John Chipman Grey

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Transcript of John Chipman Grey

  • 7/29/2019 John Chipman Grey


    Reported by jed conrad b medina

  • 7/29/2019 John Chipman Grey

  • 7/29/2019 John Chipman Grey


    was an American scholar of property law andprofessor at Harvard law school.

    He also founded the law firm ropes and gray,with law partner john Codman ropes.

    He was half-brother to U.S Supreme court

    justice Horace gray.

  • 7/29/2019 John Chipman Grey


    Gray was a graduate of Boston Latin School.From there, he went on to Harvard university,where he earned his Bachelor of Arts degree in

    1859, and Harvard Law School, where heearned his Law degree in 1861.

    He was admitted to the bar in 1862, andthereafter served a tour in the Union army in

    the American civil war

  • 7/29/2019 John Chipman Grey


    In 1865, after the end of the Civil War, Grayestablished his law practice in Boston, whichwould eventually evolve into the modern firm ofRopes and Gray. In 1869, he began teaching at

    Harvard Law School, first as a lecturer, andbecame a full professor in 1875.

    In 1883, he was named Royall Professor of Law, aposition he would hold for 20 years. He received

    honorary doctorate of laws degrees from YaleUniversity in 1894, and from Harvard in 1895.

    Two years after retiring from teaching, he died atBoston, Massachusetts on February 25, 1915.

  • 7/29/2019 John Chipman Grey


    Gray wrote two books on future interests,Restraints on the Alienation of Property (1883),and The Rule against Perpetuities (1886). His best

    known work is his survey of the common law,The Nature and Sources of the Law (1909). Gray'swritings were so influential that they are stillused in American law schools and cited in law

    journal to this day.

  • 7/29/2019 John Chipman Grey



    Systematic- proposed to follow thesystematic method since it focuses inanalysis and relations of somefundamental legal ideas rather thanfocuses in history or prophesy future

    development Analytic/dogmatic

  • 7/29/2019 John Chipman Grey


    Now for what I have called the deontological methodof dealing with the Law, the consideration of its fitnessor unfitness to meet the needs of society. This is forlegislators and the advisers of legislators. How far is it

    a method to be followed by judges and jurists ? Theopinions of judges in the Common Law and of juristsin the Civil Law on what society needs haveprofoundly influenced the Law, and for the better.

  • 7/29/2019 John Chipman Grey


    A treatise on Law constructed on this third methodwould be a Treatise on Legislation rather than on

    Jurisprudence. All writers on Jurisprudence have, how-ever, employed it incidentally. And this is inevitable.

    Even Austin, the strictest of the analytic jurists, admitsthat 'it is impossible to consider Jurisprudence quite

    apart from Legislation; since the inducements orconsiderations of expediency which lead to the

    establishment of laws, must be adverted to inexplaining their origin and mechanism."

  • 7/29/2019 John Chipman Grey


    In these lectures I propose to follow the systematicmethod and to call your attention to the analy- sis andrelations of some fundamental legal ideas, rather thanto tell their history or prophesy their future develop-

    ment. Not that I am insensible to the value of historicalstudies, nor blind to the fact that legal conceptions areconstantly changing, yet, to borrow a figure from theshop, it is well at times to take account of stock, to

    consider and analyze Law in the stage of developmentwhich it has reached, although we believe it neitherpossible nor desirable that the development should notgo on in the future.

  • 7/29/2019 John Chipman Grey


    Normal human being- they have a will, canexercise right through agents, etc

    Abnormal human being-have no will

    Supernatural being are those intelligent Animals

    Juristic ex corporation

  • 7/29/2019 John Chipman Grey


    A man, therefore, may be bound by a legal duty to doan act, although he cannot possibly do it, and althoughhe does not know that he has been ordered to do it. Theexercise of his will, actual or potential, is not

    necessarily involved in the creation of a legal duty towhich he is subject.

  • 7/29/2019 John Chipman Grey


    The Law of the State or of any organized body of menis composed of the rules which the courts, that is, the

    judicial organs of that body, lay down for thedetermination of legal rights and duties

  • 7/29/2019 John Chipman Grey


    The Law of an organized body, political or other, beingthe rules laid down by the judicial department of thatbody, it is now necessary to consider courts or judges ;I use the terms as synonymous. It is, of course, not

    necessary that a judge be called by that name ; it is thefunctions which he exercises, and not the name bywhich he is called, that mark his essential character.

  • 7/29/2019 John Chipman Grey


    In some primitive communities, the legislative, judicial,and administrative powers are united in the samepersons or in a single individual. A judge of anorganized body is a man appointed by that body to

    determine duties and the corresponding rights uponthe application of persons claiming those rights. It isthe fact that such application must be made to him,which distinguishes a judge from an adminstrative


  • 7/29/2019 John Chipman Grey


    It is possible, perhaps probable, that men have livedtogether in certain modes and fashions, have, in otherwords, lived in society, and yet may not have formedan organized body. But the units of such unorganized

    bodies may be themselves organisms, and this has inall probability been generally the case. A horde ofsavages who are in the habit of wandering abouttogether, without king or judge, may be composed of

    true organisms, families, each with its ruler (alikelegislator and judge) and Law. The horde is made up ofthe family units, and not of the individual humanbeings who make up the family.

  • 7/29/2019 John Chipman Grey


    In theology it may be that the chief artificial person is theChurch; but in Jurisprudence the chief artificial person isthe State. The State is an artificial person created in orderthat, by assuming it as the entity whose organs are the

    men engaged in protecting a mass of human beings fromexternal and internal fraud and violence, a unity ofoperation may be given to those organs. Austin, in his "Province of Jurisprudence Determined " The State,

    according to him," is usually synonymous with theSovereign.'

  • 7/29/2019 John Chipman Grey


    is the science of Law, the statement and systematicarrangement of the rules followed by the courts and ofthe principles involved in those rules. There are threekinds of Jurisprudence : first, Particular Jurisprudence,

    or the science of the Law of a particular community ;second, Comparative Jurisprudence, or the comparisonof the Law of two or more communities ; third. General

    Jurisprudence, or the comparison of all the legal

    systems of the world. Austin says that the appropriatesubject of Jurisprudence is positive Law

  • 7/29/2019 John Chipman Grey


  • 7/29/2019 John Chipman Grey


    The first Sources from which the courts of

    any human society draw the Law are the formalutterances of the legislative organs of the society.

    a country with a written constitution, the body of personswhich enacts the constitution is the supreme legislature

    all other bodies and persons having legislative powers,

    including the ordinary Legislature, Congress, Assembly,

    Cortes, are subordinate to it.

  • 7/29/2019 John Chipman Grey


    The second source of the Law, that is, of the

    rules by which the courts govern their action, is to be

    found in Precedents. Precedent has a very wide meaning.

    It covers everything said or done which furnishes arule for subsequent practice, especially in matters of form

    or ceremony


  • 7/29/2019 John Chipman Grey


    There are four questions under the English Law as toPrecedents to consider :

    1. How great is the authority of a decision in the courtwhich made it, or in a court of coordinate jurisdiction ?

    2. Is there any court which is absolutely bound byits own decisions ?

    3. Does a lower court ever decide in opposition toa higher court of appeal ?

    4. Can decisions of the courts be properly consideredas sources of Law ?

  • 7/29/2019 John Chipman Grey


    . A third source of Law, and one of great

    importance, is found in the opinions of experts. Some-

    times these opinions have been taken up by the legislative

    organ of a community and published as part of the StatuteLaw. The most familiar and striking instance of this

    was when Justinian compiled the Digest from the treatises

    of the Jurists.

  • 7/29/2019 John Chipman Grey


    Custom is another of the sources of the Law.

    The courts have adopted certain rules, not because any

    statutes have required them to do so, not because therewere

    any precedents for such rules in the reports of decided

    cases, not because they found any doctrine calling for the

    laying down of the rules in the writings of jurists, not be-

    cause the rules recommended themselves to their moral

    sense, but because they found them followed, in societyat large, or in some parts of it, in the intercourse of the

    members of the society with each other. Thus, in the

    Common Law, three days' delay in payment, called days

    of grace, are allowed on bills of exchange.

  • 7/29/2019 John Chipman Grey


    When a case comes before a court for decision, it may bethat nothing can be drawn from the sources heretoforementioned; there may be no statute, no judicialprecedent, no professional opinion, no custom, bearing

    on the question involved, and yet the court mustdecide the case somehow; the decision of cases is whatcourts are for.

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    And I do not know of any system of Law where ajudge is held to be justified in refusing to pass upon acontroversy because there is no person or book orcustom to tell him how to decide it. He must find out

    for himself; he must determine what the Law ought tobe ; he must have recourse to the principles ofmorality.

  • 7/29/2019 John Chipman Grey


    Theories on The Nature of Law

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    Thefirst theory is made up of the commands ofthe sovereign. This is Austin's view. "Every

    Positive Law," he says, "obtaining in anycommunity, is a creature of the Sovereign orState; having been established immediately bythe monarch or supreme body, as exercising

    legislative or judicial functions; or having beenestablished immediately by a subjectindividual or body, as exercising rights orpowers of direct or judicial legislation, whichthe monarch or supreme body has expressly ortacitly conferred ."1

  • 7/29/2019 John Chipman Grey


    The second theory on the nature of Law is thatthe courts, in deciding cases, are, in truth,applying what has previously existed in thecommon consciousness of the people.

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    third theory of the Law remains to consider.

    That theory is to this effect: The rules followedby the courts in deciding questions are not theexpression of the State's commands, nor arethey the expression of the common

    consciousness of the people, but, althoughwhat the judges rule is the Law, it is puttingthe cart before the horse to say that the Law iswhat the judges rule.

  • 7/29/2019 John Chipman Grey


    This theory concedes that the rules laid downby the judges correctly state the Law

  • 7/29/2019 John Chipman Grey



    That reason is the unwillingness to recognizethe fact that the courts, with the consent of the

    State, have been constantly in the practice ofapplying, in the decision of controversies, ruleswhich were not in existence and were,therefore, not knowable by the parties when

    the causes of controversy occurred

  • 7/29/2019 John Chipman Grey


    Legal realism can roughly be characterized bythe following claims:

    the class of available legal materials isinsufficient to logically entail a unique legaloutcome in most cases worth litigating at theappellate level (the Local Indeterminacy Thesis);

    in such cases, judges make new law in deciding

    legal disputes through the exercise of alawmaking discretion (the Discretion Thesis);and

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    judicial decisions in indeterminate cases areinfluenced by the judges political and moralconvictions, not by legal considerations.