Jurassic Park Booklet - missparrishenglish.weebly.com · Jurassic Park is a science...


Transcript of Jurassic Park Booklet - missparrishenglish.weebly.com · Jurassic Park is a science...


Jurassic Park is a science fiction-adventure-drama film directed by Steven Spielberg, based upon the novel of the same name, written by Michael Crichton. The story involves scientists visiting a safari amusement park of genetically engineered dinosaurs on an island over one weekend. Sabotage sets the carnivorous dinosaurs on the loose, and the technicians and visitors attempt to escape the island.

The film began its genesis right before the novel was even published, and Crichton was hired to write a script that skimmed down its plot. Spielberg hired Stan Winston Studios' puppets and worked with Industrial Light and Magic to develop cutting edge CGI to portray the dinosaurs. The film stars Sam Neill, Jeff Goldblum, Laura Dern and Richard Attenborough. It reached near-universal acclaim.

It was well received by critics, although they criticised the plotting and characterisation. Since its release it has grossed $914,691,118, becoming the highest grossing film of all time, and is currently the twenty first-highest grossing feature film of all time. Most significantly, the film inspired a new breed of films that primarily used CGI for special effects.

The film was followed by The Lost World: Jurassic Park on May 23, 1997, Jurassic Park III on July 18, 2001, and Jurassic World on June 12, 2015, none of which were as financially successful and critically acclaimed as the first. The film was re-released in the cinemas of U.K. on September 23, 2011 and in 3D on April 5, 2013.


The NOVELJurassic Park is a 1990 science fiction novel written by Michael Crichton, divided into seven sections (iterations). A cautionary tale about genetic engineering, it presents the collapse of an amusement park showcasing genetically recreated dinosaurs to illustrate the mathematical concept of chaos theory and its real world implications. A sequel titled The Lost World, also written by Crichton, was published in 1995. In 1997, both novels were re-published as a single book titled Michael Crichton's Jurassic World, unrelated to the film of the same name.[2][3][4]

CHAOS THEORYChaos theory is a branch of mathematics focused on the behavior of dynamical systems that are highly sensitive to initial conditions. 'Chaos' is an interdisciplinary theory stating that within the apparent randomness of chaotic complex systems, there are underlying patterns, constant feedback loops, repetition, self-similarity, fractals, self-organization, and reliance on programming at the initial point known as sensitive dependence on initial conditions. The butterfly effect describes how a small change in one state of a deterministic nonlinear system can result in large differences in a later state, e.g. a butterfly flapping its wings in Brazil can cause a tornado in Texas.[1]

The theory was summarized by Edward Lorenz as:[7] Chaos: When the present determines the future, but the approximate present does not approximately determine the future.

Information retrieved from Wikipedia on the 29th January, 2017

DNA A long molecular chain made up of four different types of nucleotides or bases (adenine, guanine, cytosine, and thymine). DNA, the

abbreviation for deoxyribonucleic acid, is responsible for carrying information governing genetic characteristics.

Mesozoic Era The period of time between 65 and 220 million years ago. This era is characterized by the appearance of flowering plants and the

dinosaurs. The Mesozoic Era is divided into three time periods the Triassic Period, the Jurassic Period, and the Cretaceous Period.

Triassic Period The first period of the Mesozoic Era occurring 180 to 220 million years ago. This period is characterized by severe volcanic activity and the

birth of the very first dinosaurs.

Jurassic Period The second period of the Mesozoic Era occurring 135 to 180 million years ago. This period is the one referred to in the phrase "when

dinosaurs ruled the earth" because they were the dominant species that existed at the time.

Cretaceous Period This final period occurred 65 to 135 millions years ago. It is this era that a majority of the dinosaurs in the novel belonged to. It is also the

period in which the dinosaurs became extinct.

Paleontology The science of studying previous forms of life represented by fossil discoveries. From these fossils paleontologists try to obtain

information about evolution and creatures that existed millions of years ago.

Paleobotany The branch of paleontology dealing with plants and their fossil remains. Paleobotanists are able to determine the types of plants that

existed during the different eras of earth's history.

Fossil Refers to the remains or impressions of an animal or plant from a previous era. Fossils can come in the form of footprints, buried

skeletons, or casts made by rock.

Vertebrate A class of animals composed of those having a backbone or spinal column, and a brain enclosed in a skull or cranium. This class consists

of mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, and fish.

Mammals The animals of this vertebrate sub-group give birth to living young rather than eggs. They feed their young milk from female mammary

glands and tend to be covered with hair.

Reptiles Cold-blooded creatures of the vertebrate class. Reptiles tend to lay their young in eggs. Though some do remain to take care of their

young many do not. Their skin is usually scaly and slimy.


Amphibians Any cold-blooded vertebrate, such as frogs or salamanders, that at birth are typically aquatic, breathing by gills. When these creatures

reach adulthood they change into terrestrial or land animals that breathe with lungs and through their skin.

Herbivore An animal that feeds solely on plants.

Carnivore An animal that eats the flesh of other animals.

Genes A segment of DNA that codes for a particular physical or biological characteristic.

Genetic Engineering The science of manipulating DNA and its genes in order to change or create certain characteristics in an organism.

Cloning The process of copying or creating identical cells or DNA molecules from a single cell or DNA strand.

Chromosome A compact structure in the cell containing a long piece of DNA.

Embryo The earliest stage of development for a plant or animal, usually found in the seed of the plant or the uterus of the animal.

The Island is a 2005 American science fiction-action film directed by Michael Bay, starring Ewan McGregor and Scarlett Johansson.

The Island is a 2005 film by Michael Bay set 20 Minutes into the Future starring Ewan McGregor as Lincoln Six Echo and Scarlett Johansson as Jordan Two Delta. They live in a tightly controlled facility for "survivors" from a vague disaster that rendered the Earth uninhabitable except for "The Island", a paradise on Earth. Periodically, survivors "found" in the outside world are brought in, needing to learn basic skills like reading, while others "win the lottery" and get to go to the island. It turns out they're all clones that will be used for spare parts as part of a life-insurance policy, and those sent off to The Island are killed. When Lincoln starts getting dreams from his original he gets curious and stumbles across a harvesting procedure, he goes back to rescue Jordan and the two escape to the outside world.

The film was released on July 22, 2005 in the United States, and was nominated for three awards, including the Teen Choice Award.

It is described as a pastiche of "escape-from-dystopia" science fiction films of the 1960s and 1970s such as Fahrenheit 451, THX 1138, Parts: The Clonus Horror, and Logan's Run. The film's plot revolves around the struggle of McGregor's character to fit into the highly structured world he lives in, isolated in a compound, and the series of events that unfold when he questions how truthful that world is. After he learns the compound inhabitants are clones used for organ harvesting and surrogate motherhood for wealthy people in the outside world, he escapes.

The film cost $126 million to produce. It earned only $36 million at the United States box office, but earned $127 million overseas, for a $162 million worldwide total. The original score for the film was composed by Steve Jablonsky, who would go on to score Bay's further works. It was also the first film directed by Bay that was not produced by Jerry Bruckheimer.