jkfcr.nic.injkfcr.nic.in/pdf/Appointment order.pdf · Created Date: 8/1/2018 1:50:49 PM

i',iti',',.1 u;enstre, ii,ffi.r.ni..in G*qrgpqr,IrlqHruT €:F JAh4h,tu AruD Etr'sr*r,lpn Grpxe g str Ti-"tE F:nEarqctir.L Cch{MISE;E*r.€Apr (Rri*rtrr =rttxr} -E&Fi- Sra;r*at;*.n. St*bj*et: Epp#intffient sf can*'idates uncier SRG 4SS ef Z*S*,f*r ti"re pest of Junisi" Assistant iRever:ue Departrxent) *istrlet eaetre Bandipora, i* pul'suance tc Advertlsement t*otice I**. e4 ef z*15 dated ffi{AS!a}X::. --Refererre-e..) Serviee selection Eoard's lette;" tS*. SSBlSecylSel/Z*ffi! 3856-62 dated a?lfrgfz?Lg. ii) Administrative Department's reiter f*o. Rev/r-*Gl4&t'2*x7 oaree zblt)41z$&s. GRDER NC.: rf {eom} {7_L, QF 2G1s *ATE*:*e'I = elE- U*39 As recommended by the J&l( Service Selection Board, Jarnnru and endorsed by the A.dministrative Depai'inrent vide their letter- referred to above, sh. zuba!n tvlohmad s/e Ghutam: Fd*hmad vder:E R/+ F"jer, Eendipore undee" sMI categary is hereby appointeci on tempor-arily as Junior Assistant in the Revenue Depariment, Districi Cadre Banciipcra in the pay band of Rs 5ZAA-ZAZ00 + GF 1900 (pre-revised). The appointee shall report to Deputir Commissioner, Bandipora within a period af 21- days from the date of issuance of this order and the Deputy Comm!ssioner, Bandipora shall allqv,,, the seiecteci canciida.ie to joiri only after verifying and establishing genuineness of a!! the documents as pe!" eligibility criteria including eualification/Category Certificate /pRC/ Domicile status of the candidate in the concerned district for a period not Iess than 15 years. The appointment of the candidate further shall be subject to the foliowing conditions: -1;-Genelneness of Acadernic qua!ification .*riiri.u,*/ nate ---offirrt{i - certificak/ &lg@perma n e nt Resident certificate and all other relevant ce rtificates/Docu ments req u! red u nd e r nor!.ns. The interim arrangement, if any, made against the above post{s} on deputatisn or temporary basEs sha![ be deemed to have been terminated forthwith ayrd the z" incumbent if in service reverted ta hls original cadre. Q *i, 31fi-,Li /*;-.f {847'

Transcript of jkfcr.nic.injkfcr.nic.in/pdf/Appointment order.pdf · Created Date: 8/1/2018 1:50:49 PM


u;enstre, ii,ffi.r.ni..inG*qrgpqr,IrlqHruT €:F JAh4h,tu AruD Etr'sr*r,lpn

Grpxe g str Ti-"tE F:nEarqctir.L Cch{MISE;E*r.€Apr (Rri*rtrr =rttxr}

-E&Fi- Sra;r*at;*.n.

St*bj*et: Epp#intffient sf can*'idates uncier SRG 4SS ef Z*S*,f*r ti"re pestof Junisi" Assistant iRever:ue Departrxent) *istrlet eaetreBandipora, i* pul'suance tc Advertlsement t*otice I**. e4 efz*15 dated ffi{AS!a}X::.

--Refererre-e..) Serviee selection Eoard's lette;" tS*. SSBlSecylSel/Z*ffi!3856-62 dated a?lfrgfz?Lg.

ii) Administrative Department's reiter f*o. Rev/r-*Gl4&t'2*x7oaree zblt)41z$&s.

GRDER NC.: rf {eom} {7_L, QF 2G1s

*ATE*:*e'I = elE- U*39

As recommended by the J&l( Service Selection Board, Jarnnru andendorsed by the A.dministrative Depai'inrent vide their letter- referred toabove, sh. zuba!n tvlohmad s/e Ghutam: Fd*hmad vder:E R/+ F"jer,Eendipore undee" sMI categary is hereby appointeci on tempor-arily as

Junior Assistant in the Revenue Depariment, Districi Cadre Banciipcra inthe pay band of Rs 5ZAA-ZAZ00 + GF 1900 (pre-revised).

The appointee shall report to Deputir Commissioner, Bandiporawithin a period af 21- days from the date of issuance of this order and theDeputy Comm!ssioner, Bandipora shall allqv,,, the seiecteci canciida.ie to joirionly after verifying and establishing genuineness of a!! the documents aspe!" eligibility criteria including eualification/Category Certificate /pRC/Domicile status of the candidate in the concerned district for a period notIess than 15 years. The appointment of the candidate further shall besubject to the foliowing conditions:

-1;-Genelneness of Acadernic qua!ification .*riiri.u,*/ nate---offirrt{i - certificak/ &lg@perma n e nt

Resident certificate and all other relevantce rtificates/Docu ments req u! red u nd e r nor!.ns.The interim arrangement, if any, made against theabove post{s} on deputatisn or temporary basEs sha![ bedeemed to have been terminated forthwith ayrd the


incumbent if in service reverted ta hls original cadre.Q *i,31fi-,Li


The posts are avairabre as on date aErd star:d referred tothe J&l{ Service Seleetion board"The appointrnent in Distrlct cadre is nct transfereblefrom one disirict to another and change-Ef .fdre is notacceptabie.The appointment af the sald candidatc shail hegoverned by "f{ew Fension schemc,, as per sR* 4&&oT ZO0S dated Z4|SUZ88*.The inter-sej;eniority of the appolntee shail be strictryas per their merit in the select list.

7' The =appointmen!_ol the cand[date is subiect ts theoutcome of wiii p-e-iition, if any, pending in any couffi of

8. The appointrnentseare governed under the relevantpro*isions of sRo-325 date d zulrolz0ro irr*c uv-*=-General Adnr in istration Department.

$" rf the candidate does. not joln within the stipurratedperiod af ZL days, he wculd be lnfarnted througtileading news papers tc report is: the office of Depurtycomn':issioner, Bandlpora atfrenwlse his serv[ees wouldbe terminated under rures, under an intin:atisn to thisoffice.

L0' The officer respoi'lsible for receiving/aecepting joining' report of new appolntee s!.rair ssliclt ,,No objectioncertificate" from Laboun and Emptoyrment Departmer:t,ta the effect that the name of the_go;lcerned apBclnteehas been deteied from the rist

"f "r;E;;il"blneticia:.resur:der "vsA" as rnentioned by the ecneerReddepartment/respective District Employment &counseling centre, as wer! as frorn District rndustriesCentre {DtC}.

r1. rhe appointment order wir! be governed by clrcularjnstructi"ons jssued by the Genera! Admi*istrationDepartment vide cireurEr ruo. r.zcaD Ef zitt d;;;;



07112/2frL6.D -of ZB*G-dated

iz" The Deputy conrir:issia::ei=,--ffiffi!_ascertaingenuineness of the quatification certificates/documents and sha* verify the certificatesconfidentially from the concerned Universlty/

*7=lnstitution/ Department before drawing salery of the/i/-,

^]ppointee. Deputy commissioner, Bandlpora sharl


irnrnediately take up the ntatter u+rith this Sfflee, incfise, any eertificate of the appolntee is feiundlprcvedfalse/fake/ fcrged, for fuffihe1 rcurse *{ *et!+n, tf onverificatlc* the cec"tificates produeed .bffie=ppa!ntce

are prorred to he fakelfcrgerl, the app*lntment shall fue

cancelled ab initic"13. The salary of the appointee shelE be

disbursec! to the appointee only afterdrewn and

reeeipt afcharacter and antecedents verificatlan repor.t fnon:inspeetor €eneral af Paliee iCiDi.

14. ln case of receipt of an adverse nepcrt as:d er"l

confirnration theregf by the state/ DivisionaE/ Drstriet-4l-evel Screening Cen'lmittee, as the ease *ray be, theappo!ntment shalE automat[cally staltd cence!Eed

withcr.lt any notice.

l{ c. FC(Ad m-Clk)08/018

CopV tc the:


{Shahid A,nayatulEahi,lASFEnar:cral Ce mmissE*Rer {frev}, j&K"

Dated: *f lOslZ}tB

L. commissioner/secretary to Govt. Revenue Departmeni, J&K forinformation.

2. Dlvisional Commissioner, Kashmir for information3. Deputy Commissioner, Bandipora for information and necessary

Y*- l/c website for uploading the same on the official website of thisoffice

5. sh.Th;z{rbair Mdlrmad slo Ghulem:M &nrad vuan! Rle Ajar,Fgqqjpq{E&f infqrmation a nd complia nce.


G *v e re Fd r!{E F=, +T,:, *ffi ..n,..,n

Op-rres GF rHH r,*.u*J[t'T_.*::j f r\,rr] Frasr*ft,rrnr&K- G; ,[;'Jffi: sr srq €ffi {ffi eve,

=* " utr i

subject: Appointment of sh.Tehsilor run,::n*u,

n,'1,.# -# ffffi #l::lu-- srmsh Rlo Hunden

,o uu.J'*t Assista*€ (n*runu"*;A*f.iY3:i EOts ro'rhe p*srr{Ia*ce to na**rtl::u" Departrnent} Disrrict eadr

Refere*ee: ij uun*,"* "::":"*rsernent r*stice No. 0G ;;;;:"re Reasf'

fiff_.*=r-j:::;: :.oard,s refter r


*.Jr*ol=ro;iir/;;',IlT;3:;'.iXii?%1*i3ff fi f

--::Tili;'43#.- rtrne nrs re*er ruc. Re v/ruGlss/ass F_,

Gfi*ER ru*.D A r u ol_' f^:-j 16 T#:_nur*

4s rgcorn,.Y-.,onJ^ -r r G'-'&G

endorsed ,rTff:1::,jtlr':- service ssreffion Board, rammu ans

;::f'j*J,':y *u*i* s/;*J["-:::il-x;'nu,o* rherr ,-iu., rererred rc,

Assrstant ,n ah*uo category is hereby uroo,r,lut-:der

Tef:sff Arnas, Gfstriet

of Rs szaa-2a.e Revenue Department, District c

on ternpo rarily as Junicr100 + GP 1900 (pre revised). adre Reasi in the pay band

our,"rTr"#::'":e shalr report," o.or,o con"*, ..commissi;;?:#Tr:f,i:le or issua,;--;;'

rnrrssioner' Reas; uriihin a

verifying rr, -rlil,t:'",:1',, altow the sere*u* .u'*'t

order and the Depuu

crireria in.iuoin,tablishing genuinen-; r; r;'ilcandidate

to join onry afrer

$1:#+==**If{f#*x**',condirions: t of the candidare further #;;. ,uo;*.i1*',J*,rl,,oru,n,

4. Genr.

;:, ffi :ii{i i;:f H J#' TJ.T, ::::if ua, er, D a, e

4 2 ltrT*::.x[ffi:::::Jli:;..;:l:::.j:d[:?:#;{;:::- 2' T}re intuni* ;;;r=" under norms. .-* vu. rrrtcst€s,

, -:, fr _cbove prriirt;;:l:T_::,, ;6 anli

4-, {,"

"ve p ost(s} on deputation ;, #;#_ *;:rT,:;:,,T;

deeffies* te have been terminates f*rthv+ith ar.!d t[-re

incugtbent if ift service reverted tc !Tls *riglnal caclre"

The posts are available as cn date and stand referred iet

the J&K Service Selection bearc.

The appclntrnent in District caeire is n*t trensferar:Ee

from ane district to anothcr and change of cadr"e is n*tacceptable.The appointment of the said candidate shalE be

governed by "New Recruitment FolEcy" as per SR*2AZ af 2015 dated ALlOgl201s.The lnten-se-senlority af the appcintee shaEtr be strictl'g

as per their rnerit in the select list.

The appolntrnent of the eandldate is suhieet ta the

outcome of wnit p*fition, if any, pendlng in eny court of

law on the sub.lect.

The appointments are governed under the relevant

provislons of SRO-375 dated ZL/LB|Z*1& issued by the

General Administration Department"

!f the candidate does not jcin within the stipulateej

period of 21 days, he would he ir:fcrmed through

leading news papers to report in the office ef Deputy

CommlssioRer, Reasi otherwise his services wouEd be

terminated under rules, under an intin,atiom te this

cffice.The officer respcnsible for receivinglaccepting jeining

report of new appointee shall soEicit "fto CIbiection

Certificate" fron: Labour and Employnrent Department,

ts the effeet that the Rame sf the ccncerneci appointee

has been deleted frorn the list of eligible beneficiaries

under "VSA' as meniioned by the concerneei

department/respeetive District Emp!oyment &

Counseling Centre, as well as from District Industries

eentre (Dle).

tl". The appointment order w!!! be governed by elreular

instructions issued by the GeneraE Adnninistration

Department vide Circular No" 17-GAD of Z'ALZ- dated

OT IAGIIOLZ and Order No" 1328-GAs of 2016 dated

a7 /72/2OL6.L2. The Deputy


..-'- docunnents

.confidentiallYUt L\:








Commissioner, Reasi shall ascertain

of the quaiiflcation certificatesf

and shall verify the certificates

from the concerneel U*iversitYl

lnrstitutionl sepertment befere drawEng salary *f thcappcintee. Deputy Camrnissicner, Reasi shallinrmediately take up lhg maller 1qith thlq G-f{iee, i::casej any centificate of the appoir:tee !s f*und/pnevedfalse/fakel forged, fcr further cotrrse of acticE:. !f os:

verification the certificates produced bv the app*rnteeare proved tc be fake/forged, the appointment sha!! he

cancelled ab initio.13. The salary of the appointee shall be drawn and

disbursed to the appointee only after receipt ofcharacter and antecedents verificatien report frcritlnspector General o# Police {CID}.

L4. ln case ef receipt of an adverse report and onconfirmation thereof by the state/ Divisionel/ DistrictLevet Screening Committee, as the case may be, theappointment sltall autornat[ca!ly stand eance!!edwithout any notiee.

No. FC(Adm-Cik)08/018

Copy to the:

sd/-(Shahid lnayatulNah),lAS

Financial Comnrissioner (Rev), J&K"

Dared:*6f / as /2a18

1,. commissioner/Secretary to Govt. Revenue Department, J&K forinformation.

Commissioner, iammu for informationuty commissioner, Reasi for information and necessary action.

Uc website for uploading the same on the official website of thisoffice

5 A!:. yiieV. fuutar-S/-o Baldev Singh R/o Hunder Tehsil Arnas, DistnictReasi for information and compliance.

ial Commissioner (Rev),J&K,

*:e**-/:s*- i ,$i,q:* l.'Surat Singh, (ffAS'Sr ro* /r5fi*{.{

{tional Commissioner(C) r,pith'

6. 0ffice Ordei" file.
