JIBKÉM45 - Montana Newspapersmontananewspapers.org/lccn/sn84036037/1923-12-06/ed-1/seq-1.pdfS*...

S* "S- 'i vjnjc- í¡K/ >j & , ■• —w 'J á i^ S 0 ^ pí>ÍNTE,P -STATE *EIf*E»É(Î. f. f^TIVEvÒF LlFE INS. CÒ., !'' •Ë-Wâitei1 Ó.’ Üèrrltt h*s sècttrod the. An agricultural export commission, designated to restore farm purchaa ing Tower by Withdrawing exportable surpluses from tbe domestic mark ets, “is deceiving the very careful consideration of.* the Department of Agriculture”, Secretary Henry G. Wal lace said in an address before the' Chicago Association of Commerce. While the proposal “ is not put for ward as a policy of the Administrati- ation”, the Secretary said, it has tho support and approval of many official^' who are in a position to influence le gislation on the programme. The commission, It was explained Would buy- exportable products at th->. American price and dispose of them .meettç ^àrïet "as<à ievèl fcividg thtf ’* w^-irt ma*ir«K nhn™>W > W farmer hi* Lpré-war purchasing pow- JO 'the world market; charging hack the losses to the dossers on the fol lowing crop. Explains Wheat Depression Declaring the present depression in agriculture, particularly In the wheat belt, is due to tbe disparity in pric-j level*/ between farm products and the thin|fk'L th6' farmer buys, the agficulJ total secretary explained that the export commission plan-''would aim only “at the restoration .of «the farm er's purchasing power to that of pre war period/’ . . Long studies" by the department, he said, had demonstrated that on tk£ whole, farm products prices still were largely determined by world Competition, while the prices of virt ually everything farmers use pire, pro tected by the tariff against the com petition of disorganised Europe. This situation) be said, had estabished two' price levels in the country, one for manufactured commiodiyes, and labor, determined by American conditions only, because of thè protection of the protect|oh of tbe tariff and immigra tion laps. - The commission plan is calculated to withdraw from the American mar- ket from- time to time such, surplus dwtatities * as will imaìÀ^tljo^, tlie ^dp er. ' The commodities withdrawn will be sold at tbe best prico possible In the world market, and the loss charg ed back to the producer, not to the federal treasury. Latest Plan Untried In this respect, the Secretary em phasised,' tKS ^suggested ‘plan <1 is es sentially different from any ,other sug gested for farmer relief! thru gbyerh* menU| agencies.. -y jj^kcharraback feature, he said's 'Polldd'uwll^J^lpli’eck' unnecessary prpdnctloa. In aa^r sys tem or arbltary govemmental;vprice fixing on the;-other hand, the assured profit would work tp stimulate j ductlon. Tpe plan Is suggested merely- ai£h? tm^porary relief measure, be automatically disBolyedbylta/daTA corrective;; influence - in eqialiatnkj ¿¡a?, erican production .andVsy^umptïe^ When there are no longer puifdenspeà^ surplusses, Secretary Wallace ¡point-; ed out, the need for speh a comrqM*. sion will no longer exist.- .',$1 While the chief opération of aue^f. an agency would be In the-wheat nyùfi-;! ket, it was Indicated, the, ipropos^ commission, would be .vested' With-ati|i thdrlty to function sht other markétf ,wHérfe&ratttrn*p-tti ‘fis ^ ïtÿ ^ m lg h t. , determined 'to'be out pf linefiot"gewt eral "price levels. - *. 'Z /¡\ Prlcé Fixing Scored The principle "Of arbitrary price fix ing by the government was- condemn ed as economically^ unsound, by tha department chief. - But the plan to restore buying power, he said, wan merely a practical application .of “the prlnfeiples of full protection, to' all pro ducts of which we i produce a sur plus.” * The suggested scheme, according tp,Jthe Secretary, has won widj) ap- ij^afthroughout tb.e.'Northwest horn bauers, ( business ..men/ and. grain handlers, as well as producers and' co operative marketing' agencies. with him as MBlst^t.man,, |g er ànd-'cashier' of the Statb^office Which. will be'established at Bilìings JihortTy after -the *8 rat ' of thé’; Ky«arr, ÿhate/ two gentlemen Trent-to. 'Water*- lówi',í}s.í‘ b,, thehotae oflic»* ò't.;th^ jéòmjìàny ' last ’ éunááy, returning' bn, $ i&taèSdaÿ mornSig/ nud wïllèr' there' ^w ííiié'there ; scared' the contract' tot ìhi éiaíe .of; Í ¡taata&a.' Mr. Merritt Wilf^go . , .to ‘ittihnlrg'h. shorty after thé:'fírst.,lof; tSé'ysar' al thé 'expense^ ofHhe1 . coin*. éhnf*A%li«re. he will »take a'‘v •'pév^', weChh^céursè in the* Carnejirta-VÌnetl- t lite'of technology dttibg h'iidÌéirTey! the Life 'Insurance* work. While In- ¡^¿Utb l^ako'ta the boys «ay thït eyery^ ;dne théfr ihéV', wañtéd " to ’-t|tíh¿ .#tfa^óti'|* aim'his'iCrt'W'.with^iere'raiTrefOM} sitw .Vfàysr'às the'old pii»* ls belng haùlad Xrbni •’ th è -vieil'- tò 'thé -èottîèlrÿ.’ ' ^ :th e :3bà^3âir^ÜtMa<^4eaëë'^ât^tonKr<àt>«.Î^ . . ............ ___________ cìVaÌ':quéo|ÌóS#^ ^ ^ 8 ^ 1 “Dè yod ' réálly Tálse -gtxxl' corn ’ih n m Organizes fbr Export Action re action by Oongress to cor- TQp t Ore disadvantageous price rela- tiiunship of farm commodities with op- eaptlng. costa Is demanded by an asso- 'eftteon ^formed at Helena on- Tnesday, November 27th, by official represent- htlyes: of the Montana Wheat Grow- ere^nAatoclatlon, the Montana State s*-Association, the Montana „ - . .,~~*iBureau, the Montana Jte- tall Merchants’ Association and tho Montana Farihers’ Union. This organisation, known as the Ag ricultural Export Corporation League, opened headquarters Immediately, and Is taking the leadership 'in organising sentiment that exists throughout the -northwest In favor of government'ex port action, back of one definite plan. A meeting, conducted by one; of the officers of this new organisation, will be held in Baker in the near future, the date to be announced later. 'What- - i** • r ever the outcome of the' movement may be,if it can lncreaiie the income of the fanner by getting^ a higher price for the wheat he raises, It will meet with the approval of the ma jority of the people of the United States. ■^pzy-^iíls ' I from-JU^^^rorviace,..Çanada> vtho best peck 1 Mostaha wlnalngs again set this state definatsly on top of-the wheat pro ducing; ssctJons.r; fC, ¡ Ihe placink of Montana grain Were this ynarat . to a.,msssags; r«cetv- íák^Stkie fé^tíegeliiom ’ álstéM lon ;,agrpn6aüst. • -.^tls^^hbVr;a¡a;,ln¿tl^''J«b¿tann-;tortcl .jm tpfm lt' ot aü tlMí^VÍne-lnoner ~pb?... HariLTred .winter wheat—Clydë Mar- -,*f* -i *> i . , -M Í- ton; Columbua/ first; L. E. Peterson, Victor,-, second;1 - James DoIma, Colain- May Brothers, (^■■bw . eighlh.C. E. .eleventh; Bro m m & Q g ìté & tìtk S W . «? ^iaM-.redTpring'whaat, :0 .'CÌ!plèe of -tìre- Bak««- teachers -of a year -agó, MéHicÀàó -pascle- ara ha ;Chlcago, ,maA''that..they • ««goy-haiag together as JBakerkes and -to-raM ^'’r% T Ì^ J^tePrice.M ^M .r^M ohr. j^TTjwndunt, G p o . ? t eÿae and-.Mr. àndi Mrs. BpMrtsoxL' ¿ r / TtohertscA wllI bé reméxnherd ha «ne »» ftèn ’é*||háve pairtlésir ''Vhera3tlwy.’ 'feel- re^ltmách —i.-.— — * i.*,- ¡p.íj ___ ti*i Ï. v'" / - t - P* .l'.-r:-1 , —rrr/*' THE •fb'Ñ'g;ÁNb;' DAUQHTERg OF v » » . sarokee, sixth; Fred Eyrick, Colum~ bus, eighth; W. V. Talbott, Armington thirteenth; Leroy Kirhey, Simms, fourteenth; S. L. Thomas, Forest Grove, seventeenth; C. St Smith, Cor vallis, twenty fourth. . Durum wheal—L X. Peterson, VL> tor, first; Leroy Kirbey, Simms, sec ond; C. Gustafson, ConraIl|s, third ;' M. A. 8mlth, Corvsli», fifth;' DaVe Udln, Choteau, sixth; Algop Udla,, Chotean, eleventh. •'Montana won the majority qf .the) placing* in porn exhibfba ^m em ber# of boys Bpd girls duW, althq«gh ¿me, box. of the Montana «chihits wm lost \f the rsflroad en tenté to CMIdii^ ‘Z t * , V"’5 »t !*• * rt y - f ** ' ■* *Jw-. for next 1924 H om e____. . __ . ______ state.or wlmsefather.ocinsbthsfc were f » * horn or raised there, td joln the hmnd folks during 'that time,Jiun-celebra tion. There are 795,801 native*^of Kentucky! síown by thefl^M ^qÇ 19MT td be livlng lnrothrtr states. We m a^iiave somé of 'thbntr résidlngítín n Montana. Tf-you want- to - keep -*p the home ties, this will be your chaaoê to do it - ; • 1 * îî - .Buy some-of the Christmas Seals apd you wQl help the needy; Mofitaha ?' " Thè -people- of'’the east are lftterested ln learning of the'pos sibilities and natural resource# of Montana. . Ig/ a-«hort.itia»qttihki\SMtp: Will see.ah Influx of settlers who arq looking for cheaper land and where they can follow the methods of thé eastern farmers in .¿di^nped.-fMaá'; tag ; ^ ; í I ^ SÒME HEAVY PORKEft« ' ‘kerman - korth of Westarere, ihiif; week'’soId?.'t¿„ JénwsfPe^PWP'-ld ;iáad;' hog. 'ÍTm#e|i»ri»eÍí^a«¿. próbahíyfthál Heaviest bunch of hog«? ever delivered in gallon ,co.unty. Som; of-them tip- ted.the scales,at over- 600 pound* phased ta report stEl heavier hogj-he frill7 raise-oft-his fiunm 1 ------ ----------- vfe— r r . -v ^ THE , HAftDffM MKfilOftlAL vASWk <*■-COMMfT fffE fN"f^M±'ON- CO. i -t ' * Judge*’ fiKknley E, F elt, Chanty chair, mam of the Hardtag M m n h l Assocl hdon, has- appohsted. the- ibllowlng named coamunlty chairmen for this county; Baker, ............ ..... _.R. F. Smith: Plevna, ........ ..Hon. c. C. .Conner, OlUd, ___ - _______ ______ W, C. keea; Westmore, ................ P. D. Armstrong Willard ..... Hon. Theo. Bergstrom1 Webster r .................. - ..... ....... MeL Ziuk Psrtieg'desiring to contribute ;m'ay. leave- contributions at any. ot the banks, jOr 'prlth the nearest communi ty chairman. ^ . j 'V VOTE AGAINST CHANCE The Yellowstone -Trail. Association of Northland Souths,Dakota- held .a, meeting. Monday of this w eek .¿at Aberdeed/8. D., where the delqgatei, s e n t ' t h e different towns' Wt&f solidly 'rngatast any’‘change in'-th^d^ region of/the Yellowstone Trail,. ft ENT«'THE PALACE FEED «A,ftN /istflt^iXorke of knownrlis' the Chicago, cattle buyer, -who;-;made a good name for hlmielf amolyg^tlui farm ers op account'of the' falr dedlings with them, has rented t W F e e d Barn firpm .Eph Kelr- le/iiibf^VrQl ran tbe bam during tho rttts#A|te:Trill *l*° ^bnytuglas heretofore!; That he ^yaTthe support of the fanners ;i£iw enterprise Is to be expect-, ed^ha^eoorteous treatment brings - VXi of/the * Dakota'- ianá---.wlÍL!»e!k 'of a few weeks. ^ ,*,.The latest .jçep9 .rts1>£rom, the d ^ ll ,taf.»ite o t the ObioCo/* ^ell itt.tba Laáce Creek iln- .W>^taff.'\-'ipbef;e' K ïi; ............. i rj V** -Î here^wl'U bs just fA Sam tact *.>*' i¿MiíiM*íllwí'«V>wnr<tdf the Dakota < ’Jr*4 #1 - ..v . ■> y_ *s ? GAÉ'.WELLON THE CAilNi-CftEEK; .í'tGÓcdrpregrésiii^^ at tha^ * *■ ^ ....... %&»■$ J' r> Backar ^ ^ JIBKÉM _ . M-ithavnsaat æ/ îM î ^ vïl 45 5»¿\t¿;-act as secreUry in .plaée^hfjD; ‘^hm tophar, who! was absent. Judge C. J. Dousmin presented a resolution against the proposed change of the Yellowstone Trail thut is ■ ’considered- by the Trait Associa tion. The resolution was unanimous ly adopted. Tt whir-farther moved that the Com mercial "Club appoint a ,delegate o attend, the meeting .called, for Decern- hr 10th,)at Living*tW Montana, ,ari‘l the delegate to be lnstructed to make every effort to. háVe the trill kept at its 'present location.. Adopted.;' ' T lie; Mfles .City Commercial Club w ill'kata* a meeting in regard to, the siunejaerement onDecsmber7th,andl ite^Emker'- Commercial ’- Club: appoint' #'w!r¿''bohrm an «fe df legate/tothat, VéfftngV-nnd also -to, 'the «eptlag at “ IngrtiftL.December!- idtiu* P¡t.¡ pobriÉUta-’-Offeréd to pay all hiá oirá sap fuses/- which was with thtaks ac*. < -'"(V >JL A. ..Lymsn; ch^rman of ¡ the Camp Crook Trail committee, rendéis ed his .véport oh the trip to Camp’ Crook; s t |^ ';that,the «o-MlM ‘M ill Irohi route'' w ilf. be the- official; route, but stated that the Knpbs anj|í Boxelderáronte should also -be proved, as some of tbe freighters pre fer that route. . , County-Agent Leader !j. C. TAylor ^oi Bowraum.Cwhq: was; present h t1 tlik m éet^r ipiije n|t*lk:, on^tbe,building up of’ feeb 'suppifea and catting thb cost of production of .farm product«. County Agent Hemkre told the meeting that aqmWtl^i« sh o u ld -^ Bmcaúr% jlí^éñ|ítiyes, r|í^ s Mr. Taylorlforj-bls talkTfi .thepàie^. ests ' óf bfttéi^ farming;* WÌr 'jinànt^ monsly adòptéd. ^ || ì •/ . The, iuppér isérved b y -thè Peqrlesx.*,-. «Cafe management’ was ekcelientf .. V.' m ?f sV .frV .'*>,?./ ~'Jy! .. COMPANY l ’MOVEg -INTO, NEW V» ' ■ ‘*f^SüArrt*Eft«v The ' locai fMÒompànX4 ' movedf tajo the. old Jphasoa. Warehouse neár^th» track ta tié,Vii^rtkV»«t«ffn part'of the city. ' The l*k tauc^ targer than the to^^iarm oty and;vriU -*h7. Abta < the - soM'l^/koys, Jto;do inora 'it their exercisravUBdèr rp èt especUlly * *'h durjag tha:.:W^tatw,mopths. ì S* •'M'ÔNÈ^.Mi 4 ÜEèWoljFO F0 Í|Í^»^C H llttÑ IN t f The •.driwiiwÂthe' Christmas, Seaht^r^ Ward to assist ta a record s«le of the <■ , ' *K*v*:w^ AV , ièàft. ' VSs. s ÍZM uuA nd v.^ ™ CATHOLIC-LÀOIE«^VaEAAR à : f t , «yppEft ^ ^ . . \ 3Ír -, The CatholicvitadhtatwllL,; conduct; 1 1 t at .the^Huhbard HatL jL .fish ---- * m.v; fiM S _______________ ____________ _ _ ^ ______ fot thé^Wddlés^ta^ especially1 provided ,e " Baxaar., will Jstart> at, £ 30 and iruppKr-T^ t iwmj^^Tyeà'Wu^ng at;?, ^ ^ * À x > *>' . J ) i

Transcript of JIBKÉM45 - Montana Newspapersmontananewspapers.org/lccn/sn84036037/1923-12-06/ed-1/seq-1.pdfS*...


vjnjc-í¡K/ > j


, ■•—w'J á i ^ S 0 ^ pí>ÍNTE,P -STATE *EIf*E»É(Î.

f . f^TIVEvÒF LlFE INS. CÒ., ! ''•Ë-Wâitei1 Ó.’ Ü èrrltt h*s sècttrod the.

An agricultural export commission, designated to restore farm purchaa ing Tow er by Withdrawing exportable surpluses from tbe domestic m ark ets, “is deceiving the very careful consideration of.* the Department of Agriculture”, Secretary Henry G. Wal­lace said in an address before the' Chicago Association of Commerce.

While th e proposal “ is not put for­ward as a policy of the Administrati- ation”, the Secretary said, it has tho support and approval of many official^' who are in a position to influence le­gislation on the programme.

The commission, It was explained Would buy- exportable products a t th->.Am erican p rice and dispose of them .meettç ^ à r ïe t "as<à ievèl fcividg th tf ’* w^-irt ma*ir«K nhn™>W > W farmer hi* Lpré-war purchasing pow-JO 'th e world market; charging hack the losses to the dossers on the fol­lowing crop.

Explains W heat Depression Declaring the present depression in

agriculture, particularly In the wheat belt, is due to tbe disparity in pric-j level*/ between farm products and the thin |fk 'Lth6' farm er buys, the agficulJ to ta l secretary explained that the export commission plan-''would aim only “a t the restoration .of «the farm er's purchasing power to th a t of pre­w ar period /’ .

. Long studies" by the department, he said, had demonstrated tha t on

tk£ whole, farm products prices still were largely determined by world Competition, while the prices of virt­ually everything farmers use pire, pro­tected by the tariff against the com­petition of disorganised Europe. This situation) be said, had estabished two' price levels in the country, one for manufactured commiodiyes, and labor, determined by American conditions only, because of thè protection of the protect|oh of tbe tariff and immigra­tion laps.- The commission plan is calculated to withdraw from the American mar- ket from- time to time such, surplus dwtatities * as will imaìÀ^tljo^, tlie dp

er. ' The commodities withdrawn will be sold at tbe best prico possible In the world market, and the loss charg­ed back to the producer, not to the federal treasury.

Latest Plan UntriedIn this respect, the Secretary em­

phasised,' tKS suggested ‘plan <1 is es­sentially different from any ,other sug­gested for farmer relief! thru gbyerh* m enU | agencies.. -y jj^ k c h a rra b a c k feature, he said's 'Polldd'uwll^J^lpli’eck ' unnecessary prpdnctloa. In aa^r sys­tem or arbltary govemmental;vprice fixing on the;-other hand, the assured

profit would work tp stimulate j ductlon.

Tpe plan Is suggested merely- ai£h? tm^porary relief measure, be automatically disBolyedbylta/daTA corrective;; influence - in eqialiatnkj ¿¡a?, erican production .andV sy^um ptïe^ When there are no longer puifdenspeà^ surplusses, Secretary Wallace ¡point-; ed out, the need for speh a comrqM*. sion will no longer exist.- .',$1

While the chief opération of aue^f. an agency would be In the-wheat nyùfi-;! ket, it was Indicated, the, ip ropos^ commission, would be .vested' With-ati|i thdrlty to function sht other markétf ,wHérfe&ratttrn*p-tti ‘fis^ïtÿ^m lght. , determined 'to 'b e out p f linefiot"gewt eral "price levels. - *. 'Z /¡ \

Prlcé Fixing ScoredThe principle "Of arbitrary price fix­

ing by the government was- condemn­ed as economically^ unsound, by tha department chief. - But th e plan to restore buying power, he said, wan merely a practical application .of “the prlnfeiples of full protection, to' all pro­ducts of which we i produce a sur­plus.”* The suggested scheme, according tp,Jthe Secretary, has won widj) ap- ij^ a fth ro u g h o u t tb.e.'Northwest horn b a u e rs , ( business ..men/ and. grain handlers, as well as producers and' co­operative marketing' agencies.

with him as M B lst^ t.m an ,, |g e r ànd-'cashier' of the Statb^office Which. will be'established at Bilìings JihortTy after -the *8 rat ' of thé’; Ky«arr, ÿhate/ two gentlemen Trent-to. ' Water*- lówi',í}s.í‘ b,, th e h o ta e oflic»* ò't.;th^ jéòmjìàny ' last ’ éunááy, returning' bn, $ i&taèSdaÿ mornSig/ nud wïllèr' there'^ w ííi ié 'there ; scared' the contract' to t ìh i é ia íe .of; Í ¡taata&a.' Mr. M erritt Wilf^go . , .to ■ ‘ittihnlrg'h. shorty after thé:'fírst.,lof; tSé'ysar' al thé 'expense^ ofHhe1. coin*. éhnf*A%li«re. he will »take a '‘v •'pév^', weChh^céursè in the* Carnejirta-VÌnetl- t lite'of technology dttibg h'iidÌéirTey! the Life 'Insurance* work. While In- ¡^¿Utb l^ako'ta the boys «ay th ït eyery^ ;dne théfr ihéV', wañtéd "to ’ -t|tíh¿ .#tfa óti'|*


sitw.Vfàysr'às the'old pii»* ls belng haùladXrbni •’ thè -vieil'- tò

'thé -èottîèlrÿ.’' ^ :th e :3bà^3âir^ÜtMa<^4eaëë'^ât^tonKr<àt>«.Î^

. . ............ ___________cìVaÌ':quéo|ÌóS#^ ^ ^ 8 ^ 1“Dè yod ' réálly Tálse -gtxxl' corn ’ih n m

Organizes fbr Export Actionre action by Oongress to cor-

TQpt Ore disadvantageous price rela- tiiunship of farm commodities with op- eaptlng. costa Is demanded by an asso-

’'eftteon formed a t Helena on- Tnesday, November 27 th, by official represent- h tlyes: o f the Montana W heat Grow- ere^nAatoclatlon, the Montana State

s*-Association, the Montana „ - . .,~~*iB ureau, th e Montana Jte-

tall Merchants’ Association and tho Montana Farihers’ Union.

This organisation, known as the Ag­ricultural Export Corporation League, opened headquarters Immediately, and Is taking the leadership 'in organising sentiment that exists throughout the -northwest In favor of government'ex­port action, back of one definite plan.

A meeting, conducted by one; of the

officers of this new organisation, will be held in Baker in the near future, the date to be announced later. 'What-- i** • rever the outcome of the ' movement may be,if it can lncreaiie the income of the fanner by getting^ a higher price for the wheat he raises, It will meet with the approval of the ma­jority of th e people of the United States.

■ ^pzy-^iíls '

I f ro m -JU ^ ^ ^ ro rv iace ,..Çanada> vtho best peck 1 Mostaha wlnalngs again se t this state

definatsly on top of-the wheat pro­ducing; ssctJons.r; fC, ¡

Ih e placink of Montana grain Were

this y n a ra t

. to a.,msssags; r«cetv-íák^Stkie fé^tíegeliiom ’álstéM lon ;,agrpn6aüst.

• -.^tls^^hbV r;a¡a;,ln¿tl^ ''J«b¿tann-;tortcl . jm tp fm l t ' o t aü tlMí^VÍne-lnoner ~pb?...

HariLTred .winter wheat—Clydë Mar--,*f* -i *> i . , -M Í-ton; Columbua/ first; L. E. Peterson, Victor,-, second;1- James Do Ima, Colain-

May Brothers, (^ ■ ■ b w . eighlh.C. E.

.eleventh; Brom m & Q g ì t é & t ì t k S W . «?

^iaM-.redTpring'whaat, :0 .'CÌ!plèe

o f - tìre- Bak««- teachers -o f a year -agó,

M é H i c À à ó

-pascle- ara ha ;Chlcago, ,maA''that..they • ««goy-haiag together as JBakerkes and

- to -ra M ^ '’r% T Ì ^J ^ t e P r i c e . M ^ M . r ^ M o h r .j^TTjw ndunt, G p o . ? „ t eÿae and-.Mr. àndi Mrs. BpMrtsoxL' ¿ r / TtohertscA wllI bé reméxnherd ha «ne


ftèn ’é * ||h á v e pairtlésir''Vhera3tlwy.’ 'feel- re^ltm ách—i.-.— — — * i.*,- ¡p.íj___ ti*i Ï.v'" / - t - P*

.l'.-r:-1, —rrr/* 'THE •fb'Ñ'g;ÁNb;' DAUQHTERg OF

■ v » ».

sarokee, sixth; Fred Eyrick, Colum~ bus, eighth; W. V. Talbott, Armington thirteenth; Leroy Kir hey, Simms, fourteenth; S. L. Thomas, Forest Grove, seventeenth; C. St Smith, Cor­vallis, twenty fourth. .

Durum wheal—L X. Peterson, VL> tor, first; Leroy Kirbey, Simms, sec­ond; C. Gustafson, ConraIl|s, third ;' M. A. 8mlth, Corvsli», fifth;' DaVe Udln, Choteau, sixth; Algop Udla,, Chotean, eleventh.■ • 'Montana won the majority qf .the) placing* in porn exhibfba ^ m em b e r# of boys Bpd girls duW , althq«gh ¿me, box. of the Montana «chihits w m lost \ f the rsflroad en tenté to CMIdii^‘Zt* , V"’5 » t !*• * rt • y - f ** ' ■*


fo r next1924 H om e____. . __ .______

state.or wlmsefather.ocinsbthsfc weref ’ » *

horn or raised there, td joln the hmnd folks during 'th a t tim e,Jiun-celebra­tion. There are 795,801 native*^of Kentucky! síown by th e f l^ M ^ q Ç 19MT td be livlng lnrothrtr states. We m a^ iiav e somé of 'thbntr résidlngítínnMontana. T f-you want- to - keep - *p the home ties, this will be your chaaoêto do i t - ; • 1

*î î -.Buy som e-of the Christmas Seals

apd you wQl help the needy;

Mofitaha ?' " Thè -people- of'’the east are lftterested ln learning of the 'p o s­sibilities and natural resource# of Montana. . Ig/ a-«hort.itia»qttihki\SMtp: Will see.ah Influx of settlers who arq looking for cheaper land and where they can follow the methods o f thé eastern farmers in .¿di^nped.-fM aá';tag ; ^ ; í I ^

SÒME HEAVY PORKEft«' ‘kerm an - korth of Westarere, ihiif; week'’soId?.'t¿„ JénwsfPe^PWP'-ld ;iáad;'

hog. 'ÍTm#e|i»ri»eÍí^a«¿. próbahíyfthál Heaviest bunch of hog«? ever delivered in gallon , co.unty. Som; of-them tip- te d .th e scales,a t over- 600 pound*

phased ta report stEl heavier hogj-hefrill7 raise-oft-his fiunm1 ------ -----------v f e — r r . -v ^THE , HAftDffM MKfilOftlAL vASWk <*■ -COMMfT fffE fN"f^M±'ON- CO. i -t ' * Judge*’ fiKknley E, F elt, Chanty chair, mam of the H ardtag M m n h l Assocl hdon, has- appohsted. the- ibllowlng named coamunlty chairmen for this county;Baker, ............ ..... _.R. F. Smith:Plevna, ........ ..Hon. c . C. .Conner,OlUd, ___-_____________W, C. keea;Westmore, ................P. D. ArmstrongWillard .....Hon. Theo. Bergstrom1Webster r..................- ..... .......MeL Ziuk

Psrtieg'desiring to contribute ;m'ay. leave- contributions a t any. o t th e banks, jOr 'prlth the nearest communi­ty chairman. ^ . j'V

VOTE AGAINST CHANCEThe Yellowstone -Trail. Association

of Northland Souths,Dakota- held .a, meeting. Monday of th is week .¿at Aberdeed/8. D., where the delqgatei, s e n t ' t h e different towns' W t& f solidly 'rngatast any’‘change in '-th ^d ^ region of/the Yellowstone Trail,.

ft ENT«'THE PALACE FEED «A,ftN/istflt^iX orke of

knownrlis' the Chicago, cattle buyer, -who;-;made a good name for hlm ielf amolyg^tlui farm ers op account'of th e ' falr dedlings with them, has rented t W F e e d Barn firpm .Eph Kelr- le/iiibf^VrQl ran tbe bam during tho

rttts# A |te :T rill *l*°^ b n y tu g las heretofore!; That he

^yaTthe support of the fanners ;i£iw enterprise Is to be expect-,

ed^ha^eoorteous treatment brings

-V X i

of/the * Dakota'- ianá---.wlÍL!»e! k 'of a few weeks. ^,*,.The la te s t .jçep9.rts1>£rom, the d ^ ll ,taf.» ite o t the ObioCo/* ^ e l l itt.tba Laáce Creek iln- .W>^taff.'\-'ipbef;e' Kïi;

............. i rj V** -Îhere^wl'U bs just f AS a m tac t * .> * '

i¿MiíiM*íllwí'«V>wnr<tdf the Dakota < ’Jr*4 #1

- ..v . ■> y_ *s ?GAÉ'.WELLON THE CAilNi-CftEEK;.í'tGÓcdrpregrésiii^^ at tha^

* *■ ^....... %&»■$

J ' r>Backar ^

JIBKÉM_ . M-ithavnsaat æ/ îMî vïl


5»¿\t¿;-act as secreU ry in .plaée^hfjD; ‘ hm tophar, who! was absent.

Judge C. J. Dousmin presented a resolution against the proposed change of the Yellowstone Trail thut is ■’considered- by the Trait Associa­tion. The resolution was unanimous­ly adopted.

Tt whir-farther moved that the Com­m ercial "Club appoint a ,delegate o attend, the meeting .called, for Decern- h r 10th,)at Living*tW Montana, ,ari‘l the delegate to be lnstructed to make every effort to. háVe the trill kept at its 'present location.. Adopted.;'' T lie; Mfles .City Commercial Club

w ill'kata* a meeting in regard to, the siunejaerem ent onDecsmber7th,andl ite^Emker'- Commercial ’- Club: appoint' # 'w !r¿ ''b o h rm an «fe df legate/to t hat,VéfftngV-nnd also -to, 'the «ep tlag a t “ IngrtiftL.Decem ber!- idtiu* P¡t.¡

pobriÉUta-’-Offeréd to pay all hiá oirá sap fuses/- which was with th taks ac*.

< • - '" (V> JL A. ..Lymsn; ch^rman of ¡ the Camp Crook Trail committee, rendéis ed his .véport oh the trip to Camp’ Crook; s t | ^ ' ;that,the «o-M lM ‘M ill Irohi route'' w ilf. be the- official; route, but stated that the Knpbs anj|í Boxelderáronte should also -be proved, as some of tbe freighters pre­fer that route.

. , County-Agent Leader !j. C. TAylor ^oi Bowraum.Cwhq: was; present h t 1 tlik m é e t^ r ipiije n|t*lk:, on^tbe,building up of’ feeb 'suppifea and catting thb cost of production of .farm product«.

County Agent Hemkre told the meeting that aqmWtl^i« s h o u ld -^

Bmcaúr% jlí^ é ñ |í t iy e s , r| í ^ sMr. Taylorlforj-bls talkTfi .th ep àie^ . ests ' óf bfttéi^ farming;* W Ìr 'jinànt^ monsly adòptéd. | | ì •/. The, iuppér isérved b y -thè Peqrlesx.*,-.«Cafe management’ was ekcelientf .. V.'

m ?f sV.frV .'*>,?./ ~'Jy! ..COMPANY l’MOVEg -INTO, NEW V»

' ■ ‘*f^SüArrt*Eft«v The ' locai fMÒompànX4 ' movedf ta jo

the. old Jphasoa. Warehouse neár^th» track ta tié,Vii^rtkV»«t«ffn p a rt'o f the city. ' The l*k ta u c ^ targerthan the to ^ ^ ia r m o ty and;vriU -*h7.Abta < the - soM'l^/koys, Jto;do inora 'i t their exercisravUBdèr rp è t especUlly * *'h durjag tha:.:W^tatw,mopths. ì S*

•'M'ÔNÈ .Mi4ÜEèWoljFO

F0 Í |Í ^ » ^ C H llt t Ñ I N t f The •.driwiiwÂthe' Christmas, S eah t^r^

Ward to assist ta a record s«le of the <■,' *K*v*:w AV,ièàft. ' V Ss. s ÍZM

u u A n d v.^ ™CATHOLIC-LÀOIE«^VaEAAR• à : f t , « y p p E ft ^ . . \ 3Ír

-, The CatholicvitadhtatwllL,; conduct; 1

1 ta t .the^Huhbard HatL jL . f i s h ---- *

m .v;f iM S

_______________ ____________ _ _ ^ ______

fo t thé^Wddlés^ta^ especially1 provided ,e " Baxaar., will Jstart> a t, £ 30 and iruppKr-T^ t iw m j^ ^ T y e à 'W u ^ n g a t;? , ^ * À

x > *>' . J) i