Jsee Code of Ethics 20130614

Code of Ethics of the Japanese Society for Engineering Education Resolved on May 31, 2010 by the JSEE assembly meeting. Revised and resolved on June 18, 2012. Revised and resolved on June 14, 2013. The advancement of engineering and technology is expected to play a vital role in the future of the global environment and human society as well as of Japan. We, the members of the Japanese Society for Engineering Education (JSEE), seek to foster practitioners, researchers, and educators of engineering and technology who can contribute to the future of humanity, Japan and the global environment. Our mission is to examine engineering education from multiple perspectives in order to enhance its quality, to propose and implement forward-looking engineering education, and thereby to contribute to the well-being of mankind and the future of the global environment and Japan. The Code of Ethics of the JSEE is herein established so that we, the members of the JSEE, will make constant efforts to maintain our self-awareness and dignity as engineering education professionals, and will contribute to the advancement of human beings and of Japan through responsible practice, research, development, and implementation of engineering education. Each of the individual members of the JSEE endeavors to make conscientious and responsible decisions and to act based upon his/her understanding of the values and norms proclaimed in this Code of Ethics. The institutional members of the JSEE are to honor the spirit of this Code, and strive to establish systems that can encourage faithful behavior of the members in each organization. <Responsibility to Society> 1. We shall hold paramount the safety, health, and well-being of human beings. We shall also strive to maintain and improve the sense of security in the public as well as to build a sustainable society by contributing to the practice, research, development and implementation of engineering and technological education to foster engineering practitioners, researchers, and educators with a conscious awareness of the fact that the source of our expertise, skills, and experiences has been provided by human society. <Responsibility for Engineering Education > 2. We shall make sincere efforts for education and research in recognition of the responsibility of cultivating engineering practitionersresearchersand educators who have important roles in the future society. <Continuous Professional Development> 3. We shall make constant efforts to maintain and enhance our knowledge


Jsee Code of Ethics

Transcript of Jsee Code of Ethics 20130614

  • Code of Ethics of the Japanese Society for Engineering Education

    Resolved on May 31, 2010 by the JSEE assembly meeting.

    Revised and resolved on June 18, 2012.

    Revised and resolved on June 14, 2013.

    The advancement of engineering and technology is expected to play a vital role in the

    future of the global environment and human society as well as of Japan. We, the

    members of the Japanese Society for Engineering Education (JSEE), seek to foster

    practitioners, researchers, and educators of engineering and technology who can

    contribute to the future of humanity, Japan and the global environment. Our mission is to

    examine engineering education from multiple perspectives in order to enhance its quality,

    to propose and implement forward-looking engineering education, and thereby to

    contribute to the well-being of mankind and the future of the global environment and


    The Code of Ethics of the JSEE is herein established so that we, the members of the

    JSEE, will make constant efforts to maintain our self-awareness and dignity as

    engineering education professionals, and will contribute to the advancement of human

    beings and of Japan through responsible practice, research, development, and

    implementation of engineering education.

    Each of the individual members of the JSEE endeavors to make conscientious and

    responsible decisions and to act based upon his/her understanding of the values and

    norms proclaimed in this Code of Ethics. The institutional members of the JSEE are to

    honor the spirit of this Code, and strive to establish systems that can encourage faithful

    behavior of the members in each organization.

    1. We shall hold paramount the safety, health, and well-being of human beings. We

    shall also strive to maintain and improve the sense of security in the public as well

    as to build a sustainable society by contributing to the practice, research,

    development and implementation of engineering and technological education to

    foster engineering practitioners, researchers, and educators with a conscious

    awareness of the fact that the source of our expertise, skills, and experiences has

    been provided by human society.

    2. We shall make sincere efforts for education and research in recognition of the

    responsibility of cultivating engineering practitionersresearchersand educators who have important roles in the future society.

    3. We shall make constant efforts to maintain and enhance our knowledge

  • competenceand professional capacity as well as our capacity for ethical judgment in both engineering education and our own fields of specialty.

    < Respect for the Rights of the Others and Responsible Conduct of Research>

    4. We shall respect the rights of others while engaged in education and research,

    paying due attention to their values. We shall refrain from any misconduct such as

    fabrication or falsification of data, or plagiarism, nor shall we allow others to

    commit such misconduct. Furthermore, we shall not overlook such unethical


    5. We shall actively disclose, in the light of the public welfare, the information and

    research findings which we seek and obtain, aiming for new knowledge and

    insights, with due respect for the intellectual achievements of others, and thereby

    contribute to the development of engineering education.

    6. We shall ensure fairness by eliminating discrimination based on racereligiongenderand social status in due consideration of cultural diversity in global society.

    7. We shall maintain objectivity and fairness in evaluation and judgment when

    engaged in engineering education.

    8. We shall strive to raise the social valuation and status of engineering practitioners

    and those involved in engineering education.

    9. We shall comply with laws and rules and respect ethical norms and standards of the

    organizations and academic and professional societies to which we belong. In case

    any inconsistency is found between the above norms and those in this Code, we

    shall also, while taking ethical responsibility for ourselves, make utmost efforts to

    resolve such inconsistencies.

    10. We shall pay due attention and take proper measures in order to avoid any

    problems caused by conflicts of interest in practicing engineering education.

    Code of Ethics of the Japanese Society for Engineering EducationRevised and resolved on June 14, 2013.