Jumpstart Liberty - s3. · PDF fileJumpstart Liberty 4 | P a g e Introduction These are...


Transcript of Jumpstart Liberty - s3. · PDF fileJumpstart Liberty 4 | P a g e Introduction These are...

Jumpstart Liberty

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This book is believed to contain correct information based on our

personal research and preparation. We do not make any warranty,

express or implied or assume any legal responsibility for the accuracy,

completeness, or usefulness of any information product or process

disclosed or represent that its use would not infringe on privately owned

rights. Reference to any specific commercial product process or service

by its trade name or manufacturer or otherwise, does not necessarily

constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation or favoring by the

authors. The information in the book should not be a substitute for

professional advice and training. The authors disclaim any responsibility

for problems that may occur by following the information in this text.

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Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 4

Part I The Imminent Threat of an EMP Attack ..................................................................................... 5

What is an EMP? ............................................................................................................................................................ 6

What can an EMP do? ................................................................................................................... 10

A brief history of the EMP? ........................................................................................................... 16

Will the power grid sustain the EMP blow? ........................................................................................................ 20

EMP – A dangerous weapon in the hands of our enemies ........................................................................ 22

How will the EMP change our world? ............................................................................................................. 35

Part II Survival and Self Defense ....................................................................................................... 44

After the EMP .............................................................................................................................................................. 45

Preparation is essential ........................................................................................................................................ 46

Store your supplies ................................................................................................................................................ 47

Water Supply .......................................................................................................................................................... 49

Food Supply ............................................................................................................................................................ 72

Basic Survival Cooking ......................................................................................................................................... 83

Medical Supplies .................................................................................................................................................100

Self Defense and Firearms ................................................................................................................................ 104

Final Thoughts and Recommendations ...................................................................................... 122

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These are strange days we are living. Conflicts are spurring every day in

all the corners of the world. Even though we seem to be protected the

possibility of being attacked by our enemies grows stronger every day.

The United States have gained many rivals in recent years, but none so

frightening as the fundamentalists of the Middle East who have already

made their voice known through bloody attacks in Western Europe.

Slowly but surely they are targeting our very shores and when they will

hit we must be prepared for any type of weapon they will use. For it is

up to every single one of us to make sure our families and our society

remain safe and healthy.

Terrorists have a wide variety of attacking the civilized countries and it

seems we have seen them all, or at least that is what the media wants

us to believe. Slowly but surely we have been made aware of dangers

resulting from assault rifles, plane hijackings, homemade explosives and

nuclear attacks. Somehow, we have not been warned about the perils

brought on by a full EMP attack.

Our society, as we know it could become a thing of the past in a matter

of seconds, and it is up to us to wake up and prepare in time just to

have a chance to survive it.

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The Imminent Threat of an EMP Attack

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What is the EMP?

So what is the EMP exactly?

The electromagnetic pulse, also known as EMP is an outbreak of

tremendous intensity filled with electromagnetic energy and produced

by the quick acceleration of loaded particles. The biggest problem is

that this type of weapon can be made with very few resources by

almost any person with the slightest electronic knowledge and easy

access to some relatively primitive elements.

This type of EMP could have a local impact when detonated. Let’s say

that it could affect a small neighborhood of no more than a few blocks.

Its bigger brother, however, could destroy entire states and it comes in

the form of an immense pulse produced by a nuclear explosion that

takes place in our atmosphere.

The most powerful of EMPs could actually come from the sun. Our life

sustainer that is normally capable of a bad burn on a torrid day, can

also knock down satellites, shut down our communication systems, and

paralyze the entire planet through a massive eruption of energy. This

catastrophe would, however, be not in our means to prevent, so, we

will try to take few steps back and focus on more probable EMPs, the

ones available to the human potential.

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The EMP can be

employed as a

strategic weapon by

producing damaging

voltages and currents

that would be stronger

than any electrical

circuit was conceived

to cope with. EMPs can

permanently damage

electronic systems. The

smaller they are, the

more probable they are

to be destroyed. Devices such as smartphones, laptops and tablets

would become obsolete in the case of an EMP.

The force of a nuclear EMP detonation at high altitude could affect

entire continents. An EMP weapon has the power to disable all

electronics in view range and even further.

The results of the explosion are bigger and worse with the increasing

altitude at which the EMP is detonated.

Our country’s entire electronic system would collapse in the event of an

EMP. Even the few electronics that would survive an EMP would not

have a long life, as in a very short time they would become overloaded.

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Such a horrible scenario could also be the consequence of massive solar

flares from the sun.

Here are the main characteristics of an EMP attack:

EMP is actually a very swift lightning strike that strikes a blow of

immense static electricity in all directions and affecting every

electronic device in sight.

EMP can easily cover a country as large as the U.S. with a single

hit. Its origins can be traced to the interaction of gamma radiation

from a nuclear blast within the Earth’s atmosphere.

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EMP is definitely imperceptible, as it does not last more than a

few milliseconds.

EMP has no impact on the human body whatsoever.

EMP is both threatening to high-scale electrical systems and to

small devices in equal measure.

EMP damages everything that contains metal lines, power cables,

wires and dish antennae as well.

EMP makes no discrimination towards the electronic equipment.

The old systems and devices are just as vulnerable as the modern

era ones.

EMP explosion from outside our atmosphere are the most


EMP defenses are just as plain as you would imagine them. Their

hardening could only be made of cartoonish metallic shielding

produced from regular tinfoil.

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What can an EMP do?

The main problem with an EMP is that upon its impact we will not hear

any sound and we will not see anything in particular. However, in a

blink of an eye the cars will stop, the smartphones and television sets

will shut down and all other electronic equipment will cease to work.

Many of these devices will be forever destroyed and their wires and

circuits will actually fry.

The dark scenario of doom and anarchy will show its ugly face as all our

utility industries, the electric power grids, radars, communication

systems, public sewage connections and potable water infrastructure

as well, together with the public transportation system will turn into

obsolete, goal-less technologies.

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The resulting damage and the exposure of the electronics, combined

with the height of the detonation could result in years and even

decades in which electricity would not be part of our daily lives.

Our worse fears would become true as all financial systems would fail—

every Wall Street giant, all banks and ATMs would become unusable.

The stock market would be hit by an irreparable damage and all major

corporations would have to declare bankruptcy as they would not be

able to retrieve their lost data in time. Around the world, all economical

analysts and traders within financial institutions watch the downfall in

disbelief as the American economy collapses to the ground and


Hasty repairs would be implemented, but they could take days or years,

depending on the ability of the people involved to realize the true

damage without measurements made by other electronics and

replacement parts that would not function. The end result is that

without electricity for more than a year, the loss of life would run into

the tens of millions.

An EMP has three main components. Scientists define them as: E1, E2,

and E3.

E1: An electromagnetic burst will disturb electronics, like

telecommunication systems.

E2: A similar reaction to lightning quickly follows and adds to the

first component.

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E3: The EMP passes through electricity transmission chords,

overloading and destroying transmission distribution poles, fuses,

and power cables.

The most discernable effect of the electromagnetic pulse production

from a nuclear detonation is the ionization of air molecules by gamma

rays produced from the deflagration. These gamma rays connect with

air molecules to produce positive ions and recoil electrons called

Compton electrons. This pulse of energy, which creates a powerful

electromagnetic field, is known as an electro-magnetic pulse.

E1— everything goes pitch dark.

The E1 element of the EMP is the most notorious one. The E1 pulse is

produced when gamma radiation from a nuclear detonation knocks

electrons out of atoms in the upper atmosphere.

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These electrons then travel very fast, at about 94% the speed of light

(or about 175,000 miles / second) around the Earth’s waves of

magnetic force, creating a powerful electromagnetic shock wave.

The shock wave then travels through the atmosphere along a line of

sight from the detonation to the horizon. It overlays a huge geographic

region with an EMP that can deliver tens of thousands of volts into any

metal object that has the use of an antenna:

planes, stationed or in flight,

cars and other vehicles on the ground,

power and communications lines,

Chords on a personal phone.

Even though the electromagnetic field produced by an EMP lasts for

only a few seconds, it’ s outcome can be devastating.

Scientists have speculated that one very high-altitude detonation, from

about one hundred miles above Utah could spread an EMP pulse across

the entire United States.

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E2— the most powerful lightning you will ever witness

The E2 element is

created by weapon

neutrons and is

considered an

intermediate time

pulse, similar to

lightning. It lasts for

almost a second

after the start of the


This E2 element is

very alike to the

pulse that a lightning

could deliver, and

can be defended by lightning breakers. Still, since lightning protection

must be kept in perfect use to be effective, and since many building,

commercial or not, very often oversee lightning defense, E2 could

exacerbate into a much serious threat. Should an electronic device be

protected only from an E2 pulse, an E1 pulse will completely damage it.

This is one of the main concerns for most of the people aware of this


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E3— every electric transformer gets burnt

The last and strongest of the EMP components is E3, or magneto-

hydro-dynamic EMP. This one has a slower speed, but holds many

similarities with another potential annihilator – the geomagnetic storm.

This phenomenon is usually caused by a coronal mass ejection, or CME,

which is an immense explosion of solar wind produced by solar activity

on the sun’s surface. The most susceptible systems to this event are the

power grids, and power line transformers, that would completely

collapse in case the E3 becomes a reality.

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A brief history of the EMP

The first predictions of the outcome generated by an EMP were made

by the WWII Manhattan Project physicist, Enrico Fermi.

Back in the 1960’s, The United States were testing nuclear devices in

the Pacific. The officials and scientists were left dumbfounded when

they realized the effects produced for thousands of miles by an EMP.

Basically, the pulse shut down all the radio stations in sight and the

telecommunication system crashed as far as 2000 miles away from the


On the other side of the world, the U.S.S.R. scientists were testing their

own nuclear weapons. One of the explosions produced here generated

an EMP that shut down everything within a range of 600 km (373

miles). The surge was so powerful that even underground cables were

destroyed. The Russians reported that all the wires, cables and fuses

blew and power supplies broke down as a result of all the three tests

produced in the area.

Both of the states involved in the Cold War experienced damage much

worse than they predicted. They concluded that the damage is the

result of the penetrability of an EMP, which can easily go through all

metallic conductors, long-stretching railroad tracks, power lines, and

telecommunication lines.

While it is impossible to predict the complete set of consequences

brought on by an EMP, we can still look at previous real-world

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accidents that can give us an appropriate view of just how powerful

such a weapon would become into the wrong hands.


Back in the 1980s, a curious explosion took place in the Netherlands. It

all started from a naval radar installation that created a large burst into

a thirty-six-inch natural gas pipeline. The investigators found it hard to

explain in the beginning the nature of this event. After almost two

months of tests they concluded that the radio frequency from the radar

caused a control valve that lead to overwhelming pressure waves,

which then traveled down the pipeline and eventually caused the



A dramatic event took place in Bellingham, Washington, in the late

1990s. Around 300,000 gallons of gasoline from a pipeline were poured

into the Hannah and Whatcom creeks. Three people were killed and

another eight injured by the fuel in the water that flared up.

Some of the buildings near the shore have also been damaged by the

explosion that collapsed creek banks for a mile and a half. It was later

revealed that a dangerous combination between poor maintenance

and EMP generated waves lead to the tragedy.

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In 1994, the Pembroke oil refinery was struck by a super storm that

shut down the electrical power not only for the station, but for miles in

sight. With many of the pumps and coolers being offline, it didn’t take

too long for an explosion to hit.

In the aftermath, almost 10% of the UK’s refining capacity was lost and

the overall economy was deeply affected. This is the closest

phenomenon to an EMP attack and caused damages which amounted

to $70 million.


At the end of the millennium, San Diego County Water Authority and

San Diego Gas and Electric both were victims of an unidentifiable

electromagnetic interference to their wireless networks. During this

event, they could not open or close most of the critical valves. A crucial

measure had to be taken and several engineers were sent to remote

locations to manually open and close the water and gas valves. In the

aftermath investigations, this was deemed as a remarkable avoidance

of a huge catastrophic failure, even if the lives of the engineers had

been put in grave danger.

However, if that measure hadn’t been taken, it is estimated that the

overall loss would have amounted to as much as 825 million gallons of

water which surely would have flooded the city killing thousands in the

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process. After a few years of investigations, it was revealed that the

failure had been unknowingly produced by the radar of a ship sitting

thirty miles off the coast.


A little less than a year after the San Diego event, the town of Carlsbad,

New Mexico, was put in great danger by the explosion of a pipeline

operated by the El Paso Natural Gas Company. Even if the town was

spared, the deflagration still made 12 victims, and left an eighty-six-foot

crater in the process. It was later concluded that the blast was

produced by maintenance failures created by an electromagnetic pulse


These have are just a few of the installation failures that took place

over the year, but these show us just how fragile we really are to an

EMP attack, and how costly the damage could rapidly become.

The main problem is that no state agency or authority has planned for a

scenario with the loss of entire electrical equipment stretched across

the country, which would eventually lead to the collapse of our power

grid. It is something that very few Americans know about. However,

surprisingly or not, the enemies that we have are in full control of this

information and is just a matter of time before they decide to use it

against us.

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Will the Power Grid sustain the blow of an EMP?

The EMP will completely destroy the electronic equipment. Its force can

greatly exceed normal stresses on all electrical circuits and other


Antenna-like conductors will deliver the EMP into any TV set, laptop,

radio, or other electrical appliances. Cables, circuits, and pipes will fall

victim to an EMP. An EMP that creates a force of at least 100

kilovolts/meter (kV/m) will surely destroy any device with no matter

how many wires are inside. The damage will take place even if the

device was not plugged in prior to the blast.

The energy sector—starting with the huge hydroelectric dams and their

generators, to the millions of miles of power lines that stretch across

the country, to the transformers that hang on the pole down the street

from your house, all of them will become obsolete following the


Our way of life would rapidly devolve to the 17th century America, a

powerless nation without any mean to communicate across the world.

Due to our lack of survival skills, our fate will be quickly sealed by the

anarchy that would overtake our society. Just like in many Third World

countries, we would have to do without the electronics on which we

heavily base our lifestyle nowadays.

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On the other side, we are in possession of one of the most powerful

electric grids on the planed and it is all due to our nation’s power

companies. This is why we rarely experience blackouts or other types of

failure. However, as strong as it is, even our power grid has its own

weak points and they are many and varied:

Almost all of the electronic components are very complex and

interdependent. This creates a major risk of failure from one

element to another.

Most of the grids in our country are more than often operating at

full capacity.

The positioning of newer plants farther away from end users

generates an entire field of exposed transmission cables.

The green energy sources like wind-powered and solar-powered

ones have only recently been included into the grid system and

their predictability has not been tested.

There is the case of entire sections of the transmission system

that have been neglected because of their lack of substantial

profit. They represent a high level vulnerability.

Many electronic systems are remotely operated and therefore

higher at risk in case of an explosion.

Recently, our country has imported many of the big electrical

transformers, which have a limited life warranty of only a few


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EMP – a dangerous weapon in the hands of our enemies

The EMP threat was first introduced to the Congress in 1997. Ever

since, the politicians showed a great deal of unwillingness to prevent

this possible catastrophe, or even to transfer the necessary resources

needed to educate the people about it. Many scientists were left

frustrated after they had spent decades studying the EMP potential and

the serious effects it could have one our nation.

Starting with 2010, small efforts were made to inform the Congress of

the EMP danger, especially with the help of Dr. Michael J. Frankel, a

physicist and executive director of the EMP Commission, who pointed

at the growing reputation of an EMP weapon in many terrorist

organizations across the globe.

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The scientists involved in this endeavor argued that it will be only a

matter of time before the U.S. will fall victim to such an attack. Their

claim, however, fell on deaf ears as there were no substantial funds

allocated to their research.

As the panic level grows among the scientists, the next question is who

will be the enemy that will use this powerful and unexpected weapon

against us?

The traditional enemies of the United States, starting with Russia and

communist China, together with Iran seem most likely to do so.

However, our nation has gained new adversaries over the last decade,

like ISIS, and their taste of blood is fresh enough to taste

unconventional weaponry. Besides these treacherous, yet cunning

opponents, the U.S. could also suffer from a surprise attack from other

nations willing to move up the global power scale.

Let’s have a look at the nations and terrorist organizations that are

most likely to use an EMP blast against us:


The Islamic State of Iraq and Levant, commonly known as ISIS or ISIL is

one of the bloodiest and unpredictable terrorist organizations in the

world right now. The group of Islamic outlaws is governed by the law of

terror and its attacks on the modern world are unforgivable and

without discrimination.

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Europeans, North Americans and even Australians have fallen victims to

their barbaric hatred against freedom of speech, human rights and

everything the western civilization stands for.

ISIS has been heavily linked with Saudi Arabia and it is believed that

most of their funds are coming from that direction. They use large

amounts of money to lure in new recruits and to overspend on heavy

weaponry. However, another interesting scenario has been promoted

lately, and it struck a shocking horror in the United States and among

our allies. It seems that the current surge of Russia in war-torn Syria is

only a makeover phase of transition that will lead to an unexpected

alliance between our old rival and the terrorist organization.

Many specialists have come to the conclusion that as long as ISIS can

only target the European Union through kamikaze attacks, their overall

plan of annihilation will not make much progress. Not as long as they

don’t hit their main opponent, the United States. Due to our strong

defense mechanism and our home front policy, it is rather hard for

terrorists to infiltrate our country and repeat the much regretted 9/11

or worse.

It is for this reason that ISIS must have the backing of a bigger ally than

Saudi Arabia. They have chosen Russia, or it may be the other way

around. Whatever the case may be, both of the said parties have major

interest in destabilizing the U.S. – the terrorists could have their

landscape of horror immensely widened, while the Russians could gain

the upper hand in the never ending economical battle between the two

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countries. When we take into consideration that Russia’s economy is

collapsing at an unprecedented rate, it is easy to see that they would

stop at nothing to win the race.

Now, we have mentioned that terrorists have difficulties in penetrating

our security systems. Their presence on the U.S. territory with a full

arsenal of assault rifles, like the latest attack in Paris, is hard to imagine

and even harder to reproduce. This is where “Mother Russia” comes in

and helps ISIS by providing them with the necessary equipment to

create an extremely powerful EMP weapon.

We have already discussed about the experiments the Russians did

more than half a century ago and it is reasonable to believe that their

progress and knowledge of EMP bombs have reached their peak.

They will profit from the Syrian diversion to deliver the weapon to ISIS

who will then have both the means and the funds to detonate the

bomb. They will do so over the United States either from outside our

atmosphere or from a Russian ship that will stay in international

waters, far from our borders or our radars, but within a reasonable rage

that will destroy the entire power grid of our country. It is also likely

that Canada’s power system and Mexico’s grid will also be affected,

sending an entire continent back in The Middle Ages.

In this highly probable scenario, we will find it hard to retaliate, as all

our inland army bases will be affected, leaving us a standing target for

further attacks from the terrorists and not only them.

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We have already discussed Russia’s incentives, but we must not forget

that even without ISIS as a kamikaze pawn in their hands, they would

still not refrain from a substantial attack on our country, should the

possibility arise.

Russians have long hated the U.S., our freedom, our principles and our

way of life. Their mentality is still rooted in Middle Ages despotism, as

their leader, Vladimir Putin, clearly endorses. Even though their socialist

system has failed and they rapidly tried to copy the western way of life,

they are still haunted by an inferiority complex and will stop at nothing

to hit us if we close our eyes just for a second.

During the meeting of the Congressional Research Service (CRS), the

scientists have talked about Russia’s ongoing efforts made to shelter its

infrastructure against a possible EMP attack by educating the civilian

population and updating their military electronics. Many of the CRS’s

specialists believe that the Russians have their best physicists

concentrating on the EMP issue, and who can contradict them, knowing

Russia’s devotion to military science and their hunger for world


We know for a fact that, during the Cold War, both the Soviet Union

and the United States tested EMP weapons in space. Their efforts have

not been quelled all this time, while ours have been silently put asleep.

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An EMP Commission established in 2008 has made it clear through

strong evidence that the Russian military claims have created an EMP

weapon capable of producing more than 100 kilovolts per square


Therefore, the danger is looming above us again from the Eurasian

state, either by a direct attack or through the aid of Islamic terrorists.


In the past two years the frozen relationships between the U.S. and Iran

have slowly melted, leading man to believe that we are entering a new

age of peace and understanding with our Gulf rivals. This, however, is

not much of a surprise, as we need strong backing in the Middle East

after the crisis generated by Islam fundamentalist organizations. We

need their partnership for cheaper resources, oil especially. The

problem is that we might just have settled for an unknown price that

will eventually cost us our freedom and security.

The U.S. intelligence has long hidden from us the progress that Iran

scientists have made in the EMP weaponry and their intentions are

even more unknown to the general public.

However, a strange incident from 1998 should clarify our worse fears

about who else could detonate an EMP bomb against our nation.

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In that year, the U.S. secret services discovered an experiment was

taken place in the Caspian Sea, just ashore of the Iran border.

In the middle of a hot summer night, a lone cargo ship maneuvered

from a convoy and while at safe distance from the others, it detonated

a missile that travelled at about 100 miles in vertical direction. Nobody

knew for start what the purpose of that test was. However, just a few

moments later, the U.S. intelligence discovered that the nearby Iranian

ships were actually monitoring the effects of the missile, and when all

the electronic equipment around the area suddenly failed it was clear

what the nature of the explosion was: an electromagnetic pulse.

At the time of the incident, the Iranian missiles seemed primitive and

undependable. However, almost two decades later, it is obvious that

what started as a primitive test in the Caspian Sea could easily develop

into a serious attack somewhere in the Pacific, or Atlantic Ocean, given

the large sums of money that the Middle Eastern state has invested in

its military operations ever since.

It is with great care that we must approach our kindling friendship with

Iran. They hold a terrible grudge against our nation and our lifestyle and

eventually, we might end up paying more than we have bargained for

just to fuel our cars with cheaper fuel.

Iran, however, is not the only nation either improving or holding their

EMP capacity to hit targets worldwide.

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Communism has never really taken strong roots here in the United

States, as opposed to China, where they are reaching almost a full

century of socialist regime. One should not be dumbfounded by this

fact, as their people are historically known to be more inclined towards

obedience, a lack of determination and support for human rights and a

passive-aggressive stance.

For now, the Chinese economy is booming and new partnerships are

being struck worldwide, in a desperate effort to reach the U.S.

economy. Their efforts to prove that a brain-washing, socialist policy

can overcome the western world philosophy are futile, although

remarkable. Their papier-mâché industries are built on cheap offerings

to the European Union and Russia, and a small stock market crisis in

2015 have set their economic progress back with a staggering 8%,

showing that a major worldwide crisis would make their feeble

structures crash faster than a sandcastle under the falling rain.

Therefore, in case of a major breakdown, they have developed a plan B

that once initiated would hold back the United States in the economic

race and even set us back two hundred years behind them.

With a simple EMP attack, they would be able to hurt us, economically

speaking, just long enough for their industries to recover and take the

top spot of world economic domination, while we would still be

struggling to survive in a post-EMP scenario.

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Our long standing feud with China is not only economically related. The

recent conflicts in the Chinese North Sea have showed that they are

hungry to shorten the distance in the Pacific between our nations. It is

clear why they would do this: the closer they get to us, the stronger the

impact of an EMP bomb will be upon us.

Our interference in the Korean War, Vietnam and our connections with

Taiwan, a territory China are still openly trying to get back, have frozen

our international relations.

The Army’s National Ground Intelligence Center (NGIC) generated an

interesting report in 2005. The curious facts about it are not only the

data it contains, but rather the fact that it has been kept hidden by the

public eye for more than a decade.

The report clearly showed the efforts made by the Chinese to develop

both EMP and high-powered microwave weapons. The NGIC discovered

that Chinese scientists have made a huge progress in their work of

paralyzing electronic equipment on naval ships and inland systems

through EMP weapons.

Combine the EMP threat with the recent advances in plutonium

research they have reached, and China looks more and more like a

ticking clock bomb of unprecedented nature.

This shows that while we import a lot of copycat merchandise from

China, they are using the money they receive to construct and develop

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powerful EMP bombs to which we would be unable to respond at the



Let us take a closer look at this South-East Asian country that very few

seem to consider a matching enemy. However, this is a nation

surrounded by countries that hate its guts: China, Bangladesh, Pakistan

and further North the old Mother Russia.

We are aware of India’s brainpower of the Indian people and their

booming economy that has allowed the government to invest heavily

into nuclear power and other mass destruction weapons in the past

twenty years. It is not far-fetched to suppose that they have touched

the EMP field as well.

However, the investments made in the military have weakened the

country’s health even more and people are starving in each region of

the large nation. The rich had to cut down on their expenses while the

poor have become even poorer. Disease and famine are roaming

everywhere across the country.

With these factors taken into consideration, it won’t be long before

India will have to go to war with somebody, but not just anybody, in

order to bring more money and riches that would sustain their

impressive nativity rate.

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India could not start a conflict with any of its neighbors, as a quick

alliance in the region would invest an immediate blockade that would

swiftly end the nation’s thirst for war chests.

Therefore, it is very plausible that India would attack the largest

economy in the world, ours, with the indirect backing from Russia.

Putin and his men would grin with delight as we crumble to the ground

under an Indian EMP attack.

In that case, panic would settle on our shores and India would prey on

our ruined economy as a hungry scavenger. Next, they would leave us

in the way of other predators such as Russia, China and Iran.

Another reason for India’s national arsenal to include an EMP weapon

would be the imminent attack by the same weapon from their eternal

rival, Pakistan.

Tensions have always been high between the two Asian countries. India

boasts the largest percentage of Hindu population, considered a natural

enemy by the Muslim extremists that rule in Pakistan and whom have

made their lifetime goal to destroy their neighbors and reduce

Hinduism to an insignificant minority.

With this danger in plain sight, India has decided that traditional

weaponry, nuclear bombs and EMP arsenal are not enough to ensure

their defense. It is also believed that the country is paying almost the

entire value of their treasury to develop anti-satellite shields and

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missiles, which would mean that even if we had a chance to retaliate,

they would already have the means to defend themselves.


We have already talked about Pakistan’s sour relations with India and

the presence of an EMP weapon in their hands. Their ambitions of

destroying their Hindu neighbor are not the only motivations behind

their desire to escalate the world scale of power obtained by fearsome


Pakistan’s relations with the United States are not so bright now and,

actually, they have never been. We already know that they have

sheltered Osama bin Laden way long before the 2011 successful raid.

They hate our guts. They are a ticking bomb just as much as

Afghanistan and Iraq were 15 years ago. Their government shamefully

helps terrorists worldwide commit despicable crimes, and large sums of

money go every year towards terrorist acts instead of helping the

decaying population have a better life.

However, even Pakistan is aware that they cannot infiltrate our nation

as easy as they did back in the ‘90s. Our improved security measures

have made it almost impossible for them to plan any future crimes on

our soil, whether they are fueled by religion reasons or ideology causes.

That is why they have trained their forces into becoming extremely

effective prior and after an EMP attack. They already hold an EMP

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arsenal and they might use it against us, before an offshore invasion of

criminal terrorists. Our home front defense system would be

dangerously feeble to their attacks.

Nevertheless, they are also prepared should another of our enemies,

like Russia, Iran or ISIS strike us with an EMP explosion. They have

funded strong terrorist groups that would walk right in our country to

pillage and destroy, just minutes after we would be hit and our

electrical grid would be down.

Here are some of the most dangerous terrorist groups that could pose

an EMP threat:

Hizb-ul-Mujahideen (HM)


Lashkar-e-Toiba (LeT)

Jaish-e-Mohammad Mujahideen E-Tanzeem (JeM)

Harkat-ul Mujahideen

Many of these terrorist groups operate with a high degree of freedom

in and from Pakistan. Given the increasingly rocky relationship between

Pakistan and the United States, Pakistani terrorist groups will continue

to plot against the U.S., and now many of them have knowledge of or

even could be holding EMP weapons.

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How will the EMP change our world?

As soon as the EMP explosion would hit us, we would be clueless to

what’s happening all around us, because we will have no access to the

Internet, TV or radio news. More than that, even traditional press

would find it impossible to be printed and delivered.

Nearby stores would be hoarded by the locals as soon as they would

realize that from that moment on no products will be brought in

anytime soon, maybe never in some cases. Even if the gas stations will

have sufficient fuel for all the cars around, they won’t be able to pump

it and even if they did, the cars would fall victim to their electrical

components that will be struck with irreparable failure.

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Most of the authorities will be mobilized immediately. However, as

days will go by and the clear aftermath of the explosion will lay bare

before our eyes, most of the policemen and firefighters will stay home

to protect their own families.

All the power lines and circuits will get knocked down in windstorms,

but nobody will even notice or care, for a matter of fact. All of them will

be fried by then, anyway.

Most of the crops will wither in the fields until scavenged—since the big

picking machines will all be idled and there will be no way to get the

crop to market anyway.

Nothing that’s been invented in the last century—based on electronics,

computer chips, micro-electronics, or digital technology—will function.

And that will be just the beginning of the end.

The average family has only a week’s worth of food in the pantry. What

will they do when the food is gone and there are no prospects of


Millions of Americans will be forced to go foraging for food. The first

targets will be the stores, restaurants, and food-distribution

warehouses. Foraging will become looting by the end of the first day—

all across America—because desperation turns us all savage.

Any home in the neighborhood thought to have food will be set upon.

Next, people will move on to farms that are close by. Looters will form

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gangs, arm themselves, and plunge deeper into farm country—running

their vehicles on siphoned gasoline.

In just a few days or weeks, there will be outbreaks of disease and no

ready antibiotics. The outbreaks will not take long to become epidemics

and begin a slow and painful attrition that will take out all who have

not prepared.

This is what we can expect, but so much will be uncertain. Any reader

of speculative science fiction will find a hundred different

interpretations of what could happen, what will happen, what may or

may not happen, etc.

But again, we can’t possibly know until it happens. All we can do to

properly under-stand what could become the bleakest future our

nation has ever faced is tease out some facts from the larger body of

fiction that ac-companies tales of EMP strikes.

Eventually, most of the vehicles disabled by an EMP attack will be

fixable. New battery cables and electronic systems will re-store most

vehicles to full operation. The real damage will come from the swift

unavailability of fuel.

Gasoline and diesel fuel will be in short supply within days. It’s not that

the tankers delivering fuel won’t get to the stations; some trucks will

keep running or be easily repaired after an EMP strike. It’s the sources

of the gasoline, if hit hard by EMP, that will find themselves unable to

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run the pumps that move the gas from the main storage tanks to the

tank trucks.

If there is a bright light on this situation, it’s that a solar storm will

probably have very little effect on vehicles. The wavelengths of the

pulses emitted by solar flares are too long to disrupt automobile

engines. However, a severe solar storm can still bring down the power

grid, and as the power grid goes, so goes the ability to pump fuel at a

gas station.

Your car is going to need gas eventually. So it is always a good idea to

keep your tank as full as possible so you have some mobility while the

emergency crews do what they can to get the juice running again.

Virtually all economic activity in the United States and other developed

countries de-pends on a functioning financial services industry. At its

core are information technology and networks without which the

industry cannot operate.

That is to say, when the power goes out, our money, for all in-tents and

purposes, disappears and becomes unreachable until the lights go back

on. And not just the small amounts of cash we have saved in our local

bank, but our investments, our 401(k) s, and our children’s college


The automation of the financial services industry has spurred the

growth of wealth, greatly increasing the amount of day-to-day


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In the 1970s, the New York Stock Exchange on an average day would

see 10 million shares traded. Today it’s 3 billion shares, involving a

global complex of millions of players. This rapid increase in financial

complexity has created a huge vulnerability.

The increasing dependence of the United States on an electronic

economy, so beneficial to the management and creation of wealth, also

increases U.S. vulnerability to an electromagnetic pulse (EMP) attack.

The nation’s emergency services are essential for maintaining law and

order and protecting property and public health and welfare. Citizens

rely on a prompt response when local fire, police, rescue, and EMT

services are needed. In turn, these local systems are backed up by

capabilities at the state level, such as state police and the National

Guard, with further backup provided by Homeland Security and its

Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA); the Department of

Justice (which includes the FBI, the Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and

Explosive Agency, and the Drug Enforcement Agency); and the Centers

for Disease Control and Prevention.

To give you some idea of the demand for emergency services, an

estimated 200 million-plus emergency calls are made to 911 a year.

More than 600,000 local law enforcement officers, a million

firefighters, and more than 170,000 emergency medical paramedics

respond to those calls across the nation.

Since 9/11, governments at all levels have focused on improving

emergency services and preparedness. But their focus has been almost

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universally on previous terrorist threats—like generals fighting the last

war. Little if any attention has been paid to EMP attacks, and most

every emergency service will be overwhelmed in the aftermath of an

EMP attack.

Police officers would be called upon to assist rescue workers in

removing people from immediate areas, direct automobiles, and

control the traffic jams that will presumably occur following a chaotic

event. In many cases, local police will be able to enforce at least a bare

minimum of law and order.

But that will not last, certainly not in urban areas. As we saw in the

aftermath of Hurricane Katrina in 2005, order broke down quickly.

Following an EMP attack, trucks and railway systems would be unable

to deliver food and water in a consistent and timely fashion. The

infrastructure needed to supply water, which is also dependent on

electricity, is vital for everyday life, not only to meet the needs of the

population, but also for agriculture and industry.

To support this demand, we have constructed an impressive national

array of some 75,000 dams and reservoirs; thousands of miles of pipes,

aqueducts, and water distribution and sewer lines; 170,000 water

treatment plants; and nearly 20,000 wastewater treatment facilities.

Treated water is delivered by high-lift pumps to a distribution system

through pipelines pressurized up to eighty pounds per square inch to

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consumers. The pumps also help maintain water levels in storage


And while some water systems have emergency power generators,

they would be dependent on the availability of the necessary fuel to

run them, inevitably diminishing performance. The generators could

stop altogether, depending on fuel availability and usage.

Large water treatment plants consume so much electricity that backup

generators are impractical and instead draw their electricity from local

power plants. If the electric power grid were taken out by an

electromagnetic pulse event, the water infrastructure would collapse,

“cutting off the water supply or poisoning the water supply with

chemicals and pathogens from wastewater.”9 Basically, if these

systems go down, water cannot be purified or delivered, and sewage

cannot be removed.

The food supply infrastructure in America relies heavily on electricity

and water. Water for crops in the growing fields is supplied by aquifers

and reservoirs through electric pumps, valves, and other machinery—

all requiring electricity.

Egg and poultry farms are mostly auto-mated—with feeding, watering,

and cooling systems all run by electronics. The same is true of large-

scale dairy operations—the milking of cattle will have to again be done

the old-fashioned way, by hand.

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Food processing facilities are also dependent on electricity to run the

machines that clean, sort, package, and can the various agricultural


Prior to distribution, meat and produce are kept in large, refrigerated

warehouses. Refrigerated trucks and trains take these perishable

products to market across the country, making food distribution highly

de-pendent on the transportation infrastructure.

It quickly becomes clear that there is an intricate system in place for

bringing food from field to table. And it all relies on electricity. What’s

more, this distribution system has become extremely precision-

oriented, thanks to computer modeling and just-in-time management.

Modern supermarkets can get by with carrying only one to three days

of supplies. They expect to be resupplied every few days by the

warehouses. Electronic databases keep track of inventories and

automatically send messages to sup-pliers to replace as needed. This

reduces the need for large on-site inventories. It also means that

supermarkets are highly vulnerable to an EMP attack.

Not only would the current supplies on the shelves be depleted within

hours by panicked buyers, but those stores with refrigeration units

would find their perishable foods spoiling within twenty-four hours of

an EMP event.

In the cities, many people keep only a little food in the house. More

often, they eat out. They would be most vulnerable. Families that stock

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up with weeks’ worth of food will fare better, of course, but without

refrigeration, most food is soon garbage.

More than 33 million Americans live in what the Department of

Agriculture calls “food-insecure households.”10 In the old days, we

called this poverty. These Americans cannot afford to adequately feed

their families now. In the aftermath of an EMP event, they would be

the most vulnerable and the most desperate.

In the blink of an eye, 313 million Americans could be sent back to a

much simpler time. The new normal would be a life turned upside

down, and exceedingly hard on the majority of the great nation’s

people, who are woefully unprepared for a rural lifestyle as it existed

more than 150 years ago.

Some estimates suggest that only about 10 percent of our population,

maybe 30 million people, EMP is one of a small number of threats that

can hold our society at risk of catastrophic consequences. EMP will

cover the wide geographic region within line of sight to the nuclear


It has the capability to produce significant damage to critical

infrastructures and thus to the very fabric of U.S. society, as well as to

the ability of the United States and Western nations to project

influence and military power

Political spin used to be confined to, well, politics. But today it seems to

suffuse every conversation about every issue

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Part II

Survival and Self Defense

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After the EMP

Immediately go to a meeting place you have agreed upon with your

family ahead of an attack.

Lock all doors to keep panicked neighbors out of your stores. It is

important to protect your goods.

Use your supplies sparingly during the first few days. Adjust rations

once the general outlook for your area is assessed.

The first year will be a time of savagery, darkness and desperation

unprecedented in human history. Within a few days after water has

stopped flowing and the last scraps of food have been consumed, the

cities will have largely become ghost towns. Entire populations will

have fled to the countryside in search of food, water and comfort.

Millions upon millions of desperate, starving people will become like

swarms of 17-year locusts, but with intelligence, cunning and malice. All

pretense of civility will have been discarded and three-week survivors

will appear and act very much like “zombies” depicted in recent “B”

grade movies.

It will be ugly beyond imagination and challenging almost beyond

endurance. The only people who will survive until some kind of order is

restored, some level of commerce resumes and whatever “normal”

becomes, will be those who were prepared, and hard-headedly willing,

to survive.

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Preparation Is Essential

How does one prepare for a complete collapse of the country’s

infrastructure? The first step is being aware that it can happen. You

must have a survival food supply, water and medical supplies. You must

also realize there would not be electricity, safe drinking water, any type

of commerce and travel by motor vehicles would be extremely limited

if not impossible.

Most motor vehicles would be rendered inoperative by the EMP attack

or solar flares, which would likely destroy the vehicle’s computer and

electrical system. Your city’s water treatment plant would be

inoperative and any machinery or systems that rely on electricity or

computers would be useless. You would essentially be thrown 150

years into the past.

The best defense for an EMP attack or major solar flares is proper

preparation. Your survival food and water supply must be such it will

not spoil, is easy to transport and can consumed without a lot of

preparation. It is recommended you use a dehydrated survival food

supply. Typically, the preparation only requires hot water and the foods

are easily carried. You simply cannot carry enough canned foods

because of the weight and volume. Perishable foods are out of the

question for the most part because; you can become sick from bacteria

growth. Spoiled foods will attract pests and four legged predators, as


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Store Your Supplies

Your survival food supply should not be stored in one location. You will

also need medical supplies, water and or the means to purify water.

Storing all your survival equipment in one place can be dangerous. Your

home or storage structure may be destroyed or it may become the

target of looters.

You should cache your supplies at various locations. Keep in mind when

caching that GPS systems will not work, so you must learn the basics of

land navigation. Learn how to use a compass and map to bury and

locate your supplies.

Your basic survival kit should include, medical supplies, the means to

purify water, fire starting tools, compass and maps of the area and of

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prospective staging areas. The list of course is not comprehensive; you

must adapt it for your situation. Every member of the group should

have a backpack with the listed items.

This ensures that if someone is separated from the group, they have

the means to survive. Ensure everyone knows how to use their

equipment, and has trained until they have become proficient in their


Virtually any food can be dehydrated and packaged for long-term shelf

life. The last thing you need to worry about during a crisis such as an

EMP attack is whether your survival food supply will spoil before you

can eat it. You should have a dehydrated survival food supply on hand

at all times. The food can be stored safely for years without

refrigeration, and because all of the moisture is removed, it is lighter

than most food supplies.

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Water Supply

Next to oxygen, water is the most vitally important substance in the

body. Your existence on earth depends on WATER!

This magical liquid helps you every day to enjoy a more vital, joyous and

prolonged life on our precious earth!

Water shapes the earth, controls the climate and provides man with

food and a prodigious amount of energy. The body is 70% water, which

is the source of all life. Water performs and supports the internal body

functions of humans, animals and

maintains plant life!

We need to know about sourcing,

storing and purifying water, to be able

to survive any emergency. Without it,

our lives are in danger.

Sourcing water

Not everyone is lucky enough to have a

good water source nearby, but

sourcing water is not as difficult as you

might think.

Here are some sources of water:

• Rivers, ponds, streams, lakes

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• Rainwater collection system

• Underground water collection system

• Swimming pools

Anyone can set up rainwater and underground collection systems on

their property. If you do not have a river or similar water source on

your property, but there is one nearby, this is an option. You will need a

way to get the water from the source to your home, such as

transporting it in buckets or barrels.

Rainwater Collection

A basic rainwater collection system can be put in place quickly and

easily. Simply redirect one your rainspouts to a barrel or other

collection container. Obviously, the larger the container, the more

water you will be able to collect.

There are systems available that will allow you to collect

rainwater in large underground tanks. A more basic option is

collecting the water in barrels.

In this case, you want to have several barrels on hand so that you

can remove a full barrel and replace it with an empty barrel

during a good rain. This will allow you to collect as much

rainwater as possible.

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Underground Water Collection

An underground water collection system will not yield a large

amount of water, but during a crisis, every drop of water counts.

This is especially true if you did not manage to have sufficient

water in your water storage.

Typically, an underground water collection will give you about a

quart per day. Setting one up is easy, and can be completed with

items that you probably have around your home.

Select a low-lying space on your property. The spot should also

get a good amount of sun during the day.

Dig a hole that is roughly 15 inches deep. If your hole is not 15

inches, you are not likely to collect any water. The hole should be

in a bowl shape.

Place a container in the center of the hole. A small container will

suffice, considering the small amount of water that you can


Cover the hole and the container with plastic sheeting, such as a

tarp and secure using heavy rocks placed around the perimeter.

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The next day, you should be able to return to your collection

system and find some water in your container. This works by

directing the

condensation to the

container. You can

collect more than a

quart per day using this

method by setting up

several collection sites

on your property.

As is the case with all

sourced water, you will need to treat the water before drinking.

Water collected through an underground collection system may

contain high levels of bacteria, so be sure to treat using a quality


During a true survival situation, you will need to get water anywhere

that you can. In addition to the sources listed above, here are some

other methods of finding water that survivalists keep in mind for those

times when all else fails:

Cactus: If you live in an area where cacti grow, it is important that you

become familiar with the different types. The water found in some cacti

is poisonous, so make sure you learn which types are safe to drink


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Try cutting a cacti, and if the water that comes out of it is milky, than

you should avoid it, as it is surely poisonous. Usually, a cactus that has a

barrel form is safe and has drinkable liquids that it saves for its own


Hot water heater: Keep a hose or pump in your emergency supplies

that will allow you to access the water stored inside of your hot water


Urine: In extreme situations, you can drink urine when no other water

is available. If this is necessary, you should drink the urine right away

and not allow it to sit around. This is to prevent bacteria from growing.

If you have a high quality filter, use it to clean the urine as much as

possible before drinking.

Swimming pools: Swimming pools were mentioned above. If you have

a swimming pool on your property, you should be sure to get a filter

that can treat chlorinated water. This will ensure that using your pool

water will be an option during a water crisis.

Bad water diseases

Diseases from water make one of the greatest threats to survival, if not

the greatest, immediately following injuries, cold and man! Among

them, we find Dysentery, Cholera, Typhoid, and Douves.

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This sickness causes general diarrhea, painful and of long duration with

bloody stools and weakness. If you think, you suffer it, eat frequently

and drink, if possible, coconut milk and boiled water. As for coconut

milk being a laxative, drink only a small amount. Boiled rice is strongly

recommended as food during this


Cholera and typhoid

Even with vaccine, you are

vulnerable to these diseases if

proper care is not taken of water

drinking habits.


They abound in stagnant and

polluted water especially in the Tropics. When you swallow them, they

infiltrate the blood causing severe sickness and often death. These

parasite worms penetrate the body even through the skin. Do not walk

or bathe in contaminated waters. Nowhere does the addition of liquor

to ice or water rid either of germs. (Germs keep well in ice; they do not


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Leeches and how to get rid of them

The small leeches abound most particularly in water streams of Africa.

When swallowed, they cling to throat and nose passages. They suck the

blood and cause wounds. These parasites move and each time they do,

they cause new open wounds, which leads the way to infection.

Clean your nose as quickly as possible by sniffing very salted water or

remove the leeches with improvised tweezers or with the heat from a

cigarette. Another old jungle trick is to rub salt on them, which will

make them leave.

Deadly hazards of fluoridated water

41/50 largest cities in the U.S. have fluoride, a deadly hazardous waste,

in their water.

Millions of gallons of this deadly poison are doing irreparable damage

by mass medicating everyone who drinks fluoridated water.

Let’s get this toxic chemical out of America’s water supply!

If the water in your area is fluoridated, join or start action groups to

remove this dangerous chemical now to save yourself, your family and

the lives of future generations!

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Digestive system disorders: Ulcers, colitis, constipation, nausea,

cirrhosis, hepatitis and inability to utilize vitamins B and C.

Kidney, bladder and urinary disorders.

Respiratory and lung disorders: Tuberculosis, asthma, rhinitis,

sinusitis and bronchitis. Circulatory diseases: Arteriosclerosis,

heart failure, varicose veins, coronary thrombosis, hypotension

and hypertension.

Blood conditions: Leukemia, hemophilia and anemia.

Mental and neurological impairments and disorders: Alzheimer’s,

neuroses, psychoses, A.D.D. & multiple sclerosis.

Eye diseases: Cataracts, vision problems, glaucoma and detached


Endocrine dysfunctions:

Diabetes, goiter, and

impaired function of the

adrenal, thyroid and sex


Skin, nail and hair

conditions: Acne, boils,

dermatitis, eczema,

alopecia and lupus.

Bone and joint conditions:

Osteoporosis, bone cancer,

arthritis and aching joints.

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Teeth and gum diseases: Mottled and darkened teeth, calcium

and bone loss.

Premature and stillbirths, hearing loss and headaches.

CANCER in all its forms, as well as benign tumors.

Ways to purify water

Turning the faucet is so easy, but learning the threats that can come

from this simple action are most of the times ignored. While it is not

possible to secure all the supply sources, the security around water

treatment facilities is often quite high.

The terrorists would easily be able to taint the water bound for the

homes of tens of thousands– or even millions – of people. Other

threats include a failure of the electrical grid, a natural disaster

that caused severe flooding or an accident at the water treatment

facility that damaged vital equipment.

Many things can go wrong at the water treatment plant level.

Yes, there is increased security, but security is not foolproof and,

obviously, security cannot prevent accidents and natural disasters.

Besides boiling, which is the safest method for purifying water; here are

other ways to do this:

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1. Alum. If water is muddy, floating clay particles can be settled out

by adding a pinch of alum. This, however, requires at least 12 hours

waiting and lots of wood!

Polluted or dirty water can be filtered by straining through closely

woven garments such as a felt hat or a pair of thick drill trousers.

This will remove sediments only, not purify.

Let it rest during 12 hours. Let it circulate inside a bamboo stick or

other tube measuring 1 yard, filled with sand and the end packed with


Then pour water through a cloth filled with sand which filters the mud.

Boil that water afterward for a minimum of 10 minutes.

2. Filtration. Water can be cleared by filtration, although this

process will neither affect any dissolved minerals nor ensure purity.

Water is polluted by animal and mineral matter rather than by

discoloring vegetable substances such as grass roots and dead


The first two can’t be removed with any sureness by ordinary filtering.

This filter is to clear water by straining it through solid material.

In sandy areas, a “natural” filter can be made by scooping a hole a few

feet from the source of supply and letting the water seep into it.

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3. Hot stones. Polluted water can be sterilized by adding hot stones

to the water in the filter. The water will soon boil becoming sterile and

safe drink.

In areas where there is the likelihood of water being unsanitary (near

cities or villages), it is always safer to boil it before drinking or add a

pinch of chloride of lime.

Water which is very muddy,

dirty or stagnant can be clarified

through a good filter made from

a pair of drill trousers with one

leg turned inside out and put

inside the other leg. The cuff is

tied and the upper part held

open by 3 stakes driven well into

the ground.

Fill with the dirty water and then drop in the hot stones.

The water will filter through and MUST be captured in a container and

poured back until the dirt has been filtered. Boil the water at least 10


Remember, just moistening your lips with polluted water can make you

sick for days; it can even kill you.

4. Chemical. One can buy the chemicals at most sporting goods and

drug stores. Since their purifying action depends upon the release of

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chlorine gas, the tablets should be fresh and the container kept tightly

closed, its contents dry.

Two tabs of Iodine will ordinarily make a quart of water safe for human

consumption in 1/2 hour.

If the water is muddy or its

integrity seems particularly

questionable, it is good insurance

to double at least the amount of

Halazone and standing time to be


Care must be taken with chemical

purifiers to disinfect all points of

contact with the container, so that

the sterilized water will not be

easily infected.

If a jar or canteen is being used

together with Iodine, replace the cover loosely and wait 30 minutes so

the tablets can dissolve. Then shake the contents thoroughly, allowing

some of the water to spill out over the top and lips of the holder.

Tighten the cover and leave it that way for the time required before

using any of the water.

Chlorine in some form is regarded as the most dependable disinfectant

for drinking water. When introduced in proper quantities, it destroys

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any existing organisms. For as long as enough remains in the water, it

prevents recurring contamination. It is better to err moderately on the

side of over-dosage than not enough.

Emergency chlorinating done in 3 simple steps:

1) Dissolve one heaping tablespoon of chloride of lime in 8 quarts of


2) Add one part of this solution to 100 parts of the water to be


3) Wait at least 30 minutes before using. The stock solution must be

kept tightly corked in a cool, dark place and even then, it should be

frequently renewed.

Tincture of iodine can be used as an emergency purifier. A drop of this

fresh antiseptic, mixed thoroughly with one quart of water in the same

manner as the old Halazone pills, will generally make the water

drinkable in 30 minutes. Double the quantity, if it is needed.

Iodine is a chlorine-releasing compound that cannot be relied upon in

semi-tropical and tropical areas.

Water in those regions must be sterilized either by boiling or by iodine

water purification tablets containing the active ingredient Tetra-glycine-


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These measures have been adopted as standard by the armed services

of the USA. These tablets have been proved effective against all the

common water-borne bacteria.

Added to water each tablet frees 8 milligrams of iodine, which act as a

water purification factor. One tablet will purify one quart of water.

These tablets too must be kept dry. The bottle must be recapped tightly

after opening.

Add one tablet to a quart of water in container with cap.

Wait 3 minutes.

Shake water thoroughly, allowing a little water to leak out and

disinfect the screw threads before tightening the cap.

Wait 10 minutes before drinking or adding beverage powders and

if water is very cold, wait 20 minutes.

If water contains decaying vegetation or is murky and discolored,

use 2 tablets for every one quart.

Make certain that the iodine disinfects any part of the container,

which will be exposed to your lips.

Other chemicals to sterilize water

JAVEL: Add 5 drops of Javel per 4.5 liters of water never pass that

dosage. Its drawback is that water tastes acidic.

"Permanganate de Potasse": Drop a piece of it in the water in a way

that the water is hardly tainted and wait 1 hour before drinking.

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In South America, people purify water ponds with copper sulphate 1

million parts to one part of water.


Keeping quality water filters in your emergency supplies is essential.

A number of filters are available and some are much more effective

than others are. It is very important that you research the specific filter

that you are considering. Some of the features that you need to

understand are listed below.

• Capacity

• What types of particulates will be


• How much replaced filters or media


For any filters that you have in your

supplies, be sure to also keep several

replacement filters as well.


Distillers purify water by turning it into a vapor, separating it from

impurities and then turning the vapors back into liquid form.

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The best way to treat water involves using both a filter AND a

distiller. Note that some filters and distillers will require electricity

in order to operate.

If yours does, you should also have a back-up filter on hand that

does not require power. That way if the power is out, you will still

have a way to treat your water.

Storing water

You will need to decide how much water you need to store based

on the size of your family and the number of days’ worth of water

that you want to store.

It is recommended that you store a minimum of one gallon of

water per person per day. While this is enough to sustain you, you

may want to consider storing two gallons per person per day. This

will allow not only plenty of water for drinking, but also for

hygiene, cooking and other uses.

You also need to keep enough water to care for pets or barnyard

animals that you have on your property. This could significantly

increase the amount of water that you need based on the number

and types of animals.

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Storing water in everyday plastic containers is not smart. It’s even

worse if those containers once held milk or juice or any other liquid.

No matter how much you wash or rinse out a plastic jug or bottle, you

can’t get rid of all it

once contained, and

over time those

substances will leach

off the inside wall of

the container and into

your water.

What’s more, bacteria

and all sorts of

unsavory microscopic

critters will most likely

have spawned and

grown from those invisible traces of milk or juice.

No, you want your stored water to be as pure as possible. That also

means staying away from anything that once contained soda or soft

drink syrups. (I hope I don’t have to mention that you should NEVER

store water in any container that once held gasoline, coolant,

pesticides, or other poisons.)

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Make certain that whatever container you decide to you buy is

certified BPA free and suitable for drinking water. The 10-gallon

container is one of my favorites and I totally recommend it.

Moreover, stay away from the collapsible camping jug, except for water

you’re planning to use right away, like on a camping trip. The

collapsible jug is a great invention, but you’re not going to store your

water collapsed, and besides it’s not sturdy enough for long term

storage anyway.

Also, don’t store water long term in metal containers. BPA free plastic is


You can’t just store your water in any old container, leave it down in

the basement, and forget about it. You aren’t going to want to hear

this, but your stored water must be replaced about every six months.

That means you’ll want to make it as easy as possible to get at your

water and you want your water stored in containers that are relatively

easy to carry.

Now, it’s time to fill those containers.

You want your stored water to be as pure as it possibly can be

going in, and the first mistake many people make is filling their

containers from the garden hose.

A garden hose is the last thing you want to run your water

through just before leaving it to sit in the basement month after

month. If you fill your container from a garden hose, you’ll be

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storing tiny amounts of poisons and carcinogens along with your


What you need is a hose specifically

intended to run drinking water

through, the kind RV drivers use to fill

their drinking water tanks. You can

find them at any RV dealership. Make

certain the hose you buy is labeled

for use with drinking water. It will

probably be whitish and thinner than

the standard garden hose, but have

regular connections on each end so it

can attach easily to your outside faucet just like a garden hose.

You’ll also want to get a water filter that attaches to that hose so

your water will be as pure as possible. Yes, you’ll filter your water

again when you’re ready to consume it, but it’s also important to

filter the water as it’s going in because municipal water contains

loads of contaminants.

Again, we can thank the RV industry for coming up with

something that didn’t exist back when our parents were storing

their water supply. You can find several brands of these handy

water filters at RV stores.

Again, Wal-Mart carries one in their RV department for $17.97,

but there are several models available elsewhere, so look around

until you find one you like. You can spend a lot of money on a

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filter that’s as hefty as one of those under-sink units, but that isn’t

really necessary.

You’ll want your hose filter to have a carbon core so it resists

bacteria when you’re storing the filter itself, and you’ll want it to

be rated for filtering metals and contaminants out of the

municipal water, including the chlorine.

This RV water filter will attach directly to the RV hose, and it

should come with another small length of hose that’s designed to

attach to the faucet. Since you aren’t filling an RV, you can attach

that short piece to the other end of the filter and aim it right into

your container.

Run water through your hose for a minute or so to clear out any

dust and whatnot. Then before you fill your container with water,

it’s probably not a bad idea to rinse the container out first to

remove any residue left over from the manufacturing process.

You can give it a quick hosing out before you attach the filter to

the hose—no sense getting all obsessive about it. Tip it upside

down to drain out the tap water, and you’re good to go.

There will probably be rubber stoppers on each end of the filter.

Take those off but don’t discard them. You’ll want to put them

back on when storing the filter. Attach the hose to the bottom

end and the short piece to the top (make certain you check the

instructions so you know which way the flow is supposed to go).

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Then run the water through for about a minute just to flush the

loose carbon powder out of the filter.

When you’re ready to fill your container, you don’t want the

water on full force. This type of filter works best when the water

is going through at a slow to moderate rate. About a gallon, a

minute is about right. If the flow is too hard and fast, these filters

won’t clean the water as effectively.

When your container is about half full, turn off the hose because

this is where you add your bleach. I know it seems odd to be

adding chlorine bleach to the water, especially right after you’ve

been trying to filter most of the chlorine out of your water, but

this step is imperative.

Still water can be a breeding ground for bacteria. Even the

smallest trace can grow and expand throughout, contaminating

your entire supply. Therefore, to prevent the growth of bacteria

and algae, you’re going to have to add a few drops of chlorine

bleach. But just a few drops.

Don’t think you can just reach under the sink and grab that old

bottle of Clorox that’s been under there all your life. Chlorine

bleach has a shelf life of only a year; after six months, it begins to

degrade about 20% a month, so you’re going to have to schlep

back to the store and pick up a brand spanking new bottle of the


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We’re talking regular Clorox or Purex bleach. DO NOT use one

that has perfume or dyes or detergents or any of the new

variations of the product. You want just simple basic liquid bleach.

The cheap stuff.

The best way to mix it is to take an eyedropper

and put 5-8 drops in your container for every

gallon it holds. That comes out to just a little

less than 1/8 teaspoon per gallon.

MORE IS NOT BETTER! Drinking chlorine is not

very good for you, so we’re only going to use

enough to retard the growth of the algae and

bacteria. You have to do this, but you don’t

have to overdo it.

The reason I suggest adding the chlorine at the

halfway point is because you want to shake it up and get that stuff

mixed thoroughly into the water, and a seven gallon container can

get awful heavy near the end.

Water weighs around eight pounds per gallon, so if you’re using

the seven gallon container, that thing is going to weigh about 56

pounds by the time you’re finished. You can stop filling every so

often and put your drops of bleach in as you go if you want, but

don’t lose track of how often you’ve been adding bleach. You

don’t want too much or too little.

Anyway, measure your chlorine bleach carefully, don’t overdo it

(better to under-do it slightly) and shake it up good. Then finish

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filling almost to the top, cap it, then shake it up more as best you

can to get that chlorine well distributed. Rock the jug back and

forth a bit or roll it around on the grass if that’s the best you can

do once it is full.

Don’t obsess about being too thorough; if you do a halfway

decent job of mixing it, the chlorine will disburse nicely enough.

Now take the cap off and fill your container up the rest of the

way, all the way to the top. You want the least bit of empty space

because algae like to form at the top of water. (Don’t worry,

though. There’s not much chance of that happening, what with

the Clorox and all. We’re just taking all necessary precautions.)

Now screw the cap on tight, and you’re done.

Now that you know what you’re doing, your next batch will be quick

and easy. Just remember that if any time at all has gone by since

your last fill up, you should run water through the filter and onto the

grass for about ten to fifteen seconds just to make certain that any

bacteria that may be hiding in there doesn’t make it into your

drinking water.

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Food Supply

Having food prepared for an emergency may seem farfetched to most

people. What are the odds of having no food available?

Well, with the climate change constantly threatening our

planet, anything you thought was impossible is now possible.

Minnesota is well known for its numerous weather disasters. Many

years ago, when the boys were little and I had almost zero survival

knowledge, a severe winter storm struck our area. And I’m not talking

about a moderate snow fall over a few hours. NO! I mean blizzard with

blinding, wind-driven snow, dangerously low temperatures, ice-cold,

freezing rain that lasted for about three weeks.

Of course, the power and communication services were down, the road

was blocked and the entire region was immobilized.

Luckily, our home is equipped with a fireplace that kept us warm, but

our main problem was food. We had some in the fridge, but other than

that, just snacks and crackers.

Completely unprepared!

We tried to portion what we

had, but I was very optimistic

that help would come soon.

We weren't really worried.

Not until our youngest kid

suddenly got sick. Vomit,

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diarrhea, fever, stomach burn! We tried everything: meds as well as

herbal. Nothing worked! He needed food, healthy food, to recover.

It was a nightmare and at some point, we did not know what to do

anymore! We were trapped and unprepared! After three days, help

was finally there and our boy got to a doctor.

It seemed like a miracle, but for me, it was a tough lesson to learn. Now

we have enough and proper food stored, not only for a disaster, but

also for a potential food crisis that might affect our country.

Hoarding – The Whole Nine Yards

The worst scenario for you and your family is to end up on the streets,

begging for food. You could go this way for years, just relying on

people’s mercy. You would lose everything and even your dignity while

you stand in a government breadline. You can avoid this situation by

storing food at low prices in time before the crisis hits.

When you store food, water, and other

items to supply your household for

significant periods of time (more than one

month), the packaging, preservation, and

nutritive quality of your food is vitally


You can purchase specialty prepackaged

bulk foods from preparedness/survival

suppliers, or package your own foods. I

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suggest you store a significant variety of

foods preserved by a variety of methods.

Most long-term storage programs stress

wheat storage, because properly stored

wheat has an indefinite shelf life. Some

wheat discovered in the pyramids was

found to be viable after thousands of


Brown rice, on the other hand, has a

typical shelf life of six months to one

year, which may be extended to two to three years with proper

packaging and storage.

Whole grains last much longer than grains ground into flour, because

finely ground particles have far more surface area for oxidation

(degradation). A grain mill, preferably hand cranked is useful for turning

your stored grain into flour, as it is required.

Stored whole grains may be sprouted to give you the nutritive value of

fresh, "live" food. Most whole grains and beans can be sprouted. The

sprouting process converts proteins in the seeds into different essential

amino acids and dramatically increases their vitamin content.

For example, sprouted soybeans have 700% more vitamin C than the

dry beans. Vitamin C is a natural detoxifier, destroying damaging toxins

in the body. It is essential for helping the body maintain an effective

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immune system and for preventing deficiency conditions, such as


Whole grains contain oils that can go rancid unless stored properly, but

a pound of dry grains or beans will contain many times the calories of a

typical pound of canned foods.

Canned fruits and vegetables are expensive and a 12-week supply

would take up a lot of room.

While dried fruits and vegetables would be a more compact alternative,

many canned foods do have the advantage of providing syrups or

juices, which can be a significant source of water, if you are

experiencing scarcity. If you have access to a source of water, however,

it makes better sense to use dehydrated foods.

Not many people know this, but traditional high-heat canning

processes destroy 60% to 80% of the food's nutritive value, but low-

heat dehydration results in a loss of only about 10%.

Each pound of dehydrated fruits or vegetables is equivalent to 10 to 12

pounds of fresh, canned, or frozen produce.

Teach your kids to eat oatmeal and cornmeal mush, at least

occasionally. Maybe you could store 2 weeks of “regular life” foods, and

then 2 more weeks of the “bare bones” items, and see how it goes from

there? Use the “bare bones” food on a regular basis to help you save

money for additional items.

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Remember, there’s no downside to having kids who eat cheaper food.

If you are only storing 2 weeks of food, the extra bulk and expense may

not be an issue, but if you are aiming for 12 weeks, you will run into

serious cost and storage issues with ready-to-eat foods.

Food Storage Tips

The main culprits responsible for destroying your food stores are time,

moisture, heat, oxygen, mold, and pests. Poor food selection and

improper packaging can compound the problem.

Time is always working against you. Try to store what you

normally eat, so you can rotate stocks.

Do not store dented cans or other goods with damaged

packaging. Molds can

grow in low-moisture

environments and are

extremely toxic.

Do not eat moldy foods

or food from bulging


Keep stored foods cool,

clean, dark, and dry. Try

to keep them below

70°F. The optimum storage for most non-frozen foods is 35 to

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40°F. Shelf life decreases by 50% for each 20-degree increase,

even for canned foods.

Moisture, food, oxygen, and above-freezing temperatures are the

key ingredients insects need to grow.

A few bug eggs, once they hatch, can rapidly destroy a sealed container

of dry food, if they have an adequate supply of oxygen and moisture.

Sunlight also contributes to the degradation of many stored foods.

Store foods in containers of manageable size. If you are packaging

food yourself, I recommend cans (approximately 1 gallon) or the

5- gallon size. Garbage cans will not keep critters out without

airtight liners. They are heavy to move, and you risk losing large

amounts of food from a single contamination.

Commercial foods are generally free of pests, but paper packaging

will not keep pests out for long. All goods packaged in paper, or

other flimsy materials, must be repackaged for long-term storage.

Mice, rats, cockroaches and beetles are "dirty" pests that carry

diseases. The foods they have spoiled should be discarded.

Weevils, found in many flours and grains, are "clean" pests

and are not harmful if consumed.

You can freeze containers of food to destroy living insects, but this

will not usually kill their eggs. Refreeze the container after 30 days

to destroy bugs that have hatched. Freeze in an upright or chest

freezer (not the freezer section of a standard kitchen refrigerator)

for 72 hours at 0°F or lower.

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You can heat dry food in an oven to destroy living insects, but this

method may also kill "live" food. Pour infested foods into shallow

pans and bake for 15 to 20 minutes at 150°F.

Do not store food containers directly on concrete floors, due to

moisture wicking from the floor. Stack on wood slats for

ventilation and reduced moisture.

Use dry ice, vacuum packaging, oxygen absorbers, or nitrogen

packaging to reduce oxygen levels, kill pests, and increase the

longevity of stored dry foods. You can package foods yourself

using these methods (except for nitrogen packing, which requires

commercial equipment), or purchase prepackaged foods from

preparedness/survival suppliers.

You can dust grains, legumes, and so on with diatomaceous earth

to kill bugs when they try to eat your stored food. Diatomaceous

earth, available from most garden supply, hardware centers, and

building supply stores, is deadly to bugs but nontoxic for humans

and animals.

It is a good source of silica (helpful for mending bones and joints)

and is formed from the shells of single-celled diatoms.

These diatom skeletons contain microscopic sharp edges, which

wreak havoc with little critters' insides, but have no harmful

effects on humans'. Insert VA cups of diatomaceous earth for

each 5 gallons of food, then shake, stir, and roll the container until

all the contents are thoroughly dusted. Diatomaceous earth is

easily rinsed from stored food prior to cooking.

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7 Big Mistakes of food storage

1. Variety- Most people don't have enough variety in their storage.

95% of the people I've worked with have only stored the 4 basic

items: wheat, milk, honey, and salt.

Statistics show most of us won’t survive on such a diet for several


a) Many people are allergic to wheat and may not be aware of it until

they are eating it meal after meal.

b) Wheat is too harsh for young children. They can tolerate it in small

amounts but not as their main staple.

c) We get tired of eating the same

foods over and over and many

times prefer to not eat, then to

sample that particular food again.

This is called appetite fatigue.

Young children and older people

are particularly susceptible to it.

Store less wheat than is generally

suggested and put the difference

into a variety of other grains, particular ones your family likes to eat.

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2. Extended Staples- Few people get beyond storing the four basic

items but it’s extremely important that you do so. Never put all your

eggs in one basket. Store dehydrated and/or freeze dried foods as well

as home canned and store bought canned goods. Make sure you add

cooking oil, shortening, baking powder, soda, yeast and powdered eggs.

You can’t cook even the most basic recipes without these items.

3. Vitamins- Vitamins are important, especially if you have children,

since children do not store body reserves of nutrients as adults do. A

good quality multi-vitamin and vitamin C are the most vital. Others

might be added as your budget permits.

4. Quick and Easy and Psychological Foods- Quick and easy foods help

you through times when you are psychologically or physically unable to

prepare your basic storage items. “No cook foods” such as freeze-dried

are wonderful since they require little preparation. Psychological Foods

are the goodies - Jell-O, pudding, candy, etc. - you should add to your


5. Balance- Time and time again I've seen families buy all of their

wheat, then buy all of another item and so on. Don't do that. It’s

important to keep well-balanced as you build your storage. Buy several

items, rather than a large quantity of one item.

6. Containers - Always store your bulk foods in food storage containers.

I have seen literally tons and tons of food thrown away because they

were left in sacks, where they became highly susceptible to moisture,

insects, and rodents. If you are using plastic buckets, make sure they

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are lined with a food grade plastic liner available from companies that

carry packaging supplies.

7. Liners. Never use trashcan liners as these are treated with pesticides.

Don't stack them too high. In an earthquake, they may topple, the lids

pop open, or they may crack. A better container is the #10 tin can,

which most preparedness companies use when they package their


How to treat food during the power outage

At a bare minimum, you will need a backup way to boil water and fry

food in a frying pan. Unless you have solar panels, which by the way, is

the best way to go, you can check out the various propane, kerosene

and wood stoves that are out there. Some are safe (or safer) for indoor


If you live in an apartment building, your options are probably more

limited. It may be you could (quietly, surreptitiously, and VERY

carefully) operate a small camp stove indoors under close supervision –

or you could use something on your balcony or outdoor stairwell.

To conserve whatever fuel you have and make it last longer, you can

cook using a simple thermal or hay box cooker, which works just like a

crock-pot only without needing electricity. A thermal cooker can be

constructed extremely simply.

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Use a heavy pot with a lid. Cast iron works great – you want a heavy pot

that you can use on top of your stove. The heavier it is, the better it will

retain the heat. You can find complicated directions for making your

own hay box cooker online, but here is a very simple way I have found

that works just as well:

Boil your water or cook your food (rice, beans, whatever) over

your propane camp stove or Eclogue can + stove for about 10

minutes; then remove the pot from the heat source. With the lid

on and quickly wrap the pot in a blanket. I use a regular fleece

blanket that I have around the house.

Finally, wrap the wrapped pot in either aluminum foil or in one of

those emergency foil blankets you can get at any emergency

supply store or at the dollar store. Keep the whole thing

somewhere relatively warm and out of a draft (I use my non-

working oven!) for about 4 to 6 hours.

The blanket plus foil wrapper will serve as insulation and will keep

the pot of food cooking just as a crock-pot does.

If you live where it is ever sunny, including the northern parts of the

USA in the spring to fall months, you may be able to cook using a solar

oven – if you have access to about 2 to 4 hours of direct sun per day,

perhaps on the roof of your apartment building.

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Basic Survival Cooking

A person can survive indefinitely opening cold cans of beans for meals,

but it wouldn’t be a very satisfying existence. In times of crisis, a hot

meal goes a long way toward soothing the day’s troubles. The simplest

way to heat a meal is the Boy Scout method: a couple of bricks or rocks

set around a small outdoor fire, with the bean can over the flames. It’s

low cost, and it works.

However, the cook doesn’t have much control over the outcome.

Outdoor cooking of all kinds, including grilling and barbecuing, all

work during emergency situations, provided you have the

charcoal or wood (and matches!) needed to get the heat going.

These are familiar methods; too, so family members don’t have to

make a huge leap to accept these foods. It’s difficult to cook much

more than meats and a few firm vegetables over open heat like

this, though. Also, never use these devices in a confined space, as

they emit carbon monoxide.

“Campfire” cooking can lend itself to some baking, if you also

have a cast iron Dutch oven—a large, heavy, cast iron covered

pot. Place a well-kneaded pound of bread dough into a heavily

greased or oiled Dutch oven and put the cover in position. Make a

whole or pot-sized well in the ash near the fire, and line this with

glowing coals.

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Put about an inch of ash over the coals, and place the Dutch oven

into this. Now, pile about an inch of hot ash around the oven and

cover with glowing coals, then another layer of ash to keep the

heat in. Uncover and check, your bread in about 35 minutes, it

should be done.

Propane and butane camp stoves are so much like ordinary home

stoves that there is no difference in the cooking results. Portable

RV 2-burner propane stoves are often available used— mine cost

$5 at a garage sale—and can even do pressure canning because

the heat is consistent and reliable.

A typical 18-gallon propane cylinder, the kind used for barbeques,

costs around $30 new, and a propane fillip is about $7. This will

last for nearly a month of daily use. You’ll also need a feeder hose

and pressure regulator for the stove, which can be prepared by

your propane dealer for $20 or so.

Butane stoves are also portable and run off of a cylinder of the

same kind of butane that is used in cigarette lighters. These stoves

are $80-90 new, and cylinders are $5 and last for 8 hours of


General Camp stoves (around $65 at department stores) operate

on “stove fuel” (basically, propane in a small 1-pound cylinder -

$3). A cylinder lasts for around 8 hours of cooking. You can also

find camp stoves that will cook off of unleaded gasoline, and

there are some that are “multi-fuel,” using either kerosene or

gasoline—handy in case of a shortage of one fuel or the other.

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Use outdoors or on a covered porch to prevent carbon monoxide

buildup in your home.

Solar cooking is another option, if you have plenty of

unobstructed sunlight and someone who is willing to adjust the

cooker to face the sun every half hour or so. A solar oven need be

no more fancy than a set of nested cardboard boxes painted flat

black on the inside with tempura colors, a sheet of window glass,

and some aluminum foil glued to cardboard panels. Total cost for

this, if you can scrounge leftover glass and cardboard, is about $1.

Place your food in a covered lightweight pan inside the box, prop

it so the entire interior is exposed to the sunlight (about a 45-

degree angle), cover with the sheet of glass (and tape the glass so

it won’t slide), then prop the aluminum foil panels so that they

reflect more sunlight down into the box. Move the box every 30

minutes so it maintains an even temperature. It will get hot fast,

easily up to 325 degrees, and hold the heat as long as it faces the


Remember to use potholders when removing your foods! Our first

solar oven had a black plastic trash bag as a heat absorbing inner

surface; it worked superbly until the plastic actually melted.

Bartering your resources

Every crisis has its own benefits, as crazy as that sounds. There have

been many cases recorded in recent history, when the individuals who

were quicker made generous profits by amassing large quantities of

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resources. They would then trade them for money with the ones who

had less.

You, too, can trade your stored food and water at a higher price than

the one you paid for. This is called bartering, and it simply states that

you can trade resources for other benefits, or even money, as long as

you hold a monopoly or a higher quantity of goods.

As soon as the crisis will hit, many of your neighbors will find

themselves unprepared. By following the instructions in this course,

you will not be faced with that problem. As days will go by, they will run

out of the most usual goods, such as potable water or coffee. That will

be a perfect time for you to exercise your advantage and your

negotiation skills altogether.

You could sell food or water for large amounts of money. On the other

hand, if the value of money is not that important anymore, you can

trade the goods for electrical equipment, gasoline, appliances or even


Your kitchen, your rules

You may not be aware of this, but everyone can be a natural cheese-

maker or artisan baker with little effort. You just need the “know how”

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instructions and a little enthusiasm. I can give you the first part and I’ll

let you take care of the second.

The kitchen is the heart of many homes. It’s where you start the day by

having your cup of coffee and where you enjoy family meals. But it’s

also where you use your energy to prepare fresh and high-quality food

for your loved ones. In order to do that, you need to get organized and

always keep the place clean.

The first step to creating an eco-friendly kitchen is to avoid any food

waste and prevent any from reaching a landfill site. This means eating

products before their expiration dates and buying in bulk, which

reduces packaging and travel costs to and from stores.

Sort the contents of your pantry by food type and arrange products like

the aisle of a supermarket so that you can easily see what you have and

what needs replacing. In our pantry, we have one clearly labeled shelf

for open condiments and another marked “Closed for storage,” which

prevents us from opening too many jars at the same time. You may also

find that pullout baskets are useful for fresh produce.

Remember, too, that “best before” dates on products simply refer to

the time when food is at its best, so it will usually be okay to eat for a

while after that date. The only foods you should avoid after their

expiration date are eggs. If food that is more perishable is close to its

expiration date and you are going away for a few days, or you have

other meal plans, and then freeze it.

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Another great way to reduce food waste is to be creative and make

meals with leftovers. Try established leftover recipes for experiment

with your own. You could try throwing old apples into a pan with

sausages or using some stale cookies as a crumble topping. The

possibilities are endless.

Homemade Bread

Nothing makes a home feel cozier than the smell of freshly baking

bread. And it’s SO darn easy to make homemade bread (and I don’t

mean with a bread machine).

There’s really no reason not to. It’s cheap, it takes very little work, and

it ensures that you aren’t buying bread that’s loaded with preservatives

and other ingredients you can’t pronounce.

Bread is a great source of energy, because it is rich in carbohydrates.

The human body slowly turns these carbohydrates into sugar, which

the body utilizes for energy.

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Yeast-leavened breads are the most commonly found breads; they rise

when the yeast converts the sugars in the flour into alcohol and

carbonic gases. After the alcohol has evaporated, the carbon dioxide

makes bubbles in the dough, giving it that unmistakable fluffy texture.

Yeast is a temperamental ingredient that needs warmth to flourish, but

don’t expose it to temperatures over 95°F (35°C) or you’ll kill it. Fresh

yeast looks like soft putty with a strong yeasty smell. Refrigerate it or

freeze it in 1-in (2.5-cm) cubes.

I prefer it to dried yeast, but if you are using dried, use half the weight

stated for fresh in the recipe.

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Pummeling your dough is not only a very important part of the bread

making process, but it is also a superb stress buster.

While you’re dissolving your pent-up tension, you’re also distributing

the yeast evenly through the dough to make it rise properly. It can be

treated harshly and will love you for it.

Push and pull the dough until it becomes silky and elastic. After a while,

do the windowpane test: stretch a portion of dough between your

hands until it forms a thin sheet that you can see light through.

(If it tears, it’s not ready.)

Now put the dough aside until it has doubled in size. You’ll know the

bread is fully raised if it springs back to its original size when you stick

your finger in it.

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You are free to experiment with flours. Try traditional breads from your

local bakery and a variety of flours in your baking instead of buying

tasteless, fluffy loaves from the supermarket.

Here are some of my favorite flours:

Wheat flour, which is a rich source of fiber as well as protein and

vitamins B and E. It is also rich in gluten, rises very well, and

produces workable, stretchy dough.

Rye flour, traditionally dark, heavy flour with a slightly sour taste

and an excellent chewy texture, is a favorite in much of Eastern

Europe. It is low in gluten and a popular choice for people with

wheat intolerance.

Barley flour is extra-delicious if you toast the barley flour first. It

makes lovely, sweet-tasting bread.

We mix one-third barley flour with two-thirds wheat flour for a good

loaf. Barley is also low in gluten.

Spelt flour is made from the earliest known grain and is especially

high in protein, vitamins, and minerals as well as being naturally

low in gluten. The loaf can be fairly dry, so add some wheat flour

if you want it to rise well.

Wholegrain Bread


11⁄2 lb. (600 g) spelt or wholegrain flour

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2 tsp. yeast

11⁄2 cups (400 ml) water

3 oz. (100 g) mixed seeds

2 tsp. salt


Mix the flour and yeast in a bowl and add the water (in cold weather,

use tepid water to activate the yeast).

Work the mixture into dough, spread it on a work surface, and knead it

thoroughly until it is elastic. Sprinkle the salt over it and then most of

the seeds.

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Use a scraper to bring in the edges of dough. Consolidate it into a neat


Put the dough in an oiled bowl, spray with oil, cover with a damp dish

towel, and leave it in a warm place to rise. Knock back the dough,

divide it into halves, and put them in oiled loaf tins. Spray with water to

make a sticky surface, and sprinkle with seeds. Cover with plastic wrap

and leave for 2 hours.

Bake at 400°F (200°C) for 20 minutes.

Knock out of the tins and bake on a tray for another 10 minutes to form

a crust.

Homemade Cream

and Yogurt

If you milk a cow or goat

and then leave a bowl of

the milk to stand at room

temperature, the cream

will separate naturally

and rise to the surface.

You can then skim it off with a skimmer—a flat, saucer shaped utensil

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about 8 in (20 cm) across, traditionally made out of wood or tin, and

perforated with small holes to allow the excess milk to drain away.

The alternative way to separate cream from milk is to use a specially

designed shallow trough, often made of slate, with a drain in the base.

Pour the milk in and wait for the cream to rise.

Once the cream is almost solid, pull the plug and the milk runs away

into a vessel below, leaving you with a trough of cream.

If you are buying milk to make cream, you need non-homogenized

(cream-top) whole milk. Some farm stores, supermarkets, and home

delivery dairies sell it. You can’t use homogenized milk because the

homogenization process stops the fat, or cream, from separating out.

Souring milk for yogurt

Yogurt is milk that has been soured with lactic-acid bacteria. It’s easy to

make your own: simply stir about 2 tbsp. (30 ml) of store bought live

yogurt into about a quart (liter) of full-fat or reduced-fat milk. Cover the

container and leave in a warm environment to work overnight.

The yogurt is ready to eat when it has a thick consistency, at which

point it’s probably best to move it to the refrigerator. However, if you

want to keep your yogurt culture alive and use it to make more than

one batch, keep it in a hay box, and every time you take out some

yogurt to eat, replace it with the same quantity of fresh milk.

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Souring cream for butter

Cream can easily be turned into butter. First, you need to sour the

cream by encouraging bacteria to turn some of the lactose into lactic

acid. This will happen naturally in warm weather; for a quicker result

and on cooler days, add a few teaspoons of already soured cream or

yogurt to the cream and stir to mix.

Clotted cream

Clotted cream is made by heating milk so that the cream becomes very

thick and forms a yellow crust. Leave fresh milk for 12 hours at room

temperature, and then heat it to 197°F (92°C). Cool it immediately by

pouring it into a bowl. Once cool, leave it in the refrigerator for a

further 24 hours, and then skim off the delicious homemade clotted


Homemade Butter

Shaking sour cream (see

opposite) turns it into butter.

You can simply use an electric

mixer to do this—you don’t

need a butter churn. If the

cream is at a temperature of

about 68°F (20°C) then the

butter will “come” (change

from cream to butter) in a matter of minutes.

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1 quart (1 liter) heavy cream

3 tsp. live natural yogurt



Electric mixer

Wooden cutting board

Butter pats and stamp

Mold or wax paper

1. Pour the cream into a clean sterilized bowl.

2. Add the live yogurt and mix for a few minutes.

3. The consistency starts to change to make soft peaks.

4. Continue mixing until the cream looks like scrambled eggs and turns

pale yellow. After 2–3 minutes more, small globules of butter form. Add

a little cold, clean water when the mixture looks like a firm mass of

butter globules and keep mixing for 1 minute on low speed. Pour off

the milky by-product (buttermilk) and keep it for making pancakes (see


5. Use butter pats or wooden spatulas to transfer the butter to a

wooden cutting board for washing. (Butter pats are grooved paddles.)

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6. Mix and squeeze the butter with the pats. Keep adding more water

to wash the butter—this stops it from turning rancid later on.

7. Collect the buttermilk as it washes off. Continue rinsing the butter

with water and collecting buttermilk until the liquid runs clear.

8. Layer the butter in a mold, salting it with at least 2 percent of its

weight in salt.

9. Push the layers down to drive out air bubbles.

10. Stamp the butter to decorate. If you don’t have a mold, roll up the

butter in wax paper instead.

Homemade Cheese

The alternative to buying your cheese is making it yourself. It can be a

wonderful pastime for you and your family. There is nothing quite like

the feel of creating something. There are only a few simple steps

necessary to make cheese and most decently equipped kitchens have

the necessary equipment. But, to make cheese that will knock your

friends and family off their feet you’ll need some special tips.

Some of the basic things required are as follows;

You will need a heavy stainless steel pot with lid. A non-reactive pot is

important because the acidifying milk can dissolve aluminum.

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Enamel pots would work as well. A heavy bottom is important to evenly

disperse the heat and prevent scorching. Scorching affects the flavor

and is a cleanup hassle. The size of the pot should be large enough so

that you have at least an inch of headspace above the milk. A cover is

needed for the steps when the milk must sit for periods. I bought a high

quality five-gallon pot like this years ago (expensive). I have never been


You may need measuring cups ranging from 1/4 cup to a quart.

Obviously, you can improvise, but accurate measurements improve

your success rate. Measuring spoons are occasionally needed.

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Thermometer- An accurate thermometer which reads in the range of

32-225 F (0-100 C) is very important. A candy or meat thermometer can

work. There are several reasons that accurate temperature is

important. The texture of the cheese depends a great deal on achieving

a temperature to within one degree. Also, after milk for yogurt is

scalded, it must be cooled to 130 F for optimum bacteria action.

- Whisk. Thorough mixing of starter and rennet is important. A whisk is

the obvious choice for this step.

- Cheese cloth. The purpose of "cheese cloth" is to catch the curd and

allow the whey to drain out. For this you can use cheese cloth bought

at any local store. Some other options that have been said to work well

are large plain white cotton handkerchiefs, or white non-terry cotton

dish towels.

Those who survive the initial 24 hours stand a fair chance of surviving

the first year. If they had been smart enough to make survival

preparations, were lucky enough to be able to get to their hardened

position and supplies; and are able and willing to defend their supplies

and the remnants of their families without hesitation and with

whatever level of force is necessary.

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Medical Supplies

At some point, you will have to treat wounds, deal with broken bones

and stomach ailments. Your medical supplies should include various

sized bandages. You can make your own by boiling cotton cloth that has

not been dyed and cutting to size.

You will need needles and thread to sew up larger cuts and tincture of

iodine for killing bacteria in the wounds. Use duct tape to wrap limbs

with splints if they become sprained or broken. Do not apply duct tape

directly to any wound.

For stomach, ailments because your diet will change, you can

administer a small dose of cider vinegar. Vinegar is acetic acid, which is

fermented alcohol. The acid can aid your digestive tract. The acid will

also secrete through your sweat glands and help repel insects.

How to make sure you are taking FDA approved medication

Do drugs really stop working after the date stamped on the bottle? The

secret was discovered by Laurie P. Cohen - Staff Reporter of The Wall

Street Journal.

Sitting on a $1 billion stockpile of drugs and facing the daunting process

of destroying and replacing its supply every two to three years, the

military began a testing program to see if it could extend the life of its


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The testing, conducted by the

U. S. Food and Drug

Administration, ultimately

covered more than 100 drugs,

prescription and over-the-

counter. The results, never

before reported, show that

90% of the drugs were safe

and effective far past their

initial expiration date; one

drug would last 15 years past it.

In light of these results, a former director of the testing program,

Francis Flaherty, says he has concluded that expiration dates put on by

manufacturers typically have no bearing on whether a drug is usable for


Mr. Flaherty notes that a drug maker is required to prove only that a

drug is still good on whatever expiration date the company chooses to

set. The expiration date doesn't mean, or even suggest, that the drug

will stop neither being effective after that, nor that it will become


"Manufacturers put expiration dates on for marketing, rather than

scientific, reasons," says Mr. Flaherty, a pharmacist at the FDA until his

retirement last year. "It's not profitable for them to have products on a

shelf for 10 years. They want turnover."

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The FDA cautions that there isn't enough evidence from the program,

which is weighted toward drugs needed during combat and which tests

only individual manufacturing batches, to conclude that most drugs in

people's medicine cabinets are potent beyond the expiration date.

Still, Joel Davis, a former FDA expiration-date compliance chief, says

that with a handful of exceptions -- notably nitroglycerin, insulin and

some liquid antibiotics -- most drugs are probably as durable as those

the agency has tested for the military. "Most drugs degrade very

slowly," he says. "In all likelihood, you can take a product you have at

home and keep it for many years, especially if it's in the refrigerator."

What about extension?

Now that the FDA has found that many drugs are still good long after

they have supposedly expired, why doesn't it advocate later expiration

dates for consumer drugs? One reason is that the consumer market

lacks the military's logistical reasons to keep drugs around longer.

"People think that, upon expiration, drugs suddenly turn toxic or lose all

their potency," says Philip Alder, professor of medicine at University of

California at San Francisco.

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In his own practice, Dr. Alder

says, "I frequently hear --

from patients who can't

afford medicine -- that they

have thrown away expired

drugs." He says companies

should be required to test

drugs for longer periods and

set later expiration dates

when results warrant.

Some manufacturers first began putting expiration dates on drugs in

the 1960s, although they didn't have to. When the FDA began requiring

such dating in 1979, the main effect was to set uniform testing and

reporting guidelines.

As now required by the FDA, so- called stability testing analyzes the

capacity of a drug to maintain its identity, strength, quality and purity

for whatever period the manufacturer picks. If the company picks a

two-year expiration date, it needn't test beyond that.

Testing for two-year expiration doesn't initially entail holding a drug for

two years. Rather, the drug is tested by subjecting it to extreme heat

and humidity for several months, then chemically analyzing each

ingredient's identity and strength.

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Self Defense and Firearms

Owning a firearm for personal defense

The most threatening situations are resolved without firearms.

However, many potential problems are avoided by the mere display of

a firearm. Hence, the seriously flawed logic of thinking you will use a

handgun only to scare away your attackers. If you need a handgun, you

generally need it badly. Don’t use it to shoot someone who called you a

scumbag. Use it to save your life, to be able to defend your family when

the time comes.

Handgun ownership is a big decision and many people who are very

serious about their personal security choose not to own one.

If you decide that a firearm is a necessary part of your personal security

plan, then plan to attend the best training you can afford.

Schools such as Thunder Ranch, the Gun site Training Academy,

Defense Training International, Tactical Defense Institute, the Lethal

Force Institute or the Blackwater Training Center will give you excellent

training that will stand you in good stead both on the street and in the


Many of these schools will bring their training to you if you can't go to

them. In addition, NRA programs, your local police and the training

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required to obtain your concealed carry permit are also great learning

opportunities you should take advantage of.

No matter where you are (range, street, home) there are four basic

safety rules that will always

serve you well. However,

simply reading them will not

make them habitual. Hands-

on training is the best way to

develop good safety habits

and the necessary gun

handling skills that are the

mark of a responsible gun


1) All guns are always loaded

2) Never let the muzzle cover anything you are not willing to


3) Keep your finger off the trigger until your sights are on the target

4) Be sure of your target

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Handgun selection

The single biggest mistake I have seen people make is picking either the

largest or the smallest handgun they can find. While a full-size Colt

1911 or a Smith and Wesson model 29.44 Magnum are certainly fine

handguns, with on-target power, they are also large and difficult to


At the opposite end of the spectrum are those small .22 and .25 caliber

pistols that will fit in the palm of the hand. Yes, it is true such guns can

be dropped in a pocket and forgotten.

However, the primary reason for carrying a handgun is to stop a

determined aggressor.

The history of these handguns in actual combat tells us that without an

extremely well placed shot, they are not likely to do much more than

irritate your attacker even more. What are the chances of getting such

a well-placed shot during a tense, fast-evolving situation?

Like most things in life, selecting a personal handgun is a

compromise. My advice is to purchase the most powerful

handgun that you can always carry with and you can shoot quickly

and accurately. Remember: Handguns are not supposed to be

comfortable. They are supposed to be comforting!

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The handgun must fit you. When I select a pistol for myself, the

first thing that I look at is whether or not I can reach the trigger


Through personal experience, I discovered that the finger should

rest on the trigger somewhere between the first tip pad and the

first joint, depending on one's hand strength.

In this position, the trigger finger should have enough strength to

press the trigger smoothly to the rear without interrupting the

alignment of the muzzle to the target, a very hard thing to do

without continued practice! The trigger finger must correspond

correctly with proper grip placement on the gun.

To achieve a proper grip, the gun should sit in the hand in

alignment with the forearm, as if the gun's barrel was an

extension of the hand and fingers.

Where the extended index finger would point, so would the gun's

barrel. Once the gun is in this position, the trigger finger should

pull the trigger as described above. If the finger cannot reach the

trigger, the gun is too large. If there is too much finger on the

trigger, then it is too small.

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Grip feel is very individual, but I like the gun to fit in my hand like

a solid handshake.

The grip should be long

enough for the pinky finger

to get a solid purchase on

the gun.

Many people do not realize

how important the pinky

finger is when drawing and

firing a handgun. The three lower fingers help control recoil,

especially during rapid shooting. Not using the pinky finger

reduces this control by one- third.

My guidelines for selecting the proper combat handgun are:

1) Proper full-length grip

that allows for the whole

hand to comfortably fit the


2) Proper trigger finger

reach that permits the

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finger to touch the trigger, using no more than the first joint of the

finger while keeping a little gap between the gun's frame and the

outstretched trigger finger.

3) A smooth trigger, not necessarily light, but smooth so that no

"glitches" can be felt as the trigger is pressed to the rear.

4) Rust resistant finish

5) It should be visible, but not too large

6) Caliber .38 Special/9 mm or larger.

7) Semi-auto versus revolver is totally up to the end user.

The importance of the firing stroke

Of all the defensive shooting skills, a good firing stroke is the most

important. This technique allows you to bring your weapon before your

assailant quickly and accurately fire a two or three round burst at

distances of 21' or less.

It is important that you understand this may be all you have time to do.

The firing stroke is composed of four parts. These are Stance, Grip,

Front Sight and Trigger Action. The gun may already be in your hand

(the Ready Position) or you have to draw it from the holster (the draw).

I will walk you through the process starting with the pistol (empty,

unloaded, no ammo) in your hand.

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The Ready Position: The Ready Position is exactly what the name

implies. You are alert and aware you might have to use your handgun.

When you need it, it’s best to have it in your hand, not in your holster.

The "third eye" ready position is best described as keeping the muzzle

pointed in the same direction as the eyes.

If the gun is needed, it is pushed straight to the target making a quicker,

more accurate shot more likely. Trying to bring the gun up on to the

target is more likely to result in under or over travel when under stress.

This is the "Third Eye Position" because, with a little practice

everywhere your eyes look, the gun "looks." This insures that the gun is

always between you and your assailant so you can act quickly.

As you develop your gun handling skills, you will note that almost

everything you do with the handgun to maintain it running (reloading,

malfunction drills) places both of your hands in approximately this

same position, reinforcing the "Continuous Motion Principle", which I

will explain shortly.

The handgun is in the center of the body somewhere between the

navel and the chest, with the arms locked down at the side of the torso.

The wrists are locked. The gun is six to eight inches away from the


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From this position you also have good

control of your sidearm, should your

assailant attempt to wrestle it away

from you.

The gun can be fired quickly from this

position at "Reactionary Gap"

distances if you are forced to. This is

the zero to six feet range at which a

spontaneous attack is the most

difficult to stop. If your weapon is in

the holster, you will not be able to draw it in time. If you have the gun

already in your hand but have to raise or swing it into a firing position,

you're wasting time you don't have. If all you have to do is start pulling

the trigger, you may have a chance.

This technique has proven useful in real armed conflicts, some recorded

on police cruiser video tapes. I think it can work for you too.

Stance: Your feet are about shoulder width apart and the foot on your

weak side is a comfortable (walking) distance in front of the foot on

your strong side.

Grip: The gun is held in your firing hand, supported by the weak hand,

trigger finger indexed on the side or frame of the handgun, in the Third


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Indexing: The position of the trigger finger in the Ready Position, or

when drawing and re-holstering the handgun, is very important. If your

trigger finger is off the trigger but improperly positioned and you slip,

you are shoved, you are startled, and you can fire the weapon without

intending to.

Worse yet, under the influence of survival stress, you may not even be

aware you fired it.

I recommend that your trigger finger be indexed (placed on something

it will remember, something it can feel) on the side of the weapon. In

the case of a Gluck pistol, it may be the jagged take down lever. On a

revolver, it may be a screw head.

Front Sight: I am a strong believer in the use of the front sight since it

gives the shooter a reference point for shot placement.

Especially for the person who cannot get out and practice as much as

they'd like (I place myself in this category), the front sight is a very

important "crutch" to aid the shooter in bullet placement.

If the front sight stays in the shooter's field of vision the entire time the

trigger is pressed to the rear, it only makes sense the shot will be

accurate. Shot placement is everything when trying to stop a

determined adversary with your handgun.

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Just hitting him will most likely not do the job. It's just not good enough

to hit your attacker; it is important that you hit your attacker in a vital

(upper torso) area of the body.

From experience, I can tell you that human eye can see the front sight

quickly, but it needs help. The front sight must interrupt the field of

vision, as it is brought up between the eyes and the target. If the eyes

have to seek out the front sight it will likely be of no value.

When the semi-auto pistol became popular, most came with either a

three-dot or a bar-and-dot sight system. While such an arrangement is

good for precision shooting, it is not nearly as fast for the eye to find, as

is the contrasting sight.

Ammo selection

All of the major ammo manufacturers such as Federal, Remington,

Winchester, CORBON, CCI-Speer, Black Hills, Hornady and so forth,

offer ammunition specifically tailored to give maximum performance in

a full range of handgun calibers.

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Now what you need to remember is that getting the gun to the target

from ready or holster is done by FEEL. In order to get a handgun to the

target consistently, hand to gun contact and arm extension must be

done the same way time after time. This is accomplished by recreating

the same motor actions or feel.

By doing so, the gun will come up in front of the eyes, to the target, the

same way every time, regardless of body position. The eyes will only be

used on the front sight in the last millisecond.

The gun must be brought up in

front of the face for the eyes to

come into play. If this is not "point

shooting," I don't know what is.

The truth be known, if you can see

the rear of your handgun between

your eyes and the target, you will

likely get a decent hit.

Trigger Action: The single biggest problem with shooting any firearm,

but particularly a handgun, is separating the trigger finger from the rest

of the hand. When you think about doing this, you will come to realize

that it is a tall order.

As we go through our daily routine, the fingers of our hand work in

concert with one another the way they were designed to function. If

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you grab a door knob, pick up a pencil or grab the steering wheel of

your car, you will notice that the fingers and thumb oppose one

another, but work together as a team.

Now, a handgun is placed into your hand and you are asked to press

the trigger to the rear without using the other fingers which are to stay

firmly in place?! It is not hard to understand why people "milk the grip,"

"slap the trigger" or "push the trigger." All of these are descriptions of

being unable to separate the action of the trigger finger from that of

the rest of the hand.

The trigger finger needs to be able to move the trigger to the rear in a

pressing action. This is not a "squeeze."

Squeezing is, again, an action that is undertaken by all of the hand, such

as squeezing a rubber ball.

From the Ready Position, you look at the spot on your assailant that

you want your rounds to hit. You drive or punch your weapon toward

the assailant. As soon as the front sight interrupts your field of view,

your finger will touch the trigger.

As your arms come to full extension, you press the trigger. As your

speed develops, this will become one fluid movement, with the gun

firing as soon as possible, after your arms lock out in front of you.

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Using this technique, you are likely to deliver the target a solid hit, even

if the front sight is lost during the stress of the moment. Using the

contrasting front sight method during practice will establish proper

body position for "muscle memory" shooting. As previously stated, this

technique is also known as "point shooting."

The Draw: Now all we have to do is add the draw to what you have just

learned. Once you draw the handgun you go into or through the "Third

Eye" position.

This is the "Continuous Motion Principle" (CMP). CMP means all

motions needed to complete an action flow into one another without

having to throw a particular muscle group in reverse.

The draw should normally start with the hands in a common hand

position, normally in front of the body, near the belt buckle. This is the

normal position for our hands as we prepare to deploy our handgun.

To make the draw one continuous smooth motion, your hand should

move in a circular motion from the front of the body. This circular

motion would be the same basic action as when you are drawing from

under a jacket and must move the front edge of the coat out of the way

to get to your sidearm.

Once your hand contacts the butt of the holstered handgun, the hand

wrapping around the grip must be the same each and every time. To

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help you learn the proper hand placement, as your hand wraps around

the butt of the gun in what you feel is the proper firing grip, index your

trigger finger alongside the frame of the handgun (the holster will be

covering the trigger finger index spot at this point).

Your middle finger should be in contact with the bottom rear of the

trigger guard. Press your middle finger against the trigger guard at this

spot. This will cause a visible "dent" in the middle finger.

This is the index point you need to achieve to get the same grip each

time. If this finger location is achieved at the moment the hand impacts

the trigger guard area, then the same grip will be assured, resulting in

greater on-target speed.

The range commands I use during basic holster work may help you

better visualize what the process is.

INDEX - Bring the hand up to the grip and sink the middle finger index

point into the grip/trigger guard junction.

Bringing the hand consistently to the holster is done by taking the

shooting arm elbow straight to the rear. Wrap the three lower fingers

solidly around the grip.

WRAP - Wrap the shooting hand around the gun, releasing the thumb

break (if your holster has one) ON THE WAY to the proper shooting


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DRAW - Draw the handgun from the holster. Make sure the grip is in

the desired location. Do not be concerned with speed.

When the draw begins, it is quite likely that the hands will be down at

the side or in front of the body. Begin each practice draw from one of

these normal body positions.

Bring the shooting hand to the holstered gun by taking the elbow

straight to the rear and sink the middle finger index point into the

trigger guard/grip junction.

Once you identify the index point, you will have proper shooting grip,

before the hand ever wraps around the gun. Note that at this point,

only the three lower fingers are on the grip. As these three fingers curl

around, the gun will start to come out of the holster.

As the hand wraps around the gun to acquire the shooting grip, any

thumb break retention devices will be released without making a

separate motion. The gun is lifted out of the holster enough to clear the

holster mouth and then it is driven straight to the target.

Now draw your handgun from the holster a few times and see where

your hands come together as they drive to the target. WRAP your

support hand around your shooting hand. You will not be surprised to

discover that this occurs in the same general area as the Third Eye, thus

making it a consistent action.

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Once you no longer need it,

put the gun back in the holster

(finger off the trigger, properly

indexed) from the rear to

ensure that the gun will clear

any retaining straps.

Always perform a "thumb

check" on both semi-autos and revolvers to ensure the gun's hammer is

not cocking, when pushing the gun back into the holster. A thumb

check is nothing more than placing the shooting hand thumb on the

gun's hammer and holding it in place as you re-holster.

Once you have developed your firing stroke to the point that you are

both proficient and safe with it, you'll want to begin practicing with live


Make sure you have eye and ear protection and a safe backstop. I

would recommend sticking with simple drills of drawing from the

holster or presenting the gun from the Ready and hitting paper plates

at distances from three to seven yards.

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Many shooting schools place time limits on such drills, but I would be

less concerned with how fast you are and more concerned with

sharpening your skill,

Work on performing the firing stroke correctly and I suspect that the

speed will be there when the time comes.

Be advised—speed comes from lack of unnecessary motion, not spastic

muscle movement. The shortest road to incapacitating your assailant is

to hit him in a vital spot.

These are the other basic skills you will want to master.

1) How to rapidly reload your handgun. The gunfight stats indicate

that reloads occur in very few police action or civilian shootings.

Chances are you will solve or fail to solve the problem with what you

have in your gun when the fight starts. But just in case . . .

2) How to handle pistol malfunctions. If the malfunction cannot be

solved in a few seconds, RUN! Know this and remember it!

3) Practice shooting while in standing, kneeling and sitting position.

4) Be able to identify and practice firing from the types of cover

found in the environment in which you live, travel and work.

5) Practice firing in low light and inconsistent light environments

with and without a flashlight.

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To draw from concealment, the same technique as described above is


The only difference is removal of the covering garment. Do not make

this garment removal process too complex. Remember, under stress,

the hand will want to travel directly to the gun!

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Final thoughts and recommendations

It is up to every single one of us to ensure the continuation of our

society and the security of our nation.

Now, you are prepared to do so. Now, you are ready to be the hero

that is needed to bring this country back to its glory days.

Do not lose hope! With all the lessons that you learned from this book

you will be able to survive almost any possible scenario of apocalypse

and doom that the EMP could bring upon us.

Take care of yourself and of your family just like our forefathers took

care of their loved ones and created a healthy foundation for a sturdy

nation that will never give up and will never die. God Bless America!