Jurisprudence: Knowledge of the Law · Jurisprudence: Knowledge of the Law The primary function of...

Message from the president April 2010 Jurisprudence: Knowledge of the Law The primary function of the CRDHA is to promote high quality dental hygiene practice and ensure client safety. This means that the public can expect to receive dental hygiene services from competent professionals who are registered with the CRDHA. Consumers, CRDHA members, other health professionals, employers, educational institutions and regulatory bodies consult CRDHA for information about various aspects of dental hygiene practice including legal considerations of dental hygiene practice in Alberta. The term jurisprudence encompasses those legal considerations. In November, 2006 the Health Professions Act and the Dental Hygienists Profession Regulation came into force for the dental hygienists profession. The Dental Hygienists Profession Regulation 4(2) states: “An applicant for registration under subsection (1) must successfully pass a jurisprudence examination referred to in section 3(1)(c)” . In addition, all CRDHA members may access the jurisprudence examination. This newsletter article describes the CRDHA jurisprudence examination and answers some of the frequently asked questions about the examination. Continued on page 3 jurisprudence. L jūris prūdentia (jurisprudence) the science or philosophy of law. a body or system of laws a department of law: medical jurisprudence. Civil Law. decisions of courts, esp. of reviewing tribunals Dictionary.com Unabridged. Retrieved January 18, 2010, from Dictionary.com website: http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/ jurisprudence

Transcript of Jurisprudence: Knowledge of the Law · Jurisprudence: Knowledge of the Law The primary function of...

Page 1: Jurisprudence: Knowledge of the Law · Jurisprudence: Knowledge of the Law The primary function of the CRDHA is to promote high quality dental hygiene practice and ensure client safety.

Message from the president

April 2010

Jurisprudence: Knowledge of the LawThe primary function of the CRDHA is to promote high quality dental hygiene practice and ensure client safety. This means that the public can expect to receive dental hygiene services from competent professionals who are registered with the CRDHA.

Consumers, CRDHA members, other health professionals, employers, educational institutions and regulatory bodies consult CRDHA for information about various aspects of dental hygiene practice including legal considerations of dental hygiene practice in Alberta. The term jurisprudence encompasses those legal considerations.

In November, 2006 the Health Professions Act and the Dental Hygienists Profession Regulation came into force for the dental hygienists profession. The Dental Hygienists Profession Regulation 4(2) states: “An applicant for registration under subsection (1) must successfully pass a jurisprudence examination referred to in section 3(1)(c)”. In addition, all CRDHA members may access the jurisprudence examination.

This newsletter article describes the CRDHA jurisprudence examination and answers some of the frequently asked questions about the examination.

Continued on page 3

jurisprudence. L jūris prūdentia (jurisprudence)• thescienceorphilosophyoflaw.• abodyorsystemoflaws• adepartmentoflaw:medicaljurisprudence.• CivilLaw.decisionsofcourts,esp.ofreviewing


Dictionary.com Unabridged. Retrieved January 18, 2010, from Dictionary.com website: http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/jurisprudence

Page 2: Jurisprudence: Knowledge of the Law · Jurisprudence: Knowledge of the Law The primary function of the CRDHA is to promote high quality dental hygiene practice and ensure client safety.

I n T o u c h A p r I L 2 0 1 0

crDhA Council membersBrenda Murray, RDHPresident

Edmontonc/o CRDHA office [email protected]

Jacki Blatz, RDHPast President

Fort Saskatchewan(780) [email protected]

Allison Boone, RDHCouncillor

Calgaryc/o CRDHA [email protected]

Gerry cool, RDH Vice President

Carselandc/o CRDHA [email protected]

Jean FraserPublic Member

Calgaryc/o CRDHA [email protected]

Sabrina heglund, RDHCouncillor

Ardrossanc/o CRDHA [email protected]

Debbie hubbardPublic Member

Edmonton(780) [email protected]

Maureen Graham, RDHCouncillor

Calgaryc/o CRDHA [email protected]

Laura McLaughlin, RDHCouncillor

Fort Saskatchewanc/o CRDHA [email protected]

Arlaine MonaghanPublic Member

Spruce Grovec/o CRDHA [email protected]

Shirley Smith, RDHCouncillor

Edmontonc/o CRDHA [email protected]

Tawnya Wilde, RDHCouncillor

Edmontonc/o CRDHA [email protected]

Jacki Blatz, RDHCanadian Dental Hygienists Association President

(780) 998-1262

publisher: College of Registered Dental Hygienists of Alberta

InTouch is published four times a year.

A D v e r T I S I n G

To place an advertisement, send camera-ready-art or typed text to: Editor, InTouch

#206, 8657 51 Avenue NW Edmonton, Alberta T6E 6A8

phone: (780) 465.1756 Fax: (780) 440.0544 e-mail: [email protected]

Ads/graphics must be submitted as camera ready artwork in high resolution pdf format, .eps or .tiff formats with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi. Text only ads may be submitted in MS Word.

InTouch advertising rates are as follows: Full Page 7.2” x 9” $600 Half Page 7.2” x 4.375” $325 Quarter Page 3.46” x 4.375” $175 Eighth Page 3.46” x 2” $100 Website $75/two weeks

S u B M I S S I o n S

Story ideas, articles and letters are welcome. Send your submission to the Editor at:

[email protected] The Editor reserves the right to edit content, format and length.

Submission Deadlines:

November 15February 15 May 15 August 15

For more information, visit our website at:


Inside InTouch

The College of Registered Dental Hygienists of Alberta (CRDHA) invites submissions of original research, discussion papers and statements of opinion relevant to the dental hygiene profession for it’s official newsletter, InTouch. Submissions are subject to editorial approval and may be formatted and/or edited without notice. Contributions to InTouch do not necessarily represent the views of the CRDHA, its staff or Council, nor can the CRDHA guarantee the authenticity or accuracy of reported research. As well, the CRDHA does not endorse, warrant, or assume responsibility for the accuracy, reliability, truthfulness or appropriateness of information regarding products, services, manufacturers or suppliers contained in advertisements within or associated with the newsletter. Under no circumstances, including, but not limited to, negligence shall the CRDHA be liable for any direct, indirect, special, punitive, incidental, or consequential damages arising from the use, or neglect, of information contained in articles and/or advertisements within this publication.

Front & Centre 2

Message from the Registrar 4

Noteworthy 10

Continuing Competence 14

Websites to Visit 16

Spotlight on

April 30 and May 1, 2010 with pre-event, April 29, 2010Deerfoot Inn, Calgary AB

Networking opportunities at the ACC Event:

Thursday: Noon “Self Assessment Seminar”; Pre-registration is required. No chargeThursday: Practice Makes Perfect SeminarFriday: Breakfast Mini-Spots; Topical interest groups for the early risers. Sign-up on siteFriday: Noon “Trends and Technology Tradeshow”; For ACC Event attendeesFriday: 5:00 PM “Council Reception”; For ACC Event attendeesSaturday: 8:00 AM “CRDHA Annual General Meeting”; For CRDHA members only.

To attend the AGM, ACC Event registration is not required, please register for the AGM by contacting the CRDHA office: [email protected] or Toll-free 1-877-465-1756.

TO REGISTER http://accevent.crdha.ca

Why?CRDHA Annual Continuing Competence Event

Page 3: Jurisprudence: Knowledge of the Law · Jurisprudence: Knowledge of the Law The primary function of the CRDHA is to promote high quality dental hygiene practice and ensure client safety.

C R D H A i n t o u C H a p r i l 2 0 1 0 1

Message from the president

Being a member of the CRDHA requires ongoing professional development to address individual continuing competence needs. CRDHA offers various continuing competence opportunities for professional development.

The CRDHA exists so that Albertans will receive safe high quality dental hygiene care. The numerous laws surrounding health care are meant to ensure safety for the public. As dental hygienists we must provide safe high quality dental hygiene care by understanding and complying with legislation that affects all areas of practice. This issue of the In Touch newsletter focuses on Jurisprudence and the Jurisprudence Examination which is a valuable learning opportunity for you to consider.

Another learning opportunity is our three-day Annual Continuing Competence Event, “Spotlight on Why?”, which will be held at the Deerfoot Inn, Calgary, April 29 - May 1, 2010. I look forward to meeting and connecting with CRDHA members at this congenial, educational event.

At our AGM, Saturday May 1, 2010, we will update members about the CRDHA and CRDHA Council will include a member consultation component which will help Council determine the future vision of the CRDHA.

I would like to thank the CRDHA committee members, the Council, and our public members for the time and energy that they devote towards the governance of CRDHA and the advancement of our profession. I would also like to thank those people who have put their names forward for nomination to Council. New Councillors will be announced at the CRDHA Annual General Meeting, May 1, 2010.

Brenda Murray, rDh

The college of registered Dental hygienists of Alberta (crDhA) exists so that Albertans will receive safe, high quality dental hygiene care and the profession of dental hygiene is advanced.

April is Oral Health Month and also a time when we celebrate National Dental Hygiene Week and National Volunteer Week. Take this time to:

· Acknowledge your personal and professional accomplishments.

· Be active in your daily practice through educating Albertans about the relationship between oral health and overall health.

· Acknowledge people in your life who volunteer their time and energy for the benefit of others.

~ Brenda Murray

AGM Official NoticeThis is official notice, in accordance with Bylaw 12.4.1, of the Annual General Meeting of the CRDHA.

Meeting AgendaPresident’s Address & WelcomeCall to OrderProof of Meeting NoticeAnnouncementsApproval of AgendaApproval of Minutes for May 2, 2009Annual Report MinutesReport of Nominations CommitteeNew Business

Saturday, May 1, 2010Deerfoot Inn1000, 11500 - 35 Street SE, Calgary, Alberta

7:30 – 8:00 amRegistration and Breakfast

8:00 amAnnual General Meeting

Page 4: Jurisprudence: Knowledge of the Law · Jurisprudence: Knowledge of the Law The primary function of the CRDHA is to promote high quality dental hygiene practice and ensure client safety.

C R D H A i n t o u C H a p r i l 2 0 1 02

Front & centre

The crDhA Jurisprudence examination: An opportunity to Learn

Why take the jurisprudence examination?Successfully completing the examination is required of the following individuals: • anewregistrant;• aregistranttransferringfromnon-

practicing status;• amemberapplyingtoenrollinthe

CRDHA Elements of Prescribing: A Refresher Course for Dental Hygienists.

Any CRDHA member may take the jurisprudence examination as a test of how familiar the individual is with the legislation. A practicing dental hygienist may want to take the examination to review the documents and determine areas for further study. Passing the jurisprudence examination reflects an individual’s familiarity with the legislation. There is no charge to the member to take the examination.

After successfully completing the examination, a CRDHA member commented, “While it was a challenge to consider all of the documents, it was an effective way for me to understand which areas I needed to learn more about to apply to my practice. I’m glad it was open-book and I could take the time I needed to review the documents thoroughly.”

What is the jurisprudence examination like?The examination is an on-line, open-book examination comprised of 75 questions randomly selected from a bank of multiple choice and scenario questions. To pass the examination you must achieve a pass mark of 80%.

Depending on how familiar you are with the information the examination can take between one and two hours to complete, although occasionally some individuals have needed more time than this. The examination can be completed in more than one sitting and the time that you need to complete the examination is not limited. The examination can be paused and accessed at your convenience.

What information should I review for the jurisprudence examination?There are many laws, schedules, rules, standards, and bylaws that govern health care in Alberta. The official statutes and Regulations must be consulted for all purposes of interpreting and applying the law.

When you apply to take the examination you will be informed of the links to the documents or you can go to the CRDHA website at www.crdha.ca > CRDHA members >

LegislationandStandardsofPracticeto access the relevant websites and documents. Questions on the examination are related to many of the legislative documents referred to in the Practice Standards indicated below:

1. professional responsibility Registered dental hygienists are responsible and accountable for their dental hygiene practice and conduct. At all times, registered dental hygienists practice within their own level of competence. Dental hygienists must restrict themselves to performing activities that are appropriate to the dental hygienists’ area of practice and the procedure being performed. General Responsibilities Registered dental hygienists: 1.1 Adhere to current provincial

and federal legislation; and codes of ethics, practice standards, guidelines and policies relevant to the profession and practice setting. This includes, but is not limited to:

1.1.1 Health Professions Act

(HPA) 1.1.2 Dental Hygienists

Profession Regulation 1.1.3CRDHABy-Laws

In November, 2006 the Health Professions Act and the Dental Hygienists Profession Regulation came in force for the dental hygienists profession. The Dental Hygienists Profession Regulation 4(2) states: An applicant for registration under subsec-tion (1) must successfully pass a jurisprudence examination referred to in section 3(1)(c).

Page 5: Jurisprudence: Knowledge of the Law · Jurisprudence: Knowledge of the Law The primary function of the CRDHA is to promote high quality dental hygiene practice and ensure client safety.

C R D H A i n t o u C H a p r i l 2 0 1 0 3

Message from the president

1.1.4 CRDHA Dental Hygiene Standards of Practice & Practice Guidelines

1.1.5 CRDHA Code of Ethics 1.1.6 CRDHA Continuing

Competence Program Rules 1.1.7 Freedom of Information &

Protection of Privacy Act (FOIP) 1.1.8 Government Organization Act

(GOA) 1.1.9 Health Information Act (HIA) 1.1.10 Personal Information

Protection Act (PIPA) 1.1.11 Public Health Act (PHA) 1.1.12 Radiation Protection Act 1.1.13 Scheduled Drugs Regulation,

Alberta Regulation 66/2007 Why is it an open-book examination?The Jurisprudence examination is an open-book format because you are not expected to memorize the exact information from all of the documents. You must have an understanding of how the documents relate to each other and where you would access the pertinent information as you require the information. Become familiar enough with each document so you can access the appropriate document when the need arises.

CRDHA members are well aware of the Code of Ethics, Practice Standards, and the Continuing Competence Rules. However, not everyone may be as familiar with the other documents. Taking the examination is an opportunity for you to review the documents, think about them and then to test yourself to see which areas might need more attention from you.

Tips to approaching the documents and taking the examination:• Determinehowthedocuments

relate and which document takes precedent over the other. e.g., the Health Professions Act is the umbrella legislation governing all health regulated health professions in Alberta; the Dental Hygienists Profession Regulation specifically applies to the dental hygienists profession; the CRDHA Bylaws indicate how the CRDHA is governed, the Dental Hygiene Standards of Practice and Practice Guidelines indicate how you should practice; the Code of Ethics indicates your ethical responsibilities.

• Scanthetableofcontentsofeach document for a general idea of content. Some people print the table of contents of each document to use as a road map to navigate the documents online. Other people might print off the complete documents for reference.

• Donotexpecttosuccessfullycomplete the examination by only using a document search function to look for key words. Doing so will not give you an understanding of how the documents relate to each other.

• Determinethepertinentsectionsof each of the documents and read them well. Make note of areas that of major significance.

• Theexaminationtakesconcentrated effort. Allow yourself chunks of time to work on the examination without interruption.

I don’t have a computer can I still take the examination?The examination is accessed only by computer and internet connection. If you do not have other access to a computer, they are available in libraries and schools throughout the province.

How do I apply to complete the examination?Contact [email protected] and ask for an application to take the examination. It will be emailed to you with further instructions.

What about obtaining Continuing Competence Program credit for the jurisprudence examination?Successful completion of the exam is eligible for CRDHA Continuing Competence Program (CCP) credit for CRDHA members who have been registered with CRDHA prior to November 1, 2006 (See CRDHA CCP Rule 9.2.6). When a member on the General register passes the examination they can apply for Continuing Competence Program credit. The Continuing Competence Program Rules state that a member can take the examination once for credit.

For those applicants who registered after November 1, 2006, successful completion of the jurisprudence examination is a mandatory requirement upon initial application for registration in Alberta and for transfer from non-practicing to the General Register. It is not eligible for continuing competence credit for those purposes.

Page 6: Jurisprudence: Knowledge of the Law · Jurisprudence: Knowledge of the Law The primary function of the CRDHA is to promote high quality dental hygiene practice and ensure client safety.

C R D H A i n t o u C H a p r i l 2 0 1 04

Reporting Blood Borne Infections to the CRDHA

All health care workers with a history of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), hepatitis B virus (HBV) or hepatitis C virus (HCV) positivity have an ethical obligation to report to their professional regulatory authority for referral to the Provincial Expert Review Panel if they perform any exposure-prone procedures. Exposure-prone procedures performed by dental hygienists include scaling, root planing and injection of local anaesthesia.

Access to the Provincial Expert Review Panel is through referral from a health care worker’s regulatory authority.

Registered dental hygienists who have tested positively to HIV, HBV or HCV should contact the CRDHA Registrar, Brenda Walker, in person or by telephone at 1-877-465-1756 for further information and referral to the Expert Review Panel.

Message from the registrar

Brenda Walker, rDh

Call for Members for Hearing Tribunals and Review Committees

In accordance with the Health Professions Act (the Act), College Councils are required to establish and maintain a list of members who will be available to be selected by the College’s Hearings Director to form a hearing tribunal or a complaint review committee. Any hearing tribunal or complaint review committee must include 25% public representation. Public members are provided from a list maintained by the Government.

Pursuant to the Act, the hearing tribunal is responsible for conducting a full and fair hearing regarding allegations of unprofessional conduct of a member. The job of the hearing tribunal is to determine, on the basis of the evidence introduced, whether the conduct of the dental hygienist constitutes unprofessional conduct.

A complaint review committee’s powers and duties include reviewing and ratifying alternative complaint resolution settlements and conducting reviews of dismissals of complaints. The complaint review committee’s decision making powers are set out in the Act.

Hearing tribunals and complaint review committees are established on an “as needed” basis. Orientation sessions are conducted by CRDHA legal counsel prior to a hearing or complaint review committee meeting.

The list of available members is comprised of dental hygienists with experience in all spectrums of dental

hygiene practice: general practice, specialty practice, independent practice, community health and education. We would like to increase the number of members on the list to provide more flexibility in selecting dates for hearings or reviews.

We are seeking members with good knowledge of the profession and CRDHA’s professional standards and who exhibit the following qualities:


Applicants must have 5 or more years of experience as a dental hygienist. If you are interested in submitting your name as a nominee for appointment to the list of members available to be selected for hearing tribunals or reviews, please send your resume and a brief letter describing why such an appointment appeals to you. Submissions should be directed to:

CRDHA Hearings Director206, 8657 – 51 Ave. NWEdmonton, AB T6E 6A8 by May 15, 2010

Interviews will be conducted as part of the selection process.

Page 7: Jurisprudence: Knowledge of the Law · Jurisprudence: Knowledge of the Law The primary function of the CRDHA is to promote high quality dental hygiene practice and ensure client safety.

C R D H A i n t o u C H a p r i l 2 0 1 0 5

General NoticePracticing in Alberta when registration is cancelled is unprofessional conduct under the Health Professions Act. Such conduct is subject to sanctions by the hearing tribunal. The Crown can also prosecute for breaches of the Act and impose fines for violation of the Act.

Notice of Cancellation of Registration and Practice Permit

The registration and practice permits of the following individuals have been cancelled in accordance with section 43(1) of the Health Professions Act for failure to submit a complete application for a practice permit and default in payment of any applicable fees or assessments under the Act. These individuals are no longer authorized to practice dental hygiene in the Province of Alberta.

Afoom-Danso, Lianne Emma (nee Trapani) Burlington, ONChan, Ambrose Hok Kiu Vancouver, BCCrockett, Kacey Lynn Burlington, ONDavis, Ethney Laine (nee McAllister) De Winton, ABEbrahim, Malika N. (Nee Visanji) Edmonton, ABEisenschmid, Kirsten Bailey Calgary, ABEzqueda, Luis D. Guelph, ONFloriancic, Tracey Mount Brydges, ONHollibaugh, Linda J. Hinton, ABMcDonald, Taryn Michelle Catherine Langley, BCPorter, Christy M. (nee Baldry) Barnwell, ABRouleau, Marjorie Lynn Airdrie, ABSung, Winnie Wai Yee Vancouver, BCTaylor, Laura Jeanne Canmore, ABWaldie, Shannon A. Ottawa, ON

Notice of Cancellation of Registration and Practice Permit on Request

In accordance with section 43(5) of the Health Professions Act, the registration and practice permits of the following individuals have been cancelled at their own request. These individuals are no longer authorized to practice dental hygiene in the Province of Alberta.

Alexander, Marian B. (nee Burak) Edmonton, ABBarden-Walker, Nola Louise Saskatoon, SKBedry, Linda D. Calgary, ABBekdashe, Lane Andrea (nee Macfarlane) Richmond, BCBrown, Carolyn J. (nee Zaworski) Sherwood Park, AB

Busse, Melissa Ann (nee Schmidt) Kamloops, BCCatton, Amy Katherine Barrie, ONDafoe, Alison Mia Five Doc, NSW, AustraliaDomville, Katherine Jean (nee McKay) De Winton, ABDzigas, Jennifer Arlene Huntsville, ONGoeres, Sandra J. (nee Broddy) Calgary, ABGrand, Sherry Ammelia Zaida (nee Macklin) Kelowna, BCGuenette, Chantal Aline Calgary, ABHarding, Madeleine (nee Pahud) St. Albert, ABHealey, Glenda Marie (nee Pahud) St. Albert, ABJetha, Zahra Toronto, ONKinchen, Tara Lee (nee Pshebnicki) Winnipeg, MBKinsey, Debra (nee Johner) St. Albert, ABKusiek, Margo Jean (nee Leboldus) Ponoka, ABLamb, Emily Louise Blackstock, ONLaplante-Ouimet, Karine Janik Rockland, ONLee, Diana Lynn (nee Mayer) Richmond, BCLongson, Patricia Anne (nee Musson) Belle River, ONLux, Glenda (nee Ralston) Calgary, ABMacAngus, Gloria Tran (nee View) North Battleford, SKMcMullen, Elizabeth (nee Nunn) Canmore, ABMocan, Alicia Cassandra Calgary, ABPeloquin, Genelle Emilia Vancouver, BCPyarali, Sharleen Guelph, ONRoulston, Lindsey Dawn (nee Wick) Thunder Bay, ONRygielski, Kate Marie Chatham, ONSandwith, Gloria M. (nee Deunich) Calgary, ABSawhney, Pooja Port Alberni, BCScovill, Susan J. (nee Smith) Lethbridge, ABSimpson, Lori Catherine Halifax, NSSmith, Daniel S. Black River Bridge, NBStanley, Melissa L. Waterford, ONStianson, Kristina Robin (nee Hallden) Saskatoon, SKSyrota, Kennedy Rebecca Kindersley, SKThorsteinson, Lisa Christine (nee Fudge) Kelowna, BCVanEe, Ritva H. (nee Saikkonen) Calgary, ABWolter, Erin Calgary, AB

Page 8: Jurisprudence: Knowledge of the Law · Jurisprudence: Knowledge of the Law The primary function of the CRDHA is to promote high quality dental hygiene practice and ensure client safety.

C R D H A i n t o u C H a p r i l 2 0 1 06

Message from the registrarMessage from the president

The new Adult Guardianship and Trusteeship Act (AGTA) came into force on October 30, 2009, replacing the 30 year-old Dependent Adults Act (DAA). AGTA is for adults over the age of 18 years who are unable to make personal or financial decisions for themselves. This legislation addresses the current needs of Albertans by providing options and safeguards to protect vulnerable adults who may want assistance or are no longer able to make all of their own decisions. It provides a range of decision-making options from less intrusive options, such as supported decision-making or co-decision-making, to full guardianship and trusteeship.

Decision Making Options under AGTA

Supported Decision-Making If an adult has the capacity to make their own decisions but they would like some help, they can sign a form that authorizes someone they trust to be their “supporter”. The adult can give their supporter legal permission to access relevant information that might otherwise be protected under privacy laws. The supporter might also help the adult think through the decision-making process and communicate decisions, if necessary. A supported decision-making authorization would be helpful for capable individuals who face complex personal decisions, people whose first language is not English and people with mild disabilities.

Co-Decision-Making If an adult’s ability to make decisions is significantly impaired but they can make decisions with good support, a co-decision-making order may be an alternative to guardianship. With a co-decision-making order, the adult and their co-decision-maker make decisions together. The adult must agree to the arrangement, as well as the person who is appointed as their co-decision-maker. Co-decision-making is appropriate for family and close friends.

Guardianship If an adult lacks the capacity to make personal decisions, the Court may appoint a guardian to make personal decisions for them. A guardian can make personal decisions for the adult, depending upon the adult’s needs. Usually a family member or friend applies for guardianship, but if no one is willing or available the Office of the Public Guardian can perform that role.Specific Decision-Making Health care providers (physicians, nurse practitioners or dentists for dental care only) may use specific decision-making to allow a relative to make a one-time decision on behalf of an adult who lacks capacity. Decisions are restricted to specific areas: health care treatment or temporary admission to or discharge from a residential facility.Further information on the updated Adult Guardian and Trusteeship Act is available at: http://www.seniors.alberta.ca/services_resources/opg/guardianship/agtafaq.asp

The Adult Guardianship and Trustee Act

Alberta health care professionals working in continuing care, public health and other community care settings now have access to a proven program that can help them improve their skills by using some simple strategies to communicate more effectively with clients, residents and family members.

ThecommunityversionofReLATE/ReSPOND uses language and examples appropriate to clients and residents in community care settings. The package includes a Tool Kit to help with planning a program, a sample pocket card and a CD containing posters, handouts/discussion guides, and slides with speaker notes. Also included are suggestions about ways to adapt the materials for a variety of situations. For more information, contact:

Dale WrightQualityandSafetyInitiativesLeadHealth Quality Council of AlbertaTelephone: [email protected]

New community version of HQCA communication program now available to Alberta health care professionals

Page 9: Jurisprudence: Knowledge of the Law · Jurisprudence: Knowledge of the Law The primary function of the CRDHA is to promote high quality dental hygiene practice and ensure client safety.

C R D H A i n t o u C H a p r i l 2 0 1 0 7


Our first encounter with the Den-tal Clinic at The Alberta Children’s Hospital was when our son, Davis, was just 7 days old. During my 17 week ultrasound, I found out that Davis had cleft lip and palate. Imme-diately after he was born, we were referred to the Dental Clinic to have Davis fitted for a NAM (Nasoalveolar molding) appliance. For the first 4 months of his life, we made weekly trips to the Dental Clinic to have his NAM appliance adjusted. We got to know the dental team really well during these visits. They were always excited to see Davis and provided us with tremendous support. Even now when we return to the Children’s Hospital, we stop in and say hi to the dental team. They were very informa-tive, caring and always eager to help. In fact, some of the dental team even came to see Davis when he was re-covering in the hospital after his first surgery!

Davis is a very curious and easy going toddler. He loves to laugh and giggle with his big sister, Jonah. Although he has been through a lot in his first

year of life, Davis has an adorable sense of humour and a great big heart. He has a reputation of flirting with all of his health care providers. The nurses all said he was the best patient ever.

We made a choice when Davis ar-rived, that we would share his story with anyone that would listen to hopefully make the world a more understanding place. We are thank-ful to the Dental Clinic at The Alberta Children’s Hospital for their help and support in this process.

A few months after Davis’ arrival, we became involved with a nonprofit or-ganization called AboutFace. About-Face provides support to families impacted by a facial difference. The resources available from AboutFace were a tremendous support espe-cially during the early stages of Davis’ treatment process. I now volunteer as a local AboutFace Community RepresentativeforLethbridge.Oneof the activities we currently hold is a monthly AboutFace play group. I am really grateful for the families we have met through AboutFace and the

relationships that we’ve developed.

AboutFace will be attending the CRD-HA Annual Continuing Competence Event at the Trends and Technology Tradeshow on April 30, 2010. Be sure to come and visit the AboutFace booth! An AboutFace representative will also host a table at the Breakfast Mini-Spots that morning at the event.

Glossary of TermsCleftLipisoneofthemostcommonphysical birth defects and is character-ized by a vertical split (cleft) in the upper lip. Cleft lip can be on one side only (unilateral) or on both sides (bilateral), resulting from failure of the normal process of fusion of the lip to come to completion during embryonic life.

Cleft Palate is an opening in the roof of the mouth (the palate) due to a failure of the palatal shelves to come fully together from either side of the mouth and fuse normally.

Nasoalveolar molding (NAM) is an ap-pliance that is placed in the mouth of an individual with cleft palate prior to their first surgery. The purpose of the NAM is to place parts of the palate in better alignment prior to the primary lip/nose surgery.

AboutFace: Davis’s Story

For more information:

AboutFace123 Edward St Toronto, ON Canada M5G 1E21-800-665-FACE (3223)www.aboutface.ca

Hailey PinksenLocalAboutFaceCommunityRepre-sentativeEmail: [email protected]

Page 10: Jurisprudence: Knowledge of the Law · Jurisprudence: Knowledge of the Law The primary function of the CRDHA is to promote high quality dental hygiene practice and ensure client safety.

QuitCore is a FREE group support program that teaches you how to quit smoking and connects you with others who are also quitting. Begin your smoke-free life!

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Page 11: Jurisprudence: Knowledge of the Law · Jurisprudence: Knowledge of the Law The primary function of the CRDHA is to promote high quality dental hygiene practice and ensure client safety.

C R D H A i n t o u C H a p r i l 2 0 1 0 9

LindsayFoster:780.342.4148Chantal Guenette: 780.342.4079

Join us at the 2010 Annual Continuing Competence EventAttention Early Risers! New this Year: Breakfast Mini-Spots at the Conference

Join other early-risers at the Breakfast Mini-Spots on Friday, April 30, 2010.

The purpose of the Breakfast Mini-Spots is for you to learn from and chat with insightful colleagues regarding a pre-selected topic of interest to the presenter and table guests. At breakfast on Friday, April 30, 2010 several tables will be designated for conversation on a specific topic including for example:


The table host will present a 15 minute presentation on the topic and will facilitate discussion around the topic. The format will be informal and everyone at the table will have the opportunity to be heard.

If you want to participate, plan to arrive at the ACC Event early for registration since the groups will meet from 7:15 am – 7:55 am. The designated Mini-Spot tables in the meeting room will be clearly marked. You can sign-up on the registration lists posted near the ACC Event registration desk.

Un-hosted breakfast tables will also be available for the rest of conference attendees.

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C R D H A i n t o u C H a p r i l 2 0 1 010

Dr. Luke Shwart was appointed by Alberta Health Services as Dental Public Health Officer effective November 25, 2009.

The College of Registered Dental Hygienists of Alberta congratulates Dr. Shwart on his appointment to this new position and is pleased that Alberta Health Services has created this position for the improved health of Albertans. This appointment brings Alberta in line with the majority of other provinces who have similar positions. Dr. Shwart has a long tenure of public health/dental health leadership and experience within Alberta, specifically with the former Calgary Health Region. This new position will look to include the following initiatives to improving access and standardizing dental services in Alberta.

• Developgoalsandoutcomesandtargets to improve oral health of Albertans.

• Expandrelationshipsandformalpartnerships with provincial and federal agencies and Alberta Health and Wellness.

• Developaprovincialsurveillancesystem to determine oral health status and trends and oral disease priorities.

• Developandincreaseresourcesfordata gathering and analysis.

• RepresentAlberta;connectingwithChief Dental Officer of Canada and national oral health surveillance standards development.

• Identifypriorityoralhealthstrategies/programs for development/alignment.

• Establishoralhealthcareprogramsand standards that meet accreditation criteria.

• Disseminatepromisingpractices,benchmarks and oral health evidence,

• CollaboratewithHumanResourcesto forecast need, and develop a workplace plan to build recruitment/retention of oral health staff.

• Determineandrespondtotrainingneeds for dental/oral public health information and professional development. Facilitate access to dental care by representing Alberta Health Services to provincial dental associations and colleges, dental educational institutions and federal programs; serving as the Alberta representative to the Federal Provincial & Territorial Dental Working Group.

• Developreciprocalmechanismsfordata sharing with Alberta Health and Wellness to inform policy development and access to benefits.

Dr. Shwart writes, “Dental professionals keep hearing about “access to care” as an important issue facing us. Many Albertans do have good access to dental care – meaning they can find a provider of the dental services they require. However, a significant minority of residents don’t have good access to care:

• Very young children. Even though the Canadian Dental Association (CDA) issued a recommendation for age one-year dental visit almost a decade ago (2001), many parents have great difficulty in getting early care for these youngsters. Some public health nurses tell me they are reluctant to advise taking the one-year-olds for a dental visit because parents return saying the family dental office refuses, and advises bringing the child at age three. CDA Journal recently published a simple guide for first visits for these very young patients. <http://www.cda-adc.ca/jcda/vol-75/issue-8/577.html>

• Seniors. Alberta has taken a proactive approach to delivering dental services

toLongTermCareFacilityresidentswith the opportunity to access mobile dentalclinics.Legislationisinplacetoallow registered dental hygienists to provide care without the supervision of a dentist. Several registered dental hygienists now provide care in the client’s residence. Nevertheless, as older people “age in place” at home, and more keep their natural teeth, more seniors with failing or frail health require dental care. Often the primary problem is periodontal disease – an obvious area of interest for registered dental hygienists.

• People with Special Needs. If you have a developmental disability, suffer from mental handicap, or have similar problems, you require a dental professional with training and experience to confidently care for you. There is a small cadre of dental offices that have shouldered most of this load, but they cannot do it all. Many of these patients can receive care in a traditional practice from staff who have training and empathy.

• First Nations People. At this time there is excellent compensation offered for dental care of Aboriginal people, but many have difficulty finding a dental office that comfortably accepts them. To increase their options for accessing care, I hope to advocate on behalf of independent private practice registered dental hygienists to bill and be compensated for the services they provide to First Nations people.

• People who get support from provincial programs such as Alberta Works and Alberta Child Health Benefit. I hear over and over again how these families have a very difficult time finding a dental office that accepts them. Independent private practice dental hygienists are being reimbursed for providing dental hygiene care to these clients.”


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university of Alberta

The University of Alberta Dental Hygiene Alumni Association

(DHAA) Executive is

comprised of dedicated dental hygienists who volunteer their time to plan events in support of students and alumni.

Each June, the DHAA hosts an AnnualConvocationLuncheonforthe graduating diploma and degree classes. In addition to the presentation of awards, this event allows the students, along with friends and family, to celebrate their achievements. In November, we also organize a “Black and White Affair” for the junior, senior and degree students to provide a fun and relaxing break from assignments and studies. For our dental hygiene alumni, the DHAA hosts a Reunion Reception that coincides with the University’s annual fall Homecoming activities. In 2009, the Reception was held at the Hotel MacDonald and those alumni present received a commemorative gift from the DHAA. It was a great opportunity to reconnect with friends in a beautiful setting for many classes celebrating milestone reunions. In 2009, the DHAA itself reached a milestone. Since its beginning in 2005, we have been raising funds to create a new student bursary. Thanks to alumni donations, we have established a bursary to help students who are in need of financial assistance. Watch for our official announcement later this year. We hope to include a continuing education course to the yearly

repertoire. If you have an idea for other events or want to join our Executive, please contact Vi at [email protected]. We would like to thank everyone again for your past support and donations and hope to see you at one of our functions!


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Dr. Philip BakerThe University of Alberta has selected a new dean for its Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry, Philip Baker, D.M., FRCOG whose

term began September 1, 2009.

Baker is an obstetrician and gynecologist who also serves as professor of maternal and fetal health at St. Mary’s Hospital at the University of Manchester. Baker received his training at Nottingham University Medical School. His research interest in pregnancy complications dates to his days in medical school. He has a particular interest in pre-eclampsia, a condition in pregnancy that can result in fatal complications for both mother and child. Baker pursued obstetrics as both a clinician and an academic. From 1989 to 1991, he sat as the British Heart Foundation clinical research fellow before continuing his research at the University of Cambridge. Baker returned to Nottingham for two years and then accepted the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists Travelling Research Fellowship at the Magee-Women’s Research Institute in Pittsburgh, Pa.

In 1995, Baker returned to Nottingham where he would remain until 2001, splitting duties as a professor of obstetrics and

gynecology and as the head of the city hospital division of the School of Human Development. In 2001, Baker moved to the University of Manchester to direct the newly established Maternal and Fetal Health Research Centre, where he was instrumental in fostering collaborations and interactions between scientists and health-care providers.

“Some of the most exciting collaborations and interactions come when you put people with very disparate backgrounds and get them to try and solve the same problem,” says Baker.After acting as the director of research, Baker served as interim head and then research dean at the Manchester’s medical school, the largest in Europe. Baker has long-standing research collaborations with researchers in Edmonton and has presided over some exchange fellowships between the University of Manchester and the U of A. Baker says that he wants the U of A Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry to continue its upward trajectory and to have the faculty contribute significantly to the university’s goal of being among the top publicly-funded research universities in the world.

Significant changes in leadership have occurred in the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry at the University of Alberta in the past 18 months. Effective September 1, 2009 Dr. Philip Baker became the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry. Effective January 1, 2010 Dr. Paul Major, a professor of dentistry, was named chair of the Department of Dentistry and school lead of the School of Dentistry. CRDHA congratulates both individuals on their appointments.

The Fund For Dentistry

General information

A major role of tHE FunD FoR DEntiStRY is to stimulate and support research by the profession at large. All dental and related personnel involved in oral health services or education are eligible to apply for research funding. The intent is to support research in Alberta, whether in private practice, the universities or other appropriate centers. Research proposals may be basic or applied in nature and will be evaluated by the Allocations and Management Subcommittee of tHE FunD FoR DEntiStRY.

For more information on applying for research funding in connection with tHE FunD FoR DEntiStRY, contactMs.PatLaPointe,Department of Dentistry, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB T6G 2N8; phone 492-8041; or Email [email protected]

The deadline for application is October 15, 2010.

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Dr. Paul MajorThe University of Alberta has selected a new Chair of the the Department of Dentistry, Dr. Paul Major whose term

began January 1, 2010.

Dr. Major completed his dental education at the University of Alberta, joining the Faculty of Dentistry as an associate professor in 1988. He became a full professor in 1996 when dentistry merged with medicine to become the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry. Since 2001, Dr. Major has been the director of the orthodontic graduate program, which has thrived under a strategic business

plan that resulted in extensive facility renovation, the recruitment of two new full-time tenure-track academics and the initiation of a PhD program. Dr. Major also leads the Biomechanics Orthodontic Research Group, which seeks biomedical engineering solutions to problems encountered in providing orthodontic treatment. This is being achieved through development of instrumentation for 3D measurement of complex force systems, finite element modeling and use of imaging devices to analyze and predict tooth movement from orthodontic treatments.

Upon his appointment Dr. Major said, “Dentistry is uniquely positioned

to go from good to great, thanks to the hard work and dedication of our faculty and staff, the leadership of acting chair Dr. Nadine Milos and the support of faculty leadership,” He noted the department recently succeeded in securing a major funding commitment from the province and passed a critical accreditation process with flying colours. “I am passionate about the future of the department and the school, and I appreciate this opportunity to contribute.”

Do not resize or alter ad in any way. Please contact us with any concerns, 780.424.7000.

The Dental Hygiene Program at the University of Alberta is seeking applications for a full-time academic position. Responsibilities will include a combination of clinical and didactic teaching, research, continuing education and associated administrative duties. There is an expectation for the development of an active research program.

Academic rank and salary will be based on the applicant’s qualifications, experience, and achievements. It is expected that the applicant will be a dental hygienist with a Master’s degree or equivalent; however, preference will be given to applicants with a PhD or EdD. The successful applicant will also have demonstrated experience in clinical practice, undergraduate teaching and research, and must be eligible for dental hygiene licensure in Alberta. Private practice privilege is integrated with the appointment.

Position will be available July 1, 2010. Applicants are asked to forward a letter of application, their curriculum vitae and the names and addresses of three references by April 15, 2010.

Interested applicants may apply to:

Dr. Sharon Compton, DirectorDental Hygiene ProgramSchool of DentistryFaculty of Medicine & Dentistry2032 Dentistry/Pharmacy CenterUniversity of AlbertaEdmonton, Alberta, Canada T6G 2N8E-mail: [email protected]

Faculty Position, Dental Hygiene Program


Date 01.21.10

University of AlbertaFile Name UOA-ACA R10-009Size (NB) 7.2” x 4.375”Fonts used ArialPublicationCRDHA

All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadians and permanent residents will be given priority. The University of Alberta hires on the basis of merit. We are committed to the principle of equity in employment. We welcome diversity and encourage applications from all qualified women and men, including persons with disabilities, members of visible minorities, and Aboriginal persons.

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CrDHa annual Continuing Competence Event April 29- May 1, 2010 Calgary, AB

Pre-event Seminars •Self-assessment •PracticeMakesPerfect

Daily Conference Sessions •Scientificsessions •TrendsandTechnology


Phone: 780-465-1756 or Toll Free: 1-877-465-1756 http://accevent.crdha.ca


Canadian academy of periodontology Vancouver, BC May 27-29, 2010 www.cap-acp.ca/en/


iFDH international Symposium on Dental Hygiene July 1-3, 2010 Glasgow, Scotland www.bsdht.org.uk/2010.html

uniVERSitY oF ALBERtA DEPARtMEnt oF ContinuinG DEntAL EDuCAtion SPonSoRED EVEntS

Nitrous Oxide/Oxygen; Sedation/analgesia in Dental practice Calgary: June 12, 2010 Edmonton: December 4, 2010 Phone: 780-492-5391 Email: [email protected]

Dental Hygiene refresher Course Edmonton: May 31-June 3, 2010 Phone: 780-492-5391 Email: [email protected]

local anaesthetic Course Edmonton: September 24-26, 2010 Calgary: December 4, 2010 Deadline: June 18, 2010 Phone: 780-492-5391 Email: [email protected]

Clinical Orthodontic proceduresa Clinical Course for rDa & rDH

Theory Examinations Edmonton: August 18, 2010 Deadline: January 11, 2010 or if

space is available

Clinical Course May 14-16, 2010 Deadline: May 5, 2010 September 17-19, 2010 Deadline: TBA Phone: 780-492-5391 Email: [email protected]

Business in Dentistry Certificate program Edmonton http://execed.bus.ualberta.ca/

Dentistry/default.htm Phone: 780-492-5068 Email: [email protected] Website: http://www.dent.



A Study Club is a group of individuals who have a common interest in continuing competence.Study Clubs meet regularly to facilitate learning by a variety of methods chosen by the members.CRDHA has a directory of established Study Clubs - there might be one in your area.

Also CRDHA has printed resources to help you start a study Club.

For more information contact Darlene Fraser, Member Services Coordinator, 780-465-1756or [email protected]

continuing Competence – In Person

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continuing Competence – On-line

American Dental Hygienists Association (ADHA)www.adha.org/ce/index.html

Canadian Dental Hygienists Association (CDHA)www.cdha.ca

The CDHA offers a variety of on-line courses to CDHA members.


ArcMesa offers courses which include monographs, live seminars and workshops, Internet-based courses and other multimedia formats.

Dental Didacticswww.dentaldidactics.com

Nationally approved by the Academy of General Dentistry PACE Provider Program, These Dental Continuing Education courses are designed for dentists, hygienists and assistants.

Dentrek www.dentrek.com/index.asp

Take the Free webcast: Principles of Infection Control featuring Dr. John Molinari

Medical university of South Carolinawww2.musc.edu/dentistry/top40/Headers/main6.htm (AGD)

Medical University of South Carolina offers “The Top 40 Prescribed Drugs” and includes references to individual prescribed drugs.

Public Health Agency of Canadawww.phac-aspc.gc.ca/sehs-acss/index.html

Skills Enhancement for Public HealthThe Skills Enhancement for Public Health modules are offered through the Internet to public health practitioners across Canada. This continuing education opportunity helps public health practitioners to strengthen their knowledge and skills to help meet the core competencies for public health, thereby improving public health practice.

World Health organization: new online course on the social determinants of healthwww.dds-dispositivoglobal.ops.org.ar

The course consists of an online tutorial with four learning units that make connections between health, and equity, social justice and human rights. It is intended to provide insight on the social determinants of health in order to encourage changes in policy that promote and protect the health of a population. The course is available in English, Spanish and Portuguese, and is targeted to WHO staff members and other health ministry officials but is free to access and fully available to the public.

Following are some on-line sites that offer a wide variety of courses and which were accessible at the time of printing this newsletter. Providers may assess a user fee and/or require registration with user name and password:

Assigning Program Credits for On-line Courses

The CRDHA Competence Committee determines the eligibility of specific courses for Continuing Competence Program credit. CRDHA Continuing Competence Program (CCP) Rule 9.1.3 Self Directed Study indicates: Program credits are granted according to recommendations made by the course provider, the publisher, or the Competence Committee, with consideration given to the amount of time necessary to cover the material and to take the examination. Assignment of program credits will not include the additional time the registrant takes to study or review the materials. the Competence Committee makes the final approval for the number of credits awarded for any on-line course.

At it’s November 26, 2009 meeting the Competence Committee determined that the number of credits indicated by some providers for courses is not consistent with the content of the courses. The Competence Committee considered the allocation of program credit from the following on-line course providers and determined the following:

Courses from these providers are eligible for only 50% of the credits indicated by the provider:

Crest oral B/Proctor and Gamble; also known as Dental Resources www.dentalcare.com/en-CA/index.jspx http://www.dentalcare.com/en-CA/index.jspx

i need CE www.ineedce.com

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College of Registered Dental Hygienists of Alberta

Visit www.crdha.ca/Members/LegislationandStandardsofPractice.aspx for links to the CRDHA regulatory documents including:


CRDHA Dental Hygiene Standards of Practice & Practice Guidelines

CRDHA Code of Ethics

CRDHA Nitrous Oxide/Oxygen Conscious Sedation Guidelines

CRDHA Drug Guidelines

CRDHA Advertising Rules

CRDHA Continuing Competence Program Rules

Queen’s Printer of Alberta

Visitwww.qp.alberta.ca/Laws_Online.cfm for links to specific Acts or regulations related to health professions.FromtheLawsonline/Catalogue page, search for the name of the Act or regulation that you want to access.

Health Professions Act (HPA)

Dental Hygienists Profession Regulation

Freedom of Information & Protection of Privacy Act (FOIP)

Government Organization Act (GOA)

Health Information Act (HIA)

Personal Information Protection Act (PIPA)

Public Health Act (PHA)

Radiation Protection Act

Scheduled Drugs Regulation, Alberta Regulation 66/2007

Adult Guardianship and Trusteeship Act

Alberta Health and Wellness

These websites have links to documents regarding provincial standards around infection prevention and control.

Standards for Cleaning, Disinfection and Sterilization of reusable Medical devices for all Health Care Facilities and Settings. 2008. Alberta Health and Wellness. Available at www.health.gov.ab.ca/resources/pub_infection-prevention.html

Best practices for Cleaning, Disinfecting and Sterilization in all Health Care Settings. 2006. Provincial Infectious Diseases Advisory Committee (PIDAC) of Ontario. Available at www.health.gov.on.ca/english/providers/program/infectious/diseases

other Resources

These websites have links to references referred to in the Alberta Health and Wellness documents regarding infection prevention and control referred to in the preceding list.

infection prevention and Control Best practice for long Term Care, Home and Community Care including Health Care Offices and ambulatory Clinics. 2007. Canadian Committee on Antibiotic Resistance. Available at www.ccar-ccra.com/english/humanhealth-ipc-e.shtml

Effective sterilization in health care facilities by the steam process. The Canadian Standards Association. Available at www.csa-intl.org/onlinestore/ISO_Search_Results.asp?query=PLUS%201112&CP=1

Legislation for Employment in Dental Hygiene Practice

These are website links to documents regarding employment in dental hygiene practice.

employment Standardshttp://employment.alberta.ca/SFW/1224.html

An employers Guide to the Health Professions Actwww.health.alberta.ca/documents/HPA-Employers-Handbook-2004.pdf

Occupational Health and Safety Acthttp://employment.alberta.ca/SFW/295.html

Alberta Human Rights Actwww.albertahumanrights.ab.ca/employment.asp

Websites to visit

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Health Canada, the Canadian Dental Association (CDA), the Dental industry Association of Canada (DiAC), and the Dentistry Canada Fund (DCF) partneredtogether on a health promotion campaign, designed to raise awareness on oral health in general and more specifically on oral cancer. The target audience for this campaign is the general population with focus on women aged 25 to 55.

The plan involves the production and distribution of the followingproducts: Oral Health Informational Booklet The

booklet highlights 3 pertinent topics in oral health: Oral health and general health; Brushing, Flossing and other tips; and Oral Cancer.

Read and download the Smile: Healthy Teeth, Healthy Body booklet to learn more about the health of your teeth and mouth.


the College of Registered Dental Hygienists of Alberta (CRDHA) has developed informative brochures that areavailablefordownload.Limitedprinted quantities are available to CRDHA member for class room presentations www.crdha.ca/Home/News/NewsMedia.aspx

All Smiles: Alberta dental hygienists work in a variety of practice settings to provide an early introduction to oral health. This

publication profiles dental hygienists interacting with their youngest clients.


Smile: See the CRDHA in ActionAlberta Dental Hygienists are working to serve you better. This publication shows you the

big picture including information about the dental hygienists profession and dental hygiene practice in Alberta.


the Canadian Dental Hygienists Association has developed Educational Resources for Clients. The “A Healthier Mouth a Healthier You” series includes fact cards and brochures. www.cdha.ca

Evaluating information on Websiteswww.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/webeval/webeval.html evaluating info on website

By Erik Froese

Eight-year-old Rhiannon Stott is having a ball. After all, she is lying on a comfortable reclined chair, wearing a pair of funky pink sunglasses, casually watching a few

cartoons, while dental hygienist Kim Ehrman spreads some cool looking blue dye onto her teeth.

“I like the painting best,” says Rhiannon, referring to the dye, which changes from blue to pink in areas with plaque, exposing crevices that need better at-tention with a toothbrush. Very little pigment is turning pink. Obviously, she’s got the brushing thing nailed.

Today, Ehrman will teach Rhiannon how to floss for the first time and, after a brief cleaning, a strawberry- flavoured fluoride treatment (Rhiannon’s favourite) and a few more cartoons, the third-grader will run into the waiting room and show her mom, Chantalle, the prizes she got for being a good patient.

It’s almost like this is… fun. And that’s the point. Strong teeth and healthy gums contribute to

overall good health, clear speech and personal confidence. Many parents recognize the benefits of having their children get regular checkups and learn about the importance of oral health. But children can sometimes be a little skittish when it comes to things dental, and that can make it tough for everyone involved. That’s where a dental hygienist can help. →


Dental hygienistsoffer introduction to oral health


SMILESDrug therapies

September/October 2008 25

A br ight smile reflects more than just a sunny personality. Strong teeth and healthy gums are integral components of overall good health, clear speech and personal confi-dence. Alberta’s dental hygienists can help you with your quest for a healthy smile.

Dental hygienists must be reg-istered with the College of Regis-tered Dental Hygienists of Alberta (CRDHA) in order to practise in Alberta. The CRDHA sets the profes-sional requirements and standards that registered dental hygienists must meet in Alberta.

Dental hygienists involve you, the client, in the assessment and treatment of your oral health condi-tions. Through the use of therapeutic procedures, education and preven-tive measures, we can help you keep your smile for life. We counsel

children and adults about effective oral health techniques, food choices, eating habits and the effects of to-bacco use – all of which affect the health of teeth and gums. Dental hy-gienists perform complex treatments such as scaling and root planing for treatment of periodontal disease.

Now, new regulations enacted under Alberta’s Health Professions Act allow dental hygienists to provide these services in a variety of practice settings in addition to a dental office. This means we can bring expertise to the homebound, to institutional-ized individuals, to First Nations communities and to seniors’ lodges. Dental hygienists will also be able to prescribe a number of drugs used in dental hygiene practice.

Alberta dental hygienists make a lasting impression, so go ahead and flash that smile!

Advertising feature

SMILE! Alberta’s dental hygienists are working to serve you better.

BRENDA WALKERRegistrar and Chief Administrative Officer, College of Registered Dental Hygienists of Alberta

A healthier mouth for a healthier you!

Une bouche en santé,c’est un corps en santé !

Problems in the mouth can be a warning sign of problems in other parts of the body.

Heart disease, cancer, lung disease, diabetes—you’d be surprised what your mouth has to say. Call or visit your dental hygienist today to learn more.

Les problèmes buccaux peuvent être un signe de problèmesailleurs dans votre corps.

Cardiopathie, cancer, maladie pulmonaire, diabète :vous seriez surpris de ce que peut révéler votre bouche.Appelez ou consultez votre hygiéniste dentaire dèsaujourd’hui pour en savoir davantage.

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C R D H A i n t o u C H a p r i l 2 0 1 018

NEW!NEW!White Fluoride Varnish5% Sodium FluorideWhite Fluoride Varnish5% Sodium Fluoride


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©2009 Sunstar Americas, Inc. C09047


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For more information or to register please call Bonnie Hoath at (403) 710-8435 (day), (403) 254-9421 (eve)

or visit www.periodimensions.com

the GuMS R uS Study Clubin collaboration with Dr. Thomas Yu DMD, MSc, FRCD(C)

Presents: Periodontal Diagnosis and treatmentThis lecture will cover the inflammation basis of periodontal destruction and implications for patient management and systemic links.

Course objectives:At the completion of this course, the dental hygienist will:

1. Recognize and diagnose periodontal conditions2. Identify periodontal risk factors3. Understand the periodontal classification of prognosis4. Provide treatment options for patients5. Have an overall understanding of periodontal surgical

procedures i.e., pocket reduction, regeneration, hard and soft tissue grafting, and dental implants

Date: Friday, May 28 or June 4, 2010 (10 am - 12 Noon)Location: 1333 8th St SW, Suite 1007 (corner of 8th St & 14th Ave)

Fee: $30 (all proceeds will be donated to Calgary Mustard Seed Ministry)

to Register: Please call Judi at 403-228-2059

this course is eligible for two Continuing Competence Program Credits

WoRKSHoPSMar 20, 2010 Advanced Perio Hand Instrumentation - FurcationsApr 24, 2010 Instrument Sharpening – The Cutting Edge

Also offering private in office lectures and workshops.

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C R D H A i n t o u C H a p r i l 2 0 1 020

the informed Entrepreneur: A Primer for the Business of Dental Hygiene

CRDHA members have asked for a resource about planning for and operating an independent dental hygiene practice. Do you have questions such as:


It is our pleasure to make this manual: The Informed Entrepreneur: A Primer for the Business of Dental Hygiene available for purchase for CRDHA members on a cost recovery basis.

Please send me ___________ copy(s) of the manual which is priced at $40.00 (forty dollars) per copy.

My cheque or money order in the amount of $____________ is enclosed. (please print)



Mailing Address

Phone (H): Phone (W):


Employment Handbook for Dental Hygienists

Have you wondered about overtime pay, general or statutory holidays, vacation entitlements, or pre-employment interview representations? The Employment Handbook for Dental Hygienists will walk you through employment issues, contract and self-employment facts, and legal workplace requirements. The Handbook is available at the cost recovery price of $20.00.

To receive a copy of the Employment Handbook for Dental Hygienists mail a cheque or money order for $20.00 and the completed form below to the CRDHA office.

CRDHA #206, 8657-51 AvenueEdmonton AB T6E 6A8

Please send me ___________ copy(s) of the manual which is priced at $20.00 (twenty dollars) per copy.

My cheque or money order in the amount of $____________ is enclosed. (please print)



Mailing Address

Phone (H): Phone (W):


CRDHA is pleased to provide two resources for purchase: The Informed Entrepreneur: A Primer for the Business of Dental Hygiene and The Employment Handbook for Dental Hygienists.

Moving? change of name and Address notification

The Dental Hygienists Profession Regulation requires that members of the College of Registered Dental Hygienists of Alberta (CRDHA) ensure that their mailing address is always current. Incorrect or out of date addresses can lead to missed mailings which may include important notices and documents. S. 31(1) of the Dental Hygienists Profession Regulation requires that members must provide a home address, telephone number, email address and fax (if applicable) when there are any changes to the information or at the request of the Registrar. Name changes must be submitted in writing. Address changes are best submitted in writing and should include the following information:

Registrants are welcome to copy or cut out this name/address change card and use it to submit a name change or address change. Please contact the College of Registered Dental Hygienists of Alberta if you require further information.

Telephone: Toll Free (Alberta) 1-877-465-1756 Fax: (780) 440-0544 or email: [email protected]

Name (in full) CRDHA ID Number

New Name (in full) Old Address

New Address Home Phone Email

Effective Date Signature

Page 23: Jurisprudence: Knowledge of the Law · Jurisprudence: Knowledge of the Law The primary function of the CRDHA is to promote high quality dental hygiene practice and ensure client safety.

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A personal disability insurance policy will protect you from the financial hazards from an accident or illness with no risk to you of...

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Page 24: Jurisprudence: Knowledge of the Law · Jurisprudence: Knowledge of the Law The primary function of the CRDHA is to promote high quality dental hygiene practice and ensure client safety.

Canadian Publications Agreement #40012431

Return undeliverable Canadian addresses to:

College of Registered Dental Hygienists of Alberta206, 8657 51 Avenue NWEdmonton, AB T6E 6A8