JL EMOTIONS OF WOMEN: BY WINNIE LEE€¦ · rold were reported here today. Jeremiah MKJraw fell...

Woodhouse A Piatt "ÜBI YOUR CREDIT"?422-424 Pike St Saturday Savings in Kitchen Necessities Plan right now to -.ft a*ulc a portion of your ilav tomorrow t'? ' the purpose of investigating these specials in kitchen necessities It'-. .1 good time to replcmah the ohl and fill in with needed new articles SPECIAL TOMORROW ONLY?SPECIAL sffi Q is w 39c 14c . . 19c ; ' 49c t>«ca y> * tOc It o 111 na ti Petal' e , Tin* 4 lie Oak# ts 1> f<kll AA. Masters Db f»r Npnens DC l»t &9C Sr* O 0 $ ! " Mrn I'oll' If <' l r I>rlp 4). An. 1 ftQr ~v Wir * Kr la n«ler I v r»*n» Ii V Imnt U9v f»l«hr®n« dv H; 1 A p| ?S,- r our Q- slft'r* WV Aib#»lW M«|4 i \u25a0 \u25a0.* R « fl . Inl\rrff*l 7c ? it 29c 98c ft 71 Enallsh drop-leaf llr»ak - faal Tabi- In fumed or a->|den It !S Kltehan Table, aa lllua- f:nl»l. Specially #4 OK tratad Npau-lal fnr AC. prt.ed a' >tiQ3 Saturday gJC | A Kitchen Necessity?A Quick Meal Range j Woodhouse <2l Plcatt turniture Gduss 416 T0 424 ? Pik.e Street* Telephone?Private Exchange?Elliott 3096 BOY IS ON TRIAL FEMININE FACTS By Winnie Lee "I .mi k''"l 'it .ire warning tin* uirl* about 'shallow love,' " writes a woman over the Munature "Mother-of I liter I lliink I kni.vv how to save iiiv f""" wiiftii'K their emotion*, but ! <t<> NOT know when they have caught the disease. i in vi>u describe the tyniptom.s'' Now, \VII<> cm trll when a is in love,' One gets ?Illy, and another get* sick; one never talks about her beloved, and another never stops talking about him; one flirts wickedly to make him jealous, and another wander* lone ly at a cloud when her heart'* dement la not by her elde; one will go a mil# out of her way to meel him, iind another will hurry round the corner to avoid htm; one will turn red when he paiiet, and another will grow white; and probably no p«r ton on earth can correctly Interpret all theee eymptomt except the man who It loved. Then very ttupld men become euddenly aubtly wite, for Natuie hat endowed man with a peculiar tut ceptlblllty to FLATTERY! Itut when u ni*«' I* one of shadow love, It la not hard to eliiseify Teara, Idle tears, and plenty of ttmm; a Rood cry * hen "he should at *ork them- are the worat *> diploma Our Kra nil mother* l.in » shadow love. They called It "mopins Not nil victim* of shadow 1«>\»» suffer. but all of them cry Homo women lire yulte happy In miy unrequited devotion It makea them k> equal with the ureal lover* of history Haute and lleatrlce. Sappho nnd I'huon. Leonardo nod Moim I .lon. and n considerable Hat of other dla- tlliKiilahcd ill: fnrt II nil leu It Im, then, not happiness nor Borrow which determine* whether or not a woman In cry. Il'a Just IXIVK Itself thai doe* It. love which I* accountable'for aurii a frightful waste of the finest feminine Kttulhllltle*. Women are not *uppo*ed to be maker* of poetry nor to be especially fond of quoting It. 80, when a girl dwell* upon "the de*ire of the moth for the »t*c, oOthe night for the morrow": or when the unengaged girl appropriate* that Bible of the affianced bride. Mr*. Browning'* *onnet*; or when the *tlck* a fancy card In her mirror frame with that fine verae of Omar'* about shattering this sorry schsm* of things entire and thsn remodeling It, etc.. then, oh, then, Mother-ofThree, hss your daughtsr all the symptoms of shadow love. Vet shadow love Is not a subject for merriment There la proti ably nothing which an refines and eplrltualltes 11 woman aa ahndnw love when It la a (treal Krtef It I* onljr when the victim rejoice* In her martyrdom i.nd parades It as an c*cuse for (>e*stmt»ni and genera! iiselessness that she dc- ?ervea censure Kor there are two kind* of shadow love, and the om Is curable while the other Is not. Hut the remedies must be left fur another chapter (The neat artlcll on "The Emotion* of a Womsn" will be In The Star soon.? Editor.) MERCURY HITS SIX BELOW ZERO IN CLEVELAND 0. PROSECUTION IN SEN. GORE SUIT RESTS ITS CASE Jusm Cotton. 22. waa placed on trial this morning before a Jury in Judge rtlUUm'a coort on a charge of burglary Cotton wa» captured !? the art of robbing the cash regis ter In the Morey-Scollard-Ollllatn Co. OH!LOOKEE! HUNTINGTON. W. Va ?Th From Mara" was the so lotion of the superstitious when five bo>» reported seeing "Myri> \ Irant" written In the skies after ' the pannage of a meteor. ??' ~Tfce VhMl a* RtptHM !? »? TivrW for RTRAN. OM AHD WJSCTWCAIe momnM Ov itwAnta l#*m by DOtJft 9EATTLI MHOOI i*c. IN-Mt« Wml Rtrr ftt Phona. Q A. }>l \u25a0 '\u25a0 1 \u25a0 ? Monr.L | l/Mk tnr RUctrlc _ fOmpc Milan* ißC'Sjy »ft 4 U all kind* M* »«»*d. r«M<x»h*4. V* dv« 4 and c mi»4 Th« rw» M'>«l*l« * fi->w In. fifth rkMtr PMpl*'* Bank HI4« -~0«d »t Plk* BARGAINS *r«< In Used Machines J N«w Mtrklnti r*nf«4 WNfTK AKfIfKC HACHIEVE CO. |««« Third (Near FlW> M«HI IStft OctonciS I SWEATERS I WhnlMslf »iMI Retail, Mnft# hT I oi kimk KyrrriNii ro I 475 I nlMl .\u25a0>«.. Caraer llflh .»». I DR. L. R. CLARK, D. D. 8. There 1* no u»e trying to make yourself. hellere that your leeth aten't decayed when they are. That little <avlty you've }uat dlacovered will <«on grow to much Mkk»t pro- portion*, arid the flrat thlnn you Irtinw you II huve » rairlnK tooth- ache Nobody liken to have* the toothache, and "nobody would have It If they'd tend to their teeth In '.Ime 3o whv not t.ke advantage Of our »I<er i ll price*? Remember, we have eut the price ?of hlgh-rla a deritlatry In two. Juat think f l ' getting a regular extra heavy ?1 Oold t .fiwn for J4, or one of our fnmon* U" Never-Bllp Plate* for Our guarantee In the one thai protect* you WE GIV.£ OAS Regal Dental Officet Dr. L- R CUrk, D U Manager, 1405 Third Ave., N. W Cor Union. Note-Briny Thi» Ad With You. Kanaaa women want equal prop- erty rlghta with m*n ? ? ? About 25* v of the total Immigra- tion Into the I'nlted States com- l>oaed of women. ? ? e There are 100,000 women taipay- era In Michigan ? ? ? The name of the new flame color la Tango ? e ? Mia# Florence CatMn. a graduate of the University of Michigan, Is (pending a large part of her Mme campaigning for vote* for women. ? ? ? Kansas has 275.0Q0 women voters. ? ? ? ? Mrs Kafe Waller Bairett, presl dent of the Florence Crtttenton home. Is In favor of suffrage. CITY NEWS Dr. C. Leater Jones, United BUtea deputy commi**lnner of fisheries. who will rl«lt thl* rtty next month, will be thin *>ie*t or the Commercial Club March 13. ? ? ? J. W. Conaldlne, the well-known theatrical magnate. rrtiimwl to He attle today from California. ? ? ? Band concert at Fort Lawton to- night haa been poatponed. Offi- cer* are Riving a prlTnte dance md want the band themselves. ? ? ? Rev. Hugh Elmer Brown, of the Pilgrim Congregational church, was the speaker at Lincoln day ex- ercise* held at the Lincoln high school Thuraday. ? ? ? "Yallowatona Park" will be the topic of an Illustrated lecttj-e to be given at Grace M R church to night by Henry I.andes of the uni- versity. ? ? ? Judge Tallman, King county, ana Judge Grimahaw, Wenatche'j. hn in- swapped place*. Judge Grimahaw la disqualified to try two cas<H now pending In hla court. WINSOJR MEETING Judge Wlnaor will be the princi- pal speaker at Junction hnll, Hai lard. tonight '? Frank llrown will apeak In Wlnaor'a behalf at the Tabernacle church. # \u2666 T l»H ANOELKH, Feb IS Ten gue*t* at a dinner for Thomas l/oyhed compiled an aggregate an- of BS3 year*. The youngest waa a youth of HI. + ......? « "Municipal va. Htate Control ht Public I tllltlea" la the »It I < of -.n Interesting - article by l)r J.. Allen Hmlth, head of the political science department and dean of the urnll'i' ate achool at the Cnlverslty of Wanhington, In th" January nura her of the National Municipal Re- view. fie aaya the ' i orporaflons are better pleased with *la'" mil- trol, aa the political arena la larger. -lack Gray, a one-armed striking teamster. waa fined $\u25a0"> and costs In Justice Hrown'a court today on >i charge of having aaaaulted 11. K. Marshall, driver for Hchwabucher ilrot. Orny will appeal. CLEVELAND. o, Feb. 13. ?One death and several prostrations fmin rold were reported here today. Jeremiah MKJraw fell uncon- scious at the entrance of the Char Ity hospital. and died within a few minute*. The mercury touched * below *ero. The relief organisations were swsmped ST. LOUIS SCHOOLS CLOSE ST. I.OI'IS. Wi. 13 A snow storm which Started yesterday. con- tinued today Htreet car and inter- urban traffic waa completely de- moralized. and the ateam tralna were arriving and departing many hour* late A number of achoola were cloaed. the children being afraid to venture out In the mow, PARIS?MiIe. Nspterkoska. Rua- «lan dancer, obtained 11.000 dam age# from an Italian cop who se- cuaed her of causing the sulcidx of four young Ruaalana. OKLAHOMA CITY, Okla., Feb 1 IS The prosecution rested Its case today In the suit for $80,no0 damages instituted by Mrs Minnie Hond against I'. S Senator Thos l'. Oare of Oklahoma Mrs llond allaged she waa at- tacked by Senator tlore In a Wash- ington hotel last March. The first witness called today was Deputy Sheriff Eg -II lie told of the dlffl< tilly he had In serving Senator tlore with a sub IMiena »hen the suit w:u filed. K A Halllnger. Mrs liond's fath- er, was the next witness lie swore his daughter had been or the verge of nervous collapse si ire last March the tlm* of the illegnd at- tack. OH f JUDGE TARHTTOW* J* T ? OiipH FYeeman gave up his laat half dol lar to Judge Moo re house to be wed to Beetle llrnnch. "Admire your nerve." said the Judge, and he handed the money bark. SORE, ACHING JOINTS, STIFFNESS; RUB RHEUMATISM PAIN RIGHT OUT Oct a Small Trial Bottle of which never disappoints and cats not burn the akin. Old-Time. Penetrating "St Jacobs OIL" I-imbrr up! Quit oomplalnlngt Get t a nail trial bottl* fmm your dranfat. and to Juat a moment you'll be free from rtemuatlc pain, aoranaaa. etlffnea* and Don't auffarl Relief and a our* await you "BL Jacob* Oil" haa cured million* of rheumatism aufr ferer* la the la*t half omitury. and '? aa Rood for sclatloa. neural- gia, lumbago, backacti*, apralna and awelllogs. What's RhMmstUm? Fain outyt Htop drugging* Mot one case In fifty requires Internal treatment Rub soothing, penetrating 'Ht Jacob* Oil" directly apon the "ten- der spot" and relief comas Instant ly. "Ht Jac<*a OU" la a harmless rlxumaXlaa aad sciatica curs m PANTS! I f) Last Chance I I M Saturday I \u25a0 ( Av\i'| u and Bj I w' ****** Monday E I IF YOU HAVE E \u25a0 rT\ m I NOT already U \u25a0 I itt Wf taken advantage \u25a0 I h M OF this big, \u25a0 \u25a0 / , I FREE OFFER, \u25a0 I A *tf DO so AT ONCE i I \ !S SUIT or overcoat fi I I \ And Extra Pair Troupers R |l~ $15 I Li UNION MADE \u25a0 \u25a0 I. M ADE-TO-ORDER 0 MONDAY, FEBRUARY 16TH 1| POSITIVELY LAST DAY |9 THE ONLY $15 TAILORS IN SEATTLE P WITH THE UNON LABEL U | ? 304 Pike Street I THK STAR?FRIDAY. Kt'.HKUARY 13, 1914. EMOTIONS OF WOMEN: BY WINNIE LEE "Can You Describe Sxmotoms of a Girl in Love?" Writes a Mother f&MMM lI^OPPESPONDINO Q ? You are doing a noble work. I am aaving your letter* each day for my three little girl* and boy. that they may have them In later yeara. Thie la my flret letter to you. I would aay to the one who In- quired which waa on earth flret. the egg or the hen. let him read read the flrat chapter of Gen- eele. It will eaplain fully. MRS. M. M. A.?f am Kind that yoti aee aome Kood In my repllea, but I feel that by tho tlmn your children are old enough to ne«d auch advice, you Thin Folks Who Would Be Fat foreasc ia Wffhl lea P«nfc w Ikre * rinsing*"* tnvici "I'd certainly give most anything to able {(\u25a0 f%t up a few pound* ?n4 lUy that way, derUroi ovary fttt-e«alv aly thin man or woman f*wh « fMuh not Impossible de »f»ltft pa*t failure* Thin pftopla are victim* of malnutrition. o condition which pr«»vrfii» thft fatty alftrnftnt* of food from being (*k«n up by th» Mood. «» fhfty ara whin thft oowara of nutrition ara normal lraff«d of retting Into thft blood, all thft faf '?nd fleah pmduclna ftlftmftnta altf In : ?».e Inteatlnea until thftf pa»a from thft body an waatft. To corr* t thla condition and to producft » healthy, normal ? mount of ft. tha nutrltlrft pro* muat ba artificially supplied with thft power which nftturft haa denied tham. Thlft ran heat be accomplished by eating a Margoi tablet with t?try ami flar- irol la a ftclantiflf tomblfiatioft of ?!* \u25a0 f tha beat atrength giving. fit pro- ?toeing ftiftrn»nta known to tha mad- profession Taken with maalft. I|. I V\ 11» Ihf fo«*1 nod turn» the Rtlfiri nod starchea Into rich, rip" »oorl«hm«nt for thft tissues and Mood. and It\u25a0 rapid ftffftct Ift remark- able It*ported gulna of from 10 to 2* pounda In ft alngln month ftrft by no rn<*tni lnfrftoti«nt. Yftt ltft idlon I* pftrf*«*tly natural and ftbftolutaly hirmlMa Marsol a«»ld by the Kar- tell l*rtig f *o Swift's Pharmacy and other gooif .irugglftts avory wherft. and arary park«ffe contalna a guar- nnteft of weight Increaftft or money back « MillionI Whllft fftrprol haa pro- dtirad remarkable reaulta In tha treatment of nervous Indigestion and general stomach dlaorderft. It ihotlld not owlnir to lt« ramarkabla flash producing effect, be uaed by thoae who are not willing to ln<rc«ae tbelr weight 10 pounda or mora - Advrr- tlaement. NU BONE CORSETS will be able to Rive It yourself. Q.?How la It that a houte- min or maid I* called a servant, aa they are working for money, the eame ae a eeametreae or dresemakerf Does not servant mean in olden times when peo- ple had slaves? C. D. A I think the wrong Idea pre- vails In regard to the viord "ser- vant." The girl who works In othnr capacities In n* much a servant hh the housemaid. We art- nil servants In the \u25ba n«p of serving. It la only Terr narrow minded people who try to make a difference. and we should he sorry for their Ignorance. The president of the United States Is often spoken of ns the servant of the people It Is of more Import mice for each one of us to he cncerned aa to how and what we are serving One who Is serving well does not care what he Is called 9 ?tw H'm« me a "rtpe '?» "".kin. rhlll mi rare*? Thanking JM. I am. * WBT.I. WKNrS A - Take suet slge of an crr and I onions; put through meat chop- per; aet on store till slightly brown; add 4 can tomatoes and 1 can kid- ney bean* and 1 lb. ateak or chop- pod meat, tahleepoon salt and nan rika to suit taste. la Mlil# Bftrtie, the artfM jnnrHe* artful*f if bean married? Will awnlt your aaiwrr aniUn»ly. ne.ee . IHKNK. A.?mill® Hurk# tingle. \u25a0 \u25a0 q :~era a Hat of |h. prri. ?leal rtlmhlai <ta«a a«H .hniha. aal- ?? . ?' '**»? a»4 rlematla Alaa a "*t wladaw bn flowara. . ,* ,l HOI NKWint. A. wlnlarla, wild moon Dower, honeysuckla and climbing nasturtiums are all good. For window boges rod geran- iums, white rock, pansles. mig- nonette, dwarf nasturtiums and forget-me-nots ar# pretty. Q?Tna hat* tt,,? nwy o! her n |n«l ftdtlrf, mi I nm arliinc to r«m II rnr> ~t.i tin I too »"»»« U »««p anlna lo .. h.-.1-» » l»I «k« lo walk hour irllh r««, *h»l thonlH t«ti «\u25a0> ? I hat* a*.*r walk** ttllh an* rrt I. aI Ih* *lh*rnl|hl a ho*. nr. ralh*r. hor*. **h*«l rn*. aad I hM | had «a »o la Ih* hakxrr. Of roara*. Ihrr war* h«t* from mr *rhoal What ?hould I «ar If I dlHal hat* I* go lo ??TOf More* I 4n ih»l Ilk# tba boy® *pry well, bat I do not Muni In Inanlt Ibrm la II m+crmM+rj RO ihmuih hlfh arbool Mhrn onr dor« fiol lo h* ? (Mirhrr? Vegetable ?Ilk llwkry soa PBOPtr/* n\%K Kill*!! 44.1 ft EXPEKIKNCED new*p*per worn- nn will correct and crltlclae manu- script; 1,000 worda. $1; every ad- rll 11 ?<n a 1 1.000, 50c; typewritten 1,000 word*. 50c, carbon 25c extra. Work guaranteed. Elliott 4875 W. or Nancy 11. Buakett, Apt 8, 1022 t'nlon. l/t Price Clearance Pnmplof* tlork of up If ?!?!? Sktrta. »!to and Full Millinery Values Mtif*from IT op lo US 00 Oo ra- lardlMi a' IV % I I" I'KH K. FROLICH SKIRT PARLORS 3020 Arcade Block. Tafc* Kl*vatnr Hat* Half 4it a woe thla In thr nrtl pttprf Tit.inking yon for ?<!« Ire A VOI NO Glßf*. A T iidvln* you to rrmtiln at school unless there in good reaaon for stopping. FV>r my part I could never hi"- why a girl should not walk with a boy, Just ax the wonlil with n girl. a* long an they aro both sensible and behave tbem- selvoa. If you do not want the boys' company Ju«t tell them you would rather not walk with them. U. ?Will yon pl*aa* pulilUh Ih* of lli* «*n!i(r*«*mrn frvm Wuthlng ton? A 111 tin II A. ? The congressmen from Waahlngton are an follows: Sena- tor Mile* Polndcxtor, Spokane: Senator Wealey 1,. Jones. North Yakima: Congressman W. E. Humphrey, Seattle; Congressman .1. W. Bryan. Bremerton: Congress- man A. J. Knlcnner, Everett; Con- gressman Albert Johnson. Ho- qulam, and Congressman Win, 1.11- Eollotte, Sitoknne We wish to announce the arrival of a complete \u25a0election of New Spring Material Come in and make your selections. Our.suits are made just exactly as yon wish them, and we guarantee absolute fatis- ? faction. / Take advantage of our liberal crcdit system. I will trust you for a high- class tailored suit. J. S. CRATON 402 UNION ST. Cssb or Credit?Cash or Credit HOLD WOMAN IN TRUNK MURDER CHICAGO. F- h. It Mr*. Fa\ Scoy, a Chlneso, Is hold here, poni' liik arrival of authorities fro l'ortlnnil, Or®. who bellevo tsh< holds the key to the mystery whirl grow out of the finding of the dls membered body of « Chinese In a trunk shipped from Portland to Seattle. BOURNE TO RUN PORTLAND. Fob. 13. Petitions were In clrculfttlon today asking: Jonathan Bourns to become a can- didate for (lip republican nomina- tion for I #it ort states senator. S. O. S. IS RIGHT lUNTON. \V. Va The proprietor of a local bakery sent out an "8. O. K." for safe salesmen when thieves entered his place for the otghth time within a month and escaped with ckk»- # JL r iH7r. 1 y\\ ac T)oy uth wick in ron*o< tion with JAMI.H McCkl -i -MY & CO, N*w York hl.<OM> AV unit lIKK hf. *»ore open U m m »« « p. in < Final Clearance of Boys' Overcoats A Big Hour-Day Sale of Boys' Overcoats. This will In- the* last -ale this season You can -ave money by buying one now awl putting it away for the coming $5.00 OVERCOATS AT $3.00 Every $5.00 Overcoat for boys from 2J.4 to 10 years, mostly buttoned to the neck with full belts>, final clearance, $3.00. $6.50 OVERCOATS AT $4.25 I"very $6.50 Overcoat for boys from 2 ! /t to 10 years, final < lcaram e, $-1.25. $7.50 OVERCOATS AT $5.00 I.very $7 50 Overcoat for boys, «izes 3 to 10 years, final clearance, 95.00. $10.00 OVERCOATS AT $6.50 [?"very $10.00 Overcoat for boys, sizes 3 to 17 years, final clearance, $6.50. $12.50 OVERCOATS AT $8.50 Every $12 50 Overcoat for boys up to 17 years, final clearance, $8.50. $13,50 Young Men's Overcoats, clearance price $0.50. $15 00 Young Men's Overcoats, clearance price 8510.00. $20.00 Young Men's Overcoats, clearance price $15.00. $22.50 Young Men's Overcoats, clearance price $16.00' Third Floor. Housefurnishings for Saturday Tetley's Tea, put up in one-p<nujd air-tight tit. High (jii;tliiv, Sunflower brand Regularly sold at, \u2666 jjound, $L 00; special WBf. Washington-made Brooms, made fr-tii select broon. ? .rn with i-.li-hed handle-. exceptionally fine. Regu' ttk- value; special 45«*. Sanitary Garbage Can, nia'lr t extra heavy '|ualit gal \.l nized ir n, with -amtary l.a-e a;id < ? ver. Regi' price $275; special 91.05. Substantial Hardw '«| Ladder". Sptcial for Saturday 3-foot size, regular $1.75 value 91.21 4-foot size, regular $2.25 value $1.79 5-foot size, regular $2.75 value 92.19 Lenox Soap, 8 large bars for 25^. One order to a customer. Phone orders accepted. Basement. MacDougall-Southwick Second Av. and Pike St,, LAFE MUST WAIT GET MATERIALS Judge Frater did not consider the petition of l,afe Hamilton, county commissioner, for a permanent In- junction against the recall move- ment this morning. Argument on lue writ will be heard n«xt Friday. WATER BHUT-OFF NOTICE Water will be shut off Sat- urday from 9 a. ra to 4 p. m. In district supplied by the old Georgetown reservoir. The county sheriff's offlc* It !»?> vestlgatlng today the robbery at the Occidental Fuel Co. ator* at Rayne last night. A Urge quantity of fine was stolen Officials belle safe crackers did It. DO TELL LONDON.?The Dnchene of We 4 minster played the part of a bu£ friar, and submitted to considerably rotifth handling. Id a playlet, "Pl* tola for Two," produced for charity. I Introductory Sale I J.T.CROOTI I THE TAILOR I I WILL CONTINUE FOR A FEW DAYS LONGER B I I have a beautiful ?election of Spring I I woolen* which I am offering at greatly reduced B I price*. I I m M $60 SUITS FOR I \%4 S4# I $50 SUITS FOR I I JjskL «qc I 3 ']®w * I SI 1 f Including all the newest! 1 ' #Pring PattCrn# - I 1 , \u25a0! Each and every suit is B j "jj i \ I|| 11 u constructed under my own B I,'ji; "1 WBi; \ v personal supervision. I B I(| If Ar nif j i guarantee perfect fit and B I )i 1' '/W-l !/ i j the best materials and B I yj f ' ! workmanship. B $1 fi!"/ /M ' / My association with I I , \u25a0(I such eminent tailors as B 9 |i('\ jij n Redfern of New York, B 1 jr ' j «L| jt A j Maris of San Francisco B ; | L A and others of equal repute B i y " **' ' n my 20 years' tailoring B / I j'. 'l" experience guarantees you B I,j !j jii perfect satisfaction. jL| J.T.CROOT HI TAILOR I 500 tJnion St.?Corner sth taj ??

Transcript of JL EMOTIONS OF WOMEN: BY WINNIE LEE€¦ · rold were reported here today. Jeremiah MKJraw fell...

Page 1: JL EMOTIONS OF WOMEN: BY WINNIE LEE€¦ · rold were reported here today. Jeremiah MKJraw fell uncon-scious at the entrance of the Char Ity hospital. and died within a few minute*.

Woodhouse A Piatt "ÜBI YOUR CREDIT"?422-424 Pike St

Saturday Savings inKitchen Necessities

Plan right now to -.ft a*ulc a portion of your ilavtomorrow t'? ' the purpose of investigating these specialsin kitchen necessities It'-. .1 good time to replcmah theohl and fill in with needed new articles


sffi Q is w39c 14c . . 19c ;



t>«ca ?« y>*

tOc It o 111 n ati Petal' e , Tin* 4 lie Oak# ts 1> f<kll AA.Masters Db f»r Npnens DC l»t &9C

Sr* O 0$ ! " Mrn I'oll'

If <' l r I>rlp 4). An. 1 ftQr ~v Wir* Krla n«ler I v r»*n» IiV Imnt U9v f»l«hr®n« dv

H;1 A p|?S,- r our Q-slft'r* WV Aib#»lW M«|4 i \u25a0 \u25a0.* R « fl . Inl\rrff*l

7c ? it 29c 98c

ft 71 Enallsh drop-leaf llr»ak -faal Tabi- In fumed or a->|den It !S Kltehan Table, aa lllua-f:nl»l. Specially #4 OK tratad Npau-lal fnr AC.prt.ed a' >tiQ3 Saturday gJC

| AKitchen Necessity?A Quick Meal Range j

Woodhouse <2l Plcattturniture Gduss

416 T0 424 ? Pik.e Street*Telephone?Private Exchange?Elliott 3096


By Winnie Lee"I .mi k''"l 'it .ire warning tin* uirl* about 'shallow

love,' "

writes a woman over the Munature "Mother-of I literI lliink I kni.vv how to save iiiv f""" wiiftii'K their

emotion*, but ! <t<> NOT know when they have caught thedisease. i in vi>u describe the tyniptom.s''

Now, \VII<> cm trll when a is in love,'One gets ?Illy, and another get* sick; one never talks about

her beloved, and another never stops talking about him; oneflirts wickedly to make him jealous, and another wander* lonely at a cloud when her heart'* dement la not by her elde; onewill go a mil# out of her way to meel him, iind another willhurry round the corner to avoid htm; one will turn red whenhe paiiet, and another will grow white; and probably no p«r

ton on earth can correctly Interpret all theee eymptomt except

the man who It loved. Then very ttupld men become euddenlyaubtly wite, for Natuie hat endowed man with a peculiar tut

ceptlblllty to FLATTERY!Itut when u ni*«' I* one of shadow love, It la not hard to eliiseify

Teara, Idle tears, and plenty of ttmm; a Rood cry * hen "he shouldat *ork them- are the worat *>diploma Our Kra nilmother* l.in »

shadow love. They called It "mopinsNot nil victim* of shadow 1«>\»» suffer. but all of them cry Homo

women lire yulte happy In miy unrequited devotion It makea them k>

equal with the ureal lover* of history Haute and lleatrlce. Sappho nndI'huon. Leonardo nod Moim I .lon. and n considerable Hat of other dla-

tlliKiilahcd ill:fnrt II nilleu

It Im, then, not happiness nor Borrow which determine* whether ornot a woman In cry. Il'a Just IXIVK Itself thai doe* It. lovewhich I* accountable'for aurii a frightful waste of the finest feminineKttulhllltle*.

Women are not *uppo*ed to be maker* of poetry nor to beespecially fond of quoting It.

80, when a girl dwell* upon "the de*ire of the moth for the»t*c, oOthe night for the morrow": or when the unengaged girlappropriate* that Bible of the affianced bride. Mr*. Browning'**onnet*; or when the *tlck* a fancy card In her mirror framewith that fine verae of Omar'* about shattering this sorryschsm* of things entire and thsn remodeling It, etc.. then, oh,then, Mother-ofThree, hss your daughtsr all the symptoms ofshadow love.Vet shadow love Is not a subject for merriment There la proti

ably nothing which an refines and eplrltualltes 11 woman aa ahndnwlove when It la a (treal Krtef

It I* onljr when the victim rejoice* In her martyrdom i.nd paradesIt as an c*cuse for (>e*stmt»ni and genera! iiselessness that she dc-

?ervea censure Kor there are two kind* of shadow love, and the omIs curable while the other Is not. Hut the remedies must be left fur

another chapter(The neat artlcll on "The Emotion* of a Womsn" will be In The

Star soon.? Editor.)



Jusm Cotton. 22. waa placed ontrial this morning before a Jury in

Judge rtlUUm'a coort on a charge

of burglary Cotton wa» captured!? the art of robbing the cash regis

ter In the Morey-Scollard-OllllatnCo.


From Mara" was the solotion of the superstitious whenfive bo>» reported seeing "Myri>\ Irant" written In the skies after

' the pannage of a meteor.??'

~Tfce VhMl a* RtptHM !? »?


momnMOv itwAnta l#*m by DOtJft


IN-Mt« Wml Rtrr fttPhona. Q A. }>l

\u25a0 '\u25a0 1 \u25a0 ?

Monr.L |l/Mk tnr RUctrlc _

fOmpc Milan* ißC'Sjy»ft 4 Uall kind* M*»«»*d. r«M<x»h*4. V*dv« 4 and c mi»4Th« rw» M'>«l*l«

* fi->w In.fifth rkMtr PMpl*'* Bank HI4«

-~0«d »t Plk*

BARGAINS *r«<In Used Machines J

N«w Mtrklnti r*nf«4WNfTK AKfIfKC HACHIEVE CO.

|««« Third (Near FlW> M«HI IStft


WhnlMslf »iMI Retail, Mnft# hT Ioi kimk KyrrriNii ro I

475 I nlMl .\u25a0>«.. Caraer llflh .»». I

DR. L. R. CLARK, D. D. 8.

There 1* no u»e trying to makeyourself. hellere that your leethaten't decayed when they are. Thatlittle <avlty you've }uat dlacoveredwill <«on grow to much Mkk»t pro-portion*, arid the flrat thlnn youIrtinw you II huve » rairlnK tooth-ache Nobody liken to have* thetoothache, and "nobody would haveIt If they'd tend to their teeth In'.Ime 3o whv not t.ke advantageOf our »I<er i ll price*?

Remember, we have eut the price?of hlgh-rla a deritlatry In two. Juat

think fl' getting a regular extraheavy ?1 Oold t .fiwn for J4, orone of our fnmon* U" Never-BllpPlate* for Our guarantee In theone thai protect* you


Regal Dental OfficetDr. L- R CUrk, D U Manager,1405 Third Ave., N. W Cor Union.

Note-Briny Thi» Ad With You.

Kanaaa women want equal prop-erty rlghta with m*n

? ? ?

About 25* v of the total Immigra-tion Into the I'nlted States l« com-l>oaed of women.

? ? e

There are 100,000 women taipay-era In Michigan

? ? ?

The name of the new flame colorla Tango

? e ?

Mia# Florence CatMn. a graduateof the University of Michigan,Is (pending a large part of herMme campaigning for vote* forwomen.

? ? ?

Kansas has 275.0Q0 womenvoters.

? ? ? ?

Mrs Kafe Waller Bairett, presldent of the Florence Crtttentonhome. Is In favor of suffrage.

CITY NEWSDr. C. Leater Jones, United

BUtea deputy commi**lnner offisheries. who will rl«lt thl* rttynext month, will be thin *>ie*t orthe Commercial Club March 13.

? ? ?

J. W. Conaldlne, the well-known

theatrical magnate. rrtiimwl to He

attle today from California.? ? ?

Band concert at Fort Lawton to-night haa been poatponed. Offi-cer* are Riving a prlTnte dance mdwant the band themselves.

? ? ?

Rev. Hugh Elmer Brown, of thePilgrim Congregational church,was the speaker at Lincoln day ex-ercise* held at the Lincoln highschool Thuraday.

? ? ?

"Yallowatona Park" will be thetopic of an Illustrated lecttj-e tobe given at Grace M R church tonight by Henry I.andes of the uni-versity.

? ? ?

Judge Tallman, King county, anaJudge Grimahaw, Wenatche'j. hn in-

swapped place*. Judge Grimahawla disqualified to try two cas<H

now pending In hla court.

WINSOJR MEETINGJudge Wlnaor will be the princi-

pal speaker at Junction hnll, Hailard. tonight '? Frank llrown willapeak In Wlnaor'a behalf at the

Tabernacle church.

# \u2666T l»H ANOELKH, Feb IS

Ten gue*t* at a dinner for

Thomas l/oyhed compiled anaggregate an- of BS3 year*.

The youngest waa a youth ofHI.

+ ......? «

"Municipal va. Htate Control ht

Public I tllltlea" la the »It I < of -.nInteresting - article by l)r J.. AllenHmlth, head of the political sciencedepartment and dean of the urnll'i'ate achool at the Cnlverslty ofWanhington, In th" January nuraher of the National Municipal Re-view. fie aaya the


i orporaflonsare better pleased with *la'" mil-trol, aa the political arena lalarger.

-lack Gray, a one-armed striking

teamster. waa fined $\u25a0"> and costs InJustice Hrown'a court today on >i

charge of having aaaaulted 11. K.Marshall, driver for Hchwabucherilrot. Orny will appeal.

CLEVELAND. o, Feb. 13. ?Onedeath and several prostrations fminrold were reported here today.

Jeremiah MKJraw fell uncon-scious at the entrance of the CharIty hospital. and died within a fewminute*.

The mercury touched * below*ero. The relief organisations wereswsmped


storm which Started yesterday. con-tinued today Htreet car and inter-urban traffic waa completely de-moralized. and the ateam tralnawere arriving and departing manyhour* late

A number of achoola were cloaed.the children being afraid to ventureout In the mow,

PARIS?MiIe. Nspterkoska. Rua-«lan dancer, obtained 11.000 damage# from an Italian cop who se-cuaed her of causing the sulcidx offour young Ruaalana.

OKLAHOMA CITY, Okla., Feb 1IS The prosecution rested Itscase today In the suit for $80,no0damages instituted by Mrs MinnieHond against I'. S Senator Thosl'. Oare of Oklahoma

Mrs llond allaged she waa at-tacked by Senator tlore In a Wash-ington hotel last March.

The first witness called todaywas Deputy Sheriff Eg -II

lie told of the dlffl<tilly he hadIn serving Senator tlore with a subIMiena »hen the suit w:u filed.

K A Halllnger. Mrs liond's fath-er, was the next witness lie sworehis daughter had been or the vergeof nervous collapse si ire lastMarch the tlm* of the illegnd at-tack.


FYeeman gave up his laat half dollar to Judge Moore house to be wedto Beetle llrnnch. "Admire yournerve." said the Judge, and hehanded the money bark.


Oct a Small Trial Bottle of which never disappoints and catsnot burn the akin.Old-Time. Penetrating

"St Jacobs OIL"I-imbrr up! Quit oomplalnlngt

Get t a nail trial bottl* fmm yourdranfat. and to Juat a momentyou'll be free from rtemuatlc pain,aoranaaa. etlffnea* andDon't auffarl Relief and a our*await you "BL Jacob* Oil" haacured million* of rheumatism aufrferer* la the la*t half omitury. and'? aa Rood for sclatloa. neural-gia, lumbago, backacti*, apralnaand awelllogs.

What's RhMmstUm? Fain outytHtop drugging* Mot one case In

fifty requires Internal treatmentRub soothing, penetrating 'HtJacob* Oil" directly apon the "ten-der spot" and relief comas Instantly. "Ht Jac<*a OU" la a harmlessrlxumaXlaa aad sciatica curs

m PANTS!I f) Last Chance II M Saturday I\u25a0 ( Av\i'| u and BjI w' ****** Monday EI IF YOU HAVE E\u25a0 rT\ m I NOT already U\u25a0 I itt Wf taken advantage \u25a0I h M OF this big, \u25a0\u25a0 /

, I FREE OFFER, \u25a0I A *tf DO so AT ONCE iI \ !S SUIT or overcoat fiI I \ And Extra Pair Troupers R|l~ $15 ILi UNION MADE \u25a0 \u25a0




| ? 304 Pike Street I


EMOTIONS OF WOMEN: BY WINNIE LEE"Can You Describe Sxmotoms of a Girl in Love?" Writes a Mother


Q ? You are doing a noblework. I am aaving your letter*each day for my three littlegirl* and boy. that they mayhave them In later yeara. Thiela my flret letter to you. Iwould aay to the one who In-quired which waa on earth flret.the egg or the hen. let him readread the flrat chapter of Gen-eele. It will eaplain fully.

MRS. M. M.A.?f am Kind that yoti aee aome

Kood In my repllea, but I feel thatby tho tlmn your children are oldenough to ne«d auch advice, you

Thin Folks WhoWould Be Fat

foreasc ia Wffhl lea P«nfc w Ikre

* rinsing*"* tnvici"I'd certainly give most anything

to able {(\u25a0 f%t up a few pound*?n4 lUy that way, derUroi ovaryfttt-e«alv aly thin man or womanf*wh « fMuh 1« not Impossible de»f»ltft pa*t failure* Thin pftopla arevictim* of malnutrition. o conditionwhich pr«»vrfii» thft fatty alftrnftnt* offood from being (*k«n up by th»Mood. «» fhfty ara whin thft oowaraof nutrition ara normal lraff«d ofretting Into thft blood, all thft faf'?nd fleah pmduclna ftlftmftnta altf In

: ?».e Inteatlnea until thftf pa»a fromthft body an waatft.

To corr* t thla condition and toproducft » healthy, normal ? mount offt. tha nutrltlrft pro* muat baartificially supplied with thft powerwhich nftturft haa denied tham. Thlftran heat be accomplished by eatinga Margoi tablet with t?try ami flar-irol la a ftclantiflf tomblfiatioft of ?!*

\u25a0 f tha beat atrength giving. fit pro-?toeing ftiftrn»nta known to tha mad-

profession Taken with maalft.I|. I V\ 11» Ihf fo«*1 nod turn» the

Rtlfiri nod starchea Into rich, rip"

»oorl«hm«nt for thft tissues andMood. and It\u25a0 rapid ftffftct Ift remark-able It*ported gulna of from 10 to

2* pounda In ft alngln month ftrft byno rn<*tni lnfrftoti«nt. Yftt ltft idlonI* pftrf*«*tly natural and ftbftolutaly

hirmlMa Marsol l« a«»ld by the Kar-tell l*rtig f *o Swift's Pharmacy andother gooif .irugglftts avory wherft.and arary park«ffe contalna a guar-nnteft of weight Increaftft or moneyback

« MillionI Whllft fftrprol haa pro-dtirad remarkable reaulta In thatreatment of nervous Indigestion andgeneral stomach dlaorderft. It ihotlldnot owlnir to lt« ramarkabla flashproducing effect, be uaed by thoaewho are not willing to ln<rc«ae tbelrweight 10 pounda or mora - Advrr-tlaement.


will be able to Rive It yourself.

Q.?How la It that a houte-min or maid I* called a servant,aa they are working for money,the eame ae a eeametreae ordresemakerf Does not servantmean in olden times when peo-ple had slaves? C. D.A I think the wrong Idea pre-

vails In regard to the viord "ser-vant." The girl who works In othnrcapacities In n* much a servant hhthe housemaid. We art- nil servantsIn the \u25ba n«p of serving. It la onlyTerr narrow minded people who tryto make a difference. and we shouldhe sorry for their Ignorance.

The president of the UnitedStates Is often spoken of ns theservant of the people It Is of moreImport mice for each one of us tohe cncerned aa to how and whatwe are serving One who Is servingwell does not care what he Is called

9 ?tw H'm« me a"rtpe '?» "".kin. rhlll mi rare*?Thanking JM. I am.* WBT.I. WKNrS

A - Take suet slge of an crr andI onions; put through meat chop-per; aet on store till slightly brown;add 4 can tomatoes and 1 can kid-ney bean* and 1 lb. ateak or chop-pod meat, tahleepoon salt and nanrika to suit taste.

la Mlil# Bftrtie, the artfMjnnrHe* artful*f if

bean married?Will awnlt your aaiwrr aniUn»ly.ne.ee . IHKNK.

A.?mill® Hurk# f« tingle.

\u25a0 \u25a0

q:~era a Hat of |h. prri.?leal rtlmhlai <ta«a a«H .hniha. aal-??


?' '**»? a»4 rlematla Alaa a"*t wladaw bn flowara.

. ,* ,l'« HOI NKWint.A. wlnlarla, wild

moon Dower, honeysuckla andclimbing nasturtiums are all good.

For window boges rod geran-iums, white rock, pansles. mig-nonette, dwarf nasturtiums andforget-me-nots ar# pretty.

Q?Tna hat* tt,,? nwy o! hern |n«l ftdtlrf, mi I nm arliinc tor«m I« II rnr> ~t.i tin I too»"»»« U »««p anlna lo .. h.-.1-»

» l»I «k« lo walk hourirllh r««, *h»l thonlH t«ti «\u25a0>

? Ihat* a*.*r walk** ttllh an* rrt I. a IIh* *lh*rnl|hl a ho*. nr. ralh*r. l«hor*. **h*«l rn*. aad I hM | had «a»o la Ih* hakxrr. Of roara*. Ihrrwar* h«t* from mr *rhoal What?hould I «ar If I dlHal hat* I* go lo??TOf More*

I 4n ih»l Ilk# tba boy® *pry well,bat I do not Muni In Inanlt Ibrm

la II m+crmM+rj f« RO ihmuih hlfharbool Mhrn onr dor« fiol lo h*? (Mirhrr?

Vegetable ?Ilk llwkrysoa PBOPtr/* n\%K

Kill*!! 44.1 ft

EXPEKIKNCED new*p*per worn-nn will correct and crltlclae manu-script; 1,000 worda. $1; every ad-rll 11 ?<n a 1 1.000, 50c; typewritten1,000 word*. 50c, carbon 25c extra.Work guaranteed. Elliott 4875 W.or Nancy 11. Buakett, Apt 8, 1022t'nlon.

l/t Price ClearancePnmplof* tlork of up If ?!?!? Sktrta.

»!to and Full Millinery ValuesMtif*from IT op lo US 00 Oo ra-


3020 Arcade Block.Tafc* Kl*vatnr Hat* Half

4it a woe thla In thr nrtl pttprfTit.inking yon for ?<!« Ire

A VOI NO Glßf*.A T iidvln* you to rrmtiln at

school unless there in good reaaonfor stopping. FV>r my part I couldnever hi"- why a girl should notwalk with a boy, Just ax the wonlilwith n girl. a* long an they aroboth sensible and behave tbem-selvoa. If you do not want theboys' company Ju«t tell them youwould rather not walk with them.

U. ?Will yon pl*aa* pulilUh Ih*of lli* «*n!i(r*«*mrn frvm Wuthlngton? A 111 tin IIA. ? The congressmen from

Waahlngton are an follows: Sena-tor Mile* Polndcxtor, Spokane:Senator Wealey 1,. Jones. NorthYakima: Congressman W. E.Humphrey, Seattle; Congressman

.1. W. Bryan. Bremerton: Congress-

man A. J. Knlcnner, Everett; Con-gressman Albert Johnson. Ho-qulam, and Congressman Win, 1.11-Eollotte, Sitoknne

We wish to announcethe arrival of a complete\u25a0election of


MaterialCome in and make

your selections. Our.suitsare made just exactly asyon wish them, and weguarantee absolute fatis-

?faction. /

Take advantage of ourliberal crcdit system. Iwill trust you for a high-class tailored suit.


Cssb or Credit?Cash or Credit


Scoy, a Chlneso, Is hold here, poni'

liik arrival of authorities frol'ortlnnil, Or®. who bellevo tsh<

holds the key to the mystery whirlgrow out of the finding of the dlsmembered body of « Chinese In atrunk shipped from Portland toSeattle.


were In clrculfttlon today asking:

Jonathan Bourns to become a can-didate for (lip republican nomina-tion for I #it ort states senator.

S. O. S. IS RIGHTlUNTON. \V. Va The proprietor

of a local bakery sent out an "8. O.K." for safe salesmen when thievesentered his place for the otghthtime within a month and escapedwith ckk»- #

JLr iH7r. 1

y\\acT)oy uth wickin ron*o< tion with JAMI.H McCkl -i -MY & CO, N*w York

hl.<OM> AV unit lIKK hf. *»ore open U m m »« « p. in


Final Clearance ofBoys' Overcoats

A Big Hour-Day Sale of Boys' Overcoats. Thiswill In- the* last -ale this season You can -ave moneyby buying one now awl putting it away for the coming

$5.00 OVERCOATS AT $3.00Every $5.00 Overcoat for boys from 2J.4 to 10 years,

mostly buttoned to the neck with full belts>, finalclearance, $3.00.

$6.50 OVERCOATS AT $4.25I"very $6.50 Overcoat for boys from 2 !/t to 10 years,

final < lcaram e, $-1.25.$7.50 OVERCOATS AT $5.00

I.very $7 50 Overcoat for boys, «izes 3 to 10 years,final clearance, 95.00.

$10.00 OVERCOATS AT $6.50[?"very $10.00 Overcoat for boys, sizes 3 to 17 years,

final clearance, $6.50.$12.50 OVERCOATS AT $8.50

Every $12 50 Overcoat for boys up to 17 years, finalclearance, $8.50.$13,50 Young Men's Overcoats, clearance price $0.50.

$15 00 Young Men's Overcoats, clearance price 8510.00.$20.00 Young Men's Overcoats, clearance price $15.00.$22.50 Young Men's Overcoats, clearance price $16.00'

Third Floor.

Housefurnishings for SaturdayTetley's Tea, put up in one-p<nujd air-tight tit.

High (jii;tliiv, Sunflower brand Regularly sold at, \u2666

jjound, $L00; special WBf.Washington-made Brooms, made fr-tii select broon.

? .rn with i-.li-hed handle-. exceptionally fine. Regu'ttk- value; special 45«*.

Sanitary Garbage Can, nia'lr t extra heavy '|ualitgal \.l nized ir n, with -amtary l.a-e a;id < ? ver. Regi'price $275; special 91.05.Substantial Hardw '«| Ladder". Sptcial for Saturday3-foot size, regular $1.75 value 91.214-foot size, regular $2.25 value $1.795-foot size, regular $2.75 value 92.19

Lenox Soap, 8 large bars for 25^.One order to a customer. Phone orders accepted.


MacDougall-Southwick Second Av. and Pike St,,

LAFE MUST WAIT GET MATERIALSJudge Frater did not consider the

petition of l,afe Hamilton, county

commissioner, for a permanent In-junction against the recall move-ment this morning. Argument onlue writ will be heard n«xt Friday.

WATER BHUT-OFF NOTICEWater will be shut off Sat-

urday from 9 a. ra to 4 p. m.In district supplied by the oldGeorgetown reservoir.

The county sheriff's offlc* It !»?>

vestlgatlng today the robbery atthe Occidental Fuel Co. ator* atRayne last night. A Urge quantityof fine was stolen Officials bellesafe crackers did It.

DO TELLLONDON.?The Dnchene ofWe 4

minster played the part of a bu£friar, and submitted to considerablyrotifth handling. Id a playlet, "Pl*tola for Two," produced for charity.

I Introductory Sale I

J.T.CROOTII THE TAILOR II WILL CONTINUE FOR A FEW DAYS LONGER BI I have a beautiful ?election of Spring II woolen* which I am offering at greatly reduced BI price*. I


\%4 S4#I $50 SUITS FOR II JjskL «qc I3 ']®w * ISI 1 f Including all the newest!1 ' #Pring PattCrn# - I1 , \u25a0! Each and every suit is Bj "jj i \ I|| 11 u constructed under my own BI,'ji;"1 WBi; \ v personal supervision. I BI(| If Arnif j i guarantee perfect fit and BI )i 1' '/W-l !/ i j the best materials and BI yj f ' ! workmanship. B$1 fi!"//M ' / My association with II , \u25a0(I such eminent tailors as B9 |i('\ jij n Redfern of New York, B1 jr ' j «L| jt A j Maris of San Francisco B

; | L A and others of equal repute Bi y " **' 'n my 20 years' tailoring B/ I j'. 'l" experience guarantees you B

I,j !j jii perfect satisfaction. jL|


TAILOR I500 tJnion St.?Corner sth taj
