Just in time chances for a holistic approach for land and water governance

Just in time: Chances for a Holistic Approach for Land and Water Governance in Cisadane sub- Watershed Area, Bogor District Pretoria, June 2015 Mardha Tillah

Transcript of Just in time chances for a holistic approach for land and water governance

Just in time: Chances for a Holistic Approach for Land and Water Governance in Cisadane sub-

Watershed Area, Bogor District

Pretoria, June 2015

Mardha Tillah

Menu• Introduction

• Cisadane Watershed

• Policies on watershed management

• RMI’s project on River and Biodiversity Conservation and the link to Child’s Rights

• RMI’s involvement on the forum

• The MDM

• Scenarios

• Benefits of having the multistakeholder forum

• Benefits of conducting a holistic approach

• Before and After

• The latest situation

• Challenges to be further addressed

• Conclusion

HuMa, 2014

• RMI-the Indonesian Institute for Forest and Environment

• Vision: Manifested people’s (women and men) sovereignty over land and natural resources

1. Introduction

Environmental Education since

1992, including on river’s health and biodiversity since


Peasants’ and Indigenous

community’s empowerment on their rights over land and natural resources since


Rural young people’s

empowerment through

environmental education since


2. Cisadane Watershed

What’s on Upstream Area of Cisadane


Sand miningAbandoned Land Bottled water


Historical sites

Water-powered Electricity Generator

Domestic needs

RMI (2010), Arifjaya (2012), Mukhlis (2015)




3. Policies on Watershed Management

• Governmental Law on Watershed Forum (2012): CisadaneWatershed Multistakeholders Forum

• Directorate General’s of Land Rehabilitation and Social Forestry Law of Ministry of Forestry on Micro-scale Watershed Management Model (2009): The MDM

– Consisted of 1-3 river orders, up to 5,000 hectares

– Complimented with the Multistakeholders Forum

Objectives of the MDM

1. To provide a media for holistic watershed development model in

micro level that involve various stakeholders in participatory manner

2. To achieve a sustainable model of natural resources governance

based on local condition of various factors (i.e. biophysical, social, economic, cultural)

3. To obtain data and information about watershed management that are effective with tangible impacts on biophysical, social, economic

and institutional to be replicate in bigger scale

(Directorate General’s Land Rehabilitation and Social Forestry Law of Ministry of Forestry on Micro-scale Watershed Management Model, 2009)


Supporting Policies

• On Social Forestry

• On Joint Regulation of 4 Ministries on Conflict Resolution in Forest Area

• On Agrarian Reform—Land Redistribution

• On Collective land ownership certificate

• Etc

• Policies on Water Mgt?


istry of




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Ministry of Public Works

Min. of Home Affairs


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Corruption Eradication Commission

4. RMI’s Projects on River and biodiversity conservation and the link to child’s rights


•Rural youth empowerment on biodiversity and river conservation issues

•Rural youth is under-researched (Valentine, Skelton and Chambers 1998); Rural youth is overlooked in the society and in academic (Philo 1992)—Deskilled youth (White, 2012, 2014, Katz, 2004)


•Our Rivers Our Life (OROL) Campaign II

•Cisadane River Expedition (Upstream Area)


•Ecotourism-based Kampung development

River is an indicator of land

use—which linked with land

ownership status

5. The Cisadane Hulu MDM• 1,770 hectares: 1000 hectares inside the

claim of Gede Pangrango National Park area

– Inhabited by about 1,000 people

– Immediate discussions on land ownership status

The MDM Project’s Area

6. RMI’s Involvement in the Forum


• Being the vice chief of the MDM Forum


• Being the facilitator of the MDM Forum

• Leading the think tanks of the forum

7. ScenariosLegend

X: Water SupplyY: Land availability for the community

8. Benefits of having the multistakeholders forum

• Each stakeholder acknowledges other stakeholders’ needs and roles in the project site

• Better coordination

• Marginalised people involved in the decision-making processes.

• Obtaining more comprehensive data

– various perspectives

– “sensitive data”

9. Benefits of Conducting a Holistic Approach

(e.g. watershed management)

• More opportunities to design a holistic sub-watershed management plan: e.g. land rights issues, education issues

• More flexibilities in designing strategies to attract stakeholders

10. Before and…

• Data collecting carried out only by BPDAS (and sometimes also involve academia)

- Reliability issues

- Absence of gender perspectives

- Absence of youth involvement

- Technocratic approach only; absence of the humanist approach

- Elite captured

9. …after

The Stakeholders (Before and After)

Parties Current participation Identified

Governmental agencies 12 26

NGOs 1 3

Community groups 5 (3 peasants’ groups, 2

youth groups)


Private entities 2 9

Universities 2 5

Schools 0 5

Programmes (Before and After)

Current Situation Identified

Seedlings and sapling support, but concentrated

Seedlings and sapling support

Cattle/sheep support, but concentrated Cattle/sheep support

None Education

None Waste Management

None Improvement of infrastructure (e.g. road)

None Community’s empowerment institution that also targeted to the marginalised ones (e.g. economic supports for women, establishing women groups, schools, empowerment of

farmers’ groups about rights, technical support on agriculture)

10. The latest situation

Monitoring and Evaluation

Implementation – Monitoring plan

• Current position

Planning – Monitoring plan

• Current position

Revising the baseline data

11. Challenges to be further addressed

• The advancement of common vision

• Pseudo-representation of community groups in the forum

• The liaison function to coordinate the forum

• How do we implement the plans after this?

12. Conclusion• Personal relationship is a catalisator for

multistakeholders processes

• It should be prepared for a long-term process by people who have long-term vision

• It is more than agriculture, water and land

Thank you!