.T uesday'miMARms close saturuay jgaERlCffl^AVtCTRlX GROSSES OCEAN C olleens S coffs at W arner’s R eport on Stock T ransactions Coriimittee-Counsel,Charges Harry Warner’s Stock Deals’jD^signed To Take ^ Advantage of Public COSIlfTOFIGH PROSECUTION f NOBERGHM; Authoriticn Fail To Discover Tiiiiglblc Oliicn To Murderer . W.\WIIIN'(;T0N (L'I-) - Iljm-y W iii'tj.-r. who siiliu-itmkrr's lnu^t'III his-fiilktfi''.s l>ciicli jis ii ‘lioy, chiy' licr<)i-i! 1'li(‘ tii-iintc ’liiiiikinK (iiid. ciirn'iicy cun ]ii) hail niudo in 1!K)() n prvfil of iii>in't)xitiiiili‘l; .(k-aliii^ (III lilt! stock oI Wilrmrr iJriilliois, Jnc.. tint tiii'o uutii|)any ur wllicli Ii<- i>> the hi-iid. In u room wIlU IxirkliiK*'” '--------------------------- «l lihu uiiil Hi isicli oilier, ilic roprc- liRnliiilvo at iliu (iiniiiiiii .liroilium who liirnod' lliu moWiiK picl'ura >viirlil tiiisUlo ilowii wliU llieir ilo- voIi>i>riiciil <>r lliu tiilkk-H. dori'iiihfit lilr. mode ilciilii iiH "ulliluil iiikI , iiciiiriii." .Si-nrfn At h:\iiliiiinlliiii .S.ciiutoi' CunzuiH. Illll-Hl full) Hl;u({hlK>.!l><IKl)tCr III tlllH ATTORNEY RETAINED . BY NORFOLK MAN 'arni>il tlir .•Hlil'ii'tl lo- ___ $7."i(;(M)()() j S l o r j j Pr.om Maryland 'Con. iKitioii I>iu- CU1113 R e p o r t e r S l a y in g : Maclo,iMay 10 Phohe Operator Listens jln, Wins Weekli^ Alimony i'rtij. h rleil I iitio ■ycl'y <111 ni.ivVlo.l Itti', Ilui lilii \vfr.‘ v/i oiiiTiilar mill will' hi ihi- Illume JiicK- voi<'.- nlK- klioxv II III' liiiil r.'iiii! lull'll LEADERS DECIDE Amelia Earhart Putnam LaMs in Ireland When Gasoline Gauge Breaks O P L ii TO'AiDiiESS: Credit Placcd 'In Indu;;trial Cliiiimclii Kcuji.i Trade On Even fCcol I 2.02G 1-2 MILES Uiltljiiji A. (•ni>, roiiiiiiKIrii wiiiiM-l ciuirKi-il Jliiit llii> liriillt hnil.ltren #U,:!r.l,tr>I^U.Hiiil limt NViiriiPr’s huIps niiil |ltlrchll^('^ ihroiiti'li iliiniiii)'.. nccuiintn iiml otlK-fM. Imil lni;U iIcNlK'iK'd' In liiho mUniiliiKo-ii( n h 'uH ilito jiiilillc. . . •. laray rovealeil tliui iih'iillat- irmm- uftloim In vlliur motion iilcliiri »>tocl(ti were 'iinOur InvcHtisaUon iiiiU iiuiiioil Kox, l-'lli tlieiu. C O H E R C E GROUP AOOPTSPR MentbcrH of Orgiuiizulion Bii Roiito Home From Coiivcntloii ' l.lllilliclKh. >1 . -W’di'k. lio« iMlily la III! Tlii-Ki Wl'ro SALVAiRROCei BYVIOEE Unlinown N iunber ol' Por.HoiiH Itepovtcd Killed iuid H ousoh Destroyed M' SAN ^’ItANC.'ISCO - TK C.t Ilio Cliiinili^r «if V a> or' t'hu tinlii'il i-litti'ii loilay :i)iH loiLiy l , , ill tiii-ii liiicw 111 mlvuiic:.' ihul , i'. c;(»inl(iii. iir 'M»r«lL-." Ill* liol. JJ.VN liAI.VADOU. (Ill')—Ant .,..<nvn. liinl tliii ninniin nioiii'y .jiiiinvji nmiiln'r .if iirihiniH wni- illulili;' for ilctlvi-ry. ' 1|»{ni'<l Idlhil In a ' nliiry from Sliiry-[ omul.u wiilcli Klmok w l„, nil,I Ulll.3,1 - Tho inv. Ilitilr lioinn* iiCii'i' <lu- iimndhiK t;i-'<>uctlon uf Kxvc^itniuiit '’ox|iuii<Iliiirf.s iiml tiikliiK tirni ■miinils on Hio ■coniii;vcj-nlul iir'-«olrtl(!r»’ IkimiIk, lliu <til* o rjcrn i proWitlhiK .wii«o li.w, ilu- f-<l- 't-Tiil riirni lioiinl, nnil Hiiri-jiuiUiiln); ' prolillil- i liimt or n ..................... M,.niJ.Miiy HI o t 'ljiitiy"l.lm»ic‘rKh bulmt .... iiiirL-o iiivoHllKiiiiHl litill hii.irh wKhoiiL HlunH t i l ............................ icHiincil. Tliuy .................................. iitoro licarluss-^iio 'u Aveck until CdiiKriiii iidiuiinm. l’lann havo nul ' liuou'coinpluicU ilmi llio'lUocliii lu 'liu liiVuRtitjatcd '\yoro noi unnomiC' I Ilio 4iulli<>rllk-i' look iiartlRulur mock In II. John IhiKlifs CnrllH iiroimrtil i< tiKlii iH'oiiuciiiHoii for liU cniyl lioiix.-wIlli ImllralloiiH of u niurl i | iiiIIIl > Hull miiy 'l>rliiK ri’imilliitlon of tiuriM of IiIk "<:onfo:iiiion" of lliiil ^ilMIIi'IlU-H nri'l of Slilvnclor. iii:(oi; lli»nt!li Miimi ilaiiii rc. Ciimiinnili'iillonH Till! uo(irl.flKiil ' L'liy t-Tiil fiirni lioiinl, anil »ii ............ raionllon <,r iia i.tuir.i.y K. t.n.n- «.\,V'''i'iViJ,Vr __ ... ____ I- Jm..... Il'i.ri, ^.i.II-jI “.if lllll.. OP ll'i ... II......................... .1 1.1.. '"III.Ill II I. ilinii) III liolDtH u’uru hiitTriijitcd. Tlio iiii»hi‘. oC Krcat hiii'iuill i:urro(l lU ni. oml -winr f.-lr in Ilio Krc-:itci' j>;irl <if ilio i:oiinly. At Za(;iiU!«!l»i:a. a_ miijorlly nf liu; lnin^vii/wiirc thrown ilovvii mid ilu; ilndur rnii'keil. i;n to s a., ni. ijnriMl III! ■ cil. Ctmlrmnn Nurbcek of iho nilltcu Knl(i llio ncxl huiulni; prob- I'.lily would iio Krliluy or tiaturduy •oC nuxl week. ' Gray ‘roveulcil iliut lliu «vornBO,— ........ v ........................- prlco nl'wlilch Wnrnor «old Wiirnorlllio wliolu iinbjccl and Hiibinli ntock through lln» hrokornKo liouHojommonduilouJi.” oC Bhaltkhi and coiilpnny wim.B'll Alwllllon of I)ro^-1ulullK under lli; •eraKo ........... ................ - .................... . ............ .llnl “of lllllc cvuiiomlti or nudiil viilue." Tlx rwolnllun alno acki-Ml ■VIhnlna' tion of iinm'cciuiiiry and iiuu.-illon' jthlD aolivltk'M/ T h o . i>rohll)ll.J(m niiMllon. iihmi' llciiM t-ln-a i:rouii I'f "oilmr .iinli' JoolH,” wu« ruforrcd, lo "a m iru' Huntallvo comnillteo to uxiniil|u and tho n I '£1, AMiiuriiiK; tliul Ihoy.licsaii Holllng In Jamiary* 1030 nnd liCKau ihnyliiK iKtck in AUBU»t of tlm l year. WarnorTcpoiUQdly dunlcil tore* ' knowlcdco of-lliu HtiimiiliiK IhihI- noio» «l_U io_ c6riiuraUon—mliloli - “v flnniiod-ilio-dlroclor'inirTVIiKnrf K' jiiuiti tbb ilividoiKl vrhich had Ihioii a Hljiiro. • ...............appearjncour _ OomuiiiiBlon To Suporintcntl Affairo-oLLatp: lorni fnrin ilKuird >b:uKht nnd odillon Hold , ......................., 4!i-ciifii'(I fcilurai iild f( wiiH- TwtominonOcd. ! WIiHo, U itrKwl •■•Kuiiuriil iirovi- iiiun for nil i.liusu ''vlio Hiiffurcd tllflal»llllieiJ .hccaiiHO. of-, .ilnilr-.-waf Horvlai," Hio cliiinMmr look a (irm, KtamI iiKiiinxi "|ir:^vlKl<iiiH . .niiOcr; wliidi iiiun uaffurinK no dlauliililita: from war Kurvlco are rociiilvnu ofi . . man)' mllllua doUan iinnuully.'V Tho fwleral in'dvnilliiiK waco law, Wiui aituckod aB •'hiconKiHt<nii«" 'l1|io clinnOior aHkcd' tlinl il la> not! exmndvd. . AdJUHimunt. of rudenii antl-tniHt ht»'H 10 punnii “»ial)lliniilpu of IlidUHlrlfh". WHH iiiik'nl iiH wiw "w n- nii1lil[iti::ii >>f njiiroaiin with nil imimlldo Hiiood." A ■iri-Bolntiyii on idlvcr i-iillui for an iiitornalionui (.iiufui'ciicu In au.ahoni|it lo ntuliilizu tho niolal. ______ ...^.1 lll.i .. 41 lyien Entombed Tunnel Rescue d > iCRATRAEEy IDAYEVEl ;Daring Woman Flies. At Altitude, of 8,000 I'eel; Motor Trouble Adds To Danger of Journey * '■ LONDON fUP) Amelia Earharl-Pittiiain today bccanjo— tliu fit'Kl of licr ;:ex to make a n.olo flifflit of the .Atlantic v/hon uhe put her red niutioplano down iii a pasltu'c at Cttlmorerncnr Londonderry, Ir^ihind, alter an adventurou.'i Hight from Har- bor Grace, N. F. ' By telephone from London- derry, a city on tlic nortlicni lip of Irchind and about SO mile.'! in from the coast line, ■sbo .said; 7*-^ “ I had to land ih a pasluro outside Londonderry. I nm; not. ' •ttirl and I think tiio piano is ^11 r i g h t , ” - . I A.-.tMllm; ,1juih.'.l^<mh.a Kib-. I.! .M .tH i --T- n.lai.l .(.lolnl .\|jr..-J’uij’- i.Mmk lllll- would iii'.k Jior (!ror«f I’aliiicr ' I'nln.i'm iirk ivliai lo nuxt.'' iI k - . N itK ' ' ilnd" iJidr wliy iiilo jsinnll Inmin^'i^t nii.>ii. Mi'an».-lilU-. <;ini;:ri’Mii<:niil 'nilnliilriilloii lr.idi.’r:< con dh'cii^n mi‘;istii-.!H for Invltpa-!ro Hc»r Cnni paiifil'lRstics * Diacus'se'd ’ ' Captain Qeorffo Endrcs'.And ^ Hunffariaii Pilot Killed ^ _ ^ A t Italiftii.Airport OiOMIi.' lUf) — <;ajil. Ceorsn Ktidruu.-wlio-niadn a lninH.AIlRnllp rilKlit fi'om Now York to 'llimKuryi In- luni. wiut killed •wlili iiuotlior ' llniiKiirian vHot mimed Illluity lo- ilny when tliolf- jiluno cnislied In Thu uiiIomiIiimI workerii drowiihiK liy fleuiiiK to tli rc.n;he« of ^liu tiiinol., I)lv» hron.<:lit 1iuro lo Join lliu landinK ------- -------------- ------------ liirly reiiortM, which Inlor proved iintound^ mild Aloxnndur A. .Miut- ynrd who iiindi>-t1lo l!)3l fllBlil wllh KndreH. waH tiliio Ic^llud. Air offleliitu immudhitoty after I ho crHHli ^onclndcd tlial Maayiir wiui wltliln tliu '^vrccl(aKi■. Tlion Ihoy lournod MaKr-'r li'»d nol niudo Uio niRhC but (hat Dituny liiid iitllutctLJuCJilllb Salmon Tract To Have First Water Run 0-n May 25th Ij.loyme; <•1, 1, iiiosl aiijiriivai Ih-Iiik a n'id.i:i>r<'iid IllOM i i i o ; . i f t w■ lir^iiKlitl 'Itlitiiii- ITiifuunilni Fe:irs - ' tlankL-m coniimttd m mrc:i>i ihe u:l tliai tiiueli of tiio eiirroiit din- r'c»H ill niiitiihl hy "iiufonndod •!ir«." Tli;«o hiuludo talk nf «ii;i' eOKioii nt Uie Kold' miimliinl mill •'wrviilniniorR of raliroiid- rwivvrrtiilinir AcUiiil ijiiulneau Jmlleen tUb.wcck wore no!- if-a'cliiiracinr-tn-lniU' Clio liny iiliiiUKe III lliL* oiiilool;. Stevl , o|iunalonti ox|i;inded lo inir c'enl of ftiiiiiciiy. Thu uiiionioijllo imiiiHlry j a Uomoi Hii'iiiiiii'y clyetlon lield ai " :hni»ly iiiidnr lliu hirim liilird I ■■■ of > UlUli! Orr ............ , , anl for |liu iioininiitioii Siiiti-K Mcmitor . will j>rlMci|)uI addre’<H. (Kiie will 1.0 Ilarohl ly-'Ti-iimiiiiK. Iliilil. (■ml \V. R Alworth. l-'ilor. Hui-khii thr* immlnallun an tiie.coiiureiiiilDO nl-ai/idltliilo-froin'-lhirt dlNirict.-ain Jliirry C. IMi'iionii. camlidaic. fm aintojinditor; ----- -- --------- - AH' Demoemlii: ;iH|iiraiitii foi orricc liaro Ijccfi Indued to-lie iire>i ent at tiiv iiieotinK. Tho tuilillc ii behiK nrKod lo aliemi tliii nilly nm Il in niinoiincil Ihnt iiii ure well-....... TlK> llrnl water liuilvc-ry on lliu iiiilmoa tru<-t will'liL- iiuidu M'cdnnii* day. May W. il in aniiounee’d liy of- n«i»lK of llie Salimili Itlver Cama eominiiiy. Il i« cx|)uclcd■tinil ihu riin 'Will eonllniiu for 90 dnyii. (iuuKu reudiUKK a t tliL* Siilinon river 'linm iiidleitie llio iiviUiiibitiU' of SU.UOi) aero feel of water. blit .leiidiai: comiianle.n vent nivvploi; iii> ni\:diictloo. Tliu oli ImiUHtry couliniied a lirlKrht miol, IciidinK nialft- iiidiiH- irlallHiM to'liellovM .ilua i IiIh Hue' wnntd lie omi of tlt> llrni lo inili onl of lliu dnprc'iHloiK . 'PorclKii triiili* fiKurc:^ of vavl-i nim iuadlii'i; countrii'h f:r Aiirli' Hliow'cd, L-ontlmivd vuntnicilon diir-: iliK Aiiril. IIAlti; liri'.S MNTIt lll).MKU YANKICU STADIUM. New York IL’P I— Ilii'lie KuMi 'hli IliK' nhiil homo run of ihc l1ea^lJn lodaj ivltli llio liiiKuH full hi lliu drill liinhm of llic /ir:.l Bitnu!, hi-iweei New York Yankw.i aail.-<ht U’liKhlnKloii 8enulor«. L-Jry, I't.'inouk ami CoiiiIih wer( iiu»v. IJoy.I Urown was jiiieli' Aviati'ix Tcll;s ■Stury Of F lig h t To Qnitcid Prusijs III lllr uilMilllli) to l<on- lilluN 1 Km-w I o jiiiKl Kafuly..Koi I fli-xv tviib ilic Id nr Jio’ uiikIiu' only {Jii in my |in 'h m>- iimiliand iia lllH ICIIVilll!. . micd t nhollne li'iikiiKe. I in- I .the fly I inid MIUliK Off oiy myxeir alrsii; itie iioriliweiit co.im or Iruliiiid. . . . . I Intuaii III reiiuiin Imre over nlKhi and will no l<i neir.’u t lo. morrow, It in i|nlio iionrdliln llia 1'. Hlmll' onialii a new nlnilam 'lieru iiml c'» HI l.ondon Hiinitiy E cm iii id liri>’:ei.l In l.oHdnn loiiiirlit. 11’ I'Dvr.iifd tliu liuKirdH.'ot' i<-n« iraiivAiIunUui;yoiilu«^o'.''*'-'!» ■vlih'li Kill' Iiml conic tlirouKlt. ftvu. '> :iTH,-.lo^<lie «i«y itflor C o l,-C l« r. > '!i A. I.lndJj(TKli ,<:iini|ileledhl.'»'‘ iH'icwfui fliKlil. lo J’arlk. ' ^ l‘‘n r iil.'iiiit II) liuurs »hi< neir »lih llii< exlln^^t tnntiKold uT' lier 4'imliii' hiinied' «iiilV nlin. ■ ' Mihl. Added to licr diinKlTi< ' • niTi' nihi 'nnd a llttio ' lilt* red moiiuiiliiiir ivnrrd uuL •if Mil- >|iiiiit ««^^r Ireland, - hIii> mitleiMt fhnt her-piMolhm uniim' >v,'m; linikeii, “iirobnldi'' Iia«liic litii'n ..tiiillrrrd \l»r ijif): sliirm IhmiiKli nlilrh- 'l’ .JKtT'■ flouii. llien. I dethied t« Imid,** sbf.'“a fia r:. • . _f(iHi|iusi‘d A fliT ,i’JIfflit^'';;';|^‘iir^' _ T h n _ lx ill AUKTlcym' ;WOnU(ni.'(Wljo!j' WIIH I> |itui>icnBcr- on-.oncr'*fnniiir“ A thinlle niKlit. ai>peiirc<l;>.ijDrW6(»V iy coiuiiiwi'd after ono or 4Jioi;muHt-• ■uelUns Tlylne tiista any^Tvomin'- cimcliidod. , St rjonclialunily yoHtettlio’ cuived . the li Aim kh> : r ... ibal'vtiaVli*>;:?S* . liroi>I UouB t.f -J ';i uUcmpl. iJho niotorotl ^,{roiu’va'; '' ilie IonK'.2.00l»:ro(ji*$u«i-‘j .llmv Nowfaiitrdlnua •., lumn rtaiemcnli“'bf -Btt’ Ijlans., elliulmd-lulo -tho rcir:,i:SSj{v'r:kf lieeil ni(iiio|)lnne, ^wu.vdr''a< ( ^ 0^ well nml WUH awjiy! ... . liitd. bpcu 0Hp6cluUy..''aiixi>'^>' i-'ko yo*iord'ay.■U v- m

Transcript of jgaERlCffl^AVtCTRlX GROSSES...

.Tuesday'miMARms close saturuay

jgaE R lC ffl^A V tC TR lX GROSSES OCEANC o l l e e n s S c o f f s a t

W a r n e r ’s R e p o r t o n S t o c k T r a n s a c t i o n s

Coriimittee-Counsel,Charges H arry W arner’s Stock Deals’jD^signed To Take

A dvantage of Public


N O B E R G H M ;A u th o r i t ic n F a i l T o D isc o v er

T iii ig lb lc O liicn To M u r d e r e r

. W .\W IIIN '( ;T 0 N (L 'I-) - I l jm - y W iii'tj.-r. w ho ■ s i i liu - itm k r r 's ln u ^ t'I I I h is-fiilk tfi''.s l>ciicli j is ii ‘lioy,

ch iy ' licr<)i-i! 1'li(‘ tii-iintc ’liiiiik inK ( i i id . c i i r n 'i ic y cun ]ii) h a il n iudo in 1!K)() n p r v f i l o f iii>in't)xitiiiili‘l;

.(k -a liii^ (III lilt! s to c k o I W ilrm rr iJ r iil l io is , Jn c .. tin t t i i i 'o uu tii |)any u r w llic li Ii<- i>> th e hi-iid.

In u room wIlU IxirkliiK*'” '---------------------------« l lihu uiiil Hi isicli oilier, ilic roprc- liRnliiilvo a t iliu (iiniiiiiii .liroilium

• w ho liirnod' lliu moWiiK picl'ura >viirlil tiiisUlo ilowii wliU llieir ilo- voIi>i>riiciil <>r lliu tiilkk-H. dori'iiihfit lilr. mode ilciilii iiH "u llilu il iiikI

, iiciiiriii.".Si-nrfn At h:\iiliiiinlliiii

.S.ciiutoi' CunzuiH.Illll-Hl full) Hl;u({hlK>.!l><IKl)tCr III tlllH

A T T O R N E Y R E T A I N E D .B Y N O R F O L K M A N'arni>il t l i r

.•Hlil'ii'tl lo- _ _ _

$7."i(;(M)()() j S lo r j j P r.o m M a ry la n d 'C on. iKitioii I>iu- CU1113 R e p o r t e r S lay ing :

M aclo ,iM ay 10

Phohe Operator Listens jln, Wins

Weekli^ Alimony

i'rtij. h rleil I

iit io

■ycl'y <111 ni.ivVlo.l Itti',

Ilui lilii \vfr.‘ v/i oiiiTiilar mill will' hi ihi- Illume JiicK-voi<'.- nlK- klioxv II III' liiiil r.'iiii! lull'll

LEADERS DECIDE Amelia Earhart Putnam LaM s in Ireland When

Gasoline Gauge BreaksO P L i i

T O 'A i D i i E S S :C r e d it P la c c d 'I n I n d u ;;tr ia l

Cliiiim clii Kcuji.i T r a d e O n E v en fCcol I

2.02G 1-2 M IL E S

U iltljiiji A. (•ni>, roiiiiiiKIrii wiiiiM-l ciuirKi-il Jliiit llii> liriillt hn il.ltren #U,:!r.l,tr>I^U.Hiiil limt NViiriiPr’s huIps niiil |ltlrchll^('^ ihroiiti'li iliiniiii)'.. nccuiintn iiml otlK-fM. Imil lni;U iIcNlK'iK'd' In liiho mUniiliiKo-ii( n h'uHilito jiiilillc. . .

•. la ra y rovealeil tliu i iih'iillat- irmm- u ftlo im In vlliur m otion iilcliiri »>tocl(ti were 'iinOur InvcHtisaUon iiiiU iiuiiioil Kox, l-'lli tlieiu .


MentbcrH o f Orgiuiizulion Bii Roiito Home From

• Coiivcntloii '

l.lllilliclKh. >1 . -W’di'k. lio« iMlily la III!

Tlii-Ki Wl'ro


U n lin o w n N iu n b e r ol' Por.HoiiH I te p o v tc d K ille d iu id

H ousoh D e s t ro y e d


SAN ^’ItANC.'ISCO - TK C.t Ilio Cliiinili^r «if Va>

o r ' t'hu tinlii'il i-litti'ii loilay

:i)iH loiLiy l , , ill tiii-ii liiicw 111 mlvuiic:.' ihul — , •i ' . c;(»inl(iii. iir 'M»r«lL-." Ill* lio l . JJ.VN liAI.VADOU. ( I l l ')— Ant

.,..<nvn. liinl tliii n inn iin nioiii'y .jiiiinvji nmiiln'r .if iirihiniH w n i- illulili;' for ilctlvi-ry. ' 1 |»{ni'<l Id lh il In a '

nliiry from S liiry -[ omul.u wiilcli Klmok wl„, nil,I Ulll.3,1 -

T h o inv.

Ilitilr lioinn* iiCii'i' <lu- iimndhiK t;i-'<>uctlon uf Kxvc^itniuiit

'’ox|iuii<Iliiirf.s iiml tiikliiK tirni ■miinils on Hio ■coniii;vcj-nlul

iir'-«olrtl(!r»’ IkimiIk, lliu <til* o r jc r n i proWitlhiK .wii«o li.w, ilu- f-<l-

't-Tiil riirni lioiinl, nnil Hiiri-jiuiUiiln);' prolillil-

i liimt o r n .....................M,.niJ.Miiy HI o t 'ljiitiy"l.lm»ic‘rKh bulmt . . . . iiiirL-o iiivoHllKiiiiHl litill hii.irh

wKhoiiL HlunH t i l ............................

icHiincil. T liu y ..................................iito ro lic a r lu ss -^ iio 'u Aveck u n til CdiiKriiii iidiuiinm. l’lann havo n u l

' liuou'coinpluicU ilmi llio'lUocliii lu 'liu liiVuRtitjatcd '\yoro no i unnomiC'

I Ilio 4iulli<>rllk-i' look iiartlRulur mock In II.

John IhiKlifs CnrllH iiroimrtil i< tiKlii iH'oiiuciiiHoii for liU cniyl lioiix.-wIlli ImllralloiiH of u n iu r l i| iiiIIIl> Hull miiy 'l>rliiK r i’imilliitlon of tiuriM of IiIk "<:onfo:iiiion" of lliiil

ilMIIi'IlU-H nri'l of Slilvnclor. iii:(oi; lli»nt!li Miimi ilaiiii

rc. Ciimiinnili'iillonH

Till! uo(irl.flK iil ' L'liyt-Tiil fiirni lioiinl, anil »ii............ raionllon <,r iia i.tuir.i.y K. t.n .n - «.\,V'''i'iViJ,Vr

• __ ... ____ I- Jm..... Il'i.ri, .i.II-jI “.if lllll.. OP ll'i ... II......................... .1 1.1.. '"III.Ill II I.

ilinii) IIIliolDtH u’uru hiitTriijitcd.

T lio iiii»hi‘. oC Krcat hiii'iuill i:urro(l lU ni. oml -winr f.-lr inIlio Krc-:itci' j>;irl <if ilio i:oiinly. At Za(;iiU!«!l»i:a. a_ miijorlly n f liu; lnin^vii/wiirc throw n ilovvii mid ilu;

ilndur rnii'keil. i;n to s a ., ni.ijnriMl III! ■ •

cil. Ctmlrmnn Nurbcek o f iho n illtcu Knl(i llio ncxl huiulni; prob- I'.lily would iio Krliluy o r tia tu rduy •oC nux l week. '

G ray ‘roveulcil iliu t lliu «vornBO,—..... . . . v ........................- —prlco nl'w lilch Wnrnor «old W iirnorlllio wliolu iinbjccl and Hiibinli ntock through lln» hrokornKo liouHojommonduilouJi.” oC B h a ltk h i and coiilpnny w im .B 'll A lwllllon of I)ro -1ulullK under lli;

• • •eraKo ........... ................ • • - .................... . ............ —

.llnl “of lllllc cvuiiomlti o r nudiil viilue." Tlx rw o ln llun alno acki-Ml ■VIhnlna' tion of iinm'cciuiiiry and iiuu.-illon'jthlD aolivltk'M/

T h o . i>rohll)ll.J(m niiM llon. iihmi' l lc iiM t-ln -a i:rouii I'f "oilm r .iinli' JoolH,” wu« ruforrcd, lo " a m iru ' Huntallvo com nillteo to uxiniil|u

a n d tho nI '£ 1, AMiiuriiiK; tliul Ihoy .licsaii

Holllng In Jamiary* 1030 nnd liCKau • ihnyliiK iKtck in AUBU»t of tlm l year.

W arnorTcpoiUQdly dunlcil tore* ' know lcdco o f-lliu HtiimiiliiK IhihI-

noio» « l_ U io _ c6riiuraUon—mliloli - “v flnniiod-ilio-dlroclor'inirTV IiKnrf K'

jiiuiti tbb ilividoiKl vrhich h a d Ihioii a Hljiiro. • ...............—

a pp e a r jn c o u r_ OomuiiiiBlon To Suporintcntl

A ffairo-oLLatp:

lorni fnrin ilKuird >b:uKht nndodillonHold , .......................,

4!i-ciifii'(I fcilurai iild f( wiiH- TwtominonOcd.! WIiHo, U itrKwl •■•Kuiiuriil iirovi- iiiun for n il i.liusu ''vlio Hiiffurcd tllflal»llllieiJ .hccaiiHO. of-, .ilnilr-.-waf Horvlai," Hio cliiinMmr look a (irm , KtamI iiKiiinxi "|ir:^vlKl<iiiH . .niiOcr; w liid i iiiun uaffurinK no dlauliililita: from w ar Kurvlco a re rociiilvnu ofi . . m an)' m llllua doU an iinnuully.'V

T ho fw leral in'dvnilliiiK waco law, Wiui a ituckod aB •'hiconKiHt<nii«" 'l1|io clinnOior aHkcd' tlinl i l la> not! exmndvd.. AdJUHimunt. of ruden ii antl-tn iH t ht»'H 10 p u n n ii “»ial)lliniilpu of IlidUHlrlfh". WHH iiiik'nl iiH wiw "w n - nii1lil[iti::ii >>f njiiroaiin w ith nil imimlldo Hiiood."

A ■ iri-Bolntiyii on idlvcr i-iillui for a n iiitornalionui (.iiufui'ciicu In a u .a h o n i |i t lo ntuliilizu tho niolal.

______ ... .1 lll.i ..

41 lyien EntombedTunnel Rescue d >


; Daring Woman Flies. A t Altitude, of 8,000 I'eel; Motor Trouble Adds To

Danger of Journey *'■LONDON fU P) A m elia E a rh a rl-P ittiia in today bccanjo—

tliu fit'Kl of licr ;:ex to m ake a n.olo flifflit of the .A tlan tic v/hon uhe put her red niutioplano down iii a pasltu 'c a t C ttlm orerncnr Londonderry, Ir^ihind, a l te r an adventurou.'i H ight from H ar­bor Grace, N. F.

' By telephone from London­derry , a c ity on tlic no rtlicn i lip o f Irchind and a b o u t SO mile.'! in from the coast line,

■sbo .said; 7*-^“ I had to land ih a pasluro

ou tside Londonderry. I nm; n o t. ' •ttirl and I th ink tiio piano is 11 r ig h t,” - .

I A.-.tMllm; ,1 ju ih .'.l^ < m h .a Kib-.

I.! .M.tHi --T-n.lai.l .(.lo lnl .\ |jr ..-J’u i j ’- i.Mmk lllll- would iii'.k Jior (!ro r«f I’a liiicr ' I'nln.i'm iirk ivliai lo n u x t. ''

iIk- . NitK'' ilnd" iJidr wliy iiilo jsinnll Inmin^'i^t nii.>ii.

Mi'an».-lilU-. <;ini;:ri’Mii<:niil 'n ilnliilriilloii lr.idi.’r:< con

dh'cii^n mi‘;istii-.!H for

In v ltp a -!ro H c»r Cnni paiifil'lRstics

* D iacus'se'd ’ '

C ap ta in Qeorffo E n d rc s '.A n d H unffa ria ii P ilo t K illed

^ _ ^ A t Ita liftii.A irp o rt

OiOMIi.' lU f ) — <;ajil. Ceorsn K tidruu.-wlio-niadn a lninH.AIlRnllp rilKlit fi'om Now Y ork to 'llimKuryi In- lu n i. wiut killed •wlili iiuotlior ' lln iiK iirian vHot mimed Illluity lo- ilny w hen tliolf- jiluno cnislied In

T hu uiiIomiIiimI workerii drowiihiK liy fleuiiiK to tli rc.n;he« of ^liu tii ino l., I)lv» hron.<:lit 1iuro lo Join lliu

la n d in K ------- -------------- ------------l i i r l y reiiortM, w hich In lor proved

i in to u n d ^ mild Aloxnndur A. .Miut- ynrd who iiindi>-t1lo l!)3l fllBlil w llh KndreH. waH tiliio Ic^llud.

A ir offleliitu immudhitoty a fte r I ho crHHli ^onclndcd tlia l Maayiir wiui w ltliln tliu '^vrccl(aKi■. Tlion Ihoy lournod M aKr-'r li'»d no l niudo Uio niRhC but (h a t Dituny liiid iitllu tctL JuC Jilllb

Salmon T ract To Have First W ater

Run 0-n May 25th

Ij.loyme;<•1,1, iiiosl aiijiriivai Ih-Iiik a n'id.i:i>r<'iid

IllOMi i i o ; . i f t w ■ lir^iiKlitl 'Itlitiiii- ITiifuunilni Fe:irs -

' tlankL-m coniim ttd m mrc:i>i ihe u :l tliai tiiueli of tiio e iirroiit din- r'c»H ill niiitiihl hy "iiufonndod •!ir«." Tli;«o hiuludo talk nf «ii;i' eOKioii nt Uie Kold' miimliinl mill

•'w rviilniniorR of raliroiid- rw ivvrrtiilinir AcUiiil ijiiulneau Jmlleen tU b.w cck

wore no!- if - a 'c l i i i ra c in r- tn - ln iU ' Clio liny iiliiiUKe III lliL* oiiilool;. Stevl , o |iunalonti ox|i;inded lo inir c'enl of ftiiiiiciiy.

T hu uiiionioijllo imiiiHlry

j a Uomoi Hii'iiiiiii'y clyetlon lield a i "

:hni»ly iiiidnr lliu hirim liilird I ■■■

■ of

> UlUli!O rr ............ , ,

a n l fo r |liu iioininiitioii Siiiti-K Mcmitor . will j>rlMci|)uI addre’<H. (Kiie will 1.0 I laroh l ly-'Ti-iimiiiiK. Iliilil. (■ml \V. R A lw orth. l-'ilor. Hui-khii thr* im m lnallun an tiie.coiiureiiiilDO nl-ai/idltliilo-froin'-lhirt dlNirict.-ain J li irry C. IMi'iionii. cam lidaic. fma in to jin d i to r ;----- -- ‘ --------- -

A H ' D em oemlii: ;iH|iiraiitii foi orricc lia ro Ijccfi Indued to-lie iire>i en t a t tiiv iiieotinK. T ho tuilillc ii behiK nrKod lo aliem i tliii n illy nm Il in niinoiincil Ih n t iiii u re well-.......

TlK> llrnl w ater liuilvc-ry on lliu iiiilmoa tru<-t will'liL- iiuidu M'cdnnii* day. May W. il in aniiounee’d liy of- n«i»lK of llie Salimili Itlver Cam a eominiiiy. I l i« cx|)uclcd■ tin il ihu riin 'Will eonllniiu for 90 dnyii.

(iuuKu reudiUKK a t tliL* Siilinon riv e r 'linm iiidleitie llio iiviUiiibitiU' of SU.UOi) aero feel o f w ater.

blit .leiidiai: comiianle.n ven t nivvploi; iii> ni\:diictloo.

Tliu oli ImiUHtry couliniied a lirlKrht miol, IciidinK nialft- iiidiiH- irlallHiM to'liellovM .ilua iIiIh Hue' wnntd lie omi of tlt> llrni lo inili on l of lliu dnprc'iHloiK .

'PorclKii triiili* fiKurc:^ o f vavl-i nim iuadlii'i; countrii'h f : r Aiirli' Hliow'cd, L-ontlmivd vuntnicilon diir-: iliK Aiiril.

IIAlti; liri'.S M N T It lll).MKU YANKICU STADIUM. New York

IL’P I— Ilii'lie KuMi 'h l i IliK' nhiil homo r u n of ih c l1ea^lJn lodaj ivltli llio liiiKuH full hi lliu drill liinhm o f llic /ir:.l Bitnu!, hi-iweei

New York Y ankw.i aail.-<ht U’liKhlnKloii 8enulor«.

L-Jry, I't.'inouk ami CoiiiIih wer( iiu»v. IJoy.I Urown was jiiieli'

A v ia ti 'ix Tcll;s ■Stury Of Flight To Qnitcid Prusijs

III lllr uilMilllli)

to l<on-

lilluN 1 Km-w I o jiiiKl Kafuly..Koi

I fli-xv tviib ilic Id nr Jio’ uiikIiu'

only {Jii in m y |in 'h m>- iimiliand iialllH ICIIVilll!. .

micd tnhollne li'iikiiKe. I in-

I .thefly I

inidMIUliKOff oiymyxeir alrsii; itie iioriliweiit co.im o r Iruliiiid. . . . •. I Intuaii III reiiuiin Imre ove r nlKhi and will no l<i neir.’u t lo. morrow, I t in i|n lio iionrdliln llia 1'. Hlmll' onialii a new n ln ilam 'l ie ru iiml c'» HI l.ondon H iinitiy

E c m i i i

id liri>’:ei.l In l.oHdnn loiiiirlit.11’ I'Dvr.iifd tliu liuK irdH .'ot'

i<-n« iraiivAiIunUui;yoiilu«^o'.''* '-'!» ■vlih'li Kill' Iiml conic tlirouKlt. ftvu.'> :iTH,-.lo^<lie «i«y itflor C o l ,-C l« r.>'!i A. I.lndJj(TKli ,< :iin i|ile ledhl.'» '‘ iH 'icwfui fliKlil. lo J’arlk . '

l‘‘n r iil.'iiiit II) liuurs »hi< neir » lih llii< exlln^^t tnntiKold uT' lier 4'imliii' h iinied ' «iiilV nlin. ■'Mihl. Added to lic r diinKlTi< '

• n iT i' n ihi 'nnd a llt tio 'lilt* red moiiuiiliiiir iv n rrd uuL •if Mil- >|iiiiit ««^^r Ire land , - • hIii> mitleiMt fhnt her-piM olhm uniim ' >v,'m; linikeii, “ iiro b n ld i ''Iia«liic litii'n ..tii illrrrd \l»r ij i f) : sliirm IhmiiKli n lil rh - ' l ’ . JK tT '■ flou ii. llien .

I dethied t« Imid,** sbf.'“a f i a r : . •. _f(iHi|iusi‘d A fliT ,i’JIfflit^'';;';|^‘iir^'

_T hn_lx ill AUKTlcym' ;WOnU(ni.'(Wljo!j'WIIH I> |itui>icnBcr- on-.oncr'* fnn iiir“ A thinlle niKlit. ai>peiirc<l;>.ijDrW6(»V iy coiuiiiwi'd a fte r ono o r 4Jioi;muHt-•

■uelUns Tlylne tiista any^T vom in '- ■ cimcliidod. ,

St rjonclialunily yoHtettlio’ cuived . the

l iAim kh>: r

. . . ib a l 'v t ia V li* > ;:? S * . liroi>I UouB t.f -J ';i

uU cm pl. iJho niotorotl ^,{roiu’va'; ' '• • ilie IonK'.2.00l»:ro(ji*$u«i-‘ j

.llmv Nowfaiitrdlnua • .,lumn r ta iem c n li“ 'b f - B t t ’

Ijlans., elliulm d-lulo -tho rcir:,i:SSj{v'r:kf lieeil ni(iiio|)lnne, ^w u .vd r ''a< ( ^ 0^ well nml WUH awjiy! ... .

liitd . bpcu 0Hp6cluUy..''aiixi>'^>' i-'ko yo*iord'ay.■ U v-m

Page Two 'IDAHO EVENTOG TIMES, TWIN FALLS, rPAHQ- ^featiiFdaViiMly 21,1832

Petrdlle Wins Decision Over "‘Bat” Battaliho in - Bloody Ten-Round Fight


) VlHA-T TA-TKeR ■ GAKie, M£..T 6 R t . G l l > r O ----- U a W —

-A -S ' 5 b B L l , I -------\ -Drotf-r S6E-n jJ iiy _ c iU Q a_ ijU > s ■sa.

trM >i«=! ^-Fp-frp

l \0 /»JP 0\JeR-^^’ CAUe^lDAR '.j am’ PICK^ OU-r T>A,-r^_. rMds 'couvjeuieAi'T 'TbT?

. V/OOR BlR-TriPAY • *V0Li”HAP OKi-E. LA2<

licUEMBeR , AfAl-Waul MAV-I-

. By Ahern New W heat-Crop *....__._„GrpW8:Rapidly

» r Ufunri- Jilrk't'} rn llp il I’lTMN ■Siiiff C'irrr'<>|iritiili'ul'

,rn ic .M i(» .{ n * ) - inti> i v . '

■Iiuko liltu <|iilt.A t (Ito (iti'I o f 30 of

• <|H« <i{ ttic Woo'U<>«t, lllOM IvTl>vif>»>>■liaitli'S o v :r htnKod Iti tlm Clilruso nMilIiiiii, I'oirolU-. Diiluili, Mltiii..Jiinliir w clli'ru 'tlK hl, m’hk nwartloil, f,,, l!if nnniiluijun ili-iibUin (•! . kiioH'rlriwtii roft'rtMj «ntl tw o Jii<Ii;r.f. iliii.lli-ifilnc V(.uml,

. Jil* vk-tory of iw o iii.mll.K ii«.i l..,a\7 »’vlKfii' ‘■'‘‘'’‘if-'" Mar.!

Uiiltulliio. <‘.ut lit four t>Iurc^ nliout lliu tni-o »ilul Jiwul, IiIp uusi- linnhctl in . ]iU vj<


V erdict In B attle A t Hollywood

^VCawi-AB(Sii<— p(CK(Ai<a Mime: » •peTALS oTF-nU -r ^ S ’.i DAiSV, /A i’

PAVlMGMe t iP O - (F Voa

I ’LL B i:ou l -7H’ ARoy^iD,

rn 'Rgsi-'G F VcUPi,


. FL A r A S A ■‘‘-V BoaK-M ARK *

•OUl).ll« KMlllliai;liy l.<nh iiti'ii in. 111-

l.k, iAi

fiico Htncarcd w hli Woi-I.JlKlilInK Ilio Jiimiiirkoil tiui i i -iu m

• J’clrolU* » l tlio fililull, ProMi "lari i. tu . (intnli I tJ iin llno ki*pt

liilo I'utroUi*. lakiiiK . hi# ln-«l liooks, Jabs and cronxiti,. ivitlxnil waverlntf.

T h e c ron if o f iU HMI i-«l itin /unu«T fcullii-rnclirlil rliutniiloQ Irnit w itli lil« Iieiid..Ink)' I’ctnillc 'fi <ilinrj* m x i' rishjK, iradc liuiirJj fu r •)i>incl> fliid iii 'te r n i t t under n ixtr* ruKV th a t tiiiKlit .lio ic nnj- otiio r ImUIey, TIic (fnw ' n-cetiila wi>ru «U H Hi. «( wUlcl^

iirlncipiU r«orlii-<J o^khU S7t*»0.' . ." 'A nvr t|io llKlit lluitalliio wii

ca rrlcd t o ' a lionpliiil > h f r c tlilr- ti.*fn ulitchM H'urv taki'ti la tila

■>'ouii«1b, <our lu a siutli In ‘liK hciul trom li tm it. lU ovcr'tU o rli^Iiteyv, ilirvc In JiU ]»•:•> eni(c(t liDM and tUroo tr itlE o of U k no«-.*

U aitalhiv, oQ iliu u liu r t. viiil >4 a to 3 IxrtUDjC (nldH. tun ic iK-ur viidlBK UivflK)‘l 'lR titu r im roiinil 'U'hAn ]i<> <lrvv^>d I'o tro tli^ ' wlUi & loU liook to tliD ta n r. J'v(rull<-

Itio caavoA. and ran ic near KvitlDS' nji on .11 hlio rt cuiint, liui Jjo looko l a t hto*‘-'‘>''ncr,aM fiT"iaiSu II|> 10 Jits’ tarci) Ab'rtvu-nnd'<IId not iirlflo im U Iaiie'vnuiU r<iii7ti<-<l iilno.'W icy, iDBlcnd o t roiiIliiiil;iK Hif riKht, lio back« l iiwuy and wliwl

,, K.-ivn ■NVIKIII, "Wl .> dl'Clflollj fp JIIIIIIIJ- Manna. I’tn'urollo, Id- uIk.; tn I" rounds luM nlslii.

HlN main ici^orlni: iloan ^vltli a , fl.^rc. 1.ody I'u irlck wan

unu iim tiiin i. .rouriti. .-IkMI'.

Jlloort ,1

. ROtiluE uim tlior nndiLrcaL

U®wan near Uio unil of iJic llrs l .Umx rc tro l l . . <DoniHl llio

I,*cut on ItatiAlliio’s Itnvcf il|>. (jpouleil from ihl« • woiim

. (lurljsK tJio rest o f tiic fifclit. In iJio fo u rth round I’ttro lljj liiiitcd Hat-

, ta li^ ii .u n d c p c n ry l 'i i lonk ;:iikIi uIm to J)Ih tompio, tli 4ia J iiu iallno 's faco wiw n L>luo<ty jimujc.

K yyif 'V l ih TlaitiOIno '^ c u l ' niii IrlcciittiVr-’ flKlii Tiowr ri'uch<?<t

. ,llio onO'»l(I<>d fitURv. ilaitntlDO ko]>i <irowdlii(f tin- F-VKo Bxi'ri-nii. iiold'. inR ]i)H own Jn 'tro q ti’oni i-aIlli‘M inid 'Tvcu a i tl:ii<'n r(ir<lnK| V elroltu tu rL-tri'[it rlna.

•H. a . R... .(uvjofliituij— :i Now Yorli . . lO im U flfx— fi ..• 'IlailorH’s; •W -aVcr.' H u ik f aJid;

f!(inics iind Dickry. |

HOHIOU .. . , (HHMIHi)'Hd— I c 1»Ji') 2‘W'5',:x— « U 'i

■Hutiorlm: .I'lirliiiiii, Moi)r«\ l^ l i i f and Tull-, (Xinn')lly: W albtrK. Oriivc ;iiid

H II i:SI- ij ) i iu ... mill •jii'i ioL‘ 7 11 :: C\.<vo»:inii . \ \ n liii) « ':x—11 - v 'i

iliidli-y. ildii.T t and li. I ’l-rri'll. ilciicouKli; W. i'V rrcll and .Myall.

n II >;Iiutriiit . IK): (id:> ion <c- vS i,'.' ;i ■Wra^> . H'U \riV UB'> l'<>_.:, 7 1

lin tirrica : ilrld iin i. lliT rlnc . lloK- J.OII and H iiywortti: r*r<i.ilur iiiid nt!rr>-. »■

A I, i.K.vurK■ • H M l :

•Vow York .. Jo:! iiim u t l 1 lim iiklyn . .. .4:iu I'H) iiuo-< 11 ' I

xmL.ii ........v u ' i"v ;> n x - li' PJ HIItail'T lu ii i 'oIUh*. l»u<lK-y. U rati-i

w^kl and V, Davis, Todit; Toild'

_ ^ tiJT 4 ;itU A .\|, (Siisthil) —Fnrni w ork liiis been |iii#lifd rapidly ditrluK U>o i ia n week, and UKXtl f ie ld s ‘ a r e now .seeded .<a kr iIb . W licat lliat u-aB drilled n iiionOi

ts Rrowlnit XA3t, and (.-overs KrouiitT w lib -a noljd„inaiis .of

Hirroutii. Tcni[>ornliirca linve

r.iiild ' Rrotvtli or vro|ii,T lio .cloiilup of hclionl- laiit Krl-

day wan ol>nervi-d wlili n 't .lcn lc in SiHwtione Hanin. wlilrli w iu a t- tondud by Mlwi S a iii-r lre ’nn J n>o«l o f Hie imidl*. nnd «nivc/iil I'.ui-unn.

Mm. Dcryl ICtiukul u td baby. Tilary liJinlly. tv o wvekn old, have I 'cturnod homo from }- (ll)l,

Welcome HomeHonors Burkes

/<;iUSTU:i!x>ilD, . (Siieclal)—Jlru, .MarK:trei KUicert u iitenalncd 11 Krou]) o f friends a i 11 brldRo <lln» nor tbiii week hoporlnff ."Mr. and Mr«. W. J . nu rkc. wlio Jiavo re- cun ily reiS rncd Iroru a yetir'a ataj- In C alifo rn ia, UrldRO lionora -ivcal 10 ,Mrn. i'V,o<l JtSjiBcrt aad Mr. Iiurko.

Tliem auun cliili jiiri W cdijcjday aK em oon »vHb .Mr.-*. L. J. P a rk er Jn L u b l. Tw o tuT>lc« wecc la i>luy. Iilcli Boore W.-I.S inado by .Mrn. ttnnlcin Iliitlierford and Hocond lilHli by .MrH. A lbert Jlellcr. Jle. fro!<linivnt9 w ere Bcr/eil lu the irloHO Of jb v RimicK. Tlie next nicl-tlns o l ibi- club VIII be nt-xi W o lttw lu y . May 35 m Ibo boine of .Mr*. J . K. Ciirr, tieur Cnnde- ford. . .

Choir HonorsEngaged Couple

> 'iu - : u . CSlJOc-laU - Tlio t-liolr o f tlio MclliodlHi IC'IIKCXJIKII ujiiur* u ln c d n t dirnc.r iblH v c ek n t diu K. A, ■

PrftHcCR II I>uiil Ludlow. T h e . ^Ticaif

It II j :i i f . l o i M l i m o 0 1 - : ! 7 0 i>iii( in.ii .(iiu (i:^-;t K .1

VV-.irnrki- tivid U ar'* Johiihon and l.«'n>tiardl.

, n 1 1 1 :

G o lf a s t h e S t a r s P l a y i t

j r i l t s i m r c l i . . . I l l S t . l y i i l l -1 . . a n c i ( « ) ( ) O l N *

' I l n t l c r i i - s : K f v a v l i i i n i : r l i i p i ' f i n i c l . M a n c n s K ,

Joiin Craw ford nnd Itolw ri .iMontKomery w ho arc.rcniiire il In " U l ly : I-'. I.yiiton" w hich w urtsi a t tU«- OrjiUuuw U ic iilc r/« « h n iiuiU ncj'

..................................... ~ ■ Monifiiy. T n sid ay nnd Wcilne**.......... .. proKram will bo •■The ‘Woman

l»audl> (Which nlHo will bo iliown a t the iiild n lK lifl're v l< n r" ' ‘ '

■ SaUirday and -wilt aliK) bo i.|iown Sunday. > (lay. The necond fca iitre on the w niliiR ji

’Z;,’! III. H ooni-'U - HinrrliiK i:iliwift Uiudl>(Whic

SIDE GLANCES — — By George Clark

r o . i s r i , j:a ( ;i :kr n . U.K.

I’o riland . .. nu: yin Ofnv— :: .>« 1 (Kikl.'ind ... ,ntii u;i*i l o x - l i t l 0

I IlaH i'rht.: Jai-ob*. .Sbnr<'i> and) , A\«ti-U. (umw leadl.^tt kqUjt pl«y ValmlHiiuo; i.xidcii.li iiiid Ga«\on.

iij) Iron and you :vltl nnilcu lha t ...tlio jlH b t too iiolntK -d ircc ily , n t ‘ K II K

- i lK h t . uUKle* to .lh o d lroctlun-Ilnc .-S fatU C ......... ::rit) 1 0 0 - 7 lu u----- T h o - r lc h f nhoo inuhl ‘ itul 'l i ir ii Sarramc'iiii> ...iiHMdi::'.mo - 1 10 1

. .u - n v j^ ill., backrwlnK. Ii n iiist. n „ iif r li“.: Wuli..r« alid <-oi: .S»il- .M.'CJniuk and W irl",

' IMb« Itu th Hlni-ird. lu'i'ouriiin^ fo r ih re f rnn«, In fmir tiniow a t but..

l-<iti Gt'briK wlncIiHl. ni-countlnK fo r Oiroi- rmi-i. In four tlnnw a t bin.

illiiimonn doubled .ind AlnKloil. a r . ■oituiInK, fo r th ree ruuH, In four iUne» up. ■ ■ .

H ack W lh u ii. iioaiorcd nnd HliiKled tw ice,' atfroiinilnH fo r lliree niiiH, In four lhiif» 111 bai;

11III T o rry tripled, iiccouniing for In five iryn.

.bw.k**jii nlniij»i in ih 'j »'aine iwii-MUin viriniiy « iili tlil!> n i , sift u l addrefN. .S fllher m ust It f>Hff- Crm ;-(> of .Siii.itiu.n'-;

vu.' TIjo rl(;hl In t xboubi no t lie the Jiiniini.. nnd li:i . ' MtrftlKhtenpd in th e liuckanlin;. ‘ tli<-ri'nr. ile a^U^• 'i r_ ih c rlglii J r ^ . t ) , ; ' ulrakliiL-ntd . if4iii|,

wfuiln'w i>tRbt-,wil| bo th row n, .................m w d of |j<dllK keiit

•SAIjT IjAICK O IT V .'r ia h . (Irl*) Iru D.Tii. 2H». .Halt I.iik< C'lly, de -' • 'd H arold Krusk.inip. for-:

Olilc- - in to fonlbnll Klar. Hy Slii'.rmuii. S a lt l.aki; (.•liy, HR. do- <.-iiiud lUilpb .Morliiy, H 7. Tooelo, On a foal. Uin-d Dellou, S a lt I.akc C ity and Tbiiiniy Taiifo*, .‘ alt I.ako

. / S I I I ' S I I M N I ' , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " ' — I ' m 3".\na-rr>^iu' l.i^inri i'l Slimni..iii: I" ^ ,sinmhorini.* a juiiio'- t-'aiii. to )><■'\..ariaeo'.Appointed '

- c o a c h A t Missouri^Iilay.r.i xvlll I........ .. lo .t lu i^ , , ______

• ivrlal fo r illc- oiUor I'o.'lilonN oin'Ji,! <-OI.r.Mi:JA. Mo.. — Vrnnk < Till' I-i-Kloii Ik anxlrjUM 1.. a rn .n c o ;* ‘iri'ioc., furiner a|l.,\iiuTli'Q n nuar-

w lili-.i ih fr li-am.. Ill n,(H. lu rb n e k ja t N«itr<- Idinic-, today ........ •limit. W. li'K incd (iea<l football co;icli iiiiiiinut-r <il I by th e ex-1

i-iivi. ,- tiarf:'" ■•'•u'llvi- board of (he bo<ird of e u r . ' iu.:.> to r hlf

; - . lb o ;baU 'of th e rlKlii fotn.Homo Kol/orU de libera tely M urn

thi> TlRlit,toi> In tow ard th e bull In o rd e r to pfi-rt-nt Ihu rluh t Mide fr<i

s i i i i .s j i u m : i i i . i t i . r u sTiM.vri,j; JKUo.Mi: -^SHOS^UO.SK. iSpi-*'i.il» -T he.S ho-

blKli HibuuUbOi-- bull !■

Behind Scenes Is-Locale of Drama

Heated a t onu larKc Inble tlireo « n in ir one*. The

. i‘.nt playing i^imev. ^ MIkkllv ln ian received u bcuLtiful ........

.Mr«. - O. J . Chlidn’ en tertained I n l a ' b rl:lsc luneliocxi Tuenday In. lioniJr of .Mrs. RolMrrt Cole. Chey-

Wyo. .Mm. Cole l.-i \lm d a iich tc r o f -'.Mr. and .Mm. Ceori,*e T m li t . }{ans«n. .Mm. G- U Davis

htKh liouon ; Mr». Cldlda en­te rta in e d u t jjridKC Wcdnexday a fie rnoon . *lf». ,M. Wulloco win- u in tr th e ttrlzo. ..

CVllM VIvInn ICnIk M tt'rtalned at UrldKc la.tt w eek a t Ihe P. C. GravcH residence. The flr»t w e- nluR .Alra. II, Irw in and \V. Nu*. tiurn w on ilio prl*«x -unU tUe «>«• oN d-even ing Mr«. H. K. D llltns- liam -tuRl-,0. .Pndea tUe |Tlr,cs.


'.MAROA, (Specia l)—Dor* eauned coH«UlcTsfl>lo tlniimsi} lo ahcep in ililx d lH trlrl the p u tt 'Week. Thojr killed one sheep In Ihv Krod AViU Hoii band <ind tbu nex t n lcb t killed nix Hlicep In tlio L . II. Brown flock.

order to pfevt-nl Ihe rl«ht «ide fr<.ni' " ' ' ' , ' r "“" ./V , ^ •''IU-:it. (Sp.-rlati.inrulntr uway. Tlio'moro ihi- I'lehf ‘.“l , ‘ ' V. , , , 1 ^ , !--b.>ol' pluy • u foolJf. turne^I away from .be ball ^ ‘ m-Hduy ..vcnioR. Thr

, . . . . I 'Breuier. Ifl Iho Inclination t- ..,jil l5 fe n 'th e rliU;t.j<ld<>. . tli<- .leri

llllU 'l.Kie W1,NS l-'IKST. i.v .M «M A \A .'n ;KT;

\ ,<:oorji.v(;. i.si,i-.i.id •I licw ler. noiibotH«io u'l Ib r Piilv

balf-irtllo week,


• g T :»1iy 'o t Idaho, w.on iln- half-- - * [ ra in a t .Mln»nnila. .Moul..'laM v

■kGSU rS• n o n llowlor.. *;<«.dliiK._

• n u - :u . (SpiTlaU — TI»- swnlor y wa* «lven 'Wcd-

. The ea^t of “Haek- i* la W Included:

IClijtiibi'tb MIII.t . UuHAell ,S»an- itoii. IlCTiter I’ayioii. I'rancln 451erer, Kver»U O rlci'cr, Robeit W*rlKUt.

. . ... » -\>uwj»lnK.Dold.^n Kl. un i.r Scdili-k. Kennolh i'ark."., JoulihliT,


.Miles of SmoklnR, 'fluinlnR Mtrects. ,'irundrbiJii of rire-blnekoned bulldluKK.-Jtaicd lioiaiea tliut left 7COOjicr»on8'lioinolCfi>i .T hat'u Iho »eenc of uttiT -dw aK inilon 'B rap liIrally portrayed in thU aeria l photo, t.ikeu us flco’ bu rned down iw o-iiacdn /jt %lw vlllago of _Omlya, Jnpan . In 'tlfo ba cksrcund , cdo'ly.alpof. In .world-funiouV a it. l-'uir« miow-toppod

/ll'll f!vO R|ill'H TA UG It, (S rec liil)-T w en ly - 0 RlrlH who cotnple’led the courHc

in bomu liyRlcne and euro of t|ie »lek. lauah't thin i>o-tiei*tor by .MrH. nich iird Smitbp Tw in t'lUlK.' mem- licr of th e Tw in I-'al!i< county liualth

, un it mnff. rccelvell Kod Crotn eer- .....lilllfleaiea a t Conim enci'nienl exer-

‘“ " '‘ 'c lues'T huriidny evenliiK. Tho courno wax Rponxortd jo in tly 1>y the linnio hygiene coininlHee of thn Anierlcnu ■lied Croxs ch ap te r and Ihe coiinly

Ihvallli unit.

.„,'S5.75' To S a it i ^ k o & B c tu rn

$5.05' To OgiicQ and B ctu rn

JUNE 3RD .f u tu Tw ill V'ftllH rlu. QrcRon.SUovt l-Ino- TIi-ket.s Rood In, coaclieit or c h air cam . Ilntlted fo r re tu rn lo ■iiniiiu denilnatlon before nildnlRhl Jnno liili, Abk local ngenl fo r fu r- ■ her d'-lallA.


. , i>F STAXK. ...........-»EMOCK,VfJC T^'KJJT,


SHERIFFO il It Iiiisis ' Ijf lu w CI1-,

•T o i'cc iiii 'ir ti^ w itli, ru u io u -

nlilc oiriirioniy — iin d a

jili-a.scil III plnco lu y iia iiiu

b u lo ro liii; v o le rs in tlie

' |ii'iiiiurii.'.s on tliu D ciuu -

c n i l lc liu k id . • •

S. B. (Snni) ELROD

Vote for S.. B. (Sam ) ELROD'- - .T ._ ^ -D E M O O K A n p ;C A O T Ip A T E ; .


C oiinty aaitcsitor'of Poyolle' Coun- i V 'f o r past' 13 ycjtra. Kxlcnalvo •biiHlnoaH and f^ innlug-.tiporioncu and know,* Iho ueedii of aRrleul- lu re. Aa n nieiuber of.idnto board

and_____________ * ^ ; .Mff. Uorl HowJ.t .. 'Ji«>dlnK._

-Tomnurr................... - . . . ................. ........ . fltopprd. -

U i n r a o n d . I k i n i o n (7). ■ 1 f<i

p ^ ' / UAYTOX O ,.— IVe W eo Ja rro ll.la .140. :H orl W ayne. 1nd„ defcnlmlj

y n ) — IlUbl-d- ,.. L-ultoiiwiKid Irne tvhlch l)A

cbupplnf.'dou-n.' W. .M. Kelley Iind a pair of n>n!e «boen'. T iu'y e th o u n h t'u i t o w liecci litiuu on ^^au'-h of Uin ir r e whcu Mon-

to rflto ry , nuit ih«j :ru»k y ra yw , iuu„ iipii-nnni inii,* #>i u ii-rni>1-Vnnkltf iliikbei<, MS; T c r ro lla n tP .Ut-oe-grew around ibeni,

s l-.Jnd. . : - . . " ' . I -------:--------------- -----------

■ -iSAN rneSO^TCTFinV olnM -r! f7<r , ‘ Ran, IJIcM . knocked «-ut H«triy Nu- •• jW l r . J05. Jlexleo Clly. i d -

■ ' 'U Q ^l.Y W O O n^T m u 'P jlrI(;k . U> ' ;AnccI<;ff. decltloned, J lim uy Ifunnn. :-:jlu/lln»0Jt bcavywelcfht ,

- F ( H t - . S 'A L i ; - • •A B8EN ATB OP LEA D

Kor ^ p ra )In (r

D a n ce T dnighr-a t ■

Danceland-B O S y -I.A V M !-^ A W D ^ n D - V A N D A LS ra im MOSCOW

KIMBEELY SHADOWIlAND ■.• s i v i . x i T il t h o .Hk s w >;k t a i tu H U K s o r ,

SCOTTY SMITH and H is SHadowIand BandA«>.MISStON Km:K — ^A.N CIM 1 $ l f

To TKe ybfefs Of r Twin Falls County

I liavc been .1 heavy tox-pnyor in thlfi county for, fifteen years. T his fac t, to ge ther w ith m y eicporlcnco,and qua lifi­cations ju s tifie s m y cafncslly ask ing fo r y o u r su p p o rt for ASSESSOR a t tho Dem ocratic P r i o r y Tuesday, ’



Candidate foi” ^ 'omination



R. K. Dilijnghaixi,


A residen t o l T w in P a lls county for' 17 years. A taxgfiycr on fa n n and c ity rea l cstA^; .m erchondiso and personal p roperty . • . • - . • • '

YOUE s h p p 6 S t W lix BE a p p e e o ia t e 'd ■

R. W . H U D B E S O S;'r : , , R ^ ,

* , c a n d i d a t e ' >

■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■.for;’;;',.

Ji^-PKbSECUTINGr—:. ';;;’;;A'CTORNEY \ ^

' P rim a l'S iec tio li 'Titesday ''.I l May 24|-..;

| |


N at i on a L Whirligig

The History of TMniFalls City and County , s,


.MONEY W E NEED TO SPEND jJK A SS H O P PER S proved exceedingly costly ...

form ers 'in m any w estern sta tes las t sum m er. Now , how ever, Dr. W. 'H . L arrim er, federa l entom ologist,

. p red ic ts th a t theVe \\ill be m any m ore grasshoppers th is sum m er than-last, and th a t the infested area, will b e f a r larger. ' •

T h a t Jends'especial poin t to the fac t th a t th ere is n ow pending before Congress a bill u n d e r which th e g p v e m m |;it would p u t up ii;i,450,000 to m ake avail­ab le to .farm ers poisons.-by which the grasshoi)pei's can be destroyed. The pressure fo r economy mayi cause this bin^to f a i l ; b u t considering the fac t th a t the^

' farm .er has plenty o f troubles already, it does seem if 'th is expenditure ought to b e -a llo w cd 'tn ’ pass. • w ould be m oney well sj)'erif.

TH E P O T AND TH E K ETT LE T H E newspapei's o f P rance liay e m ade the Lindbergh

tragedy an occasion fo r rem inding thoir reader^ th a t noth ing th at happens in the U nited S ta tes can be ve ry surprising. Tlwy have be<in calling th is country “ the land where C apone is Ring,” and nave been as­se rtin g th a t i t is “u nder t h e ‘ty ranny of redoubtahlc and . im pudent bandits."

There is enough tru th in these accusations to m ake iny A m erican blush certainly. W e do not,seem in the'

lea s t able-.to-cope w ith ou r underw orld, and .«;omoshocking th ings happen to us every so often.

.B u t no-nation has a jn o n o i)o ly on crime. Even in Fisttnce terrible th ings can happen. I t is not, for in-; stance, so very m any d ay s since Fi-ance buried a p res id en t w^io h ad been m urdered w hile, in o ffic e ;’

,a n d the crim es of .Landru, the 'notorious “lilu e b ea rd ,” a re n o t so very f a r in the bacUgi-ourid,

You May; Not Knowthat—

;iln> Mnixlii.v.;{o, W ork m 'k In iliis IV ts {»>'Vii)nni'nUy iiiifl \yill iiiii III- S«ivUt' vivi'i'" in tUis r is III! y r'iif.

S ailo r-S ty lc W a is t l in e 'r-b ty icMTTKtt.N

(Oklahoma Questionsl.tir nstll CU’IT till-

>• (h !l nilsHlllllltX' iii>< 111-

riivni’ ;ii!0|)lloti <if

SH ADO W BOXING AT' GENEVA' |T H E m en who a re a ttend ing the disarm&ment eon-'

. ference a t Geneva, seem to b e -h a v in g th eir aii uk. «>“■tm iih lo c • ' ; noM.’ Snrln« (niitJl<'H« iiuiJ wlU KPiMl

, irouoies. _ : M.url»K. WiiiHlllnoKU nited P ress cables the o ther day reported th a t the/^nv “''"'v "■')

delegates a re u tterly un ab le to .ag ree on w h a t e a l i b e r , •■'»»tliniiii 1111(1 tiuitoii.ms should be classified a s ' “offensive” , weapons.jaicovoMHiopjuiashori of tii«(ii»uii

T hey are try ing to'iViake such a classification because; CnlnrH (iro Jiiiit sh ('!inriiitn;r.|o f the 'A m ericah p ro p d sa l-th a t “offensive” ..weapons uojwoph nm wuirt imii! siEniDiiueii.be abolished or in ternationalized . |,-;JtaIy and Russia wantn^vcry gun whose bore ha^ -viinc cropc i.tomu

g rea te r d iam eter-th a ii 100 mfllimetei-s {about Cour^i;“l \ ' “ ; ! ^ S inches) classed m the “offensive” list. Germ any w ants li"* .nia-jinatmn;a lim it of 77 millimetei’s. The U nited S tates, France,Ja p a n a n d ’G reat B ritain a re s tick ing fo r a lim it o f 155 millinietei's. ' ' . . ' . ■ -

N aturally , since there is such a divergence.of views,

HOltlZONTAI, IT a ltn led . 61 'roluW .inco. lO ldaliomii iv'un

formerly "know n n,i tlio

— —T erritory? I t WUo In

Kovvriior <it . 0klaluiiii:i7 .

m iiju 'x .1511.17 HiMK'vnnii. ID ncB ri'lii.cs

ceoUliiKly.20 Hills.2: Parly for men

only.33 Mfasiin- (it

1 - clolli. . '' 24 Uiiltn to I ulioot nt., 2GTo mnke n ; nilfltnkK'

27 Koiirlli noti*.!S2il Cnrt.St Sercnlh nolc. SSGIrillc;33 .Vcw«i>apcr

UnrOKMpll.S4 .Vorihwtst. .

. Aii-iwer to I'revioim P jjzzIo • (rlcii oji Oliliilioina.

a s c h lc t inano.• fiii'tiirlnK In* <UiHiryt>t Oltla- lioniii III 111

27 Y E A R S AGOI'li-Iil niiiipH • liiivi? bi'ctl I'.'llftl)- •

viMvv 'U; l''i"''l ''iv.' 'itKli lint'will In' ivtirklMC 'by ih(» ,

. r i i “i or ilir wi'C'k. Two rnmp»"lio- " '.v.iiU UViliu->*.Uy. W'-ork- fiu I (Jk-.IiIuIi lilii> l<> I«. II’ llUHllOO'Wltli •• . I imriu t..rlHt|.. .-ncrtfy nnd /n m --I iih'K'il In 111.' Jli-oi o f Jftuuary . \Va- . ‘ ir>' will ilM'r.-ror I lf0(1 tlip oiiliro

iiii'l ilio ’popijln-, \v!'I ')io lllrroiuod '• I’lnli CdiMtnw— ■

iiilHrny liiivi- tiio <'(intr.ict fo r i;.'i'tiiiii I'f III.! w ork «ml' till- •I " K.r (lie rcTiiiilmll-r-will 1i<*

of ili(> lunncl Sh isliiiiio fiilU liy

'riw.T (Miniiiaiiy n - NolHoii nnd

I,-, iin- i-oiiiKH i.icA. !%<iim:iii' ifn>y (iiilsli III.' tii:iii<'| In iliri'c .. Miiiwu.l f»v i;». i\niH 10 ki'm .K.'.r <1111 uf. i l '. ' iiinnifl Iiiik nr-

l( Ih (1i-';iyril IlciKllne .ivilviil «.C 11 . NvMMI, (II (iirnlub ;ii>«'or for tlic . Wli.'ii 111.- (Inn Ik Hi. nrlilnl

S » rn i iiiiihii nnd lioilf rn R M im • rv llrv t'^ u n r rh«uniat{ftU i,W i»....... ninl IViitncn nt(eti(lant>i.. Al -

:IliUKi. »J. 1 .1 i:i. l 'I-.< 'lL O ;i^Itr..j-j)r. Kukli>r\ <ir(lw(.J,ocalctl In J . 0.! J);.'il - I I . H. II<ir~l 1.1 f^aji..., t l ; ! JVti.i,.,; M.ick. • ' • „

1/ rill y -ui'i .;iii ............ .. .xi i>iiOli-r )il)l ;i<0 Ill'll.....IK H axHiiv.).II will ii'<inlr<. Iiiiii;, ili;t«ii-'>Ml ........................ :>iiil iNi'wllily (ilciiiiVi'i-(IK'H) I.r tti<- l-liili ^olll.'llnl.• In >!'•'



. Soconil (Twill F hUh) D is tr ic t

Dem ocratic T icke t 'Prim aries Twcaday, M ay 24

aSMoiikoyn. , 2TwIcc. MMtaiiWTe. 3^^1nor iiolc.40Snuky flBh. -<Co[iic«ln. lancacliCB a - c i ’iiiri'il a pipe. • i.Wi>. C Clifton. • *■I'l Sim.<5 U iir Brana.4" nosciipii.<SCry of nn o....■19 Notloiin. lOCIirlatimis

Nomlnnl value, vnrol.S2I..oiit lo vic-w. 12To put up B3 To Krln. tiS Utoiise.OTWnH KUC-


1 TnmlK.

Iivrti! Ilc(7. 30 Ayo.3S Obnoxloiin

pliint. - 37ArranKi'S


plant.• i n v r.liisslf'- -lijMdliii.■<.S Flock.COTUli; of

foiirieny C2 riiBtry.C4 Heliold. r.i; Hour (Abbr.).

> or I

l-'ismsv’.■ Tin-...' lloov.T flMbliii! yiiiiiH I'M nil till- .......................

I':;ii-h w.-.-li-_.-M(l I It. . ii> !inii(iiin<'<'<l 'IviuiKlii i1m> Uh>»— S««v

' IiIk iiiiiiiy.

•the ;boys are having a h ard tim e g e ttin g together. Biit t^p y need n o t despair. T heir-effdrts, a f te r all, are not b ^ in g w asted. For, in sp it? .o f them selves, th e y ' ared am o h stra tin g 'to the w orld h o w unu tte rab ly fu tile a rM worthless a disarm am ent, conference call be if it

a s th is one.is,.on fau lty foundations."- SuV)j)ose: that- comiilete and perfect ’ agreement

coula be reached about the ^ n s . What then? Would the, possibility of future war be made one hair’s breath

iiTOoire remote? Would the hprroi’s of such a; war bd-inithcislightest degree Jess'ene'd? ;..........................- , ........... T-THe answ er, in each case, is “No’ — very obviously,• F o r .this conference seem s to be not so much a dis­

arm am ent conferehce a s 'a despairing e ffo rt by world statesm en to maintain- the s ta tu s quo, w ith’ all of its seeds of in ternational strife, while a t the same tim e g iv ing an appearance of .^<'orldng fo r world peace. I t

I'ls n o t going to ;*esult in disarm am ent because nobody ljW ho.jsj:akmsj)artin_itj.*ealIy-wants-;'£;-to.-ItM s^nex- I ce lleh t d isplay o f sha.dow boxing,- b u t as f a r as th a t •hynbth'etical “next w ar” t s concerned i t has aboi,it i s m jih effect as.a m eethig o f the high school debating s a fe ty : ,. T h is squabble bVer gun sizes is th e tip-off..

. V ■ ■ INDEPENDENCE DAY',: ~ .! T W IN 'P A L 1 .S can affo rd to om it ..this year’s Foi^rth A.,-.of Ju ly ce lebration /P ossib ly i t w ill w he t the pub- •)ic*sappetite-for su ch 'ey en tsin the future; •

T hese events u n iv e r^ lly have come to be pretty i much .eut-and dried a ffa irs, \vith a dw indling in terest in-trttendahce. The .old days--of : orations^ m orning j a l O t e s ^ ’d g ian t firc-crackers^ have becom e'an tiqu­a ted 'b y counter a ttrac tions h^a'qe pqssible:by mo- :or cari radio and other'mediums.- • . ' • i '. I I is' ha rd tb ‘.pr6yi'de..thrills ahym ore-^ the old stu ff is too tam e, i t seems. • . - . • '' Neoct; year .TM ri Falls should be ready to stace a jelebration -which-will'make up for-rany lack which i:he.'j[ear’s postponern'eht involves.

.1 ,0 . H . u : 3». M ; m.ni.,1 « . SKo I’""!' UihMher.

:'v N o w th a t Congress has decided ' . ^ cut ...out jjolp* n i& - - { o f 3 'e = a « l l y e * '“h iH lt suggest.tha t spurs b.eflm itted fro m .b o o ta .T h e

t ta ro n -d e s ta w ould

IjeWmendousi^vV'^'; 1

c s s :

, 11.'. . . . . . . . v.-c varli'K. IViuilly; Un‘.twvuwl U U Uivlv-d Uwn.I .Vn Wlill.. Hotixc <-(>ni-!>l>oniI<'iii i-vi-r Kiiw ilii. >'itkUIi-ii1 tu lrb :i (UU. T lt;y Uav<- luil Uu-

. (-all'll :ift<T It u'iiii iiiadi.-. TIii'V :iri' i |i I [icrmllti'il Innlild lli« i’ivi>]>. r iit-y kdinv ilu* 1‘rcsUU'ut li* a sond flMliorniaii iiii'l tluT iim -iit rlio eiiinti iiniioiin«T:iiii>ntx wllli ilmlr loncnos 111 ili<-lr < liuirksi.

Ohvlnil^ly lli<« I’ronlili'iii In .'liti- i-r oxi'i-»>»iv<-ly ri'Kiilar In bin liirk iir bill |iiibll<'liy m<-ii l;i<-k liiia::lnii*

.\0Ti':.s' 'I'iiiisciv.' .Mcyc-r no l(inE«'r bna tli<\

of llio ProHMi-ni In 1iIimiii-I( . . i.MlllH IH tin. (iiily iii;in who <-;in (lliiaKr(><- wlHi. .Mr. Hmivt-r MroiiK-

.11)1 Kol iiwny with ll . . . IK* I" f;ilr-b;ilr<-U l>ny nf tJii- admln-

iMtralliirL— M-'y*‘r-w<irkK-tlimiicli'liliii and tb>-lr ri‘lnt!nii>|il|> Ix vury niiiliifaclory . . I).lW(' mrd .Mcy- r

KdtilnK iilo tu well on(KiRb.f«r ■I'H tf) will liliu "I5rm«" . . .

lJiiW4.«-lin«-.-(ill<'.l biMi-ftibo- UilnKi<-

M'Jinl 1 ^ TJio Kcnlherwi>lBtil -VniiJ Iinpri'iifilon 'ArcJi SU|iport nioiio'i)y \n . V n sltr fn r OSc. Locnted In J , & rc t in n r UlncL

V!K«r»> J»r Vawttn w»'l;lirnliljiTr. I’liimc 101.- T h Iii K:iH« l>Pil ntid lr«! <'o.—.\ilv.

I fiiH of. the IniM t I'nrlu Atylo jiowrii jtQ Sclbcr with’ color -8itp(ilctncnt,(L-iiti now bo Had a t ton ccnl« when ........ .........• orilcrcU -wltli a piiH cni nnd f l f lw n iw . I,. Q urdnur. la i <if lUiRccwn, |(tomn wlinn rtt-<lcri>il.i.opamldy. tj,o „oiil.)r brpuitfnst « i

I'rpflbylorlnii c lin rrli n t llolll

.Mr«, W’ondplI L.<yinard.. .Mri*. .V. R. »ror-r{<;lt. Mrit. John M('vkll. Mrii. 1‘niil Schnol) and .Mrx.

iA cequia T eacher’Accepts Return

'<^C^;Ql;fA. (S|)M l.il>-— Mr. nnd .Mr«. Jnlin ICclloy a r t li'nvlijjt iho ' InU K r.rnxl o t iho nti-l£ fo r Ibolr Jiuino In Utorklniul. .Mr. .ICcllcy Jiiih hDtiiciI a conirn6t lo tench lii tho AcctiiiliL HCliooU nv'st yonr.

.Mrs.- K. l«. .Morrfnon. Cnmgiton, O dif.. iind .Mm . K. U Filer, Twill l-'oUnv liavc \<eo» UiPir «!»-

MrH. H . C. U ntlor. Tt Ik Iho

Tiioaitny niornluR

MKKW.K IN 'P(M)T 30 YKAKS•n iljljlN na , Mom.’. ( U f j—An Incli

unil n liiUf or no<>(lle1).t‘iriiclcd from n o r fo o t .TVftft (Hflcovorcd to Jiato (?uiineil uMm. It<iy Itulm ilio pain or n ••b roken 'nrch" for 30 ycftrw. Sim iiioppcil on thn needle w hen {I'lUlle filrl, blit d id n 't rcitlUo i t had pono- trntcd Ijor foot.

to fla l., Rnd- Uyard for 'cOTiirnatliiB' fo r upfier blonna of :I0-Inch n a . Icrlnl n n d W j- a r i l o f .Ifl-lncli’mii- te rla l.

!d inn truc tlon il. iim:u iiiuBuuicu iiiia ruc iion ii -----vfor injW nBOndnowInK pro Jne1ndc(l' v . • >- ; .........; •.w in i '% h -p a t te rn . T hoW lV fl.ccm -! ' ““ r<''‘>nic(l to ihe

. .Of Grandparents!. iS p P c !n n ~ Jo o Zo|.

left, for Cl^voliind, 01il<i,

, . 5 3 . 9 5buys n 40 lb .' a ll ne«r .cotton m atJrens w llh a Rood crade d t tldclnc. NothliiR bettor for tbe raoQcy made. ' Wo buy Alat* trf8?es. neil?, and" Sp rlng i b j tho. carload aod can savo 7<>d Dionoy.-- Trodo In T o u r O ld Mb IUh * '

at 3t00y8nioto (llreellonii fo r m itk los th« ie : drcjm on,. . '

All yon lia ro io do- to obtolo a p a tte rn o t'U ils a ttrac tive modol I t lO Hcnd .lCo In coin* to 'ldnU o E re - Inff TItneii.

K ind ly .IM B uro-to w rite ' very plainly on o.id}i • pa tlp rn , ordered you r nam e «nd address and alxe.

(‘■•IX'oiij’rcss liii hvfti uiifiiir to tin- Aj'riciiJltir/il.

W. F. ALWORTH ■I - i lc r . T w i n Fall.s C o u n t y , k ln i i o •

Detnocratic Candidate for Congress


I Jim iiol KEW In lli« iwimjcnillc |inrty.>.. ....I Iwv.- . tVcK>-l uiirt ,/irtv.«WleA n»itineralI'rliiHl.tr» III! my llfr. -V .1 liiiv.. nwiir.t nmr nprn

KiiIlK iVxnily f . i r . ^ Mih . . .1 Idiow ill.. i.-nriWrTV iircilil.'iiin mi.l ti>;. ii^TiIpitiii o f Kouthorn ’

1.lilii>. iin.l li-n.-vo 1 ci.iii Ill'll. >.i.lvr •luiijf i,r iliom m Coiierejui.II. Iii.‘;'>l'‘l'. *1)' l l" '. tin- 'Vln-iii <lniiil>lri^ o f ClOcnicn '

Mi.|lliiif •■Mlii.rf wlii-iii or atiy <.llu-r fivrm .ivruiVwij Tbi-y null.' iitiiiiinll.v. 2(1 l.lllliin liu»lu'N Miiiri. wtinil ihon in ln'nililCnl In tliJ.i:n1t.-.l .MliUFH. . _ ! ‘■ • I •Il.lv<.<,-;it.\ 01]- rr«li'irinl.in of Kllvrr li> our lii'mirv ;iVHl>in__^ii^ ..............-»<“ '“ «>Vi-i-th-i^V.y-jnrnr<).jnr-Tni»-~VT1lni^,T-7rr • I'liirnficy In...........Kt lliiw .|rri.Bil».|>-oiip cn-(11l Hli-ni;t.ir^ ■

\nci-/'»rrleivtV<l'fnrm I


Iiil.lirficlri)l vnliiirirflncn wUlilM llir ......

. biiy lilH OoBmoa Metda will ilUni.|M-ai-. --

• lUlli’ rvlilr,.i .rta-/i.s:.

wlu-riH I

ITS'Vl!ORTADJ/>;, .CBliWiW‘, cnalt. flinTpr, • IniiuloeK. peppon,' rtc. .BSPDISO. P1.A7(J:s-V AhIom, snapdRiffimN, pdunlnm Halrrn, fitlicVii.onil-nionr olhprx. linnt* - for f.orc'Ji nnd 'irlndow .. lieXM•. /Pm nnlar plant's '■ C ity Tdwor QroonhouBO .

;7 ll i 81. ami M nta -E aftt PjiU* .VJmV Cjrapnny

.. 'To Demoefatae Voters-,W . H . T U R N E R , K IM B E R L Y , IB C T B O N tY 0A1<J)I-.

D A T E F O B S E P R E S E N T A 'n V B r a O M T H E E A S T •

. . . E N D O P T H E O O U N W .; ' ‘

: f i o i s ^ g r a d u a t c .o f M isa o u r i tT n iy c rs ity . H o w a s a for*, n o r b a n k o r (U id .i)0 d e p o s i to r o v e r l o s t o n '^ o p o s l t s i n

b a n k in w h ic li He w i s c a sh ic r l n o w a f a n n e r a n d Seo- iretiury o f K im b e r ly N a t io n a l P a r in L o a n A s s o c ia t io n f o r t h o ’s a s t . f i f t c o n y e a r s . I f n o m in a to d a n d e lc o tc d n i l l . i u e

. B eat e f f o r t s to jio lp T w in F a l l s O o u n ty . . . • _i.

," Y o u r co n aJd o ra tJo n a n d v o lo w il l ibo a jp p rc c ia tc d a t th o ;_ l^ J n i iu 7 rM a y ;,2 4 . V

iilii-lry will bruin».Mu... u irii- win i.c IV jin* mr <----- -*-*•* — -•thilll Cdnllllllir llUll In .n .rn r.ii-iiliii fo r n liomr. foi

Tiilii In mr...nilMii .......... -.nanfrontlnjr in> Uiilli>il NinlrN.

. ; .The -Tialtar linn 1>rc(i(iin' i Hluiiilanl" tURl Mt »Ul>lii.»url»

.Jireyloiiii lo ihn ikiw tlir«f>• j-miph m illin ', ilir*!.: Uie w nouiit .o r tutwr. wliml. I.f«n*. wool or. <.ilii*r prtxTudVi iS '

.'?’ .i. . i" ? r ’^i!""’?‘!f'^ ? " “r nrlia-lnlo-nn wn« requfrad- iU tlin tim e ttio-oMisMInn WRW cionlRUdM l..................... ,

' t J . »ani<i protection to ' th<. .profldciS^

F , Ahi^iirilTfor t o o w t i 's r J iy BtflliHRn,'- t n u D d o j ’ , j ',.'- . " .j- j.,-, ’-U'i. s;

mmi' wliu waiiM 10 ' work.-.' ' «-bn nre ilnpvnitsnt ui»n

..........— wc.«it»Ul«n-o{-.Hfo...I PftraiooDBt 2nD( nni] ilin nroblem'

j D cn x Q c ra tic K rim a ry , ? r-.u -m y 24,«1033 • • .:,J invo 1»een a ‘ residen t of Twin

K a lla ’ coim iy ; fo r 24 ycnni and /d r. 2.1 yenra ' have 1>ecn a tnspaycr.

IS iio rti Jn X iiniias and tl i t r c tw enty yearn trtforo comlnRto.Idaho..M y-.cxpericitc6 a. a b»»l-nesR m an nierlti* yon r nerlotis con- nldcra tlon a« y o n r candidate fnr Mil* 'Im pflrjnnt o:tice . 1, nin tnaV- WK m y Snndldacy cn, n ie Ijax'h of iayr en forcem ent and .wlU coadtrct ttio ibualncsn o f U » o rn e« .w lth

■ ohal>lo-economy. I om .ou l '■ w in llvo nomlnaU on nnd n s m o you t l ia t y o u r \-oteii w ill bo .appfecl^ ftux!,- : ; ' ^


R e m e m b e c t h a t th e^ .Id a h > v .'E v e n

b T im e s s t& n d s I 'e a d y . t t f s e r i^ ’y S t f m

' .M v e r t i s ih g a n t i !

•c-r.v'. ?.7

S M l E . iS lR S L E n E R iF R M O i

Lcffifllatlvo Oandidiite~Hiw Rc- BponBC F o r Piibliuhcd

. Qiiories


IW(.~y n-Wii'MWlT«ninr.« I.. «I.U li “ T "

i . | - : e ra \l'

h m

'A oK w rlnif n Jilm l.y C. I).

' 'four n'lwilnuH ............. •. t w i n lil« H*KlHlftilvo rm ir.1 . wl.

1.MHT WHS nm V- pui.llc li liny. 11 N.■Sniiiriliiy P ivo 1“ !"■'<vnK>Xt nf lllii roply 10 .lillrk'H (It Mr. Tliomun,

TJio iPUor. Ill full. folUi ' " I r^colvwl loiliiy yi»<1n(uil A iiril IM u s liifonuM of tiii concopU on-iitvl H rili, only >'

i» - ,*U ori llnio ttft'T It loti ymir iyi>«" •w ri te r , I ImvD walti-.l iK itln.ily or,

■ HiniOHl ii'iH snU i l» r.rolv.- li. .1 . . •.|uo«llon-llmt.1«>t'i> Jil> lii 'm y

Mr. Tlibnmi* Ih ihln—ft H»' t'HJ” o f h o v nnd w l.y-1 voioit mi H.ohc var(ou«.itica«»irM l« »t roDtrorn to you—WJij- <l» you

_ . wIili IIh‘ Hir• p u b llsh ln j; iny rojily a]moikt/ tt m ontli. 10

• im-T'A h you su>' Iti >»»i • ■ th e quoHtlooB nn> itnll'*fn<'t»rli> « Hwcrwl) you ■will Kiuvpoii nu

. liow. <lo you o n w c l In 'tliP tw o .r inoJn ln s <Juyn l«‘foro Hu* ok-ctli lo untiior-.iii) ttll M r IwliHc"' you 'Jiiivo fftAi In pa« t -thrco yoftrn7 ronblvlDR y o u r le ilo r uliin fl»o o f tlio c liv ilo it—witli «n‘y ‘

. TOoro cdlUon of Uio mil'Ci' tliftt o a y —BmntUfi, « r . ot il»- « cf. iKJjUlM iltn l « II.

I not IPI 3• ouonilon»-K o h y unun«v.orH. I ' In com ploU v lin«»"i«y ’

” joS 't6n ' ) ‘6 ’':iu»y V lU li• nliouUl 111* wlJlliiK I * H‘“

rea irU . Xliln I iiroiioxo >'■- ilia l you im vu tm tliy <<in

m o In a w ay hy wHilm lultcr.' 1 aiftVc l«!cn u ftioii- -

• s ta te U BlK luiurc l “2 .,1 HorvlnB throutc'* ‘"'■*‘',,7 '* '" i .Hlono^ am i .iw o I lIu rlu B ll.lH tlm o K h..n

to. PURH opinion I,vr In coiiitnltico o r In tHo ,u«1)1y oi< oiijirox

' am io - am i lUmJuct li"li wcnrcUliW •>«' ri'oprm’

' you n re U 'rrll• liiK m y poHlilsn lii f tr th c n i. WJiy. S lr. I

“^ i i r ovkH l.‘«t!*lail'v oml'-uvor;iLr»y “" t

; Jf y« 'i- ib iiitn r-lM tb la io i-•"' ilia ii li *" clilii’r

— >0*110 I"* liiM'l'y •

.II.- ■>t|m-rt^nnn:---------------.••Qm^Ktloti 1. •

••In- lU-J- »>"> S''■ um.^ml-'.l Mu.-

f^ w ie m p U o n ^ n f • of (litllmiu.'til .*' 1,. No. V ii Hl«o. ju c n t lo MWilon

|„ tll» iHHUHll • TJio m*.

M iututo HUH nottliii tn s : iteot io 1023 lU# 'M oUon /w e m lIn K i '” '.

■ yjcnrs. D urlnc iyaa-r«wn:U I'l*KOTtlhtR lUo ri.iiropcrty whlpli ina rB lpn i liVtyl'

T lie lr

S S ,‘ llnqupiit 'f s r ,,, ,,,

liuy tUc p ro p erty Imdt h1 «x

■ yoarn, ^^1tero U

X c i i Hio* 19*«Inc tliniw lili Hn> Koii'-ruU'In p rlco l«vfl«. a ~r<'jki- iiillcW Jin «lonu lo A "'" ' "In tlio m uic’ oxlcn'l**'! »»"•

jci; nmcniJineni. .m iictnl-in rol> hi"• rH Iof mCftMuro. lirlDK*. n'>o“ ‘

.•.imlUlon mM iHoncl inWliat lt.0 .......„e<— nor .llil o

• srcHM. n o r-y o u i ■| „•« IndiVUH I'rliy nnil

JVoloBBril perloil of tliU >1‘‘ J lJn , iKhklv has. l.rouslit m> to (acn -wIMi WI.I Ulst

,i(iny com p'lw ■jilliiallollii'.. Ill

'tlilH v r n ir in .’JiKlKiiii''*'

«Tiy Viof'it iioi K<> to I”*'^ tli*v, f -r tr iir M om by i»-

nn.l tl .0 oouiliiR 'j'

tl.M O . uiMHiirw. and Ja n o to H«alu oxti-ml Hi'’ / ' '

* IH n «l^«tnk^ « in i I liaVo nm«1^ H ' Q iic»U oa,^. ■ '

"T ho Kllow nll lax wn* a Demo

TELEPH O N l! 38

TIMES im-T Ana asd .. f f l A g S tf lRU. BA TES.

Bocli Innorllon. p e r lino____ 01E very o ilie r day. oach iDior-

oncJi IsM rtlon , por lla o _ 0 < 3lz mo&ths* coniTa;l, OTorr

limuo, OACli Insartloa. po r . lino --

T wolvo montlia* oonlraet, every ISKiia, cach Inaor- tlon, po r llni

, rO R SALu —Carload o( UorMCO Kalaomlno In bo lk . Buy w hat you wnPt and h r in g hn^lt ■what Ynn hava lotc W o lo a a . you a 'bruaU free.

■ It p ricoa rcduccJ. Moon’a ■'

AUTO b o o n O LAas, Wind iloIiU. and- w lndov— i i) ( u a .- ^ 'l

cliartio for aoU lns RUwni, PboiS. U oon'a P a in t & K urnlturo 8(oro.

, L’SED FURNITUIIM — icitclicn calilaat, atovoa, tables, cbalrs, ru;?» land davonporla prlcod to ncll. IMoon'o P a in t and ’ l-'iirnl(uro Btoro.


,l*OTATOUS. n a rro w IJrolliorsSccd ISioror . •

I'OU SA LilJ-Sm l Iina :;rU cul buy. J7 » iid $6 per Jon. J'l w a i - J l l . 1 . C. Joncii.. .

^ r O R SAUiJ CU IU P O lt WII.L T 1LVUI2 Vfitilty in hIx rtHiiii liun r.ir « i r o r truck . 601 Rtli' A< ICttBl. •

F-OIl u a v r - C o m D lo io ly furn . islicd OTroonrliouHC. SIccpliiKTurcli cboluc lueatUin. ICl 8lb .Avu. No.

F I I jIJR a v i ' i : I'O It SA LH ^O nly luiicli room lu •iwwn of isoo. i’rleo roitiioniiblc. Wrllo Uox

•F iler. Jdabp. \ . T f A i n x r t U ISC E L L A N E 0U 8,lfr

miiu'SWUI) POTATOICS ~ 'C i i r Tuff UuiiBOll -Sccil Putuin truck III KImborly. Svt; <lj cull Jolmoo» P.ro(luco Co. Klnibur* ly o r T w in K ills .

iiliy l>TO Tlt-\U12 — J800 Cl Mi)iilJ Iioinc Tor liirjio M r.A’v'o Norlji.

. LOST—.i::xC wliool and IIIFo rd iruclc. bulwcou K null ..... ..Tw lii li^lla. Txvin I’altii X^uunJ Co.

'ClassifiedSITU A TIO N S W A lfTED

-AIIDDL.B-A013D-W0MA.N w position OS' IiousckQciicr', sooil borne inoro tlian lilg wagcn. W rite liox C ard Tlnica,

F 0g~ S A i2E "0B : THADETllADli;. Duy oc floll

klhda oC .usod rurn ltu ro , alovca and rangCB. O ct o a r prices. Pbono E. Mooa'a P a ln t& F u ra l tu ro . S

WANTISD TO T IlA D E -4 tm odern bnoffo u i -lan 2nd Av___tor, yoiinB owcn. O ill -22« Jerom e.


A pBrlm ent. Slcam bontod, non oloctrlc ranRCfl and linth. Dunga-

• low’ Apta. Sccond Avo. I lo a t

ZOUSiSS POR RENT.I 'O U 1U3NT — 4 room boiiKo

baNi. lot Jot . m rdon , ’fruHlity kill' Bomliicil m id .vonilBbi-d. .Inquire 12U Viiii im reii.

JX m n iO N T — Small fumlflbcd; house. Iiurily moilorii. 1200 8tU Avo. Ea«U


KI3ASONADL. iHiAdon CarijQt


._IlrilH o*fiom o_Jow „prIccd-.reid .rfof__y o u r aiock. You iwiii nord- prcaoot. p rlco i of • butter- fa t Md'i

iw rk. 'l l lsh <iuamy uccd a t Dai I lro tbo rs S «x l Store. :

f o b R E N T —MfacolIancoDflFO R R E N T -3 0 abarcs o f watb:

fo r tbo 1532 acasou. T w in ,liWIi I llg liw ay D latricL

F O R B A L E — M lseo lloncon i

r o i l SA L E — Now I»arls foi -tiir, Duriini, imd cliryNlcr. clicap Yoiuik’h U i'palr Slwp, 711 SIolii K ••• •) I' lls.

fo r nulcjc iintc


>'0T4CK « F S H K U IF rS SAI.K I tL _ tlio . D K lrlC l_ .C t> u c t_ u t_ J l

•lllovonlli .liidlcliil UlHlrlct <i( ti iStaio 6f IdoJio. In (>nd fo r Counly o f T w in 1'uIIh,

.NOH.TllWESTEIt.V A .\I) I'A - < M r 1 C — HVPO'l’HKHKllAiVK- (Nnrtlnvenlcrii o n d " I’nclfic MortKnKo Com piiny), n corjiu- ratloii,

riiiiiijirf.w . .A. i i A v m ; « s r - a n d

■.MAIiaAlUn' irA VIIlJRST. hl« !wJfo: DAVID J . KOIONIO: J. IliVMirrO.V ;ind UlCIifK ■ lUUCPTaV, hlK wife: 1), T'Afl’- RIOK: Iind Il>AIIO I’QWlOU COMI’iVNV, 11 I'oriiorntlDii,

Durcn<bLiilH. Unili.T and liy v irlno of nn Ordo

of Sa le . iHHiiod om o f ibo nUiv untitled C oiirl,' In ll>o abovu eii (lllcd iicllon. diiti‘d Ibu IKIi day c May. iun2.' w hurcln Ibo pl.-iliilUr

’ ■■■■ ■ dccreo aK»Innt Ibo

P O R S A L E — A U T O M O B IL E S

USKH CAHSI'l'jg iiiildc Coupo ........ ...... }3251927 KIiHcx. 4-door ............... 145

liiLsy Term sMOTOR SAI.KS i . SKRYlCB

WANTED , FU pN lT U R B to pair, a n d uiiUolater. _ S(ovm : ransoB ropaU cd and parin fii lihed. Pbono .5, M ooa'i Puint fViralturo Store.

W AN TED — L aw n Mowers I ihariien. W ill c a l l . f u r uml d< ilvor, Mooro'a R epair Sbop, I'linuo 255R. •

W .\iN TliO -.‘>0 tiHi'il li;e lioxeii. Will j a y cash o r lake <liuiii In on

clc'ctrle .rcfHijenitiirji. >tooa’«.

.WAfJTBD TO BUY—1000 ) w reck, . i 'a n n o ra Aulo Siiiiplywl

t/Bod Pdrta Boot. Pbono 225W.


SALl'JSME.V don’t licsltfllo. don 't .III off. ProtcctolK o bi Ibo blRSCHt, faxtoHl money m aker open to<lay.' PROTlXrTOLlTE. ISOO lOn.ii Capllol Drive. Slllw aukec, Wlu., DopL 12.


fimiOtltlcM. n^0l;^<? 028li'Jin

L r e E S T O O K a n d P O U L T R Y

ix>lt S A U : — One ex tra BWJ JovHuy cow nnil liwo lielfcrH Juxi Trcttb. • ‘.S mi.,’ l iw l . % Nn- Wiitcr.’s -cofnur. . . , . ■


CALL VO It ]IIJ)SNotl(Ht Iri liureby Klvcn Uml Ibo

c lc r lT o f .tb u B oard o l Tnistcni tndnpendent School Dlntrlct .V . - o t T w in .t’nllH Couatj*. Idaho, w ill rocelvo bIdH a t Ibo offlcc b t the Su- p'fll'Intcndout.flf'C lly Sclioolii up In C:00 p. lu; Kriduy. Juno ,•10, l ‘J32, for tb o tiliiniblnu. rejKiIra uml oloi:- tflcaL retuilr« and HUppllen for tb r ncboola o f Huld d is tric t -for -tliu Bcliool ye iir 1932-33.' ‘- T b o '^ n l 'd - rcHcrvoK tlio .rleb t ,tu

I rojcct any o r a ll bldi|.--------- C0RA-M.-6MlTHr131erk,' . -B o a rd .o f ;p y u c a llo n Inilo-

pendent Scboul DlBlrlct'N'<__1.. Tw in F n lls Counly. !dr

J jo .^ ' . ____

)10T « 'A T E U IIUIKSATES KAKM 'FAl.L/aV. N ev.; (UP)—Uoli I ^ r

occupies Ibo unlauo poulUon o t 1)U; liiK aldo- io -lrrlK »to. b la .Jurm .w itl liul w ater. W bllo dlRRlni; an I r r f Ration dltcU recen tly , l » o brouRht In n Koyoor. I t spou ls IioL w ater lOO ^oflt IiIkIi and so fu r has produced

rallliftil f tsu lc irlty .TwlUi

C L A ^ S S I I ’ I E DD I R E C ' T O K YResponsible Business firn is and P^fessional O ffices of Twin Falls Alphabetically Arranged

. • for Quick Reference. —

iiBklnBUeb Inal an lir U aliaat (o bear n trn ia re r N«« York.NOW CO ON’ WITII TRB v M n

c ilA rT E R - XLV I— ‘^ I T E '^ I d o n ju n b a n j l a r o a - J i f


d o o r ' glaaa- Auto tops « n f cur- . U in ropalr , canvai & ad . c a n v u

a u t o D O O R O L ^ SPulnllnff nnd-lcaliK>mlnlai;-.and

paper honsln it. W ork ' guaraolood. C arter. Phono 180.


' Co. Show r o b m i^ u d Bhopi, 1S6 T h ird At6> liJaaf Piwnn 283.


in d ^ cu lllnB -card s ongrarcd o r t>rintod. M any correct atyloa to ohooHo from . Call a t the Even* io s T im es office; 3C6 M ala Avo.

■.Ettat.Tolcpbonc' ’ '


. JsolOd.' Dem pBlar: p u in p i:-V ~. - B eatli.^ T w la ra lU , I d i , V] ' ^ - - O S B S R l . ;•

■ .ftogqoi.a 4 WB OOJJJBOEB'W R ITE ______

aVtsleyan;- lOtho.; • .n o w ;.W o rk -4 I& tf.


P a ln tin r,'K aledm ln lD i; a n d Papor ilaag ln i;. P ho n o i'? , Mooa'a Pain t ^ ru rn l tu ro . Slorp. -

S H O E .R E P A I R I N O

IWB • H E D U IU ) YOUR: SHOES TO In su re com f6 rt~ p lo i woor. Now| bcbnbm y ' p rlcos. ' Tw in • Falli bhoo R opa lrln s . < 132 eho. . W PhQo'o 'StQ. . ■ ._______


W RITE TENNEY ESTATE, GOOD-, iBB. I d * , today. PtfO M re cor— jo u v W M t. lU B O .-

K E IT H H O TB t. NBW'.MAJJAOE- m ont.- l« b b y .« rrlc « .> H o l, CoW w ater. U 3 U a la -A r* . JD. BaUia

Hnilill'nitloii.raMU-d'liy tb c IJo.ird ot T riw U xs'

of Ibe VIIIORr) (if IlunHcn, Idalio , ibl^ -JOib day of J liy . 1932.- - • i;. fl. .MAKl.IN...........

Cbalriiiun.AlIi'M: (;. II. TK UITT.

. vuiiiBo Cldrkv

Sl'.MMOX.S III iliii IJIs lrlcl C ourt of Mm

Kli-voaUi Jud ic ia l U in irk t of Ibo ,Siini> o t Idaiio, in and for llio CDiiiiiy of Twill KiiIIk.<iM.M STATIO. O IL COM-

r , \ . \Y :i corpof.illon ,, PUliHtiff,

T I I K U.VIC.VOWN H lilim............... .. w;iKi,\.V |i D K V IS lital».v.. Til.' follow -jof .MAlfPl.V II. 1)15 IX)NO. UB-

i- lir in l l<ir tlii!j,.e(.Hoil, T H E IJN K 'N O W N r,-si(lc ii1. .Mrn, C . i | | |^ l i tS AND UNICS'ONW DK-

i.f.i.lcU'ai, M rii.iviSH l^ii O F M. II. 1)1': 1-ONO.mil', lU'foiiwia. 'I’UV: UMIOIOWN

i:.[n i^ :iit.s a x d ' t h k i ?nic.n w w .I i i i ':n s B ! '» O l-"'iii’JLi-is* n . » k

i>ol{ii.ON«. I)ci'Oii«eci, JA M i'ISC.'DB i.o .vo und A S irA IJ. Dr:

i‘' ' ' ' , i / ) . v c , biH. jvifc. F ieK D E iurac T, IH’: 1.0.\(5 AND'-MARY 8. DJ-J

; l,().V<!. bl« «vlf.', KLLh:N H. I>E • ;i;(vx(;. a siiiiuinrr. iminaiu^Y 'TdW N SlTM W M I'A N Y

ITI^:n a iliHSolvod corporation,W. IL 'rriLN-l-^U and THOMAH II. (:<)().1)I.V(5. uH mirx-lvlnu Dl* '........................... ry T ru s te e s nnd

Ibo Kurvlviuif » JJoriTd o f D l -

w lo rH <M- tb c KtM BBllLY TOIV7.N-S1T1C UOMI'ANY; U.M- ITKD. <1 disHolvcd con>onitloii.

UDOD rxu. (SpceU I) — Florcnco ■MAStrouil filed Mill .-iKolnHt I'aciflo NatloMiil ’Lift! Anftuniuco I'ompiLiiy I III tiu> d is tr ic t, coui-t o t <i«odiii(;! cimaiy, aslclntc douliln indcnin lly ['7*-'?“ ':*;.'' oa « fioOi) Uto inmiriincu Iicnuisi' of tbo all'iKCd acc ld rn ta l . dnitli «)t bor.biiH lxtnd, H erh e r t L.Slroud . u-lio died i n 'i i ' Tw in Fiills

Ki-ly »t' ii: <'xtr<'niV'loi> ti exi IiltflicHL ]irli i.lrcn i J7.5.0; bulk!Ill sn.T.I, . 1 Siii-.iii'. lieM.

l<>ilit’>,'H innrki^t iiuuiir. ^.'aiir lek oiidinn F riday;I fvt'diir;; nnilidiii'. Iti'iivy hoii:-, It lam bs larRCly $1 l.iKbt Ik'iix.

, . )r Hocoad consccu-; l.i-Klmrii Ik'iivuitk; Hlit'oji ir> to 2SC dow ti.; l l f ' t l r n i

off more. CloKhiK'bulks tol-.O U l mx-W.. wiOl rinlHUcd old'eo>p wooIcmIi 1 H.BO to -54,7r.: <wijek'H loji | Cri-at Nmih

'n o cboli'o clipiicni oftored Uiciii .S'ortb b ilc ;.n a tiv e sprInK lam bs |r>.f<0 (o .It;: «lioriL.*^'cs » l to J1.7C, . ;

.............. ...... .. MokS S doO; Kood to cliblco boisiiin l MiT now cll[.;>'‘ “ ''<-c. m iirkci slcady to w e a k :; Common

Hired wiili! I'l'cklntr sow s very slow ; «ood 170. Red Clo': w eeks III!"’ - l ‘> lioundonij.it.ar. to jn .tS ; ftnv m iiiry laid I'lLckluK nows *2.R0 to'J2..S0; slilp-

> t'lTH took ItlOU; CHilmuted boldovcr '■•iimi avi-raKU tou t- Friday

•I vvcljsbt 2:M. •

T lie fotlow ini: m arket 'luolniiimta rc corrocli'd dully by tbo Idslio. ............ oi.n iiiiiiEvoninB TlniM and n 'prciittii tb o y jfv „ ,„ j |',r i iy of avcraKo jiriccK paid, iirciirdlaR lo>'i o f I],,tlie iMal avalbilile Inforumilon. : rormrH »r- tii Tbo p riccs a re subjcut lo rliatiK w ltbriut notlcD liy -(lie 'diMli'rc

R eaders a re uriii'd |i tlir national ‘markelii, >vli IbCHO local-Jiiarkcis nil

id J a l l . 'IIUVINfi PRICES

U llD A T


wbli:b :iu roller <all li

(XJIIK.V I.lV ESnM K OI!l)l':.S'. May 2! (LT) — ll(i» ci:ol|it • .......................................

1-:kKi>. exit Kkks. ntiin I'lSKH,' .1

L heslock- •......................................... :>rkei. 133 to Oimniu packers. l H o ! ‘ ’i;V«® ‘

, (JCOUIXO, (S p c c l.il)— MK .....I 111 San F rancisco packers ami IfiS i „ ; ...................•|MrA Clareat'O ,\a to u a re ijio im r-jio lxis AiiKcles m nrkei. I>o«d m ixed,

a diiiigliicr born ^ luy ID. buicliers avcra^inf; lt*8 i>oi

. . . Bloi-k 23 Of KliiHiiorly Tow nnile o t Kim- iH'ily. Idabo. T

IJotendunla. 'T ill ': .Sl«ATI'; f)F lOAlIO SI'INDS r /n r t

ijiiM E T r.sr.s TO T in : , a b o v e ^ “ f .VA.MKU l)i:i'’ l-:.'<l>.VNT8: . ■

V«d a re Iiorcby nollflud U iat ii . n in tp lain t luts boon tiled aKalnst ' you ill The O lsiric t C o u rt .o f tbo K loventb JiidiL-lal D ls t r le t 'o f Ibo .« l.n n o f Iilaiio, In and for ibo O fliiniyof T w in Falls , iby Ibe naniod p la in iir f . 'n n d l l i a t tJio na*. - turo of Ibo cnufo o f iiclJon herein

.1 l e r n u , - o a - —fe'• i f i 'y T BT hat Ibo p la in tiff Is tb e ow ner •

..Jill bolder ;of tli lo In too slm plo lot. luid Its iiroduscsHors la InterM t..^' liavo been under claim of tltto . ."-'A founded on lii.ilnunenta. of. con- vcyanco In wrlUtiR Ui «*clu*l.ve,.-. ^5. open, octuni und ron tln u o u s m o s - '' itcHHloii of ilip prem lacrt dM crlbcd ' i y l lu ibe com pliiiiit a n d (bercln obovo , ^ dewTtbcd,' fo r m ore Uian .lG ycam , ' , V v Imnifdlutcly p r io r to tUa c ‘ ' uiciii'cuiniit o t tbiH ue tloo . ■ ond ' bavn paid a ll tnxc.n and «a*M iB-:V -’*ri?

levied nja lnH t aald prcjalaoB ■ ".V'S..................................... :WlT

ale m f i n H u r i T G R /BY MABEL McELLIOTT .

............................ JIO toixm ndcrs .........

OverweiKlit nulcbori., . ..lioiinders ...........................2*4*

L’nilprwelRbt bnicliem. 125 toiCO.iwundcra .... ......................2 l i tichlnp soH i, goon 2C0 . pouiiderii.


S i/9 5 2 6 Y A/£A f i m c i /*« .


URN l,AMrMA.*>. to rm rr r'Jim'

- ■tmaliiE*'ll>F dlffrrvi.h rr DKo iiBtf llralV«.^ lovr fo r him ■ .If,

W hal'a tb a t jo u 'i taylnsT " ho demanddd. "1 ean 'l toem to s e t vrbat you 'ro d riv ing aL'

D ellberatelr Dob repealed. "1 told fou . l i r . 1 oxpecLjo bo ciarrled next week;".. “ H ab l" The Telu* etood

alarmlnRi}! on tho forcITcad of m on.ln^ .tho -ij» lro l chair.

. iry ln s to ' loll • mo—you' ha»« tha fo r^ to lihneunca th a t yon 'ro m arry­ing a nobodyi’ You lcnaw. very' well tl'B beoD'. understood , you'ro

' tn a rry 000180.“ '■■‘ Cob "abrucBGdT h l i ' aliouldors. -"Thai*# I'iBt ll.“ I

n i l f a th e r rapded out. “W hafs .Ju s t .117 Y ou 'ro .-talk lnr ro t thli • m o 'rn lnB .';-. .

Dob t r i e d ' patleDtly to'Qxplftlo '"Y ou ta lked too Into th a t «n6asi ' m ont. You a n J m other—ovoryl

“ 1 BU^OBO yop do a 't know you:' own m ind . hoy7 1 m u st say, youni

m an, I tb ln k . you'ro behoTlas li - dsv lllsb tMid fashion.' F irs t you sl*« •ua (0 ubderstand th d t you w an t'ti 'm a r ry DBtili#.- T hen yo« eoao

•round w ith a cock a'ad bull story Kbout a ':s l r t nobody knows. Bomo-

!ofia you picked up '-G od . knovB wliordl"'. ■

iBob .crlp 'ped ,h la haod i SEalpBi th o back o t. the- cbalr -un til tbo k n iic k l« ',.su » d b u L ,- " n i ba«< to a sk you to .lak o th a t back." he said witb' deadly quIoL "I've toiU irou a ll About her. There.'a notbtofc th t m an o r .w ith .b a r. family... Sba bap

’ pens to b# p o « —tb a fa all.'* . .' T h o .tw o .men cofltlnuod to s lifo

a t e a e b .o tlu r . TW> younsar moKd

.’'Thero larDOthlnc m o r« -to .say . Buess."' ;

__HliuffltliBC dntalnpd h im - “WbarBdo you th ink you'ro eolnR?" -

'Back lo my desk oT'cobrsa.’*>lr. Uunbar. stood up. empbaBiZ'

JPB hl8,_worjlB.j»Hh_a_almklnBjo.ro-.'You'ro to tbj no tblns o t the

k lod /' bo a n n ounced .'"U n til tbi* affair i i aeltlcd. you'ro persona non Rrata In th is oRlco. Do you under-.itand?”- .- - ':__ ....................----------- -

I t was a blow but th e iio y Bava > Bleo other than ibo darkeulntr

o tb lu cy ea ."Very well, air, it thaCa-tho way

. )u tcol aboiii K." He turned a sa ln but blB father's bellowloe voleo a ^ rested him.

"W bat do you-think you'ro-solnB.I to live on, you youns Idiot, If 1 t u r n ' you ou t?"'• Tbo youtb sa id ' grimly,■poso I ■

rlebt.’..OB w llllac .to -ialk -lu rkoy . la

__ NuotUi»J!£MilMr._Duji.ba.r_ranstor blB'aocrotary and denianded the

iivpbone d irectory. Un bad a eood icmoryTaiid tUero tlaabed.lnLo bU

.<T)|n4-tho_aamQj.Bol)_had.droooeti. oarllor tn tho coaversa tlon. Tbo sir l'a oaino kob Carey. Sho lived with her aun t Jcsi^le', Dob bod said,

be west Dido. . ilii

0 sera_ ToU."You dol You'ro very opllmlBtle.

Thera, a re hundreds o f Biorcdores and (ruckmoa w a lk b s tba siroo li looklnB for work. They can 't flui It. W b'at.m akea you th iok jo i

^ l l E .boy did no t answ er for an insiant. Then ho snld (julelly,

"Whoso fau lt la I t 'I f I 'm uaeloM? Wheo 1 wanted to study aBricul- lure, tba only tb lo e 1 cared about, who dlscourasod ma?"• "You were expelled from coIlcBe- Doa't forsot t b a t . ' ' . • - '•' "I was bocausa 1 waa bored atlft. Dut you had you r way and tba t w aa-.all jo n “ CBred~nbont;'TrTaob throw bis youne ahould trs back and eyed b is ,pa ren t dodantly.: ^ T h ls Is one tim a you'ro not eotng to*have 111" h i said. "rm 'K olDB to taarry Susan np n a i le r irhat-b^ppens.**.^' The o lder'm an ^ v d a sharp .',rfr

ilftil lauBb and spread b is bands "Co ahead." be u id . "bu t don 't

] wblniOB to ma wheq th lo n BO w ronsl". ^-...

“I w oa't." Bob prbtnlsed erlxaiy. Tlie dooc slammed. Thp fa th e r coo- tlQUcd to s lara a t 'th e ^ a p o t’.vfbers

ih ls aba had s to o d - a 'in o a s n t aso. T hs molliod .'flush ' died : in . b is chocks and oneo ke smiled sbr«;wd-' ly. Tbo hoy w ouldn 't' bo faK ,hs lolllotluUcd. He w o u ld - tb ln k - II

r and e 'youDB m e t . _ . ,

' tmollon over a p retty iaea.. was 00 sonsB -'ib/takioB

......................T hS s l r l ,ir4iib u l'lh e r

undoubted;; a com noo lIUIo'pltCL who bad bcr oyo oa Bob'a Inborl, lanes. W hat w aS 'It Bob had saia sUfl did? .Worked In ain oIDc* ab n a wbero.-YouBg fooll. - • . - ' , -

'A nd; ye t"un« illlnS ly ','tbo :fa ttis i admired -tbe ■ boy .'fo r '-bit de llaaia: "Hidn'l tlilnk-hfl bad lt Ib.h1m.".he

liad'tiio aneienl-sauaro piano.'- Tbo whole : lace reminded b ln rd lm ly 'et ibls '.m otbcr’s froa i parlor. _li_waji_


I - tb o lis t, o f - tlouBb,

. In bis

era waa tbo nam e. I: laC co|ipcr-plRto acr

wrote tbo* su e c t nutn pocket aildrcjn book. 1 handy lo iiave d u r ln s tho nex t fc daya. .

To b ir fa lb e r 'a aurprlae and Ir ilioo. Bob did no t coma round. Ths

. jrv au la roporled th a t he had -r» turned ^bomo''''oroiind noon- bad packed a bac and doparted .without letviuB any . w ord. Mrik JJunbar w as a t Hot SprlUBa. Sho wna. one if tboso 'f re itu l, chronic invallda U r ,bu8baad was« relieved that

.tiern wns no Docessily of explain- Ids (ho situation to 'h e r . .

lEly Impaired tbo' older ' man mappM out a . course ot action.' Ilard-sbellbd au locra t tha t bo was. ho loved his only son dearly. This open break’ w ith Robert disturbed

Mr. D unbar decidtc' tb o ;c lrl and U ik a llltle

rfrTw ned 'with 'dlsiaslo u ' his taxi, bumplns a tone tbo'ahabbr sldi atreoi. came to B_aiop. I t waa Tusl a a .b o bad expccted—a bouao tn a

b l bravo, ran-down dwelllnEs badly oeedlQS palBL' ' ' ‘•• "W alt fo r mo." ho commandL. tbo -d rlv tr . ’ D uobar raOB th e ball with aomo trep ldatldn .' I t waa aot

pleaaant e rran d b u t It.w aa-oa 'e bo. m ust so throufih .i^llb whelhor o r no t bo liked It. - . ' ' *' A .I^ .'t ra y > b a ir« d ..w o m a n la a »p o U el^ lu a b fu aa d r e ^ answorod

"Vyo « n ’t w an t io buy adytblnk.'., ibo 'becan flrm ly .; Th»Br«truekJby •ometblns In ■ bor,' ealler'a baarfsB^

)d up. feelmc Tbc e in who .

feecU'him wns lnll nnd Sleoder. tie r d r;ts.c l:.b lac> i..u 'ou lco .8 tuS -bB a-a.‘

Jlko frill o t whiiu . tb e th te a t . mail aollced ib n t'b e r akin bad

exir-nrdlnary, U. jslueen t fair ness and th a t aba wore no maksup. llo r. yes wore onormou'ii.

As tbo g ' advanced U unbar'b» lean lo speak quickly and cUbly. II

in^w as not tba Bort of, person lad ezpec(sd.to 'ae«.'he cavo no

, . i l ls method of a ttack, waa- »i^'pi»__ U?_»oii]?LpJfly-Da_ba

jo tnsed . ., "t'-. w a n U to to* . UUa S u u n C arey .-D unbar aald 'ln b is courUl"

It manner..-.“U abo 1 ^ . ., “Oh;.-.yBS,.'...l'lL-c»U,lMr.-‘-,.'; •« (! sray-bolrdd: «6ibiU V -eW il-bltn' U ' o ih 'er.p«notr«tiiic look w i - ^ o n ,ln v lic S ifl iw 'to Loliter; . A>-’.d>o.,naD walicdMn ibo 'am a ll llv ln l i ^ m b*

woa' notMil a ll tb o sb rt.b tJa U Y lo f , iiB>'itf%xperiVd;' -Tbo B ld 'raatiibM j^ b a l^ c s r v e d 'jiDd............................

. ................... .. ......... - .............» ..^ lh s 'm aB a er :b f ',^ o imyttwe .........

a fat Ibo

t)RI)I.VA,\CK NO. 1 — -V.V-OIlUI.\A.VOH-OIi!-T4W-VIl.-! 'L A O H .O F IIANSKN. IDAHO. Dl'J-' CLARiDCO 'IT ■TO HE UNLA^^^■^;L,...... ...............LIM ITS OF SAID

------------ PHRMIT-CArrLK;IIO nSK O il MOHSE.S. ;MUL,K O lt MUIjBS. h o g O R .nO C S . .s h b e p . OR ANT OTIEl-JR LIVliSTOOli -H)

,1U1N A T LA IW E OR ni-M im »13DLou ;ii ia icL n ia u .-ix iA N Y . o i i_ i m i^T lilC B llS . AUliBYS. P U B L I .CPr^Oh»,--O R-AbO N C AlS'Y DITCH

lOU WiATl'JR COURSB W ITIHNI wua hV slrlM 'ntjH rr tiiT. i V i •

ter f«»tlD& U o ; would mako nor 800 th a t m arrlago ^>(b a penniless boy would bo quite different from marriage to the boir o t millions.■ “I'm Bob Dunbar's father." bo bccan.. Susan, waa no t,aurprU ad. From'.Bob tbe 'nlSD t beforo she bad beard , tbo .whole story.»._j;i -don’t -rant you to thiok." ibs man-pur** lued -,w lonlnBly,''"that I 'v o 'c o rn s ' bore tn .a n . antaBonlatle mood.-. On'-ths con trary . 1 feel very friendly toward-you .and isow 'tbat y f seen rbu 1 must.applaud my son 's iftBtd^“ :V Ilo .aDalod blmsolf .a t be r'ln V tt* .' lien, ''lo n ly . w ant to .p a k s it.qu tio ' clear th a t there w.ere m o d reasona for my hebavlOE aa I d ld -w b sn o y son told mo b la -p laas.- Robert ts.- I'm a fraid , very Impulsive, and." bera .b* abook bis head sadly. "«x- trameiy Hekle. Parhapa jrou do, noi ktiow..tbat ho Is virtually bound tn another.BErcement.".. He paiised 'to . let tbo wordB sink in. . -

Su ian said. ''l'Q .a(rald..l>dQ D *t qullo undersinnd.'^ ' ,v..

U r. Ouobar. smiled^ r o t coj^r**>u 'don 't, my dear y b u f t -ladyr..I assured her.' "T hs.sA m p .woi))d i«or toll-you aD'6ut-hlma«lx;^>-^ '" I t yod ^ e a n Daolse A ekroy4,;t

do know aU aboat that."; Sus^ q (lulolly.• ,T b * 'm an 'B 'Ja w .dropped..', yeo 'do l- Tbcn r k n b try o u ‘r » 'e o la i J a ba-aontlbla aboiit' lV --i t #ou's«. <ond;«f my.spB > o u '* 9n t i j v » l ; ; v o 'J | 'Uaad In bla .wayv I!lji:m o th « i;a M l^ {' ts«l 'deeply VnUus'«ub]Kt<-«fiibl«

lar^lD B D «n tsa .'.'lq \ac l lilr.«b6 l«. jti ira 'depagds-'apod te , ' llli.i6nii4-: ;j»ther'/i B0BBy>laVb«.lnf SjUd lo; tru st for b ln v .R obart'‘jr U I '. r« « i^41 whan ,b• l8.•.,tt:ip,.^t^l#je^^t^l(^^M:j Uiai’


Bo i t ordained by 'h o Cliainuuii Id a io iird .o f T rustoea of the Vll-

-Honaenr-Ii' '

..Shf, to *< -..3?4 lo U

ihuroou.T h a t j-nii.

rci(uired i<: dlKcIose till

,uilo extensive linprc

and eoch oC-you;’iU o .;:y .i 'S '/| cumo litlo c o u rt outf '' ' •1',' iiature o f jxMir Iplor-? ' ' . . ' J t

...................... .. u p o n « a J d -^ - , . .premises, i t any you <linvo, or, c la im ' - , ^ lo Imve, and th a t auch ^ntiiK st; o r c laim s; o r lloiifl, bo docrood-tot b o - null and -void j>ud aubscquent ond i v In terio r to ih o tll lo o f th o plailii-, . t iff ibo re to ; th a t plftlnllC fa4U lo *o •. i i i i m M Jd lands nnd p ro m ls c B 'ib o W : ..v l'.W ^reed lo Hio qulelod - ag aln a t your ilalms, liens, dem ands and p rc ta n - v : ( '. iH i ilono.-nnd- th e -ciolraa Ilona,';

miinds a n d prclenalonH o f -e e ;o b ' ill-o f-you !-to r p la ln tlt< '» -co * tii-^ dW )ur«em ent«-Jierclu-n{iceB «

Kivrlly expended am i f o r ' n i l■ o the r- •Jnst- nnr'prftpcrTOH oTI"'^— r r r r r , .y lS

Y oir-jire lioroby d ire c te d -lo aj>- • poor iind plcnri to; tlio ■M ld'Jcom iir.'rl’v ' ^ ti.ialnt -ttlthin 20 days o f 't l io -iFOrV'.- IcoT .rU ilsV dtnhibnH —nh«I"yO TTrre~ fu rther notified that,unIe8A >y«a VO • ' . . Rppear atid 'pload to Bold ; cojm-

‘ W lliicas m y htind-rifid'^Jio aen l,o (

«eciIon 4;', ca ttle , horse lomcM, muio o r mulo^, hoB o r hoB«.; ihcep o r o th e r livctilock abn'll bo -illowed to rim a t liirgo o r .iw herded o r picketed o r j>o tied to

reo In a n y o t '.ho atreela. a l- j r ptibllc places, .or alonj; ofly,

d itch o r w ater course -tho w d ttr from whleli In u se d 'fo r 'c u lln a r ) ' -mrpoacw. w lih in the llm tis of tlio 'i ilago of H ansen. Provided, th a t lothing here in coniulued shall bo o coiiatrued na lo p revent any por-,

son -trow driv ing ,live stock.throusli! llio .flirp c^s .b r n llo y a .o r Jb b ^ aa ia V lila se .r; I '.^ '4 i ;it; ''- ;

'isec tlon . 2. 'A ny'por»biiTor* pijr:i

- X iT e PLUM8ER;VW9R>tl6El5 -’ h s t o o i a .q b B A »ew > ■' , '^ - v B y GOW&. S A C K - '; ^ .'

(SB.U.) ..............................iLuiRY c. i'Aiiao.vs,^;

A tlorney for P lain tiff,::.'. ' .■ Rc^-llnp ■a^nplac.^aalio.:l ^

RlovenUi Jud ic ia l D lflirfc t’b t tbo '- <

.........................., f

KVBRBTT and i i A ^ i i ; -B . \ . h iw band a n d .v l f o / ^

■’Vndbr.;o:nd,'by,-Ylrt»i^?eIf Salo.> Iw iuod 'V oati^K l m lJtled .O ourtl’/ln r^ ttiX i tlU pd 'ae lbn . d i t c d i f ' - ^

corded ;ln ; J u d p a in l -fl o t^ ^ d , 'D r il jlc tC o « r tj; '

PageSixU ' .


; S b c i e t y a r i d . ■ C lu ,]b ’ N e w s pj\||| BBARD ftSKSE i g h t h - G r a d e r s

■ ■ '■ > A r e . M u o l i - P e t e d

. KlKlilh ,;! ia ilo civulimtu-i ofKUwiiril'H Clltliollc IT’llKll llIIVO Juyud ii.'U 'ouk of hik-IhI nullvlHcr

'lii'hij mill .Mi'H. I'-ri'-i ..I l.vlili;.- mill Cni'l ,•W'lllliini S l iili l ir 'v*'ilill iil'iiiji'litr. . .' + + ♦ l \ MAM.A »:AI/1.A

'.\lrn.. Kv ■ 111 IIHiinili lliiwi-i, fo r HI ic-iiirtuMl S.Liiirdiiy :

r>.|iuiior<>iI '. ..................... R of Mr. ‘

iin il'M h i. Kiiiory UolUir oti SIxili ' a p c im o c u ti t YuJlow flu\»'«rn In .a .bluclc .IjdWl iiiul yoilow lii|iurn i„ ! '' 'iH n W iillti. I

. lilnijlc .'titlckH (irimiiioiuoil i i i r t n t i l i ' ; ' " ” '! ' '" ' ' '" ' }<y nml. n u i ‘IiiihUcIh wur<i In lUr «vl()r«.'iMuri-cllii ICIiii-h |>ro«l<lnl ^miiNtliiuflicr unil Oni'li mi-mlmr oft . • ♦ i- >lm cliiHH rvH|K»i-lu<l. Sinlov M .IkUIMMI.S n i . f l l ’l.l.lID.VI' »iciiliu'nli}. iniicructor. ricclvcil itl IIKIC.VM'H IIA /K I.- tqun ln ln jip ii'tn .n i I'le cltiKn. t . -.r All-..* •l!.<nikx- . Iliu

TInirHdiiy oronitif: tlio 'ni-vi-nlln wlio In.k'iivliiK mooh (ur l^civu II<:riiilu ’ iitipIlK of tUc Mcliuol cuIlt- S|ii'iiif;H lu'»|>i;iiil (hi- .......... iita llied a t u lawn Ditrij' In liaiK.r'.if lunsi-il a la « n la iriv ji; lurr lion

• JliO KruilinituH. n t ' l lw lionu of Mr. KrI.I .y ■ nii(l«^1rt<. C. A. Ilfthnr on Klmliurly ■" - ronil, V liiecal SUmu •Avim Iho iirln;fo r (liQ trt'aniiro li'i.at., A Ulniir i „ 'ic ;,|iy tlKliicil fo r Hit- ..o-n:

K m ii.r II. i.. iierr«.L.ir.j,,C'ldllU.ofj + 4. ^

i l ’U i.vA kv K i, r :c n o . \1,A«.S l)IS<'l'N.SKI>

H, V. UirHoii. 'I'w la Kiilh

iF O R S P O N S O O lr o m i r F E s i K

S t i EI S cclts •O rg a iiiz iitio ii T o 'S p o i l - V 8or F j i i r W i th C o o p e n i.L-;- tion o f Boarcil"

W lj.lf.n l itay.li'ii. Slx.;t.'<

SA U A TKIN A».1lV 1-I:i Slin:.Uont! SfOL-l Soiitli

AilJ. iiikI Mi'». Ilrli;i;r la (.‘liai'co K i>. III. 8iiiiii'<liiy- Kv-uaInK nivcl*

-'|-au-.iliiy aiul TliiiraOiiy,

•vnl.. Koi|rfO(!iil lii'ncr.il


Tho Wumuii’a igii'iviy tif tin r i r t i l JiuiitlHi c lm rd i iiu't ni tin

, U urtgaluw T hiiri;.hy, Mih. j\. I^ ■ Itolilor. cliulrtnaii of tlic iinisriiia

|iK’Hua(l(i(.' ctic iiro- Fruni. K. Jlackli.-!.ciry cave

• H TPiiorl o:i Dr. Ui;l;lor. Mr«. Allto UlU»i mill Mrx. JloliUtr iul<l iit llic cxtiurluiiccK uf, MIkh liiMli. iiilic

. niuiin'ry lu .il iu x;r3iT-ln(ll.iiiii. Mlim Viulcl.. K elly nuiii: u hoIk. "Ohv

•Sweetly Soluiim 'riiDiiKlii,

-HKllI,.[illi t I

..............W’oiaciriiCliMi-tliia •I'l-tiiiHTaiiCf I’liloa j i l a lt lv i infi'tlai; Kridny aru-rancm lit < liiJw tI Mclliixlhil i:|ilnni|>a| riiitrcli, ili»-l'|iri ciinKi-d li'iili tin- bcticfltit raiilt.i Ilf., iliir iirhna ry Hodlivin. | '1 Spcehil iiii|.<i(; for llir aflt-raooa 1

Hilillnl liy UniliiT Johlyii.l I.. ■ init Mary .Iiwlyii. fo rn til.A ; iJm

. alilo lllHl■liJ^lall or llic com -' W. IHK cUtUoii wuii l.':l by M i«:--.1.! .l-'r C. PoKiTfliOil.

. (Iia l- llto y;il. tlK- Icloii Mc-.Nol. i.r fall roH.

uiilUK Iioiir w it lio Iiiriioil i iv c r 'in ll'p yoiinic |iC0' lilo. Kiiworili I.cHKnu Hiibjcct ••CliaiiKiri' 111 Oiir Homo Ijifc." Ix r- r.iliu' .Siilii'rwlilii-. Irjult-r. Wlibillliit; “■On. Miiailo t.iiycooU; nuiiraao iiolu, Mil ClhiKcnniii.

M-. wiiMiii. (). I., -riio

J . I..mapiMik-il l>y Alrx ilorrt!t'lim catii w c it m cuiiim llluf.

- , ♦ ♦ ♦ J.NKOK.MAI.<1IVK.>' -.MWS >VV>.S

.M-iiy I'roVD.I ilirun iially a l iiiii;i)cr iilni; fu r Mlm‘ .M:im Uu«ilH -.wcru Mrn, C.

. Ira Wymi. Mr». 1-*.MrH. K iiIIu t Isic I’riiv MiVroollo WyiMi, MIh« 'Nl'iilu and ]tiMAiiaKniiiin ri>raii-d Ihu illvumlon. ' . '

+ + +

’> + ❖IlixlKoi'. >iij. < i,oii>f-'fni.nA j, .sri*i-i;i{

I 'A ttrV A itltA M iK Il .l''.>ll>wln;; uiiaiihMiriM

[cl.HCii Krliliiy uvcriiiiit, i

; .Icri.

.....uloCi.-idclfln:»-i' .

mill K:

>1 i.rrsiai:i!-;:_n.


.•ijlli: Wyini, A. .Norlli, W. Nrat.

rt’lllo r KlllKr..y lliii U'llo



tllo tViiliiMini<-r. A iiildalKlil Hii|>|>ur arvcrl III till' litiaiu of .MIhh

T iirnor, riillimliiK riirila. irly. Iiirladi'il .MIkiich Aiidroy ................... , Tliiila

*(>riiilcl>. Hiitli »--|il|iii ui Tiirnt^r i.ad l.oiil:. s'yi-. I lii'o ld {iroviiii. t,’ larl Alliirrt K w tiT .

-IMrn; Jiu low . a (iubl S lu r aioriii-r.! KM|' wliij ifl'vlrilllns liuro f<'oiii I'Iid.-iiI*, , -'nhH Ik-iiy \\l leo n . IIoIho ilnnKli-

A rlt.. 'w u ii a-» :iicsl ;.f Twin Kall»| '>f, • ' r. iii.d Mr«. 10. i.\* Wllnoii, I

ml Vlvj.

dm iiio r, Aini'rl'iiin '\\^ir j" liVrlve la Twin l-'JiliN,I 'H ilu y aflc rnoou al, tlic Ainurlcua ‘ ‘'fLcRloa.-' A uxiliary rooiiiH, • O tliiT i'' '" " '" IKiKjsIn ' wcro -MrH. iJiirrUt f’»riii»nH,. Mr». •.WllJhim rolbiiHb. .Mr*. W. ^ Jo-ci.lilm- Ol„.ii„.H„ „n,i

■ •.UivlBlitraiid -ilrHT-I-:.' O. S|i1ulbt>r«. 1 Vork.iiMto J . U -llobsg ii i.rccldcil. i-allliii;i“ ‘ ' ' " ‘'I

, r o r «,>ciiori. o f.llm c-iirnailon '' l l ' ' ' •Mrn. W. H . pvvlKlir.

rroiii> o f . .. ^UHti.pluytit accordlua mid liiirnii>)i-

lciv:&oljpulionti; t-Mra. I'litrlck-'W yini . %avc n rvmlliiK, ••.MoUicr." A wiclal

'• " Ir tm p ' wntt • r.nji.yoil. .Mr«. W. IJ.' ' Iluyii()IU>i. Aim. I’tiirk 'li ...........Mm.■ T . II. Irw lii i(ud Mr». A. S. .Martyii ..■■-ficrvcU rurrij«tiiiiciili<. !

York..ivlii» III Alnii iiiaklNK lliii irlp. «vlll till llin Kiicm o r A. A. (iutcliull

r.tay In T w in l-'«il,(.. ■*• + +

Mothers of G. R. Honored A t Party


' liK I.K illT F I'I. niK TIIIlA V VAJtTV (JIVKN

>Co\Ql)ral(iiK. her Idrilidiiy. Mm-y .........................lliilioyr (InUKlitur, o f .Mr.-atiil -M u. of -a ll - lU-' id AV. IV U ancy , uaiArtnlncil :!G kuchih |.j,icn,

i 'n t u liinclicou luid Harden imrty *wiili’•Frldiiy.. k o frvan i Miiy 'bimkuiit ■ (j |r i iti.„L-rvi ilocoratcd wIili iiiiHtuI eoafcclloiiK ■ f o r m e d ' ilio ' liH nictlvi' 'dcKiiorl

S|»!<:lliir — Tlio ;ir(uU of (lir i:<U'ii U lrl 111

.1. liinlcr llii; illrcclliia of II l.rc.<lduiii. .Mm

iiurnioa >n-b <iiKl' Vlial

1>- in.—TIui ov

; tviirslilii. Clill* ■Til.; ror-C .il- aiiJU ccl.. "Ttui.


i i j t s T < - i in t( '» OI-- c im i.sT , S liK N T IST

'K ill Nlntli.W em io.K iiMOl.iindiiiH

Clirlai. S i-lun ilr. on Siiif.liiy. '•<iy i!S. will .bu on tb,. Hiibjci't "S.iiil and llndy.”. Tlio Uoldun Tt'Xl IH from I Ci.rlii' tl.lmix .

Oau of till; {4.irl|>!iiriil imiiMi.Ki;. laialncil In lbl» IniHOii-nerniun l>

•friiai I’aiitaii. IT: IS.A n irre la tlv o ' i.am.aui! from ll.i

ClirlHilm. Sclcace foxrbooU. "Siil once and llra ltli wIili Ki-y to'Hiu Scrliniirci."- bv Mary Ilaker ICddy

% T a G o b ,- :E s a u - R e e o n c i l e d -

T e x t: (Jh i . 3 .1 tM l , T ill' liiIcTiiatlomil Unlfuriii Snn.

iIiiy SclimiJ I.l'HMin f o r ^ I n j - a i

T liu rurancllliiilon of Jiivol>ICsau oaino latu . ibii*. II wi.m very cf* fcc lual Mion II ciiuic. 'I’robalily It ■\tfar. iiiaiU) iio«Hlb1c by Hiu fuel tliftl liiiili men Kr.iwn In wIkiI.iiii and aU no III moral onllociU <iiid cliaraetor oli.eo lli|! .lay wl.ua i>liil:kii<!Kii In tlio ono niaa ami ilii|ill<dty In tlm otl.c r ,liad bi'onnlit ll•a^l(• la-iiaralloii; _l e- .Iwocn.lln- lirollifi'H. '

Uii tlie wliole. Mill lU.iry o f Ilia ru ronellla llou -Ih niovo rrcdlli.b ic'

Kimn than lo Jacob, and II doos

iKHnu idnycil » brotbur'H tnu-t. Tboro wen- no rci»rouetieii. Tlioro w an-no-im boly rocollcctlon lit mar ibu iMiiaidcto laiiKnanlmlly of ]il» avtliiii. Il<! Iind lo ineiit .lai-ob, cm- liraclnu l.ini and lil'Ulah' lilni. wblto tl..< tw o men iiml ilicii^iiHliHHii Ifricd nil li(H oyuH miif m.w (lie Krfiii eoiHiiany with Jacob be wan niiivvd fiir il .e r . 'T l..! .tl.'liiKH Ibai

ill liiul broiuilit- to win bid liv o r './m.himI to aiTi'iit. idi-ixlInK l1.at

' .JfcrlnB n.tborl>ro«e I IllK i.uir.

i.f.ioli lo rexti onn'n uiU m atu of M.u cliaractur of tlii> m an w lio .ao ld l.li< bIrllirlKlit. '

ilOi^aii waH ll.oji> :urievvi| in .riy: IlKi coiii-eii»lon« 'w orn aliiiom en­tire ly ou Ii Ih oIiIu. Ja«‘>'b annnia.rhvd iliulr iiicelliiK Wlll. fuar—a .fra r ll.aL «a« '".'fii of. a Ki.flty

iIi.' lK a d flleb triil Inlerliidi ellaiax . In tliu ntory 'o f (lie two bi'flllii-rH. Tli<riiarri:l!vc' IIkIiIh ii| i lliu "w biilu 'i ln itn a l!l(ii xi.nllKl.l luiiirlm: ibro.iKb Urn cloiidK on u dark , and'iroiibliMl flay. .

Tbo mail of auKrcsHlvo. HulfiKb aii.'jilloii muv lici'onio i>. xlnii.K and I.(;:ili< elairaiMcr'ivbtin bn la piirced from lili. ineai.ne’.S und d.i|illclty: iind on tliv oilier band a man »'l.i> li.ckH aii^lilllon. wl.o Ik rallier xlack

P r e c i n c t R e g i s t r a r sNam es an d A ddresses of. O fficials W ith W IujnT

: You M ust R egister Before Saturday, ' • -------- -^Night-to-Vote Tueaday-7 *-^— ^

’l>,liiJ'"alKi;reclriel.NoiJennie-W liltiel;-srir,-4M i-A VO. • i : . - ; -

Twlii M illa P re d iic t No. "-vMni.’ lli.rrlM ii, TiJH <tnl SI. N.,» ini

Twin I'u lls I’rec liic l No'.' :i—Cliiy v<K>v. :!ii<l Avc. W. t’iioiiu

■<Twin l-'alirt I 'r tc l i i r l No. .j—'>lrn.UiiM. Wlnillc. 11. K. I).. I'liomi

THln nillH il'roolnct No. ..MrH.1C. .Mlniilek, go:: llinu li.lioiii r s

I ..'iimiriln


•Ilwin J.V Irt I 'rcc ln c l Nr,. 7— ( ;n .eo J to litr tn , i::u5 J lcybn rn Avo., 1‘liimf IM-I'.

Allnndnlo—.Mrn.‘ Kliln U lcU lller, T w in ' 1-iillH itou io .\’o.

.llei'K»'r.—lv‘. JO. U ilLrojm. 'I'win KilU, '• Caiiilororil — J..CW KlniljroiiKli. Ciii.tlcfonl,

(;l(ivur~Mr>i. <ieo, K allard. liab t.' UoMi Creek—Mr«. Jtay W ilkin,

mm.' Kiri.l.•F ile r—\V. I*. Sblnn. Klk-r. i

..JlaiijiCUsr.MrKJJH. l2wl<^tuiworUiy..:. ..i.;U i i i i w i i r - j - : . !

•irolllHler—.Mn).- J dhIo ’KIuHinoyor, ' llo llltiler. ■ : -

KliiTburly—\V. I '. lleekwUli, K In i;- , liurly.

iMicoi-n^^Wri.. W. s . a i t ia r l , . , Iliilft.: HMan»;i—Mra. Orvlllo Crt-od, F ll- ' • :

’.M.irlaiiKli—Mm. A nlla .Mntliowii, 1 v‘ •MarlmiBli. II. K. •' *'

Kocit Creek—*tru. Joim io llu i? , j *' lor; Kock C reek.. ■. '

iHo«or«on—-.Mra. K red 'C lulc , U oi;. . , onion.- ' ' . 'f ‘.f

ItOKoworlli — Alluu KuynulUii, ■UoHiiworlli. • ;

Tboniolit—Mr>i. C’b'iia.-\«. .R ovan,' ' Twin Kniln, U mile I.

dliilit J 'rix in e l Niv. I P a rk e r Uiinyu'n. IL'T yili Avu. N. a 'Imnu •iii: . - .-J'

Itiilil I 'rw la c t No. 'i — 'i.'B. O barlloii. ’ ' , . V

IJirlil !*rtc|ncL No. :i — "MrM. :U. Ijicey.-U . F. D.. I'bone 3 1 0 - l U a . !

Picnic BrJng-s ’’ i /{C p U r t r t l T r t ’'‘’■'■ci' 'Will lio K lv o ii 'c a c lrtocnool l o t^iose ,vcclt atinnK H.O aum m of HUUBon. ' j

•/{arryeKiia w|{( Iiiivo. etiari;o o f -(Iio i

(S |.Je la ll- |.'a li-vk -w wl.aol cloned ihlH. week will, a lilenU' near ll»; noluml for tbo p ri­mary ro.im m ill a itltiiiKu a t Uiiii* biiry'H rilr''nic"til[ilil'i>V s'radu room,

iiid Mr». ViilonUni) Sanllo............Illy anil Uinlr Iiouho Kiit«lafrom UtiyaeH. vVel>;, w ore vIs Ii Iiik * Ibe Albori KalorlU lioiiiu rcccnl*ly.

r Si.ipurlor nebuutii

il Indlffer

Hiiadaj.' «ervli:c'H a io I.ebI al -M ... .,. m, }<nnilay xcliool for pi.]>llM iiiMlerl,.,

,::ii yearit of iiko Ik ai Id n. in, Tint,I WVilneiiday ovenlii;: iiii'eilnK. a l l , . ,

hlel. l.-inlmnnle« of Clirb.llan Scl iiee liwiliiii; an t Klvcn, In al 8 ji. m 'A reading room li- ilie Oriibeiiii

linildlnK'. I ll’ -Main I'voniie Niirili li open ifally, exccpl bn Kniidaya am

Miolbliiyn. fiom l::!il l;:!ii p. m,

KI'ISCIM’AI,c i u i U i i ' o r T n i: a s c k x .s jo .n

i:!ad. SI, f i .-trd Ave. N orlb.Krnt'iii 11. Allman, rec tor

T rin ity a iinday ;- ................«,a- M i.-iroly eomiiiunlim. i.’M-'J' a. m.-7(:iiiireb iielioo

b.'olbvI i.e iiii'l w'l'onKcd bb.;K ''ailo »i.d bin (uiTtlii'on nin.iio k 'd ’ wbiMi li<i‘ on x-l a. '‘warm"' n:eeii< i falllir.il la liio

III. may n adnilr’iiile tdi

. lilH lifee 1.i:i'd-t

111 —.\Mi»ralnK iirayer luiil

1 eoraially iiivllecl.

< iMNM ii <jK T ill:- im K T H iti;x , II. S, Wliu pilHlot-

........ in— Siimb.y scboni,’ 'J l a. in..--.MiiralnK wntKlilp, S.ir-

............ .. "Hot Tby I I

W'lltowdii incd lant■Mrit, W', K. Sliadi'H •ciuei'laliied 10 l-'iilrvlow KenHliiutoii a l liur

, ,..)Iiil' W'cdnemlay linonioon , .Mrn.i jMlmiliatl and 'Mrn. i;i ln i'W c h I and daaiil.ior w ore• Knu^l- o f n .u d o b , ' ,Mciiber'H.»aj-'‘''aK Ibo tbenie of tliu

.................................... 'l’ri)Ki'i(.n.* T be nex t'

n'lelci'ry. ' iKJponnlbl'l'lty .ball I'ob- •'n.e lUrtry In. a record of bow la'-iiicri'd liim. am i U wan to bin e re d li 'o f very d iverse iiattiiun. and ebur-: ________________lh a i 'l i e wan uvldciiUy more i-na-, aclern may, .i.iiiler I'le op.ii'Hii.ia o f , •it:rn<Ml for llio nafuly of il.u women, rlKlit forccsi, nlfTie come to ibe li i - l - l f j Q f P F a v o r s ■ ' 'aiiil-cblblcot.-iltian for I.Im-clf. Al le r vwyn of life. Ami II rcj’.-aU b o w : '— r a v o r sw.v rote, bu proleolcil II.... . ai.il [ ihe finer llilmin of rliara< 'ler-.fH lr-_ C o H C ^ r . t S O t B a n dweiiL lo rw anM iliim ulf to lauet tbiilaenn. eoaraKe. iii..iulfinlm.-«n and , -rink a n d .il.u ■liOHHlble w ralb of lilnlmaKm inlmliy—oiilll\u a ll m'lilcvc- . :lirotliur. ■ linuniH of aaurpi.nl.'eiiuHH and ac-. i;ii(;iHN(!. (Spu.-k.lj—T bnC bam -

llo .bowed .lilinnclf lo ilie.Kroiindjiii.lHlllvem-nn^Mca ai'o rcmeinlii^rcd U r i>( Oomincree inei T.iumluy for iiiiveii tlniea In U.kun of lib.',bnmll- iilibnaiidy for wlial Ibey liave b.^ua litnciiuoii al iliu Mn-^olii ciile. Tim ll)V<Uiil nerlinpK an an acknoivk 'd i;-T allicr Ibaii for wlial il.ey biivo <|nc.i.ilon of ib e ' clium bor'npom a>r. mciil of Ilia rcpeala tice, iKolieii. ; In;: ibe liaiid coneorlM for tbo tinm-

■ ncr.inontlin wan cJlHRUHHud and de- ■Ided lir tfavo r o f bnvlPK ilio 'con - ■erin. ■|bi( levy niado for li.a l l>iir- HiHc by tbe c lly fo r tlio iw o lire- 'bum.yearn liavliiKjieim dliieonllitti-

I’Al.li f « 0 .n IIOJISK - ;iniK A K S llOY'H A lo r

/flA llO A . .(Siieclnl) — DiUo K6ii- -wicb. Him of .Mr. and M ra. W; J . ;l''cnwlcli. If»'reeoVorlnK-{ron)'«i fm c- Inrcd u rm cnnn<;.l by a..fnll Iro u i u - l.orsci - - ■ , ,

riOcntca I n ^ c . Pcnpor block.

F. C. ShenebergerOandidato

T pcsday; M ay 24;*;i032-'

lonilni; worHblii,'(.'imimiinlpn diiul, !liolr an llieni. "T lie l.onl in d rvat."

■Sermlii by tbo pil.Hlur. -T liu Cl.iireli;iwl-AV’oria..Vlew.1," ___ ... .........

r II. Ml.—M tn'llns o f a ll C. •K- no- I'lellen, ~

, ou i I iJ> lioiino 111 lll« ........ ....» .del'." I’l'i.rl Mellon .ind .Mrn. II, S. y x iin c jic o p le . vSe.nix.a. be .M.

w n i .will HbiK a (la.!i. . [and \\o iac n o f 'lo i .u .rro w .Uilri ..." I'-. " l;7-<'l"liu:ll ineelillK. IteV.' . . . . . . . . / . i . . v > '/ i oi.-vi

liiiileni Cor"

biilldlni: Wed

‘S iS i’,..,a Miiv I , , . 1101. . . r o K ' j

tbo-fftvom . (Jaeain .l^roiiRlil p b o io .j" ' « ' ' ‘ >'‘in

............. ^,]]|T i.elnii. Im cotiviiI Al Ibu •** Toxan nenale tw ollic iiiKii "‘•’'''b iiw—llio I lrn t wliun »lio wa«

■sdiiv A She ■ rvociilly iiddrcnned (b'ai n.-Miini i,>.laiiKiii‘l 'ln)<ly iinil to l:l Jl. a niiiiitbfiii:

a addrenil'^:."."'

t.’lia rles W .-Roak. proKldliij .S 11, ni.—KvcnlMK wiirnl.li*.

aioii io])le. "WIiHl Slioilld I’re iu l.e r r reae li?"

. I>c"Now nil, .........................|lnK. ii'viiltlnK Uiu lliiie w-lieii' hI.’u

rim fo r afllcc.

- .......... - ..............Norll.(ilen W. lliiti.>n,'pi.Hior

•111.I, 111,-IJIble HcUeol,V u . ni.—T be l.o rd ’n Slipper aiid|M acJioy

< » n t ( ' i i O f T it i : > A /A u i:.s i: .Maekey J. fJrown, Supply I’anlor » IiMr. a. III. Snnilay uiltool, c;, M. Ml.wlllei', an p l.

ll:m i il. ni. . Serm on b y Ulnl. Snp l.' l i . r l <!. I’onudn. N.imini,

.7 :00 IJ. ’ 111., Ju n io r ai.d nenlor

'II. ■ liy Her

l'.rofr i » r i-d .c in » I’o tk i™ " " , '" l" " ™ " ! '" ? . . I i c n c i r i i t r v..................................anil VlrKlnli. T aber i le d .ln bk...,--

. tylnK tlin iibnio;;ni|diH, liiid caeb y '| waa iircnealcd wHb i i . i>letnru '.if

— »bo-lii)titi’«>'— •lloneni:irj-'M rl':iwfiln::'''"” - l ’'bK'........................ ■ ......... Kv

day fbillliiK KveiiInK TIme.H |>bint.

on bow tbe iiapPi'

S;.., iH mi lionor<!d Bifeiil.............•wan aKKlni.;d in aervli.K J.y 'lion ■_iijiUU>sf*w«clli lli;iiJ:wj_L!i!;

Seed-Loan-Man------JMoves-To. Jerom e

-dflltliMK. iHpi' fli-lil 1111.11 i-.iilo ............ ..

Siill 'Lake r i ly , » llb lieiuliiuar-

+ - + ------------- -^’'1>K H 5Illll)ltS t l f ’ WIKHIl'IIAi r K.NTKUTA1N.AT CAIU).S 1

■ rriiu 'NclKblK.lH of Won.lnvill co- • tc ria lne il m a benefll card f.:iriy, IIiIk' ■^vcek a l ibe l.oinc of .Mrx.i Jaincn W all.and Mrn. ICalpb Wvlie.' O ther n inubcm .of Ibi- coniinllli'c w uro i l r n . II. I’. ItnrRcr'aiMl Mrn.l

. .Viola .M-ylnnd.-Tlie li 'in.. wan ln'iiii-

(bioilhi;'. Itluli'.'ii I ii.ll.'n. Mr. iMliiiu.'r < fully vvlili ii.<‘ I' li'c, i.nil aii]iiiir li'.i

ami lllaen.jc<


Oi\ . t iO S t RliW COWVi. M'S?. '. 1 Tovot o o 'K S )

V 30ftR\W ? ? 'OW ‘A**s s 'w i t .


K and I > will .lo IheulHouir’

Two From Boise j'’ V isit Northviewj Tlic balamie lu fl in ili'u c ity '/tiiuid

.ml louutber w lih vo lun tary iloiiu*; / ‘ ilim.i w in enahlu the Ijnnd to Klvo

•^Olfl'IIVIICW , .iSpee/l.li — Mrn.|<bo iHiial nuiiiniur eonccriH. C. R Klbcl lliill and C lark Hull. Itolne.;-l’oole of CallfornijL wbo

■cell of Mv.<, K. W, ............ ctluK. crforud IW -fo rI Ibo inirpoHu of- keeping .|i|i Ibn munb:'Which w as jipprcclntfld. i ’rof.

. FOR p A tE -Qlo<jH.CuL6 E unincl f o r W itlls; W oodw ork, iit»l l-'iiriuluro. E asy.'"lb . *i>iiiy.. 22 colors.

-PcB.qiiurt • • '

9 5 c; MOON’S'

,T bu »L-ll0.>l ’pleoU’

> llic idcale lanel.RH.


^ E E ^ T H E - N E W

C U T - A W A Y C H A S S I S


MONDAY AND TUESDAY MAY 23rd and 24th .

Picture Monday niglit 8:00 p. m. Free

U n i o n M o t o r C o m p a n yYour FORD Dealer

O. J. JOHNSON ::DomocrutfctTOaiidiSato F o r . ' • .

CO UNTY ASSESSOR- S u b jc c t to p i ^ r i o s May;.24tli - . , . . sbTP iii'r.wiw. in 3n;oii-Ai’rKKmTKi>. — —

-JU-ni.Icnl Fiijlk .<!nitnl)'.*ince,.^»I&Mij.rre^^^_________ ____ - -O^-JoliHga/Liyoiliicf

■ k .

----------T h e : ^ u a I i i y ; o f T O u r — ^

; G A S O L I N Eis proven by ' i

PERFORMAjSTGE-Wo leave the proof..or tlie,quaIit/'.of

our clear:, w'liite gasoline to its'own p'eiv forniiinco, liecause, after'all-'a gasoline m ust prove i t s e l f . . ' ’ - ■

Satisfiecl motorists clrlvc .to our .Big frontdoor pumps time and time-again for. another tankful and'toll us ,o f the fine qualities of our gas..

Backed by these remarks, we ai;o' glti d to be able to promise the best in perform­ance, longer m ileage and quicker.'starting when you u se ,our gas.


Lind Automobile Co.D lntrlliuliini fo r A>'0 . Spnrk riuKH, « » FU lrrs .' Spcwlom. fltcnk faol rtiiDliH;-Alr Clenn. cm , (Jfl» S l r a ln m i A nim rions Oil (iBUffCH.' Hefiox SiirwilB' and lt« n o Carbon r e a o to A .

to r VaIcu, ' I temjr— ------------it clecU-leal pnrt«,Ilarriiioa rndiatorB,,- L otpJo/ ; Shuck A bso rbcn . .nlno

r A n i s . pu o N E ^ BUS ■ o m c E : « 4 s i r o p f|ibM ^^^'r~ '■