Journal Selection Report - · Journal Selection Report ... This is a SCI indexed journal...

Journal Selecon Report An Award-Winning Organization Committed to Supporting the Research Community across the World

Transcript of Journal Selection Report - · Journal Selection Report ... This is a SCI indexed journal...

Journal Selection Report An Award-Winning Organization Committed to Supporting the Research Community across the World

Message from the Journal Expert

Thank you for choosing Enago to assist you in selecting the most suitable journals for

your paper. We have carefully reviewed your manuscript and have shortlisted five

journals that are best suited to your paper. The selection and order of

recommendation are based on a subjective opinion that takes into account the

specifics of your article and various relevant journal characteristics. On the below

pages, I have provided a comparison of the most relevant journal characteristics that

may aid the submission and publication process, along with my comments to help

you improve your manuscript. I have also provided a summary for each journal.

Please check all the details presented in the summary and visit the webpages of the

journals before making your decision.

Once you select a journal, you may also request our recommended services to help

ensure that your submission meets all guidelines mentioned by the journal of your

choice. Thank you again for choosing Enago to help you!

Delivery Checklist

Items Status

Journal Seletion Report Delivered

Enago | Disclaimer: This report was compiled by our Journal Expert(s) after careful consideration of your manuscript considering several parameters. The author(s) should read the report carefully to choose the target

journal. This report is based on our expert’s assessment of the manuscript and should not be considered as a guarantee

of acceptance in any of the listed journals.


Manuscript Details

Journal Recommendations

The following journals have been shortlisted by our subject-area expert following a

careful evaluation of your manuscript. The selection and order of recommendation

are based on a subjective opinion which takes into account the specifics of your

article and various relevant journal characteristics. Some of these characteristics,

along with other information which may aid the submission and publication process

are listed below.

Most Recommended Journal

Journal Name Land Use Policy; The International Journal Covering All Aspects of

Land Use

Journal Homepage

Reason for this Journal

This is a SCI indexed journal with a medium-low impact factor. With

your given requirement for fast publication, this is best suited with

regard to acceptance, journal quality, and publication frequency.

It is international and interdisciplinary; it is a source used in other

articles that are similar to this one.

Assignment Code ABCDE-1 Word Count 3345

Enago | Disclaimer: This report was compiled by our Journal Expert(s) after careful consideration of your manuscript considering several parameters. The author(s) should read the report carefully to choose the target

journal. This report is based on our expert’s assessment of the manuscript and should not be considered as a guarantee

of acceptance in any of the listed journals.


Journal Details

Journal Quality

Impact Factor = 2.292

Article Influence = 2.1

H-Index = 71

Article is suitable as Original Article

Compatibility of paper with journal


Yes, but some minor changes are required. For example,

the paper should be double spaced. However, the current

one is single spaced. Also the references need to be limited

to 20.

Review type Peer Reviewed

Approximate time for peer review 30 days

Issues published per year 12

Databases where journal is indexed SCImago, Scirus, Scopus, SOCOLAR, Zetoc

Publisher and country Blackwell, USA

Accessibility Hybrid

ISSN code 4560-223563

Enago | Disclaimer: This report was compiled by our Journal Expert(s) after careful consideration of your manuscript considering several parameters. The author(s) should read the report carefully to choose the target

journal. This report is based on our expert’s assessment of the manuscript and should not be considered as a guarantee

of acceptance in any of the listed journals.


Highly Recommended Journal

Journal Name Journal of Land Use Science

Journal Homepage

Reason for this Journal

This journal is highly recommended because It is relevant for the topic of

the article; it has a broad scope. However, although this journal is listed in

CAB Abstracts database, it is not an SCI listed journal.

Journal Details

Journal Quality

Impact Factor = 1.12

Article Influence = 2.0

H-Index = 32

Specific topics covered

The dynamics of change; the integration and feedbacks between land use,

climate, socio-economic, and ecological systems; the resilience,


adaptability and sustainability of land use systems; the linkages of natural

and human systems; relationships between land use and land cover; spatial

and temporal scale issues; accuracy issues; evolving public and private land

and participatory approaches.

Article is suitable as Original Article

Compatibility of paper

with journal guidelines

The word count limit excluding references and abstract for this journal is

3000. Thus, some word count may need to reduce if you opt for this journal.

Review type Peer reviewed

Approximate time for

peer review 60 days

Enago | Disclaimer: This report was compiled by our Journal Expert(s) after careful consideration of your manuscript considering several parameters. The author(s) should read the report carefully to choose the target

journal. This report is based on our expert’s assessment of the manuscript and should not be considered as a guarantee

of acceptance in any of the listed journals.


Issues published per

year 12

Databases where journal

is indexed CAS, Citebase

Publisher and country Wiley Online Library (USA)

Accessibility Subscription-based

ISSN code 5467567-124

Highly Recommended Journal

Journal Name Land Economics

Journal Homepage

Reason for this Journal

This journal’s topics covered math the papers’ topic well. It is published by a

major research university; the journal has a long history (published since

1925); its rankings are good; the scope is

International. However, this is a high impact journal compared to others so

the chances of rejection are higher.

Journal Details

Journal Quality

Impact Factor = 2.292

Article Influence = 2.1

H-Index = 71

Enago | Disclaimer: This report was compiled by our Journal Expert(s) after careful consideration of your manuscript considering several parameters. The author(s) should read the report carefully to choose the target

journal. This report is based on our expert’s assessment of the manuscript and should not be considered as a guarantee

of acceptance in any of the listed journals.


Specific topics covered

International applied research on such topics as transportation, energy, urban

and rural land use, housing, environmental quality, public utilities, and natural


Article is suitable as Original Article

Compatibility of paper

with journal guidelines

Yes, but minor changes are required. For example, a detailed cover page

needs to be prepared which should include the paper title, author names,

author affiliations, running title, no. of words and figures/tables, address for

correspondence and financial disclosures, if any.

Review type Peer Reviewed

Approximate time for

peer review 30-60 days

Issues published per

year 10

Databases where journal

is indexed

Abstracts on Hygiene & Communicable Diseases (CABI)

Academic Search (EBSCO Publishing)

Academic Search Premier (EBSCO Publishing)

Agroforestry Abstracts (CABI)

BIOBASE: Current Awareness in Biological Sciences (Elsevier)

Biological Abstracts (Thomson Reuters)

BIOSIS Previews (Thomson Reuters)

CAB Abstracts® (CABI)


CABDirect (CABI)

CAS: Chemical Abstracts Service (ACS)

Chemical Hazards in Industry (RSC)

CSA Biological Sciences Database (ProQuest)

CSA Environmental Sciences & Pollution Management Database


Current Contents: Clinical Medicine (Thomson Reuters)

Dairy Science Abstracts (CABI)

Embase (Elsevier)

Forest Products Abstracts (CABI)

Forestry Abstracts (CABI)

Global Health (CABI)

Enago | Disclaimer: This report was compiled by our Journal Expert(s) after careful consideration of your manuscript considering several parameters. The author(s) should read the report carefully to choose the target

journal. This report is based on our expert’s assessment of the manuscript and should not be considered as a guarantee

of acceptance in any of the listed journals.


Helminthological Abstracts (CABI)

Horticultural Science Abstracts (CABI)

Immunology Abstracts (ProQuest)

Index Medicus/MEDLINE (NLM)

Index Veterinarius (CABI)


Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition (Thomson Reuters)

Laboratory Hazards Bulletin (RSC)

Leisure Tourism Database (CABI)

Leisure, Recreation & Tourism Abstracts (CABI)


Nutrition Abstracts & Reviews Series A: Human & Experimental (CABI)

Ornamental Horticulture (CABI)

Pig News & Information (CABI)

Postharvest News & Information (CABI)

Protozoological Abstracts (CABI)

PubMed Dietary Supplement Subset (NLM)

Research Alert (Thomson Reuters)

Review of Agricultural Entomology (CABI)

Review of Aromatic & Medicinal Plants (CABI)

Review of Medical & Veterinary Entomology (CABI)

Review of Medical & Veterinary Mycology (CABI)

Review of Plant Pathology (CABI)

Rural Development Abstracts (CABI)

Science Citation Index (Thomson Reuters)

Science Citation Index Expanded (Thomson Reuters)

Soybean Abstracts Online (CABI)

Sugar Industry Abstracts (CABI)

The RECAL Legacy (National Centre for Prosthetics & Orthodontics)

Tropical Diseases Bulletin (CABI)

Veterinary Bulletin (CABI)

Weed Abstracts (CABI)

Wheat, Barley & Triticale Abstracts (CABI) Abstracts on Hygiene &

Communicable Diseases (CABI)

Academic Search (EBSCO Publishing)

Academic Search Premier (EBSCO Publishing)

Agroforestry Abstracts (CABI)

BIOBASE: Current Awareness in Biological Sciences (Elsevier)

Biological Abstracts (Thomson Reuters)

BIOSIS Previews (Thomson Reuters)

CAB Abstracts® (CABI)

Enago | Disclaimer: This report was compiled by our Journal Expert(s) after careful consideration of your manuscript considering several parameters. The author(s) should read the report carefully to choose the target

journal. This report is based on our expert’s assessment of the manuscript and should not be considered as a guarantee

of acceptance in any of the listed journals.



CABDirect (CABI)

CAS: Chemical Abstracts Service (ACS)

Chemical Hazards in Industry (RSC)

CSA Biological Sciences Database (ProQuest)

CSA Environmental Sciences & Pollution Management Database


Current Contents: Clinical Medicine (Thomson Reuters)

Dairy Science Abstracts (CABI)

Embase (Elsevier)

Forest Products Abstracts (CABI)

Forestry Abstracts (CABI)

Global Health (CABI)

Helminthological Abstracts (CABI)

Horticultural Science Abstracts (CABI)

Immunology Abstracts (ProQuest)

Index Medicus/MEDLINE (NLM)

Index Veterinarius (CABI)


Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition (Thomson Reuters)

Laboratory Hazards Bulletin (RSC)

Leisure Tourism Database (CABI)

Leisure, Recreation & Tourism Abstracts (CABI)


Nutrition Abstracts & Reviews Series A: Human & Experimental (CABI)

Ornamental Horticulture (CABI)

Pig News & Information (CABI)

Postharvest News & Information (CABI)

Protozoological Abstracts (CABI)

PubMed Dietary Supplement Subset (NLM)

Research Alert (Thomson Reuters)

Review of Agricultural Entomology (CABI)

Review of Aromatic & Medicinal Plants (CABI)

Review of Medical & Veterinary Entomology (CABI)

Review of Medical & Veterinary Mycology (CABI)

Review of Plant Pathology (CABI)

Rural Development Abstracts (CABI)

Science Citation Index (Thomson Reuters)

Science Citation Index Expanded (Thomson Reuters)

Soybean Abstracts Online (CABI)

Sugar Industry Abstracts (CABI)

Enago | Disclaimer: This report was compiled by our Journal Expert(s) after careful consideration of your manuscript considering several parameters. The author(s) should read the report carefully to choose the target

journal. This report is based on our expert’s assessment of the manuscript and should not be considered as a guarantee

of acceptance in any of the listed journals.


The RECAL Legacy (National Centre for Prosthetics & Orthodontics)

Tropical Diseases Bulletin (CABI)

Veterinary Bulletin (CABI)

Weed Abstracts (CABI)

Wheat, Barley & Triticale Abstracts (CABI)

Publisher and country Elsevier, USA

Accessibility Hybrid

ISSN code 327567-124

Recommended Journal

Journal Name Applied Economics

Journal Homepage

Reason for this Journal

The journal publishes empirical studies in various applied areas; the scope is

broad. However, the publications per year are fewer compared to the other

journals. Also there is a higher chance of rejection as the journal quality is

high vis-à-vis the study is question.

Journal Details

Journal Quality

Impact Factor = 3.52

Article Influence = 2.8

H-Index = 51

Specific topics covered

Application of economic analysis to specific problems in both the public

and private sectors; economics; finance, business & industry;


Enago | Disclaimer: This report was compiled by our Journal Expert(s) after careful consideration of your manuscript considering several parameters. The author(s) should read the report carefully to choose the target

journal. This report is based on our expert’s assessment of the manuscript and should not be considered as a guarantee

of acceptance in any of the listed journals.


Article is suitable as Original Article

Compatibility of paper

with journal guidelines

Yes, as this journal has few formatting requirements that have been

met in the paper.

Review type Peer Review

Approximate time for

peer review 90 days

Issues published per

year 3

Databases where journal

is indexed Science Citation, IndexSCImago

Publisher and country Wiley Blackwell (UK)

Accessibility Open-Access

ISSN code 312367-665

Recommended Journal

Journal Name Asian Survey

Journal Homepage

Enago | Disclaimer: This report was compiled by our Journal Expert(s) after careful consideration of your manuscript considering several parameters. The author(s) should read the report carefully to choose the target

journal. This report is based on our expert’s assessment of the manuscript and should not be considered as a guarantee

of acceptance in any of the listed journals.


Reason for this Journal

This is a eSCI indexed journal with a low impact factor. With your


requirement for fast publication, this is best suited with regard to

acceptance, journal quality, and publication frequency.

It is international and interdisciplinary; it is a source used in other

articles that are similar to this one.

Journal Details

Journal Quality

Impact Factor = 4.64

Article Influence = 3.1

H-Index = 78

Specific topics covered

Ranges from diplomacy, disarmament, missile defense, military, and

modernization, to ethnicity, ethnic violence, economic nationalism,

general elections, and global capitalism; contemporary political, social,

economic, and strategic developments in South, Southeast, and East

Asia; the countries and/or regions ranging from Russia and Japan to

the northeast and east, Sri Lanka and Indonesia to the south and

southeast, and Pakistan to the west. "Contemporary" is defined

narrowly to mean recent, which is incorrect.

Article is suitable as Original Article

Compatibility of paper

with journal guidelines Yes. All requirements are met.

Review type Peer Reiewed

Approximate time for

peer review 90 days

Issues published per

year 6

Databases where journal

is indexed Science Citation Index, Scopus

Enago | Disclaimer: This report was compiled by our Journal Expert(s) after careful consideration of your manuscript considering several parameters. The author(s) should read the report carefully to choose the target

journal. This report is based on our expert’s assessment of the manuscript and should not be considered as a guarantee

of acceptance in any of the listed journals.


Publisher and country Elsevier (USA)

Accessibility Subscription-based

ISSN code 435768-224

Enago | Disclaimer: This report was compiled by our Journal Expert(s) after careful consideration of your manuscript considering several parameters. The author(s) should read the report carefully to choose the target

journal. This report is based on our expert’s assessment of the manuscript and should not be considered as a guarantee

of acceptance in any of the listed journals.


Specific comments of the Journal Expert

Our subject-area expert also offers the following suggestions which may

improve the manuscript and/or expedite publication.

Are various parts of the paper

(abstract, introduction etc.)

suitably written?

Yes, for the most part, the content of the sections is fine. I would

suggest that in the introduction, the author should bring out more

of the point about the negative consequences of land acquisition

(Discussed on p. 7). That is, the author should tie in this point a

little more with concepts and ideas that are laid out in the


Are the motivation for work

and significance of results

clearly explained?

Yes, this is relatively clear in terms of the concepts, but the

expression is very weak. This aspect of the paper requires a lot of

attention. It is difficult to follow the author’s line of thought

because of the lack of clarity at the sentence level: missing

words, misuse/lack of articles, punctuation errors, issues with

verb tense, and grammatical and mechanical errors. The

formatting also could use some work, as it also hinders

understanding. Some of the lists should possibly be bulleted. The

sections and paragraphs could be made smoother, too, with

better transitions and more explanations that tie together the

author’s thoughts. The writing is choppy, in other words, and this

also contributes to the difficulty in understanding the paper.

Is the manuscript stating the

findings appropriately?

The subject matter is intriguing, and the examples and

supporting evidence are illustrative and engaging. Another

observation is that the references seem “thin,” and the paper

could be strengthened in this regard, too—more sources and

more current sources (some of the journals listed in the

References don’t seem to exist any longer, as I could not find any

websites for them online; other sources seem outdated). Also, it’s

not entirely clear what some of these sources actually are. All of

this is to say, the level of scholarship could be raised/improved.

Is the manuscript ready for

publication in its current

state? If no, what do the

authors need to work on?

In its current state, the manuscript is not ready for publication.

The author included limitations of the study at the end, as is the

convention. However, an improved statement can be made in the

introduction, especially regarding the time period being

considered and what the paper can actually provide in terms of

Enago | Disclaimer: This report was compiled by our Journal Expert(s) after careful consideration of your manuscript considering several parameters. The author(s) should read the report carefully to choose the target

journal. This report is based on our expert’s assessment of the manuscript and should not be considered as a guarantee

of acceptance in any of the listed journals.


practical results, i.e., recommendations for action. We suggest

the scope be specified more clearly in the text. The figures are

based on varying time periods; therefore, some clarification

would be helpful. There was no explicitly stated hypothesis, and

this was appropriate for the topic. However, more could be

mentioned about what the results indicate that the Japanese

tourism industry should do to solve its seasonal problems.

Is the length compatible to all

the suggested journals?

Yes, except as stated above.

Are all the findings

appropriately stated and

backed by substantial


Please note that Figure 3 is neither present in the manuscript nor

mentioned in the text. Please check if Figures 4, 5, 6… should be

renamed as Figures 3, 4, 5…. There is much repetition in the

paper, and we have reduced most of it.

Is the research novel to this


This study sheds considerable light to the existing literature;

however, the abovementioned changes are necessary to be


Recommendations for

improving the manuscript

The paper requires Advance Editing to remedy the many

sentence-level errors as well as the lack of cohesiveness. I think

there is much that is good about the paper in terms of the

author’s ideas and the supporting details that are provided. The

subject matter is intriguing, and the examples and supporting

evidence are illustrative and engaging. Another observation is

that the references seem “thin,” and the paper could be

strengthened in this regard, too—more sources and more current

sources (some of the journals listed in the References don’t seem

to exist any longer, as I could not find any websites for them

online; other sources seem outdated). Also, it’s not entirely clear

what some of these sources actually are. All of this is to say, the

level of scholarship could be raised/improved.

Enago | Disclaimer: This report was compiled by our Journal Expert(s) after careful consideration of your manuscript considering several parameters. The author(s) should read the report carefully to choose the target

journal. This report is based on our expert’s assessment of the manuscript and should not be considered as a guarantee

of acceptance in any of the listed journals.


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reflected in our commitment to establishing and maintaining

systems and processes that are compliant with the ISO quality and

IT security management standards.

Our relationship with you does not end here. This is just the


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