July2014 Newsletter


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July 2014 Newsletter

Transcript of July2014 Newsletter

Page 1: July2014 Newsletter

July 2014 The Rev. Salin Low, Rector

St. John’s mission is to nurture all people in their spiritual growth, in their Christian education, and in their relationship with God.

of St. John’s in Pine Meadowof St. John’s in Pine Meadow

Dear Fellow Parishioners,

As we all settle into the much needed warmer New England summer, the church moves into a somewhat quieter time. Or so it would seem to those on the outside looking in.

At this past Monday’s Vestry meeting, much discussion took place on the goings on outside the church walls. The garden is surely at or almost at its peak of beauty, with the new sprinkler system installed last year keeping the plantings well wa-tered. We are looking into a rather extensive light-ing system for the garden and the walkway to make them more visible from Route 44 and Church Street. This should make our beautiful grounds even more stunning.

A portion of the money left over from the capi-tal campaign has been earmarked for a much needed new roof on the main portion of the church. Shingles matching the roof of the addition have been picked out, and that work is slated to begin in the next week, and should take up to two weeks to complete.

Lastly, after fifteen years of not having to pay anyone to paint the church, we will be looking for a contractor to paint a very small section of the back, bottom of the steeple. This is the only area of the church the paint committee has deemed too challenging for even our very talented crew.

We will however, once again be looking to get the front of the church painted sometime in early September. It has been about five years, and it is certainly in need of some attention. Requests for volunteers will be going out in late summer; stay tuned.

Wishing all a Blessed and relaxing Summer. I hope to see all of you in Church at some point in the coming months.

All the Best,

Stan Moraski

Summer Worship Sunday @ 9:00—Wednesday @ 7:30

Worship on summer Sundays is casual. We’re grateful to have air conditioning when it’s needed. Having one service allows us to visit with people we don’t see as much during the school year. And some Sundays we have our coffee in the garden.

Worship on Wednesdays is quiet and somewhat abbreviated. There is a short homily - actually more of a homilette. This is a good way to stay connected to the parish when summer takes us away on the week-end. It is a caring group who gathers. Join us!

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May 2014 May 2013 Operating Income: $ 7,458 $ 9,857 Operating Expenses: $ 15,676 $ 13,765


2014 2013

Operating Income: $ 59,676 $ 58,382 Operating Expenses: $ 82,949 $ 76,494

Don’t Forget! Summer bills continue to mount. Please keep your pledge current over these months! Larry Espinet, Treasurer

Bits & Pieces 

Shopping Cards An Easy Way to Help

Now Available for Immediate Purchase $100 Stop & Shop Cards

When you buy shopping/gift cards through St. John’s, you are making a contribution that does not cost you financially. It may take a little planning. Or-ders are usually taken the 1st and 3rd Sundays, and cards are delivered on the 2nd and 4th Sundays. Or-der forms are available in the narthex and parish hall and can be placed in the lockbox at any time.

Church Office Hours — Office hours are 8:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m., Monday through Thursday.

Next Ingathering—July 6th

The total for the year to date is $292.86. Bring coins anytime. We will keep them safe.

PARISH REGISTER(Broadly Defined)

Confirmed Alan Welch

High School Graduates Teddy Bremer Crystall Case

Rebecca Halladay Matthew Russo

College Graduates Lauren Alibozek Jennifer Caine Jaclyn Dougan

Ashley Jakubowski-Hudach Kayte Krasow

Gina Russo Russell Dougan Michael Hayes

John Hall Brian Phillips Michael Welch

Baptism Leila Christine Lukiwsky

Nicholas Douglas Lukiwsky

Deaths Carol Proom

Kenneth Krasow (Son-in-law of Lucie & Louis Martocchio)

Marriage Emilee Dery & Daniel DiMenna

Amanda Patch & Steven Rylander Joanna Wasik & Ben Read

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Special thanks to Ron & Joan Caine, Tom Chap-pell, Bob Osborne, Bruce Wearne, and Rick Smith for cleaning the church.

Special thanks to Mac Wilson for taking care of the lawn maintenance.

Many thanks to Linda Snyder and the church school teachers and assistants who helped with Awards Sunday.

Many thanks to Gordon Ross, Matthew Allyn and Stan Moraski for cooking at the picnic. Thanks also to everyone who provided food and helped with the picnic.

Special thanks to all who contributed to a wonder-ful send off for Denise.

Many thanks to Norma Pappalardo, and all the volunteers on making our garden look so beautiful.

Special thanks to Blake Hall for delivering and spreading the mulch in the garden. Special thanks to Mac Wilson & Tom Chappell for repairing our elevator and keeping it running.

Thanks to everyone who helps with the mission and ministry of St. John’s.


Thanks to those who help.! Next Meal on July 26

To learn more about participating in this important outreach, please contact the Rector. Members of St. John’s provide and serve a meal on the 4th Saturday of the month—every month but November and De-cember. If you would like to host, please email: [email protected]. The date of the next meal is July 26, which will be hosted by Laura Carter & Salin Low. Special thanks to Candy Flaherty, Lucie & Louis Martocchio, Barbara Hinman & Cynthia Welch for hosting the June meal.

July Worship Assistance

July 6 Acolytes—Colleen Doyle, Stan Moraski

Reader—Brian Jones Greeters — Nancy Butler & Tom Chappell

July 13 Acolytes—Garrett Healey, Jennifer Caine

Reader—Nancy Gibson Greeter — Lucie & Louis Martocchio

July 20 Acolytes—Gordon Ross, Jill Smith

Reader—Anne Hall Greeters— Laura & Bruce Wearne

July 27 Acolytes—Ralph Hitchcock, Stan Moraski

Reader—Martha Busemeyer Greeter—Sue Hall

Greeters set up and provide cream (and possibly treats) for coffee hour during the summer.

Gill Memorial Garden— Summer Schedule

Week Beginning July 7 Ruth Grobe

Week Beginning July 14

Laura Wearne

Week Beginning July 21 Laura Carter

Week Beginning July 28 Barbara Henri

Thanks to all the garden workers. We are fortunate to have such a dedicated group of volunteers.

Coffee Hour July

9:00 a.m. Service

During the summer months, our 9:00 a.m. Greeters will be responsible for coffee hour. It can be kept simple. The important thing is offer hospitality to all—visitor or member, adult or child. Coffee supplies other than cream are available in the kitchen. Help setting up the pots is available.

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The Episcopal Church We’re Here For You

Sunday Worship

9:00 a.m. Wednesday

7:30 pm

Address Correction

P. O. Box 27

Pine Meadow, CT 06061 Phone: 860 379-3062 www.reddoors.com

Mission Trip to Honduras

Note from Jill Smith

Thank you to all those who so generously donated supplies for the mission trip to Honduras (7/4-7/13). It is not too late to send prayers for the 25 people that I am traveling with for our safety and effective work in the Lord’s name. Our goal is to provide better healthcare and educa-tion and assist in faith initiatives. We will. With God’s help and your prayers. Thank you!!

Rhythms of Grace

No Services in July or August

Rhythms of Grace is designed to meet the needs of families with children on the Autism Spectrum and with other special needs. Those who help feel it is a rewarding experience to work with children and families who need the attention and who are new to St. John’s. Contact Linda Snyder at [email protected] for information. We are looking to go back to the first Sunday of the Month in the fall. We will keep you posted.

We will be holding a tag and craft sale Saturday, October 4th. Help is needed to organize this fundraiser: 1. Tag Sale Coordinator 2. Food Sale Coordinator 3. Craft Sale Coordinator Martha Busemeyer will be coordinating the creation of “collective artworks” to be sold or auctioned. Everyone will have an opportunity to participate in this activity (more information to follow). Diane Hayes will assist each of the coordinators. If you are interested in helping out, please contact Diane at 860-309-3077 or 860-379-7612.

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Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 Molly Sexton Read & Tom Fritch Laura & Bruce Wearne

2 No Service 8:00 PM AA Office Closed

3 Office Closed

4 8:30 PM AA


6 9:00 AM Holy Eucharist



9 7:30 PM Holy Eucharist 8:00 PM AA

10 Jessica & Peter Hinman

11 8:30 PM AA


13 9:00 AM Holy Eucharist

14 Eileen & Dick Bartram

15 Ellen & David Childs

16 7:30 PM Holy Eucharist 8:00 PM AA Lucie & Louis Martocchio

17 Peggy & John Budny

18 8:30 PM AA

19 Open Door

20 9:00 AM Holy Eucharist

21 Barbara & Paul Patch

22 Sue & Blake Hall

23 7:30 PM Holy Eucharist 8:00 PM AA

24 Jane & Matthew Allyn Christine & Luke Nelson

25 8:30 PM AA

26 Peter’s Retreat Carol & Mac Wilson

27 9:00 AM Holy Eucharist



30 7:30 PM Holy Eucharist 8:00 PM AA Joanne & Frank Hohmeister

31 Doris Bryant & Del Springer Debbie & Wally Truss

July 2014 St. John’s Church—Calendar of Events

Anniversaries in Italics

July Birthdays 7/4 Gary Colavecchio 7/8 Olivia Ficalora 7/8 Candy Flaherty 7/8 Chris Osborne

7/10 Teddy Bremer 7/11 John Gargiulo 7/13 Schuyler Horn 7/15 Peter Stull 7/15 Doris Bryant 7/16 Don Phillips

7/17 Colin Coates 7/19 Ron Caine 7/19 Kevin Case 7/21 Bradley Radziewicz 7/22 Gray Horn 7/22 Terry Radziewicz

7/23 Maggie Dougan 7/27 Russ Martocchio 7/30 Brooke Nelson 7/31 Wally Truss

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On June 14 Alan Welch, son of Bill and Cyn-thia was confirmed by Bishop Douglas at Trinity Church in Hartford. The next day he was congratulated at St. John’s.

On June 7 Emilee Dery, for-mer member of St. John’s, married Daniel DiMenna. The rector officiated at the service in Massachusetts.

On June 15 Nicholas Lukiwsky (being held by dad Nick) and Leila Christine (held by brother Aiden) were baptized. Mom Kim and sister Molly complete the busy household.

On June 8 - the Feast of Pentecost - we said good-bye to Deacon Denise. We also celebrated the end of the Godly Play year with awards and gifts to teachers and coor-dinator Linda Snyder. After worship it was a picnic in the garden, with burgers, dogs, cake, and time to visit. It was a fitting 20th anniversary for the Gill Garden!

If you take pictures at a parish event, please send the files to office @reddoors.com. Thanks to Martha Busemeyer for helping with the pictures used in this newsletter.