John Shain Maria Rizzo 396 Spring Garden Ave Toronto ON ...

St. Gabriel Catholic School John Shain 396 Spring Garden Ave Toronto ON M2N 3H5 377 Greco, Patricia Maria Rizzo

Transcript of John Shain Maria Rizzo 396 Spring Garden Ave Toronto ON ...

St. Gabriel Catholic School

John Shain

396 Spring Garden Ave Toronto ON M2N 3H5


Greco, Patricia

Maria Rizzo

Administrative Rep Greco, Patricia

Administrative Rep Kwon, William

Teacher Rep Badali, Mary

1 2013-11-14

3 2014-04-10

Teacher Rep Della Mea, Enrica

Parent Rep Routledge, Emma

Student Rep Routledge, Hannah

2 2014-02-03


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Safe School Safety Plan


Providing students with an opportunity to learn and develop in a safe and respectful society is a key goal of the TCDSB. Providing students with an opportunity to learn and develop in a safe and respectful environment supports academic achievement for all students, which in turn, helps them to reach their full potential. Research and experience show that bullying is a serious issue that has far-reaching consequences for individuals, their families and peers and the entire school community. Schools that have bullying intervention and prevention strategies foster a positive learning and teaching environment that supports academic achievement for all students and that helps students reach their full potential. PPM 144

1. Bullying Awareness, Intervention and Prevention Plan

School Vision Promoting a safe, inclusive, caring and respectful learning environment.

Goal #1 Our goal is to empower all staff to effectively address incidents of bullying, including cyber bullying by providing them at staff meetings with current resources and information about anti-bullying legislation and policy as well as practical resources that can be used in the classroom to equip students with reporting mechanisms, strategies to deal with bullying and education about the importance of inclusion and empathy.


-Development of a school culture which values diversity and practices inclusion.-St. Gabriel’s School Handbook-Progressive Discipline -Mitigating Factors in terms of suspensions-Direct teaching of skills and strategies to recognize and deal with issues of victimization and harassment.-A safe and confidential means for reporting incidents of bullying and harassment.-Safe School Action team to communicate safe school procedures to all staff members-SSAT to attend bullying workshops and conferences-Bullying prevention information is made available to our parent community-ISC Safe and Secure Online program is a presentation on cyber-bullying, identity theft, controlling one’s online image, social networking, cyber-predators, and computer security will be delivered to Grades 5-8 on November 19, 2012.-Our school community will host our Unity and Diversity celebration which promotes respect and inclusion of all of the cultures represented in our school with the involvement of our parent and church community.-We will be working on a video project to help celebrate our positive school climate highlighting the theme of Bullying Awareness and Prevention.-We will be participating in "Feathers Against Bullying".-A few members from the SSAT will attend the elementary bullying symposium on November 21, 2012.-Interventions will include: network support for victims, teaching of alternative behaviour strategies to bullies and victims, problem-solving, anger management, decision-making, conflict resolution, friendship skills, development of student resource team for consultation and support of bullying problems, follow-up on bullying issues and referrals to guidance, psychology and social work personnel.

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Safe School Safety Plan



PrincipalSafe School Action TeamHealth Action TeamTeachersSupport StaffStudentsParentsPolice LiaisonBill Campbell (ISC)Safe and Secure Online Presenter)Guidance, psychology and social work personnel

Resources The following resources will be utilized to support these initiatives/strategies/practices:

Board-wide resourcesCaring and Safe Schools in Ontario DocumentOntario Schools Code of ConductCOPA We All Belong Multimedia Toolkit and Stand Up! Bullying Awareness Week Teacher's Guide Grades 4-6COPA website Help Phone website Safe@Schools portal

Measurement of Progress The following metrics will be used to measure progress in achieving the Goal:

Teachers, students and parents are informed through presentations, in-services, websites and home/school communications about the nature and dynamics of bullying behaviour. Our school has a communication protocol that informs relevent support service staff regarding student incidents and interventions.

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Safe School Safety Plan


School Vision Promoting a safe, inclusive, caring and respectful learning environment.

Goal #2 Our goal is to fully involve school based and board personnel, such as, the guidance counsellor, administration, social worker, SET teachers and other teaching staff, and Safe Schools Dept. to provide necessary supports, programs and interventions for students who are involved in bullying incidents with a focus on reform and awareness as mandated by The Accepting Schools Act 2012 and Section 12 of the Ed. Act, as well as promote and ensure consistency in reporting instances of bullying.


-Development of a school culture which values diversity and practices inclusion.-St. Gabriel’s School Handbook-Progressive Discipline -Mitigating Factors in terms of suspensions-Direct teaching of skills and strategies to recognize and deal with issues of victimization and harassment.-A safe and confidential means for reporting incidents of bullying and harassment.-Safe School Action team to communicate safe school procedures to all staff members-SSAT to attend bullying workshops and conferences-Bullying prevention information is made available to our parent community-ISC Safe and Secure Online program is a presentation on cyber-bullying, identity theft, controlling one’s online image, social networking, cyber-predators, and computer security will be delivered to Grades 5-8 on November 19, 2012.-Our school community will host our Unity and Diversity celebration which promotes respect and inclusion of all of the cultures represented in our school with the involvement of our parent and church community.-We will be working on a video project to help celebrate our positive school climate highlighting the theme of Bullying Awareness and Prevention.-We will be participating in "Feathers Against Bullying".-A few members from the SSAT will attend the elementary bullying symposium on November 21, 2012.-Interventions will include: network support for victims, teaching of alternative behaviour strategies to bullies and victims, problem-solving, anger management, decision-making, conflict resolution, friendship skills, development of student resource team for consultation and support of bullying problems, follow-up on bullying issues and referrals to guidance, psychology and social work personnel.


PrincipalSafe School Action TeamHealth Action TeamTeachersSupport StaffStudentsParentsPolice LiaisonBill Campbell (ISC)Safe and Secure Online Presenter)Guidance, psychology and social work personnel

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Safe School Safety Plan


Resources The following resources will be utilized to support these initiatives/strategies/practices:

Board-wide resourcesCaring and Safe Schools in Ontario DocumentOntario Schools Code of ConductCOPA We All Belong Multimedia Toolkit and Stand Up! Bullying Awareness Week Teacher's Guide Grades 4-6COPA website Help Phone website Safe@Schools portal

Measurement of Progress The following metrics will be used to measure progress in achieving the Goal:

Teachers, students and parents are informed through presentations, in-services, websites and home/school communications about the nature and dynamics of bullying behaviour. Our school has a communication protocol that informs relevent support service staff regarding student incidents and interventions.

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Safe School Safety Plan


School Vision Promoting a safe, inclusive, caring and respectful learning environment.

Goal #3 Our bullying prevention goal is to decrease the recidivism of bullying incidents through prevention and early intervention through the use of learning experiences and explicit teaching of social skills that focus on empathy, respect and inclusion using a variety of activities that encourage these principles.


-Development of a school culture which values diversity and practices inclusion.-St. Gabriel’s School Handbook-Progressive Discipline -Mitigating Factors in terms of suspensions-Direct teaching of skills and strategies to recognize and deal with issues of victimization and harassment.-A safe and confidential means for reporting incidents of bullying and harassment.-Safe School Action team to communicate safe school procedures to all staff members-SSAT to attend bullying workshops and conferences-Bullying prevention information is made available to our parent community-ISC Safe and Secure Online program is a presentation on cyber-bullying, identity theft, controlling one’s online image, social networking, cyber-predators, and computer security will be delivered to Grades 5-8 on November 19, 2012.-Our school community will host our Unity and Diversity celebration which promotes respect and inclusion of all of the cultures represented in our school with the involvement of our parent and church community.-We will be working on a video project to help celebrate our positive school climate highlighting the theme of Bullying Awareness and Prevention.-We will be participating in "Feathers Against Bullying".-A few members from the SSAT will attend the elementary bullying symposium on November 21, 2012.-Interventions will include: network support for victims, teaching of alternative behaviour strategies to bullies and victims, problem-solving, anger management, decision-making, conflict resolution, friendship skills, development of student resource team for consultation and support of bullying problems, follow-up on bullying issues and referrals to guidance, psychology and social work personnel.


PrincipalSafe School Action TeamHealth Action TeamTeachersSupport StaffStudentsParentsPolice LiaisonBill Campbell (ISC)Safe and Secure Online Presenter)Guidance, psychology and social work personnel

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Safe School Safety Plan


Resources The following resources will be utilized to support these initiatives/strategies/practices:

Board-wide resourcesCaring and Safe Schools in Ontario DocumentOntario Schools Code of ConductCOPA We All Belong Multimedia Toolkit and Stand Up! Bullying Awareness Week Teacher's Guide Grades 4-6COPA website Help Phone website Safe@Schools portal

Measurement of Progress The following metrics will be used to measure progress in achieving the Goal:

Teachers, students and parents are informed through presentations, in-services, websites and home/school communications about the nature and dynamics of bullying behaviour. Our school has a communication protocol that informs relevent support service staff regarding student incidents and interventions.

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Safe School Safety Plan


Progressive discipline is a whole-school approach that utilizes a continuum of interventions, supports, and consequences to address inappropriate student behaviour and to build upon strategies that promote positive student behaviours. When inappropriate behaviour occurs, disciplinary measures should be applied within a framework that shifts the focus from one that is solely punitive to one that is both corrective and supportive. Schools should utilize a range of interventions, supports and consequences that include learning opportunities focused on reinforcing positive behaviour and helping students make good choices. PPM 145

2. Progressive Discipline Plan

School Vision A whole school approach that utilizes a continuum of interventions, supports and consequences.

Goal #1 Create consequences designed to support the pro-social development and future behaviour of the person responsible for the action.


Teachers will use the progressive discipline approach outlined in the St. Gabriel handbook. Some examples include: discussion between teacher and student, behaviour log, contact with parent, loss of privileges, removal from class, Guidance counselling or social work support, progressive discipline incident report, Principal involvement, warning of suspension, suspension (under Bill 212: Section 306 and 310).


PrincipalTeachersSocial WorkerGuidance Counsellor

Resources The following resources will be utilized to support these initiatives/strategies/practices:

Board-wide Resources

Measurement of Progress The following metrics will be used to measure progress in achieving the Goal:

Intervention strategies will provide students with appropriate supports that address inappropriate behaviour which will result in an improved school climate.

Students seek teacher assistance when necessary (i.e. school yard).

Peer Mentoring

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Safe School Safety Plan


3. Promoting Positive School CultureA school should be a place that promotes responsibility, respect, civility and academic excellence in a safe learning and teaching environment. A positive school climate exists when all members of the school community feel safe, comfortable and accepted. The Safe School Action Team and student leadership groups can play key roles in supporting learning and practices that educate students and staff members about safety concerns. Those practices used for very challenging situations that can jeopardize the safety and well being of others include, but not limited to: Threat Assessment, Restorative Conference and Mediation Circles.

School Vision Promoting a safe, inclusive, caring and respectful learning environment.

Goal #1 To encourage all students to be part of one activity that showcases a student's unique strength, talent, interest or ability.


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Student Voice: students are given various opportunities to lead, participate in or contribute to school activities. Students are encouraged to be involved at all levels.

Students are engaged in regular conversations about their own learning and their school's learning environment. They are involved in various activities (i.e. drama, talent shows, musical events, sport teams, intramurals, play days, clubs, Me to We, HAT, Safe School team, etc.)

The School provides children with many volunteer opportunities at both the school level and in the community (i.e. sorting food at the Good Sheppard, Vincent DePaul, alter serving, choir and hospitality ministries at the church).

Each class has an opportunity to plan and participate in one monthly mass.

Classroom activities, programs and extra curricular activities are intentionally designed to practice pro-social behaviour and problem solving.

Parent Engagement: Welcome to Kindergarten program for parents and students. Parents are invited to participate in all school events (masses, field trips, sporting events, etc.). Our school provides parents with many different activities in which they can participate (leading school choir, fundraising activities, etc.).

Social-Emotional Environment: Fairness, equity and respect for all creates a safe and caring learning environment. In all classes conflict resolution strategies as well as bullying awareness and prevention lessons are taught.

Participate in campaigns such as Pink Shirt Day and Bullying Awareness and Prevention Week, as well as Mental Illness Awareness Week

Learning Environment: We provide students with a wide range of opportunities to learn, to practice and demonstrate their learning. Curriculum delivery in our school recognizes various learning needs, styles and multiple intelligences. All students regardless of ability are integrated and included in the regular classroom. Differentiated instruction meets the needs of all students.

Student of the month awards acknowledge and celebrate positive student behaviour.

Celebrating positive student behaviour by including "good news" stories in the newsletter.

Communications with parents by various means including agenda, conferences, e-mail, newsletters.

CSAC information bulletin board provides parents with information about upcoming events and community resources available to students and families.

Community Partnerships: Our school engages various community groups to work together in a mutually beneficial way to support students and parents. These groups include: Toronto Public Health, Toronto Police, Toronto Fire Department, Scientists in the School, Bank of Montreal (Junior Achievement Program) and Parish Priests.

Create opportunities for students to give back to the local community (food drive, clothing drive, etc.)

Local Police officers are invited to the school to discuss bullying and safe internet practices.

Physical Environment: The school environment, inside and outside the building is welcoming and makes the school a safe place that is conducive to learning. Our school creates a positive and inviting school climate (art displays, murals, prayer table, parent information bulletin board, etc.). Each teacher organizes their classroom in a way that promotes collaborative learning, student engagement and the principles of inclusion.

Safety is always on the agenda and staff must report any safety concerns in their classrooms and around the school to administration. Staff members are aware of effective supervision strategies. Designated school clean-up days also contribute to a safe and welcoming environment.

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Safe School Safety Plan



PrincipalTeachersStudentsParentsCommunity Groups

Resources The following resources will be utilized to support these initiatives/strategies/practices:

Board wide ResourcesClassroom/School Resources

Measurement of Progress The following metrics will be used to measure progress in achieving the Goal:

School Climate Survey

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Safe School Safety Plan


4. Emergency Response PlanThe Toronto Catholic District School Board has a primary responsibility to ensure the safety of students and staff inside Board buildings and on Board property. Central policies and procedures, developed in collaboration with the Toronto Police Service, provide direct support to school administrators in the management of crisis situations, including a lockdown response. It is the responsibility of each school to develop local procedures specific to that school, including a process by which all regular staff members, itinerant and specialist teachers and support staff, facility workers and visitors are informed of local considerations in the event of a threat to school safety. MOE Provincial Model for a Local Police/School Board Protocol

School Vision All students, staff members and visitors will become knowledgeable about emergency procedures for threats to the safety and well-being of all persons at school, and will be able to appropriately respond according to the guidelines established by TCDSB.

Goal #1 To plan, practice and evaluate a minimum of 2 Lockdown Drills in this school year; one drill per term.


If an alarm sounds while in the building, all parents and visitors are to exit immediately. Students will follow standard fir drills procedure as outlined by the Toronto Fire Department. In the event of a high risk incident involving weapons, chemical spills, severe weather, or stranger intrusion, etc. occurs in the school pr on school property, the "Emergency Response" procedures are initiated. (Lockdown, Hold and Secure and Shelter in Place). Teachers discuss emergency procedures with students on a regular basis. Emergency response binder is located in the office and emergency response procedures are located in all teachers emergency plans.


PrincipalTeachersSupport StaffStudents

Resources The following resources will be utilized to support these initiatives/strategies/practices:

Board-wide ResourcesClass/School Resources

Measurement of Progress The following metrics will be used to measure progress in achieving the Goal:

6 fire drills are conducted throughout the year to ensure that the students are aware of the proper procedures to be followed in a emergency. Routine "Emergency Response Procedure" drills take place at least twice during the year.

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