July and Augustinsight.mottramec.co.uk/Insight201607and08JulyandAugustWeb.pdf · July and August ....

... a people preparing for the coming King July and August

Transcript of July and Augustinsight.mottramec.co.uk/Insight201607and08JulyandAugustWeb.pdf · July and August ....

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... a people preparing for the coming King

July and August

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“I’ve started so I’ll finish”. For those as old as me, I’m sure you will instantly recognise this catchphrase. You may even be able to hear Magnus Magnusson’s voice as your mind is transported back to the 1970s episodes of the popular BBC quiz show Mastermind. As far as I remember, Magnus was always true to his word and he never failed to continue asking the question that he was part way through when the buzzer sounded. Did you know that God also finishes what He starts and that He’s always true to His word? This is the last Insight article that I’ll write as pastor of Hattersley Community Church. Firstly as our family moves to Top Chapel, Charlesworth in September we’d like to thank everyone for the love and prayers that you’ve shown us over the 14 years that we’ve been in Hattersley. We really appreciate you all and are glad that we’re not moving too far so that we can still be involved together in what the Lord is doing in our locality. Secondly, our moving has caused us to think about what will happen to Hattersley Community Church. It’s good to know that that no-one is indispensable. God’s used us to help build the church in Hattersley but it’s His work not ours. He may be calling us on to a new pasture but the Lord will make sure that His work continues and grows. This message has come strongly to us as a church. In April I started a preaching series in the book of Philippians and preached from chapter 1 verse 6:

I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ. The following week I’d asked Alan Kendrick to preach. He’d thought about the message months before and knew what God wanted him to share. On that week he preached from Philippians 1:6: I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ. It seems plain to see that the Lord was trying to communicate a message to us: “I’ve not finished with Hattersley Community Church”. Paul’s phrase in Philippians 1:6 “I am sure” is a strong phrase and carries a complete certainty. It’s the same phrase that he uses in Romans 8:38 when he is persuaded that nothing can separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus. His certainty was that if a work is truly of God then He will cause it to continue. Paul saw that God had begun a genuine work in the Philippian church and I believe that the Lord sees it also in Hattersley Community Church The church in Hattersley may not be large in number but those who are there know that they are saved. We’re a church who have had our faith tested. Some members have been through the

most horrendous situations but have by God’s grace come through in peace, joy and victory. There is a faith amongst the church that believes in the power of prayer to change situations and the power of the gospel to transform lives for eternity. There is an increasing desire to reach out with this gospel into the community and beyond. The church is far from perfect but there is clear evidence of the work of the Holy Spirit. For this reason and for this reason alone, I am sure that “He’s started so He’ll finish”. The best is yet to come!


Mottram Evangelical Church and

Hattersley Community Church are interdependent churches who seek to be evangelical in their understanding and charismatic in their experience. Together

we live to glorify God, serve his church and reach his world.

Insight is the monthly newsletter, prepared by Margaret and Stephen

Winfield and published in print and on-line by Mottram Evangelical Church, Stalybridge Road, Mottram, Hyde, Cheshire. SK14 6NF.

Tel. 01457 764113.

Articles for inclusion should be submitted before the deadline indicated on the ’diary dates’ page. Contributions should be sent to 4, Hall Drive, Mottram, or by e-mail to

[email protected]

We do ask that contributors submit their name for inclusion with submissions, as

personal contributions are accepted on the understanding that they are not necessarily the opinions of the Editors or the Church


Church Child Protection Policy All church children’s and young people’s

work is carried out by personnel who have undergone disclosures and in accordance with the Church’s Child Protection Policy.

To view this policy please call Jim on 01457 764113.’

On the cover

The big tent is coming.

Let’s fill it!

Jim Solomon Pastor, Hattersley Community Church

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“Teacher, I have brought my mute son, made speechless by

a demon, to you.

When it seizes him he foams at the mouth and falls to the


When the demon saw Jesus, it threw the boy into a seizure.

The father reacted, “If you can

do anything Jesus, do it.”

Jesus replied, “There are no ifs among believers.”

The father cried out, “I

believe, but help me with my doubts.”

Mark 9. V17, 18, 20, 22-24

The Message Bible, Gwen Taylor

From The Message Bible

Prayer is weakness leaning on omnipotence.

Worship Quote #24 W.S. Bowd

Pastor and Christian author

Gwen Taylor


Insight Copy


Sunday 21st


Mighty Men’s Breakfast

Saturday 9th July from 8 to 9.45.

Please let Martyn Catterall know if

you will be there

It’s time for HCC to seek the Lord for the next step. As I step down as pastor at the end of August there is much to pray and do as we move forward together in God’s plans and purposes. To facilitate this we continue putting a special vision focus at the following times together over the next few months: Wednesday evening prayer meetings - 20th July and 24th August. An unrushed time for the whole church to gather to seek the Lord’s direction, 7:30pm to 9:30pm at Hattersley Baptist Church. Sunday service vision focus - 3rd July, 31st July and 28th August Time set aside during our Sunday morning meeting at Pinfold Primary School to share updates, ask questions and pray together.


Sunday 17th July 6.30pm

MEC/HCC film night

Monday 18th July 2.00pm

Matinee Hollywood Classic

Friday 22nd July 6.30pm

MEC/HCC youth film night

Saturday 23rd July 10am

Family Movies

Monday 22nd August 2pm

Matinee Hollywood Classic

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Mottram Matters

Times of Prayer and Fasting The elders also recognise a stirring and responsibility to cultivate a culture of prayerfulness in MEC and have set aside two periods of prayer and fasting this year. Please consider setting aside some time to be involved in these seasons to seek God for the church, our Real Lives mission activities and for the nation in general. Tuesday 19th to Thursday 21st July: Three days of prayer and fasting 7.00am to 8.00am and 8.15pm to 9.15pm each day Sunday 11th to Saturday 17th September : Week of prayer and fasting Saturday 17th September 7.30 pm: Evening celebration and worship Members’ Meeting Sunday 18th September 2016. From 1.15pm to 2.30pm Our next members meeting will take place on the afternoon of Sunday 18th September. After the worship service that day, we shall have a “bring & share” lunch together and this will be followed by the members’ meeting. If you are a committed follower of Jesus, and in regular fellowship at MEC but have not yet become a formal member of the church, why not consider joining as a member? Please contact Martyn or one of the other elders and we will happily arrange an opportunity to chat over the benefits and responsibilities of membership with you!


Real Lives 2016 Wednesday 28th September to Sunday 2nd October in the Marquee!

We have already had four Real Lives events during 2016, and each of these has been a positive experience for those who attended. We have seen God stirring the hearts of visitors who have attended and encouraging many of His own people. We are now in the lead up to the main week of events in the autumn. There is still much planning and preparation to do, and the volunteer and financial resources that will be needed to arrange the events are still being gathered together! Here is a summary of the events that are being planned in The Marquee Wednesday 28th to Friday 30th September. -Daytime There will be lively and interactive daytime activities for local primary school children telling the story of "People Jesus Met". These sessions be presented by an experienced team from the Bible Encounter Trust. Wednesday 28th to Friday 30th September and Sunday 2nd October. -Evenings Roger Carswell will interview followers of Jesus about the role their faith has played in helping them make sense of a variety of challenging Real Life situations including spending years in prison for being a violent member of a paramilitary group; navigating a "crisis of faith" and the conflicting expectations of family and friends; coping with the loss of a loved family member to cancer; life as a parent for severely disabled children. Saturday 1st October. -Afternoon We are planning a Saturday afternoon family event called "Ridiculous Chris" presented by the Lamps Collective Theatre Company. Sunday 2nd October. -Morning We will share together in a united act of worship with the other local churches in Mottram and Hattersley. Roger Carswell will preach, and also interview someone who has wrestled with addiction and come to faith in Jesus through this experience. Here are a few practical things you can consider doing as part of the team effort to make the outreach as effective as possible: Pray. Please pray! Pray alone. Pray in families. Pray in small groups. Join in the prayer and fasting weeks. Come along to the Real Lives 2016 prayer sessions. Pray in English. Pray in tongues. Let’s make every effort to keep prayer hot! Invite. Ask the Holy Spirit to bring to mind the name of (at least) one person you can pray for and invite to come along to one of the events. Ask the Holy Spirit to give you the courage to follow through with an invitation. Volunteer. Over the summer, we shall be planning the detail of the week and there will be loads of things that we need help with in order to make the events possible. We will post up details of the roles and responsibilities that we need to be filled, so do be ready to get involved! Give. This outreach is beyond our financial resources as things stand, but we are trusting the Lord to release the funds required: please be prepared to give (make donations to Jonathon and don’t forget to Gift Aid them if you are a taxpayer). Any funds left over after the mission will be used in follow up activity and future joint outreach by the local churches. Pray. Did I mention prayer? Please make praying a high priority! Pray and obey!


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Thank you for all your continued support for God’s work in Tanzania. The partnership between our churches across the seas and with God is remarkable and growing. The whole church in Dodoma prays for us every Tuesday, without fail. Their Church continues in Revival and growth and God is blessing our partnership with them. Last month 6 nurses, a TV producer (“off duty!”) and a prayer warrior went out to Dodoma. With our Tanzanian nurse Hilda, in the afternoons we trained the health volunteer team Tazama na Tunza (Look and Care). We covered all aspects of health care for patients with chronic health conditions and no money or means to pay for their diagnosis, tests or treatments.

In the mornings we visited any with chronic conditions in the community. This could be quite challenging as often those with chronic conditions such as HIV or epilepsy are shut away, neglected and isolated by their families. These families have no money to pay for their treatment and no health knowledge to understand that the patient can live a perfectly normal life in the community with a little support. The volunteer team are growing in knowledge and understanding and as they grow, so the community can change as the team visits them, with God’s love. This year we stayed at Samson and Margaret’s home again and we were surrounded by the love of their family. I met the eight Mission Pastors that we support month on month as a Charity and was almost knocked over by the tremendous sense of God’s presence and power in them, as they stand as God’s warriors in very difficult circumstances indeed. In Muslim areas they have been attacked, stoned, had their homes damaged, been miss-treated and cursed by witch doctors and more. Yet they stand in such power and humility. Amazing. And the Health Centre is growing! Everyone from the lead builder to the church members and Doctor said what a strong building it is and how fast it is being built. I was very encouraged that the church and community look on it as their own project which they are building to reach out in love to those who are poor and sick of which there are so, so many and so often their conditions are so, so preventable…. So we are part of their mission outreach. One non-Christian lady we visited and advised on her condition, appeared in church the next Sunday and declared that she had come to say “Thank You” to God as she felt so remarkably better. The volunteers will work hand-in-hand with the Health Centre when it is opened, meeting the medical and spiritual needs of the very poor community. So Praise be to God who gives us good works to do! We just need the faith to hold on

for the ride, and the perseverance to continue! Pastor Zeph, Dr Motto and Pastor Samson’s wife Margaret are being invited to the UK this October, so hopefully you will meet them then. Be encouraged: we have a great God who is full of passionate love for His people.


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Manchester House of Prayer This month I want to draw your attention to the MHOP and it’s week of prayer for life. “Since MHOP began we have had a heart to pray for life. Two years ago we became connected with image, an organisation who uphold the sanctity of life in the heart of Manchester. We began bi-monthly prayerwatches in partnership with image, praying for life issues as well as specifically for the work image do in our city, nation and beyond. These have been some of the most fruitful prayer meetings we've held in our 6 year history! Back in March we felt the Lord begin to talk to us about calling a week of prayer for life in our city, where we would call believers to pray for issues affecting our nation as well as to cover the work of image. We have, as a nation, embraced and sanctioned in law, the robbing of life, the taking of a human spirit from individuals, both at the beginning and the end of life. As a nation we have taken people's lives into our own hands and out of the hands of God , the source and Spirit of Life. We believe through the prayers of the saints we can see a change of the hearts of people in this nation back to God, where once again we choose life (Duet. 30:19). We want to invite you to join us in a week of prayer for life, 4-10 July 2016. We will hold two special prayerwatches during the week, on Monday 4th to launch the week of prayer and on Sunday 10th to close the week out well. During the rest of the week we have prepared a prayer guide which you can use to help you pray well and from an informed position for these life issues affecting our nation, issues including abortion, euthanasia and suicide. The guide will also help you pray for the various facets of work of image. We would love for you to be a part of this week of prayer! You can connect through Facebook, say you're coming to the events and tell your friends about it too. The prayer guide will be available to download from our website and there will be copies available at our lunch event. Keep your eyes on mhop.org.uk/prayerforlife for more information. We are expectant that as we gather to pray for life in our nation we will see the Lord move in power! Amen! “ Launch Event, Monday 4th July, 8 pm, Wythenshawe Community Church, 94 Crossacres Road, M22 5BS Closing Event, Sunday 10th July, 7 pm, Mustard Tree, 110 Oldham Road, M4 6AG


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HCC holiday at Keswick Convention,

Sunday 24th – Wednesday 27th July 2016

HCC Base at Bassenthwaite Parish Rooms, School Road, Bassenthwaite CA12 4QJ

HCC are going away on holiday to the Keswick Convention at the end of July. Keswick is a beautiful part of the Lake District and the convention has a strong emphasis on Bible teaching and has provision for all ages. We’re planning to leave straight after church on Sunday 24th July and return after the evening meeting returning home around midnight on Wednesday 27th July. If you can’t make all of it then come for as much as you are able. Whilst there we will be hiring Bassenthwaite Parish Rooms, 6 miles out of Keswick, for use as a base for the whole group and for us all to eat evening meals together. It is also available for people to sleep in if needed, probably in single-sex dormitory. The facility has a well equipped kitchen, toilets, two showers and a piano! For those who wish to find their own accommodation there are plenty of campsites and bed and breakfasts in the area as well as Travelodge hotels in Cockermouth or Penrith.

Costs per person, per night will be £3 for meals and £8 for sleeping accommodation. Please ask me if you need any help arranging your accommodation. We will be travelling in our own cars so please be willing to share any spare seats you have and be willing to help with fuel costs if you get a lift. Check out keswickministries.org for lots of info and please let me know if you would like to join us.


The rain couldn't put a dampener on our indoor street party for the Queen's birthday. We had a full house and enjoyed a lovely lunch together before our very British sing-a-long. We also interviewed one attendee who showed off his British Empire Medal that he recently received from Buckingham palace. A big thank you to one of our younger members for his rendition of the National Anthem on the French Horn and a very big thank you also to those who made cakes and sandwiches especially for it. We were pleased to give them all a copy of 'The Servant Queen and The King She Serves' - a book about the queen's life and her faith in Jesus, written in her own words. Please pray these books are a source of encouragement for our Matinee friends.


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Articles for Insight—Sorry! We can’t be everywhere! If you have photos or reports on Mottram or Hattersley church events, please send them to us for including in Insight

[email protected] 4 Hall Drive, Mottram, SK14 6LH 01457 764753

See the Diary Dates for the copy deadline. Stephen and Margaret Winfield


What happens in and around our Churches, When it happens, Where it takes place and Who to contact for more details and to

volunteer. Sundays (see Diary Dates for full details) 10.30 am Mottram Morning Worship MEC, Stalybridge Road Martyn Cooling 01457 238016 [email protected] 10.30 am Hattersley Morning Worship Pinfold Primary School, Hattersley Jim Solomon 07985 029115 Monday 2.00 pm Mottram Monday Matinee To 4.00 pm MEC Debs F 07446 893445 7.45 pm Tearfund Prayer Meeting (2nd Mon Venue varies. of Month) Shirley Brierley 01457 764700 Tuesdays 11.15 am Tuesday Café to 12.45 pm MEC School term Linda Winson 01457 764225 4.45 pm Rock Solid To 6.00 pm Meeting Place (10-14’s) Sam Patterson 07870 984863 Wednesdays 9.45 am HCC Prayer to 11.00 am 4 Worthington Close, Hattersley. Sylvia Garry 0161 368 0952 9.30 am to Mums’ Bible Study 11.30 am MEC Susan Cooling 01457 238016 10.00 am Men’s Group MEC 2nd Weds of month Paul Barlow 0161 366 8531 Embrace Street Dance Class 4.00 pm Ages 3-5 Years (to 4.45 pm) 5.00 pm Ages 5-7 Years (to 5.45 pm) Ken Ward Centre Rivkah 07990 747627

Wednesdays (cont.) 6.45 pm Creative Drop-in Sessions To 8.30 pm Ages 10-16.years The Hub Rivkah 07990 747627 8.00 pm Small Groups to 10.00 pm Various locations. MEC Martyn Cooling 01457 238016 Thursdays 10.00 am MEC Womans’ Prayer & Bible Group. to 12 noon MEC School term Susan Cooling 01457 238016 6.30 pm Kids 4 Christ to 8.00 pm MEC (Junior school age) School term Jim Towell 0161 330 9058. [email protected] 7.00 pm Lifecentre Youth Group To 8.30 pm The Hub Rivkah 07990 747627 Create Street Dance 7.00 pm Ages 8-12 years (to 8.00 pm) 8.00 pm Ages 13+ years (to 9.00 pm) The Hub Rivkah 07990 747627 8.00 pm MEC Worship Group MEC Susan Cooling 01457 238016 Fridays 4.00 pm Adventure Club Ages 8-14 years Simon Davidson 07770 427313

What, Where, When and Who

The next print edition of Insight will be available on Sunday 28th August.

The September Insight Copy Deadline will therefore be on Sunday 21st August Stephen and Margaret

Thank You

I wish to thank everyone for your support.

I completed the Manchester 10k Run in 1 hour 17.49 minutes which is a good time for me, especially considering I had a painful calf


More importantly, I set myself a fundraising target of £500 and have so far raised an

amazing £1200! I am so grateful to all those who have donated and would add that if you

haven’t donated and would still like to the Mydonate page below will be open until August.




Church Every Sunday 10.10am Kids’n’Youth Sunday 10th July. 4.00pm Prodigals Sunday 17th July, 4.00pm Real Lives Monday 18th July at MEC

Prayer 4

As the summer sun bakes the streets of Mottram and Hattersley….. ….my thoughts turn as usual to snow and walking in it or sliding down it on an Oak Hall holiday. If anyone is interested in joining me for a week spent in the mountains in the company of fellow Christians, please check out their website and/or speak to me.

Stephen Winfield www.oakhall.co.uk/browse/winter

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July and August Diary Dates

Mottram Evangelical Church

July Sun 3rd MEC 10.30am Mottram Morning Worship and Lord’s Supper HCC 10.30am Hattersley Morning Worship Wed 6th HCC 9.45am Isaiah 62 Prayer for Israel (at 4 Worthington Close) HCC 7.30pm HCC Prayer Walking and Outreach (meet at 4 Worthington Close) MEC various MEC Small Group Meetings Sat 9th MEC 8.00am Mottram Mighty Men’s Breakfast Sun 10th MEC 10.30am Mottram Morning Worship HCC 10.30am Hattersley Morning Worship and Lord’s Supper MEC 4.00pm Prayer 4 Kids’n’Youth Wed 13th MEC 10.00am MEC Men’s Group HCC 7.30pm HCC Whole Church Bible Study at HBC MEC various MEC Small Group Meetings Sun 17th MEC 10.30am Mottram Morning Worship and Lord’s Supper HCC 10.30am Hattersley Morning Worship followed by HCC AGM. MEC 4.00pm Prayer 4 Prodigals Mon 18th MEC 8.00pm Prayer 4 Real Lives Tue 19th to Thu 21st MEC 7.00am to 8.00am and Prayer and 8.15pm to 9.15pm Fasting Wed 20th HCC 7.30pm HCC The Next Step - Whole Church Prayer (at HBC) Sun 24th MEC 10.30am Mottram Morning Worship HCC 10.30am Hattersley Morning Worship Sun 24th to Wed 27th HCC HCC Holiday to Keswick Convention Wed 27th MEC various MEC Small Group Meetings

Sun 31st July MEC 10.30am Mottram Morning Worship HCC 10.30am Hattersley Morning Worship

August Wed 3rd HCC 9.45am Isaiah 62 Prayer for Israel (at 4 Worthington Close) HCC 7.30pm HCC Prayer Walking and Outreach (meet at 4 Worthington Close) MEC various MEC Small Group Meetings Sun 7th MEC 10.30am Mottram Morning Worship and Lord’s Supper HCC 10.30am Hattersley Morning Worship and Lord’s Supper Wed 10th MEC 10.00am MEC Men’s Group HCC 7.30pm HCC Whole Church Bible Study at HBC MEC various MEC Small Group Meetings Sun 14th MEC 10.30am Mottram Morning Worship HCC 10.30am Hattersley All Age Worship Mon 15th to Fri 19th MEC 10.00am Guardians of Ancora Holiday Club Wed 13th HCC 7.30pm Neighbourhood Group prayer (venue tbc) Sun 21st September Insight Deadline MEC 10.30am Mottram Morning Worship and Lord’s Supper HCC 10.30am Hattersley Morning Worship Wed 24th HCC 7.30pm HCC The Next Step - Whole Church Prayer (at HBC) MEC various MEC Small Group Meetings Sun 28th September Insight MEC 10.30am Mottram Morning Worship HCC 10.30am Hattersley Morning Worship Wed 31st HCC 7.30pm Church Family Meal (6a Carrhouse Lane, Hollingworth) MEC various MEC Small Group Meetings

MEC = Mottram Evangelical Church. HCC = Hattersley Community Church UTD = United Meetings (at MEC unless stated) HBC = Hattersley Baptist Church

Morning prayer every Sunday during July and August HCC 7.00 am Prayer for Church (at 4 Worthington Close) MEC 10.10 am Prayer 4 Church