July 26, 2020 Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time · 2020-07-07 · VOLUME 67 NO. 31 JULY 26, 2020...

WEL ME You co e to thi hurch not tr nger, ut riend: riend o God nd riend o our ri h co unity. We ho e your vi it i iritu lly enriching. le e let u know how we c n erve you July , S v nt nt Sun y in r in ry Ti

Transcript of July 26, 2020 Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time · 2020-07-07 · VOLUME 67 NO. 31 JULY 26, 2020...

Page 1: July 26, 2020 Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time · 2020-07-07 · VOLUME 67 NO. 31 JULY 26, 2020 -5- St. Amelia Church is OPEN!! It is with great joy that we let you know that our

WELCOME! You come to this Church

not as a stranger, but as a friend:

a friend of God and a friend of our parish community.

We hope your visit is spiritually enriching.

Please let us know how we can serve you!

July 26, 2020

Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Page 2: July 26, 2020 Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time · 2020-07-07 · VOLUME 67 NO. 31 JULY 26, 2020 -5- St. Amelia Church is OPEN!! It is with great joy that we let you know that our

VOLUME 67 NO. 31 JULY 26, 2020



Saturday, July 25: St. James, Apostle

4:30 p.m. Vic & Pat Lepertine by Family

Bob Gramza by Joan Gramza & Family

Sunday, July 26: Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary


7:00 a.m. Carlos Chameli by David & Catie Wagner &


9:00 a.m. Sandra Nichols by Donna McCarthy

Teresa Margarone by Angela Rizzo

11:00 a.m. Msgr. Joseph Dowdell by FMC Retirement


Monday, July 27

8:00 a.m. Kenneth Multerer by Family

10:30 a.m. Mitchell Gramza by Joan Gramza & Family

Tuesday, July 28

8:00 a.m. Bruce Gostomski by LoVullo Family

10:30 a.m. Celia Kucharczyk by Stan & Arlene Lopat

Wednesday, July 29: St. Martha

8:00 a.m. Bettie Smerda by Donna McCarthy

10:30 a.m. Henry & Phyllis Zuzze by Family

Thursday, July 30: St. Peter Chrysologus, Bishop &

Doctor of the Church

8:00 a.m. All Parishioners Living & Deceased by

Father Sibby

10:30 a.m. Timothy Burke by Regina Burke

Friday, July 31: St. Ignatius of Loyola, Priest

8:00 a.m. Jean Bart by Estate

10:30 a.m. Anna LaDuca by Donna Catrona

Saturday, August 1: St. Alphonsus Liguori, Bishop &

Doctor of the Church

8:00 a.m. Giuseppe & Carmela Delre by Angela


Vigil Mass

4:30 p.m. Connie Pierro by Tom & Joan Lillis

Lottie Gregorski by James Bonnes

Sunday, August 2: Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary


7:00 a.m. Paul & Mary Carroll by Pat Carroll

9:00 a.m. Peggy Mulhern Goodwin by Carol Tato

Kenneth Mix by Angela Rizzo

11:00 a.m. Rose & Joseph Cavaretta by Cavaretta


Estelle & Frank Bogner by Cavaretta Family

Pray for the sick: James Ashley, Ed Call, Zach Eh-

renreich, Debbie Grasso, Tony Grasso, Sharon Gu-

towski, Marie Hartway, James Havas, Jean Hoagland,

Richard Hollister, Gerry Huard, Dr. Megan Johnson,

Bryan Lazarski, Brian Leonard, Denise Lewandowski,

Donald Lewecki, Joanne Long, Bill Moore, Jennifer

Nagel, Robert Palmeri, Joseph Randazzo, Linda

Sansalone, Torrie Saucedo, Hedy Siock, Adam Slifka,

Diane Terech, Eileen Walsh, Barbara Weig, Dolores

Wiegand and Roslyn Zaccaria.

Please pray for our servicemen and women, peace

in the world and an increase in vocations.

Please call the rectory to place a sick person’s

name on the prayer list. The sick person should know

about this and give permission as some people prefer

to keep this information private. A name remains on

the list for six weeks and then is removed unless we

are notified to keep it on permanently.

RECONCILIATION: Monday from 6:30-7:00 p.m.,

Wednesday from 4:00-5:00 p.m., Saturday from 3:30-

4:30 p.m. and at other times by request.

ANOINTING OF THE SICK: If you or a loved one is in

need of the Anointing of the Sick, please make ar-

rangements with the parish office and/or feel free to

ask one of the priests before or after Mass. We are

happy to visit you with Communion or Confession or

to offer the Sacrament of Anointing in your home,

hospital or healthcare facility.

JOINING OUR PARISH: New members are warm-

ly welcomed. Please make an appointment to register

by phoning the rectory. Whether you are a lifelong

Catholic or if you would like to learn more about be-

coming Catholic, call us at 836-0011.


When we consider our vocation, we may feel

called to priesthood or religious life, but not feel

strong or qualified enough to pursue our call. God

knows all that we lack, and is ready to grant what

we need if only we ask.

If God is calling you to a Church vocation, please

call Father Andrew Lauricella at 847-5535.

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Dear St. Amelia Parish Family,

On this Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time we hear a series of parables of Jesus. Jesus offers

his disciples images of buried treasure, fine pearls and rich varieties of fish as a means of teaching

about the kingdom of Heaven. If Jesus were to appear to you in a dream tonight saying, “Ask some-

thing of me and I will give it to you,” for what would you ask? Peace? Happiness? Security? Good

Health? A New Lexus? A house in the country? Surely, we could go on and on listing our various

fantasies, but I wonder if any of us would ask for an understanding heart or the gift of wisdom as

Solomon did. How much value would any of us place on an understanding heart in the world? His

wish defies human reason, but defines his faith in God. How would you respond to this offer?

Consider some of the great examples of faith in these saints: Katharine Drexel founded the Sis-

ters of the Blessed Sacrament in 1891. She shocked elitist society by taking a vow of poverty and us-

ing all of her $20 million inheritance in ministry to the poor Black and American Indians. Francis of

Assisi disowned his family’s wealth and embraced a life of humility and poverty. Augustine left be-

hind his pursuit of happiness in the things of this world and embraced God’s mercy and the riches of

the kingdom of God. Consider his word - “Our hearts are restless until they rest in you.”

Like the man in the Gospel who, when finding a buried treasure, went and sold all he had to buy

that plot of ground, you and I have some very concrete ideas about what we regard as treasure for

ourselves. We invest time, energy and concern in what we treasure, no matter what our age. Treasure

is the special bear or fuzzy dog that children cuddle up with each night. Treasure is that first car

which gets polished and washed almost daily. Treasure is looking on your firstborn who lies sleeping

peacefully in your arms, but an understanding heart, is that a treasure?

In the past weeks, the Gospel parables we have been reading center on the kingdom and are

unique to St Matthew’s gospel. They show us the radical commitment required by the kingdom. The

man who found the buried treasure had to make risky investments. First, he had to find the treasure,

and we all know how elusive a treasure can be. Then, he had to sell all that he had without first

having taken the treasure to an appraiser to see its true worth. Finally, the man had to purchase the

field without a guarantee that the treasure was still there. Not many of us would consider that wise,

but what is wise for Christians today? Where is it appropriate for us to channel our time, energy,

money and concern? There are no simple answers, as today’s scriptures show us. The best we can do

is to have faith in God and to pray to God for an understanding heart, and hope that God will give us

the Wisdom of Solomon, as well. What will our response be when Jesus says, “Ask anything of me and

I will give it to you.”

In Christ’s Love and Peace,

Father Sibby

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Supreme Court overturns Louisiana Pro-Life

Law: On June 29th, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled 5:4

to strike down Louisiana’s Unsafe Abortion Protection

Act. The act required abortion clinics to be held to the

same standards as other surgical clinics and that the

abortion doctors have hospital admitting privileges. It

was authored by Pro-Life Democratic Rep. Katrina

Jackson and passed with bipartisan support in the

state legislature. Despite this, abortion advocates

strongly opposed it, fearing that these standards

would force the closure of two of the state’s three

abortion clinics and prevent five of the six abortion-

ists from practicing.

Archbishop Joseph F. Naumann, Chairman of the

U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Committee for

Pro-Life Activities issued this statement: “Abortion vio-

lently ends the life of a child, and often severely

harms women. Abortion becomes even more destruc-

tive when basic health and safety standards ignored,

and profit margins are prioritized over women’s lives.

As Catholics, we condemn abortion as a grave injus-

tice that denies the fundamental human right to life.

Yet even as we seek to end the brutality of legalized

abortion, we still believe that the women who seek it

should not be further harmed and abused by a cal-

lous, profit-driven industry.”

“The Court’s failure to recognize the legitimacy of

laws prioritizing women’s health and safety over abor-

tion business interests continues a cruel precedent.

As we grieve this decision and the pregnant women

who will be harmed by it, we continue to pray and

fight for justice for mothers and children.

“We will not rest until the day when the Supreme

Court corrects the grave injustice of Roe and Casey

and recognizes the Constitutional right to life for un-

born human beings. And we continue to ask all people

of faith to pray for women seeking abortion, often un-

der enormous pressure, that they will find alternatives

that truly value them and the lives of their children.”



For the past several weeks, our gospel readings

have dealt with Jesus’ description of the Kingdom of

Heaven, and what we need to do to reach it. Matthew

concludes this portion of Jesus’ teaching today with

three more parables, two of which deal with the

promise of the Kingdom, and the final one, with the

judgment that will bring.

The first two involve people who are searching for

something of great value – just as we ourselves are

embarked on a lifelong search for Jesus’ heavenly

kingdom. Jesus says such persons, when they find

what they are looking for, will go to extreme lengths

to lock it in, to make sure they keep it. The finder of

the buried treasure and the merchant have not only

had the commitment to mount a search; when they

found their treasure, they realized what they had and

acted to hold on to it.

What about us? We often get so involved in other

things that we lose sight of what is of most value to

us – the things of God. We get lost in the distractions

of the world; we get led down by-ways we never in-

tended. We sometimes forget that Jesus is always

there, beckoning to us. The treasure of great price is

right in front of us. All we really need to do is say

“yes” to God’s offer of love.

When we find it, we need to take steps to keep

what we were searching for – the presence of God in

our lives.

Are we looking for God, for our “pearl of great

price,” in the right places? Are we taking the right

steps to keep what we have found? Just something to

think about.

We are pleased to welcome to St. Amelia Parish

this weekend, Rev. Paul Ladda who will speak at all

the Masses addressing the needs of the missions in

Shinyanga, Tanzania. The Diocese of Shinyanga is

located in the northwest part of Tanzania. Their

mission is to preach the good news to all and to

foster care for orphans and children of families in

need, provide education to adolescent girls, assis-

tance to widowed and single mothers, provide

health care and medication for the sick and develop

educational programs for catechists, seminarians

and priests. A second collection will be taken up

today for this mission. May God Bless you.

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VOLUME 67 NO. 31 JULY 26, 2020


St. Amelia Church is OPEN!!

It is with great joy that we let you know that our parish is open for daily and weekend Masses! It is truly a

blessing to be able to gather again around the Altar!

While Bishop Scharfenberger has stated that churches can now be open, the dispensation continues for

those who are not yet ready or able to attend in person, therefore, our livestream feed of all of our Masses will


We are welcoming parishioners back in accord with safe distancing protocols and New York State guidelines,

therefore, our committee has prepared the church by roping off every other pew for distancing measures; plac-

ing arrow markings on the carpet for social distancing and communion procedures; and installing hand sanitiz-

ers around the church. Staff and volunteers will be cleaning the church pews and wiping down the doorways and

restrooms between Masses.

It is fortunate that the size of our church should allow us to accommodate parishioners safely. The balcony

will be open for seating and the school gymnasium will be available for additional seating if needed.

How to prepare ahead of time:

�� Be sure you have a mask; and if possible a small size hand sanitizer for personal use.

�� (Diocesan guidelines indicate that any child over the age of two wear a mask.)

�� If you are sick or have any symptoms of the Coronavirus, please stay home. Thank you!

As you arrive for Mass:

1. Please wear your mask (as mandated by the governor’s executive order).

2. Practice social distancing as you enter or use the restrooms.

3. When you enter the church, our ushers will welcome you, guide you where to sit; and will assist you with our

new communion procedures.

During Mass:

1. There will be limited singing due to wearing masks.

2. During the Our Father, please do not hold hands with anyone outside of your household.

3. During the Sign of Peace, simply do a slight bow or nod to acknowledge/extend peace to others around you.

4. When it is time to receive Holy Communion, ushers will assist you to the communion line while maintain-

ing 6 feet of distancing. You are asked to keep your mask on, extend your ungloved hands, one on top of

the other to receive the host which will be “dropped” carefully without touch into your waiting hand. You will

then take a few steps to your right or left, lower your mask, place the host into your mouth and then return

the mask back over your nose and mouth, and go back to your pew.

While it will be wonderful to finally be back with our parish community, we ask that parishioners not congre-

gate in the narthex or indoors of the church out of concern for everyone’s personal safety.

In order to follow the CDC and Diocesan guidelines, churches have to implement the following temporary

changes: for the time being we are not able to offer holy water in the fonts; have full choirs; full processions, gift

bearers, greeters or altar servers. The crying room needs to be closed and the missalettes had to be removed

from the pews for sanitary reasons.

We look forward to welcoming you back to the table of the Lord, and ask for your patience and consideration

as we do our best to re-open as safely as possible. Please understand that each of these measures are in place as

per CDC and Diocesan Guidelines and are meant to protect each of you and allow us to gather safely as we

praise God together once again!

We have missed you and are so glad to see you again!

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St. Amelia Parish Mass Intentions 2021

Mass intentions for 2021 are now being scheduled. We ask that intentions for special

dates be limited to three occasions: wedding anniversary, birthday and anniversary of

death. Masses may be requested during the month

following the death of a relative or at a time of serious illness if space in the schedule al-


Please complete this form with your choices and mail or drop it off to the Rectory Office

with a check for $15 per Mass made payable to: St. Amelia Church (210 St. Amelia Drive,

Tonawanda NY 14150) Please note that Mass intentions will be processed on a first come

first served basis.

Weekend Masses: Saturday 4:30 p.m.

Sunday 7:00 a.m., 9:00 a.m., 11:00 a.m.

Weekday Masses:

September –June

Monday, Wednesday, Friday (and Saturday 8:00 a.m. Mass)

Monday-Friday 10:30 a.m.

Tuesday and Thursday 6:30 a.m.

July and August

Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. (and Saturday 8:00 a.m. Mass)

Contact Name: ____________________________________Contact Phone Number: ____________

Mass Intention is for: _______________________________________

Mass is requested by: _______________________________________



Choice: Date: _______________ Time: ______________________



Choice: Date: _______________ Time: ______________________



Choice: Date: _______________Time: ______________________

Mass Intention is for: _______________________________________

Mass is requested by: _______________________________________



Choice: Date: _______________ Time: ______________________



Choice: Date: _______________ Time: ______________________



Choice: Date: _______________Time: ______________________

Mass Intention is for: _______________________________________

Mass is requested by: _______________________________________



Choice: Date: _______________ Time: ______________________



Choice: Date: _______________ Time: ______________________



Choice: Date: _______________Time: ______________________

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Our Monday evening Novena and prayers have re-

turned and will continue every Monday. The service

consists of an hour of Eucharistic Adoration which

begins at 6:00 p.m. followed by Evening Prayer and

Benediction at 7:00 p.m. lead by Deacon Ken Monaco.

Confessions will be available beginning at 6:30 p.m.

All are welcome to come join in prayer and adoration.



Eucharistic Adoration will held on Mondays at 6:00

p.m. and Tuesdays and Wednesdays at 12:00 noon.

Confessions will be heard on Monday evenings at

6:30 p.m., Wednesdays at 4:00 p.m. and Saturdays at

3:30 p.m. Priests will be located in the Reconciliation



Our St. Vincent de Paul Ministry is open and avail-

able to anyone in need of food or other types of

assistance. Please call the rectory at 836-0011, ext.

109 and leave a message on our answering machine

with your name and phone number along with a brief

message. A member of our conference will contact

you within a short period of time. When you receive a

call, there will be no identifying phone number, as

our volunteers will be calling from a private line.

At this critical time in the history of our country,

please join us as we continue to pray our Patriotic Ro-

sary and the Chaplet of Divine Mercy. We pray in re-

sponse to the Blessed Mother’s plea! We will meet out-

side the main doors of our church near the statue of

the Blessed Mother at 6:45 p.m. and begin praying by

7:00 p.m. on the following dates:

Thursday, August 13th

Thursday, September 17th

Thursday, October 15th

Bring a lawn chair and sit outside, or for those who

prefer, park near the Blessed Mother and roll down

your window. There is plenty of room to spread out

and this area is in shade by this time of the day. In

case of rain, we will move inside the church itself.

Dear God, please bless and protect America!



Have you ever thought about becoming Catholic or

know someone who has? Are you a member of anoth-

er Christian denomination, but have been attending

services at St. Amelia’s and would like to join official-

ly? If you answered “yes” to any of these questions,

the R.C.I.A. program is made for you! This program is

designed to provide an introduction and discussion of

the Catholic faith for non-Catholics. We have begun

registration for the fall.

If you have any questions or think you are being

called to enter the Church this year, contact please

Father Peter at 836-0011, ext. 126 or by e-mail at

[email protected]


Now is the time! If you have already received the

sacraments of Baptism and Communion, but for some

reason have not yet been confirmed, we are offering

classes this fall to get you caught up. Confirmation is

required to become a godparent or sponsor in the

Catholic Church. If you are looking to deepen your

commitment to the Lord by becoming a fully initiated

member of the Church, consider making this the year

to pursue Confirmation. For more information or if

you have any questions, please contact Father Peter at

836-0011, ext. 126 or [email protected]


Come and share in the Drive Up Take-Out

Chiavetta’s Chicken Barbecue Dinner!!

Sponsored by: Home School Association

When: Sunday, July 26th from 1:00-6:00 p.m.

Cost: $10.00 presale/$12.00 day of the event

Tickets can be purchased at the school or by

calling the rectory at 836-0011. Please come

and support our school fundraiser!

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We are not accepting donations of clothing or

household items at this time. We are FULL! We will

again take donations when the overflow can go to

Buffalo City Mission and other places. Please do not

leave them in the bins in the narthex. Medical equip-

ment can be borrowed or returned by calling Out-

reach at 832-2542 for an appointment.

With our current situation, many more people will

be in need. If you or someone you know needs kitch-

en items, sheets, towels, clothing, coats, or medical

equipment, please pass on our contact information.

We must continue to be an “Outreach Church” and to

help others.

Please pray for our military who continue to fight

for our religious freedoms.

The Great Divorce is an interesting view of Heav-

en and Hell written by C.S. Lewis. We are inviting

young adults to read through Chapter 13 by Satur-

day, August 8th and meet us in the shelter past the

school from 6:00-7:00 p.m. to discuss the book. We

will continue to meet every other Saturday and hope

that you will join us.

If you would rather discuss this book through a

Zoom meeting, e-mail [email protected]

Our Young Adult Ministry is open to ages 18-39.

Check the bulletin board in the narthex or e-mail

[email protected] for a list of all planned


We are happy to announce that on Saturday,

August 22nd at 9:30 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. we will

be celebrating the Sacrament of First Holy

Communion at St. Amelia Parish. Please keep our

First Communicants and their families in your pray-

ers during this time. The Masses will also be

livestreamed on the St. Amelia website.

This summer can be remembered as the summer

of the pandemic, masks, sickness, quarantine, and

many other negative things. It could also be an oppor-

tunity for teens to step up and make a difference!

Do you know someone who is in need? Is there a

way that you can make their life better? We have much

uncertainty in the future and depending on how

schools reopen, there may not be requirements for

service hours. This does not mean we stop caring for

those in need! Look at this summer as an opportunity

to do something that will help God’s people. If you

need ideas, please e-mail me at [email protected].

Together we can truly make life better for others.

Contact information: E-mail: [email protected],

[email protected], office phone: 834-5741,

cell: 491-8269 or Instagram st.ameliayouth.

Youth events can also be found on the bulletin

board located in the narthex.

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Dear Friends of St. Amelia,

Registration for the 2020-2021 school year is now open! Enroll your child in a school

where they will be encouraged to discover their individual gifts and talents. St. Amelia is a

faith-based school that offers great facilities with state of the art technology and an after-

school program.

Call the school office today at 836-2230 or stop in for additional information. Please

check us out on the web at www.stameliaschool.org. Prepare your child for tomorrow’s future

by enrolling today!

Summer office hours are Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. Please leave a

message or e-mail at [email protected]

Save the date: St. Amelia Summer Send-off – September 11th & 12th


The Home School Association is again offer-

ing the 2020-2021 Football Score Fundraiser.

Ticket donation is only $10.00 with chances to

win $300.00, $180.00 and $60.00 each week.

Please stop by the school to pick up your tickets

which are good for the entire football season.

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Saturday, July 25

1:00 p.m. No Bingo

8:00 p.m. No AA Meeting

Monday, July 27

6:00 p.m. Eucharistic Adoration

6:30 p.m. Confessions - Church

7:00 p.m. Miraculous Medal Novena -Church

7:15 p.m. No Bingo

Tuesday, July 28

6:45 p.m. St. Vincent de Paul

Wednesday, July 29

4:00 p.m. Confessions - Church

7:15 p.m. No Bingo

Saturday, August 1

1:00 p.m. No Bingo

3:30 p.m. Confessions

8:00 p.m. No AA Meeting


Saturday: July 25 - Team C, August 1 - Team

A, August 8 - Team B.

Sunday: July 26 - Team C, August 2 - Team A,

August 9 - Team B.

Counters Schedule: July 27 - Team 5, August

3 - Team 6, August 10 - Team 1.


210 St. Amelia Drive, Tonawanda, NY 14150

Phone (716) 836-0011, Fax (716) 832-5439

Monday-Thursday 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.

Friday 8:30-4:30 p.m.


2999 Eggert Road, Tonawanda, NY 14150

Phone (716) 836-2230, Fax (716) 832-9700

Monday-Friday 7:30 a.m.-3:00 p.m.


2999 Eggert Road, Tonawanda, NY 14150

Phone (716) 833-8647

Monday-Friday 9:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m.


200 St. Amelia Drive, Tonawanda, NY 14150

Phone (716) 832-2542, [email protected]

Monday-Thursday 10:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. - closed Fridays


Rev. Sebastian C. Pierro, Pastor

[email protected]

Rev. Peter J. Santandreu, Parochial Vicar

[email protected]

Dcn. Kenneth R. Monaco, Permanent Deacon

[email protected]

Dcn. Robert Warner, Permanent Deacon/Business Mgr.

[email protected]

Dcn. Denning Achidi, Transitional Deacon

[email protected]

Eileen Warner, Director of Pastoral Ministry

[email protected]

Catie Wagner, Executive Secretary

[email protected]

Amy Lepertine, Bookkeeper,

[email protected]

Arlene Meyerhofer, Administrative Assistant

[email protected]

Scott Kapperman, School Principal

[email protected]

Elaine Volker, Religious Education

[email protected]

Kathy Waite, Youth & Outreach Ministry

[email protected] or

[email protected]


Margaret Frandina, [email protected]

Robert Wunsch, [email protected]


Kevin Burke, Parish Council President, 261-8588

Angel Beiter, Finance Council Chair, 564-2912

Craig MacVittie, Stewardship Co-Chair, 836-6787

Timothy Salisbury, Stewardship Co-Chair, 694-6727



August 15th is the Feast of the Assumption of

the Blessed Virgin Mary. Since it falls on a Saturday

this year, it is not a Holy Day of Obligation in the

Church. We will observe the Feast of the Assump-

tion on Saturday, August 15th at the 8:00 a.m.


Let us give honor, glory and praise to Mary.

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Contains 2 Compelling Stories - Screenplay Format: Producers Please call!Willy & Richard: A Football MiracleThe Night Chicago Died (Laughing)Details at KevinDwyerBooks.weebly.com

Kevin Dwyer: Parishioner

Page 12: July 26, 2020 Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time · 2020-07-07 · VOLUME 67 NO. 31 JULY 26, 2020 -5- St. Amelia Church is OPEN!! It is with great joy that we let you know that our

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Carmarie Glogoza, Parishioner

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