JSS - Employee Handbook - Confined Space Rescue Tech-2019


Transcript of JSS - Employee Handbook - Confined Space Rescue Tech-2019

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8.16.19  FINAL  















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1.   Welcome  1.   History,  Goals  &  Culture  2.   Overview  of  a  Confined  Space  Rescue  Technician,  Safety  Attendant,  &  Rescue  Lead  3.   Purpose  of  Handbook  4.   At-­‐Will  Employment  


2.   Workplace  Commitments  1.   Equal  Opportunity  Employment  2.   Non-­‐Harassment/Non-­‐Discrimination  Policy  3.   Sexual  Harassment  4.   Drug-­‐Free/Alcohol-­‐Free  Environment  5.   Testing  6.   Open  Door  Policy  


3.   Company  Policies  and  Procedures  1.   Code  of  Professional  Conduct  2.   Background  Check  3.   House  Rules  4.   Dress  Code  5.   Payday  6.   Company  Property  

A.   Company  Equipment  B.   Company  Vehicles  C.   Vehicle  Safety  D.   Fuel  &  Fuel  Cards  

7.   Privacy  8.   Personnel  Files  

A.   Certifications  9.   Hourly  Pay  10.  Per  Diem  11.  Mileage  –  When  Using  Personal  Vehicle  12.  Reimbursement  13.  Education  Reimbursement  


4.   Employment  Classification  1.   Exempt  Employees  2.   Non-­‐Exempt  Employees  3.   Part-­‐Time  or  Full-­‐Time  


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5.   Attendance  Policies  1.   General  Attendance  2.   Tardiness  3.   Breaks  


6.   Work  Performance  1.   Expectations  2.   Reviews  


7.   Discipline  Policy  1.   Insubordination  2.   Grounds  for  Disciplinary  Action  3.   Procedures  


8.   Employee  Health  &  Safety  1.   Workplace  Safety  2.   Workplace  Security  3.   Emergency  Procedures  


9.      Employee  Benefits  1.   Health  Insurance  2.   Retirement  Plan  3.   Worker’s  Compensation  4.   Leave  Policies  

A.   Vacation  B.   Sick  C.   Bereavement  D.   Family  and  Medical  Leave  Act  E.   Holidays  F.   Jury  Duty  G.   Voting  H.   Military  I.   Leave  of  Absence  


10.        Termination  Policies  1.   Involuntary  Termination  and  Voluntary  Termination  2.   Job  Abandonment  3.   Final  Paycheck  4.   COBRA  Continuation  of  Health  Benefits  5.   Exit  Interview  

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6.   Non-­‐Compete  and  Non-­‐Solicitation  Agreement    

11.    Referral  Programs  1.   Business  Referral  Program  2.   Employee  Referral  Program  


12.      Forms  in  Employee  Portal    


Acknowledgement  of  Receipt  

           Employee  Copy  

           Employer  Copy  



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1.1  History,  Goals  &  Culture  

Incorporated  in  2006  as  Above  The  Tracks,  the  company  focused  on  the  rail  industry.  As  the  services  the  company  offered  expanded  and  the  current  executive  team  formed  in  late  2009,  the  company  was  providing  a  significant  amount  of  safety  services  to  the  power  industry.  To  reflect  the  shift  of  focus  to  a  broader  array  of  industries,  in  February  2010,  the  company  filed  and  assumed  the  name  Job-­‐Site  Safety.  The  company  has  been  doing  business  under  the  name  Job-­‐Site  Safety  since.    In  2011  the  company  began  offering  confined  space  rescue  services.  This  initiative  rounded  out  the  complete  offering  of  safety  services.  

Job-­‐Site  Safety’s  ability  to  develop  solutions  for  our  customers  that  improves  their  productivity  and  save  costs  has  resulted  in  exceptional  growth  for  our  company.  This  growth  has  been  a  direct  result  of  Job-­‐Site  Safety’s  ability  to  develop  the  highest  quality  solution  in  people,  strategies,  training  and  execution  for  our  customers.      

Branching  out  from  the  Midwest  and  Southern  regions  of  North  America  Job-­‐Site  Safety  mainly  focuses  on  the  Petrochemical,  Power  Generation,  Tank  Cleaning  Operations,  General  Construction,  Manufacturing,  Refining,  Warehousing,  Oil  and  Gas,  Rail,  and  Steel  Mill  industries.    

Job-­‐Site  Safety  continues  to  establish  itself  as  the  "Go-­‐To"  supplier  for  our  customer's  safety  requirements.  

1.2  Overview  of  a  Confined  Space  Rescue  Technician,  Safety  Attendant,  &  Rescue  Lead  

Duties  as  a  Confined  Space  Rescue  Technician  for  Job-­‐Site  Safety  include,  but  are  not  limited  to:  aid  in  evaluating  potential  hazards,  draft  a  confined  space  rescue  preplan,  set  up  lifting  and  lowering  rescue  system,  and  identify  and  communicate  potential  hazards  to  all  affected  parties.    

Determine  hazard  controls,  emergency  contingency  plan,  ensure  that  required  safety  equipment,  and  PPE  is  readily  available  and  in  good  working  order.  Conduct  general  air  quality  monitoring  and  make  recommendations  for  hazard  control  or  personal  protective  equipment  based  on  the  interpretation  of  this  data.  Conduct  daily  job  briefings  with  customer  and  workers.    Perform  on-­‐going  monitoring  of  job  conditions,  equipment  resources,  and  report  observations  and  recommendations  to  Job-­‐Site  Safety  supervisor  to  assure  both  worker  and  team  safety  is  maintained  at  all  times.    

In  case  of  accident,  locate  the  patient,  assess  possible  injuries,  package  for  extrication,  remove  patient  from  the  threatening  environment  and  turn  over  to  EMS  for  medical  attention  for  their  transport.  Render  first  aid  and  CPR  to  the  level  of  training.      Distinct  from  Rescue  Technicians,  a  safety  attendant  monitors  and  protects  other  personnel  performing  work  in  high-­‐risk  environments.  Safety  Attendants  are  entrusted  with  the  safety  of  those  who  enter  confined  spaces,  of  those  who  are  performing  hot  work,  and  also  responsible  for  protecting  personnel  

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working  under  fresh  air.  Safety  Attendants  complete  their  own  job  safety  analysis  forms  for  their  job  tasks  and  are  trained  to  identify,  mitigate,  or  report  potential  safety  hazards  related  to  the  job  tasks  for  which  they  are  assigned.  The  attendant  will  keep  meticulous  records  of  any  suspicious  or  potentially  hazardous  conditions,  activating  appropriate  alarms  and  promptly  contacting  emergency  response  personnel  as  necessary.  Attendants  typically  will  be  required  to  document  daily  reports.    A  rescue  Lead  is  an  added  certification  by  Job-­‐Site  Safety,  LTD  that  is  meant  to  further  develop  and  recognize  Rescue  Technicians.    These  selected  individuals  must  have  demonstrated  potential  to  lead  crews  in  all  aspects  of  the  Rescue  operation,  specifically  as  it  pertains  to  technical  knowledge  and  ability,  leading  by  example,  and  a  complete  grasp  of  the  company’s  policies  and  procedures.  See  Forms  in  Employee  Portal  for  Lead  Qualifications  and  Career  path  for  Rescue  Technicians.      Shop  duties,  include  but  are  not  limited  to:    Follow  handling  (?),  inspection,  cleaning  and  preventative  maintenance  guidelines  for  all  rescue  equipment  so  that  equipment  is  in  a  constant  state  of  readiness.    Maintain  and  accurately  inventory  and  document  all  rescue-­‐related  equipment,  vehicles,  training,  and  jobs.    Assist  with  special  projects  as  assigned.        A  typical  day/project  of  a  Confined  Space  Rescue  Technician  

Pre-­‐job  Set-­‐Up  

•   Vehicle  pre-­‐trip  inspection  •   Equipment  inspection  •   Gather  all  necessary  paperwork  (pre-­‐plans,  permits,  job  logs,  etc.)  •   Check/prep  rescue  gear  to  be  taken  •   Calibrate/bump  monitors  taken  and  verify  their  use  •   Load  vehicle  

o   Verify  and  load  all/any  regular  gear  needed  o   Verify  and  load  all/any  ancillary  PPE/gear  needed  

•   Don  all  necessary  outerwear  (FRC  coveralls,  boots,  etc.)  •   Travel  to  site  


•   Meet  with  customer  representative  and  exchange  contact  info  •   Site  walk-­‐through  to  get  acquainted  with  work  area  •   Lockout  on  lockboxes  as  appropriate  •   Unload  and  carry  all  equipment  to  job  area  for  rigging  •   Pre-­‐rig  all  necessary  gear  for  quick  access  •   Prep  any  additional  systems  or  gear  as  needed  (SCBAs,  general  placements,  cover,  etc.)  •   Fill  out  all  necessary  paperwork  and  have  client  sign  (permit)  •   Rescue  preplan  (all  rescue  jobs)  

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•   Confined  space  permit  (jobs  with  an  attendant)  •   Don  rescue  harnesses  •   Stand  by  space  in  conspicuous  area  near  space,  ready  to  work  if  the  need  arises  •   Complete  form  215A  used  for  identifying  all  job  related  hazards  along  with  donning  of  all  proper  

PPE  prior  to  entering  the  job  site    

Misc.  Duties/Responsibilities:  

•   Answer  any  questions  that  customers  may  have  in  regards  to  system  setup  or  rescue  plan.  •   Be  cognizant  of  work  performed,  keeping  focus  on  job  at  hand  –  no  phones,  etc.  •   Keep  rescue  equipment  as  safe  as  possible  from  work  activities  (welding,  cutting,  traffic,  etc.)  

 Breakdown/End  Job:  

•   Verify  job  is  finished  with  customer  and  begin  breakdown  o   Break  all  rescue  equipment  down  that  was  rigged  to  be  taken  back  to  the  vehicle  o   Be  sure  all  equipment  that  was  taken  from  shop  has  been  brought  back  

§   No  rescue  equipment  left  on  site  unless  left  in  care  of  another  crew/shift  •   Fill  out  and  have  customer  sign  the  job  log  for  account  of  hours  worked  •   Re-­‐load  vehicle  and  leave  site  to  return  to  shop  •   Unload  all  equipment  and  open  bags  for  general  cleanup  of  gear  before  putting  back  on  the  

shelves.  o   If  any  equipment  needs  to  be  cleaned  more  thoroughly  (rope,  software,  bags,  etc.),  have  

the  equipment  set  aside  to  be  washed  as  appropriate  for  that  equipment    •   Put  all  equipment  back  in  the  appropriate  location  •   Place  all  paperwork  into  the  appropriate  location  at  the  shop  

o   Vehicle  logs,  pre-­‐plans,  permits,  etc.  

1.3  Purpose  of  Handbook  

This  handbook  has  been  prepared  to  inform  employees  of  the  policies  and  procedures  of  this  company  and  to  establish  the  company’s  expectations.    It  is  not  all-­‐inclusive  or  intended  to  provide  strict  interpretations  of  our  policies;  rather,  it  offers  an  overview  of  the  work  environment.    This  handbook  is  not  a  contract,  expressed  or  implied,  guaranteeing  employment  for  any  length  of  time  and  is  not  intended  to  induce  an  employee  to  accept  employment  with  Job-­‐Site  Safety,  LTD.  

Job-­‐Site  Safety,  LTD  reserves  the  right  to  unilaterally  revise,  suspend,  revoke,  terminate  or  change  any  of  its  policies,  in  whole  or  in  part,  whether  described  within  this  handbook  or  elsewhere,  in  its  sole  discretion.  If  any  discrepancy  between  this  handbook  and  current  company  policy  arises,  conform  to  current  company  policy.    Every  effort  will  be  made  to  keep  employees  informed  of  the  company’s  policies,  however  we  cannot  guarantee  that  notice  of  revisions  will  be  provided.      Employees  are  welcome  to  ask  questions  about  any  of  the  information  within  this  handbook.  

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This  handbook  supersedes  and  replaces  any  and  all  personnel  policies  and  manuals  previously  distributed,  made  available  or  applicable  to  employees.      

1.4  At-­‐Will  Employment  

Employment  at  Job-­‐Site  Safety,  LTD  is  at-­‐will.    An  at-­‐will  employment  relationship  can  be  terminated  at  any  time,  with  or  without  reason  or  notice  by  either  the  employer  or  the  employee.    This  at-­‐will  relationship  exists  regardless  of  any  statements  by  office  personnel  to  the  contrary.    Only  Job-­‐Site  Safety,  LTD’s  President  or  Vice  President  is  authorized  to  modify  the  at-­‐will  nature  of  the  employment  relationship,  and  the  modification  must  be  in  writing.  



2.1  Equal  Opportunity  Employment  

Job-­‐Site  Safety,  LTD  is  an  equal  opportunity  employer  and  does  not  lawfully  discriminate  against  employees  or  applicants  for  employment  on  the  basis  of  an  individual’s  race,  color,  religion,  creed,  sex,  national  origin,  age,  disability,  marital  status,  veteran  status  or  any  other  status  protected  by  applicable  law.    This  policy  applies  to  all  terms,  conditions  and  privileges  of  employment,  including  recruitment,  hiring,  placement,  compensation,  promotion,  discipline  and  termination.  

Whenever  possible,  Job-­‐Site  Safety,  LTD  makes  reasonable  accommodations  for  qualified  individuals  with  disabilities  to  the  extent  required  by  law.    Employees  who  would  like  to  request  a  reasonable  accommodation  should  contact  Job-­‐Site  Safety,  LTD’s  President  or  Vice  President.  

2.2  Non-­‐Harassment/Non-­‐Discrimination  Policy  

Job-­‐Site  Safety,  LTD  prohibits  discrimination  or  harassment  based  on  race,  color,  religion,  creed,  sex,  national  origin,  age,  disability,  marital  status,  veteran  status  or  any  other  status  protected  by  applicable  law.    Each  individual  has  the  right  to  work  in  a  professional  atmosphere  that  promotes  equal  employment  opportunities  and  is  free  from  discriminatory  practices,  including  without  limitation  harassment.    Consistent  with  its  workplace  policy  of  equal  employment  opportunity,  Job-­‐Site  Safety,  LTD  prohibits  and  will  not  tolerate  harassment  on  the  basis  of  race,  color,  religion,  creed,  sex,  national  origin,  age,  disability,  marital  status,  veteran  status  or  any  other  status  protected  by  applicable  law.    Violations  of  this  policy  will  not  be  tolerated.  

Discrimination  includes,  but  is  not  limited  to:  making  any  employment  decision  or  employment  related  action  on  the  basis  of  race,  color,  religion,  creed,  age,  sex,  disability,  national  origin,  marital  or  veteran  status,  or  any  other  status  protected  by  applicable  law.  

Harassment  is  generally  defined  as  unwelcome  verbal  or  non-­‐verbal  conduct,  based  upon  a  person’s  protected  characteristic,  that  denigrates  or  shows  hostility  or  aversion  toward  the  person  because  of  the  characteristic,  and  which  affects  the  person’s  employment  opportunities  or  benefits,  has  the  purpose  or  

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effect  of  unreasonably  interfering  with  the  person’s  work  performance,  or  has  the  purpose  or  effect  of  creating  an  intimidating,  hostile  or  offensive  working  environment.    Harassing  conduct  includes,  but  is  not  limited  to:  epithets,  slurs  or  negative  stereotyping,  threatening,  intimidating  or  hostile  acts,  denigrating  jokes  and  display  or  circulation  in  the  workplace  of  written  or  graphic  material  that  denigrates  or  shows  hostility  or  aversion  toward  an  individual  or  group  based  on  their  protected  characteristic.  

2.3  Sexual  Harassment  

Job-­‐Site  Safety,  LTD  is  committed  to  providing  a  workplace  that  is  free  from  sexual  harassment.    Sexual  harassment  in  the  workplace  is  against  the  law  and  will  not  be  tolerated.    When  Job-­‐Site  Safety,  LTD  determines  that  an  allegation  of  sexual  harassment  is  credible,  it  will  take  prompt  and  appropriate  corrective  action.  

What  is  Sexual  Harassment?  

Unwelcome  sexual  advances,  requests  for  sexual  favors,  and  other  verbal  or  physical  conduct  of  a  sexual  nature  constitute  sexual  harassment  when:  

1.   An  employment  decision  affecting  that  individual  is  made  because  the  individual  submitted  to  or  rejected  the  unwelcome  conduct;  or  

2.   The  unwelcome  conduct  unreasonably  interferes  with  an  individual’s  work  performance  or  creates  an  intimidating,  hostile,  or  abusive  work  environment.  

Certain  behaviors,  such  as  conditioning  promotions,  awards,  training  or  other  job  benefits  upon  acceptance  of  unwelcome  actions  of  a  sexual  nature,  are  always  wrong.  

Unwelcome  actions  such  as  the  following  are  inappropriate  and,  depending  on  the  circumstances,  may  in  and  of  themselves  meet  the  definition  of  sexual  harassment  or  contribute  to  a  hostile  work  environment:  

•   Sexual  pranks,  or  repeated  sexual  teasing,  jokes,  or  innuendo,  in  person  or  via-­‐email;  •   Verbal  abuse  of  a  sexual  nature;  •   Touching  or  grabbing  of  a  sexual  nature;  •   Repeatedly  standing  too  close  to  or  brushing  up  against  a  person;  •   Repeatedly  asking  a  person  to  socialize  during  off-­‐duty  hours  when  the  person  has  said  no  or  

has  indicated  he  or  she  is  not  interested  (supervisors  in  particular  should  be  careful  not  to  pressure  their  employees  to  socialize);  

•   Giving  gifts  or  leaving  objects  that  are  sexually  suggestive;  •   Repeatedly  making  sexually  suggestive  gestures;  •   Making  or  posting  sexually  demeaning  or  offensive  pictures,  cartoons  or  other  materials  in  the  

workplace;  •   Off-­‐duty,  unwelcome  conduct  of  a  sexual  nature  that  affects  the  work  environment.  

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A  victim  of  sexual  harassment  can  be  a  man  or  woman.    The  victim  can  be  of  the  same  sex  as  the  harasser.    The  harasser  can  be  a  supervisor,  co-­‐worker,  other  employee,  or  a  non-­‐employee  who  has  a  business  relationship  with  Job-­‐Site  Safety,  LTD.  

Reporting  Violations  Of  The  Above  Workplace  Commitments:  

Any  Job-­‐Site  Safety,  LTD  employee  who  feels  that  he  or  she  has  been  subjected  to  a  violation  of  a  workplace  commitment,  or  has  witnessed  or  become  aware  of  a  violation  of  these  policies,  should  bring  the  matter  to  the  immediate  attention  of  his  or  her  supervisor  or  Job-­‐Site  Safety,  LTD’s  President  or  Vice  President.    Job-­‐Site  Safety,  LTD  will  promptly  investigate  all  allegations,  and  take  action  as  appropriate  based  on  the  outcome  of  the  investigation.    An  investigation  and  its  results  will  be  treated  as  confidential  to  the  extent  feasible,  and  Job-­‐Site  Safety,  LTD  will  take  appropriate  action  based  on  the  outcome  of  the  investigation.  

No  employee  will  be  retaliated  against  for  making  a  complaint  in  good  faith  regarding  a  violation  of  these  policies  or  for  participating  in  good  faith  in  an  investigation  pursuant  to  these  policies.    If  an  employee  feels  he/she  has  been  retaliated  against,  the  employee  should  file  a  complaint  using  the  procedures  set  forth  above.  

2.4  Drug-­‐Free/Alcohol-­‐Free  Environment  


The  purpose  of  the  following  policy  is  to  establish  and  maintain  a  drug-­‐free,  alcohol-­‐free,  safe,  healthy  work  environment  for  all  of  the  employees  of  Job-­‐Site  Safety,  LTD  and  all  affiliated  companies,  hereinafter  known  as  (“The  Company”)  and  to  protect  its  employees,  customers,  and  the  public  from  the  dangers  posed  by  the  unlawful  manufacture,  distribution,  dispensation,  possession  or  use  of  illegal  drugs  or  alcohol  in  the  work  place.    An  employee  who  abuses  drugs  or  alcohol  creates  a  grave  risk  or  serious  danger  to  the  safety,  security  and  health  of  not  only  himself,  but  also  innocent  co-­‐workers,  customers  and  members  of  the  public.  

The  Company  is  concerned  with  the  health  and  safety  of  all  employees  and  intends,  by  adopting  this  policy,  to  make  its  policies  and  objectives  known  and  made  applicable  to  all  groups  of  employees  from  executives  to  hourly  workers.  


The  Company’s  Drug-­‐Free  Workplace  Program  was  adapted  to  ensure,  to  the  greatest  extent  possible,  a  work  environment  free  of  the  negative  effects  of  drug  and  alcohol  abuse.    The  abuse  of  drugs  and  alcohol  leads  to  an  increased  number  of  accidents  and  medical  claims.    The  abuse  of  drugs  and  alcohol  can  also  lead  to  deterioration  of  an  employee’s  health  and  can  interfere  with  family  life.    Our  goal  is  to  provide  help  for  our  employees  who  have  substance  abuse  problems  while  at  the  same  time  ensuring  that  our  workplace  is  operating  efficiently  and  safely.    We  believe  that  early  recognition  and  treatment  are  critical  to  successful  rehabilitation  and  to  the  minimization  of  business,  personal,  family  and  social  disruption.    Therefore,  we  strongly  encourage  the  use  of  the  Drug  and  Alcohol  hotline  for  employee  

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assistance.    Free  Addiction  Helpline  for  Drug  or  Alcohol  is  866-­‐925-­‐7411.    However,  for  those  employees  who  refuse  to  seek  assistance  or  refuse  to  comply  with  the  Drug-­‐Free  Workplace  Program,  the  Company  will  take  appropriate  measures  to  ensure  our  goal  is  reached.    Finally,  we  believe  it  is  important  that  our  employees’  personal  privacy  and  dignity  be  respected  while  maintaining  a  safe  and  productive  workplace.  


The  Drug-­‐Free  Workplace  Policy  covers  all  employees  of  the  Company.  

Employee  Assistance:  

The  Company  encourages  employees  to  voluntarily  seek  help.    Therefore,  the  Company’s  Drug  and  Alcohol  hotline  for  employee  assistance  will  help  employees  with  problems  related  to  substance  abuse.    The  hotline,  866-­‐925-­‐7411,  provides  information  on  drugs  and  alcohol,  assistance  on  finding  counseling,  assessment  and/or  referral  to  treatment.    All  employees  have  access  to  the  hotline,  24  hours  a  day  and  365  days  a  year.    All  calls  to  the  hotlines  will  be  kept  confidential  and  callers  can  choose  to  remain  anonymous.  

Employees  who  undergo  voluntary  counseling  or  treatment  and  who  continue  to  work  are  subject  to  the  same  job  performance  and  behavior  standards  as  other  employees.    As  is  the  case  of  all  employees,  those  seeking  voluntary  counseling  or  treatment  who  fail  to  meet  performance  standards  will  be  subject  to  disciplinary  action.  

When  treatment  is  necessary,  coverage  is  based  on  the  parameters  set  forth  in  the  medical  benefits  plan.  

Prohibited  Conduct:  

The  policy  lists  several  examples  of  prohibited  conduct  which  includes  use,  possession,  manufacture,  distribution,  sale  or  being  under  the  influence  of  illicit  drugs  on  all  company  property,  on  company  business  or  during  working  hours.    Other  violations  include  being  convicted  under  any  criminal  drug  or  alcohol  statute  for  a  violation  occurring  in  the  workplace  or  while  conducting  company  business  and  failing  to  notify  the  Company  within  five  (5)  days  of  the  conviction.  

Employees  taking  prescription  drugs  must  do  so  according  to  their  physician’s  direction.    In  addition,  employees  must  follow  manufacturer’s  directions  when  taking  over-­‐the-­‐counter  drugs.    Employees  in  safety  sensitive  positions  who  take  prescription  drugs  must  immediately  notify  a  supervisor  of  the  prescription  drug  use  if  the  use  could  alter  the  employee’s  physical  or  mental  ability  to  perform  his  or  her  job.  

Unauthorized  use  of  alcohol,  possession  of  alcohol  or  being  “under  the  influence”  of  alcohol  (defined  as  a  blood  alcohol  content  higher  than  .00%  or  shorter  based  on  a  client  site)  on  company  premises  or  while  on  company  business,  is  also  prohibited.    There  are  a  number  of  exceptions  in  the  policy  to  the  prohibition  of  alcohol  consumption  and  storage,  so  long  as  it  is  not  overly  consumed.    However,  the  

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exceptions  do  not  permit  an  employee  to  be  “under  the  influence”  of  alcohol  under  any  circumstance.    For  example:  

•   Consumption  is  allowed  at  a  company-­‐sponsored  function  when  authorized  in  advance  by  the  President  or  Vice  President  of  the  Company;  

•   Consumption  is  allowed  while  an  employee  is  attending  a  professional  activity  or  while  conducting  business  entertainment  with  non-­‐company  personnel  and  authorized  in  advance  by  the  President  or  Vice  President  of  the  Company;  

Finally,  refusing  to  sign  the  Drug-­‐Free  Workplace  Policy  Acknowledgement  Form,  the  Substance  Abuse  Testing  Consent  Form,  the  Laboratory  Chain  of  Custody  Form  or  the  Rehabilitation  Agreement,  when  required,  is  a  violation  of  policy.  

2.5  Testing  

Testing  is  the  only  objective  way  to  know  with  certainty  whether  an  individual  has  drugs  or  alcohol  in  his/her  system.    For  the  safety  of  all  our  employees,  the  Company  will  test  for  drugs  and/or  alcohol  at  any  time  the  employer  deems  necessary,  especially  after  an  accident.  

An  accident  is  defined  as  an  unplanned,  unexpected  and  unintended  event  which  occurs  on  company  property,  on  company  business,  or  during  working  hours,  or  involves  company  supplied  motor  vehicles  or  motor  vehicles  being  used  for  company  purposes  and  which  results  in  either:  

o   A  fatality  o   Bodily  injury  requiring  medical  treatment  away  from  the  scene  o   Damage  to  a  motor  vehicle  or  other  company  property  

Refusing  to  consent  to  or  submit  to  a  drug  and/or  alcohol  test  when  required  under  this  policy  is  considered  a  violation  and  an  employee  may  be  subject  to  discipline  up  to  and  including  termination.  

The  Company  has  adopted  procedures  that  respect  employees’  privacy  and  confidentiality  concerns  to  the  greatest  extent  possible.    For  example,  before  a  reasonable  suspicion  test  can  be  requested,  a  supervisor  or  manager  must  document  all  suspected  behavior  and  confer  with  the  President  or  Vice  President.  

Whenever  possible,  the  supervisor  will  discuss  the  reasonable  suspicion  referral  with  the  employee  in  a  private  location.    Further,  to  ensure  testing  reliability,  the  Company  has  contracted  a  drug-­‐testing  laboratory,  which  utilizes  the  most  accurate  and  advanced  testing  methods  available.  

Finally,  before  a  positive  test  result  is  reported  to  the  Company,  the  test  will  be  reviewed  by  an  outside  Medical  Review  Officer  (MRO)  who  is  a  licensed  physician.    The  MRO  will  contact  the  employee  for  further  information.    If  an  employee  has  a  legitimate  medical  explanation  for  the  positive  test  and  the  MRO  has  verified  the  explanation,  the  test  will  be  reported  as  negative  to  the  company.  


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Any  violation  of  the  Drug-­‐Free  Workplace  policy,  even  a  first  offense,  may  be  a  basis  for  disciplinary  action,  up  to  and  including  termination.    However,  particularly  serious  violations,  such  as  selling  drugs  at  the  Company,  will  normally  result  in  immediate  termination.    For  new  employees  or  violations  other  than  a  positive  test,  the  Company  may,  in  its  sole  discretion,  discipline  the  employee  or,  in  addition  to  any  disciplinary  action,  refer  the  employee  to  qualified  professionals  for  assessment,  counseling  and/or  referral  to  a  treatment  program.  

Employees  who  are  referred  to  treatment  by  the  Company  will  be  required  to  sign  a  rehabilitation  agreement.    Employees  must  comply  with  all  of  the  treatment  conditions  or  they  may  be  discharged.    Employees  are  always  required  to  meet  the  established  standards  of  conduct  and  job  performance  while  undergoing  substance  abuse  treatment.  


Whenever  the  Company  has  reasonable  suspicion  to  believe  that  an  employee  may  be  in  possession  of  alcohol,  drugs  or  drug  paraphernalia  on  company  property  (including  job  sites),  the  Company  may  search  company  property  or  may  request  that  the  employee  empty  the  contents  of  his/her  personal  effects  or  personal  vehicle  on  company  property.  


All  information  concerning  drug  and/or  alcohol  testing  referrals  and  testing  results,  and/or  treatment  and  rehabilitation  of  an  employee  will  be  kept  confidential.  

IMPORTANT:  This  policy  does  not  create  a  binding  employment  contract.  

2.6  Open  Door  Policy  

Job-­‐Site  Safety,  LTD  has  an  open  door  policy  and  takes  employee  concerns  and  problems  seriously.    Job-­‐Site  Safety,  LTD  values  each  employee  and  strives  to  provide  a  positive  work  experience.    Employees  are  encouraged  to  bring  any  workplace  concerns  or  problems  they  might  have  or  know  about  to  their  supervisor  or  some  other  member  of  management  



3.1  Code  of  Professional  Conduct  

Job-­‐Site  Safety,  LTD  expects  its  employees  to  adhere  to  a  standard  of  professional  conduct  and  integrity.    This  ensures  that  the  work  environment  is  safe,  comfortable  and  productive.    Employees  should  be  respectful,  courteous,  and  mindful  of  others’  feelings  and  needs.  General  cooperation  between  coworkers  and  supervisors  is  expected.    Individuals  who  act  in  an  unprofessional  manner  may  be  subject  to  disciplinary  action,  up  to  and  including  termination.  

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3.2  Background  Check    

This  policy  applies  to  all  employees  of  Job-­‐Site  Safety,  LTD.    

A.  Policy  Statement  

1.   It  is  the  policy  of  Job-­‐Site  Safety,  LTD  that  all  new  Staff  and  Temporary  employees  have  certain  credentials  and  criminal  and  other  background  information  verified  as  a  condition  of  employment.    

B.  Reason  for  Policy  

1.   Job-­‐Site  Safety,  LTD  believes  that  hiring  qualified  individuals  contributes  to  our  overall  strategic  success.  Background  checks  serve  as  an  important  part  of  the  selection  process.      

2.   It  is  also  important  that  Job-­‐Site  Safety,  LTD  take  meaningful  actions  to  protect  its  funds,  property  and  other  assets.    

3.   This  policy  is  intended  to  support  the  verification  of  credentials,  criminal  history,  credit  status  and  other  information  related  to  employment  decisions  that  assist  Job-­‐Site  Safety  in  meeting  its  commitments.      

C.  Procedures  

1.   New  Employees    

a.   All  new  employees  must  have  completed  the  Job-­‐Site  Safety,  LTD  application,  including  the  criminal  history  disclosure  statement,  before  they  can  be  offered  employment.    All  new  employees  shall  have  one  or  more  of  the  following  background  checks  completed  as  a  condition  of  employment  with  Job-­‐Site  Safety,  LTD.      

i.   Employment  verification    ii.   Educational  verification    iii.   License/Certification  verification      iv.   Criminal  history  check    v.   Sex  and  violent  offender  registry  check    vi.   Credit  history  check    

 D.  Sanctions  

Providing  false  or  misleading  information  used  for  any  of  the  above  background  checks,  will  be  handled  in  accordance  with  applicable  Job-­‐Site  Safety,  LTD’s  disciplinary  policies  and  procedures;  which  may  include  corrective  actions  up  to  and  including  termination  of  employment.  

3.3  House  Rules  

•   Be  Professional  

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•   No  external  piercings  while  on  the  job  or  tongue  studs  •   No  traceable  amount  of  alcohol  in  employee’s  system  while  on  the  job  •   No  use  of  illegal  drugs  at  any  time  •   No  derogatory  comments  about  co-­‐workers  or  our  customers  and  their  employees  on  any  social  

media  network  •   Be  in  a  clean  uniform  or  otherwise  dressed  in  a  way  that  represents  our  company  well  •   Be  on  time  every  time  •   Rescue  Technicians  must  be  clean  shaven  •   No  discriminating  or  harassing  material  posted  anywhere  on  the  job  site  •   Be  fiscally  responsible  with  company  money,  equipment  and  materials  •   Follow  all  safety  rules  for  the  company  and  site  where  placed  •   Submit  all  required  paperwork/forms  on  time  •   Keep  phone  numbers  and  addresses  updated  •   Keep  supervisor(s)  informed  •   Cell  phone  use  only  for  business  while  on  the  jobsite  unless  on  a  break  •   Participate  in  monthly  training  •   Confined  Space  Rescue  Technicians  need  to  provide  their  own  laptop  or  have  access  to  a  

computer  to  complete  daily  forms  •   Time  off  requests  need  to  be  sent  to  the  Operations  Manager  and  approved  

3.4  Dress  Code  

Minimal  uniform  is  required,  consisting  of  wearing  steel  toe  or  composite  boots,  hardhat,  safety  glasses,  Job-­‐Site  Safety  coveralls,  and  earplugs.    Employees  are  expected  to  dress  appropriately  for  their  individual  work  responsibilities  and  position.  The  typical  dress  code  for  a  Confined  Space  Rescue  Technician  will  be  based  on  work  location  and  will  always  be  specified  before  assignment.    A  Confined  Space  Rescue  Technician  needs  to  confirm  dress  code  prior  to  each  project  start.    An  employee’s  personal  appearance  and  hygiene  is  a  reflection  of  Job-­‐Site  Safety,  LTD’s  character  and  should  always  be  maintained  as  a  professional  appearance.    Additionally,  based  on  the  job  assignment,  employees  may  be  required  to  be  clean  shaven  at  all  times.  

3.5  Payday    

Paychecks  are  distributed  every  Friday.    If  the  pay  date  lands  on  a  holiday,  paychecks  will  be  distributed  on  the  closest  business  day  before  the  holiday.  

The  paycheck  will  reflect  work  performed  for  the  previous  workweek,  Monday-­‐Sunday.    Paychecks  include  salary  or  wages  earned  less  any  mandatory  or  elected  deductions.    Mandatory  deductions  include  federal  or  state  withholding  tax  and  other  withholdings.    Elected  deductions  are  deductions  authorized  by  the  employee,  and  may  include,  for  example,  contributions  to  benefit  plans.    Employees  may  contact  Job-­‐Site  Safety,  LTD’s  Vice  President  to  obtain  the  necessary  authorization  forms  for  requesting  additional  deductions  from  their  paychecks.  

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Notify  payroll  if  the  paycheck  appears  to  be  inaccurate  or  if  it  has  been  misplaced.    Job-­‐Site  Safety,  LTD  reserves  the  right  to  charge  a  replacement  fee  for  any  lost  paychecks.    Advances  on  paychecks  are  permitted  with  payroll’s  final  approval.    Information  regarding  final  paychecks  can  be  found  under  the  termination  section  of  this  handbook.  

Any  changes  in  name,  address,  telephone  number,  marital  status  or  number  of  exemptions  claimed  by  an  employee  must  be  reported  to  payroll  immediately.  

3.6  Company  Property  

Job-­‐Site  Safety,  LTD  property,  such  as  equipment,  vehicles,  telephones,  computers,  and  software,  is  not  for  private  use.    These  devices  are  to  be  used  strictly  for  Job-­‐Site  Safety,  LTD  business,  and  are  not  permitted  off  grounds  unless  authorized.    Job-­‐Site  Safety,  LTD  property  must  be  used  in  the  manner  for  which  it  is  intended.    Upon  termination,  employees  are  required  to  surrender  any  Job-­‐Site  Safety,  LTD  property  they  possess.  

Job-­‐Site  Safety,  LTD  computers,  internet  and  emails  are  a  privileged  resource,  and  must  be  used  only  to  complete  essential  job-­‐related  functions.    Employees  are  not  permitted  to  download  any  “pirated”  software,  files,  or  programs  and  must  receive  permission  from  a  supervisor  before  installing  any  new  software  on  a  Job-­‐Site  Safety,  LTD  computer.    Files  or  programs  stored  on  Job-­‐Site  Safety,  LTD  computers  may  not  be  copied  for  personal  use.  

Phones  are  provided  for  business  use.    Job-­‐Site  Safety,  LTD  requests  that  employees  not  receive  personal  calls  while  on  duty.    If  urgent,  please  keep  personal  calls  to  a  minimum  and  conversation  brief.    Personal  long-­‐distance  calls  are  not  permitted.  

3.6  A.  Company  Equipment  

From  time  to  time  an  employee  may  be  assigned  Job-­‐Site  Safety,  LTD  owned  equipment  to  complete  a  job’s  duties  and,  accordingly,  the  employee  temporarily  assumes  responsibility  for  the  item(s).    Before  being  assigned  JSS  gear  or  equipment  of  any  kind,  the  employee  is  required  to  sign  the  Equipment  Acknowledgment  Form  and  submit  it  to  Job-­‐Site  Safety,  LTD  Management.    Additionally,  certain  equipment  or  gear  may  require  a  financial  deposit,  which  may  be  subtracted  from  the  employee’s  pay  check  over  a  period  of  time.  Upon  the  employee  successfully  returning  the  equipment  or  gear,  the  financial  deposit  will  be  returned  to  the  employee.    All  employees  borrowing  company  equipment  and  gear  will  be  given  a  timeline  to  return  it,  if  the  employee  does  not  return  company  resources  in  the  given  time  frame,  the  employee  will  be  fiscally  responsible  for  all  unreturned  items.    Please  note  that  the  company  many  either  keep  the  financial  deposit  and/or  deduct  the  total  value  of  the  unreturned  items  from  the  employee’s  final  paycheck.  See  Forms  in  Employee  Portal  for  the  Equipment  Acknowledgment  Form.  

Job-­‐Site  Safety  is  deeply  concerned  with  safety  in  the  workplace.    If  there  is  uncertainty  on  the  proper  and  safe  way  to  use  any  piece  of  equipment,  employees  must  contact  management  immediately.    No  piece  of  equipment  is  to  be  used  in  a  way  that  an  employee  knows  or  suspects  to  be  unsafe.    Likewise,  

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employees  should  immediately  report  any  problems  or  damage  to,  or  resulting  from,  a  Job-­‐Site  Safety,  LTD  piece  of  equipment  as  well  as  any  theft  of  the  equipment.    Employees  should  take  reasonable  precautions  to  protect  the  equipment  and  comply  with  any  applicable  Job-­‐Site  Safety,  LTD  policy  regarding  use  of  the  equipment.    Employees  also  should  not  use  company  equipment  for  non-­‐work  related  tasks,  or  allow  non-­‐employees  to  use  the  equipment.    When  the  task  has  been  completed  for  which  the  equipment  was  needed,  employees  must  promptly  return  it.  

Job-­‐Site  Safety  employees  are  required  to  report  to  Management  any  damage,  loss  or  stolen  of  Job-­‐Site  Safety  owned  and  operated  equipment  as  soon  as  possible  and  submit  a  completed  copy  of  the  Equipment  Damage/Lost/Stolen  Report  Form  within  24  hours  of  the  incident.    Please  note  that  where  an  injury  occurs  as  a  result  of  any  damage,  loss  or  stolen  of  Job-­‐Site  Safety  owned  and  operated  equipment,  employees  are  required  to  report  the  incident  to  Management  immediately,  in  addition  to  submitting  a  completed  Equipment  Damage/Lost/Stolen  Report  Form.  See  Forms  in  Employee  Portal  for  the  Equipment  Damage/Lost/Stolen  Report  Form.  

Failure  to  return  or  properly  account  (for  instance,  by  explaining  the  reasonable  precautions  that  were  taken)  for  equipment  belonging  to  Job-­‐Site  Safety,  LTD  will  result  in,  among  other  things,  deductions  from  pay.    Specifically,  the  value  of  the  equipment  will  be  deducted  from  the  employee’s  next  paycheck  after  return  of  the  equipment  has  been  requested.    At  no  time,  however,  will  deductions  be  made  that  reduce  an  employee’s  pay  to  a  level  below  the  minimum  wage.    If  this  problem  arises,  the  deductions  will  be  evenly  spaced  out  over  as  many  paychecks  as  are  needed  to  ensure  the  employee  is  paid  the  minimum  wage.    If  employment  with  Job-­‐Site  Safety,  LTD  ends  before  the  cost  of  the  equipment  has  been  recovered  from  pay,  the  remaining  (or,  if  applicable,  the  entire)  value  of  the  equipment  will  be  deducted  from  any  per  diem  or  travel  reimbursement  benefits  that  are  typically  paid  on  projects  requiring  significant  travel.    Job-­‐Site  Safety,  LTD  may  also  pursue  other  legal  and  criminal  remedies  if  warranted.      

3.6  B.  Company  Vehicles    

Use  of  Job-­‐Site  Safety,  LTD’s  vehicle(s)  are  decided  by  Job-­‐Site  Safety,  LTD  Management  and  job-­‐specific  needs.  Vehicles  are  intended  to  be  used  for  business  purposes  only  and  should  not  be  used  for  personal  reasons,  or  taken  home  over  night  without  prior  authorization  from  Management.    Designated  employees  may  be  required  to  use  company-­‐owned  and/or  company  rented  vehicles,  to  carry  out  their  duties,  such  as  transporting  equipment  to  and  from  a  jobsite.  A  valid  driver  license  and  good  driving  record  must  be  approved  by  the  insurance  carrier  before  being  eligible  to  operate  these  vehicles  on  the  company’s  behalf.  Vehicle  Pre-­‐Trip  Inspection  Logs  need  to  be  obtained  and  turned  in  daily.    Vehicle  condition  must  be  maintained  based  on  how  it  was  received.    Non-­‐company  employees  should  not  be  allowed  to  operate  a  company  vehicle,  or  a  company  rental,  under  any  circumstances.    Any  ticket(s)  and  or  toll(s)  will  be  at  the  employee’s  expense  and  Job-­‐Site  Safety,  LTD  will  charged  to  the  employee.    Should  an  employee  leave  the  jobsite  or  be  terminated  by  Job-­‐Site  Safety,  LTD  the  employee  must  immediately  return  the  vehicle  to  the  corporate  office.    See  Forms  in  Employee  Portal  for  Company  Vehicle  &  Fuel  Card  Usage  SOP  as  well  as  the  Rescue  Trailer  Checklist.  

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In  the  event  of  an  incident  or  an  accident  involving  company  vehicles  (owned  or  rented),  Job-­‐Site  Safety  employees  are  required  to  report  the  incident  or  accident  to  a  Manager,  as  soon  as  possible.    The  employee  must  submit  a  completed  copy  of  the  Incident/Accident  Report  Form  within  24  hours  of  the  incident.  Please  note  that  if  an  injury  occurs  as  a  result  of  an  incident  or  accident,  employees  are  required  to  report  the  incident  to  Managers  immediately,  in  addition  to  submitting  the  completed  Incident/Accident  Report  Form.    See  Forms  in  Employee  Portal  for  Incident/Accident  Report  Form.  

3.6  C.  Vehicle  Safety  

This  Safety  Standard  applies  to  all  personnel  working  for  Job-­‐Site  Safety  that  are  required  to  operate  company-­‐owned  vehicles  or  on  company  business.    This  procedure  is  designed  to  provide  employees  with  minimum  requirements  for  operating  company-­‐owned  vehicles  or  on  company  business.  

•   All   safety/rescue   professionals   shall   be   initially   trained   on   this   policy   and   then   annually  thereafter.  

•   The  job’s  lead  safety/lead  rescue  person  shall  have  the  ultimate  responsibility  for  the  safety  and  health  of  his/her  direct  report  employees.  

•   The  job’s  lead  safety/lead  rescue  person  shall  be  responsible  to  ensure  employees  comply  with  all  Vehicle  Safety  requirements.  

•   The   President/Vice   President   is   responsible   for   reviewing   any   changes   and   approval   of   this  document.  

Vehicles   shall   be   operated   only   by   authorized   company   employees   with   a   valid   operator’s   license,  classified  properly  for  the  vehicle  they  are  to  operate.    

•   Safe  driving  behaviors  must  be  adhered  to,  such  as  hands-­‐free  cell  phone  use,  not  manipulating  radios  or  other  equipment  which  may  cause  distraction,  not  exceeding   the  posted  speed   limit  and  maintaining  a  safe  distance  between  other  vehicles.  

•   Cell  phone  use  that  is  not  hands  free  is  prohibited.  •   For  other  than  type  D  vehicles  in  the  use  of  the  vehicle.    This  training  shall  be  provided  through  

the  Operations  Manager  and  documented.  •   Company  vehicles  fall  under  the  following  classifications:  

•   Type   A   –   Gross   combination   weight   rating   (GCWR)   of   26,000   or   more   pounds  provided  the  GCWR  of  the  vehicle(s)  being  towed  is  in  excess  of  10,000  pounds.  

•   Type   B   -­‐   Any   single   vehicle   with   a   gross   vehicle   weight   rating   (GCWR)   26,001   or  more  pounds,  or  any  such  vehicle  towing  a  vehicle  not   in  excess  of  10,000  pounds  GCWR.  

•   Type   C   –   Any   single   vehicle  with   a   GCWR   of   16,001   pounds   not   less   than   26,001  pounds  GCWR;  or  any  such  vehicles  towing  a  vehicle  not  in  excess  of  10,000  pounds;  or  any  vehicle  26,000  pounds  GCWR  or  less  designed  to  transport  16  or  more  people  or  used   in   the  transportation  of  hazardous  materials  which  requires   the  vehicle   to  be  placarded;  or  any  such  vehicle  towing  a  vehicle  with  a  GCWR  of  10,000  pounds  or  less  or  with  a  GCWR  of  26,000  pounds  or  less.  

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•   Type  D  –  Any  single  vehicle  with  GCWR  16,000  pounds  or  less  that  is  not  designed  to  transport  16  or  more  people;  or  any  single  vehicle  with  a  GCWR  if  16,000  pounds  or  less  that  is  not  used  in  the  transportation  of  hazardous  materials  which  requires  the  vehicle  to  be  placarded;  or  any  single  vehicle  with  a  GCWR  of  16,000  pounds  or  less  towing  any  vehicle  providing  the  GCWR  does  not  exceed  26,000  pounds.  

All  loads  shall  be  within  the  manufacturer's  legal  limits.  

Keep  equipment  well  maintained  and  in  good  repair.    Windshields  and  side  and  back  windows  must  be  kept  clean  to  assure  maximum  visibility.  

All  passengers  and  drivers  shall  wear  seat  belts  while  the  vehicle  is  in  operation.  

The  maximum   number   of   employees   in   the   cab   of   any   truck   is   to   be   determined   by   the   number   of  seatbelts  available  to  be  worn.  

Employees  shall  not  ride  on  the  sideboards  or  tailgates  of  trucks  or  other  vehicles  so  equipped.  

When  in  an  Owner’s  facility  and  with  prior  approval  from  the  Owner,  employees  may  ride  in  the  beds  of  these  types  of  vehicles,  provided  they  are  seated  on  the  floor  inside  the  bed  or  on  benches  specifically  installed  for  that  purpose.  

While  operating  pick-­‐up,  stake,  or  dump  trucks  take  special  care  to  make  sure  that  pedestrians  are  not  in  the  path  of  movement.    Drive  slowly  and  sound  the  horn  to  warn  others  of  approach.  

Vehicles   carrying   loads   shall   have   the   loads   secured   to   prevent   damage   to   the   vehicle   and   possible  accidents.    This  is  the  responsibility  of  the  operator.  

Abide  by  all  posted  signs  and  laws  regarding  vehicles.  

Employees  must  report  all  traffic  violations  and  vehicle  accidents  immediately.  

Authorized  drivers  are  not  allowed   to  operate   the  vehicle  while  under   the   influence  of  alcohol,   illegal  drugs  or  certain  medications.  

Operators  of  Company  vehicles  with  gross  vehicle  weights   in  excess  of  12,000  pounds  are   required   to  meet  Federal  and  State  motor  carrier  safety  regulations.  

Each   operator   of   vehicles,   which   fall   under   these   requirements,   shall   meet   the   provisions   of   the  regulations,  and  the  individual  doing  the  hiring,  i.e.,  Operations  Manager,  is  responsible  for  completing  the  “Motor  Carrier  Safety  Regulations”  form.  

Questions  and  information  for  Motor  Vehicle  Record  check  shall  be  directed  to  the  Safety  Department.  



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3.6  D.  Fuel  &  Fuel  Cards  


When  using  a  Job-­‐Site  Safety  vehicle,  fuel  cost  will  be  reimbursed  if  purchased  with  employee’s  own  money.    Retention  of  receipts  for  all  purchases  and  weekly  reporting  of  all  purchases  to  Job-­‐Site  Safety,  LTD  management  must  be  followed.    Fuel  costs  will  not  be  reimbursed  should  an  employee  leave  the  jobsite  prior  to  completion  and/or  if  terminated  by  Job-­‐Site  Safety,  LTD.      

Fuel  Cards  

Job-­‐Site  Safety,  LTD  procedures  for  using  the  fuel  card,  including  retention  of  receipts  for  all  purchases  and  weekly  reporting  of  all  purchases  to  Job-­‐Site  Safety,  LTD  management  must  be  followed.    If  fuel  card  is  offered,  employee  will  be  required  to  sign  fuel  card  agreement.    See  Forms  in  Employee  Portal  for  Incident/Accident  Report  Form.  

Fuel  Card  agreement  is  as  follows:  

•   I  will  follow  company  procedures  for  using  my  fuel  card,  including  retention  of  receipts  for  all  purchases  and  weekly  reporting  of  all  purchases  to  company  management.  

•   I  agree  to  cooperate  with  an  auditing  or  otherwise  investigating  use  of  the  fuel  card.  •   I  will  immediately  notify  the  company  management  if  a  card  is  lost  or  stolen  or  if  my  PIN  is  

compromised.  •   I  agree  not  to  share  my  Personal  Identification  Number  (PIN)  with  any  other  person.  •   I  understand  I  can  only  use  the  card  for  work-­‐related  fuel  purchases.  •   If  I  misuse  the  card  for  personal  purchases,  I  authorize  Job-­‐Site  Safety,  LTD  to  deduct  from  my  salary  

or  from  other  monies  owed  to  me,  an  amount  equal  to  the  total  of  the  personal  purchases.    I  also  agree  to  allow  Job-­‐Site  Safety,  LTD  to  collect  any  amounts  owed  by  me  even  if  Job-­‐Site  Safety,  LTD  no  longer  employs  me.  

•   I  understand  improper  use  of  this  card  may  result  in  disciplinary  action,  including  termination  of  employment  and  criminal  action.  

•   I  understand  that  Job-­‐Site  Safety,  LTD  may  terminate  my  card  use  privileges  at  any  time  for  any  reason.  

 3.7  Privacy  

Employees  and  employers  share  a  relationship  based  on  trust  and  mutual  respect.    However,  Job-­‐Site  Safety,  LTD  retains  the  right  to  access  all  Job-­‐Site  Safety,  LTD  property  including  computers,  desks,  file  cabinets,  storage  facilities,  and  files  and  folders,  electronic  or  otherwise,  at  any  time.    Employees  should  not  entertain  any  expectations  of  privacy  when  on  company  grounds  or  while  using  company  property.  

All  documents,  files,  voice-­‐mails  and  electronic  information,  including  e-­‐mails  and  other  communications,  created,  received  or  maintained  on  or  through  Job-­‐Site  Safety,  LTD  property  are  the  

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property  of  Job-­‐Site  Safety,  LTD,  not  the  employee.    Therefore,  employees  should  have  no  expectation  of  privacy  over  those  files  or  documents.  

3.8  Personnel  Files  

Job-­‐Site  Safety,  LTD  maintains  a  personnel  file  on  each  employee.    These  files  are  kept  confidential  to  the  extent  possible.    Employees  may  review  their  personnel  file  upon  request.  

It  is  important  that  personnel  files  accurately  reflect  each  employee’s  personal  information.    Employees  are  expected  to  inform  Job-­‐Site  Safety,  LTD  of  any  change  in  name,  address,  home  phone  number,  and  home  address,  and  marital  status,  number  of  dependents  or  emergency  contact  information.  

3.8  A.  Certifications  

Job-­‐Site  Safety,  LTD  requires  that  all  employees  provide  individual  copies  of  all  valid  and  current  certifications  prior  to  being  hired  as  a  Confined  Space  Rescue  Technician.    As  certifications  are  renewed  and  new  certifications  are  completed,  employees  are  required  to  submit  all  copies  into  Human  Resources  to  keep  on  file.    If  the  employee  fails  to  renew  a  certification  or  fails  to  provide  Job-­‐Site  Safety,  LTD  with  the  required  proof,  the  certification  label  will  be  removed  from  the  employee  profile  and  this  may  result  in  termination  due  to  proper  verification  of  certifications  and  training.  

3.9  Hourly  Pay  

Confined  Space  Rescue  Technician  will  be  paid  on  an  hourly  basis.    It  is  the  responsibility  of  the  employee  to  track:  all  time  worked;  maintain  an  accurate  shop  time  card;  and  report  all  hours  worked  in  the  portal  in  a  timely  manner.    Pay  rate  will  be  determined  before  the  hiring  process  and  is  based  upon  experience.    This  pay  is  negotiable  with  Job-­‐Site  Safety,  LTD’s  President  and  Vice  President.      

Full-­‐  Time/Shop  Employees  as  well  as  Part-­‐Time  Employees  will  have  three  pay  rates:  shop  rate,  client  billable  rate,  and  a  drive  time  rate.    Employees  will  only  be  paid  for  the  actual  hours  worked  during  the  week.      

Shop  Rate  

The  shop  rate  is  for  any  hourly  rate  working  at  the  shop  or  any  duties  related  to  the  shop.    The  shop  rate  is  also  the  hourly  rate  for  any  time  job  shadowing/training.    Shop  hours  must  be  date  stamped  on  the  time  card  and  the  hours  on  the  internal  timesheet  must  match  the  time  card.        Billable  Rate    Employees  are  compensated  based  on  the  hours  the  client  signs  off  on  the  JSS  client  time  sheet.    All  jobs  reported  to  have  a  4-­‐hour  minimum  paid  to  the  employee  at  their  billable  rate  regardless  of  what's  actually  worked.    An  employee's  total  time  reported  must  match  what  is  logged  on  their  shop  time  card.      

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If  the  employee  works  two  hours  at  a  billable  job  and  4  hours  in  the  shop  and  six  hours  are  logged  on  their  shop  time  card,  they  will  be  paid  the  4-­‐hour  minimum  at  the  billable  rate,  and  2  hours  at  the  shop  rate.  They  will  not  be  paid  both  4  hours  of  billable  and  4  hours  of  shop.      Additionally,  employees  are  paid  an  additional  .5  hour  at  billable  rate  for  the  first  shift  on  a  “New”  job,  an  existing  job  that  has  a  long  break  then  resumes  may  a  considered  “new”  again  per  Manager’s  discretion.    Over  Time  Hours    Overtime  can  be  earned  for  the  following  reasons:    1.  On  billable  jobs  after  8  hours  in  a  day  2.  On  billable  jobs  on  Saturday  or  Holidays  -­‐  for  list  of  paid  worked  Holidays,  please  See  9.4  E  Holidays  3.  On  all  hours  worked  after  40  hours  in  the  week  at  the  rate  of  which  the  hours  after  40  were  performed  (i.e.  if  the  41st  hour  worked  was  at  the  drive  rate,  you  would  receive  that  hour  at  the  overtime  rate  of  drive,  if  the  42nd  hour  worked  was  at  the  billable  rate,  you  would  receive  that  hour  at  the  overtime  rate  of  billable,  and  so  on.)    If  the  Confined  Space  Rescue  Technician  is  working  as  Lead  Technician,  the  employee  is  paid  $0.50/hour  additional,  however  Lead  pay  may  be  removed  if  Lead  duties  are  not  fully  fulfilled  for  the  shift  or  work  day.    If  the  Confined  Space  Rescue  Technician  works  a  night  shift,  the  employee  is  paid  $0.50/hour  additional.    Drive  Time  Rate    The  drive  time  rate  is  paid  when  traveling  to  a  job  more  than  75  miles  away  one-­‐way,  and  if  32  hours  of  shop/rescue  work  have  been  met  in  a  week.    If  the  32  hours  of  shop/rescue  work  have  not  been  met  in  a  week,  driving  time  will  be  paid  at  the  shop  rate.  

Full-­‐Time/Shop  Employees  

Full-­‐time,  or  shop,  employees  are  Job-­‐Site  Safety’s  full-­‐time  Confined  Space  Rescue  employees.    These  employees  are  eligible  to  be  paid  up  to  32  hours  per  week  of  shop  time,  but  only  are  paid  for  the  actual  hours  worked  during  the  week.    These  hours  are  paid  according  to  the  hours  reflected  on  the  signed  client  time  sheets  and/or  the  shop  time  cards.        Part-­‐Time  Employees  

Part-­‐Time  Employees’  client  billable  hours  are  paid  based  on  the  signed  client  time  sheet  of  a  confined  space  rescue  job.    The  standard  structure  for  client  billable  hourly  pay  is  as  follows:    Overtime  hours  are  paid  after  8  hours  a  day,  Saturday  hours  are  paid  time  and  half,  Sunday  and  observed  holidays  are  paid  double  time  (See  9.4  E  Holidays).    If  the  Confined  Space  Rescue  Technician  is  working  as  Lead  Technician,  

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the  employee  is  paid  $0.50/hour  additional.    If  the  Confined  Space  Rescue  Technician  works  a  night  shift,  the  employee  is  paid  $0.50/hour  additional.  

Part-­‐Time  Employees  are  occasionally  eligible  for  shop  hours  if  approved  ahead  of  time  by  Job-­‐Site  Safety,  LTD.    The  rate  for  working  at  the  shop  or  any  duties  related  to  the  shop  is  paid  at  the  shop  rate.    The  shop  rate  is  also  the  hourly  rate  for  any  time  job  shadowing/training.    Shop  hours  must  be  date  stamped  on  the  time  card  and  the  hours  entered  in  the  portal  must  match  the  time  card.        Structure  of  Hours    Job-­‐Site  Safety  pays  hours  based  on  the  following:    Any  shifts  starting  12AM  -­‐  11:59PM  will  be  considered  that  calendar  day;  regardless  of  when  the  shift  ends  and  will  be  paid  so  accordingly.    If  an  employee  ever  has  questions  on  how  to  log  hours  on  a  time  sheet  or  wants  to  know  how  they  will  be  paid,  the  employee  may  always  address  with  Job-­‐Site  Safety  management.  


§   If  an  employee's  shift  starts  at  11PM  on  a  Saturday  and  ends  on  Sunday,  the  employee  will  be  paid  at  the  overtime  rate.      

§   If  an  employee's  shift  starts  at  10PM  on  a  Sunday  and  ends  on  Monday,  the  employee  will  be  paid  at  the  double  time  rate.  

§   If  an  employee's  shift  starts  at  12AM  on  a  Monday,  the  employee  will  be  paid  at  the  regular  rate  -­‐  though  it  may  "feel"  like  a  Sunday  night  shift.  

3.10  Per  Diem  

Paid  on  jobs  over  75  miles  away,  one-­‐way  and  requires  an  overnight  stay.    Job-­‐Site  Safety  will  select  hotel  and  pay  for  the  hotel.    Per  Diem  will  be  $25  a  day.    Employee  may  share  hotel  room  with  another  employee  of  the  same  gender.  

Per  Diem  is  paid  one  (1)  day  before  the  job  starts.    If  the  employee’s  particular  job  requires  significant  travel,  employee  must  be  in  contact  with  Job-­‐Site  Safety,  LTD  to  see  if  an  additional  day  of  per  diem  is  awarded.    Any  additional  travel  not  pre-­‐approved  by  Job-­‐Site  Safety,  LTD  will  be  at  the  expense  of  the  employee.    Job-­‐Site  Safety,  LTD  is  not  responsible  for  per  diem  expenses  should  an  employee  leave  the  job  site  suddenly,  prior  to  completion  without  proper  approved  dismissal  from  Job-­‐Site  Safety,  LTD.    See  section  10.2  regarding  Job  Abandonment.    See  section  9.4  B.  regarding  per  diem  policy  and  sick  leave.      

3.11  Mileage  –  When  Using  Personal  Vehicle  

Confined  Space  Rescue  Technicians  customarily  use  a  Job-­‐Site  Safety,  LTD  vehicle  when  going  to  a  work  location.    If  an  employee  uses  their  personal  vehicle  to  go  to  a  job-­‐site,  they  must  receive  advance  approval  in  writing  from  Management.  

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Mileage  will  be  reimbursed  at  a  rate  of  $.50/mile  when  a  personal  vehicle  is  used  if  either  of  the  following  conditions  apply:  

•   Job-­‐site  is  75  miles  or  more  from  the  employee's  residence  

•   Employee  is  required  to  transport  equipment  or  other  cargo,  per  JSS  

If  the  job-­‐site  is  under  75  miles  away  from  the  employee  residence,  mileage  reimbursement  will  be  at  the  discretion  of  the  Field  Manager.    

If  a  job  requires  overnight  stays,  mileage  will  only  be  paid  at  the  initial  start  and  the  completion  of  the  job.  During  the  duration  of  the  job,  if  an  employee  chooses  to  travel  to  and  from  the  job  site,  he  or  she  will  be  doing  so  at  their  own  expense  and  Job-­‐Site  Safety,  LTD  is  not  responsible  for  reimbursing  any  additional  mileage.      

Job-­‐Site  Safety,  LTD  is  not  responsible  for  mileage  reimbursement  should  an  employee  leave  the  job  site  suddenly,  prior  to  completion  without  proper  approved  dismissal  from  Job-­‐Site  Safety,  LTD.    See  section  10.2  regarding  Job  Abandonment.    Exceptions  may  apply.  

If  receiving  mileage  reimbursement,  commuting  time  will  be  paid  out  at  drive  time  rate  or  shop  rate  according  to  the  guidelines  specified  above.      

3.12  Reimbursement    

Reimbursements  for  approved  expenses  made  on  the  job  site  need  to  be  turned  in  no  later  than  five  (5)  business  days  after  with  the  associated  receipt.    Prior  approvals  are  required  for  any  expenses.    Without  prior  approval,  reimbursement  may  be  declined.    Mileage  reimbursement  also  needs  to  be  turned  in  no  later  than  five  (5)  business  days  along  with  the  date,  where  the  miles  were  from,  the  reason,  and  if  multiple  trips,  miles  listed  each  day.    Expenses  can  be  paid  on  a  monthly  basis.  

3.13  Education  Reimbursement    

Job-­‐Site  Safety,  LTD  will  reimburse  employees  for  half  of  an  approved  (must  notify  and  ask  Job-­‐Site  Safety,  LTD  before  enrolling)  job-­‐related  training/certificate  if  the  employee  is:  a  current  Job-­‐Site  Safety;  LTD  employee  when  taking  the  course;  completes  320  billable  hours  in  the  6  months  following  the  completion  of  the  course;  and  is  in  good  standing  with  Job-­‐Site  Safety,  LTD.    Reimbursements  will  be  issued  6  months  after  the  course  is  completed  and  the  criteria  above  is  met.  



Job-­‐Site  Safety,  LTD  assigns  positions,  determines  wages  and  compensates  employees  for  overtime  in  accordance  with  state  and  local  laws  and  the  Fair  Labor  Standards  Act.  


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4.1  Exempt  Employees  

Exempt  employees  are  those  that  are  excluded  from  the  overtime  pay  requirements  of  the  Fair  Labor  Standards  Act.    Exempt  employees  are  paid  a  salary  and  are  expected  to  work  beyond  their  normal  work  hours  whenever  necessary  to  accomplish  the  work  of  Job-­‐Site  Safety,  LTD.    Exempt  employees  are  not  eligible  to  receive  overtime  compensation.    Employees  should  consult  with  an  administrator  if  they  have  questions  regarding  their  classification  as  an  exempt  employee.  

4.2  Non-­‐Exempt  Employees  

Non-­‐exempt  employees  are  those  eligible  for  overtime  pay  of  1.5  times  the  regular  hourly  rate  of  pay  for  all  hours  worked  over  40  per  workweek.    All  overtime  must  be  approved  in  advance.    Employees  should  consult  with  an  administrator  if  they  have  questions  regarding  their  classification  as  a  non-­‐exempt  employee.  

4.3  Part-­‐Time  or  Full-­‐Time  

Part-­‐time  or  full-­‐time  classification  is  solely  up  to  the  discretion  of  Management.    Every  rescue  employee  is  a  part-­‐time  employee,  unless/until  the  rescue  employee  receives  a  Full-­‐Time  Compensation  Agreement  from  Job-­‐Site  Safety,  formally  documenting  the  transition  from  part  time  to  full  time  employment.    Compensation  Agreements  can  only  be  initiated  by  Job-­‐Site  Safety.    

Full-­‐time  employees  may  be  eligible  to  participate  in  employee  benefits.  Part-­‐time  employees  are  not  eligible  for  employee  benefits,  as  described  in  this  handbook.      



5.1  General  Attendance  

Job-­‐Site  Safety,  LTD  maintains  normal  working  hours  of  7:00  AM  –  5:00  PM  CST  at  the  office.    However,  hours  will  vary  significantly  depending  on  work  location  and  job  responsibilities.    Supervisors  will  provide  employees  with  their  work  schedule.    Should  an  employee  have  any  questions  regarding  his/her  work  schedule,  the  employee  should  contact  their  Job-­‐Site  Safety,  LTD  supervisor.  

Job-­‐Site  Safety,  LTD  does  not  tolerate  absenteeism.    Employees  who  will  be  late  to  or  absent  from  work  should  notify  Job-­‐Site  Safety,  LTD  and  the  client  supervisor  (if  in  advance,  or  as  soon  as  practicable  in  the  event  of  an  emergency.    Chronic  absenteeism  may  result  in  disciplinary  action,  up  to  and  including  termination.  

Employees  who  need  to  leave  early,  for  illness  or  otherwise,  should  inform  Job-­‐Site  Safety,  LTD  before  departure.    Unauthorized  departures  may  result  in  disciplinary  action,  up  to  and  including  termination.  

Should  a  work  location/site  require  check  in/check  out  at  the  gates,  these  hours  will  be  verified  and  used  for  paying  the  employee.    

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5.2  Tardiness  

Employees  are  expected  to  arrive  on  time  and  ready  to  work.    An  employee  who  arrives  after  their  scheduled  arrival  time  is  considered  tardy  and  may  be  deducted  pay  and/or  disciplined.    Job-­‐Site  Safety,  LTD  recognizes  that  situations  arise  which  hinder  punctuality;  regardless,  tardiness  is  prohibited  without  the  presence  of  extenuating  circumstances  and  may  be  subject  to  disciplinary  action,  up  to  and  including  termination.    

5.3  Breaks  

Employees  follow  the  break  procedures  of  the  client,  when  working  a  billable  job.    Work  location  and  working  conditions  must  permit  a  break,  and  breaks  are  only  allowed  pending  client  site  supervisor’s  approval.    

Shop  employees  are  awarded  a  30-­‐minute  meal  period  when  working  at  the  Job-­‐Site  Safety  shop,  but  must  be  approved  by  a  supervisor.  



6.1  Expectations  

Job-­‐Site  Safety,  LTD  expects  every  employee  to  act  in  a  professional  manner.    Satisfactory  performance  of  job  duties  and  responsibilities  is  key  to  this  expectation.    Employees  are  required  to  maintain  a  thorough  understanding  of  the  job  being  performed,  should  attempt  to  achieve  their  job  objectives,  and  act  with  diligence  and  consideration  at  all  times.  Furthermore,  the  company  expects  every  employee  to  understand  and  fully  implement  our  policies  and  procedures  whether  at  the  shop,  job  site,  outside  meetings,  inside  or  around  company  vehicles,  as  well  as  any  other  work  related  functions.    Poor  job  performance,  including  a  disregard  of  company  policies,  can  result  in  disciplinary  action,  up  to  and  including  termination.  

6.2  Reviews  

Job-­‐Site  Safety,  LTD  may  periodically  evaluate  an  employee’s  performance.    The  goal  of  a  performance  review  is  to  identify  areas  where  an  employee  excels  and  areas  that  need  improvement.    Job-­‐Site  Safety,  LTD  uses  performance  reviews  as  a  tool  to  determine  pay  increases,  promotions  and/or  terminations,  however,  a  review  does  not  automatically  imply  a  pay  increase.  See  Forms  in  Employee  Portal  for  Performance  Review  Form.  

All  performance  reviews  are  based  on  merit,  achievement  and  other  factors  may  include  but  are  not  limited  to:  

•   Quality  of  work  •   Attitude  

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•   Knowledge  of  work    •   Job  skills  •   Attendance  and  punctuality  •   Dependability  •   Thorough  and  timely  submission  of  job  documentation/paperwork  •   Teamwork  and  cooperation  •   Compliance  with  company  policies  and  procedures  •   Past  performance  reviews  •   Improvement  •   Acceptance  of  responsibility  and  constructive  feedback  

Written  performance  evaluations  may  be  made  at  any  time  to  advise  employees  of  unacceptable  performance.    Evaluations  or  any  subsequent  change  in  employment  status,  position  or  pay  does  not  alter  the  employee’s  at  will-­‐relationship  with  the  company.  

Forward  any  questions  about  performance  expectation  or  evaluation  to  the  supervisor  conducting  the  evaluation.  



7.1  Insubordination  

Supervisors  and  employees  should  interact  with  mutual  respect  and  common  courtesy.    Employees  are  expected  to  take  instruction  from  supervisors  or  other  persons  of  authority.    Failure  to  comply  with  instructions  or  unreasonably  delaying  compliance  is  considered  insubordination.    Acts  of  insubordination  are  subject  to  disciplinary  action,  up  to  and  including  termination.  

If  an  employee  disagrees  with  a  supervisor,  the  employee  should  first  try  to  mediate  the  situation  by  explaining  their  position.    If  possible,  a  compromise  might  be  met  and  accusations  of  insubordination  avoided.  

7.2  Grounds  for  Disciplinary  Action  

Job-­‐Site  Safety,  LTD  reserves  the  right  to  discipline  and/or  terminate  any  employee  who  violates  company  policies,  practices  or  rules  of  conduct.    Poor  performance  and  misconduct  are  also  grounds  for  discipline  or  termination.  

The  following  actions  are  unacceptable  and  considered  grounds  for  disciplinary  action.    This  list  is  not  comprehensive;  rather,  it  is  meant  merely  as  an  example  of  the  types  of  conduct  that  Job-­‐Site  Safety,  LTD  does  not  tolerate.    These  actions  include,  but  are  not  limited  to:  

•   Engaging  in  acts  of  discrimination  or  harassment  in  the  workplace;  

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•   Possessing,  distributing  or  being  under  the  influence  of  illicit  controlled  substances  or  alcohol  on  Job-­‐Site  Safety,  LTD  premises,  or  while  engaged  in  Job-­‐Site  Safety,  LTD  business;  

•   Unauthorized  use  of  Job-­‐Site  Safety,  LTD  property,  equipment,  devices  or  assets;  •   Damage,  destruction  or  theft  of  Job-­‐Site  Safety,  LTD  property,  equipment,  devices  or  assets;  •   Removing  Job-­‐Site  Safety,  LTD  property  without  prior  authorization  or  disseminating  Job-­‐Site  

Safety,  LTD  information  without  authorization;  •   Falsification,  misrepresentation  or  omission  of  information,  documents  or  records;  •   Lying;  •   Insubordination  or  refusal  to  comply  with  directives;  •   Failing  to  adequately  perform  job  responsibilities;  •   Excessive  or  unexcused  absenteeism  or  tardiness;  •   Disclosing  confidential  or  proprietary  company  information  without  permission;  •   Illegal  or  violent  activity;  •   Falsifying  injury  reports  or  reasons  for  absenteeism;  •   Possessing  unauthorized  weapons  on  premises;  •   Disregard  for  safety  and  security  procedures;  •   Disparaging  or  disrespecting  supervisors  and/or  co-­‐workers;  and  •   Any  other  action  or  conduct  that  is  inconsistent  with  company  policies,  procedures,  standards  or  


This  list  exhibits  the  types  of  actions  or  events  that  are  subject  to  disciplinary  action.    It  is  not  intended  to  indicate  every  act  that  could  lead  to  disciplinary  action.    Job-­‐Site  Safety,  LTD  reserves  the  right  to  determine  the  severity  and  extent  of  any  disciplinary  action  based  on  the  circumstances  of  each  case.  

7.3  Procedures  

Disciplinary  action  is  any  one  of  a  number  of  options  used  to  correct  unacceptable  behavior  or  actions.    Discipline  may  take  the  form  of  verbal  warning,  written  warnings,  probation,  suspension,  demotion,  discharge,  removal  or  some  other  disciplinary  action,  in  no  particular  order.    The  course  of  action  will  be  determined  by  Job-­‐Site  Safety,  LTD  at  its  sole  discretion  as  it  deems  appropriate.  

It  is  the  goal  of  Job-­‐Site  Safety,  LTD  to  fairly  and  consistently  administer  employee  discipline  when  needed  to  ensure  appropriate  employee  behavior.    See  Forms  in  Employee  Portal  for  Disciplinary  Form.  

This  policy  sets  forth  uniform  procedures  for  administering  employee  discipline.  

•   Job-­‐Site  Safety,  LTD  shall  ensure  that  the  procedure  set  forth  in  this  policy  is  followed  in  a  consistent  manner.  

•   Compliance  with  this  policy  is  the  responsibility  of  all  Job-­‐Site  Safety,  LTD  employees.  •   Physical  inspections  of  each  work  area  are  conducted  at  regular  intervals  by  the  company  

President,  Vice  President,  Operations  Manager,  and/or  Assistant  Operations  Manager.  

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It  is  the  policy  of  Job-­‐Site  Safety  to  establish  and  maintain  a  formal  system  of  employee  discipline  applicable  to  all  Job-­‐Site  Safety  employees  that  conforms  with  the  recognized  principles  of  proper  personnel  management.  This  policy  will  ensure  that  the  rules  of  the  work  place  and  accepted  standards  of  employee  conduct  are  adhered  to  by  all  Job-­‐Site  Safety  employees,  and  discipline,  when  deemed  necessary,  is  equitably  and  uniformly  administered.  This  system  will  apply  to  all  Job-­‐Site  Safety  employees.  

1.  Discipline  must  conform  to  the  following  criteria:    

A.  Management  must  make  a  reasonable  effort  to  assure  that  the  work  force  at  large,  and  each  individual  employee,  is  aware  of  the  rules  and  what  criteria  constitutes  acceptable  job  performance.  All  employees  will  be  furnished  a  copy  of  the  Employee  Handbook  to  make  them  familiar  with  all  policies  contained  within  it,  including:  work  rules,  their  position  classification,  a  briefing  by  their  supervisor  covering  job  assignments,  working  hours,  break  times,  appropriate  dress,  and  any  other  relevant  topics  particular  to  the  specific  job  and  assigned  functions.    

B.  Management  must  conduct  a  thorough,  impartial  and  objective  investigation  to  fully  determine  all  the  facts  surrounding  an  incident  or  issue,  and  act  in  a  timely  manner.  The  following  factors  must  be  specifically  addressed:    

a)  Define  the  incident  or  issue  in  very  precise  terms.    

b)  Determine  who  was  involved,  if  there  were  any  witnesses  and  how  the  matter  was  brought  to  management’s  attention.    

c)  Indicate  the  date,  time,  and  exact  location  of  the  incident.    

2.  The  employee  involved  must  be  provided  a  meaningful  opportunity  to  present  information  on  the  issue  or  incident.    The  employee  shall  be  informed  of  the  subject  of  the  interview  prior  to  commencement  of  the  meeting.    

3.  The  form  of  discipline  to  administer  must  be  based  upon  the  following  considerations:    

a)  The  disciplinary  action  must  be  appropriate  to  the  offense  (i.e.  it  must  not  be  excessive).    

b)  Discipline  must  be  applied  consistently,  throughout  the  organization.  

c)  It  is  an  accepted  principle  of  management  that  discipline  will  normally  be  administered  in  progressive  stages  in  order  to  be  reasonable  and  equitable.  This  sequence  of  discipline  generally  involves  written  warning,  suspension  without  pay,  and  dismissal.    


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Forms  of  Discipline:  

1.   Verbal  Warning:    This  is  a  verbal  warning  given  to  employees  who  are  involved  in  their  first  disciplinary  incident  that  is  not  of  sufficient  magnitude  to  warrant  a  written  warning.  A  second  incident  of  this  nature  within  6  months  would  warrant  a  written  warning.    A  report  will  be  included  in  the  employee’s  personnel  file.        

2.   Lead  Pay  Reduction:  Rescue  Leads  are  required  to  perform  all  Lead  duties  to  the  full  extent.    The  reduction  of  Lead  Pay  will  result  after  a  job  if  the  Lead  fails  to  meet  all  of  Lead  expectations,  and  thus  making  the  Lead  ineligible  to  receive  Lead  pay  for  that  job.  If  Lead  duties  continue  to  not  be  met,  despite  a  verbal  warning  and  loss  in  Lead  pay,  it  may  result  in  the  loss  of  the  Lead  title  or  privileges.    If  Lead  cannot  perform  any  of  the  Lead  requirements,  they  must  notify  their  direct  supervisor  or  Field  Manager  immediately,  before  the  job  ends.        See  Forms  in  Employee  Portal  for  Rescue  Lead  Checklist  Form.    

3.   Written  Warning:  This  is  a  formal  written  warning  given  to  employees  who  are  involved  in  a  moderately  serious  incident  that  is  not  of  sufficient  magnitude  to  warrant  a  termination.  The  written  warning  will  specifically  outline  the  incident  or  offense,  date,  time,  place,  witnesses,  and  will  include  a  warning  that  any  further  violations  of  rules  will  result  in  either  a  suspension  or  termination.  The  employee  shall  be  requested  to  acknowledge  receipt  of  the  written  warning  by  signature.  A  copy  will  be  presented  to  the  employee  and  the  original  will  be  for  inclusion  in  the  employee’s  personnel  file.        

4.   Suspension:  A  suspension  without  pay  is  more  serious  than  a  written  warning.  An  employee  will  be  suspended  one  to  five  days  when  he  or  she  engages  in  conduct  that  justifies  a  suspension  or  the  employee  engages  in  unacceptable  behavior  during  the  period  that  a  written  warning  is  in  effect.  An  employee's  suspension  will  be  documented  and,  will  be  for  inclusion  in  the  employee’s  personnel  file.        

5.   Termination:    This  is  the  involuntary  employment  termination  of  an  employee  who  fails  to  respond  to  lesser  disciplinary  actions  and  warnings,  fails  to  perform  up  to  reasonable  job  standards,  or  who  commits  a  major  infraction  of  work  rules.    A  full  written  report  of  the  incident  must  have  been  completed  before  dismissing  an  employee.    The  employee  must  be  presented  with  a  letter,  which  states  the  incident,  date,  and  location.  The  exit  interview  form  is  to  be  completed  during  the  conference.    The  employee  must  also  return  all  Job-­‐Site  Safety,  LTD  issued  business  equipment  and  safety  equipment,  PPE,  uniforms,  badges,  etc.  to  ensure  all  company  property  is  returned  within  48  hours,  otherwise  Job-­‐Site  Safety,  LTD  may  deduct  costs  from  the  employee’s  final  check,  charge  back,  or  keep  financial  deposit.    See  Forms  in  Employee  Portal  for  Equipment  Acknowledgement  Form.  



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8.1  Workplace  Safety  

Job-­‐Site  Safety,  LTD  takes  every  reasonable  precaution  to  ensure  that  employees  have  a  safe  working  environment.    Safety  measures  and  rules  are  in  place  for  the  protection  of  all  employees.    Ultimately,  it  is  the  responsibility  of  each  employee  to  help  prevent  accidents.    To  ensure  the  continuation  of  a  safe  workplace,  all  employees  should  review  and  understand  all  provisions  of  Job-­‐Site  Safety,  LTD’s  workplace  safety  policy.    Employees  should  use  all  safety  and  protective  equipment  provided  to  them,  and  maintain  work  areas  in  a  safe  and  orderly  manner,  free  from  hazardous  conditions.    Employees  who  observe  an  unsafe  practice  or  condition  should  report  it  to  a  supervisor  immediately.    Employees  are  prohibited  from  making  threats  against  anyone  in  connection  with  his/her  work  or  engaging  in  violent  activities  while  in  the  employ  of  Job-­‐Site  Safety,  LTD.    Any  questions  regarding  safety  and  safe  practices  should  be  directed  to  Job-­‐Site  Safety,  LTD  management.  

In  the  event  of  an  incident,  employees  must  notify  a  supervisor  immediately.    Report  every  injury,  regardless  of  how  minor,  to  a  supervisor  immediately.    Physical  discomfort  caused  by  repetitive  tasks  must  also  be  reported.    For  more  information  about  on-­‐the-­‐job  injuries,  refer  to  the  worker’s  compensation  section  of  this  handbook.  

Employees  should  recognize  any  potential  fire  hazards  and  be  aware  of  fire  escape  routes  and  fire  drills.    Do  not  block  fire  exits,  tamper  with  fire  extinguishers  or  otherwise  create  fire  hazards.  

8.2  Workplace  Security  

Employees  must  be  alert  and  aware  of  any  potential  dangers  to  themselves  or  their  coworkers.    Employees  must  take  every  precaution  to  ensure  surroundings  are  safe  and  secure.    Guard  personal  belongings  and  Job-­‐Site  Safety,  LTD  property.    Visitors  should  be  escorted  at  all  times.    Report  any  suspicious  activity  to  a  supervisor  immediately.  

8.3  Emergency  Procedures  

In  the  event  of  an  emergency  at  Job-­‐Site  Safety,  LTD’s  office,  dial  911  immediately.    If  a  fire  alarm  or  other  emergency  alert  system  is  triggered,  employees  must  proceed  quickly  and  calmly  to  the  nearest  exit.    Once  the  building  has  been  evacuated,  only  a  supervisor  may  authorize  employees  to  reenter.    At  a  client  site,  as  a  Confined  Space  Rescue  Technician,  being  aware  of  the  site-­‐specific  emergency  procedures  is  required.    In  an  emergency,  follow  client  site  emergency  procedure  policy.  



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This  handbook  contains  descriptions  of  some  of  our  current  employee  benefits.    Many  of  the  company’s  benefit  plans  are  described  in  more  formal  plan  documents  available  from  Human  Resources.    In  the  event  of  any  inconsistencies  between  this  handbook  or  any  other  oral  or  written  description  of  benefits  and  a  formal  plan  document,  the  formal  plan  document  will  govern.  

9.1  Health  Insurance  

Job-­‐Site  Safety,  LTD  makes  group  health  benefits  available  to  eligible  employees  and  their  family  members.    Eligible  employees  are  full-­‐time  employees  who  have  received  and  accepted  a  Full-­‐Time  Compensation  Agreement  with  Job-­‐Site  Safety  documenting  a  formal  transition  from  part  time  to  full  time  employment.    Full-­‐time  employees  are  eligible  for  coverage  after  an  initial  waiting  period  of  60  days  averaging  30  hours  a  week.    For  example,  90  hours  a  week,  for  two  weeks,  in  one  month  would  satisfy  that  month’s  required  hours.    The  30  hours  a  week  average  needs  to  be  maintained  to  continue  eligibility  for  coverage.    

•   Coverage  will  be  maintained  in  between  projects.    However,  if  the  Full-­‐time  employee  is  off  for  more  than  one  (1)  month,  to  keep  coverage,  employee  would  be  required  to  pay  Job-­‐Site  Safety  their  portion.  

•   If  employee  does  not  pay  their  portion  after  being  off  for  more  than  one  (1)  month,  employee’s  health  insurance  will  be  canceled.  


Health  benefits  are  paid  in  part  by  Job-­‐Site  Safety,  LTD.    The  remainder  of  the  costs  is  the  employee’s  responsibility.    Employees  can  receive  details  about  benefits  provided,  contribution  rates  and  eligibility  from  Human  Resources.  

Employees  that  decide  they  want  Job-­‐Site  Safety’s  health  insurance  must  turn  in  the  enrollment  form  before  their  60th  day  of  becoming  a  full-­‐time  rescue  tech.  Health  insurance  will  be  effective  on  the  60th  day  from  employee’s  full-­‐time  hire  date  and  therefore  responsible  for  payment  starting  at  that  time.  Premiums  are  deducted  from  the  employee’s  pay  checks.      If  the  employee’s  hours  worked  in  those  60  days  do  not  meet  the  eligibility  requirement,  the  employee  will  be  notified  and  the  enrollment  will  not  be  processed.    If  the  60-­‐day  cut-­‐off  is  missed,  the  employee  will  have  to  wait  until  open  enrollment,  which  is  in  December  every  year.  

9.2  Retirement  Plan  

Job-­‐Site  Safety,  LTD  participates  in  a  retirement  savings  plan,  which  is  a  savings  incentive  match  plan  for  employees  or  also  known  as  a  SIMPLE  IRA.    Regular  employees  who  have  worked  at  least  1  year  and  have  earned  a  minimum  of  $5,000.00  are  eligible  to  participate.    Employees  may  elect  to  make  regular  contributions  to  the  IRA  plan  up  to  the  maximum  amount  allowed  by  federal  law.    Once  eligible  to  participate,  the  company  will  make  a  matching  contribution  equal  to  the  employee’s  salary  reduction  contributions  up  to  a  limit  of  3%  of  the  employee’s  compensation  for  the  year.    

Contact  Human  Resources  for  detailed  information  regarding  eligibility,  employee  contributions,  vesting  period  or  employer  contributions.    More  information  can  also  be  found  in  the  plan  summary  description,  

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which  is  available  from  Human  Resources.    If  there  are  any  inconsistencies  between  this  handbook  and  any  of  the  Summary  Plan  Descriptions,  the  Summary  Plan  Descriptions  shall  govern.    Job-­‐Site  Safety,  LTD  reserves  the  right  to  modify  or  terminate  any  or  all  of  its  retirement  benefits  or  to  change  benefit  providers  at  any  time  with  or  without  notice.  

9.3  Worker’s  Compensation  

As  required  by  law,  Job-­‐Site  Safety,  LTD  provides  worker’s  compensation  benefits  for  the  protection  of  employees  with  work-­‐related  injuries  or  illnesses.  

Worker’s  compensation  insurance  provides  coverage  to  employees  who  receive  job-­‐related  injuries  or  illnesses.    If  an  employee  is  injured  or  becomes  ill  as  a  result  of  his/her  job,  it  is  the  employee’s  responsibility  to  immediately  notify  a  supervisor  of  their  injury  in  order  to  receive  benefits.    Additionally,  management  may  request  filling  out  required  paper  work.    Report  every  illness  or  injury  to  a  supervisor,  regardless  of  how  minor  it  appears.    Job-­‐Site  Safety,  LTD  will  advise  the  employee  of  the  procedure  for  submitting  a  worker’s  compensation  claim.    If  necessary,  injured  employees  will  be  referred  to  a  medical  care  facility.    Employees  should  retain  all  paperwork  provided  to  them  by  the  medical  facility.    Failure  to  report  a  work-­‐related  illness  or  injury  promptly  could  result  in  denial  of  benefits.    An  employee’s  report  should  contain  as  many  details  as  possible,  including  the  date,  time,  description  of  the  illness  or  injury,  and  the  names  of  any  witnesses.  

A  separate  insurance  company  administers  the  worker’s  compensation  insurance.    Representatives  of  Job-­‐Site  Safety,  LTD  may  contact  injured  employees  regarding  their  benefits  under  the  plan.      

9.4  Leave  Policies  

All  employees  must  have  sick/personal  days  off  approved  by  a  member  of  Job-­‐Site  Safety  Management.    Job-­‐Site  Safety  is  aware  that  things  do  happen  unexpectedly  but  still  require  an  email  or  phone  call  to  notify  that  an  employee  will  not  be  able  to  work  that  day.    If  an  employee  is  aware  of  the  date  (s)  that  they  will  need  off,  please  notify  management  as  soon  as  possible  so  that  they  can  make  arrangements  if  shift(s)  need  to  be  covered.  

9.4  A.  Vacations  

Full-­‐time  employees  are  eligible  to  vacation  time  after  one  (1)  year  of  service  with  Job-­‐Site  Safety.  After  1  year  of  being  a  full-­‐time  rescue  tech,  employees  begin  to  accrue  vacation  time.  The  accrual  rate  is  .77  hours  for  every  40  hours  worked.    The  employee  will  be  able  to  go  into  negative  balance  however  once  terminated,  if  the  employee  took  more  vacation  than  they  had  accrued,  that  overage  will  be  taken  back  from  the  final  pay  check.  Vacation  is  paid  out  at  the  shop  rate  and  you  can  only  take  8  hours  a  day.  Vacation  requests  must  be  submitted  to  your  manager  in  writing  at  least  4  weeks  in  advance  and  must  be  agreed  upon  mutually  by  the  individual  and  Job-­‐Site  Safety.  There  is  no  carry  over  of  unused  vacation  or  unused  days.      The  part-­‐time  Confined  Space  Rescue  Technician  position  is  not  eligible  for  paid  vacation  time.      

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9.4  B.  Sick  

Situations  may  arise  where  an  employee  needs  to  take  time  off  to  address  medical  or  other  health  concerns.    The  Confined  Space  Rescue  Technician  is  an  hourly  position  and  sick  leave  is  unpaid.    Job-­‐Site  Safety,  LTD  requests  that  employees  provide  notification  to  Job-­‐Site  Safety,  LTD  as  soon  as  practicable  when  taking  time  off.    Abuse  of  this  policy  may  result  in  disciplinary  action,  up  to  and  including  termination.    If  an  employee  is  not  at  work  for  more  than  2  consecutive  days,  employee  forfeits  right  to  per  diem  reimbursement.  

9.4  C.  Bereavement  

 Funeral  Leave  for  an  Immediate  Family  Member:  

When  a  death  occurs  in  an  employee's  immediate  family,  all  regular  full-­‐time  employees  may  take  up  to  three  (3)  days  off  without  pay  to  attend  the  funeral  or  make  funeral  arrangements.  Job-­‐Site  Safety,  LTD  may  require  verification  of  the  need  for  the  leave.  

Immediate  Family  Defined  for  Bereavement  Leave:  

Immediate  family  members  are  defined  as  an  employee's  spouse,  parents,  siblings,  children,  grandparent,  or  grandchild.  

9.4  D.  Family  and  Medical  Leave  Act  Leave    

Job-­‐Site  Safety,  LTD  offers  leave  consistent  with  the  requirements  of  the  federal  Family  and  Medical  Leave  Act  (FMLA).    Under  the  FMLA,  an  employee  may  be  eligible  for  an  unpaid  family  and  medical  leave  of  absence  under  certain  circumstances,  if  the  employee  works  within  a  seventy-­‐five  (75)  mile  radius  of  fifty  (50)  or  more  company  employees.  

Under  the  federal  FMLA,  a  person  who  has  worked  as  an  employee  of  Job-­‐Site  Safety,  LTD  for  at  least  1,250  hours  for  twelve  months  is  eligible  for  FMLA  leave.    Up  to  twelve  weeks  of  unpaid  leave  per  year  is  available  for  the  following  reasons:  

•   The  birth  of  a  child  and  to  care  for  the  newborn  child;  •   Placement  of  a  child  into  adoptive  or  foster  care  with  the  employee;  •   Care  for  a  spouse,  son,  daughter  or  parent  who  has  a  serious  health  condition;  or  •   Care  for  the  employee’s  own  serious  health  condition.  

If  the  need  for  leave  is  foreseeable,  employees  should  notify  a  supervisor  30  days  prior  to  taking  FMLA  leave.    If  the  need  for  FMLA  leave  arises  unexpectedly,  employees  should  notify  a  supervisor  as  soon  as  practicable,  giving  as  much  notice  to  Job-­‐Site  Safety,  LTD  as  possible.  

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Employees  may  be  required  to  provide:  medical  certifications  supporting  the  need  for  leave  if  the  leave  is  due  to  a  serious  health  condition  of  the  employee  or  employee’s  family  member,  periodic  recertification  of  the  serious  health  condition;  and  periodic  reports  during  the  leave  regarding  the  employee’s  status  and  intent  to  return  to  work.    Employees  must  return  to  work  immediately  after  the  serious  health  condition  ceases,  and  employees  who  have  taken  leave  because  of  their  own  serious  health  condition  must  submit  a  fitness-­‐for-­‐duty  certification  before  being  allowed  to  return  to  work.  

Leave  may  be  taken  on  an  intermittent  or  reduced  schedule  to  care  for  an  illness;  yet,  may  not  be  taken  intermittently  for  the  care  of  a  newborn  or  newly  adopted  child.    When  leave  is  taken  intermittently,  Job-­‐Site  Safety,  LTD  may  transfer  the  employee  to  another  position  with  equivalent  pay  and  benefits,  which  is  better  suited  to  periods  of  absence.  

Subject  to  certain  conditions,  the  employee  or  Job-­‐Site  Safety,  LTD  may  choose  to  use  accrued  paid  leave  (such  as  sick  leave  or  vacation  leave)  concurrent  with  FMLA  leave.  

Job-­‐Site  Safety,  LTD  will  maintain  group  health  insurance  coverage  for  an  employee  on  family  and  medical  leave  on  the  same  terms  as  if  the  employee  had  continued  work.    If  applicable,  arrangements  will  be  made  for  the  employee  to  pay  their  share  of  health  insurance  premiums  while  on  leave.    Job-­‐Site  Safety,  LTD  may  recover  premiums  paid  to  maintain  health  coverage  for  an  employee  who  fails  to  return  to  work  from  family  and  medical  leave.  

If  an  employee  would  like  Job-­‐Site  Safety,  LTD  to  maintain  other  paid  benefits  during  the  period  of  leave,  premiums  and  charges  which  are  partially  or  wholly  paid  by  the  employee  must  continue  to  be  paid  by  the  employee  during  the  leave  time.  

Family  and  medical  leave  will  not  result  in  the  loss  of  any  employment  benefits  accrued  prior  to  the  date  on  which  the  leave  commenced.    However,  an  employee  on  family  and  medical  leave  does  not  continue  to  accrue  benefits  (e.g.,  sick  leave  or  vacation  leave)  during  the  period  of  family  and  medical  leave.    Questions  regarding  particular  benefits  should  be  directed  to  payroll.  

Upon  returning  from  FMLA  leave,  an  employee  will  be  restored  to  his/her  original  job  or  an  equivalent  job  with  equivalent  benefits,  pay,  seniority,  and  other  employment  terms  and  conditions  as  provided  by  the  Family  and  Medical  Leave  Act.  

9.4  E.  Holidays  

Job-­‐Site  Safety,  LTD  observes  the  following  holidays:      

•   New  Year’s  Day  •   Memorial  Day  •   Independence  Day  •   Labor  Day  •   Thanksgiving  Day  •   Christmas  Day  

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Holidays  are  also  observed  on  a  client  and  work  location  basis.    If  the  client  and  work  location  recognize  the  holiday,  Job-­‐Site  Safety  will  also  recognize  the  holiday.    An  employee  at  that  site,  which  is  working  on  the  recognized  holiday  by  Job-­‐Site  Safety,  LTD  or  the  site,  will  be  eligible  for  double  time  pay.    If  an  employee  does  not  work  on  a  Job-­‐Site  Safety,  LTD  observed  holiday,  the  employee  does  not  receive  holiday  pay.  

9.4  F.  Jury  Duty  

Job-­‐Site  Safety,  LTD  understands  that  occasionally  employees  are  called  to  serve  on  a  jury.    Employees  who  are  selected  for  jury  duty  must  provide  a  copy  of  their  jury  summons  to  a  supervisor.    Time  taken  for  jury  duty  is  granted  on  an  unpaid  basis.    Employees  released  from  jury  duty  with  4  hours  remaining  in  the  workday,  are  expected  to  return  to  work.  

9.4  G.  Voting  

Employees  are  encouraged  to  participate  in  elections.    Job-­‐Site  Safety,  LTD  grants  incremental  time  off  to  cast  a  ballot  in  an  election.    Confined  Space  Rescue  Technicians  on  site  must  notify  and  receive  approval  from  their  Job-­‐Site  Safety,  LTD  supervisor.  Voting  time  off  is  granted  on  an  unpaid  basis.    Should  extenuating  circumstances  arise  while  voting,  notify  a  Job-­‐Site  Safety,  LTD  supervisor  as  soon  as  possible.  

9.4  H.  Military  

Employees  called  to  active  military  duty,  military  reserve  or  National  Guard  service  may  be  eligible  to  receive  time  off  under  the  Uniformed  Services  Employment  and  Reemployment  Rights  Act  of  1994.    To  receive  time  off,  employees  must  provide  notice  and  a  copy  of  their  report  orders  to  an  immediate  Job-­‐Site  Safety,  LTD  supervisor.    Military  leave  is  granted  on  an  unpaid  basis.    Upon  return  with  an  honorable  discharge,  an  employee  may  be  entitled  to  reinstatement  and  any  applicable  job  benefits  they  would  have  received  if  present,  to  the  extent  provided  by  law.  

9.4  I.  Leave  of  Absence  

Regular  full-­‐time  employees  may  request  an  unpaid  leave  of  absence.    A  request  for  a  leave  of  absence  must  be  submitted  in  writing  in  advance  to  the  employee’s  immediate  supervisor.  

Leaves  of  absence  that  are  granted  are  unpaid.    Continuation  of  employee  benefits  during  a  leave  of  absence  will  be  addressed  on  an  individual  basis,  as  required  by  law.  



10.1  Involuntary  Termination  and  Voluntary  Termination  

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Employment  with  Job-­‐Site  Safety,  LTD  is  on  at-­‐will  basis  and  may  be  terminated  voluntarily  or  involuntarily  at  any  time.  

Upon  termination,  an  employee  is  required:  

•   To  turn  in  all  reports  and  paperwork  required  to  be  completed  by  the  employee  when  due  and  no  later  than  the  last  day  of  work;  

•   To  return  all  files,  documents,  equipment,  keys,  access  cards,  software,  vehicle  or  other  property  belonging  to  Job-­‐Site  Safety,  LTD  that  are  in  the  employee’s  possession,  custody  or  control,  and  turn  in  all  passwords  to  his/her  supervisor.  

•   To  participate  in  an  exit  interview  as  requested  by  Job-­‐Site  Safety,  LTD’s  management  team.  


Job-­‐Site  Safety,  LTD  recognizes  that  personal  situations  may  arise  which  require  a  voluntary  termination  of  employment.    Should  this  occur,  Job-­‐Site  Safety,  LTD  requests  that  the  employee  provide  two  weeks  advance  notice  in  writing.    This  request  does  not  alter  an  employee’s  at-­‐will  relationship  with  Job-­‐Site  Safety,  LTD.  

All  rights  and  privileges  of  employment  with  Job-­‐Site  Safety,  LTD  terminate  upon  the  date  of  separation.    As  further  discussed  in  Section  3.6,  terminating  employees  are  required  to  return  all  Job-­‐Site  Safety,  LTD  property  assigned  to  them.    Failure  to  do  so  may  result  in  a  deduction  of  their  final  paycheck.  

10.2  Job  Abandonment  

If  an  employee  leaves  the  jobsite  or  has  been  terminated  before  completion  and/or  proper  dismissal  from  Job-­‐Site  Safety,  LTD.,  the  employee  will  lose  ALL  reimbursement  costs  returning  home.    10.3  Final  Paycheck  

Employees  who  terminate  employment  with  Job-­‐Site  Safety,  LTD  will  be  given  their  final  paycheck  on  the  next  weekly  scheduled  pay  date.    Should  the  employee  be  unable  to  personally  retrieve  their  paycheck,  it  will  be  mailed  to  the  address  on  file  or  direct  deposited  into  their  bank  account  on  file.  

10.4  COBRA  Continuation  of  Health  Benefits  

Under  the  federal  Consolidated  Omnibus  Budget  Reconciliation  Act  (COBRA),  a  qualified  employee  who  terminates  employment  (for  reasons  other  than  gross  misconduct  on  the  employee’s  part)  or  who  loses  health  coverage  due  to  a  reduction  in  work  hours  may  temporarily  continue  group  health  coverage  for  him/herself,  his/her  spouse,  and  any  covered  dependent  children  at  the  full  premium  rate  plus  administrative  fees.    That  eligibility  normally  extends  for  a  period  of  eighteen  (18)  months  from  the  qualifying  date.    For  more  information  regarding  COBRA  health  insurance  benefits,  see  Human  Resources.  


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10.5  Exit  Interview  

Job-­‐Site  Safety,  LTD  may  request  an  exit  interview  upon  notice  of  termination.    The  purpose  of  the  exit  interview  is  to  complete  necessary  forms,  collect  Job-­‐Site  Safety,  LTD  property  and  discuss  employment  experiences  with  Job-­‐Site  Safety,  LTD.  

10.5  Non-­‐Compete  and  Non-­‐Solicitation  Agreement  

Job-­‐Site  Safety,  LTD  requires  that  every  employee  acknowledges  and  agrees  that  at  no  time  during  the  term  of  your  employment  with  the  Company  will  you  engage  in  any  business  activity  which  is  competitive  with  the  Company  nor  work  for  any  company  which  competes  with  the  Company.      

Additionally,  for  a  period  of  three  (3)  years  immediately  following  the  termination  of  your  employment,  you  will  not,  for  yourself  or  on  behalf  of  any  other  person  or  business  enterprise,  engage  in  any  business  activity  which  competes  with  the  Company  in  which  you  were  employed,  including  poaching  customers  or  employees.  

During  the  term  of  your  employment,  and  for  a  period  of  three  (3)  years  immediately  thereafter,  you  agree  not  to  solicit  any  employee,  customer,  or  independent  contractor  of  the  Company  on  behalf  of  any  other  business  or  for  yourself.    You  shall  not,  directly  or  indirectly,  disclose  to  any  person,  firm  or  corporation  the  names  or  addresses  of  any  of  the  customers  or  clients  of  the  Company  or  any  other  information  pertaining  to  our  customers,  company,  or  employees.      Neither  shall  you  call  on,  solicit,  take  away,  or  attempt  to  call  on,  solicit,  or  take  away  any  customer  of  the  Company  on  whom  You  have  called  or  with  whom  You  became  acquainted  during  the  term  of  your  employment,  as  the  direct  or  indirect  result  of  your  employment  with  the  Company.  



11.1  Business  Referral  Program  

Job-­‐Site  Safety,  LTD  offers  a  Business  Referral  Program.    This  program  encourages  eligible  individuals  to  submit  business  opportunities  with  new  clients  to  Job-­‐Site  Safety.  If  an  employee  knows  that  there  is  a  prospective  client  that  is  looking  to  add  a  Confined  Space  Rescue  Technician  position  or  that  there  is  a  need  for  safety  consulting,  the  employee  can  send  management  the  information.  If  that  opportunity  becomes  a  successful  project  and  a  Confined  Space  Rescue  Team  is  successfully  placed  or  other  safety  services  are  rendered,  the  employee  is  eligible  for  a  bonus.  

The  bonus  will  vary  between  $200-­‐$1,000,  payable  60  days  after  Job-­‐Site  Safety  has  placed  a  Confined  Space  Rescue  Team  at  the  new  client.  The  amount  of  the  bonus  will  be  calculated  based  on  the  profit  margin  of  the  opportunity  and  will  be  determined  by  Job-­‐Site  Safety  Management.  The  bonus  applies  only  to  the  1  referred  placement  or  business  opportunity  and  will  not  be  paid  out  on  any  future  business  with  the  client.  

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To  be  eligible  to  receive  the  business  referral  bonus,  the  referrer  must  email  all  of  the  opportunity’s  information  to  [email protected]  prior  to  the  Confined  Space  Rescue  Team  being  placed  on  assignment  or  other  safety  services  being  rendered.    The  Business  Referral  Form  must  be  filled  out  and  submitted  to  the  supervisor  and  emailed  to  [email protected].    See  Forms  in  Employee  Portal  for  Business  Referral  Form.  

The  opportunity  must  be  new  at  the  time  the  Business  Referral  is  submitted,  not  an  existing  client  in  Job-­‐Site  Safety’s  database.  

The  referrer  will  be  paid  60  calendar  days  after  the  Confined  Space  Rescue  Team’s  start  date  or  date  of  other  safety  service.  The  bonus  will  not  be  pro-­‐rated.  

Important  Note:  

Job-­‐Site  Safety  Management  retains  the  right  to  approve  or  decline  any  referrals  and  also  to  determine  the  actual  bonus  payout  for  each  referral.  

All  referral  payments  are  subject  to  applicable  federal  and  state  tax  withholdings.  

Certain  rules  apply.  Individuals  are  eligible  for  the  business  referral  bonus  only  when  the  referred  client  is  new  to  Job-­‐Site  Safety  and  no  existing  business  is  taking  place  with  referred  client.  

Employee  must  be  an  active  employee,  in  good  standing,  at  the  time  of  referral  payment.  

11.2  Employee  Referral  Program  

Job-­‐Site  Safety,  LTD  offers  an  Employee  Referral  Program.    This  program  encourages  eligible  individuals  to  submit  employee  referrals  to  Job-­‐Site  Safety  or  Inspection  Services.  If  an  employee  knows  that  there  is  a  qualified  candidate  that  would  be  a  great  fit  for  one  of  our  open  field  positions,  the  employee  can  send  the  referral  to  management  via  [email protected].  If  that  person  becomes  a  hired  employee  and  is  successfully  placed  on  a  job  or  other  safety  services  are  rendered  by  the  individual,  the  referring  employee  is  eligible  for  a  bonus.    The  referring  employee  may  be  awarded  $125.00  per  safety  or  inspection  candidate  and  $100  for  rescue.  

Refer  candidates  who  meet  the  qualifications  to  our  recruiting  department  using  the  attached  Employee  Referral  Form,  also  located  in  the  Employee  Portal  under  employee  forms.  (See  attached  form  for  details)  

To  be  eligible  for  bonus,  both  employees  (the  one  referring  and  the  one  being  referred)  must  be  active  and  in  good  standing  at  the  time  of  pay  out.  Bonus  for  the  referring  employee  will  be  added  to  regular  check  issued  by  Payroll,  and  taxes  or  other  rules  may  apply.  

To  be  eligible  to  receive  the  employee  referral  bonus,  the  referrer  must  email  all  of  the  opportunity’s  information  to  [email protected]  prior  to  getting  hires,  or  being  placed  on  assignment  or  other  safety  services  being  rendered  by  the  individual.    The  Employee  Referral  Form  must  be  filled  out  and  

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submitted  to  the  supervisor  and  emailed  to  [email protected].    See  Forms  in  Employee  Portal  for  Business  Referral  Form.  

The  referred  employee  must  be  new  at  the  time  the  Employee  Referral  is  submitted,  not  an  existing  employee  or  recruited  candidate  in  Job-­‐Site  Safety’s  database.  

Important  Note:  

Job-­‐Site  Safety  Management  retains  the  right  to  approve  or  decline  any  referrals  and  also  to  determine  the  actual  bonus  payout  for  each  referral.  

All  referral  payments  are  subject  to  applicable  federal  and  state  tax  withholdings.  

Certain  rules  apply.  Individuals  are  eligible  for  the  employee  referral  bonus  only  when  the  referred  employee  is  new  to  Job-­‐Site  Safety  and  never  previously  employed  or  recruited  by  the  company  or  its  employees.  

Employee  must  be  an  active  employee,  in  good  standing,  at  the  time  of  referral  payment.  


1.2  Overview  of  a  Confined  Space  Rescue  Technician,  Safety  Attendant,  &  Rescue  Lead  

•   Lead  Qualifications    •   Career  path  for  Rescue  Technicians  

3.6  A.  Company  Equipment  

•   Equipment  Acknowledgment  Form  •   Equipment  Damage/Lost/Stolen  Report  Form  

3.6  B.  Company  Vehicles  

•   Company  Vehicle  &  Fuel  Card  Usage  SOP  •   Incident/Accident  Report  

3.6  D.  Fuel  &  Fuel  Cards  

•   Company  Vehicle  &  Fuel  Card  Usage  SOP  

6.2  Reviews  

•   Performance  Review  Form  

7.3  Procedures  

•   Disciplinary  Policy  Form  •   Rescue  Lead  Checklist  

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11.1  Business  Referral  Program  

•   Business  Referral  Form  

11.2  Employee  Referral  Program  

•   Employee  Referral  Form  



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Acknowledgement  of  Receipt  for  Employee  Handbook  

(Employee  Copy  –  Keep  with  handbook)  


I  acknowledge  that  I  have  received  a  copy  of  the  Employee  Handbook.    I  understand  that  I  am  responsible  for  reading  the  information  contained  in  the  Handbook.  

I  understand  that  the  handbook  is  intended  to  provide  me  with  a  general  overview  of  Job-­‐Site  Safety,  LTD’s  policies  and  procedures.    I  acknowledge  that  nothing  in  this  handbook  is  to  be  interpreted  as  a  contract,  expressed  or  implied,  or  an  inducement  for  employment,  nor  does  it  guarantee  my  employment  for  any  period  of  time.  

I  understand  and  accept  that  my  employment  with  Job-­‐Site  Safety,  LTD  is  at-­‐will.    I  have  the  right  to  resign  at  any  time  with  or  without  cause  or  notice,  subject  to  applicable  laws.    I  understand  that  nothing  in  the  handbook  or  in  any  oral  or  written  statement  alters  the  at-­‐will  relationship,  except  by  written  agreement  signed  by  the  employee  and  Job-­‐Site  Safety,  LTD  management.  

I  acknowledge  that  Job-­‐Site  Safety,  LTD  may  revise,  suspend,  revoke,  terminate,  change  or  remove,  prospectively  or  retroactively,  any  of  the  policies  or  procedures  outlined  in  this  handbook  or  elsewhere,  in  whole  or  in  part,  with  or  without  notice  at  any  time,  at  Job-­‐Site  Safety,  LTD’s  sole  discretion.  




Signature  of  Employee               Date  



Name  of  Employee  (Please  Print)  


Job-­‐Site  Safety  Representative    


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Acknowledgement  of  Receipt  for  Employee  Handbook  

(Employer  Copy  –  Detach  and  retain  for  records)  


I  acknowledge  that  I  have  received  a  copy  of  the  Employee  Handbook.    I  understand  that  I  am  responsible  for  reading  the  information  contained  in  the  Handbook.  

I  understand  that  the  handbook  is  intended  to  provide  me  with  a  general  overview  of  Job-­‐Site  Safety,  LTD’s  policies  and  procedures.    I  acknowledge  that  nothing  in  this  handbook  is  to  be  interpreted  as  a  contract,  expressed  or  implied,  or  an  inducement  for  employment,  nor  does  it  guarantee  my  employment  for  any  period  of  time.  

I  understand  and  accept  that  my  employment  with  Job-­‐Site  Safety,  LTD  is  at-­‐will.    I  have  the  right  to  resign  at  any  time  with  or  without  cause  or  notice,  subject  to  applicable  laws.    I  understand  that  nothing  in  the  handbook  or  in  any  oral  or  written  statement  alters  the  at-­‐will  relationship,  except  by  written  agreement  signed  by  the  employee  and  Job-­‐Site  Safety,  LTD  management.  

I  acknowledge  that  Job-­‐Site  Safety,  LTD  may  revise,  suspend,  revoke,  terminate,  change  or  remove,  prospectively  or  retroactively,  any  of  the  policies  or  procedures  outlined  in  this  handbook  or  elsewhere,  in  whole  or  in  part,  with  or  without  notice  at  any  time,  at  Job-­‐Site  Safety,  LTD’s  sole  discretion.  




Signature  of  Employee               Date  



Name  of  Employee  (Please  Print)  


Job-­‐Site  Safety  Representative