel chair and looked very weak, but there was no change in his graceful personality and impressive smiles. On that day, I found that he was, at last, willing to transfer his treasure to some government or nongovernmental organization, because practically, he was no longer in a position to increase its bulk or look after it properly. Lutfullah Khan is not among us today, but by effectively preserving his marvelous and memorable treasure, we can prove ourselves to be a living nation, having great love for knowledge, art and literature. Lutfullah Khan was surely one of those people whose delightful company inspires us to love life. Amjad Islam Amjad


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During the early years of his life, he himself learnt the art of music and Ragas and continued to sing for a long time. Later on, he turned to recording, photography and pictures and set the highest standards of excellence in all these fields, by dint of his extraordinary genius and passion. On a number of occasions, like many of his friends and admirers, I expressed to him my desire that his unique and invaluable treasure should be preserved at the national level as a cultural heritage. I further suggested to him that in case, he did not like to trust the government and politicians, a trust consisting of some resourceful lovers of art and literature should be formed to properly preserve this treasure in the form of a cultural museum. Lutfullah Khan did not agree to this proposal.










Lutfullah Khan was passionately and crazily devoted to his work. He had in his library, the audio recording of the recitation of the Holy Quran by all the notable Qaris of the Muslim world, in line with their typical accents and standards. He had such a huge collection of the music of all the leading musicians and singers that even the most enthusiastic music lovers regarded him as their Guru. Once, he told me that after the strenuous labour of 26 years, he had, at last, been able to record all the poetry of Faiz Ahmad Faiz in his own voice. Those who are fully aware of Faiz's particular temperament and bent of mind are fully aware of the fact that Lutfullah Khan h