JUST REINVEST NSW · 2019-01-07 · JUST REINVEST NSW ANNUAL REPORT 2017 – 2018 INC 9897458 C/O...

JUST REINVEST NSW ANNUAL REPORT 2017 2018 INC 9897458 C/O Aboriginal Legal Service, Suite 460, 311 - 315 Castlereagh Street Sydney, NSW, 2000 www.justreinvest.org.au [email protected]

Transcript of JUST REINVEST NSW · 2019-01-07 · JUST REINVEST NSW ANNUAL REPORT 2017 – 2018 INC 9897458 C/O...

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2017 – 2018

INC 9897458 C/O Aboriginal Legal Service, Suite 460, 311 - 315 Castlereagh Street Sydney, NSW, 2000 www.justreinvest.org.au [email protected]

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Executive Committee Chair: Sarah Hopkins

Treasurer: Gino Vumbaca

Secretary: Tiffany McComsey

Ordinary Member: Alistair Ferguson

Ordinary Member: Daniel Daylight

Ordinary Member: Mick Gooda

Ordinary Member: Kristy Masella

Ordinary Member: Millie Ingram (stepped down in May 2018)

Ordinary Member: Andrew Meehan (stepped down in May 2018)

Ordinary Member: Paul Wright (replaced Andrew Meehan as ANTaR representative in May 2018)

Strategic Directions Committee In 2017/2018 the membership of this Committee included: The Aboriginal Legal Service NSW/ ACT, Aboriginal Medical Service Cooperative Limited, Aboriginal Child, Family and Community Care State Secretariat, Aboriginal Education Council (NSW) Inc, Amnesty International, ANTaR, Ashurst, Australian Indigenous Alpine Sports Foundation, Bob Debus, Community Legal Centres NSW, Gilbert + Tobin, Jenny Lovric, Kingsford Legal Centre, Network of Alcohol and Other Drugs Agencies, Nick Cowdery, Oxfam, Red Cross, Save the Children, Shopfront Youth Legal Service, Show Me the Way, Uniting, Weave Youth and Community Services, Whitelion, Youth Action and the Youth Justice Coalition.


Just Reinvest NSW Coordinators: Nicole Mekler (2.5 days/week) and Jo Lunzer (2.5 days/week)

Maranguka Justice Reinvestment Project Positions in 2017/18:

• Founder and Executive Director of Maranguka's JR Initiative: Alistair Ferguson • Backbone Coordinator: Kristy Kennedy (stepped down in 2018 June) • Project Officer and then Backbone Coordinator: Vivianne Prince • Data and Strategy Consultant: Skye Bullen (Part time)

Volunteers Shirley Hall, Murray Gatt, Rhiannon Williams, Maejoy Obach, Holly Fredericksen, Ned Cooper, Loi Lam and Keiran Chowdery.

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Pro Bono & In-kind Support The Aboriginal Legal Service NSW/ACT continued to provide valuable in-kind support to Just Reinvest NSW.

Just Reinvest NSW also continued to receive pro bono legal support from Ashurst Australia and Gilbert + Tobin.

Community Legal Centres NSW provided media and communications as well as strategic policy advice and guidance.

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Chairperson Summary This year has been one of our biggest yet at Just Reinvest NSW (JRNSW). Justice reinvestment has gained traction on a state and federal level, as well as internationally. Our year started with the launch of our first policy paper- Policy Paper #1 - Smarter Sentencing and Parole Law Reform at NSW Parliament House in August 2017. Hosted by the NSW Attorney General the Honourable Mark Speakman SC MP, the launch was met with strong support towards the importance of a cross-party response in reducing the over representation of Aboriginal people in NSW prisons. Justice reinvestment as a solution to address the over incarceration of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples was also supported by the release of the Australian Law Reform Commission (ALRC) Report Pathways to Justice: Inquiry into the Incarceration Rate of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples. The Pathways to Justice Report recommended the establishment of an independent justice reinvestment (JR) body and for the “government to support place-based justice reinvestment initiatives, through resourcing, facilitating access to data, and facilitating participation by and coordination between relevant government departments.” It was again a highlight to continue to work in partnership with Maranguka in Bourke and see the excellent work of the Backbone team, the Working Groups, the Cross-Sector Leadership Group and community members on the ground. The progress made is outlined in this Report. It is exciting to see that Bourke is proving to be a lighthouse for many communities around the country. We also secured a grant through the Community Safety Fund from the Department of Justice (NSW) to begin working with communities across NSW who have expressed an interest in the JR approach. We are looking forward to this important piece of work in 2018-2019.

I would like to thank to thank the JRNSW Executive Committee for their hard work, guidance and commitment to justice reinvestment, as well as all members of the Strategic Directions Committee for their contributions and insights. In particular, a heartfelt thanks goes to the Aboriginal Legal Service ACT/NSW for its ongoing and critical support.

Sarah Hopkins Chair Just Reinvest NSW

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Treasurer Summary

On behalf of the Executive Committee and the Just Reinvest NSW (JRNSW) membership I would like to thank the Aboriginal Legal Service ACT/NSW (ALS) for continuing to auspice Just Reinvest NSW, including funding for the Maranguka Justice Reinvestment Project in Bourke. In particular, I would like to acknowledge the ongoing work of Poonam Bajpai, Senior Finance Officer. Poonam and her staff Evelyn Zhang, Accounts Payable and Mevna Balaghil, Accounts Officer, who have continued to assist us with very supportive diligence in maintaining our accounts and helping prepare our financial reports. We’d also like to thank Jo Corey from Dusseldorp Forum for her assistance.

I am also pleased to report that the income sources and amounts for JRNSW expanded again this year with increased philanthropic support being complemented by donations and membership fees. It is important to thank those organisations that contribute to the coordination and administrative costs of JRNSW. This is a vital part of any success JRNSW has, and while for obvious reasons it does not attract the level of attention that JRNSW on the ground services receives, it is with deep appreciation that we thank our philanthropic organisation supporters for recognising this.

The work undertaken in Bourke and the ongoing campaign for reform could simply not continue without the many philanthropic organisations that support JRNSW. The support of the Aboriginal Education Council, The Cameron Foundation, Oxfam and much needed in-kind support from Government Departments also contributes significantly to the ability of JRNSW to again achieve so much this year. We would also like to thank the JLDJS foundation for their generous donation.

Finally, it is important to individually recognise our philanthropic supporters:

● Vincent Fairfax Family Foundation ● Dusseldorp Forum ● St Vincent de Paul ● Cages Foundation ● Matana Foundation ● Cameron Foundation ● The Commonwealth Bank

Our financial reports for 2017-18 are presented on the following pages. A full copy of the Aboriginal Legal Service NSW/ACT Ltd Auditor’s Report is available upon request.

Gino Vumbaca Treasurer Just Reinvest NSW

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2017 – 2018 ACTIVITIES Below are some of the activities undertaken between 1 July 2017 and 30 June 2018:

Advocating & campaigning for the adoption of justice reinvestment

Political Engagement ● JRNSW developed a Pre-Budget Submission for the NSW Budget 2018-2019. A briefing was held

with Ministerial advisors from Aboriginal Affairs, Health, Police, Treasury and Deputy Premier’s Office. The office of the Honourable Brad Hazzard MP Minister for Health and Minister for Medical Research advised that they submitted it to Treasury.

● JRNSW representatives attended the following meetings and consultations: o The Honourable Brad Hazzard MP, Minister for Health and Minister for Medical

Research to discuss the Cross-Sector Leadership group in Bourke and increasing government buy-in for Bourke.

o The NSW Attorney General, the Honourable Mark Speakman SC MP to discuss the Criminal Justice Reform Package and the JRNSW Policy Paper on parole and sentencing reforms.

o NSW Police Commissioner Michael Fuller APM to discuss JR and the Maranguka JR Project in Bourke.

o The Honourable Mark Dreyfus QC MP, Federal Shadow Attorney-General with members of the Justice Reinvestment Network Australia to discuss the ALP JR policy commitment.

o Senator Patrick Dodson at the Aboriginal Legal Service NSW/ACT. o Policy Adviser from the Treasurer’s office about JRNSW and the Maranguka Justice

Reinvestment Project. o NSW Treasury representatives to discuss place-based finance. o Shadow Attorney General Paul Lynch to discuss the JRNSW Pre-Budget Submission. o His Excellency General The Honourable David Hurley, AC DSC (Ret’d), the Governor of

NSW. ● Visitors to the Maranguka Justice Reinvestment Project in Bourke included Senator Patrick

Dodson and Mr David Shoebridge MLC. ● As a member of the Justice Reinvestment Network Australia, JRNSW contributed to federal level

advocacy through the following activities: o Letter to ALP in response to their policy on JR. o Development of an open letter calling for a response from the Federal Government to

the ALRC’s Pathways to Justice report. ● Following the release of the ALRC report, JRNSW wrote to the Premier of NSW & relevant NSW

Ministers to urge adoption of the report’s recommendations and highlighting the report’s focus on justice reinvestment.

Influencing the Policy Agenda ● The JRNSW Policy Paper – Smarter Sentencing and Parole Law Reform was completed and a

forum was held in NSW Parliament to launch the paper on 10th August. The event was hosted by the NSW Attorney General the Honourable Mark Speakman SC MP. Other speakers included the

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Shadow Attorney General Mr Paul Lynch MP, Mr David Shoebridge MLC, JRNSW Champions Professor Tom Calma AO and Keenan Mundine.

● To supplement Policy Paper #1 - Smarter Sentencing and Parole Law Reform, three briefing papers were completed on the three proposals for reform: Intensive Correction Orders (ICOs), 6 month sentences and parole reform.

● We completed submissions for the following Inquiries and consultations in 2017-2018: o Australian Law Reform Commission (ALRC) Inquiry into Incarceration Rates of Aboriginal

and Torres Strait Islander Peoples: JRNSW participated in consultations and completed a submission. The ALRC also attended the Maranguka Justice Reinvestment Project Working Groups in Bourke.

o NSW Government’s Criminal Justice Reform Package consultations. o The Law Council of Australia’s (LCA) Justice Project (national review into the state of

access to justice). The LCA visited Bourke and we completed a submission. o The NSW Legislative Assembly Committee on Law and Safety’s Inquiry into the adequacy

of youth diversionary programs in NSW. o Cameron Review of Community Legal Centres services NSW. o NSW Legislative Council Inquiry into the provision of drug rehabilitation services in

regional, rural and remote New South Wales. ● Sarah Hopkins joined the NSW Bar Association’s Joint Working Party on the Over-representation

of Indigenous People in the NSW Criminal Justice System. ● JRNSW contributed to a report by the Youth Justice Coalition focused on the NSW Police Suspect

Target Management Plan (STMP). ● Sarah Hopkins participated in The Close the Gap Refresh consultations.

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Building Public Support

Media & Communications ● A Communications Plan was drafted by Mark Riboldi, Advocacy & Communications Manager for

Community Legal Centres NSW. ● Our website has been regularly updated. ● Facebook (FB)

o JRNSW has 2174 FB likes, an in increase from 1909. o JRNSW FB posts regularly reach over 1000 people. o Maranguka FB page likes increased from 72 → 89.

● Twitter o Followers increased from 1400 → 1734. o In October, the Maranguka Community Hub hosted @IndigenousX Twitter.

● E-Newsletter o 5 E-newsletters were distributed. o Number of people receiving the newsletter increased from 840 → 892.

● We developed a template letter for supporters to write to local MPs & Fed Govt urging implementation of ALRC’s Pathways to Justice Report recommendations.

● JRNSW, Our Champions, Youth Ambassadors and Maranguka featured in state, national and international media including The Economist, ABC, Daily Telegraph, Daily Liberal, ABC Speak Out Program, The Guardian, Matter of Fact on ABC24, FBI Radio, St Vincent de Paul’s The Record, the Australian Lawyers Alliance magazine- Precedent, The Law Society Journal and Croaky.

Speaking Engagements and Events ● Sarah Hopkins spoke at the NSW Police Force - Aboriginal Employees Network Biennial

Conference (July). ● Nicole Mekler and Kristy Kennedy presented at Youth Action’s Youth Worker Conference

(October). ● JRNSW Youth Ambassadors Trei Stewart and Beau Foster spoke as part of a panel on the

importance of Youth Participation at Youth Action’s Youth Worker Conference (October). ● Skye Bullen presented at the Indigenous Sovereignty Conference (October). ● Sarah Hopkins spoke at a Panel at the Law Society of NSW - Mind the Gap - Advancing

Indigenous Justice (November). ● Nicole Mekler spoke at a UNSW Indigenous Pre-law class (November). ● NCOSS, JRNSW and Juvenile Justice held a joint forum for their members about Justice

Reinvestment, JRNSW Representatives spoke including: Sarah Hopkins, Daniel Daylight, Temeka Leonard and Trei Stewart (December).

● Alistair Ferguson, Sarah Hopkins, Cath Brokenbourgh and Teya Dusseldorp spoke at the Atlantic Fellows for Social Equity: Real Systems Briefing (April).

● Sarah Hopkins spoke at the NSW Law Society’s “Criminal Law - One day Intensive” (April). ● Sarah Hopkins spoke at the Public Defenders Annual conference (April). ● Nicole Mekler spoke at the Homelessness NSW Conference (April). ● Sarah Hopkins presented at the Close the Gap Refresh consultations (May). ● Alistair Ferguson spoke at the Joint Select Committee on Constitutional Recognition relating to

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples (May).

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● Nicole Mekler spoke at the Katherine Youth Justice Reinvestment Forum (May). ● Nicole Mekler spoke at Newcastle’s Restorative Cities Conference (May).

Champions and Youth Ambassadors ● Kaleesha Morris MC’ed the launch of the JRNSW Policy Paper in NSW Parliament. Youth

Ambassador Trei Stewart also attended the launch (August). ● Temeka Leonard, Killara Ebsworth, Nahdia Noter, Mi-Kaisha Masella and Isaiah Sines became

new JRNSW Youth Ambassadors. ● Temeka Leonard spoke at the 2017 JRNSW AGM. ● Temeka Leonard, Killara Ebsworth and Trei Stewart contributed to the JRNSW Submission to the

Inquiry into the adequacy of youth diversionary options in NSW. ● Temeka Leonard participated in the launch of CLCNSW’s Reconciliation Action Plan. ● Robert Tickner AO became a Champion for JRNSW.

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Supporting Place-Based Reform

The Maranguka Justice Reinvestment Project in Bourke ● From 30 June 2017, the Maranguka Justice Reinvestment Project has facilitated the

development and implementation of: o evidence-based strategies to achieve community goals, o a shared measurement system for partners (community members, government, non-

government) to track their progress towards meeting their goals, and o strategies for continuous communication and collaboration between partners.

● Discussions with KPMG and Treasury around economic modelling have been taking place. ● Maranguka now operates out of 3 hub locations in Bourke, highlighting the appetite and

opportunities to work collaboratively.

Activities undertaken in 2017-2018 by the Maranguka Justice Reinvestment Project are as follows:

The Maranguka Justice Reinvestment Project Working Groups: ● Strategic Working Groups have been established and developed under the priorities in the

‘Growing our kids up safe, smart and strong’ strategy. ● The Working Groups comprise of government and non-government agencies, service providers

and Bourke community members. The Strategic Working Groups are: Early Childhood and Parenting, 8 to 18-year-olds and the Role of Men.

● The Working Groups have met twelve times since the first time they met in June 2016. ● The Working Groups have attracted a large membership of the services in town. Continuous

attention is needed to maintain membership, collaboration and partnerships, as well as widen stakeholder engagement.

● The Backbone team is continuing community participation through the Bourke Tribal Council, Men of Bourke (MOB), Women’s Group and the Maranguka Youth Advisory Council

Data and community insights at every step ● The Maranguka Justice Reinvestment Project has a shared measurement system with 35

outcomes and associated indicators. ● The principles of Indigenous Data sovereignty are incorporated into the Project. ● Data is being made available to the community. Maranguka is working to have data available

from all government departments at all times. ● Data has been collected from community every 3 months (noting a significant drop off in last 3

months). This process is being redesigned for 2019. ● Training and support for data analysis for the community has been happening.

Early Childhood and Parenting Working Group

Successful initiatives: ● Second round of 3-year-old health and development checks. ● ‘First 2000 days of life’ initiative (Health) is in Bourke.

Initiatives that are in progress: ● Application for Connected Beginnings was completed. ● Welcome to Country for Babies.

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● Collective action around the need for more allied health resourcing.

8 to 18-year-olds Working Group

Initiatives: The Maranguka Support Model for Young People has four components:

1. School Based Component – Our Place ▪ Our Place is an alternative learning environment for young people who have

disengaged with school. It is centred around four components: mastery, independence, generosity, and belonging. The model in part based on BackTrack. Bourke High School has taken a strong lead and partnered with Maranguka/SOS. Approximately 9 young men participate and school attendance has increased.

2. Family Component – Wrap around support for the whole family: ▪ Co-designed by the 8-18yo working group with support from the Australian

Centre for Social Innovation. 3. SOS Out of School Hours (OOSH) Component – weekends/holidays:

▪ The need for consistent and free activities during every school holiday period was identified. Each school holiday period, Maranguka organises, in collaboration with SOS, PCYC, YOTS and other services, a range of activities and places to go to keep young people engaged and in a routine.

4. Return to community and acute cases (including suspension): ▪ The daily check-ins began in August 2017- daily morning meetings with the

Maranguka Hub and Police to provide updates and share data, with a view to providing support to those in need, with a particular focus on children at risk of offending and their family members. On Thursday morning the meetings are opened up to all youth related services, including School Principals, TAFE, Juvenile Justice and Youth Off the Streets to workshop issues arising.

▪ A strategy is being developed (between JJ/Police/Corrections and Maranguka) to address challenges of young people returning from custody on release or on bail at short notice (as this has resulted in spike in offending).

● The Save our Sisters/Save our Sons (SOS) Youth Coordinator plays a central role in each aspect of the Maranguka Youth Support model. The SOS initiative supports children and young people in Bourke who are at risk of disengaging with school and entering the criminal justice system. With the support of Alistair Ferguson, Birrang was successful in securing funding though Prime Minister & Cabinet (PMC) for this initiative.

Role of Men Working Group

Successful Initiatives: ● Men of Bourke:

o Self-organising for 30 months. o The men want to focus on healing. o Organised Red Dust Healing to deliver workshops in Bourke.

● Creation of a Men’s Space with the support of Catholic Care. ● Bourke Aboriginal Employment and Prosperity Strategy.

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● Family violence initiative in Bourke - Gawimarra Burrany Ngurung (Picking up the pieces) auspiced by Birrang in partnership with Maranguka. Five new positions are being funded by PMC under the Third Action Plan of the National Plan to Reduce Violence against Women and their Children 2010-2022.

● Operation Solidarity: o Maranguka inspired Police strategy focusing on reducing the number of repeat domestic

violence incidents – they visit the homes of victims.

Initiatives that are underway: ● MERIT at Bourke Local Court. ● Return to community (from prison) strategy.

Continued Cross-Sector collaboration to achieve shared goals ● The Cross-Sector Executive Group meets every two months. ● Cross-Sector Leadership Group (CSLG) receives reports after all quarterly Bourke Working Group

meetings to keep them updated on progress. ● CSLG have committed to working collaboratively and supporting their people working on the

ground in Bourke who, through Working Groups are responsible for developing shared targets and strategies for change in their particular priority areas.

● The Second Cross Sector Leadership Group was held in Dubbo in August 2017. (The Third Cross Sector Leadership Group was held in Bourke at the end of July 2018. A Community Forum was held prior to the CSLG in Bourke with The Honourable Brad Hazzard, followed by the official launch of the Men’s Space).

Other events in Bourke ● Senator Patrick Dodson attended the Maranguka JR Project Working Groups in October 2017. ● The Maranguka Justice Reinvestment Project won the Youth Action Youth Work Award for

innovation in using data to tell stories in October 2017. ● The President of the Law Society Pauline Wright, Melanie Hawyes, Executive Director, Juvenile

Justice and Candice Neilson - Director, Office of the Executive Director of Juvenile Justice attended the Working Groups in December 2017.

● The Maranguka JR initiative Steering Committee was re-convened in December 2017 and has met three times since.

● Website development started for the Maranguka JR Project. ● Forums in Bourke in May 2018:

o Youth Forum was held with the assistance of SOS, YOTS and PCYC and 15 young people attended.

o The Community Forum was held over a full day and was chaired by Mr Mick Gooda and around 40 people attended.

o The community forums brought the community together to celebrate the major milestones and outcomes of the Maranguka Justice Reinvestment Project and the work of Maranguka Hub Members, the Bourke Tribal Council and the Bourke Community. The Forums scoped what the next 3 - 5 years might look like for community aspirations and priorities, using data to show what has worked, and work that still needs to be done.

● Governance Workshops and development have been ongoing throughout the year. ● Maranguka and JRNSW started working with KPMG on an Economic Impact Analysis.

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Young People in Bourke ● Maranguka Youth Advisory Council (MYAC). The MYAC has met 14 times now at the Maranguka

Community Hub. The Youth Council is a way for young people in Bourke to take ownership of the change they want in Bourke and have a strong voice in the community. The Maranguka Justice Reinvestment Project is informed by young people in Bourke and will work with the Youth Council to make sure that young people know that we are listening and can take action.

● Throughout the year, the MYAC met with the Honourable Brad Hazzard MP Minister for Health and Minister for Medical Research, Mick Gooda, Bourke Shire Council, NSW Police, and Mr David Shoebridge MLC.

● Desert Pea Media came back to Bourke and worked with a group of young Aboriginal people enrolled at Bourke High School. Two further songs have now been released.

● JRNSW organised for the Our Place boys to get free tickets to an Indigenous All Round game in Sydney. Some of the JR Youth Ambassadors accompanied them.

Supporting Place-Based Reform more broadly

Development of a Justice Reinvestment Toolkit ● Work on the JR Community Toolkit continued throughout 2017-2018. ● A grant application to Legal Aid NSW was successful for graphic design work. Mumbulla Creative

was engaged to work on the Toolkit. ● A number of practitioners, academics, community members provided valuable feedback and

input into the JR Community Toolkit.

Community Engagement funding ● JRNSW made a successful bid to the Department of Justice’s Community Safety Fund in

December of 2017 for funding for a Justice Reinvestment Community Engagement and Facilitation Project. This will enable JRNSW to engage a Community Engagement Manager and Support Officer to help scope new JR initiatives in NSW.

● Insurance Australia Group (IAG) has committed to supporting JRNSW in its community engagement work.

Sharing information & learning with practitioners in other States ● JRNSW was engaged to discuss justice reinvestment with community representatives,

practitioners, government and academics from NT, WA, QLD, SA, ACT and Sri Lanka. ● 15 communities have approached JRNSW in NSW to date. ● JRNSW remained an active member of Justice Reinvestment Network Australia (JRNA). ● JRNSW supported JRNA with the development of their website.

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Ensuring effective and transparent governance & management

Executive Committee ● The Executive Committee met eight times this year. ● Aunty Millie Ingram, Daniel Daylight, Kristy Masella, Mick Gooda and Paul Wright joined the Just

Reinvest NSW Executive Committee bringing their experience and insights surrounding justice reinvestment and community led approaches, as well as policy and advocacy expertise. Aunty Millie Ingram and Andrew Meehan stepped down from the Executive Committee in May 2018.

● Alistair Ferguson was nominated as one of four finalists for Australia Local Hero of the Year. ● Secretariat Reports are now compiled every 3 months.

Strategic Directions Committee ● The Strategic Directions Committee met four times this year. ● JRNSW revised membership forms in September 2017. ● Just Reinvest 2017 AGM was very well attended. The AGM was followed by a Special General

Meeting to change the membership forms. ● Members of the SDC have been contributing towards the OOHC and Education Subgroup. ● Members of the SDC contributed to the Policy Platform: ANTaR, CLCNSW, Ashurst, Gilbert +

Tobin, Oxfam and individual members.

Staff and Volunteers: ● In 2017-2018 JRNSW had one position for a full-time coordinator - the position was shared

between Jo Lunzer and Nicole Mekler. ● JRNSW and Maranguka had eight dedicated volunteers Shirley Hall, Murray Gatt, Rhiannon

Williams, Maejoy Obach, Holly Fredericksen, Ned Cooper, Loi Lam and Keiran Chowdery.