JOCKEY CLUB RACES! - Library of...

flAICIAL. Cherltet,.. S ... 3.... . Wtbevt.,_t 9' I.rltew nnwte. M l, . ........ d . l ......... 6ow Y6'. d6 .. 6............ 44:t I....et4 .t.: .t. Bril.l'llpk . ,1..c ...... 4 I.nniaville. dII ....... .. 31 Iqlhhnrre do ............. 92 8t.'t.LoI. ,In.. .......... 12 $ Masese Ice.estds ...... es! tl. . ... t i.j.tte l1 9a s~ , u9n " 10,i~ ) do ...... 2G I 1'ls v .................. IS B..ctlst:49l. t ..... t .. .... 5 d..l-•.ml. Ihl ....... 19 ) rdo ................ IS Nsatllle, Jet ........... Id Ht r d It.... . a_ rl-0T 'OF NEWV ORLEANS. CLEAKANCL5, •' , . .. - - Fehruary 8 ,1830l. el.k WA3rI De.Hulyy, Atr Brute. Riretr W iDtna. IcEl &tji., HIeac., W T Vegaer. & o. u p s+JBpl• RUiltt, er Mtel:arda Bay , rutar. 4th1r er.a pere Ru, fr trHavana, W Porter. krttel hthatg, AntIrew,, ,r Mtlle, lster,, team 1r e l otmbaIe, Ulstill, 6,r Mobile, meuter. ARIV.ALS. Febrsary 8, 1939. Tow•rd• Stratpu,, Mrristl, from t tV pas., having tw-r 'd tosee ship th wre..Arrived to heetry will,ship lemetmotl a rqeea (Geo RRldlerd. irie ChlerliLn d rehr L.evnJollres.. 44R t• h it at 4 p e; realpta hlarjee Geral key. barhque tr. r.l•kr Perrye, htp MOntralUe..a brigSndl.a Jbohn ,no tp brig -. al s ir iyitl at tte pilot hblase; bound sp rbipE Eirik[ e on the Bar. Fr rhip at lelar ot' tbe bsr, I ',rig a.d L'2 thooarsa at tahor ie..ide, frll I0i to I2 semall esil i the river. Itrqtne Goo edford, Kesating, iayt frtm ''homasttr ,to 0Ie. l,edtsrd. 'Sbhi MetaltOra. Lowe, 28dnys srom .i.tmo.le t to meltar. trig Chieltili, LInt, 4 I-5 dty sr.ln fet lltvu,, toJ Oxnard. br, Le.ein Jolle., Webster, 26 juay frolw eTamllp•o, ld ferot Slee 31teh same tnotth. o.elmer Bait ital, Ileft. frotn -eouSarn. Steeter Tridrct. Ittlvedlly, Ifrau Thilodaexvilte. Breener Little Red,Konnedav, frum \'l•kbsrg. teesors Alabamit•l, lthuds, frum Mteroe. EIXPKtKT5. Bf.•OSRIVER..Ps ek W• t Bryar..carge. sendrytls lo1t. greworiet, hardware, saIt, dry goud, lclotitllg, A, to, Uo &'AVANA..Parehar Edgar..t.args 130 keg. lard. IA I'AIMIRUA Its t.. Per rch Toalupereae.. cars, cmall lots Swine, bready. perter, ale, nlolleses, uagar, slsac sre, hardware, coteee, rice,.elsthlbg, a+ C. &.. " IIA$ANA..Per chr Texnr...arltO 5T-btrlc flilr, 443 kegs 151 brl enld 'a2 boxe. lard 51 taste oil. NORIeE..Per cr c Ier t:xchasles..earo 0 p tIt). sit. JBILE..Pr srteanlr (:l;.nlbuls. st., 2I6brhil flurr35 ,oi whistrey• brti pork i bri atet'r 4 hidl oil csikes ad sendry boxes, orrlllladi.e. IPOLa'Trs. IALTIMORE..I'er shipJlsetamoru..earo ascorted merrallt. dlire. TIIOMABL' O ". .P er berqle tios Bldtfurd..carge 1200casks." litte to (; , edhtrll 'iAVANA..Perr Iig lhi,•tui,,..carpo 153lI .; rob'l, itt, "TAMPICO..Per esbr t..'vi, Jllte....1 hteep an.d e 00,0, 6t - dullte itn slel;. to A l'l.k 4. cu. CONS IGN E IS. BR'thllule..Per shipMetnl,,+rn...aron toJ C hInca,,, "l'nat- aun , con, J A ltersilt, I. II t I,, n .I yd n s.. ."c . I -tae, r ,eaOlls rse, ltabk & isl,n. . iral e o. \\It e hiltl.ts Blkrl. JH F'e'd A ,a. c iaKrtmt.n Ahertlltltys Itnls . (vill- froy L.alutrie &. Sowll. titert &. lhlwthore. Hcnrlelns & O. gerr. J A Merle & a o, J A Merrelt, L)sbble & Brown, Th tyer & co, lEdw Lareld.' & ac.Bettnelt Ferrlduy a to . ItI t'(till, -J I• tisaso, Jis Abell, Wutella,. & Wood, Ihl.r & Wiler- mar.. Havena..Per briLt CiefCaIillt.cnrro t J )entlloetea & en, B " aooreesF Bunrtl, TOxnard, toct Blsell ' AtT Lsa' Bwe. " RI'C•II'Ttr OF PRODLUCE. BayeeSnrah..Psr sersasr lrilliaet..carg•s 9 bales ottlll Esldwell ft tlhfcry. dt0 I Brniler ltrcKetiata W right, 5 ds K I1 'Teurmsre. ,sldrius toaowltrt elt bord. "'Thibodauxvilla..tererteaer l'lidant..rargo .•0 bhrre'. molusec CV Fltosr, 36 o t I W oaert. 52 htbtJ usgar rt Ihtrls illllsees tl Mason 0 bG nlrleesste.,r Steer,' a Clark; 5 bales -csltatn Gouardasin & Itit.4 ds. A Selslra,.,- soo. Vicklbiur..l'etr lsumnr I.itt,' Ilsd..rerau 1tbalreaotton .loeton S& suo:hd00 do'l',ms, lt.rrtt, 212 do V I1 Rt l, rt. t' -do Ls•a FUtlltts& a. co, t73do Itaytl1dsltvrs 5" as, IS it.. J - Lee, 5i1o Taylor (iadenr a r.t 6 d., M \Vbite a to, 12 -I. Lambeth a 'I'&oTtson. : do J i Bell, 7ido AdaAlllstard WVhitall, 111 do S \V Oakey. do AilaotAbher v e-,li1l1 do lieo Bergret. MOllror..Perr ste amr Alib:llntist..clg 195 hatIes rloll J Ledoux & ctiit, pire, o s' tII, lltll ,e b:aes der sklls .l I' tobilt lhs,. I boa slllral.,.elll.e 't'aTits, I dt t •I Il.e'd.-t 'rboxesar dry sos,dt J lti, llalp I5 Planehelo & co. 142d do J DMolret ,e:t, 3 do 'a'ylor iarllder & co, ,Cs2 de Iurk \V,.tt co, 57 dJ Arlllour, 7 do \•stlls. y . hlontuens, 143 dt Ktrkmnthliertatsy. l~a alanss, -. 7 do .. B ls,,, lit o Pierree Soullun - Bro, 2U d6S J lallow,6 os A N Gardnsr,,e 5 do oauer on board. PA SENG(;I:IR. ienroe..Per Pt alarr Alibnm'nl,..Thb Careol at1,e fanily Col \titialm, ana rNila. lai It ItIina aId lte , la. r'l IT.- -- o, ev1danily, I)aar.n alld ttIfaittly Pctlllls , a S.athtw.. I1ril- iset. M Da~idel. 10,,tm Glee. 1',i 'Pier. It Conk, W*'ilinlt J HIt ih,lm, flarevnel. \','haw, l'r,,dtlt, J Blier. B.,hinitltn, 1)1' Graeltla, G(i. ,iris , d I t htialrd. I iot, tieaa xlet ' '. ' b I l'.,lt,,t hallow+s. Sota , .' d•althwt , It, s .ts , ter .lsuJ•ldr" Ur N t t,l Dr Scltli ale, " tndt-. I1tlI. C . A,etatl. Ilsysu Ssrael..l'r te~tate, traldsat.. Otam Ronr ir, Tho'bse. Iealrlcn. ts, Nab,• l.ll lh , t t'stl.f l'ssal.e, Fagoht Dslfih l l s Mo'ier,', In, bn la.artabcldy.. I ai rvt I(atlllltty lady usd 'crvt,sB, Utl, Dnasrler, Isaker, 0t Martii, 1'etldus•,, Besnoart erd. 'hibt4t,dlUt viile..Pr .tLrernr 'I'trirl.Capt tstller. ROsiC- man, J'•van., P I)ero'. lMirl~e. lletipl ttelllt,,re..l'erelip AlhtunlarIt..Jgbsn Dsangflold. 'rites Donaoeos Viakeltrg...It.-a SetneC, Its; Wil, -llI.. . Jolhi...E., W. ht rphev, .1. It. L\Valrte, U. Ss,Svlcot,Nutl, 1 1lins, Fisher, Hlrowt, Nile.,, Mirs duHl, AIrs Ihtil, 1lis, Ger- I vis, U reuvsb,,rostgh. 'XLlE MAROKET'S. CINCINN.ATI MARKET,. ;an. il. Wir, ,.ia.da. 42 3... .... S Psrkl...e Akebd I',ilno, S t Bllk. i IO i;llos. • ruuad, lto .ales. flares, I1 Lsard_._ko NEW 0105 'NS JOCKEY CLUB RACES! ' E'L1P5Ii COLLRE. PRING MIETING, 1833, will coormnc e on \Ved- i ocodsoV,3:3 Of MRobl, 18330,11141 conlinnc 3 (lays Iooticololrs in duotime. 1'. N. OLI VERL, j in4 'Proprietoro C 0lOl'EE- 54 hags lI coot Ciflic, I,,diol frtom barqool1. gr \goc iinm for Wi uiom' jo23 S_ J I' VI lTNI' ,I 2C1"o7 Cnnip or Cl 0l D A8FE, &.. -1180 coil tarred Rope icooricrd sizes, (runic ic Ohe ; Sinyaro d stubt; also, Deep -e au l luuclutl lip,'; Pigging IJ.ohor, &c. formdlc by jaolO RI;.A1) & ItIRST011V,7 Blok I'lace -" AL : 1b0'M-:'lO ruuibcls Bohr IRe, of sujnroir .J)quonlity, bocotFe by jail!) ISAC IRIIiilE & Co. 13l 1l1iayrine. or C'I'VII NK, Nouo Orlrooc, 3, F Irborua.r 1O:19. E XCIIANCC oc Eogl.,nd, rocoo aru Is hrtitu- toO ('Rolirir 7.1LOU R.- 9llt1 boll landing from ater'mcm1)r mrnuob, and fl~or sale by iL)y., fe6 44 New Levee EIUNNY BAtiS-121,'ffln i orlefr uole boy 1O (1 DoI Rft 1'. 44Neow l.crr pOHK-OI0 bblu moos puricue P. 0, io solr. by _r __6 G 0 OI)R)iIiKY, 44 Newr".c~ee (J11F'E1'& CIGARS-36 rbuz limoe green Ila- 50,000 Iloc Cal rigare, blr'ire four0 hn rorl Royco Williato, for ooile by JOSEPII COCK O8NE, jo24 13 flor-vicr or JOHN V. CHII)BS, ENGRAVER AN') COPIER-PI.AT T EIIINTER, Xo. 3, Cnmrp Sr. W 1.1. rncrooc rod prin t rderrclr h-onkrte.. i of euclhoiog, ills orf lading, rlilulorrroro, a-i, coo. tileand visitonl card. nouri "I, corrooliro rcunlini hos.e Uools, door plio ilro, r wojo, qr. - oalway on hand, n aeoortorrroo of siler planted ind bIras door PS Cards pr'ntcd from oploes already eigruvcd. noo20' A LI.A ILl. 1)LLN SVI~ti)3lI- 1I'8 1rrrki hltire, . forcl tugiarro rro rtil liri 0h0ir nn fir howl, or oliokero, or cye lbrowc, by a single opplicotioro, to boertmtootrt blrown, varoyig to a compIete biack, wUlth- hot sotauinig either Ite Irooda orltinrn, jrtot rreioctl at tbho Botur,cornrr Stl. Cbcrles 1 r :onCo nn -tresi BUSIl &- Il.%.N. 0 8 F:ruailIoIro Hurriel B B A(fi. -- 8 8 Task rxn .- +r l lllr 4 'id , 'a'eby ISAAC IIR131 . g .dc, tO'1'"1'!)\8=0 ha- t~; s'f til-i autl I hlla+ twillrd Low- l / / ll Cutt~lr tns fr s:.l." by IIn IS 1AC IlD( l GCE A r'., 131 1!L'7.ziwr s 2o51 t nd Nwnlill "p-"rnt (Intllr.. fur tlr by fe8 IsAAC IIUI(;I & Co, 1't4 1I B AG 2INF: &HAll nr!Plr "', 7ook IIlv tJ O 1,0k0 k do du for xle by re8 bVHIIIIl I fII'; I" Cu, 76 Mlagnxine t d'OFI"EE-I1Uo bog',i5, f',h.,uiI r C.iTeh, for sle ELOUII-3-41 bl.die g Inn l or fir saole bly (. DIIIRSEY, IPIIR 41 N.- 1 "."e shoulderldod side. lfundi,,g kronm trmm boat NIorfolk, for sgbe b3 G I)'lHEI lbS 41 j1tTiiR7.AT r l) PE~I;'`-1lOhock.I h'or.I oh)"l S. LnLk..lg. Co NoI. 8 F tlo. Glaser of loam bouta ae particulaorly r q.osted to onobk sriol of Ithimo u'w ad ow,'o aluOlblo rticlob fwlet so much .,.ioegd by engincr, in evecry prtt of beo r'Iclry wbere it big bern .,oed. 1, j''4011. CIIAINco-70 g kohooilobnm~oo~ lorre~e..d oiad for salehr b LOCKEC &8 C., fjNY1103I10 ols uny ar, of .lu. 6t4 Ao pellt, teturO, Anitabin for Salt, by Wi I .RR)IE. 124 rl It WE'lSltritTbe-utraBo M Iicooctt's do. Hamto' 1... Exopreditious U..srn*rmd dward'Bookkeeper'.' AIRt. recojoed uudf*c sale 17 A 'I'U Atl, _ _ __._____ 49 Camp ot r : Obg`t,.Ssftn r, i.. tulrO. o far mac by * RIDGE andX0,70 TBJDGiile at Ne Ill eonnectionwith this Oflice is a SPLENDID AND EXTENSIVE ASSORTMENT Or TYPE be Frue TIIE PRINTiNG ia owe Pamphlets Slank Chetkl Catalogues Bills of Lading be Labels, Dray Receipts, eit Legal Notices Auetion Bills, ho Bill Perms, Show Bills Steam Heat Bills COinrlars AdI eaver deieripil•sa ofJob Work hnha be mey be required. rjThe pruprietor teoapectlblly calls the ttention of el the public to the abhove Card, and. assures them that no all work intrusted to his care shall be done at the short- at eat notice, in a style unsurpassed in this city, and hi at Ihe lowest rates. ,I THE TRUE AMERICAN. EDITED BYv Jflr1T leBMONiN. N FAITRLFUL AND BOLD. , NEVW OR LEANS: a ----------- t - r-D-•3•,-r -s•;,-• 7,-- ,. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 9. l139. 'r Free B•nlking--no 8..--ltur motivus in advocatnlg the adoptionof a systemin f Free Iltnking, by thle State oflonuisiano, have been questioned by quid nunc s and C those who .it -- "have eyesI ween To nes, what is nlt to be tseen." We convinced oursaefthat it wonld tend to our co-lll Iry'sadvantage, and regardlesswhether it was approv- ed byWlhigs or Locofocus, Mlercl,ano or Alrc h ausiive I1 or tlle landed interest, we have given to it our ud;vlvded support. \Vhat ii iti to it, if it bi advllocatcl by a portion ulthe Tory press--lthlough, we ialy inot .like Ihe conullny, ut it iannlotdeeir us fromt itrlsing thei course whieb •ur iodgment couetrii s o us, i right.- e It has been doontllo laed to ie i form llf the credit %,-I tenll, exmptl Iron'll tlhe obleclionat whlie blve bhter teedl II agatinst lthait si -en, t iithot whiit the great enerieso l'ollr iltllllllu e trril lrV could wlct Ibe dlYevehIp d:l.beGau . , ritil, ae h\ p[othlrcatld, s I lhl blusin of libte credit, of rnl u n iuilue, and si sltale. that they wiil nitnas hotle rthil m- itg whein the credit is imptoired. 11 it he a LU~oetme imeasore, we think it an excellent oue, and they dedeinvu congratulations futr Iaving once rcemtnlended, nught so t inmpoltut and beneficial in its tendency. But the whigs andconservatives have its much right to til paternity of tile s tetm : It did not pass tile New York Legisla. lure tli they were in tIhe nscetnIrlelcy-- ndI Gioveurnor Seward, tile ineent exeeutive of New I'ok lhas denlar- I ed tllei currencyunder this sy stetm, to be thie sfjie, t he iworld Is ever knowu . i '1'o the Charleston Courier are we indelted for the ( FIIlowi ilg synop-is of tih: law of (3a rgin, whirh nlo) 1 lie well iutrodirhed le , wiilit some uulendluents, that I iwill bei hern al'clernllii ' nihe L.egi o-lile of (ceoruin, at its late seosion, pasueud an il, att.holismu and uiloptiu-g ithi .tslei Il S 'rue I t tkini . I ' l'h, tl in, piol isionti f ihelttilwiir Ip hs fllows• :--It Iririrnhllhi, +nllhlg illm, In he illlilitlt U, fIs ai hi- rtols inuIIt l tll I.-lu eorl .u t ids t b) the I u s t lut- iP Ott ]er G lrneria , alt ll tot lin - lioner. (toRbel ele ed 1" ' meh se. -i',n of til h I.tgi-l n ld' ,) and to b. e niter- Sappl in. 'l'his i tehell itag dillutlll I I. bI delilellI to illy |et'oil il t'Ciali oftiuit fo t'r , r Iht tieti ,, ii! Ihoonking, Iu nugtuuonl iaouluitni withI thte Ioilue oI sCtiuk P tl or end, not-if at li, d, ututit1 legit Irau-tir io ilioe Cutiu-t nlr ~nil itoii-oi . itletocks of the.ur iti " itll Sult, te ai$tiir of Georgii, or such olth • tatei I olicfr•, to e otr to ,e maitde to hl equl to state strok p Irodluicin lliv t pler celt per anol ti , ait t be taken lat a ule ahove or blow par-thell lls ol notes thus , i s'ro to b," sitatpel it Ileir fces, s " seicured biy ihe t, plhdge of p bibl•c -toiiks . " u u . 1i b.1n. e ml t llt tUa S ii ut lil-ial redl I tlit wili t hi l u igitSne u- rti ilu hilu-e ,I iendently . l' 10 e lalg1 s thereu , it leas d ioube the, a'llltl '',r whicy h Ihea are uimortggedg,, betaing at "Ilen t 6 per c it ill ere-t, aio•i lll , ori semti nlllllt ly-i hills 1 n, or n property, doregroe, of ftoto o it the vtlu. of ir I , rill, oh s ree ivred, tl ,tIi 1l,I su ch i prop erty be tl r- in erl, ifli h I .e to iniauo ur der tli oni l Iro t llfur I , l by pledge of real r.nid peraonal property."' Te bills lor ntles•(hLte delivred to ipeons or r•ncitionllu tou obn exe.,ted and etat ud iv theam, al I t ntdu bliatoll y itlpromiory tnoot, u l yablc O n demanl, t it their rspect- ire tltcees f but il•e s >, wjitln the Sate, iudii to ibe loanei ad lrcutlaed hi them It s miluney, icuording it tite usages etf.titanltg. g "O(llu i filure tt redeemi i sluuitlh hills or notes, on dlemnd, at the pilace l )l`+it! , inui iu e I tu:lal hours of t busu- Snoissl, igoldl n d silver oi,, of theil i staI dind tlilue it l h U. S. hr holbl ris untiorized io hav• the inas l ptotm- d;and the CIoniltrolll er tl (od Colaninioners, on reciv- It" u nd linl ipI op ttt, l t ,tl I t, ill loo il ino i,-11. e bk uor nlyrch , t rd o ,•ll so cisa n tll lle d if red ,e I l tht Sof thei lt fi t• m i their r l.l IllllPi il lll l i - i r nlll'vr nld of I pr std s, hll tlii.i ll . i l of orh n-t, pud(: to al ipth 1uO1-) Isr t i\ t Iolraf ill illllllal( of nil list pI eutlllhd.. toil uldl i, r si lie, ( l II i-l if t uie Il uet ultltls m hir has(i l kite ) tutu- ,t t IiIh' ii lt- cult+tin ndie a a of'such daithnh( .l a,+ will ill Ih tslr I ,i otl)h '"Thie dividuends on slt k r and Iinteret tIoi hodl- to he raceiled by o• pledh' gingill ll, !ollll ess l+'P a t|it enf adir in redrnll r,n oildwir noaes , a•tihrenniid, I1 the tOta p. I roller iand Coun islioneL.• eon the r,<cttiylitv lnlhin i No h rehotur iu ul iiur u tiin u lio e lt'i-i iliic n I.,'liu •o iot d Ili individual it - tir th t enggenwtlla l the a.o- ciation, tullPs so ll .cifie ed ill tihe ' l lil:t a .f Isoitlilln. No ucth i.ssociatiou to b k orgaunic l teor liontier tiirI. 'r" tit the expfiraiion It its tenon, under any lawe then inIs1 t ., ou tkesulbject. Vairinil<p ovision ,so 'fatten. lighly peal, are c ontained in the , et I itr Itt eau on- i d i i iae Itihe secutlit ofthle s •,L k s,boln, and properl) pledged d by them, ani th- f ilhful applicn lio f Ihu a u•l, to s., ie cure thie .ir'u latilig medium rt attld by Ithe Ill. fray le t ,N e w Y ter. "Tinti, omee sm slight vnrinltt en etween r t e l two aclt in r, g rd itile secunr . u l lltg l ied or and in the: li turo ti l rtt, in lthi i to o stoe,k and Iln de, I snelrotmar oe idh hankable I roperlyll. i th l lenlhl in , atotile't general principle, both -are hid ut c al-loth sicedu t he uu io ililuoliil n ll thi Iun ts iift litpm u s, tie m i ttrt theei s Ilu:eui i ufil ; its we eatjil e--ili elble evety e'"iz n. on ouddiioo of securir th.e1nhlic C- ae insut the postibithty of loss, in bltk tupon iti t poti r- ' ty-both undertake to create millions of maonley l otf r inslt iland iu vOIIvl bli , but lllllundoubted security, I , whichii ndlo i at will be naid tc ioreigner,. Tii" a- InoUnt ofmlallPy thuls tobe creatlel, will depend lpon, , and be regulatd Iby , Ihe wnols of cum:l rct. Gen. Gairea's +Systom rfliail Roads.--Through the politeness ofthe proje t or ofH Ili mragaili.ent scheolm, for interaroting the Union by Intllinuos rail roand,Ihan - ing theilr rxtretmis, us thle very Confiils (f.mll vast tet- ritory, we have rtived a dillagrlam, whrrin lre set lowan the I riroipal routes. 'I h author Iaus makles mention of the proposed pian lie raihit "a l liagrlm ofa System of Rail IRoadtls, ledit fromi, Klontuokv land Tennllesse-the two geal't ilitilar\' statls rofthe Unllin, embracing the prirnip•al spo ible firce ofthe Rulb- lic-to thle ix grnra diisia ofihenariu,•al iontiet. A workdesigned, ill time f war, to ealnl o u Irt wield oar fighting men, with their arms, onnunltion anaid a o li o ns, from1 these central and otller StPtrt, to tle mIoIt aour soabolod andinland hlrder, in one rtola part of thp ime,r and atl one iottlk prat ofr tie re.aIese which Fotto h n:ovements would cost ill theIproeat state l the mallls; a work loreover, .clalc laIted t~I hIld theFtltes logetherll' by ligaroroents rerdcted indisoluiae by ilt ir great a d implrishlahl e ulility tothle St'ats a d thei people of all cla,•rr,--giving safety to ouI, national idrptldellt enctr,, gemott to oa r lite,'ritre and1 Scieve, l prs,1hle extenlrsion it) otur ag nitrllll , n lll raotr .titn t, the m n- ll a'rtililng toand mInlhl it artl ; te dig l tll h.r Ly, Itu I " tder our I b .vel a•t'tnorl inlvlllnerht , r ll d Ior caonlnaire pIrosperl'r, in wtr; d it t' e ,1 a 1 a t um neC whe Cllliftica 'i , .Arsrnala. sod ltil other exl:aoite mean o' natir aldelnllr.lll', ,efol, to bl e usr i als and a birt a balihen s o tlleltllt Ill.' I s-st feI " thle clons:tr , ,II lel th,. Irrnpo, d It,,nne wi:l n8,,,1d narrll ,,'lln td farc' itiev, io ,ll iul'trior amild c.tertor om ov i.n 1 T I' f tll thel pl.tes, o hit-t it s:;lE rds a perpri lal revenue t.d llo I S:lts i r ci s I. paTU /,is. , s lh , h lave e trIl tIttd oI it+s c lm pleti-ll a revenue that wil rel a evrvr dollar exp,,dtd in the onsll rultiot ofll the work, ilfromn l ie ioln ra to •ne ft.r its arcor m liahlo ent, and lirelver tlr iof er, Ie o so. Litra In l iviole islme ellpec• of taxuaion hill lhn 'a lIr W our inlitutionlll. It will domort': Itwill in thellst ten years ofit operation, ntetralioo the vlarisof lthe spirilofparty, and leach the people of Ihei uli•,t, that true putlritisllmll rulli St in n LnvE of+ TamEIR coUNTItY. ratLher tihall a LOuE OF TEIt PATT. 11 h i'l this ,a. F.'e our oarlraiy fICla, tihe only evil likjl, 0o di-turb our t- ien-c is il war." The ldingramotf Gen. Gninet's syr•tell hasr a rtilrorad mnar.ed l,.ff ta connect tlihe i l t Fort at the rimte ar•t i youth Weoatorra end ofLake l•perior atal thu iiosisippi River, at thle mnth of tha Cti Ciplpewp -thene to hoove wateir com I(lunntltin to St Inloui•- rail rl frot St Louis to !rbia Fort on Da oi oa•Il lJ. River, l,ronlhing lit some interoediate point to the 8th Faort on th. lisouri at themouth af Big Platte. Also a rail road fromn St Louis to7 I. Fortand Fost G.bson, thence to 3ta Fort near the head waters of the Arkansas. From Fort Gibsonto he Arkansas and Memploris rail road, f•rt- io part ofa sweep from 2nd Fort toChatloaton S. C. Ii were needless to go through a dertail r " thii maaz- niicent syatemt. We have shown soma of its westlern points. Ira tlte north it extend.: to a point iln, LIake 1i. chigan, Detroit, Juo te, tit RH'., Plsaburg hnd ofti stntlej. It. the east the tenaini are at liladelphie tou Norfolk,Nowhern. Fayettevills,Wilmington ansd Char- ne Issron. In the south, atSavannah, Darien, St Augus- sloe, Tallahasse, Pensacola, Moble, New Orlean andot tat Fiort, atthe mouth ofthe Sabine. Some idea nmy Pro beformed ofits extenut and importance from the moere mention of these termini. Thie expenpe to carry out tthi stem n ofroads woutll i be imnlenoe, and whilst we nosknowledgetlhe iadliiiotnal strength its clunpletion would give toour country nnd it how important it may be tomany points, wno question n the Ibasibility.uf prorccatinglit to thelexten projeted o by our authlor,or of its returning onemoiety or a tenth ti part ol tha interest he anticipater. Int the thickly set- res Iled nod hbasines sections handsome dii:loends may be declared, buthow ranny vill be a useless burth- to en,unable to keep tsho roads in genernl repair. Inter.- : nt Imnpr voemet is a subjest worthy of conidleration tao atall times, and Gen. Gaines deserves the thanks of his countryomen for the labor and expense he has otl- th iergotie in illhstrating hisviews, many ofwhich are 1r important andcontaining much that is novel andinter- Ci estiing. lo Approintmen•s by the Governor. Pierire I.andsenu t. i Rceorder of Mortgages for the Parish and City of uP New Otlente. m Directorts o the Unson Bank of Louisiana. GB ti Iot Millitn, C( Jr, I liermudez, L A Ducros anid m G PrevaI. i. flu lThe siognittre of lie 't'rltaurer to ihnt niie pihlished tit fram him yesterday. w as incorrectly printed. It is " I tt ionei" andnot "Joln Donne" a0 printed. .o The Ciiucil of the ktoiMunicipalitvy ttavleeted J C StIRome, ofthle Courier, printer fir that Muntiipal- hi ity. J Bayou was printer, and in purchaing tile Bee, ni \lessrs Bnllitt andCo thought theyhad included the bo Municipality printing. Mr J Bqayou I ought other- ,it wise, and the Council thought lilforently from both. o tt unnulling the contract with Bayon, and giving St Rome " 11 iut of 17 votes. Bayou received 3 and Iullitt and di it o I -oinle declinil to voite, onaccount as he protested l of The ileli ily ofthe proceedings, it .1r. Booth. \31e Ii•.ve.Cse -,r. P iothi in Richtard r 'c Sir Giles tverreeh andtl thylock. In themn all e , -tmilght hewas good, hlt lit grent. Hisi fault ha hIt ie ll, llllllnessi . Ve see nothilg ort arcely any thino- d ofthose hlsts of passion, for which hie ha been - ' distintguished lani wlhi'c h xer-t all eIntlrancing and ailiilot ip'infil ilointitce nill his tan ltlieice from their intensity. ol ie hais btel coldl-ncensionally iert:tling tt i sulit., Sbehind, it, gild the tlg" s of the clid,I int againI obcu- Sing it nIdleaving it ola dull gle ish lhue, 1: tIt i ill berenoiolibered thalt wt e irote a paragraph or - two, on thie mornii.torf Mr. lloth's first night, in which we frankly explaineidted to himthe meoi-sity of absainitiig . from, those freoais offi•,te•y duringhlis eoogage.o.ent, Swhich elsewvohere andwithtile credulol, gained hiot S llie name of i ndllahl. Veo htve as yet seen noyton s I r- oof tllhe ani, but we hlave seen Mir Iluoth walk Ithrough o parlts in wiceh we dill not tlint he hlld on oqualo. lTie lisaplointed tile largest unldience drawn to Ihe St. r Ciltrten, tllso tlllhlll byhis personatiion of uRichard, s 3 destuitute of thevigor nil warnillb with whit he eli •-re t erally ihtuis the chanractr, co.nsequilly lie tlits had comparatively , small audien essince. o e, w y m y it i tie that Mr. Biooth should h,,ve doner •"ith thil . L er. t hni be "Richartd ilmlg f ifailn" aind I heit gteeratilly st mundo'rstoid an hie twill have a full I Sholsel to gireet him.ill It cannot be-nt least le will not/ !el t-ire tohaveit bhlieved that hIeuia fuil. d. and i no i o mw',hirmtelf The iom:tression will gou t 'nd-- ud in to d ietlilng alla i jry c oters Ite my be•ivln. his n owl to reputelsin a monrr l Ibloow. Not tIpiher theparts her It< p telsto play. with his whole en illrgilrsl, anld to imalike " tllll w , hi cat, llllnake Ihilen is n thiat to s inl e II n Swho comgreate to wiines, his exertions, out of thseir ko Ie-licy. I .pt hiIn look to it-or hictheontihnl once is N, rll ill w Orleains. Weo tn f'give inhecility anti i gnoin t•e, bt ecoanooot t pardon voioaaness or twan- a no the o-ve oe written, we tiao retn ftr. Iloolh's Othello, andii ' ti 'e pleased to hear whina-s- it that if rI -illntt owd a to i t ihat ' t h e sla t" hines Is ler f ill l istre. iWhat we llllhave aid, lit, been iln t" hiuly hle t determinii d spiri. e shall itlwot diteal o ul l t e l in tlejustice, andt it afFordsI it mor li fr ifl- io iio praise than tllll liII ei 'n. ieo havi noi' t ille ow t' i tomin•til lize the scelnes iln which we h•o Ight i trainfcnd.t. Th y commenced in hihe. 3rd act, and c 1 conied with feiw intervals to the hose. r Mr. Ihooth repets ttitchmnrd Ii tilii evcnitifiadin ,t d do amt feir to soy, will he ' himsll." 'T'hose "ltlo t. om relillber hi t h tn iie iinild the IaI otifo Itoer with tie spiu ai,w1itll not fo-eno the lleaur to e to le enjoyed from the ieprescntatio thish evening. I/ e.-gis• The -e.ate ts occupid y'.s'irtay Ito with the iill to ion-te. the number of Judtges of tle t- lup':im Ct li to .•tive. This i l the numter provided " r in the ('onstittion Iif ever t ler, i ,i it t tin Swhichh t ollie furn full ai.d an eit ient bench it is the lt :li' r tm iiiderI t:e diu cuis-ion It is impottt bill I" I le ldii-e ate b h the ionht , ing vote fi t Jea., Pets iiit ( llucai, 31tt s toArloanl, Crow t' 1)uwt, l t., l prf, I)n iro t, l'cirbig.ny and lo j, t =ays. lhsirs Bri coe, Dos.-irr, lliriart, Scott of I hi, n Rau l o.:e,, Scott ofFelivinna, and Winn. 6. r IllT' 'hib.odea.ux and 1ir Penn holh nilelitI, ,ire ufi" .. te rsltdl tobe in favor rand woulld Lnve supl roted it Ihad III) Ave hope thi use t f litepreo fi t sea t ibes, twillcoit . I For Piao Tatu .tiaeottou.1 uioU1{) OF R•i'IRt'Sl:T.t•T'IVFs. Frid.ay FPth V'll nary, IP31. bir lPhlls pIreenlnd the Inmenrial of,"undry eitizrna of tlhe nllsh ofIIl'ealaho, la elllnl ll•tllatill•n a;lill nt thle division ofaidl ila l-.h into two r noret ne.w parlt hes. RIa fa.rred ia. ar st ial CeuumIIIItiltiI Ollo , nto O tttI a of a lit'lleP lps.P.Ltett an. d , ltrt +. MI r. ( a 1 . 1x l ll ll H 11 ebhl l'qnf th e +DIIIl { In wh lch hdd been r erII rai lhe tPx ,ltiqoion of the ne c o*ints ofthe state T'reasu- r, p .esl'led ai reprt tatin thi lt thie'lreaureol ' nicrunlt ha'llll b llltll eolleC t, tlli In Joder to a llra thi e ,obligation,, of tihe at, l hoG 'n t t ha it h 'en forcnaeed to borrow $5,()0 oli hisi ono r's-ponibiayh , lland tIhat the su•tts expended during the last year ndr '+ the law for crltlllllmnal prosIecutions w . i:tt•4, na:l, alOll te n onI t oxpt ndted for pttht c et UC Ition wt as I$7i,(lll,. Ot motionof ) It rt . 'a Lonm. as t iet rl.port al adollted and thi r nmllltl. n instlrllult d to reporta hillfor thie pa e nlt ofthln atun by thle ttovernlt. S en l eno tsl , ofl bills - rem p 'r Iented. I Mr Preston, inttrolttced a hill t a tUlar,' the juritdi .- trinor tlie paritil t Court of the pa' of Jenfflason and ft the C(ity Coturt of the City of I.afayeitt. Olr. I'. also introducedl a I:!1 to create the ollien tof ('ttmptroller of the Statte and to regulate th t tbitnsoss of bankting. OMr. Patten introditel nabill to anthorise te poliae ilries of tl e parinhrs of Carrol and tladealn to ele., chair presideLt. tMr.C':l.tiorne intro.ucel tt hill to incorporate the, Bie 'venu I 'iniat Company. Harrtalsonl I)ist t,Atl )lluti ilat Btt Rouge tllllln llit tinsa n pr,,entte ,t ofthi grand tjry t tihat panrih, eharg- inn A . ll, j iuntice ofthe pieace., "slandrv, unisd mean . Or and tlIusulrpatrio in alliat:. Refrtred to the judjci y A'r. tl)tbar mevd to Itky up the bill for the relief tof Norlll ;I ingli-lh: t nd lllie exlained thrhardship of the care. The mution wtascarriedt, nI he bill pass- A reolltil (frii th, Senate) was concurrelld i•, inh•- tahe tletlion of it a slt t e re.qai rr for Mttntathv next. (it loltiot 'l)tr hi ltrnshear, the houle took into con- sideraion the bill for n J General siLm otluternal Itet ent, nllder consideratiton when tto (louse adjournled T'Ill' qtesa tiln t der eonsideratitn wns the sect lion by t I. l-., ton, r, ttIilun t llu e • idtg Ost tioi hat ea. h e'al 0 lif ed under ih+ hlw 'hall exp"nd i" m lthe li111ri tin olf the tita l tohder all l a onut equal to the b Iool. I all t d I hthem by tiho t a te , ,1d th t it t Ih in atr si Aflh, ,thlil- shu .II h paid l innlallly olt of hth i te1" *"l t i, < lift I kldt er, ll r tttll .! p I rofItotil ilo thti nio.- ;C . 1 n lod that tIlhe wlrklls ind itnprotJveoent of the , hpae h etll oh, l i tit nced in seculre tithetRate. Ir. r -lir-Iner movll ed Ito lst r e Itil all but ithr lastl ilti 'etiln I tsire v. d ith hblrl lo ill sm lllort of l l s imt- liti. e h o; fllowed by h'e'irs Pl+estnl, (.ienhie aoud ldnlifJiu ,pposithio to the mtl,.iin and Allt 'lhoillas i,-Ill, port of it ; and ilhe q ;e li n eill lilli nt it w.asl t e r rl by nIvlhote of l' to 1. Thle idi was tiln, oin mo- Itl of Alh. ILwis, ord, red to be lngronsad. Thie house the( loolk into cnslle 'lldtltlol tie o'ntesed leclon of J. T. Prtonl during ill consllidration of t h :h lh ' h o u ne a ttj,,ual. Ai, Tea. Jrtdieia# Il.a e7tlt- ']'hr,rpipsnl t orr nt 1•,:llion oI nS Co1 tllls i tll i il oele ic I t i l.nd i fct s. . tis'". very li co the t l ily i., liigation, one at the sever- The di-nlier ('ourt holds s•sess.ions in this ariish oil the irst Mllondally al ,March and Sepe mberlland inl Coiblln ,it the err lan d hi ,td . ol lIor" months. (Isalto , the I at, ol Justin in Chihi o rn, i' ahent .xts i Iroln Ihrev-po, a nnd fhr road is tnc oftIhr w•r I h ihthie•Mue pI linltally hi ctheislp•,tt. Thecolnsectuelne i- chlt it. Ju dw -,is olh iare I t1 close Ptie 'ses:sone hart of VI itab, it, so that hre oly le oilif, o .meltl 0 , l- Wtu on till hfllowii1,•5 bloldu,, andil ia I nto+iatt of tih, Iet i-h is leit hal'fdone. ClIblrie, too, s siluatetd in Pilhe ":tao manlnoorin regard , tohe nwiiblorintr I'Pi-h. t INow, if We murt have h liaglion, the speedier it t an ht, is its .per t) sou, Ile leh s irksolle it mltUst' beto lhe- par- a niluienily provided lor The a lly r.ljetioa in this ipnrojr t , il that it wi'l creait rn exit lnl for the talaries itof 11C Judge end (prosecuting Atteimny, emeunting to Ill ourarve thousand dillera. T'his iCeallucit ciiuu that will ebt h- regarded whan the advaLee ger areel' IC ronI a lew Icistrietnre coanidre.'. 'Ithe lie Iblot tIh jlne Pin -I n urn dosinomsof rfl.ctinp this nl'nsure, nm~l wr hope thaer Reprepent. iva-i ri:l urge itc the nre in a 0 e lk,' Legislaturel a the Creseut sesiioC. [Ccdd FrIe 1 B Froer.] The: 1iipire SCIte...PFee, n Cat tle append..l eie, f,' touti l rosin ofthe Ii'nnl l lr ~Illar. nu It are il ll t t his Inc el, C~eeIiaCaCie ib Qlloc rav,,iaoitalits. uitle to his Ait.O ,i2 ei a,11011 ; oft a I~ ,,ccrea ate,$121. CiCC i,-. Ittll $Ci-7.5141C4 'I1CC,' c " 'at, taectle, et tCh, .tilt., exceptuuo 'tte l llotIollal, CfAI.cL c .,y, iCC I )aC C Cl, tCoC,C t d,C,,CJCCCC,,,,Jen, nidcCA sil S , CvoC.Ce,,(old dim.CnaaC C, .. stuns eactura iCCIhe yeri. n,,aaite It ll.0 C.5:1.1 aCC TIhe vearCeCCC.C, fcCCCCCy CCCCIICCCCxawaeI.C7-CCCCC.Io utiodoleltce. th'en hCCCetCate rct as lid int F rchljit aCcuy, 12CCCC a u-1 ,l 6; eInd the eetct itCneC;'ah reClity, C -. 0 e,,ll The monitor ofactaxetdtl in CiCCite It 141010; lhl vaict Cf. CeIettei it ona *IDc,51C,3l5i, CCed ef IhIprsa n esat $t,iiUih,52..Cot,i, BCB4,CB2 CC. TheI~ ,egroegae taeC , ,;Cgi.Csll, '.own nt ICu4 1, bitng aC the rete of 4 h-Co ,lls iui 'lfil'dollaar. Thn heC of 11c, offs f., ite C'lorIn, CCCllir's AliCe. It BCChCi'JIi. 'neT ItsuIher C;leauns CficCC tn,icaa, iCCCe dICA'aii n tle..,,,,,Ii e, with tiCacCte eICCCnf thCIeCCCCU nad ubeo, lits 4i 0. UIC0. (X, C'. SCC.) 'The Ci,,ilimcre CCICCIIC', in lCli eliCuenIt cartiCil' oCC tCfihllcerCC C Pre CCd enc y Cie i tCYCLuaa',,,;resses eareist e: It i~ll [lip I Iirrrilh th at [hilll enic fltaes Willi I he , lie i CCines of't, 111gra CC tinjl, eceioeC CCCenliu lCi, a f,,r jitelf, (CIheCgh itCCIpir,,Cs the atin, he thatlaCt i iC Cquite imciCa CC Ce Cli id tiCtg1eneraIiCCC'n- nCC CC iLcn CCC IC COCCCCn 'ol l' in I' irgii an C defCereniCC c f m;d,',y wCCoiC hae beeni rwieiCi Cll nogh prh itClea m a ttCcCC gC cibi,l hCCICCWiiigICClroIC haCnoCg t ithodscill I iCCCing baitt.l Cith f,'e ICICIhouICt, iiid fi I witli, . It bits AuGt CI w C of'CCC CC its CCCI, thllltl nCed ICn tiCCUCIC IuiCCCIICI A ci, lon;CCC'CeC'e CCC fCCind tCCICtcthoCCCCh fllaltsf pCrfC iClerauCe, andICICIIC evil eCCof n-fleC,,reeCse il th iegreat t eC~'CCCC,CfCthI pCony,oreeCChe hnslatlie eC C.- -Iceuing lie feiietdl pe~rIpetain~Cg ti,. latier. It is idle CCC taC k of tCiditgiba' CCCd'rkCCCCC re ntoacs ourefilelx is atite CCICCCCCltur hs tI hlaeiw Stiar e , Itbb enne Cr ll th eICVI', feIrCIC their Chin,'CI- I . teneousa lecCgmtitCI of it lhen they. lte' CCCIC tIit CIihertlo, a1nd thy tireCnrCiCCC hlIgCe IC eliCCe its dilge fC eCICCCCC eCiInid CCreCCreCCCpirnniiC belhieCveIiChlim. 'I'C h owa I; ihe decin'CiCa CCC Cue t;C.nCC''CCiCCCtt'eC' maCtine, wCilI of ecnural be Che ICIly CCf CC iroC h Whigigse, to chI C ,Cow th~eir Coneilt CpiiCCICCC tell iI,'CC,CCC n ICiCIIC Cf I.I rreriprornlred emniiv, to n section o ff the pony wlticltL Woi1d theiv' bI enl,,riC ulh bI milCCiCCC, is tlyl, C me. of i depnc.lcicC hinCd impossiblejbi tO CIdlo. ilC. C delpkiaC r Gerte. lt'FItAl'te,,LS -At flle. C:IICinp thiiiioCI'ngCi , MrI: CC 110t is KinCC I .nr' eId to moCCrowt' YlrtiC'CC,,i. ACtiae Sht Charley biy CCCCrtiC.CiCa deeire, 1r l'aeooeC will PivhCCed tie :ald anCCd onC SI daICy I.Ilhit hr 1= Ihe ill appeall in Lt tit-, fn fr his, beefit. The ,Il l~ t siling thip lli 11- I MONt) , (ot li hi ill receive im - " )-- diatAdpatch for Ihe lIbov'e pro Ia,atieng to tori'r altl ofr c .gtllt o Ootngoo a ,ll, l o ing on .iainld. I:uFor fright of .,(0 bahle cutlton.,r pu a ugr+,, n ll' v t, fer I. i 1 t:A1.E,93 Coilno a st l 1 OR NEW YORK. Packet ,I fl 1I II h illnst. 'ew York and t ewo Orleaus Late of Packets. shipll TROO, ioapt WVood,ho s 1tii gretr llrtl of' herclro ellngaed nd goIng on boardtd. Fof Il.i'ghl of t the rmidl leo lr )anrRe, n)ply to Crpl \Vool, oppoiits the Ve.teltuhle nirlctl or ho t lol I'1T"It AI t )I,A"i\V, 66 Coamp st FOR : )S'Tl'N. The .1 faol tailing ship COPI A, Capi Moore, will have derpt tch. Foor freight of , - ". 10bales cotlonll, nplyv t f t A* JP WHIIITNEY, 73 Camilpt - M1 illier's Corn *lill',c,,bcrnckers,'.con shelter., storoi diooier Ct~ ioiott iitii, o ad erv ,ot hr vario t o og f tnrint andgaroet o uo s; iol .in, Gast,, gain sedlo ;t c tt; bol l t1 I ,i lllloiure oold Itootget't'lllto tll''o fIt rio t i nod oPII:r lIIo'L l it-. C- t lthl'alt 0llf'+, t. I'ntlti lillt+-. Cnli, l ,l- ilg nmlllles, pril:r and delcriptill olfe cll artictlefor sal,' 'Irtuis llhd by thit sblhctihb•a or by shall , Iown, who are appointed ago•ts fr thi rst :blishmenr. I1tllERT SIN I R.II J, ' Co., l fc9 Setll ni ll, I1Tle \ a nl| ,l n nlll;./lltr,. .ll ahimor, r of. or, ol the Slaf , h oI.1 41h Ier 't., l.. 1~, and nl<c t e ll ell elllrsel itli c non, ith'," a , p)u illted h i + l t, I ,rC , ulmi r nvltrtrdl IIIu (C1 Olli~cerm s If d ile l, egin, 'Illhre Bull Room. t Iv order , tile Corl . 1 JAS. 11 DAKIbIN. fIt-- t Adl't' AEElIt lOOl S-Just rIeA iei d A t ii nvi'' Fell ci &t lo's, a do ew ud erXtensive asoortoLent iol u ccilpt Iloks, fur lale hlw, tit -- fl9 4 Chartres st s1 for lo biy o lilt Vt -L01b 3uy su accordip i n to Ih r l id; fi bT:koro tit o gi" dvt. ' illg Ile ,mli.i woe k (frotl, , b110 v iht,, ):t7 i t ,- ct+ of brral fir it hilt. Bhend n of Iho SotI,, t alt i. reulired to weigh :il par ent. I1o, -', ioi t: N %, oaul . rC , f ol t Cto t:o, I'+t MIa, or,,0 S'll wi l this ' rIl llat the I',th e hotel, lt o +l l , tro iti .\ 11.1'V 'HIS X. , 13,000 ( 'Orat. Priz. , l9,'1 . i rpt i l400 UGRANI)A- STATE LOTTERY h stum D• . nd ofor (11011 illt btotratd l."o o Cl Ir Il.\29, lI-\ 3 , the t , l tlo, 0r rlll, li(7, l'i, i Noo 4, t \ lrt , tl 1ho i'1ii ot Ititt ot $lt, l , toro oold ,',Ssi Zlls t, ilei oo Itoe Till Iti',NI t t -lriIl ,e }I'lo t pt'i'otll a i i i t'oi', h, o 'Itto" lotw i. l l'ooA11 3 st u noi d 0 00 nl' 31. 01 ),ll i tl11i (;hl,1- Ilitot. rnrll" iP pIIh11"io'l ill t 01,1 11: , :rI' &CO, anrill or. II , 9 Dr n I nrot" m f e r -19 nl Do o n litlo i- 3O7 81 ! ota Pr izet Ttkou to it9Ah 3" CITi-a to. $1. F ll0 0-l nillo 2 tI-rl Q oIIrtls $1 00 I tlostieettitngI ,ttttttttl lo~io0! c iooo o11," olI ollf 1 0u 1 I 1 ,9,, I ,tsI ,, 1o 7ot, $25 z , l 0st :o o, tt, 10 e ot iin tool r $ 1i 00 r Illl h lAll il the or ot os no I ill I,'nkmber ' o fte uo lut o4, ".. 4 tA, l5, i7, 19,21,1199,39 4 Tolitl 1', Alr. 6vi ed atIgo N o I11 , 'otlla-ed tl the i TYPOpal Ti' A d As l TslI I eb. 71111I.iti, 't o P e ,A t lllt lltl ileil tor . Cb1i ilr XI.lll, Iloll, C .ul 1oe / 11t, & Co.k 1O III;11 1 DRAW 'IM11415 -. 213,000! toon iti zt t e, Tc so i,33700 Tia t% $ f llIi--hadves tt 250--Q artelass 1 25 N Ko 4, :7s o,1,f ( Ticketl tll r $125. I w arrntet of usld t oll I I Nt 0 . a a I Pack ae els ; o f th5 I 'icks city r fc LAS 137, Aa n Ir all b (tee n o o1100t''o oCrt at W o'clckl, 1'. Ml. at Bishop's (b rloti, '' Sn, fo r-•ArVI S CO, a le anaY or. su .e Splr nd rl d orontne. Tic 2l t 0. ol- 'ulve '2 '(lo eius 1 00. Puckowus lof `J5r '1'i,'mothe rflit $1b 1111,ted a rrulfa dtory d ra FlCrpackages ofii. gl tick ,t pplv at tll e 1IANA.(;EILS' ()OFFICE, Feb 9 Ir Chatres stw TI' IS A1. 7 'he i oti i•o ii ." d ll. ,at nullbller ofrthe Louis- llit L iotlt och l llr tilrlss 3, fhr 1 C8o lo:to 74, 2.3. 46i, :,3, 25, 6i7, :,:9', 2 9, 59, 39. 4. ap,l Ca ,ital prize ,,f 511(m1 doll, Sra , ,ll 1by, :Sc ur Ir b, btu I kLIr, III (',alll st. Thle baldel+r, is rcyqlue tlt d t cil at this Ilioiiia, iill reOiv 0 1 ono . $ 0,()11tI ' \PI iAl., I'I.IZ?. I,OUI,0 1 IANA LOTTERY 1It, rll o, II 'l'iotlllg v 0lh 1hl, oto. ('h o.rls It 1. iq .Iohodi'n 'I. R l Co. 7,: N os. arm--12 rann a B oalhla . I'it: I.lO liii 1 l25 i t itl, it to55. Piitkniol F ott ot II it. IckI-tl6lo50. 0100010s olo o o5 Qitlll'r " ii IishIt $;11 I'2- I,'.r pL.I ,,e e• lr -lll o : -in Tick. Ih. nnDv ati I. (; tli lill( l' 1 ;o (',, Ill(' mlollnlsl.-r 0 r' 1-'.. l Sac-, i t I f lllhre1 0, riofior sil h y Ills h sllb l'- ,A ne.w a+,+nrhll'nt rIllhmlid hriz,,nalal ['iannorrtl,. f i ltd Plc nh. ,, ,ra tlle ,,olebttcll u llualalta clm luu ,if 1l'e2, el & t., ofP9ri-..l ,-l 'bSle olttrTltllnlplh Irto' p &rCoil y i well tollfisho Iul.rclll y v e.ucted tlrollt tu , i IIl h upply IIIY llllil Mtally i ,it St Charlhs at t ONDON FFdiltioll of se'eaCt and valual,le works, Ilaruu Dapin's t'o4u|l~ l t all Pon+ er ,I f tar Brl III- xllilbiting a uo11 h'e view if the P~aroll Duphu's I.l ry asond nctol .cata of Ile T 1ili - rv for :ns of t rl'eniri.lal ll. It'9 4'oI I++arlnll Co illllllrlrab• LAW ittkit. J .,m ... L" . l• nllxa~m._.... -l, m -EQJUITY Draftsman,. Equity Digent 1 vitls, Crshbs jtinglish iLaw I votl, I tieennv & ltuthes Digest - Y vole, Cliqieyi, Mani6,e Iutht" I vino, tIornyun t Poil tll lruoniB voi,Collyler on Porti'eirlipinuconnt Abridgemenol 8,oly, Ilirt nt,+gu l etie it t Po l ut h~ h ial I~Law R+Jiney, .1 till s, Brinkhtorcks ltow u Wor,Ilt ghao (n inlnev, Adlean i-il ['jnn e tt~e , ll lbe Al slhl qt l [$,t|+ I ' AblOultDI s,•Ul 0iv" Antel & Anthm tfuo 1,i0n•oni, GA t•iiio Pl.iln.,g-, Iloirr•oun tiesoi'o t ,'r, loi,,ndon 1n Fratuds,J.unon hniliiest-, Inguil•ol ltiie-, Koi Cmuommlentiran.-"l t ts, (iov e o I'anla tn.r-.hir, Urade (- r, I lily lsuenc '. iiihil C•hinil-,i y Prattie o v .l, Cunkliugs l'iaolicei (louis Ainn,, liyv Ipll-t, ior, olio y At.I. I)Flt 'I'OWAIl, 49 Cutup St. SAIIN--100 i toos. Ni Rai t in, ItB0 I n hoW e do io too 100 l-l t boxes do do do A. t~ feb9 C||AIPI.IN & ('OOPER, 8'2i Jelin a Jet 'UNNY BA(lS--ht)ll ii•itdlingot ito g iu ,te for L sale by C(HAIA'LN &Cil P]ltI, ft+9 82 ,Itit. Ast foil Bibl lnoet - t I\l:--lll e nskro 'tlonin Litle Ifor uenli in lou• IJ ho suit puin-hoser. Apply3to 109 P LAIDLAW, 66 C ar-p set VAS•lINGTON BA.LL ROOT Dress & Masquerade Ball l St. Philip street, betweei n Royal & Ilnrbon. he (ltE1, Manoger of ite ibivi.e ounned Boll ton,, gintte it Sfll to hin t'reouls iniil ihe pbli+ fni the iniuii l- bit Tieie itirmi liinitowne'ol don hin lirosevertlstioint, nit respetlfoillv hoforms lhim that Ihe eoiailithnsol tas At beeneulntgel for thie lmunementl of visitors, and tiln- t lergone inuine.,1e repiirs. T h e bar will be i urpuiuod bv ntiu in quality of lignori,and the e/tlinurnntl ill i 'iept hy nle able/t Itestiiiuiour in the IUnite Statevs. 'orilrOOwill roe-open on Saturday evenu:g. 3rd of Nonemoetr next. Iv I GRIAND DRIESS & M.IASQUEtRAtDE BALL,I nld will take plni-ns unlnol on evrv tlodninV, U'iednes inv iid ititirdnlv n eni.i wg, lrimb the solvson •hich anl will thul o l o th lt of A.lov, . ItibI,. Ni3.I The eroeoesit aitention trl he paid to ktp.- ineu perfect order throughtout the esiullishtont, its u a il 0,"1! 1 NEIWORI.EAN/S NI) N N IIVILI.IE It• .1 IttRO)tD CN t P I-\N I'. NEil Al/f ANirll/I/NT. r 1THI I..00000 tive will Irove ohe Dep.1 lt the font en I n' tl -iritnl, nvery ti 'uat 8 i . tI. uil rii turu tit r P. M, erexnpt Sunda.'s, whon she ,till I i, it R tetrn 41 I A. 4.12I 1i2)I/. tin/'ui. -. n :\ (ur f i)rivlte piroies, prlovidt d the tinut,er lasullicinl,. u ill beo •uuu down lhi ii ad i.iuon e dnu si OI l iv o ' i o ti- n t ice , j1, Insi' JAS Iu ii I.I)nA Ini.), PlrosilE, . Alt IRINT'D with Ihe IIGreatest Io'. rtlon, atd tin a nlyle u surpassed Ci NEWl BRisEANS, or else witere. OUnu-s lh/i at Co•,,ris R,,oom itr S'. Charles 11 chnnev, (Caorner if Graicr St. ) or at T RU E r AMERICAN 'PRINTING/ O'FFICE, - crnor of P1ydras and St Charles Streets, trill be prnomplly nttended to. t De. I-I. %TEAMI BOAT BILL%. \iNt.tR,. Ai'N'T'S, or C tIPTAINS ofbTtAlI ol OI'S can have their Bilbls nrurk qof, in one or more Colored Inks. on Plain or Colored Paper, with despakth. a.+d on faiterable Terms, by leaving their i(ten•nat'T'iliUn: An11EInnA, OFFICE, t uioner of Pioydris and St. (tChErls treet s. it Non .I-If l, 'H{ +,\I Oll.--.Sq00 , ell. whnh'r ellraillt,• spermn Iilt, jOtt reeiilld -ndl.. hivide sov jntli , It)(KI:E &.Co, 8 Front Levee (l// ID t BOXI'0a -- 5/i Conk ltouo rf cur n mLvili "i- l./ / furtu~e,fur sup nrior to the I,'niliih, for ,All vti ' jon S ,1l(',KI; & (',, 8 I ron , Lever t 1TI'Tllt'i LI:AI-5010 kego, n I i ore, for sale t SSli I1,0 L t y Cio, janla3 8 Front Lreve At Sta niskl h (h•be•, iuf i-o il.nd ing, Aet iosu [tills, anuitphletS tshow bills, Ctit- logae-, &e. &L. ,ful tDErtl fr the Above, an, erery other des criptionof t•i'uIN Ii Nti ng received at inmping 'iiROm n/tf'Tl' I: A\EI.Ritt;ilN,"' in Sr. ('nat Es I Cni Nt..o'GE, hI dour i'r,n I/r.vivr strnei , or at the 'ri iIi,i e t lilier, crornrr of I dri i nd St. ('h ile, stre't'i 1Etensire and beautliful louox n lod tun FionTs fiir, the, best i/.ouunrien ir the 'oi'ed ,nlairs, htrn us beurn ldd'di i the alreuatdyi wr./-tonri.t.ld E'utaullishmrnt, and Rle DE I u t ill b:" r r't tl da.s I ,,, ais, t't,"upl• i is x ,ilr ytily anhd lie'utihuil, ia i, i ' vo (hr ti'i Hr i_ l ' r I ii f' PItIN''TD a the shor of N,,,e, in the ( m st 'elegani iii er , i , i- hi , r lut+I >ii I i lal I mel. led, W hile .t hk,, or Phlain C hren. tl t'An•On, and 'r"ir'ra 'eryrea'su, fer aitt Ti:;i i.l/ il' \N ll' F It '1, ear , )- f '. t, ms ea .d S +P.) l ,s . .Sereal \ew anod H.tnifrulrl Flunits /n],Te. /ma I just hbenu added to the Ei•t/,I•hi'r nt. Order/ re, ived at (ro{III I1omn, .t. Ciharles nEn. u ' nenfr'e, rd der, ooml vtin imt at./our at the , n . (filer, corom of I'ieidri ., t. Ciun ' .'trieit., . niuvl--t i . . i TO R1 1 4lmCu Ai •,lTS. .•')1 fE Ito't.\'1t'" can have a it: lremle. 0'lact- t .AIt stlru'k ,f/'alt mla r ,ourn ,'ori', by (l/ it, the ] I "'unprinl H u_ n " lof 'I l!I C1 A 1 I:• AN I' s n r. (, . l.-r.l r, S1. Ch !,,m l I:. hbanz, , a l,/ , o tion the lI{ ,J- IN(. Host, at Cournr of ire sl-t, ortit the I I i0s IA ,,: 111,e, cn rerf I'~ ,aid ~ n nd I (hurleA .l/rets. p ,.,ui, lltt c, :1m nw it,' .\ rw \'o, l nH u I'bd,.d .l I'ahb A!L\ : 31 1 , Lq 11I'1'.I - S1: 1 rL 1 1 i of ,rent qu 'lili ii I I I l ' u in4 er 1 M iula in 1 , r.m , atusl a dt h4althl , Howi floa, I hirt 4-six Ih lir l Ie ihe v . ii . li- .lh an, mosl d,"airnhl, servnut; g,,d tok, IFrnch or I'ngli-h; I•l •u 1h.IN tI 1.1 Cof , Ih ir, r 'b', C. W.I' ,, alit .biIllt "ighl, (I t i hole,;,".) II \( (c (if IIII ll Side Clthi-.., cfthe l sa t r l] i Lmlust .It-hn llbn ne r sot I,", t rJIin ge•llll ( e v e r y a B It l( e pi I i l in ; . t I r 'l lz ' Idr o, . , " u J J l.( li,~ I A ( I) [\1' T.u |tab 7 tl_-._ \ ,rt1331' 'h<,rlres 11 .IT•E' l r ' by. 4 5\lTIT ',1 .•.l ;Per 1'1 cond1 n - =r ed,6i sros; I",ngli-h F xcheri arl( u, voe1'-; cnnd,!n'ee n•rihst h nter, t) ol S; l n "uh'e, 9 .lt; li'ruken - Sl' ;sil s, 1t id; Pickeria n ' 17 v 1-; i l it anli d & j I .- -. , ., re s in. I; 1':n, I.-h Ih 1't n , I.. '.' '._' alc' b:. , y. JrrlIIIt/,I'- l Ii lll r l l, IT % ]• -ll't i i. 9-,!1 ;. I os I' a.,l , -.15 -1, ; i ,,,iu \Vi'lia ,,, 3 vI ,l,'+ 1 Iu iER- fit",' Aw tuC RttuIto bu iru Ilt,, I• h t •I I vis, tr s d h IREAD & I l-,tS"uIt)\, tl-b 7 NI 7 BahiikA Pla'u. L 0 alous I uI liiEn-, t ur itale by Rl144 I,44 Nut' rl AlD, I aIC .u'IlIItuu la lo, 1uI. Rll li ,lnli Ct r lNloli I •-rI k ,hi.cer fell7 7IN.AC lillulla Pi,131u l nineh t 'I S p -ili Ia, cs it t l iil's lllsli IA , r"lc , I IlI , i f't . Iu.o' l uuIl ip i I uut i It( N hie L, u "S j.I, Iufur 'ale b Il tl l 4.] 7 I IIIIE & 11111 . I ,13 I ,llg azine t Ilurau du A o. R A ll l•h 1' ed. la e.ltlut e II, iegll cre Munirip \b l - h lll i.0 Iorulet by IoSAAC Hu 444au . &C 1 d ll ' Ce I rr 1 1.1u rlu, , . l I 11 al'l u i rr fiduele (uhI-lliuIt d It1 dvoil', 3 . Lh e P t ui•II o r11 so• I ai itirt b m 1 l Ilut all iilennal it. I. • I Al , d 3 go er IIe I,' r'•go al ut (' n fla tio nl conlillirAiilmeln llt aw lnli lall. J" C'\IIOUNi , birl , 7 . A y 1) 1 H AI (", ll I milur. J 4eNI It l7I• t INe IIniee A •D -*1' IDerdu 1 11 i lkinIi leaft, rdI I •, I r u L A C KI G-ic 5 hbiO li s i tins ,tl do. a , a' n Ir a l d i " II lb k I ' , ,, Ihlil i. hnblcu.llti i u g, a ueu supply, rec' I by Ilet) ." TOu\ 'Ac1 , 13 Camp it SI. Charles Theatre. Filith night of the celebrated TItrag•ni t in 11i This Ereaing, Fbruary 9,"i Il ill be performed tiihe celebrated T'Iagcdy of RICIIARD Ill. Itiehl rd Id, ilr Illith, S;lnekugham, I11ltr itri ftrlchnid. 'etarsn, LIt Qellen, •Mrs Fnrllr'il Lady Anrt", tHr rir.rrn. Al t Overture by the Orchestre Grand Pas Seul, by Mbad'le Ravenot After which the popular petite Comedy of Jack Phantom, Mr Browne, Sir Joshla, FarreWn, .lmp , C'ts well, Emily, Mthe Debar, 'atty, larrison. O O 'I)\V T!til'' nr)elyr rvenledPl' ANIlNG MA- S Ci III. \'I% rTEDaTto i, NOv.l 1 :,a1 tl. 'lthe naru crlber he rr e i tlts o'llle geantla f miid t.nndw.rthi, + an inu til saaid tachinies pIB t ir for usta , i rle tiill aof l' r Me . MIureran :l Co., in tt he city of Lu- aIh ette, w ich lln ay reloll aLt O ltlllilltre ; a le, tias a iltsl r ol aid nin e t feC a lr stiles, antd tc8 the ag ncry thor disposing of thre prirlee ftr usian ta e macti. os, hIe in des roc+ to e sell by .tllact r ill n li l-e,+ algi best alrit Iho rit lillnr lit 'he, I rI ilt e r tr e ti reu r e t I la - botl r seing lir ireta , rr p irrretle irr oier t d arttanlld All hn g' o t lank fr , ,r I) hresorbard lortwr eathler a Iin C. Any per•rrdetirots t". pnreha-i g, c. call nt ,o. 71 e rI ltr Ie pctree ret whe tihe substatril'r can ine illnad. jn' 19-- hn f i t . lt,. II' A I NS. IA L1OLN -t- ii.i5 g r harelfi , tinilltls a trnd rl tl kir' lalllontl, Nlu nlldnr frlllJ shil' C arlaturn11I, fir na•teh J fle t ty JI ' .r IIIT" NIt:Y . 73 :arnllrr nt Ol'I'li'.--Fur ant r It C mOF" EH [OUtE, w itlh all on Aits fixtllres i ll ( 1) etreet , irn tlre tr nril l part it atlnras, ind doing r onI mlnerttv ollitl hireillrlr.arn fl orI- hir tl j tL al' . r p1d aa ,fi tlr rt.,f ll Thhl iopor, 11r s $lt ItIlEWA it.I *rwN I{ wlts hr ,lel open at r dnm Shll's, ron f ll th r tifrr till I l, I t [ t nl'll ned Iwo er rc rt b eel a o ) (I e rd hOro, o, r meflatl cr l nnr. er it ill f ,lgee cnt n- c e iilln Vir oullll vhill.. oin p er= hid o 1111r Ilor b $y , . w'0 :I rIItr I Wv l'rlrtt. ,itl liTl\' It 1 iitl iii lrrr lT Jn no l fi Irtll, r•a+:ah ] , , O Yl ," a l(.ll l (le IdIt .t', lllldk"'l di IAll er':nrchsr' l urr, , ed ot li, irle fir ilrni ote.r AIIIIr thelr e , is r t a , f ie li l t ur e \V ull It lli I li t i ny b llrr iulr wi t a llr +It a t ,,, ., hIN,, .e,. , t tli, vi I r IThe L,,. Irk,'l tk i- I AbeT Ir i l s t t ni~ a tecu in roond of all l ke \V sr.r ll r, o u. r a h.o.llhrt Ill w ill hBeIt t], aInn rLecawl l e \eer . I. T .re r. , a.. A.L\ 'S-ItiAll t,, es tstr, l• ea r, nah e res Ih , n i Sj •i ;IlI icar IN rt 'r l rrit l'i,.&iccitt lit t ta `t, . l .itlti l-tn I . .tN . i ii ,,-,, 1 lari a l otart n t . -1cu u 3 . A ) 11 Ne i e Ilcl nt- w ir e i .Ir r llt r hi l l ir Il I r •-, ni. yJTr IIVt n t AfItlI;Wt", a ji ll) roe •i •nai ll l & rT oirrtonhs rit IALERtAdTrr-t-U cnklr il•rhit .tier il tre e, and I a CI II• t A tl ) , il , &,rsh n ltter, &c.r ; i rll s rl \ leical IBraud1 y NI U#lr" Mi nolle. , o1111nt rL} o o l e cn cr W lII Ier e t1o., 1 t '0 h rlfbarr kl•' i'irrn . r I rhrr' loaind•iioin -hi t Ahie ionet.h, filr s!le ak SI. Is Wl\W N I Il.'4 t1i'.l JO l \titlr 'TJr '.r 6 I \I MI KI II N er minorp & I te n m, It, ](tl M etrla'hes of .l l lr iLife, bv 1r+ F lcn, oel Si'Ihe I. t o And ichr ynter of the elnvd, 9u 11 SJusl re ivd untl f tr sale by A11 'i fi 111~'. 1t fi. i r9 i t n l st r l \I tII i ,,rk of rt ,l ,,llll ' lllnoiiii .liid ti Ilt It'giir a.t- , il fo .. i ilt I Itlll-h | tsf itg i'rfol, ill SIIr ll rtuir- ltitit', t l ies rts..,. idelrs ,, rt t:.I [he (a. a()flie, ltnnf Alley. _ _ _ it . .i.l. : 1\i iiiii.i , ti'y' S ti T'1 ' I'it I" t N \i \ A' 'I't I +'- l h .d t , ,, l + s It + er,,'er+ navi'.' or n l ,tal o+r crab',, hoot-,', t'vr r \. Ill , t,' n sinetc•rillt e '..l''ll'' ill a (t,: , e nl , w " Il. i i .l ,, ', l . l' l-I .I I ttIr, , J.I' ', tl a tl' t *l i s I ii. I +i e.iii tr te'h r i fiii r. l'ri i h-i tli - ,ll bv tn "l , l rii un-, 1'(+ 1- 1 . h I1F 1 ,1l , l ,n t ac t ii i I.t. etic, ir,..................... he fine , in liill i.... H1 r Jrht t (i l IA I 't.I., "j iIt: - i cite 39. A. ('( \ I i 1 Ia.I I tii rI. f l'd I-,r lii . . . ,. . I lit .. 11 lf . : l :KiI '1,d, ,,--:,•Lt, I+., . I l•. at It C I,• hi, llfl '. nl 1C I, ' r l l.t I en. a jehlt, , I -i i n I:I \I t N i - it, iert C' tl rlal ii, ,-hI ir ,, c 1M ; .l J , ,ql i'Trt tr Ie lid_ i', (, ug.r e Idl,, i , iood J I I ,\lolri,•l; h r +'11 ~ i,, f', t l:: l l . i:,• t 1N , ' iC h I.I . . ,,i .r1re fel AI ':\ lT, )\ \' s\lt, |i t'lnl,, I) 111 N,511WI Nl Fiult SALI.- !11 do ;11' ikoh-rInn r. foollil lll oI r lll "n .lll I1:%'1, ll' .il ,l f,' t lu l i ll Ila lllril vnul" I Ih(,"hbII uS :, 1 V Il kl : 'l , t trol \ ,.I ( l'-.lie d, 111 ingll• xleL•o-,h' i t1 Ihli t s l llarle or tII hs canl 411%. I 1n err .hIhe a n, at I' , alnl ttii illllixed, 1ho inc Illh Iv. vllr Iog, owth n•1i i :i ily alim e lN inpuyI r, A J r1 II :ll • ll the .lill 5l 1 T1 I , r ""n 11 -.. i,,l er, l• ndi.i fi r 'i hii L,: anr,: J-A I A-lO h i A h lit r, 501) hm IInIAk ttlucEL 1l al 1 h , llA h lltlil'lllila aill.t I l 1(1 la ll I il 11l r 1.1", 2 1 Lx.- +4n. il " ea- b d, a lo alan ng h liIi , [i 1, 1 1 1(h 11 n iia t, lt tI% ll. rai t L)tl.t APiP LtE t *nl'll a .r'W-a-W t•'-a ir, for a5 t llR: I:A D o il.II, I \, ba1 x 7 Vwnk Plahcb )11 ke .l IIItI Vhi ll adeih hi e L-ad; 511 bhls, ,'n'-li-h Ill l TII R 1 ', 3 r IC 111o lL- u h c lil d I Ill, lr antai tl JAIlg'ra A N, aA IIIa I , I hil. wlc Ilra ei:,ls, (i ear (741i n1 , .4'I'lll ril?' T• , -,d . i A II , ANA t li.'I,:, I l , thl' Iud do. i nr l at, 1 a00 a boxe s V ili tl t a l lihw n it oob . ac , 1110 do. fre : uiygar In, inlt, 50l ( o lld aa a ond a 1 a l la 7.l! bai'aA- ust rciv d t l'lod alre t Io iar lal l aiaala lnldt t I, to ;7 I . al i l tarall an a ll I, l l rt ol tIi ab -I are I,.i.ta. t a ''l iaiR al r l ad oge DAl VD I Lrr•l CI , N ail rle o alil lu ja irS •4 C'nartrr at, 175rbi•ln r l llld i Il w ieaa ra lblirad, jot lo liy FI 'at:t11 A b 11 \ I I1r 1 'I' I IE R, :11 )harn ier _st 11io 1 t :l3o w - 'ill,. a\ entl l pIaci ;Id , ) ie lulu 96 a t nrazinm" ha t b•l tore :,ran Ie & T I, aII ll& a 4 at ,IIIItilAi, 1I :lttliillillioaa silk U IlfrclltoF u1 irleoat.. Iatl,: l ,d 'lio lll t 1,I.aayVt llilltt a, 'ld , b ! ' : ltr l, llait l , Iat _.,"_ _ l sid IXa a I N I ,\laa ,he, at.1 500 l lior &aa s irk. ti a'all a 1"lroe white, t •l t I Ia triad forlale aaby tll-re .1. lt , 1-10 L 90 )ii h•z,4 ha lia st Cane: St. Theatreg 1tlhi tlt of the engageu"ont oll the celebrated till. El)W\•I OIlRE.S THins EVENINtI, FIlI. 9, Will he perf i m'd the Tl'ragedy of KING LEAR, Letr, 1lr FoteroeC, r",ll r, Iredcriclttt KRant, Iolhnson; Curdelia, Mls rnrrett, Regan. Orletos, To concludot with the nlughihle Piece of THE LOTTERY TICKET. fnpine, Mr Fielding. Wormwood, Johnson, Susn, Mrs Adnder.on. On Sunday, 12th night of MR. FORREST. T rTEEII PtNS--Fell's Nos. 1,2.3 3 4 penn Stnol' I WVeh ono t`reny Fcltt' large barrel pen Congrers lorgoe l' Perrv's Ilt sprig do do Inn ItI1 do 3 slit do Windel's la li. do do dothltepetent to intpttrial t )ottble patoltl do (Gillo's banrrel do do National do And G(llut's Comnereril, hir nale at DA.\VID FELT & C, 24 Chnrtrel rr, fi6 N I Stationer. Nall IUGAtl & I()l. SS..S-150hhds ugnr, .i! 10t10I ulls Molassee-- o plantation etove the city for RI,le by ADAMS & WIIITALL, fi ti--w 67 OrnvTir at G LA .SS--100 bhes in store fotr nsale tfel .tlIt, . . n t IIR WNt, B0i Mag nine lt i l) tl' IN-An ,;Ose or, tie condtt loor, n••.uloled Iv elveres. Kelht, fIlrrin &h Co. Puoseaiotn nio en on tl;t lto t ltIehrtit v--pt ly to (G W I'Ptll'CIIAlttt & JO TAfERTJR, bijllt cur I'oydrae & Manlenine lo IISIMORRIIOIDS. iAY'S LINIM.NT.-No Fiction.-T-his oe rnuerdinary chlemintl eotnprniton, the reunlt of science, nrd tihe inventior of a celebrated mtrdi col Ittl thte introduolt. n of whic to the public was ivestled with the solemnlty of a dealthed bPqlOest, ha. since goinod a reputation rnparnlleled, folly osustaiini n th correctnssr of the lamented Dr (Driolly's last confession, that " lie dared not lie withlout giving to poeterity the ieuefit of his kowrledgo oT this auhject," and ho therefor b rqueathl d to hois frind and Atteondant, Solomndl ollae, the secrtt of his discovery. It is now used in the principal hopital, and thei pr ilt cti iee or country, first and most ce:rltIinly for ltheo cure of tle Piles, and no eaten livnly and cffevuallly an to bhofli credulity, onimes where its enfle•ts ar witoesaed Externally in the follwlong com pltllints: For 1)ropoy-- Crnoting extr ao rdinary ahborpton at once. All Swellings-Roducing them in a few hourn. Rlheumotism-Acuta or Chronic, giving quick case. Sore Throat--By Concers, Ulcers or Colds. Croulll and Whooping Cough--Externully, and over theo Cllert. All llruiscs, Sprainl, and Burne-Curing in a few Ihours. Soros ano d Ulcers-Wlhether frelh or long stanlding, and Ievor sores. Its operations rpon aduttleand children in reduc itg rhelumatlic swellings, and loosening coughs and lighln tse of Itle chest r y telaxation of the parte. ine beeoll solt rriloeg beyosd conception. The I eollllon remark of thoe no o0 Ioave nuCo it in the I'lhns is ', It actIs lh; a chanm." ' I'liE I'lL Is t -- '''le price, $1 ia rofunded to any persont wtho will ue a bottle of tlay's Liniment for the 'lh•, andol return tlho enpty b nttle without eilng cored. ose arerltheon positive ordemr of the Iroplietor to the Agenllt; sd toot of meny thou salds sold, toot one tuio been untneoer•cil. 'A oight io ert ertlnd rtfil, b CO ay lengtOCK bt or tt tIrko who an ll thby one arugticl, inhld eo- lo ithi the riioon.l to ptrclsurn. CAUTI(tN-None can be genuine without a sploendd oograotd wrapper, on which in my name, and also that of the Agents. SOLI)MON flAYS. t olol whonto.alo and retail, by COMSTOCK & (o , New tIrkn atd by one Druggist in eovery For sale by the 7Wholesale Agents, corner or 0(010in000 l t I'l'houpitolaou street, Iand by the A 0ithueari'ers rL'nerallv, jeoO I ANNUAILS ANI) ALMANACS, FOR 1839. rIIN i tl t i. oudoooAnnunals,-Thoe Book of Roy. I . .i , r•l . oaol'tlilrte i; Fildoe'l' Tableaua,and o o"ih"i'-a Itioaoon poktchh iook; I' 0n, 0t 0 0 I' 0 -e-,-tto l nud tt Itlossums; o\\ iooih, IE, to',ekr,--'l'hellllllria l 0 .i-,tl,, 1 l cl;l I.or I0t me Not, o." I I .+h",', juiiI tloo ()Trhoo ,; J1,,rl u.. !ari /\111 un; 1 ,Ol'll e lll Attlt l I t", 11 n 1oft *l lllllK oo T td.llll ,'eal at i . . " i'r .7 lrru n'i ir.11 r (;ililm,'. l. t,,m; Ih;.( i-I Tr .• Ill0,0 Al ite A aac. " ' ,I 1. A " ' s' I i Ailmanac; S 'r.l i' -l- 'iflli,'-- li-irlllrl Almsllil. S lnowar't .la v o r ! .t llcontllhihg it blnk iomo- 0I0" nn o * rlos a"i N, Common al., ooooooooor oo1' itCiteolroo .oatd tooono nt. FRANIKLIN INFIRlllARY. r nIt pII bb: at1 til re- IIIe tf t illv tfo nm d ithat tn ineahll, I I ,-llll l ll I i',l'l+w d ' II" II t iim llst illlllrilyed phl f, and iii tl II\ to1 (tIt(l a,llh -ri ei.ttatll 11n,1 1 in ih afltlho lr Ia o i, Miitp'," iuith ' l1, ome Il ritm ,he.h lMilis 1he,ihl;n ii Ih e n t I o iitrinmnidiouely divided t ,, I, I. t.t-in •p rlturntw dsllerelt elasses, i' 1 lllllllll II -, pli I withtil cl ast l killul and nlh;hir c oan lll d I~I llllll l lln Oes,, andspleaking tlltea, lllll Ilon, ll Iln ritn llg e1. Irvte i may b hl by"h Ie g•nllemen at five doll I.rr .p d•,\ , inrh uJn• attend nlie. &< TellllS I1 th,• or lnllry nnwards, to ltdllr per daey. lnvs lo tal*- dtllir11t. ,nlSdl Pox in thle ordillry All e ii ii i llrcil'a l perarlnnlextra. 11e : p4, iinllA in DIr \Weddetnan, to whom upplilntioln for nllll•tn mott he n ada., or to )r C A 1.lU,)emberg, Nio IT Itll llllrt street. ap19 1 " ( iiI01. Il -It)KS-Itllunk hooks, )paper of all kinde ik Ink, ltili a ia .iet'iln aoUrtment of ibmnks ruilll t fur ntlr ln ll•itcant, Con hle hllll On goo tl.h111 lt " A ToIWAR'N _f _ rltlktloret 49 Cooip at /lit1-.t(\'KS ,, T l tll:l'l:(E-4-Jotatl opted no 16 S(I'rInIses • l •.lld,• warranteld i lt Tilmepiecen , x rlwlrri-r t, ii'h'. Ptlinse ,,uill n exnld inlthe lreer. N. B. Chicks, 'I imtl'itiee, \Voitcl o, Mu.iC,. and Jewelry carelully reatired, and narruntted; charges moderate, fe(:5t / INE--150 hoxe Claret ond Sauterne Wine, ls lstle enld liar anle. by ij1 f CltAMI'.fN & COOPER,82 Julia et P Aill:. -- U• tooillll p , in tlo fitn ll tetly P j~it \ iiIlllI &. t IOI:'ER, 82 Julit 1'' I c1 , h ' t'er.itc hrt ruhorder, forlnoe by ja:9 CIIAMIPLIN &+ C)O)PER,I 8 Julia et SO•IlN lintrnl ltlhrrv editinon, of esaree and Svrluoht! worko, ftr nole lvthe onbserlbev: PONS1STINO OF 1HE W'oirks of \'(Iliuni CiIgroIvenl 3 vole, it Shirley, drenlatit end •Mticeal, 6 oel, do mirflhry in,• vels, doi !liolollullt & Fletcher, 14 eola, do loiaiiV. in 2 vels, do I nto.:, 3 vile, with on aecount of his lile, vdo llclv t n cken zie; do SiriWilliaio 'emnlpl, in 4 roll, io lolii.rthrJ ulian,2 Vole, d" Foothling, 11 v l t, n do ione, too Xith, 4 viei, tli I....... de Modicis, 3 volet, do Itl"tnrdedi Clnariono Horlow6 Tove. do Sir Clla (er dironi, 7 vote, Itn andliti to tmhe otlve, nlarge ollection of ela- don edition ncare works. Wil M'KRAN, jenl cor Camnp nalt Common eta NLOL H 8tubarrels sitperiior ran u, for sole, bI CIIAMI LIN & COOPER, jal-l 82 Julia. NLE t I.A\ al \nd ledintl Bouks." 'llrnti' I viaestolo-e adjudicated incouros of dlnhitlly of thi U S. rland Englnd; an ew andvalue. blL work. ',.tin' i•nti ofeatiAcs ilin t Suprem,Circuit and I )ltnct:itt Cirls, ta ew o ni o IIIl, I V i, i'Ist. oA atotimi, i new edito n, received by Pa- The Amnrirnu Mildien Ationac for 1839,. new slad ta unl Iedical ipto:ket Ilook Ibr ledical gentlemeno, ~nII11 Iloiaorte llt te t t approved Lnw lnd i rk. I JON & Co, jl7 car Commotn k StCharlueta JL(iJUI--8~8u Ierrols soperior brond, for ale by i,17 O H BLISS, 65sPoydrs atr '-%- --- A\n iioiit,.e of tSiuily odeira, in pipen, Sn I'25iori IIien II)0n tlttierenko, ed 21• telae.e, entltled ti delolltltre, brallns biY ttgrn.Colli & Ziona foure : by joa25 ISAAC IRIDGiE & CO, IL CITINI;--I coasha sittiuet Paidt; 1 do scarlet J ;iIUal Skhirls, for sale by jaili EIi LLc % & IIILOWN, 96 Magazine at a4I\t Hrra :11 .:A I'ltKL ItAL--Jusn raceindo by IDavid l "1 h 6 Co., o4 Chnrtren at. T'h valnable oark oinlllntiln over 50 aeeleugrav:neg. Ilulstnlmtions of Noltr• t)ntle tie Pteri, Antietr Cathedral, Chartlee dor Ileauvoin di, Et•oeux do, Iloeio do. I'riece $6, Ii 00'l'5 S .-. , O S, •tll•.-48 O ns.e v- B ninon quolitito Inc gfevltnen, ladies, otiaer., bowr, youths and children, for sale by let ISAC ht(. IDU(I \.(,,,131 Madnzine It 01 fDtR.ULIC CI'MCNI', tor pT, byy , j Anl RIEAI & BA10TO\W, 7Bank Pin . T 1iliiiAi"As- 2, ii itt it 2 to 341n. iSlonunn sod J Uiltgluta oot cllaafe r sale Iby fel IS \in. BIIDGIC & (, 134 Matalnle et f anr e b, .EAD & IIAkfrlS'IOW. f 07 L'ouk 1114ce.

Transcript of JOCKEY CLUB RACES! - Library of...

flAICIAL.Cherltet,.. S ... 3.... . Wtbevt.,_t 9'I.rltew nnwte.

M l, . • ........d . l .........6ow Y6'. d6 ..6............ 44:t I....et4 .t.: .t.

Bril.l'llpk . ,1..c ...... 4 I.nniaville. dII ....... .. 31Iqlhhnrre do ............. 92 8t.'t.LoI. ,In.. .......... 12 $

Masese Ice.estds ...... es! tl. . ... t i.j.tte l1

9a s~ , u9n " 10,i~ ) do ...... 2G I 1'ls v .................. IS

B..ctlst:49l. t ..... t .. .... 5d..l-•.ml. Ihl ....... 19 ) rdo ................ IS

Nsatllle, Jet ........... Id Ht r d It.... .a_ rl-0T 'OF NEWV ORLEANS.CLEAKANCL5,

•' , ... - - Fehruary 8 ,1830l.el.k WA3rI De.Hulyy, Atr Brute. Riretr W iDtna.

Ic El &tji., Sbaidesr. fr HIeac., W T Vegaer. & o.u p s+JBpl• RUiltt, er Mtel:arda Bay , rutar.

4th1r er.a pere Ru, fr trHavana, W Porter.krttel hthatg, AntIrew,, ,r Mtlle, lster,,team 1r e

lotmbaIe, Ulstill, 6,r Mobile, meuter.

ARIV.ALS.Febrsary 8, 1939.

Tow•rd• Stratpu,, Mrristl, from t tV pas., having tw-r'd to see ship th wre..Arrived to he etry will, ship lemetmotl a

rqeea (Geo RRldlerd. irie ChlerliLn d rehr L.evnJollres..44R t• h it at 4 p e; realpta hlarjee Geral key. barhque tr.r.l•kr Perrye, htp MOntralUe..a brig Sndl.a Jbohn ,no tp brig s ir iyitl at tte pilot hblase; bound sp rbipE Eirik[ e onthe Bar. Fr rhip at lelar ot' tbe bsr, I ',rig a.d L'2 thooarsaat tahor ie..ide, frll I0i to I2 semall esil i the river.

Itrqtne Goo edford, Kesating, iayt frtm ''homasttr ,to0Ie. l,edtsrd.

'Sbhi MetaltOra. Lowe, 28 dnys srom .i.tmo.le t to meltar.trig Chieltili, LInt, 4 I-5 dty sr.ln fet lltvu,, to J Oxnard.

br, Le.ein Jolle., Webster, 26 juay frolw eTamllp•o, ldferot Slee 31teh same tnotth.

o.elmer Bait ital, Ileft. frotn -eouSarn.Steeter Tridrct. Ittlvedlly, Ifrau Thilodaexvilte.Breener Little Red, Konnedav, frum \'l•kbsrg.

teesors Alabamit•l, lthuds, frum Mteroe.EIXPKtKT5.

Bf.•OSRIVER..Ps ek W• t Bryar..carge. sendrytls lo1t.greworiet, hardware, saIt, dry goud, lclotitllg,A, to, Uo

&'AVANA..Parehar Edgar..t.args 130 keg. lard.IA I'AIMIRUA Its t.. Per rch Toalupereae.. cars, cmall lots

Swine, bready. perter, ale, nlolleses, uagar,slsac sre, hardware, coteee, rice,. elsthlbg,a+ C. &.. "

IIA$ANA..Per chr Texnr...arltO 5T-btrlc flilr, 443 kegs 151brl enld 'a2 boxe. lard 51 taste oil.

NORIeE..Per cr c Ier t:xchasles..earo 0 p tIt). sit.JBILE..Pr srteanlr (:l;.nlbuls. st., 2I6 brhil flurr35 ,oi

whistrey• brti pork i bri atet'r 4 hidl oilcsikes ad sendry boxes, orrlllladi.e.

IPOLa'Trs.IALTIMORE..I'er ship Jlsetamoru..earo ascorted merrallt.



.Per berqle tios Bldtfurd..carge 1200 casks."

litte to (; , edhtrll

'iAVANA..Perr Iig lhi,•tui,,..carpo 153l I .; rob'l, itt,

"TAMPICO..Per esbr t..'vi, Jllte....1 hteep an.d e 00,0, 6t- dullte itn slel;. to A l'l.k 4. cu.

CONS IGN E IS.BR'thllule..Per ship Metnl,,+rn...aron to J C hInca,,, "l'nat-aun , con, J A ltersilt, I. II t I,, n .I yd n s.. ."c . I -tae, r

,eaOlls rse, ltabk & isl,n. . iral e o. \\It e hiltl.tsBlkrl. JH F'e'd A ,a. c iaKrtmt.n Ahertlltltys Itnls . (vill-froy L.alutrie &. Sowll. titert &. lhlwthore. Hcnrlelns & O.gerr. J A Merle & a o, J A Merrelt, L)sbble & Brown, Th tyer& co, lEdw Lareld.' & ac. Bettnelt Ferrlduy a to . ItI t'(till,

-J I• tisaso, Jis Abell, Wutella,. & Wood, Ihl.r & Wiler-mar..

Havena..Per briLt CiefCaIillt.cnrro t J )entlloetea & en, B" aooreesF Bunrtl, TOxnard, toct Blsell ' AtT Lsa' Bwe.

" RI'C•II'Ttr OF PRODLUCE.BayeeSnrah..Psr sersasr lrilliaet..carg•s 9 bales ottlll

Esldwell ft tlhfcry. dt0 I Brniler ltrcKetiata W right, 5 ds KI1 'Teurmsre. ,sldrius to aowltrt elt bord.

"'Thibodauxvilla..tererteaer l'lidant..rargo .•0 bhrre'.molusec CV Fltosr, 36 o t I W oaert. 52 htbtJ usgar rt Ihtrlsillllsees tl Mason 0 bG nlrleesste.,r Steer,' a Clark; 5 bales

-csltatn Gouardasin & Itit.4 ds. A Selslra,.,- soo.Vicklbiur..l'etr lsumnr I.itt,' Ilsd..rerau 1tbalreaotton

.loeton S& suo:hd00 do'l',ms, lt.rrtt, 212 do V I1 Rt l, rt. t'-do Ls•a FUtlltts& a. co, t73do Itaytl1ds ltvrs 5" as, IS it.. J- Lee, 5i 1o Taylor (iadenr a r.t 6 d., M \Vbite a to, 12

-I. Lambeth a 'I'&oTtson. : do J i Bell, 7ido AdaAlllstardWVhitall, 111 do S \V Oakey. do Ailaot Abher v e-, li1l1 dolieo Bergret.

MOllror..Perr ste amr Alib:llntist..clg 195 hatIes rloll JLedoux & ctiit, pire, o s' tII, lltll ,e b:aes der sklls .l I'tobilt lhs,. I boa slllral.,.elll.e 't'aTits, I dt t •I Il.e'd.-t

'rboxesar dry sos,dt J lti,tiit. 49 llalp I5 Planehelo & co.142d do J DMolret ,e:t, 3 do 'a'ylor iarllder & co, ,Cs2 deIurk \V,.tt co, 57 dJ Arlllour, 7 do \•stlls. y . hlontuens,143 dt Ktrkmnthliertatsy. l~a alanss, -. 7 do .. B ls,,, lit oPierree Soullun - Bro, 2U d6S J lallow, 6 os A N Gardnsr,,e 5do oauer on board.

PA SENG(;I:IR.ienroe..Per Pt alarr Alibnm'nl,..Thb Careol at1,e fanily

Col \titialm, ana rNila. lai It ItIina aId lte , la. r'l IT.---o, ev1d anily, I)aar.n alld ttIfaittly Pctlllls

,a S.athtw.. I1ril-

iset. M Da~idel. 10,,tm Glee. 1',i 'Pier. It Conk, W*'ilinltJ H It ih,lm, flarevnel. \','haw, l'r,,dtlt, J Blier. B.,hinitltn, 1) 1'Graeltla, G(i. ,iris , d

It htialrd. I iot, tieaa xlet ' '. ' b I l'.,lt,,t

hallow+s. Sota , .' d•althwt , It, s .ts , ter .lsuJ•ldr" Ur N t t,lDr Scltli ale, " tndt-. I1tlI. C . A,etatl.

Ilsysu Ssrael..l'r te~tate, traldsat.. Otam Ronr ir,Tho'bse. Iealrlcn. ts, Nab,• l.ll lh , t t'stl.f l'ssal.e,Fagoht Dslfih

ll s Mo'ier,', In, bn la.artabcldy.. I ai rvt I(atlllltty

lady usd 'crvt,sB, Utl, Dnasrler, Isaker, 0t Martii, 1'etldus•,,Besnoart erd.

'hibt4t,dlUt viile..Pr .tLrernr 'I'trirl.Capt tstller. ROsiC-man, J'•van., P I)ero'. lMirl~e. lletipl

ttelllt,,re..l'erelip AlhtunlarIt..Jgbsn Dsangflold. 'ritesDonaoeos

Viakeltrg...It.-a SetneC, Its; Wil, -llI.. .Jolhi...E.,W. ht rphev, .1. It. L\Valrte, U. Ss, Svlcot, Nutl, 1 1lins,Fisher, Hlrowt, Nile.,, Mirs duHl, AIrs Ihtil, 1lis, Ger- Ivis, U reuvsb,,rostgh.



Wir, ,.ia.da. 42 3... ....SPsrkl...e Akebd

I',ilno, St Bllk. iIO


• ruuad, lto .ales.

flares, I1Lsard_._ko

NEW 0105 'NS


PRING MIETING, 1833, will coormnc e on \Ved-i ocodsoV, 3:3 Of MRobl, 18330,11141 conlinnc 3 (lays

Iooticololrs in duotime. 1'. N. OLI VERL,j in4 'ProprietoroC 0lOl'EE- 54 hags lI coot Ciflic, I,,diol frtom

barqool1. gr \goc iinm for Wi uiom'jo23 S_ J I' VI lTNI' ,I 2C1"o7 Cnnip or

Cl 0l DA8FE, &.. -1180 coil tarred Rope icooricrdsizes, (runic ic Ohe ; Sinyaro d

stubt; also, Deep -e au l luuclutl lip,'; PiggingIJ.ohor, &c. for mdlc by

jaolO RI;.A1) & ItIRST011V,7 Blok I'lace-" AL : 1b0'M-:'lO ruuibcls Bohr IRe, of sujnroir.J)quonlity, bocotFe by

jail!) ISAC IRIIiilE & Co. 13l 1l1iayrine. or

C'I'VII NK,Nouo Orlrooc, 3, F Irborua.r 1O:19.

E XCIIANCC oc Eogl.,nd, rocoo aru Is hrtitu-toO ('Rolirir

7.1LOU R.- 9llt1 boll landing from ater'mcm1)r mrnuob,and fl~or sale by iL)y.,

fe6 44 New Levee

EIUNNY BAtiS-121,'ffln i orlefr uole boy

1O (1 DoI Rft 1'. 44Neow l.crrpOHK-OI0 bblu moos puricue P. 0, io solr. by

_r __6 G 0 OI)R)iIiKY, 44 Newr".c~ee

(J11F'E1'& CIGARS-36 rbuz limoe green Ila-

50,000 Iloc Cal rigare, blr'ire four0 hn rorl RoycoWilliato, for ooile by JOSEPII COCK O8NE,

jo24 13 flor-vicr or


Xo. 3, Cnmrp Sr.W 1.1. rncrooc rod prin t rderrclr h-onkrte.. iof euclhoiog, ills orf lading, rlilulorrroro, a-i, coo.

tile and visitonl card. nouri "I, corrooliro rcunlinihos.e Uools, door plio ilro, r wojo , qr. - oalway onhand, n aeoortorrroo of siler planted ind bIras door

PS Cards pr'ntcd from oploes already eigruvcd.noo20'

A LI.A ILl. 1)LLN SVI~ti)3lI- 1I'8 1rrrki hltire,. forcl tugiarro rro rtil liri 0h0ir nn fir howl, oroliokero, or cye lbrowc, by a single opplicotioro, toboertmtootrt blrown, varoyig to a compIete biack, wUlth-hot sotauinig either Ite Irooda orltinrn, jrtot rreioctl

at tbho Botur,cornrr Stl. Cbcrles 1 r :onCo nn -tresiBUSIl &- Il.%.N.

0 8 F:ruailIoIro Hurriel

B B A(fi. --8 8 Task rxn .-+r l lllr 4 'id ,'a'eby ISAAC IIR131 . g .dc,

tO'1'"1'!)\8=0 ha- t~; s'f til-i autl I hlla+ twillrd Low-l / / ll Cutt~lr tns fr s:.l." by

IIn IS 1AC IlD(l

GCE A r'., 131 1!L'7.ziwr s

2o51 t nd Nwnlill "p-"rnt (Intllr.. fur tlr byfe8 IsAAC IIUI(;I & Co, 1't4 1I

B AG 2INF: &HAll nr!Plr "', 7ook IIlv

tJ O 1,0k0 k do du for xle byre8 bVHIIIIl I fII'; I" Cu, 76 Mlagnxine td'OFI"EE-I1Uo bog',i5, f',h.,uiI r C.iTeh, for sle

ELOUII-3-41 bl.die g Inn l orfir saole bly (. DIIIRSEY,

IPIIR 41 N.- 1 "."e

shoulderldod side. lfundi,,g kronm trm m boatNIorfolk, for sgbe b3 G I)'lHEI

lbS 41 NewI...ecj1tTiiR7.AT

rl) PE~I;'`-1lOhock.I h'or.I oh)"l

S. LnLk..lg. Co NoI. 8 F tlo. Glaserof loam bouta ae particulaorly r q.osted to onobk sriolof Ithimo u'w ad ow,'o aluOlblo rticlob fwlet so much.,.ioegd by engincr, in evecry prtt of beo r'Iclrywbere it big bern .,oed. 1,j''4011. CIIAINco-70 g kohooilobnm~oo~ lorre~e..d

oiad for salehr b LOCKEC &8 C.,fjNY1103I10 ols uny ar, of .lu.6t4 Ao pellt, teturO, Anitabin for Salt, by

Wi I .RR)IE. 124 rl

It WE'lSltritTbe-utraBo M Iicooctt's do. Hamto' 1... ExopreditiousU..srn*rmd dward'Bookkeeper'.' AIRt. recojoed

uudf*c sale 17 A 'I'U Atl,_

___._____ 49 Camp ot

r : Obg`t,.Ssftn r, i.. tulrO. o far mac by* RIDGE and X0,70 TBJDGiile at


Ill eonnection with this Oflice is a


Pamphlets Slank ChetklCatalogues Bills of Lading beLabels, Dray Receipts, eitLegal Notices Auetion Bills, hoBill Perms, Show BillsSteam Heat Bills • COinrlars

AdI eaver deieripil•sa ofJob Work hnha bemey be required.

rjThe pruprietor teoapectlblly calls the ttention of el

the public to the abhove Card, and. assures them that no

all work intrusted to his care shall be done at the short- at

eat notice, in a style unsurpassed in this city, and hiat Ihe lowest rates. ,I



NEVW OR LEANS: a-----------t -r-D-•3•,-r -s•;,-• 7,-- ,.SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 9. l139. 'r

Free B•nlking--no 8..--ltur motivus in advocatnlg

the adoption of a systemin f Free Iltnking, by thle State

oflonuisiano, have been questioned by quid nunc s and Cthose who .it

-- "have eyes I weenTo nes, what is nlt to be tseen."

We convinced oursaef that it wonld tend to our co-lll

Iry's advantage, and regardless whether it was approv-ed byWlhigs or Locofocus, Mlercl,ano or Alrc

hausiive I1 or tlle landed interest, we have given to it our

ud;vlvded support. \Vhat ii iti to it, if it bi advllocatcl

by a portion ulthe Tory press--lthlough, we ialy Ihe conullny, ut it iannlot deeir us fromt itrlsingthei course whieb •ur iodgment couetrii s o us, i right.- eIt has been doontllo laed to ie i form llf the credit %,-I

tenll, exmptl Iron'll tlhe obleclionat whlie blve bhter teedl IIagatinst lthait si -en, t iithot whiit the great eneriesol'ollr iltllllllu e trril lrV could wlct Ibe dlYevehIp d:l. beGau . ,

ritil, ae h\ p[othlrcatld, s I lhl blusin of libte credit, of rnl un iuilue, and si sltale. that they wiil nitnas hotle rthil m-

itg whein the credit is imptoired. 11 it he a LU~oetmeimeasore, we think it an excellent oue, and they dedeinvucongratulations futr Iaving once rcemtnlended, nught so tinmpoltut and beneficial in its tendency. But the whigsand conservatives have its much right to til paternity

of tile s tetm : It did not pass tile New York Legisla.

lure tli they were in tIhe nscetnIrlelcy-- ndI Gioveurnor

Seward, tile ineent exeeutive of New I'ok lhas denlar- I

ed tllei currency under this sy stetm, to be thie sfjie, t heiworld Is ever knowu . i

'1'o the Charleston Courier are we indelted for the (FIIlowi ilg synop-is of tih: law of (3a rgin, whirh nlo) 1

lie well iutrodirhed le , wiilit some uulendluents, that I

iwill bei hern al'cler nllii

' nihe L.egi o-lile of (ceoruin, at its late seosion,pasueud an il, att.holismu and uiloptiu-g ithi .tslei IlS 'rue I t tkini . I ' l'h, tl in, piol isionti f ihelttilwiir

Ip hs fllows• :--It Iririrnhllhi, +nllhlg illm, In he illlilitlt U,fIs ai hi- rtols inuIIt l tll I.-lu eorl .u t ids t b) the I u s t lut- iP

Ott ]er G lrneria , alt ll tot lin - lioner. (toRbel ele ed1" ' meh se. -i',n of til h I.tgi-ln

ld' ,) and to b. e niter-

Sappl in. 'l'his i tehell itag dillutlll I I. bI delilellI toilly |et'oil il t'Ciali oftiuit fo t'r , r Iht tieti ,,ii! Ihoonking, Iu nugtuuonl iaouluitni withI thte Ioilue oI sCtiuk Ptl or end, not-if

a tli, d, ututit1 legit Irau-tir io ilioe Cutiu-t

nlr ~nil itoii-oi . itletocks of the.ur iti" itll Sult, te ai$ tiir of Georgii, or such olth • tatei

I olicfr•, to e otr to ,e maitde to hl equl to state strok

p Irodluicin lliv t pler celt per anol ti , ait t be takenlat a ule ahove or blow par-thell lls ol notes thus

, i s'ro to b," sitatpel it Ileir fces,s

" seicured biy ihet, plhdge of p bibl•c -toiiks

." u

u. 1i b.1n. e ml t llt tUa

S ii ut lil-ial redl I tlit wili t hi l u ig itSne u- rti ilu hilu-e,I iendently . l' 10 e lalg1 s thereu , it leas d ioube the,

a'llltl '',r whicy h Ihea are uimortggedg,, betaing at "Ilen t6 per c it ill ere-t, aio•i lll , ori semti nlllllt ly-i hills 1

n, or n property, doregroe, of ftoto o it the vtlu. of

ir I , rill, oh s ree ivred, tl ,tIi 1l,I suc hi p r o perty be tl

r- in erl, if li h I .e to iniauo ur der tli oni l Iro t llfur I , l

by pledge of real r.nid peraonal property."' Te billslor ntles•(hLte delivred to ipeons or r•ncitionllu touobn exe.,ted and etat ud iv theam, al I t ntdu bliatoll yitlpromiory tnoot, u l yablc O n demanl, t it their rspect-

ire tltcees f but il•es

>, wjitln the Sate, iudii to ibeloanei ad lrcutlaed hi them It s miluney, icuording ittite usages etf.titanltg. g

"O(llu i filure tt redeemi i sluuitlh hills or notes, on dlemnd,at the pilace l )l`+it! , inui iu e I tu:lal hours of t busu-

Snoissl, igoldl n d silver oi,, of theil i staI dind tlilue it l hU. S. hr holbl ris untiorized io hav• the inas l ptotm-d;and the CIoniltrolll er tl (od Colaninioners, on reciv-

It" u nd linl ipI op ttt, l t ,tl I t, ill loo il ino i,-11.

e bk uor nlyrch , t rd o ,•ll so cisa n tll lle d if red ,e I l tht

Sof the i lt fi t• m i their r l.l IllllPi il lll l i -i r nlll'vr nld of I pr std s, hll tlii.i ll . i l of orh n-t,pud(: to al ipth 1uO1-) Isr t i\ t Iolraf ill illllllal( of nil list

pI eut lllhd.. toil uldl i, r si lie, ( l II i-l

if t uie Il uet ultltls m hir has(i l kite ) tutu- ,t t IiIh' ii lt-cult+tin ndie a a of'such daithnh( .l a,+ will ill Ih tslr I ,i otl)h

'"Thie dividuends on slt k r and Iinteret tIoi hodl- to heraceiled by o• pledh' gingill ll, !ollll ess l+'P a t|it enf adirin redrnll r, n oildwir noaes , a•tihrenniid, I1 the tOta p. I

roller iand Coun islioneL.• eon the r,<cttiylitv lnlhin iNo h rehotur iu ul iiur u tiin u lio e lt'i-i iliic n I.,'liu •o iotd Ili individual it -tir th t enggenwtl la l the a.o-

ciation, tullPs so ll .cifie ed ill tihe ' l lil:t a .f Isoitlilln.

No ucth i.ssociatiou to b k orgaunic l teor liontier tiirI.

'r" tit the expfiraiion It its tenon, under any lawe then in Is1 t .,

ou tkesulbject. Vairinil<p ovision ,so 'fatten. lighlypeal, are c ontained in the , et

Iit r Itt eau on- i d i i iaeItihe secutlit ofthle s •,L k s,boln, and properl) pledged

d by them, ani th- f ilhful applicn lio f Ihu au•l, to s.,ie cure thie .ir'u latilig medium rt attld by Ithe Ill.

fray le t


w Y ter. "Tinti, omee sm slight vn rinltt

en etween r t e l two aclt in r, g rd itile secunr .ul

lltg l iedor and in the: li turo ti l rtt, in lthi i to o stoe,k and Iln de, Isnelrotmar oe idh hankable I roperlyll. i th l lenlhl in ,

atotile't general principle, both -are hid ut c al-lothsicedu t he uu io ililuoliil n ll thi Iun ts iift litpm u s,tie m i ttrt theei s Ilu :eui i ufil ; its we eatjil e--ilielble evety e'"iz n. on ouddiioo of securir th.e 1nhlic

C- ae insut the postibithty of loss, in bltk tupon iti t poti r- 'ty-both undertake to create millions of maonley l otfr inslt iland iu vOIIvl bli , but lllllundoubted security, I, whichii ndlo i at will be naid tc ioreigner,. Tii" a-

InoUnt ofmlallPy thuls tobe creatlel, will depend lpon,, and be regulatd Iby

,Ihe wnols of cum:l rct.

Gen. Gairea's +Systom rfliail Roads.--Through thepoliteness of the proje t or ofH Ili mragaili.ent scheolm,for interaroting the Union by Intllinuos rail roand,Ihan -

ing theilr rxtretmis, us thle very Confiils (f .mll vast tet-

ritory, we have r tived a dillagrlam, whrrin lre setlowan the I riroipal routes. 'I h author Iaus makles

mention of the proposed pian lie raihit "a l liagrlmofa System of Rail IRoadtls, ledit fromi, Klontuokv land

Tennllesse-the two geal't ilitilar\' statls rof the Unllin,embracing the prirnip•al spo ible firce of the Rulb-

lic-to thle ix grnra di isia of ihe nariu,•al iontiet.A work designed, ill time f war, to ealnl o u Irt wieldoar fighting men, with their arms, onnunltion anaid a o

lions, from1 these central and otller StPtrt, to t le mIoIt

aour soabolod and inland hlrder, in one rtola part of thp

ime,r and atl one iottlk prat ofr tie re.aIese which Fotto hn:ovements would cost ill the Iproeat state l the mallls;a work loreover, .clalc laIted t~I hIld the Ftltes logetherll'by ligaroroents rerdcted indisoluiae by ilt ir great a d

implrishlahl e ulility to thle St'ats a d thei people of allcla,•rr,--giving safety to ouI, national idrptldellt

enctr,, gemott to oa r lite,'ritre and1 Scieve, l prs,1hleextenlrsion it) otur ag nitrllll , n lll raotr .titn t, the m n-ll a'rtililng toand mInlhl it artl ; te dig l tll h.r Ly, Itu I "tder our I b .vel a•t'tnorl inlvlllnerht , r ll d Ior caonlnai re

pIrosperl'r, in wtr; d it t' e ,1 a 1 a t um neC wheCllliftica 'i , .Arsrnala. sod ltil other exl:aoite meano' natir al delnllr.lll', ,e fol, to bl e usr i als and a birt abalihen s o tlleltllt Ill.' I s-st feI " thle clons:tr , ,II lel th,.

Irrnpo, d It,,nne wi:l n8,,,1d narrll ,,'lln td farc' itiev, io ,lliul'trior amild c.tertor om ov i. n 1 T I' f tll thel pl.tes, o hit-tit s:;lE rds a perpri lal revenue t.d llo I S:lts i r ci s I.paTU /,is. , s lh , h lave e trIl tIttd oI it+s c lm pleti-ll arevenue that wi l rel a evrvr dollar exp,,dtd in the

onsll rultiot ofll the work, il fromn l ie ioln ra to •ne ft.rits arcor m liahlo ent, and lirelver tlr iof er, Ie o so. L itraIn l iviole islme ellpec• of taxuaion hill lhn 'a lIr Wour inlitutionlll. It will do mort': It will in the llstten years of it operation, ntetralioo the vlarisof lthespirilofparty, and leach the people of Ihei uli•,t, that

true putlritisllmll rulli St in n LnvE of+ TamEIR coUNTItY.

ratLher tihall a LOuE OF TEIt PATT. 11 h i'l this ,a. F.'eour oarlraiy fICla, tihe only evil likjl, 0o di-turb our t-ien-c is il war."

The ldingramotf Gen. Gninet's syr•tell hasr a rtilroradmnar.ed l,.ff ta connect tlihe i l t Fort at the rimte ar•t i youthWeoatorra end of Lake l•perior atal thu iiosisippiRiver, at thle mnth of tha Cti Ciplpewp -thene to hoovewateir com I(lun ntltin to St Inloui•- rail rl frot StLouis to !rbia Fort on Da oi oa•Il lJ. River, l,ronlhing litsome interoediate point to the 8th Faort on th. lisouri

at the mouth af Big Platte. Also a rail road fromn StLouis to7 I. Fort and Fost G.bson, thence to 3ta Fortnear the head waters of the Arkansas. From FortGibson to he Arkansas and Memploris rail road, f•rt-io part of a sweep from 2nd Fort to Chatloaton S. C.

Ii were needless to go through a dertail r " thii maaz-niicent syatemt. We have shown soma of its westlern

points. Ira tlte north it extend.: to a point iln, LIake 1i.

chigan, Detroit, Juo te, tit RH'., Plsaburg hnd oftistntlej. It. the east the tenaini are at liladelphie tou

Norfolk, Nowhern. Fayettevills,Wilmington ansd Char- neIssron. In the south, at Savannah, Darien, St Augus-

sloe, Tallahasse, Pensacola, Moble, New Orlean andottat Fiort, at the mouth of the Sabine. Some idea nmy Probe formed of its extenut and importance from the moere

mention of these termini.Thie expenpe to carry out tthi stem n of roads woutll i

be imnlenoe, and whilst we nosknowledgetlhe iadliiiotnalstrength its clunpletion would give to our country nnd it

how important it may be to many points, wno question n

the Ibasibility.uf prorccatinglit to thelexten projeted oby our authlor,or of its returning one moiety or a tenth ti

part ol tha interest he anticipater. Int the thickly set- res

Iled nod hbasines sections handsome dii:loends may

be declared, but how ranny vill be a useless burth- to

en, unable to keep tsho roads in genernl repair. Inter.- :nt Imnpr voemet is a subjest worthy of conidleration tao

at all times, and Gen. Gaines deserves the thanks of

his countryomen for the labor and expense he has otl- thiergotie in illhstrating his views, many of which are 1r

important and containing much that is novel and inter- Ci

estiing. loApprointmen•s by the Governor. Pierire I.andsenu t. i

Rceorder of Mortgages for the Parish and City of uPNew Otlente. m

Directorts o the Unson Bank of Louisiana. GB tiIotMillitn, C( Jr, I liermudez, L A Ducros anid m

G PrevaI. i.flu

lThe siognittre of lie 't'rltaurer to ihnt niie pihlished titfram him yesterday. w as incorrectly printed. It is " I tt

ionei" and not "Joln Donne" a0 printed. .o

The Ciiucil of the ktoiMunicipalitvy ttavleeted JC St IRome, of thle Courier, printer fir that Muntiipal- hiity. J Bayou was printer, and in purchaing tile Bee, ni

\lessrs Bnllitt and Co thought they had included the boMunicipality printing. Mr J Bqayou I ought other- ,itwise, and the Council thought lilforently from both. o ttunnulling the contract with Bayon, and giving St Rome "

11 iut of 17 votes. Bayou received 3 and Iullitt and diit o I -oinle declinil to voite, on account as he protested

l of The ileli ily of the proceedings,it .1r. Booth. \31e Ii•.ve.Cse -,r. P iothi in Richtard r

'c Sir Giles tverreeh andtl thylock. In themn all e ,

-tmilght he was good, hlt lit grent. Hisi fault ha hItie ll, llllllnessi . Ve see nothilg ort arcely any thino-

d of those hlsts of passion, for which hie ha been -' distintguished lani wlhi'c h xer-t all eIntlrancing and ailiilot

ip'infil ilointitce nill his tan ltlieice from their intensity.ol ie hais btel coldl-ncensionally iert:tling tt i sulit.,Sbehind, it, gild the tlg" s of the clid,I int againI obcu-Sing it nId leaving it ol a dull gle ish lhue, 1:

tIt i ill be renoiolibered thalt wt e irote a paragraph or -two, on thie mornii.torf Mr. lloth's first night, in whichwe frankly explaineidted to him the meoi-sity of absainitiig.from, those freoais of fi•,te•y during hlis eoogage.o.ent,Swhich elsewvohere and with tile credulol, gained hiotS llie name of i ndllahl. V eo htve as yet seen noyton s Ir- oof tllhe ani, but we hlave seen Mir Iluoth walk Ithrough

o parlts in wiceh we dill not tlint he hlld on oqualo. lTie

lisaplointed tile largest unldience drawn to Ihe St.r Ciltrten, tlls o tlllhlll by his personatiion of uRichard, s3 destuitute of the vigor nil warnillb with whit he eli •-re

t erally i htuis the chanractr, co.nsequilly lie tlits had

comparatively, small audien es since. oe, w y m y it i tie that Mr. Biooth should h,,ve doner

•"ith thil .L er. t hni be "Richartd ilmlg f ifailn" aind

I he it gteeratilly st mundo'rstoid an hie twill have a full I

Sholsel to gireet him.ill It cannot be-nt least le will not/!el t-ire to have it bhlieved that hIe uia fuil. d. and i no io mw', hirmtelf The iom:tression will gou t 'nd-- ud in tod ietlilng alla i jry c oters Ite my be •ivln. his n owlto reputelsin a monrr l Ibloow. Not tI piher the parts her

It< p tels to play. with his whole en illrgilrsl, anld to imalike" tllll w , hi cat, llllnake Ihilen is n thiat to s inl e II nSwho comgreate to wiines, his exertions, out of thseir ko

Ie-licy. I .pt hiIn look to it-or hic theontihnl once isN, rll i ll w Orleains. Weo tn f'give inhecility anti

i gnoin t•e, bt ecoanooot t pardon voioaaness or twan-

a no the o-ve oe written, we tiao retn ftr.Iloolh's Othello, andii ' ti 'e pleased to hear whina-s-

it that • if rI -illntt owd a to i t ihat ' t h e sla t" hinesIs ler f ill l istre. iWhat we llllhave aid, lit, been ilnt" hiuly hle t determinii d spiri. e shall itlwot diteal

o ul l t e l in tle justice, andt it afFordsI it mor li fr ifl-io iio praise than tllll liII ei 'n. ieo havi noi' t ille ow t'

i tomin•til lize the scelnes iln which we h•o Ight itrainfcnd.t. Th y commenced in hihe. 3rd act, and c1 conied with feiw intervals to the hose. r

Mr. Ihooth repets ttitchmnrd Ii tilii evcnitifiadin ,t ddo amt feir to soy, will he ' himsll." 'T'hose "ltlo

t. om relillber hi t h tn iie iinild the IaI otifo Itoer withtie spiu ai,w1itll not fo-eno the lleaur to e to le enjoyedfrom the ieprescntatio thish evening.

I/ e.-gis• The -e.ate ts occupid y'.s'irtayIto with the iill to ion-te. the number of Judtges of tle

t- lup ':im Ct li to .•tive. This i l the numt er provided" r in the ('onstittion Iif ever t ler, i ,i it t tinSwhichh t ollie furn full ai.d an eit ient bench it is the

lt :li' r tm iiiderI t:e diu cuis-ion It is impottt billI" I le ldii-e ate b h the ionht , ing vote

fi t Jea., Pets iiit ( llucai, 31tt s toArloanl, Crowt' 1)uwt, l t., l prf, I)n iro t, l'cirbig.ny and lo j,t =ays. lhsirs Bri coe, Dos.-irr, lliriart, Scott of

I hi, n Rau l o.:e,, Scott of Felivinna, and Winn. 6.r IllT' 'hib.odea.ux and 1ir Penn holh nilelitI, ,ire ufi"

.. te rsltdl to be in favor rand woulld Lnve supl roted itIhad III) beci Ave hope thi use t f litepreo

fi t sea t ibes, twillcoit .

I For Piao Tatu .tiaeottou.1uioU1{) OF R•i'IRt'Sl:T.t•T'IVFs.

Frid.ay FPth V'll nary, IP31.bir lPhlls pIreenlnd the Inmenrial of,"undry eitizrna of tlhenllsh ofIIl'ealaho, la elllnl ll•tllatill•n a;lill nt thle division ofaidl

ila l-.h into two r noret ne.w parlt hes. RIa fa.rred ia. ar st ialCeuumIIIItiltiI Ollo , nto O tttI a of a lit'lleP lps. P.Ltett an. d , ltrt +.

MI r. ( a 1 . 1x l ll ll H 11 ebhl l'qnf th e +DIIIl { In wh lch hdd beenr erII rai lhe tPx ,ltiqoion of the ne

co*ints of the state T'reasu-

r, p .esl'led ai reprt tatin thi lt thie 'lreaureol ' nicrunltha'llll b llltll eolleC t, tlli In Joder to a llra thi e ,obligation,,of tihe at, l ho G 'n t t ha it h 'en forcnaeed to borrow $5,()0 oli

hisi ono r's-ponibiayh , lland tIhat the su•tts expended duringthe last year ndr

' + the law for crltlllllmnal prosIecutions w .

i:tt•4, na:l, alOll te n onI t oxpt ndted for pttht c et UC Ition wt asI$7i,(lll,. Ot motion of ) It rt . 'a Lonm. as t iet rl.port al adolltedand thi r nmllltl. n instlrllult d to report a hill for thie pa e nltofthln atun by thle ttovernlt.

S en l eno tsl , ofl bills - rem p 'r Iented.I Mr Preston, inttrolttced a hill t a tUlar,' the juritdi .-

trinor tlie paritil t Court of the pa' of Jenfflason and ftthe C(ity Coturt

o f the City of I.afayeitt. Olr. I'. also

introducedl a I:!1 to create the ollien tof ('ttmptroller ofthe Statte and to regulate th t tbitnsoss of bankting.

OMr. Patten introditel nabill to anthorise te poliae

ilries of tl e parinhrs of Carrol and tladealn to ele.,chair presideLt.

tMr.C':l.tiorne intro.ucel tt hill to incorporate the,

Bie 'venu I 'iniat Company.

Harrtalsonl I)ist t,Atl )lluti ilat Btt Rouge tllllln llit

tinsa n pr,,entte ,t ofthi grand tjry t tihat panrih, eharg-inn A . ll, j iuntice ofthe pieace., "slandrv, unisd mean .Or and tlIusulrpatrio in alliat:. Refrtred to the judjci y

A'r. tl)tbar mevd to Itky up the bill for the relief

tof Norlll ;I ingli-lh: t nd lllie exlained thrhardshipof the care. The mution wtas carriedt, nI he bill pass-

A reolltil (frii th, Senate) was concurrelld i•,inh•- tahe tletlion of it a slt

te re.qai rr for Mttntathv next.

(it loltiot 'l)tr hi ltrnshear, the houle took into con-sideraion the bill for n J General siLm otluternal Itet

ent, nllder consideratiton when tto (louse adjournled

T'Ill' qtesa tiln t der eonsideratitn wns the sect lion byt I. l-., ton, r, ttIilun t llu e • idtg Ost tioi hat ea. h

e'al 0 lif ed under ih+ hlw 'hall exp"nd i" m ltheli111ri tin olf the tita l tohder all l a onut equal to theb Iool. I all t d I hthem by tiho t

ate , ,1d th t it t Ih in atr si

Aflh, ,thlil- shu .II h paid l innlallly olt of hth

i te1" *"l t i, <lift I kldt er, ll r tttll .! p I rofItotil ilo thti

nio.- ;C . 1 n lod that tIlhe wl rklls ind itnprotJveoent of the, hpae h etll oh, l i tit nced in seculre tithe tRate.

Ir. r -lir-Iner movll ed Ito lst r e Itil all but ithr lastlilti 'e tiln I tsire v. d ith hblrl lo ill sm lllort of l l s imt-liti. e h o; fllowed by h'e'irs Pl+estnl, (.ienhieaoud ldnlifJiu ,pposithio to the mtl,.iin and Allt 'lhoillas

i,-Ill, port of it ; and ilhe q ;e li n eill lilli nt it w.asl t e rrl by nI vlhote of l' to 1. Thle idi was tiln, oin mo-Itl of Alh. ILwis, ord, red to be lngronsad.

Thie house the( loolk into cnslle 'lldtltlol tie o'ntesedleclon of J. T. Prtonl during ill consllidration of

t h :h lh ' h o u ne a ttj ,,ual.

Ai, Tea. Jrtdieia# Il.a e7tlt- ']'hr,rpipsnl t orr nt 1•,:llionoI nS Co1 tllls i tll i il oele ic I t i l.nd i fct s. .tis'". very li co the t

lily i., liigation, one at the sever-

The di-nlier ('ourt holds s•sess.ions in this ariish oilthe irst Mllondally al ,March and Sepe mberll and inlCoiblln ,it the err lan d hi ,td . ol lIor" months.(Isalto , the I at, ol Justin in Chihi

orn, i' ahent .xts

i Iroln Ihrev-po, a nnd fhr road is tnc oftIhr w•r Ih ihthie•Mue pI linltally hi ctheislp•,tt. Thecolnsectuelnei- chlt it. Ju

dw-, is olh iare I t1 close Ptie 'ses:sone hart

of VI itab, it, so that hre oly le oilif, o .meltl 0 , l-Wtu on till hfllowii1,•5 bloldu,, andil ia I nto+iatt of tih,Iet i-h is leit hal'fdone. ClIblrie, too, s siluatetd inPilhe ":tao manlnoorin regard , tohe nwiiblorintr I'Pi-h.t INow, if We murt have h liaglion, the speedier it t an ht,

is its .pert)

sou, Ile leh s irksolle it mltUst' beto lhe- par-

a niluienily provided lor The a lly r.ljetioa in thisipnrojr t , il that it wi'l creait rn exit lnl for the talaries

itof 11C Judge end (prosecuting Atteimny, emeunting to Illourarve thousand dillera. T'his iCeall ucit ciiuu that

will ebt h- regarded whan the advaLee ger areel' IC ronI alew Icistrietnre coanidre.'. 'Ithe lie Iblot tIh jlne

Pin -I n urn dosinoms of rfl.ctinp this nl'nsure, nm~l wrhope thaer Reprepent. iva-i ri:l urge itc the nre in a 0e lk,' Legislaturel a the Creseut sesiioC. [Ccdd FrIe 1 BFroer.]

The: 1iipire SCIte... PFee, n Cat tle append..l eie, f,' touti lrosin of the Ii'nnl l lr ~Illar. nu It are il ll t t his Inc el, C~eeIiaCaCie ib Qlloc rav,,iaoitalits.

uitle to his Ait.O ,i2 ei a,11011 ; oft a I~ ,,ccrea ate, $121.CiCC i,-. Ittll $Ci-7.5141C4 'I1CC,' c " 'at, taectle, et tCh,.tilt., except uu o 'tte l llotIollal, Cf AI.cL c .,y, iCC I )aC C Cl,tCoC,C t d,C,,CJCCCC,,,,Jen, nidcCA sil S , CvoC.Ce,,(olddim.CnaaC C, ..stuns eactura iCC Ihe yeri. n,,aaite It ll.0 C.5:1.1aCC TIhe vearCeCCC.C, fcCCCCCy CCCCIICCCCxawaeI.C7-CCCCC.Io

utiodoleltce. th'en hCCCetCate rct as lid int F rchljit aCcuy,12CCCC a u-1 ,l 6; eInd the eetct itCneC;'ah reClity, C -. 0 e,,llThe monitor of actaxetdtl in CiC Cite It 141010; lhl vaict Cf.

CeIettei it ona *IDc,51C,3l5i, CCed ef IhIprsa nesat $t,iiUih,52. .Cot,i, BCB4,CB2 CC. TheI~ ,egroegae taeC

, ,;Cgi.Csll, '.own nt ICu4 1, bitng aC the rete of 4 h-Co,lls iui 'lfil'dollaar. Thn heC of 11 c, offs f., ite

C'lorIn, CCCllir's AliCe. It BCChCi'JIi. 'neT ItsuIher C;leaunsCficCC tn,icaa, iCCCe dICA'aii n tle..,,,,,Ii e, with tiCacCte eICCCnfthCIeCCCCU nad ubeo, lits 4i 0. UIC0. (X, C'. SCC.)

'The Ci,,ilimcre CCICCIIC', in lCli eliCuenIt cartiCil' oCC

tCfihllcerCC C Pre CCd enc y Cie i tCYCLuaa',,,;resses eareiste: It i~ll [lip I Iirrrilh th at [hilll enic fltaes Willi Ihe , lie i CCines of't, 111gra CC tinjl, eceioeC CCCenliulCi, a f,,r jitelf, (CIheCgh itCCIpir,,Cs the atin, hethatlaCt i iC Cquite imciCa CC Ce Cli id tiCtg1eneraIiCCC'n-nCC CC iLcn CCC IC COCCCCn 'ol l' in I' irgii an C defCereniCCc f m;d,',y wCCoiC hae beeni rwieiCi Cll nogh prh itCleam a ttCcCC gC cibi,l hCCICCWiiigICClroIC haCno Cg t ithodscill

I iCCCing baitt.l Cith f,'e ICICIhouICt, iiid fi I witli, . Itbits AuGt CI w C of'CCC CC its CCCI, thllltl nCed ICn tiCCUCICIuiCCCIICI A ci, lon;CCC'CeC'e CCC fCCind tCCICtcthoCCCCh

fllaltsf pCrfC iClerauCe, andICICIIC evil eCCof n-fleC,,reeCse ilth iegreat t eC~'CCCC,CfCthI pCony,oreeCChe hnslatlie eC C.--Iceuing lie feiietdl pe~rIpetain~Cg ti,. latier. It is idleCCC taC k of tCiditgiba' CCCd'rkCCCCC re ntoacsourefilelx is atite CCICCCCCltur hs tI hlaeiw

Stiar e, Itbb enne Cr ll th eICVI', feIrCIC their Chin,'CI- I .

teneousa lecCgmtitCI of it lhen they. lte' CCCIC tI itCIihertlo, a1nd thy tireCnrCiCCC hlIgCe IC eliCCe its dilgefC eCICCCCC eCiInid CCreCCreCCCpirnniiC belhieCveIiChlim. 'I'Ch owa I; ihe decin'CiCa CCC Cue t;C.nCC''CCiCCCtt'eC' maCtine, wCilIof ecnural be Che ICIly CCf CC iroC h Whigigse, to chI C,Cow th~eir Coneilt CpiiCCICCC tell iI,'CC, CCC n ICiCIIC CfI.I rreriprornlred emniiv, to n section o ff the pony wlticltLWoi1d theiv' bI enl,,riC ulh bI milCCiCCC, is tlyl,

C me. of i depnc.lcicC hinCd impossiblejbi tO CIdlo. ilC.C delpkiaC r Gerte.

lt'FItAl'te,,LS -At flle. C:IICinp thiiiioCI' ngCi , MrI: CC

110t is KinCC I .nr' eId to moCCrowt' YlrtiC'CC,,i.

ACtiae Sht Charley biy CCCCrtiC.CiCa deeire, 1r l'aeooeCwill PivhCCed tie :ald anCCd onC SI daICy I.Ilhit hr

1= Ihe ill appeall in Lt tit-, fn fr his, beefit.

The ,Il l~ t siling thip lli 11- IMONt) , (ot li hi ill receive im -" )-- diatA dpatch for Ihe lIbov'e pro Ia,atieng to

tori'r altl ofr c .gtllt o Ootngoo a ,ll, l o ing on .iainld.I:uFor fright of .,(0 bahle cutlton.,r pu a ugr+,, n ll' v t,

fer I. i 1 t:A1.E,93 Coilno a st l

1 OR NEW YORK.Packet ,I fl 1I II h illnst.

'ew York and t ewo Orleaus Late of Packets.

shipll TROO, ioapt WVood, ho s 1tii gretrllrtl of' herclro ellngaed nd goI ng on boardtd.

Fof Il.i'ghl of t the rmidl leo lr )anrRe, n)ply to Crpl\Vool, oppoiits the Ve.teltuhle nirlctl or ho t

lol I'1T"It AI t )I,A"i\V, 66 Coamp st

FOR : )S'Tl'N.The .1 faol tailing ship COPI A, Capi

Moore, will have derpt tch. Foor freight of, - ". 10 bales cotlonll, nplyv tf t A* JP WHIIITNEY, 73 Camilpt

- M1 illier's Corn *lill',c,,bcrnckers,'.con shelter.,storoi diooier Ct~ ioiott iitii, o ad erv ,ot hr vario t o og ftnrint and garoet o uo s; iol .in, Gast,, gain sedlo ;t c tt;

bol l t1 I ,i lllloiure oold Itootget't'lllto tll''o fIt rio t i

nod oPII:r lIIo'L l it-. C- t lthl'alt 0llf'+, t. I'ntlti lillt+-. Cnli, l ,l-

ilg nmlllles, pril:r and delcriptill olfe cll artictle for sal,'

'Irtuis llhd by thit sblhctihb•a or by shall , Iown, who

are appointed ago•ts fr thi rst :blishmenr.

I1tllERT SIN I R.II J, ' Co., l

fc9 Setll ni ll, I1Tle \ a nl| ,l n nlll;./lltr,. .ll ahimor, rof. or, ol the Slaf , h oI.1 41h Ier 't., l.. 1~, and

nl<c t e ll ell elllrsel itli c non, ith'," a

, p)u illted hi

+ l t, I

,rC , ulmi r nvltrtrdl IIIu (C1 Olli~cerm s If d ile l, egin,'Illhre Bull Room. t Iv order , tile Corl . 1

JAS. 11 DAKIbIN.fIt-- t Adl't'

AEElIt lOOl S-Just rIeA iei d A t ii nvi'' Fellci &t lo's, a do ew ud erXtensive asoortoLent iol u

ccilpt Iloks, fur lale hlw, tit

-- fl9 4 Chartres st

s1 for lo biy o lilt Vt -L01b 3uy

su accordip in

to Ih r l id; fi bT:koro tit o gi" dvt. '

illg Ile ,mli.i woe k (frotl, , b110 v iht,, ):t7 i t ,-ct+ of brral fir it hilt. Bhend n of Ih o SotI,, t alt i.reulired to weigh :il par ent. I1o, -', io i t: N %, oaul .rC ,f ol t Cto t:o, I'+t MIa, or,,0

S'll wi l this ' rIlllat the I',th e hotel, lt o +l l , tro

iti .\ 11.1'V 'HIS X. ,

13,000 ( 'Orat. Priz. , l9,'1 . i rpt i l400UGRANI)A- STATE LOTTERY h stum

D• . nd ofor (11011 illt btotratd l."o o ClIr Il.\29, lI-\ 3 , the t , l tlo, 0r rlll, li(7, l'i, i

Noo 4, t\lrt , tl 1ho i'1ii ot Ititt ot $lt, l , toro oold

,',Ssi Zlls t, ilei oo Itoe Till Iti',NI t t -lriIl ,e}I'lo t pt'i'otll a i i i t'oi', h, o 'Itto" lotw i. l l'ooA11 3

st u noi d 0 00 nl' 31. 01 ),ll i tl11i (;hl,1- Ilitot. rnrll" iP

pIIh11"io'l ill t 01,1 11: , :rI' &CO, anrill or. II, 9 Dr n I nrot" m f e r -19 nl Do o n litlo i-

3O7 81 ! ota Pr izet Ttkou to it9Ah 3"

CITi-a to. $1. F ll0 0-l nillo 2 tI-rl Q oIIrtls $1 00 I

tlostieettitngI ,ttttttttl lo~io0! c iooo o11," olI ollf 1 0u 1I 1 ,9,, I ,tsI ,, 1o 7ot, $25 z , l 0st :o o, tt, 10 e ot iintool r $ 1i 00 r Illl h lAll

il the or ot os no I ill I,'nkmber ' o fte uo lut

o4, ".. 4 tA, l5, i7, 19,21,1199,39 4Tolitl 1', Alr. 6vi ed atIgo N o I11 , 'otlla-ed tl the i

TYPOpal Ti' A d As l TslI I eb.

71111I.iti, 't o P e ,A t lllt lltl ileil tor . Cb1i ilr XI.lll,

Iloll, C .ul 1oe / 11t, & Co.k

1O III;11 1 DRAW 'IM11415 -.

213,000! toon iti zt t e, Tc so i,33700

Tia t% $ f llIi--hadves tt 250--Q artelass 1 25

N Ko 4, :7s o,1,f ( Ticketl tll r $125. I w arrntet of usldt oll I I Nt 0 . a a I Pack ae els ; o f th5 I 'icks city r

fc LAS 137, Aa n Ir all b (tee n o o1100t''o oC rt

at W o'clckl, 1'. Ml. at Bishop's (b rloti,

'' Sn, fo r-•ArVI S CO, a le anaY or. su .eSplr nd rl d orontne.

• Tic 2l t 0. ol- 'ulve '2 '(lo eius 1 00.Puckowus lof `J5r '1'i,'mothe rflit $1b 1111,ted a rrulfa dtory d ra

FlCr packages ofii. gl tick ,t pplv at tll e1IANA.(;EILS' ()OFFICE,

Feb 9 Ir Chatres stw

TI' IS A1. 7'he i oti i•o ii ." d ll. ,at nullbller ofr the Louis-llit L iotlt och l llr tilrlss 3, fhr 1 C8o lo:to

74, 2.3. 46i, :,3, 25, 6i7, :,:9', 2 9, 59, 39. 4.

ap,l Ca ,ital prize ,,f 511(m1 doll, Sra , ,ll 1by, :Sc ur Ir b, btu IkLIr, III (',alll st. Thle baldel+r, is rcyqlue tlt d t cil at

this Ilioiiia, iill reOiv 0 1 on o .

$ 0,()11tI ' \PI iAl., I'I.IZ?.


1It, rll o, II 'l'iotlllg v 0lh 1hl, oto. ('h o.rls It 1.

iq .Iohodi'n 'I. R l Co.

7,: N os. arm--12 rann a B oalhla .

I'it: I.lO liii 1 l25 i t itl, it to55. Piitkniol F ott otII it. IckI-tl6lo50. 0100010s olo o o5 Qitlll'r " ii IishIt$;11 I'2- I,'.r pL.I ,,e e• lr -lll o : -in Tick. Ih. nnDv ati

I. (; tli lill( l' 1 ;o (',, Ill(' mlollnlsl.-r 0 r' 1-'..

l Sac-, i t I f lllhre1 0, riofior sil h y Ills h sllb l'-

,A ne.w a+,+nrhll'nt rIllhmlid hriz,,nalal ['iannorrtl,.f i lt d Plc nh. ,, ,ra tlle ,,olebttcll u llualalta clm luu ,if 1l'e2,

el & t., of P9ri-..l,-l 'bSle olttrTltllnlplh Irto' p &rCoil y i well tollfisho

Iul.rcl ll y v e.ucted tlrollt tu , i IIl h uppl y IIIY llllil Mtally i

,it St Charlhs at

t ONDON FFdiltioll of se'eaCt and valual,le works,

Ilaruu Dapin's t'o4u|l~ l t all Pon+ er ,I f tar Brl III-

xllilbiting a uo11 h'e view if the

P~aroll Duphu's I.l ry asond nctol .cata of Ile T 1ili -rv for :ns of t rl'eniri.lal ll.

It'9 4'oI I++arlnll • Co illllllr lrab•

LAW ittkit.J .,m ... L" . l• nllxa~m._.... -l, m-EQJUITY Draftsman,. Equity Digent 1 vitls, Crshbsjtinglish iLaw I votl, I tieennv & ltuthes Digest -

Y vole, Cliqieyi, Mani6,e Iutht" I vino, tIornyun t Poil tlllruoni B voi,Collyler on Porti'eirlipinuconnt Abridgemenol8,oly, Ilirt nt,+gu l etie it t Po l ut h~

hial I~Law R+Jiney, .1

till s, Brinkhtorcks ltow u Wor,Ilt ghao (n inlnev,Adlean i-il ['jnn

ett~e , ll lbe Al slhl

qt l• [$,t|+ I ' AblOultDI

s,•Ul 0iv" Antel & Anthm tfuo 1,i0n•oni, GA t•iiio

Pl.iln.,g-, Iloirr•oun tiesoi'o t ,'r, loi,,ndon 1nFratuds,J.unon hniliiest-, Inguil•ol ltiie-, Koi

Cmuommlentiran.-"l t ts, (iov e o I'anla tn.r-.hir, Urade (- r,I lily lsuenc '. iiihil C•hinil-,i y Prattie o v .l,

Cunkliugs l'iaolicei (louis Ainn,, liyv Ipll-t,ior, olio y At.I. I)Flt 'I'OWAIl, 49 Cutup St.SAIIN--100 i toos. Ni Rai t in,

ItB0 I n hoW e do io too100 l-l t boxes do do do

A. t~feb9 C||AIPI.IN & ('OOPER, 8'2i Jelin a Jet

'UNNY BA(lS--ht)ll ii•itdlingot ito g iu ,te for

L sale by C(HAIA'LN &Cil P]ltI,

ft+9 82 ,Itit. Ast

foil Bibl lnoet -

t I\l:--lll e nskro 'tlonin Litle Ifor uenli in lou•

IJ ho suit puin-hoser. Apply3 to

109 P LAIDLAW, 66 C ar-p set

VAS•lINGTON BA.LL ROOTDress & Masquerade Ball l

St. Philip street, betweei n Royal & Ilnrbon. he

(ltE1, Manoger of ite ibivi.e ounned Boll ton,, gintte it

Sfll to hin t'reouls iniil ihe pbli+ fni the iniuii l- bitTieie itirmi liinitowne'ol don hin lirosevertlstioint, nit

respetlfoillv hoforms lhim that Ihe eoiailithnsol tas At

been eulntgel for thie lmunementl of visitors, and tiln- tlergone inuine.,1e repiirs. T

he bar will be i urpuiuod

bv ntiu in quality of lignori,and the e/tlinurnntl ill i'iept hy nle able/t Itestiiiuiour in the IUnite Statevs.'orilrOOwill roe-open on Saturday evenu:g. 3rd ofNonemoetr next. Iv I

GRIAND DRIESS & M.IASQUEtRAtDE BALL,Inld will take plni-ns unlnol on evrv tlodninV, U'iednesinv iid ititirdnlv n eni.i wg, lrimb the solvson •hich anlwill thul o l o th lt of A.lov, . ItibI,.

Ni3.I The eroeoesit aitention trl he paid to ktp.-ineu perfect order throughtout the esiullishtont, its u a il

0,"1! 1


NEil Al/f ANirll/I/NT.r 1THI I..00000 tive will Irove ohe Dep.1 lt the font enI n' tl -iritnl, nvery ti 'u at 8 i .tI. uil rii turu tit r

P. M, erexnpt Sunda.'s, whon she ,tillI i, it R tetrn

41I A. 4.12I 1i2)I/. tin/'ui. -.n :\ (ur f i)rivlte piroies, prlovidt d the tinut,er

lasullicinl,. u ill beo •uuu down lhi ii ad i.iuon e dnu siOI l iv o ' i o ti- n t ice ,

j1, Insi' JAS Iu ii I.I)nA Ini.), PlrosilE, .

Alt IRINT'D with Ihe IIGreatest Io'. rtlon, atdtin a nlyle u surpassed Ci NEWl BRisEANS, or elsewitere.

OUnu-s lh/i at Co•,,ris R,,oom itr S'. Charles 11chnnev, (Caorner if Graicr St. ) or at T RU E

r AMERICAN 'PRINTING/ O'FFICE, -crnor of P1ydras and St Charles Streets, trill beprnomplly nttended to.

t De. I-I.

%TEAMI BOAT BILL%.\iNt.tR,. Ai'N'T'S, or C tIPTAINS ofbTtAlI

ol OI'S can have their Bilbls nrurk qof, in one

or more Colored Inks. on Plain or Colored Paper, withdespakth. a.+d on faiterable Terms, by leaving theiri(ten•nat'T'iliUn: An11EInnA, OFFICE, t uioner of

Pioydris and St. (tChErls treet



l, 'H{ +,\I Oll.--.Sq00 , ell. whnh'r ellraillt,• spermnIilt, jOtt reeiilld -ndl.. hivide sov

jntli , It)(KI:E &.Co, 8 Front Levee(l// ID t BOXI'0a --5/i Conk ltouo rf cur n mLvili "i-l./ / furtu~e, fur sup nrior to the I,'niliih, for ,All vti '

jon S ,1l(',KI; & (',, 8 I ron , Lever

t 1TI'Tllt'i LI:AI-5010 kego, n I i ore, for sale t

SSli I1,0 L t y Cio,janla3 8 Front Lreve At

Sta niskl h (h•be•, iuf i-o il.nd ing, Aet iosu[tills, anuitphletS tshow bills, Ctit-

logae-, &e. &L.,ful tDErtl fr the Above, an, erery other des

criptionof t•i'uIN Ii Nti ng received at inmping'iiROm n/tf'Tl' I: A\EI.Ritt;ilN,"' in Sr. ('nat Es I

Cni Nt..o'GE, hI dour i'r,n I/r.vivr strnei , or at the 'ri iIi,i et lilier, crornrr of I dri i nd St. ('h ile, stre't'i

1Etensire and beautliful louox n lod tun FionTsfiir, the, best i/.ouunrien ir the 'oi'ed ,nlairs, htrn usbeurn ldd'di i the alreuatdyi wr./-tonri.t.ld E'utaullishmrnt,

and Rle DE I u t ill b:" r r't tl da.s I ,,, ais, t't,"upl• iis x ,ilr ytily anhd lie'utihuil, ia i,

i' vo (hr ti'i Hr

i_ l ' r I ii

f' PItIN''TD a the shor of N,,,e, in the ( m st

'elegani iii er , i , i- hi , r lut+I >ii I i lal I mel.

led, W hile .t hk,, or Phlain C hren. tl t'An•On, and'r"ir'ra 'eryrea'su, fer aitt Ti:;i i.l/ il' \N ll'

F It '1, ear , )- f '. t, ms ea .d S +P.) l ,s ..Sereal \ew anod H.tnifrulrl Flunits /n],Te. /ma I

just hbenu added to the Ei•t/,I•hi'r nt.

Order/ re, ived at (ro{III I1omn, .t. Ciharles

nEn. u '

nenfr'e, rd der, ooml vtin imt at./our at the , n .

(filer, corom of I'ieidri . , t. Ciun ' .'trieit.,. niuvl--t i . . i

TO R1 1 4lmCu Ai •,lTS..•')1 fE Ito't.\'1t'" can have a it: lremle. 0'lact-

t .AIt stlru'k ,f/'alt mla r ,ourn ,'ori', by (l/ it, the ]I "'unprinl H u_ n " lof 'I l!I C1 A 1 I:• AN I' s n r. (,

. l.-r.l r, S1. Ch !,,m l I:. hbanz, , a l,/,o tion the lI{ ,J-

IN(. Host, at Cournr of ire sl-t, ortit the I I i0s

IA ,,: 111,e, cn rerf I'~ ,aid ~ n nd I (hurleA .l/rets.

p ,.,ui, lltt c, :1m nw i t,' .\ rw \'o, l nH u I'bd,.d .lI'ahb A!L\ : 31 • 1 , Lq 11I'1 '.I -

S1: 1 rL 1 1 i of ,rent qu 'lili

ii I I I l ' u in4 er

1 M iula in 1 , r.m , at usl a dt h4althl , Howi floa,I hirt 4-six Ih lir l Ie ihe v .ii .li- .lh an, mosl

d,"airnhl, servnut; g,,d tok, IFrnch or I'ngli-h;

I•l •u 1h.IN tI 1.1 Cof , Ih ir, r 'b', C. W.I' ,,

alit .biIllt "ighl, (I t i hole,;,".) II \( (c (if IIII llSide Clthi-.., cfthe l sa t r l] i Lmlust .It-hn llbn ne r sot I,",t rJIin ge•llll ( e v e r y a B It l( e pi I i l in ; .t I r 'l lz '

Idro, .

, " u J J l.( li,~ I A ( I) [\1' T.u

|tab 7 tl_-._ \ ,rt1331' 'h<,rlres 11

.IT•E' l r ' by. 4 5\lTIT ',1 .•.l ; Per 1'1 cond1 n -

=r ed,6i sros; I",ngli-h F xcheri arl( u, voe1'-; cnnd,!n'ee

n•rihst h nter, t) ol S; l n "uh'e, 9 .lt; li'ruken -

Sl' ;sil s, 1t id; Pickeria n ' 17 v 1-; i l it anli d &

j I .- -., ., re s in. I; 1':n, I.-h Ih 1't n , I.. '.' '._' alc' b:. , y.J rrlIIIt/,I'- l Ii lll r l l, IT % ]• -ll't i i. 9-,!1 ;. I os

I' a.,l , - .15 -1, ; i ,,,iu \Vi'lia ,,, 3 vI ,l,'+ 1

Iu iER- fit",' Aw tuC RttuIto bu iru Ilt,,I• h t • •I I vis, tr s d h

IREAD & I l-,tS"uIt)\,tl-b 7 NI 7 BahiikA Pla'u. L

0 alous I uI liiEn-, t ur itale by

Rl144 I,44 Nut' rlAlD, I aIC .u'IlIItuu la lo, 1uI. Rll li ,lnli Ct

r lNloli I •-rI k ,hi.cerfell7 7IN.AC lillulla Pi,131u l nineh t

'I S p -ili Ia, cs it t l iil's lllsli IA , r"lc , I IlI , i f't. Iu.o' l uuIl ip i I uut i It( N hie L, u "S j.I, Iufur 'ale bIl tl l 4.] 7 I IIIIE & 11111 .I ,13 I ,llg azine t

Ilurau du A o. R A ll l•h 1' ed. la e.ltlut e II, iegll

cre Munirip \b l - h llli.0 Iorulet by IoSAAC Hu 444au . &C

1d ll ' Ce I rr 1 1.1u rlu, , . l

I 11 al'l u i rr fiduele (uhI-lliuIt d It1 dvoil', 3 . Lh e

P t ui•II o r11 so• I ai it irt b m 1 l Ilut all iilennalit. I. • I Al , d 3 go er IIe I,' r'•go al ut (' n fla tio nlconlillirAiilmeln llt aw lnli lall. J" C'\IIOUNi ,

birl , 7 . A y 1) 1 H AI (", ll I milur.

J 4eNI It l7I• t INe IInieeA •D -*1' IDerdu 1

1 1 i lkinIi leaf t, rdI I •, I r u

L A C KI G-ic 5 hbiO li s i tins ,tl do. a , a' n Ir a

l d i " II lb k I ' , ,, Ihlil i.

hnblcu.llti i ug, a ueu supply, rec' I byIlet) ." TOu\ 'Ac1 , 13 Camp it

SI. Charles Theatre.Filith night of the celebrated TItrag•ni t in 11i

This Ereaing, Fbruary 9,"i

Il ill be performed tiihe celebrated T'Iagcdy of

RICIIARD Ill.Itiehl rd Id, ilr Illith,S;lnekugham, I11ltr itri

ftrlchnid. 'etarsn, LIt

Qellen, •Mrs Fnrllr'ilLady Anrt", tHr rir.rrn.

Al t Overture by the Orchestre

Grand Pas Seul, by Mbad'le Ravenot

After which the popular petite Comedy of

Jack Phantom, Mr Browne,Sir Joshla, FarreWn,.lmp , C'ts well,

Emily, Mthe Debar,'atty, larrison.

O O 'I)\V T!til'' nr)elyr rvenledPl' ANIlNG MA- SCi III. \'I% rTEDaTto i, NOv.l 1 :,a 1 tl.

'lthe naru crlber he rr e i tlts o'llle geantla f miidt.nndw.rthi, + an inu til saaid tachinies pIB t ir for usta ,

i rle tiill aof l' r Me . MIureran :l Co., in tt he city of Lu-aIh ette, w ich lln ay reloll aLt O ltlllilltre ; a le, tias a

iltsl r ol aid nin e t feC a lr stiles, antd tc8 the ag ncrythor disposing of thre prirlee ftr usian ta e macti. os,

hIe in des roc+ to e sell by .tllact r ill n li l-e,+ algi bestalrit Iho rit lillnr lit 'he, I rI ilt e r tr e ti reu r e t I la -

botl r seing lir ireta , rr p irrretle • irr oier t d arttanlldAll hn g' o t lank fr , ,r I) hresorbard lort wr eathler a Iin C.Any per•rrdetirots t". pnreha-i g, c. call nt ,o. 71 e rI

ltr Ie pctree ret whe tihe substatril'r can ine illnad.jn' 19-- hn f

i t. lt,. II' A I NS.

IA L1OLN -t- ii.i5 g r harelfi , tinilltls a trnd rl tl kir'

lalllontl, Nlu nlldnr frlllJ shil' C arlaturn11I, fir na•te h Jflet

ty JI ' .r IIIT" NIt:Y . 73 :arnllrr nt

Ol'I'li'.--Fur ant r It C mOF" EH [OUtE, w itlh all onAits fixtllres i ll (

1) etreet , irn tlre tr nril l part it

atlnras, ind doing r onI mlnerttv ollitl hireillrlr.arn fl orI-hir tl j tL al' . r p1d aa ,fi tlr rt.,f ll Thhl iopor, 11r s

$lt ItIlEWA it.I*rwN I{ wlts hr ,lel open at r dnm Shll's, ron f

ll th r tifrr till I l, I t [ t nl'll ned Iwo er rc rt b eel a o )

(I e rd hOro, o, r meflatl cr l nnr. er it ill f ,lgee cnt n- c

e iilln Vir oullll vhill.. oin p er= hid o 1111r Ilor b $y , . w'0

:I rIItr I Wv l'rlrtt. ,itl liTl\' It 1 iitl iii lrrr lT Jn no l fiIrtll, r•a+:ah

] ,, O Yl ," a l(.ll l (le IdIt .t', lllldk"'l di

IAll er':nrchsr' l urr, , ed ot li, irle fir ilrni ote.rAIIIIr thelr e , is r t a , f ie li l t ur e

\V ull It lli I li t i ny b llrr iulr wi t a llr +It a

t ,,, ., hIN,, .e,. , t tli, vi I

r IThe L,,. Irk,'l tk i- I AbeT Ir i l

s t t ni~ a tecu in roond of

all l ke \V sr.r ll • r, o u. r a h.o.llhrt Ill w ill hBe It t],

aInn rLecawl l e \eer . I. T .re r. , a..

A.L\ 'S-ItiAll t,, es tstr, l• ea r, nah e res Ih , n i

Sj •i ;IlI icar IN rt 'r l rrit l'i,.&iccitt lit t ta `t,

. l .itlti l-tn I . .tN .i ii ,,-,, 1 lari a l otart nt . -1cu u 3 . A ) 11

Ne i e Ilcl nt- w ir e i . Ir r llt r hi l l ir IlI r •-, ni. yJTr IIVt n t AfItlI;Wt", a

ji ll) roe •i •nai ll l & rT oirrtonhs rit

IALERtAdTrr-t-U cnklr il•rhit .tier il tre e, and

I a CI II• t A tl ) , il , &,rsh n ltter, &c.r

; i rll s rl \ leical IBraud1 y

NI • U#lr" Mi nolle. , o1111nt

rL} o o l e cn cr W lII Ier e t1o., 1 t

'0 h rlfbarr kl•' i'irrn . r I rhrr'

loaind•iioin -hi t Ahie ionet.h, filr s!le ak

SI. Is Wl\W N I Il.'4 t1i'.l JO l \titlr 'TJr

'.r 6 I \I MI KI II N er minorp & I te n m, It,

](tl M etrla'hes of .l l lr iLife, bv 1r+ F lcn, oel

Si'Ihe I. t o And ichr ynter of the elnvd, 9u 11

SJusl re ivd untl f tr sale by A11 'i fi 111~'. 1t

fi. i r9 i t n l st

r l \I tII i ,,rk of rt ,l ,,llll ' lllnoiiii .liid ti Ilt It'giir a.t-

, il fo ..i ilt I Itlll-h | tsf itg i'rfol, ill SIIr ll rtuir-

ltitit', t lies rts..,.

idelrs ,, rt t:.I [he (a. a()flie, ltnnf Alley.

_ _ _ it . .i.l. : 1\i iiiii.i , ti'y'

S ti T'1 ' I'it I" t N \i \ A' 'I't I +'- l h .d t , ,, l + s

It + er,,'er+ navi'.' or n l ,tal o+r crab',, hoot-,', t'vr r

\. Ill , t,' n sinetc•rillt e '..l''ll''

ill a (t,: , e nl , w " Il. i i .l , , ', l . l' l- I .I I ttIr, , J.I' ', tl a

tl' t *l i s I ii. I +i e.iii tr te'h r i fiii r. l'ri i

h-i tl i - ,ll bv tn "l , l rii un-, 1'(+ 1- 1 . h I1F 1 ,1l , l ,n t

ac t ii i I.t. etic, ir,..................... he fine , in liill i....H1 r Jrht t (i l IA I 't.I.,

"j iIt: - i cite 39. A. ('( \ I i 1 Ia.I

I tii

rI. f l'd I-,r lii . .

. ,. . I lit .. 11 lf

. : l :K iI '1,d, ,,--:,•Lt, I+., . I l•.

at It C I,• hi, llfl '. nl 1C I, ' r l l.t I

en. a jehlt, , I -i i n I:I \I t N i - it, iert C' tl rlal ii, ,-hI ir

,, c 1M ; .l J , ,ql i'Trt tr Ie lid_ i', (, ug.r e Idl,, i

, iood J I I ,\lolri,•l; h r +'11 ~ i,,

f', t l:: l l . i:,• t 1N , ' iC h I.I.

. ,,i .r1refel AI ':\ lT,) \

\' s\lt, |i t'lnl,,

I) 111 N,511 WI Nl Fiult SALI.-

!11 do ;11' ikoh-rInn r.

foollil lll o I r lll "n .lll I1:%'1, ll' .il ,l f,' t lu l i ll Ila lllrilvnul" I Ih(,"hbII uS :, 1 V Il kl : 'l , t trol \ ,.I ( l'-.lie d, 111

ingll• xleL•o-,h' i t1 Ihli t s l llarle or tII hs canl 411%. I 1n

err .hIhe a n, at I' , alnl ttii i llllixed, 1ho inc IllhIv. vllr Iog, owth n• 1i i :i ily alim e lN inpuyI r,

A J r1 II :ll • ll the .lill 5l 1 T1 I , r

""n 11 • -.. i,,l er, l• ndi.i fi r 'i hii L,: anr,:

J-A I A-lO h i A h lit r,

501) hm IInIAk ttlucEL

1l al 1 h , llA h lltlil'lllila aill.t I l

1( 1 la ll I il 11l r 1.1",2 1 Lx.- +4n. il " ea- b d, a lo alan ng h liIi ,

[i 1, 1 1 1(h 11 n iia t, lt tI% ll. rai t

L)tl.t APiP LtE t *nl'll a .r'W-a-W t•'-a ir, for

a5 t llR: I:A D • o il.II, I \,

ba1 x 7 Vwnk Plahcb)11 ke .l IIItI Vhi ll adeih hi e L-ad;511 bhls, ,'n'-li-h Ill l TII R 1 ', 3 r

IC 111o lL- u h c lil d I Ill, lr antai tlJAIlg'ra A N, a A IIIa I , I hil. wlc Ilra ei:,ls,(i ear (741i n1 , .4 'I'lll ril?' T• , -,d . i

A II , ANA t li.'I,:,

I l , thl' Iud do. i nr l at,1 a00 a boxe s V ili tl t a l lihw n it oob . ac ,

1110 do. fre : uiygar In, inlt,

50l ( o lld aa a ond a 1 a l la

7.l! bai'aA- ust rciv d t l'lod alre t

Io iar lal l aiaala lnldt t I, to

;7 I . al i l tarall an a ll I, l

l rt ol tIi ab -I are I,.i.ta. t a ''l iaiR al r l ad oge

DAl VD I Lrr•l • CI , N ail rle o alil lu

ja irS •4 C'nartrr at,

175r bi•ln r l llld i Il w ieaa ra lblirad, jot lo liy

FI 'at:t11 A b 11 \ I I 1r 1 'I' I IE R, :11 )harn ier _st11io 1 t :l3o w - 'ill,. a\ entl l pIaci ;Id , ) ie

lulu 96 a t nrazinm" ha

t b•l tore :,ran Ie & T I, aII ll& a 4 at

,IIIItilAi, 1I :lttliillillioaa silk U IlfrclltoF

u1 irleoat.. Iatl,: l ,d 'lio lll t 1,I.aayVt llilltt

a, 'ld , b ! ' : ltr l, llait l , Iat _.,"_ _ l sid

IXa a I N I ,\laa ,he, at.1

500 l lior &aa s irk. ti a'all a 1"lroe white,

t •l t I Ia triad for lale aaby tll-re .1. lt ,1-10 L 90 )ii h•z,4 ha lia st

Cane: St. Theatreg1tlhi tlt of the engageu"ont oll the celebrated

till. El)W\•I OIlRE.S

THins EVENINtI, FIlI. 9,

Will he perf i m'd the Tl'ragedy of

KING LEAR,Letr, 1lr FoteroeC,r",ll r, IredcricltttKRant, Iolhnson;

Curdelia, Mls rnrrett,Regan. Orletos,

To concludot with the nlughihle Piece of

THE LOTTERY TICKET.fnpine, Mr Fielding.Wormwood, Johnson,

Susn, Mrs Adnder.on.On Sunday, 12th night of MR. FORREST.

T rTEEII PtNS--Fell's Nos. 1,2.3 3 4 pennStnol' I WVeh ono t`reny Fcltt' large barrel pen

Congrers lorgoe l' Perrv's Ilt sprig dodo Inn ItI1 do 3 slit do

Windel's la li. do do dothltepetentto intpttrial t )ottble patoltl do

(Gillo's banrrel do do National doAnd G(llut's Comnereril, hir nale at


C, 24 Chnrtrel rr,fi6 N I Stationer. Nall

IUGAtl & I()l. SS..S-150hhds ugnr,.i! 10t10I ulls Molassee-- o plantation etove the

city for RI,le by ADAMS & WIIITALL,fi ti--w 67 OrnvTir at

G LA .SS--100 bhes in store fotr nsaletfel .tlIt, . .n t IIR WNt, B0i Mag nine lt

i l) tl' IN-An ,;Ose or, tie condtt loor, n••.uloledIv elveres. Kelht, fIlrrin &h Co. Puoseaiotn nio

en on tl;t lto t ltIehrtit v--pt ly to(G W I'Ptll'CIIAlttt & JO TAfERTJR,

bijllt cur I'oydrae & Manlenine lo


iAY'S LINIM.NT.-No Fiction.-T-his oernuerdinary chlemintl eotnprniton, the reunlt

of science, nrd tihe inventior of a celebrated mtrdicol Ittl thte introduolt. n of whic to the publicwas ivestled with the solemnlty of a dealthedbPqlOest, ha. since goinod a reputation rnparnlleled,folly osustaiini n th correctnssr of the lamentedDr (Driolly's last confession, that " lie dared notlie withlout giving to poeterity the ieuefit of hiskowrledgo oT this auhject," and ho thereforb rqueathl d to hois frind and Atteondant, Solomndlollae, the secrtt of his discovery.

It is now used in the principal hopital, andthei pr ilt cti iee or country, first and mostce:rltIinly for ltheo cure of tle Piles, and no eatenlivnly and cffevuallly an to bhofli credulity, onimeswhere its enfle•ts ar witoesaed Externally in thefollwlong com pltllints:

For 1)ropoy-- Crnoting extr ao rdinary ahborptonat once.

All Swellings-Roducing them in a few hourn.Rlheumotism-Acuta or Chronic, giving quick

case.Sore Throat--By Concers, Ulcers or Colds.Croulll and Whooping Cough--Externully, and

over theo Cllert.All llruiscs, Sprainl, and Burne-Curing in a

few Ihours.Soros ano d Ulcers-Wlhether frelh or long

stanlding, and Ievor sores.Its operations rpon aduttle and children in reduc

itg rhelumatlic swellings, and loosening coughs andlighln tse of Itle chest r y telaxation of the parte.

ine beeoll solt rriloeg beyosd conception. TheI eollllon remark of thoe no o0 Ioave nuCo it in theI'lhns is ', It actIs lh; a chanm."

' I'liE I'lL Is t --'''le price, $1 ia rofunded to anypersont wtho will ue a bottle of tlay's Linimentfor the 'lh•, andol return tlho enpty b nttle withouteilng cored. ose arer ltheon positive ordemr of theIroplietor to the Agenllt; sd toot of meny thou

salds sold, toot one tuio been untneoer•cil.'A oight io ert ertlnd rtfil, b CO ay lengtOCK bt

or tt tIrko who an ll thby one arugticl, inhld eo-lo ithi the riioon.l to ptrclsurn.

CAUTI(tN-None can be genuine without asploendd oograotd wrapper, on which in my name,and also that of the Agents.

SOLI)MON flAYS.t olol whonto.alo and retail, by COMSTOCK &

(o , New tIrkn atd by one Druggist in eovery

For sale by the 7Wholesale Agents, corner or0(010in000 l t I'l'houpitolaou street, Iand by the

A 0ithueari'ers rL'nerallv, jeoO

I ANNUAILS ANI) ALMANACS, FOR 1839.rIIN i tl t i. oudooo Annunals,-Thoe Book of Roy.

I . .i , r•l . oaol'tlil rte i; Fildoe'l' Tableaua,and

o o"ih"i'-a Itioaoon poktchh iook;I' 0n, 0t 0 0 I' 0 -e-,-tto l nud tt Itlossums;

o\\ iooih, IE, to',ekr,--'l'he llllllria l0 .i-,tl,, 1 l cl;l I.or I0t me Not,

o." I I .+h",', juiiI tloo ()Tr hoo ,;

J1,,rl u.. !ari /\111 un; 1 ,Ol'll e lll Attlt lI t", 11 n 1oft *l lllllK oo T td.llll ,'eal

at i . . " i'r .7 lrru n'i

ir .11 r (;ililm,'. l. t,,m; Ih;.( i-I Tr .• Ill0,0 Al ite A aac.

" ' ,I 1. A " ' s' I i Ailmanac;S 'r.l i' -l- 'iflli,'-- li-irlllrl Almsllil.

S lnowar't .la v o r ! .t llcontllhihg it blnk iomo-

0I0" nn o * rlos a"i N, Common al.,ooooooooor oo1' itCiteolroo .oatd tooono nt.

FRANIKLIN INFIRlllARY.r nIt pII bb: at1 til re- IIIe tf t illv tfo nm d ithat tn ineahll,I I ,-llll l ll I i',l'l+w d ' II" II t iim llst illlllrilyed phl f, and

iii tl II\ to1 (tIt(l a ,llh -ri ei.ttatll 11n,1 1 in ih afltlho lrIa o i, Miitp'," iuith ' l1, ome Il ritm ,he.h lMilis

1 he ,ihl;n ii Ih e n t I o iitrinmnidiouely dividedt ,, I, I. t.t-in •p rlturntw dsllerelt elasses,

i' 1 lllllllll II -, pli I with til cl ast l killul andnlh;hir c oan lll d I~I llllll l lln Oes,, andspleaking tlltea,lllll Ilon, ll Iln ritn llg e1.

Irvte i may b hl by"h Ie g•nllemen at five dollI.rr .p d•,\ , inrh uJn• attend nlie. &<TellllS I1 th,• or lnllry nnwards, to ltdllr per daey.lnvs lo tal*- dtllir11t. ,nlSdl Pox in thle ordillry

All e ii ii i llrcil'a l perarlnnlextra.11e : p4, iinllA in DIr \Weddetnan, to whom

upplilntioln for nllll•tn mott he n ada., or to )r C A1.lU,)emberg, Nio IT Itll llllrt street. ap19 1

" ( iiI01. Il -It)KS-Itllunk hooks, )paper of all kindeik Ink, ltili a ia .iet'iln aoUrtment of ibmnks

ruilll t fur ntlr ln ll•itcant, Con hle hllll On gootl.h111 lt " A ToIWAR'N

_f _ rl tlktloret 49 Cooip at/lit1-.t(\'KS ,, T l tll:l'l:(E-4-Jotatl opted no 16S(I'rInIses • l •.lld,• warranteld i lt Tilmepiecen ,

x rlwlrri-r t, ii'h'. Ptlinse ,,uill n exnld inlthe lreer.N. B. Chicks, 'I imtl'itiee, \Voitcl o, Mu.iC,.

and Jewelry carelully reatired, and narruntted; chargesmoderate, fe(:5t

/ INE--150 hoxe Claret ond Sauterne Wine, lslstle enld liar anle. by

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1'' I c1 , h ' t'er.itc hrt ruh order, forlnoe byja:9 CIIAMIPLIN &+ C)O)PER,I 8 Julia etSO•IlN lintrnl ltlhrrv editinon, of esaree andSvrluoht! worko, ftr nole lv the onbserlbev:

PONS1STINO OF 1HEW'oirks of \'(Iliuni CiIgroIvenl 3 vole,

it Shirley, drenlatit end •Mticeal, 6 oel,do mirflhry in,• vels,doi !liolollullt & Fletcher, 14 eola,do loiaiiV. in 2 vels,do I nto.:, 3 vile, with on aecount of his lile,

vdo llclv t n cken zie;do SiriWilliaio 'emnlpl, in 4 roll,io lolii.rthrJ ulian,2 Vole,d" Foothling, 11 v l t, ndo ione, too Xith, 4 viei,tli I....... de Modicis, 3 volet,do Itl"tnrdedi Clnariono Horlow6 Sir Clla (er dironi, 7 vote,

Itn andliti to tmhe otlve, nlarge ollection of ela-don edition ncare works. Wil M'KRAN,

jenl cor Camnp nalt Common etaNLOL H 8tubarrels sitperiior ran u, for sole,bI CIIAMI LIN & COOPER,

jal-l 82 Julia.NLE t I.A\ al \nd ledintl Bouks."

'llrnti' I viaestolo-e adjudicated in couros ofdlnhitlly of thi U S. rland Englnd; an ew and value.

blL work.',.tin' i•nti ofeatiAcs ilin t Suprem, Circuit and

I )ltnct:itt Cirls, ta ew o ni o IIIl, I V i,i'Ist. oA atotimi, i new edito n, received by Pa-

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fa nr e b, .EAD & IIAkfrlS'IOW.

f 07 L'ouk 1114ce.