July News p. 1 O v e r t u r e s · 2018-07-13 · July 2018 Overtures – The Newsletter of the...

July 2018 Overtures – The Newsletter of the Orchid Society of the Ozarks 1 July News! July meeting is July 15 th August meeting is August 19th Facebook – please like us if you haven’t, we’re over 1000! It’s Movie Month! Yes, it’s summer, and by tradition - OK, it’s a tradition only a few years old, but all traditions were once young - we choose one of the hot months to be Movie Month. This year it’s this month. We screen a short movie about orchids as our program, and movie food is the hospitality theme. (We do need some popcorn, of course, but please don’t everyone bring popcorn! We need some proteins and desserts too.) Many of you will recognize some of the people in this year’s movie, “The Judge, the Hunter, the Thief, and the Black Orchid”. Some have been OSO speakers, some are well known in the orchid world, some are both. We think you’ll enjoy it. Beth & Doug Martin, Ecuador and the WOC Part I Most of you know our August speakers, Beth and Doug Martin. The Orchid Society of Greater Kansas City is their home society, but they are long-time members of OSO as well. Doug has done several programs for OSO on various topics and is the originator of the “how far would you go to see this orchid?” rating system for temperate terrestrial orchids, one of his favorite groups of orchids. The Martins went to the World Orchid Conference in Ecuador last fall and also spent some time looking at orchids in the wild. They saw so much that it won’t fit into one program so August is Part I, and Part II will be in November. O v e r t u r e s A Communications Instrument for Society Members and Other Interested Parties Volume XXIII Issue 7 July 2018 Stimulating interest in Orchids and their culture as a nonprofit, educational organization … The Orchid Society of the Ozarks meets the 3rd Sunday of each month. Annual dues are $10.00 for individuals and $15.00 for joint membership. President: Steve Marak [email protected] Vice-president: Russ Greene [email protected] Treasurer: Lois Geren [email protected] Editor: Steve Marak [email protected] What’s inside: July News p. 1 Judging Notes p. 2 Shows & Judgings p. 2 Steve’s Musings p. 3 June meeting pictures p. 4 News from the AOS p. 6 What’s Ahead p. 8

Transcript of July News p. 1 O v e r t u r e s · 2018-07-13 · July 2018 Overtures – The Newsletter of the...

Page 1: July News p. 1 O v e r t u r e s · 2018-07-13 · July 2018 Overtures – The Newsletter of the Orchid Society of the Ozarks 1 July News! July meeting is July 15th August meeting

July 2018 Overtures – The Newsletter of the Orchid Society of the Ozarks 1

July News!

July meeting is July 15th

August meeting is August 19th Facebook – please like us if you haven’t, we’re over 1000!

It’s Movie Month! Yes, it’s summer, and by tradition - OK, it’s a tradition only a few years old, but all traditions were once young - we choose one of the hot months to be Movie Month. This year it’s this month. We screen a short movie about orchids as our program, and movie food is the hospitality theme. (We do need some popcorn, of course, but please don’t everyone bring popcorn! We need some proteins and desserts too.) Many of you will recognize some of the people in this year’s movie, “The Judge, the Hunter, the Thief, and the Black Orchid”. Some have been OSO speakers, some are well known in the orchid world, some are both. We think you’ll enjoy it.

Beth & Doug Martin, Ecuador and the WOC Part I Most of you know our August speakers, Beth and Doug Martin. The Orchid Society of Greater Kansas City is their home society, but they are long-time members of OSO as well. Doug has done several programs for OSO on various topics and is the originator of the “how far would you go to see this orchid?” rating system for temperate terrestrial orchids, one of his favorite groups of orchids. The Martins went to the World Orchid Conference in Ecuador last fall and also spent some time looking at orchids in the wild. They saw so much that it won’t fit into one program so August is Part I, and Part II will be in November.

O v e r t u r e s A Communications Instrument for Society Members and Other Interested Parties

Volume XXIII Issue 7

July 2018

Stimulating interest in

Orchids and their culture as

a nonprofit, educational

organization …

The Orchid Society of the Ozarks meets

the 3rd Sunday of each month. Annual

dues are $10.00 for individuals and

$15.00 for joint membership.

President: Steve Marak

[email protected]

Vice-president: Russ Greene

[email protected]

Treasurer: Lois Geren

[email protected]

Editor: Steve Marak

[email protected]

What’s inside: July News p. 1

Judging Notes p. 2 Shows & Judgings p. 2 Steve’s Musings p. 3 June meeting pictures p. 4 News from the AOS p. 6 What’s Ahead p. 8

Page 2: July News p. 1 O v e r t u r e s · 2018-07-13 · July 2018 Overtures – The Newsletter of the Orchid Society of the Ozarks 1 July News! July meeting is July 15th August meeting

July 2018 Overtures – The Newsletter of the Orchid Society of the Ozarks 2

Judging notes …

Judging notes from June 17, 2018 Nine members entered a total of 43 plants for our June judging. Our speaker, Cymbidium expert Bob Pettibone’s one plant took Plant of the Month (name ???) and first place in Cymbidium or small Cattleya for 25 points. Kathy Judy’s eleven plants took First in Dendrobium and Species, First, Second and Third in Paphs, First and Second in Oncidium, Second in Misc. and Third in Miniature for a total of 59 points. Paul Bowen’s eight plants took First in Miscellaneous, and First, Second and Third in Phalaenopsis, for a total of 27 points. Russ Greene and Jim Enns’ seven plants took First in Vanda and First Bloom, and Third Place in Oncidium, Vanda, and Species for a total of 26 points. The Marak’s seven plants took First and Second in Miniature, and Second in Species for a total of 20 points. Jack Heflin’s six plants took First in Cattleya, and Second in Dendrobium and Vanda for a total of 17 points. Suzanne Miller’s one plant took Third in Dendrobium for a total of 2 points. Year to date points are:

1. Kathy Judy at 162 2. Paul Bowen at 123 3. Art Evans at 108 4. Russ Greene/Jim Enns at 105 5. Steve & Cathy Marak at 89 6. Jack Heflin at 82 7. Susie Miller at 64 8. Lois Geren at 62 9. Bradley Martin at 15 10. Barb Sweet at 14 11. Lisa Lames at 7 12. Immy Graves at 5 13. Liz Hillbrand at 2

Thank You for bringing your blooming plants to share their beauty, special thanks to those who volunteer to participate in the judging each month.

– Paul Bowen

Upcoming Shows & Judgings Around Our Region July 21, 2018

Great Plains Judging Center monthly judging, Beech Science Center, Southwestern College, Winfield, Kansas

July 28, 2018 Central Iowa Orchid Society Annual Speaker’s Day Speakers: Peter T. Lin (Diamond Orchids), Ron Midgett (New Earth Oorchids); Lions Club, Johnston, Iowa

August 11, 2018 Mid-America Judging Center monthly judging, Room 175, Commerce Bank Education Building, Missouri

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July 2018 Overtures – The Newsletter of the Orchid Society of the Ozarks 3

Botanical Garden, St. Louis, Missouri August 18, 2018

Great Plains Judging Center monthly judging, Beech Science Center, Southwestern College, Winfield, Kansas

September 8, 2018 Mid-America Judging Center monthly judging, Room 175, Commerce Bank Education Building, Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis, Missouri

September 15, 2018 Great Plains Judging Center monthly judging, Beech Science Center, Southwestern College, Winfield, Kansas

Steve’s Musings!

I tend to view July as summer’s practice run for August, when the gloves come off and things get serious. So far, although we’re still behind on rain, I’ve been pleasantly surprised. Nights in the low 60s after the 4th of July in NW Arkansas? I’ve lived here for a long time now and that doesn’t happen often. The plants appreciate it too. Although some orchids have adaptations that help them handle heat, many don’t, including many of the miniature species we grow. If their leaf surfaces get hot, it stresses them beyond just the obvious need for more water – we also have to reduce their light. We’re still using the spray-on shade product, in fact we’re still using last year’s application – it hasn’t worn off as fast as predicted. But we’re pretty happy with it, since we can apply more or less of it to different areas of the greenhouse to get different light levels, and because we don’t have to put up or take down shade cloth, which is a real pain. Steve

This inflorescence of Macroclinium dalstroemii is about 1.5 cm across. The cover photo of the July issue of Orchids magazine is a Macroclinium, and these “fan-shaped delights” are Tom Mirenda’s choice for Genus of the Month.

Photographer: Cathy Marak

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Pictures from the June meeting …

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More pictures from the June meeting ….

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July 2018 Overtures – The Newsletter of the Orchid Society of the Ozarks 6

News from the AOS

We thank the American Orchid Society for allowing us to use these items in our newsletter! Even if you’re not an AOS member, there are lots of free resources available to everyone … and of course we encourage you to join. AOS membership includes digital access to “Orchids” magazine, including digital archives of more than 350 issues dating back to 1932!


It’s easy to find the scheduled webinars and to register on the AOS website. You’ll find the link under the All About Orchids tab. If you check there, you will find any webinars that have been scheduled after the production of the monthly Corner.

American Orchid Society: Greenhouse Chat with Dr. Ron McHatton Thursday, July 12th, 2018 @ 8:30 PM – 9:30 PM EST Open to all

Please join Dr. Ron McHatton, American Orchid Society Director of Education and Science Officer, who will discuss a variety of topics on orchid culture based on questions submitted by attendees. Please send your questions and pictures to [email protected] by Sunday, July 1st.

Register now using this link: https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/8900783411585513217

The Ghost Orchid Demystified with Dr. Lawrence Zettler Thursday, July 12th, 2018 @ 8:30 PM – 9:30 PM EST Members Only

Please join Dr. Lawrence Zettler, from Hitchcock College Illinois, as he discusses his fascinating presentation from the World Orchid Conference in Ecuador, November 2017, The Ghost Orchid Demystified: Biology, Ecology and conservation of Dendrophylax lindenii in Florida and Cuba.

Register now using this link: https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/8144085214905768963

The Pleurothallidinae and their Pollinators with Adam Karremans Wednesday, August 8th, 2018 @ 8:30 PM – 9:30 PM EST Members Only

Come to learn about the amazing Pleurothallid orchids and the pollinators that make them possible with Adam Karremans from the University of Costa Rica.

Register now using this link: https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/6381588967057338881

Note: After registering, you will receive a confirmation e-mail containing information about joining the seminar.

WHAT ARE WEBINARS? Webinars are an Internet conference where you can hear the speaker and view his presentation, ask questions, and hear interactions from other members of the audience. You can join either on your computer or by phone. You can join from anywhere, via your Mac, PC or even your mobile device. Audio is included, so attendees can phone in or use VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol). You will need a microphone for your computer to use VoIP.

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WANT TO LEARN, BUT CAN’T MAKE THE DATE? The live webinars will be recorded and posted on the AOS website, where you will find a link allowing you to view the webinars at your convenience.

THE JULY ISSUE OF ORCHIDS MAGAZINE will feature great articles and beautiful pictures on:

• Genus of the Month - Macroclinium - Those little fan-shaped delights • For the Novice – Handling Hot, Humid Summers and Tropical Storms • Collector's Item - Podangis dactyloceras • The Cypripediums of the United States and Canada, Part 3 - arietinum, californicum, fasciculatum, yatabeanum and × alaskanum • Sustainably Harvested Tree Fern • The New Refugium Botanicum - Stenia

dodsoniana • Sarcochilus falcatus and its hybrids


16-page award gallery of breath taking pictures of recently awarded orchids.


See fabulous pictures of the most breathtakingly beautiful orchids receiving awards from the AOS! Visit the new “Latest Orchid Awards” page on the AOS

website to enjoy these stunning photographs! Click on the thumbnails to see them in larger format. Free to members and non- members.

Sarcochilus Melba 'Botanico' AM/AOS; Photographer: Eldridge Huber

Cattleytonia Shirley Ann Craig 'Hamlyn' AM/AOS; Photographer: Claude W. Hamilton

Paphiopedilum hookerae var. volonteanum 'Spatburgunder' AM/AOS; Photographer: Ramon de los Santos

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President: Steve Marak

3460 Roma Dr

Springdale, AR 72762

[email protected]


Visit www.oso-web.org and click the “Join” link

Dues $10 individual, $15 joint

Editor: Steve Marak

3460 Roma Dr

Springdale, AR 72762

[email protected]


A non-profit, educational

organization stimulating interest in

orchids and their culture.

On the web at: www.oso-web.org

Webmaster: Bruce Brown

[email protected]

On Facebook:





Like us, post your pictures or

comments, joint the community!

What’s Ahead …

July 15, 2018

NTI, 709 S. Old Missouri Rd., Springdale, AR

Meeting: 1:30

Program: Movie Month!

August 19, 2018

NTI, 709 S. Old Missouri Rd., Springdale, AR

Meeting: 1:30

Program: Beth & Doug Martin – Ecuador and

the World Orchid Conference, Part I! (Part II in


September 16, 2018


NTI, 709 S. Old Missouri Rd., Springdale, AR

Preview: noon

Auction starts at: 1 pm

Stenoglottis woodii 'Windy Hill's Little Pinkie' AM/AOS

Photographer: Cathy Marak

Purchased as Chiloschista nakornpanomensis, a name that appears around the Internet but isn’t listed in any of the standard nomenclature databases. The flowers are a little more orange and slightly larger than most of the Chiloschistas we have.

Photographer: Cathy Marak