John Li Feb-2013. Contents Purpose cleanroom safety rules New rules implemented Emergency procedures...

Cleanroom safety in McGill Nanotool fab John Li Feb-2013

Transcript of John Li Feb-2013. Contents Purpose cleanroom safety rules New rules implemented Emergency procedures...

Cleanroom safety in McGill Nanotool fab

John LiFeb-2013


ContentsPurposecleanroom safety rules

New rules implementedEmergency proceduresSummary


PurposeReinforce the general safety policies

Keys safety practices in the cleanroom

New safety practices implementation


Cleanroom safety: where to startReview the Safety and Behavior videoReview the Microfab's Policies Review the chemical list (with MSDS)

Review the wet benches process

Review online safety training from McGill EHS unit


Cleanroom safety: The consequence not following rules

Dangerous for yourself and other users if not follow the rule properly (HF burned examples)


Cleanroom safety: Do’s/Don’tsAlways use bottle rinser to rinse/dry emptied

bottle (acid/solvent) before put in pass-through and marked

Always use the dedicated green glove to transfer new acid bottle to acid bench

Always label your chemical in beaker (acid/solvent bench) all the times

Never touch acid bench N2 gun with cleanroom gloves

Never leave glassware in dump rinser after doneNever leave outside of green marker area with

PPE on (except for getting chemical from cabinet or pass-through)


Cleanroom safety: Do’s and Don'ts at Acid bench (I)

Do’s Don’ts


Cleanroom safety: Do’s and Don'ts at Acid bench (II)

Do’s Don’ts


Cleanroom safety:Transfer samples at wetbenchPrepare your solution with PPE onWearing Apron and cleanroom gloves(Not green

gloves), and with your own tweezers, to transfer your samples on clean/dry wipes

Put back on all PPE, using tweezers at wetbench to put samples in your beaker

Once Etching done, rinse, dry your samples and clean/dry the bench surface as well. And put the your samples on dry/clean wipe

Remove green gloves, and face shield (if you prefer), using your own tweezers to put the samples in your petri dish

Cleanroom safety: Pictorial steps of transferring samples at wetbench

Prepared Acid solution with PPE on

Remove green gloves, transfer your sample With your own tweezers to clean/dry wipe

Once finished your work, Put back PPE toRinse/dry your samples and clean bench

Then remove green gloves, with cleanroom gloves transfer your samples from wipes to petri dish with your own tweezers 10

Before Etch

After Etch


Cleanroom safety: Cleanup

A clean wetbench is a safe wetbench

Wet Bench checklist:1. Return all chemicals to their proper

storage area 2. Dispose of any used chemicals 3. Rinse out all containers you have used

(graduated cylinders, beaker, etc.) and remove them from sink after rinse

4. Clean and dry the wetbench surfaces


Cleanroom safety: Transfer chemical bottles from pass-through to wetbench

• Use the dedicated green gloves (which clamped by pass-through• Do NOT use cleanroom gloves


Cleanroom safety: green gloves in the proper position and orderGloves for Metal bench

Gloves for Acid bench


Cleanroom safety: cleanup

Gloves for Site CoaterGloves for Laurell coater


Cleanroom safety: Chemical disposal

Solvent and resist (To solvent waste container)

Acid and Base (TMAH) (cool down and dump in drain)

Metal etchant (dedicated waste containers)Empty bottles of Acids and Solvents (rinse,

mark and put in pass-through)


Emergency Procedures: Evacuation (I)

Should any of the following situations occurs:

• Ventilation system failure (ie., fresh air/exhaust systems/cleanroom power failure)

• Large chemical spill• Fire alarm sounded• or should any other imminently dangerous

situation present itself


Emergency Procedures: Evacuation (II)

Must take the following actions IMMEDIATELY:

• WARN anyone within their immediate area of the danger.

• TURN OFF any equipments being used via the safest manner if possible.

• EXIT the fab in a calm, orderly manner via:

• INFORM Fab Personnel OR call McGill Security by dialing 3000


Emergency ProceduresAccidental contact with a chemical

Remove contaminated clothing and flush with cold water for at lease 15 minutes.

The extent of any injury, even if no injury seems apparent, MUST be evaluated by a medical doctor immediately

In case of HF, gently massage calcium gluconate ointment into skin. This material in the NanoLab First Aid Kit


Emergency Procedures: Fire safetyWhen you hear a fire alarm you must

immediately exit the Clean Room through the closest emergency exit doors (No need to remove clean room bunny suits).

Trigger an alarm if it is possible when a fire occurs in cleanroom


Report to staff immediately whenThere is abnormal smell or odour There is strange noise/sound There is gas/water leak Or any other abnormal situations



Clean fab is a safe fabAll users in the microfab are expected to take

steps to ensure that health and safety of other lab members will not be endangered.

Every users are requested to correct other users dangerous behaviours in cleanroom

It is YOUR fab and YOUR safety matters