2001 Special Olympics World Winter Games Alaska JOCC PLAN O: Operations Plan/JOCC 4/3/07 JOINT OPERATIONS COMMAND CENTER (JOCC) OPERATIONS PLAN COMBINED WITH AFTER ACTION REPORT Loren L. Smith, Director of Operations


2001 Special Olympics World Winter Games ● Alaska JOCC PLAN

O: Operations Plan/JOCC 4/3/07




Loren L. Smith, Director of Operations

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SECTION 1 OVERVIEW MISSION The Games Organizing Committee has provided guidance and resources necessary to empower others to do their jobs. The mission of the Joint Operations Command Center (JOCC) is to provide a centralized information coordination and communication system to support managers in the execution of their responsibilities for the overall conduct of the 2001 World Games. The JOCC staff will operate on the basis of management by exception. The information that will flow through the JOCC will include pre-defined and regularly scheduled reports that will cover key data pertaining to the operations of all venues, departments, and systems. In addition, the JOCC will receive critical and time-sensitive information relating to unplanned events. FUNCTIONS Functions of the JOCC are to coordinate interdependent and interrelated operations; to inform external parties (review, analyze, and disseminate usable information in a timely manner to venues, off-site support centers, media, the public, athletes, coached, families, and sponsors); resolve issues and problems (that can't be resolved at a lower level of management); and, facilitate emergency response as it impacts Games activities and participants. To this end, the following tasks are mandated: TASKS:

• Serve as the executive management center. • Development of daily Public Safety, Medical and Incident reports. • Coordinate World Games information flow. • Escalate venue/department issues to the Crisis Management Team. • Monitor transportation movement of athletes, coaches and Honored Guest • Monitor traffic through means of the Anchorage Police Department and Alaska

State Troopers. • Reallocate scarce resources across venues and functions. • Implement Crisis and Emergency Management Plans when called upon. • Review and become familiar with all reference documents regarding the

execution of the World Games.

• The JOCC accomplished the following: o Achieved multi-agency response when needed. o Integration of assets of many Federal/State and Local agencies. o Collective decision-making. o Track large volumes of information. o Formulate strategy, tactics, and operations to a critical incident if needed.

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Receive Information • Receive messages, incident reports and venue checklist from all venues. • Monitor and track incidents via telephone, facsimile, radios, and physical security

cameras. • Maintain a computerized Incident Tracking and develop a journal of all

significant activities and reports. • Monitor athlete movement through various locations and activities. • The JOCC utilize one outgoing and one incoming fax machine. In retrospect

we should have had two outgoing and two incoming fax machines. In addition, Medical should have their own stand-alone incoming and outgoing fax machine.

Analyze Information • Consolidate Reports. • Anticipate events and activities, taking appropriate action as required. • Identify the need to execute contingency plans based on the situation. • Review recorded video footage from physical security cameras for significant

incidences when available.

Distribute Information • Process and submit daily reports to the GOC/SOI Daily Briefings. • The JOCC will be linked with all Venues by Network computers, faxes, email,

and by radio communications.

• We relied more on faxes than computers in the beginning of the Games but began using more communication through computers in the end. The reason was we weren’t sure that the networking was

These functions and tasks are not easily accomplished but functional area within the JOCC serves a role that ultimately contributes to the accomplishment of these functions. The JOCC team will review policies and procedures as outlined in Section 5.

• Each Functional Area has been trained on their role and responsibilities to the JOCC.

• Daily briefings on JOCC operations will take place during the first half of the meeting.

The JOCC will receive Medical, Security and Venue Incident information reports by fax or computer. The reports will then be entered into the Incident Event Tracking program and produce reports for the daily briefing meetings. The JOCC operations plan will include reporting instructions, formats, and schedules. Those issues that are escalated to the JOCC for resolution must be handled in an expeditious manner at the proper level of authority. Only issues and decisions that

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cannot be resolved at the venue will be elevated to the JOCC for Executive Management direction. It is important that the issue(s) in question be presented to the JOCC in a consistent and factual manner. Therefore, it is critical that the issues are communicated by "one voice" from the Venue Team. Communication of distorted facts between parties will only result in delays and potential errors in decision-making. The Venue Support Center through the Venue Coordinator will serve as the venue's point of contact to the JOCC. The Venue Daily Activity Report and the Venue Support Center logs will serve as the sources to document issues. The Venue Support Center will forward the correspondence to the JOCC. The JOCC Director will promptly review the issue, make a decision, and if necessary contact the CMT before communicating the decision to the venue.

• Game Organizers were able to maintain 2 members of that staff at the JOCC for 24 hours a day for the duration of games. In additions to volunteer staff which augmented the 21 stations of the JOCC organizational staff.

• Games Organizers placed a key decision maker in the JOCC to resolve

problems in a timely manner. • The JOCC Layout was effective to allow for good communication flow between

the games organizers and community/local/state/federal response for routine and emergency support.

• The center had adequate breakout rooms for secure and non-secure meeting areas to discuss games issues/challenges, which were critical, and time sensitive.

• The partnership with the Municipality of Anchorage Emergency Operations Command Center was key to the success of the games. The municipality staff was efficient and responsive to the needs to the games organizers, local/state and federal officials that manned the JOCC operations.

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Public Safety FBI ATF APD AST

Base Station Operator



MOAEOC Director

DOMS TechnologyAKNGCrisis

Management Team


Food Services

Language Services





Security Police



The Games Organizing Committee and the Municipality of Anchorage Emergency Operations Center (EOC) will jointly manage the 2001 World Games Joint Operations Command Center. The JOCC Director will have reporting, coordination and command responsibility to the venues and functional areas that comprise the 2001 World Games. The EOC will take over control of the JOCC in the event of a serious event i.e. earthquake, avalanche etc. Venues in this definition include all sites of activity for the 2001 World Games including villages, competition venues, auxiliary venues, transportation transfer centers and depots, welcome centers, accreditation centers, family centers, etc. The specifics of each of The JOCC responsibilities are as follows:

• The Municipality of Anchorage Emergency Operations Center (EOC) partnership with the 2001 World Games enable the EOC to:

o Enhance the interface between 2001 World Games and the EOC Crisis Management Team.

o Test ability to manage multiple incidents. o Test criminal jurisdiction arrangements and transfer of Incident

Command issues. o Address venue continuation/cancellation issues.

Reporting-The reporting function of the JOCC has four components:

• Reporting from the venue to the JOCC - The venues will develop daily reports that the venue team will fax to the JOCC. All Medical, Security and other

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incidents will be reported immediately to the JOCC. • Reporting from the JOCC to the Venue - The JOCC serves as the oracle to the

outside world for the venue. The JOCC monitors public safety, medical, transportation, traffic, weather, and other outside influences that could affect operations at the 2001 World Games Venues and communicates these factors to the Venue Support Center on a regular basis. The communication of this information will be primarily by voice communication over hard-line phone, but may take the form of fax communications, email for weather or security bulletins as well as through the Base Radio Communications.

• Reporting from the JOCC to the Daily Briefing Meetings (DBM) - The JOCC

will conduct daily and emergency briefings during the 2001 World Games. The structure and timing of these briefings is discussed later in this outline.

• Reporting from the JOCC to outside entities - In emergency situations it will

become necessary for the JOCC to interface with entities such as: Emergency Management Agencies; Law Enforcement Agencies; on issues that affect venue operations at locations within their jurisdiction. Factual and thorough communications will be necessary at this time. The Venue Coordinator or Security Manager at the site of the emergency will be included in these daily briefing meetings. It may be necessary for the JOCC to abdicate management control of the venue to one of these agencies depending on the situation.

Coordination - The JOCC Director shall coordinate communication of issues that occur at the venue level that affect the operations of several functional areas. Also, the JOCC Director will coordinate Games-wide response to general occurrences that could affect venue operations at one or more 2001 World Games Venues. Major issues that require coordination with other functions include:

• Delay or cancellation of competition • Competition running over • Delay of transportation/traffic delays • Serious injury at a venue • Inclement Weather-Impending severe weather • Delay of meal service

The JOCC Director is to determine which functions need to be informed of the issue and to follow-up to make certain that the functions have communicated the occurrence of the issue to the "working level" of the functional structure that it effects. For example, if Speed Skating competition runs an hour over the scheduled time, several functional operations outside the venue team at Speed Skating are affected and need to be alerted:

• Transportation will need to extend the shuttle to adjust departure times for the McDonald Center.

• Special Olympic Town (SOT) will need to adjust for late arrivals. • Food service at the Hilton will need to adjust for late arrivals.

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• Athlete Village will need to insure a rapid departure of the Speed Skaters to SOT. Command - It is the duty of the JOCC Director to facilitate the making of decisions and charting direction for issues that arise at the venue level that cannot be resolved at the venue level or require resources/expenditures that are outside the scope of the Venue Team Coordinator to allocate. Sample situations are as follows:

• Allocation of limited resources at the venue level that cannot be resolved by the venue team.

• Unbudgeted expenditures at the venue level that are of an amount that must be approved by the President & CEO.

• Crisis situations at the venue that involve implementation of the Crisis Emergency Management Plan (CEMP). In several of these cases The JOCC will take a Communications and Coordination Role.

o Injured Participant o Cancellation of Event o Other Catastrophic or like-Catastrophic occurrence


• Will be present at the JOCC all hours of scheduled shift unless relieved by another Director.

• Responsible for overall supervision of the JOCC. • Report to JOCC a minimum of 30 minutes prior to the first venue team meeting at

the earliest opening venue. Receive shift report from Shift Leader going off duty. • Make rounds of JOCC. • Prepare brief statement for oncoming shift personnel. • Prepare reports for the daily briefing meetings. • Review previous shift incident logs. • Work with Administrative Assistant in preparing daily report and supervision of

daily report filing. • Review security and medical incident reports. • Continuous monitoring of outside factors such as weather, traffic, out-of-the

ordinary incidents. • It is extremely important that the JOCC Manager has a strong assistant that

can work alternating shifts to alleviate the long hours. • It is also recommended that the JOCC Director be on call during the night shift.

This can be accomplished by having sleeping quarters within the Operations Center or staying at a nearby hotel.

Administrative Assistant: The primary responsibilities of the administrative staff as they relate to the JOCC are:

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• To administer administrative functions to all Functional Area positions • To answer the telephone landline dedicated to the reporting of emergencies during

the course of the Games. • To answer the Corporate Headquarters main line after-hours • To collect and assemble daily Crisis Management Reports for presentation to the

Crisis Management Team at their daily morning and evening meetings. • To attend and take notes at the daily morning and evening meetings conducted by

the Crisis Management Team. • To chart location of functional area duty officers-update as necessary during the

shift. • To enter incoming data into Event Incident Tracking program. • To update of venue status board. • To update of Games contact list as needed.

• It is recommended that the Administrative Assistant/Receptionist receive all

incoming calls into the Operations Center and forward the calls to each functional area. This procedure will enable for more effective communications.

Public Safety The Public Safety position will be staffed with qualified volunteers with sufficient knowledge to coordinate the activities of security and law enforcement personnel at and between each of the venue sites. This may include scheduling or reassignment of additional personnel, evaluating evolving events and determining whether or not there is a threat to the continuation of the games or participants, and determining specific needs for specific public safety issues. Public Safety will also coordinate with the Transportation Center when as needed. The Public Safety volunteer will maintain incident logs and prepare daily reports of activities generated from the Event Incident Tracking program. The Public Safety Division was established to ensure for a proper level of safety, security and law enforcement coordination for the event. The committees of Security and Safety have been created to identify the specific needs of each discipline. • To provide a safe and secure environment for all Special Olympics constituents. • To protect the physical assets of the Games Organizing Committee. • To plan for and provide a comprehensive and adequate response to any emergency

affecting the safety of the athletes, delegates and other constituents of the 2001 World Winter Games.

The Public Safety Committee will work with all agencies to develop clear procedures and chain of command. Security will plan for protection of all Delegation members, Sport Officials, Volunteers, Staff, Spectators and Guests. The Security Committee in conjunction with their respective Law Enforcement Liaison will evaluate all venues and determine the appropriate staffing levels of volunteer, military, private security and law enforcement personnel.

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The “Safety” component will conduct on site safety inspections in cooperation with the appropriate regulatory agencies of all Villages, Sports Venues and Activity sites prior to and during the 2001 World Winter Games. These inspections will focus on safety code violations, hazardous materials and other situations posing a threat to the Games constituents. All identified violations will be corrected to the satisfaction of the regulatory agencies. The “Security” component will provide a physical security presence at all Villages, Sports Venues, and Activity Sites prior to and during the 2001 World Winter Games. Medical A Medical volunteer with qualified knowledge to coordinate medical needs at the various venues will staff the medical position. This may include scheduling or directing appropriate athlete medical records to medical service providers, reassignment of additional medical volunteers, obtaining and directing the delivery of additional medical supplies, and communicating with Venue Medical staff, hospitals, and clinics. The medical volunteer will also maintain incident logs and prepare daily reports of activities generated from the Event Incident Tracking program. Medical Services will provide professional health care services to all associated with the 2001 Special Olympics World Winter Games Alaska. While medical services will always be provided in the best interest of the individual, we will strive to return the athlete to the sporting event in an efficient and timely manner, and the non-participant will be provided a seamless transition into the community health care system and to:

• Provide professional health care services for the athletes, coaches, Heads of Delegation, officials, Games Organizing Committee staff, volunteers and spectators.

• Return the athletes to their respective competition as soon as medically prudent and feasible.

• Track and monitor all patient encounters throughout the medical services system. • Provide a comprehensive after action report of Medical Services.

Base Station Operator The Base Station Operator will monitor radio traffic between the JOCC, Sporting Venues, Athlete Villages and Auxiliary Venues. Additionally, the Base Station Operator will maintain radio/telephone logs, status/location of key personnel and prepare daily reports of communication activities.

• It is very important that the Base Operator has a comprehensive telephone, cell and pager listing for all key people.

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Law Enforcement A Commissioned Police Officer of the Municipality of Anchorage and/or a Commissioned Alaska State Trooper will staff Law Enforcement. These officers will be responsible for coordination of law enforcement efforts at the Venue sites, between other agencies, GOC Security personnel, and the Military/National Guard. This may include coordinating requests for additional law enforcement personnel, reassigning existing personnel, obtaining relevant weather and road conditions to resolve other Public Safety matters affecting the 2001 World Games. Other agencies that will staff the JOCC are representatives from the FBI and ATF. • Public Safety during the 2001 World Winter Games was very efficient and

effective. This was made possible by the cooperation and professionalism of all agencies and personnel involved. It was also a result of planning and preparedness. This included plain-clothes surveillance teams with photographs of known offenders. It included the 300 plus Air National Guard Security Forces personnel from 18 of the United States. The National Guard Security Forces from Alaska. ATF bomb assessment teams at each venue. US Marshal volunteers on the ski slopes. Immigration officer security volunteers ready to act in an official capacity if necessary. Approximately 100 FBI personnel on stand-by in their own operations center. In excess of 40 State Troopers and as many Anchorage Police Officers working in concert with each other at every venue. The Anchorage Airport Police that adopted the Fed-Ex venue and made it possible for the use of a facility adjacent to an active International Airport. And of course the professional volunteers that committed their personal time and experience to the Games.

• And, the most important indicator of success is the absence of serious incidents. That and the fact that the participants and public were virtually unaware of the presence of the large force of Public Safety Personnel that literally surrounded them. For the most part, they remained invisible throughout this event.

• It is recommended that an adequate amount of security personnel remain at least two days beyond the end of the games or until the last team leaves.

Transportation The purpose of the Transportation department is to provide safe, efficient and on-time transportation for all serviced user groups during the operational period of the 2001 Special Olympics World Winter Games. The following six (6) user groups are those for whom some Transportation service will be provided: 1) Athletes, Coaches and Delegates 2) Honored Guests; 3) members of the Media; 4) Family Members of World Games Delegations who have purchased a transportation ticket, 5) World Games Staff & Volunteers, and 6) A & B–Level Officials, Judges & Referees (known as Officials).

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Transportation personnel will identify traffic routes necessary to transport each user group, and will manage the available parking resources necessary to accommodate all official 2001 World Games vehicles. Also, Transportation will identify the primary Spectator routes leading to the World Games locations.

• After normal motor pool hours there wasn’t any assigned transportation for Medical to take athletes to the Polyclinic. It is recommended that 1-2 vehicles with drivers be assigned to Medical for athlete transportation to the Polyclinic, Hospital or Pharmacy.

Risk Management Risk Management is protecting the assets -- people, property, contributions and goodwill -- of the 2001 Special Olympics World Winter Games Alaska. The Games Organizing Committee seeks to prevent harm and minimize the cost and impact of any incident that may occur.

• Designated GOC staff and volunteers from each venue submitted their incidents reports to the JOCC.

• Risk Management representatives picked-up these incident reports several times a day and then forwarded the incident report claims to their home office.

• Risk Management claims personnel set-up claim files.

Language Services Language Services is responsible for providing communication facilitation for recognized Special Olympic Athletes, Coaches, and Heads of Delegations. Language Services is the conversation link between GOC representatives and Special Olympic Family members who do not speak a common language. Language Services volunteers are skill specific, and as such, Language Services is responsible for recruiting, testing, evaluating, training and scheduling over 250 interpreters in over 30 languages who will staff all venues and facilitate communications with in and among delegations. Language Services volunteers will serve, in priority order: medical, security, athletes, and heads of delegations, coaches, media, Honored Guests, ceremonies and others. Language Services interpreters will serve at every venue and assist other functional departments (especially as bilingual Delegation Assistance Leaders) and all other areas as much as possible. Language Services provides advanced, expert or professional interpretation services for Heads of Delegations meetings and coaches meetings held during game days. English is the official language of the 2001 Special Olympic World Winter Games Alaska (2001 World Games Alaska).

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Delegations Services Delegation Services will provide both international and national delegations with guidance, support, and communication assistance throughout the 2001 Special Olympic World Winter Games Alaska - specifically assistance with foreign currency exchange, international postal services, and accessing religious services. In addition, Delegation Services – in the absence of Language Services – will provide language assistance to all recognized constituents of the Games assuming a Delegation Assistant Leader is available that is proficient in the language in question. Technology Technology is a functional area that includes preliminary preparations prior to the 2001 Special Olympics World Winter Games Alaska and, during the Games, a Technology Operations Center, Venue, Village or Competition Support Center at each of the six sport venues, ten villages, and six auxiliary venues. A team made up of the manager and two assistant managers coordinators will provide the guidance for the Technology functional area. The Technology Operations Center will serve as the focal point for all wide area network (WAN) and local area network (LAN) hardware and network connectivity and support the troubleshooting of the following activities:

• Meet the technology requirements of the 2001 Special Olympics World Winter Games Alaska.

• Implement a local area network (LAN) at each venue using the hardware, software, and network connectivity needed to meet all technology requirements at each venue site.

• Provide a backup emergency plan for maintaining information flow during the actual period of competition should primary systems fail.

• Provide daily desktop support for 2001 Special Olympics World Winter Games Alaska.

• Setup and recovery timing was adequate. • Citrix Printing Issues were noted by staff. • We were about 2 systems short for providing access for those needing to get

primary job work completed. (1 for Risk Management, 1 additional for medical).

• Many tech problems evolved from staff users down loading large files across the network. Solution for the JOCC is to have more bandwidth back to the main server.

• Phones: When the phones were originally requested for JOCC they did not have forwarding programmed as a feature. This is an issue I recommend you look at one by one. There were three positions I saw as needing the forwarding: Staff admin, FBI and Risk Management.

• Citrix: The sessions timed out seeming to cause printers and other sessions to get lock out.

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• Other problems came from the incident-tracking database. Some records seemed to get locked out or disappear when the Citrix session timed out. You may wish to consider having two incident tacking systems: 1. Medical, 2. Public Safety.

Department of Military Support (DOMS) Representatives from DOMS will be present in the JOCC to oversee the military personnel and assets of the World Games. DOMS will install video security cameras at several venues that will be viewed from the JOCC.

• More complete analysis and site survey of video feeds for the JOCC, which are security, based and key games observations points of interest. For example, DOMS was unable to set-up video feeds to Kincaid Park because the infrastructure was non-existent in the city. Games organizers were seeking video feed from the torch in central park because the torch required it to be lit for 24 hours a day. In addition, DOMS tested video feeds, which provided a web-based interface to the JOCC. There were technical problems in getting the video feeds to the JOCC. Issues that came from the IP address was regarding secure/non-secure access via the Internet.

Alaska Command (ALCOM) Representatives from ALCOM whom represent the local military bases will act as the liaison to the Commanding General in the event of an incident that would call for the military to act upon

• Goals met. Anchorage Fire Department Representatives from the Fire Department will be on duty to intercede into any emergencies that would require their assistances.

• Goals met.

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SECTION 3 Joint Operations Command Center (JOCC) The JOCC is located 1309 E. Street in the Municipality of Anchorage Emergency Operations Center (EOC). The JOCC serves as the Games’ command and control center in synchronizing operations for the 2001 World Winter Games. The JOCC will utilize a portion of the main level of the EOC and work in concert with members of the EOC’s Crisis Action Team (CAT). In the event of an area wide emergency it is important that the two groups work in concert. The Municipality’s CAT will work the area wide emergency while the JOCC will monitor the movement of its athletes, coaches and volunteers. JOCC HOURS OF OPERATION

• Activate 0800 28-February • Shifts 0000-0800 Red

0800-1600 White 1600-0000 Blue


Office of Emergency Management -- area-wide service Represent Mayor’s executive authority for the entire


1,958 Square Miles -- 1.25 Million Acres

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Scene (Incid Cmdr)

(12 or more casualties)

911 Fire Dispatch

911 APD Dispatch

Providence Med. Ctr.


Col. AK Reg. Hosp.


3rd Med. Ctr.

Blood Bank

Red Cross

Hospital Net 155.385

Mary Conrad

API Charter North

North Star

Prov. Ext. Care Ctr

Pioneer Home


ALCOM Cmd Center


Muni Depts

Chugiak Vol. FD

Girdwood Vol. FD



Fire & EMS

Mutual Aid



Nat. Guard

Coordinate Resources

Configure Ambulance Loads

(OEM, Aug30,97 Rev)

O: Operation Plans/CEMP 4/3/07 17

Anchorage EOCAnchorage EOCGeneral FactsGeneral Facts

•• Building StatisticsBuilding Statistics–– Two Floors Two Floors

•• 5600 square feet each5600 square feet each

–– Full EOC activation Full EOC activation •• 2424--hour basishour basis•• each 12 hour shift can sustain up to 75 staffeach 12 hour shift can sustain up to 75 staff

–– Emergency power generation Emergency power generation •• 7 days minimum7 days minimum•• UPSUPS

Anchorage EOCAnchorage EOCFunctional AreasFunctional Areas----Top FloorTop Floor

•• Situation Room Situation Room -- 2,835 2,835 Sq Sq FtFt

–– 38 work stations most with computer inter & intranet 38 work stations most with computer inter & intranet capabilities capabilities -- all with telephonesall with telephones

–– 2 2 -- 12 foot forward projection screens12 foot forward projection screens–– 2 2 -- 36” television monitors with VCR capability36” television monitors with VCR capability–– 8 8 -- 27” television monitors 27” television monitors –– Television, VCR, & screen projectors managed through Television, VCR, & screen projectors managed through

one control unitone control unit

•• Policy Conference Room Policy Conference Room -- 240 240 Sq Sq FtFt

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Top Floor of the JOCC







ResourceMgmt BrCoord.



HumanResources Br.




Board(no phone)





Logistics Sect Chief

Trans Br Coord /PORT




1451EOC Runners / Admin Support

Planning Section Chief /Recovery Planning Unit /Planning Admin Support

OMB Engineer.SupportBr Coord










Svcs Br.Coord.






AlternateEOC Coordinator

Damage Assessment(EOC Manager)

Policy Group Conference Room EOC Coordinator

TVs, Status Boards, Maps, Overhead Projectors, Projection Screens



FAX In343-1444






Map Table

EOCManager &Alternate


343-7019 343-1487 343-7023 FOOD LNG DLG



343-7018 TNS343-7022 TECH





FAX Out343-7002



343-1448ATH EMER


2001 SpecialOlympics Positions


343-7025RISK MGMT

Air Assets(CAP)




Finance Sect Chief












Fleet Services

Legal Officer



ManualMap Bd

Ops AdminSupport

Ops AdminSupport

Logistics Chief

Transportation Br





Planning Chief

Recovery Planning Unit

Planning Admin Support

OMB EngineeringSupport











ElectronicMap Bd

ElectronicStatus Bd

Alternate EOC Coordinator Damage Assessment(EOC Manager)

Policy GroupConference Room

EOC Coordinator

TVs, Status Boards, Maps, Overhead Projectors, Projection Screens



Fax In343-1444





Map TableEOC Manager

Alternate EOC Mgr





Fax Out343-7002










* = Special Olympics Positions


Safety Officer



EOC Admin Sup



Finance Chief




-- Special Olympics-- Operations-- Planning-- Logistics-- EOC Manager-- Finance


O: Operation Plans/CEMP 4/3/07 19


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Section 4 Parking Plan W






Central Middle School

of Science

ACS Wire





E Street


ACS Wire


Parking Legend2001 Special Olympics

EOC ActivationSpecial Olympics

JOCC ParkingMayor

Municipal Manager

Visiting DignitariesVisiting Delegations

OEM Director

Chugach Elementary



Central Middle School

of Science

ACS Wire








E StreetW

13 t h


C Street



First Church of the


2001 Special OlympicsEOC ExerciseFebruary 21stParking Plan

1. Primary ParkingEOC Parking Lot (angle parking except at far end of lot) 35 Spaces including 2 accessible2. Secondary ParkingFirst Church of the Nazarene 15 Spaces including 2 accessible

3. Parallel Parking on South side of 13th Avenue

Car Pooling is recommended

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SECTION 5 POLICIES & PROCEDURES Policies Management Policy Manual:

• The Charter for Special Olympics World/Regional Games • The Agreement between SOI and 2001 World Games • Policy Manuals • Other important documents are to be kept on file in the JOCC as a resource.

Sign In Policies All personnel working in the JOCC will sign-in immediately with the grease pen on the wallboard as they enter the situation room to begin their shift. When the shift ends they will remove their name. JOCC Functional Policies

• JOCC Director should report at least 30-minutes before the start of scheduled shift.

• The JOCC Director must be present in the JOCC or immediately accessible to the Administrative Assistant at all hours during the shift.

• Other Functional Area Leaders will report to work 15-minutes prior to shift change.

• The telephones/fax and Base Station will be staffed at all times. • All JOCC incidents, actions, communications, and reports must be entered

into the Event Incident Tracking program. • Prepare reports for the CMT meetings. Highlighted should be any issue that

was not resolved the previous day and the actions that are pending to resolve the issue.

• Issue weather reports to the venue ant to the Media Center at 0500, 1000 and 1600 hours.

• Review all reports from previous shifts. • Prepare for daily briefing meetings and other functions that take place in the

JOCC. Weather

Inclement Weather All scheduled competition and special events will occur regardless of snow or inclement weather, unless the safety of participants is jeopardized. Volunteers should plan to report to their venues as assigned. If competition is delayed or postponed due to severe weather, volunteers will be promptly notified. March in Alaska can be severe. Dress in appropriate winter clothing before going outdoors.

• We received daily briefings each morning from members of the National Weather Service. They provided us weather information that helped us with

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our transportation planning, road conditions and 24-48 forecast. The information was helpful for Logistics in that we knew whether or not to prepare for snowfall, winds etc.

Please tune into one of these participating radio stations for updates should we experience inclement weather conditions:



Public Service Announcements (PSA’s) PSA’s will be used throughout all venues for various reasons, some of which might be: missing children, delay of game and mechanical problems. It is the responsibility of EVERY volunteer to listen to Public Service Announcements, react calmly and orderly, assist athletes and delegations as much as possible, and to follow through completely with instructions given by security.

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SECTION 6 DAILY BRIEFING MEETING TEAM The President & CEO has presiding authority over the Daily Briefing Meeting. Team. Members are: Ben Stevens – President & CEO Melissa Anderson – Chief Operating Officer Nance Larsen – Director of Public Relations Loren Smith – Director of Operations Joel Summers – Director of Sports Leslye Langla – Director of Participant Services Kara Capaldo – Director of Support Services Gloria Allen – Director of Special Events Mary DeWitt – Director of Finance Heather Handyside – Director of Education and Cultural Exchange Eyvette Flynn – Risk Management Sean Halleran – Transportation Director Jim Grimes – Public Safety Manager Dennis Brodigan – Medical Services Manager Lee Todd – VP of Sports and Competition, SOI Jon Paul St.Germaine – Competition Operations Manager, SOI Colonel John Goodman – Military Support Lieutenant Colonel – Bob Kean

This team will be supplemented by other staff members or outside professionals as necessary to address the situation at hand.

Schedule of Daily Briefings Meetings in the JOCC February 27 0700 and 1730 February 28 0700 and 1730 March 1 0700 and 1730 March 2 0700 and 1730 March 3 0700 and 1730 March 4 0700 March 5 0700 and 1730 March 6 0700 and 1730 March 7 0700 and 1730 March 8 0700 and 1730 March 9 0700 and 1730 March 10 0700 and 1730 March 11 0700 March 12 0700

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Management Plan)

• Event Delayed • Event Postponed • Event Cancelled • Change of Venue • Venue Evacuation • Bomb Threat • Suspicious Package • Missing Delegate – On Venue • Found Delegate – On Venue • Missing Delegate – Off Venue • Found Delegate – Off Venue • Missing Child – On Venue • Found Child – On Venue • Serious Injury/Illness Delegate – On Venue • Serious Injury/Illness Spectator – On Venue • Non-Serious Medical Incident • Defection/Request for Political Asylum • Mass Casualty/Illness Situation On Venue • Death of Delegate • Criminal Activity • Inclement Weather