July 2013 Victory Magazine

July/August 2013 Hidden With Christ Ministries Victory Magazine


A publication of Hidden WIth Christ Ministries sharing our international missions work and stories of faith.

Transcript of July 2013 Victory Magazine

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The Fruit of Seven Years Labor

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July/August 2013 Hidden With Christ Ministries

Victory Magazine

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By Vika PodznyakovaAssistant DirectorOperation LazarusSevastopol Ukraine

We recently celebrated our one year anniversary of the opening of the Operation Lazarus Transitional

Home for girls here in Sevastopol, Ukraine. It has been a year of challenges because in everything we did - we were pioneers! But at the same time our hearts melt when we see the changes in these girls.

It is amazing to see what has resulted from providing constant loving support and a roof over the heads of these post-orphanage girls. We are so blessed to see God’s changes in Vika O. She is no longer “smelly Vika” (the nickname she got from Gorney summer camp because she was so depressed she didn’t bathe often) but now she is beautiful Vika! She has a job at the local hospital and is working on her documents for an evening school. In Ukraine

we have a system of education where you can take your high school classes in one school year during the work week in the evenings. This will be a tremendous breakthrough for her since she never finished high school while living in the government orphanage. Vika moved out last week, but we believe that her stay at the Lazarus Home made a huge impact on her and she will never be the same after the work that has been done with her here. The most important thing for us to know is that Vika got saved and decided to change her life. We are praying for her as she moves into the next season of her life.

This summer our former resident Anya Simashkova will stay at Lazarus Home during her summer break from college. Anya is continuing her studies at the University in Simferopol and there are some opportunities coming up for her in the Mission field this year.

Our ex-resident Yulia is a true miracle for me personally. When she moved into the Lazarus House she was expecting her second child. She was preparing to divorce her husband because he wanted her to abort the child because he was so stressed over their lack of finances to support the family. Yulia did not know what to do with her life. As an expectant mother, Yulia and her baby daughter stayed in the Lazarus Home for almost 9 months. During that time Yulia grew spiritually and even started mentoring some other young mothers. Slowly her relationship with her husband (Roma) was restored and just before her due date they moved into a small house that Roma had worked hard to renovate to make room for the babies. Operation Lazarus was able to help a little with renovation of this small house that was previously not inhabitable. Theirs is a testimony of the grace of God. The life of that second child was preserved, their marriage restored and we are

Yulia and her new baby


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so proud of them becoming such a beautiful family. Their two little girls are growing up so fast and we can’t wait to see what the Lord has in store for them.

Andrei was among the first of the post-orphans that Operation Lazarus ministered to in the early days. You may remember the photos in last year’s Victory Magazine from his wedding to Anya. They had a baby girl named Varya and our young family is doing well. Andrei is working and Anya is taking care of the baby. Anya loves coming to the Operation Lazarus Bible Study and listens very attentively. We see her growing spiritually and we are very blessed by that.

We continue having our weekly Bible studies which are producing good fruit! Twice a week we regularly have five post-orphans coming to Lazarus Home for meetings. All of them have received Jesus and our lessons right now are about the importance of prayer. We teach them how to pray for themselves and how to pray for others. Also we started reading the Bible with them together on Wednesday and then we give them the homework to read the following chapters. We are seeing breakthroughs little by little. Keep praying for these young disciples!

For myself - I am so thankful for the opportunity to attend the Steiger Mission School in Saxony, Germany this summer. This Mission School was founded by David Pierce, an American missionary in Amsterdam. They have a lot of experience with reaching out to hardened youth, especially those in alternative sub-cultures and who struggle with drug and alcohol abuse. I am sure it will bring some new projects to Operation Lazarus,

fresh ideas and tactics for reaching the youth.

Thanks for your prayers and supportfor Operation Lazarus!


Editor’s Note: Our former Assistant Director will be covering the Lazarus House while Vika attends this important Leadership Training opportunity. The 2013 Steiger Missions School is aimed at people who have a calling to “…reach and disciple the Secularized Global Youth Culture for Jesus.” We believe this will add fresh ideas on how to reach the post-orphanage youth in Ukraine who so often fall into hardened youth street sub-culture due to a lack of love and mentorship. Please pray for Vika as she attends this important 10 week school.

and Miracles

Andrei - happy fatherwith his baby Varya

OPLAZ Asst. Dir. Vika Podznyakova with Marina Page 2

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To watch Awadhi run pulling a kite up into the sky, is to watch the unfolding of a miracle. When he first arrived at Treasures of Africa Children’s Home

six years ago, he had just turned three years old. At an age when most children would have been walking for nearly two years, Awadhi had never taken a step. He also could not hear a thing and was diagnosed with “profound deafness” by an American audiologist who performed hearing tests in the Moshi area for the purpose of providing hearing aids. It was deemed pointless to give Awadhi a hearing aid since he had no response at all to audiological stimulus. On top of all of that, he tested HIV positive.

Awadhi was weak and malnourished when he arrived at the orphanage. He was brought by an uncle who said that Awadhi’s mother had died and his father was mentally ill and abandoned him. As it turned out, that story was not completely true. The father had actually gone to prison. Less than two months ago, after being in prison for more than 5 years, he was released and appeared at the orphanage gate wanting to see Awadhi. He was shocked when he laid eyes upon him. The healthy glowing boy that he saw was not the sickly child that he remembered. He was astonished that he could walk, because he had always thought he was lame in his legs. He expressed his gratitude for the good care that Awadhi is receiving at TOA.

Since his arrival at Treasures of Africa Children’s Home, Awadhi has been receiving a strict regimen of anti-retroviral drugs. Awadhi’s viral count for HIV has become undetectable in his blood. He has grown strong and tall and runs like the wind! As a Christian ministry that strongly believes in the power of prayer and in God’s ability to heal, we have continued to pray for Awadhi’s hearing to be restored. In the last six months, we have observed Awadhi suddenly beginning to respond to sounds which he never responded to before. Then he points to his ears as if to say, “I heard that!”

We are encouraged and we believe that God will finish the miracle He has started in Awadhi’s life. Thanks for praying with us for this beautiful and precious “treasure” named Awadhi.

But to you who fear My name,The Sun of Righteousness shall arise with healing in His wings…

Malachi 4:2

Awadhi flies a kite on thenew TOA land

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Portrait of a Treasure


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Seven years ago, in July 2006, Hidden With Christ Ministries took possession of a dilapidated boarding house in Moshi Tanzania, with the intent of refurbishing it for use as an orphanage. After nine long months of physical labor, exercising of faith, enduring the intense African heat, negotiating with the government and shedding many tears, the doors to Treasures of Africa Children’s Home were opened to receive orphaned and abandoned children in March 2007.

Today, we can all look at the beautiful photos of happy and healthy children that reside at Treasures of Africa. We can see our youngest group of children (who came to us as infants and are now six year olds) and praise God for their lives - rescued from certain poverty and in some cases - even death. But I cannot look at them without gratitude for the multitude of people God has used to bring the orphanage to this point in its brief history.

There is a verse that the apostle Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 3:6 that applies to TOA - I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God has been making it grow.

There were many people who helped us to begin - planting the earliest seeds both financially and prayerfully. Some gave money, others gave supplies that were packed into the cargo container that we sent by ship from the port of Long Beach in California all the way to Dar Es Salaam harbor in Tanzania to help furnish and stock the orphanage back in 2006. Others gave of their lives - some who came on short term missions trips to help and others who came for longer stints to stay for a season - including our former missionaries - Melissa Herrmann, Ryan and Stacy Helbling, Warren and Christina Oberst and most recently Brandon and Melissa Stiver. There have been others who have joined us along the way and have continued with us to the present time, watering the seeds others had planted. And a few stalwart souls - began with us in the beginning and have continued until this time - including missionaries Lydia Schaeffer and Jodie Schooley and a precious handful of donors who have remained steadfast throughout these seven years. Many people prayed fervently to help us see the vision come to pass. But all along we recognize that it has been God Himself who has caused Treasures of Africa to grow and to flourish.

We want to say THANK YOU and GOD BLESS YOU to all who have given time, money and prayers over the past seven years to help Treasures of Africa Children’s Home become a life altering blessing to the orphaned and abandoned children who have come under its wings for shelter.

The Fruit of Seven Years Labor

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Seven Years of Faithfulness

by Rita LangelandExecutive Director

Hidden With Christ Ministries

A missionary in Africa was once asked if he really liked what he was doing. His response was shocking. “Do I like this work?” he said. “No. My wife and I do not like dirt. We have reasonable refined sensibilities. We do not like crawling into vile huts through goat refuse...But is a man to do nothing for Christ he does not like? God pity him, if not. Liking or disliking has nothing to do with it. We have orders to ‘Go,’ and we go. Love constrains us.”


It is safe to say that the two brave missionaries whose photos grace this page have had similar feelings to the missionary quoted in the story above. They have both had to live through difficult and often distasteful experiences while living as foreigners on the African continent. Yet they too would say about their seven years of service in Tanzania at the Treasures of Africa Children’s Home - “Love constrains us.”

We want to honor and express our gratitude to Lydia Schaeffer and Jodie Schooley for their seven years of faithful and sacrificial service to Hidden With Christ Ministries and to the children of Treasures of Africa orphanage in Moshi, Tanzania. __________________________________

We are hoping to arrange some special retreats for Lydia and Jodie for personal refreshment and renewal. If you would like to make a financial donation to assist us in blessing these missionaries with a much needed spiritual retreat that is specifically designed for cross cultural missionaries – we would be very grateful. You can send a check to Hidden With Christ Ministries and in the memo section – note “Missionary Retreat Support.”

Pay honor to whom honor is due. Romans 13:7

Nurse Jodie Schooley with Zoe

Missionary Lydia Schaeffer with Diamond and Zoe

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by Rita LangelandExecutive Director

Hidden With Christ Ministries

It was beautiful day in Tanzania when we loaded up the Treasures of Africa kids in our two vans and drove out to the new TOA land to enjoy an American-style picnic. We spread blankets on the grass and enjoyed chicken, chapati and samosas for an African twist on the picnic menu! A picnic is not complete without some fun activities - so the kids enjoyed flying kites and holding the newborn baby goats and trying their hand at badminton. Mt Kilimanjaro was in full view that day - showing its glorious snow covered peak through the clouds as it rose above our brick wall to the north. We look forward to the day when our land will be occupied with the magnificent Treasures of Africa Children’s Village.

Please keep praying with us for the funds for this building project and the finalization of our Title Deed which we have been waiting on for two years. I can say confidently - we are nearing the end of the battle for the Title Deed - thanks to God. You will hear the shouts all the way from East Africa when we have the final document in our hands!

A Great Day For A Picnic!

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Eli giving a speech at his farewell party

Not Goodbye...Just FarewellElisonguo Benjamin Kiwelu - or “Eli” as he is

affectionately called - has been a part of the Treasures of Africa team since 2006. In May,

we said a tearful “farewell” to our beloved Assistant Director, his wife Rosa and their daughter Comfort. They moved out of the orphanage where they have lived and loved the children of TOA and to the town of Boma’ngombe, where Pastor Eli accepted the position of senior pastor at a church in his denomination.

As a ministry, it is our heart’s desire to see all of our staff at Treasures of Africa grow in their gifts and abilities and step into the fullness of God’s calling on their lives. We have certainly watched Eli grow and mature over these years and we have great joy in seeing him prosper and succeed in life.

We held a beautiful farewell party for Eli and his family which was attended by the staff and children from TOA as well as the Tanzanian Board of Directors for Hidden With Christ Ministries. We also hosted Eli’s special guests, Bishop Barnabas from the Evangelical Assemblies of God of Tanzania, committee members of the church and members of his extended family.

There were speeches of appreciation directed toward Eli and Rosa given by the representatives of

the TOA staff, the TOA children and then by the HWCM administration. At the end of the speeches, we had a ceremony where the HWCM Board officially “presented” Eli and Rosa as a gift to the Bishop of the EAGT - releasing the precious couple from HWC Ministries with a blessing - and charging the Bishop and the representatives of the church to care for them well!

After gifts were presented from the staff, the children and the HWCM Board, a wonderful feast which had been prepared by the TOA cook staff was served to all the guests.

Eli became of a member of the Tanzanian Board of Trustees of HWC in 2012, and we are thankful that he will continue to serve in that capacity in the years to come, giving assistance, input and oversight to the orphanage.

Psalm 75 teaches that, “Promotion comes from the Lord.” We rejoice with Eli and Rosa as they move into this new season of promotion from the Lord.

TOA staff carry the gift they are presenting to Eli at his

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Anna and EliyaA Love Story from Treasures of Africa

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When Anna first came to work at Treasures of Africa Children’s Home six years ago, she was a young widow desperately

looking for a way to earn enough money to care for her children. As an organization desiring to heed the call of James 5:27 - to “care for widows and orphans in their affliction...” we were happy to hire this gentle and sweet Christian woman as a caregiver for the children at TOA. She proved to be a great blessing and the children quickly grew to love her.

A few years went by and a single man from Anna’s church came to work as a security guard at TOA. This man, named Eliya, was faithful and diligent and also very gentle spirited. Attending the same church and now working for the same organization, Anna and Eliya became better acquainted with one another, until a love blossomed between them.

A little more than a year ago, the TOA children were so blessed to attend Anna and Eliya’s wedding. Two of our children (Diamond and Samweli) were in the wedding party. Just a few weeks ago, the Treasures of Africa family was blessed with a new addition – Anna and Eliya’s first baby. He is an adorable little boy whom they named Ebenezer.

Anna and Eliya have just accepted the newly created position of “house parents” at Treasures of Africa. They will fill the huge gap created with the departure of our beloved Eli and Rosa Kiwelu, who previously lived at the orphanage. Please pray for them as they step into this important role at TOA.

Baby Ebenezer



Spotlight on TOA Staff

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The school year in Tanzania is different than that of the United States, so as you read this, the third term of the academic year will have just begun. But the children at Treasures of Africa Children’s Home got a holiday break in the month of June. And no one enjoyed it more than the TOA students who are currently attending Boarding School.

This is the first year that we have had any children from TOA in Boarding School. This was necessitated by the fact that there are not enough spaces in the local government Secondary Schools for all the children who want to attend. So the majority of Secondary students in the nation of Tanzania are in private Boarding Schools. When the school year began, we sadly kissed five of our children goodbye, as they left for Boarding School.

Attending Boarding School in Africa is not easy. Aside from the obvious pain of being away from home and all that is familiar, students are required to work hard, not only on academics, but doing physical labor to keep the school going. For example, many have to help work on the school farm to raise and harvest the crops that will supply the school dining table. Without a doubt, this contributes a valuable lesson for life, but it also makes for a very long and exhausting day! So when the Boarding School students return home to TOA for their holiday break, they are thrilled just to get some rest.

Because the steady diet of most Boarding Schools is very bland and rarely includes meat due to the high cost, the first thing we did upon their return, was to take our Boarding School kids out for a nice chicken dinner. They all ate like they were starving.

But of all the blessings that result in coming home from Boarding School, the best is undoubtedly the reunions with “brothers and sisters” at TOA. The photo above is a perfect example. Emmanueli and Innocent are as close as non-related “brothers” can be. Both of them began Secondary School this year and both went off to different Boarding Schools. Emmanueli is attending Living Stone Boy’s Seminary in Tanga, on the coast, which is a Christian Secondary School whose motto is “Be a blessing to others.” Innocent attends another Christian Secondary School called Shilela Academy, in the town of Boma ‘ngombe, about 45 minutes drive from Moshi. They both had war stories to share, and were so very happy to be reunited. They are now back in school starting the final academic term of the year, working very hard and learning a lot about personal responsibility and independence. Please pray for our Boarding School students for protection, wisdom and grace as they are away from “home.”


Educational expenses are one of the biggest costs that Treasures of Africa Children’s Home faces each year. We have academic sponsors for a few of our children and none for others. Both Emmanueli and Innocent lack academic sponsors (sponsors who donate to cover the school fees of a specific child). Please consider making a donation toward our academic fund and it will be used for school expenses for the TOA children. You can contact our office if you would like to know the annual school fees for a particular child - as they vary depending upon the school they are attending. Our office number is 714-665-0407 or you can email [email protected].

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School Break!

Emmanueli and Innocent - a happy reunion!

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by Rita LangelandExecutive Director

Hidden With Christ Ministries

For years we have searched for a house to rent in the Moshi, Tanzania area that would be adequate to serve as a “Mission House” - or headquarters for our missionary staff. Our desire was to find a large house with good security as we have had issues in the past with attempted break-ins at the different houses that our missionaries have rented. We also desired to find a house that had plenty of bedrooms and bathrooms so that we could accommodate guests from the U.S. who come on short-term missions trips.

Currently, when we have volunteers come for a week or two to help at Treasures of Africa, they stay at the nearby hotel - called Uhuru - and pay approximately $50 per night for a very basic room with bathroom. Our desire was to find a place we could utilize for short-term volunteers (as well as our long-term missionaries) and offer nicer accommodations for less per night than the local hotel and utilize the funds to assist the ministry in paying for the mission house rent. After searching for years, we had failed to find a place that had adequate space, security and wasn’t too far from the current orphanage location.

While I was in Tanzania in May, we finally found an ideal place. The house is very large, has a multitude of bedrooms with ensuite bathrooms and has a very high security wall encompassing the property with electric fencing along the top! It also has a guard house built into the wall which houses the 24 hour guard. As far as security goes - we have never found anything like it. It is only a few years old, very lovely, and the owner just installed full solar electricity to save money on the electric bill and to provide power when the rest of the city is on “black out” due to the poor electrical system infrastructure of Tanzania.

The most amazing part of this story is the owner. He is a Tanzanian Roman Catholic priest who lives in Jacksonville, Florida 11 months of the year - where he serves as chaplain at two hospitals. He built the house to be a rental - with NGO volunteers in mind - which is why there are so many bedrooms with bathrooms! When he realized we are a Christian organization caring for orphans - he readily lowered the rent from what he was asking. We agreed (by faith!) to begin renting the house as of September 1st.

It is my prayer that the HWC Mission House will become a meeting place for missionaries in the area to come together for fellowship and to encourage one another as well as a place where we can host many visitors as they come through Moshi.

Please pray with us for this new Mission House to be a great blessing to both our long-term missionaries as well as our short-term volunteers. We hope YOU will one day be a recipient of our hospitality at the HWC Mission House!


If you would like to make a donation to help us cover the cost of the Mission House - please write your check to HIDDEN WITH CHRIST MINISTRIES and write “Mission House” in the memo area of your check. Thank you!

The HWCM Mission House in Tanzania

HWCM Mission House

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A Longtime Dream Becomes Reality...

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by Rita Langeland

...our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the furnace of blazing fire;and He will deliver us out of your hand, O king. (Daniel 3:17 NASB)

The expression “the heat is on” has often been used to describe a situation where a person is under intense pressure. Have you been feeling like “the heat is on” in your life and someone has been increasing the temperature? Many people experience pressures in life and those who know what to do when the heat is on, can come out of it unscathed.

The effects of heat in the physical realm are quite serious. Two medical conditions can result when people are overexposed to heat. The first is called heat exhaustion and the second is called heat stroke. Heat exhaustion results in severe headache, weakness, dizziness and blurred vision. There is a spiritual parallel. When the heat is on and you are suffering from “heat exhaustion” in the spiritual sense, you can feel weak, without strength and your vision will be clouded. If this “heat” or pressure continues unabated, you can end up with heat stroke. This more serious condition results in convulsions and a coma. If you get no relief from the “heat” or pressure in your life you can end up in a spiritual coma—immobilized, unable to respond to the situation. God does not want you to end up that way. But to avoid it, you must know what to do when you first begin to experience “the heat”. The heat regulating mechanism of the body will warn us through a feeling of thirst when dehydration is beginning to take place. God has designed our physical bodies that way so that we will seek out water when we are being exposed to heat because it is a key to both avoiding as well as surviving heat exhaustion and heat stroke. The Bible refers to God’s Word as “water” in Ephesians 5:26. When you are experiencing pressure in your life you need to run to the Word of God. In it you will find the answer to every difficulty you are facing. Many people try everything else first, such as the counsel of other people, or their own logic or reasoning to solve their problems rather than seeking out the very thing that they need—the water of the Word of God. When the heat is on, run to the water! Don’t wait until you can’t think or see clearly, you need to seek out God’s Word first.

In the book of Daniel we find an amazing story of three young men who knew what to do when the heat was on in their lives. We can gain understanding for our own situations by observing what the Word of God reveals to us through the way they handled the pressures they encountered. The Jews had been taken into captivity by the King of Babylon. He had chosen the most intelligent young men among the princes of the Jews to train in the Babylonian language and culture so that they could serve the king in his court. Among those young men were Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. One day King Nebuchadnezzar set up a golden image and commanded that everyone in the kingdom bow down and worship it. Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego refused to bow down and were brought in before the king.

Then Nebuchadnezzar responded to them and said, “Is it true, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, that you do not serve my gods or worship the golden image that I have set up? Now if you are ready, at the sound of the horn…to fall down and worship the image that I have made, very well. But if you will not worship, you will immediately be cast into the midst

of a furnace of blazing fire; and what god is there who can deliver you out of my hands? (Daniel 3:14-15 NASB)

At this point, the heat was on. Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego were under extreme pressure. If they obeyed the king, they would be disobeying God. If they obeyed God, they would be cast into a fiery furnace. One type of pressure that people experience in life is when they are forced to make a decision in which none of the options are desirable! How did these men of God respond when the pressure was on?

Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego answered and said to the king, “O Nebuchadnezzar, we do not need to give you an answer concerning this matter. If it be so, our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the furnace of blazing fire; and He will deliver us out of your hand, O king. But even if He does not, let it be known to you, O king, that we are not

going to serve your gods or worship the golden image that you have set up.” (Daniel 3:16-18 NASB)


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What To DO

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The first observation I want you to make about the response of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego is the fact that they answered the king with humility as well as boldness. They could have railed on the king over the heathen idol he had set up and they would have been right about it. But they chose the path of humility, and continued to speak to the king in a very respectful manner, addressing him as “king.” Many people when they are under pressure from someone who is clearly in the wrong and is trying to pressure them to do something against their conscience will respond in a haughty self-righteous attitude. When you step out of the path of humility you step out of the grace of God. First Peter 5:5 says: ...clothe yourselves with humility toward one another, for God is opposed to the proud, but gives grace to the humble. Grace gives you the power to do what God wants you to do in every situation. You can see that God’s grace was with the three Hebrew young men, it gave them power to stand strong in their faith in the face of what looked like certain death. Grace releases power into your situation to bring a miraculous turnaround. Grace got the three Hebrew children out of the furnace.


A second observation that can be made from the response of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego is that when the heat was on, they walked by faith and not by sight. (2 Cor. 5:7) Their faith was clearly evidenced by their answer to the king. “Our God ..is able to deliver us...and He will deliver us…” They believed God was their Deliverer. They had unshakable confidence and trust in God and His word. Their faith was not based on what they could see with their eyes. Their eyes would have told them it was impossible to survive a fiery furnace unscathed, but their faith said God was able and would deliver them. When you are in a seemingly impossible situation you must keep your eyes on God who is able to deliver you. Had they despaired over their impending visit to the furnace rather than keep their faith in God’s delivering power, they would have never received the miraculous deliverance that they experienced. Satan will tempt you to despair based on the report of what can be observed about your circumstances with your natural eyes. But God calls us to a life of walking by faith described in 2 Corinthians 4:18:

While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal. (KJV)

God wants us to keep our eyes on the unseen things, such as the power of God. The three Hebrew children trusted in God’s power and faithfulness and it resulted in God meeting them in that fiery furnace.

Then Nebuchadnezzar the king was astounded and stood up in haste; he said to his high officials, “Was it not three men we cast bound into the midst of the fire? Look! I see four men loosed and walking about in the midst of the fire without harm, and the appearance of the fourth is like a son of the gods!” Then Shadrach, Meshach

and Abednego came out of the midst of the fire. (Daniel 3:24-25, 26b NASB) WHEN THE HEAT IS ON... WALK BY FAITH!

The next observation of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego has to do with their ability to walk in love. At the very end of the third chapter of Daniel we find this verse: Then the king promoted Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, in the province of Babylon. These men went right back to work serving the man who had just tried to execute them! Love forgives! Love even forgives the one who is responsible for the heat or pressure in your life. Jesus did the same thing when He was being crucified. Then said Jesus, Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do. (Luke 23:34 KJV)


If you will follow these Biblical principles in the midst of your “fiery furnace” you will find that God Himself will join you and bring you out of the midst of the flames - and like the three Hebrew young men in this story - you will escape without a sign that you were ever in the fire!

So Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego stepped out of the fire. Then the high officers, officials, governors, and advisers crowded around them and saw that the fire had not touched

them. Not a hair on their heads was singed, and their clothing was not scorched. They didn’t even smell of smoke! Daniel 3:27-28 New Living Translation

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WHEN the Heat is On

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Hidden With Christ MinistriesP.O. Box 3267 Tustin, CA 92781

www.hiddenwithchrist.com - www.operationlazarus.com - www.treasuresofafrica.org

In Loving Memory

Memorial Gifts have been received by Hidden With Christ Ministries

in honor of the life of

Barbara Jean StuhrNovember 20, 1932 to April 20, 2013

Beloved Wife, Mother and Grandmother