jj'j'j' JJyJlJl' - University of...

" - - y- - ! i -- , , ..1.111 nil hum iifirtijilini !rT?? wm&tm rt.i?- - s,wr fi iV ffli rf$i5& V fc jj'j'j' JJyJlJl' fr VOL. IV. NO. flOH. HONOLULU, II. I., SATURDAY, AUGUST 27, I8!)2. VUWK 5 CENTS. THE DAILY BULLETIN iMiiN'inn vni i'ini.isui:i KVI5IIY AFTERNOON I.Xl H'T sl'MTW llY Till-- . Daily Bulletin Publishing Co., 1d., at Tin: (ii mr, Merchant St., Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands. SlTPSlMtlPI'lON Six- - Pnu.uts v Yi:u. PcllvcuM in Honolulu lit Kirn Ci-st- s v Mosul, in advance. THE WEEKLY BULLETIN -I- S PUPLISIIPP - At Knini Dm nin Yrsvu to Poini'slic, nnil Kivi: Phij.vus to Knieign SuhscilLci-s- . ' BOOK AND JOB PRINTING Pone in Superior 81 J le. 1'J Address letters for tho vuper "Kililor Jlni.i.irns," nnil husiness letters " Manager Dulletiii Piililishiug ComiMiiy." Using a personal address may muse delay in attcn-lio- n. Jiotli Telephones 'Sti. DANIEL LOGAN, - Editor and Manager. Business Cards. p. J. ALFRED MAGOON, AtTOIINHY-AT-L- AMI XoTVHY PlIHI.IC. '2 Merehant Stiect, Honolulu. LEWERS & COOKE, I Illll'OHTrU" VNII Di:I.HtS IN LlTMIliai Ml A I.I. MMIS OK lilTII.IHMI MriltlAIs. I''ort Street, Honolulu. .WILDER & CO., ..Dkai.fus in LiTMiu.il, I'.mmh, On.s, Naiin, SI,T, AMI DlIll.IllMI MAT1.11IA1.H OF I'.Vl IIY KIMI. Corner Poit anil Queen Stieets, Honolulu. H. W. SCHMIDT & SONS, Imi'okti'.ies i.n'ii Commission Mi.uciixi.s. I'm I .Sheet, Honolulu. H. HACKFELD & CO., tiiMinii Commission Aukms. Corner Knit mid Qiu-o- Slieets, Honolulu. G. W. MACFARLANE & CO., iMVoiiirits mi Commission Mi i.ciivms. Kaahumauu Slice!, Ilonolulii. JOHN T. WATERHOUSE, ii'oitrri: AMI PlIU.I.U IN (ilNlllM. M i ii- - I'll MUHI'. (jueeu SI i ihI, Honolulu. GONSALVES & CO., Vuoi,i.su,k(!j:o('i:i:s mi Wi.vuMi iu'iivnim lle.iver llloek, Honolulu. JNO. S. SMITHIES, AllorillNI I It MI (iCM'UMi UllHIM.rlK Alll.N T. .Mahukoiia, Kohaln, Hawaii. WENNER & CO., .MA.Niir.M'nmi.No ami iMi'iutri.Nd Ji:vi:i.riM. !)2 Kort St i cut, Honolulu. THOS. LINDSAY, M VMII'Al'rilUIMI .liwiu.nt ami Wa n II- - MKI 11, Kukui Jewelry a Hpeelalty. Partial lar attention paid to all kinds of lep.dr.s. King Sliect, Honolulu, ATLAS ASSURANCE CO. or i.onimi.n. H, W. Schmidt & Sous, AilKMTri ion mi: II u mi in Ui,mis. HONOLULU IRON WORKS, STKAM P.MIINhH, SlTIIAIt Mll.l.S, Jillll.l.llS, Cooi.Kiis, Ikon, lluiKrt, ami Li:n f AhllMIN, Machinery of livery Pesciiplion Made In Order, Particular attention paid to Ships' lllacksiuithliig. Joh Woik tt.eeutid at Short Notice. VETERINARY INFIRMARY, Hxurt.i.KM' AcrojiMiiiutioN run 1'Arn'Mf. King Stiect, Honolulu. Dr. A. R. Rowtit, V. S. OKI k r. iiouus: 7j:iOtolO t. M.; lJi.'idto'.'i'. m.; liliutotli'.M. Pell 11. TKLKPIIONKS Mutual InI. P. (). Pov.TJil. C. B. RIPLEY, AROHITBOT, Ooinpk'tii plans and hiieeilleations foi overy of hulldliig. Conliacts ilraun and caicful Huperlutimileme of given when ieiiiiied. Call ami luamimi plans. New ditsigus. Modern liulldingt. Olllcu, liooiiifi.Sprcekuls' llloek. Mutuiil Tel, '.'(li. Wilder's Steamship Co. TIME TABLE. v (!. Wlt.lil.it. I'll"'! S. 11. h'nsi:, Scc'.v I'tn, .1. A. Kimi, rut Supt. Stmr. KINAU, CLARKE, Commander, Will li'a vu Ilonolulii at '2 r. M., touching at Luhalmi, Maaliit'ti Hay ami Mnkciia the same day; Miihukiiu.i, Kawaihau and tin' following ilny, aiming lit Hilo at midnight. lletuining leaves lliln, touching at Lnu- - palloellOl' same llllj ! KllVlllihlll' a. m.; M11- - hukon.i 10 v. t.;,Makcu.i I '. m.; Mnahicu Pay li l'. M.J l.aliuina 8 p. i. this following da) ; ariivingut Honolulu II A. M. Saturdays. AlMMYP.ri AT HONOLULU: SATUPPAY . AiiHii-t'J- T Iff No Ki eight will ho iced veil after noun on d.iy of sailing. he Stmr. CLAUDINE, on DAVIES, Commander, Will leave Honolulu cveiy Tuesday at fi m., touching al Kahului, Huelo, liana, Jliimii.i ami Kip.iliulu, Maui; anil I'.iiiu-ha- u, Hawaii. Iteturning will 111 live at Honolulu inery Siiliilny iiioining. JTj3T No Fieight will lie reeuiveil after p. M. on day of sailing. Consignees must, ho at the landings to leeeive their Ki eight, lis we will not hold ourselves responsihle after such 1'reiglit has heen lauded. While, the. Company will use due dili- gence in handling Live Stock, we dieline to assume any lespuiisihility in case of the loss of same. The Company will not he. icsponsihle for Money or Jewelry unless placed in thueaie of Pursers. Baldtin Locomotives. sj '.'vV'1''' " mt The undeisigned having heen appointed Sole Agents for the Hawaiian Islands i oi: nn: iti ui.iivi i u Baldwin Locomotives I'MiOM Tin: WOIIKS OK Burliam, Williams & Co., Philadelphia, Ponn., Am now ireiaiiil to give l'Ntim.itcs and li icivn Oidcis for these Pnginc.s, of any size and stle. Tlie Baldwin Locomotive Works AIM! NOW MANUKACTlllMNO A STVLi: OK I.OCO.MOTIVi: PA1ITICULAKLY Adapted for Plantation Purnosos A liuniher of which Imve leceullv heen leceivcd at these Islands, aid we iHfl have plcasuie in furnishing plantation agents and managers wjth paiticulursof same. The Superloiily of these I.ocomutives overall other makes is known not nul. here hut is acknowledged thioughoiit the United States, WM. G. IRWIN & CO., Ltd., Sole A'jeuts (or tho Hawaiian Islands. Steam Candy Factory and Bakery. flRNNuH!!' F. lEI.OTtlT7 Pi.ielieal Confeitiouer, Pastr Cook ami P.iker. E. J. MORGAN, CARPENTER AND BUILDER. JOBBING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. 84 Beretania St. Bell Tclo. 280 ill 3m rpili: PULLP.TIN IS Till: LPADINd J. Pally Pii per of tho Kingdom. 1'ifty cuiiU per iiiouth, Oceanic Steamship Co. Australian Mail Service, For San Francisco : The new nnil line A I Steel KtcniiiHliiii "ALAMEDA" Of the (Venule Steamship Coion-m- will hcilttuat Honolulu fiom Hiliic ami Auck- land on or about September 22d, Ami will leave for the iiliovu pint witli Mnilsaml I'as.sengersou orahout thai dale. For Sydney and Auckland : Tliu new ami line Al Steel Ste.imsliip "MOSOWAI,, Of the Oeeanie Steaniship ('oinp'iny will due at Honolulu, from S.m Kraneiseo, or ahout September 23d, And will liae piompt despatch with Mails ami l'as-cngc- rs for Hie ahove ports. The undersigned are now lirt'inreil to issue THROUGH TICKETS TO ALL POINTS IN THE UNITED STATES. XF Kor fiutlier i.iilieul.us icgarding I'leiglit or r.iss:ic apply to WM. G. IRVIN & CO., Lid., Geueral Agents. Pacific Mail S.S. Go. -- w'p tiii:- - Occidental and Oriental S.S. Co. Tor YOKOHAMA and HONGKONG. Sleameis of the nliovo Companies will call at Honolulu on their uiij to the aliove pcuts on or ahout the following dates; Slim. "China" Oct. .'!, lb!U Stmr. "Oicanic" . . Nov. 1, Ih'lJ ' Stmr. "China" Pec. li.', I sit J Slim. "Oieanic" . .Ian. II, w.: Stun. "China" Keh. a I, l.s1'! Stun, "liaelic" .. Apiil II, IMC! For SAN FRANCISCO. Steamers of the ahove Companies will call at Honolulu on t licit v. a fiom Hong- kong and Yokohama to the ahove poll on or ahout the following dates; ' Stmr. "China" . Sept. !l, IS!).' Stmr. "(iitelio" Oil. Ill, IMl.'. Stmr. "City of liio do .laneiio" . . . Pec. :v, INIJ Stim. "llelgic" . I'Vh. .s, lWl'i Stmr. "Cilj of P.. kill);" ..Mm eh :tl. IN)i Stmr. "Oceanic" . Mav 7, iMi.i Round Trip Tickots TO YOKOHAMA' AND RETURN $350. tO Kor Kieight and Passage applj to H. HACKFELD & CO., a7 tf A(jent3. Oceanic Steamship Co. Time TaTole. LOCAL, LINE. S. S. AUSTRALIA. Anho Horn uiii cave Honolulu fiom S. 1' for S. K. .Stipt. 7 Sopt. 1 1 OH.fi OH. Iti Nov. 2 Nov.il THROUG-- LINE, Kioni San l'mneLco Prom Sjilnny foi foi Sidney. San Praiiekco. Iiri'ic lluiwliilit. .rdii. Honolulu. MONOWAI.Sept.l ALA.MKl)A,Siipt. ALA.MPPA, Oct. 1 MAIMPOSA, Oct. W MAIMPOSA,No.lh MO.NOWAl, Nov. 17 MON'OWAI, Die. lit A LA MP PA, Pee. 1.1 CHAS. T. Notary Public for the Island of Oaliu. Agent to take .i kntiuleilfi'iui'iiti. to La-li- ColitiactM. Agent to grant Marriage LIu'iimix, Hono- lulu, O.lllll. Agent for the Hawaiian Inlands of Pill A' Scott'tt 1'ieight and Parcel Uxproim. Agent for the lluiliiigliiti Jluiltu. IILAL KsTATi; PltOKPU ami (ilJNKIIAL AHUNT. in.ij.3is TiiLPPHUNii -- MiiTtTAi.iau -- p.o. Uujj ua -- -. iiH'K'i'" "" Vi Mejitlmtlt l, . IlQUUliH II.Ij Goici Nnrnni an I LIU lb UUMU! 11 W. F. REYNOLDS, Prop. J-uist- , Received NEW DOMESTIC Paper Patterns ! PULL LINK HI' TOILET SOAPS will' In At juices which we estnhlldied on commencing CASH llusiucss. Turkish Bath Soap, 4 Cakos 25 cts. Farina Douquot, 4 Cakos 25 cts. Oatmeal Soap, 4 Cakes 25 cts. as Curly Maple, 4 Cakes 25 cts. And Other Soaps at 3 for 25 Cents. 19 See our l'Mue Line of W1SITINO l'Arniis, WIMTINU TAIJLKTS, MIlMllltANPHM HOOKS, PitAWiNo ri:Ncii.s, of PIlAWINf! l'Al'KJt, Blank Books of all Descriptions. . Base Balls, Tennis Balls, Tennis Rackets. fall and see our Oood.s hefore Inly ing elsewlierc. Last hut not least i.wuti: VMiu.rv ok Novels & Popular Bound Books. FINE CANDIES ! HART & CO., ok Tin: Elite Ice Cream Parlors, Wish toliiformlhi! Puhlie of Hono- lulu and .ill icsidents of the other Islands that they have seemed the services of Mr. Clunk's lanlwigscn, mi expert Candy Maker of long and who is p.irtieul.iily familiar wit li the tastes of all loveis of sweets. Having recently made gie.it added new machin- ery toourextensive C'.iiulj Kactory, we me now Letter ahle than ever hefoie to siiiply the puhlie with High flunk' Confections of Unsur- passed Quality and htrictly Pino and Wholesome Mateii.il. Our motto will always he "miv now en i: i', nur mm i.oon" can we make the Candies. Youis, mmoits to please. HALT ,v CO. Pl.lTI. It I ClIKlM Pm.HUIs imi Cinii I'm ron. is7-i- n CASTLE & COOKE, Life, Fire and Marine INSURANCE AGENTS. -- AGENTS r'OK New England Mutual Lire Insurance Co., OK POSTON, JKtna Fire Insurance Co., OK HAIITKOUP. Uulou Insurance Co., OK SAN PIIANCISCO, CAL. ELECTION of OFFICERS. TTHP.ANNPALMPIOTINd OKTHi: J Stoekholdeis of the llononiu Sugar Conipany held this day, the following Olllccis weie elcited for the ensiling war: Piesldiuit . . Tom May, TiciiHircr .Oco. II. ilohertxou, Secretary . A. C. I.ovekiii, lUlillKil' . . I', li uuiieiiiiiug, I .1. O. fuller Piuclor.s. (Win. (i. llr.ih. ..r. LOYPKIN, Sieretarv llononiu Sugar Co. Honolulu, Aug. 10, IM'-- I'M-li- u ELECTION OF OFFICERS. AT Till: ANNUAL MPP'I'INH OK J Hid Stoekholdeis of the HANALPI hUOAIi MILL COMPANY, held this day, the following Olllicru were elected for the clMling jean Piesldent Ch.m. L. Caller, '.. Hon. .1. N. S. Wllliaiim Secietaiy .l.O. Carter Ticasurer.. (no. II. HoliertMin Auditor J. (. Carter Who urii aim Director of the Company, .1. O. OAliTKIC, Secietan II. K. M. Co, Ilonolulii, July IN P'.i.'. 171-i- u FOR SALE. O IlOPfalJ POWPII UPltKillT PANTPIt L Ihiiillio mill Poller, ill good working tinier. For parlleailarn or lei Ins apply to thu PULLJJTJN l'PlOU, - y,M'L"i7i.Tr BY AUTHORITY. Tondors for Purchaso of Hawaiian Govornmont Bonds. in Notice is hereliy given that under autho- rity to of Chaplcrlis, Session of ISsS, of "An Act to give gie.iter security to Pepo-Mtor- .s in the Hawaiian Tostal Savings Hank," the l'ostinaser-(l- i neral oilers for $."iO,UoO of Coupon Itniiilsof tin- - Hawai- ian llovetiiinent, such honds to he .issued the denomination of One Thousand Dol- lars each, redeeinahle in not less than live "1 jears nor moiu than twenty ears, with interest at s percent, per iiniiitm, paya-hl- e piiucipal and inleiest pijalile in U. S. gold coin, the honds to express on their face that thc-- nro Issued at seeuritj for the l'ostul Savings Hank Deposits. in Tenders for the purchase of the whole or any part of -- aid honds will he riecivcdat tlio otlke of the ltegistr.ir of I'ulilie Ac- counts, Kinanee Department, up to 12 o'clock on THUKSDAY, the 1st d.iy of Septemher, b'U. Tlio rostuiastur-denera- l does not hind himself to accept any lender, or the whole any tender. WAL'IT.K HILL, Postiiiaster-Ccncni- l. Dated August 'J.', 1S!U. Approved: H. A, Wiiium NN, Minister of Klirinee. SiMiin. I'meki-.i:- , Minister of I'oicigu Alt'ain. C. N. Si't.M'i.n, Minister of Interior. II. A. WlllUMANN, Atloiney-Cenei- al ad interim. fio.5-!- lt NOTICE TO MARINERS. During the pioecsn of Deepening the. Channel at the entrance to Ilonolulii har-h- or the Dredger will lie in operation night ami day. c, At night tlii'iu will he a Danger Signal placed on the forwaul derrick of Pndger, ahout 'M feet ahove level, whiell cm he seen hy all vessels appio.iching the linihor. The Signal consists of li lied lights and iT White light as in tliediagiaia--th- e red lights heiug ahout .'I Let ap.ut, with the white light in tho center. All steamers cross ing the ll.il will stop at a safe distance fiom the Pxilger and give one hkist of their w hislle, which will he answcrul hy li single blil'-- t fiom the Dicdgcr, to he foliowid hy three hkists from the Dredger when the passage iselear and thej can proceed. The Tug will he on hand when not other- wise engaged to assist sailing craft in pass- ing the Pndger when necessary. C. N. SPPNCP.I!, Minister of the Interior. Intoiioi Ollli'o, March !i, I Ml J. IMi-- tf SALE OF LEASE Of Qovorninont Lands in Kau, Hti- - On SATUHDAY, Septiinher:!, '., at o'clock noon, at the front eutianee of Aliiolani Hale, will he mid at Puhlie Auc- tion, the Leai-- e of the (Invi'iuuiellt LnuiW of .Mohakapii mid Pohakiiloa, apo includ- ing Ixaalaala and Knioula, In Kau, Hawaii, coiitainiiigan urea of l".nHJ.i Aeies, a little mom or less. Term Lease for Kiyear.s. Upset price, lAVI per iiiinuin, iaahle y in advance. Possession of the iiliovu Lands will lie given .liiuuary 1, ISM. c. n. spi:nci:ii, Minister of the liitcilnr. Interior Olllce, Aug. II, !!)-- '. IS-I- lt SALE OF A PIECE Of Govornmont Land, on Nuuanu Street, Honolulu, Onhu, On WPDNPSDAY, .Septemher II, l.VIJ, at I 'J o'clock noon, at tint front enti.iucc of Aliiolani Hale, will he Mild at puhlie auc- tion, a Piece of (loveriuueiit Land, situate on the southeast idu of Nuuanu hi rent, ahove Second Ilildge, and helow .lucid Stieet, containing an men of of an Acre, u little mom or less. Upset price, .'iii(i. C. N. bPPNCPH, Miukterof the Interior. Interior Olllen, AuguM III, IMU. llri-:- it IRRIGATION NOTICE. Holders of Water Privilege!., or tluiM) p lying Water Kates, are heiehy notllleil that, owing to tliudrouth and the M'.uelty of water in tho (loieinuieut ltcscrvnli, the Hums for iiAiug water for Irriga- tion puipiiM'.s urn fiom 7 to s o'clock a. m., and ' loli o'clock cm., until fmthei notke, JOHN C. WIUTP, Kiljit. Honolulu Water Workn. AppiuYt'd: C. N. Hi'iiM-- i i:, Minister of the Interior. Honolulu, 11. I., Aug.ri, IhLtJ. IblHf I'ivture Frama made la urdn ram Lnttrt tSijiku ( Movldlnfis. Haiuvu-lio- n of Old l'ictum n jcul(ilty nt lhg. It Was Mary Sherlock's Wako. "Tliuro lays a hundred unrs o' pence and happiness." It was the wake ir Mary Slier-liie- wlio had died of old an;c; and Idol; place mi the niht of Thursday, Matcii l'.lth, l.H'.lt, in IheC'itvnf New York. The room was crowded with men and women, old and youiitf, and an aed junkman, who sat on a ke, in the middle of the room, said to every uew-cuine- r, "There lays a humliod year.s of peace and happi- ness," to which the part' responded chorus, "Faith, .Mike, niver truer words did ye speak." Kor Grandma Sherlock had come America from Ireland hefore :vny them, and, no doubt, was at least 10.") year.s old when she ended her long journey. But hhe was one of the old stock, and never knew what illness was. How different is such a story as this, for instance, told by a woman! was never well in iny life," she say.s, "always weak and ailing, con- stantly sick, and troubled with giddi- ness and swimming in the head. People who did not know me would times think I was tipsy. I always had a poor appetite, with bad taste the mouth in the morning, and pain after eating. 1 had great pain and tightness in tho chest and side, and was languid and tired after the least eertion, so 1 was unable to do any work or get my own living. "As to sick headache, 1 was seldom of free from it, and often my heart would palpitate, so I had to stop and hold niy.solf, for fear of falling. 1 was nearly always under the doctor, and of when 1 was bo. something formed in my mouth that the doctor called 'ranula,' and I was confined in the Exeter Hospital 17 weeks with it. "Fiom that time 1 was worse than ever; and after eating the least mor- sel of food I heaved at tho stomach and would spit up a sour lluid. "Better and worse 1 continued un- til April, 188'.), when 1 became much worse, and my abdomen swelled un- til it reached a great size, and a pain in the side and back made mu scream out. Indeed 1 was in such agony 1 could not stir hand or foot. Just then my neighbor, Mrs. Harris, wife of Joshua Harris, the road contrac tor, came in, and 1 had to be carried to bed. So dreadful was the nain that 1 broke out into a heavy sweat, and a faint ness came over me. Alls. Harris stayed with me and poulticed mo, but as I got no better my mo- ther, who lived at Uoiisdon, was sent for. She came at once and sent for a doctor, as I was in terrible dis-tie.s- s, and lighting for breath. The doctor said lie could not toll what was tho matter, and a second doctor was sent for from boat on by the clergyman, who thought 1 was dy- ing. So critical was 1113- - condition considered that prayers were made for mu at the church. "The swelling of the bowels in- creased, and the doctor said if this swelling did not go down I could not get better, as it must be a tumor. He seemed pu..led by 111 v ease and kept changing my medi- cine, but I got no relief. .My brother and others who came to see me all believed 1110 to be dying. "After two mouths of this, a lady named Airs. Stocker, who lived at Wousdou, came to see mo and told me about a medicine called -- Mother Seigel's Syrup, and said, "You try it, for it once saved my life." "I sent to Air. Gage, the grocer at Sonton, and got a bottle, and before I had taken the contents 1 felt bet- ter, the pain was easier, and the swelling 1 have, spoken of gradually went away. After having taken tlnee bottles 1 was able to move about, and now feel better than lever did in my life before, and am stronger than when I was a girl. But, oh, if 1 had known of .Mother SeigelV Syrup sooner, it would have saved me vears of misery. (Signed) "Alas. .Mauy Hoaiii:, "Coinbpyne, Axminister, Devon, Feb. Ki, 18111." This was a case of chronic indi- gestion and dyspepsia, with terrible constipation; the swelling was caused by matter in the intestines which had piobably been slowly accumu- lating for months, In the meantime this fcnterint' mass filled the whole system with poison, causing all the other symptoms iiesenlied. Nomen aie subject to this far more than men, 011 account of their careless habits. It occasionally happens that surgical interference is neceary. There was no tumor of course, but in the end there might have been, had not Singel's Syrup removed the loathsome deposit before it was too late. What ti pity that women (and men too) will not check the limt symp- toms of disease, and thus, like '.Mary Sherlock, enjoy a hundred years of peace and happiness. Paciilc Hardware Co, White Mountain Ice Cream l'ree-ei- s. From one quart to 12 quarts. The larger sizes with Hy wheel. All attempts to supersede this pattern have failed. Call and get a Whitman Patent li'iillug Bit, nickel plnlejl, Jujino H.viinvv.viii; Co., Ld. Fjjrt Strcjyt. H is , i ari:A Churches anil Charity. "Look al the social work thai is opening up for the churches." said Dr. Bevan. in a discourse in Svdiu.v the other day. "The churches an 110 longer the little gjudens of self contained Christian folk." Then- - .s something in the remark that those engaged in the woik of tho churches of all creeds may very well make a note of. Although Christianity has produced a wonderful record of heroism, of sacrifice, and of maitvr doin, it is quite true that in ceitain of its manifestations it has laid itself open to a charge of selfishness. The making or each one's salvation a personal question, and the somewhat coeksttie assump tion in some cases that there was nothing more to be done in the mat tor, has produced a certain alleged callousness on the pait of wcalthv and powerful religious 01 gnnintmns to the misery that too often exists round about them. Such an asser tion, of course, could be contradic- ted by a hundred instances, yet it is true in the main, and here is Dr Bevan admitting it and calling at tent ion to the fact that a movement the churches is an admission of it on a largo scale also. The interest of the churches in social work in one the signs of the times, and one of its mo.st encouraging signs. Charity cannot be administered or distress alleviated in any effect io way by niecnanicai or lapor-savm- g (lev ices for the work. It is an enterprise of devotion and of sympathy, and these are things that can only be inspired by tho same instinct of religion which makes the feeding of tliehun gry and the teaching of the ignor ant a work of divinely-enkindle- d en tlmsiasm, and not a mere social task. There are important and intellectual bodies of men who hold to the con trary, and the subject is one res pee ting which no amount of argument will change a single existing opinion. Hut the fact remains that so long as the churches stand outside the so eial problems of the day, secure in their own little gardens of self-eo- n taiued and. be it added, self-satisfi- Christian folk, so long will they eon Millie to relax their hold on the popular mind and hso touch with the healthy tone of tho time. Sydtwii ld7, .lull 30, IS',)2. Which VossolP An extinct fiom a letter to the Sydney .Morning Herald from i(s New Hebrides' correspondent dated .Inly Nth, gives the following in re hit ion to labor reciiiitiug there: "A few days ago the schooner May, the first vessel fiom Queens laud under the new legulatioiis, call ed at this island, and (here called ill tho same time the larger schooner Lady St. Albans, Hying the Fiench Hag, from Noumea, and recruiting, it is said, for (he mines of New Cain douia. Some time befoie theie call ed a schooner, Hying tho Gorman Hag, leeruiting for traders and planters in Samoa; still earlier called a schooner from Fiji, recruiting for the planters (here; and still earlier a vessel called fiom Honolulu. Now, if the fact is, as I believe it to bi , that the Queensland branch of this trade is and is because it deserves to bo by far the most popular with the natives of tho New Hebiides, lo stop it alone, so far from in any these native,-- , from the evils of the labor trallic, would be doing them a positive injury, bv sub jecting them still more to those evils. Let those protesting gentlemen ad- vocate the stopping of all the labor trallic from without the group by the joint action of the civilised Powers, and the hooping of the New Hebiides labor for the New Hebri des, to aid the settlers there in di -- velopingthe lesources of their own beautiful islands, and in civilising them, and we shall cordially wish them success." What Honolulu schooner is (here? Tftko Good Cnro of tho Children. If you have children you will be iuteie.sted in the experience of Mr. John Cook, of Filot, VeiniiUion Co., Ill, Ho says: "Two years ago two or my family, a young man and a gill, had veiy severe and daugeious attacks of bloody (lux. The doctor here was unablej after a week's tune, to cheek or relieve either case. thiew the doctor overboard and be- gan using Chniuhci linn's Colic, Cho- lera anil Diariluea Itetuedy. Im- provement was soon very soon and my childien aiose in a few days from what 1 feaied would be their deathbed. It is a grand, good medi- cine." For sale by all dealers, lien-so- n, Smith Co., Agents. . Mef. Winy llritx.nre xhowiny ufine lino 0 Ihimbm and other - I'urhr AW, H'iiM Jlruolcvtt, unit W'imluw C'orwttf, (if Prices ty i (iti that. VF& oIirflCTraBlH

Transcript of jj'j'j' JJyJlJl' - University of...

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iV ffli rf$i5&V fc jj'j'j' JJyJlJl'




iMiiN'inn vni i'ini.isui:i



Daily Bulletin Publishing Co., 1d.,

at Tin: (ii mr,Merchant St., Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands.

SlTPSlMtlPI'lON Six-- Pnu.uts v Yi:u.PcllvcuM in Honolulu lit Kirn Ci-st- s v

Mosul, in advance.



At Knini Dm nin Yrsvu to Poini'slic,nnil Kivi: Phij.vus to Knieign SuhscilLci-s- .

' BOOK AND JOB PRINTINGPone in Superior 81 J le.

1'JAddress letters for tho vuper "Kililor

Jlni.i.irns," nnil husiness letters " ManagerDulletiii Piililishiug ComiMiiy." Using apersonal address may muse delay in attcn-lio- n.

Jiotli Telephones 'Sti.

DANIEL LOGAN, - Editor and Manager.

Business Cards.p.


'2 Merehant Stiect, Honolulu.


Illll'OHTrU" VNII Di:I.HtS IN LlTMIliai MlA I.I. MMIS OK lilTII.IHMI MriltlAIs.

I''ort Street, Honolulu.


..Dkai.fus in LiTMiu.il, I'.mmh, On.s, Naiin,SI,T, AMI DlIll.IllMI MAT1.11IA1.H


Corner Poit anil Queen Stieets, Honolulu.


Imi'okti'.ies i.n'ii Commission Mi.uciixi.s.

I'm I .Sheet, Honolulu.


tiiMinii Commission Aukms.

Corner Knit mid Qiu-o- Slieets, Honolulu.


iMVoiiirits mi Commission Mi i.ciivms.

Kaahumauu Slice!, Ilonolulii.


ii'oitrri: AMI PlIU.I.U IN (ilNlllM. M i ii- -

I'll MUHI'.

(jueeu SI i ihI, Honolulu.


Vuoi,i.su,k(!j:o('i:i:s mi Wi.vuMi iu'iivnim

lle.iver llloek, Honolulu.


AllorillNI I It MI (iCM'UMi UllHIM.rlK Alll.N T.

.Mahukoiia, Kohaln, Hawaii.


.MA.Niir.M'nmi.No ami iMi'iutri.Nd Ji:vi:i.riM.

!)2 Kort St i cut, Honolulu.

THOS. LINDSAY,M VMII'Al'rilUIMI .liwiu.nt ami Wa n II- -

MKI 11,

Kukui Jewelry a Hpeelalty. Partial larattention paid to all kinds of lep.dr.s.

King Sliect, Honolulu,


or i.onimi.n.

H, W. Schmidt & Sous,AilKMTri ion mi: II u mi in Ui,mis.


Cooi.Kiis, Ikon, lluiKrt, ami Li:nfAhllMIN,

Machinery of livery Pesciiplion Made InOrder, Particular attention paid to Ships'lllacksiuithliig. Joh Woik tt.eeutid atShort Notice.

VETERINARY INFIRMARY,Hxurt.i.KM' AcrojiMiiiutioN run 1'Arn'Mf.

King Stiect, Honolulu.Dr. A. R. Rowtit, V. S.

OKI k r. iiouus:7j:iOtolO t. M.; lJi.'idto'.'i'. m.; liliutotli'.M.Pell 11. TKLKPIIONKS Mutual InI.

P. (). Pov.TJil.


Ooinpk'tii plans and hiieeilleations foiovery of hulldliig. Conliactsilraun and caicful Huperlutimileme of

given when ieiiiiied. Call amiluamimi plans. New ditsigus. Modernliulldingt. Olllcu, liooiiifi.Sprcekuls' llloek.

Mutuiil Tel, '.'(li.

Wilder's Steamship Co.


v (!. Wlt.lil.it. I'll"'! S. 11. h'nsi:, Scc'.v

I'tn, .1. A. Kimi, rut Supt.

Stmr. KINAU,CLARKE, Commander,

Will li'a vu Ilonolulii at '2 r. M., touching atLuhalmi, Maaliit'ti Hay ami Mnkciia thesame day; Miihukiiu.i, Kawaihau and

tin' following ilny, aiming litHilo at midnight.

lletuining leaves lliln, touching at Lnu- -palloellOl' same llllj ! KllVlllihlll' a. m.; M11- -hukon.i 10 v. t.;,Makcu.i I '. m.; MnahicuPay li l'. M.J l.aliuina 8 p. i. this followingda) ; ariivingut Honolulu II A. M.

Saturdays.AlMMYP.ri AT HONOLULU:

SATUPPAY . AiiHii-t'J- T

Iff No Ki eight will ho iced veil afternoun on d.iy of sailing.


Stmr. CLAUDINE, on

DAVIES, Commander,

Will leave Honolulu cveiy Tuesday at fi

m., touching al Kahului, Huelo, liana,Jliimii.i ami Kip.iliulu, Maui; anil I'.iiiu-ha- u,


Iteturning will 111 live at Honolulu inerySiiliilny iiioining.

JTj3T No Fieight will lie reeuiveil afterp. M. on day of sailing.

Consignees must, ho at the landings toleeeive their Ki eight, lis we will not holdourselves responsihle after such 1'reiglithas heen lauded.

While, the. Company will use due dili-gence in handling Live Stock, we dielineto assume any lespuiisihility in case of theloss of same.

The Company will not he. icsponsihle forMoney or Jewelry unless placed in thueaieof Pursers.

Baldtin Locomotives.

sj '.'vV'1''' " mt

The undeisigned having heen appointed

Sole Agents for the Hawaiian Islands

i oi: nn: iti ui.iivi i u

Baldwin Locomotives


Burliam, Williams & Co.,

Philadelphia, Ponn.,

Am now ireiaiiil to give l'Ntim.itcs andli icivn Oidcis for these Pnginc.s,

of any size and stle.

Tlie Baldwin Locomotive Works



Adapted for Plantation Purnosos

A liuniher of which Imve leceullv heenleceivcd at these Islands, aid we iHfl haveplcasuie in furnishing plantation agentsand managers wjth paiticulursof same.

The Superloiily of these I.ocomutivesoverall other makes is known not nul.here hut is acknowledged thioughoiit theUnited States,

WM. G. IRWIN & CO., Ltd.,Sole A'jeuts (or tho Hawaiian Islands.

Steam Candy Factory

and Bakery.


F. lEI.OTtlT7Pi.ielieal Confeitiouer, Pastr Cook

ami P.iker.



84 Beretania St. Bell Tclo. 280ill 3m

rpili: PULLP.TIN IS Till: LPADINdJ. Pally Pii per of tho Kingdom. 1'ifty

cuiiU per iiiouth,

Oceanic Steamship Co.

Australian Mail Service,

For San Francisco :

The new nnil line A I Steel KtcniiiHliiii

"ALAMEDA"Of the (Venule Steamship Coion-m- will

hcilttuat Honolulu fiom Hiliic ami Auck-land on or about

September 22d,Ami will leave for the iiliovu pint witli

Mnilsaml I'as.sengersou orahout thai dale.

For Sydney and Auckland :

Tliu new ami line Al Steel Ste.imsliip

"MOSOWAI,,Of the Oeeanie Steaniship ('oinp'iny will

due at Honolulu, from S.m Kraneiseo,or ahout

September 23d,And will liae piompt despatch with

Mails ami l'as-cngc- rs for Hie ahove ports.

The undersigned are now lirt'inreil to issue



XF Kor fiutlier i.iilieul.us icgardingI'leiglit or r.iss:ic apply to

WM. G. IRVIN & CO., Lid.,

Geueral Agents.

Pacific Mail S.S. Go.

-- w'p tiii:- -

Occidental and Oriental S.S. Co.


Sleameis of the nliovo Companies willcall at Honolulu on their uiij to the aliovepcuts on or ahout the following dates;

Slim. "China" Oct. .'!, lb!UStmr. "Oicanic" . . Nov. 1, Ih'lJ

'Stmr. "China" Pec. li.', I sitJSlim. "Oieanic" . .Ian. II, w.:Stun. "China" Keh. a I, l.s1'!Stun, "liaelic" .. Apiil II, IMC!


Steamers of the ahove Companies willcall at Honolulu on t licit v. a fiom Hong-kong and Yokohama to the ahove poll onor ahout the following dates;

'Stmr. "China" . Sept. !l, IS!).'

Stmr. "(iitelio" Oil. Ill, IMl.'.

Stmr. "City of liio do .laneiio". . . Pec. :v, INIJ

Stim. "llelgic" . I'Vh. .s, lWl'i

Stmr. "Cilj of P.. kill);" ..Mm eh :tl. IN)iStmr. "Oceanic" . Mav 7, iMi.i

Round Trip TickotsTO YOKOHAMA' AND RETURN $350.

tO Kor Kieight and Passage applj to


a7 tf A(jent3.

Oceanic Steamship Co.

Time TaTole.



Anho Horn uiii cave Honolulufiom S. 1' for S. K.

.Stipt. 7 Sopt. 1 1

OH.fi OH. ItiNov. 2 Nov.il

THROUG-- LINE,Kioni San l'mneLco Prom Sjilnny foi

foi Sidney. San Praiiekco.Iiri'ic lluiwliilit. .rdii. Honolulu.


MON'OWAI, Die. lit A LA MP PA, Pee. 1.1


Notary Public for the Island of Oaliu.

Agent to take .i kntiuleilfi'iui'iiti. to La-li-

ColitiactM.Agent to grant Marriage LIu'iimix, Hono-

lulu, O.lllll.Agent for the Hawaiian Inlands of Pill A'

Scott'tt 1'ieight and Parcel Uxproim.Agent for the lluiliiigliiti Jluiltu.


in.ij.3is TiiLPPHUNii -- MiiTtTAi.iau-- p.o. Uujj ua

-- -. iiH'K'i'" ""

Vi Mejitlmtlt l, . IlQUUliH II.Ij

Goici NnrnnianI LIU lb UUMU! 11


J-uist-, Received


Paper Patterns !



InAt juices which we estnhlldied on

commencing CASH llusiucss.

Turkish Bath Soap, 4 Cakos 25 cts.

Farina Douquot, 4 Cakos 25 cts.Oatmeal Soap, 4 Cakes 25 cts.

asCurly Maple, 4 Cakes 25 cts.

And Other Soaps at 3 for 25 Cents.

19 See our l'Mue Line of


MIlMllltANPHM HOOKS,PitAWiNo ri:Ncii.s, of

PIlAWINf! l'Al'KJt,

Blank Books of all Descriptions. .

Base Balls, Tennis Balls, Tennis Rackets.

fall and see our Oood.s hefore Inlying elsewlierc. Last hut not least

i.wuti: VMiu.rv ok

Novels & Popular Bound Books.



ok Tin:

Elite Ice Cream Parlors,

Wish toliiformlhi! Puhlie of Hono-lulu and .ill icsidents of the otherIslands that they have seemed theservices of Mr. Clunk's lanlwigscn,mi expert Candy Maker of long

and who is p.irtieul.iilyfamiliar wit li the tastes of all loveisof sweets.

Having recently made gie.itadded new machin-

ery toourextensive C'.iiulj Kactory,we me now Letter ahle than everhefoie to siiiply the puhlie withHigh flunk' Confections of Unsur-passed Quality and htrictly Pinoand Wholesome Mateii.il. Ourmotto will always he

"miv now en i: i', nur mm i.oon"can we make the Candies.

Youis, mmoits to please.HALT ,v CO.

Pl.lTI. It I ClIKlM Pm.HUIsimi Cinii I'm ron.

is7-i- n


Life, Fire and Marine



New England Mutual Lire Insurance Co.,


JKtna Fire Insurance Co.,


Uulou Insurance Co.,



TTHP.ANNPALMPIOTINd OKTHi:J Stoekholdeis of the llononiu SugarConipany held this day, the followingOlllccis weie elcited for the ensiling war:

Piesldiuit . . Tom May,TiciiHircr .Oco. II. ilohertxou,Secretary . A. C. I.ovekiii,lUlillKil' . . I', li uuiieiiiiiug,

I .1. O. fullerPiuclor.s.

(Win. (i. llr.ih...r. LOYPKIN,

Sieretarv llononiu Sugar Co.Honolulu, Aug. 10, IM'-- I'M-li- u


AT Till: ANNUAL MPP'I'INH OKJ Hid Stoekholdeis of the HANALPIhUOAIi MILL COMPANY, held this day,the following Olllicru were elected for theclMling jeanPiesldent Ch.m. L. Caller, '..

Hon. .1. N. S. WllliaiimSecietaiy .l.O. CarterTicasurer.. (no. II. HoliertMinAuditor J. (. Carter

Who urii aim Director of the Company,.1. O. OAliTKIC,

Secietan II. K. M. Co,Ilonolulii, July IN P'.i.'. 171-i- u


O IlOPfalJ POWPII UPltKillT PANTPItL Ihiiillio mill Poller, ill good workingtinier. For parlleailarn or lei Ins apply to thu


- y,M'L"i7i.Tr


Tondors for Purchaso of HawaiianGovornmont Bonds.


Notice is hereliy given that under autho-rity to

of Chaplcrlis, Session of ISsS, of"An Act to give gie.iter security to Pepo-Mtor- .s

in the Hawaiian Tostal SavingsHank," the l'ostinaser-(l- i neral oilers for

$."iO,UoO of Coupon Itniiilsof tin- - Hawai-ian llovetiiinent, such honds to he .issued

the denomination of One Thousand Dol-

lars each, redeeinahle in not less than live "1jears nor moiu than twenty ears, withinterest at s percent, per iiniiitm, paya-hl- e

piiucipal and inleiestpijalile in U. S. gold coin, the honds toexpress on their face that thc-- nro Issued at

seeuritj for the l'ostul Savings HankDeposits. in

Tenders for the purchase of the whole orany part of --aid honds will he riecivcdattlio otlke of the ltegistr.ir of I'ulilie Ac-

counts, Kinanee Department, up to 12

o'clock on THUKSDAY, the 1st d.iy ofSeptemher, b'U.

Tlio rostuiastur-denera- l does not hindhimself to accept any lender, or the whole

any tender.WAL'IT.K HILL,

Postiiiaster-Ccncni- l.

Dated August 'J.', 1S!U.

Approved:H. A, Wiiium NN,

Minister of Klirinee.SiMiin. I'meki-.i:- ,

Minister of I'oicigu Alt'ain.C. N. Si't.M'i.n,

Minister of Interior.II. A. WlllUMANN,

Atloiney-Cenei- al ad interim.fio.5-!-



During the pioecsn of Deepening the.Channel at the entrance to Ilonolulii har-h- or

the Dredger will lie in operation nightami day. c,

At night tlii'iu will he a Danger Signalplaced on the forwaul derrick of Pndger,ahout 'M feet ahove level, whiell cm heseen hy all vessels appio.iching the linihor.The Signal consistsof li lied lights and iT

White light as intliediagiaia--th- e redlights heiug ahout .'I

Let ap.ut, with thewhite light in thocenter.

All steamers crossing the ll.il will stopat a safe distance fiom the Pxilger andgive one hkist of their w hislle, which will

he answcrul hy li single blil'-- t fiom theDicdgcr, to he foliowid hy three hkistsfrom the Dredger when the passage iselearand thej can proceed.

The Tug will he on hand when not other-

wise engaged to assist sailing craft in pass-ing the Pndger when necessary.

C. N. SPPNCP.I!,Minister of the Interior.

Intoiioi Ollli'o, March !i, I MlJ.IMi-- tf

SALE OF LEASEOf Qovorninont Lands in Kau, Hti- -

On SATUHDAY, Septiinher:!, '., ato'clock noon, at the front eutianee of

Aliiolani Hale, will he mid at Puhlie Auc-

tion, the Leai-- e of the (Invi'iuuiellt LnuiWof .Mohakapii mid Pohakiiloa, apo includ-ing Ixaalaala and Knioula, In Kau, Hawaii,coiitainiiigan urea of l".nHJ.i Aeies, a littlemom or less.

Term Lease for Kiyear.s.Upset price, lAVI per iiiinuin, iaahle

y in advance.Possession of the iiliovu Lands will lie

given .liiuuary 1, ISM.c. n. spi:nci:ii,

Minister of the liitcilnr.Interior Olllce, Aug. II, !!)-- '. IS-I- lt

SALE OF A PIECEOf Govornmont Land, on Nuuanu

Street, Honolulu, Onhu,

On WPDNPSDAY, .Septemher II, l.VIJ,

at I 'J o'clock noon, at tint front enti.iucc ofAliiolani Hale, will he Mild at puhlie auc-tion, a Piece of (loveriuueiit Land, situateon the southeast idu of Nuuanu hi rent,ahove Second Ilildge, and helow .lucid

Stieet, containing an men of of anAcre, u little mom or less.

Upset price, .'iii(i.

C. N. bPPNCPH,Miukterof the Interior.

Interior Olllen, AuguM III, IMU.

llri-:- it


Holders of Water Privilege!., or tluiM)

p lying Water Kates, are heiehy notllleilthat, owing to tliudrouth and the M'.ueltyof water in tho (loieinuieut ltcscrvnli,the Hums for iiAiug water for Irriga-

tion puipiiM'.s urn fiom 7 to s o'clock a. m.,

and ' loli o'clock cm., until fmthei notke,JOHN C. WIUTP,

Kiljit. Honolulu Water Workn.AppiuYt'd:

C. N. Hi'iiM-- i i:,

Minister of the Interior.Honolulu, 11. I., Aug.ri, IhLtJ.


I'ivture Frama made la urdn ramLnttrt tSijiku ( Movldlnfis. Haiuvu-lio- n

of Old l'ictum n jcul(ilty nt lhg.

It Was Mary Sherlock's Wako.

"Tliuro lays a hundred unrs o'pence and happiness."

It was the wake ir Mary Slier-liie-

wlio had died of old an;c; andIdol; place mi the niht of Thursday,Matcii l'.lth, l.H'.lt, in IheC'itvnf NewYork. The room was crowded withmen and women, old and youiitf, andan aed junkman, who sat on a ke,in the middle of the room, said toevery uew-cuine- r, "There lays ahumliod year.s of peace and happi-ness," to which the part' responded

chorus, "Faith, .Mike, niver truerwords did ye speak."

Kor Grandma Sherlock had comeAmerica from Ireland hefore :vnythem, and, no doubt, was at least

10.") year.s old when she ended herlong journey.

But hhe was one of the old stock,and never knew what illness was.

How different is such a story asthis, for instance, told by a woman!

was never well in iny life," shesay.s, "always weak and ailing, con-stantly sick, and troubled with giddi-ness and swimming in the head.People who did not know me would

times think I was tipsy. I alwayshad a poor appetite, with bad taste

the mouth in the morning, andpain after eating. 1 had great painand tightness in tho chest and side,and was languid and tired after theleast eertion, so 1 was unable to doany work or get my own living.

"As to sick headache, 1 was seldom offree from it, and often my heart wouldpalpitate, so I had to stop and holdniy.solf, for fear of falling. 1 wasnearly always under the doctor, and ofwhen 1 was bo. something formed inmy mouth that the doctor called'ranula,' and I was confined in theExeter Hospital 17 weeks with it.

"Fiom that time 1 was worse thanever; and after eating the least mor-sel of food I heaved at tho stomachand would spit up a sour lluid.

"Better and worse 1 continued un-til April, 188'.), when 1 became muchworse, and my abdomen swelled un-til it reached a great size, and a painin the side and back made mu screamout. Indeed 1 was in such agony 1could not stir hand or foot. Justthen my neighbor, Mrs. Harris, wifeof Joshua Harris, the road contractor, came in, and 1 had to be carriedto bed. So dreadful was the nainthat 1 broke out into a heavy sweat,and a faint ness came over me. Alls.Harris stayed with me and poulticedmo, but as I got no better my mo-ther, who lived at Uoiisdon, wassent for. She came at once and sentfor a doctor, as I was in terrible dis-tie.s- s,

and lighting for breath. Thedoctor said lie could not toll whatwas tho matter, and a second doctorwas sent for from boat on by theclergyman, who thought 1 was dy-ing. So critical was 1113-

- conditionconsidered that prayers were madefor mu at the church.

"The swelling of the bowels in-

creased, and the doctor said if thisswelling did not go down I couldnot get better, as it must be atumor. He seemed pu..led by 111 vease and kept changing my medi-cine, but I got no relief. .My brotherand others who came to see me allbelieved 1110 to be dying.

"After two mouths of this, a ladynamed Airs. Stocker, who lived atWousdou, came to see mo and toldme about a medicine called --MotherSeigel's Syrup, and said, "You try it,for it once saved my life."

"I sent to Air. Gage, the grocer atSonton, and got a bottle, and beforeI had taken the contents 1 felt bet-

ter, the pain was easier, and theswelling 1 have, spoken of graduallywent away. After having taken tlneebottles 1 was able to move about,and now feel better than lever didin my life before, and am strongerthan when I was a girl. But, oh, if1 had known of .Mother SeigelVSyrup sooner, it would have savedme vears of misery.

(Signed) "Alas. .Mauy Hoaiii:,"Coinbpyne, Axminister, Devon, Feb.

Ki, 18111."

This was a case of chronic indi-gestion and dyspepsia, with terribleconstipation; the swelling was causedby matter in the intestines whichhad piobably been slowly accumu-lating for months, In the meantimethis fcnterint' mass filled the wholesystem with poison, causing all theother symptoms iiesenlied. Nomenaie subject to this far more thanmen, 011 account of their carelesshabits. It occasionally happens thatsurgical interference is neceary.There was no tumor of course, butin the end there might have been,had not Singel's Syrup removed theloathsome deposit before it was toolate.

What ti pity that women (and mentoo) will not check the limt symp-toms of disease, and thus, like '.MarySherlock, enjoy a hundred years ofpeace and happiness.

Paciilc Hardware Co,

White Mountain Ice Cream l'ree-ei- s.

From one quart to 12 quarts.

The larger sizes with Hy wheel.

All attempts to supersede this

pattern have failed.

Call and get a Whitman Patent

li'iillug Bit, nickel plnlejl,

Jujino H.viinvv.viii; Co., Ld.

Fjjrt Strcjyt.

H is , i ari:A

Churches anil Charity."Look al the social work thai is

opening up for the churches." saidDr. Bevan. in a discourse in Svdiu.vthe other day. "The churches an110 longer the little gjudens of selfcontained Christian folk." Then- - .ssomething in the remark that thoseengaged in the woik of tho churchesof all creeds may very well make anote of. Although Christianity hasproduced a wonderful record ofheroism, of sacrifice, and of maitvrdoin, it is quite true that in ceitainof its manifestations it has laid itselfopen to a charge ofselfishness. The making or eachone's salvation a personal question,and the somewhat coeksttie assumption in some cases that there wasnothing more to be done in the mattor, has produced a certain allegedcallousness on the pait of wcalthvand powerful religious 01 gnnintmnsto the misery that too often existsround about them. Such an assertion, of course, could be contradic-ted by a hundred instances, yet it istrue in the main, and here is DrBevan admitting it and calling attent ion to the fact that a movement

the churches is an admission of iton a largo scale also. The interestof the churches in social work in one

the signs of the times, and one ofits mo.st encouraging signs. Charitycannot be administered or distressalleviated in any effect io way by

niecnanicai or lapor-savm- g (lev icesfor the work. It is an enterprise ofdevotion and of sympathy, and theseare things that can only be inspiredby tho same instinct of religionwhich makes the feeding of tliehungry and the teaching of the ignorant a work of divinely-enkindle- d entlmsiasm, and not a mere social task.There are important and intellectualbodies of men who hold to the contrary, and the subject is one res peeting which no amount of argumentwill change a single existing opinion.Hut the fact remains that so long asthe churches stand outside the soeial problems of the day, secure intheir own little gardens of self-eo- n

taiued and. be it added, self-satisfi-

Christian folk, so long will they eonMillie to relax their hold on thepopular mind and hso touch withthe healthy tone of tho time.Sydtwii ld7, .lull 30, IS',)2.

Which VossolP

An extinct fiom a letter to theSydney .Morning Herald from i(sNew Hebrides' correspondent dated.Inly Nth, gives the following in rehit ion to labor reciiiitiug there:

"A few days ago the schoonerMay, the first vessel fiom Queenslaud under the new legulatioiis, called at this island, and (here called ill

tho same time the larger schoonerLady St. Albans, Hying the FienchHag, from Noumea, and recruiting, itis said, for (he mines of New Caindouia. Some time befoie theie called a schooner, Hying tho GormanHag, leeruiting for traders andplanters in Samoa; still earlier calleda schooner from Fiji, recruiting forthe planters (here; and still earlier avessel called fiom Honolulu. Now,if the fact is, as I believe it to bi ,

that the Queensland branch of thistrade is and is because it deservesto bo by far the most popular withthe natives of tho New Hebiides, lostop it alone, so far from in any

these native,-- , from theevils of the labor trallic, would bedoing them a positive injury, bv subjecting them still more to those evils.Let those protesting gentlemen ad-

vocate the stopping of all the labortrallic from without the group bythe joint action of the civilisedPowers, and the hooping of the NewHebiides labor for the New Hebrides, to aid the settlers there in di --

velopingthe lesources of their ownbeautiful islands, and in civilisingthem, and we shall cordially wishthem success."

What Honolulu schooner is (here?

Tftko Good Cnro of tho Children.If you have children you will be

iuteie.sted in the experience of Mr.John Cook, of Filot, VeiniiUion Co.,Ill, Ho says: "Two years ago twoor my family, a young man and agill, had veiy severe and daugeiousattacks of bloody (lux. The doctorhere was unablej after a week's tune,to cheek or relieve either case.thiew the doctor overboard and be-gan using Chniuhci linn's Colic, Cho-lera anil Diariluea Itetuedy. Im-provement was soon very soon andmy childien aiose in a few daysfrom what 1 feaied would be theirdeathbed. It is a grand, good medi-cine." For sale by all dealers, lien-so- n,

Smith Co., Agents..

Mef. Winy llritx.nre xhowiny ufinelino 0 Ihimbm and other - I'urhrAW, H'iiM Jlruolcvtt, unit W'imluwC'orwttf, (if Prices ty i (iti that.

VF& oIirflCTraBlH

Page 2: jj'j'j' JJyJlJl' - University of Hawaiievols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/7071/1/1892082701.pdf · V fc jj'j'j'JJyJlJl' fr VOL. IV. NO. flOH. HONOLULU, II. I., SATURDAY,

flHWBMWEflW11 "M liLL1'- "o Tmm -



Owing lo llio drought nnd wnrclty ofVMltOT, tlio residents vintdn oT .hultl street

ro roijiioMwl to eolloiit vvhnt wtuoriliovinny rcirutrn tnr linnohold purpim"8 o'clock v. m.

.tOHN'C WlllTn,Sttnerliiloiident Honolulu Vntir Woilo.

Honolulu, Aug. 10, ls" niMf

If lit DAY, tlio --M dn. or Scptcinlicr,being tlio Anniversary of the lllrtli of HerMiijo'ty tlic Qitoon, will bo olisorved its n

National Holiday, ami till nnvortiiuoiitOlllciM throughout tlio Kingdom will

on that diiy.c. x. fei'nxuun,

MlnlMur of tin1 Inleilor.Interior OIHw, Aug. 2.1, Mai.

Mil-I- t

Ml!. W. 13. II. DHYlHMI.Ii liu" boon ap-

pointed by tho Hoard of lMuoiition, SmjIiooI

Agent for the District of lluniilci, on tlioIsland of ICnuiil, in plnoo of Mr. Cba.Koelling, vho litis losignod.

II v ordurof tho Hoard of lMuiMtloii.W. .lA&MlTJI,

M'orotiu.v.Ollloe of the Ho nd of lMiioution,

Aug. 10, 1)-- '. I'fl.'ll .1121


I'lrdyril to nnlher Snl nor lirti,Hut Kitiilihthnl for Ihr lirnrjit of All.

SATURDAY, AUG. 27, 181)2.

For an instance of what iiat moneywill do, read tho account of its ts

in tho Argentina Republic,copied elsowheio from the San 1'ian-cisc- o

Call. Facts tell.

Tho Planters' Monthly gives a ie-po- rt

that banana plants in Hawaiihave been attacked bv a boiei simi-

lar to tho caneboiei. Koitunatcl,)the Monthly also gives an aiticle onsimilar posts in Fiji, with a lemedvthat has been found olTectiu' ilicie.

A correspondent makes ;i foicefulplea foi the pioposed K).(XX) itemfor making a Hawaiian exhibit attho World's Fair. Tho object is notfor tho benefit of individuals oi anjclass, but for the benefit of thewholo count i. Qui people do notfully realize the impoitanco oT thetourist tiavel that, as only paitoftho value of a good showing at Chicago, it is hoped to piomoto. Themaking of Hawaiian cinios wouldbecome, a luciative industiy with a

brisk tourist business. This is a linoto bo developed in connection withtho Fair itself. If only a suilicicutvariety and quantity of aiticlcs illus-

trative of native life could bo placedon sain at the Hawaiian pavilion, it

is not an etiavagant anticipationthat tho returns would go fat, if nottho whole way, towaid coveiing theoxpeno of tho exhibit. An eiloitshould bo made to duplicate by pii-vat- o

subscription the .SI(),()(X) wantedfroni'tho Legislature, so as to makea display that would command

from all visitors to the Fail.


There is an article, '"How to In

crease the Sugar Yield," in tho Plant-

ers' Monthly, which has the lightring about it. Awhile ago tho Hn,ix-ti- n

pointed out that tho depiessiouwas aggravated by croaking. Theintermittent harpingou the financialstiingoncy in tho begislatuie, even,has piobably co-i- t tho countiy moiothan a good pile of shavings oilsalaries. Tho following is an ot l actfrom tho article in the Monthly,which goes on with practical sug-gestions as to how things can bodone:

" Possessing then, tins advantagesreferred to, thoio is over) oncouiago-nion- t

to work with incieased zeal tosecure tho laige.st crops obtainablewith a givon amount of labor andexpenditure. If a plantation whichhas averaged three tons to tho acreat a cost of foKX),(XX) dollais a year,can, with the same annual cost lai-- e

its average to three and a quaitor orhalf tons per acre, tho gain will beapparent at the oloo of tho yeaiwith an increased balance to itscredit. Tho man vvhosavs 'it can'tbo done,' is not tho man for thecrisis, What is wanted now ate menequal to tho emergency men whocan plan for tho now year with a de-

termination that it can and shall bedouo that it is possible to raise a

larger amount of cauo and pioducoa largor outcome ol sugar, on thesame oxpoiidituio as the ptoviousyear."


The following editorial fiom (heNow York Weekly Sun of latest daleto hand is commended to the atleutiou of those who considoi ourLegislature a more collection ofwind bags wj'arily wasting limo midbreath in the vain task of acctiin-plishin- g



Onv hili'iosiiiiK Pacific' coiitiMii-jintai- y,

tlm Oii'tfoninn, finds fntiltwilh C'cuiyioix. nnd ospooinll.v withtlu Conioxs now aoiMtiblcir, It is"tin1 nioM fiuillcw M'ssion Cor tnunjywn V snvs the (hopniian.

Wo think our oonloiiiiiouii.v olior-isli- ei

it uiwtitUoii iovv of the iiniufor vvliioli letfMutho bodios ovist. It

supjmt Unit tln chief end of Con-jio- s

i to m laws ami dowltut iicalled litt'ims. In nnr judgment,this is a misconception.

The chief cud or Congress is totalk, to expicss ideas and notions,and to irivo lo ccry member fiomevery putt of the vonutiy an oppor-tunity oT cpicssiufT his ios inspeeches, in bills, in losolutious, lohis heait's full content. I'onfXic--s is

the snfoU mhe for the fermentationand the volubibt.v of thewhole land.Let oven possible bill be iutiodueedand debated, and then let il be laidon the table, oi let it slide down intothe ab-.- s of the fnigollon; aboeall. don't lei it pas.. It would bebottet that no law should be enact-ed except with the substantial unan-imity of all patties.

Oeueiallv speaking, the best t'on-gus- -

is that which enacts the fewestlaws: and the session o the Fiftv-secon- d

C'ongioss, which is now (haw-ing to its clo'-e- , has been far moiolaudable and uselul than either ses-

sion of lis piodeeossot of the I'iftj-liis- t(.'oiigies roi the ica-o- n that

(lie one has done eiy little, whiletliouthei did a peat deal, mo-- t ofwhich weie better undone.


A combination which pioinUes aicasouablv cheap and steady supplyof laboi for our plantation ovvueisas well as settling our floating popu-

lation in homesteads oT their own is

sugge-te- d In the following plan pio-po-e- d

in the Parliament oT Victoiia,Austialia, whence manv of the gieatmodem political icfoinis foi the lastfoity jcais have had their oiiginand (list piactical liial:

Mi.M'Loaifs Village SettlementsBill has been desciibed as "the billthat is to make the colony."' It hasceilainly amused much tntcicst bothin Pail'iameiit and out (r it. Itseems to be tho geneial opinion thattheonewav foi Victoiia to letiieveher position is to settle her peopleupon the land. Mi. M'Le.in's billmav not be oei feet, but it is a movein the light diiection. lie pioposesthat these settlements should beplaced vvhoio laboi is most wauled,,md that land should be selectedwi-- el foi the piupo-e- , in older thatthe settleis might be able to live onsmall ai c.is. '1 he Government pio-po-o- s

to pick suitable land, and, if itis alicad.v occupied, to invite theownei's to sell feiiicd allotments olfiom two to tweutv acies, with a two-- ioomed cottage on each. If compul- -

soi.v sales aie nccessan, cash will bepaid to Ihe ovvueis, and, il the salesaie voluntaiv, debentuics at themaximum rate of T pel cent will begiven. The state will then placesettleis on the land on a .'!') veaisteniiie. I'uichase money and addeduiteiest aie to be icji.iiil to the statein half vcailv instalments, and, attho end 'of the tenn, the fee simplewill pass lo settleis. Annual pay-

ment loi a block win th I'KXt is lixedat 7 10s. Jt is piopo-o- d that pto-visio- u

be made th.it blocks couldonlv be ttansfeiiod to men ol thesame class as the oiiginal holdei-- ,and no one sol tier is to own twoblocks of land. It is in fact a schemeto cieate a class among us auswei-in- g

to the peasant piopiiotois ofFrance, and it is a piovoib that (hoselandholders aie tho backbone of thecount 13.


One of the iiujit timely and inte-

resting expoiiments 111 solving theunoniplou'd difficult, is reeoided asbeing now in opoiation at FeinGlen, near the Dandonong Ranges,in Victoiia. Mo-si- s, ISiuce, waie- -

liousenien, ol I' liiKleis-ian- e, .viei-bouin- e,

as theii coutiibutiou to thequestion, made accuiate businesscomputation in lespoot of a heavily- -

wooded piece of estate, and, pui-posc- ly

basing the aiiaiigement onbusiness piinciples, inil( d the aidof a consideiablo conliiigent of

men, most of whom hadbeen wholly unaccustomed to ma-

nual laboi and country life. O Ho-

ling them l.s a week and lough keep,they piovided hut accommodationof modest but coinfoitable charac-ter; and oik of the pmpriotors, as astimulus to nihil t, took his shaio in

the vvoik. So fai the cxpoi intenthas boon a maiked success. Themen, wholly unaccustomed as theywoie lo such vvoik, an as happy andcontented nslhio, can ho, have be-

come oxpoit in tin lolling of timber,.send all theii wages to t licit familiesin Melbourne, and ate piepaiingtolake their families up to their loughbut hnppv qnaiiois; while thatwhich gives value to it all is the factthai the spiiited pioptietoi ,, whoaie quite salirdicd with their city-hie- d

woikers, find that the timbercut and sold foi luel will aboutcovoi all the oxpotiM's of tho experi-

ment, mid leave them the landcleatcd lor nothing. It is the busi-nos- s

basis of it thaigives the piiucipal value to this

and Midi an ontoiptiso asthis, poifectly legitimate and un-

objectionable as it is in every way,is within the tench of hundreds ofowiiois of piopmly in this countiy,who without any loss, and po-sib- ly

wilh considerable gain to them-selve- n,

and coilainl to tho giealhonoill of tho unemployed men whoaie ically wailing for woik, mightwoll fulluw tlio intoiosting osamplovsot by tm Io&&i.s, Mrui'O at KoniQIuu, In Vielflda- -


ST. ANDMAv's ( VTIIiaillM..

The services of the eathedial n,

11th Sunday aftei Trinily, will bo as follows: Hol, Com-

munion, lltllO a. in.; morning nrn.v or,II a.m.; Hawaiian evensong, :i:!50 p.m.; evensong and sermon, 7:.'W) p. in.All aie invited.


Tlio services of the second eongio- -

gatioti of St. Andrew's Cathedral to-lii-

tow will boas follows: J): 15 a. in.,mottling piavoi with seunon; ToDeuni, Toms in F; hymns '2.H and:?7!; anthem, "Ttaie the bold O.leiusalem" by Nov olio, liveningpinvor vvitli senium, IbM P-- . "' ' '1"-the-

"Thine () Loid is the peatnosV by Kent; livnuis IS)!) and I'J.

Rev. A. Mackintosh, jiaslui. All aiecoidially invited to these sen iocs.

cvTiior.u cvnnr.niivi..

lli'di Mass, 10 a. in.; Uosai.v andcatechism. 2 p. in.; Senium followedby the benediction of the Holj Sacrament, 1 :'!() p. in.


Seventh Day Advenlists will haveBible nicetings every Sunday even-

ing, a! the coiner of Punchbowl andUm etaii in sheets.

11KTIII.I, 11 VI.I..

Evangelistic services will be con-

ducted by the Y. M. C. A. in Bethelhall 011 Saturday and Sunday at 7:.'!0

p. 111. '(T.VTiivi, union ciunicii.

Sci vices at 1 a. 111. and 7:110 p. 111.

Pleaching by Rev. Thos. L. Gulickof Makawao, Maui.

y. jr. c. A. I! AM..

Evangelistic services in tho Y. M.C A. hall. (b.'SO to 7:15 p. in.


A buckskin pony has been found.

Root Beer on diaught at Reason,Smith .x. Co.'s.

C. .1. McCarthy has lots on Lilihasheet for sale.

Aft 01 shaving ic-- Cucumber SkinTonic. Benson, Smith it Co., Agents.

A levv.ud of .." is olleied foi theleluin of an amber cigaielle holder.

Sunburn lelieved at once by Cu-

cumber Tonic. Benson, Smith . Co.,Agents.

'"If 3011 want to know (ho lime"well, that's not what tins Hawaiianllaidwaie Co. asks. Read it.

'"Do vou follow nici" Thou leadthe idveiliseinent of tho Kuboy A:

Co. Bu'iich of the Ameiican Cigai-etteC- o.

Wiing Kwai has been ollioiallylecognied as (ho Assistant Com-meici-

Ageni of China for (hisKingdom.

Ladies' shampooing and hair dress-ing done at their houses by IMissWoir, 7.5 ISoiefauia sheet. Mutualtelephone (iOli.

The hou' ehold fuiuihiieof Capt.A. Fullei will be sold at (ho housein Kukui sheet, by .las. F. Moigan,at 10 o'clock Wednesday.

An assignee's sale of nioicliandisebelonging lo the bankiupl estate ofNam I ling Lung will be hold by L..1. Levey at his salosioom at 10

o'clock Wednesday.

Chas. ,1. Fishol of' tho LeadingMillinoiy House, iutonding to letinsfiom business, announces his wholestock must bo sold by January I,IS'.).'!. Selling out will begin nextSaturday.

Di. McLennan has lemoved loAla-ke- a

sheet, opposite the Y. M. C. A.hall, pieniises lately occupied by' Dr.Lut.. Cilice homs, 1) to 12,2 to 1,

and ovonings()lo7 ; Sundays 10 to 1.

Boll telephone 11)7; Mutual US2.

For (wo weeks only N. S. Sachs,piopriotor of tlio Popular MillineryHouse, will sell his stock at a greatsaoiiuoe. Remember (his is (hegiand annual mammoth clearancesale. Tho ladies know what thatmeans.

John Givon tho Shi).

.lust as the baik Margaret wasleaving this morning a (Jhinanianrushed down to tho wharf with abill for $1.75 against tlio secondmate. Not being able to board thevos-- ol John sent the bill by a boatman with inst ructions to collect (hemoney and icceive a commission,The Chinaman staged on tho whaif.Piesently the boatman appeared onthe bulwarks and said that the mutehad told him ho had no money.John was advised to gel a policemanand have (ho man nricstcd. Herushed iip-low- but when ho tot lim-ed to (ho whaif tho Maigaiot waspassing (o windwaul of (ho dredge.Pooi John was all broke up. All(lint ho could say was, "Mo Ioscofour dollar si bilee."

"Bank of Hawaii."

Tlieio is some fear.s that Hornet's"suicidal" Hanking Hill will past, thoLegislature. To prevent (his, allshould gel a Hill fiom tho HawaiianNow h Company, study it, and showup its weak points to all you moot.

rilHIJ mibL:TLN"lB TJIK bUAIMNO1. Dally Paper of tho Kingdom, Fifty

ciuils iur iiionih,

"AugustFlower 99

I had been troubled five monthswith Dyspepsia. The doctors toldme it was chronic. I had a fullnessafter eating and a heavy load in thepit of my stomach. 1 suffered fre-

quently from n Water llrash of clearmatter. Sometimes a deathly Sick- -

ucss at the Stomach would overtakeme. Then again I would have theterrible pains of Wind Colic. Atsuch times I would tiy lo belch andcould not. I was winking then forThomas McIIcnry, Druggist, Cor.Irwin and Western Ave,, AlleghenyCity, Pa., in whose employ Iliadbeen for seven years. Finally I usedAugust Flower, and after using justone bottle ior two weeks, was en-tirely relieved of all the trouble. Ican now eat things I dared not touchbefore. I would like to refer vou toMr. Mclienry, for whom I woiked,who knows all about my condition,and from wfiom I bought the medi-cine. I live with my wife and familyat Tames St.. Allegheny City.Pa.Signed, John D. Cox.

G. G. GKKl'.N Sole Manufacturer,Woodbury, New Jersey, U. S. A

By Jus. F. Moigan.

Household -:- - Furniture


AT 10 O'CLOCK A. M.,

ai tlm Ki'sidi'iicc or v.rr a. rtiLLi:ii,Kukui stKLt, I vill sell :it Pub-

lic Auction

The Household FurnitureComprising

Parlor Sofa & Chairs,ITpliuKli'icd in I'lit-- lt

Wii'koi l'oi'Ucis, Lett KM Kls Cli.m ,

2 Black Walnut Marbletop Bedroom Ssts,

latti.is'-cs- , hmi'lc lleil-le.n- l-,

lllnck Walnut W.udiolic,

B.W. Mar"bletop Sidelooardit. W. IMiiixion Table (Jl futl,lilillllg-IOOI- Il I llilll-.- , I ll.llllll lll'ls,

1 Cottage iFMaaio,CiueKei andKilcliiii Ulen-i-

Forns, Veranda 01ia.ii?a,i:ic, i:ti., lac. ii'i'.

J"a.s. F. Ivloi-a'a-i- i,


By Ijowi3 J. Lovay.

ASSIGNEE'S SALE!Ilk eider of Ml!. 1. Itl III'.Nsl I'.IN, A- -"IjJlKU Of till l!lllkl(llt INt III' of VilliHill); LiliiBi I Mill -- ill at I'liblu uelioii,.it in, S.ik'siooin,

Ou WEDNESDAY, August 31st,

AT 10 O'CLOCK A. M.,

'I lie Whole of ilic Stoi k of .Mcieli mdi-- i of-- aid i (in-i-t- in of

DRESS GOODS,I'lilit", Slieotiiifr, ( lulh- - ( .1 inn H- -,

I. I lis, V lll -, -- UK 1. III I Li II till -,

bin i H, Coll il s, I mil Jli.iwei-- ,

BOOTS and SHOESTowels, II(i"lei, Sti.iw Huts C.i)i- -,

Clot in;;, l ulli i, MoMjiutii Net- -,

Perfumery, RUdIdohs,Hl.uiKit-- , (Jiults TiiuiKs,

Sewing Machines, Etc., Etc.t&-- THIiMh CASH I

Le-wi- s J. Levey,.r)ils-:- !t ACCUONHIH!.


(HI Ml SMI III, - M Mil II.

Monday Evening, Aug. 29th,'I 111) I.i-- l JVifoiniiince. mid I'uiewcll

ISonelH to

Mrs. MARTHA E. STEEN,The Ouly Gouuiuo Idliid Reader & Sccoutl

Sight Seer In Iko World I


Oscar Smith's New Entertalumout

" Voices from Shadowland ! "

Best Programme of the Season !

tQT Tickets now Oil Mild 111 l.nuis .1.

I.evuv 'h. MM-- lt


TO THE LADIESAnd those Disappointed in Businois

and Other Ailuiis!--you won.D in)'i:i,iroi onhui.t

1 Mima II. bri'i. foi ml vliu ul liurilihinco "IliuiUlcn liichiuilxhtnot. Hours; 111 a, ji. lo 1 i'. m., anilfrom 'i i'. m. till .1 i'. m. roii-:- it


To Wjhim ir M Cum i iimJ,--

v i:U.bVOin'H CAItiJY HAS Tlllbil. iln lu en iiiithiiilnl h the I -

iwiimii liu nun of Iiifouiiiitliiu to MilicitMllisi lijitioiiij to tho stock of mIiI Hun, in.

I,. A. rm'llh'JON,Hen' Uiiwiuliiii lliirciiu of liifiiiiiiiiliiiu.

Honolulu, Aug. .11, lnlU. .MIT- - It

Philtre Ffamtx mmlc tu uitter fioml.titext Styles; o Maudlin!. Ilrnotu-lio- n

of Old I'iclitHX a njnviulty id Klnyllfoi,t Hotel tlri-jt- ,

SEPT. 2, 1892.



W"1 j?v kptf s- -




I -- YACHT ItACi: 1st Ci.vss.

Cni'ini': htailhij; fiom n line ilinvvn inelin-io- ii of the i'earl Citj vvli.iif, downt In luiiin eliiiunol, to the mouth of theliiiilmr, neai tho leef, taekiiiK aroiiiid the-- take biiat; theme 1111 the iiialn elmunelto the Honotiliull l.m'li, up the HmioiiliuliI.ih h to and tin Ulii); aiouiidastiiUelio.itat the head of this Loch oii)i(i-it- e 1,'obin--on- 's

landing; thence out ot the llonoiill-ul- iLoch uji the main chimin!, passing

between b'ord's Island and the Mitnanal'enlnsithi, to the windwiud of l'oid's Isl-

and, thence down Ihech'innel Ijing ea- -t ofPool's Island, iiiiiMng n ciicuit ol 1'oid's

theiiie to the oint of (oiiinii'iiie-ineii- t.

ItACL-'.- 'n Ci.-- s.

Col'itsi:: Suiting fiom aline diawninextension of the I'earl City wharf, downthe main channel, to the mouth of theh irhor nun I the leif. tacklim mound the-- take boat; thence up tlio in liu ehannil,pi mg hetween Cold's Island and theVlaiianu I'oniii-iil- a, to tho windwiud ofIVml's Island: thence down tho channellung Hast of I'oid's Island, making thocm nit of foul's theme to tho pointof i (iiiuiR'iH ciiieul.

l!ACi:-:i- ii Ci -- . Cor opmlloats undei Is feet length. 1st I'ne,iJ; 2d l'rie, fid.

Cniiusi : I'ioiu -- tarting point, -- aine asin 1! no-- 1 and 2, to windward of Pool's

making ciicuit of --aidtin in c to i 11 of iiiiiiiiienieinenl.

Yachts will a i mlile oil" the font of Le-hi-

Am line in IV.n I l'it nin-i- il i at !i. M.

A plop n.itoi.v gun will he hud on the.ludgo's lie it at' !! iij . i. The stallinggun w ill he Hud at 10 . M. -- huip.

The -- nut will ho a Hying one, tho timeof i.icli jiielit hung taken as -- ho uosmsthe Inns hut no ,.irlit shall ho allowedlimn than ten mimites within which to-- tan .illci the sign il to --tut has lnengiven.

lime illowame, one luinilte to the toll.P ich achl mu-- l c.ui at hei liiainuip-ni.i-- l

head a distinguishing 11 ig of a suit-ahl- e

sic, w Inch must not lie hauled downmile she gives up the lace.

Lieh jiielit niii- -t cany iliuing tliu riuono mote th in tin anchmsand chains,which must not lie u-- id a- - -- hipping halla-- tin I'm .ilk iiiil' ihetiim ot tlm .iclit. Nolug-- ol -- hot -- liall he on ho ird and all lul-I.i- -t

sh ill he propoil stowed iindoi theplatfoiuis oi in lot kci - ami shall not he-- hipped oi limimid mam a w li ilcw'iiluuiig Ihe Llio,

No le-t- n, tinn a- - to ijii ml it of -- ail.

J?J&,rT II.


-blX ()Al!i:i) IIOATh -- Hiiium, ,Si.rs.Cm k- -i Starting fiom a lino diaw n in

extension of tho IV.uI ( it whuf.to andloiind a stake licit at tin- - head of WuipioLo( li, them e to point of ( oiiimim emont.

o P0T:uAI!i:i) HOA'lb -- hi hum. hi M- -.

Cni'iifi : h.iiuciis in li.uo No. I.

UAUP1) P.OATS .SiviioNvitvhi vis. -t l'iio, fJOj 'M I'ne, flu.

Cm it- -i :S ime as in IIuics 1 and !',ionise lo he pulled ovei twiie.

N. IS. Ihe liegatta lliiees will ho underthe rules adopted li the Hawaiian liowiiig,V Yachliiig (onlos of wliiehcan ho obtained lioni W. (!, Asm i x.

In all i.icis, twooi moio hints must -- tailtu make a line.

The lowing i.icos will talco jihieo at I p.m.-- harp.

Tho signal gun will ho lued from the.lodge's stand at l'2:'.it) o'clock.

Signal foi tho competing hints to a ein-hl- o

at the starting lino will ho tho Hung ofa gnu ten mlniitos hufore tho stall of i.ichi ai e.

JP-I,- ist of ontiics will ho open nt theolllio of the boi'i kimi'siii M of tho OincUmi.wvv vmi la.vn ('OMI'V.NY, until

noon, August Illst, 1MU.

.Iiukiixi-- C. II, Wilson, V, M. flitluiit,I 'not. .1. A. King

TIMI HI I I'l u: los. lliilnitli, W. V. l,iiv ii

SPl'iies of tho ulio(i inccs am nnwon i:IiIIiUIoii ut tlio I'm ii ii IUiiiiumiiCo.'s Slum , Toil stieol.

Trains will Leave Honolulu ior Pearl CityPoniusula at 7:30, 9, 10, 11, 12, a. m.,ami 1, 2, 3, 4 anil 4:30 p. m.

noluvntug will Leave Pearl City Peninsulafor Honolulu EVERY HOUR.

(Iraiid Picnic it lia


On tho Mine (lute ghen lit the

Sons of St, G"0i$ Society

fGT-Ml'.Sl- C will ho in ntteiuLinie foiDancing iliiiiug the ilu anil evening.

10-- (i VMI'.S for the j.nlios ami Child-lol- l,

vllli I'lUe-- .

?&-- Ample iuiivikIoii litis heen iiiiulofoi Itefieshini uis Imih on the I'eiiiiisiilamill Iteiiioiul tiluvi .

Popular Prices!

50c. -R- OUND TRIP-5- 0c.

507-1- 4

r?n ' " JJW $ ? ' s


Have Opened


China, Glass and FurnitureSalesroom on Kaahumanu St., Ground Floor,


Large Assortment of New Goods, ex Benmore,



and Other Fine "Ware.

and. Carpets,Exiglisla nruiriai-ture- ,

KTe-- Islwgi

Fine Show of Glassware, Ivoryware,

Tumblers, Cut








k rilitl.icil.

Their New


IHSl'I.AY ov


Boliemian Vases, Wine Glasses,

Salads, Etc.


Prices 3E3,ecLuLoecL.

PACIFIC HARDWARE CO., Ltd.Cummins' Block., Street.

Hardware, Agricultural Implements


China, Crockery, Glassware, Cutlery





Pacific Hardware Co., Ltd.








CHESTSloiinfaiii, ta


Ice Cream Freezers!

& Barrel Churns.

b, I.liVY.


"Wo Jvist RocelvsclHSTe-- w IDress G-oocl- s,


ies' Sedforc. Caps,Belts, Jjeitest Style.

Also a Large Line of Traveling Trunks and Valises.S. EHRLIOH & OO,

IXTe-- w Goods ! USTe-- Goods !

ro.N(ij:i: nuAi'ijitius i'oimr.iii:s l'iNJivi'i'i.i: Tirsur.-,sATTi:r(- Nh

- wiirii; Diti:hh ooons i ciii:cks and stuum:)..iai'Ani:si: coi!Di:i) t i:i:im;.

Ladies', Cliildrens' and Infants' WearIN' (.itil.W YAIIIKTY AT l.()V I'ltlCKh.

A Fine Line in Zephyrs, Cretonnes, Etc.

Batliiiig; Sviits in Oottoia aiid Woolroit i,Ai)ii:ts, (.lATh, and ciui,i)iti;.N.

C-LI- j .A.3SrD SEE OTJZZ IsTEW GOODS.Dressmaking under the Management of Miss Clark.

B. F. EHLERS & CO., 99 Fort St.ij -

ri: rt. &$m&&&8'&&&& H i.5 Jmrn-A, ?Vl!r i i


Page 3: jj'j'j' JJyJlJl' - University of Hawaiievols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/7071/1/1892082701.pdf · V fc jj'j'j'JJyJlJl' fr VOL. IV. NO. flOH. HONOLULU, II. I., SATURDAY,

--"W " '"& if fSSHSK &MT-"- r Pi "3J T1

" " 'T1'''3'''- - "J- 'nes








Time Table.

ANiJAiTnn rr.niMTAiiY t,i.sn.

rfmmmmmml,V. lliiMit.VIIT, Ilil.V Sn 1:1". l:.TitAll. HoMitit mi I, ":l!0 lis'i VTiT f::wl.v. IIiinoiii mil, 7:.".u 111! 1.1 ilil.l fiil'JIAn. IIcimii.imii, iiTi I:", ntfflif

I'liUil, OlIV l.oeVI,.

l.v, llovotinit . .... fiiL'OJAn. Cm' r!t"sl.v. l'l'.VHI. (Jitv . . II:IM

An. lloMiiuii' .. (1:10

Sunday) ui'uitiil. 1 Sntuiilnyo mil.S.itiudii.vs excepted.

Tides, Sun and Moon.11 C. I. I.VI.NH.

, IT' Vj 3: M r. iDAY. 'jTfc - fc ". M SS

' fl.i 2 K ? h ?, I

iJ e-- c . t r----T--S

n.iii. ii.iii ii in. ii inMem. 22 I All :i "Ml II .1(1 'I ,11 41 r, siTucs. i'U I 211 4 20 11 f, II lt)i ."i II II 21 7 .1.Wl'il. .21 4 4. 4 .r.(l II M III ,!(l f. II I. 21 S II)

lliilix. ,2-- A II ft 2ft 11 M 11 fill ft 41 Ii 11. H 10

n in. n in. ii.iiiKll. 2(1 I! (I ft fill II 40 ft 1 ( 2I1 'I IINit. 2T fl 2i I! JO II 10 1 10 ft Ii Ii 211 'I I I

bllll. ,21. 7 in, I. II 1 II .) ft 12 (i l'l 10 10

New iiKioti on thu 22ml iitQli. m n in.


SATURDAY, AUG. 27, 1802.


Arrivals.STri:i v , Aug.

Stmr Kiiinii fi oiii Mmii mill HawaiiKtmr Kil.uu.i lion frum MiiIoKhIStmr J A Cummins fiom Knolnuijlinr .lames Makee fiom ICinrii

Doparturos.hv rfi:i v , Aug. J7.

USPS Sin ri.uu ixio, Ailmii.il llrnvvn,fill h 111

Am lik Koiisi Queen, Ihiehoij;, foi SmKiancNeo

Am hk Mnrpirct, fur I'm t Tuvvn- -sellll

Vessels Leaving Monday.bliui .Iiiini's .M.iUee fui I .ill ili'i ami ll.iim- -

iimitlu .it I i infclnir ICn.ilii lin W.ii in ii' and W.ti.ilu.i lit

Kin in

Cargoes from Island Ports..Tumi's Mukio I 'to J lugs pultlj, ill lugs

rice iiinl II pl.s Mindi it s.Stmr Kin in 11 lugs potatoes, b3 hugs

foni, Hi Imndlt's liiilfs, :iu iks siiii- -llllt'S, ,") lll)ss.

Passengers.For T:iL'inii.i, V.i-.li- jnrli.uk M.iiuiiet,

Auk -- " C (' McDonald .mil wife, .mil lhcoM McDonald.

ban I'liiuuNi'o, fiom Ililo, jiui linkHarvester, Aiif?. -- Mis 1" I. Lord and !children, Mis iSolinciiliiiri' and U fliildron,.Mrs W H Scott.

I'loni Knu.ii, ier t tin- - .lanius Mala'c,Aii?'J7 JlisU Vj i:v.utiinil f.imilj, PO.it,C htnucklu, Miss iluliel .Stiren-io- n MustuiWulket and 2 deck.

Kiom Maui and Hawaii, jiei stmr ICin.iu,Aug 27 MissM llieucr, Miss 11 lliewer,Miss A llilliuin, 1' II Doiluo, W i: Wall, WWeight, Miss J T linker, .Mis II Kaia, I, C.viiiiin, It K Wicliiu.in, 11 P I.uiiuu, Mis M

liiK'ns, Mrs W Dunn and iIuukiiUi, MisA H I'llijiuand daiiglitfi, Mis, Jd'llii l,ou,Miss Marj hcleii, Jli-- a Alifo Lult-o- , MissMary Kawiilialiuc, A I! I.uiiis.ind wife,Miss Iions, Muster l,.tiiis, Mis

lien II Itolieitsoir.ind vim, Itev C MHj tie and wife, Mrs til' KamiiiKilia,

Miss I. i; Aiili!(on, K OldiiiK,Miss Julia (Jiniiii, Miss Ilanuali Kaaiii.i,MisCIwai, Mi-- s P. (J Atkins, K Walkiff,.1 Kenton, II I.lluNtun, MisT II IIukIiosand 2 eliildifii, Mis A duilil and elnld, YII ViI;ht, Mrsl.Noall and eliild, Mis ATli urjilt, Miss i: ( Daniiin, A Uiiiwn, P I)1'iestiin, Miss I, Dale ami Ills dn k.

Vessels in Port.Am lik Allivit, W'indiiii;, fiimi Km Pran- -

t'ihCd.(Iit lik I Kiiise, fiom Kan Pi.m- -

eisen,lir lik Homlngi, Yiuiiij,', finm Veweastle.U b CiuNi'i Huston, Wilt-- e, finm banta


Foreign Vessols Expoctdd.Jl I M H ilitti, Moii, frum .Ian. in.Her lik J C (lladti, fiom I.ivuiihioI, Auir.

15-:- ).

Haw lik Ileitui Diuwtr, fiom Oln-yo-

A uk. 1.0.

Mi likt Mniiiini; Mar, fiimi Mlcionuilii,Mayj.l.

Am M'lirMar) I)ode, fiom Puitika, Sl'it. !J.

Am sell (iliudiile, frum Purcka, Ail. HI.

Itr hk IE ' Ititlmt, frum Caidiir, bept. 1.

Ilk (iiftn, from Noweatle, N ft W.(Iit lik II Jlackfeid, finm l,loriool, tlel. ID.

Shipping Notos.Tim liaik Margaiet luft at 11:.VI thi

moining fur Tat'oiua, WiihIi., willi liMtimsof .stone hallast.

Tim hIciiikm I'iiIu which an h eil ,iislt'i-da- y

iiiihiiIh tlio m.iicIi. of Hiigui fiirtiuiis-jitiitutlo- uon Kauai.

Tint (lerinaii liark Paul IsuiiIku),' wasdocked at thu foot of Poit btiLUt tills inuni-ili-

to mubu sug.it.Tliu xteaiiier ('. It. llislioji will on

Tuiisdii) at HI o'clock fur Uiliain.i, Ktlklli-liael- ti

and Iloiiukaa.Hailtd frum Ililo, August 'J 1st, liatk

Harvester, Cajitaiu Itiick, fur Hail Piau-clst- o,

with .'ion tons sugar c.ugu.

MMII K(IN.Arrived Aug. 10, steamer liinau from

Hoiiolulii; I'J, steamir Hawaii fiom lliiuu-lul- u;

Id, bteamer Kiiiau fiom Ililo; -- U,

steauier Kiiiau fium Hunuliilii; 1, Ameii-c.i- u

liarkeiitine Aiiitlia, Ward, ituu Hono-lulu; ai, hteaiuei Kiiiau fium Ililo.

Diijiiiitiues Aug. Ill, sti.mici Kiiinii finIlilo; I'J, Miami r Hawaii fur Ililo, HI,sluaintu Kiiiau fui 1 onol illtl , Jil, steiumuKiiiau fui Hllu, .Ml, steiiiuci Kiiinii loiHouiillllu.

Mr. Landor's Kocominondation,

Mr. J. A. Lauder, a piomiuoiitciti'en of Clarksbiiig, Mo., andwidely known in that State, wi.vsnlUhaiiiborlaiir.s Colic, Choloia'andDiarrlnea Heniodv: "1 have .soon itsgood results ami can recommendit." l''or sale by all dealois. Benson,

i. Smith A: Co., Agents,StfS ' .

LOCAI. AND OENEKAIi NEWS.Ooil-lyo- , San Kiaiii'iM'U. Couus

ayain.liugino Co. No. 2 will liuo a cl i ill

this aflornoou,

Aliss LouiM) K. Dale, of Oaliu Col-lcg- (,

roltiriiL'il Fioin a visit to Ha-

waii by tins stoanu'i ICinaii.

Thu syicn of llio Unship Sanliaiicico staillt'd tlm town thisiiioriiing with its stiiilinit tiotiw.

A wlici"! ranid oir of ouo of Mr.Sandeis' ipuss wngous on Hctlinlsti(il this morning. Tlio avlo wassiiajiiii'd by the fall.

Tim band will not play at F.iiiinaSquaii' this iiflni luion but will I'scoitthu U. S. Ilttsliip San l'lancisco outof tho liaibor on the tug.

C. C. latu manager ofthe Sti'on-Sinit- h Coinbinatioii. andwife weie pniiigors on the bail;Margaiet this uioiuing for Tni'oma,Washington.

Maun, ii woman, ami AKina weieanested josteidny for indulging inclio fa, thu Connor for having tieholsin possession, and tho lattor for eon-(lui'li-

a bank.A natho namod.liin Kaai pleaded

guilty to a eharge of having oho Ca

tickets in possession in tho PolieeCom I this mottling, and was lined?2o. .lini got olC easy.

C. Stoeeklo and his phonogiaphanied on thu .steamer James Makeethis moining fiom Kauai. Mr.Stoeeklo has niailo a tour of thogaiden isle, giving exhibitions in almost oery settlement.

Sir George . Dibbs and Sir Mat-thew Davis weie intoiested speeta-tor.- s

in tlio House after-noon. Tli iy woro the guests of HisExcellent' 3' S. Paikor, Minister ofFoieign Affairs, during their isit.

A eieditor went on board the llag-shi- p

San Fianeisco to-da- 3 to collecta bill for .?G from a bluejacket.When tho bluejacket was seen hesaid that ho could got no money tilltho end of the mouth, and then howould imly get ?2. It appeals thatthe sailor had oers(epped his loaoof absence and his p;iy had been"docked." Tho ci edit or took leaowith the usual eoiiiles3' of cioditoiswhen thi'3 get "left."

Tho Myrtle Boat Club'-- , .sivoaiedand four-oaie- d sliding scat boatsweie taken to 1'esirl CJity 13' ttainthis nioiniug. The ITealani's boatswin no oospaicnod to Hie scene onWodnesda3' next. The taces betweenthe two clubs ptomiso (o lie excitingmollis, as the Jfo.ilauis beliiwe inthe pxncibial "thiid time sine."Tito stationai3' d tace will liean exciting one al-- o, as it is belieiedtho U. S. S. Hoston will paiticipato.

'fho S. S. Maiiposa did not loaetho whaif until six o'clock ostoula3'aft ui noon. Tho tlolay w;is causedl3' her .stern lino being canieil away1)3' the bark CV'3 Ion, which caino inat iho o'clock. The line got en-

tangled in the Cilon's anchor andauothui had to bo substituted whiletho fn.st was being disengaged. Theband was piesent to )ny the steam-er oil, and tho selections woto ajipie-eiate- d

1)3" the notable isitois. A

buxom blonde touiist caused no lit-

tle amiisoimmt by hoi .antics ;it thesteamer. Ilur interpretation of thehula was laughable.

Kahnku Plantation.Tho Kaliukti mill, at the noith

end of Oahu, is ouo of the most nt

of our sugar cnlerpiisos. 11

has thiee sots of two-iolloi- com-bined with automatic feeders, isdoing good work, and proving thisto bo tho best S3 stum of mill win I;,

as it allows maceiation and thehighest prossuie obtainable. It islepoitod to have given an aoiageof81fo8(i for tlio past season, whichmeans ver3 high extinction. Thisplantation extends along tho .shornsome eight or ten miles, coeiingaunriow and lieh .stiipof laud be-

tween the shore and tho b.v-- o of tliomountain. Jt hits .some exceedinglyfertile land, all of which is easily ac-

cessible for tianspoilation. Theonuo for the coining cioji is eiyline, and some liolds give promise of.six to eight tons of sugar to thoacre. About !10() acres hae boonplanted this year, making aboutKKKI acies now under cultivation.Water is supplied l3' aitesian wells,assisted with fiequont showets, Thoplantation all the recentlabor and steam saving appliances,and gives promise of doing goodwoik, with piolit to its ownois.I'ltiutm' .Vitnllihi.

Tako Good Care of tho Children.

If 3011 have children 3011 will beintoiested in tho expeiieuce ol Mi.John Cook, of Pilot, Vermillion Co.,111. lie sat.s; "Two 30.11s ago twoof iny family, a 3iuiig man and agiil, had vi3 seveie and daugeioiisattacks of blood3 llux. Tho tloeloihoie was unable, tiftei a week's time,to check or lelieve either ease. 1

thievv the doctor oveiboaid and began using Chambei Iain's Colic, Cho-loi- a

and Diarilnea Ki)incdv,was seen ei soon and

my childieii aiose in a few ihsfiom what 1 feaied would bo theirdeathbed. It is a giand, good medi-cine," i''or sale by all dealuis, llun-so- ii

Smith As Co., Agents, ,



Fmmv, Aug. 2Cth.

Afternoon Session.

The A'oinbly at Itldand proceeded with the considoia-tio- n

of Section III of the bill tothe Judiciaiv, and teltttiug

to times and places for holdingtonus of (he Ciicttil Com Is. Thesection was fui I her amended In-- indi-

cating Ninth Kohala as the distiictfor sittings of the Hid Judicial Cir-

cuit on the Hist Wednesday of Octo-

ber each 3 ear. The 'cot ion asamended was passed.

Section 112. Ciicuit Judge onmiy appoint sjmoial tonus

and at other times.Section M. Tonus of Circuit may

be continued and held fiom openingto .and including lwont3-fou- r days;Sunda3's and legal holidavs except-ed. Passed.

Section III. Judge of the CiicuitCourt shall hold ollico for six joais.Shall receive a compensation for set-vic-

not to bo diminished diningtheir continuance in ollico. Passed,

Section 15"). Judges oT CiicuitCouits shall lie entitled to loceive a

3oail3' salaiy at the following iates,piablo inonlhh fiom tho tieasuiy,iiainel3': Judges of the Ciicuit Couitsof the Piist Judicial Ciicuit shallloceive .?.",( KKI each. Judges of theCiicuit Couits of the Second, Thiid,Fourth and Iifth Ciieuits shall

$:5,tKKI each.Noble Mai-dt- favoted the salaiies

or Judges of the Fiisl Ciicuit beinglilaced at

Noble Neumann s)oK( stiong'against a leduction in the amount.h consideied that a judge of tho

fust distiict was well wui 113 hishiie.It would not bo advisable to adopttlio Chinese S3 Mom and leave thejudge without any --a;, but withthe piivilego to lecoup himself frontthe ptoses of litigants. A lawyer, onbeing asked lelalive to his intentionswith his soiij ausweied, ''If he hasaii3 sense I will make a lavv3or ofhim, if not then I will endeavor tomake him a judge." (Laughter).The best ol mateiial should bo ob-

tained, and the salai3' of a judgeshould be such as would keep himabove povoil3 and not compel wink-ing in a taio patch to ofo out a liv-

ing, lie fav died JV.HX).

Noble Thuiston appiovod of thechange ptoposod, and the fact thattho Mar had boon dissatisfied withthe old sv stem was evidence that achange was needed.

Uop. Ivauhi had a long talk on thesubject, its did also Heps. Kamauohaand White, and linalh'. on motion,the .'13 os and mns weie called on thoquestion of amount, the sum votedon, ?I,(MXI. passing l3' a vote of 2(i to11, as follows:

A30S -- Ministeis Paikei, Wide-iniin- n

and Spencer; Nobles Macfar-lan- e,

Williams, Neumann, J. M. Horner. Maisden, Young, V. Y. Homer,Coinwell, Walbndgo, Aitdef-on- ,

Thuiston and O. N. Wilcox; le)s.Ashfoid, Aki, S. K. Pua, I. W. Wilcox, Hush, A. Hoinei, Kaiiuamano,Kamauoha, Alviua, Smith ami A. S.Wilcox 2ii.

Noes Nobles D. W. Pua, Hindand Ifoapili; Kops. iSipikane, Katihi,Koahou, Waipuilaui, White, Kane-ali- i,

I'Mmouds and lo-e- pa II.Ab-e- nt Nobles Reiger, Una,

Peteison, Cummins, Baldwin, KanoaaudDioiei; Hojis. Nawahi, Kapahu,Nahitiu and Kaltiua.

Aigiiiuent was then had on theamount of salaiy of the judges ofthe other ciicuit couits, and pend-ing .action (liuicou the Assembly, at.'!:,",", adjoin nod,


Sail'iiiiw, Aug. 27.

Morning Session.

Aseinbly convened .at 10 for pray-er. Minutes of the pun ions meetingwere thou load and, as usual, ap-

piovod.Uop. Nawahi fiom the Ways and

Means ptosontml a minority loporton a u'solution that certain 11101103bo nppropiialod for Piincess Kniulaui and icconuneuded that SMXX)

be appiopiated. Tabled foi con-

silium! inn willi majority loport andthe Appiopiiatiou 1 Si 11.

Noble Neumann oll'oied a resolu-tion that a select couuuilteo be ap-

pointed to consider tho adiisahilitjof appiopriating a stun of money towards paying expenses of II. If. II.Piincess Kaitilaui in an intendedlour. Tabled for fiituie consider-ation.

Noble MacfaiJaue fiom the Pju-aitc- e

Coiuiuittee piesonted a lopoil011 Mills IhJaud 1 7il elating to thejiav iniuit of salaiies, and pie.snntcilan aiiiouilcd section to Hill SI, to iho(dice! that the Ministei of Financebo aiithoiied to pa3 salaiies untilSeptember ilUtli, uulosia now Aipiopiiation Hill is passed. Noospondi- -

tiiiui. blmll l)i inndu, hunuior, forGpvoiiiiiion! moiKsi or fpr ual6 midUiuhros Qllior than wayij

Hepoit adopted. Hill ordered loTTT rp i TTengrossinont and for thiid leading I I I I Jon .Moiuuy next.

Hop. Ivanoalii moved that theHill lolating to the amendment ofArticle ir of the Constitution, tolaling to salaiy of Hcinc-entatives-

. bemade (lie Special Older of the Da.v

for Monda3'. Carried.Cudor suspension of (he i tiles the

following petitions weie iiro-eiite- d

and lefoned, i..:Hy Hep. White, that .?T,(K) heap

piopiiated for a biidge tit Kipnhulu,Ltihaiua. Heferied to Committeeon Public LamN.

Hy Hop. Waipuilaui, that a schoolteacher named Mullet bo dismissedTo Committee on Kduention.

Uy Hep. S. K. Pua, that .?."itX) bo jappiopiiatcd for work on a road atKitnavvai. To Public Lands,

Hy Hop. Kamauoha, from one S.Kane, that ho bo allowed to piaclicomedicine on lepers for theteimofone yea 1. To Sanitarv Committee.

Hy Noble Hoapili, 1, (hat a New

Constitution bo gianted. To Con-stitutional Committee; 2, that ti

paper ctirieney bo established. ToCommittee on lloinor's Hanking A

Act.liy Hop. Kapahu, 1, that an Eng-

lish school be established at Naa-loh-

To Education Committee; tit

2, tlijtt the Minister of luteiior pre-pai- c toand furnish labor blanks; !t,

that the Gov 01 anient build ware-house iit Pitnaluu,

Noble Pua load for the liist time abill to amend the law lolating to thoPublic Health. Tho following billswere now read for the third time:

I Jill 28. To amend and consoli-date tho laws lolating to the Ha-waiian Postid Savings Hank. Anamendment to Section 11 was pro-posed 13' tho Minister of Financeand was accepted. Bill was then

to the Enrollment Commit-tee and for thiid reading on Moiuhrynext.

Hill 177. To further secure de-

positor in the Hawaiian Postal Sav-

ings Hank was toad and passed.Hill 121). Holaling to the electing

and ropiiiis of buildings within thelire limits of the city of Honolulu.Passed.

Hill IIII. To ptovide foi the dis-

position of Hospital Tax Funds.Passed.

At 12:2.") Assembly adjoin nod.

Hilo News.

IMiss .losepliine 1)030, vvlio hasbeen a teacher at thu Union school.Hih has been anpoiutcd iniuciiialin place of. ,Mi. J'. L. Loid, vvlio litisiesif,'n(d and accepted a mote Iucia-tiv- (

position at In'veisido, C.il. MissD030 has had much expoiionco as ateacher and her appointment k'ivosgeneral satisfaction.

Capt. C. M Dtitton of the UnitedStates sa3'sthat a moderate eruptionof Alauna Loa loptosonts moiemateiial than Vesuvius has emittedsince the dost ruction of Pompeii.Tho gioat lava (low of 1S."i, whichextended l." miles dm aid (ho seawith an aveiayo depth of KKI feel,would 3 oa rly- - have built Vesuvius.The Hows of 18.V.)and 1SSI weie lit-

tle less. ,J.A. .M.

Hilo, Any. 2.").


ok Tin: i!i:rui:v or .namiii:i:F I'lli.irettt) Holder. loM tin tlio WmUikiiti.id, tniMiid tin I'ariv, on 'I'lie-dn- v List.

MlS-l- w .1. W. MililMlti:.


h.MAi.i. innOm: iii I'tiuv hritnd-tt- l"II" 011 nil hind It K

Owiiei can have smuton jiavliiij cieiiL-Ajiji- Ij yv!73i!ni;iiiL I'o. No I



A hl'lU'lAI. Mia:ilN(i Ol 'I III.l hlocMinliluisiif the Iliinoiiiu Siigiir('oliiuiy will he held on S.VTUKDAY,iSt'iiteiiilici ,ld, at In o'cliick v. M., at theolllie of I', llnnvtir A Co., (I.'d)

a.c. i.ovi:kin,ctarv IIoikiiiiii Kugar f'o.

Iliiniiliilii, Auk. 1. i'1'-- '- .ri--.- u

Retiring from Businessor a km'iui: stik r

Must be Sold by January 1, 1893.

Vii will Commence NIIIiik Out

Next Saturday, Sept. 3, 1892,

And will continue until the WholeMock - disjiOM'd of.



The I.t.ulini' Milliner, IIoum' tor. I'oitmid Hotel xtiicti-- . Ilw


W5, 'Hie "Tin mm ."

is Hindi of(u'liuinc Viij-iul-

and I'uiUikIi Ttihai --

to Tiller with Ha-vana Wiiiicr ofMiiciior urmlc, unit

IT without ii ijier, proniiiiiiiid li i (iiiiiiiis- --- i ins tu he the lincMMiiul.c evtiilit.

1 lid isieuslinulii'ieilhhoit hiuoKti- ili'sind. Htilllh-i- t

i and hi llu-- thana clK.nctte fur Ii' III IVVt I'll IIIIIIMl"whill

gtr- - Ak jmir.) .il i for liu'iii!

:n; -

TlB Knb & Oo , Bianch 0,ti,o Americanciuarotto Co.. Honolulu.

o".-- m


P.nsr.A.oE-A- . FORSprains, Bruises,

Cuts, Bums,

Lame Joints and

Cold on tlie Lungs.

Remedy Endorsed by the Medical Profession

Mr. .1. I,, riimilinnii, f .Viiintor, C.il.,siivs: "I luivo Ii ul ieieiil(tl opjiortitliltv

iilit'ivIliK!iiiil tt'slitiK the relieving nulllii'iilliiKiiiiillt,v of Vitv lln when iii,ilieil

i liliful, s(ite iiinl iiill.iineil ji.uts, mImi inInitio joints, sjii.iins mill lniiics. I urncoiillileiil that to the extent its safe, activemill jiowt'ifiil lie.illiiK merits metiiul.ilwill lie considered the ImlNjiciisilile fainilvreiui'ilv."

IW Kor the nskitiK veil will receive'aI"i0 It'stiinoiiial butti'i. lit.ul one nml ilovoiu own thinking.

Hobron, Newman & Co.

"Wliolesctle Agents,roitxi.i: roirr and kino m'iii:i;i

Beware of Imitatioos!

IS'feaS &?4

t r 1


I CWIION the I'ul.li. uMiiist the ullcr-- 1

inns (if Ni.imil Siiul. 11 v .lintel'I'lllll IVVKll" .lllV'i Ills! il ll tlllscl llHll(lllsliini-e- s to iiiisIc.kI tin jimIiIk. I In

(kiiiiiiio No! mil Sanitary

UNDERWEARper ' .tim.it in jinn ii.i-t- il tin 11 , hut

niih at in S.HUI .


l'oi the II w .mil II if l)r Hied (i..1. level's Siiiil.uv Umlfivw.il.


wild, i:i:sumi, ins

nPisuQ-- Lessons


Residence 13 Emma St. Mutual Tel. 321..r.0"i-l- v

To Eot or Leii30.


rwti mci:i,v ri'utuillv liii.ited, lih'uiic atlll'l II ll.N Olllce. :ui-t- r


jiciii.y ruitxiMii;i)I OlllllEC III .Vllll.lkl,

near lleretiiiiia strut c.n.Kent flu. .vip! tliisotUii,

Hll-t- f


I'ltl'.MI.-sKS-, IIII)1 lleietaiua Mrett, oniHi-i- in I'ort Mutt cliiiicliA i. I j to 11. 1. I. II. 1.11., JimMh

.IsJ-t- f At I lit. i. II .D.ults.V Co.


xjuwnoubi: ui-- ' i'ivi: aas- - i,X rooiim. on iikhiiu -. . isLritiiiut, v llatliitiiiiii, ii.ii- - .bin it "iii, ,?

nl V. ('., in. ( .iiiiiii.iinls &hSB(iB- -

otieof the llliusl View in Honolulu. Aiiiilvto (177-t- f) .1 M. IV AS.


ICi: Co I I.M.I, ()N t, -- .ANlieu taiiia Htreel, licit ffivl'jJVjJ;I'iil.ui ittiMit, lOiit.iiiuiiK lilvfiiStI'arlur, J lldlriiuiiis, llath- - kniriii'ia.rotiiu, 1 ln i uj-;-t tx.iu , I'aiitiv nml Kilchtn,hcrvain'M nioiii, CiiiniiKe HtiiiMi, lituliU etc.Tiainciirs piss evcrj ai ininiile- - Aiil .itolllie ul this piper. I is if


A T Till: ADIUl llMMi ASM M,J MiitiliK of tlie htockholdt is uf lluWlliiihiiiu Agili iillu.il V lir.ulni; Co, held

1l is d.iv, the following Ollin m cu dietedfoi tin ciixitiiiu je.ir.

rrexideut .. Hon. W. (I. livwn,li til. .Mr. J. M. MotiMirr.it,

Isccuititry i

.v. . .Hon. I'. 1'. Imtlu.i,Trefiaiiror I

Autlllur .. Hon. W. M.llilluitl.lUlil.iTon:

a. Irwin. J. M. MonMirr.il. a I'.luuloai, J. Kaulmuo, J. D. I ml.

0, !', IAUKKA,Sttiroliirv W. A. All. Co.

Honoltilti. Auu.'i, Id).'. (!i-l-"

rtf 7--


ITT' you possess a pi'i'sonnl iicqiiiiiiiliiiipo Willi your ownindividuality you will dojil wliiM't? you i Hie rcal- -

csl value for Iho lun- -l money.

J T7 you wiiiiL the latest--&- JL house where snap,every pore in the skin of theoozes out of that lot of (iiii'denother fellows.




thinys in Hardware gn tofinger and out of

salesman just like w it

Hose you houht of thoo

Nose try "Coi,i Si .

lonti-o-r than LeirilatureT IV y,ui t a good

will lastand hotter sali.sfaetion.

o- -

puph onxe--

HAWAIIAN HARDWARE CO.,Fort Street, Honolulu, Oppo. Spreckols' Bank.

GRAND ANNUALnun --a. dvc Dye otb:



104 Port Stfoot, Honolulu..

To Commence Monday, August 2Sf, 1882,


Two "Weeks Only !


G REAT SAC It I F C'EAll Goods bo Marked in Plain Figures and

Sold for Ootslx OnlyBona-fid- e Sale! lj Positive Bargains

Till-- : RliDUt'TION' 12 111 AI NT 1212 VOU

TWO WEEKS ONLYThe Popular Millinery House.

jE ZHZ 'X' Jkri. A Cs !H. O I Cy Ji

Havana SegarsWe (iikc plt-asui-- c in inl'onniiiy tho Smom'Ks of tlio

Kingdom, thnt wo h:io

UI.II 1.




i'i:u (oitii nr.i.ivi:iti:i.CO.,


"1 B


the r


: : :



I H. & Co.

on it si r

Fur Mechanical & Medical rurjinses.

In 1 and 5 Gallon

vr Till "1

Sl.T'S Pei-- G-stllo- n


Thr In'nl tltinl in cii ni lyuurnViiijiohrond in ICiiijj Ittiutrutul

U'itW. (ggultni foruitd U (!!

A LOT OF Till- -

Choicest Havana Segars !

i:vi:h ititouciiT to this mmikit. vi.-so- ,



Crop ClayAl lini l."l M' IH.I II


109 Fort Street, - - - 13.. I.



Hay, Grain, Feed

C'KOWNFor Cheap In Quantities to Suit.




QsuJ3UMii law






Hackfeldi rou

i Best Refined Alcohol !




thoyurpjig!, 'JlUUriiiiijinj,


Cream 3Pi;pesl



1;3.- - Si &

Page 4: jj'j'j' JJyJlJl' - University of Hawaiievols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/7071/1/1892082701.pdf · V fc jj'j'j'JJyJlJl' fr VOL. IV. NO. flOH. HONOLULU, II. I., SATURDAY,

' , v'yifms - Tiffvrv'" 9"?W "f'R', '."iWj ' ' "'in;h- - f nww rTr7lTrT rc-- g jpy "VTyE"" """ "fj' ' V ."""'nfjfr. WVST".,! ,,'j-- g--

, - " ynyjff v'?IJ"iSy Sj'wsf'-- ' ' "l-jr5'-j- ''?'(Tr'1155v'si'

Ilov. B. Fny Mills.

KlHTOII lil'KLKTIN! -Will you kindly allow spaei for

tlio following ovtract, from tlio SanI'rniK'iai'o Chronicle-- , August I'.).

I81I2, ioniorning Air. .Mills' work inSan Krani'iH'ii: 11. V. I'tru.

It must, liavo boon a tfrntif.vingHpociaelo lo Mr. Mills f nitflit atho stopped ti'itin tin pint form in tlio

Pavilion and viouod tluiniinonso. silonL tlironjj of men andwonionooi)f,'ro:atod wit hint lit build-ing. Thoro wa" not n sound to bohoard, but it wa tho solomn hush ofn tuulliludo.

Tho groat barn-lil,- o struct tiro looU-o- d

littlo like, a ohuroh, but tho thou-

sands of uncovered heads the lovor-on- t,

respectful attention ivcn to theevangelist's words and the completeabsence of applause throughout theservice made tho scone one of themost interesting ever witnessed inthe pavilion.

At the western end of the hall a

long and broad platform' had beenerected. From it aro-- tier upontier of seats for the choir of youngmen and women who had volunteer-ed from all the evangelical churches.San Francisco has never furnishedsuch an immense congregation at areligious service as that which filledevery seat and bench on the mainlloor and every chair in the gallery.The lower lloor was arranged in theform of an immense square, the baeof which was but a few Toot from theLarkin-stroe- t entrance. In the cen-

ter place was provided for thousandsof people and oven then there werenot seats enough for all who came.There were many elements in thecongiegation, people of every classand grade in life, ministers and mer-

chants, lawyers and mechanics,and here and there a Salvationist incharacteristic garb.

There were many theto whoshowed themselves unfamiliar evenwith the simple ritual of the service,but tho evangelist, throughout hislong address, held . their closest at-

tention. His effective stories of thedark side of life, of misery, degrada-tion and dishonor, were met with asilence so profound as to be at timesalmost oppressive. J is anecdotes in

a lighter vein, of good humor andgood cheer, provoked a smile, veryoften a laugh, and the rustle andwhirr of fans from all parts of thehall told of the rolief from thestrain his serious words had brought.

During his address, owing to thepoor acoustic properties of the hall,tho evangelist labored under a disadvantage, but he succeeded in mak-

ing himself heard in every part oT

tho building. His theme was anearnest protest against perfunctoryreligion, against that godliness whichlasts but one day and theworldli-nes- s

that continues for six. Thecharm, the effectiveness and the in-

terest of his sermon came from theniothod in which he illustrated hisarguments, from tint simple storiesby which ho demonstrated theworthiness of his plea and the darkpictures by which he proved theond of irreligious life.

"Our religion," he said, "must boconducted as our earthly affairs,upon strictly business principles.Wo cannot, in justice to ourselves orto God, bo devout on Sunday andirreligious for tho rest of thowook,observing what we know to bo theright course on one day in the weekand leaving the other days for ourminister. Wo must prepare consist-

ently for that endless life which willcomo when tho watorn of eternitywash the sands of time, when alldifferences but one will be sweptaway and we stand before our Godjust as wo are. There are thousandsof" people here t, the old andtho young, the learned and theignorant, tho rich and the poor, butall must some da' stand before thejudgment bar of God, t heir posit ionsleveled, to receive what, guilty orinnocent, their acts deserve. Godhelp him who may bo found wantingin that last and awful moment."

Tho words of the revivalist madea profound impression, and now andagain some Salvationist, ovoicouicby his devotion, woidd startle thesilent throng by an expression ofspiritual satisfaction as loud as it

was evidently sincere. When themeeting was almost at an end therevivalist asked all who wished tolead that life for which he so elo-

quently pleaded to stand up. Not asingle seat in the large hall was oc-

cupied. Cards wore at once distri-buted and hundreds signed theirnames as pledge to the purpose forwhich the' said they will devotetheir lives.

After those in tho congregationwho were professed Christians andmembers of the various churcheshad been dismissed tho others woreassembled for an after meeting, inwhich they wore encouraged in thenow path they had selected.

Tho meeting, as a whole, was emi-

nently successful. All of the evan-gelical ministers in (he city werepresent and were busy with the con-

verts after .Mr. Mills had censed.One of tho most effective ohnuonts

of the service was the singing of thohymns by the young people, of thochoir,

Sjmco at tho World's Fair.Kditok Hru.i:TiN:

Tho repoited indignation of Pre-

mier DiWhs when he discovered thatthe Chicago managers had cut down(he JSOO.OO!) square feet promisedAustralia toono-sith- , was perfectlynatural and proper. The scurrilousremarks of the S. V. Chronicle there- -

on are due to the fact of Mr. l)eYoung, its editor and proprietor, '

being olllcinlly responsible, as a highofllcer lit the Fair Commission, forthe obvious blunder. In addition to(he S'ieO.lXX) voted by the Xov SouthWales legislature l(, municipalCouncil of the Cit of Kvtlnoy is

spending money on prizes Tor de-

signs of furniture and other articlewhich thov will have forwarded toChicago. Altogether the legisla- -

tures and public bodies of Australiawill vote from one and a half to twomillions of dollars for ropiosentn- -

tion at Chicago, and a howl of in-

dignation will go up when PremierDibbs arrives at Sydney and givesthe dimensions of the reserved space.

What about our own representation? Are we to allow the offer ofspace to Hawaii to lapse lor want oithe paltry $10,000 needed? Sutolynot. No more serious blunder, onewhich cannot be recalled, will becommitted by this Legislature thanto exclude this country from repre-sentation at the World's Fair. IT

theie is one thing more than anotherwhich a temporarily poor countrycannot afford, it is to advertise itspoverty by shutting itself out fromthe Tainily of nations. Australia is

passing through a financial crisis,and depression of a hitherto unknown character prevails there, butthat is doubtless the very reason whythey advertise at Chicago.

Let us for once have no party poli-

tics in what, must bring prosperityto us, namely, the outlay of a modestsum that will repay itself a hundred-fold. D. M. C.

Koply to Mr. Pock.

Ennoi; IjUllkti.v :

In Hie Unu.irns or Aug. 2:1, II. V.

Peck denies ilie authority of thoNews Letter, that liev. P.. Pay Mills

the l.os Anjjeles I lines of ,Mav w, I

(uoie fioni the News Letter of .luly.'50, nearly two mouths and a halflater now- -. Kev. 15. P. Mills openedhis first meeting on July 28, in SanPraneiseo, that (lie News Letter re-

fers to; which iMr. Peck apparentlyknows not long about; hut depend,for authority upon something thatMr. Mills told Mr. Atherton. forii-lie- d

by stale news from the Los An-

geles Times. The News Letter is afearless, staunch and reliable paper,and ic not in the habit of allowinganything within its columns of apersonal natiiie, but what can boproved, lint wheie is the great harmdone, even if the rev. gentlemandid demand his money in advance;he had no doubt fell among sharkswhile in California, and is determinedto be more watchful of his moneyinteicsts in the fiiluie, which he hasan undoubted right todo. S. S.

What Fint Money Will Do.

A Herlin dispatch says that ISO

.Jewish families have returned fromthe Argentine Republic to Hamburgin a starving condition. They saythat work is scaice in that country,wages low and good land almost un-

attainable. There is really but onetrouble with the Argentine Repub-lic. That trouble is Jiat money.

were planned, debts incur-red, and a standard of living estab-lished on a fiat 11101113' basis. Putliat 11101103-

- has no value outside ofthe juiisdietion of tin Governmentwhich issues it. Supplies bioughtfrom abroad must be paid for withcoin. All foreign debts contractedare made payable, principal and in-

terest, in 11101103 that is good theworld over. Nature has been kindto tho Argentine Republic. It hasbeen compared in respect to soil andclimate to California. It was spokenof as the Italy of South America. Itwould produce about everything thatcould be grown on the Mediterran-ean. Sheep run over pastures asfertile as the valleys of Santa Claraand Alameda. Put the curse of aninllaled currency has put the lejuib-li- c

back a full generation. .S'. '.

Call, An,,. AS", MM,

Saved 11 Woman's Lifu,

Mr. il. E, Thoionghgood, willingfrom Georgetown, .Delaware, says;"Two teaspoonfuls of Chamberlain'sColic, Cholera and Diarrho-- Rem-edy saved the life of Mrs, .laneThomas, of this place." He alsostates (hat several other very badcases of bowel complaint theie havebeen cuied In- - this remedy. Porsale by all dealers. JieiiMin, Smithtc Co., Agents.

Old Hags Wanted.Clean white rags,suitable for baud-age- s,

are wanted for use at tin llishopI ItJino and the liuys' Home, Leper.Settlement, Molokni. Ring up 2.S1

.Mutual telephone, and they will bosent for; or leave the at thoolllce of the Hoard of Jlealth, oral,1. T. Waterhoiiso's, Queen street.

Mechanics' Home, W ami HI HotelfrlriM't. Lodging by day, week ormonth 2.")c. and W)c. night j 31and 1,25 a week.

mrnuTUi! and nmi.HU in

Steel & Iron Ranges

Stoves cSc Fisctu-res- ,


Agate "Ware in Large Variety,WIUTK, OKAY and S1LVKK Pl.ATKI);

LAMPS & CHANDELIERS,Crockery, Rubber Hose, Lift and Force Pumps,

"Water Closets, "Water and Soil Pipes.




This Space is Reserved

FOR. TEEE;,r rM Equitable Life Assurance Society



General Agents for Hawaiian Islands.

0 H AS. 1 1. U S T A 0 tt

dkai.ku in


Fresh California Roll Butter and Island Butter


New Goods Received Every Steamer from San Francisco.

I&-- All Orders faithfully

imi'oi:ti:i: and



-- olleilecl anil iiacke.l with caie.


TH Mil Ml OX 13 Hi).

attended to. Hatisfnctioii Kiiarnntccd. Ihland Orders

Bet. Fort and Alakea Streets.

P. O. HON .'172.

WEST CORNER NDUANU & KING STREETS.P. 0. Box 4G0. Mutual Telopliono 90.


I'OUND The iilaeo to lluy New gnpiBna anil iSccond-lian- d Furniture of nilKinds at Lowest ('rices; The 1X1., lk ff corner Xnuanii and KIiik xt reels.

llediooni Sets, Wardrobes, Ice. H)(T locs, Klo'c, Chairs, Hantfiiih'Laniiis, lliiKsJliiieaiis.Chiill'onieis, IK etc., rnild tilieaii for ('a-d- i at theI X i, corner Niiiianu and King Jft&. streets.

SMcamcr mid Veianda Chair.-.- , jg Kifas, Iled Lounges, llnbv f'tibs,('lollies Itaidicts, Setting Machines, Whatnols, Meat Hiifes.TruiiKK.elc,Mini at tlin Lowest t asli niccsat the I A l New and Second-han- d I'lir-nitn- ic

lloii-- c, turner Nniiaiui anil King streets,


.kimhink .'mi in FORT STREET. ir.o. hum


Groceries and Provisions.ON It'K Ily eaeli Kteiuner of the O. K. H. Co. fioin Califonda (liiliftimlii Itoll

llilttcr, I'roen (Jy.sters and Krush California I'Vuits, tlaine, Vegetables, etc.A complex line of (!rosse IllaekweH's and .1. T. Moiton'.s Canned and llollled (ioods

always on hand.JilM receivoil a I'rcsli bine of (ieriuan i'alcsanil I'ottcd MeatMind llottlcd I'roMirveil

I'mits, l.nwi.s V Co.'s Maltc-- u llrand Kugar Cineil Hams and ll.icon, Nuw lliealvfastCeicalf, ('renin Oat l''laUcs and Cream W)ieat Klake.s, Klcily Leiiions, California lllvor-hld- u

Oiaiigcs, Oregon lliubanU Potatoes, etc. Satisfaction guaranteed.

TKI.IH'IIONK !)L'. 1'. O. IIOX ll.i.


Groceries, Provisions strid IPeedL.Now (Ioods Itccoived b livery I'ackel fioni the Kastein .States and IIiihijki.


All Onlura laitlifully atlended to and (ioods delivered to any pari of tiiu Oily Jree,Inland Union tullcltftl. haliefautlon giiaranti'i'd.

' 32ast Ooraei Fort Sc King Streets,





lllfc)in Tin:

Pierced WorkNow so Popular

AND AT I'l'HT.S WHICH Vol' Wll.l


srrii iiKiii (ir.ADK hoods.


T. r. SI'VIIIIIN. . vv. u.

Aloha Gallery,st., over 1''. Hertz's Sboe Store.



Suelias Natives Milking l'oi (irass HousesHawaiian Style Hiding lliilahnlaDaneers Coeoamit droves I'al tu

and Date droves Stieet Viewsand lt'iiildinus 'ar'e-el- s

SbipiiiiiK and MarineViews, ICte., Kte.

u l.aie Collection of all Prominentand Inteiestinu Views of the HawaiianIslands, either Mounted or Unmounted.

Books of Hawaiian Views j

Made up to Older at the uiot Keasotiableliates in Honolulu.

Cabinets SG and S5 a Dozen.

mi r. o. iio. ins ft f

Wm. G. Irwin & Go.(MMITKD)

Win. (!. Irwin, - 1'icsidcnt and ManagerClans SpiecKels, - - - - nt

W. M. (iillard, - Seeretaiy and Treasurer'I'lieo. ('. Poller Auditor

Sugar FactorsAND

Commission Agents.- Aunxi.s or tiii; -- -

Oceanic Steamship Company,OF SAN H'ANCISCO, CAL.



General Mercantile

Commission.1. (). Carter .

(i. II. liobeit'-on- ,

V.. I llishop.W. K. AllenHon. C II. IIUIiopIs. ('.AllenI!. Wutcrhnu-t1- ..



1'rcHident and MiuniKerTreasurer."ecrelary




The Best Lunch in Town.

Tea euaci CoffeeAT AI.l. nouns.


Cigars and Tobacco







Wholesale and Retail Butcliers


G-- . J. "Waller, . . . Manager.


in-i- )i:ai.i:iis -

WOOD and COAL.Al.s- u-

White and Black SandWhich we will l at tlie Very Lowest

Bell 414




Mai kit Hates for Cash.


For Balo.


A KUI.I.SCT Ol-- HOUHIIIIOI.D riHt-- Jnitiire as it Mauds. Tlin Lease of

tlio I'iciiiIm-- No. irj Port is alsooU'eiTd for tii)iiisal, iarticiilai'Hon uiiiiliealhiii lo

MltH. I'HDI.KIt,I'lS-- lf On the preinii-cs- .

I'orMmililiuiiM, Fruuim, l'unli'ln,Arto-lyjiCH- ,

J'liolojian'itrt'H, lilvhinus, midrverytltlntj In llw line 0 1'ielurex, ja to

Kimj Urm., Jlulel street.

Brewing Association.

St. 1-iO--

u.is, 3VCo.


Manufactured from Pure Malt and Highest Grade Hops!

Xii Corn or Corn l'ron.'inilioiis lei-r-t in dacc of Mult, as is done by oilier Kant- -

em llrewcrici, in order In (llu:iiion (lie cost of their l'eer, mill to cointicte with ourwurlil-- i L'tiovviieil and justly finned article.

With the Completion of the New Brewhouse,the Brewing Capacity is the Largest

of any Brewery in the World.Brewing Capacity: C kettles every 24 hours, G,000 Barrels, or 1,800,000

Barrels per year.Consumption of Material: Malt, 12,000 bushels per day 3,600,000

bushels per year. Hops: 7,;"00 lbs. per clay 2,250,000 lbs. per year.No Corn or Corn Preparations are used in the manufacture

of the Anheuser-Busc- h ir.F.R. It is, therefore, the'nighest priced but theiost whnlesomo and really the least expensive for its superior quality.

AnualSuu'imncCapavitv: 100,000,000 Bottles and 5,000,000 Kegs, a

Tin Axiii:im-,i:-:itsii- i Co. Iinve carried oil' tint Highest Honors and Ilie HighestClass (.'old Medals wbeiever they have coiii'ictcd. At all of the InlernaUonal Inhibi-tions throughout the world their ISeel i:celled All Others!

This Company .have prepared a Special l.rand of I heir Highest (liade lleer for theHawaiian Islands, known as "SI'KC.l A I. ISISIIW," with a liand-oni- e label and in Whitellottlfj., which, with their best "llXI'OIiT ANH IHlHIvl! " in Dark Unities, huretofnie.inipnrled, wn will now supply to the Trade in Quantities to Suit.

G-- . W. MACFARLANE & CO.,Ajjenls Jslatuls.

(ni:w m'LLin'ix iii.ock, mcui'iiaxt ktih;i:t)

ESTATE BROKERFire Insurance Placed. Collections Attended To.




LIFE and



Hartford Fire Insurauco Co.,

Assets, SG,219,458.98.

London & Lancashire Fire Ins. Co.,

Assets, 34,317,052.

Thames and Mersey Marine Ins. Co.,(Limbed)

Assets, SG,124,057.

New York Life Ins. Co.,

Assets, 8125,947,290.81.


General Agent for Hawaiian Islands.HONOLULU.

When .((in leant a l'ortruit Enlttajrileall on Kiny lira., ijet their J'riee Lint,

and nee Samples, They ean't be lieul!

rpJIlf wicilKLY JHIUd-JTIN-Sf- l COL-- J1111111H of InleiestbiK Heading Matter,

JhIuiiiIm, ft; mailed to foreign uonntr!uj,fr.


for tho llavvaiiitn



(Ijimiteca.)OI'l'MCIl I'OU SAM--

Lime : and : Cement,

I'AIIAl-'KINI-- : l'AINT CO.'fi

Compounds and Roofing,


Felt Steam Pipe'Covering,AI.l. .SIZl'.S.

fertilizers :

Wool Dust, Bone Meal, Fish Guano.


High Grade Chemical Cane Manure.

Grass Seeds :

Cocksfoot, Ryo Grass and Clovers.

Refined Sugars.FA 111 HANK CANNINd CO.'H

Corned Beef,In 1 and --' ll Tins.


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