Json at work overview and ecosystem-v2.0

JSON at Work - Overview and Ecosystem Tom Marrs Architect


Slides for Tom Marrs BJUG talk on 2/12/2013. See http://boulderjug.org/2013/01/tuesday-february-12-2013-a-night-with-tom-marrs-covering-json-and-rest.html

Transcript of Json at work overview and ecosystem-v2.0

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JSON at Work -Overview and Ecosystem

Tom MarrsArchitect

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Your ProfileReally?

What else?


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What’s The Point?



more ...

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JSON Ecosystem

Schema Search


Transform REST

Dev Tools


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Our Agenda

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We’re Not Covering :(-




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JSON Beginnings


2001 - Douglas Crockford

2006 - IETF - RFC 4627

The “x” in AJAX

Lightweight / simple structures

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That was Then ...JSON for Speed XML for Integration

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JSON Validation

Structure Instance Document [Well-formed]

Semantics Schema [Order, Person]

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This is NowJSON for Speed JSON for Integration

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JSON Tutorial - on the iPhone

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JSON Documents

{ JSON-Data}

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JSON Data Structures

Name/Value (or Key/Value) Pairs



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JSON Key/Value Pair

{ "firstName": "John"}

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JSON Object{

"address" : { "line1" : "555 Main Street", "city" : "Denver", "stateOrProvince" : "CO", "zipOrPostalCode" : "80202", "country" : "USA" }}

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JSON Array"clubs" : [ { "number" : 677476, "name" : "Simply Speaking", "city" : "Aurora", "district" : 26 }, { "number" : 999999, "name" : "Wry Toast", "city" : "Denver", "district" : 26 }]

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JSON Value Types

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"age": 29"cost": 299.99"temperature": -10.5"speed_of_light": 1.23e11"speed_of_light": 1.23e+11"speed_of_light": 1.23E11"speed_of_light": 1.23E+11

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"emailValidated" : true

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{ "address": { "line1": "555 Main St.", "line2": null, "city": "Bailey", "state": "CO", "postalCode": 80909, "country": "USA" }}

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JSON Comments


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JSON Versions


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A Bigger Sample{ "member": { "firstName": "John", "lastName": "Smith", "joined": "2008-12-06", "language": "US English", "reason": "To improve my public speaking skills. To take over the world.", "address": { "line1": "555 Main St.", "city": "Bailey", "state": "CO", "postalCode": 80909, "country": "USA" }, "contact": { "email": "[email protected]", "homePhone": "303-555-1212", "cellPhone": "720-555-1212", "workPhone": "970-555-1212" }, "club": { "number": 677476, "name": "Simply Speaking", "city": "Aurora", "district": 26 } }}

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Google JSON Style Guide

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JSON is Hot!

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JSON Tool Runtimes

GUIs iPhone Apps

IDE Plugins

Browser Plugins


Command Line

JSON Tools

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JSON Validators

JSON Validator (Mac)


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JSON BeautifiersFirefox





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JSON Without a Beautifier

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JSON Modeling ToolsJSON Designer




Overly - Generate Schema

Matic - Generate HTML

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JSON Designer - on the iPhone

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Model JSON Doc -JSONPad

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Model JSON Doc -jsoneditoronline.org

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JSON and Java - Jackson

public class Address { private String line1; private String city; private String stateOrProvince; private String zipOrPostalCode; private String country;

public Address() {} public String getLine1() { return line1; } public void setLine1(line1) { this.line1 = line1; } // Remaining getters and setters ...}

Address addrOut = new Address();// Call setters to populate addrOut ...

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JSON and Java - Jackson ... Cont’d

import java.io.Writer’import java.io.StringWriter;import org.codehaus.jackson.map.ObjectMapper;

ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); // Reuse this.

// Marshal Address object to JSON String.Writer writer = new StringWriter();mapper.writeValue(writer, addrOut);System.out.println(writer.toString());

// Unmarshal Address object from JSON String.String addrJsonStr = "{" + "\"address\" : {" + "\"line1\" : \"555 Main Street\"," + "\"city\" : \"Denver\"," "\"stateOrProvince\" : \"CO\"," "\"zipOrPostalCode\" : \"80202\"," + "\"country\" : \"USA\"" + "}" +"}";

Address addrIn = mapper.readValue(addrJsonStr, Address.class);

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Java-based JSON APIs

API Source

Jackson http://jackson.codehaus.org/

Google GSON http://code.google.com/p/google-json/

SOJO http://sojo.sourceforge.net/

org.json (Douglas Crockford)


json-lib http://sourceforge.net/projects/json-lib/

json-io http://code.google.com/p/json-io

jsontools http://jsontools.berlios.de/

jsonbeans http://code.google.com/p/jsonbeans/

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JSON and HTML5 & JavaScript - AJAX

$.getJSON('http://example/service/addresses/home/1', function(data) { var address = JSON.parse(data); console.log(“Address Line 1 = “ + address.line1); });

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JSON and Ruby on Rails

class Person attr_accessor :first_name, :last_name

def initialize(first_name=nil, last_name=nil) @first_name = first_name @last_name = last_name endend

class MyController < ApplicationController def index person = Person.new('John', 'Doe') respond_to do |format| format.html # index.html.erb format.json { render :json => person} end endend

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JSON and Ruby

require 'json'

class Address

attr_accessor :line1, :city, :state_or_province, :zip_or_postal_code, :country def initialize(line1=nil, city=nil, state_or_province=nil, zip_or_postal_code=nil, country=nil) @line1 = line1 @city = city @state_or_province = state_or_province @zip_or_postal_code = zip_or_postal_code @country = country end

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JSON and Ruby

def to_hash hash = {} self.instance_variables.each do |var| hash[var.to_s.delete("@")] = self.instance_variable_get(var) end hash end def to_json to_hash.to_json end

def from_json!(str) JSON.load(str).each do |var, val| self.instance_variable_set("@#{var}", val) end endend

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JSON and Rubyaddr1 = Address.new('555 Main Street', 'Denver', 'CO', '80231', 'US')

puts addr1.to_json # Marshal Address object to JSON string.

# Outputs the following …( "line1": "555 Main Street", "city": "Denver", "state_or_province": "CO", "zip_or_postal_code": "80231","country":"US" }

json_addr = <<END{ "line1" : "999 Broadway", "city" : "Anytown", "state_or_province" : "CA", "zip_or_postal_code" : "90210", "country" : "USA"}END

addr2 = Address.newaddr2.from_json!(json_addr) # Unmarshal Address object from JSON string.

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Ruby-based JSON APIs

API Source

Yajl https://github.com/brianmario/yajl-ruby

Oj https://github.com/ohler55/oj

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JSON Schema

Defines JSON document structure


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When To Use JSON Schema?

When crossing organizational boundaries

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When NOT to use JSON Schema?

Get a life - it’s just a website!

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JSON Schema Constructs

Construct Description

type The data type – object, array, string, number, etc.

required true / false

id Data element id

properties Additional validation properties for a data element (e.g., minimum, maximum, etc.)

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JSON Schema Validators

JSON Schema Validator Language Source

JSV JavaScript https://github.com/garycourt/JSV

Ruby JSON Schema Validator

Ruby https://github.com/hoxworth/json-schema


Java https://github.com/fge/json-schema-validator

php-json-schema (by MIT)

PHP https://github.com/hasbridge/php-json-schema

JSON.Net .NET http://james.newtonking.com/projects/json-net.aspx

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JSON Schema Example

Gift Registry Document & Schema

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JSON Modeling Flow







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Create JSON Schema - jsonschema.net

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Create JSON Schema - Orderly

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Validate JSON Document against JSON Schema

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Generate HTML Document from JSON Schema - Matic

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RESTing with JSON

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Text Search with JSON




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Transforming JSON


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Our Agenda

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What’s The Point?



more ...

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JSON ResourcesJSON Spec - http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4627

JSON.org - http://www.json.org

JSONLint - http://www.jsonlint.com

JSON Editor Online - http://jsoneditoronline.org/

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JSON ResourcesJSONQuery - https://github.com/jcrosby/jsonquery

JSONPath - http://goessner.net/articles/JsonPath/

JSONiq - http://www.jsoniq.org/

JSONT - http://goessner.net/articles/jsont/

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JSON Groups

Google - http://groups.google.com/group/json-schema

Yahoo! - http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/json/