Jumping Apple NewsThe Comenius Project “First of all our school was involved in the Comenius...

Jumping Apple News Magazine no. 1 / October 2008 © Created by the 4E, 1st Bilingual Secondary School, Wiener Neustadt, Austria Many interesting articles about health and nutrition New jokes and riddles Read about your favourite sports Have fun and enjoy reading!

Transcript of Jumping Apple NewsThe Comenius Project “First of all our school was involved in the Comenius...

Page 1: Jumping Apple NewsThe Comenius Project “First of all our school was involved in the Comenius Project.” This is an inter-national project in Austria, Germany, the Czech Republic,

Jumping Apple


Magazine no. 1 / October 2008

© Created by the 4E, 1st Bilingual Secondary School, Wiener Neustadt, Austria

Many interesting articles about health and nutrition New jokes and riddles Read about your favourite sports Have fun and enjoy reading!

Page 2: Jumping Apple NewsThe Comenius Project “First of all our school was involved in the Comenius Project.” This is an inter-national project in Austria, Germany, the Czech Republic,

by Anna Stickler

The Comenius Project “First of all our school was involved in the Comenius Project.” This is an inter-national project in Austria, Germany, the Czech Republic, Belgium and England. In February 2008 we made a student exchange. About 2 to 3 students from foreign countries came to visit Austria. Some of us invited them to our houses and showed them their home town or took them sight seeing. A spectacular place for them was Vienna. I think they enjoyed the “Sängerknaben” very much, because they are famous all around the world. Some of them also visited the sea house in Vienna or the zoo in Schönbrunn. This is how it all got running: The editorial team organized the work every one had to do and collected the articles. The layout and the design was also done by the team. Our classmates wrote a lot of articles on the topics “Health” and “Sports”. We questioned friends of ours about their nutrition. We created tests and made an average of how many people do sports in Wr. Neustadt. In this magazine there are also some riddles and a quiz. In our maths lesson we even calculated out the percentage of calories you are allowed to eat per day. The whole magazine was a lot of work, but I think everybody also had a lot of fun.

Well, but why should we write a magazine? It is quite a lot of work and has to do with organisation. It can get very stressful, because of all the work. You have to correct all the articles, put pictures on the pages and lay-out the whole magazine. And where do we get all the infor-mation from? That’s the next question. But luckily we had so many people working on this magazine. So everybody had his job to do and was quite organised. Because the more people, the less work there is for one person!

We hope you enjoy reading our magazine! HAVE FUN!!!

In this issue we have collected different ideas of what YOU can do to stay healthy!

The Apple Page 3

Interview with Franz Vogl and pub-lic opinions


Football & Lazy People?!


Basketball 6/7

Dancing 8

Ballet 9

Quiz Nutrition 10/11

Golf 12

Horse riding 13

Skiing 14

Quiz 15

Orienteering 16

Cycling 17

The 16 favourite excuses 18

Cross Country Competition 19

Nordic Walking 20

Fruit and Vegetables 21

Karate 22

Maths & Nutrition 23

Bilingual School Wiener Neustadt

October 2008

Magazine No. 1

Page 3: Jumping Apple NewsThe Comenius Project “First of all our school was involved in the Comenius Project.” This is an inter-national project in Austria, Germany, the Czech Republic,

Did you know… …that the biggest apple in the world is as big as a kid’s head. It comes from England and weighs 1.38kg …that an elephant eats 30 apples a day …that the winner of one of the first Olympics got an apple as a prize …that a girl from America peeled an apple paring with a length of 25 metres in 12 hours in 1972 …that the apple is a symbol for luck, love, power and beauty …that there are about 30.000 different kinds

The Austrian apple, especially the Styrian apple, is Austria’s most popular and healthi-est fruit and snack. Apples consist to 85% of water. Because they include fewer calories, many vitamins and many minerals they’re a very good snack during day.

When you buy apples you should only buy biological sorts because they have-n’t been treated with poison, but you always have to wash the apples before you eat them. Apples should be stored in cool places which also have access to fresh air. Ap-ples release the gas ethylene - so they shouldn’t be stored together with other fruit and vegetables.

The Apple Austrias Healthiest Snack

“An apple a day keeps the doctor away”

Page 3

by Annika Sarah Scheifinger

Page 4: Jumping Apple NewsThe Comenius Project “First of all our school was involved in the Comenius Project.” This is an inter-national project in Austria, Germany, the Czech Republic,

Mirjam said: “I think it‘s a great project and I would like to make a health diary. Our class teacher, Marianne Schneidhofer, said that she loves the project and she met many important people in Brussels. She said the best thing is that we want to bring all stu-dents from Austria, Czeck Republic, Germany, Great Britain and Belgium together.

Bilingual School Wiener

“When I buy an apple I look, that it comes from Austria and it must be a bio apple. It must be healthy and not to big and it musn‘t be perfect. It must be firm, sour-ish and it must be juicy. I like ap-ples very much when they are green & red. Apples are very good as a healthy snack.”

About apples

Some interesting information about our teachers!

and chocolate! with Franz Vogl


Our teachers Mrs. Winkler, Mrs. Leitgeb, Mrs. Beck, Mrs. Schult-schik, Mrs. Rasinger, Mrs. Wittmann, and Mrs. Schmidhofer would eat an apple instead of chocolate. Our un-healthy teachers, Mrs. Itsch, Mrs. Gruber and Mr. Piringer prefer chocolate.

Here are public opinions about our project

Page 4 by Marlies Hermann

Page 5: Jumping Apple NewsThe Comenius Project “First of all our school was involved in the Comenius Project.” This is an inter-national project in Austria, Germany, the Czech Republic,

Spain, Italy and Germany are the three best football teams

in the world

70% of the people we asked did sport regularly. 30% don’t do any sport. 23% of the people who do some sport go skiing, the most popular activity. 15% go cycling at least once a week and 7% go Nordic walking and play foot-ball.

Puplic opinion poll:

by Milan Lozanovsky

Some weeks ago one of our students went to a big shopping centre in our surrounding area. He asked people if they did sports etc. Here are the results:

Football is one of the most popular sports in the world! There are 11 members in a football team, ten players and one goalkeeper. The positions are: goalkeeper, defender, middle fielder and striker. The winner-team is the one which has shot more goals at the end of the game. A game lasts 90 minutes and sometimes there is extra time. The world football organisation is FIFA and the European is UEFA. Football is played nearly everywhere in the world.

Important!!! In 2008 the UEFA Cup was held in Austria and


Page 5 by Emma Gansterer

Page 6: Jumping Apple NewsThe Comenius Project “First of all our school was involved in the Comenius Project.” This is an inter-national project in Austria, Germany, the Czech Republic,

On the 30th of November our class had a basketball training session for two hours. The trainer from the “BK Blue Devils, Wiener Neus-tadt” came to show us some exercises and how to play basketball properly.

First we had some warm up exercises; some were quite difficult because you had to be quick and previ-sional .

Page 6

The trainer showing us how to dribble

Next we had to get in groups of about seven. Each of us had to keep the ball bouncing beside us while we ran through some hurdles. Then the trainer showed us how to act if we wanted to get the ball in the basket. In the next exercise we just ran near the basket in pairs and threw the ball towards each other. Then one of us threw the ball into the basket.

He told us that we had to bend our wrist when we wanted to smash the ball into the basket. Afterwards we had to do some skill exercises for getting prepared for the match. Then we had a basketball match against each other. We had 4 teams, with about 6 pu-pils in each team. It was exciting and lots of fun for us and there were some exercises we liked too.

Warming up with easy...

… and more difficult exercises

Before starting playing...

by Lukas Savertschnig and Samuel Kreyer

Page 7: Jumping Apple NewsThe Comenius Project “First of all our school was involved in the Comenius Project.” This is an inter-national project in Austria, Germany, the Czech Republic,

Page 7

Playing regulations Games are played in four quarters of 10 (international) or 12 minutes (NBA). College games use two 20 minute halves while most high school games use eight minute quarters. Fifteen minutes are allowed for a half-time break, and two minutes are allowed at the other breaks. Overtime periods are five minutes long. Teams exchange baskets for the second half. The time allowed is actual playing time; the clock is stopped while the play is not active. Therefore, games generally take much longer to complete than the allotted game time, typically about two hours. Equipment A regulation basketball court in international games is 28 by 15 meters (approx. 92 by 49 ft) and in the NBA is 94 by 50 feet (29 by 15 m). Most courts are made of wood. A steel basket with net and backboard hang over each end of the court. At almost all levels of competition, the top of the rim is exactly 10 feet (3.05 m) above the court and 4 feet (1.2 m) inside the baseline. While variation is possible in the dimen-sions of the court and backboard, it is considered important for the basket to be of the correct height; a rim that is off by but a few inches can have an adverse effect on shooting. Michael Jeffrey Jordan (born February 17, 1963) is a re-tired American professional basketball player. Widely con-sidered one of the greatest basketball players of all time, he was among the most effectively marketed athletes of his generation and was instrumental in popularizing the (NBA) National Basketball Association around the world in the 1980s and 1990s.

adapted from Wikipedia

by Lukas Savertschnig and Samuel Kreyer

While most of us had their problems with doing these exercises...

...Lukas seemed to be bored.

Page 8: Jumping Apple NewsThe Comenius Project “First of all our school was involved in the Comenius Project.” This is an inter-national project in Austria, Germany, the Czech Republic,

My favourite sport, dancing, is one of the healthiest sports because all your muscles get trained. But professional dancers can often only dance until they are 30 because their mus-cles and bones get damaged because of too intensive training. Dancing is the movement of your body to music. It’s the changing of relaxing and flex-ing the body. You can dance alone, in pairs or in groups. The most common way of dancing in pairs is ballroom dancing. There are many different kinds of dances – you differ between Latin American dances and standard dances.

Modern dances like jazz dance, street dance, hip hop or exhibition dance are mostly danced in groups nowadays.

If you want to become a professional dancer and dance on stage you have to do castings – they are hard work because from 500,000 only 100 are chosen as back-ground dancers. As a professional dancer you have to be very fit and flexible and you have to stay healthy. You have to take dance lessons and prac-tise every day to become successful. You have to remember choreographies easily and quickly to become a good dancer. This might sound hard, but it’s true. So never forget to work on yourself and remember: Practise makes perfect.

by Annika Scheifinger


Page 8 by Annika Sarah Scheifinger

Page 9: Jumping Apple NewsThe Comenius Project “First of all our school was involved in the Comenius Project.” This is an inter-national project in Austria, Germany, the Czech Republic,

Ballet is a sport that is not only for girls. In ballet you have to know 6 different positions. The sixth position is the ground position. The feet are closed. For the first position you have only to open your feet. Then it will look like two sides of a triangle. When you want to do the second position, you have to push your right foot outside. The third position is very hard. You have to put your foot in the different way of the other foot. They have to touch each other. When you do the fourth posi-tion you have to push your foot

in front of your other foot. It has to be in one line but they don’t touch each other. The fifth position is like the third position but the feet are not closed. You can also do it with your left foot. You will learn all the positions easily when practising them at least once a week. Ballet has its origin in France and developed in France and Rus-sia—this is the reason why there are French and Russian Ballet Schools. Ballet dancers need to train very hard to get good although most of them start dancing between 3 and 6years.

Ballet B I L I N G U A L S C H O O L W I E N E R N E U S TA D T

The five positions ( from left to right)

Seite 9 by Anna Fast

Page 10: Jumping Apple NewsThe Comenius Project “First of all our school was involved in the Comenius Project.” This is an inter-national project in Austria, Germany, the Czech Republic,

1. Do you like to eat vegetables and fruit at home?

a. No, I hate carrots or apples!

b. Sometimes, if I have appetite...

c. Yea, I like fresh fruit!

2. You are hungry but you have an important meeting in a few minutes! What do you eat now?

a. Maybe I´ll take a hamburger from our fridge with me!

b. I eat a bread with butter and some crips. Thats enough!

c. An apple and a 0%-yogurt.

3. Your fridge is empty today- your stomach, too! What would you do?

a. I call the pizza-service and order a big pizza with ham!

b. I want to have crisps, so I tell mum, she should bring some from her shopping-tour!

c. I ride my bike to the next shop and buy fruit, yogurt and maybe some wholemeal-bread.

Seite 10

PSYCHO TEST: Do you have a healthy nutrition? Find out easily!

Page 10 by Katrin Zeleny

Page 11: Jumping Apple NewsThe Comenius Project “First of all our school was involved in the Comenius Project.” This is an inter-national project in Austria, Germany, the Czech Republic,

4. Do you buy your food in a wholefood-shop?

a. What's that?!

b. No, because we have non in our area.

c. Yes, we do it every time.

5. There is a big refreshment stall at a party. What do you eat?

a. First I will have a look at the crisps and the cakes!

b. I think I will eat a bread with tuna.

c. Maybe I'll take a bread with butter and paprica!

6. Do you know what cauliflower is?

a. A vegetable...?!

b. Yes, but I hate it!

c. Oh, yummy! I love cauliflower.

7. Which of these drinks do you like best?

a. Coke or ice-tea! Mainly Fizzy-drinks.

b. Apple- juice or Orange- juice! I would drink everything but water!

c. Fresh pressed Oranges or Mineral water is very refreshing!

Are you finished? Then evaluate your test!

Mostly A: You haven't got a very healthy nutrition. Too much sugar, less vitamins! Try to eat more healthy food instead of hamburgers or crisps.

Mostly B: Your nutrition is quite good, but sometimes you ignore that you have to eat one apple per day! Do not get careless!

Mostly C: Wow - your nutrition is very healthy! You know what's good for you! Keep going.

by Katrin Zeleny

Page 11 by Katrin Zeleny

Page 12: Jumping Apple NewsThe Comenius Project “First of all our school was involved in the Comenius Project.” This is an inter-national project in Austria, Germany, the Czech Republic,

Golf Golf is a very popular sport in nearly all countries of the world, but it is not only a sport for elderly people. On the contrary, many younger people are also starting to play golf. The most famous golf tournaments are:

The US Masters, The US Open, The Open Championship and the PGA Championship.

Golf is a very expensive and hard sport. You need much free time, and so more elderly peo-ple play golf. The most famous golfers are: Tiger Woods (USA), Bernhard Langer (Germany) and Nick Faldo (England).

by Rene Scheibelreiter

Tiger Woods

Bernhard Langer Nick Faldo

Page 12 by Rene Scheibelreiter

Page 13: Jumping Apple NewsThe Comenius Project “First of all our school was involved in the Comenius Project.” This is an inter-national project in Austria, Germany, the Czech Republic,

Do you like horses? Do you want to be a famous horse rider one day? Then you should know how to do it right! As a horse rider you need jodhpurs or leggings, riding boots or shoes with small heels and a very good profile on the sole, a riding helmet and a body-protecting jacket. It is important to wear the

right clothes! There are three types of riding: DRESSAGE RIDING, SHOW-JUMPING and WESTERN RIDING.

At normal riding schools you learn dressage rid-ing and finally show-jumping. If you ride a horse, it can go in four gaits: WALK is the slowest and is a four-time-gait (meaning that the four feet of the horse hit the ground one after the other, like a four-beat rhythm), TROT, which feels a little bit more swingy, is a two-time gait (meaning that two of the four feet hit the ground simultaneously – a two-beat rhythm), CANTER, a fast three-time-gait (three-beat rhythm) and gallop, a very fast four-time gait.

Also if a horse is in panic, it gallops away! You should only can-ter or gallop if you feel safe on horseback, because a galloping horse can reach a

If you know all the gaits well, you may be allowed to try show-jumping. In your first jumping lessons you won’t jump very high. First you trot over some bars, then your riding teacher will put these bars higher and higher. The highest height for amateurs is about 80 cm. This is the basic height for the first “exam”: the rid-ing-pass! This is like a small tournament. There you have to show what you have learned about horses and riding. You have to do a dressage and a show-jumping test. Then you have to answer questions about horses. Your performances will be watched by a jury. If you pass all the tests, you are a very good rider. If you already have the riding-pass, you can also try to do the riding-needle and the riding-licence. They are the same tests, only a bit more difficult. About horses’ food: A horse likes to eat pellets, mash, roughage and juicy food like apples or vegetables. But sometimes your horse gets ill: there is horse-influenza (which includes cough and cold), colic (like stomach influenza, very bad) and tetanus... If you see a horse sneezing or coughing, rolling around on the ground, being turbulent or immove-able, tell your riding teacher or a vet! Now you know some im-portant things about horses and riding! GOOD LUCK for your riding-career!

[ÉÜáx e|w|Çz

Page 13 by Katrin Zeleny

Page 14: Jumping Apple NewsThe Comenius Project “First of all our school was involved in the Comenius Project.” This is an inter-national project in Austria, Germany, the Czech Republic,

Mathias Zdarski invented the first wooden skies at the beginning of the 19th century. In the 1960s plastic skies with a wooden core were invented. In the 1970s full-plastic skies were invented. Some of the prominent ski areas are Bad Gastein, Schladming, Semmering, Kitzbühl and ST. Anton. When you like to go skiing one of the best countries is Austria. Many tourists and prominent skiers come to Austria to ski. In 2013 the skiing World Championship will be in Schladming. This is the 9th World Championship in Austria and the 2nd in Schladming.

Page 14

One of Austria‘s best skiers:

Hermann Maier

by Johannes Faimann

Page 15: Jumping Apple NewsThe Comenius Project “First of all our school was involved in the Comenius Project.” This is an inter-national project in Austria, Germany, the Czech Republic,

Note the red coloured letters in the keywords to find the solution !

1. ‘Schneewittchen’ ate a poisoned _ _ _ _ _ . 2. The running competition with the distance of 42,195 km is called the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . 3. An orange is a _ _ _ _ _ . 4. A special kind of bicycle is a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . 5. Michael Jordan plays _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . The European _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Championship was in Austria and Switzerland this year.

Our schools address will help you to find the solution

Solution : _ _ _ _ _ _gasse

Check on page 22 to see if you are right.

Page 15 by Julia Fuchs

Page 16: Jumping Apple NewsThe Comenius Project “First of all our school was involved in the Comenius Project.” This is an inter-national project in Austria, Germany, the Czech Republic,

Page 16 by Nicole Reihs

ORIENTEERING Last year Verena and I chose the subject orienteering. It was a lot of fun. Every week on Wednesday we had two hours of training. We got a map and a compass and we had to run and find the different control points in the shortest time. We could run with a partner or alone. Verena and I think it’s more fun to run with a partner than alone. We also had a lot of competitions. In a competition an orien-teering course is marked in purple or red on a map. A trian-gle is used to indicate the start and circles are used to show the different control points. At each control point you have to stick the orienteering chip into a sensor. In normal competitions all starters start at one or two-minute intervals. Every starter has to run to the finish, even if he hasn’t found all the control points.

Page 17: Jumping Apple NewsThe Comenius Project “First of all our school was involved in the Comenius Project.” This is an inter-national project in Austria, Germany, the Czech Republic,

Page 17

We all know that our body needs exercise to be healthy . So now I have a topic about the benefits of cycling.

Getting on your bike regularly not only gets you where you want to go faster than a car, it protects you against a wide range of health problems and also makes you feel better. Cycling can have positive effects on how you feel. Cycling can improve your mood. Cycling can be part of a programme to lose weight. This is the type of exercise that is most effective at promoting good health.

For example, cycling reduces the risk of serious conditions such as heart dis-ease, high blood pressure, obesity and the most common form of diabetes. You don't have to be super-fit to enjoy cycling, and it's good for you! When looking to lose weight, diets rarely work long-term, but regular exercise always does. Any type of regular exercise is of benefit, but cycling is particularly good because fewer injuries occur as a result of it. Cycling is also a great calorie user which has various benefits. Even if you cycle only a few miles per day, your muscles will gain the benefit, usually becoming trimmer and more toned. The main muscles you use when cycling are the upper thigh muscles, backside, and calf muscles So now we know about benefits of cycling and our area (Wiener Neustadt) is flat and fair for cycling, why don’t we start cycling?

by Maria Shamal


Page 18: Jumping Apple NewsThe Comenius Project “First of all our school was involved in the Comenius Project.” This is an inter-national project in Austria, Germany, the Czech Republic,

Page 18 by Anna Stickler

Bicycle: the 16 favourite excuses

Do you have too little time to go to a fitness centre? Then do your training on the way to work. It’s quick, cheap and healthy to go by bicycle. But many people don’t!

“It is too hot and I don’t want to be sweaty at work.”

“The tires aren’t inflated.”

“Where am I going to put all my stuff for work?”

“It might rain.”

“I would like to listen to my favourite CDs.”

“What have I got a car for?”

“I am going to do some sport this afternoon anyway.”

“I have eaten too much for breakfast and you shouldn’t do sport afterwards.”

“My bicycle could be stolen.”

“I want to go shopping afterwards.”

“Today is the 31st. I will start tomorrow, in the new month.”

“It is too far.”

“I have to get my kids from school and I haven’t got enough time.”

“It is so cold and I could get ill.”

“Maybe tomorrow. Today I’m not in the mood.”

“I can’t possibly go by bicycle with these shoes on.”

Page 19: Jumping Apple NewsThe Comenius Project “First of all our school was involved in the Comenius Project.” This is an inter-national project in Austria, Germany, the Czech Republic,

Page 19

Like every year we had a running competition at our school last week. On 1st October 2008 the Bilingual School took part in the Cross Country Competition. This year the SHS did not run with us, we had separate events. Our new head Mr. Dollischal was very excited because it was his first time to see us running the cross country course. The first years had to run 800 meters - 1 lap (800 metres) - and the others two laps. It was quite exhausting for some of us, but all of us managed it very well.

We had perfect running weather: not too cold, not too hot and no rain, just perfect. Of course our teachers helped us much and trained with us in the sports lessons and most of us were prepared well. Like in every competition there are winners and this years winners are: Girls 1st year: Kessler Ines

Girls 2nd, 3rd and 4th year, and so our female Cross Country Champion:

Pomelli Vanessa from 2nd Grade. Boys 1st year: Schnell Jakob Boys 2nd, 3rd and 4th year and the male Cross Country champion:

Kreyer Samuel from 4th Grade. Congratulations! And we’re all looking forward to the next competition .


by Regina Haring

Page 20: Jumping Apple NewsThe Comenius Project “First of all our school was involved in the Comenius Project.” This is an inter-national project in Austria, Germany, the Czech Republic,

Page 20

Nordic walking is walking with special poles and with a special tech-nique to activate about 90 % of all muscles. It’s more effective than nor-mal walking, because you train arms, upper body and legs. Nordic walking is a physical activity for everybody and easy to learn. It trains your body power and fitness. It facilitates the burning of fat cells and is good for the blood circulation. You can do this sport in every season. It’s also a good sport for lazy people who don’t like running, because it’s less exhausting, but more ef-fective then normal walking. This sport is getting more and more popular and more people are doing Nordic Walking for their fitness and health or just for fun. All in all: Nordic Walking is an easy but effective sport. Nordic walking at school There are many clubs for Nordic walk-ing like the “Schuhhaus Hößl” in Wr. Neustadt. Last year we did Nordic Walking in a sports lesson. A special Nordic Walking- Trainer, Karin Hößl from the “Schuhhaus Hößl”, visited our class and showed us the right tech-nique for Nordic Walking. She also told us about Nordic Running, another type of Nordic Walking. It’s a kind of running with poles, but with a special technique. I think most pupils of our class liked this sport.

NORDIC WALKING- The New Sport Trend

by Victoria Weinberger

Page 21: Jumping Apple NewsThe Comenius Project “First of all our school was involved in the Comenius Project.” This is an inter-national project in Austria, Germany, the Czech Republic,

Page 21

I hope you like fruit and vegetables?! This food type is very important for you! Here is one of the most delicious fruit salads I know:

You need: a knife, a big glass or a plastic bowl and many different fruits like apples, oranges, apricots and grapes. First you have to wash the fruit with cold water and cut it into palatable pieces. Then put the food in the bowl and mix it! If you want, you can put yoghurt on the fruit.

Which dishes can you create with fruit? Lots, for example: fruit salad, purée and compote fruit cakes, fruit dumplings… and so on!

Which vegetables should be on a healthy pizza?

You should only use fresh vegetables! Then you can get more vitamins. You can also use: tomatoes, champion grains, tuna fish or/and lean ham, artichokes, olives, cheese and spices.

If you want to be awake and fresh in the morning, you should eat good renewables. These are: whole wheat bread, cereals, tea, fruit and vegetables, water, one egg (once a week!), lean ham and sometimes jam bread… Which vegetable-meals taste good and make you feel full?

Vegetable-omelet, filled peppers, briam (cooked vegetables – Greek recipe), grilled or roast vegetables, potato goulash, vegetable soups, zucchini casserole, vegetable pan, baked vegetables, vegetable patties, tofu meals,… and so on!

Of course you must eat meat! But only one to three times a week! Your body needs the ingredients of the meat, too. So keep healthy and enjoy your diet !!! by Katrin

YÜâ|à tÇw ixzxàtuÄxá

by Katrin Zeleny

Page 22: Jumping Apple NewsThe Comenius Project “First of all our school was involved in the Comenius Project.” This is an inter-national project in Austria, Germany, the Czech Republic,


History of Karate: Martial arts originally came from China. Gichin Funakoshi brought the martial arts to Japan and named this martial art Ka-rate. Karate means empty hand, because you only work with your hands and feet and, of course, your body. You’ve got no weapons. The Karate-training: Karate-training means that you train your body and your mind. You usually begin with warming up. First you start with techniques for attacking and defending. You can do this in a stand-ing position, but you can also step for-wards (for attacking) or backwards (for de-fending). Only if you have the right breath-ing-technique and the right posture can you develop a perfect technique.

Next you do partner exercises. This means you practise your techniques and your re-action on a partner. But you have to con-trol your body, so that you don’t hit your partner. In partner exercise you first say your attacking technique then the partner repeats it, so that both know the right tech-nique. The next step is that one is the at-tacker and one is the defender, but you don’t know when your partner attacks, or what technique he makes. If you’ve trained long and hard, then you could do a free fight. That means: you can attack when-ever you want, you can use all the tech-niques you know, and you don’t have to say what technique is the next. The third thing you do is the Kata. Like a choreography in dancing, but you do at-tacking and defending techniques. You fight against an imaginary partner. You also need the Kata for tests. In karate you can also do a test to move to a better grade. The grade is shown by the colour of the belt. Belts from low to high: white, yellow, orange, green, 2x blue, 3x brown and 8x black. If you want a better

Page 22 by David Lielacher

Solutions to the quiz on page 15:

1. apple

2. marathon

3. fruit

4. mountainbike

5. basketball

6. football

Page 23: Jumping Apple NewsThe Comenius Project “First of all our school was involved in the Comenius Project.” This is an inter-national project in Austria, Germany, the Czech Republic,


Media Proprietor,/:Editor:

Jumping Apple News Team

4e, Bilingual Secondary School, Wiener Neustadt, Austria Editorial Staff: Anna Stickler, Marlies Hermann, Jessica Hommel,

Miriam Geiger, Annika Scheifinger

Pictures: Alan King, Miriam Geiger, Victoria Weinberger

Articles: 4e

Organisation: Marianne Schneidhofer

Thanks to all the teachers, who supported us during this project, with lots of patience and assistance.

Bilingual School Wiener Neustadt

taking a world view

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