Johnson_What is permaculture?

What is Permaculture? Courtney Johnson

Transcript of Johnson_What is permaculture?

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What is Permaculture?Courtney Johnson

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Points from Presentations: What is

Permaculture? Permaculture is first and foremost a design system for creating

regenerative human systems that have the resiliency of natural ecosystems

A term coined from the combination of the concepts “permanent agriculture” and “permanent culture”

Regenerative practices to live close to nature and support the earth’s processes

Conscious design of human systems that both provide people with what they need and restore the ecosystem

Is based off of caring for Earth, caring for people, and the idea of fair share (surplus is distributed among Earth and people)

Systems designed through the following steps: Goals articulation, site analysis and assessment, final design, implementation, evaluation

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My Definition of Permaculture

Permaculture is the human awareness of not only that we need Earth and it’s ecosystem to survive; but that we also need to give back to Earth at the same time. Instead of constantly

taking from the Earth and relying on it to replenish itself after, people need to help with these restorative and regenerative processes.

Permaculture is added sustainability and improvement to activities that have been long in practice so make them better for people and

the Earth.

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Reflection: Earth Care

Earth Care Example

Integrated Systems of swales and ditches direct water from man-made ponds to irrigate entire property at the Whole Systems Research Farm, VT. I consider this Earth Care because they could do more intrusive things like running or installing sprinkler systems, but instead they do something more sustainable for the ecosystem.

Meaning People setting up system designs that are less

intrusive and harmful to the Earth while still providing for themselves.

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Reflection: People Care

People Care Example

Owners of adjacent lots have removed the fence separating neighboring properties and now share the responsibility and abundance of the Permaculture Neighborhood Center in CA. This is people care because they are taking care of each other and have created a sort of community around the system.

Meaning People care to me is the ethic of people taking care of

people around these design systems. Examples in my head include the sharing of food, community, shared work, etc.

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Reflection: Fair Share

Fair Share This is a topic I am a bit confused on I believe that one way I practice fair share in

my everyday life is through recycling and using reusable things such as water bottles and containers. This leaves less waste to go back into the Earth, and leaves more opportunity to have things like fertile soil and useable land. I am not sure if that is completely correct, I would really appreciate some examples or clarification on this ethic

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Connection: Marketing and Permaculture

Design Marketing campaigns and Permaculture Design are

very similar processes in regards to the steps taken to develop them.

Marketing could really improve knowledge of permaculture designs and make people realize their full value and potential.

Marketing involves getting people to notice the products best suitable for them while giving back to a company. Permaculture involves getting people what they need while giving back to the Earth. They both seem to focus around a central concept.

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Clarification Needed

I am not fully understanding the fair share concept. I understand that it means whatever is left over is then distributed back among Earth and People, but I am a bit confused on exactly what can be left over.

When I think of Permaculture, it reminds me of Leave No Trace ethics. Can Leave No Trace be somewhat of a permaculture design even though it does not really incorporate agriculture?

I think doing some case studies will help me further my understanding as well.

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VisualThese photos really resonate with me. This is the difference of 15 years on the Loess Peninsula after implementation of a permaculture design. It is absolutely amazing how much as regenerated in that amount of time. I love the idea of regenerating areas that have seen a lot of wear and not enough care.