J.K.Rowling. 哈利波特与魔法石 Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone.

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Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

Transcript of J.K.Rowling. 哈利波特与魔法石 Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone.

J.K.Rowling Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows 1. Where did J.K Rowling grow up? 2. What did J.K Rowling use to write the first Harry Potter story? 3. Where did she write it? 4. How many books a year did she intend to write? 5. What is the appeal of the Harry Potter series? put the following sentences in correct order She completed the first Harry Potter story in It took her about ten years to finish the series. She grew up in the southwest of England. She began the first draft of Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone. She went to teach English in Portugal. Her books have been translated into more than 55 languages, and have been distributed 250 million copies. The idea for Harry Potter occurred to her. Harry Potter has become part of the school curriculum. She accumulated more than one billion dollars in 1. be associated with E.g.: The new government will deal with anyone who is associated with the former government. E.g.: I dont want to be associated with anyone who uses drugs. E.g.: In his speech, he mentioned a story closely __________ (associate) with his life experience. associated 2. (1)request n. at the request of sb = at sbs request E.g.: At the request of the new manager, we went to the opening ceremony. E.g.: I received his request that I should destroy all the evidence. (2) request v. E.g.: I request him to help me to clean the blackboard, for he is kind and tall enough. E.g.: She was requested that she should teach others waltz within a week. 3. adjustment E.g.: After the heated discussion, we had to make some adjustment to our original plan. adjust sb to sth E.g.: Have you adjusted yourself to the new environment? E.g.: When you come to a foreign country, you should try your best to adjust yourself to their social rules. 4. appeal (1) ; ; The Beatles have never really lost their appeal. (2) ; , The boys mother made an emotional appeal on TV for his return. (1) , to Does the idea of working for a foreign company appeal to you? appeal to sb. for sth. Farmers have appealed to the government for help. appeal to sb. to do sth. Organizers appealed to the crowd not to panic. 5. restrict restrict sb / sth to E.g.: The government restricts the car speed to 30 kmph. in the city centre. E.g.: According to the family planning policy( ), families are restricted to one child. 6. distribute 1) ; (+to/among) He distributed the tickets among the students. The teacher distributed the test papers to the class. The teacher distributed the pupils into three groups.