Jin Shin Jyutsu Self-Help Approach in Times of Need...Through Jin Shin Jyutsu principles, we have an...

Jin Shin Jyutsu Self-Help Approach in Times of Need • Modulate • Breathe • Energise • Re-Centre Modulate: Calm the Nervous System Breathe: Exhale From Head to Toes Re-Centre: Back to the Source Energise: From Toes to Head © Maria Miniello 2020

Transcript of Jin Shin Jyutsu Self-Help Approach in Times of Need...Through Jin Shin Jyutsu principles, we have an...

  • Jin Shin JyutsuSelf-Help Approach in Times of Need• Modulate• Breathe• Energise• Re-Centre

    Modulate: Calm the Nervous System

    Breathe: Exhale From Head to Toes

    Re-Centre: Back to the Source

    Energise: From Toes to Head

    © Maria Miniello 2020

  • Modulate; Breathe; Energise; Re-CentreMaria Miniello April 2020

    Our accustomed lifestyle has been disrupted by a microscopic pathogen with a mercurial and mis-chievous characteristic. During this unsettling phase, we can all benefit from some reassurance and support.

    We have a tendency to react to the unknown. Before we can decide on an action in response to the reaction, we need to understand what is actually going on in our own body on many levels.

    Our peripheral nervous system will react to the unknown or unexpected in a fight, flight, or freeze action. These are normal, basic reactions that we all recognise as a response to dangers, but we also have a consciousness to assess the situation and make decisions to find a balance between these two extreme states. Reactions are fear based but if those fears are perceived fears, they can easily become fixed emotional responses which will develop into Attitudes, having a decentring effect on the body.

    Through Jin Shin Jyutsu principles, we have an approach to finding balance in our daily lives, which are being affected by social distancing and isolation. We adapt because we are a relatively intel-ligent species, and we are reading our bodily feelings that want to be held, embraced, and to feel safe with the people whom we trust. This is basically a neural circuit which is reaching out. If ignored, we will feel marginalised. We then start to become too isolated which impacts on our nervous system and our body will react with the bias of negativity.

    An effective go-to in an unsettling state is Safety Energy Lock (SEL) number 17. It represents our intu-ition, which is our natural intelligence, and will help us find harmony. It is an instinctive hold and you will see people apply this naturally on themselves. This location relaxes the mind, and the nervous system which in turn relaxes the body. It also supports the heart and as the heart calms, the body is no longer distracted so can start ‘listening’ to the internal messaging.

    What can we to do to re-establish harmony? Through awareness and understanding we can break down these reactionary processes and focus on finding balance, by coming back to centre. Our best way to modulate is through the breath. This is our higher state of consciousness, a notion where breath is our communal connective tissue. It opens up the doors of perception beyond the five senses level, to access our innate wisdom.

    Jin Shin Jyutsu is about the ‘Oneness’, the ‘Completeness’ - Bustline; Waistline; Hipline:

    If one aspect of this is affected, it will affect the other two.

    It is the breath that is the ‘Oneness’ and the waistline is the bridge connecting that which is above to that which is below, and that which is below to that which is above, to create a harmonious cycle of energy movement.

    Waistline is also the processing centre of our body and houses the diaphragm, a muscle which sup-ports the lungs and breathing, and if not in harmony this connection cannot be expressed fully. On the Function Energy level, is responsible for clearing all accumulated tension and stress from head to toe.

  • The breath is the ultimate healer. This is what we know, this was the core message from our teacher Jiro Murai, and is the foundation of our understanding in Jin Shin Jyutsu. It is that simple.Whatever you are doing, “Drop the shoulders” and come back to the breath every 20 mins or so.

    Simple and Dynamic helpers for the breath:SEL 1, our Prime Mover. Simply, the name describes the action, where energy that is stuck above the waist will be brought down enabling movement in the body. SEL 18 relates to body consciousness which is about our awareness of the body, and the aggregate intelligence of the cells of the body, bringing Melody into our form. SEL 18 Clears from head to toe, with the back of the head being the start of the exhale.Indulge these holds with time, and they will help you find balance. You’ll know when you have arrived at that place of balance because your breath and subsequent movements will be effortless.

    General Energy Revitalizing:The body is a self-healing organism and when we remove the barriers caused by fears that disrupts the breath cycle, the body’s physiology which includes the immune system will be able to do its job in clearing the dregs that may have built up. Mary Burmeister gave us the General Energy Revitalizing sequence in Self-Help book 1, to bring balance and energy back to our body – this utilises the Spleen Function Energy to help us restore our natural and vital supply.

    This sequence helps:

    • Calm the nervous energy and the nervous system, the debilitating and deflating effects of shock to the nervous system• Depleted immune system - Chemotherapy effects; Allergies etc• Those who are overly giving - Think about the overworked essential services supporting our community in our time of need. • Insomnia – We need energy when we sleep. Your brain is more active sleeping than watchi- ng TV. The body rebuilds when resting so will be needing the energy to do so.• Brings vitality into the whole body. It ‘lifts’ (lightens) the body when it feels like lead, and it will inspire and give you the energy to move. • Nutritional energy balance. Too much sitting which brings on the cravings for sweets. This sequence compensates for our irregular eating habits and rhythmically transforms and trans ports the nutritional energy of the digestive and respiratory system into the blood in the cor rect form and amounts. As it is the source of life (nutritional energy) for All of the Organs, it can be left depleted if they demand to much, and so it seeks to be ‘nourished’.

    Back to the Source: The first step of the MCV, which is the General Harmoniser for the whole body and its functions, helps clear those unwanted thoughts and reset and harmonise energetic movement.

    Social Distancing; Breath Imbalance; Depleted Immunity; these discussion points are not just topical, some or all of these are the everyday realities that people live with. Equally, being forced to take time out from an energy depleting lifestyle also has its lessons. Some-times people need rest through isolation from all sensory stimulus. Having now experienced all of this first-hand, we may see growth in awareness and understanding from all perspectives, and a mutual respect and tolerance for all.

    All related videos can be seen at JSJAustralia.net - https://jsjaustralia.net/articles/