Jilted at the Altar: Men and Women, How Villas Bali Can Mend Your Heart

Jilted at the Altar: Men and Women, How Villas Bali Can Mend Your Heart It doesn’t really matter if you’re male or female, were planning to marry a male or female, or were two days or two minutes from saying, ‘I do’ to that one person you wanted to spend your life with, getting stood up ‘at the altar’ is humiliating, heartbreaking, and expensive. So, what can you do once the people have all left, the church is empty, the decorations have been torn down, and the cake shipped off to the local food shelter? You still have your bags packed for the honeymoon, and you still have two tickets that you can’t get refunded, and you really feel the need to get away from all the looks of pity, the questions, the memories, and the wedding planner’s bill. Why not take those tickets and that reservation for private Villas Bali and use them just for yourself? For the Jilted Groom You probably feel like you’ve been kicked in the gut, and now you just want to go away and forget that you ever thought you could spend your life with her. You’re hurt that she didn’t feel the same way you did, but the upside to the whole situation is that you had planned to take her to a private Villas Bali and spoil her with luxury life for 2 weeks. Now, you can go and enjoy all those things on your own. Sure, the loneliness might set in, but when it does, you can visit one of the many vibrant night spots near your Villas Bali and meet some beautiful women from all over the world. You spent money on this honeymoon (not too much because it was all quite affordable), so you deserve to take that honeymoon even if your honey chose not to spend it with you.


It doesn’t really matter if you’re male or female, were planning to marry a male or female, or were two days or two minutes from saying,

Transcript of Jilted at the Altar: Men and Women, How Villas Bali Can Mend Your Heart

Jilted at the Altar: Men and Women, How Villas Bali Can Mend Your Heart

It doesn’t really matter if you’re male or female, were planning to marry a male or female, or were two days or two minutes from saying, ‘I do’ to that one person you wanted to spend your life with, getting stood up ‘at the altar’ is humiliating, heartbreaking, and expensive.

So, what can you do once the people have all left, the church is empty, the decorations have been torn down, and the cake shipped off to the local food shelter? You still have your bags packed for the honeymoon, and you still have two tickets that you can’t get refunded, and you really feel the need to get away from all the looks of pity, the questions, the memories, and the wedding planner’s

bill. Why not take those tickets and that reservation for private Villas Bali and

use them just for yourself?

For the Jilted Groom

You probably feel like you’ve been kicked in the gut, and now you just want to go away and forget that you ever thought you could spend your life with her. You’re hurt that she didn’t feel the same way you did, but the upside to the whole situation is that you had planned to take her to a private Villas Bali and spoil her with luxury life for 2 weeks. Now, you can go and enjoy all those things on your own. Sure, the loneliness might set in, but when it does, you can visit one of the many vibrant night spots near your Villas Bali and meet some beautiful women from all over the world.

You spent money on this honeymoon (not too much because it was all quite affordable), so you deserve to take that honeymoon even if your honey chose not to spend it with you.

For the Jilted Bride

Ladies, sometimes the anguish, humiliation, and heartache of being left at the altar is a little more acute than what men feel in the same circumstance. You were so close to having the wedding of your dreams. You’d spent 9 months planning everything down to the last detail, and now you have to turn away your friends and family from what was supposed to be the happiest day of your life.

So what do you do now that the organ music has faded, the minister has gone home, and the ice sculpture is now a large puddle on the buffet table?

You grab the bags you packed for your honeymoon and you go anyway!

You’d planned a life changing, memory building honeymoon to private Villas Bali and you will not let something that amazing go to waste. You deserve the in-suite spa treatments. You deserve the private beach access. You deserve to go shopping in the nearby world class shopping district. You deserve to meet new people, experience new things, and possibly begin the healing process.

Men, women, grooms, and brides; just because the ceremony ended on a sour note, doesn’t mean that the honeymoon can’t be sweet.