Job Search Tip of The Day

Job Search Tip of the Day: By Marshall J Karp MA NCC LPC Career Counselor Job Search Tip of the Day: Sometimes, when you are being interviewed, you might want to start off clarifying that the position you applied for is the position that you are being interviewed for. Maybe the employer just wants to talk with you and the possibilities or maybe it was just an accidental mix-up. Things happen and you just want to make sure you are there for the right job. Job Search Tip of the Day: Do not run around telling employers to hire you because they can get reimbursed from the government for training or a tax credit. That just does not work well and you should be presenting your skills and abilities. The times those incentives might help, maybe, is when interviewers on the edge of a decision and the right program is presented in the right way. Job Search Tip of the Day: Good sign in a job interview, they are asking you softball questions as they are looking for reasons to hire you. Bad sign in job a interview, they are asking you complicated questions as they are looking to eliminate you. Job Search Tip of the Day: Employers use personality and psychological profile assessments as a measurable and quantifiable predictor of performance. The bad news is some are actually very precise and accurate and all you can do is take them, do the best you can, and hope you are a profile match. The good news is there are many employers who still hire by a gut feeling and intuition. Job Search Tip of the Day: These cold snowy winter nights when you absolutely cannot get out are the perfect time to work on your computer skills. You could improve your typing, learn software programs, run though online tutorials, edit videos,

Transcript of Job Search Tip of The Day

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Job Search Tip of the Day:By

Marshall J Karp MA NCC LPCCareer Counselor

Job Search Tip of the Day: Sometimes, when you are being interviewed, you might want to start off clarifying that the position you applied for is the position that you are being interviewed for. Maybe the employer just wants to talk with you and the possibilities or maybe it was just an accidental mix-up. Things happen and you just want to make sure you are there for the right job.

Job Search Tip of the Day: Do not run around telling employers to hire you because they can get reimbursed from the government for training or a tax credit. That just does not work well and you should be presenting your skills and abilities. The times those incentives might help, maybe, is when interviewers on the edge of a decision and the right program is presented in the right way.

Job Search Tip of the Day: Good sign in a job interview, they are asking you softball questions as they are looking for reasons to hire you. Bad sign in job a interview, they are asking you complicated questions as they are looking to eliminate you.

Job Search Tip of the Day: Employers use personality and psychological profile assessments as a measurable and quantifiable predictor of performance. The bad news is some are actually very precise and accurate and all you can do is take them, do the best you can, and hope you are a profile match. The good news is there are many employers who still hire by a gut feeling and intuition.

Job Search Tip of the Day: These cold snowy winter nights when you absolutely cannot get out are the perfect time to work on your computer skills. You could improve your typing, learn software programs, run though online tutorials, edit videos, watch technology videos, etc. You just never know how useful this could be when it comes up in job interviews.

Job Search Tip of the Day: You might want to go hunt down and dig up those copies of your employee evaluations. Presented in a packet along with your resume and letters of recommendation, those evaluations are good evidence for just want sort of employee you will be. Prospective employers like written documentation things like that.

Job Search Tip of the Day: Your job hunting days should be spent finding places to call, calling the places, and setting up meetings. You set up any meetings that you can, whether places are hiring or not, so you become part of someone's network. Somewhere along the way, will be the person who can use you.

Job Search Tip of the Day: This is a good habit, you need to get a card and email address from everyone you meet, then email them a thank you, it was nice meeting you message. You just never know the impression this may make on someone at the time

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and how this might help bring you to their remembrance at some future critical networking job hunting time.

Job Search Tip of the Day: In the world of job hunting, meeting new people is just a fact of life. You may think there is no reason to do this, but in reality, you are putting yourself out there on the open market and exposing yourself to potential buyers or referrals to buyers. Remember, your goal is to get at least one meeting a day, preferably two.

Job Search Tip of the Day: Ever forget to confirm what time zone you are in versus what time zone your telephone interviewer is in? Some of you have experienced the sheer moment of panic and awful realization with the call from the interviewer right on time and you are not. It seems like a little thing, but do not forget about the time zones when setting the telephone interview appointments.

Job Search Tip of the Day: There is an old job hunting saying that goes, never turn down the opportunity for an interview. You may have no intentions of taking the job even if it were offered to you, but there are positive reasons for you to go. Perhaps down the road, another time, make a connection, even just the practice and more are the rationale to go anyway.

Job Search Tip of the Day: There is certainly a place for LinkedIn profiles, blogs, and your own website in your job hunt. Directing the employer to your social qualifications media while you have them on the phone can enhance the contact by adding something visual to an otherwise auditory experience. This is just another step to take to help to keep you in mind.

Job Search Tip of the Day: Building rapport with an interviewer can be as simple as asking about something that you have observed about them. It could be a picture on their desk, a certificate on the wall, a trophy on a stand, a fishing rod in the corner, etc. People love to talk about what they are interested in and a shared enthusiasm could be the start of a working relationship.

Job Search Tip of the Day: When answering job interview questions: 1) target/focus your background to the position/duties, 2) give measurable results, and 3) finish - relate and tie-in your example to the position/person/company. This is how you knock your answers out of the park.

Job Search Tip of the Day: When asked about your salary expectations you can: 1) Give a figure or 2) Do not give a figure and both are legitimate salary strategies. My only caution with Number 2 is the tough times as there are many qualified people out there. My suggestion is to start off with Number 2, but be ready to adjust back with a figure, depending on the employer's tone or vibes.

Job Search Tip of the Day: Young people do not hide behind your hair in a job interview as you are supposed to be maintaining eye to eye contact. Also, having to

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keep flipping hair back is distracting and can really take away from the precious time and attention you really need.

Job Search Tip of the Day: Working a professional conference in your job hunt requires patience as the temptation is to get your resume to as many people as you can. Sincere interest and caring may be a better strategy, so catch-up with acquaintances, make new contacts, listen to what they have to say first, then bring up what you are looking for. Sometimes it is quality not quantity.

Job Search Tip of the Day: The percentage of temp to hire conversion is very low, so only consider temp or sub work if you are in a position to do it. Looking at every assignment as a opportunity, working as hard as you can, and getting along with everyone will improve what chances you have. You will be paid for what work you do, but try not to get your hopes up and count on getting hired.

Job Search Tip of the Day: The temptation in a long hard job hunt is to start looking for desperation ways out, such as commission sales. You can make a lot of money if you are the sales type, but if you are not, you could end up spending quite a bit of your own time, cash, and resources. Unless you have a sales background, it might be best to just continue on with finding a job.

Job Search Tip of the Day: Why not show a video or PowerPoint to present something visually interesting as a major selling point? Depending on your field, you might want to use an IPad, laptop, or mini projector for an interview presentation. The old movie script writing saying is do not tell them, show them, and it just might help to make your interview entertaining as well as informative.

Job Search Tip of the Day: The essence of sales is find out what the customer wants and give it to them, the same can be true with interviewing. You could start off asking the interviewer questions as to what they are looking for and what needs done, then target your responses accordingly. Just be sure to ask if you can ask questions first, some will be fine with the, a few may not.

Job Search Tip of the Day: Parents, not every child is college material and a degree is no longer a guarantee of a good job. The best way to support your child may be to help them develop career goals and a plan to get there. Getting some career counseling can help them assess what they are best suited for, come up with realistic goals, and evaluate their career options.

Job Search Tip of the Day: Those of you who are struggling with low esteem and questioning your worth could be suffering from a general lack of respect. This may caused by measuring your career against a perceived lack of interest in your resume. Just another reason to network as peers and colleagues may show you worth and respect along the way to help encourage you along.

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Job Search Tip of the Day: Even though you should never use statistics as a primary source of career or training decisions, you could use them as secondary corroborating reasoning. Information interviewing real people in the field and asking their opinions about the labor market is still the best source of decision making information. Numbers that line up just add depth to the decisions.

Job Search Tip of the Day: Generally, when you continue to suggest places that are hiring to a person with no follow-through, it is time for a talk. In a non-threatening way, you need to ask how come they are not heeding your verbal gestures of help/concern. Using non-judgemental listening might be your best tact for both of you to get on the same page and hopefully, move them along.

Job Search Tip of the Day: When you need a new job but need to keep your present job, resist the temptation to go in your office, close the door, and make job hunting calls on company time. Hard to do, but make your calls before and after work hours, break times, and lunch time. You just do not want burn noticed into a full time panic job hunt or chancing a bad leaving reference.

Job Search Tip of the Day: When you are at a loss to answer an interview question, it is perfectly appropriate to ask for a moment or two to collect your thoughts. Blurting out the first thing that comes to mind may not always be the best strategy. It is far better to think an answer through keeping in mind who or what you are dealing with.

Job Search Tip of the Day: Employers use the same approach looking at your LinkedIn profile as they do your resume. The great care that you take in trying to grab the employer's attention with the resume should be the same reasoning with your LinkedIn profile. Both your resume and your profile might only get a quick look, so you better have your best representing you with that glance.

Job Search Tip of the Day: I do not know of specific companies who look for, recruit, and hire felons. Employers do not hire ex-felons, they hire people with the skills and abilities needed to do the job. Just make sure you are marketing yourself as a qualified person, not someone who may be a potential liability.

Job Search Tip of the Day: Young people, do not overlook technical training for manufacturing careers. There are areas experiencing trained technical/machine operator shortages. It may not be as glamorous as a high tech or healthcare career, but it might be much more practical for some of you to make a good living.

Job Search Tip of the Day: In a job search situation, getting interviews is the key as no interviews, no job offers. If you are getting interviews, then press on with what you are doing and you may be almost through this. If you are not getting interviews, then you might want to change things up and set up information interviews for networking and guidance, which could lead to those interviews.

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Job Search Tip of the Day: One of the major reasons people are let go is not getting along with others. This could be why employers ask the interview question, describe your personality to me? They are looking to see if you will be a good fit and the best answer would be to describe your positive character traits and hopefully match up well.

Job Search Tip of the Day: Working a job and looking for a new job does bring up the problems of discovery and disclosure, when should you tell your employer? You could let them know you are leaving eventually, but one never knows how long this will take or you could keep things to yourself and just give your two weeks notice. This is a difficult dilemma and there are pros and cons either way.

Job Search Tip of the Day: You can start off asking if employers hire people with skills, degrees and positives, but you cannot start off asking if they hire ex-felons and other negatives. I know you want to find out up front so you are not wasting your time, but you are making a horrible first impression. Is it any wonder every place is telling you they are not hiring?

Job Search Tip of the Day: When applying to a posting cold, you must get your material noticed. In descending order: 1) have a contact/network deliver the resume and vouch, 2) walk-in, present well, and hand your resume to them, 3) call them, give your 30 second speech, and call attention to your resume, and 4) leave a voicemail of your 30 second pitch and call attention to your resume

Job Search Tip of the Day: When working a professional meeting for opportunities and leads, you could put the word out to everyone that you are looking for a job. Conversely, you could meet people, ask questions, get to know them, and get their business cards to follow-up at later time. One strategy is quantity and the other is quality, but both have their advantages.

Job Search Tip of the Day: You can get as technology oriented as you want with very sophisticated software, but you cannot go wrong with a good old fashion to-do list. Throughout your day, write down your ideas and at the end of your day, write down the things you need to get to the next day. Not only do you need these reminders, but crossing off the items can be self-accomplishment steps.

Job Search Tip of the Day: Young people, you need to get the your school's career service office immediately and get assistance with your job search and internship opportunities. The week before graduation is way to late to expect the magic to happen. The sooner you begin to work with those career professionals, the better your chances of getting a job when you finish your education.

Job Search Tip of the Day: If your job hunt is not going well and you are thinking about starting a business as an option, getting a business started and keeping it going is much more harder and more complicated than you might imagine. You might want to test the water with some contract work to see if the market is there, but if being in business was easy, everyone would do it.

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Job Search Tip of the Day: Such a nice feeling in an interview or information interview when, besides quoting company information, you start discussing career information about the interviewer from their LinkedIn Profile. It is almost like you have their resume in addition to them having yours. LinkedIn is such a practical job hunting tool and I continue to encourage you along in using it.

Job Search Tip of the Day: There are times in your job hunt where you start to develop some emotional security that this situation will work out, then you get the news that you did not get the job. Your feelings are common to everyone, your mind reels, and it is okay to cry. The turnaround time is crucial, you do what you can the rest of that day and today is a new day.

Job Search Tip of the Day: When things work well, when you have a good phone call or meeting, remind yourself to continue to do what you did. Conversely, if you made a mistake, think about what you might do different and better next time. Self-analysis every step of the way during your job hunt and continuing to learn while you go along is vital to your ultimate success.

Job Search Tip of the Day: When you are applying through a third party company recruiter, you still have follow-up options. You could attempt to contact the recruiter about your status/information and it is a good sign if they respond to you. If you have contacts at the company, you could ask them to put in the good word for you and try whatever else you can to get through the screener.

Job Search Tip of the Day: In regards to answering the interview question: What is your weakness?, if you really want to stand out from the competition, then come up with your own answer as opposed to some standardized answer. Hiring personnel have heard all the canned responses before, so individualize yours and speak from the heart about how you overcame a a work related challenge.

Job Search Tip of the Day: You do need to keep putting the word out that you are looking for work, but it is amazing the number of well-meaning people who make all kinds of claims on who they know and what they can do for you. I'm not denying that, in some way, they are trying to encourage, but you really need to take what is said with a "we'll see" attitude and continue on with your job hunt.

Job Search Tip of the Day: To those of you on mandated government job hunting programs, there is a difference between meeting your job search contact requirement and getting a job. You may be getting your weekly required contact amount, but unless you are real lucky, getting a job involves going way above and beyond that. Are you just making contacts or are you doing whatever it takes?

Job Search Tip of the Day: Answering the salary question on online applications is problematic as you must commit to a salary figure or it will not let you move on to the next page. A strategy could be to have a pay range for the position, then use the

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average for your answer. You can explain your reasoning at the interview, but you now have a new range with your application figure being your new low.

Job Search Tip of the Day: Bad job hunting days are inevitable. Everyone has one of those days where nothing goes right and you just cannot get to what you wanted to get to. Just tell yourself, tomorrow will be a better day.

Job Search Tip of the Day: Little things can mean alot. You have to be easy to be gotten a hold of in your job search, so make sure your phone numbers are correct and your voicemail works. Employers will call you once, some twice, but they will move on and your opportunity may have come and gone and you might not even know about it.

Job Search Tip of the Day: Painful to say, but the perfect job does not exist. Even more painful for some of you to hear, but this is not the type of economy where you have the luxury of holding out. These are times when you may have to step somewhat out of your comfort zone and hope that good economic times will come around again.

Job Search Tip of the Day: If you are looking for job target direction, write out a list of your preferred job duties and skills that you would like to use every day. When you are done, you have just written your ideal job description. The only problem now is what is the job title(s) and you will need to do career research to figure that out.

Job Search Tip of the Day: Even though you practice interview questions, there is always something new every day. Someone told me that at an interview they were asked: "Tell me a joke?". Your guess is as good as mine as to the motive behind that one, but at least give them: "Why did the chicken cross the road?"

Job Search Tip of the Day: It's a shame that I have to say this, but I'm going to say it, watch your fly trap in all communication with a perspective employer. No cussing! Not everyone approves of cussing! One slip of the tongue and you could be eliminated from consideration by your first impression as the person with the foul mouth.

Job Search Tip of the Day: I'm not saying to never go over your boss's head. I have known this last ditch strategy to work a few times and I have known the situation to go from bad to worse a few times. All I'm saying is, if you decide to do this, you better have another solid job escape plan lined up before your try it.

Job Search Tip of the Day: At the end of the interview, I always like my job hunters to ask the question: Could you describe the ideal person for this position? Hopefully, you will hear that your qualifications fit nicely but if not, at least you have another chance to sell yourself in case you are off target.

Job Search Tip of the Day: He who hesitates is lost. As soon as you find out about an opening, you better get on it. I have seen many a lost opportunity with job hunters who are too exacting and time consuming with getting their things or thoughts in order. Sometimes, you have to balance speed with the situation at hand.

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Job Search Tip of the Day: As strange as it sounds, ducking the salary question in a job interview is one of several legitimate salary negotiation tactics. When asked what your salary requirements are, you could answer a question with a question like: can we discuss the job duties more (if you need the information)? Or, you could ask: what did you have in mind to pay?

Job Search Tip of the Day: If you really do not know what jobs to look for and target, write down your perfect job description using elements from you experience, training, skills, and personal life. Now you have your goal and you will have to do career/occupational and plenty of creativity to come up with the job title of your goal.

Job Search Tip of the Day: Sure, you have put in on-line applications, but have you activated them? Chances are they are laying dormant until you take the responsibility of waking them up and getting them to work for you. How you do this is by re-contacting the employers and asking them if they have looked over your application and if they have any questions.

Job Search Tip of the Day: If you are asking expert after expert their opinion on your resume and you still think your resume is the problem, maybe it is not the problem. Maybe you are asking the wrong question? Maybe you should go ask the experts how to make the best use of your resume?

Job Search Tip of the Day: They (whoever they are) may do things the same way, day after day, year after year merely because that is just the way they do things. If you have a better way, take a shot and present it to them (whoever them are). The worst they can tell you is that is not how we do things here, but perhaps and maybe someone (whoever that special someone is) really wants a better way.

Job Search Tip of the Day: As far as answering the interview question, How long will it take for you to make a contribution, the employer is not talking about taking up an office collection. The interviewer is asking how long it will take you to become profitable and learn the ropes? Your best answer is that you are a fast learner and can be productive within a short time.

Job Search Tip of the Day: Now you have to look for work, all the options are gone, and the harsh reality of the situation sets in. Start by taking small steps like, applying on line, going to job fairs, getting some help from government programs, and others. Your goal will be to grow and take bigger steps like networking, warm calls, and cold calls to improve your chances of success.

Job Search Tip of the Day: If you are going to send a resume with a cover letter, pay close attention to the job details in the ad. You will want to target and focus your skills/experience/training to the duties in the posting. This is the best strategy and chance of getting a response contact for a job interview.

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Job Search Tip of the Day: When researching positions with multi-location corporations, make sure you look at all the job openings everywhere as opposed to only the closest to home ones. These could give you valuable clues for the kinds of positions, skills, and backgrounds the local branch could potentially use.

Job Search Tip of the Day: As long and difficult as the job hunt gets and if you really are not making progress, it may be sign that you are not working hard enough. I know the natural tendency may be to ease off because it seems like you are not getting anywhere and it is so frustrating, but making more quality contacts faster will always give you a better chance of getting back to work sooner.

Job Search Tip of the Day: You may have a primary person at a business that you really want to talk to, but always have a fallback plan of not overlooking anyone as a potential inside contact. Given the opportunity to strike up a friendly conversation with someone on the inside may yield valuable hiring, gate keeping information, and maybe even results.

Job Search Tip of the Day: If you think you have come to the end of the road and do not know where to apply to, try googling an Employer Locator. Just put in your location and the kind of field that you are looking for and it will give you a listing of employers in your area. Perhaps, you will find businesses you never thought of or knew about to help you keep going.

Job Search Tip of the Day: To you relatives and friends of someone unemployed, do not wait to be asked for help, just go. This is a devastating emotionally time where they can use all the help and friends they can get. A visit, call, or email of support and encouragement can mean more than you know to a struggling person and/or family.

Job Search Tip of the Day: If you want to make a bad first impression, then ask about the salary at the start of the interview. I know you really want to know what the position pays and whether this is worth your while to pursue, but you just cannot do this. This is a real turn-off to employers and could put you in a nonrecoverable hole. It is best to wait until the end of the interview on this one.

Job Search Tip of the Day: Just so you know or forgot, your local library is still useful in these technological times. Libraries are a great source of career, job search, labor market, and company information. Just see the reference librarian for assistance and ideas.

Job Search Tip of the Day: Proportionally, your ratio of sending thank you notes should far exceed your sending cover letters. This pre-supposes that most of the time you are phoning and meeting with people, and sending all thank you notes. If you are disproportionately emailing cover letters and resumes to the internet without much response, you might want to reevaluate your strategy.

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Job Search Tip of the Day: Parents, college financial planning is not sending your children off to school based entirely on accumulating massive student loan debt. First, the majority do not even finish and second, many are not finding jobs or jobs in their field. In any event, the student loans must be paid back and there is no getting out of them, so don't do it and develop some other plan.

Job Search Tip of the Day: My heart really goes out to you people working a job, but know the layoff is coming. It is very difficult to go in to work every day knowing you are already gone. All I can encourage you to do is job hunt when you can, do not throw in the towel and do something stupid, and leave with your head held high that you did your job up until the end.

Job Search Tip of the Day: Have a list of your selling points or a resume by the telephone, in the event you get an unexpected interview invitation call. You could be busy, rushing around, into a million things and the phone could ring at the worst possible time. At the least, you could read off your list and say something useful rather than babbling and regretting it later.

Job Search Tip of the Day: If you can make job hunting your full time job, so much the better for you, but I like to see people put in at least a solid and productive five hours a day. The job search is grueling, so apply yourself and work hard during those hours, then live your life and do whatever else you have to do, guilt-free.

Job Search Tip of the Day: Are suffering a job related repetitive motion and stress injury? Are you cycling through doctor visits and time off, only to return and it continues to worsen? You really should talk to a career professional about exploring your occupation options and maybe doing something else now before this becomes a permanent injury with constant lifelong pain.

Job Search Tip of the Day: Watch out for being taken advantage of and getting dumped on by friends and family, which takes away from your job hunting time. Their thinking could be, you're not working, so could you do this or that for me? When possible, you really have to say no and tell them that you do have a job; your job is finding a job.

Job Search Tip of the Day: It is possible, and you would not be the first, to go to holiday get-togethers, make a new or old contact, and start a discussion that leads to a job.

Job Search Tip of the Day: Fundamental career counseling questions are: when did you lose the fire, when did you lose the enthusiasm, when did you lose the fun? If you want to recapture that old long forgotten feeling of when you enjoyed going to work, you need to go back to when you had it and when you lost it to help figure out how to get it back.

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Job Search Tip of the Day: This is an example of a trick interview question; How much salary do you feel you are worth? The focus is not on pay but on self-confidence - self worth. You will want to split the response in two with letting the employer know that you have a great deal of confidence towards the position, then use your preferred salary negotiation strategy.

Job Search Tip of the Day: Ways to help an unemployed friend, relative, person: call them and ask how's it going, send them a thinking of you card, invite them to breakfast or lunch, give them a twenty, take them some groceries, tell them everything will be all right, pass along any openings you hear, vouch for them to an employer, pray for them, bring them up for prayer, do something.

Job Search Tip of the Day: I know you want something to feel good about but watch yourself emotionally when a job opportunity arises. A basic counseling premise is the more you pump yourself up, the lower you will fall with even more hurt if things do not develop. The more emotional pain, the less you will want to do this, so guard your feelings as best as you can during this time.

Job Search Tip of the Day: It is important when you get those flashes of job hunting creativity about people, places, or positions to make sure you write them down, especially in the middle of the night! It really does help that you left yourself some reminders, something tangible, at times when you struggling with what to do or where to go next.

Job Search Tip of the Day: If you left on good terms, do not overlook following up with your former employer. You could start off with how's it going or just networking and putting the word out there, but people have struck up conversations leading to returning to previous places. Hopefully, they thought very highly of you, enough to take you back.

Job Search Tip of the Day: Take a hard look at your resume and, be honest with yourself, ask yourself, is this worth the money that I want? If you can show the value, keep using it. If you have your doubts, I would find some professional to help and ask them specifically how you can show your worth in your resume.

Job Search Tip of the Day: Contrary to some amount of belief out there, employers do not hire people because they feel sorry for you. A proper job hunting introduction does not entail telling the contact how bad your situation is and how much you need a job. Come on, let's show some self-respect, look them in the eye, and act like professional to professional.

Job Search Tip of the Day: When asked in interviews, "What will your former employer say about you?", you really do not want to say, "I don't know." Failing to know for sure what the reference will say, you will want to certainly up-play your positives and, if the case, down-play, but mention, possible difference of opinions. "I don't know" just seems evasive like you might be hiding something.

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Job Search Tip of the Day: If good unemployment report numbers motivate you to keep going as a new job is closer, then that is a good thing. If the numbers contribute to magical thinking that you can ease off or continue to lay back and wait, then you have missed the point. Practically speaking, the reports might influence your feelings, but they should have no effect on your actions.

Job Search Tip of the Day: When it comes to utilizing a career counselor, school career office, government agency, temp service, etc., ask for verifiable participant job securement numbers. If they give you documented numbers, then you know your chances of success. If they do not give you numbers, then they may still be useful, but either way you can set your level of expectation accordingly.

Job Search Tip of the Day: Maybe the interviewer has already made their choice and you can just tell this is just a drive-through job interview. Times like this, you could ask: Have you made your decision on who you are going to hire? Yes or no, your strategy must become; do not throw in the towel, do not go down easy, fight to the end, and make their planned decision difficult for them.

Job Search Tip of the Day: It sure does help to have some positive influence to be there for you when you are going through a long, miserable and grueling job hunt. Finding some businessperson willing to give you advice, or even finding a mentor for feedback, can really help you stay on track and somewhat simplify the enormous task at hand.

Job Search Tip of the Day: Damage control - recovering from a bad interview. You can have a good cry and beat yourself up emotionally for few days, but go through your after interview follow-up routine anyway. There is always a chance that you did just enough, or you got very lucky, and things will work out but I would continue with your job hunt.

Job Search Tip of the Day: How can you even think about blowing off the interview? It is outrageous and irresponsible that you got an invite and you either accidentally on purpose forgot about it or you are just not going? At least have the courtesy to make a cancellation call and scratch the place off your list in the future if you ever need a job again, talk about burning bridges.

Job Search Tip of the Day: Nothing can be more agonizing in a job hunt than to return home to find someone called for you, but a name and message was not taken. Stress to everyone that this is important and prep them to ask: May I have your name please? and May I have your number please? If the caller chooses to not leave any information, at least your family member tried.

Job Search Tip of the Day: Do you know about joining LinkedIn groups to help with networking? You can find local, state, and national groups plus associations, professions, and alumni groups. Once you have the names and places, you can start your email and phone contact attempts.

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Job Search Tip of the Day: Making career decisions based on the mass media is like guessing the weather from a sealed room. You get distorted viewpoints by listening to the nightly "experts" and no wonder unemployment and underemployment is so rampant. Focus on what your parents, instructors, and career guidance professionals say first and do not focus on the evening news for career advice.

Job Search Tip of the Day: Generally, there is no law that says a company is required to list a detailed job description and the salary for the position. Fuming about the fairness could be a sign that you just simply do not know what to do. Admitting this is a weakness and getting some training/instruction could help you develop a strategy on dealing with this.

Job Search Tip of the Day: FYI, some company human resource professionals want a salary figure on the application or you will not go on and some do not require a salary figure and will not necessarily hold that against you. Either way, your chances increase if you thoroughly communicate your related background. Bottom line, you will need to choose a salary disclosure strategy and go with it.

Job Search Tip of the Day: Regarding the interview question, why are your applying for this job?, if you have a personal reason that drives you, some family or life experience, tell them about this. It is always good to let the employer know that this is more than just a job to you and consider it as expressing your life mission statement.

Job Search Tip of the Day: Before you decide on a training or retraining field, you really want to talk to at least five employers in that field and ask them if this is a growing field and what the hiring prospects look like when you are done. This is the only way to make any sort of educated decision and if you get a negative report, you better come up with another plan.

Job Search Tip of the Day: It certainly is possible to get a job offer between now and the end of the year, so continue to work as long and as hard as you can in your job hunt during this holiday time. However, to be realistic, most of what you do for the next two weeks will be to position and set yourself up for the hiring after the first of the year.

Job Search Tip of the Day: in regards to answering the interview question, What was your greatest failure?, you really need to turn this negative into a positive. Take responsibility for your part, explain your intentions, and tell them what you learned so it will never happen again. Usually, failure is acceptable as long as you were trying and giving it your best.

Job Search Tip of the Day: When you are going through school, you will feel better if you stop focusing on the labor market with the lack of openings and start focusing on making contacts. By all means apply for posted openings, but networking, volunteering, and internships are what are really going to better your chances of getting a job in your field.

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Job Search Tip of the Day: Three ways that I know of to get into a upper level (for you) position, know the right contacts, interview and follow-up better than anyone, and/or have the background to back it up. Having all three really betters your chances, but all three could be within your control or at least part of a workable longer range plan.

Job Search Tip of the Day: You will make it easier for your government employment worker to refer you to jobs and give recommendations if you will take their suggestions and do what they say. The flip side is equally true, the less cooperative, the more difficult you make it for them to represent you to employers. Do the smart thing and follow their instruction, if you really want help.

Job Search Tip of the Day: Nothing profound, just let me encourage you to stay with it and go as long as you can with your job hunt today.

Job Search Tip of the Day: Take the weekend off, when there is nothing you can do, there is nothing you can. Try to spend your time with your family and focus on what you have and not what you do not have. Some of you are running into job search fatigue and the time off should help and do you good.

Job Search Tip of the Day: Think of things that you are thankful for and do not let today go by too fast. Tomorrow will get here soon enough. Hope you have a Merry Christmas Day

Job Search Tip of the Day: This is not a lost job hunting week, so do not put off your efforts until next week. Anything you do now will just help you get a jump on the competition who is taking the week off. You can start setting things up now for after the first of the year.

Job Search Tip of the Day: If some of you are wondering why you are not getting interview calls, look no further than your writing skills. All employers think about is how well your spelling and grammar errors, based on your application, resume, and cover letter, will represent their company. Getting some feedback and/or using the spell checker just might improve your chances.

Job Search Tip of the Day: It is sad but true that most of the online job postings that you might be applying to are already filled. People probably have people in mind and just might be advertising the opening for any number of other reasons. Go ahead and apply if you see something that suits you, but you are so much further ahead with networking and contact developing.

Job Search Tip of the Day: It is obviously nice when you know the answers to interview questions, but sometimes you just do not have the answer. At times like this, if you do not know the content, at least describe a plan for the process of how you would get the content. There are employers out there who do not expect you to know everything and chances are, you will still be okay.

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Job Search Tip of the Day: With telephone interviews, engage the interviewer visually and experientially, besides just talking. Email them any documents or pictures of your work, refer to them, and tell interesting stories about them. Making this an entertaining presentation experience rather than just answering the interview questions may better your chances of moving on to the next step.

Job Search Tip of the Day: I know this is difficult for some of you, but when you are meeting employers or interviewing, look them in the eye when they are talking. Eye contact is so crucial as the speaker perceives that you are listening to them, giving them your attention, and giving them respect. Little things like this mean more than you know.

Job Search Tip of the Day: A new year and a time for new beginnings. Resolve to either start fresh at getting a new job or get some help so as not to repeat the same mistakes as last year.

Job Search Tip of the Day: In regards to answering the interview question, why do you want to work here, what do you do if you do not want to work there but you need the job? Telling the employer you need the job because you need money sounds desperate, but you do have to be honest, too. The best you can do is find some part of the position or place that you do like and tell them about that.

Job Search Tip of the Day: Good news, you have not made any permanent mistakes with your job hunt. Things can be fixed, you can learn new things, try different approaches, even apply to places that you failed with before. Perhaps, the people you encountered there have moved on to other jobs, so it is worth a shot.

Job Search Tip of the Day: Generally, if you have any school plans that involve sizable student loans, then my suggestion is to go make another plan. Some of you people do not fully realize the burden of monstrous debt until it is upon you. There are ways to get degrees and get through school without incurring massive student loan debt and you need to explore these options.

Job Search Tip of the Day: Young people, please work on your writing skills, preferably in high school, but especially when you are in college. Employers should not have to be proofreading your written material for spelling, punctuation, sentence structure, and grammatical errors. Excellent writing skills will put you unbelievably ahead of your job hunting competition.

Job Search Tip of the Day: Not getting to something when you know you should can be very stressful, too. You are either worrying about not doing your cold call contacts/networking or you are fretting over doing cold calls/networking. I encourage you to force doing the contacts as at least you are doing something productive and proactive which might help alleviate the stress.

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Job Search Tip of the Day: In life, you fall when you lose your balance and with your career, balance is essential too. A combination approach to maintaining contacts, continuing education, volunteer work, association activity, etc., is a good passive job hunting strategy and plan. All work and no balance can cause you to fall hard in times of economic turmoil.

Job Search Tip of the Day: Unfortunately, there is no magic training field that is in such high demand that one is practically guaranteed a job. Those opportunities have presented themselves, but there is no way to predict where the lightning will strike. The critical step is to develop a solid career training plan and not base your career on the magic factor, though it would be nice.

Job Search Tip of the Day: If you find you cannot stay focused with your job hunt working out of your house, maybe it will be worth your gasoline expense to drive to a social service agency employment center or library. Sometimes, there are just too many distractions around to really concentrate and going to a business office setting can help you stay on task.

Job Search Tip of the Day: Rejection is to be expected, but rudeness can really sting. Here you are out there trying and it is tough enough without someone really disrespecting you. Do not let them get to you and keep in mind, there are decent encouraging people out there, too.

Job Search Tip of the Day: Some of you have unrealistic emotional expectations of the interviewer following up speedily and offering you the job with immediacy. Understand, you cannot expect other people to be as excited or as desperate as you are. Employers have their own schedules and you need work with their time frame, not try to force yours.

Job Search Tip of the Day: Generally, employers look at job hunters in two ways and, inadvertently, many of you are coming across as part of the problem. All along the way, you had better be showing employers that you are part of the solution. If you really do not know how to do that, you better get feedback from a career or employment professional, maybe in person or through internet forums.

Job Search Tip of the Day: You do need to keep putting the word out that you are looking for work, but it is amazing the number of well-meaning people who make all kinds of claims on who they know and what they can do for you. I'm not denying that, in some way, they are trying to encourage, but you really need to take what is said with a "we'll see" attitude and continue on with your job hunt.

Job Search Tip of the Day: To those of you on mandated government job hunting programs, there is a difference between meeting your job search contact requirement and getting a job. You may be getting your weekly required contact amount, but unless you are real lucky, getting a job involves going way above and beyond that. Are you just making contacts or are you doing whatever it takes?

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Job Search Tip of the Day: Answering the salary question on online applications is problematic as you must commit to a salary figure or it will not let you move on to the next page. A strategy could be to have a pay range for the position, then use the average for your answer. You can explain your reasoning at the interview, but you now have a new range with your application figure being your new low.

Job Search Tip of the Day: Bad job hunting days are inevitable. Everyone has one of those days where nothing goes right and you just cannot get to what you wanted to get to. Just tell yourself, tomorrow will be a better day.

Job Search Tip of the Day: Little things can mean alot. You have to be easy to be gotten a hold of in your job search, so make sure your phone numbers are correct and your voicemail works. Employers will call you once, some twice, but they will move on and your opportunity may have come and gone and you might not even know about it.

Job Search Tip of the Day: Painful to say, but the perfect job does not exist. Even more painful for some of you to hear, but this is not the type of economy where you have the luxury of holding out. These are times when you may have to step somewhat out of your comfort zone and hope that good economic times will come around again.

Job Search Tip of the Day: If you are looking for job target direction, write out a list of your preferred job duties and skills that you would like to use every day. When you are done, you have just written your ideal job description. The only problem now is what is the job title(s) and you will need to do career research to figure that out.

Job Search Tip of the Day: Even though you practice interview questions, there is always something new every day. Someone told me that at an interview they were asked: "Tell me a joke?". Your guess is as good as mine as to the motive behind that one, but at least give them: "Why did the chicken cross the road?"

Job Search Tip of the Day: It's a shame that I have to say this, but I'm going to say it, watch your fly trap in all communication with a perspective employer. No cussing! Not everyone approves of cussing! One slip of the tongue and you could be eliminated from consideration by your first impression as the person with the foul mouth.

Job Search Tip of the Day: At the end of the interview, I always like my job hunters to ask the question: Could you describe the ideal person for this position? Hopefully, you will hear that your qualifications fit nicely but if not, at least you have another chance to sell yourself in case you are off target.

Job Search Tip of the Day: He who hesitates is lost. As soon as you find out about an opening, you better get on it. I have seen many a lost opportunity with job hunters who are too exacting and time consuming with getting their things or thoughts in order. Sometimes, you have to balance speed with the situation at hand.

Job Search Tip of the Day: As strange as it sounds, ducking the salary question in a job interview is one of several legitimate salary negotiation tactics. When asked what

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your salary requirements are, you could answer a question with a question like: can we discuss the job duties more (if you need the information)? Or, you could ask: what did you have in mind to pay?

Job Search Tip of the Day: If you really do not know what jobs to look for and target, write down your perfect job description using elements from you experience, training, skills, and personal life. Now you have your goal and you will have to do career/occupational and plenty of creativity to come up with the job title of your goal.

Job Search Tip of the Day: Sure, you have put in on-line applications, but have you activated them? Chances are they are laying dormant until you take the responsibility of waking them up and getting them to work for you. How you do this is by re-contacting the employers and asking them if they have looked over your application and if they have any questions.

Job Search Tip of the Day: If you are asking expert after expert their opinion on your resume and you still think your resume is the problem, maybe it is not the problem. Maybe you are asking the wrong question? Maybe you should go ask the experts how to make the best use of your resume?

Job Search Tip of the Day: They (whoever they are) may do things the same way, day after day, year after year merely because that is just the way they do things. If you have a better way, take a shot and present it to them (whoever them are). The worst they can tell you is that is not how we do things here, but perhaps and maybe someone (whoever that special someone is) really wants a better way.

Job Search Tip of the Day: As far as answering the interview question, How long will it take for you to make a contribution; the employer is not talking about taking up an office collection. The interviewer is asking how long it will take you to become profitable and learn the ropes? Your best answer is that you are a fast learner and can be productive within a short time.

Job Search Tip of the Day: Now you have to look for work, all the options are gone, and the harsh reality of the situation sets in. Start by taking small steps like, applying on line, going to job fairs, getting some help from government programs, and others. Your goal will be to grow and take bigger steps like networking, warm calls, and cold calls to improve your chances of success.

Job Search Tip of the Day: If you are going to send a resume with a cover letter, pay close attention to the job details in the ad. You will want to target and focus your skills/experience/training to the duties in the posting. This is the best strategy and chance of getting a response contact for a job interview.

Job Search Tip of the Day: When researching positions with multi-location corporations, make sure you look at all the job openings everywhere as opposed to only the closest to home ones. These could give you valuable clues for the kinds of positions, skills, and backgrounds the local branch could potentially use.

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Job Search Tip of the Day: As long and difficult as the job hunt gets and if you really are not making progress, it may be a sign that you are not working hard enough. I know the natural tendency may be to ease off because it seems like you are not getting anywhere and it is so frustrating, but making more quality contacts faster will always give you a better chance of getting back to work sooner.

Job Search Tip of the Day: You may have a primary person at a business that you really want to talk to, but always have a fallback plan of not overlooking anyone as a potential inside contact. Given the opportunity to strike up a friendly conversation with someone on the inside may yield valuable hiring, gate keeping information, and maybe even results.

Job Search Tip of the Day: If you think you have come to the end of the road and do not know where to apply to, try googling an Employer Locator. Just put in your location and the kind of field that you are looking for and it will give you a listing of employers in your area. Perhaps, you will find businesses you never thought of or knew about to help you keep going.

Job Search Tip of the Day: To you relatives and friends of someone unemployed, do not wait to be asked for help, just go. This is a devastating emotionally time where they can use all the help and friends they can get. A visit, call, or email of support and encouragement can mean more than you know to a struggling person and/or family.

Job Search Tip of the Day: If you want to make a bad first impression, then ask about the salary at the start of the interview. I know you really want to know what the position pays and whether this is worth your while to pursue, but you just cannot do this. This is a real turn-off to employers and could put you in a nonrecoverable hole. It is best to wait until the end of the interview on this one.

Job Search Tip of the Day: Just so you know or forgot, your local library is still useful in these technological times. Libraries are a great source of career, job search, labor market, and company information. Just see the reference librarian for assistance and ideas.

Job Search Tip of the Day: Proportionally, your ratio of sending thank you notes should far exceed your sending cover letters. This pre-supposes that most of the time you are phoning and meeting with people, and sending all thank you notes. If you are disproportionately emailing cover letters and resumes to the internet without much response, you might want to reevaluate your strategy.

Job Search Tip of the Day: Parents, college financial planning is not sending your children off to school based entirely on accumulating massive student loan debt. First, the majority do not even finish and second, many are not finding jobs or jobs in their field. In any event, the student loans must be paid back and there is no getting out of them, so don't do it and develop some other plan.

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Job Search Tip of the Day: My heart really goes out to you people working a job, but know the layoff is coming. It is very difficult to go in to work every day knowing you are already gone. All I can encourage you to do is job hunt when you can, do not throw in the towel and do something stupid, and leave with your head held high that you did your job up until the end.

Job Search Tip of the Day: Have a list of your selling points or a resume by the telephone, in the event you get an unexpected interview invitation call. You could be busy, rushing around, into a million things and the phone could ring at the worst possible time. At the least, you could read off your list and say something useful rather than babbling and regretting it later.

Job Search Tip of the Day: If you can make job hunting your full time job, so much the better for you, but I like to see people put in at least a solid and productive five hours a day. The job search is grueling, so apply yourself and work hard during those hours, then live your life and do whatever else you have to do, guilt-free.

Job Search Tip of the Day: Are suffering a job related repetitive motion and stress injury? Are you cycling through doctor visits and time off, only to return and it continues to worsen? You really should talk to a career professional about exploring your occupation options and maybe doing something else now before this becomes a permanent injury with constant lifelong pain.

Job Search Tip of the Day: Watch out for being taken advantage of and getting dumped on by friends and family, which takes away from your job hunting time. Their thinking could be, you're not working, and so could you do this or that for me? When possible, you really have to say no and tell them that you do have a job; your job is finding a job.

Job Search Tip of the Day: Normally, you want to start off the interview by giving your thirty second sales/elevator pitch, however, you really should ask: Would it be all right if I tell you about myself first? Probably they will say: sure, go ahead, but once in a while you have an interviewer with their agenda. Best to adjust, listen, and get your pitch in when you see an opportunity.

Job Search Tip of the Day: While one to one job interviewing is more linear (straight progression) in some peoples' minds, panel interviewing can be much more stressful and non-linear (a real ball of confusion). Actually, the same rules and training apply to both, just make sure that you maintain eye contact, listen, and present to the person asking the question.

Job Search Tip of the Day: Some of you may want to consider self-employment as your way back to work. Some of you may have business opportunities already, while others may want to develop a business plan and go to your local Chamber of Commerce for help in getting started. The bottom line, do not just sit there, do something!

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Job Search Tip of the Day: The employers asks in job interviews, "If you got the job, how long would you stay?” to find out THE position stability. It is entirely appropriate to flip this around towards the end of the interview and ask, "What is the long term outlook for this position?” to find out YOUR position stability.

Job Search Tip of the Day: Young people, please watch out for a know-it-all attitude in job interviews. For some of you, coming across like you know everything might be a well meaning sales attempt, but it could be the problem. You really want to try to relax, ask questions about the job, listen, communicate your abilities when you get your chance, and convey a respectful attitude.

Job Search Tip of the Day: Actually, telephone interviews should put you in a favorable position as the interviewer cannot see you. As such, you should not only prep beforehand, but you should have notes in front of you of what you want to say and what you want to ask. You really want to make full use of your home field advantage.

Job Search Tip of the Day: Regarding follow-up, it is a good sign when you check back and they are glad you contacted them. I am not saying that if you check back and they do not respond, it is a bad sign, they could be out or busy, but give them awhile more and try again. However you should be continuing on with your job search, just in case.

Job Search Tip of the Day: On application forms, you can yellow highlight your directly job related qualifications. Why? First, color does grab attention. Second, this shows how your background ties in to the position. Third, hopefully, this will help your application stand out from the stack.

Job Search Tip of the Day: Some of you, there are people around you who really care about you, really want to help you, really have some good ideas, and really might know what to do. Maybe you ought to really listen to them, especially if they have a job and you don't.

Job Search Tip of the Day: The opposite of not saying enough is saying too much, which is rambling. It could be nerves or it could be who you are, but unbeknownst to you, you have lost the interviewer and they are probably thinking what they will be doing next after the interview. Practice and rehearsal are essential to keep your answers to thirty seconds, have a point, and stay in contention for the position.

Job Search Tip of the Day: The Wait is horrible time. You've been interviewed; you've done everything that you could; now you wait for the phone call. The mood swings are incredible from the exhilaration of hope to the deepest depression of despair. If the offer comes, then you celebrate. If the offer is not to be, then you go have a good long cry and get back to the job hunt in the morning.

Job Search Tip of the Day: Relocating for a job offer raises tremendous personal logistical questions, but at least is a sure thing. Relocating just to find a job and job hunt

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is a real gamble and there is no certainty in this. It really is best to explore every other possible avenue as this is most definitely an option of last choice.

Job Search Tip of the Day: Generally, my preferred salary strategy is to have a range. The high end would be the most you could realistically expect and the low end would be what would comfortably pay your bills. This is your answer to salary interview and application questions.

Job Search Tip of the Day: As to you older unemployed individuals and career changer, there are many generational differences these days, job hunting included. How you look for work today could be vastly different from how you have ever looked for work before. To increase your chances of success, be willing to adjust to change and try some different things in your job search approach.

Job Search Tip of the Day: I don't always send thank notes, but when I do, I prefer snail mail thank you notes. Stay job hunting, my friends.

Job Search Tip of the Day: In regards to answering the interview questions: what did you dislike about your last job; generally, you can say anything that you want, as long as it does not pertain to this job. The wrong answer will may get the employer thinking, if you did not like it there, then you probably will not like it here

Job Search Tip of the Day: Fold your resume in half and look at it. Newspapers place their most compelling content on the upper half of the front page for a reason as an enticement to buy the paper or read the story. What are you displaying above the fold?

Job Search Tip of the Day: You could ask, towards the end of the job interview, what the salary and benefits are, but, honestly, the best time to ask is when they offer you the job. Think about it, what does it matter what the job pays if they give it to someone else? Seriously, the money only matters if it is in your pocket and not in someone else's.

Job Search Tip of the Day: If nothing else, should you leave a voicemail message? I think probably the best use would be to make a follow-up just to remind them that you are available and interested. As far as a warm or cold call introduction, you could, but I think it is better served to draw their attention to an email or snail mail.

Job Search Tip of the Day: Those labor market graphs and statistics that show that there are more people than jobs can give the impression that there are not enough jobs to go around. Probably, the numbers are counting the advertised job openings on any given day, however, the vast majority of openings and potential openings are not advertised. These hidden openings are to be found via networking, contact development, perseverance, and creativity.

Job Search Tip of the Day: If you were let go from a job and if you are asked why you left your last job in an interview, you better be honest and end it with a positive. I really think many employers can tell if you hiding something and you stand a better chance

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with the truth than by being evasive. Find a career or employment professional to help you if your circumstances are such that you really do not know what to say.

Job Search Tip of the Day: A word of warning, do not share your hidden job leads with anyone. I have known of people who say too much to friends and family and they ended up with the job. You really do not want to be increasing your own competition.

Job Search Tip of the Day: Generally, I have found three reasons why people are unemployed: 1) lack of job search technique fundamentals, 2) Some degree or element of choice, and 3) Long nasty job hunt. Which one are you?

Job Search Tip of the Day: Applications may have a Special Study/Research Work question and so many people leave that blank. Some of you might want to think about the research papers that you wrote or the project teams that worked with in college. Some of these could well be job related and add to your qualifiers, while all along you might have long forgotten them and taken them for granted.

Job Search Tip of the Day: In written or verbal communication, you better be conveying to the hiring chain that you have their interests first and foremost. The employers really need to feel that you are there to help them with their concerns and challenges. It may well be that if they can sense that you are there to help them get what they want, you will get what you want - a job. In times past, it was called, The Golden Rule.

Job Search Tip of the Day: A word of advice, never go off to school based on catching a career trend of the day, the labor market demand could move on to something else by the time you are done. However, if the career trend's demand area is hot and you are finishing up, this is most certainly an area you can use to your advantage and target. You may be at the right place at the right time.

Job Search Tip of the Day: If whatever you are doing is getting you interviews, find and good. If not, do not rely on any single method for getting interviews, but try multiple strategies, such as: following-up, networking, warm calls, cold calls, school placement offices, one stop centers, community job clubs, talking to everyone you know, talking to former instructors, talking to former employers, and so on. Find something that works for you.

Job Search Tip of the Day: If your goal is a government job, you can take your chances with the front door approach with filling out the application and taking a Civil Service test, but the backdoor approach of having the inside contacts seems more effective to me. With election season approaching, now would be the time to go to your political party headquarters to help elect your candidates and develop your networks.

Job Search Tip of the Day: Making and using a job hunting business card is not a necessity, but there are advantages to it. First, you always have it on you, which means you can pass them out everywhere. Second, it has your contact information so they can

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call you. Third, it has some of your background on there as a reminder. Lastly, it might be a way to stand out as not many of the competition uses them.

Job Search Tip of the Day: In answering the interview question, "Why should I hire you?", your answer should consist of your strengths, skills, experience, training, and/or anything in your background as to why you believe you are best for the position, as job related as possible. Merely saying, "Because I would be an asset to your company," is basically a one word answer with no evidence to back up your claim.

Job Search Tip of the Day: That old saying of leave no stone unturned is so true in a job hunt. Try everyplace and don't over look anything! The rock you just happened by and didn't turn over may well have been the one you should have looked under.

Job Search Tip of the Day: Calm down, take a deep breath, try to relax, take it one thing at a time, keep going, don't quit, don't be afraid, keep picking yourself back up, don't get down, keep trying, make that next phone call, talk to that next person, keep moving, take that next step, work your plan, focus on your goal, survive, push on, you can do this, you will land on your feet, you will enjoy life again, you will smile again, you will be a better person, everything will be all right.

Job Search Tip of the Day: Is it possible that you are holding yourself back? Are you harboring bitterness and anger over your job loss? Could this be leading to a self-defeating mindset? Maybe it is time to move on and if you really can't, talking things over with an employment or career professional might help.

Job Search Tip of the Day: Strange days. It used to be, you were expected to learn everything on the job when you came out of school, now it seems you are expected to know everything to get a job. Your best strategy is, you better keep up on your field through formal or self-learning in the time you are off.Job Search Tip of the Day: Generally, I have encountered two different mindsets with job hunters. Mindset Number One: I need a job, I've gotten jobs before, I will get a job. Mindset Two: I can't get a job because .... Mindset One seems to be the predominately successful during these troubled times. There are always exceptions, but you Mindset Number Twos, do what you have to do to get going.

Job Search Tip of the Day: I am not denying that there are legitimate money making opportunities out there, but unfortunately, there are also people out there who prey on the unemployed. If something sounds too good to be true, if you are definitely not a salesperson type, or if money is wanted up front for promises, use extreme caution and check it out carefully. Yes, you could make millions, but you could also lose everything.

Job Search Tip of the Day: In regards to answering the interview question, "Tell me about yourself?” it is best to keep your response professional and achievement oriented. Do not get into irrelevant personal information; you are wasting precious time and opportunity. Above all else, your answer focus needs to be job/position related.

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Job Search Tip of the Day: Job hunting progress is measured not in how many resumes or applications you put in, but how many people are you talking to and, more importantly, how many leads or potential openings are you finding. Consistently talking to the right people and finding openings that are not advertised yet is the standard you want to measure yourself by.

Job Search Tip of the Day: Let me give all the encouragement I can to those of you who have decided to start doing networking, warm calls, and cold calls. I know it seems like not only are you being told "No" but the doors are slamming in your face. Can't say the more you go the easier it gets, but I will say that you will adapt, make the proper adjustments, and get through this. Keep going.

Job Search Tip of the Day: When there is something wrong, you go to the doctor and the doctor runs tests to find out the cause. If there is something wrong with your job hunt, you may need to go to a job search or career professional and see what the problem is. Having a proper assessment could determine if there is something wrong with your job target, job search technique, or interview skills and what to do about it.

Job Search Tip of the Day: Have you ever thought of practicing panel interviews? I believe more companies are doing more several interviewers on one interviewee evaluation, which necessitates more skill development on your part. To help become desensitized to panel interview fear, and possibly make one to one interviewing easier, try to find several people to shoot questions at you.

Job Search Tip of the Day: I think it is useful information if you can find out what competition you are up against. In that light, you could ask at the end of the interview, "How many people are you interviewing for this position?" Obviously, you will want to hear that you are the only one, but the answer you get will give you the percentages and odds, like a 50/50 chance or one out of five, or whatever.

Job Search Tip of the Day: There is the concept of multiple job offers, which I have seen happen on a quite a few occasions. This comes about when you stay at your job hunt day after day, never waiting for the dust to settle. The only problem with this could be a severe case of bad timing, but, generally, I would rather too many people want me, and timing aside, this is a pleasant problem to have.

Job Search Tip of the Day: It is of the utmost importance to have an organized system to keep track of your networking, warm call, and cold call contacts. You must have some sort of reminder system of when to check back and follow-up with contacts and it could be a simple as notes on a calendar. Just do not trust and believe that the employers, who said they would call you, will call you.

Job Search Tip of the Day: Great interview closing question: What else do I have to do to convince you to hire me? What you want to hear is they have no objections, which unfortunately doesn't mean that you have the job; it just means you spiked the interview. However, this does give you one last opportunity to see what they are thinking and counter any objections.

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Job Search Tip of the Day: Contrary to popular belief, there is no law that says a company can only give out dates and position title for reference information. Actually, it is more like a company by company policy. To avoid last moment unexpected and unpleasant surprises, I suggest you call your former company(s) and ask human resources, "What are you going to say if someone calls in for a reference on me?"

Job Search Tip of the Day: Getting some advanced training is an option to consider when you are unemployed, but I think the motive is important. Are you taking a training program just to get a job or are you taking training to make sure you never end up in this situation again? So do your best and work hard at your training and try to keep a longer term goal as your focus.

Job Search Tip of the Day: You may well help your confidence in presenting yourself with giving your thirty second pitch or answering interview questions if you will just practice them several times. I recommend five times minimum, out of your mouth, and preferably ten times. Oh, and stay sharp on them, too.

Job Search Tip of the Day: As much as you have trained in job search and interview responses and as much as you have carefully rehearsed and practiced, there comes a time when you may want to go off script. Sometimes in some situation, you just get an overwhelming feeling to say what you really mean and be who you really are. Sometimes you just have to go with that intuition or gut feeling.

Job Search Tip of the Day: In regards to answering the interview question, "Can you work under pressure?” the right answer is not "Yes", it is "Yes, for example ..." and you have to give an example of a pressure deadline you had to meet, preferably related to this job.

Job Search Tip of the Day: Not trying to be rude and just being honest, but some of you are looking and acting like tired old men or tired old women when you are out applying for jobs or interviewing. I know it is hard and you may feel that way, but they don't hire tired old men and tired old women. Watch your personal appearance, posture, attitudes, and, above all else, show some energy.

Job Search Tip of the Day: My heart goes out to you people experiencing personal tragedies and having to find a job. Job hunting is stressful enough without adding on any number of health and/or family concerns. Really, there are people who have been there and understand and I hope you are able to find them and get some help and relief in your time of need.

Job Search Tip of the Day: A word of warning. Some of you may think you made a terrible mistake because you got the wrong degree when there may be nothing wrong with your degree. Before you bite the bullet to spend the time and expense of getting another degree in the hopes of getting a job or a better job, please get some professional career counseling to help you make an educated decision.

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Job Search Tip of the Day: In regards to answering the interview question, "How long would you stay here?” generally, don't give dates, don't say until you retire, don't say for the next twenty years. You do want to be positive and optimistic, though, and tell them, "I hope a long time. I hope things work out for both of us and we are together a long time."

Job Search Tip of the Day: You really do need to have a realistic and measurable plan for your job search or career, and then work your plan. If some unexpected opportunity presents itself, of course you go off plan and explore it, but if you don't know what to do, you get back to your plan.

Job Search Tip of the Day: Some of you may be able to make your job hunt some degree easier. Large companies are still looking for top people and some have recruiting or talent acquisition departments, where they may encourage communication and actually talk with you. Google to see if they have an in-house recruiter or when you contact a large company, ask to speak to the recruiting department.

Job Search Tip of the Day: In regards to the interview question, "What did you do on your last job?” they are not asking you what you did on your last job, they are really asking you "What have you done that relates to this job?" If your last job relates to this job, fine. If your last job does not relate to this job, briefly answer the question, and then tell them about any experience or training that does relate to this job.

Job Search Tip of the Day: There are some good people out there you find along the way. Maybe they can't hire you, but usually when you least expect it, they give you words of respect, advice, and encouragement. Though not as good as a job offer, these are precious moments that can possibly refresh you and help keep you going.

Job Search Tip of the Day: There may not be any moral victories in pro sports, but there are in job hunting. Every getting to talk to hiring authorities, every employer call back, every interview invitation, and every interview means you are doing the right things, small victories that leads to getting an eventual and inevitable offer.

Job Search Tip of the Day: Regarding filling out application forms, the lines that ask for: SPECIAL TRAINING/SKILLS, don't think, I don't have any and skip over this. You need to pack those lines full of whatever training and skills you do have, preferably job related. That might be the only place on the whole application that you have a real chance to sell yourself and you need to take advantage of the opportunity.

Job Search Tip of the Day: Some of you have taken some specific instruction to the extreme. You were told by someone in charge, "If we want you, we will call you," and you have generalized that to mean every employer to the extent that you are afraid to leave the computer. Now be respectful if you have been told that by someone, but don't apply that to every employer. You do need to take some calculated chances with your warm and cold calls in your job hunt.

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Job Search Tip of the Day: Social networks can be helpful in your job search, but don't just put your profile on Linked In or Google+ and wait for calls. They may be useful tools, but tools are what you make of them. You need to market yourself by joining groups, participate intelligently in discussions, and let people know who you are. And, when people checkout your profile, connect with them and follow-up on them.

Job Search Tip of the Day: Strange, but sometimes, interviewers are not listening to you in job interviews, they are too preoccupied thinking up the next question to ask. If they aren't listening to you, you really are not getting a full opportunity. To counteract this, make sure you repeat your best selling points several times, if you must. Maybe repetition is the key to learning.

Job Search Tip of the Day: You know about hiring interviews, but there are also job search interviews. Hiring interviews are initiated by the employer, but job search interviews are initiated by you. These are talking to employers whether they have an opening or not, so they at least know you when they do. Job search interviews lead to hiring interviews.

Job Search Tip of the Day: Job hunting is like everything else in life, it needs to be learned. If you feel you are floundering and drowning, it is not that you can't, it's you don't know how. You need to get some help from someone who knows how and get through the learning curve.

Job Search Tip of the Day: You can't force employer phone calls and interview invitations. Interview invitations happen from doing the little things right day after day, time after time. Just keep making your calls, meeting people, and tapping your networks and the interviews will come.

Job Search Tip of the Day: Comes a time at the end of an interview when the employer says, "Do you have any questions?" Generally, the wrong answer is, "No, I don't have any questions, you've answered them all." You need to ask some questions, so go in with a list of two or three questions, at least.

Job Search Tip of the Day: Anything that could potentially affect an employer and his business, they have a right to know about. During interviews, there is a time and a place to bring up negatives. Just make sure you get all your positives out there first before you bring up any negatives and then let the employer decide.

Job Search Tip of the Day: If you are curious as far as multi-page resumes, I see a need for two different documents. The first, generally, is your one page resume and the second can be a multi-page background summary. Lead with the one page and if they request more information, give them the several page document, too.

Job Search Tip of the Day: Confidence in a job interview comes from prior preparation. The better prepared you are in terms of yourself, company, and employer research, the better you will feel, respond, and react in the interview.

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Job Search Tip of the Day: In regards to the interview question, "What do you know about us?” the wrong answer is, "I don't know anything about you, what do you do?" In this day and age of the internet, you have no excuse for not knowing what they do. Do your homework, tell them you read their website, and tell them what you know about them.

Job Search Tip of the Day: Job hunting locally is difficult enough, but long distance job hunting is so much more complicated. Realistically, you will have to travel to the place, meet employers while there, and keep in touch with them when back home to better your chances.

Job Search Tip of the Day: Using Temp Agencies is a matter of expectation. If your expectation is you need money, you will be paid for whatever work you do, expectation met. However, if your expectation is a temp assignment will lead to getting hired on, you will probably be disappointed. Contrary to popular opinion, there is actually a very small temp to hire rate.

Job Search Tip of the Day: A job interview is, basically, a meeting. You would take your yellow pad and notes into a meeting and it is okay to take notes and reminders into an interview. So, go ahead and prepare a cheat sheet, if you need it, but seriously, it will look like you are just well prepared.

Job Search Tip of the Day: Always remember and keep telling yourself, one day at a time, one step at a time, one thing at a time. Thinking too far down the road can drive you crazy.

Job Search Tip of the Day: This may sound strange, but when you do happen upon a job opening, don't tell anyone! I mean anyone! It is really in your best interest to not increase your own competition.

Job Search Tip of the Day: Job hunting is like gardening. You have to plant the seeds (make your contacts), water and fertilize everyday (follow-up and check back), and reap the harvest (get interviews). How does your garden grow?

Job Search Tip of the Day: Making a going back to school/training decision based on what's in the want ads is not a very organized, methodical, or scientific approach to getting a job and is a very risky strategy.

Job Search Tip of the Day: Make sure that you check out the job hunting books that are out there. Many write about how to do this and there is no need for you to reinvent a wheel.

Job Search Tip of the Day: Don't be too quick to call it a day. You might be amazed who you could be talking to 4:30 on a Friday afternoon.

Job Search Tip of the Day: When answering the interview question, "Why are you applying for this job?” the wrong answer is, "Because I need a job." The right answer is,

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you need to communicate to the employer that this is what you really want to do and/or this is where you really want to work.

Job Search Tip of the Day: Even though you've done the best you could with company research, and you've tried to use your networks, there are time, lots and lots of times, you may have no other choice but to cold call contact a company and give it your best shot.

Job Search Tip of the Day: If you have been at it for several months and you are not getting interviews, it may be time to try something different. If you don't know what to do different, get some help, ask people for advice, ask people on Linked In or Facebook. Just don't continue doing what may not be working.

Job Search Tip of the Day: You really want to stay away from the competition and, in that light, don't overlook smaller cities in your job hunt. Some of these small towns have businesses that you don't know about and your competition may not be aware of.

Job Search Tip of the Day: Job hunting solely by putting in application forms is a very non-productive job search method and wastes precious job hunting time. Stop asking for applications and only fill them out when absolutely necessary. On the other hand, get that resume into as many hands as you can.

Job Search Tip of the Day: In participant surveys, employers were asked if they have ever hired someone they liked over someone with better formal credentials. In two years, the results were 50/50, some do, some don't. The point is, go ahead and apply for that job, you stand a chance.

Job Search Tip of the Day: Use your networks and contacts to find out about turnover. Turnover is people moving around or moving on. Catching upcoming turnover early can put you in prime hiring position

Job Search Tip of Day: Balance your daily job hunting activity. I like to see at least a 50/50 mix of person to person and online contacts. Beware getting way out of balance on your online contacts.

Job Search Tip of the Day: This is a strange one, but a big problem with getting a job is the competition out there. If you want to better your chances, the higher the level you are applying for, the less competition. Conversely, the lower the level you are applying for, the more competition. Don't lower your sites. Hang in there.

Job Search Tip of the Day: I'm all for honesty in job interviews, but did you know there is a difference between being honest and being too honest? Being too honest can really hurt you, sometimes.