Johnstown Primary School no logo - Salix Finance 9 Lifetime £ savingsFind out about how to £39,068...

Johnstown Primary School in Carmarthenshire was built in 1970 and has 410 students. They used their Salix 100% interest-free loan of £11,386 to reduce their energy costs per pupil by over £4 per annum by upgrading their lighting and insulting heating pipework. This is how they did it. Six Salix indicators Total loan value £11,386 Annual £ savings £1,913 Annual savings tonnes of CO 2 9 Lifetime £ savings £39,068 Lifetime savings tonnes of CO 2 192 Project payback 5 years Project overview Johnstown Primary School used a Salix loan to upgrade their lighting and insulate their pipework. The school wanted to create a brighter learning environment and save energy and costs. The school decided to utilise Salix funding to ensure they could improve lighting throughout the entire school. The projects have an overall payback of just over five years. WWW.SALIXFINANCE.CO.UK Johnstown Primary School’s Business Case Johnstown Primary School was looking for an effective way to drive down energy consumption. The energy efficient lighting achieved this by lowering the cost per pupil by over £4 per annum. The Salix Loans Programme, funded by the Welsh Government, has made these changes possible. The Salix Loans Programme is available to all schools within Wales and there is no maximum application limit that each school can apply for. Salix will help you: Learn how you can benefit from Salix energy-efficiency knowledge Use our range of case studies to help you write a strong business case Find out about how to significantly reduce annual energy costs Start to use our straightforward loan application process SOLVING ENERGY EFFICIENCY FINANCE IN THE PUBLIC SECTOR Funded by

Transcript of Johnstown Primary School no logo - Salix Finance 9 Lifetime £ savingsFind out about how to £39,068...

Johnstown Primary School in Carmarthenshire

was built in 1970 and has 410 students. They used their Salix 100%

interest-free loan of £11,386 to reduce their energy costs per pupil

by over £4 per annum by upgrading their lighting and insulting

heating pipework. This is how they did it.

Six Salix indicators

Total loan value

£11,386Annual £ savings

£1,913Annual savings tonnes of CO


9Lifetime £ savings

£39,068Lifetime savings tonnes of CO


192Project payback

5 years

Project overviewJohnstown Primary School used a

Salix loan to upgrade their lighting and

insulate their pipework. The school

wanted to create a brighter learning

environment and save energy and

costs. The school decided to utilise

Salix funding to ensure they could

improve lighting throughout the entire

school. The projects have an overall

payback of just over five years.

Johnstown Primary School’s Business case

Johnstown Primary School was

looking for an effective way to drive

down energy consumption.

The energy efficient lighting achieved

this by lowering the cost per pupil

by over £4 per annum. The Salix

Loans Programme, funded by the

Welsh Government, has made

these changes possible. The Salix

Loans Programme is available to all

schools within Wales and there is no

maximum application limit that each

school can apply for.

Salix will help you:

Learn how you can benefit from Salix energy-efficiency knowledge

Use our range of case studies to help you write a strong business case

Find out about how to significantly reduce annual energy costs

Start to use our straightforward loan application process


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Working with Salix

“ The project at Johnstown Primary has enhanced the working conditions and the children’s environmental understanding of energy use. By saving energy, more funds can become available for other school resources and facilities” H Starkey, Headteacher, Johnstown Primary School

To access more information visit:

All Salix case studies are available as a downloadable PDF at

why Salix?

A Salix 100% interest-free £11,386

capital finance loan and client support

offered Johnstown Primary School a

cost and resource effective solution.

The Salix project compliance tool

showed financial savings from

implementing new lighting and

pipework insulation within the school,

and allowed Johnstown Primary to

achieve a project payback of 5 years.

Once the project has paid back,

Johnstown Primary School will go on

to benefit from over £1,913 in annual

energy cost savings.

The Salix solution

The Salix solution allowed Johnstown

Primary School to improve their

heating and lighting across the entire

school. They hope the new lighting

and pipework insulation will provide a

more stimulating learning environment

which will motivate students in the

classroom. Many of the children have

gone home and told their parents

about the projects - an example of

how energy awareness is spreading in

the community.

Salix and the school

The Salix Loans Programme worked

very well for Johnstown Primary

School, allowing them to implement

new lighting and pipework insulation.

The children were involved throughout

the Salix project, from the early

planning stages to working with the

school’s energy manager to learn about

how the loan and the technologies will

help their classrooms. The school also

has a green flag award from the Eco

School Programme and has an active

eco-club, eco-greenhouse, mini-beast

hotel and vegetable garden.



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“ The long term dedication of Johnstown Primary School staff, Governors, pupils in the energy project have helped make these improvements possible” Tom Pointon, School Governor of Johnstown Primary School

“Why is becoming energy-efficient so important?“ To save trees and living things!” kayleigh Gerard, Year 6, Johnstown Primary School


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