Junior Senior Ppt Good To Know General2009

Good to know Good to know JuniorSenior
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Transcript of Junior Senior Ppt Good To Know General2009

Page 1: Junior Senior Ppt Good To Know General2009

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Good to knowJuniorSenior

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Introduction to JuniorSenior

A little Founding history

The company is owned by Ab Kuijer and Fabienne van Dillen. Ab started with an agency called “Down Under [The Creative Tribe]” in 1997. The agency specialised in cross-media campaigns for age groups 12 to 25.

Fabienne started her own agency in 1998, KidsBizz that concentrated on children's marketing. The two companies merged in 2000 becoming “JuniorSenior”, Ab & Fab married, had their own Juniors themselves and continued working throughout Europe on strategic and creative plans.

Ab & Fab wrote in 2000 the official company mission statement that is still very much alive: “JuniorSenior wants to bring more fun to the world with positive communication. For the clients of our clients, for our clients and as a result also for us.”

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Introduction to JuniorSenior

Why is the name of the agency JuniorSenior? Is it for the young and for the old?

Our focus has always been youth and young people, that is the Junior in our name. On the other side we have many years of communication experience and we now what

works and what does not. That is the Senior in our name.

Most important for us is that we live like a JuniorSenior; curious, ambitious, eager, but with the essential experience of life itself.

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Introduction to JuniorSenior

In what markets do JuniorSenior specialise ? Clients like to put a stamp on us…

We do not specialise in a specific market sector, but in a specific approach. We mix all disciplines and execute them professionally both above and below the line.

But…we work only for brands that we like and where we know we can give an added value. After all, we don’t work simply from 9 to 5, as we are thinking a lot about clients and their projects on the bicycle, while we are jogging, in a restaurant etc.

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Introduction to JuniorSenior

JuniorSenior is not a traditional agency. So what are we?

We have a lot of marketing and media expertise, but no one is trained (or conditioned) in the way the ‘old’ agencies work. We think different because we are different. The background of our people is broad; consultancy, c-level client-side, fashion, television, radio, journalism, events etc.

JuniorSenior thinks and works ‘through the line’; There is no below or above borderline.We are a solution provider and deliver a total plan within a fixed budget.

Clients like to work with us because we think beyond the briefing and use all we know and can.

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Introduction to JuniorSenior

How international is JuniorSenior?

We started in Amsterdam in 1997 and soon began to work in the Benelux region for our clients. After a few years we started with international campaigns and websites. And today we are active in 33 languages and look after global PR accounts.

In 2006 we imagined that our next step would be to build our own international and independent network with JuniorSeniors. Creative ‘hands-on’ management, accurate project management around the global clock with true professionals in each discipline.

We are opening up new offices with local experts in the field of young, new and fresh ways of communication in emerging markets. JuniorSenior offices with local staff are established in Paris, Prague, Budapest, and JuniorSenior representatives are on stand-by in Milan, Barcelona, Oslo and New York.

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Introduction to JuniorSenior

JuniorSenior is Leading in Young Marketing. What does that mean?

Leading in Young Marketing means being in the front line of today’s communication. We mix traditional media with new exciting stuff that adds something extra to the message.

We are continuing to introduce new proven technologies such as• SMS- and online database mining and building• Java applications on mobile phones for routing at events• Bluetooth transmitters in shops for free brand boosters as wallpapers and ringtones • Branding in videogames with an receptive big audience that will spend 300 hours looking

at your brand. No TV budget can bring you that many eyeballs.• Direct Marketing with cross-media campaigning and PURLs (personalised url’s)

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Introduction to JuniorSenior

What do we offer a client?

Basically everything that will make them more successful. We are not specialised in one area; we have experts in each field. In the strategy we develop the path to success, define the channels of media and then come up with a concept that fits it all. Also we are independent, free from the shackles that might otherwise inhibit creative thinking.

Our services are: strategy, concept, design, copy, research, pr, television (formats), J’MM (J’aime ma marque), sports marketing, direct marketing, events, media.

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Introduction to JuniorSenior

How do you start up each country?

The financial administration is centralised in Amsterdam. A monthly overview of the P&L is provided to the responsible country manager. During the start-up phase, both partners invest in getting the first foot on the ground. When the first client is on board, we can start paying an upfront management fee to the local partner. This is often an invoice from their personal holding company. We aim to keep overheads as low as possible.

In 3 steps the local partner becomes a shareholder of the new JuniorSenior; year 1 (15%), year 2 (30%) and after year 3 the total share is 49%.

The management-fee is partly a pre-payment of the profit. Bottom-line profit after taxes will be divided between the shareholders stakes.

When we have reached a steady turn-over of +350.000 euro, we install a local entity. The yearly account is prepared in Amsterdam and then the local accountancy makes the final statement.

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Introduction to JuniorSenior

How do we manage each country?

Senior communication consultants in every country become co-owner of the local JuniorSenior. In this way the client is sure he/she gets the best attention and service.

The creative concepts and designs are made in Amsterdam by the international creative team together with the local senior consultant. So international high standard concepts with a local flavour and know-how.

New business presentations are always done together with a member of the general management.

During a project the local manager visits Amsterdam when necessary and uses one of the international hot-desks.

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Introduction to JuniorSenior

Our tried and tested methodology carefully balances efficient financial and time constraints without stifling the creative process…

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Good to know

Introduction to JuniorSenior

What are our values ?

Our values help identify who we are and how we work. We deliberately work in an “open-plan” sense – both in the way our offices are set out as well as our management style. Ideas and free thinking are given the place and space to be played with. Cross-fertilisation of ideas across disciplines is actively encouraged.

Credit, encouragement and an opportunity for greater involvement in projects is given to those who come up with good ideas. Experience is shared, not guarded, like at the end of each project to see what could have been done even better – and what lessons might be learned for use elsewhere.

We listen to each other and to our customers and keep communication as open as possible. We assign respect to the individual, the team and to a “job well done”. We believe it is possible to be efficient while still enjoying ourselves.

It is important that we deliver professional campaigns that meet or exceed our customers’ expectations with measurable results – and that they have enjoyed their interaction at every point that have ‘touched’ JuniorSenior.

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Introduction to JuniorSenior

JuniorSenior is a young people agency, but also strong in Corporate Business communications. How come?

The proposition we started 11 years ago remains a niche. That makes it easy to find us if you are looking for new, innovation, young and dynamic communication.

Almost 70% of our work is for clients that aim for young audiences like children, students and starters. The next generation is the first to embrace new media and will ‘de-bug’ it for a broader audience.

The other 30% comes from b-to-b companies that have a problem with their profile. Their buying audience (the receiver of the message) is often a younger person that sees the company as ‘old and traditional’. We develop surprising direct mails, redesign the corporate image and make the serious company a bit more edgy, sexy and a lot more successful in a competitive market. Also internal campaigns to make everybody awake the new era has started!

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Introduction to JuniorSenior

JuniorSenior is not interested in Awards. Why not?

In our first year we thought it was important to prove that we are good in what we do. So we won an Esprix and a Golden DM Award. But nobody ever asked for that. And we didn’t like the circus about price winning either. We are more happy with clients that stay with us because of the result – and the relationship we have with them - than to win a prize and loose clients (which is what normally happens because the creativity didn’t work as well as expected).

Even though we ourselves don’t go after awards, after 11 years two clients asked us to send in their project and they both got a nomination for the European Excellence Award. We ended up winning in the “Events” category.

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Introduction to JuniorSenior

JuniorSenior does not want to buy media. Unless a client want us to.

The traditional agencies are owned by Big media agencies. The game is simple: the agency advises media and the group makes money twice; one time as media and one time with a 15% kickback media commission for the agency.

That means most advice will be money-driven and not result-driven. That’s why JuniorSenior stays independent and gives a straight advice to the client about the best way to spend the budget. Example: With sampling on streets, you can create awareness and get traffic to the website. But media agencies will never suggest this as they get no money for hiring a promotion team…

In the end, if a client wants us to book their supporting media, we’ll split the commission. That’s fair.

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Introduction to JuniorSenior

Our services

strategy, concept, design, copyThe basics for a good communication, internally and externally.

researchOffline and online. Quantity and Quality. Product tests, campaign pre-testing, commercials testing online with children website (from 7 years till 14 (DVIE).

prLifestyle or Business media, we write, send, visit, call, create a buzz or make events that are press worthy. Throughout Europe.

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Introduction to JuniorSenior

Our services

TelevisionWe create formats for tv stations. Cross-media formats with extension as events, website, communities and of course a great launch campaign.

J’MM (J’aime ma marque)Developed in France for the advertisers that are spending too much money on television without any recall on their brand. Traditional advertising has grown into a rat-race. Crazy effects or expensive movies will be remembered, but are far from the real brand identity or the product. ‘It was e great commercial, it was for eeeh….’

J’MM starts with a casting of the existing database and follows real clients a few days in their normal life. They talk about the product in a normal and natural way. All the HD video material can be used for printing (stills), webtv programs, in-store TV, normal TV commercials, DVD’s etc. The AV budget becomes the Visual database for all materials!

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Introduction to JuniorSenior

Our services

Junior Sports-marketingThere is not yet a Sport-marketing agency that is specialised in youth. With growing discussions about weight problems and obesity, the reducing numbers of the young undertaking regular sport as well as brands are looking for positive ways to express their social responsibility , we offer a good solution to create something unique for brands, clubs and children. Sport can be fun!

JuniorSport-marketing is supported by the NOC.

pilot-case Athletic Union and Santa Claus’ helpers

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Introduction to JuniorSenior

Our services

Direct marketing (launch Feb 2009)Sending out e-mails and printed invitations are typically often done by at least two separate systems. And it is hard to control, steer, and analyse the response from the audience.

With JuniorSenior Direct we offer an online portal where our clients can access their mailings (online and web to print), upload their database and use variable fields that can generate a PURL (personalised URL). On this personalised micro-site the recipient is presented with information specially selected for them and can be invited to check, update and even add to the information held against them as individuals and/or their preferences. (nameof.recipient.websiteofsender.com)

In the JuniorSenior Direct dashboard clients can see a real-time an overview of the response. Co-ordinated reminders can be triggered. We learn who responds best to what media type. Big ROI with endless possibilities.

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Introduction to JuniorSenior

Our services

EventsSmall clever street-events that will attract media or at least a photo moment that can send out to the press to support a new campaign for a product or service.

Also known as Guerilla marketing.

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Cases from JuniorSenior

JuniorSeniorJoan Muyskenweg 221096 CJ AmsterdamNederland

T +31 (0)20 - 53 53 4 53 F +31 (0)20 - 53 53 4 59 www.jr-sr.com

Contact:Andrew Hooke [email protected] Kuijer [email protected] van Kampen [email protected]