Journal Jar

Journal Jar - Min historia i en burk Journals "Preserve your memories - seal them up well. What you forget, you can never retell. But a journal that's kept fresh on the shelf Will help someone through rough times - Maybe even yourself!" Vilka är dina mål och drömmar? Om du skulle beskriva dig själv, hur skulle du då se ut? Vem är din bästa vän? Varför? Vilket är det mest pinsamma minne/upplevelse? När var du mest stolt över dig själv? När var dina föräldrar som mest stolt över dig? Vilken var din favoritlärare i skolan? Varför? Är du nöjd med hur du ser ut? Om inte, vad skulle du vilja ändra på? Vad är den mest konstiga dröm du någonsin haft? Gillade du att gå i skolan? Varför? Vad var ditt bästa ämne i skolan? Vad var ditt sämsta ämne i skolan? Var du involverad i någon speciell grupp i skolan? (ex skolkören, teatergrupp) Vad är det för händelser idag i tidningen? Vad har hänt i världen idag? (Klistra gärna in en notis från en tidning.) Hade du någon favoritsak när du var liten? Varför? Vad är ditt favoritintresse? Vilken är din senast sedda biofilm? Vilken är din favoritbok? Vad har du för dold talang? (som inte många vet om) Vilken är din favoritsång? Hur ser en vanlig dag ut för dig? Vilken är den julklapp som du kommer ihåg mest? Varför? Vem fick du den av? Hur vill du bli ihågkommen den dagen du har gått bort? Vilket är ditt favoritresmål? Varför? Om du fick välja, vart i hela världen skulle du vilja åka? Varför? Vem var din första barn/ungdomskärlek? Hur gammal var du då?

Transcript of Journal Jar

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Journal Jar - Min historia i en burk

Journals"Preserve your memories - seal them up well.

What you forget, you can never retell.But a journal that's kept fresh on the shelfWill help someone through rough times -

Maybe even yourself!"

Vilka är dina mål och drömmar? Om du skulle beskriva dig själv, hur skulle du då se ut? Vem är din bästa vän? Varför? Vilket är det mest pinsamma minne/upplevelse? När var du mest stolt över dig själv? När var dina föräldrar som mest stolt över dig? Vilken var din favoritlärare i skolan? Varför? Är du nöjd med hur du ser ut? Om inte, vad skulle du vilja ändra på? Vad är den mest konstiga dröm du någonsin haft? Gillade du att gå i skolan? Varför? Vad var ditt bästa ämne i skolan? Vad var ditt sämsta ämne i skolan? Var du involverad i någon speciell grupp i skolan? (ex skolkören, teatergrupp) Vad är det för händelser idag i tidningen? Vad har hänt i världen idag? (Klistra gärna in en notis från en tidning.) Hade du någon favoritsak när du var liten? Varför? Vad är ditt favoritintresse? Vilken är din senast sedda biofilm? Vilken är din favoritbok? Vad har du för dold talang? (som inte många vet om) Vilken är din favoritsång? Hur ser en vanlig dag ut för dig? Vilken är den julklapp som du kommer ihåg mest? Varför? Vem fick du den av? Hur vill du bli ihågkommen den dagen du har gått bort? Vilket är ditt favoritresmål? Varför? Om du fick välja, vart i hela världen skulle du vilja åka? Varför? Vem var din första barn/ungdomskärlek? Hur gammal var du då? Har du träffat honom på sistone? Brukar du motionera? Vilken typ av motion och varför? Beskriv varje familjemedlem. Vad är det bästa som du gjort med ditt liv? Har du haft några husdjur? Vilken var din favorit och varför? Vad är ditt fulla förnamn? Är du döpt efter någon speciell person? Skulle du vilja heta något annat? Vilken är din favoritmaträtt? Varför? Vad minns du om dina farföräldrar? Vad hette dem o när var de född? Vad minns du om dina morföräldrar? Vad hette dem o när var de född? Vilken var din bästa semester o varför? Vilken av dina kusiner har du bäst kontakt med?

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Beskriv din favorit aktivitet på sommaren. Beskriv din favorit aktivitet på hösten. Om du skulle bo någon annanstans, vart skulle det vara och varför? Skriv ner 5 saker som du är tacksam over. Vad är det absolut värsta du vet? Vad är det absolut bästa du vet? Vad är det bästa med Sverige? Det sämsta? Skriv något om det bästa år du någonsin haft. Vad vill du föra vidare när det gäller minnet om din pappa? Vad vill du föra vidare när det gäller minnet om din mamma? Vad vill du föra vidare när det gäller minnet om ditt/dina syskon? Hur var det att flytta hemifrån? Var flyttade du? Skriv ner hur det var att ta körkortet och när körde du själv för första gången? Berätta om hur det kändes när du förstod att du väntade barn för första gången. Vad är det värsta maträtt du någonsin tillagat? Skriv ner några tankar/känslor om din första förlossning? Skriv ner några tankar/känslor om din andra förlossning? Vad är det gulligaste ditt/dina barn sagt eller gjort? Hur känns det att vara en förälder? Skriv ner dina känslor. Vad är det snällaste någon har gjort mot dig? Vad är det roligaste du har varit med om? Var gifte du dig? Varför just denna plats/ort? Vem har du varit/är du gift med? Vilken person har haft störst inverkan på ditt liv? Varför? Var det positivt eller negativt? Är det något du är rädd för och varför? Skriv ner fakta om det första ställe som du minns du har bott i/på. Vad är det bästa party/fest/kalas du varit på? Hur kändes det när en nära vän/släkting dog? Vilka är de bästa minnen du har av er tillsammans? Vilken är din favorit komiker och varför? När skrattade du sist så du grät och varför? Vad är det tidigaste minnet du har från dagis/skolan? Vad är det modigaste du någonsin gjort? Varför? Hur ska en bästa vän vara? Hur kändes det när du besökte dina mor- eller farföräldrar? Är det något speciellt du kommer ihåg? Hade du någon favoritsak som du sov med som liten? Brukade du hjälpa till hemma som barn? Vilket/vilken var din syssla som oftast? Vilken är din favorit årstid? Varför? Vilka tidningar brukade du läsa i som ung? Varför? Kommer du ihåg första gången du skulle sova borta? Hur kändes det att komma hem? Brukade du samla på något speciellt som barn? (bokmärken, frimärken, dockor mm mm) Hur tillbringade du somrarna som barn? Vilket råd vill du ge de som är yngre än dig? Beskriv din relation med/till din pappa. Beskriv din relation med/till din mamma. Vad jobbade din pappa med när du var barn? Beskriv någon/några som du bodde granne med i din barn- eller ungdom. Är det något idag som du tycker om att göra som du även tyckte om att göra som barn? Är det någon speciell doft som du minns från din barn- eller ungdomstid?

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Har du träffat någon känd person? När? Var? Hur? Vad är din favorit parfym? Vad är det godaste lukt du vet? (blomma, maträtt, parfym) Hur såg en julafton ut för dig som barn? Beskriv ditt första avlönade jobb. Vart? Kommer du ihåg vilken lön du fick? Vad ville du bli som barn? Vilket instrument skulle du vilja kunna spela? Har du något favorit TV-program? Varför? Är du en ?slösa? eller en ?spara?? Varför? Tycker du om att laga mat? Vilket är ditt favoritrecept? Är det något du ångrar som du inte gjorde när tillfälle gavs? Vad gillar du för typ av humor? Brukar du gå regelbundet i kyrkan? Varför/varför inte? Är du höger- eller vänsterhänt? Använder du glasögon eller linser? Hur länge har du iså fall haft dem? Vilken är din favorit glass? Varför? Rita en bild av huset du bor i. Rita ett självporträtt. Hur brukar du fira påsk? Hur mycket kostar en liter mjölk, en liter bensin, 6 st ägg idag? Vilken är din favorit färg och varför? Vilken är din favorit skådespelare och varför? Vad brukar du skratta åt? Har du någon favorit godis? Varför? Har du någon dålig vana du skulle vilja slippa? Är du en morgonmänniska eller kvällsmänniska? Vad är din favorit maträtt på julbordet och varför? Vilka tre saker skulle du ta med dig till en öde ö? Hur lång är du och hur mycket väger du idag? Beskriv området du bor i. Vilken är din favorit veckodag? Brukar du göra något speciellt denna dag? Har du några speciella minnen från dina barndomsjular? Vad brukade du leka som barn med dina vänner? Den första bil som du kommer ihåg som dina föräldrar hade, hur såg den ut? Modell, färg? Beskriv din bröllopsdag. Tycker du om när det snöar? Varför/varför inte? Hur lång och hur mycket vägde du när du föddes? Vilket BB föddes du på? Vad tycker du om att åka till Bilbesiktningen? Är du en god förlorare eller dålig förlorare? Vilket är ditt favorit intresse? Hur länge har du haft det? Berätta hur dagen som du gick ut skolan var. Regnade det? Var det soligt? Uppvaktning? Fest med klassen? Vilken är din favorit blomma? Vad får dig att skratta? Vad får dig att njuta? (mat, känslor, personer?) Vad skulle du köpa eller göra om du vann 1 miljon kronor? Berätta om huskurer för att bota förkylningar, tandvärk eller liknande du upplevt. Vad tycker du är den mest omvälvande världshändelsen under ditt liv och varför? Beskriv den mest allvarliga sjukdom eller olycka du varit med om. Beskriv en perfekt vårdag.

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Beskriv en perfekt höstdag. Beskriv en perfekt vinterdag. Beskriv en perfekt sommardag. Om du hade ett speciellt gömställe som barn berätta om det.

← What lessons did you take as a child? Did any carry over into adulthood?

← Describe your first job. ← What is the most wonderful thing that ever happened to you? ← What was the worst thing that ever happened to you? ← Did you have a close relationship with any of your grandparents? Tell

about it. ← What were your father's best traits? His worst? What traits do you

share? ← Describe your Sundays as a child. ← Tell about your favorite Aunt or Uncle ← What is your advice for good health? ← How many brothers and sisters do you have? Tell about each of them. ← Tell about a practical joke that was played on you or that you played on

someone else. ← What did you do when you were a child that got you in the most trouble

and how did your parents handle it? ← What are some of the superstitions that you remember growing up

with? ← Describe your parent's courtship and wedding as best you can. ← What is the most important lesson, message, or advice that you have

learned that you might pass on to others? ← What convinced you most in your choice of a spouse? ← Tell something about each of your children, their personalities, their

talents, and the traits that make them each special and unique. ← Write a want ad that describes your spouse. ← Tell about a frustrating experience you have had with a car. ← Did it snow where you lived as a child? What kinds of things did you do

when it snowed? ← Describe a typical day during your high school years. ← What are your favorite colors, flowers, food, activities and hobbies? ← Tell about a special date you had with a girl/boyfriend. ← What things do you enjoy today that you enjoyed doing as a child?

Describe them then and now. ← How did you like being the oldest, youngest or middle child? What were

the advantages and disadvantages? ← Do you have a favorite author - who? why? ← Describe a trip downtown as a youngster. ← Tell about your favorite books as a child, youth, adult. ← What kinds of chores were you responsible for while you were growing

up? Tell about them. ← What board games or card games did you play while growing up? Who

did you play with? ← Did you ever go bowling? Tell about it. ← What were swimming suits like when you were young? ← Tell about an experience with one of your children's teachers. ← Were you ever lost as a child? Tell about it.

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← Did you ever break a bone or have stitches? Tell about it. ← What were you afraid of as a child? Why? Did this fear follow you into

adulthood? ← Tell about a time in your life when you were surprised. Tell about a time

that you surprised someone. ← Tell about sibling rivalry within your family. ← Describe your room as a child. Did you have your own room or have to

share it with a sibling? Tell some experiences. ← Do you remember your family getting a new piece of furniture, a new

car or something similar when you were a child? ← Tell about what you did while visiting your grandparents or aunt and

uncle. ← Did you ever roller skate, ice skate, ski, or something similar? ← Did you share any special interest with your mother or father? ← Did you walk to school or ride a bus? ← Where did you live while growing up? (city, state, country) ← What was one of your favorite treats as a child? ← Did your grandmother make any special desserts or food that you

enjoyed? ← Tell about a time that you helped someone in time of need. ← Tell about a time that someone helped you in time of need. ← Tell about your first car. ← Have you ever picked up a hitchhiker? Or been one? ← Tell about your first serious boy/girlfriend. ← What form of transportation did you have while growing up? ← Tell about a party that you hosted at your house or your parent's house. ← Tell about a disastrous experience. ← Did you ever save money for a big purchase? ← Did you go to college or have vocational training - where or when? ← What do you think about movies - what is your favorite movie and why? ← Who was your best friend while you were growing up? Do you still

associate with them? ← What did your parents do for work while you were growing up? ← What is your favorite book? ← Tell about an experience you had with your friends while growing up. ← Tell about the most trying experience you have ever had. ← Tell about going to a high school dance. ← Describe the places where you hung out with your friends as a

teenager.Tell about a person in school who was mean or snobby.

← Tell about a double date. ← What games did you play in your neighborhood? ← Tell about some of your family traditions - Christmas, birthdays,

Graduation, 4th of July, Halloween, Thanksgiving, hunting, funerals, weddings, Mothers and Fathers Day.

← Do you remember any outstanding family trips or vacations? ← Tell about where you were and what you remember at the time of a

historic event in your lifetime. ← Did you have a bicycle? What was it like? ← Describe a childhood birthday. ← Describe a childhood Christmas. ← Describe a typical school day as a child in elementary school.

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← What education did you receive other than at school? ← What was your favorite place to go with your family when you were

young? ← Tell about retirement. When, where and what will you do (or are you

doing)  with your time? ← Write one sentence that tells "how to live successfully". ← Would you choose differently if you could choose occupations again?

Why? Any advice? ← What was your most embarrassing moment? ← Describe the most serious illness or accident you have had. ← Describe your first home as a young couple. ← Describe your wedding day. ← Did you have a job as a child? (paper route, lawn mowing, babysitting,

etc.) ← What were some of your favorite playground activities? ← What fragrance would you say takes you back in time and what does it

remind you of? ← Where did you go to meet new people when you were in your youth? ← Tell about your temperament as a child - has it changed? ← Did you ever set anything on fire or know someone who did? ← Did you ever get a spanking? Grounded? Tell about what you did and

the punishment. ← Tell about a star gazing experience. ← Have you ever spent any time out of the USA? ← Describe how the ways of doing household chores was different when

you were growing up than it is today. ← Did you ever have a favorite scary story while you were growing up?

What was it about? ← Did you ever have a graveyard or a haunted house experience? ← Did you ever keep a secret about someone? Are you still keeping it

today? Tell about it if you can! ← Tell about going to the County Fair or the amusement park when you

were a child. ← Describe getting a Christmas tree with your family as a child. Tell when

and how it was decorated. ← Tell about "hand-me-downs" you received or gave. ← Tell about the "Tooth Fairy" and other personages you remember. ← Tell about learning a skill from either of your parents, cooking, sewing,

cleaning, fixing things, etc. ← Describe what you think it is like to live with you. ← Describe one of your favorite outfits of all time...a dress, shoes, shirt,

hat. ← How did you feel about school? ← Were you or do you remember anyone in your school class being

punished by a teacher? ← List and tell about at least three good qualities about yourself. ← What do you feel has been the most significant event that has taken

place in your lifetime and how has it affected you? ← Tell something you remember about your relationship with your

grandfather. ← Tell something you remember about your relationship with your


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← Tell about the homes you lived in as a child. Do you remember any of the addresses or telephone numbers? Who lived next door?

← Tell about your involvement with a civic or political group. ← Did you grow up with music in your family? ← Tell about a bully in your neighborhood or at school. ← Name the most romantic song you can remember and tell why. ← Make a list of the things in your junk drawer and tell why you are

keeping them. ← Tell about some of the most exciting experiences with scouting. ← List a few of the simple things in life that make you smile and tell why. ← Name the personality trait you most admire and tell why. Do you know

many people with this trait? ← Do you remember your favorite childhood fantasy? ← Did your mother or grandmother sew, quilt, knit or crochet? Tell about

things made. ← Describe a typical day in your life from what time you get up in the

morning to bedtime. ← Tell about being a grandparent. Name your grandchildren. ← How did you feel when you first became a grandparent? ← Tell about how, when and where you learned to drive a car. Any

accidents or tickets? ← Tell about a special anniversary. ← Did you have a childhood hideout? Where? Describe it. What kinds of

things did you do there? ← Tell about religion practiced in your home. ← Tell of a time that you felt God was there to help you in your struggles. ← Tell about the experience or person you feel was the most influence in

your life. ← Was there a special teacher in your life? (Not necessarily in a school

environment). ← Tell about the changes in society in general you have seen in your

lifetime. ← Tell about the changes in morality you have seen during your lifetime. ← Tell about fashion trends you have seen in your life, what you wore as a

child, teen, and adult. ← Tell about a food that you hated as a you like it now? ← If you could be an animal what would you be and why? ← Write about a "one on one" experience you had with your father. ← Write about a "one on one" experience you had with your mother. ← Tell a story your mother told you from her past. ← Were you ever in a drama or speech class, on a sports team, or in a

club? ← What is one of the most exciting places you have ever visited? What

made it so exciting? ← Tell about a camping or fishing experience. ← Describe a favorite vacation of your married years. ← Tell about home cures or old wives tales, hiccups, toothaches,

earaches, arthritis. ← Where were you and what were you doing the day the wall came down

in Germany or the coup in USSR or Dec. 7th - World War II started or ended - pres. Kennedy

← Describe your wedding dress, bridesmaid dresses, suit etc, if male.

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← Write a description of your husband or wife. ← Describe your mother's wedding dress - what do you know about her

wedding? ← What is your greatest joy, your greatest sorrow? ← What is your favorite book and what do books mean to you. ← Describe your yard as a child - did you help with the yard work? What

are your memories - Draw a diagram if you can. ← Tell about Family Reunions. ← Tell about your teen-age social life - your friends, dances, dating,

outings, church functions etc. - ← What would you like to be remembered for? ← How did your father spend his time supporting his family? ← Tell about your life as the children left home - new interests, what did

you do with the extra time - new employment, moves, hobbies, etc. ← Tell about handed-down talents, foods, clothespin dolls, willow whistles,

pottery, quilting, whittling, meat drying etc. ← What were the favorite places to go with your family when you were

young? ← Tell about any ancestors that you know about - name dates, etc. for

historical purposes and any stories about them. ← Tell about anniversaries, celebrations, trips, and gifts. ← What were your fears, expectations, and anticipations about getting

married? ← What is your mother's best trait? Worst? = the traits you share. ← How do you feel about winning? Losing? ← Tell about your courtship. ← Describe a favorite childhood friend and something you did with her or

him. ← Have you met or worked with famous people? Who - Where- etc. ← How did you become engaged? ← What is your child-rearing philosophy? ← What can frighten you the most and why? ← Describe your conversion to the gospel. ← Do you wish you had more sisters or brothers, and why? ← Where did your Grandparents live? What was their home like? Did it

have a certain smell or look? ← Write your testimony of life - marriage - the gospel. ← Tell about each of your children's names, birth date, where, doctors,

circumstances surrounding the birth - raising them in the home- problems, joys etc.

← What is your advice to those younger than you? ← What is your favorite scripture and why? ← Tell about your first crush. ← What church callings have you had and which did you enjoy the most? ← Do you remember any of your four grandparents? Any greats? What

were their names? Any memories that you have. ← Tell about your mother: personality, characteristics, stature, coloring,

talents, temperament, family stories about her, her role in your home, etc.

← Do you have a favorite General Authority? Who and why? ← What do you fantasize about doing or being? ← What is your personal secret of happiness?

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← Describe a perfect spring day and activities on that day? ← Thinking back was there a teacher who had a great influence on you? ← How did you become engaged? ← Did you have a favorite TV, radio, program as a child? Tell about it. ← Tell about a favorite trip or vacation. ← Write about some places you went with your father. ← Write about some places that you went with your mother. ← Describe a typical day during your Jr. High years. ← What kind of extra-curricular activities did you participate in at school? ← What do you think brings good or bad luck? ← Tell about all the places you have worked. ← What are your food preferences and how did they come about? ← How did your mother spend her time? ← Where you responsible for household chores? What were they? Which

did you enjoy most/ least? ← What are your most deeply and imbedded values?

Write about how you feel about your country or serving your country.Write about something you are grateful for.Write your feelings about the scriptures.Write about how a prayer was answered.Write about what you like to read. What's your favorite book?Write about your favorite kinds of movies to see. What are you favorites?Write about receiving a long awaited letter.Write about your favorite job.Write about your least favorite job.Write about getting your mission call.Write about your M.T.C. experience.Write about your mission president and your companions.Write about some of your favorite mission memories.Write about the best year you ever had.Write about your favorite teacher.Write about your favorite school memories (elementary, jr. high, sr. high, college, etc.)Write about something that drives you batty.Write about a talent you have and how you developed it.Write about a family heirloom and your feelings about receiving it. Write about callings you have served in.Write about your grandparents.Write about your father.Write about your mother.Write about your brothers.Write about your sisters.Write about your best family memories.Write about your favorite part of growing up.Write about your hardest good-bye.Write about leaving the nest and the first time you lived away from home.Write about your best Thanksgiving.Write about your best Christmas.Write about your favorite vacation.Write about a favorite family pet.Write about your first driving experience.

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Write about the best picnic you ever went on.Write about one of your child's best birthdays.Write about the time you found out you were having a child.Write about the best Valentine you ever received.Write about your worst cooking disaster.Write about the birth of your 1st child.Write about the birth of each of your other children.Write about the cutest thing one of your children ever did.Write about your feelings on being a parent.Write about your best birthday and best birthday gift.Write about your first love.Write about your most embarrassing moment.Write about the kindest things anyone ever did for you.Write about the funniest thing that ever happened to you. Write about when you received your testimony.Write about how your husband asked you to marry him or how you asked your wife.Write about the place you chose to marry and why.Write about who was at your wedding and your feelings about those people.Write about what you remember about your wedding day and your feelings.Write about who you married.Write about the first time you told each other, "I love you."Write about your worst blind date.Write about a silly crush.Write about feeling loved and by whom.Write about something or someone in your life who helped to grown and change.Write about having to apologize to someone and patch things up.Write about the schools you have attended and what education you received.Write about what you most daydream about.Write about your favorite food and why it's your favorite.Write about what you afraid of and why.Write about the first place you ever remember living.Write about something or someone your remember fondly.Write about a testimony building experience.Write about the best party you ever went to.Write about your favorite thing to do when you just want to hang out.Write about when your first child left home.Write about forgetting something important you should have remembered and how you felt.Write about the loss of a family pet.Write about a favorite family "remember when".Write about the loss of someone close to you.Write about your best friend.Write about your child's first day of school.Write about buying your first home.Write about your spookiest Halloween and your favorite costumes from the past.Write about your child's first haircut.

Here are some candidates for your journal jar:

1.  What was the worst nightmare/dream you ever had?2.  Who is your favorite comedian, and why?

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3.  Tell about the last time you laughed so hard that it made you cry.4.  Ask your mother or father to tell you of an event in their lives when they wre your age, and

record the story in your journal.5.  What is the earliest memory you have about being in school?6.  Write about the day you were baptised.7.  What do you envision that your life will be like in 5 years?  10 years? 20 years?8.  What is your favorite hymn?  Research it, and find its history.9.  What is the worst trouble you've ever gotten into?10.  Name a book you loved, and tell why?  Share it with someone.11.  What is the bravest thing you've ever done?12.  If you could change your name, what would it be, and why?13.  What is your idea of a perfect friend?14.  What is your ideal mate?15.  Describe the best day you have ever had ( or just a really good day).16.  If you could go back in time and have lunch with someone, who would it be, and why?17.  What is your favorite book?  Describe the book.18.  Write a poem about one thing in the room you are in.  ( it can be about object, a pet, a person, anything).19.  Describe your church.  What it looks like, what order everything is. (ie. Sacrament, Sunday school, YW....)20.  What is your earliest memory?21.  Describe your favorite teacher.22.  If you had to live in a different time, what would it be and why?23.  Describe your best friend.24.  Have your parents write what a day in their life is like, and put that in your [email protected]

Did you special names for your grandparents?Did you have special feelings when going to visit grandparents?Do you have a piece of furniture or family heirloom? What is it?Describe your family home. Was there any special view from it?What was your bedroom like? Did you have to share it? What did you do tomake it your own?Did you have a special object that you slept with? blanket? doll?stuffed animal?  Did it have a name?Can you remember what you daydreamed about as you looked out your window?How did you receive your mail? Can you recall getting anything special orexciting?Did your family eat in the kitchen or the dining room? Did everyone have aspecial place to sit?What kind of appliances did your home have when you were a child?Who delivered to your house? Milkman? Iceman?Was there much music in your house? How did you listen to it?Was there any place in your house that scared you? Basement? Attic? Anyplace where you felt especially cozy?Did your home have a lawn? Flowers? Trees? Vegetables? Did you help care for

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it?What was your favorite season of the year?Did you have a family "library"?  Did your family read often?Which news stories made the greatest impression on you?Did your parents have friends over often? Can you remember what theirparties were like?Which room did the family gather in most often?How did you keep cool in the summertime?What magazines did your parents have around? Did you read them?The first time you went away for more than a few days, what feelings wentthrough you when you came back and caught sight of your house?Who was your best friend in your neighborhood?Did you and your friends play at your homes, in the streets, playgrounds orfields? Did you have a playhouse?Did you collect anything? Bugs, baseball cards, marbles, china figures?How did you go downtown and get back home? Car, trolley, walk, etc.Were you ever in a flood, tornado, snowstorm, earthquake, or other naturaldisaster?Did anyone in your neighborhood have a fancy garden, gazebo, pond or treewhere you liked to play or visit?Did you go to the library?What were your favorite board games?Did you ever go door-to-door trying to sell anything to neighbors?Where did you go swimming?Did you have an imaginary friend when you were growing up?What family customs do you recall which may have had their origins in aforeign land? Describe family traditions that you remember from yourchildhood.How many brothers and sisters do you have? Describe them. Tell a story aboutyou and each of them-Describe a perfect Autumn day.How old were you and your husband when you were married? How old were yourparents when they were married?What do you think about movies? What is your favorite movie?What is your advice to those younger than you?Did you and your father share any interest? Tell about your relationship.Describe a perfect summer day.What do you remember about shopping with your mother? Any particular store?What was your favorite store?What did your father do for a living? (How did he get to work,what time did he go and get home, did he take a lunch, who did he work with,and did he get any special training for his job?What political party comes closest to representing your own point of view?

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How do you feel about politics?Where were you and what were you doing the day President Kennedy was shot.Where were you and what were you doing the day the first man landed on themoon?Tell about the birth of your first child.What special things did you do with your Father?Do you remember any special feelings you had as a child regarding fears,fantasies, etc.?Describe your favorite type of clothing.Between the ages of 5-10 what was your favorite activity?Thinking back, was there a teacher or class that had a great influence onyou?Tell about how, when, and where you learned to drive, and any memorableexperiences while learning.What were your father's best traits? His worst? Ones you share.How did you like being the oldest, youngest, or middle child? Did it haveany particular advantages of disadvantages?Describe a typical school day as a child in elementary~school.Do you recall any special event which took place on your block orin your neighborhood while you were growing up--fires, accidents, etc.What do you feel has been the most significant world event that has takenplace during your lifetime and why?Describe a favorite vacation in your married years.Where did your grandparents live? What was their home like?Tell about any pets you had as a child.Tell about any religion practices in your home. Tell of any faith promotingstories.Tell about any exciting experiences in scouting, camping, or hunting.Were there any events, world or local, that changed your life?What do you remember about yourself as a teenager? What was important toyou? What were your dreams?Tell about your teenage social life. Tell about your friends, dances,movies, dating, outings, and church functions.Tell about your early romances?Did you serve in the military? If so where and when? What do you mostremember about the experience?Tell about some of your neighbors as a child.What things do you enjoy doing today that you also enjoyed as a child?what is a special smell you remember from your childhood?Tell about a special date you had with a boy/girlfriend, your fiancé?Tell about your favorite aunt.Did you wish you had more sisters or brothers? Why?What Is your greatest joy? What is your greatest sorrow?What is the biggest lesson in life you found to be true?What is the most important lesson,message, or advice you've learned thatyou'd like to pass on for others to profit by?What is ONE WORD on how to live successfully.

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Describe a night at grandma's house.Have you met or worked with any famous people? Where, who, when.-Tell about a frustrating experience you've had with your car.Tell a courtship story about your parents, how they met, etc. Then tell thesame about you.Would you choose differently if you could choose your occupation again? Why,how, and any advice?What was your most (really!) embarrassing moment?Describe your mother's wedding dress. What do you know about her wedding?Describe getting a Christmas tree with your family as a child, how was itdecorated, and when did you put it up?Did you go to college or take any special vocational training?Describe a typical day during high school years.Tell about your marriage. When, where, by whom, parties given, receptions,maid of honor, best man, colors, flowers, special music.How did your first meet your in-laws?What convinced you most in your choice of a spouse?What are some of your favorite smells?Describe your cooking skills as a young spouse.How did your mother or father wake you up in the mornings?What are you frightened of?Did you have a bicycle? What was it like?Share a principle you have learned, or one you have taught.What was the first piece of furniture you bought?Describe a perfect spring day.Describe a childhood Christmas.What special things did you do with your mother?How was discipline carried out in your home?What is the most adventuresome thing you've ever done?Were you ever in a drama, speech, sport, pep club, etc?Describe a perfect winter day.Tell about how you came to acquire any family heirlooms.Do you have a favorite author?  Who?  Any favorite books as a child?Tell about your favorite uncle.Do you remember any of your four grandparents?  What were their names and doyou have any memories of them?Describe your wedding dress, bridesmaids dresses, tuxedos.Describe a typical school day during your Junior high years.Describe a "sound" from your childhood.Do you remember a special birthday party you've had, given or been to?Describe your first paying job. What was the salary?How do you feel about winning and losing?How did you become engaged?What did you want to be when you grew up?What did your grandfather do for a living?Describe walking down main street of your hometown.

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What do you think about television?What were your mothers best traits? Her worst? The ones you share.Describe your Sundays.Tell about any conditions surrounding your birth that you are aware of andtell any interesting stories about your beginnings.Tell about your parents philosophy of raising kids, discipline, and rules.Tell about your mother's personality, characteristics, stature, coloring,talents, temperament, family stories about her, her role in your home, etc.Tell about your father, his personality, characteristics, satire, coloring,talents, temperament, family stories about him, his role in your family,etc.Tell about any interesting or important visitors to your home.Tell about a favorite vacation from your childhood.Describe your first home/apartment as a young couple.Describe your first "crush" and what he/she was like.Describe your wedding day.Did you have a close relationship with your grandparents? Explain.What is your principal occupation and what circumstances led to it?How did your mother spend her time?Where did your parents live when they first married? Tell about other placesthey lived an well.What musical instrument do you wish you could play?What was your favorite Saturday activity as a child?Do you have a favorite brother or sister?  What makes them special?If you could be a tree, what kind of tree would you be?Tell about each of your children, names, etc. Characteristics anddifferences, problems, joys, sorrows, accomplishments, etc.

What is your child rearing philosophy?Tell about your many, names, how you feel about being agrandparent.Tell about your life as the children left home. New interest, what you didwith the extra time, new employment, moves, hobbies etc.What is your secret for good health?What are your food preferences? How did they come about?

Tell about any civic or political activities you are involved in.What do you think brings good or bad luck?Tell about home cures, or old wives tales such as hiccups, warts,toothaches, colds etc.Handed down talents: Foods, clothes pin dolls, willow whistles, pottery,quilting, meat drying, etc.

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Tell about any ancestors you know about, dates, names, etc. for historicalpurposes, and any stories about them.Tell about the changes you've seen during your lifetime; society in general,technology, fashions, fads, morality, politics, etc.Tell about your philosophy for handling money.What are your most precious and deeply imbedded values?What personality trait do you admire the most about yourself.If you had your life to live over again, what would you change?Did or do you look forward to retirement? Tell about it.Do you feel that you had a career, or just a job?What was the best part of being a parent? The worst?Do you like to cook? What is your favorite recipe?Do you doodle? What figures tend to come up? Boxes? Circles? Faces?What is the first thing you turn to in the newspaper?Have you ever taken your grandchildren on a trip with you? One at a time, orin a group? Did you have fun?What was the hardest thing that you ever had to do?What big things do you regret? Was there a turn in the road you think youshould have taken?What was your biggest challenge?  How did it turn out for you?What's the biggest bargain you ever bought? What did you spend way too muchon? What was your most foolish purchase?How would you like to be remembered by your children? Grandchildren?How is your sense of humor? Do you like to tell funny stories? Do you liketo play practical jokes. Have you had one played on you?Did you serve a mission for your church? Tell about it.Do you speak any foreign languages?What have been the names of your pets?Did your family take vacations? Did you go to the same place or did youtravel?Do you remember any special stories your grandparents told you?Did your grandparents live nearby? Did the house have any special cookingsmells? How big was the kitchen?Did your family pass down any superstitions?Did anyone in your family do handiwork? Needlework? Woodwork etc?Describe how your family dressed. Any special clothing?Did your mother wear a special perfume you remember?Did your father wear cologne or after-shave?What was it like when you took your spouse to meet your family?Did the Great Depression affect your family?How was your name chosen? Are you named after anyone?Do you remember any special Aunts and Uncles?Are you right-handed or left-handed?Did you have any major illnesses as a child?

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Did you have your tonsils out before going to school?Do you wear glasses? Have you always worn glasses?What is my favorite food?  Why? What food will I never eat?  Why?What food would I like to try?  Why?What is your favorite ice cream?  Why?What is your least favorite ice cream?  Why?Describe your perfect day.Who is president of the United States?  What do you know about them?Who is governor of the state?  What do you know about them?Who is mayor of the city?  What do you know about them?What are your New Year’s Eve traditions?How do you celebrate Easter?What does Christ’s sacrifice mean to you?What is your favorite Primary song?What is your favorite hymn?What is your favorite YW value?What is the hardest YW value to work on?What does 1 dozen eggs currently cost?  A loaf of bread?  A gallon of milk?A gallon of gas?What is the most popular  music group and song today?What is the most popular movie?If you could buy your own car, what would it by and why?  What color?How many children to you wish to have after you marry?  Boys or girls orboth?Which temple would you like to be sealed in and why?What colors would you choose for your wedding reception?What refreshments would you choose for your reception?What foreign language would you like to learn?What is your favorite tv program?  Why?If you could go back in time, what time period would you choose and why?Would you have been a good pioneer?  Why or why not?If you have lived when Joseph Smith did, would you have believed histestimony of seeing God, the Father and been willing to read the Book ofMormon?

What is the nicest thing your mom has ever done for you?What is the nicest thing your dad has ever done for you?What is the meanest thing that has ever happened to you?What is a good age to get married and why?Who was your favorite Primary teacher and why?Who was your favorite elementary teacher and why?What was the hardest topic you have ever had to speak about?What was the easiest topic you have ever had to speak about?Who is your favorite athlete and why?Do you have a favorite professional sports team?  Who?If you could choose any profession, what would it be and why?What profession do you hope your future husband will work  in?  Why?Describe the school you attend.Describe your dream date.

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Describe your dream home.What is your least favorite tv program and why?Who is your favorite actor?  Why?Who is your favorite actress?  Why?Who do you look like your mom or dad?Who do you act more like your mom or dad? What is something that always brings a smile to your face?What is something that always makes you feel sad?Do you have any traditions for the 4th of July?  What?What is your dream vacation?Where do you hope to attend college and why?If you could be any animal what would you choose and why?If you were old, what would you want your family to remember  most aboutyou?What is the best thing your parents have ever said to you?What do your parents say to you that drives you crazy?What was your first job?  How did you feel about it?  How much did you getpaid?Tell about your first experience in mowing the lawn.Tell about your first day of school and any classmates you remember.  Whowas your teacher?Tell about your blessing day from your parents memories.Tell about your best Halloween costume ever.  Describe it in detail.Who is your favorite Book of Mormon character?  Why?Who is your favorite Old Testament character?  Why?Who is your favorite New Testament character?  Why?What is your favorite article of faith?  Why?Do you have an favorite item of clothing?  Why do you like it?Describe something you will never wear in public.What is your favorite flavor of gum to chew?What is your favorite candy bar?What is one bad habit you would like to get rid of?  Why?What is one habit you would like to develop?  Why?What is your best memory from Girls’ Camp?Describe the best fireside you have ever been to.Do you have a favorite item that belongs to your grandparents that youwould like to have someday?  What?What is the longest period of time you have gone without sleep?  How didyou feel?  Why did you loose sleep?What is the earliest you have ever had to get up in the morning?  Why?What is the latest you have ever gone to bed?  Why?What is your favorite board game?  Why?What is your least favorite board game?  Why?How much does it cost to go to a movie at the theater in 1999?  How much ispopcorn, drinks, and candy?How much does a new pair of levis cost  in 1999?How much does a pair of shoes cost in 1999?What would be your ideal family pet?  Why?What is your favorite food at Christmas time and why?

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What is your favorite summertime food and why?What is your favorite type of cookie and why?What is the best invention so far?What would you invent that would help you right now?How would you try to bring about world peace?How many minutes to do spend on the phone in one day?How different  would your life be if you did not have the truth andknowledge of the gospel?What was the best surprise you ever received?What is the best birthday party you have ever had or attended?If you were on a deserted island what 5 things would you want to have withyou and why?If you were to go to the moon what 3 things would you take with you?Who is your favorite Olympian athlete?  Why?Describe a typical Saturday for you and your family.What is your most memorable family home evening?What would you like to do as a family?What is your favorite Christmas song?What is your favorite type of pie?When did you get your first bike?When did you get your first set of scriptures?Who baptized you?  Who came to the baptism?  Did other children getbaptized that day?How much does a cassette tape cost in 1999?  a CD?What is your favorite household chore to do?What is your least favorite household chore to do?If you could star in any movie which would it be and why?Who would you choose for a leading man if you were the actress?Who is your favorite cartoon character?What is your favorite holiday?What would be the ideal gift to receive for your 18th birthday?What is your birthstone and what color is it?What day of the week were you born and what time of day?How much did you weigh when you were born and how long were you?Who is your favorite US president so far?If you can decorate you room in any color and style what would you chooseand why?What does the value “FAITH” mean to you?What does the value “DIVINE NATURE” mean to you?What does the value “INDIVIDUAL WORTH” mean to you?What does the value “KNOWLEDGE” mean to you?What does the value “CHOICE AND ACCOUNTABILITY” mean to you?What does the value “GOOD WORKS” mean to you?What does the value “INTEGRITY” mean to you?Who is your favorite latter-day prophet and why?What is your favorite color of Christmas lights?What is your shoe size?How tall are you?How much do you weigh?How long is your hair?

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What size clothes do you wear?Describe the street you live on.What is something you are really proud of yourself for?What is something that you have never done but would like to?What is something that few people know about you?Do you have a middle name?  If so, who were you named after or what does itrepresent?  If no middle name, what would you choose as a middle name orare you glad you don’t have one and why?

Name three generations of family members on your mother’s side, startingwith yourself and any additional information.Name three generations of family members on your father’s side startingwith yourself and any additional information.What items would you furnish your living room with when you have your ownhome?What items would you furnish your bedroom with when you have your own home?What type of yard would you like when you have your own home?Would you choose to live in the city, country, or small town when you growup and move away from home and why?Will you raise your children the same way you have been raised?  What wouldyou do different?If you could be a vegetable which would you choose and why?If you could be a fruit which would you be and why?If you could travel to another planet which would you choose and why?When Christ comes again will you recognize him?  How?What is a typical Sunday in your home?What is your favorite day of the week and why? ~Rhonda