jr · 2015-05-30 · ics, and a complete resume of Honolulu and Island--News. It is tho best paper...

J fffj wn.tfr ;r .. rr: 'i - S'T"V :i i ff- - '7 A1 ;A3Li?v. iT ' ! f.iiri..r.fir...-- . i rihi.Oi i-- . ,n!fi..,.y,. 7 V. '6 'JaX s i& w . Mm . . vm ... -- 7w- 4 ,' VF.'L'V. iVv MHUi JsFCir7 - Sjisli Khs--, JO(pLILiL 31 v w., , 4 ISro . O yn . i M .it T ?h rj 'J RWjtt3 BUJMJ F!!l MMWaBBt', UPtMJIL.iJ.ism j jai ..?' uj F'vu-aiTr- jr Vol. XriL No. 1888. ' HONOLULU, II. I.. MONDAY EVENING, MARCH 12, 1888. SUBSCRIPTION GO CENTS PER MONTH. a seii .TTf vx Aim,,-- s '."! Ss3?- - I ' THE DAliT BULLETIN s prmtecl null published nt the oiUoo, Quocn 8troot, Ilonohilu, 11. I., ovory afternoon (Sundays excepted). Subscription, BO conts per Month. i Address nil Ooramunloations Dailt Bulletin. Advertisements, tc cn3ure insertion, should bo handed la boforo one o'clock P.M. WALTER HILL Editor and Proprietor JAS. G. CLEVIOR '. Manaflor Ballotin Steam Printing Office. Newspaper, Book anil Job Printing of all kinds dono on the most favorable terms. Bell Tolcphono No. SGO Mutual Telephone No. 2D0 Daily Bielii iwm Published twice a Month. Au interesting and comprehensive publication, and contains from 40 to CO columns of reading matter on local top- ics, and a complete resume of Honolulu and Island- - News. It is tho best paper Dubllshed in tho Kingdom ,to send to friendt abroad. Subscription (mailed) S2.50 a year. Commission MetonarLts. TT Sz Co., General Commission Agents. (17C ly Honolulu G. W. MACFABLANE & Co. MFORTEHS" AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Honolulu. H. I. Queen street, - - - 1648 BREWER & COMPANY, e . (Limited) GENEBAL MKllCAHTIIiB AND CoiiitissiON Agents. LIST OF OFF1CK11S: P. C. Jokes, Jr. . . .President & Manager J. O. Oahteb. .. ..Treasurer & Bccretary directors: Hon. 0. R. Bisuop. S. C. Aixbn, H. Watkiiuouse. BUB ly T. WATERHOUSE, JOHN Importer and Dealer in General Merchandise, Queen it., Honolulu. 1 S. N. Castle.-- J. B. Athcrton-- G. P. Castle Se OOOKE, CASTLH Shipping and Commission Merchants. Importers and Dealers in General Merchandise, No. 80 King St., Honolulu. 1 Olaui Spreckeli. Wm. Q. Irwin. IRWIN fc COMPANY, WG. Sugar Factors and Commission Agents, Honolulu. 1 as CO., WILDER, Dealers In Lumber, Paints, Oils, Nails, Sal', and Building Materials of every kind, cor. Fort and Queen st:., Honolulu. 1 GRINBAUM & CO., MS. Importers of General Mer chandise aiid Commission Merchants, Honolulu, and 124 California street, 1 San Franoisco, Cal. XL Lewors, F. J. Lowrey, 0. M. CooVo. EWERS Si OOOKE, L (successors to Lewera & Dickson,) Importers and Dealers in Lumber and all kinds ot Building Materials, Fort street, Honolulu 1 G-onsalv- &: Oo., u Wholesale Grocers & Wine Merchants 289 Beaver Block, Honolulu. Notice of Removal! THOMAS LINDSAY, Manufacturing Jeweler & Watchmaker Has removed to onu of the New Stores in the TJiomnn Itloclc, Kins Street, Three doon from Castle Ss Cookes', Where he is prepared to manufacture all iimls of Jewolry. 00 ITirHEWETT, Stationer & Newsdealer, Merchant Street, - Honolulu, H.I aiutual Tel. 371. Boll Tel. 302. Law Books & Lawyers' Stationery aSpoclally.' Or Jer taken fpr Newspapers, Pjrioui cals, Booke, Music, etc., from any purt of the world, having made nil arrange, incuts therefor whilst In San FrancUco. Ited Bublber Stamps to Order. 71 TF YOU FIND ANYTHING, -- X advertise It In tho Daily Buu&tim Professionals. M. THOMPSON, Attorncy-ttt-l.tt- Oulco In OiiinpbollM Block, Coi. Fort & Merchant St.-- ., Honolulu, II. 1. PRACTICES IN THE COURTS. G3T When desired, will plvo the law In n written opinion, us to the probable re- sult of the contention upon tho facts stated. liiBSlv JM. MON8ARRAT, ATTORNEY AT LAW and Notary Public. Ileal Estate in any part of tho Kingdom bought, Bold nnd leased, on. commission. Loans ncgotia ted,' Legal Documents Drawn. No. 27 Merchant st. (Gazette Block), Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands 100 Brown, Attorncr and Counsellor at Law Notary Public, nnd Agent for takiug Ac knowlcdgmculs of Instruments for the Island of Oahu. Mcrchaut ttrect, Hono-'ul- u. 1 J Alfred maqoon, ATTORNEY AT LAW. 173 43 Merchant street. Honolulu, ly JOHN A. HASSINQER, Agent to tako Acknowledgments to Contracts for Labor. Interior Ofllco, Honolulu. DOOTOll WEBB. Ofllco and Residence next door to the American Minister's on AUkca street, between Hotel and llerctnnia streets. OIHco Hours from 7 to 0 a.m.; from 1 to 3 p. m, und 7 to 8 p m. Telephone . uiwm VJ2TERINAKY. A RITCHIE ROVVAT, Veterinary Surgeon. Oillcc and Jtcsidcncc : 160 King street Mutual Telephone 351. Orders left at Hotel Stables will bo received nnd promptly attended to. 43 3m T H. SOPBR.M.D. Consulting Physician and Surgeon. S. VV. Corner Sixth und Market (treelB, opposite Hawaii Nei Millinery Estab- lishment, San Francisco. 23 MALCOLM BROWN, NOTARY PUBLIC For the Island. Office, : : Gov't Building, Honolulu. . 30 if M. M. BENSON. U. W: SMITH. BENSON, SMITH & CO., Manufacturing and Dispensing Pharmacists, 113 & 110 Fort Street, - Honolulu. Depot for Bocrioko & Sceehlk'a HOMCEPATHIC MEDICINES, Ssckccker's Perfumes nnd Toilet Requisites, iSy HOLLISTEft & CO. Druggists & Tobacconists, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, 109 Fort Street, William's lllock, ITono-21- 0 Honolulu, II. I. 3R & CO. Sluiiuftictui'liic JoivcllcrH, 3VO. OS JPOItT Constantly on liand u larg.e assortmen of every deseriptiouof Jewelry, Watches Gold and Sliver Plated Ware. &c. 058 ly J. A. DOWER, Ship Carpenter & Boat Builder. Having improved facilities, is prepared lo flit orders at notice. 1831 tf ' HAWAIIAN HOTEL CARRBACE CO. Carriages at all hours, day nnd night. Snddlo Horses, Uuggies, WngonettxM and Villngo Carts Willi stylish and guctlo horses to let. FOR SALE. A few HorscF, guaranteed. Second hand Hacks, Open and Top Buggies, Carts and Harness. PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. Ring up 'Telephone 32, or apply to MILUS & IIAYXKY. ' 1574 ly Stcum Works. Bunnv Boutli Tolc, Hell 172,Mutunl2l5 Depot. Merchant tilreot Tclo, Hell 172, Mutual SCO. Tallli LeiMe Wilts. The undersigned having purchased the business of Die Tahiti Lemonade Works, tho depot lias been removed to No. 2$ Merchant Street. All orders for Aerated Waters mnnu facturcd nt t ho above establishment will receivo prompt iitlniilion. J. E. MiOWN & Co. P. O. llox 409. 1820 TF YOU LOSEANYTHING, X. advertise it in the Daily Uuiletin. A & Ki!, Beaver Sg, Saloon Tho Boat Lunoh in Town, Tea and Coffee at 11 Hours Tho incbtBibLdoi Cigars & 1 obacco always on hand. II. .1. NOLTE, Proprietor. . PIONEER STEAI CAM FACTORY AiVaL I3A.1C33UV. F. HORN, Practical Confectioner, Pastry Cook nnd Uakcr. 71 Hotel St. -- JST Telephone 74 W3I. McAKI)IiESS, No. 0 Queen street. Fish Market, Dealer in choicest llccr, Veal, Glutton. Fish, Ac, Ac Family nnd Shipping Orders carefully attended to. Live stock furnished to vessels at &ho.'t notico, and Vegetables if all kinds supplied to order. 340 ly Bjjn- - 1 Metropolitan Meat Company 81 King Street, G. J. WALLER, - - Manager. Wholesale & Retail Butchers AND NAVY CONTRACTORS. 1717 ly D. IcKIZIE k Co. Commission Merchants W'itVrsS?f SHIP CHANDLERY, NavalStorcs&Grocovies ItrlckH, Xiiino & Cement. Families and Shipj supplied on most reasonable terms. B ISLAND OUDERS SOLICITED. Mutual Tele, 2"2. P. O. Box, 479. No. 20 Fort St., op. O. S. S. Co's Wharf. 1800 tf Polled Angus Stock rrz WTvl Vii Wim Sojjfi OJR, SALE. Bull Calves from 10 to 13 months old. Heller Calvos from 10 to 13 months old. APPLY TO J. I. DOWSETT. Honolulu, June 24, 1887. 70 Continental and Colonial AGENCY. 36RuodeDunkerque,-- . - Paris. Executes Indents for every description ff French, llclgiun, Swis", Oermmi, ami English Goods, nt the beat Manuucturera' Lowost Prices. Commission, Two.imd.n.IInlf per cent. All Trade and Cash' Discounts allowed to Clients. Original Invoices forwarded when requested. Remittances, through a London or Paris Banker, payable on delivery, of Shipping documents; or, direct to tho miiuiiger. The Agency Represent, Buys, and Sells, for Home unit Coloniul Firms. Picco'Ooods, Cashmeres, Cambrics, Silks. Velvctb, Lawns, Chintzes, Miislina, Carpets, Cloths, Millinery, Laces, Gloves, Fringes, Parasols, Haberdashery, Gold and Silver Lace, Flannels, FeatherH, Pearls, Boots and Shoe?, Gluts, and Ohina.waro, Clocks, Watches, Jewollry, Fancy Goods. Electro-plate- , Musical Instruments, Fans, Ecclesiastical and Optical Goods. Mirrors, Toys. Perfumery, Wines, &c , Ollmnu's Stores, Book?, Artistic Furntturo, Stationery, Chromos, Machinery. &c, &o. 180 ly S Tahiti Lemonade Works. C "CUSTOMERS who have on hand nny J of our Bottloi or Cases, would greatly oblige by tending word to tho Depot. 28 Merchant street, and they will at once bo called for. Our Bottles all crystal valve, nnd Ibo words "TAHITI LEMONADE WORKS" blown thereon. Bell Telephone 173. Mutual Telephono 3C0. 45 tf ..'. E. BHOWN & CO. TF YOU WANT A SERVANT, J. advertise lu the Daily Bulletin, LARGE IMPORTATION -- OF- -- i . y S3fcilli:s ! Ka " " Mjimp . billet !gga DIRECT FEOM PA MS uuil uovv ojon nt tlio EOPULAR MILLINERY HOUSE, 104 Fort Street, Honolulu. ftf. S. SACHS, - - - Proprietor. JBlack G-ro- s 3rxaiM. Sillcgi, 3BIacLc I2.liacla.Mia illcs, lliite Sc Cream Jaiiaaama Silks, Cream Tx'ieot; ' Sillcs, Also, an assortment of Antrim! Slawls k Handsomely Trimmed with Fringe. Tliess goods aro direct from Paris, and nr offered at exceedingly low prices. A. MORGAN, Blacksmith Work, f"M- - Carriage Building, Painting and lF Trimming. 79 k 81 Kli Street, - - - - Old Rose Premises. Entrances lVom King; nutl aiei-clia.i- it Sts. Every description of work in the above lines performed in a first-clas- s manner. Also, Horse Shoeing a Specialty. 107-j- 3a (mrh Telephone, 107- -a 175. Corner AY and -- GRAIN GRAIN. Largest Stocks, Choicest Quality, Lowest Prices- - Telephones Edinburgh. & Queen Streets. J01 ITT, 1 8 Mill Street (xianite, Iron and Tin Ware ! Chandeliers, Lamps and Lanterns, WATER PIPE and RUBBER HOSE, House Keeping Goods, PLUMBING, T.IN, COPIER AND 993 SHEET IRON 'WORK. GEO. EMELHARDT, (Formerly with Samuel Nott), Importer und Dcnlor In STOVES, CHADELBERS, JLABWPS, OIlOOKKRY, GLABSWAHK, HdUSK FURNIB111NU HAUDWAHE, AGATK I HON AND TINWAIUJ. Agent Hall's Safe and Lock Company, Beaver Block, - Fort Street. X3T Store formerly occupied by B, NOTT, opposite Sprockets & Co.'b Bank. - 1GQ ivSt'&tk'Mt.temkv-fr''- .' -- ' HAEE CHANCE FOE, INVESTMENT BETTER DIIAN A GOVERN3IENT BOJfD OFFICII KD BY THE Epi table Life OF TIK UNITED STATES. ASSKT8 OVKK .... 380,000,000. a"HE protection of Life Iusutnncc combined with tho Investment Principles of & Savings Hank. Ezimpleof n Endowment Policy for $10 000 taken out at tho ago of ""i yeais: Annual Total I'rrinituus Ca h Fund Equivalent Paid m, Premium. Paid in t! I yrn Thin due. Up Policy for Life. $487 $9,740 $10,110 $43,800 Estimates for different amounts and (I your family from futuio want or provide inuispuiuuic, JNOu.i'oiienauic, ivc, ivc. For full particulars, apply to Alexander 101G ly Contractor LUCAS, jjfS$ and Builder, Honolulu Steam Planing Mills,. Espla- nade, Honolulu. Manufactures all kinds of Mouldings, Brackets, Window Frames, Blinds, Sashes, Doors, and all kinds ot Wood- work finish. Turning, Scroll and Band Sawing. All kinds of Sawing and Plan- ing, Morticing and Tenanting. Ordera promptly attended to and work guaranteed. Orders from tho other solicited X. JMCoTTTiyZIJES, Contractor nnd Ituildcr. Stores and offices fitted up, Estimates given on all kinds of brick and wooden buildingx, Plans And Specifications Q3T Office, 110 Beretanin St.; Mutual Telephone, 302; Postotlico Box, 100. 322 ly PLANING HILL. Alnkca, near neeii St. Tclciiliono G5. Office 42 Merchant St, Honolulu. Collector & Real Estate Agent. 18 ly fry Honolulu iron "Works, eEZSsaaSteuni engines, sugar mills, boil- ers, coolers; iron, brass and lead cast- ings; machinery of every description mado to order. Particular attention paid to ship's black smithing. Job work exe- cuted at short notice. 1 Horse Clipping! NEATLY HONE nnd with despatch HAWAIIAN HOTEL STA- BLES. Hand Clippers. 82tf CHR. GERTZ, Importer uud Dealer in UantH', Ladle', &. CJilltlrcirti Boots, Shoes and Slippers. Tho Choicest Brands of Cigars & Tobacco AlwuyM on Ilniul. V$?' Orders from the other Islnnds solicited. 73 tf J. HOPP & CO. 74 Kins Street. Mtuufacturcrs nnd Importers of all kinds of a Furniture & Upholstery Goods FINE BEDDING A SPECIALTY. All kinds of Jobulnn. promptly attended to. CHAIRS TO RENT For Balls or Paities in small or huge 891 quantities. ly. -- XV3E"VT- Merchant Tailoring Establishm't Tlio uiidewigncd having opened a first-clas- s MerchantTailoiing Estab- lishment nt tho Cor. King and Bethel Stroets, (Damon Building) undor the firm nn mo of .Habermacher&Go, Bi'gn I rave to solicit tie patronage of his fiiends nud public generally. BO Om F. HABERMACHER. T HE ONLY LIVE PAPER in llminliiln '!.... Ii..ll. ll..iltl It CO cents per mouth. I. mHTTLI liiiiTillillli alt MilTOffi" irflftfifr 111 1 Assurance Go Annuity for Lifo $1,310 liferent nges cheerfully given. Protect for your own old age. Poltcies Free, J. Cartwright, General Agent, Hawaiian Islandi. FIRE, LIFE, AND MARINE INSURANCE. Hartford Fire Insurance Co. Assets, $5,065,000 Commercial Insurance Co. (Fire and Marine) Assets, $450,000 Anglo-Nevad- a Atsuranco Corporation (Fire and Marine) Capital, paid up, $2,000,000 South British Fire and Marino Ins. So Capital, $10,000,000 Now York Lifo Insurance Co. Assets, $75,000,000 C.O.BERGER HONOLULU. General Agent, Haw'n Islands. 1053 ly CASTLE & COOKE, Life, Fire & Marino Insur'co Agents. AOKNTS FOB Tho Sow Jt'.uslnnd MUTUAL LIFE INS. COMP'Y, of Boston. The iEtna Tire Insurance Co. of Hartford, Conn. Tlio Uuloii Fire and Marine Insurance Co. of Ban Francisco, Cula. 101 ly Prussian National Insurance Comp y KSTAULISIIED 1845, Capital, '.9,000,000 nolchtmarks . rrUIE undersigned, having been op --L pointed agent of tho above Company for tho Hawaiian Islands, Is prepared to accept risks, against Fire, on Buildings Furniture, Merchandise, Produce, Suga Mills etc., on tho most Favorable Tcrrua Lossos Promptly Adjusted and Payablo In Honolulu. II. MEMEtfSCIINEIDErt, 070 ly at Wilder &, Co's. Hustace & Robertson, iirt'fflTilPL DBAYMJJ1N. A LL orders for Cartage promptly aU XX tended to, Purtlculw attention paid to the Storing & Shipping of goods in transit to the other Islands. Also, Black and White Sand in quantities to suit at lowest pricss. Olllce, adjoining E. P. Adams & Co.'s auction room. 032 ly Mutual Telephone No. 10. Tlio Inter-Islan- d Stciim Navigation Co., Limited, Keep constantly on hand for sals Bteam Family and Blackimith Coa and a general assortment of 415- - ' Bar Iron. TAHITI LEMONADE WORKS. HIGH 0LA88 AERATED WATERS. Lemon Soda ami Qlneer Ale of all quality, in traall bottles, as tc tailed by Chinamen at Fivo cents a hot. tie, aro not and will not bo made at this establishment. 17(0 "f3 wj ,59 :4 , ., ..? . ..fi t: JM v. rS".3 i S

Transcript of jr · 2015-05-30 · ics, and a complete resume of Honolulu and Island--News. It is tho best paper...

Page 1: jr · 2015-05-30 · ics, and a complete resume of Honolulu and Island--News. It is tho best paper Dubllshed in tho Kingdom,to send to friendt abroad. Subscription (mailed) S2.50

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s prmtecl null published nt the oiUoo,

Quocn 8troot, Ilonohilu, 11. I., ovory

afternoon (Sundays excepted).

Subscription, BO conts per Month.i

Address nil Ooramunloations DailtBulletin.

Advertisements, tc cn3ure insertion,should bo handed la boforo one o'clockP.M.WALTER HILL Editor and Proprietor

JAS. G. CLEVIOR '. Manaflor

Ballotin Steam Printing Office.

Newspaper, Book anil Job Printing ofall kinds dono on the most favorableterms.Bell Tolcphono No. SGO

Mutual Telephone No. 2D0

Daily Bielii iwmPublished twice a Month.

Au interesting and comprehensivepublication, and contains from 40 to CO

columns of reading matter on local top-

ics, and a complete resume of Honoluluand Island- - News. It is tho best paperDubllshed in tho Kingdom ,to send to

friendt abroad.Subscription (mailed) S2.50 a year.

Commission MetonarLts.

TT Sz Co.,

General Commission Agents.

(17C ly Honolulu



Honolulu. H. I.Queen street, - - -1648

BREWER & COMPANY,e . (Limited)


CoiiitissiON Agents.


P. C. Jokes, Jr. . . .President & ManagerJ. O. Oahteb. . . ..Treasurer & Bccretary

directors:Hon. 0. R. Bisuop. S. C. Aixbn,

H. Watkiiuouse.BUB ly

T. WATERHOUSE,JOHN Importer and Dealer in GeneralMerchandise, Queen it., Honolulu. 1

S. N. Castle.-- J. B. Athcrton-- G. P. CastleSe OOOKE,CASTLH Shipping and Commission

Merchants. Importers and Dealers inGeneral Merchandise, No. 80 King St.,Honolulu. 1

Olaui Spreckeli. Wm. Q. Irwin.IRWIN fc COMPANY,WG.Sugar Factors and Commission

Agents, Honolulu. 1

as CO.,WILDER, Dealers In Lumber, Paints,Oils, Nails, Sal', and Building Materialsof every kind, cor. Fort and Queen st:.,Honolulu. 1

GRINBAUM & CO.,MS. Importers of General Merchandise aiid Commission Merchants,Honolulu, and

124 California street,1 San Franoisco, Cal.

XL Lewors, F. J. Lowrey, 0. M. CooVo.

EWERS Si OOOKE,L (successors to Lewera & Dickson,)Importers and Dealers in Lumber and allkinds ot Building Materials, Fort street,Honolulu 1

G-onsalv- &: Oo.,u

Wholesale Grocers & Wine Merchants289 Beaver Block, Honolulu.

Notice of Removal!

THOMAS LINDSAY,Manufacturing Jeweler & Watchmaker

Has removed to onu of the NewStores in the

TJiomnn Itloclc, Kins Street,Three doon from Castle Ss Cookes',

Where he is prepared to manufactureall iimls of Jewolry. 00

ITirHEWETT,Stationer & Newsdealer,

Merchant Street, - Honolulu, H.Iaiutual Tel. 371. Boll Tel. 302.

Law Books & Lawyers' Stationery aSpoclally.'

Or Jer taken fpr Newspapers, Pjriouicals, Booke, Music, etc., from any purtof the world, having made nil arrange,incuts therefor whilst In San FrancUco.

Ited Bublber Stamps to Order.71

TF YOU FIND ANYTHING,--X advertise It In tho Daily Buu&tim


M. THOMPSON,Attorncy-ttt-l.tt-

Oulco In OiiinpbollM Block, Coi. Fort &Merchant St.-- ., Honolulu, II. 1.


G3T When desired, will plvo the law Inn written opinion, us to the probable re-

sult of the contention upon tho factsstated. liiBSlv


and Notary Public. Ileal Estate in anypart of tho Kingdom bought, Bold nndleased, on. commission. Loans ncgotiated,' Legal Documents Drawn. No. 27Merchant st. (Gazette Block), Honolulu,Hawaiian Islands 100

Brown,Attorncr and Counsellor at Law

Notary Public, nnd Agent for takiug Acknowlcdgmculs of Instruments for theIsland of Oahu. Mcrchaut ttrect, Hono-'ul- u.


J Alfred maqoon,ATTORNEY AT LAW.

173 43 Merchant street. Honolulu, ly

JOHN A. HASSINQER,Agent to tako Acknowledgments

to Contracts for Labor. Interior Ofllco,Honolulu.

DOOTOll WEBB.Ofllco and Residence next door to the

American Minister's on AUkca street,between Hotel and llerctnnia streets.

OIHco Hours from 7 to 0 a.m.; from1 to 3 p. m, und 7 to 8 p m.

Telephone . uiwm


A RITCHIE ROVVAT,Veterinary Surgeon.

Oillcc and Jtcsidcncc : 160 King streetMutual Telephone 351. Orders left atHotel Stables will bo received nndpromptly attended to. 43 3m


Consulting Physician and Surgeon.S. VV. Corner Sixth und Market (treelB,opposite Hawaii Nei Millinery Estab-lishment, San Francisco. 23


NOTARY PUBLICFor the Island.

Office, : : Gov't Building, Honolulu.. 30 if



Manufacturing and Dispensing

Pharmacists,113 & 110 Fort Street, - Honolulu.

Depot for Bocrioko & Sceehlk'a

HOMCEPATHIC MEDICINES,Ssckccker's Perfumes nnd Toilet

Requisites, iSy


Druggists & Tobacconists,WHOLESALE AND RETAIL,

109 Fort Street, William's lllock, ITono-21- 0

Honolulu, II. I.

3R & CO.Sluiiuftictui'liic JoivcllcrH,

3VO. OS JPOItTConstantly on liand u larg.e assortmen

of every deseriptiouof Jewelry, WatchesGold and Sliver Plated Ware. &c.

058 ly


Ship Carpenter & Boat Builder.

Having improved facilities, is preparedlo flit orders at notice.

1831 tf '


CARRBACE CO.Carriages at all hours, day nnd night.

Snddlo Horses, Uuggies, WngonettxM andVillngo Carts Willi stylish and guctlohorses to let.

FOR SALE.A few HorscF, guaranteed. Second

hand Hacks, Open and Top Buggies,Carts and Harness.

PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES.Ring up 'Telephone 32, or apply to


1574 ly

Stcum Works. Bunnv BoutliTolc, Hell 172,Mutunl2l5

Depot. Merchant tilreotTclo, Hell 172, Mutual SCO.

Tallli LeiMe Wilts.The undersigned having purchased

the business of Die Tahiti LemonadeWorks, tho depot lias been removed toNo. 2$ Merchant Street.

All orders for Aerated Waters mnnufacturcd nt t ho above establishment willreceivo prompt iitlniilion.

J. E. MiOWN & Co.P. O. llox 409. 1820

TF YOU LOSEANYTHING,X. advertise it in the Daily Uuiletin.

A & Ki!,

Beaver Sg, Saloon

Tho Boat Lunoh in Town,

Tea and Coffee at 11 Hours

Tho incbtBibLdoi

Cigars & 1 obaccoalways on hand.

II. .1. NOLTE, Proprietor.


AiVaL I3A.1C33UV.F. HORN, Practical Confectioner,

Pastry Cook nnd Uakcr.71 Hotel St. -- JST Telephone 74

W3I. McAKI)IiESS,No. 0 Queen street. Fish Market,

Dealer in choicestllccr, Veal, Glutton. Fish, Ac, Ac

Family nnd Shipping Orders carefullyattended to. Live stock furnished tovessels at &ho.'t notico, and Vegetablesif all kinds supplied to order. 340 ly

Bjjn- - 1


Meat Company81 King Street,

G. J. WALLER, - - Manager.

Wholesale & Retail ButchersAND


D. IcKIZIE k Co.

Commission MerchantsW'itVrsS?f


NavalStorcs&GrocoviesItrlckH, Xiiino & Cement.

Families and Shipj supplied on mostreasonable terms.

B ISLAND OUDERS SOLICITED.Mutual Tele, 2"2. P. O. Box, 479.

No. 20 Fort St., op. O. S. S. Co's Wharf.1800 tf

Polled Angus Stock

rrzWTvl ViiWim


OJR, SALE.Bull Calves from 10 to 13 months old.

Heller Calvos from 10 to 13 months old.


J. I. DOWSETT.Honolulu, June 24, 1887. 70

Continental and Colonial

AGENCY.36RuodeDunkerque,-- . - Paris.

Executes Indents for every descriptionff French, llclgiun,Swis", Oermmi, ami English Goods, ntthe beat Manuucturera' Lowost Prices.

Commission, Two.imd.n.IInlf per cent.All Trade and Cash' Discounts allowedto Clients. Original Invoices forwardedwhen requested.

Remittances, through a London orParis Banker, payable on delivery, ofShipping documents; or, direct to thomiiuiiger.

The Agency Represent, Buys, andSells, for Home unit Coloniul Firms.

Picco'Ooods, Cashmeres, Cambrics,Silks. Velvctb, Lawns, Chintzes,Miislina, Carpets, Cloths,Millinery, Laces, Gloves,Fringes, Parasols, Haberdashery,Gold and Silver Lace,Flannels, FeatherH, Pearls,Boots and Shoe?, Gluts, andOhina.waro, Clocks, Watches,Jewollry, Fancy Goods.Electro-plate- , Musical Instruments,Fans, Ecclesiastical andOptical Goods. Mirrors, Toys.Perfumery, Wines, &c ,

Ollmnu's Stores, Book?, ArtisticFurntturo, Stationery,Chromos, Machinery. &c, &o.

180 ly S

Tahiti Lemonade Works.

C"CUSTOMERS who have on hand nnyJ of our Bottloi or Cases, would

greatly oblige by tending word to thoDepot. 28 Merchant street, and they willat once bo called for.

Our Bottles all crystal valve, nndIbo words "TAHITI LEMONADEWORKS" blown thereon.

Bell Telephone 173.Mutual Telephono 3C0.

45 tf ..'. E. BHOWN & CO.

TF YOU WANT A SERVANT,J. advertise lu the Daily Bulletin,


-- i . y

S3fcilli:s !

Ka "" Mjimp.

billet !gga

DIRECT FEOM PA MSuuil uovv ojon nt tlio

EOPULAR MILLINERY HOUSE,104 Fort Street, Honolulu.

ftf. S. SACHS, - - - Proprietor.

JBlack G-ro- s 3rxaiM. Sillcgi,3BIacLc I2.liacla.Mia illcs,

lliite Sc Cream Jaiiaaama Silks,Cream Tx'ieot; ' Sillcs,

Also, an assortment of

Antrim! Slawls kHandsomely Trimmed with Fringe. Tliess goods aro direct from Paris, and nr

offered at exceedingly low prices.

A. MORGAN,Blacksmith Work, f"M- - Carriage Building,

Painting and lF Trimming.

79 k 81 Kli Street, - - - - Old Rose Premises.Entrances lVom King; nutl aiei-clia.i- it Sts.

Every description of work in the above lines performed in a first-clas- s manner.

Also, Horse Shoeing a Specialty.107-j- 3a (mrh Telephone, 107--a

175. Corner

AYand -- GRAIN

GRAIN.Largest Stocks,

Choicest Quality,Lowest Prices- -

Telephones Edinburgh. & Queen Streets.

J01 ITT, 1 8 Mill Street

(xianite, Iron and Tin Ware !

Chandeliers, Lamps and Lanterns,WATER PIPE and RUBBER HOSE,


GEO. EMELHARDT,(Formerly with Samuel Nott),



Agent Hall's Safe and Lock Company,Beaver Block, - Fort Street.

X3T Store formerly occupied by B, NOTT, opposite Sprockets & Co.'b Bank. -1GQ

ivSt'&tk'Mt.temkv-fr''- .' --





ASSKT8 OVKK .... 380,000,000.

a"HE protection of Life Iusutnncc combined with tho Investment Principles of &Savings Hank. Ezimpleof n Endowment Policy for $10 000 taken

out at tho ago of ""i yeais:Annual Total I'rrinituus Ca h Fund Equivalent Paid m,Premium. Paid in t! I yrn Thin due. Up Policy for Life.

$487 $9,740 $10,110 $43,800Estimates for different amounts and (I

your family from futuio want or provideinuispuiuuic, JNOu.i'oiienauic, ivc, ivc.

For full particulars, apply to

Alexander101G ly


jjfS$and Builder,

Honolulu Steam Planing Mills,. Espla-nade, Honolulu.

Manufactures all kinds of Mouldings,Brackets, Window Frames, Blinds,

Sashes, Doors, and all kinds ot Wood-work finish. Turning, Scroll and BandSawing. All kinds of Sawing and Plan-ing, Morticing and Tenanting.

Ordera promptly attended to and workguaranteed. Orders from tho other


X. JMCoTTTiyZIJES,Contractor nnd Ituildcr.

Stores and offices fitted up, Estimatesgiven on all kinds of brick and woodenbuildingx, Plans And Specifications

Q3T Office, 110 Beretanin St.;Mutual Telephone, 302; Postotlico Box,100. 322 ly

PLANING HILL.Alnkca, near neeii St.

Tclciiliono G5.

Office 42 Merchant St, Honolulu.

Collector & Real Estate Agent.18 ly

fry Honolulu iron "Works,eEZSsaaSteuni engines, sugar mills, boil-ers, coolers; iron, brass and lead cast-ings; machinery of every descriptionmado to order. Particular attention paidto ship's black smithing. Job work exe-cuted at short notice. 1

Horse Clipping!NEATLY HONE nnd with despatch

HAWAIIAN HOTEL STA-BLES. Hand Clippers. 82tf

CHR. GERTZ,Importer uud Dealer in

UantH', Ladle', &. CJilltlrcirti

Boots, Shoes and Slippers.

Tho Choicest Brands of

Cigars & TobaccoAlwuyM on Ilniul.

V$?' Orders from the other Islnndssolicited. 73 tf

J. HOPP & CO.74 Kins Street.

Mtuufacturcrs nnd Importers of allkinds ofa

Furniture & Upholstery Goods

FINE BEDDING A SPECIALTY.All kinds of Jobulnn. promptly attended to.

CHAIRS TO RENTFor Balls or Paities in small or huge

891 quantities. ly.

-- XV3E"VT-

Merchant Tailoring Establishm't

Tlio uiidewigncd having opened a first-clas- s

MerchantTailoiing Estab-lishment nt tho

Cor. King and Bethel Stroets,(Damon Building) undor the firm

n n mo of

.Habermacher&Go,Bi'gn I rave to solicit tie patronage of

his fiiends nud public generally.BO Om F. HABERMACHER.

THE ONLY LIVE PAPER inllminliiln '!.... Ii..ll. ll..iltl It

CO cents per mouth.

I. mHTTLIliiiiTillillli alt MilTOffi" irflftfifr 111 1

Assurance Go

Annuityfor Lifo$1,310

liferent nges cheerfully given. Protectfor your own old age. Poltcies Free,

J. Cartwright,General Agent, Hawaiian Islandi.


MARINEINSURANCE.Hartford Fire Insurance Co.

Assets, $5,065,000

Commercial Insurance Co.

(Fire and Marine)Assets, $450,000

Anglo-Nevad- a Atsuranco Corporation(Fire and Marine)

Capital, paid up, $2,000,000

South British Fire and Marino Ins. So

Capital, $10,000,000

Now York Lifo Insurance Co.

Assets, $75,000,000


General Agent, Haw'n Islands.

1053 ly

CASTLE & COOKE,Life, Fire & Marino Insur'co Agents.


Tho Sow Jt'.uslnndMUTUAL LIFE INS. COMP'Y,

of Boston.

The iEtna Tire Insurance Co.of Hartford, Conn.

Tlio Uuloii Fire andMarine Insurance Co.

of Ban Francisco, Cula.101 ly

Prussian NationalInsurance Comp y


Capital, '.9,000,000 nolchtmarks .

rrUIE undersigned, having been op--L pointed agent of tho above Companyfor tho Hawaiian Islands, Is prepared toaccept risks, against Fire, on BuildingsFurniture, Merchandise, Produce, SugaMills etc., on tho most Favorable Tcrrua

Lossos Promptly Adjusted and Payablo In


070 ly at Wilder &, Co's.

Hustace & Robertson,


DBAYMJJ1N.A LL orders for Cartage promptly aU

XX tended to, Purtlculw attentionpaid to the

Storing & Shippingof goods in transit to the other Islands.

Also, Black and White Sandin quantities to suit at lowest pricss.

Olllce, adjoining E. P. Adams & Co.'sauction room.032 ly Mutual Telephone No. 10.

Tlio Inter-Islan- d StciimNavigation Co., Limited,

Keep constantly on hand for salsBteam Family and Blackimith Coa

and a general assortment of415- -

' Bar Iron.


HIGH 0LA88 AERATED WATERS.Lemon Soda ami Qlneer Ale of all

quality, in traall bottles, as tctailed by Chinamen at Fivo cents a hot.tie, aro not and will not bo made at thisestablishment. 17(0



:4, .,


. ..fit:JM





Page 2: jr · 2015-05-30 · ics, and a complete resume of Honolulu and Island--News. It is tho best paper Dubllshed in tho Kingdom,to send to friendt abroad. Subscription (mailed) S2.50



K '

fflsgyggsssaBBY AUTHORITY.

I'lntuiee .EU'iuu'tmciit.

Honolulu, II. I., Feb. 10, 1888.

Notice is hereby given (o nil em-

ployees of the-- lluwaiitui Goeui-men- t,

nnd to other persona to whommoneys may be duo at tlio HawaiianTreasury ou or before March 31,1888, to present vouchers for settle-

ment on or before Hint (Into; and nilpersons having moneys on accountof tho Government nro requested tomalto their lelurns promptly, inorder that (hcic may bo no delay inclosing tho accounts for tho ii&enl

period ending March SI, 1888.W. L. GREEN.

08 tf Minister of Finance.

BISHOP & Co., BANKERSHonolulu, Hnwuian Islands

Draw EschmiuQ on thoKuiilr oi Oulilbruln, . IT.'

And their ugenta inNEW YORK, BOSTON, HONG KONG.

Messrs. N. M. Hotlisuhild & Son, London

The CnmniBicial lir.uk Co., of Sydney,London.

The Commercial IlanU Co.. of Sydney,Sydney,

The Hank of Now Zealand : Auckland,Christcliurch, and Wellington,

Tho Bank of British Columbia, Vic-toria, B. 0., and Portland, Or.


Transact a Gencrul Banking Business.(10!) ly

ailtt tfUlTtfi'tnPledged to neither Sect nor Patty,Hut established for the benefit of all.

MONDAY, MARCH 12, 1888.



In the Bulletin libel case, inwhich the editor of tliib. paper wassued for libeling an absent China-

men, tiied in the Police Court lastweek, and the accused discharged,the counsel for the prosecution saidsomething to the effect that the"liberty of the pi ess" had some-

times degenerated into "licence,"here in Honolulu, and the magis-

trate was of the same opinion, hold-

ing that such had been the caseespecially of late yeais. The law-

yer and the judge were agreed, andwe agree with them both. Althoughalways, as in duty bound, contend-

ing that the press should be allowedas much freedom as possible, withinproper and reasonable bounds, wewould be the last to justify an un-

reasonable licence which trifles withprivate matters, or calls public menby hard names which are not war-

ranted by clearly proven facts.Wc may here remaik that our ex-

perience in newspaper work, both inthis country and elsewhere, goes toshow that those who arc most vigor-ous in their contention for a labidand abusive press when their ene-

mies, or persons whom they dislike,arc being dealt with, usually go tothe opposite extreme when them-

selves or their friends are involved.For instance, a gentleman walks intoour office for the purpose of givingus a little secret information, andtakes the liberty to dictate to usthat the matter should be exposedin our columns in the most scathingterms. A mild reference wouldnever do. Nothing short of thunder,lightning, and dynamite will satisfythe gentleman's burning desire tosee the proper thing done. Wo in-

timate that our opinion docs notexactly accord with his, when we areaccused of "fear, want of courage,"etc., our friend not being able, ap-

parently, to distinguish between fearand a proper sense of propriety.We then inform tho gentleman thata few minutes before his arrival,a person had left tho office, whosobusiness here was to try to induceus to take up another matter, andto "go for" our present visitor, and"spare hira not." The gentlemanbecomes very excited, springs to hisfeet, brings his first down on thetable, and hastily jetires, swearingthat if a single word is said abouthim in the "scuirilous" sheet, howill bring an action for damages.Ho would intriguo to get his neigh-

bor" crucified," and glory in thosight ; but it is a disgraceful shame

for his neighbor to attempt the same

with regard to him !

While advocating the "liberty"of the press, and deprecating atendency to deteriorate into "li-

cence," wo cannot admit that every-

thing which Toni, Dick, or Harry


denominates "licence," isrcnlly llmlkind of thing. If those three res-

pectable gentlemen wcic allowed tobe tho judges, tho prcs would ioonhave to shut up. They would decidethat the publication of the fact thatpunted posters had been stuckaround the town, containing suchand such statements, is licence; thattho calling of a Chinaman, by mis-

take, one name when his name wassomething else, is licence ; that mak-

ing public tho price of whale oil, is"licence." In fact, every item ofintelligence that a paper could pub-

lish, would be brought under thehead of "licence," and every paperwould be punished for its "looseness.


EuiTon Bui.i.r.rix: During a resi-

dence at these islands for nbouttwenty yeais, 1 have known more orless intimately a larcc number ofpeople of all nationalities, and of allvarieties of religious and politicalopinions, and have come to knowpretty accurately what they thought,what" they professed and also whatthey practised. The fact that 1 aman American, as well as other excellent reasons, has caused mc toknow, and associate freely with, andin many rbspects to admire the classof people, against whom there is somuch tiiadc, known as Americanmissionaries.

It seems to me that this tiradingagainst missionaries is as senselessas it is unjustifiable. While I amnot and never have been a believerin Calvinism, and 1 do not knowthat there arc any y who dobelieve in it, and I have no sym-

pathy with cant or loud-mouth-

professions of piety, oi with loud-mouthed piofessions of any assumedvirtue, I dcsiio to say, that when itcomes to hospitality, to geneiousand unostentatious giving ol moneyor work, whether for public or pri-

vate charities, or for the public st,

or when it comes to sincerityand purity of life, to earnest en-

deavor such as we all admit e, andwhether wc aie willing to avow it ornot, mean and desire for ourselvesand our friends to make our out-

ward and inward lives harmonize andaccord with a woithy ideal I know-n- o

set of people in any communityin which I have lived, who arc, as ageneral rule, more worthy of respectthan are the families of Americanmissionaries.

When the old Puritans left Dclft-Ilave- n,

whither political and religi-ous persecution had driven themfrom their native England, theiraged pastor Robinson advised them,it is said, to disclaim the appellationof "Urownists" which had come tobe a term of reproach. The Puii-tan- s

had their evident faults andshort comings. They were largelysuch as would be likely to he de-

veloped in men of the stern idealmorality and icligious conviction forw hich they had been ready to sacri-fice fiiends, home,pioperty and life,and whicli were intensified by thehardships of New England climateand soil, and by constant contactwith savage foes! But the time haslong since passed, when their highvirtues, their faithlulness to duty asthey regarded it, have failed to se-

cure the homage of men of opposingbeliefs.

Now whether one does or docs notdrink, dance, play cards, attendtheatres, or churches, he does in hisheart believe in living on principle,anil not recklessly, it tlie line isdrawn between reckless and us

methods, and if that isthe demai cation between

and missionaiics, commendmc always to the latter, aud call itcant, hypocrisy or what you will.

The fashion has gone so far, tosneer at this public-spirite- unsel-fish class, known as missionaiics,and to accuse them of mercenary,selfish motives, of driving sharpbargains, aud of cxchisivcness, thatI think it is high time to protest, asI now do, against it.

Instead of deeming it a reproachto be called a "missionary," if allarc meant to be so classified whocither profess or pretend to governthemselves by high ideals, I beg tobe set down as a missionary, and ifone's acts fall short of his hopes inthat behalf, so much the woisc forhim. Ai.i'iti:u S. Hautwt.i.l.


Men speak of tho sacrcdnoss ofliberty. They talk as if tho will ofevery one ought to ho his onlyguide; that allegiance is due onlyto majorities j that allegiance- ofany other kind is liaso and a reliu ofservitude. The Americans are thefreest people in the world ; but intheir freedom they have to ohoy thefundamental laws of the Union.Again and again in the Vcst IndiesMr. Motloy's woids came buck tome. To be taken into tho AmericanUnion is to be adopted into a pait-nershi- p.

To belong as a Crowncolony to tho British Umpire, asthings stand, is no partnership at all.II is to belong to a Power whichsacrifices, as it has always sacri-ficed, the interests of its dependen-cies to its own. The blood runsfreely tlnough every vein and art-ery of the American body corporate.Kvcryfsinglo citizen feels his sharein the life of his nation. GreatIbitain leaves her Crown colonies totake caie of themselves, i of usesv hat they ask, and forces on themwhat tlioy had rather bo without. IfI were a West Indian I should feel

N I.

that under tho slurs rilid blripcs 1

should bo safer than I was at pre-sent from political experimenting.1 should havo a market in which tosell my produce- where I should betreated as a fiicnd; 1 should havoa power behind mc and protectingme. and 1 should have a future towhich I could look forward withconfidence. America would restoremo to hope and life; Great Urilainallows mc to sink, contenting her-

self with advising mc to be patient.Why should 1 continue loyal whenmy loyalty wns so contemptuouslyvnlued? fFiom "The English inthe West Indies," by James An-

thony Froude.


Small-po- x continues to spread.During the first three weeks of theyear !J01 cases were lcportcd and227 deaths occurred. The authoii-tic- s

aie doing all they can to lessentho chances of the epidemic spi end-

ing, and it is hoped that a week ortwo of cold and wet weather mayimprove matters. J. lie AicuicaiCommission has received answcis toits sorics of questions, and find Hintncaily every one they asked attri-buted the outbreak of fever to smelland diams. The commission is en-

gaged inspecting the diains and hascalled witnesses to give further evi-

dence as to the nature and cause oftho fever.


NEorTWO well and coinfoilablyfurnislicl rooms me just now

vacant at No. 8 Union suuut, next BellTower. 88 lw

THE WORKINGMAN'S PAPERX "The D.illy Bulletin." 50 osnts

per month


MON'mitO cliutioLS thoANTONIO Unit hi.s wifo .Maria dosAnjos 31ontciro having unlawfully lefthim to hud a bud life, lie will not beresponsible foi any debts whatever sheHiav contiaci

Honolulu, March 1, lBFS. 88 It




S8 lw

rpHE DAILY BULLETIN isalhcJL evening piper. 150 cut- per month.

Mice of Election.

AT the adjourned annual meeting ofHip llaualun Hell Telephone

Company held March 5, 1888, theoftleers ncio elected lor the en.

tiling yeir:( President,

Godfrey Rrovrn... 1 &I Ticasuicr,

Cecil Biowu Vice President,J F llrovrn Secretary,J. Oassiily Gcneial Supcnl't,J. Yalculine Auditor.Directors J. Campbell, J. F Brown

and W. O. Smith.J. F. BHOWN,

SS2w Secietnry II. li. Tel Co.

THE PEOPLES' PAPER-T- hoJL Daily Bullelin 51 els per month.

TiS TMH SUJPItEME CO&JI&TJL of tho Hawaiian Islands. In thematter of H W. LAINE, against nlioma Petition foi adjudication was filed onthe r.tli dav of March, 1888, in saidcouit. In Banlciuptcy, before Mr. JusticePreston.Tho 8lh day of March, 1888.

Upon reading tho said petition, andupon the mlmksion of said Hespondent,K.W. IjAINE, I do find hat the saidIt. W. I.iVINE haB become a hankiuptwithin tho tine intent and meaning ofilie Act approved on the SOili day ofAugust, 1881, entitled "an Act to regu.Into proceedings) in Bankruptcy in tlioIluw.iiiun Ihlnnib."

Aud I do liireby declare aud adjiulgohim 1) inkrup't accordingly.

And I do further older that the cred-itor of the raid bankrupt come in andprove thoii debts before Mich Justice ofthe Supieme Couit as tliall be inChambers at Aliiolani II tic. Honolulu,on the 14th day of Maicli, 1838, btUcenthe hours of 10 oVlock in iho forenoonanil noon of ihofaid day, and elect onuor more astlgneu or assignees of thes.aul bankrupt's estate.

And ihal notice thereof bo publishedulteinatuly for three ibiys inch in theDaily Gazette and Daily Buxmsiixnewspapers published in Honolulu, inthe English language.

And that thu bankrupt shallimmediately (lo with thoOleik of thisllonoiable Couit a schedule of bis ciedl-tor- i

and insets, as required by ihesaidAct.

KDWATU) PKFSI'ON,Justice of tho .Supieiuo C mrt.

Attest: J. II Kujst,Kecond Clerk. 81 :ii iFt


NOTICE i lieieby ghen that Clionirof tho llrm of Tuck Lung

Oliong Co., doing busliu'BS as carpentersin Honolulu, of which rjiim Koy, TuckBum and Cliong Sale are panner?, hasbold nil liis interest to Chung hum.Chung Linn assuming all liabilities ofsaid Chang bak, ns a partner in saidfirm. 67 lw

Turkish Cigarette's !

In Bond and Duly Paid

AT LOW PRICESTo Clote Consignment.

3MC. JPliillips Ac Co.87 at

I.l.-v- ...-w V ' y T 'v .


All kinds of Brackets, at

G. WEST& cos.A Inrge assortment of Bird Cages, at

G. WEST& CO.'S.Crockery. Glassware and Jelly Glasses, at

(J. WEST & CO.'S.Oil Paintings, Engravings, Allotypes aud New Chromos, at

G.WESTjfc CO.'S.Brackets, Easels, Mirrors and Frames, at

Purses, Ladies' Bags, Dressing Cases, Albums andScrap Books, at

G. WEST & CO.'S.o

Bedroom Furniture Book


WEST & CO.'S.Baby Carriages, Doll Carriages, Boy's Carts and Small

Wheel Barrows,. WMST

Combs, Brushes, Pans and Dolls,

G. WEST& CO.'S.Pianos, Organs, Guitars, Accordeons, Drums, Flutes,

Violins, Banjos, &c, &c,

G. WEST & CO.'S.

Gjiular, Violin, Banjo, Zither and Piano Strings, at"


Picture Frames, Cornices and Mattrasses made to order,

Pianos and all kinds





atWEST & CO.'S.


Musical Instruments TunedRepaired, at

G. WEST & CO.'S.

Canary Birds, warranted Singers, at

G. WEST k CO.5,

s, 105 Fort Street,mli 87




Nos. 33, 45, G2, 03, G7, 73 & 97.

r.. Kclimuuii, 1'roprietor.J2T" Stand Coiner Merchant and Foil

Streets.3-- TcloplionoH, :t;!5. -

inch '.ISlily


We beg t3 notify the public tbat

wc have made arrangements for the

Exclusive Sale of the Celebialcd

Ahuimanu Buffer.

LEWIS & GO.81 lw

Notice of Election,

AT tho annual meeting of the stock-holder- s

of llir. Intcr.Island SteamNavigation Co., held this day, the foblowing named persons were ro electedas ofllccrs for the ensuing year:

T. It. Foster President,W. B. UodfroyJ Kua Secretary,W. II. McLean Treasurer,P.O. Jones Auditor.lloaid of Director? T. It. Foster, Q.

N. Wilcox. W. B. Godfrey mid J. Ena.J. UNA,Secretary.

Honolulu, Match 0, 18:8. trfl flt


um m rpHE house now occupiedFf$k --L by G. Iloulleob, J3()

Bfclffia, Mtualcd on Klnau street. Forparticulars inquire of82 2w G. E. BOAKDMAN.

TO KENT.A COTTAGE on Lillhar ciinot lintu iwm If In if

SSh mid School sheets. Itcnt $12i.er month. Apply to

M. S. GIUNBAUM & CO.,80 tf Queen sti ect.


A GENTLEMAN'S Gold IMng. Theowner ran hiwo tho same by prov.

lug piopcriy mid paying (barges, bycalling at tho Hui.lktik OHlcu. 80 tf

EOU SALE(MHUI AGE Unites in good conill.2 lion, Also, 1 Buggy ami llaino'H.

Price lor tlio whole $210. Kuiiuiro ofJ. BICKNELL,

80 St Kiikui utreul,


Cases, Desks, Meat Safes and

& CO.'S.





Special Cheap Sale!

Bargains in All Depart- -


Prices Gnt in Two!

Prices Cnt i Two !

MI Wool Combination Suits at

Yery Low Rates and the



Leading Millinery House,

87 1m


THE ONLY READABLE PA--JL PER lu lio Kiucuom "lenDuily JJullctlu," 60 cents ptr month.

S&wntawiaiia Rfest

The New and Elegant Fitted Store of M. MclNERNY, corner

of Fort and Merchant Streets,

is now orairWhoro will bo found an Elegant Display oi Goods of such

grades, as this cornor hns been always noted for.

Entire New Lines of Goods selected by Mr. E. A. Mc--Inerny now East. Among my very General

Stock will be found'

Ladies' Misses' & Childrens'

French KM Button Boots and Slippers,

WIlj'Ladii's' 3 iisses' & Childrens'

'( u uLadies' Silk Hose.

Ladies' Silk and MerinoLadies' Misses' & Childrens'

Men's Silk Undershirts &; Drawers,u

Peb. & St. But. Boots,Donjrola Ivid Button Boots,Shoes cfc Slippers, vari. styles,

Undervests,Lisle and Balbriornn Hose,

Perforated Silk Undershirts,Lisle Thread & Balbriggan Undershirts,Saxony Lambs "Wool Undershirts and Drawers,White and Red Shaker Flannel Undershirts and.Drawers,

" Anglo-Tndi- a Gauze & Merino Undershirts.Boy's Undershirts. My usual Fine Assortment of

Men's and Boy's Fine Shoes k SlippersMen's Elegant USTeck "Wear, "Very Choice Line of Sus-

penders, Jouvins "White and Colored Kid Gloves,Gent's Fine Biding and Driving Gloves,

Buck Gauntlets.

7 Style k SMe in Men's Hats & Boy's Straw Hats

Umbrellas, Walking:Gold


Canes in Solid Ileads- -and Silver,


I have the most Complete Assortment in Elegant Fashion-able Styles from the best houses in the United States.

Very Elegant Tweed and Cass Suits,Cheviott Suits

Blaclc Dress Suits,Black Frock Suits.

All My Clothing is Warranted Shrunk, Well-Cu- t, Carefully-Mad-

and "Will Give Very General Satisfaction.Razors and Pocket Knives,

Razor Straps and Brushes,Tooth, !Nail and Hair Brushes,

Flesh Brushes, Back Seratchers,Hand Mirrors, (heavy plate) ,

Glioice Perfnies ant Ota Toilet Articles.

Ladies' and Gents' Solid Sole Leather Trunks,Gents' Solid Sole Leather Valises,

Gents' Fine Leather Traveling Bags & Satchels,Shawl and Trunk Straps,

Traveling Rugs, (very fine) , which every traveler ought topossess.

Tie usual flue stock: of Lulu? Gent's & Boys'


' t&s

Ladies' & Gents' Gold and Silver Chains, Solid Gold andSilver Jewelry, Dimoiids and the famous G0RHAM

STERLING SILVERWARE, warranted 925 Fine.ISTN, B, No Plated Qoodsi Sold in this Establishment,-!- !

Thanking the pubjic generally for the very llbprajpatronage bestowed on this house during the last 25 years,jind soliciting a continuance of the same at the New Prermises. Tho Clerks will be found ready nnd willing to couivteously attend to all ladies and gentlemen visiting thjsestablishment,

M. fUicBNERNY.Honolulu, March 9, 1888. 80 lm







Page 3: jr · 2015-05-30 · ics, and a complete resume of Honolulu and Island--News. It is tho best paper Dubllshed in tho Kingdom,to send to friendt abroad. Subscription (mailed) S2.50


A. &







iWj'IhhIu'"''11'''''''' wiiMiiMirttagJak!?' iw rtwyqig---'px- 3

A Vcw jlloro if yotl unnt n A Vino Who or liook ht the riuo I.lnc ol"

Ladies' Kid Gloves Fine Hat or Necktie, Ladies' & Misses' Shoes, Dress Goods, Tho Arcado-EG- AN & CO.l'or j our

ror st.ou. At The Aroade-EG- AN & CO. Full Dress White Vests.Tho Aroado-EG- AN & CO. Tho Arcado-EG- AN & CO. The Arcado-EG- AN & CO. JjntcHt HI.yIch.

r.r n is

jjgaitg gnfittMONDAY, MARCH 12, 1888. a


Stmr Wntnlcnlc fiom llumnkiniStmr Mlknhnla fiom KauaiStmr Mokolll fiom MoloknlStmr O 11 Bishop from I.aluilnaSehr Kiuilllun from ICausilSclir Manuoknvval from KoulnuSeln Mol Wahlno fiom HainaktiaSehr Knnlkcaoull from Hawaii

Mnr 12

Sehr Llliolllio from KauaiSclu'Wallclo from Kuan

DEPARTURES.Mnr 12-S- tmr

Klnaii for tho Volcano ami waypoi l? at 4 p m

Stmr Llkcliko for Ivaliiilul at fl p inStair Lchua for llaimikua at C a mSehr Walehu for Kuau


Stmr Mikaliala for Kauai at 5 p inStmr W G- - Hull for Hawaii and Maul at

10 a inS S Australia for San Francisco at noonStmr Vr'alalcalo for Knual at ipm


From Kauai, per steamer Miknhnla,Mar 11 J MarkUaiu and wife, P Iscn-bei- g,

.Ir, Mm Gllllland, Mrs It Foun-tain and two clilldien, Hon" 1' 1 Kanoa,Mm 1C Hart, C L Hiitto, :t Chinese andCG deck.


Mol Walilno 2,100 bags sugar.Miuuiokawii 1357 bags sugar and 350

basilcc.Bishop 2,975 bags sugar.Mikahala 2,18, bags biiirr, 50 bags pla

and 12 lijdcs.Kaulkcaouli 2,000 bags sugar."VVaialcale 3,275 bags sugar.


The Mariposa took for San Fianciscola&t night 12,852 bags sugar, 1005 bnchsbananas, and ID boxes leaves. Value,$70,390.31

The Fiemont took Satniday S,137 bgssugar, valued at


Elekle mill has shut down for 9days, for icpairs.

Mu. Fied. Wilhelm is putting up anew store at Waimea, for himself.

These are one or two furnishedrooms vacant at No. 8 Union stieot.

The "Owl" for the month is out,and is on sale at A. M. Hewctt'sbookstoic.

. e

Sam Kahimoku, lately a Lieuten-ant in the Police force, died thismorning.

The Mariposa's mail from heroon Saturday, consisted of 0,07.' let-

ters, and 1318 papers.

A gentleman in Honolulu claimsthat ho felt a shock of earthquake at11 o'clock last Friday night.

Z. Kalai has retired from thePolice Justiceship of North Kohala,and R. H. Atkins takes his place.

The show windows of Mr.new store was a piincipal

place of attaaction on Saturday.. .

Mesbus. G. West & Co., Fort street,havo a long list of articles for sale,specified in their advertisement.

. .m --

The schoonerWaioli, which diiftedover a leef and against Kiwu land-ing, arrived yesterday to be lepaired.

The whaling captains in quaran-tine telephone to Honolulu friendsand say that they tue having a goodtime.

Turkish cigarottes can bo procur-ed very cheap, either in bond or dutypaid, at M. Phillips & Co's, Kaahu-nian- u


A case of smallpox broko out ontho whaler Hunter when sho was '1

days out from San Francisco. Shearrived oir port this morning.

The S. S. Kinau sailed for wind-wa- ul

ports at 4 o'clock this alter-uoo- n,

and will return to Honolulu onFriday morning.

The household of Mr. O. Isenberg,manager of Kekaha plantation,Kauai, was disturbed last week bythe arrival of a now baby boy,

. a .

The whaler Fleetwing with 200barrels of sperm oil, auived hcioyesterday, and will probably enterport and leave nor catcli liere.

. .

Meshrb. King Bios, on Hotelstreet, havo juBt received a largo andvaried assortment of Easter cards,which they aio now ofloring for sale,

A well-know- n young man of Ho-

nolulu is said to have departed bytho Mariposa Saturday night, leav-

ing many creditors to mourn his loss.

Mr. C. Hopkins assumes tho du-

ties of Deputy Maishal in place of F.Pahia, and Mr. 8. F. Graham takesHopkins' place as Marshal's clerk.

Ipi, Clms. Hustaco publishes along list of stapjo groceries whicilie constantly 'keeps in stock, andwhich ho is disposing of at prices tosuit tho times.

It has been suggested, in conso-quenc- o

of disputes, that the quaiuii-tjne- d.

cottage at tho Hotel, (called12Q by sono aqd l,20q by others) bojermod tho Pitmaij houso, as it ynapujH by Bon), ritinan.

Mit. A. M. llowctt, noting on ad-vices fiom his agents in Snn Fian-cisco, has postponed his conlciiiplnlodtiir to tho Coast, until a later date.

lvoi.o.v plantation, Kauai, has hadgang of men for tho past !5 wrcku,

icpniiinc; nnd enhuging liolon wluuf,and nuolhcr gang in building a newsugar vvaiohouse.

A painting of tho Chinatownin Apt 11 of 'SO, by Chas.

Forneaux, viewed from the corner ofKing and Uelhol sheets, is on viuwat King lhos1.

Mn. C. J. Fishel, at the LeadingMillinciy House, coiner of Hotel andFort Bttcets. has a special cheap salonow on, and to last for two weeks.Prices are cut in two.

Justicu Dole is moving into thuroom in Government Building foini-cil- y

occupied by the Governor ofOahu, anil tho Governor is having anollico tilted up back of the SupremoCourt loom.

Qui:i:.v Kapiolaniand the two prin-ces, Mrs. V. S. Wilcox, Mis. Muka-no- i,

1'. Kanoa, Cuitis Iaukea, G.Speckman, Mis. Moiibanat, Mr.Zink, J. McLe.ih and Mr. Cornwellwill take pastagii by tho steamer V.G. Hall moining.

Tin: steamship Mai ipota upon herauivai at byiinoy was only quaiau-tine- d

four days in consequence of thegieat caio taken by Capt. Haywauland the doctor of the ship, to proentthe spiead of Binall pox on board thevessel. Only one passenger had beenalllicted.

eventsTthisevehing.Meeting of tho several companies

of the Honolulu Rifles, at their arm-ory, in fatigue uniform, and Bidearms, at 7.30 o'clock.

Band concert at Emma Square at7.30 o'clock.


A well arranged, and exception-ally well executed programme wasgiven by the Uluc Ribbon League toa large audience, on Saturday eve-

ning last. After the imibic.il poi-tio- u

of the progiamme had beengone through with, the Rev. J. Q.Adams delivered a very able ad-

dress, which was listened to withmarked attention.


The Australia will sail at 12

o'clock noon, the mail closing onehour before.

The Geo. W. De Long Post, at7.30 o'clocli p. 111.

" The Anti-Asiat- ic Union will holdtheir regular general meeting, at7.30 p. in., in thejllell Tower hall.Very interesting questions will besubmitted.


A "pleasant sui prise paity wasgiven to Master Edwin Unit, by theHawaiian Social Club, Saturdaynight, at the place of residence ofMr. Henry Kaia. Dancing startedat 8 o'clock and was kept up until12 o'clock, when all sat down to atempting supper. There was alarge attendance of young peopleand a pleasant time was had by all.Mr. Kaia was master of ceremonies.Master Edwin Halt will depart forSan Fiancisco by the S. S. Austra-lia

i ujl. im.ju.uuGOING

For San Francisco, by the Aus-tralia, next Tuesday, the followingare booked : Mrs. Captain Millard,Mrs. Anna E. Ellis, Miss S. V.Hall, "Win. Oienfrcd and son, JudgeWidcmann, J. II. Ehlers, F. L.Stoltz and wife, II. Smith and son,II. M. Crabbe, and wife, II. G.Crabbo and wife, Mis. Capt. Shock-le- y

and child, Dr. .Noyes, J. M.Sass and wife, Mrs. M. Louisson,J. A. Bartram, L. Uiavcrman andwife, S. F. Alexander and wife,Mrs. Peterson, Miss Nellie M. Low-re- y,

Mrs. W. A. Bowcn and child,R. R. Hind and wife, Alex. Young,wife and ft children, Miss AgnesYoung, Miss Susie Young, RobertYoung, Miss E. A. Wall, W. O.Atwater, Mrs. M. W. Worth andMiss May Alexander.


Old Captain Jim Kculo, alias Cap-

tain Semins, died Saturday morn-ing of old age. Old Jim was !10

years or mute at the time of hisdeath. For 30 years ho wasschooner captain for Mr. J. I. Dow-sot- t,

and while in charge of vesselsno accident ever happened. Oncowhile his mato was bringing in theschooner, and old Jim was snoringin the cabin, the schooner liied ashoit cut and Jump over Diamondhead.

For the past 8 years the veneia- -

ble ciiptaiu has been on a pension,and every day he would hobbleover to Mr. Nollo'9 for his tea orcoffee. Never could Iio he pur-suad- ed

to take white sugar in Idsdriiik.and would havo none other thanHawaiian brown sugar. Tlie cap-fai- n

could not read or wiite, buthad an excellent memory. Whenloading u schooner, he tilways fol-

lowed the nile of the first, last, andthe last, liist. He could tell someinteresting btoiics of curly days and,vas very fond of talking about revo-lutionary times when ho was alcadpr aijiong tjio najivp sehopnercaptains.


Our summary for sending abroadby tho steamship Australia, is nowicady, and may be procured at Mr.Hcwells, the Hawaiian News Agency,or at the olllcc of publication. Itis a good paper for sending to yourfriends.


TIip Royal Hawaiian Hand willplay this evening at Emma Square,commencing at 7 :J)0 o'clock. Fol-fowit- ig

Is the progi amine:PA11T I.

Oveituie Nabueo VcullCavatlna l.ucla Donczct'lGalop nh d'a Beak l'lilnbaek

election I'hatcs of Penzance. fculllvnnKim l.cl, l'nti Ohulti, me U.i 111U1 NTo.

(By lcmicst.)PAP.T n.

llemtiiloccncos of llalfc GodfreyWalt 1001 Xlirhts Sti aussQuadi llle -- Cox and llox.... Coote

Hawaii l'onol.


The Pioneer Steam Candy factorydoes not t,ell (imported) Stale Choco-late Cieams for home-mad- e, but itsown fi esh and superior luticlo madeby F. lloitx, the only Piaclical Con-fectioner in Honolulu, whose Chal-lenge his would-b- e competitor dinenot accept. 82

SORRyIe 1ST GOING.Mr. II. Benckc, of St. Louis, U.

S. A., has been on a visit to theseislands during the last four or liveweeks. He has not spent the wholeof that time in Honolulu or on thisisland, but has been around to otherislands of the group, including thefamous volcano of Kilauca amongthe sights seen. Mi. Benckc isdookcu to stait lor noinc by tilesteamship Austinlia Al-

though this gentleman has been buta few weeks in the country, hehas, by his genial disposition andaffable manner, created a host offriends, who are soiryfor his de-

parture, and will miss him fromtheir social circle. It may beadded that Mr. Beneke representsthe Annlieiiser Busch Brewing Asso-ciation, of St. Louis.


Mr. E. G. Sebum an is propiietorof the carnages and horses whichoccnp' the stand on Merchant street,on the Waikiki side of Fort street,and designated as the HonoluluCarriage Co. The numbers of therespective eariingcs are given in theproprietor's standing caul in theBulletin. A carriage can be hadfrom this stand in any pait of thetown or its suburbs, until 10 o'clockat night, by communicating withtelephone No. 33,1, "Bell" or "Mu-tual." These cairiages arc easyand coinfortablo, the horses strong,well kept, and tractable, and thedrivers steady, polite, and reliable.

THE PARADISE OF THE PACIFIC.Mr. James Williams, manager of

the "Paradise of the Pacific, "' hasreceived a number of letters from theStates and England, congiatulatiiighim upon the pioduction of such aninteresting monthly as the "Paiadiscof tho Pacific." All of the lettersask for several copies of the paperand beg earnestly not to be forgot-ten. A London letter calls forseveral hundreds, saying that thodistribution of them will send moretourists to these Islands than thepeople here can take care of. Mr.Williams would like to issue somethirty or forty thousand copies ofthe paper, but tho support thejournal now leceivcs will not war-rant such expense.

never Tains buTTTpours.Captain Ellis of the Helen Mars

telephoned about town, this morn-ing, for his second male and a boat-steerc- r.

The tug was ready to goout and the ship ready to sail, hutthe oilicer and faleercr could not befound. Captain Ellis, who had justpaid S300 to the Hawaiian Govern-ment for not returning a native Hawaiian shipped on the Helen Marslast year, believe by this time that"it never rains but it pours."


nr.roii i: imu'ston, j.Kstate of Kaac (w), administra-

tion. Kamakuiiui (k)nppoiute(lunder SliOO bond.

liickcrlou J. presides at oluun-bei- s

this week.

BELL TELEPHONE CO.Following arc tho oflleers of iho

Bell Telephone Co. :

Godfi oy BrownPresident and Treasurer

Cecil Brown Vice-1'rcbhle- nt

J. V. Brown .SecretaryJ. Cassidy.. General SuperintendentL. Valentino AuditorDirectors

J. Campbell, J, ' F. Brown, anilW. O. Smith.

Tho sct'lling rqco for '200 a sidebetween Kemp ami Clifford, tookplace on February 11th, on thoParamatta liver, Sydney. The racewas won by Kemp in 23 iniu. 47see., heating Ills antagonist by sixboat lengths. After tlip race wasconcluded, Kemp accepted a chal-lenge from llanlan, to row fpr thecltanipionsliip and, '500, on thoParamatta rjver, on tho 5tU tiny ofMay next,


Holstein Friesian

HAR11Y J. AGNBWIlcgs leave to notify the public that bohas on band at ''Gieeiini'ld.'' KaplolanlPaik, a fine lot of young UnlU andHi'ifeis of the celubiatcd "llolstolnFilpj-lan- " family. Selected from thel)ot heal In America. The Hclfeis willcalve shoitly. The Hull "Waterloo''and Heifer "Santa Anita. " hcie adver-tised,


aie samples of the tock:


Toole Iwt Trlzn at California I'nlr,XHS7.

(Calved May 13, 1BB6.)

liar Tag. No. 11 1, Register No.ll.F.II.n.Vol. 2.

She "Aaggie Idnline Ith's Roland,"11.11. 11. Vol. 8, 3122.

G. She ".Tan," Dlstilct Hull of Oost-wo- ud

Dam Jacob Wit's "Myth," 1I.1I.B.Vol. 8, r,'J0!l, by "Jacob Urn"

G. nam "Tiijntjo," N.II.H. 002."Aaggie IUalinc 4th's Roland" calved

Feb. 1 1, 1881, imported in dam (August,1SSJ) "Aagglu Idallim 1th."

"Aaggie Idaline-lth- " has a milk lecoida a old of !t,CI2 11)3. 8 o. in 7

iiioj. aiid 0 day?, and her dam "AaggieIdaline Hid" gave i7 l- -f lbi. in 1 day asa it year old in Holland, and has giventhe'flrt-- t fcuoii after Impoitation ." lb.12 os. hi 1 day, and 8:U5 lbs. 11 o. in7 11103. and 9 days. "Naatje," the damof "Aaggie Idallna Slid." gave C8 2-- 5

lha. in l dav. "Xantje" is also the damof "Aaggie ldalinn 2nd" (l!'li3), whogao C.l His. hi t d ly, as a 4 year old inHolland, fhe gave the caou after

as a jear old, ("3 lbs. 12 os.in 1 day and 87i(f lbs. 14 os. in 7 mos.and 1" da s. Dam also of "Aaggie lda-lin- e'

(i:i(!2), lecoid of C8 SO lbs. hi 1

d.iv in Holland, and cave tho llrst season after importation 00 lbs. in 1 day.and 0,:((i0lbs. 15 o. hi 0 mos. and 2."i

days."Aaggie Idaline Uul's" sire "Jacob

2nd." h also the she of "Xeptune" and"Aaagie 2nd."

"Roland" won the 1st piie at XewYmk Fair, 1884.

Jacob Wit's "Myth," the dam of"Watoiloo," eahed March 23, 1884, andwas impoitcd in May 1884.

She "Jacob 4th," (X.H.I3. 210) (J.YV's 11.11.15. 2002.)

G. She "Jacob 2nd." (N.II.B. 50).G. G. She "Jacob 1st," (N.H.B. 20).G. G. G. Sire "Booker."Dam "Tiintje." (X.H.B. 002) with

milk record of 08 2-- 5 lbs. in t day."Jacob 2nd'' was winner of Istpilc

at Haarlem, 1S70, and of the 2nd piicatLeydon in 1880. His dam "Tilntje,"(X.U.R. 3"i) lias a lecoid of 80 . in 1

day. He Is nlsq the she of "Aaggie2nd," which has the laigest oldlecoid known, balng given 01 lb. 5os. in I day, 17,740 lbs. 2 os. in one.year, and a butter iccoid on iliy feed of13 lbs. 0 07S. In one week.

G. G.Siie "Jacob 1st." (X.ILH. TO)

winner of 1st pi ie at Amsterdam. Illsdam was "Do Gocde," a pil.ecowatP.uis KxpoMtion, with milk lecoid of01 lbs. So. In I dav,

G. I., G. She "Booker," sire, piiebull at Hooui, 1871. "Bookci" is tho.'ue of "Lady clifden," loeoul of 10,275lbs. in 1 year; of "Aaggio" iccoid 18,-0- 01

lbs. 15 os. in 1 j ear; of "Poicc-laln- ,"

(X.1I.H. 147) lecoid 80 lbs. 1 o..in 1 day. and winner of 1st prle atBotteidam. 187C.


(Calved April 27, 18B6.)

Tmv Tii-r- , Xo. 1C2, ItcL'Istcr Xo. 4021,II.F.H.H.Vol. 2.

She Pii nee Jmiieiial ," (H.II.K. Vol.fl, 1,101.)

U. Sire "Xctlieiland Piiuce," (710.)!.G.Stio"Scheninicl."

G. G. G. Sire "Selueiider."Dam "Lakeside Amy," (H.H.B. Vol.

1), ODIO) imported, by Dl'tilct Hull ofTwlsk.

G. Ham "Mantel."'Pilnce Inipeiial," (1,1G4) was the

winner of 1st prl,e Xow Vmk StateFair, as a old. Also winner ofpi le In 188 1 and 1884,

"Netheilund Pilnco," (T10) winner oftluco 1st piics and one !!ud piicatXew York State Fair.

"Selieimiii'l." sou of "XctlieilandDowager," (11.11.15. Vol. 0, 2,lW). anilshe of Xclheiland Princess," (ll.H.Il.Vol. I, 802); "Xclhml.ind Coiuites.8,"(ll.II.lt. Vol. 0, 2,(iJl); "XelheihmdHollo," (II.H.lt. Vol. (., 1.8(C): and"Xetbnl.ind Dowager 2nd."

"Schi under," she of "XctlieilandQueen," (II.II.1i. Vol. 3, 110: and"Xctlieiland Puclii'M," (ll.II.lt. Vol.(1, 2,l!)a).


Xotlieihimi Queen" at 2 yeais ofago gave 111.571 lbs. 11 os, milk In :i 15

days. I yeais of iifje fjave 15.(111 lbs, 0os. milk In 1 mm i. .I j cais of ago cave8.1 lbs. 4 ).. milk In 1 day, and 10,010llw, 8 oa, milk In 7 mos. 18 days,

"Xotlierland Dowager" at 0 yearsgave 12,7:11 lb i. 2 os. milk hi 1 year.Commencing at 22 mos. old Miu gave12,200 Hi". I o.s. milk tho 1st 3 em.

"Xctlieiland Duchess" ataycaisgavo11,101 lbs. 12 os. milk lu 1 year. At5 yuais gave 10,520 lbs, 7 o.s. uillk In1 year.

"Xetheil.ind Pilncess" at 3 yearsgave-14,10- lbs. 2 os. milk In 1 year.

"Xctlieiland Hello" at l ycamgavc1 1,511 lbs, U o.s. milk hi 8 mos. 17 days,


"Xctlieiland Queen" n November,1882, made 20 lbs,. Ill 1 week aijd 39 lbs,8 o.s. in 2 weeks without any changefiofu her feed i Humility or quality,liuttor'welglied after working and be-

ano salting."Xetheiland Princess" made, bufoie

she vvtisy jeais old, 11 10s. 4 ozs. inweek, and when Mu was 3 year old sheuiiide in 1 week, on w Inter feed, 14 Ibi.lli os.; as a 4 year old she made 111

4 day's teet at the i.ito o( 18 lbs. Ul ozs..of butter hi 1 week.

"XotliiTluiul, lli'lld1' made as apld 10 lbs. 7 os. i 1 week,

"X;ptbcrlaml Duchess" tuado as a fiyear old l h$. 2 043, ii I week,

ltaroncis" made noonuftor hupaitatloii and before blie wasiicvllmated, 17 Ihs, a ms, lit 1 week.

Six menibcis of this family nil boughtf i oin ono biecdcr in Holland, all ho had,a ci aged 1(1 Ho. 7 o. which wobelieve has nocr been equaled by anycntlie family of tho camo number.

"Pilnco ImpcilalV dam "Cailotta,"(H.H.B. Vol. 5, 1,200), as a 4 -- year old,has given 1,611 lbs. 0 ozs. of milk In 1

mo. A" a nr old lias given 70 lbs.3 os. of milk hi 1 day nnd 0.227 lbs 13

os. of milk in 7 mos. 18 days. HisGiand Dam gave CI lbs, of milk hi 1

day."Xetherland Prince's" dam "Lady

Xctlieiland," (ll.tl.lt. Vol. 5. 1,20.1).lias a milk iccoid of 73 3 lbs. hi 1 day.She has given in 5 mos. and 5 days,0,130 lbs. 11 os. of milk. In Fcliiuiuyand March, 1885, she made 21 lb'. 3 oa.of butter in 1 week, and 88 lb. 0 os. In30 consecutive d.iys, and 17 lb. of milkmade 1 lb. of butter. Ills Giaud D.uu"Geit.Met2nd," lias a iccoid of 71 lb.

os. in 1 day. HI' Gicat Giaud Dam"Gwt Mel" was kept 20 years fot bleed-lu- g.

"Lady Xetheilanll" Is dam of"Xetherland Queen" and "Xetherlandl?ilncc," anil won 2nd prize as bestmilch cow of any breed, at Xow YoikState Fair, 1882. ("Aaggie," of thesame herd, winning 1st piie), and wasone of the herd that won the goldmedal.

"Santa Anita's" d.iin "LakerddeAmy," (H.H.II. Vol 0, 0,819), calvedFcbiuary2j, lS'M. Impel ted August,18SI. Her Grand Dam "Mantel" has aiccoid of 01 lb, of milk in 1 day, as a

old; a cow of elegant milk veinsand Hue escutcheon, bied by J. l.aanTwlsk, Xoith Holland.


A few Highly Bred Jersey Com.SO 2w eod


flHAS. J. FISHEL has receivedJ ex Austialla the latest tjlc of

ladles iintiliiuned bats, also a Hue lineof children's legboin hats in diffeicutshapes. Call and tec them. 87 lw

Gt ET SOME Genuine OldfashlonedK Butteueoteh Candy, at the new

Candy Factory I 'Yum 1 Yum!"84

THE DAILY BULLETIN -- Tl.u1 imiKt popular paper puliliohed.

MESSRS. DODD & MILLERrcieived ei AiihU.iliu

lot of 'l,:u PlIILADni.l'linbAUEIt HKi.R" in kef,", which llicyarc odeiing to their customers. 8 lw

T7RESH, HOME-MAD- E WAL-J- Lnut t reams l educed to 30 cents

per whole pound, at the Pioneer SteamCandy Factory and lfakciy, Hotel, be-tween Xuiianu and Fort sti eels. 71

THE BEST PAPER to Mib-dili- e

JL lor Is the Dsily llulletin." 03cui'b per mouth.

T7RESH, HOME-MAD- E CHO-J- Leolatu and Coco-uni- t Caiamels

to 30 cents per whole pound, atthe Pioneer Steam Candy Factoiy andUakeiy, Hotel, between 'Xiuuuu andFort stieets. 71

PURE, FRESH, HOME-MAD- EVanilla Chocolate Cie.un(dc-llclous- )

i educed to JO cents per wholepound, at tho Pionkku Sti:.v CiniiyFiCTOiir Am Bakukv, Hotix, jbi- :-



forma Foil, Aladeita and Malaga,for sale in kcg- and ca-r- s by

GONSALVKb & CO.,CI Queen Uriel.

BOAT BUILDINGRYAN'S Kear ..f Lura-.- ' Mill.6f

9 NICE LARGE FURNISHEDiU rooms, No, 4 Uaideti Ivmc, tbcsecond door fiom Union street. Applyon tin premises. 1 if

CLEAN RAGS ami second handwill he gratefully rcceiv.

cl for the use of lliu iiimatei of ihoIiruueli Homilnl for he pen At Kukuako,or t the Leper fc't tllment on llolokai,if left with J '''. Wftlcrliouse, jr., (ittlioQueen Street Slore. t&f tf

MISS. P. TIIIELE,On Bcrctanla strret near I'iikoi.

(Formerly MGuire's House,)Kindergarten & Elementary,

Dally & Boarding School.

Also, French and German taught, andMualc Lossons given.

A tafo rnnvryrnco will call for nnd re- -turn ehildivn living nt a dlHtnticc.

72 Muliu-- l Teh phono No. 5(14. :1m

jitht iti:ci'.ivi:i AT

SOPER'S Book & News Depot,

GUSKCLL'S (Jiimpomlltim of Social,I'diicatiounl mid Commer-

cial Foiiiis,

Manual of Social and l!ul- -HILL'S FOIIIIH.

CHARLES DICKEN'S Wink completeVole cloth.

SCOTT'S Wuveilycloth.

XowW-eomp- leto In

EDITION-Coop- rr'H SeaHOUSEHOLD Kdltlon, 5 Vols.


TKrillTTAKER'S lmauHc for l8Sj,

rpENHETT'SXuuticalAhnauiio for 1888.

rpHIRD EDITION Ilecd'8 Standard In- -X. fantry Tactics.

HpilE FAVORITE Oveilantl Mall XoteJL I'aper.

j ADIES luiperhil AitMlo Stationary,

and Xote Mu Favoilte lllotterAVilUng Tablets (neat).

LATEST Novelties lu Fnney Pen

HAWAII COO copies Xo. aAloha Oc. "85 lw

63 & 65 FORT STREET.


: 01T





1 OF


83 & 65Irwin Co.58

KING-- o-



Mt Liuen ml Eirolfl Swisses,

Black Mini Si la Prices.


EmtoifleriuS and

:- -



Fort street.Opposite &




Torchoni Laces




Dupee Hams & Bacon, Kits Salmon Bellies, Kits Mackerel, KegsBeef, Kegs Pork, Smoked Halibut, Ettra Select Oysters, Salmon,Cranberry Sauce, Boston Blown Bread, Table Fruits, Germea,

Illicit in & Franco American Feed Co.'s ANMort'U Soup,Bulges Food, Imperial Granuin, Boiled Oats, Breakfast Food,Gem, Graham Wafcis, Oaten Wafers, Snow Flake & CreamCiackcrs, Ginger Wafers, Chocolate Wafers, Pretzels, Prunes,Dales, Nuts, Apples, Fiench Peas. Pop Corn, Garden Seeds,Wheat, Flour, Butter, Ilonoy, Plum Pudding, etc., etc., etc.

And a General Assor't of Staple & Fancy Groceries, at Prices to Suit the Times.

JC Leave your oidcrs, or ring up 110. (Ba





Having not only a six years' but over a half century's prac-tical experience in till and every branch of

the business.o



Of all sizes, always on hand or made to order and orna-mented in the highest artistic style, defying all

other production in Honolulu.fcSHlonolulu: Hotel St. bet. Fort&Nuuanu; both Telephones Ho. 74fSS



HORN,Cook S Ornamentcr


JtSk Hf RUL JikJ. MAflL.IJfS&WLjsd JMLJm mTmrnm M H H

jMade of the celebrated CREAM of the "vVoodhuvn Dairy,sold at the great reduced price of

S2.00! $2.00! $2.00! S2.00! S2.001PER GALLON HONEST MEASURE


0 .

KSrAs some evil disposed persons who aro openly boast-ing of the intention of ruining my business and villanouslyfalsefying my GOODS and ICE OHBAM I will forfeit

100 to any person who will prove by analysis that myICE CKEAM is not strictly pure although sold cheaperthan unywhero else.


F.Practical Confectioner, Pastry

Both Telephones No, 71. Hotel St. bet. Nuuonu & Fort St.70 lm






sri aA&





Page 4: jr · 2015-05-30 · ics, and a complete resume of Honolulu and Island--News. It is tho best paper Dubllshed in tho Kingdom,to send to friendt abroad. Subscription (mailed) S2.50



Just Received at HoSlister & Co.'sA lnrgc assortment of

PERFUMES! PERFUMES!Comprising the wall-know- n brands of







General AjieutsExport Accountants and Collectors, Real Estate, Firo & Lifo Insuranco

Agonts, Custom-Hous- c, Loan and Exchanges Brokors.Departments of Business.

Books and Accounts accurately kept anil propcily niljuotcd.Collotions will receive speclnl attention and returns promptly made.Conveyancing a Specialty, Records searched and correct Abstracts of Title

furnished.Legal Documents and Papers of every description carefully drawn nnd hand.

somely engrossed.Copying and Translating in all languages iu general uic In this Kingdom.Real Estato bought and sold. Tuxes paid and Pioperty safely insured.Houses, Cottages, Rooms, Offices and Land leased and lcnted, and rents collected

Fire and Life Insuranco effected in flrstcltus Insurance Companies.Custom-Hous- a Business transacted with accuracy and dispatch..

Loans negotiated at favorable rates.

Advertisements and Subscriptions solicited for Publishers.Any Article purchased or sold on most favorable terms.Inter-Islan- d Ordors will receive particular attention.

1ST All Business entrusted to our caro will roc civ o prompt and faithful attention atmodcrato charges.

Having had au extensive business experience for oer twenty-liv- e years inNew York City and elsewhere, wo feel competent to attend to nil business of anintricate and complicated nature, or requiring tact and discretion, and respectfullysolicit a trill.

Bill Telephone No. 274. XXn.-vulin- Buhiucss Agency.Ian. ly

Telephone Both Companies I O. Box 297.


FItESU GOODS from California on ICE, by caeli steamer of the O. S. S. Co.. " A COMl'LKTE USE OK


just iieci:ivj:d ex "zealandia"A FINE LOT OF ZEALAND," "KIDNEY" AND "BLUE DERWENT" POTATOES.


A Very Choice Lot of W. Z. " Taranaki Butter,"(IN KEGS.)

All of which we offer to the Public at REASONABLE PRICES.Fresh New Zealand Butter, ON ICE, In 1 Pound Pats I

By each arrival from New Zealand SOMETHING PINE.1850


Groceries, Provisions and Feed,EAST CORNER FORT AND KINO STREETS.

Now Goods received by every Packet from the Eastern States and EuropeFresh Cai forma Produce by every Steamer. All orders faithfully attended to.anil Goods delivered to any part ol the city free of charge. Island orders Foli-cite-

Satisfaction guaranteed. Post Office Box 145. Telephone No. 92. 1C8 ly







Tho Waikiki residence of Mr. Fred HHajseldcn situated at Kapiolani Parkbetween tho residences of Hon. V. G.Irwin, and Mr. Frank Brown, U offeredfor rent, lease, or sale. For terms applyto tho undersigned.92 If FRED II. HAYSELDEN.

J. C. MAItCIIANT,. (Successor to T. G. Thrum)

Book-binde- r, Paper-rule- r & Blank-boo- k


Friend Building, Bethel street, llono-0- 3

lulu. tf


ALL persons who want to cominuniwith tho. Poitueuesc, either

for busiucss, or for procuring workmen,servantB or any other helps, will find iltho most profitable way to luUcrlisoiutho Luto Jlaviaiiano, the new organ oftlio Portuguese colony, which is pub-Halte-

on Merchantstiict, Gaxelle Build,inc. tPost-OJlic- o Letter Box K,), andonly charges reasonable rates-fo- r udvertlacments

THE DAILY BULLETIN has thecirculation of any paper

printed fii llils Kingdom. CO cents nirmiontli.

PRINTING of all kinds oxc,cuted at tlio Daily Bulletin Oillce


At J. J. Williams1)5 tf

For Sale! To Let 1 For Lease!

FOR SALE I Lot of Laud. llfixlOB ft.Healthy Location Uood view, $0G0.

1 Lot of Lund, 155x108 ft. Healthy Lo-

cution, etc., $850.

TO LET 1 Dwelling House, 4 roomsf 15 per month.

1 House with Store, $40 per month.Booms, en suite or single, from $2 to $5

per week.

FOB LEASE 1 Lots, each 50x70 feel,lor building. Good Locution; waterlaid on: terms easy and the right par.ties abSibteil in bulluliig.


FRANK GODFREY,Coiiy'M nnil (ariierul IIiiiiIiichu A (sent

No. 81 Kinj; Street.P O. Box illfi. Hurgiii' Kxpiess Oflicc.


TF YOU WANT A SITUATIONX advertlto in the Daily Bulletin.


Arrivo at Honolulu Irom San Francisco.

Alameda March 15Australia April .T

Mariposa Api il 12Australia May 1Zcalandia , May 10Australia ..May 29Alameda Juno 7Australia Juno 20Mariposa July C

Australia July 24Zcalandia .August 2

Australia August 21Alameda August 30Australia Soptcniboi- - 18Mariposa Soptcmbor 27Australia October 10Zcalandia October 25Australia.-- . November V.I

Alami'da November 22Australia December 11

Lcavo Honolulu lor San Francisco.

Australia MarchZcalandia AprilAustralia AprilAlameda. MayAustralia linyMnriposa JunoAustralia JunoZcalandia JulyAustralia JulyAlameda JulyAustralia JulyMariposa - AugustAustralia AugustZcalandia SeptemberAustralia SeptemberAlameda OctoberAustralia OctoberMariposa '..... NovemberAustralia NovemberZcalandia DecemberAustralia DecemberAlameda . . . .(ISS'J) J unitary


Steamship Comp'y


"AUSTRALIA,"Will have Honolulu for the above

poll on

Tuesday, inarch 13,. A.'V NOON.

For Freight or Passage, apply to

WM. G. IRWIN & CO., Agents.s:i iw

Notice of Election.

AT the annual meeting of the stock-holders of tlio Peoples' Ice &

Co. held this ilay, the follow-ing named persons were elected as olll-cer- s

for tho ensuing year:J. K. Wilder President,W. W.Hall t,

W. E. Foster Secretary,W. E. Wall Treasurer,W. O. Smith Auditor.The above named officers constitute

a Board of Directors.W. E. FOSTEB,

Secretary P. I. & R. Co.Honolulu, March C, 188S. 83 2w

FOIt SALE or TO LEASE.A NICE Cottage on Luna

ltlft ci mnl lAnl.ininii3B.vgqn parlor, dining, 2 bedrooms.

bath, pantry and kitchen. The groundsare large, excellent stables, carriagehouse, hervent room, fheds, etc.

Apply to II. J. AGNEW."Greenfield," Kapiolani Park.

Mutual Telephone. No. 203. 80 lw


received n freshJUST of these interest-ing&L little animals. Purebreed. For snlo withPills at

M. A. GONSALVES & CO.,85 lw 05 & 57 Hotel street.


ON Saturday afternoon, betweenHonolulu and Ewa, a bug con-

taining nvill matter, addressed "O. A.Brown." The tinder will be suitablyicwarded on returning it to Mr. Brown.

62 Iw

Honolulu LibraryAND

Reading Room Association.

Cor. ISoicl & AlaUcu Streets.Open every Day nnd livening.

The Library consists at the presenttime of over Five Thousand Volumes.

The Rending Jtoom Is supplied withabout llfty of the leading newspapersand periodicals.

A Parlor Is provided for conversationnd games.Terms of membership, fifty cents a

Jionth, payable quarterly in advance.No formality required in joining excptsigning tho roll.

Strangers from foreign countries andvisitors from the other islands aro wel-come to tho rooms at all times as guests.

This Association having no regularmeans of support except the dues ofmembers, it is expected that residentsof Honolulu who desiro to avail them-selves of its privileges, and all who feeluu interest iu maintaining an institutionof this kind, will put down their namesand become regular contributors.

A. J. OABTWRIGHT, Pies.,M. M. SCOTT, Vice-Preside- nt,

H. A. PARMELEE, Secretary,A. L.SMITH, Treasurer,C. T. RODGERS, M.D.,

Ohairmau Hall and Library Committee.

THE OLDEST DAILY iu tho"The Daily Bulletin,"

LO cents per month.


Bel fate in Co.

OE SAN franoisco:


Made iu Aiiierli-a- .

Meals Superior to all Others.

GONSALVES & CO.,Solo AscntH or the Hnwnllnn

IslnutlH.78 If

Great Bargains !

it Barei

The business of tho late

GEO. ENGELHARDTWill be conducted by the undersigned

executors of tho will of thedeceived, until the

stock,-- CONSISTING OF- -

Iltird wnrc,GrUlKNYl'dVC,



Kitcliou TJleiiHilM,StoVCH,


XiiimpH, ICtc, IStc.,-- is nisrosKD or--

Everything will be sold at Cost

Prlco I

Thus nfFonling housekeepers andothers a rare opportunity of

or renewing these neces-sary household articles at small ex-pense. They will also sell at publicauction sometime next week dateto be announced in a futuie issueat the late luddcnce of the deceasedon Queen street, near the comer ofAlakca, tho entire contents of the

Fernery and- - Conservatory 1

BSTThcrc is a gardener in dailyand public inspection is cor-

dially invited.


Executors ol" the Will. "

72 tf

Tahiti Lemonade Steam Works,

SUMY SOUTH.Honolulu Depot, - - - 28 Merchant St.

Manufacturers of High Class AeratedWaters, put up in Patent Crystal

Valve Bottles



l'lnin Soda,Giiiser Ale,

Ituspbcvrynilc,Mop Ale,

Tahiti I,eirnmaile,Cream Sotlu,


J. E. BROWN & CO.,08 Proprietors. tf



Every description of



AND- -

SALOON BREADAlways on hand.


Wand orders piomptly attended to.09 Gin


1 Perfectly Gentle (Carriage and Sad.die) Horse, 1 Very Comfortablo

Phaeton and 1 Single Hct Harness.Apply to LEWIS & CO.

70 2w

FOR LEASE Oil BENT.TOK rent or lease tho homo

and lot on tho Plains.facing tho iliiscball Oi omuls,

nnil at present occupied by tho under,signed. For paiticulurs applv toOtl'lm II. BKllGEH.


jtx. at moderate prices.SI Call at.1011 N. P. COLliUBN'S,

rung btreet.Or ring Mutual Telephone No, U87; Beh72 Telephoiio No. 63, Jim

Bell Tel. 172. Mutual Tel. (JGO.

P. O. Hot 409.

J. L BROWN & CO.,Fire Proof Stono Building,

42 Merchant Street.

General Commission Merchants

General Agency for Haw'n Islandsof the

Burlington and Chicago Railway

Across America.Connecting at Boston with tho Azores

and Madeira.Through tickets gt anted from Honolulu

to all points East.

Accountant Department.Merchandise stored nnd sold on com-

mission. Consignments solicited.Shipping and Custom House UuMness

attended to.Books and Accounts kept and nu 'ited.Legal Documents propa-ul- .

Averages adjusted.Propcitles lensed, rented and sold.Legal documents drawn.

Yosemite Skating

KS DR, I TV 3BC ?gaSlutting! Skating! Skating!

Commencing Janunry Gth,

fflrar. May Eraii !

For Lidies and their Escorts.

Every Friday Evening will be keptperfectly.tulect for ladies & gentlemen.

JLJuiitl in Attendance.XTIOaJLA-SJ- l IS. WiVLL,

1G01 Proprietor. lyr

p eraB I CD

o aEH

o o gp.O ui



Mw rs


c ca Bo ap.

oCD a'





DIKING IAKtOKS,(Lincoln Block, Kinpr Street.)

UPSTAIRS Is a select Dining Roomwhere Poultry, if desired, will be servedthree times a day. This room has CleanTablo Linen, Silver Plated Wnre, NewChina, civil and attentive waiters, andtho Tablo is supplied with every deli-cac- y

the Markets nllbrd.

Rates, $6.00 per Week.

DOWNSTAIRS, (lie General Restau-rant, is well supplied with Clean andSubstantial Food ot many vailetios.

Board, $4.50 per Week.

First Class Cooking a Specialty.

40 4m O. All IBKE.


Tho piemiscs at Kalihi Valley adjoin-in- g

lU n siib r.ou of Mr. Markham andknown lib iho Guerrero Homestead. Theyconsist of three distinct lots, viz:

1 Houso lot upon which stands a sub-stantial two-stor- y houso and s.

Area about 1 3-- 4 acres.2 Houso lot ol about 3-- 4 ol an aero.3 House lot and taro land. Area about

2 acres.

For further particulars apply to

J. M. MONSAltBAT,74 Merchant Street. tf



HAS been opened over tho restaurantby ono of the best practical

barbers in the city. Gentlemen wish,ing a nice eay Shave, or a fashionableHair Cut will lind il to their advaulngoto give me a trial. 7fj lm


MESSRS J. E. BROWN & CO.to colli-o- l for the

BulletinHonolulu Juno 6th. 1887. Ti7

t AILY BULLETIN SUMMARYw coiuinus. fa per snuuin.

licit Tel. U4H. atiitnnt Tel. ISO

r.o.iioxus.Ofllco H8 Merchant St., Honolulu

General Business Agency.


Convoynnclng a Specialty Records search-ed and abstracts of title furnished onshort notice.

Copying, Translating, and engrossing In alllanguages in general uso in tho King-dom.

Custom Houso brokcrago File and LifoInsmnnco receive piompt attention.


MR. JOHN GOOD JR. AuthorizedCollector

Skilled and Unskilled Labor Furnished.

REAL ESTATE,bought, sold and rented.

Several valuable properties In andaround ho city now for sale on easyU'liiis

Convenient Collages in do irable healthyJmaUoiit- - m nu i uuar the city to let orletite at luasomihlo rates.

Employment Wanlod by several men andboys, who will mnko themselves use-

ful in performing tho various officesand chores requited by private fami-lies.

Full paiticulars given on applicationat tliengoney.

Orders from the other Islands prompt-ly attended to.

Richard Cayford,VETERINARY

Shoeing- - Forge,Fort HI.. Xoxt linens' Mill.

Shoeing,-fro- $1.50.

Horses and Cattle Treated forall Diseases.

Residence: 31 Alakea Street,3P. o. BOX 408.

MlT.l,rl.o..jg31j; .8KB.

Aistrallai Mail Service.

FOM SAN FKAKCISCO,The new and fine Al steel steamship

"Zealandia,"Of the Oceanic Steameiiip Company, will

bo due at Honolulu from Sydneyand Auckland on or about

April 8, 1888.And will leave for the above port withmalls and passengers on or, about thatdate.

For freight or passage, having SU-


WM. G. IRWIN & CO., Agents.

For Sydney and Auckland,

Tho new and fine Al Btcel steamship

"Alameda,"Of the Oceanic Steamship Company, will

ho due at Honolulu from SanFrancUco on or about

March 15, 1888,And .will havo prompt dUpatch withmnlls and passengers Tor the above porta.

For freight or passage, having SU-PE-

OB ACCOMMODATIONS, applyto37 WM. G. niWIN & CO., Agents.


On ail after Dec. 31. '87



"Tho Daily Bulletin."

All complaints, &o., in futuro,

must bo made direotto tho Manager

of tho Daily Bulletin ; and '

All SubscriptionsDuo up to this day, Deo. 3 1st, 1887

will bo collected by J. E. Brown &

Co., whoso recoipt for tho same wilj

be recognized only.

'Bulletin Office,

Honolulu, Deo. 31, 1887.


New York Line.

An At vessol will bo despatched bythis Lino for Honolulu, to lcavo

Now York lu all May.

For further Information apply to

W. H. GROSSMAN & BH0.,77 & 70 Broad Street,

New Yoi k.-- OH-

CASTLE & COOKE,07 3 m Honolulu.

" BLUCHER."The Fine KentuckyImported Jack

33 3L.TJOJBC3EJJK,"Will stand at tho Enterprise Hnnch for

ii limited number of marcs. "ia aiorDU3KA.TJE-sD- a

Apply to J. A. ngoon, agen(. 42Met chant direct, or lo Silvnno do No-lirlc-

at the linlerpilso Hnnch, headof Wylltc street, Nuuiinu Valley.

6!l lm

By the S. S. "Austtnllii" 8lh February,--AND NOW ON SALK -

California Oranges---prim- o sample, BarrelsSaurkraut. Kegs Saurkraut, Cratos Whllo

Heart Cabbage, Colcry on Ice,Crates Cauliflower,


jvxm?x.:e and 3?jba.:ks :A large consignment of

Potato's, Figs, Canned Fruits, Jellies,Jam?, Prunes, Baislns, Chestnuts, Wal.nuts, Hurdnuts, Almondnutr, CannedTomatoes. Etc., Etc., Etc, Ktc. Etc.


CALIFORNIA FRUIT MARKET,GO Itiiif street, llogiolulu. tf



ALL kinds of diayagc nttended topromptness. "White and

Black Sand delivered in quantified tosuit. Also, Black Keck nnd Coral Rock.

Ofllco: With J. F. Colburn, Kingstrcctv near Maunakea. 72 8m


Book-binde-r, Paper-rule- r & Blank-boo- k


"Whiles to notify tho public that hehas rrmoved to larger quaitcrs,

No. 13 Kaahumanu Street,- UP STA1BS. -- a

81 3m ;


Xf R heg to intimate that Mr. "W. L.Vt Green who has hitherto, with

Mr. G. W. Macfarlane, conducted curagency here, retires fiom the same ason 1st January, 18S8.

Mr. (i. W. Macfarlane, assisted byMr. Hobcit Calton. will continue torepresent our firm here.

MIRRLEE5, "WATrON & CO.Honolulu, 2Urd February. 1888.



MR. John Magr.on is authorized tocollect for our account, and sign

receipts. J. E. BROWN & CO.Inn. 10, 1838. lg3!)


WHALE BOATS; 1 Decked3 Whale Boat, 30 feet long, 3 feetdeep; 8 feet wide; 2 22 feel Suri Boats;1 18 feet Surf Boat; 2 Decked I'lungcr,"10 feet long, G feet G inches wide, 2 feetG. inches deep, with mast and sails allcomplete; 1 22 feet Sailing Scow, withmast and sails all complete. Apply lo.

E. R. RYAN.Boat Builder and General Jobber. 51 tf

Let me have a mildC I G A R

rrtHE ABOVE BEQUEST IS HEARDX da ly in cigar stores, saloons andoilier paces where cigars are sold, forit is an undisputed fact that most smokersprefer a mild cigar and (hat those whoiiuve for n long tune smoked strongcigars, principally imported Manilas,will, after having thoroughly injuredthe stomach and impaired Iho nervoussystem, surely want a mild cigar, if Iheyoo ii Id find the right kind.

How many thousands of smokers whosuffer from loss of appetite, headache,nervous irritability, asthma, etc., andwho have tried all possiblo'rcmCdicswithout success, might he cured it' theyknew that their sufferings were causedby the intemperate uso of stiong cigars,hnd that they should only smoke mildand properly prepared ones.

It is a fact that all mild cigars ngrcowell with smokers, for In most casesthere is a laok of caro in the selection ofthe tobacco, and often tho necessary ex.perlcnco for it is wanting, yet (here isono brand which suits tiiemost fastidioussmoker, and that is


Sampler" Heal Cipr"Which is mndo from mild, aromalio andparticularly telccted and prepared tobacco, and combines all the qualitieswhich may bo expected fiom a healthcigar. It causes no bad cil'ect of anykind, is agreeable to the taste, burnsevenly to tbo end and possesses a Huearoma. No smoker should fail to giro

Engelbreht's "Sampler" CigarsA fair trial, and benefit himself at thesame tune.

For sale Everywhere,89.






