June/July/August 2011



This (late) summer issue features all kinds of tropical fun! Also, join the I&F staff on their annual "vacation."

Transcript of June/July/August 2011

Ink and Fairydust

Editor in ChiefElizabeth Hausladen

Assistant EditorAmanda Dominick

ProofreadersDelaney Joyce, Megan Domi-nick, Aubrey Heesch, Ellianna Mitchell

Layout EditorsElizabeth Hausladen, Ellianna Mitchell, Neri Preslin, Shay-lynn Rackers

Editorial AssisantEllianna Mitchell

ContributersAnna Rogers, Neri Pre-slin, Amanda Dominick, Allison DeWolf, Beth-any McGean, Carmela Rourke, Ivy Bordeau, Shaylynn Rackers

PhotograhersEmily Rounds, Elizabeth Hausladen, Neri Pre-slin, Carmela Rourke,

Shaylynn Rackers,

Cover ArtworkNeri Preslin

Questions and Comments should be directed to

[email protected]

Back issues and more information can be found at


All articles are the property of their respective owners and cannot be cop-ied or redistributed in any way except

for brief, properly cited citation.

All photographs, artwork, and graph-ics are the properties of their re-

specitve artists and may not be repro-duced without specific permission.

Table of Contents2. A Letter from the Staff3. Desert Island Survival by Allison DeWolf5. On Stranger Tides by Neri Preslin7. Fairydust in the Carribean by Amanda Dominick11. What Would You Bring by Allison DeWolf13. Tropical Island Party by Bethany McGean16 Fashion From a Fairy (column) by Ms. Adelaide

17. Greece and Italy by Carmela Rourke18. Odds and Ends by the graphics team19. Past the Ends of the Earth by Ivy Bordeau21. Shea and Bergen by Shaylynn Rackers21. Flavor: The Art of Cooking by Allison DeWolf22.

a letter from It cannot have gone without notice that Ink and Fairydust took an unannounced summer vacation. You, dear reader, noticed. (At least, I hope so.) Our writers noticed. And I noticed. Mine was not a passive noticing. It was an agonizing noticing. Like the rest of the main staff members, my noticing hung over my head, like a guilty little rain cloud that can be ignored until it starts drizzling on your nose. This summer has been a crazy and exciting mess for most of us. We are incredibly sorry that the magazine is two months late. However, it could be said that getting this issue out is something akin to a miracle, and it could also be said that the unannounced hiatus could actu-ally be considered a blessing in disguise. In an attempt to justify the lateness of this “summer” issue, I’d like to make a short list of several hundred things that have happened to the I&F staff during the past few months.

The List(not the least bit comprehensive)

• My software broke. I basically went the entire summer without being able to help at all.

• College and jobs. (For all the main staff members except me.) Enough said.

• Sickness. Our amazing editor, Elizabeth, has been battling some health problems. I’m fairly certain that everyone else got sick at least once.

• Computer issues. (I’m not the only one!)• ReginaCon2011. For those unaware of Ink and

Fairydust’s history, this magazine has its roots in the fan-forum of Regina Doman’s wonderful modern fairytale retellings. Every year she hosts a Fairytale Fan Festival at which the fans gather together for several days of fun and friendship. Many of the staff members and contributers for Ink and Fairydust were able to attend this year!

• Movies. This goes back to the ReginaCon-- Eliza-beth spent much of her summer finishing the

independant film The Shadow of the Bear, which premiered at the conference.

• Life in general. It has an inconvenient habit of getting in the way of things.

• Vacations.• Jobs.• and, for good measure, even more computer is-


The bad news is that all of this caused the magazine to be two months late. The good news is that the magazine is still released! The even better news is that all these problems made us sit back and really think about how to improve I&F. Our upcoming changes will be announced in our next issue (look for it in September!). I feel like a magician who can’t give away the secret to his tricks, for I can’t tell you what the changes are. Right now my lips are sealed. All I can tell you is that we will have to wish farewell to a person who is very impor-tant to this magazine, and that everything else will drastically improve the quality of I&F. I am typing this as I rush to get this issue uploaded. I might as well tell you that while our proofreaders do an excellent (nay, astounding) job of checking the grammar, spelling, and content of all the articles... they aren’t going to see this one. It’s a little late to run it by them. (By the way, that is my way of excusing the fact that this letter is jumping all over the place. ribbit. ribbit). I hope that you enjoy this issue! Although it may be reaching you at the tail end of summer, we hope that the tales of the ocean will bring a pleasant sea breeze wafting into the first days of autumn. Now, are you ready? Click to turn the page and prepare for some summer entertainment!

Love,Shaylynn Rackerson behalf of the Ink and Fairydust staff

Will Madden is a 28 year old homicide detective whose skills have yet to be tested. Frustrated with his life and job, and most especially, his grandfather who is always interfering in his life, and who happens to be the Chief of Police, Will is the last detective that should be put on the case of a vicious serial killer who has returned from a year sabbatical to wreak havoc on the lives’ of the cops who once sought to imprison him. Joining Will in this game of cat and mouse are Special Agents Dryden Feud and Samantha Bittner, the cops who initially tried to take the killer down, Jay Hume, Will’s loyal and amusing partner and friend, and Charlie Leger, the endearingly eccentric forensic psychiatrist. Solving a crime is not the only obstacle facing this team of misfits, they’re all going to have to come to terms with their pasts and overcome the barriers each have set around themselves, if they’re to trust each other and bring a killer to his just deserts.

COMING SOONA Murder Serial

by Ciara Zaketti

in the upcomingSeptember/October


will take a look at filmmaking, movies,

and more!