JUDITH FONZI - Web viewInvited presentation at the Mathematics Leadership Summit. ... Fonzi, J.,...

JUDITH FONZI Curriculum Vitae EDUCATION Ph.D. Teaching & Curriculum, University of Rochester, 2003 M.A. in Mathematics, State University of New York at Brockport, 1980 B.S. in Mathematics, State University of New York at Brockport, 1976 New York State Teacher Certification: N - 12 PROFESSIONAL POSITIONS Director, Masters in Health Professions Education Program, Warner Graduate School of Education, University of Rochester, 2007 - present Director, Center for Professional Development and Education Reform, Warner Graduate School of Education and Human Development, University of Rochester, 2001 - 2013 Professor, Warner Graduate School of Education and Human Development, University of Rochester, 2001 – present Director of Mathematics Outreach Programs, University of Rochester, Warner Graduate School of Education and Human Development, 1999 - 2001 Adjunct Instructor in Mathematics Education, Graduate School of Education and Human Development, University of Rochester, 1990 – 2001 Teacher Education Staff, Theodore Sizer’s Coalition of Essential Schools Summer Institute, Brown University, Summer 1990 1

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JUDITH FONZICurriculum Vitae


Ph.D. Teaching & Curriculum, University of Rochester, 2003

M.A. in Mathematics, State University of New York at Brockport, 1980

B.S. in Mathematics, State University of New York at Brockport, 1976New York State Teacher Certification: N - 12


Director, Masters in Health Professions Education Program, Warner Graduate School of Education, University of Rochester, 2007 - present

Director, Center for Professional Development and Education Reform, Warner Graduate School of Education and Human Development, University of Rochester, 2001 - 2013

Professor, Warner Graduate School of Education and Human Development, University of Rochester, 2001 – present

Director of Mathematics Outreach Programs, University of Rochester, Warner Graduate School of Education and Human Development, 1999 - 2001

Adjunct Instructor in Mathematics Education, Graduate School of Education and Human Development, University of Rochester, 1990 – 2001

Teacher Education Staff, Theodore Sizer’s Coalition of Essential Schools Summer Institute, Brown University, Summer 1990

Mathematics Coordinator and Teacher, School Without Walls High School, 1984 – 1992

Lecturer, Mathematics - Computer Science Department, SUNY Brockport, 1978 - 1984


As Principal Investigator:

Principal Investigator, National Science Foundation Noyce Master Teaching Fellowship grant: “Preparing Highly Qualified STEM Teacher Leaders for Urban Schools”, 2010 – 2015, ($3,000,000)


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Principal Investigator, New York State Education Department (NYSED), Summer 2007 Tuition / Registration grant, 2007 ($263,000)

Principal Investigator, NYSED Teacher Leader Quality Program Grant: “From Elementary to Secondary: Integrating Mathematics and Literacy Professional Development”, 2003 – 2009 ($1,354,000)

Principal Investigator, National Science Foundation Math Science Partnership Grant: "Deepening Everyone's Mathematics Content Knowledge: Mathematicians, Teachers, Parents, Students & Community", 2002 - 2009 ($2,800,000)

Principal Investigator, D.D. Eisenhower Foundations Grant: “Developing the Foundations for Systemic Reform of K-12 Mathematics through a Regional Collaborative”, 1999 – 2003 ($689,000)

Other roles:

Co-Principal Investigator, US Department of Education, “Western New York Collaboration for ELL Success (Project CELLS)”, 2012 – 2017 ($1,950,000)

Co-Principal Investigator, NYSED Teacher Leader Quality Program Grant: “Achieving the Dream: A Comprehensive Leadership-based Improvement Program”, 2009 – 2012 ($843,000)

Project Director, New York State Education Department (NYSED), Summer 2008 Professional Development Registration grant, 2008 ($220,000)

Co-Principal Investigator (subcontract, PI Paul Katz, M.D.), HRSA NGA (Award # 1 D01HP08792-01-00: “Geriatric Training Program for Physicians, Dentists, and Behavioral and Mental Health Professionals”, 2007 – 2010 ($1,605,766)

Researcher, Kauffman Foundation Grant, Kauffmann Campus Initiative: Entrepreneurship in Education, 2004 - 2008

Consultant, Department of Education Grant, Early Reading First, 2004 – 2007 ($3,800,000); P.I. Lucia French

Consultant, Department of Education Grant, Early Education Professional Development, 2004 – 2006 ($2,000,000); Subcontract P.I. James Coffey

Co-Principal Investigator, National Science Foundation Science of Learning Center Catalyst Grant: Center on Mathematics and Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Learners”, 2004 – 2006 ($180,000)

Co-Principal Investigator (subcontract, PI Paul Katz, M.D.), Department of Health and Human Services: “Geriatric Medicine, Dentistry, and Psychiatry Fellowship”, 2003 – 2007 ($125,000)


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Co-Principal Investigator, (Subcontract, PI Nora Ramirez), National Science Foundation Retention Grant, subcontract title “Understanding the Initial Stages of Initiating Lead Teacher Positions”, 2001-2003 ($ 34,000)

Project Associate, National Science Foundation “Professional Development Materials” Grant: “Leadership Curriculum for Mathematics Professional Development”, 2001 – 2005 ($3,000,000)

Project Director, National Science Foundation Local Systemic Change Grant: “Making Mathematics Reform a Reality in Middle Schools”, 1996-2000 ($500,000)

Project Director, D.D. Eisenhower Foundation: “In-service and Pre-service Professional Development Initiatives to Support Systemic Reform in Middle School Mathematics, 1996 - 1999 ($125,000)

Consultant, National Science Foundation Grant : “Research and Development Initiative Applied to Teacher Education”, 1993 – 1996.

Project Director, National Science Foundation Grant : “Supporting Learning Disabled Students in the Mainstream Mathematics Class”, 1992 – 1995 ($660,000)

Teacher Researcher, National Science Foundation Grant : “Reading to Learn Mathematics for Critical Thinking”, 1989 – 1992 ($200,000)

Teacher Researcher, National Science Foundation Grant : “Using Errors as a Springboard for Learning”, 1986 – 1989 ($150,000)


Lead evaluator, National Science Foundation IGERT Grant “Distributed Renewable Energy: From Science and Technology to Entrepreneurship and Policy” 2010 – 2015 ($3,200,000)

Lead evaluator, Rochester Institute of Technology Innovative Freshman Year for Imagining Science Students Evaluation Study, 2010-2011 ($10,000)

Lead evaluator, Rochester’s Literacy Movement Pilot Evaluation, (2009)


A. MonographsBorasi, R. & Fonzi, J. (2002). Professional Development that Supports School Mathematics Reform. FOUNDATIONS monograph # 3. Arlington, VA: National Science Foundation.

B. Chapters in Books


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Fonzi, J. & Smith, C. (1998). “Communication in a Secondary Mathematics Classroom: Some Images”. In H. Steinbring, M. Bartolini Bussi, & A. Sierpinska (Eds.), Language and Communication in the Mathematics Classroom. Reston, VA: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.

Siegel, M., Borasi, R., Fonzi, J., Sanridge, L. & Smith, C. (1996). “The Unexplored Role of Reading in Mathematics Meaning-Making”. In P. Elliot (Ed.), The 1996 NCTM Yearbook: Communication in Mathematics K-12. Reston, VA: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.

C. Articles in Refereed Journals

Smith, P. C., Wall, A. F., Sellers, C. R., & Fonzi, J. (under review). “Developing a Conceptual Framework to Guide Clinical Practice, Education, and Reseaarch for the Role of the RN First Assistant”. Association of PeriOperative Registered Nurses (AORN) Journal.

Berent, G. P., Kelly, R. R., Porter, J. E., & Fonzi, J. (2008). “Deaf Learners’ Knowledge of English Universal Quantifiers”. Language Learning, 58 (2), 401-437.

Walpole, A., Fonzi, J., & Katz, P. (2007). “Academic Career Development in Geriatric Fellowship Training”. Journal of American Geriatrics Society.

Blatto-Vallee, G., Kelly, R., Gausted, M., Porter, J. & Fonzi, J. (2007). “Visual-Spatial Representation in Mathematical Problem Solving by Deaf and Hearing Students”. Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education Advance Access.

Borasi, R., Fonzi, J., Smith, C. & Rose, B. J. (1999). “Beginning the Process of Rethinking Mathematics Instruction: A Professional Development Program”. Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education.

Siegel, M., Borasi, R., Fonzi, J. (1998). “Supporting Students’ Mathematical Inquiries Through Reading”. Journal of Research in Mathematics Education 29 (4).

Borasi, R., Siegel, M., Fonzi, J. & Smith, C.F. (1998). “Using Transactional Reading Strategies to Support Sense-Making and Discussion in Mathematics Classrooms: An Exploratory Study”. Journal of Research in Mathematics Education 29 (3), 275-305.

Siegel, M. & Fonzi, J. (1995). “The Practice of Reading in an Inquiry-Oriented Mathematics Class”. Reading Research Quarterly 30, 4.

D. Electronic Publications

Fonzi, J. (2001). “Planning and Implementing Professional Development for Systemic Reform: What We’ve Learned About the Process”. Teacher Education Materials Project (TE-MAT): Database for K-12 Mathematics and Science Professional Development Providers, http://www.te-mat.org/Essays/fonzi.aspx


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E. Papers Published in Conference Proceedings

Fonzi, J. (January 2004). “Critical Features for Strengthening Partnerships”. Proceedings of the Math and Science Partnership Learning Network Conference of Principal Investigators and Evaluators on www.mspnet.org.

Fonzi, J. (May 2001). “Thank Goodness We Got To Do It Again !” Proceedings of the First Virtual Conference on Sustainability of Local Systemic Change posted on http://lsc-net.terc.edu.

Borasi, R., Fonzi, J. & Rose, R. (1994). “Teaching Mathematics in Inclusive Classrooms: A Project Integrating Theory and Practice for Researchers, Teachers and Students”. In L. Bazzini (Ed.), Theory and Practice in Mathematics Education, Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Systematic Cooperation between Theory and Practice in Mathematics Education, (pp.47-56). Pavia, Italy: ISDAF.

F. Book Reviews

Fonzi, J. (March 2009). Susan Neuman’s Educating the Other America: Top Experts Tackle Poverty, Literacy, and Achievement in Our Schools. Journal of Children & Poverty.

Fonzi, J. (1999). Miller & Kantrov’s Casebook on School Reform. Teacher Education Materials Project (TE-MAT): A Database for K-12 Professional Development Providers, http://www.te-mat.org

Fonzi, J. (1999). Miller & Kantrov’s A Guide to Facilitating Cases in Education. Teacher Education Materials Project (TE-MAT): A Database for K-12 Professional Development Providers, http://www.te-mat.org

G. Manuscripts under review

Fonzi, J. & Borasi, R. (under review). Achieving systemic reform in a public school. In: Borasi, R. (Ed.). Promoting Innovations in Education: Effective Practices of Entrepreneurial Educators. Completed book manuscript submitted to Teachers College Press.

H. ERIC DocumentsSiegel, M., Borasi, R., Fonzi, J. & Smith, C. (1996). “Beyond Word-Problems and Textbooks: Using Reading Generatively in the Mathematics Classroom”. Eric Document # ED 403144.

I. Professional Development Materials

Fonzi, J. & Borasi, R. (1999). Professional Development Practices for Mathematics Teacher Educators: A video Series with Facilitator Guides. Available through the Warner Center

Borasi, R. & Fonzi, J. (1999). Introducing Math Teachers to Inquiry: Framework and Supporting Materials to Design Professional Development. (Multi-media package including


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a main text, 3 videotapes, a CD-Rom, and materials for reproduction) Available through the Warner Center

Borasi, R. & Fonzi, J. (1997). Teaching Geometry through Inquiry: A Story of a Classroom Experience (set of 3 video-tapes prepared for the New York State Department of Education) Available through the Warner Center

Borasi, R. & Fonzi, J. (1996). Teaching Mathematics through Inquiry: What does it Look Like ? (video prepared for the New York State Department of Education) Available through the Warner Center

Borasi, R. & Fonzi, J. (1997). Teaching Mathematics in Inclusive Classrooms -- Materials for Teacher Educators. Available through the Warner Center

This package includes the following volumes as well as an accompanying set of 24 video-tapes:

Introduction and guide to the materials

Notebook A: Rethinking the teaching of mathematics from an inquiry perspective

Notebook B: Experiencing as learners an inquiry on tessellations

Notebook C: Experiencing as learners an inquiry on area

Notebook D: Becoming aware of learning differences and their implications for mathematics instruction

Notebook E: Experiencing as teachers an inquiry approach to mathematics instruction


Fonzi, J. (2011). Preparing Highly Qualified STEM Teacher Leaders for Urban Schools. Annual report sent to National Science Foundation Noyce Master Teaching Fellowship Grant Program.

Fonzi, J. (2010). Achieving the Dream. Annual report sent to New York State Education Department Teacher Leader Quality Program.

Fonzi, J. (2010). Deepening Everyone's Mathematics Content Knowledge: Mathematicians, Teachers, Parents, Students & Community Members. Final report sent to National Science Foundation Math Science Partnership Grant Program.

Fonzi, J. (2008). Deepening Everyone's Mathematics Content Knowledge: Mathematicians, Teachers, Parents, Students & Community Members. Annual report sent to National Science Foundation Math Science Partnership Grant Program.

Fonzi, J. (2008). From Elementary to Secondary: Integrating Mathematics and Literacy Professional Development. Annual report sent to New York State Education Department Teacher Leader Quality Program.

Fonzi, J. (2007). Deepening Everyone's Mathematics Content Knowledge: Mathematicians, Teachers, Parents, Students & Community Members. Annual report sent to National Science Foundation Math Science Partnership Grant Program.


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Fonzi, J. (2007). From Elementary to Secondary: Integrating Mathematics and Literacy Professional Development. Annual report sent to New York State Education Department Teacher Leader Quality Program.

Fonzi, J. (2006). Deepening Everyone's Mathematics Content Knowledge: Mathematicians, Teachers, Parents, Students & Community Members. Annual report sent to National Science Foundation Math Science Partnership Grant Program.

Fonzi, J. (2006). From Elementary to Secondary: Integrating Mathematics and Literacy Professional Development. Annual report sent to New York State Education Department Teacher Leader Quality Program.

Fonzi, J. & Callard, C. (2005). Deepening Everyone's Mathematics Content Knowledge: Mathematicians, Teachers, Parents, Students & Community Members. Annual report sent to National Science Foundation Math Science Partnership Grant Program.

Fonzi, J. (2005). From Elementary to Secondary: Integrating Mathematics and Literacy Professional Development. Annual report sent to New York State Education Department Teacher Leader Quality Program.

Fonzi, J. (2004). Deepening Everyone's Mathematics Content Knowledge: Mathematicians, Teachers, Parents, Students & Community Members. Annual report sent to National Science Foundation Math Science Partnership Grant Program.

Fonzi, J. (2004). From Elementary to Secondary: Integrating Mathematics and Literacy Professional Development. Annual report sent to New York State Education Department Teacher Leader Quality Program.

Fonzi, J. (2003). Deepening Everyone's Mathematics Content Knowledge: Mathematicians, Teachers, Parents, Students & Community Members. Annual report sent to National Science Foundation Math Science Partnership Grant Program.

Fonzi, J. D.D. (2003) Developing the Foundations for Systemic Reform of K-12 Mathematics through a Regional Collaborative. Final report sent to the Eisenhower Foundation Professional Development Grant Program.

Fonzi, J. (2003). Understanding the Initial Stages of Initiating Lead Teacher Positions in Mathematics. Doctoral Dissertation sent to the National Science Foundation.

Fonzi, J. D.D. (2002) Developing the Foundations for Systemic Reform of K-12 Mathematics through a Regional Collaborative. Annual report sent to the Eisenhower Foundation Professional Development Grant Program.

Fonzi, J. D.D. (2001) Developing the Foundations for Systemic Reform of K-12 Mathematics through a Regional Collaborative. Annual report sent to the Eisenhower Foundation Professional Development Grant Program.

Fonzi, J. D.D. (2000) Developing the Foundations for Systemic Reform of K-12 Mathematics through a Regional Collaborative. Annual report sent to the Eisenhower Foundation Professional Development Grant Program.

Fonzi, J. & Rose, B.J. (1995). Investigating Tessellations to Learn Geometry -- Goals, Overview and Ideas for Planning the Unit. Interim Report to the National Science


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Foundation, Supporting Middle School Learning Disabled Students in the Mainstream Mathematics Classroom" project.

Fonzi, J. & Rose, B.J. (Eds.) (1995). Investigating Tessellations to Learn Geometry -- Detailed Report of Three Classroom Implementations. Interim Report to the National Science Foundation, Supporting Middle School Learning Disabled Students in the Mainstream Mathematics Classroom" project.


NOTE: An asterisk (*) indicates that a written version of the paper is available; two asterisks (**) indicate that a written version of the paper has been published and thus it has already been listed earlier.

Invited Lectures / Presentations

Fonzi, J. & Callard. C. (March 2010). “Reading, Writing and Quantitative Reasoning: Why ? – Because ALL US Citizens Must Be Able to Make Sense of the Complex Mathematical Issues Confronting Them”. Invited session at the National Writing Project Working Conference, New Orleans, LA.

Fonzi, J. & Saat, B. (February 2009). “Enhancing Coaching Competencies: A Example from Higher Education”. Invited webinar for the College and University Professional Association for Human Resources (CUPA-HR).

Fonzi, J. & Callard, C. (January 2009). “Lessons Learned from an MSP: Invest in Teacher Leadership”. Invited session at the Math and Science Partnership Learning Network Conference of Principal Investigators and Evaluators, Washington DC.

Fonzi, J. (September 2006). “Teaching Mathematics (in NYS): What We Know, What We Think We Know, What We’re Learning From Our Systemic Reform Work, and What We’re Hoping !”. Invited presentation at the Mathematics Leadership Summit. Albany, NY.

Fonzi, J. (April 2004). “Leadership Issues in the Community Service Sector”. Invited panelist at Careers in the Common Good Symposium and Career Fair. Alfred University, Alfred, NY.

Fonzi, J. (January 2004). “Critical Features for Strengthening Partnerships”. Invited plenary panelist at the Math and Science Partnership Learning Network Conference of Principal Investigators and Evaluators, Washington DC.

Fonzi, J., Callard, C., Rapp, M. & Segal, S. (January 2004). “Facilitating Partnerships among STEM Faculty and K-12 Institutions”. Invited session at the Math and Science Partnership Learning Network Conference of Principal Investigators and Evaluators, Washington DC.


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Fonzi, J., Callard, C., & Rapp, M. (January 2004). “Higher Education Policies that Promote K-12 Partnerships”. Invited session at the Math and Science Partnership Learning Network Conference of Principal Investigators and Evaluators, Washington DC.

Fonzi, J. (September 2003). “Professional Development for School Mathematics and Science Reform: Understanding Mathematics and Science Teachers Learning Needs”. Invited presentation at the National Convocation of Professional Development, Washington, DC.

Driscoll, J. and Fonzi, J. (September 2003). “Professional Development Materials for Use with Secondary School Mathematics Teachers”. Invited workshop at the National Convocation of Professional Development, Washington, DC.

Fonzi, J. (May 2003). Invited discussant on all components of the conference for the entire 9-day Virtual Conference on Sustainability of Local Systemic Change, http://sustainability2003.terc.edu. (*)

Fonzi, J. (May 2003). Systemic Reform Sustainability Conference, National Science Foundation.

Fonzi, J. (May 2001). “Thank goodness We Got To Do It Again !”. Invited Poster/Paper at the First Virtual Conference on Sustainability of Local Systemic Change, http://lsc-net.terc.edu(**)

Borasi, R. & Fonzi, J. (January 2000). “Making Data collection Serve Multiple Purposes”. Invited presentation at the National Science Foundation Annual Meeting of Local Systemic Change Project Principal Investigators, Washington, DC.

Fonzi, J. (September 1998). “Understanding What it Takes to Support Teachers to Develop an Inquiry Pedagogy: Identifying their Learning Needs and Effective Professional Development Practices”. Invited plenary address at the Mathematics for All - Investigations in the Classroom Conference in Lisbon, Portugal. (*)

Borasi, R. & Fonzi, J. (November 1995). “Articulating the Meaning of "Inquiry" by Sharing and Reflecting on our Practices”. Presentation at the New York State Inquiry Study Group Meeting, Albany, NY.

Borasi, R. & Fonzi, J. (November 1995). “Supporting School Mathematics Reform - What it Takes”. A round table discussion at the Second Annual New York Graduate Mathematics Education Research Conference, Syracuse, NY.

Fonzi, J. & Rose, B. (May 1994). “Teaching Mathematics in Inclusive Classrooms: A Project Integrating Theory and Practice for Researchers, Teachers, and Students”. A paper presented at the Fifth International Conference on the Systematic Cooperation Between Theory and Practice in Mathematics Education at Grado, Italy. (**)


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Fonzi, J. & Smith, C. (August 1992). “Communication in a Secondary Mathematics Classroom: Some Images”. Research paper presented at the International Congress on Mathematics Education 7, Quebec, Canada. (**)

Siegel, M. & Fonzi, J. (October 1990). “The Classroom Experience”. Keynote Address presented at the First Annual Todd Conference, University of Rochester, Rochester, NY. (*)

Presentations (peer reviewed proposal)

Fonzi, J. & Callard. C. (April, 2011). “Confronting the challenges of Working with low performing schools: Some Strategies to Get Started”. Presentation at the National Council of Supervisors of Mathematics Annual Conference, Indianapolis, IN.

Callard, C. & Fonzi, J. (April, 2011). “Teachers, Teacher Leaders and Administrators Share Their Stories of Participation in an NSF MSP Project to Deepen Mathematics Content Knowledge”. Presentation at the National Council of Supervisors of Mathematics Annual Conference, Indianapolis, IN.

Smith, C.F., Borasi, R., Fonzi, J. & Jefferson, F.C. (April 2011). Preparing school leaders to be change-agents: Lessons learned from three entrepreneurial educational leaders. 2011 American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA.

Fonzi, J. & Callard, C. (April, 2010). “Mathematics Education Needs Transformational Leaders – Do Our Teacher Leadership Programs Develop Transformational Leaders ?. Presentation at the National Council of Supervisors of Mathematics Annual Conference, San Diego, CA.

Fonzi, J., & Borasi, R. (March 2008). Developing School Leaders Who Can Effectively Implement Innovations: Contributions From the Case Study of an Entrepreneurial Assistant Superintendent. 2008 American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, New York, NY.

Martin, W. G., Fonzi, J., Kysh, J. Merlino, F. J., Strutchens, M., & Hamos, J. (January 2005). “NSF's Math and Science Partnership Program: What Are We Learning?”. Presentation at the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators Annual Conference, Dallas, TX.

Miller, B., Weiss, I. & Fonzi, J. (April 2004). “Developing Strategic Leadership: Insights from Research and Practice”. Paper presented at the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Annual Research Presession, Philadelphia, PA.

Fonzi, J., Miller, B., & Weiss, I. (April 2003). “Teacher Leadership Roles: What Our Research has Uncovered about Initiating Them and Implementing Them”. Papers presented at the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Annual Research Presession, San Antonio, TX.


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Fonzi, J. (May 2001). “Thank Goodness We Got To Do It Again !” Paper/Poster presented at the First Virtual Conference on Sustainability of Local Systemic Change on http://lsc-net.terc.edu.

Spresser, D., Evans, J., Fonzi, J. and others. (April 2000). “Local systemic Change in K-12 Mathematics: What Does It Take to Be Effective ?” Panel presentation at the National Council of Supervisors of Mathematics Annual Conference, Chicago, IL.

Fonzi, J. & Borasi, R. (November 1999). “Introducing Mathematics Teachers to Inquiry”. Presented at the Association of Mathematics Teachers of New York State Annual Conference, Rochester, NY.

Borasi, R. & Fonzi, J. (May 1997). “Schoolwide Reform - What it is Taking: Insights from a Variety of Schools”. Presented at the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Eastern Regional Conference, Rochester, NY.

Siegel, M., Borasi, R. Fonzi, J., Smith, C. & Brown, S. (April 1996). “Multiple Perspectives on Reading Mathematics: Social Practice, Transaction, Inquiry”. A symposium at the American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Meeting, NY, NY.

Thornton, C., Bartel, A., Borasi, R., Callard, C., Fonzi, J. & Smith, C. (April 1996). “Inquiry Approaches: Windows of Opportunity for Middle School Students with Learning Differences”. A “conference within a conference” at the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics 74th Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA.

Fonzi, J., Anthony, D., Bobin, V., & Callard, C. (April 1995). “What We Have Learned about Teaching Mathematics to All Children in Inclusive Classrooms”. Presentation at the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics 73rd Annual Meeting, Boston, MA.

Fonzi, J. & Smith, C. (April 1993). “How to Foster and Support Mathematical Discussions”. Workshop given at the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics 71st Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA.

Borasi, R., Fonzi, J. & Smith, C. (April 1992). “Strategies for Using Reading to Enhance Mathematics Learning”. Presentation at the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics 70th Annual Meeting, Nashville, TN.

Siegel, M. & Fonzi, J. (December 1991). “Reading to Learn Mathematics in Practice: Understanding the Role of Reading in a Secondary Mathematics Class”. Research presentation at the National Reading Conference, Palm Springs, CA.

Borasi, R., Fonzi, J., Isgrigg, G., Platt, L., Siegel, M., & Smith, C. (October 1991). “Reading to Learn Mathematics: Three Teachers Share Their Experiences”. Presentation at the Association of Mathematics Teachers of New York State 41st Annual Meeting, Rochester, NY.


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Siegel, M. & Fonzi, J. (September 1991). “Reading, Writing, and Experiencing Mathematics: Whole Language as a Framework for Inquiry in High School Mathematics Classes”. Presentation at the Whole Language State Education Department Conference, Rochester, NY.

Fonzi, J. & Smith, C. (April 1991). “Mathematical Thinking - Using Stories to Get There”. Paper presented at the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics 69th Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA.

Selected Working Conference - By Invitation

Member Moving Forward Together: Curriculum and Assessment and the CCSSM Working Conference, Washington, DC (April 2011)

Creating Curricula Supportive of the CCSSM Working Conference, Washington, DC (August 2010)

Curriculum Design, Development, and Implementation in an Era of CCSSM Conference, Ithaca, NY (June 2010)

A National Initiative on Family and Community Involvement in Mathematics Education, Tucson, AR. (October, 2004)

National Science Foundation: Math Science Partnership Projects – Principal Investigators and Evaluators Meeting, Washington, DC. (January, 2003, 2004, 2005)

Math Science Partnership Conference on Developing Strategic Leadership, Chapel Hill, NC. (November 2003)

National Science Foundation Local Systemic Change Projects Lessons Learned Conference, Washington, DC. (June 2000)

National Science Foundation: Local Systemic Change Projects – Principal Investigators Meeting, Washington, DC. (January 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000)

Teacher Education Materials Project Working Conference, Chapel Hill, NC. (November 1999)

Reflecting on our Learning: The Impact of Cases in Mathematics Teacher Development. Washington, DC. (February 1999).

New York State Higher Education Inquiry Study Group, Albany, NY. (September 1996, November 1996, February 1997, May 1997, February 1998, May 1998)


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National Committees (by invitation)

Member, Developers, Implementers, and Mathematics Educators (DIME) Group (2010 – present) developed to respond to, and support the implementation of, 2010 Common Core State Standards in Mathematics (CCSSM) which have been adopted for implementation by 40+ states.

Member, DIME High School Subcommittee (2010 – present) to design an integrated high school pathway and curriculum in response to the CCSSM.

(Past) Reviewer, National Council of Supervisors of Mathematics Journal

Reviewer, National Science Foundation Math and Science Partnership Projects (MSP) (2003)

Reviewer, National Science Foundation Research on Learning in Education Projects (ROLE) (2002)

Member, National Science Foundation selection committee for the United States President’s Teacher of the Year Award. (2002)

Reviewer, National Science Foundation Local Systemic Change Projects in Mathematics (LSC) (1998)

Reviewer, National Science Foundation Teacher Enhancement Projects (1997)

National Advisory Boards

National Science Foundation ITEST Grant, Crossing Boundaries and Exploring Biodiversity Conservation Using Information Technologies (2009 - 2012) (~$1,400,000); Principal Investigators: Drs. James MaKinster and Nancy Trautmann

National Science Foundation Math Science Partnership Technical Assistance Grant, MSP-net: An Electronic Community of Practice Facilitating Communication and Collaboration, 2003-2008 (~$5,200,000); Principal Investigator: Dr. Joni Falk

National Science Foundation Math Science Partnership Grant, Pathways Project: Opening Routes to Math and Science Success for All Students, 2004-2009 (~$12,500,000); Principal Investigator: Dr. Marilyn Carlson

State Advisory Boards

Member, New York State Education Department Mathematics Advisory Council (2007 – present)


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Member, New York State Education Department Science Education Advisory Board (2005 - present)

Co-founder, New York State Consortium for High Quality Mathematics Education for All Students (2005 – present)


Member, Rochester Education and Literacy (REAL) Commission (2008 – present)

Research design team, Nurturing Communities (2009) a joint initiative of 292-BABY and Rochester Child Network

Mentor, URMC Fellows (Dean’s Teaching Fellow 2006 - 08 and Adolescent Medicine Fellow 2009 - present)

Member, Mayor’s Education Leadership Council (2006 – 2008)

Member, Mayor’s Literacy Policy Commission (2006 – present)

Advisory Board, 292-BABY (formerly Rochester Parent Network), (2004 – present)

Instructor, Small Group course on Teaching and Learning for UR Public Health and Preventative Medicine Division

Member, Task Force on Professional Development for Early Childcare Providers (2002 – 2006)

Member, Blue Print Committee on Professional Development for Early Childcare Providers (2003 - 2006)

Member, Higher Education Working Group on Early Childhood Education (2002 – 2006)

Chair, Consortium of Regional Mathematics Education Faculty (1999 – 2003)

Local Invited Presentations (representative sample)

Fonzi, J. (April 2003). “Why Do We Need To Reform K-12 Mathematics Programs”. Talk given at Mt. Morris Central Schools. Mt. Morris, NY.

Fonzi, J. & Callard, C. (Spring 1999). “Developing and Inquiry Unit on Area”. Day-long Workshop with Middle School Teachers, Greece Central School District.


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Fonzi, J. (Fall 2000). “Critical Thinking in Mathematics: What Does it Look and Sound Like?” Superintendent’s Conference Day Workshop for all Elementary Teachers, Penfield Central School District.

Fonzi, J. (Spring 1992 & Fall 1991). “What Do the New NCTM Standards Mean for the Mathematics Classroom ?”. Multiple session program offered through the Office of Professional Development, Graduate School of Education and Human Development, University of Rochester.

Fonzi, J. (Fall 1992). “Examining the NCTM Standards and implementing them in Gates-Chili”. A 15 hour program offered through the Professional Development Office of the Gates-Chili Central School District.

Fonzi, J. (October 1991). “Teacher as Learner: Documenting your performance as a teacher by becoming a learner in your own classroom”. Superintendent's Conference Day Workshop available to all teachers. Offered through the Performance Appraisal Redesign Project, Rochester City School District.

Long Term Local Consulting/Professional Development Programs (prior to the establishment of the Warner Center and in addition to grant work.)

Waterloo Central Schools, Waterloo, NY (1993 - 1994)Hilton Central Schools, Hilton, NY (Spring 1992)Spencerport Central School, Spencerport, NY (1991 - 1992)Frederick Douglass Middle School, Rochester City Schools (1990 - 1992)Cobblestone Elementary School, Rochester, NY (1990 - 1991)


Mathematics Association of America (MAA)National Council of Teacher of Mathematics (NCTM)National Council of Supervisors of Mathematics (NCSM)Special Interest Group on Research in Mathematics Education (SIG/RME)American Educational Research Association (AERA)National Staff Development Council (NSDC)Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD)