July 1, 2006

(Listened) Dictation on Saturday, July 1,2006 8:35 p.m. First Presidency Home in Colorado Dictation on Saturday, July1, 2006, at the First Presidency home in hiding, having arrived here at 3:00 p.m., having traveled here from Central Denver by the airport. I seek unto the Lord for His Spirit to be with me, to keep the record of His doings through father, the Priesthood over me, here to do their will. I am here to do their will in all things. My last dictation was just before midnight. After dictation, I laid down and went into the heavenly session. I was held there until 6:30 a.m. The Lord and father showed me where the remainder former wives of Joseph Steed should be placed. They should be sealed to men who live at R17. The Lord showed me that the First Presidency should come to the First Presidency home in hiding on Monday, that I should have three ladies come see me by tomorrow, arriving Sunday afternoon -- Ida Vilate Jessop Jeffs, Mildred Annie Jessop Jeffs, and Ruth Eliza Jessop Jeffs -- all of them have double names. I was shown I should have one of my drivers stay in Denver tonight; Isaac drive me to the First Presidency home, and then Isaac will go get Russell Johnson to be a guard at the First Presidency home tomorrow morning. All this is the Lord's wisdom being exerted, because had Russell come up, he may have been seen by the men moving the old motorhome. And Russell was suppose to stay in hiding even on this and not be seen by the people who come here, but to be a guard close at hand. '- I called the Bishop this morning, William E. Jessop, and asked him to have somebody place at the car for me to use to drive to the First Presidency home and put it at southern Denver at Exit 195 at a motel parking lot, and then send them north to put the motorhome in storage that he had rented for us. He then informed me, from a call from Lyle Jeffs, who is our man on the job near Short Creek, the day before yesterday, the landlord of the house where Clayton Jeffs was living, where Mother Norene was living, come to Clayton and said, the FBI threatened him -- the landlord -- that he could be arrested for aiding and abetting Warren Jeffs ifhe allowed these people to stay in that home. So he immediately terminated the rental agreement. And some men from Short Creek, John N. Jeffs included and others, quickly helped move Clayton Jeffs to Willie Jessop's house in Cedar City yesterday. And around the time that I was right there, just twenty miles away at Yankee Meadows doing the ordinance work for the Lord, the Lord doing it, there was a raid on Clayton Jeffs' home. The Bishop informed me there were fifteen police cars and FBI cars that showed up suddenly with a search warrant. They spent many hours searching through all their things to find any evidence of a connection with me. Then the Bishop told me, after many hours of searching, all they did was say sorry for bothering them and then left as they found no connection, right at the time I was there, twenty miles away. And even while the people who were coming to see me passed through that city, the police were active trying to find me. I just acknowledge the Lord with rejoicing in the carefulness He has guided us with, and the power by which He watches over us. The Lord guided the weather. At times it would rain to keep people indoors as we passed among them, talking of the campsites. So we are witnessing miracle after miracle every day. This has weighed upon me greatly through the day as I have traveled to this First Presidency home, seeing that anything I touch, the evil powers will prosecute and persecute

Transcript of July 1, 2006

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(Listened) Dictation on Saturday, July 1,2006 8:35 p.m. First Presidency Home in Colorado Dictation on Saturday, July1, 2006, at the First Presidency home in hiding, having arrived here at 3:00 p.m., having traveled here from Central Denver by the airport. I seek unto the Lord for His Spirit to be with me, to keep the record of His doings through father, the Priesthood over me, here to do their will. I am here to do their will in all things. My last dictation was just before midnight. After dictation, I laid down and went into the heavenly session. I was held there until 6:30 a.m. The Lord and father showed me where the remainder former wives of Joseph Steed should be placed. They should be sealed to men who live at R17. The Lord showed me that the First Presidency should come to the First Presidency home in hiding on Monday, that I should have three ladies come see me by tomorrow, arriving Sunday afternoon -- Ida Vilate Jessop Jeffs, Mildred Annie Jessop Jeffs, and Ruth Eliza Jessop Jeffs -- all of them have double names. I was shown I should have one of my drivers stay in Denver tonight; Isaac drive me to the First Presidency home, and then Isaac will go get Russell Johnson to be a guard at the First Presidency home tomorrow morning. All this is the Lord's wisdom being exerted, because had Russell come up, he may have been seen by the men moving the old motorhome. And Russell was suppose to stay in hiding even on this and not be seen by the people who come here, but to be a guard close at hand.

'- I called the Bishop this morning, William E. Jessop, and asked him to have somebody place at the car for me to use to drive to the First Presidency home and put it at southern Denver at Exit 195 at a motel parking lot, and then send them north to put the motorhome in storage that he had rented for us. He then informed me, from a call from Lyle Jeffs, who is our man on the job near Short Creek, the day before yesterday, the landlord of the house where Clayton Jeffs was living, where Mother Norene was living, come to Clayton and said, the FBI threatened him -- the landlord -- that he could be arrested for aiding and abetting Warren Jeffs ifhe allowed these people to stay in that home. So he immediately terminated the rental agreement. And some men from Short Creek, John N. Jeffs included and others, quickly helped move Clayton Jeffs to Willie Jessop's house in Cedar City yesterday. And around the time that I was right there, just twenty miles away at Yankee Meadows doing the ordinance work for the Lord, the Lord doing it, there was a raid on Clayton Jeffs' home. The Bishop informed me there were fifteen police cars and FBI cars that showed up suddenly with a search warrant. They spent many hours searching through all their things to find any evidence of a connection with me. Then the Bishop told me, after many hours of searching, all they did was say sorry for bothering them and then left as they found no connection, right at the time I was there, twenty miles away. And even while the people who were coming to see me passed through that city, the police were active trying to find me. I just acknowledge the Lord with rejoicing in the carefulness He has guided us with, and the power by which He watches over us. The Lord guided the weather. At times it would rain to keep people indoors as we passed among them, talking of the campsites. So we are witnessing miracle after miracle every day. This has weighed upon me greatly through the day as I have traveled to this First Presidency home, seeing that anything I touch, the evil powers will prosecute and persecute

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and want to destroy. I also have been shown it has been a great deliverance for our people for me to go into hiding and they not have direct contact with me because any of them could now be arrested for helping me if the enemy can prove they have been in contact with me. I saw I could not call and give messages to R17 until 3 :00 p.m., so we traveled. I asked the Bishop William Jessop and Nathan Jessop, and Lee Steed to see to the rental motorhome and the old motorhome - put the old motorhome up at the First Presidency house in hiding. And all this was to prepare for Russell to come as guard and prepare for the First Presidency to come on Monday. I recorded one message while I was traveling as Nephi Jeffs was in place in Texas to receive my messages and record them. I told Mother Merilyn to send fifteen thousand dollars with Nephi and put it in four envelopes, equal amounts. Then I told Nephi to put those envelopes in each person's bag so that it wouldn't be with just one person. We need some money to come to the houses in hiding. I then was able to start talking to Nephi Jeffs around 3:30 p.m. - it was around 3 :23 p.m. where I started recording the message to the First Presidency. I informed Brother Wendell and Brother Merril Jessop that they should leave R17 at 3:00 a.m. in the morning, Monday morning, that Jim Jessop should drive them off the land and go to Big Spring, and that Joseph Newel Jessop, Brother Merril's son, should leave R17 Sunday night, go get his car in hiding, and go to Big Spring and that is where they would meet and transfer into his car in hiding. I instructed the First Presidency to come in full disguise which means take off the long underwear and wear a short sleeved shirt like the world is doing during this holiday season. They put on their Priesthood clothes when they arrive at the dedicated homes and lands. And this is the Lord's directive I told them. I told Merril Jessop to leave Raymond Jessop in charge, but nobody on the land shou dknow they are gone otherwise, other than Raymond Jessop. I sent a recorded message to Joseph Newel Jessop and also Jim Jessop explaining to have Nephi Jeffs train them how to be drivers and guards for the First Presidency brethren as they traveled to meet me, and that they needed to stay in southern Denver in a motel together guarding the cars. I sent a message to Allan Keate and LeRoy Steed telling them to travel together, drive to the Denver airport to be picked up by Seth Allred, leaving R17 at 5:00 a.m. Monday morning. Thus we see the Lord and father are guiding the details of this mission, whoever the Lord sends. I then had Nephi record a message to my three ladies, Millie, Ida, and Ruthie telling them to prepare and leave R17 at 1 :00 a.m. in the morning, that is this evening they will leave. I left a recorded message to Millie and Patricia telling them how to handle these recorded messages and archive them. I told Millie to give the keys to my area to Vicki. I gave a message to Vicki to not allow anybody into my area, and I stopped the prayer circles while these ladies are gone. I felt a heavy concern come upon me from the Lord and father, warning me about something. Asking many questions, reaching to know if I left something out, I was shown that they must not bring that fifteen thousand dollars from R17, to leave that money there for another purpose and for the protection of those traveling. So I had my phone answer in Albuquerque, New Mexico, Jonathan Allred, go out and do a quick call. I had Naomie ask on the phone for Mother Merilyn and tell her, "Keep what is in your hands in your hands. Ignore the last directive. Keep everything there." which Mother Merilyn said she understood. So I thank the Lord for His guidance, father's guidance. May I be heavenly sensitive. I am yearning the Lord to allow these people to travel safely and not be followed.

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We can see by this attack against Clayton Jeffs' household in Cedar City yesterday, that if a house in hiding was found, there would be a great attack upon us, and the news media would be there, and the ladies could be arrested if they had items that are connected with me. Just their letters and their journals and their notes of my trainings would cause the government to take them in hand and make them be witnesses or threaten them with prison. My family does not realize and just has not seen the vision of the great attack that is coming against us, against anyone who will be part of me, or uphold me; talking of the faithful upholding the Lord's will and standing with God and Priesthood. And we can see why the Lord has had us be so careful in every move we make, even naming who can be trusted. We had one person not respond properly yesterday at our efforts to perform the sealings yesterday; that was Nephi Allred. I instructed him - I voiced it at least three times, asked him if he understood to only go to a certain spot and go no further. He did not respond. He got lost. He prolonged our time there. He drove his vehicle with that group of ladies coming to see me right up to the trailer he bought and the motorhome we rented, and the black truck we have in hiding. Russell Johnson, one of my drivers, was in his disguise clothes sitting by the truck and Nephi Allred just drove away. Now this evening, I read the letter from Nephi Allred, and I was very concerned. He wrote this letter through the day before yesterday while he was waiting for John Wayman to pick him up, and then he took the description of everything he had been doing for me right into Short Creek, and then he wrote and finished the letter when he came and delivered these people where I was. So he was carrying a written description of what he was doing as he was doing it. I had instructed him, "Do not write down what you are doing for me. And any letters you give me, hand to me right personally." But right while we were in the midst of this transporting people, he was keeping a written record of it, in a reporting letter to me. The Lord blessed us, answered our prayers. But this young man, if he had been stopped, he would have betrayed me, and we would have been found, because in this letter it described much of what was happening, and he would have been arrested. But the Lord blessed us. The authorities were distracted another direction where I was not and to examine people that were not immediately helping me. I know Nephi Allred needs training. Most of the people who help me just don't write things down. This is a fault in my family. Many of the ladies at the houses in hiding refer to the lands of refuge in their letters, they refer to private experiences with me, they refer to individuals living at certain places. I just have to shred all my letters from the family because many of their letters would be a betrayal. Most are not awake to the great attack coming against us; the Priesthood people in general are not awake. I have warned those who will listen. The attack is only going to get greater; all your efforts will be fruitless in trying to hold onto our lands and houses. We just have to stand in our place until the Lord directs otherwise. Just like these ladies, my sister Amy and Wendell Nielsen's daughters Sarah, look how the Lord is gathering them. I called the Bishop this morning and told him it was the Lord's directive to not let anybody in Short Creek know about Amy Jeffs Jessop's marriage, my sister's marriage to William E. Jessop, or Sarah Nielsen Jessop's marriage to Nathan Jessop, but during the nighttime have them taken out of town secretly and driven to the houses in hiding so nobody knows where they have gone, and nobody knows if they are married or who are they married to. So two of those ladies that were sealed yesterday will go immediately into hiding. Amy has a wayward boy named John. He goes by the name of John Steed. I instructed the Bishop to leave him in Short Creek with somebody until he learns obedience. He would betray the houses in hiding. That is

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taking place now. I am talking about the moving of those two ladies from Short Creek. As it gets dark, they will have helpers go in and remove them from that area. This is how the gathering is taking place, and the choosing is taking place. People preparing to advance in the ordinances and keeping those covenants. I told the other five couples yesterday to wait until 8:00 p.m., Saturday night, which is tonight, for the men to go pick up their new wives. That is happening now. So at least the families where these ladies are gathered to will know about the marriages taken place. The saints in general cannot keep confidence. I expect my enemies to know soon about these marriage sealings. This will enrage my enemies more, and in their anger, their blindness of mind, and hardness of heart, they will begin threatening more and more people. In the heavenly session, the Lord had me voice the authorities are now questioning our people more and bringing pressure upon them. Then after the heavenly session, I got that report of the attack against the Clayton Jeffs' family - searching through everything they had to try to find some connection with me. And there I was right in Utah, the state promoting all of this persecution and prosecution. Praise God from whom all blessings flow. I thank the Lord for father, allowing Him to be near, yearning to be more heavenly sensitive to their directives. Nathan Jessop and Lee Steed brought the old motorhome up to the First Presidency house in hiding and have left. I seek unto the Lord to know what to do next. I have been reading some of the revelations of the Lord given since father's passing - in particular concerning some of my ladies and father's ladies who are sealed to me for time, about the Lord's promise that they would yet have child in the heavenly session. I am yearning unto the Lord to allow this to happen. All according to our faith, so shall it be. The Priesthood, the Church, and Kingdom of God is literally in the wilderness in hiding as the First Presidency comes to this home in hiding high in the mountains. I ask the Lord to preserve us, preserve my brethren as they travel, preserve my ladies as they travel, even preserve our vehicles. I yearn for all to qualifY who can, that everyone would repent, return unto our Heavenly Father. I was impressed this morning as I read the Book of Mormon lessons recently, how the Prophets had strong burning hope of a glorious resurrection in our Savior's sacrifice and atonement. In reaching for that to increase in me, the Lord showed me this morning, as I was under a greater pressure of the Celestial atonement, that He is giving me that testimony increasingly everyday through the renewal I go through, through the renewal I experience at the end of each heavenly session, testifYing of the atoning power, the renewing power of God. I made note to Naomie that she has witnessed and seen the angels many times, has felt the presence of God and seen the heavenly fire. And other ladies have had some experience in this, talking of my ladies sealed to me. In the revelation the Lord gave when Paula was present, the Lord said, "This should awaken within you a yearning or a hungering for the greater light." This has been the test on my ladies who have been with me in the heavenly sessions - have they stayed at that reaching for the qualifications to be a heavenly wife, or do they become earthly satisfied and just expect the Lord to allow them to witness these things, and they return to their earthly satisfaction and stop reaching. Thus many of my ladies have had strong corrections who have been in the heavenly sessions, where they have not been allowed to be with me for a long time, for they have treated this lightly. And a way a person treats that great blessing lightly is to allow themselves to have bad feelings after witnessing the all-consuming fire from heaven burn within them in the presence of God and the angels. To allow those bad feelings means they have stopped their

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loyalty to God, they have returned to their selfish will and are not reaching for the improvement, the heavenly gifts to be a heavenly wife. So the Lord is causing all of my ladies everywhere to reach. He will not just hand these blessings to them. He has allowed testimony to come among them. He has allowed training to be given. Now He wants them to reach and stay at it. And once they receive the greater witness, to keep staying at it until they receive the greater light, the ordinances in the temple, and the presence of God. This is our fallen nature among or in most people - they receive a blessing and then relax their faith saying, "We are blessed. Our prayers are answered." Then they stop reaching, forgetting there are many more greater blessings of heavenly intelligence to reach for and earn. May I do better also. I am reaching for everyone in the Lord who can qualify. I am reaching for all of my ladies and children to come to the greater light and awake to this grand opportunity. May the Lord show me where individuals need to do better. May the Lord keep pruning us and training us, and bring forth those who will qualify. How heavenly patient and kind our loving Heavenly Father is. He could have cut any of us off long ago. I ask the Lord to forgive those who can qualify still and bring them forth. Praise God from whom all blessings flow, yearning for Zion, yearning for the overthrow of Babylon to make room for Zion and to the salvation of those, even among the wicked who can repent. This generation and this nation is worse than Sodom and Gomorrah. But the Lord is opening up the way as we stand fervent and constant unto Him. This morning before we left Denver, I gathered the three people who travel with me, Naomie was in the room with Isaac Jeffs, and Russell Johnson in our motel room. I gave a training reading the June 13,2005 revelation, the part concerning those who go into hiding with me, and then a few words from the April 19th revelation of 2004 how the Lord would preserve me even among my enemies. And we saw those revelations fulfilled yesterday, literally. Now the Lord has told us to go forward. He wants the former wives of Joseph Steed to be placed and sealed in marriage. Then there will be other marriages we will go do. I thrill at the thought that the First Presidency brethren are coming to this home in hiding. If we are one, great blessings could come forth. Praise God from whom all blessings flow, and the Lord's will be done. I bear this testimony that God lives, and Zion is rising. The Millennium of peace has started as we continue to increase in the burning peace of the Holy Spirit in our minds and hearts and characters to become like God. May the Lord hasten my preparation and training and repentance and purifying power upon me. May His will be done, yearning that there will be faith left. I bear this testimony in the name of Jesus Christ, whom I love, amen. 9:07 p.m. I add to this what the Lord showed me as I came out of the heavenly session this morning, a concern about the ladies at R23 and Rl who had experienced the greater light of the presence of God and the angels in my presence, and that they needed to realize they will be tested greater now they have received that greater testimony. They rejoice in the Lord to have witnessed and felt what they did, even the all-consuming fire from heaven, the presence of the heavenly beings, but now the Lord has shown me there is a concern about these ladies just expecting the blessings, or the evil powers will thrust upon them to deceive them, thinking they can receive this of themselves, independent of the Priesthood over them through a selfish enthusiasm. I ask the Lord to preserve them, show me what to do, even allow a message to be sent to warn them as He wills. Through this whole mission, the Lord and father are showing me to go their pace. May the Lord show me what to do next, how to get monies to the houses in hiding, what He wants accomplished even in this meeting of the First Presidency. I yearn the Lord will restore His full confidence and full oneness within this quorum again, for we have received strong corrections. I

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thank the Lord that He would correct us, and love us, and guide us. Now and forever may I be one with the Lord through father and the Prophets, to do the will of God in all things in His time and way. I add to the dictation one more item. As I was parting with John Wayman, I told him to press forward with the move of Western Precision from Short Creek. He told me the judge wants to mediate, or come to an agreement on it. And I said, "Fine. Your agreement is you are moving out of Short Creek. Then you will pay off the loan, and they will have no claim on you." Right now the court is demanding all his personal records. And they are using this attack about the few acres ofland that Western Precision has to get into all his business and personal records. And I told him, "Just drop it all. Get out of Short Creek." And then he asked since all of his family members in Short Creek work at Western Precision should he move them out of Short Creek, and I gave him the directive, "Yes." The Lord impressed me to say, "Yes. Get all of your family out of Short Creek." He asked if he should move into one big home or get another home. I said, "John." I pointed at him. "Don't get tied down. Don't go purchase some big house and think you are going to settle in in Las Vegas, you must work toward the lands of refuge and the gathering. And your goal in moving Western Precision out of Short Creek is to build it up and sell it quickly and privately to help the Priesthood." And he said, "Yes, sir. I will do it." always the Lord helping him. So I directed he get the rest of his family out of Short Creek. Wayne Fischer, who received a wife yesterday will gather his wife, Jennifer Warner Fischer tonight and get her out of there to move to a house in hiding in Nevada where he is living. So three ladies are gathered out of Short Creek tonight. The Lord's will be done. The saints are being driven. The sifting is taking place. People are being gathered through ordinance and training and obedience. End dictation again at 9: 13 p.m.