jjuwi uiw.',iw» IUJW n iim i iijpjwiNUMnijuiu^iiiwuu.jn ... · Mrs. Edwar d Britt an children of...

?«8»J»t»*!if^Ste»<js«SiS:*a*a: HISHWf.T WORK ENGINEERS ON THE JOB LASTTtSEEK. f ; on the Lowyffle-Copenhagen ,„jg^i^niV to be Started Soon— g^gfasT - TR*^** 11 ' Roads WOI be Rushed to .-•••=*Y^adt on the several sections of , Jie,V;'state road begun in this county .last summer will be resumed as soon r:«$Bkr$he -weather conditions are suf- -- fleiently settled to make it practi- «able. A party of field engineers -and surveyors with headquarters in ''this village has been on the ground the past week and considerable progress has already been accom- ; PUshed preliminary to the early re- sumption of practical operations. •The engineers report that the com- pleted sections of roads hereabouts nave stood the trying conditions of the past winter well and that with Dut slight surface repairs in a few -exposed spots they will be fit for anything. The excellence of these sections of road at this time, the period of the annual spring break-up •when the frost is going out and the ordinary country road is usually all hut impassable for days at a time if an excellent demonstration of the ^practical advantages of these state roads and is making a good impres- sion generally which will undoubted —ly-gfve the work added impetus. Mr. Gilday, superintendent for Mor- Tis Kantrowitz of Albany, who has the contract for the Lowville-Mar 1 m ML m 1 PERSONALS. - Roger Jtsajsgi-i?. ^asairi|r i - ! seves#: '-days, at hte.flans' in'';@ia§v§ik* - Mrs. Etiaaifellf EB«}£& of Pari* ave- nue is visiting rejjfcltwea in. Turin. District Attorney - *Perry G. Wil- liams w a s to Ogdensburg Tuesday. Misa Marcella Colligan of Carth- age is the guest of Mies Verna Ling. Dr. and Mrs. E. Charles Hough of Little Palls passed Sunday in town visiting relatives. Mrs. W. J. Ralsten is passing a few days with her sister, Mrs. E. Charles Hough, of Little Falls. G. Hudson Gould of Chase's Lake has gone on a business trip to Green- field, Mass., and southern Vermont John Dence has broken ground for his new residence on State street which will be erected immediately. Miss Mary Kirley entertained at bridge whist Tuesday evening, in honor of Miss Eugenie March of New York. Mr. and Mrs. James Miller of Water's Terrace had as their guest over Easter Miss Elizabeth Rohm of Utica. Miss Ethel M. Pitts left for her home in Nassau Tuesday morning. She was accompanied by Dr. E. N. K. Mears. Arthur R. Brooks, who has been in the west for some months past has returned to his home in Lowville for the summer. Carlton Lang, who has been visit- ing friends in this place, has return- ed to his studies at the Utica School of Commerce. Owen Williams has leased the George Salsbury place on Park ave- nue, and will remove his family to it about May 15. Mrs. Floyd S. Van Wormer and tinsburg section which extends from j daughter, Anna Laura, of Watertown, the southern boundary of the cor- i are tne S uests ot Miss Saran Moore Martins- in State street. poration to the village of burg, was in town last week making j arrangements for resuming opera- I tions on this piece of road at t h e ! earliest date practical. He says that the work will be rushed to comple- j tion as rapidly as possible and will probably be finished about the 1st \ to the 15th of July. In this connec- , tion it may be stated that so far as completed this section of road is | Drs. H. Arthur Basset and E. N. K. Mears have been in attendance at the meeting of the State Medical society at Albany this week. Mrs. Edward Britt and children of Carthage are passing a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Smith, of this village. Mrs. C. Puffer and Sunday School class were very pleasantly enter- considered the best so far construct- i tained by Miss Blanche Ford at her ed in the state. The section of the road extending from the southern boundary of the village of Martinsburg to the Turin town line about 200 feet beyond what is locally known as Sheldon's Cor- ners is under contract to Thomas Shaughnessy & Co., of Albany who are making plans to resume opera- tions on'this division very soon. Their construction superintendent, Mr. Leonard, who like Mr. Gilday, is an experienced and capable road builder, was here last week making arrangements for quarters for a large gang of men who will be employed on the job as soon as conditions per- , mit and are expected to arrive about May 1 when operations on the job ' "will immediately re-commence. Operations upon the other section home Monday evening. Leo Smithling, who has been pass- ing several days here, returned to Utica to resume his course at the Utica School of Commerce. Dr. and Mrs. C. E. Phippin of Watertown were the guests over Sunday of Mrs. Phippin's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank C. Kieb, on Elm street. Miss Kathleen McGovern, Miss Mary McGrath and Miss Ruth Bos- worth returned to Potsdam Normal to resume their studies Monday af- ternoon. Mrs. Katherine Dunn returned re- cently from Watertown, where she has been the guest of her brother, Edward Doody, and family for sev- eral days. The F. H. Ralsten residence on r-V» A. H. BJ ' BSI8S*: jjuwi uiw.',iw» w IUJW mm . n i i m i iijpjwiNUMnijuiu^iiiwuu.jn MMMfepa 8 BEEN DECLARED IffSANE. Wfll be Commuted at Ihie* to. State Asylum'ft Matieawan* j„ «,* «,«» 0 J«n«s instituted last weel b ft re Crtin rffigg Milton Carter to inqilrp Into the^sahfty of Arlington H Bvs*t pseudo-phy- sician } r i d ingl n 1 l ne without a licen nd E -wo , al other things,'' and fpr*ione n mh«t,ia t onflned in the Lewis co i t\ jift -n a ting txjal on indjctment&sfor H*,un>, perjury and violatlbnfPf th L iublte health laws, the coniuffl|lion fcontposed 0 £ ites. C. P. mrleytyp m l I I Son Zlerolshofen and C. E.^Db s'»^ appointed under the Statute t J pximine Bassett, ad- judged the Utt|rs4nsane, the several physicians unapftfbusly concurring in this optolotes'The examination was taken last;Saturday and Monday. At its conclusion^ Bassett's insanity was completely established. He will be committed at .-once to the state asylum at Matteawan for the deten- tion of the criminal insane. District Attorney Perry G. Williams, repre- senting the people, appeared before the commission, as did also Attorney William H. Hilts, counsel for Bassett. CHARGED WITH ASSAULT EST T H E SECOND DEGREE. SUPERVISORS AND COMMISSION- EES COMPLY WITH LAW. of road begun in this county last Park avenue has been leased by Mrs. summer between here and the town ' w '- H - Morrison, who will remove to -of Harrisburg, and known as the the same soon - Mrs - Morrison's sis- Lowville-Copenhagen road, will also ' ter - Mrs - Charles Moore, and son, be resumed at an early date. The Fa ^ Moore, who recently removed to contract for this section of road is , ihis village, will reside with her. in the hands of James D. Casey of j Rochester. Mr. Casey, who gained ! Birthday Remembrance. many friends and much—gepafctrtty-j—Frgglreem%-8^tais~vfHage"was"fcfae- here last summer by his unfailing j recipient of over 100 handsome and geniality and prompt business meth- ; appropriate post cards Tuesday sent ods, is expected to arrive here in a ; him by his many friends and rela- few day3 when preparations will be- j tives, the occasion being his 68th gin immediately to rush the work of birthday anniversary. Mr. Bence construction as rapidly as possible, wishes to convey his thanks and ap- and it is expected that this portion of road will be likewise completed early this summer. LOWVILLE A fVUNiNG CENTS PLANS FORMULATING POR EARLY OPERATION OF DUNES. Within the ^ext Sixty Days I t I s Expected to Begin Active Work— Local Residents Are Deeply Inter* ested in Projects. Much activity is manifest these nays among those interested in the gold mining projects that have agi- tated this locality for a.couple of years past. Numerous promoters of the scheme for extracting the precious metal from the auriferous sands and the limestone formations prevalent in this vicinity are much in evidence in Lowville and all about the county just now. One group has establish- ed headquarters and has its offices at the Windsor hotel. Others occupy rooms at The Bateman and plans are being matured for the early estab- lishment and practical working of a complete operating plant in this vil- lagey Meanwhilej projectors of the enterprise are busily engaged about the county in the acquirement of min- ing rights from the farmers and landowners of this section. Many of the latter have already executed con- tracts conveying the rights of quarry- ing stone and operating on their premises. These contracts are bona fide articles giving to the owner of the land a fair compensation for the right to enter and occupy his prop- erty and a further stated price for every cubic yard of material excavat- ed or mined. Nor is there anything in these contracts so far as appears that can operate to the disadvantage j of the lessor. At least two prom- j inent attorneys of this village, who < are also owners of farms nearby, a r e j said to have executed similar con- tracts covering their property so it is evident that the agreements con- tain nothing detrimental to the own- ers of the land. Much money is be- ing invested in the enterprise by tho3e engaged in it and one of the men largely interested in the project is quoted as having said at The Bate- man the other day that there would be decisive developments in the busi- ness here soon anad that the entire project would either be abandoned or would be put upon a practical working basis and operations for mining and milling the product o n a ' concurred in by Supervisors Gregg, ; he pursued his mother outside and considerable scale be begun within ]j0nas and Lo omis, which proposed i attacked her brutally, the next sixty days. , t - m , following apportionment of the ANNOUNCEMENT MADE AT BRIDGE WHIST PARTY. Announcement of the engagement of Van Rensselaer L. Waters, jr., and Miss Nina Searl of this place was made Monday evening, the occasion being a bridge whist given by Miss Eugenie March at the home of her sister, Mrs. MacGregor A. Phillips, on Waters Terrace. Mr. Waters is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Van Renne- laer L. Waters and Miss Searl is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leland B. Searl. The families are socially prominent and among the older ones of this county and the names have long been well known in its annals. Both the young people are popular with a host of friends who will join 4B-££teB&iBg-4&eit-feeOTty~G0B€Hrtula- tions and felicitations. The date of A Fair and Equal DiTision—Super- visors Pass Resolution Petitioning For the Construction of New State Roads. The board of supervisors and the two school commissioners of the county met in the supervisors rooms at the court house in this village Tuesday morning as a body to divide the county into four school super- visory districts in compliance with the provisions of the educational law. Henry E. Chickering of Copenhagen Started a,Disturbance at Home of His Mother Last Saturday—A Bad Case of "Brain Storm and Squirrel Whiskey. The case of John Dicob, who was arrested in this village by Sheriff Donnelly last Saturday afternoon for smashing the furniture and kicking up a general disturbance during a drunken frenzy at the home of his mother on Rural avenue, came up on a second hearing before Justice W. E. Egleton Wednesday mbrning. Dicob was first arraigned last Mon- day morning upon a charge of assault in the second degree lodged by his mother, whom he had attacked in his insane rage. He was then advised of his rights to counsel and remand- ed to the custody of the sheriff upon an adjournment to Wednesday morn- ing at 10 o'clock, at which time he was re-arraigned. He again ap- peared without counsel and upon waiving examination was held to ap- pear before the grand jury. Bail was fixed in the sum of $500 and this not being furnished the culprit was re- committed to the jail. The offenae charged is a criminal one and District Attorney Perry G. Williams appear- ed in the prosecution. Dicob, though a married man and the father of several small children, one of whom is cared for by his mother here, has not lived with his family for some time past and has latterly been employed on the farm of James Cannan as a farmhand. •MWMW^g TILLAGE 0* LYOKS PALLS WOTS .IMPOBTASTCASE, I - Pay Eases. A decision In favor of the delend- -ant village ^ ^ e f t c t i o a of the ~p,eantjr - -^S^^'pl^te^- ^coinp^ : against <^ w yllIgge y of JLy(jns_ Palls^tq restrain "the latter from collecting a ^tax' levied against plaintiff for - con- struction and maintehMjtie of de- tendaht's municipal worker isystem has been handed ddwn by Supreme Court Justice t>evehdorf of Herki- mer: The action was tried at the special term of the supreme court, held in Lowville last September. The plaintiff ' claimed exemption from such taxation on the ground of the municipal water works system being a competitor of the plaintiff. Justice Devendorf holds that the plaintiff is liable- for such tax, and orders the complaint dismissed on the merits with costs. The decision is the ^re- sult of iong litigation between the parties. Proceedings were commenc- ed in the fall of 1908 by the village of Lyons Falls for the collection of a tax upon the Beauty Spring Water company, imposed for the construc- tion and maintenance of the munici- pal water works system. The mat- ter went to the court of appeals and that court holding that if the plain- tiff had any remedy as to the im- position of such tax, it was in a court of equity. The decision just handed down is in the resultant equity ac- tion. Harry W. Cox was attorney for the village of Lyons Falls, and C. S. Mereness, jr., for the Beauty Springs Water company. FORMER PORT LEYDEN MAN DIES SUDDENLY. Frank W. Hyer Jokingly Predicted His Death Which Came Soon After. Frank W. Hyer died at his home in He came to this village Saturday , Carthage about 1 o'clock last Fri- morning with some money and a laudable ambition to get drunk, which ambition and himself he fulfilled simultaneously. He then proceeded to the home of his mother on what is day morning. Death resulted from apoplexy. Mr. Hyer had but a few hours previously jestingly predicted his death upon the occasion of the visit of a physician to his house to Wind and weather took a promi- nent part in the Easter parade. * • • • The social season of the board of supervisors in this village this week proved a great success as usual. The county Solons are decidedly a bunch of good fellowB and they have a right good time every time they get to- gether. Somehow too, they always find time to do whatever of the coun- ty's business comes before them to be done. Perhaps the busiest man of all is the jovial dispenser of exuber- ant hospitality and good cheer who appears on the rolls aa clerk. * * * • The village authorities are to be commended for their promptness in having the streets tidied up and the accumulations of the winter cleared away. The gangs of men at work about the corporation for several days past under the supervision of Street Commissioner Moren - have accom- plished wonders and the village is rapidly acquiring an aspect of im- maculateness of which its citizens may well be proud. * • * * The division of the county into school supervisory districts as al- lotted this week by the board of officially designated as Rural avenue was made chairman. Mr. Chickering j but more popularly known as Valley appointed Hon. Robert E. Gregg of i street, decidedly "in liquor" and a night. At this time Mr. Hyer jok- Pinckney, Clark S. Loomis of Leyden, | frame of mind to "start something." ] ingly remarked to the doctor that he Chester A. Lonas of Greig, and the , He succeeded beyond his fondest ex- ; supposed he was liable to die him- two commissioners, Harry J. Henry | pectatidns.. Entering the house he j self. The words came true much of Copenhagen and Daniel J. O'Brien j engaged in a violent quarrel with his \ sooner than he had expected. The ' at political gerrymandering or quib- attend his mother, for whom one was I supervisors and school commissioners called during preceding Wednesday : acting together in compliance with tfie education law is an eminently fair and logical apportionment and does credit to those having it in charge. That there was no attempt of Port Leyden a committee to draft i mother and driving her into the street a tentative plan for apportionment to j demolished considerable of the furni- be submitted to the body. This com- , ture and threw the wreckage through mittee returned a majority report, i the windows. Not satisfied with this physician had left the house but a short time when Mr. Hyer was stricken. He immediately lapsed into unconsciousness, from which he never emerged, the seizure proving fatal within about 48 hours. bling over details was also to their credit. Large Graduating Class. The graduating class at the Low- ville Academy is unusually large this the wedding is not yet annaunced. Those enjoying the favor of Miss March's hospitality were: Miss Nina Searl, Mrs. Leroy W. Arthur, Miss Helen Fowler, Miss Cora Fowler, preciation to his friends for their I Miss Hortense Fowler, Miss Margaret county into the several supervisory districts: 1st district: Croghan, Diana, New Bremen and Watson; 2nd district: Denmark, Harrisburg, Montague, Lowville and Pinckney; 3d district: Greig, Martinsburg, Lyonsdale and Turin; 4th district: Highmarket, Lewis, Leyden, Osceola and West Turin. A minority report was submitted by Commissioners O'Brien and Henry favoring a similar division of the first two districts but transposing Leyden and Lyonsdale in the 3d and 4th districts. The majority report however was adopted by the meeting and the divi- sion is made upon; natural territorial conditions and according to the con- tiguity of the''-IjiSeraT towns and is probably as fair ;«Bd equal as any that could have befce. devised. The river divides the districts north and south and the two districts on either At this juncture Philip Flint, a neighbor, interfered and attempted to restrain Dicob, at which the latter turned upon him furiously. In the ; a number of years but for the last following melee Flint's ankle was i two years had conducted a saloon on kicked or became twisted in such a j State street. He is survived by his manner that both bones were broken ; mother, Mrs. Sarah Hyer; one sister, Mr. Hyer came to Carthage from j year, twenty-five of the students ex- Port Leyden about ten years ago. He pecting to receive honors. Those en- was employed in the paper mills for I tered in the class are as follows: j Academic: W. Earl Archer, Stan- and the now thoroughly infuriated Dicob attacked the prostrate man viciously and might have much more seriously injured him had it not been for Amazonian intervention re-in- forced by a goodly stake. The stake coming into contact with Dicob's head with considerable force quite dissipated the battle instinct tem- porarily at least and before the red lust could become predominant again Sheriff Donnelly, who had been hast- ily summoned, arrived at the seat of hostilities short of breath but ready for action and captured the belliger- ent By the time the sheriff could arrive the entire neighborhood had become more or less embroiled in the fracas and Dicob, who is somewhat I Mrs. Hersey Thorton of Watertown, and a brother, John Hyer, of Mon- treal. SUPERVISOR MURPHY GIYEN POST CARD SHOWER. John P. Murphy of Harrisbrug re- cently had new reason to felicitate himself upon the manifest interest and number of his friends. Easter Sunday was Mr. Murphy's birthday anniversary and in recognition of this event he was the much pleased re- cipient of over 100 handsome post cards sent him by his friends in re- membrance of the occasion and testi- fying to the warm regard and esteem in which he is held by them. He ton D. Austin, Earl B. Barrett, Stewart Glenn, Gertrude Hough, Ethel Loiselle, Harold Lewis, Ger- trude McGrath, Mabel Milks, Beulah Mider, Myron McOmber, Merle Puf- fer, Clara Ross, Madeline Rieffan- nacht, Dorothy C. K. Snyder, Chris- tina Virkler. College Arts: Dorothy Arthur, Ethel Breen, Wilhelmina L. Dekin, Alice Hall, William Manville John- son. College Science: Farnam J. Bow- en, Ethel Brownell, Harry Holt, May Welch. Grange Program. The following program is arranged for the regular meeting of the Low- ville Grange, P. of H., tomorrow: "How do cows compare with sheep thoughtful kindness. CELEBRATE THEIR FORTIETH ANNIVERSARY. Odd Fellows Dance. The dancing party given by Low- ville Lodge, No. 759, I. O. O. F., last Mr. and Mrs. William H. Rich of Monday evening was largely attend- Stewart street were given a pleasant ed by members of the fraternity and surprise by members of their family their friends who were fortunate last Wednesday evening, the occa- enough to receive invitations. Ex- sion being the fortieth anniversary cellent music was furnished for the of their marirage. All their children ; dancing and an enjoyable evening were present and a delightful even- j wa -s passed by those present. ing was passed by the united family. ' practicable. j This division as confirmed gives , the Democrats a majority on the ! boards of the school directors as ! elected at the last election in the i first and the fourth districts respec- The guests were served with a de- | tive , wW)e the Republicans have lightful luncheon, during which the ; contro , in the second and third dis . announcement was made, and the event was one of marked social sue- ___ .___ S8.vs h i s on© 1*0 erst "W8.S t.LTS.'fc YIG sidTarVas nearly equal"in" area~as ! given to brain-storms, had manifest- I coul(J not meet a the gender8 per . ! financially?" general discuss,on. Boshart, Miss Katherine Boshart, Miss Mary Gleason, Miss Ethel Wat- ers, Miss Vera L. Bush and Miss Olive March. ly succeeded in getting up more of ] gonally""" "" """ ~~ "^ I "What can be done to improve the a flurry than the snow squall had oc- j quality of milk from a sanitary curred Mr - Murphy is the present super-} pom t?" L H. Boshart and Elijah' ' visor from the town of Harrisburg j strader. Recitation by Charles M. C-VRNEGIE MEDAL (?) | and was formerly sheriff of this ! Bassett. county. His repeated election to of- | fice on the Democratic ticket in this Pastor Visits Nation's CapitoL strongly Republican county is ample FOR HARRISVILLE HERO. cess. Mr. and Mrs. Rich were presented by their children and grandchildren with a handsome clock in memory of the event. A bountiful supper was MISS GERTRUDE M. DEAN IS TENDERED SURPRISE. The anniversary of Miss Gertrude served. Those present were Mr. and suffered some years ago, has recent- Mrs. G. Harry Rich and son James ! ly been stricken again and his con- Local Resident Seriously IIL Thaddeus Sutphen of this place, ; M - Dean ot Dayan street was made who for a long time has been in ill j * e occasion of a delightful surprise health as a -consequence of shock ! glven her h ? a number of her friends ' last evening. A dainty luncheon brought by Miss Dean's visiting of Watertown, Mr. and Mrs. Duett Rohr of Deer River, Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. Rich, Miss Mabel Rich and Charles Rich of this place. dition is now very serious. THE STAGE. "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde." One of the most thrilling plays and at the same time the most interest- ing and amusing is "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde," which will introduce the of Miss Cora Morris of Silver and Gold Medal Contests. Silver and Gold Medal prize speak- ing contests will be held Wednesday evening, May 3, and Friday evening, May 5, respectively, at tbje Methodist Episcopal church in this village un- der the auspices of the Woman's Chirstian Temperance Union. The contests will be under the direction this place, friends was served and a pleasant social evening passed by all. As a mark of their appreciation and es- teem and as a remembrance of the occasion, Miss Dean's friends pre- sented her with a handsomely bound volume of Kipling. eminent English actor, Edward i who is superintendent of the medal Waldmann and his company in the above play at the opera house, Tues- day night, April 25., where Mr. Wald- mann has been selected as the spec- ial attraction. Although he has ap- peared in all the great Shakespearean plays, Mr. Waldmann's greatest suc- contests of the society. These con- tests are given by the organization to promote and disseminate the ideals and sentiments to which it is devoted and particularly to encourage these in the young people. On Wednesday evening a silver medal will be award- cess, especially in the large cities, I ed to the successful contestant and has been attained in the interpreta- j a gold one will be similarly awarded tion of the dual role of the thrilling Friday evening. drama, "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde." ! Encher Party. The eucher party given by mem- bers of the choir of St. Peter's church Tuesday evening at Windsor hall, for the benefit of the church, proved a very enjoyable affair. Nine- teen tables of progressive eucher were played, the favors being award- ed to Mrs. John Dence and Carl Niebergall. "In a Persian Garden." Pauline Clarke Birrkley, represent- ing the Edward Elliott Concert Di- rection of Utica, will be in Lowville in a few days to make a canvass for the sale of tickets for the presenta- tion of the beautiful song-cycle en- titled "in a Persion Garden." The words of this work are selected from the Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam and the musical setting is by Liza Leh- mann. A programme of miscellan- eous selections by the quintet com- posed of May Cox, soprano; Florence Debbold, contralto; Everard CaA- throp, tenor; Harry Rowley, bari- tone, and Edward Elliott, pianist, will precede the "Persian Garden." This wHl be a rare treat and should meet with generous support from our cit- izens. OTIE CASE REPORTED IK COUKTY COURT. The calendar of county court, which - convenes here Monday, April 24, con- tains out one case, namely the People -„_ iMC&Ute State of New York vs. Frank- '•'?>.^. *% & Jaycox, indicted for burglary yjn83fe^ third degree, after conviction «f felony and grand larceny, second "•';o,tf*»te5—A good girl for general toiise^jlfc Ss.fuira.o2 Elm. Efr S. K. a£Mrel2,'-C0JllEa-SirS£4, LowsiHs. Death of Mrs. Elmer Stanford. Mrs. Elmer Stanford, whose maiden name was Alice M. Gaylord, died at her home in West Lowville Monday morning. Mrs. Stanford was 43 years of age and is survived by her husband. Funeral services were held Wednesday at 1 o'clock from her late home. Rummage and Food Sale. The ladies of the American Wo- man's league will hold a rummage and baked food sale in the Boshart block near the depot, Friday and Sat- urday of this week. Any donation will be thankfully received by the for this sale. Mrs. John Porter Improving. Mrs. John Porter of this village, who several months ago suffered an unusually bad fracture of the thigh, and who for a number of weeks past has been in a hospital in Brooklyn undergoing treatment for the injury, is much improved. Mr3. Porter's in- jury was of a very complicated na- ture and for a time it was greatly feared she would never regain the use of the injured member. She is now, however, able to walk about quite freely and is expected home about the first of the coming month. It is expected that she will be quite restored to the use of her limbs. i tricts. When the business of dividing the county into supervisory districts was completed, and this being all the business that was to come before the meeting, the session was adjourned without day. Wednesday morning the super- visors convened as a board of super- visors for the transaction of regular business. The only matters to come before the board were in relation to the construction of state roads. A resolution introduced by Mr. Chick- Ex-Supervisor Austin Harris warded For Bravery. A Harrisville Correspondent writes: A. G. Harris, jr., is the first to re- ceive a reward for bravery during the recent fire here. Mr. Harris has received a good sized medal with the picture of Pikes Peak on .one side and the inscription "To the Bravest" on the other. Together with the medal came a letter with Andrew Carnegie's superscription commending Mr. Harris for his brave action in rescuing Jay C. Bardo's typewriter from the flames. The ***" , testimony to his personal popular- ! i ity and fitness. j HORSE FRIGHTENED BY AUTOMOBILE. Mrs. ering of Denmark providing for the word "typewriter" is sometimes used building of a highway from the north- ] svnonymously with "stenographer," em line of the town of Harrisburg to hence the deception. Still is it bare- the Jefferson county line was adopt- ly posS ible that Mr. Bardo prefers ed by the board. Mr. O'Brien of New j tne former word as a means of avoid- Bremen then introduced a resolution ; j n g family troubles. Re\. Lester G. Simon, pastor of the Baptist church, is passing selverai ! days with friends in Poughkeepsie ! and will later go on to Washintgon, j D. C, where he will join Mrs. Simon, ' who is visiting her sister in the I capitol city. His pulpit will be oc- Rogers Suffered Severe Cuts j cup { e d next Sunday by Rev. Edmunds ! and Bruises. I Belfort, a native Brazilian, and a ; An unfortunate accident involving ! student at Hamilton college. In the I painful injuries to one of the victims j evening Mr. Belfort will deliver an occurred between this village and i address concerning his native coun- Martinsburg Wednesday afternoon. : try and dealing particularly with re- As Miller G. Sherwood and party of, ligious conditions there existent this place were enjoying a ride in i opufTAT XftTrn? his recently purchased automobile! srJUiAr. muiii-r,. driven by Ira D. Gallup, they were | Notice is hereby given that unless met by the carriage of Charles Har- I the riding of bicycles, tricycles, rison containing Mrs. Harrison, Mrs. j velocipedes and coasting cards on the Chauncey Rogers and a driver, also j sidewalks in the village of Lowville, of this village. The horse appearing j N. Y., i3 stopped, the ordinance pro- petitioning for the construction of a state road between the villages of Croghan and Beaver Falls. This was also adopted. The board ad- journed late in the afternoon. MATRIMONIAL. Church Notes. R'jv. Thomas S. Kilty of Clark s Mills will conduct services at Trinity church, this village, Sunday, April 23. A thimble party was held for the benefit of the Presbyterian Mission- ary society in the chapel Wednesday afternoon. The affair was largely attended by the ladies and a social time enjoyed by all. Light refresh- ments were served. Dr. King Changes Location. Dr. Leroy W. King has leased the office fn the Black River National Bank building, formerly occupied by Attorney Jay C. Bardo, end vAU re- move to that taeatien'.Ua? i* o* THE DELTA GAMMAS WELL ENTERTAIN. The young ladies of the Delta Gamma sorority give a euchre and dancing party at Virkler hall this evening. This society has enter- tained at similar functions previous- ly the past season, the young ladies proving themselves charming host- esses, and a very enjoyable social af- fair is generally anticipated. The principal part of every man should be principle. HIGH GRADE BUILDING MA- TERIAL. Large stock 18 in. and* 16 in. Cedar Sbinglea, lath, brick, Hme, Portland eewent, plaster board, Amatite fcoo#» ingV prepared plaster, drain tile, ^SL ?§?£J!H fltttogs to all sizes. aEISft ARTHUR GRAIN & C0AI, <30„ PHELPS-GAYNOR. The marriage of Gerald Pheips of Glenfield and Miss *Julia Gaynor of East Martinsburg was celebrated at the parochial residence on Church street Wednesday morning at 9 o'clock, Rev. Father George L. Mur- ray officiating. The bride and groom were attended by Miss Cissy Loftus and Eugene Gaynor. A To Germany to Wed. H. Northam Haberer, head of the Haberer Furniture . Manufacturing company of this village, left Tuesday evening for New York, from which place he sailed Thursday for Ger- many. Wednesday, May 3, he will unite in marriage .with MiSB Mar- gareta Kunigeende Tobi, of Zwei- brucken, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Adam Tobi, prominent residents of that place. Mr. Haberer met his bride-elect about a year ago while on a visit to Germany.. They will re- turn to this village .about May 20, where they will make their future home on Park avenue. Memorial Daj Address. Rev. J. ^e|tbyi#l||sbl5T, of this villag© has"'afeggg^-JBgr invitation of G. D; &^';|p&m5Kft.fl. "•* R.. to dottvW s M^p%Mal. dir'address at the town *iiF.*ifc< American Woman's League. ... All members ot the LowvlUo chap- ter'of the American Woman a league are requested to send their nariie,*ad- dress* vime they Joined the league* and amount paid on their membership to* fuQ tXva^uX^Tjk *w%ih*'qn* o* "nijfaT^L. , . , i ii »i "i . ^ i A diplomat fs one who foola you ana. betters himaetf. - j Real Estate Transactions. Everett E. Milliard has purchased of Charles Sunderhaft the house and lot on Shady avenue formerly owned by the latter, who has also sold his house and lot on the corner of Shady avenue and Church street to J. Harold Cook. The following recent transfers of real estate have been recorded in the county clerk'3 office: 3 24-100 acres of land in the town of Lyonsdale from Fred E. and Parsons E. Inger- soll of Boonville to Ross B. Lewis of Lyonsdale by deed dated April 10, 1913. Consideration $150. John Connelly and Catharine, his wife, of Watertown, Jefferson coun- ty, to Thomas Connelly of Croghan, 25 acres situated in the town of Croghan, by deed dated April 1, 1911. Consideration $100. 147 1-2 acres in the town of Pinck- ney from Francis Denning of Ellis- burg, Jeyerson county, to Amy Par- sons of Bellvllle, Jefferson county, by deed dated April 10, 1911. Consid- eration not named. 225 acres in- Watson West Triangle from Clara Wormwood and William Wormwood of Chase's Lake to Leroy Crawford of the same place by deed dated April 13, 1911. Consideration not named. Two.parcels of 37 and 50 acres re- spectively in the town of Croghan from Frank. Bintz and>Mary J. Bintz, his wife, to George N. Snyder by deed dated March. 7, 1911. Consider- ation $1,325. If yon would flourish as a prevari- cator cultisate M. %emmj^t Job, A J#a|% «fc sllosrlgjgft te loot, siiffl- denf isa^'tajejnifr "-•-'•----- - the- atatemenW^t^m> nien* ENGRAVED CARDS iud WEDDINGS We aaadle » foil Jhie'ot Ingnrred Calling Cards* Engraved Wedding Invitations, etc Can at the, office and see specimens of oar work. ^ HERALD-DEMOCRAT. - frightened the car was at once guid- > hibiting the same will be enforced. ed out of the roadway and brought j Dated, April 18, 1911. lw to a full stop by Mr. Gallup, the motor also being stopped. One wheel of the carriage containing Mrs. Har- rison and Mrs. Rogers, however, was precipitated from a small bridge at the place of the accident and careen- ing over the occupants were all thrown to the ground. None of them, however, were severely hurt except Mrs. Rogers who suffered several cuts and bruises about the face. She was brought to her home immediately where she was attended by Dr. C. P. Kirley. Bv order of the BOARD OF TRUSTEES. HEAR Appointed New York Teacher. Miss Jane Arthur has been appoint- ed by the New York board of educa- tion to teach in the 149th street school for girls. Miss Arthur, who is a graduate of the Lowville Acad- emy, passed the city school exam- ination some time ago and since has been on the list of applicants await- ing a vacancy. The position of teach- er in New York is a lucrative one and the qualifications are corres- pondingly high. Miss Arthur is a daughter of County Treasurer Nich- olas Arthur. USB FERTILIZER NOW. Fertilizer should be used this late spring as It will give crops a quick start Our fertilizers have been used here for years? and we nave the best kinds for crops in this section. We have the Agricultural Lime neces- sary for alfalfa. THE ARTHUR GRAIN & COAL, CO. NOTICE OF MEETING TO COMPLAINTS. Take notice: The assessors of the village of Lowville. N. Y., have prepared their assessment roll for the current year; that a copy thereof will be deposited with the village clerk, at his office in such village, on the 26th day of April, 1911, where it may be seen and examined by any person until the first Tuesday in May, next, (May 2nd) and that on such day, at the office of the said village clerk, between the hours of one and five in the afternoon the said assessors will meet for the pur- pose of completing such assessment roll and of hearing and determining complaints in relation thereto, on the application of any person con- ceiving himself aggrieved thereby. LEDETT A. BOSTWICK, MYRON M. LYMAN, HERBERT D. FAIRCHILD, FRANK J GRIMM, 41-2 Assessors m m '4* r8M m Mm m _ - .., . ^e exclusive* agency for the J.'& C, Fischer, Need- ham, Farrand, Schaeffer and other re- liable-pianos, and would be glad to i 4ubte-?ou»:t».^^icel v fe»-' rany-' j»6s«, pectlve purchase*, ^sfflja " or- &&L Maurice M, Gsdvta, Eaaton Block Lowville, N. T. - . tf The anring bonnets of the ladies are as obvious, as they ara startling tfceserdays. ANNUAL SCHOOL DISTRICT MEET- ING. <%• The annual meeting of the irihaht- «.> tants of Union Free School District'" No. 2 of the town ot Lowville, LafltfS County, N. Y, qualified to Tote, it; < school house in said district, on the first Taesdar of Mar"(May 4}^5«fe at^TrSO o^ock, p. m., tor the tatot* aclitoit oilucn business asJ«fauthor- ized by tte consolidated school i«* of 1909 and the acts amendatory :a*r^»\. * * y ? WILLIAM J. MTLLIGAN, , >%$mi$ W. McGRATH, •V&fLLJ&ft 8* WJNDECKER, . F^T C'SSYBER, . 8EQH«£ & WEED, 8M «•- - TTutew.

Transcript of jjuwi uiw.',iw» IUJW n iim i iijpjwiNUMnijuiu^iiiwuu.jn ... · Mrs. Edwar d Britt an children of...

Page 1: jjuwi uiw.',iw» IUJW n iim i iijpjwiNUMnijuiu^iiiwuu.jn ... · Mrs. Edwar d Britt an children of Carthag e ar passing a few days with her parents, Mr . and Mrs Patrick Smith, of





on t he Lowyffle-Copenhagen , „ j g ^ i ^ n i V to b e S t a r t e d Soon—

g ^ g f a s T - TR*^**1 1 ' Roads WOI be Rushed to

.-•••=*Y^adt o n t h e severa l sec t ions of , J ie ,V; ' s ta te road begun in t h i s county

. l a s t s u m m e r wi l l be r e sumed a s soon r:«$Bkr$he -weather condi t ions a r e suf--- fleiently se t t l ed t o m a k e it p r ac t i -

« a b l e . A p a r t y of field eng ineers -and s u r v e y o r s wi th h e a d q u a r t e r s in ' ' th i s v i l l age h a s been on t h e ground t h e p a s t week and considerable p r o g r e s s h a s a l r eady been accom-

; PUshed p r e l im ina ry to the ea r ly re­s u m p t i o n of p rac t ica l opera t ions . •The eng inee r s r epo r t t h a t t he com­p l e t e d sec t ions of roads he reabou t s n a v e stood t h e t r y ing condi t ions of t h e p a s t w in t e r wel l and t h a t with Dut s l igh t su r face r e p a i r s in a few

-exposed spots t h e y will be fit for a n y t h i n g . T h e excel lence of these sec t ions of road a t th i s t ime, the per iod of the a n n u a l s p r i n g b reak-up •when t h e frost is going out and the o rd ina ry c o u n t r y road is usua l ly all h u t impassab le for days a t a t ime if a n excel lent demons t r a t ion of the

^prac t ica l advan tages of these state r o a d s and is m a k i n g a good impres­s ion genera l ly which wil l undoubted

—ly-gfve t h e work added impetus .

Mr. Gilday, s u p e r i n t e n d e n t for Mor-Tis Kan t rowi tz of Albany, who h a s t h e c o n t r a c t for t h e Lowvil le-Mar






PERSONALS. - R o g e r Jtsajsgi-i?. ^ a s a i r i | r i - ! s e v e s # :

'-days, a t h t e . f l a n s ' in'';@ia§v§ik* -Mrs . Etiaaifellf EB«}£& of Pari* ave­

n u e is v is i t ing rejjfcltwea in. T u r i n . D i s t r i c t A t t o r n e y - *Per ry G. Wil­

l i ams w a s to O g d e n s b u r g Tuesday . Misa Marce l l a Coll igan of C a r t h ­

age is the g u e s t o f Mies V e r n a Ling. Dr. a n d Mrs . E . C h a r l e s H o u g h o f

Li t t le P a l l s passed S u n d a y in town vis i t ing re la t ives .

Mrs . W. J. Ra l s t en i s pass ing a few days w i t h h e r s i s te r , Mrs . E. Cha r l e s Hough , of Li t t le Fa l l s .

G. H u d s o n Gould of Chase ' s Lake h a s gone on a bus iness t r i p to Green­field, Mass., and s o u t h e r n V e r m o n t

J o h n Dence h a s b roken g round for h i s new res idence on S ta te s t r ee t which will be erected immediate ly .

Miss Mary Kir ley en te r t a ined a t br idge wh i s t Tuesday evening, in honor of Miss Eugenie March of New York.

Mr. and Mrs . J a m e s Miller of W a t e r ' s T e r r a c e had as the i r gues t over E a s t e r Miss El izabeth Rohm of Utica.

Miss E the l M. P i t t s left for h e r home in Nassau Tuesday morn ing . She was accompanied by Dr. E. N. K. Mears .

A r t h u r R. Brooks , who h a s been in the wes t for some mo n t h s pas t h a s r e tu rned to his home in Lowville for the summer .

Car l ton Lang , who has been visit­ing friends in th i s place, h a s r e t u r n ­ed to his s tudies a t t he Utica School of Commerce .

Owen Wil l i ams has leased the George Sa l sbury place on P a r k ave­nue , and will remove his family to it abou t May 15.

Mrs. Floyd S. Van Wormer and t i n s b u r g sect ion which extends from j daugh te r , Anna Laura , of Wate r town, t he s o u t h e r n bounda ry of the cor- i a r e t n e S u e s t s ot M i s s S a r a n M o o r e

Martins- i n S ta te s t ree t . po ra t ion to t he vil lage of burg , w a s in town las t week making j a r r a n g e m e n t s for r e s u m i n g opera- I t ions on th i s piece of road a t the ! ea r l i e s t da t e prac t ica l . He says tha t t h e w o r k will be rushed to comple- j t ion as rap id ly as possible and will probably be finished about the 1st \ t o t h e 15th of Ju ly . I n th i s connec- , t ion it may be s ta ted t h a t so far as comple ted th is sect ion of road is |

Drs . H. Ar thu r Basset and E. N. K. Mears have been in a t t endance a t the meet ing of t he Sta te Medical society a t Albany th is week.

Mrs. Edward Br i t t and chi ldren of Car thage a r e pass ing a few days with her pa ren t s , Mr. and Mrs. Pa t r i ck Smith, of this vil lage.

Mrs. C. Puffer and Sunday School class were very p leasan t ly en te r -

cons idered t he bes t so far c o n s t r u c t - i tained by Miss Blanche Ford at her ed in t he s t a t e .

The section of the road extending from the sou the rn boundary of the vi l lage of Mar t i n sbu rg to the Tur in town line about 200 feet beyond what is local ly known as Sheldon's Cor­n e r s is u n d e r con t rac t to Thomas Shaughnessy & Co., of Albany who a r e m a k i n g p lans to r e s u m e opera­t ions o n ' t h i s division very soon. The i r cons t ruc t ion super in tenden t , Mr. Leonard , who like Mr. Gilday, is an experienced and capable road bui lder , was he re las t week making a r r a n g e m e n t s for q u a r t e r s for a large gang of men who will be employed on the job as soon as condit ions per- , mi t and a r e expected to a r r ive about May 1 when opera t ions on the job '

"will immedia te ly re-commence.

Operat ions upon the o ther section

home Monday evening. Leo Smithl ing, who has been pass ­

ing several days here , r e t u r n e d to Utica to r e sume his course at the Utica School of Commerce .

Dr. and Mrs. C. E. Ph ipp in of W a t e r t o w n were the gues t s over Sunday of Mrs. Phippin ' s pa ren t s , Mr. and Mrs. F r a n k C. Kieb, on E lm street .

Miss Ka th leen McGovern, Miss Mary McGrath and Miss Ruth Bos-wor th r e tu rned to Po t sdam Normal to r e sume the i r s tudies Monday af­ternoon.

Mrs. Ka the r ine Dunn r e tu rned re ­cently from Wate r town , where s h e has been the gues t of her b ro the r , E d w a r d Doody, and family for sev­eral days .

The F . H. Rals ten res idence on

r-V» A. H . BJ

' BSI8S* :

jjuwi u i w . ' , i w » w I U J W mm . n i i m i i i jpjwiNUMnijuiu^iiiwuu.jn MMMfepa


Wfll be Commuted at Ihie* to. State Asylum'ft Matieawan*

j„ «,* «,«»0J«n«s instituted last weel b ft r e Cr t in rffigg Milton C a r t e r t o i n q i l r p Into the^sah f ty of Ar l ing ton H B v s * t pseudo-phy­s ic ian } r i d ingl n 1 l n e w i t h o u t a licen nd •E-wo ,al o the r things,'' and f p r * i o n e n mh« t , i a t onflned i n t h e Lewis co i t \ j i f t -n a t i n g txjal on indjctment&sfor H*,un>, p e r j u r y a n d v i o l a t l b n f P f th L i u b l t e h e a l t h l aws , t h e coniuffl|lion fcontposed0£ i t e s . C. P. m r l e y t y p ml I I S o n Zlerolshofen and C. E .^Db s ' »^ appo in t ed u n d e r t he S ta tu te t J p x i m i n e Basse t t , a d ­judged t h e U t t | r s 4 n s a n e , t he s e v e r a l phys ic ians unapf t fbusly concu r r i ng in t h i s o p t o l o t e s ' T h e examina t ion w a s t a k e n l a s t ; S a t u r d a y and Monday. At i t s conclus ion^ Basse t t ' s insan i ty w a s complete ly es tabl ished. H e will be commit ted a t .-once to the s t a t e a sy lum a t Mat teawan for t he de ten­t ion of t he c r imina l insane . Dis t r ic t At to rney P e r r y G. Wil l iams, r e p r e ­sen t ing the people, appeared before t he commission, a s did also At torney Wil l iam H. Hi l t s , counsel for Basse t t .



of road begun in th is county last P a r k avenue has been leased by Mrs. s u m m e r be tween he r e and the town ' w'- H - Morr ison, who wil l remove to

-of H a r r i s b u r g , and k n o w n as the t h e s a m e s o o n - M r s - Morr i son ' s s is-Lowvil le-Copenhagen road, will also ' t e r - M r s - Char les Moore, and son, b e resumed a t an ear ly date. The F a ^ Moore, who recen t ly removed to c o n t r a c t for th is section of road is , ihis vi l lage, will reside wi th her. in the hands of J a m e s D. Casey of j Roches te r . Mr. Casey, who gained ! B i r thday R e m e m b r a n c e . m a n y fr iends and much—gepafctr t ty-j—Frgglreem%-8^tais~vfHage"was"fcfae-h e r e l a s t s u m m e r by his unfai l ing j rec ipient of over 100 handsome a n d genia l i ty and p rompt bus iness meth- ; app rop r i a t e post ca rds Tuesday sen t ods, i s expected to a r r ive he r e in a ; h im by his many fr iends and re la -few day3 when p repa ra t ions will be - j t ives, the occasion being his 68th g in immedia te ly t o ru sh the work of b i r thday ann ive r sa ry . Mr. Bence cons t ruc t ion as rapidly as possible, wishes to convey his t h a n k s and ap-a n d it is expected t h a t th is port ion of road will be l ikewise completed ea r ly th is summer .



Wi th in t h e ^ e x t Six ty Days I t I s Expec ted t o Begin Active Work— Loca l Res iden t s Are Deeply In ter* es ted in P r o j e c t s .

Much act ivi ty i s mani fes t t he se nays a m o n g those in te res ted i n t h e gold m i n i n g pro jec t s t h a t h a v e ag i ­t a t ed th i s local i ty for a . c o u p l e of years pas t . N u m e r o u s p r o m o t e r s of t h e scheme for ex t r ac t ing t h e prec ious me ta l from the aur i fe rous sands and the l imes tone fo rma t ions p reva len t in th i s vicinity a r e m u c h in evidence in Lowvil le and al l abou t t h e county j u s t now. One g r o u p h a s es tabl ish­ed h e a d q u a r t e r s and h a s i t s offices a t the Windsor hotel . Others occupy rooms a t The Ba teman and p l ans a r e being m a t u r e d for t he ear ly es tab­l i shment a n d prac t ica l w o r k i n g of a comple te ope ra t ing p lan t in th is vil-lagey Meanwhilej p ro jec tors of t he en te rp r i se a r e busi ly engaged about the county in t he acqu i r emen t of min­ing r igh t s from the f a rmer s and l andowner s of th is section. Many of the l a t t e r have a l r eady executed con­t r ac t s conveying the r igh t s of q u a r r y ­ing s tone and ope ra t ing on the i r premises . These con t rac t s a r e bona fide a r t i c les giving to t he owner of t he land a fair compensa t ion for t he r igh t to en t e r and occupy his p rop­e r ty and a fur ther s t a ted pr ice for every cubic yard of ma te r i a l excavat­ed or mined. Nor is t he re any th ing in these con t rac t s so far as appea r s t h a t can ope ra t e to the d i sadvan tage j of the lessor . At leas t two prom- j inent a t to rneys of this vi l lage, who < are a lso owners of fa rms nearby , a re j said to have executed s imi lar con­t r ac t s cover ing the i r p rope r ty so it is evident t ha t t h e a g r e e m e n t s con­tain no th ing de t r imen ta l to t h e own­e r s of t he land. Much money is be­ing invested in the en te rp r i se by tho3e engaged in it and one of the men la rge ly in te res ted in t he projec t is quoted as hav ing said a t T h e Bate­man the o the r day t h a t t he re would be decisive deve lopments in the bus i ­ness he re soon anad t h a t t he en t i re project would e i ther be abandoned or would be pu t upon a prac t ica l work ing bas i s and opera t ions for

min ing and mil l ing the product o n a ' concur red in by Supervisors Gregg, ; he pursued his mother outside and cons iderable sca le be begun within ] j 0 n a s a n d L o o m i s , which proposed i a t t acked h e r bruta l ly , t he next sixty days . , t-m , fol lowing appor t ionment of t he


Announcement of the engagement of Van Rensse lae r L. Wate r s , jr., and Miss Nina Sear l of th is place was made Monday evening, the occasion being a br idge whis t given by Miss Eugenie March at the home of he r s is ter , Mrs. MacGregor A. Phi l l ips , on W a t e r s T e r r a c e . Mr. W a t e r s is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Van R e n n e -laer L. W a t e r s and Miss Sear l is a daugh t e r of Mr. and Mrs. Le land B. Searl . T h e families a r e socially p rominen t and a m o n g the older ones of this county and the n a m e s have long been well known in i ts anna l s . Both the young people a r e popu la r wi th a hos t of fr iends who wil l join 4B-££teB&iBg-4&eit-feeOTty~G0B€Hrtula-t ions and fel ici tat ions. The da te of

A F a i r and Equa l DiTision—Super­visors P a s s Resolution Pe t i t ion ing F o r the Construct ion of New Sta te Roads .

The board of supervisors and the two school commiss ioners of t he county met in t h e supervisors rooms at the cour t house in this vi l lage Tuesday morn ing as a body to divide the county into four school supe r ­visory d is t r ic t s in compliance wi th the provis ions of the educat ional law. H e n r y E. Chicker ing of Copenhagen

S t a r t e d a , D i s t u r b a n c e a t H o m e of H i s Mother L a s t Sa tu rday—A Bad Case of " B r a i n S t o r m a n d Squ i r r e l Whiskey . T h e case of J o h n Dicob, w h o w a s

a r r e s t e d in th i s v i l lage by Sheriff Donnel ly l a s t S a t u r d a y af ternoon for s m a s h i n g t h e fu rn i tu re a n d k ick ing u p a genera l d i s tu rbance d u r i n g a d r u n k e n frenzy a t t he home of h i s m o t h e r o n R u r a l avenue , c a m e u p on a second h e a r i n g before Jus t i ce W. E. Egle ton Wednesday mbrn ing . Dicob w a s first a r r a igned l a s t Mon­day m o r n i n g upon a c h a r g e of a s sau l t in t he second degree lodged by h i s mothe r , w h o m he had a t tacked in his i n sane rage . He was t h e n advised of h i s r igh t s to counsel a n d r e m a n d ­ed to t h e cus tody of t h e sheriff upon a n ad jou rnmen t to Wednesday m o r n ­ing a t 10 o'clock, a t which t ime he w a s r e - a r r a igned . He aga in a p ­peared wi thout counsel and upon waiving examina t ion was held to a p ­pear before the g rand jury . Bai l was fixed in t he s u m of $500 and th i s not being furnished t he cu lpr i t was r e ­commit ted to the jai l . The offenae charged is a cr iminal one and Dis t r ic t At to rney P e r r y G. Wil l iams appea r ­ed in t he prosecut ion .

Dicob, though a m a r r i e d man and the fa ther of severa l smal l chi ldren, one of whom is cared for by his mother here , h a s no t lived wi th his family for some t ime pas t and h a s l a t t e r ly been employed on the farm of J a m e s Cannan as a fa rmhand .

• M W M W ^ g


I - P a y E a s e s . A decis ion In favor of t h e de lend-

-ant v i l l age ^ ^ e f t c t i o a of t h e ~p,eantjr - -^S^^'pl^te^- ^ c o i n p ^ :

a g a i n s t < ^ w y l l I g g e y o f JLy(jns_ Pa l l s^ tq r e s t r a i n "the l a t t e r f rom co l lec t ing a

^tax' levied a g a i n s t plaintiff for - con ­s t ruc t i on and maintehMjtie of d e -tendaht's mun ic ipa l worker isystem h a s been h a n d e d d d w n by S u p r e m e C o u r t J u s t i c e t>evehdorf of H e r k i ­m e r : T h e act ion w a s t r i ed a t t h e spec ia l t e r m of t h e s u p r e m e cour t , he ld in Lowvil le l a s t September . T h e plaintiff ' c la imed exempt ion from such t a x a t i o n o n the g round of t he munic ipa l w a t e r w o r k s sys tem being a compet i to r of t h e plaintiff. Jus t ice Devendorf holds t h a t t h e plaintiff is l iable- for such t ax , and o rde r s the compla in t d ismissed on the mer i t s w i th cos ts . T h e decision is t h e re­su l t of iong l i t igat ion be tween t he par t i e s . P roceed ings were commenc­ed in t h e fall of 1908 by the vi l lage of Lyons F a l l s for t h e collect ion of a t ax upon t he Beau ty Spr ing W a t e r company, imposed for t he cons t ruc ­t ion and ma in t enance of t he munic i ­pal wa t e r works sys tem. The ma t ­t e r went to t he cour t of appea ls and t h a t cou r t holding t h a t if the plain­tiff had any remedy as to the im­posit ion of such tax , it was in a court of equity. T h e decision jus t handed down is in the r e s u l t a n t equi ty ac ­tion. H a r r y W. Cox was a t torney for the vi l lage of Lyons Fa l l s , and C. S. Mereness , jr., for the Beauty Spr ings W a t e r company.


F r a n k W. Hyer Jokingly Predic ted His Dea th Which Came Soon After.

F r a n k W. H y e r died a t his home in He came to th i s vil lage Sa tu rday , Ca r thage about 1 o'clock las t F r i -

m o r n i n g wi th some money and a laudable ambi t ion to get drunk , which ambit ion and himself he fulfilled s imul taneously . He t h e n proceeded to the home of his mother on w h a t is

day morn ing . Death resul ted from apoplexy. Mr. Hyer had but a few hour s previously jes t ing ly predicted his dea th upon the occasion of the visi t of a physician to his house to

Wind and wea the r took a p r o m i ­nen t p a r t in t he E a s t e r pa rade .

* • • • The social season of t he boa rd of

superv isors in th i s vi l lage th i s week proved a g r e a t success a s usua l . T h e county Solons a r e decidedly a bunch of good fellowB and they have a r igh t good t i m e every t ime they get t o ­ge ther . Somehow too, they a lways find t ime to do wha tever of the coun­ty 's bus iness comes before them to be done. P e r h a p s the busies t m a n of all is the jovial d i spenser of exuber ­an t hospi ta l i ty and good cheer w h o a p p e a r s on the rol ls aa clerk.

* * * • The vi l lage au thor i t i es a r e t o be

commended for the i r p romptness in having the s t ree t s tidied up and the accumula t ions of the win te r c leared away. The gangs of men at work about the corporat ion for several days pas t unde r the supervis ion of St ree t Commiss ioner Moren - have accom­plished wonders and t h e vi l lage is rapidly acqu i r ing an aspect of im-macu la t enes s of which its ci t izens may well be proud.

* • * * T h e division of the county into

school superv i sory dis t r ic ts as a l ­lot ted this week by the board of

officially des ignated as R u r a l avenue was made cha i rman . Mr. Chicker ing j bu t more popula r ly known as Valley appointed Hon. Rober t E. Gregg of i s t reet , decidedly "in l iquor" and a night . At this t ime Mr. Hyer jok-Pinckney , Clark S. Loomis of Leyden, | f rame of mind to " s t a r t someth ing ." ] ingly r emarked to the doctor tha t he Ches ter A. Lonas of Greig, and the , He succeeded beyond his fondest ex- ; supposed he was l iable to die him-two commiss ioners , H a r r y J. H e n r y | pectatidns. . E n t e r i n g t he house he j self. The words came t rue much of Copenhagen and Daniel J. O'Brien j engaged in a violent qua r r e l with his \ sooner than he had expected. The ' a t poli t ical ge r rymande r ing or quib-

a t tend his mother , for whom one was I superv i sors and school commiss ioners called d u r i n g preceding Wednesday : ac t ing toge ther in compliance with

tfie educat ion law is an eminent ly fair and logical appor t ionment and does credi t to those having it in charge . T h a t t h e r e was no a t t empt

of Po r t Leyden a commit tee to draft i mothe r and dr iv ing he r into t h e s t reet a t en ta t ive plan for appor t ionment to j demolished considerable of the furni-be submit ted to t he body. Th i s com- , t u r e and t h r e w the wreckage th rough mi t tee r e tu rned a major i ty repor t , i the windows. Not satisfied with th is

physician had left the house but a shor t t ime when Mr. Hyer was s t r icken . He immediate ly lapsed into unconsc iousness , from which he never emerged, the seizure proving fatal wi th in about 48 hours .

b l ing over detai ls was also to the i r credit .

La rge Gradua t ing Class. The g radua t ing class at t he Low­

ville Academy is unusua l ly la rge this

the wedding is no t yet annaunced . Those enjoying the favor of Miss

March ' s hospi ta l i ty w e r e : Miss Nina Sear l , Mrs. Leroy W. A r t h u r , Miss Helen Fowler , Miss Cora Fowler ,

precia t ion to his fr iends for the i r I Miss H o r t e n s e Fowler , Miss Marga re t

county into the several supervisory d i s t r i c t s :

1st d i s t r ic t : Croghan, Diana, New Bremen and Wat son ; 2nd d is t r ic t : Denmark , Ha r r i sbu rg , Montague, Lowville and Pinckney; 3d d i s t r i c t : Greig, Mar t insburg , Lyonsdale and T u r i n ; 4th d is t r ic t : H i g h m a r k e t , Lewis, Leyden, Osceola and Wes t Tur in .

A minor i ty r epor t was submit ted by Commiss ioners O'Brien and H e n r y favoring a s imi lar division of the first two dis t r ic ts but t r anspos ing Leyden and Lyonsdale in the 3d and 4th d is t r ic ts .

The major i ty repor t however was a d o p t e d by the meet ing and the divi­s ion is m a d e upon; na tu r a l t e r r i t o r i a l condi t ions a n d accord ing t o t he con­t igui ty of the''-IjiSeraT t o w n s and is probably a s fa i r ;«Bd equal a s any tha t could have befce. devised. The r iver divides the d is t r ic t s no r th and south and the two dis t r ic ts on ei ther

At th i s j u n c t u r e Phi l ip Fl int , a neighbor , interfered and a t t empted to r e s t r a in Dicob, a t which the la t te r t u rned upon him furiously. In the ; a n u m b e r of years but for the last following melee F l in t ' s ank le was i two years had conducted a saloon on kicked or became twis ted in such a j Sta te s t reet . He is survived by his m a n n e r tha t both bones were broken ; mother , Mrs. Sa rah H y e r ; one sister ,

Mr. Hye r came to Ca r thage from j year, twenty-five of t he s tuden t s ex-P o r t Leyden about ten years ago. He pect ing to receive honors . Those en-was employed in the paper mills for I tered in the class are as follows:

j Academic : W. Ear l Archer , S tan-

and the now thorough ly infuriated Dicob a t t acked the p r o s t r a t e man viciously and might have much more ser ious ly injured him had it not been for Amazonian in tervent ion re- in-forced by a goodly s take . The s t ake coming into con tac t with Dicob's head wi th cons iderable force qui te d iss ipated t h e ba t t l e ins t inc t tem­porar i ly a t leas t and before the red lus t could become p redominan t again Sheriff Donnel ly , who had been has t ­ily summoned , a r r ived a t the sea t of host i l i t ies sho r t of b r e a t h bu t ready for ac t ion and cap tu red t he bel l iger­e n t By t h e t ime t h e sheriff could a r r ive t he en t i re ne ighborhood had become more or less embroi led in the fracas and Dicob, who is somewha t

I Mrs. Hersey Thor ton of Wate r town, and a bro ther , John Hyer , of Mon­t rea l .


J o h n P . Murphy of H a r r i s b r u g r e ­cent ly had new reason to felicitate himself upon t he mani fes t in teres t and n u m b e r of h is friends. Eas t e r Sunday was Mr. Murphy ' s b i r t hday a n n i v e r s a r y and in recogni t ion of th i s event he was t he m u c h pleased r e ­cipient of over 100 h a n d s o m e post ca rds sen t h im by his f r iends in r e ­m e m b r a n c e of the occasion and tes t i ­fying to the w a r m rega rd and esteem in which he is held by them. He

ton D. Austin, Ear l B. Bar re t t , S tewar t Glenn, Ger t rude Hough, Ethel Loiselle, Harold Lewis, Ger­t rude McGrath, Mabel Milks, Beulah Mider, Myron McOmber, Merle Puf­fer, Clara Ross, Madeline Rieffan-nacht , Dorothy C. K. Snyder, Chr i s ­t ina Virkler .

College A r t s : Dorothy A r t h u r , E the l Breen, Wi lhe lmina L. Dekin, Alice Hal l , Wil l iam Manville J o h n ­son.

College Science: F a r n a m J. Bow-en, Ethe l Brownel l , H a r r y Holt , May Welch.

Grange P r o g r a m . The following p r o g r a m is a r r a n g e d

for t he r e g u l a r mee t ing of the Low­ville Grange , P. of H., t o m o r r o w : "How do cows compare wi th sheep

thoughtful k indness .


Odd Fel lows Dance. The danc ing pa r ty given by Low­

ville Lodge, No. 759, I. O. O. F., last Mr. and Mrs. Wil l iam H. Rich of Monday evening was la rge ly a t t end-

S t e w a r t s t ree t were given a p leasant ed by member s of the f ra te rn i ty and s u r p r i s e by members of the i r family the i r fr iends who were fo r tuna te l a s t Wednesday evening, the occa- enough to receive invi ta t ions . Ex-s i o n being the for t ie th ann ive r sa ry cel lent music was furnished for the of their mar i r age . All the i r chi ldren ; danc ing and an enjoyable evening were p resen t and a delightful even- j w a-s passed by those present . i n g was passed by the uni ted family. '

prac t icable . j This division as confirmed gives , the Democra t s a major i ty on the ! boards of t he school d i rec to rs as ! elected a t t he las t election in the i first and the four th d is t r ic t s respec-

The gues t s were served wi th a de- | t i v e , w W ) e t h e Republ icans have lightful luncheon, dur ing which the ; c o n t r o , i n t h e s e c o n d a n d t h i r d d i s . announcemen t was made , and the event was one of marked social sue-

_ _ _ . _ _ _ S8.vs his on© 1*0 e r s t "W8.S t.LTS.'fc YIG • s i d T a r V a s nea r ly e q u a l " i n " a r e a ~ a s ! given to b r a in - s to rms , had manifes t - I c o u l ( J n o t m e e t a„ t h e g e n d e r 8 p e r . ! f inancial ly?" genera l d iscuss ,on .

Boshar t , Miss K a t h e r i n e Boshar t , Miss Mary Gleason, Miss E the l Wat ­ers, Miss Vera L. Bush and Miss Olive March.

ly succeeded in ge t t ing up more of ] gonally""" " " """ ~~ "^ I " W h a t can be done to improve t h e a flurry than the snow squal l had oc- j qual i ty of milk from a san i t a ry cur red M r - Murphy is the p resen t supe r -} p o m t ? " L H. B o s h a r t and Elijah'

' v isor from the town of H a r r i s b u r g j s t r a d e r . Reci ta t ion by Char les M. C-VRNEGIE MEDAL (?) | a n d w a s former ly sheriff of th is ! Basset t .

county. His repeated elect ion to of- | fice on the Democra t ic t i cke t in th is P a s t o r Visits Nat ion 's CapitoL s t rongly Republ ican county is ample



Mr. and Mrs. Rich were presented by the i r chi ldren and g randch i ld ren wi th a handsome clock in memory of the event. A bountiful supper was


The ann ive r sa ry of Miss Ger t rude

served. Those p resen t were Mr. and suffered some years ago, has recent -Mrs. G. H a r r y Rich and son J a m e s ! ly been s t r icken aga in and his con-

Local Res iden t Ser iously IIL Thaddeus Sutphen of th is place, ; M - D e a n ot Dayan s t r ee t w a s made

who for a long t ime has been in ill j * e occasion of a delightful su rp r i se hea l th as a -consequence of shock ! g l v e n h e r h? a n u m b e r of her fr iends

' last evening. A da in ty luncheon b rough t by Miss Dean ' s vis i t ing

of Wate r town, Mr. and Mrs. Duet t R o h r of Deer River, Mr. and Mrs. H e n r y C. Rich, Miss Mabel Rich and Char les Rich of th i s place.

dit ion is now very ser ious .


"Dr . Jeky l l and Mr. Hyde . " One of the most th r i l l ing plays and

a t the same t ime the mos t in te res t ­ing and amus ing is "Dr. Jekyl l and Mr. Hyde," which will in t roduce the of Miss Cora Morr is of

Silver and Gold Medal Contests. Silver and Gold Medal prize speak­

ing contes ts will be held Wednesday evening, May 3, and F r iday evening, May 5, respect ively, a t tbje Methodist Episcopal church in this vil lage un­der the auspices of the Woman ' s Chi rs t ian T e m p e r a n c e Union. The contes ts will be u n d e r the direct ion

th i s place,

fr iends was served and a p leasan t social evening passed by all . As a m a r k of the i r apprec ia t ion and es­teem and as a r e m e m b r a n c e of the occasion, Miss Dean ' s fr iends p r e ­sented he r wi th a handsomely bound volume of Kipl ing.

e m i n e n t Engl i sh actor, Edward i w h o is supe r in t enden t of t he medal W a l d m a n n and his company in the above play a t the opera house, Tues ­day n ight , Apri l 25., where Mr. Wald­m a n n has been selected as the spec­ial a t t rac t ion . Al though he has ap­peared in all the g r e a t Shakespearean plays , Mr. W a l d m a n n ' s g r ea t e s t suc-

contes ts of t he society. These con­tes t s a r e given by the organiza t ion to p romote and d i s semina te the ideals and sen t iments to which it is devoted and pa r t i cu la r ly to encourage these in the young people. On Wednesday evening a si lver medal will be a w a r d -

cess , especial ly in the l a rge cities, I ed to the successful con tes tan t and h a s been a t t a ined in the i n t e r p r e t a - j a gold one will be s imi la r ly awarded t ion of t he dua l ro le of the th r i l l ing F r i d a y evening. d rama , "Dr. Jekyl l and Mr. Hyde . " !

E n c h e r P a r t y . The eucher p a r t y given by mem­

bers of the choir of St. Pe te r ' s chu rch Tuesday evening a t Windsor hal l , for t he benefit of t he church , proved a very enjoyable affair. Nine­t een t ab les of p rogress ive eucher w e r e played, t h e favors be ing award ­ed t o Mrs . J o h n Dence and Carl Niebergal l .

" I n a P e r s i a n Garden . " Paul ine Clarke Birrkley, r e p r e s e n t ­

i n g t h e E d w a r d El l io t t Concer t Di­rec t ion of Utica, wil l b e in Lowvil le in a few days t o m a k e a canvass for t h e sale of t icke ts for t he p r e sen t a ­t ion of the beautiful song-cycle en­t i t led " i n a Pers ion Garden ." The w o r d s of th i s w o r k a r e selected from t h e Ruba iya t of O m a r K h a y y a m and t h e musica l s e t t i ng is by Liza Leh-m a n n . A p r o g r a m m e of misce l lan­e o u s select ions by t h e qu in t e t com­posed of May Cox, s o p r a n o ; F l o r en ce Debbold, c o n t r a l t o ; E v e r a r d CaA-t h r o p , t e n o r ; H a r r y Rowley, ba r i ­t one , and E d w a r d El l iot t , p ian is t , wil l p r e c e d e t he " P e r s i a n Garden . " Th i s wHl be a r a r e t r e a t a n d shou ld mee t w i t h gene rous s u p p o r t f rom ou r cit­i z e n s .


The calendar of county court, which - convenes here Monday, April 24, con­

tains out one case, namely the People -„_ iMC&Ute State of New York vs. Frank-

'•'?>.^. *% & Jaycox, indicted for burglary yjn83fe^ third degree, after conviction «f felony and grand larceny, second

"•';o,tf*»te5—A good girl for general toiise^jlfc Ss.fuira.o2 Elm. Efr S. K. a£Mrel2,'-C0JllEa-SirS£4, LowsiHs.

Death of Mrs. Elmer Stanford. Mrs. E l m e r Stanford, whose maiden

n a m e w a s Alice M. Gaylord, died a t h e r h o m e in W e s t Lowvil le Monday morn ing . Mrs . S tanford w a s 43 y e a r s of age and is surv ived by h e r husband . F u n e r a l serv ices w e r e held Wednesday a t 1 o 'clock from h e r l a t e home.

R u m m a g e a n d Food Sa le . T h e ladies of t h e Amer i can W o ­

m a n ' s l e a g u e wi l l hold a r u m m a g e a n d b a k e d food s a l e in t h e B o s h a r t b lock n e a r t h e depot , F r i d a y a n d Sa t ­u r d a y of t h i s week. A n y dona t ion wi l l b e thankfu l ly received by t h e

for t h i s s a l e .

Mrs. J o h n P o r t e r Improv ing . Mrs. J ohn P o r t e r of th is vil lage,

who severa l mon ths ago suffered an unusua l ly bad f rac tu re of t he thigh, and who for a n u m b e r of weeks past has been in a hospi ta l in Brooklyn undergo ing t r e a t m e n t for the injury, is m u c h improved. Mr3. P o r t e r ' s in­j u r y w a s of a ve ry complicated n a ­t u r e and for a t ime it was grea t ly feared she would neve r rega in the use of t he in jured member . She is now, however , ab le to walk about qui te freely a n d is expected h o m e about t h e first of the coming month . I t is expected t h a t she will be qui te res tored to t h e use of h e r l imbs.

i t r ic t s . When t he bus iness of dividing the

county in to supervisory d is t r ic t s was completed, and this be ing all the bus iness t h a t was t o come before the meet ing, the session was adjourned without day.

Wednesday morn ing the super ­visors convened as a board of super ­visors for the t r ansac t ion of r e g u l a r bus iness . The only m a t t e r s to come before t he board were in re la t ion to the cons t ruc t ion of s t a t e roads . A resolut ion introduced by Mr. Chick-

Ex-Superv i so r Aust in H a r r i s warded F o r Bravery .

A Har r i sv i l l e Cor responden t wr i t e s : A. G. H a r r i s , jr., is t he first to r e ­ceive a r e w a r d for b rave ry dur ing the recen t fire he re . Mr. H a r r i s h a s received a good sized medal with the p ic ture of Pikes Peak on .one side and t h e inscr ipt ion "To the Braves t " on the other . Toge ther with the medal came a le t te r with Andrew Carnegie ' s superscr ip t ion commending Mr. H a r r i s for h is b rave action in r e scu ing Jay C. Bardo ' s typewr i t e r from the flames. The

***" , t e s t imony to his persona l popular - ! i ity and fitness. j



e r i ng of Denmark providing for the w o r d " t ypewr i t e r " is somet imes used bui ld ing of a h ighway from the n o r t h - ] svnonymously wi th " s t enographe r , " e m line of the town of H a r r i s b u r g to h e n c e t h e deception. Still is it ba re -the Jefferson county l ine was adopt- l y p o s S i b l e t h a t Mr. Ba rdo prefers ed by t he board. Mr. O'Brien of New j t n e former word as a m e a n s of avoid-Bremen then int roduced a resolut ion ; j n g family t roubles .

R e \ . Les ter G. Simon, pas to r of t he Bapt i s t church , is p a s s i n g selverai

! days with friends in Poughkeeps ie ! and will l a t e r go on to Wash in tgon , j D. C , where he will join Mrs. Simon, ' who is visi t ing he r s i s te r in the I capitol city. His pulpi t will be oc-

Rogers Suffered Severe Cuts j c u p { e d nex t Sunday by Rev. E d m u n d s ! and Bru i ses . I Belfort, a na t ive Brazi l ian , and a ; An un fo r tuna t e acc ident involving ! s tuden t at Hami l ton college. In t he I painful injur ies to one of t he vict ims j evening Mr. Belfort will del iver an

occur red be tween th is vi l lage and i address conce rn ing his na t ive coun-Mar t i n sbu rg Wednesday af ternoon. : t r y and dea l ing pa r t i cu la r ly wi th r e -As Miller G. Sherwood and p a r t y of, ligious condi t ions t he re e x i s t e n t th is p lace were enjoying a r ide in i opufTAT X f t T r n ? his recen t ly purchased a u t o m o b i l e ! s r J U i A r . m u i i i - r , . dr iven by I r a D. Gallup, they were | Notice is hereby given tha t un less met by t he ca r r i age of Char les H a r - I the r id ing of bicycles, t r icycles , r i son con ta in ing Mrs. Ha r r i son , Mrs. j velocipedes and coas t ing ca rds on t he Chauncey Rogers and a dr iver , a lso j s idewalks in the vi l lage of Lowvil le , of th is vi l lage. The hor se appea r ing j N. Y., i3 stopped, t he o rd inance p r o -

pet i t ioning for the cons t ruc t ion of a s ta te road between the vi l lages of Croghan and Beaver Fa l l s . Th i s w a s also adopted. The board ad­journed late in the af ternoon.


Church Notes . R'jv. Thomas S. Ki l ty of Clark s

Mills will conduc t services a t Tr in i ty church , th i s vi l lage, Sunday, Apri l 23.

A th imble p a r t y was held for the benefit of the P r e s b y t e r i a n Mission­a r y society in t h e chapel Wednesday af ternoon. T h e affair w a s la rge ly a t tended by t h e ladies and a social t ime enjoyed by al l . L igh t re f resh­m e n t s w e r e served.

Dr. King Changes Location. Dr. Leroy W. King has leased the

office fn the Black River National Bank building, formerly occupied by Attorney Jay C. Bardo, end vAU re­move to that taeatien'.Ua? i* o*


The young ladies of the Delta Gamma sorority give a euchre and dancing party at Virkler hall this evening. This society has enter­tained at similar functions previous­ly the past season, the young ladies proving themselves charming host­esses, and a very enjoyable social af­fair is generally anticipated.

The principal part of every man should be principle.


Large stock 18 in. and* 16 in. Cedar Sbinglea, lath, brick, Hme, Portland eewent, plaster board, Amatite fcoo#» ingV prepared plaster, drain tile, ^SL ?§?£J!H fltttogs to all sizes. aEISft ARTHUR GRAIN & C0AI, <30„

PHELPS-GAYNOR. The m a r r i a g e of Gerald Phe ips of

Glenfield and Miss *Jul ia Gaynor of E a s t Mar t in sbu rg w a s ce lebra ted a t the parochia l res idence on Church s t r ee t Wednesday m o r n i n g a t 9 o'clock, Rev. F a t h e r George L. Mur­r a y officiating. T h e br ide and groom w e r e a t tended by Miss Cissy Loftus and E u g e n e Gaynor. A

To Germany to Wed. H. N o r t h a m Habere r , head of the

H a b e r e r F u r n i t u r e . Manufac tu r ing company of th i s vi l lage, left Tuesday evening for New York, f rom which p lace h e sai led T h u r s d a y for Ger­many . Wednesday , May 3, h e wil l un i t e in m a r r i a g e .wi th MiSB Mar-g a r e t a K u n i g e e n d e Tobi , of Zwei-b rucken , d a u g h t e r of Mr. and Mrs . Adam Tobi, prominent residents of that place. Mr. Haberer met his bride-elect about a year ago while on a visit to Germany.. They will re­turn to this village .about May 20, where they will make their future home on Park avenue.

Memorial Daj Address. Rev. J. ^e|tbyi#l||sbl5T, of this

villag© has"'afeggg -JBgr invitation of G. D; &^' ; |p&m5Kft .f l . "•* R.. to dottvWsM^p%Mal. dir'address at the town *iiF.*ifc<

American Woman's League. ... All members ot the LowvlUo chap­

ter'of the American Woman a league are requested to send their nariie,*ad-dress* vime they Joined the league* and amount paid on their membership

to* fuQ tXva^uX^Tjk *w%ih*'qn* o* "nijfaT^L. , . , i ii » i " i . ^ i

A diplomat fs one who foola you ana. betters himaetf. - j

Real E s t a t e T r a n s a c t i o n s . Eve re t t E. Milliard h a s pu rchased

of Char les Sunderhaf t t he house and lot on Shady avenue former ly owned by the la t te r , who h a s also sold his house and lot on t he co rne r of Shady avenue and Church s t r ee t to J. Haro ld Cook.

The following recen t t r ans f e r s of real e s ta te h a v e been recorded in the county clerk '3 office: 3 24-100 ac r e s of land in the town of Lyonsdale from F r e d E. and P a r s o n s E. Inge r -soll of Boonville t o Ross B. Lewis of Lyonsda le by deed dated Apri l 10, 1913. Cons idera t ion $150.

J o h n Connel ly and Cathar ine , h is wife, of W a t e r t o w n , Jefferson coun­ty, to T h o m a s Connel ly of Croghan, 25 a c r e s s i tua ted in t he t own of Croghan , by deed dated Apri l 1, 1911. Cons idera t ion $100.

147 1-2 a c r e s in t h e t o w n of P inck­n e y from F r a n c i s Denn ing of E l l i s -bu rg , J e y e r s o n county , t o A m y P a r ­sons of Bellvl l le , Jefferson county , by deed da ted Apr i l 10, 1911. Consid­e ra t ion n o t named .

225 a c r e s in- W a t s o n W e s t T r i a n g l e from C l a r a Wormwood a n d Wi l l i am Wormwood of Chase's Lake to Leroy Crawford of the same place by deed dated April 13, 1911. Consideration not named.

Two.parcels of 37 and 50 acres re­spectively in the town of Croghan from Frank. Bintz and>Mary J. Bintz, his wife, to George N. Snyder by deed dated March. 7, 1911. Consider­ation $1,325.

If yon would flourish as a prevari­cator cultisate M. %emmj^t Job,

A J#a|% «fc sllosrlgjgft te loot, siiffl-denf isa^'tajejnifr "-•-'•----- -the- atatemenW^t^m> nien* ENGRAVED CARDS iud WEDDINGS

We aaadle » foil Jhie'ot Ingnrred Calling Cards* Engraved Wedding Invitations, etc Can at the, office and see specimens of oar work. ^


fr ightened t h e c a r w a s a t once guid- > h ib i t ing t he s ame wil l be enforced. ed out of t he roadway and b rough t j Dated, April 18, 1911. l w to a full s top by Mr. Gallup, the motor a lso being s topped. One wheel of the ca r r i age con ta in ing Mrs . H a r ­r i son and Mrs . Rogers , however , was prec ip i ta ted from a smal l br idge a t the p lace of t h e acc ident and ca reen ­ing over t h e occupan t s w e r e all t h r o w n to t he ground . None of them, however , w e r e severe ly h u r t except Mrs . Roger s who suffered severa l cu t s and b ru i ses about t he face. She w a s b r o u g h t to h e r home immedia te ly w h e r e she w a s a t t ended by Dr. C. P . Kir ley.

Bv order of the BOARD OF T R U S T E E S .


Appointed New York Teacher . Miss J a n e A r t h u r h a s been appoin t ­

ed by t h e New York board of educa­t ion t o teach in t h e 149th s t r ee t school for g i r l s . Miss A r t h u r , who is a g r a d u a t e of the Lowvil le Acad­emy, passed t he ci ty school exam­inat ion some t ime ago a n d s ince h a s been on t h e l is t of app l i can t s awai t ­ing a vacancy. The posi t ion of t each ­e r i n New York is a luc ra t ive one a n d t he qualif icat ions a r e c o r r e s ­ponding ly high. Miss A r t h u r i s a d a u g h t e r of County T r e a s u r e r Nich­o las A r t h u r .

U S B F E R T I L I Z E R NOW. Fer t i l i ze r shou ld b e u s e d t h i s l a t e

s p r i n g a s It w i l l g ive c r o p s a quick start Our fertilizers have been used here for years? and we nave the best kinds for crops in this section. We have the Agricultural Lime neces­sary for alfalfa. THE ARTHUR GRAIN & COAL, CO.


Take no t i ce : The as ses so r s of t he vi l lage of Lowville. N. Y., have p repared the i r a s ses smen t roll for the c u r r e n t y e a r ; t h a t a copy thereof will be deposi ted wi th the vil lage c lerk , a t h is office in such vi l lage, on t h e 26th day of Apri l , 1911, w h e r e i t may be seen and examined by any person unt i l t h e first Tuesday in May, next , (May 2nd) and t h a t on such day, a t t he office of t he sa id vi l lage c lerk , be tween t he h o u r s of one and five in t he af te rnoon t h e said a s se s so r s will m e e t for t h e p u r ­pose of comple t ing s u c h a s s e s s m e n t roll a n d of h e a r i n g and de t e rmin ing compla in t s i n r e l a t i on t he r e to , o n t h e appl ica t ion of a n y pe r son con­ceiving himself aggr ieved the reby .


41-2 Asses so r s








_ - . . , . ^ e exclusive* agency for the J.'& C, Fischer, Need-ham, Farrand, Schaeffer and other re­liable-pianos, and would be glad to i4ubte-?ou»:t».^^icelvfe»-' rany-' j»6s«, pectlve purchase*, sfflja " or- &&L Maurice M, Gsdvta, Eaaton Block Lowville, N. T. - . tf

The anring bonnets of the ladies are as obvious, as they ara startling tfceserdays.


The annual meeting of the irihaht- «.> tants of Union Free School District'" No. 2 of the town ot Lowville, LafltfS County, N. Y, qualified to Tote, i t ; < school house in said district, on the first Taesdar of Mar"(May 4}^5«fe at TrSO o^ock, p. m., tor the tatot* aclitoit o i lucn business asJ«fauthor­ized by tte consolidated school i « * of 1909 and the acts amendatory :a*r^»\. * * y ?


>%$mi$ W. McGRATH, •V&fLLJ&ft 8* WJNDECKER,

. F^T C'SSYBER, . • • • • 8EQH«£ & WEED,

8 M «•- - TTutew.