July 2014

The Full Moon Newsletter Issue IV Volume II July 1, 2014



Transcript of July 2014


The Full Moon Newsletter

Issue IV

Volume II

July 1, 2014


Table of Contents Introduction……………………………….2

Message from the Editor


Message from the President

Calendar of Events………………………3



International Convention


Kiwanis Family…………………………8-9

Leadership Opportunities

Key 2 College


The Eliminate Project

Club T-Shirt Contest

Member of the Month

July Birthdays

Circle K Corner……………………11-12

Kiwanis Family House

Meet your Board

CNH District Updates

Emblem Contest


Summer Service Social

Service Superstars..………………...….13


Club Contact Information…………15


1 Discovery Museum

2 3 Bike Shop 4

Tahoe Beach

Clean Up



Chicken Wing


7 Artown 8 Discovery Museum



Popcorn Social

10 Bike Shop 11 Artown

Kiwanis Meeting


Capital DCM


Capital DCM

14 Artown 15 Discovery Museum

16 17 Bike Shop 18 Artown

Corn Dog Booth


Corn Dog Booth


Corn Dog Booth

21 Artown 22 23 24 Bike Shop

Night in the


25 Night in the


Kiwanis Meeting

26 Night in the


Key Club OTC

27 28 Artown

Hot August NIghts


Hot August NIghts


Hot August NIghts

31 Bike Shop

Hot August NIghts

July 2014 Message from the Editor Happy July! Hopefully, you have been enjoying

your summer break as much as I have been! I’ve

loved all of the service events and socials that our

club has done and I’m looking forward to even

more in July. This newsletter will provide you with

tons of valuable information. Something special this

month is on page 13! If you are ever interested in

learning more about publications, or if you have

ideas that you want to contribute to this

newsletter, speak up! I would love your help.

Thank you to all of you who submitted

articles, quotes, photos, and ideas.

Yours in service,

Alyssa Yocom, Newsletter Editor

“I pledge to uphold the Objects of Circle K

International, to foster compassion and goodwill toward

others through service and leadership, to develop my abilities

and the abilities of all people, and to dedicate myself to the

realization of mankind’s potential.”

Message from the President Fireworks, barbeques, and weekends at

the beach- that’s what I think of when I

picture July in my head! Summer is

essentially halfway over now so while

you’re out doing the above and spending

the 4th of July with your family and friends,

don’t forget to start planning for the fall!

Make sure that you leave enough time in

your fall schedule for both Circle K and your

schoolwork! Also, a quick shout out to

everyone who volunteered for the Washoe

County HS Concessions- if all goes well, we’ll

have about $1,000 to donate to our DFIs!

Thank you for your hard work! :)


Aldrin M. Santamaria

UN Reno CKI President 2014-2015






1 Discovery Museum

2 3 Bike Shop 4

Tahoe Beach

Clean Up



Chicken Wing


7 Artown 8 Discovery Museum



Popcorn Social

10 Bike Shop 11 Artown

Kiwanis Meeting


Capital DCM


Capital DCM

14 Artown 15 Discovery Museum

16 17 Bike Shop 18 Artown

Corn Dog Booth


Corn Dog Booth


Corn Dog Booth

21 Artown 22 23 24 Bike Shop

Night in the


25 Night in the


Kiwanis Meeting

26 Night in the


Key Club OTC

27 28 Artown

Hot August NIghts


Hot August NIghts


Hot August NIghts

31 Bike Shop

Hot August NIghts

July 2014

Whether you are in Reno, Las Vegas, or somewhere

else in the world, we are finding service projects for

you! Stay up-to-date by frequently checking our Sign

Up Google Doc for new events.

If you are inspired, feel free to host or chair an event!

Just ask any of our officers for more information.

Chairing an event is a great chance for you to gain

leadership and to fulfill some requirements for the

Member Recognition Program (MRP).

What are you waiting for? Hop on your CERFboard!






Through June, our

club has done 2,449

hours of service!

Who are those people and what

do they do? They are the best

volunteers we have!

Said by Event Coordinator at Boxer Bash

“Toys 4 Smiles is an amazing non-profit organization that is only in Las Vegas, Nevada. This organization and its volunteers help make and assemble wooden vehicles that will be distributed throughout the city to children in need. Everything that they need to make the cars is donated, but they have begun holding fundraisers in case donations stop coming through. Chris, one of the office volunteers, gave myself, Miguel, Esmond, and Adam Madamba and Jamine Montiz from UNLV Circle K, a tour of the warehouse to show us the various steps into making the cars. After the tour, the five of us sat down at a table. We inspected the cars to make sure there weren’t any rough edges, checked that the wheels worked, and coated the vehicles with mineral oil. We were able to inspect and coat an entire plastic bin! After we were done, we signed the wall and sorted the toys into the bins where the other completed toys were. Volunteering with Toys 4 Smiles was an awesome experience and I hope to do it again at least once before I head back to Reno.”

Gabriella Murata, Secretary

Toys 4 Smiles

“On June 6th, 2014, we helped our advisor, Derek Furukawa, and his advising conference, called the “Nevada State Drive-In Conference on Academic Advising” which was sponsored by NACADA (The National Academic Advising Association). The conference was a one-day event dedicated to helping advisors from around the area address issues that might’ve been happening around their state or province and learning about what other schools, such as ours, have done to help advise students better. Most of us helped with registration and monitoring the workshop rooms, while Jared and I got to be historians and take photographs of the event. Seeing some of the workshops at the conference actually reminded me strongly of how Circle K also utilizes workshops during big district events (such as FTC and DCON). Although there will always be workshops that don’t pique your interest, there are also workshops that will make you realize things in a different light and let you leave the room a more knowledgeable person, and even at Derek’s advising conference (which was meant for, well, older people and not young’uns like me), my love for learning at Circle K workshops still carried on as I listened to various advising topics, from how a school monitored their medical student’s academic stress levels to how our University’s one-on-one advising system tremendously helped struggling students get back up from probation. What was great about the event was seeing people from all around the west coast (such as CSU Fullerton, a small Oregon school, etc) attend Derek’s event, even though it was only an one-day event. I feel that all of us who helped out with the event managed to learn a little something about the advising process ourselves, and realized that great advisors like our own Derek Furukawa take a tremendous amount of time thinking, doing behind the scene work, and getting advised on what to do themselves to make sure we as students have the tools and care needed to succeed for the future.”

Emily Chaur, member





“ Through June, our

club has done 2,449

hours of service!

Who are those people and what

do they do? They are the best

volunteers we have!

Said by Event Coordinator at Boxer Bash





FREE food. FREE shirts. FREE water bottles. FREE swag. FREE sunglasses. FREE stuff.

In Circle K, we like to focus on service. Whether it is for the community, for our

campus, or for our friends, we are always willing to lend a helping hand. Yes,

sometimes we get freebies, and sometimes we even get some free food. But

for our wonderful members, service is so much more than receiving things.

Service is about helping just because we like to help! Some of the most

rewarding service events are ones where we get to interact with people or

see our progress. It is rewarding to see that your work has helped someone in

need, that you have made a difference in the community, or that you have

just brightened someone’s day. Nevada Circle K has made a huge impact in

the Reno/Sparks community by cleaning up parks, helping the food bank,

working at events on campus, and volunteering with other organizations. As a

member, your efforts don’t go unnoticed. We are the people that make

events happen and change lives. We are volunteers, we are Circle K.

Great Carson City Lit Fest “Circle K volunteered at The Great Carson City Lit Fest located in Mills Park. This event was truly an amazing experience and a one-of-a-kind event in northern Nevada. Ranging from authors, poets, musicians, and many more there was something interesting for everyone. Being a family friendly event it was inspiring to see so many of the younger generation being eager to be there, and so involved and in love with literature.

Admission to the Lit Fest and most of the events were free, however there were ticketed events at select booths that directly benefited the nonprofit Ventana Sierra Youth Resource and Housing Initiative which “helps youths in need into safe housing and working toward career goals through higher education and the arts.” Our main job was to stamp and count how many people entered the Fest as well as taking care of a booth that was tailored towards children, enabling them to express their creative skills in decorating visors.

One of the main highlights was being able to meet novelist Ellen Hopkins, the author of Crank and many other best sellers. This was a chance to meet award-winning and bestselling authors, and people like you and me eager to be surrounded by books and comics alike. Overall this was a great event with a great cause and I highly encourage everyone to go if given the opportunity to volunteer for this event in the future!”

Angie Moreno, member

At the beginning of June, our club

volunteered at Boxer Bash. This event

was a festival for dogs and their owners.

With activities like a walk, a hike, and

vendor options, this attracted dogs of all

shapes and sizes. One of our main duties

was serving dogs ice cream. That’s right,

dogs got free ice cream. Doggie ice cream

was really fun to serve because we just

played with the dogs all day. Although it

is made from all natural ingredients,

Derek wouldn’t recommend any human

eat large amounts of that ice cream.






CKIx / International Convention

What is CKIx? CKIx is the ultimate six-day experience that combines

the best aspects of Circle K International Convention and Large

Scale Service Project. This year, CKIx was in Nashville, Tennessee

from June 17th to the 22nd.

LSSP is a chance for all of Circle K International to get together to

perform various service projects. This year at LSSP, Circle K members

performed 3837.5 hours of service!

International Convention is a huge gathering of all of Circle K

International . At convention, members have the chance to attend

workshops, make friends with Circle K members from all over the

world, and elect next year’s International Board. Convention also

has other activities to celebrate the successes that Circle K International has had over the

past year such as awards recognition and a dance.

As you can see, CKIx is one huge Circle K celebration. If you are interested in learning more

about the experience, contact Miguel Henares as he was our club representation this year.

At ICON 2014, the delegates elected Kathy Le from Western Canada as our International

President and Clara Oh from Missouri-Arkansas as our International Vice President. Our Sub-

Region B Trustee is Mike Zhao from UC Berkeley.

A HUGE “congratulations” goes out to Miwako Schlageter and all of you who helped with last

year’s Single Service Project: The Biggest Little Winter Wonderland. This project was

recognized as the FIRST PLACE Single Service project for the Gold Division in all of CKI.

Where Service meets Leadership and Fellowship…. CKIx 2014 “The first two and a half days in Nashville were for LSSP. At opening session, like most Circle K’ers at their first international event, I was overwhelmed by the actual size and span of our organization. Gathered from all over were dedicated servant leaders filled with enthusiasm and spirit. For LSSP, we were split into teams, each team having members from several districts. We did typical things like going around in a circle and introducing ourselves and doing some icebreakers to well… break the ice. The next morning, my team, which we chose to name “The Party Piglets”, went out to a nearby park to clean up. We split up into even smaller groups, and I ended up with Emilie Pinto from the Carolinas District and Anne Lou from Western Canada. We went on a little adventure around the park and bonded over finding things like empty snail shells and even clothes. The next day, we ended up going into a creek and picking up debris that had been displaced during a flood a few years back. We had mucky water up to our knees, and although it was a bit disgusting, Circle K members did nothing but smile, laugh, and occasionally scream when they found a snake or got hit by a tree branch. This was the day I met Clara Oh and Erika Lim. That evening, ICON began. We went through caucuses, elected officers, and celebrated each other’s accomplishments at the awards ceremony. It seemed like the whole week flew by so quickly, and I had to take some time to reflect on my experience before I realized what kind of impact CKIx really had on me. For six days, I had met people from all over. I was able to get McDonalds with Nicolette from the Caribbean District and talk to her about what life and Circle K were like in a place like Jamaica. Anne and I compared our lives in the U.S. (or as she called it, “The States”) and Canada. I was shocked to find out that she had never had Jack in the Box before, and she was equally surprised to find out that we don’t have a Tim Hortons. I was finally able to meet my District Governor, Byron Montilla, as we explored Downtown Nashville. We saw Elvis’s old costumes at the Country Music Hall of Fame, went into boot stores and tried to model the most ridiculous pair of footwear, and even listened to live local music while walking down Broadway Street. I met people from Wisconsin, like Emily Condon, who was confused as to why we thought she said the word “bag” weird. I even met Travis from Alabama who was a brother of my fraternity at Jacksonville State. We talked about how we do things in Phi Mu Alpha and Circle K so differently, but also found out how much we had in common though we come from very different parts of the country.





“What’s more satisfying than escaping

real world problems by going on a

hike? Hiking with Circle K of course!”

Jaylen Nacional, member

(continued) My time at CKIx allowed me to arrive at an important realization: the reason that we do

service. Why do we work so hard to better the lives of people around us? What makes us feel so obligated to lend a hand? Hearing stories about life in other places from all of the different people I had encountered, and experiencing the culture of Music City first hand led me to the answer. I believe that we do service to preserve the human experience. To protect and perpetuate these experiences that make life so meaningful, messy, and wonderful. On the first night of ICON, Byron, who was Circle K’s ambassador for the Eliminate Project said that our donations to Eliminate provide more than just a vaccine, they provide the opportunity to keep a family together, the opportunity to keep a child safe in a mother’s arms, the opportunity to enable someone to gain as much out of the human experience as they possibly can. We serve in hopes that one day those we help can walk down Broadway Street and listen to the sweet sounds of Nashville. We serve in hopes that one day those we help can go to Canada and see what the heck Tim Hortons is all about. We serve in hopes that one day those we help can witness the same beauty in life that we have been so blessed to see. Circle K’ers have the unique ability and opportunity to change millions of lives. We share a common goal of making a difference, and our passion is the impetus that drives us to embody the tenets of service, leadership, and fellowship. We are indeed privileged to serve. Needless to say, CKIx was a life changing experience. If you have the chance to attend next year, I would definitely suggest you go.”

Miguel Henares, Vice President of Service

Fellowship is a great chance to make new friends! During the month of July, I challenge you to attend as many socials as you can! From

Chicken Wings, to Hurricane Popcorn, to Hiking, and everything in-between, we have

the social for you! Be sure to check out event sign up Google Doc frequently.







Kiwanis Bike Shop Every other Thursday, our club visits the

Kiwanis Bike Shop to help them fix up

bikes, make PTP dolls, and organize their

bookshelves. With Burning Man just around

the corner, the Bike Shop needs tons of help

fixing up burner bikes. If you are free from

6:00-8:00pm, join us by volunteering here!

Additionally, if you are interested in gaining

some leadership experience, look into

chairing Bike Shop for the summer.


Leadership Opportunities Are you looking for a chance to gain leadership experience? Are you itching to do something more for

our club? Consider being an Event Assistant for Key 2 College. Key 2 College is a chance for local high

school students to learn more about college, life after high school, and other relevant information.

Serving as an event assistant will require different things. All duties and expectations are outlined in the

Google Form Application below. Note that the following application is due at 10:00pm on July 5th:


Kiwanis Family Committee The Kiwanis Family Committee has been busy planning

various events for the summer and for the fall. Some big ones

coming up include the Susanville Kiwanis Corndog Booth, Key

Club Leadership Day, and Key 2 College. Leadership Day is

August 9th and it is a chance for us to work with Key Clubbers

on interpersonal and leadership skills. If you are interested in

attending either of these events, see the Sign Up Sheet!

Key 2 College is going to be September 27th. For this

event, the committee is looking for leaders in our club who

would be willing to host workshops and help with the overall

flow of the event. If you are interested in helping out Key 2

College, please contact Alyssa. Also, keep your eyes open for

a workshop host application to be released sometime in July.

For additional leadership opportunities, see the text box


Kiwanis Family Park Clean Up On June 21, we gathered at Manzanita Park for a

Kiwanis Family Park Clean Up. We weeded

plants, painted benches, picked up trash, and did

other maintenance to the park. Following the park

clean up, we had a barbecue and a water fight

against the local Key Clubs. Overall, it was a very

rewarding day and it was great to be doing service

along different branches of the Kiwanis Family.

iCan Bike Camp For one week, McXine and Alyssa volunteered with iCan Shine. They worked with kids with disabilities who were unable to ride a bike. Each day of the week, they worked on different techniques to help these children learn how to ride a bike. It was really inspiring to see children with autism and down syndrome conquer their fears and ride a bike by the end of the week. “This is probably the most rewarding

service project ever!”

McXine Salva, member


iCan Bike Camp “The iCan Bike Camp program is hosted by the Down syndrome Network of Northern Nevada. This camps offers children with disabilities the opportunity to learn how to ride a bike. This event was very unique and it was so rewarding to volunteer at for many different reasons. We met every morning from 8:30-9:45 for one week. I never imagined that 75 minutes every day for a week would be enough to teach some of these kids how to ride a bike.

On Monday we started off with the children on roller bikes. They wobbled a little so that they could learn how to balance but by no means were they comparable to a normal two-wheeled bike. By Thursday, every kid at the camp had at least tried out their two wheel bike. I was working with a girl named Mae. Mae has autism but she never let that affect how excited she was just to be riding a bike. Every morning I would ask Mae if she was ready to go and she would shout, “Oh yeah!” Every time that we would take a break from bike riding, she convinced me that she absolutely had to stretch before getting back on a bike. We would stretch our arms, legs, and then shake everything out. Her personality and enthusiasm was really inspiring.

During the week, many of the other kids were getting up on their two wheel bicycles, but Mae was having a tough time balancing on the roller bike still. By about Wednesday, I wasn’t sure she would be able to make it onto a normal bike at the end of the week. However, I was pleasantly surprised. On Friday, Mae hopped on a two wheel bike, and after running into a few cones and some walls, she was going so fast that I was sprinting just to keep up with her. I can’t really put into words how inspiring it was to watch the growth that all the kids experienced in just one short week. I have realized that often times, I may take simple skills like bike riding for granted; but after this camp, I know what it is like to struggle and persevere and ultimately succeed. I am so glad that I could help out with iCan Bike Camp and this is something I look forward to doing again next year.”

Alyssa Yocom, Kiwanis Family Relations Chair

Key 2 College Key 2 College is an event for local high school

students. We host this event to provide them

with the chance to learn about college, life,

admissions, financial aid, and everything else.

Additionally, we have a campus tour and a

college panel so that these high school

students can enter the college world more

prepared. This year, Key 2 College will be on

September 27th from 10am-5pm. SAVE THE

DATE! Alyssa is looking for as many event

volunteers as possible to help with this event.

This year, the theme has been set to “Key 2

College: The World is at Your Feet” in order to

touch on our club theme while also

emphasizing the doors that college can open.

Later in July, a Workshop Host Application will

be released to the club. This is YOUR chance to

gain some leadership and present on topics

that you care about. Please keep your eye

open for this application as it is a great chance

for you to bring your knowledge to these high

school students!

In addition to being an event volunteer or a

workshop host, you may help in the planning of

Key 2 College. If you would like to do so, please

feel free to contact Alyssa Yocom at

[email protected]. If you want to

serve as an event assistant, please see the

Leadership Opportunities section on the

previous page of this newsletter.

Key 2 College is a great chance for our club to

share our academic successes with local high

school students. We will be educators, tour

guides, and ultimately, we will become mentors

to these students. I highly encourage all Circle

K members to attend this event because your

advice is valuable and you can be an asset to

one of our visitors.


As of June 23, 2014, the Kiwanis Family has raised $3 million for the Eliminate Project! We also recently helped

eliminate Maternal/Neonatal Tetanus from Madagascar.

Happy Birthday to You!! United States of America 07/04

Cody Yamada 07/16

Westin Chan 07/22

Heather Gilmore 07/25

Member of the Month Congratulations to Rebecca Fisher for being selected as our June

Member of the Month! Rebecca has participated in various events

with our club and was a huge help with concessions as she helped

Monday and Tuesday concessions go smoothly. You, way to go

you, you are a leader, a leader, leader, leader!

Calling all artists, creative people, and everyone else! Are you interested in creating a design that will have a lasting impact on our club? Do

you want to create something that we can show off to the whole district? Consider

designing out club t-shirt! All submission information is below:


Kiwanis Family House of Sacramento The Kiwanis Family House of Sacramento is one of our

District Fundraising Initiatives this year. The Kiwanis

Family House is a home-away-from-home for families

who must travel at least 35 miles from home to seek

medical treatment. Patients and their families often

travel long distances to receive treatment at the UC

Davis Medical Center and Shriners Hospital. Finding

low-cost lodging near the hospital can be important

to these families, especially if the patient has a life-

threatening injury or illness and if the treatment

period lasts for an extended period of time.

The Kiwanis Family House, located on UC Davis

Medical Center grounds, offers inexpensive family

accommodations – with individual bedrooms, fully

equipped kitchens, bathrooms, food and clothes

closets, laundry and hook-ups for recreational

vehicles. They also have free internet access, free

long distance telephone calls, spiritual counseling, free parking and a free shuttle bus to the

hospital. Kiwanis Clubs from around the Sacramento region provide financial and volunteer

support for the facility.

Meet Your Board featuring Miguel Henares, Vice President of Service I’m an upcoming junior double majoring in Computer Science and Engineering and Applied

Mathematics. I enjoy long walks to the Coronado Café in Las Vegas where I like to cheat on my

diet and get Steggs. On my down time I like lay around and

procrastinate on working out and also really enjoy opening the

fridge to check if any new food is inside even though I just

looked 10 minutes ago. In all seriousness, I’m someone who just

likes to have fun. I’m always down to go exploring, sight seeing,

or just sit on a comfy couch and have a good talk. Music is one

of my biggest passions, so if you can sing or play an instrument,

there is no reason for us not to jam together. I’m also a bit

obsessed with my grades. Please feel free to keep me company

in the library because I’ll be there for a good chunk of the

semester. I’m excited for Nevada Circle K to bring their A-game

this year. We are already breaking records as a club, and I’m

hopeful that we will see large growth and

improvement. I’m looking forward to planning

service projects, especially the big ones like

service marathons and Nevada LSSP. I know that I

don’t always look like the friendliest person,

but that’s just the way my face is. Don’t be

afraid to say hi and get to know me!


Express your creativity by leaving a lasting mark on the Cal-Nev-Ha district by participating in the

District Emblem Contest. The CNH District Public Relations committee is seeking for talented

individuals to design the future look of our district. Guidelines are as follows:

Must contain no watermarks

Must be in the shape of a circle

Must represent California, Nevada, and


Must include the words: Circle K

International, California-Nevada-Hawaii


Should be able to be converted to black/

white without a loss of information

Must be submitted as .PNG or .SVG

Multiple submissions are permitted

Email your submission to Baldwin Chang

([email protected]) and Catherine

Ho ([email protected]) by July 4th.

Are you up-to-date with all things Circle K? Sign up for MBMML! MBMML. Did you say mumble? No, MBMML stands for Member Bi-Monthly Mailing List. Sign up for the CNH Member Bi-Monthly Mailing List to receive emails about district events, news, and other happenings. This is a great chance for you to learn more about the district while also receiving information and resources relevant to you. The District PR Committee released the third issue of the MBMML earlier in June. You can view it here: http://eepurl.com/XtqLv

Visit cnhcirclek.org and subscribe to the MBMML today!

Or, you can sign up by visiting http://eepurl.com/SUwyD

District Summer Service Social (DSSS) District Summer Service Social, or DSSS, is a summer district event that t held in conjunction with the CNH

Kiwanis District Convention. This year, it will be August 14-16 in San Diego at the Town and Country Resort

Hotel. Described fondly as a “Mini-DCON,” attendees will have the opportunity to explore the beautiful

city of San Diego, CA and bond with many CNH Circle K members and district officers over three days.

Potential activities include, workshops, sign-seeing, bonfire, and more! More information will be released

as the date gets closer. The estimated total cost, which includes registration and housing, is $181.50.

UN Reno Service Superstars


UN Reno Service Superstars The Member Recognition Program, or MRP, is a program in place to recognize

members and their involvement in Circle K. It measures members on various levels:

Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum. Each level comes with service hours as well as

other requirements of involvement and to achieve any of these levels is something

to be proud of. June marks the first quarter of our Circle K year, and there are some

SUPERSTARS in our club that have earned recognition for the amount of service

hours that they have accomplished. Please congratulate the following individuals!


Apostol 152.5


Yocom 146.5


Henares 144.25


Moss 141.5


Salva 128


Romero 108.5


Yamada 101.25


Santamaria 98


Tran 118


Molloy 73.75


Nacional 62.5


Murata 59.5


Moreno 57.5


Omaye 52.5



Check out our club’s official website!

It is loaded with information and a

calendar of events:


Subscribe to our weekly emails to

receive all club news and updates!


Like our page:

Nevada Circle K International

Join our group:

Nevada Circle K

Follow us on Instagram:


Follow us on Twitter:


Check out all of our club videos:


Circle K International website:


Cal-Nev-Ha Circle K website:


Capital Division Facebook group:

Capital Division


Club Contact Information

President Aldrin Santamara

[email protected] (702) 217-2954

VP of Administration Matthew Molloy

[email protected] (702) 334-8775

VP of Service Miguel Henares

[email protected] (702) 418-7856

Secretary Gabriella Murata

[email protected] (702) 278-4394

Treasurer Cody Yamada

[email protected] (808) 936-6654

Historian Jared Apostol

[email protected] (775) 771-5174

Kiwanis Family Alyssa Yocom

[email protected] (775) 846-9747

K-Kids Rosa Romero

[email protected] (775) 443-6775

Membership Development & Education

Sarah Smith [email protected]

(775) 313-2009

Public Relations Jenny Kot

[email protected] (480) 789-0801

Single Service Esmond Fung

[email protected] (702) 715-7171

Spirit & Socials Raul Gutierrez

[email protected] (775) 830-4017

Technology Jeff Soriano

[email protected] (775) 544-6113

Faculty Advisor Derek Furukawa

[email protected] (702) 883-4127

Kiwanis Advisor Tom Leahy

[email protected] (775) 230-5882