June july 2013 thg

Tarheel Guardsman June/July 2013 2013 - 2014 NCNGA Executive Council

Transcript of June july 2013 thg

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Tarheel Guardsman June/July 2013

2013 - 2014 NCNGA Executive Council

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The President’s ReportBy Bobby Lumsden, NCNGA President ([email protected])

As I reflect upon our 52nd Annual Convention, I am truly amazed to be in the company of such a talented and

professional group of Soldiers and Airmen. I am truly honored to have been selected to lead the Association dedicated to serving our Outstanding Guardsman, both Air and Army. If I were to thank everyone individually that has helped me, this message would carry on for days. I will simply offer one sincere Thanks to each and every one of you. Each one of you, whether Retired or currently serving, have sacrificed and given much more than words could ever express or the majority of this country could ever imagine. To all those that have ever served on a committee, as a member of the Executive Council, or in any other position within this great Association, I offer a special thanks for your exceptional service to the Association. To the new members of the Executive Council, appointed Committee Chairs, and Committee Members; Congratulations and thanks for your willingness to serve our Association! We all have a lot of work ahead of us so get ready. The Past Presidents and Executive Council Members have set us on a path in which we can reach amazing heights; our job is to carry the torch of continual improvement. I have four priorities for the Association and over the next few weeks, these will be presented to the Executive Council and the Committees to refine and publish. These four goals provide the initial directions for our Executive Council and Committees to begin to work on. Listed below are the priorities with a brief description: 1) Increase Membership: Of course every organization strives for 100% membership of those eligible to join. However, thinking realistically a short term goal of 85% membership with a long term goal of 90% membership would set our organization on a path to success in many areas. Our membership numbers are key to shaping the path to achieve all of our other goals. With increased membership we have a larger voice to ensure our messages are heard well beyond our formations. Also, this allows the Association to continue to improve our financial stability. Not just because with more members we receive additional dues, rather increased membership opens more opportunities for corporate sponsors, advertisements, and other forms of revenue. 2) Increase participation in the Association: Any organization is only as good as its members’ willingness to serve. I am proud of the amount of participation that we currently have; however, we need more. It starts first with attending the

business sessions during our annual convention. We need more of our members to attend, so our short term goal is to increase attendance at the 53rd Annual Convention to 350 members. Secondly, we need all Major Subordinate Commands to get more members to volunteer for and serve on committees. There must never come a time when our Executive Council seats are filled by the “last man standing.” Finally, we ask for each and everyone one of you to contact your unit representative or Executive Council member to ask how you can get more involved. 3) Increase Financial Stability: First let me say we are a very financially sound organization. However, the drop in the stock market several years back was an awakening for our Council Members then and is still on the minds of our Executive Council and Finance Committee. We must look for new ways to increase our income. Whether it is offering new types of benefits to our members for fee, capitalizing of e-commerce or a whole host of other means we need to seek out ways to continue to build upon our financial strength to ensure we never risk losing all after a bad turn in the stock market. This goal sustains us for many generations to come. 4) Increase/Extend the Influence of the Association: Our Association has an outstanding reputation within the State of North Carolina. However, we can achieve greater influence within and outside of our great state. By partnering with our Chain of Command, other state associations, NGAUS, EANGUS, and other Military and Retired Organizations; not only the Elected Officials and Bureaucratic Agencies within our state hear our message, but also those at the National Level and beyond. This is the decisive priority for our Association, because without influence our voice will not be heard. Critical to each of these goals is an effective Communication Strategy. We must ensure that our message is reaching our members so we maintain their engagement. To this end, our communication practices must be reformed so that we can meet our members where they stand. With our younger members, this will require us to increase our use of social media and information technology. At the same time, we must continue to use more traditional techniques to reach older members and those that are not technologically inclined. It is critical that we engage both groups because the Association’s ability to thrive depends upon the efforts and contributions of both. Our older members have the experience we need to achieve our immediate and short-term goals. Our younger members, as our future leaders, are charged with carrying our message forward and bringing the Association to new heights for generations to come. So you must be asking, “How can I help?” My response is simple. Do the following three things at least once a month: 1) Talk to your new Soldiers and Airmen about the benefits of the organization and encourage them to join. 2) Talk to at least one Soldier or Airmen in your unit (if still serving) or one retiree member that is not currently a member of the association and ask them to join, sometimes it only takes someone to ask. 3) Review the NCNGA Legislative Action Plan and Legislative Alerts from NGAUS and EANGUS; then make contact with your Representative or Senator about the issue (either by phone, email, written letter, or in person). These things are a start. I will continue to place items in the Tarheel Guardsman that I am asking for your help on, most of which take 30 minutes or less of your time. Please consider helping our Association by doing these and encouraging others to do the same. I am honored to have been selected to lead our Association. I promise to keep our Association moving in a direction that is beneficial for all our members. If you ever have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to let me know.

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Officers Executive Council

Teri Foster, Editor

NCNGA:Legacy Bridge Program 4Combined Event Photos 6-11

NC National Guard:Economic Impact Information 14,15


The Tarheel Guardsman, (ISSN 10618392) is published bi-monthly for the Army and Air National Guard of North Carolina, by the North Carolina National Guard Association, 7410 Chapel Hill Road, Raleigh, NC 27607-5047. Periodicals postage paid at Raleigh, NC 27676-9651. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: Tarheel Guardsman, 7410 Chapel Hill Road, Raleigh, NC 27607-5047. The Tarheel Guardsman is the official publication of the North Carolina National Guard Association, a non-profit organization. The publication’s mission is to promote the general welfare of the NCNGA, assist in increasing the readiness of the NC Army and Air National Guard of North Carolina and serve as a vehicle of expression for members of the National Guard. Members receive the publication free with their membership. The annual subscription rate for non-members of the Association is $15.00. Please include your old address when requesting change of address. Deadline for submitted material to the Tarheel Guardsman is the 5th of the month, two months preceding the calendar date of issue. Manuscripts and photographs on subjects of general interest are invited. Unless otherwise indicated, material may be reprinted provided credit is given to the Tarheel Guardsman and the author where listed. Articles and photos will not be returned, unless requested. (USPS 533-640) Advertising is accepted. For details contact the Association headquarters. Advertising, including political ads, published in this publication does not represent the endorsement or approval of the North Carolina National Guard Association.

President Bobby Lumsden

Vice PresidentBrent Orr

Past PresidentRonnie Honeycutt

Secretary-TreasurerAdene Tyler

Judge AdvocateRick Fay

ChaplainCarl Singley

30th HBCTBrian Alkire

Scott Schnack

130th MEBRobert Holland

Christopher McCurry

60th Troop CommandVelma Evans

Dale Baker, Jr.

449th TABColby Hammonds

Thomas Underwood

113th Sustainment BDEMiriam Gray

Randy Ly

JFHQ-NCSteven Johnson

Charlene Johnson

139th Regiment (CA)James McKeeDavid Eaton

Air GuardBarbara Doncaster

Wendy Larsen

Junior CouncilTimothy Stanhope

Lonnie Brooks

Associate ClassJohn Eudy

John Sweat, Jr.

STAFFExecutive Director

Adene TylerInsurance Administrator

Teri FosterAssistant Insurance Administrator

Rhonda ArndtExecutive Assistant

Kathy FordNCNGA Educational Foundation

AdministratorPeggy Robinson

Address changes or questions? Contact us at919-851-3390

[email protected] or www.ncnga.org

Flag Day — 14 June 2013Independence Day - 4 July 2013

Please fly your flag proudly!

Official publication of the North Carolina National Guard AssociationTARHEEL GUARDSMAN

JUNE/JULY 2013 Volume 47 Number 3

Deadline for submitting articles for the AUG/SEP issue of

the Tarheel Guardsman:

1 July 2013

On the cover:(Left to right) - 1st row: Bobby Lumsden, Steven Johnson, Miriam Gray, Brent Orr. 2nd row: David Eaton, Rick Fay, Randy Ly, Barbara Doncaster. 3rd Row: Colby Hammond, Ronnie Honeycutt, Wendy Larsen, Tom Underwood. 4th Row: John Sweat, Lonnie Brooks, John Eudy, Timothy Stanhope, Brian Alkire. 5th Row: James McKee

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Legacy Bridge Program

Two years ago, Active Associate Representative Al Rose introduced a program that is designed to financially

carry the Association through our present fiscal transition period. As we move from a system where we depended on our investments and insurance premiums to pay our Association’s expenses to one that will rely on new revenue sources to cover our budget, the Legacy Bridge Program will provide the interim funds to meet budget costs until the transition is complete. Our projection is that this should occur within 4-5 years, and as such it is a closed end program. The short-term plan is to use the income from the Legacy Bridge Program until our new revenue sources come on-line allowing us to insulate our investments so that they are allowed to grow over the long-term. At the end of 4-5 years, the new revenue sources, along with insurance premiums, will be our main income sources and the Legacy Bridge Program will close.



Mailing Address:

City: State: Zip:

Phone: ( ) NCNGA Life Member: Yes No

Unit: Rank:

E-Mail Address:

$100 Donation (Donations are not tax deductible)$25 Quarterly Installments _____ $100 Full Payment __________ Check _____ Money Order _____ Master Card/Visa (Add $2 credit card fee)Credit Card Information:Acct #__________________________________________ Exp Date: ___________ 3-digit Sec Code:__________ Signature: ____________________________________

Return Application & Payment To:

NCNGA ATTN: Legacy Bridge Program7410 Chapel Hill RoadRaleigh, NC 27607-5047

( ) I would like to make this donation in honor of ( ) in memory of ( )

Long-term, we hope to reach an investment fund goal of $3 million. At that point, even at a modest 4%, the Association could survive indefinitely should our insurance and new revenue sources take a hit during lean times. Please consider joining us in the Legacy Bridge Program. And, if you would like to remember or honor someone, please consider making a donation in their name. Take a few minutes to fill out the application and to write a check. Al and his team have started us in the right direction. It is up to us now to make it happen. Questions? Please call us at 919-851-3390.

*As of press time

*Our Newest Members of the Legacy Bridge Program:

245. Bobby Lumsden246 - Jimmy R. Mauldin247. Charles R. Nielsen248. Harold T. Mask249. Roger E. Williams, Jr. 250 - 251 - Not assigned 252. 2-252 Ar OLD DAWGS253 - 262 - Not assigned263. In Memory of MSgt Bennie S. Frick

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Corporate MembersThank you for all your support to the NCNGA and the NCNGA!

Ads provided as part of the Corporate member’s benefits.

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Scenes from the First NCNGA/NCNG

Combined Event — 26-27 April 2013

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Photos by Patti Findley

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Corporate Members and Exhibitors Helped Make our Conference a Success!

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Scenes for our First Combined Event

Photos by Patti FindleyThank you,


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Everyone had a great time on Friday evening of the

Combined Event!If you didn’t arrive until Saturday and only attended the Ball — you need to plan on arriving earlier next year & enjoy the festivities!

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The First-Ever Combined Event

BallPhotos by

Maj. Matthew DeVivo, US Army National Guard

WINSTON-SALEM, NC — More than 1,000 North Carolina National Guard Soldiers and Airmen and their guests attended the Com-bined Enlisted and Officer Military Balls as part of the three-day North Carolina National Guard Association Convention at the Twin City Quarters, Winston-Salem, NC.

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A NGAUS tradition, the annual conference allows members to gather and vote on the top legislative priorities for NGAUS, share information and celebrate the camaraderie of being National Guard and NGAUS members. Join us in Hawaii and network with more than 4,000 fellow National Guard men and women from all 50 States, Guam, Puerto Rico, the US Virgin Islands and the District of Columbia. Members and guests of the NCNG will be staying in the Hyatt Regency Waikiki.• We will host a hospitality suite

in the Hyatt Regency Waikiki for daily meetings and Hospitality Night

• We have 30 rooms blocked at the Hyatt at $159 (+taxes/fees)

• Registration is $200 and includes tickets to the Governor’s Reception, All States Dinner, Convention Center exhibits and events, and daily access to refreshments at the North Carolina National Guard’s hospitality suite.

For more information, contact MAJ Brian McIlvaine, 1636 Gold Star Dr, Raleigh, NC 27607 or 919-791-6419 or [email protected]. (You can also go to www.ncnga.org and click on Membership/NGAUS for more links to the NGAUS website.)


20-23 SEPTEMBER 2013

NGAUS Conference Join Us in Hawaii!

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Wehaveexperiencedseveralclaimsinthepastyearwherebeneficia-rieshadnotbeenupdatedandex-spousesreceivedthedeathbenefitsof the member’s NC National Guard Association Group Life Insur-ance. Have you had a change in your marital status? If so, please contactustoensureyourbeneficiaryiswhoyouthinkitis!Call 919-851-3390 ext 1 (Teri Foster) or ext 2 (Rhonda Arndt)

Commitment De� nes UsAt EADS North America, we don’t just talk about commitment — it defi nes us. Commitment is delivering more than 250 UH-72A Lakotas, all on time and on budget, from a workforce that is more than 50% U.S. military veterans. That’s the kind of commitment our armed forces need, now more than ever.


Corporate Member — Thank you for your support!

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Members meeting the eligibility requirements to qualify for the Post 9-11 GI Bill are also able to transfer theirbenefitstoeligibledependents.Therequirementstotransferbenefitsare:- Be eligible for the Post 9-11 GI Bill

- Be a participating member of the Armed Forces (Active Duty or Reserve)- Have completed 6 years of satisfactory service- Commit to an additional 4 years of service. - Sign a Statement of Understanding There are current exemptions to the 4-year service obligation based on a member's retirement eligibility date.

Retirement Eligibility Date: Service ObligationBefore 1 Aug 09 NoneAfter 1 Aug 09/Before 1 Aug 10 1 YearAfter 1 Aug 10/Before 1 Aug 11 2 YearAfter 1 Aug 11/Before 1 Aug 12 3 Year

These exemptions will expire 1 Aug 2013, therefore it is highly recommended that members within the above retirement eligibil-itydates,whoarecontemplatingtransferringtheirbenefits,dosobefore 1 Aug 2013. AllmembersrequestingtransferofPost9-11GIBillbenefitsafter 1 Aug 2013 will incur a 4-year service obligation. For more information: http://www.gibill.va.gov/benefits/post_911_gibill/transfer_of_benefits.html or contact your local VAoffice.


800-523-9462 GS-27F-5062C

Corporate Member — Thank you for your support!

Corporate Member — Thank you for your support!

New VA Hotline for Women Veterans

On April 23, 2013, the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) launched its new Women Veterans hotline—1-855-VA-WOMEN (1-855-829-6636)—an incoming call center that receives and responds to questions from women Veterans, their families, and caregivers across the nation about available VA services and resources.

“The Women Veterans Call Center is aimed at increasing women Veterans’ knowledge of all VA services and benefitsthattheydeserve,”saidKristaStephenson, Army Veteran and Wom-en Veterans Call Center Director.

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AhoskieAlbemarleAsheboroAshevilleBeaulavilleBelmontBensonBooneBurlingtonButnerCharlotte (ANG)Charlotte (ARNG)ClintonClydeConcordDunnDurhamE. Flat RockEdentonElizabeth CityElizabethtownElkinFair BluffFarmvilleFayettevilleForest CityFort BraggFranklinFremontGastoniaGoldsboroGreensboroGreenvilleHamletHickoryHigh PointJacksonvilleJeffersonKings MountainKinstonLaurinburgLenoirLexingtonLincolntonLouisburgLumbertonMarionMocksvilleMonroeMooresvilleMorehead CityMorgantonMorrisvilleMount AiryMount OliveMurphyNashvilleNew BernNew London (ANG)NewtonN. WilkesboroOxfordParktonRaefordRaleigh (ANG)RaleighRed SpringsReidsvilleRoanoke RapidsRockinghamRocky Mount






























































03122 3355323383426513353123211321

1496319313923 315231593361115 113311

1511 1452121 1411662163633

03122 3355292943426513353123211321

1436319313923 315231593361115 113311

1511 1452121 1411604163633















$28,490 $25,641 $57,387 $20,350 $39,886 $72,446 $28,083 $49,247 $30,525 $372,288 $137,973 $61,864 $64,306 $41,921 $39,072 $157,102 $32,967 $19,129 $13,838 $23,199 $11,396

$28,083 $86,691 $30,525 $86,691 $68,376 $10,175 $93,203 $72,853 $144,892 $7,326 $22,385 $32,967 $94,017 $39,072 $24,420 $26,455 $83,842 $53,724 $78,144

$19,129 $37,851 $47,212 $20,350 $75,702 $42,328 $8,954 $16,687 $21,164 $293,447


$15,466 $39,072 $78,154 $25,641 $72,853

$24,827 $70,411

$223,850 $68,783 $76,923 $42,328 $24,420 $26,455










City County CongressionalDistrict

NC Senate District

NC HouseDistrict

Total FTEmp


State Emp FederalBudget



NCNG Economic Impact Exhibit 2012

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RoseboroRoxboroSaint PaulsSalisburySanfordScotland NeckShallotteSiler CitySmithfieldSnow HillSouthern Pines StatesvilleStemSylvaTarboroTaylorsvilleThomasvilleWadesboroWallaceWashingtonWhitevilleWilliamstonWilmingtonWindsorWinston-SalemWintervilleWoodlandYoungsville



Ft. Bragg (ARNG)High PointGreensboroCamp Butner

SampsonPersonRobesonRowanLeeHalifaxBrunswickChathamJohnstonGreeneMooreIredellGranvilleJacksonEdgecombeAlexanderDavidsonAnsonDuplinBeaufortColumbusMartinNew HanoverBertieForsythPittNorthamptonFranklin

























43643111423 1122 176130919



43623111423 1122 176126919



Value Per



















$56,980 $44,363 $28,490 $9,768 $13,838 $35,002 $41,107 $20,350 $27,676 $17,501 $42,735


$25,234 $32,967 $8,140 $16,280 $22,792 $38,665 $63,899

$96,052 $67,562 $16,687















City County CongressionalDistrict

NC Senate District

NC HouseDistrict

Total FTEmp


State Emp FederalBudget



NCNG Economic Impact Exhibit 2012 - continued

Information provided by COl (Ret) F. Doug Phelps

NC Adjutant General – MG Greg Luskhttp://www.facebook.com/NCAdjutantGeneralhttp://twitter.com/NCTAG

NC Assistant Adjutant General Air – Brig. Gen. Todd Kellyhttp://facebook.com/NCAirAAGhttp://twitter.com/NCAirAAG

NC Senior Enlisted Leader – Command Sgt. Maj. John Swarthttp://www.facebook.com/NCCSMhttp://twitter.com/NCSCSM

— NC National Guard Contact Inforamtion —NC Command Chief Warrant Officer Rick Comerhttp://www.facebook.com/pages/NC-Command-Chief-Warrant-Officer/261726843901458http://www.twitter.com/NCCWO

NC Command Chief Master Sergeant Chief Master Sgt. Bruce Picketthttp://www.facebook.com/pages/NC-State-Command-Chief-Master-Sergeant/330777956943662http://www.twitter.com/NCCmdChief

TAG email contact: [email protected]

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PeriodicalsU. S. Postage

PAIDRaleigh, NC

Tarheel GuardsmanNC National Guard Assoc.7410 Chapel Hill Road Raleigh, NC 27607-5047

How to reach us:919-851-3390 [email protected] - emailwww.ncnga.org - website

Tickets — *The NCNGA pays for tickets as they are sold; we are unable to provide refunds if tickets are unused.*Tickets are mailed the day the request is received. *Ticket info is also on our website: www.ncnga.org

To order tickets, send check, money order, MasterCard or Visa information to: NCNGA, 7410 Chapel Hill Rd., Raleigh, NC 27607 or call 919-851-3390, ext. 2 for Kathy Ford

Mail tickets to: Name: _______________________________________________________________________ Address: _____________________________________________________________________ City: ________________________________ State: _________ Zip code: _________________

Type of Payment: ___ Check ___ Money Order ___ Master Card ___ Visa

Make checks or money order payable to NCNGA. A fee of $23 will be charged for any check returned due toinsufficientfundsoracheckwrittenonaclosedaccount.Ifchecksremainunpaid,Commanderswillbenotified.

Credit Card Information: Account #_____________________________________________________

Exp. Date _____________________ 3 Digit Security Code:_____________

Name on Card: __________________________________________ Signature _______________________________

When ordering tickets, please

allow one week for delivery

2013 NCNGA Discount Ticket Order Form Carowinds/Kings Dominion - Valid at either park - $33.00 for ages 3 & up. (Carowinds Gate prices (opens March 31) – Adults - $56.99 - ages 3-61 & at least 48” tall. Junior/Senior - $39.99-ages 3-61 & under 48” tall or 62 & older: Children under 3-FREE. )Kings Dominion Gate prices (opens April 6) – Adults - $61.99 - ages 3-61 & at least 48” tall. Junior/Senior - $39.99 - ages 3-61 & under 48” tall or 62 & older. Children under 3-FREE.)

Wet ‘n Wild Emerald Pointe Water Park* - Adult Tickets-$27.00 for over 48” tall.Park open May 25 - Sept. 2 (Gate price $34.99 over 48” tall. Children 2 & under are FREE.)

Junior Tickets* - $19.00. (Gate price $24.99 under 48” tall.)*Tickets can also be ordered online at www.emeraldpointe.com. Call NCNGA for Corporate Code.**

Busch Gardens Military Appreciation Days - Tickets $38 for ages 3 & up. Valid Through 27 October (Gate prices $49.00 ages 3 & up)

Busch Gardens Fun Card - Tickets $65.00. ($70 at gate) Valid Thru 2 September ONLY

Water Country USA - Tickets $27.00 for ages 3 & up. Valid 18 May thru Sep 2 Only (Gate prices - Ages 3 & up $49.99. Ages 2 & under FREE.)

*ANHEUSER-BUSCH “HERE’S TO THE HEROES” TRIBUTE*Single Day’s FREE Admission to Anheuser-Busch Parks for active military & 3 direct dependants. Register online @ www.herosalute.com or at the park entrance plaza with DOD photo ID.

Quantity Total $

SubtotalCreditCard Fee +$3.00

Total Due $