José Valim - Remarkable 3.0 - KRUG - 07apr2009

José Valim 2009 José Valim [email protected] How do I test my applications?


My presentation about Remarkable 3.0, discussing also about tests in general.

Transcript of José Valim - Remarkable 3.0 - KRUG - 07apr2009

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José Valim 2009

José Valim

http://[email protected]

How do I test my applications?

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José Valim 2009

Who am I?

• Brazilian, 22-years-old, Master of Science in Engineering, Italy;

• Started with Ruby and Rails 2 years ago;

• Gems/plugin developer (Remarkable, Inherited Resources, Rails footnotes, Simple form and counting);

• Rails core contributor (11 patches and counting).

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José Valim 2009

How do I test my applications?

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José Valim 2009

You should ask it everyday during


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José Valim 2009

Or at least before each project.

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José Valim 2009

You might also want to know why do you test.

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José Valim 2009

Or even why you should not test.

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José Valim 2009

What I already heard…

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José Valim 2009

What I already heard…

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José Valim 2009

A few reasons to test

• Ensure that everything works;

• Tests as documentation;

• Leads you to write better code.

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José Valim 2009

A few reasons NOT to test

I wrote it, then it works (yes, I heard it!);

Trust other people code. Should I test a has_one or a validates_presence_of in my models?

• Ensure that everything works

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A few reasons NOT to test

Your code should document itself;

• Tests as documentation

• Leads you to write better code

People spend more time writing tests than writing the code, which is what really matters.

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José Valim 2009

Don’t judge.

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José Valim 2009


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José Valim 2009

How do I test?

• Waterfall? TDD? BDD?

• Test::Unit? Rspec?

• Isolation? Integration? Cucumber?

• Time? Fast?

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José Valim 2009

Test::Unit? Rspec?

• Test::Unit is faster and simpler;

• Rspec code is more readable, not that fast;

• Rspec is great if you want to use your tests as documentation/specification.

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José Valim 2009

Integration? Isolation?

• Integration = Rails default approach

Unit test your models and functional tests with your controllers and views.

• Isolation = Rspec default approach

Each MVC layer is tested separately with mocks and stubs. Then use Cucumber to integrate those layers.

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José Valim 2009

My experience

• I finish my tasks and tests faster when working in the integration way;

• Mocks and stubs are hard to maintain (does it has to be this way?);

• Not sure if integration runs faster than isolation and vice-versa.

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José Valim 2009

Simplifying tests!

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José Valim 2009

Simplifying tests (in rspec)!

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José Valim 2009

To use the tool, you have to understand the reasons.

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José Valim 2009

Why to test Rails validations?

• You have to write the tests first;

• Validations are one liner. Easy to add, easy to remove;

• Documentation/specification;

• I do it.

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José Valim 2009

How to test Rails validations?

• Test::Unit way:

class UserTest < Test::Unit

def test_user_not_valid_if_name_is_blank

user = User.create

assert user.invalid?

assert_equal :blank, user.errors[:name]



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José Valim 2009

How to test Rails validations?

• Rspec way:

describe User do

it “should not be valid if name is blank” do

user = User.create

user.should_not be_valid

user.errors[:name].should == :blank



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José Valim 2009

How to test Rails validations?

• Remarkable way:

describe User do it { should validate_presence_of(:name) } end

• Or:

describe User do should_validate_presence_of :name end

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José Valim 2009

How to test Rails validations?

• Remarkable way:

describe User do it { should validate_presence_of(:name) } end

• Or:

describe User do should_validate_presence_of :name end

Conversion from matchers to macros happens automatically on Remarkable

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José Valim 2009

Remarkable ActiveRecord 2.x

• Matchers for all validations with all options;

• Matchers for all associations, few options supported;

• Named scopes and mass assignment matchers;

• Database matchers;

• Callback, instance and class method matchers.

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José Valim 2009

Remarkable ActiveRecord 3.0

• Matchers for all validations with all options;

• Matchers for all associations, almost all options supported;

• Named scopes and mass assignment matchers;

• Database matchers;

• Callback, instance and class method matchers.

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José Valim 2009

Why have isolation tests?

• Design option;

• You love cucumber;

• I do it sometimes, sometimes I don’t.

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José Valim 2009

How to isolate my controllers?

• Rspec way:

describe TasksController do describe “responding to #POST create” do it "exposes a newly created task as @task" do Task.should_receive(:new).with({'these' => 'params'}). and_return(mock_task(:save => true)) post :create, :task => {:these => 'params'} assigns[:task].should equal(mock_task) end

it "redirects to the created task" do Task.stub!(:new).and_return(mock_task(:save => true)) post :create, :task => {} response.should redirect_to(task_url(mock_task)) end end end

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José Valim 2009

How to isolate my controllers?

• Rspec way:

describe TasksController do describe “responding to #POST create” do it "exposes a newly created task as @task" do Task.should_receive(:new).with({'these' => 'params'}). and_return(mock_task(:save => true)) post :create, :task => {:these => 'params'} assigns[:task].should equal(mock_task) end

it "redirects to the created task" do Task.stub!(:new).and_return(mock_task(:save => true)) post :create, :task => {} response.should redirect_to(task_url(mock_task)) end end end

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José Valim 2009

Problems with Rspec way

•It’s not readable. I have to read the stubs before reading the action.

it "redirects to the created task" do

Task.stub!(:new).and_return(mock_task(:save => true))

post :create, :task => {}

response.should redirect_to(task_url(mock_task))


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José Valim 2009

Problems with Rspec way

• It’s not DRY. I have to write expectations (:should_receive) and stubs (:stub!).

Task.should_receive(:new).with({'these' => 'params'}).

and_return(mock_task(:save => true))

Task.stub!(:new).and_return(mock_task(:save => true))

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José Valim 2009

How to isolate my controllers?

• Remarkable 3.0 way:

describe TasksController do

describe :post => :create, :task => {:these => 'params'} do

expects :new, :on => Task,

:with => { :these => 'params' },

:returns => mock_task

should_assign_to :task, :with => mock_task

should_redirect_to { task_url(mock_task) }



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José Valim 2009

How to isolate my controllers?

• Remarkable 3.0 way:

describe TasksController do describe :post => :create, :task => {:these => 'params'} do expects :new, :on => Task, :with => { :these => 'params' }, :returns => mock_task

should_assign_to :task, :with => mock_task should_redirect_to { task_url(mock_task) } end end

Perform action using expectations (:should_receive)

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José Valim 2009

How to isolate my controllers?

• Remarkable 3.0 way:

describe TasksController do describe :post => :create, :task => {:these => 'params'} do expects :new, :on => Task, :with => { :these => 'params' }, :returns => mock_task

should_assign_to :task, :with => mock_task should_redirect_to { task_url(mock_task) } end end

Perform action using stubs (:stub!)

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José Valim 2009

Why to speed up my tests?

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José Valim 2009

Why to speed up my tests?

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José Valim 2009

How to speed up my tests?• Rspec way (one request per test = slow):

describe TasksController do describe “responding to #POST create” do it "exposes a newly created task as @task" do Task.should_receive(:new).with({'these' => 'params'}). and_return(mock_task(:save => true)) post :create, :task => {:these => 'params'} assigns[:task].should equal(mock_task) end

it "redirects to the created task" do Task.stub!(:new).and_return(mock_task(:save => true)) post :create, :task => {} response.should redirect_to(task_url(mock_task)) end end end

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José Valim 2009

How to speed up my tests?

• Terrible way (but fast):

describe TasksController do describe “responding to #POST create” do it “should assign to @task and redirect” do Task.should_receive(:new).with({'these'=>'params'}). and_return(mock_task(:save => true))

post :create, :task => {:these => 'params'}

assigns[:task].should equal(mock_task) response.should redirect_to(task_url(mock_task)) end end end

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José Valim 2009

How to speed up my tests?

• Rspec solution?

before(:all) do

# It does not work without tweaking


• Test::Unit solution?

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José Valim 2009

How to speed up my tests?

• Remarkable 3.0 way:

describe TasksController do

describe :post! => :create do

expects :new, :on => Task, :returns => mock_task

should_assign_to :task, :with => mock_task

should_redirect_to { task_url(mock_task) }



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José Valim 2009

How to speed up my tests?

• Remarkable 3.0 way:

describe TasksController do

describe :post! => :create do

expects :new, :on => Task, :returns => mock_task

should_assign_to :task, :with => mock_task

should_redirect_to { task_url(mock_task) }




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José Valim 2009

How to speed up my tests?

• Remarkable 3.0 way:

describe TasksController do

describe :post! => :create, :task => {} do

should_assign_to :task, :with => mock_task

should_redirect_to { task_url(mock_task) }


endWorks without stubs and mocks too.

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José Valim 2009

How to speed up my tests?

• Remarkable 3.0 BANG way:

Experimental. But if you have any problem, just remove the bang!

Its core might be ported back to rspec.

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And for those who use tests as specification…

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José Valim 2009

And for those who use tests as specification…

• example/specs.rb

describe User do

should_validate_presence_of :name, :email

xshould_validate_presence_of :age

should_validate_length_of :name, :within => 3..40

should_validate_uniqueness_of :email, :case_sensitive => false

should_validate_numericality_of :age, :only_integer => true,

:greather_than_or_equal_to => 18, :allow_blank => true


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José Valim 2009

And for those who use tests as specification…

• ruby example/specs.rb –cfs en

Example disabled: require age to be set

User- should require name and email to be set- should ensure length of name is within 3..40 characters- should require unique values for email case insensitive- should ensure numericality of age allowing only integer values

and allowing blank values

Finished in 0.262418 seconds

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José Valim 2009

And for those who use tests as specification…

• ruby example/specs.rb –cfs pl

Przykład niepełnosprawny: wymagać podania wiek


- powinien wymagać podania imię i e-mail

- powinien upewnienia co do ilości znaków imię pomiędzy 3..40

- powinien wymagać niepowtarzalnych wartości dla e-mail z brakiem

znaczenia wielkości liter

- powinien upewnienia o numeryczności wiek zezwalając tylko na całe

wartości i zezwalając pustą wartość

Finished in 0.255462 seconds

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José Valim 2009

And for those who use tests as specification…

• ruby example/specs.rb –cfs pl

Przykład niepełnosprawny: wymagać podania wiek


- powinien wymagać podania imię i e-mail

- powinien upewnienia co do ilości znaków imię pomiędzy 3..40

- powinien wymagać niepowtarzalnych wartości dla e-mail z brakiem

znaczenia wielkości liter

- powinien upewnienia o numeryczności wiek zezwalając tylko na całe

wartości i zezwalając pustą wartość

Finished in 0.255462 seconds REMARKABLE 3.0


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José Valim 2009

So Remarkable is…

• A framework for rspec matchers which provides automatic conversion to macros;

• Decouple matcher logic from content, using .yml files and providing I18n;

• Has a DSL and provides common helpers .

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José Valim 2009

So Remarkable is…

• Remarkable 3.0 is composed of:

Remarkable Remarkable ActiveRecord

Matchers and some I18n tweaks Remarkable Rails

Controller matchers Macro Stubs (:expects DSL)

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José Valim 2009

So Remarkable is…

• Remarkable 3.x will be composed of:

Remarkable Remarkable ActiveRecord Remarkable Rails Remarkable Datamapper? Remarkable Sequel?

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José Valim 2009

So Remarkable is…

• Remarkable 3.x will be composed of:

Remarkable Remarkable ActiveRecord Remarkable Rails Remarkable Datamapper? Remarkable Sequel?


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José Valim 2009

When? Where?

• Remarkable 3.0 beta will be released mid April;

• Got get it on Github:

• Follow my blog:

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José Valim 2009

José Valim

http://[email protected]
